The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 04, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 29

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rrrATio wmi-rFiita
W A NTE O H t r(;nH Udv;
H me basin eo.l.-g. rom. board end
:ry. in ncr.ur t'ght. hou
wr or compADioiiftiip, atter p r f rred-
j rregonin.
ClLoHEU worn, with rh;Ul. would lifc
poltioo In private family whir there
ao c(ui1rD: good orkr, reference; wi.l
work tor ti pr month a account of
rhltd. Phon XUta -4-.
AN eaprbn.ed worn a a wuae work b
hoar, pa try work or getting uo
miiL gtod brnimr tuJ a.i-r nd
woman; 0c ana iC; per boor. Phono Main
AMiK Jan. 1 lauv wtauee p-xIU'hi ntter
for suit how, have bau jrt of exper
ar. thorouga.y cnn.pti.t to mansg
workroom; ri furni good reference.
Prnt addre . R 51. Oregonlaa.
iTcTCLXCCTCAU sensible woman drairea
poiiia aa com pan. oa with young or el
w;y woman. rtfrac; salary. E $;,
(KD. at raih t fofwarU businea woman do
air po.:in aa manager of hotel or
prtmatbooM; rwfrrvavea M 94. Orw
a"fUn. Iv-t'NO woman witb 1 sears' study In medl
:n an 4 eprtrnc aa a.ra wants po
sition in doctor's offlc: prefers surgeon.
Add- AT S7. Oregintan.
JjlNO la'iy. thoroughly ;Vnced, d
airoa poaitioa aa chtr. n-ttaurtui pro
frrd. references, phore Ma Vto-T-f
no P-. room 404. Hfl Raawl-k.
TOt NO womaa would iTke position aa
ashlar or In ordar department of whole
aa.o and retail grocery ; espr1acd In
both. Al art. OTegnnian.
KL.VE.K,T lady will t special car of
hnn or apt. during onM abeore; wlH
kep children if desired; good references
glyn. A K Oregon ta n.
LATE wanted la" r-ftnrd-f m 1 1 y by edu
cated woman reut l y from Germany;
caro of cbiidrta or aa companion. Y
OrtianUn. .
KJCPERIFTNCtD girl want coo,
or.d work. Fhcne W'o.Pawn
or . -
WOMAN wants work for W edm-siiay.
Tabor 7ul
TRZel diamond rinca. gid watches gtwn
for Christmas ori"r; wrtta to-lay for
In re beautiful showing leather
gooda. watcnea Christ mm c.rts, n-k-l.ea.
tot.-t s-"0-, sclara. pip, razors,
x p ated and silver lai'ii ware. .e,-o noVvttl
- pfceo of guaranteed )itrr. coat -lngT
from 1 2c tip. E very t hire shipped at
our e.tpnso and risk, no cprtvaca nrc
eeSAry ; r . rommuMna A. W. liolm"
a 'o,. ftroad. I'rovtdn-e. K. 1
liiENT for a acuurn riMinr that eig:.g
only five pounds, sells for g. yt do.-a tit
work of the more tpnsio marhlno. bik
proflta. IlveTleiai prtltton ever offered to
an agent. mny agnts making gik week
1; others gl to S.w w-k.y. druonatr
tioa mrtu Bale; you ran sll n of our
machine to on of any othr make. Write
at once. P. a W. Vacuum Cleaner Oo. 01
Wst 4-th St.. .New ork.
T' H'K. bond, building and loan and A-1 l.f
In uranc saieamn and guod managers
of men Capital st k. 10. 15. .'- ear
pay per rent gold bonda Pa a the
SilMnB more rn'uer. belter l&vrttmnt
for the people, absolutely safe. tlendld
opprtrtun! ly fr g.J mn. None but -P-ri-need
men. Add -em, with refrncea.
S'ating etpertn-e. Harv Realty Cora-
pa ay. Fpokan. ftuft.
I WANT resident gnt f r port. an) t
hand. a snetalty that aiU on eight;
and indorsed hr the leading mer-
ensnt on tt preference given
tn hatna had rperince with P-
lalry line, sjlarv ased on sale. Answer,
giving past pfinl and rfru.- Ad
tfrmas E- E- U. care laa Ad. ASOC).
l s 'jeary st.. fan Franc t. o.
AGKNT4 wsntd ierman vftbls and
dn'orvttnf utensils, best aoi:ner ste
kaip. piit pratlrat novelty for mall or-d-r
busiaess. used In ery household.
W r'ta f'r clrcu.-. sample s-t A p'cs,
$1 SO prepaid r-till prire I V V H h
onlmer at Rmthcr. import?. J East
1'J 1 st.. year York.
4iK.T If y " want to -U a lln of
goB om which you raa bui.d up a great
big busnesa tx'i of rai merit, alt lte.
w ires, let us show you our line, (rrmi
rah ft credit. lMustv l-rrltory grani
. Ht Itn evr offereJ. Writ for parttc
u' in tod A. C. E. oaartsbaugh. boa 12,
Ttledo. O.
IOM ETH INU brand new. r s:1t. b.C
rrf it. Laundry b.uing 1 ta t pe-f urti-
lasting vio.n perfume. No competition.
kai.y handled A'l quick y to obtain e
i;ueu territory. Will print agent nam
en r-arkag. M- B, R. Mfg. Co.. U Peard.
I".r-.a!a. V Y-
):. for fr copy of :h Tnorua Ag -at. '
t.reate ag'nts paper pub'i-ed. floed
witn monry-maklr.g p.arta. "no llr-ns
taa" detaioa of cuprru Court, pointers
to sgenf. vry agent tn l". 8. snould
ba topy at otue. A4dra today. Tnoma
o.. T 1 Wp a.. Dayton. Ohio.
AOKNT; A money-maker; vervhody
man; t' . our Kail krrtnm mantl
lmp V-cndl pow.r. sv. 7A per rent
Oil. qui. k altf. Urge prft; prtra d-fy
competition. F. 8. Co.. loft Lumber alx
2d andS t ark .
Toi; ran mak $10 day selling our n-w Mgh
grad original atr bruu dr;g s'.ow
rarua to storekeeper. J Turinna X m as
and New Tear signs, catalogue, sample
fre. People's SV. w I'axd tunttrn. 77 W.
Madison. Chlcag x HI.
f R nw patents ut in from Oermany.
5t other rd-hot allr. Xrr.a nlvtrwtrr.
new books, gamea horel tie, calaiogu
and aamp.t-s f rea. K. Eilgren Co.. Mli
w auke. W
AKE 2Mt befora Xmss. 91 Vanity Bo,
lie. full of Mammoth 1m. cut glaaa bntttr
of perfume, etc.; outselling vryt hinc.
am as teg profits, aampiee free. Parker
f rixmtcal Co.. ihli-ago.
kt.KNT WANTED To s U hous-t--h jui
on of tn greatest severs on the mark:;
depoit 94.00 nrqutreu. agents making all
kibda of money.
&OY AND O t H J, AGENTS Svll 24 pack
age of potcarilg for ua, 10 cents each,
receive beautiful camera atoutely free.
W KITE TODAY. Canoa supply Co Dept.
14. Canon City. Colo.
AGENTS earn -i to wek: ei;:ng our
braUUd waists and drese, smet:iing new.
pt:!coata various embroidery novelties;
catalogue free. Notional Importing fc'o..
lek D. HmtUw-. New York.
AGENTS to hand; btag-t moncy-iuaaing
ft re estingutsher: p.-clal srartlng offer;
vscToaiv territory; $'i to fW p-r month.
Itadger Chmlcal Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee.
V j.
1 and tiiRl. earn your oan Christmas
nuir,') selling s'sp.e article; seila Ilk
wiMft-e; hig commission: no money re
quired; writ tous. Address Horn Sup
p:v "o.. box Ml, Tacoma. Wash.
WANTED Ry large Dayton manufacturer,
f . w i ss'nt 11. unoccupied t rriiory to
Introduce Da ten ted specialty ifTiT on mar
ft -t before. Address F. K Jennings. Dept.
7. dot V2A. Dayton, Ohio.
START a prof, t a hi mall order business of
your own. horn evening, quick returns;
Inexpensive. Vry Valuable booklet. ltc.
Partlcaitjrs fr.e. Advertising Co., P. O.
Hot New York.
10O PER CENT proxlt. new combination tool.
1 tn 1. f'T farmer, electricians, ma
chlniats. piumbtfrs. auto owner. sanpl
fre to workera K Thotnaa Co.. 2i9 Finch
btdg . Day too. Ohio,
Ql ICK EST r.g artu 1. never sold for
le than 9w bow 9'. an b sold every
hou. factory, wo r shop. Apply quickly
for territory. t Christmas trade. Room
7M. Chestnut sC, Phlla Jr iphla.
HCSTLER wanted everywhere, 94 to 9i'v
mad wekl. quick se.ler. bi proiita
particulars free, writ today. Lrake ie
clSlty Co.. 1MJ a., l.os Al'g 'iea. a1.
GENERAL. sieiai. t ;a.e ld line aat.i.
accident company; re , Hreral. eas-sell-
irg po.Mcwa. choice terrt'ory; big pay.
Voval Cataity Co.. Pt- l.ou s.
ONE Mil,i.lOS amenta wantad. fast seller.
costing Ac. selling H-; every firm need;
nntrrt to -. posiai aampirm. r. m-
o.. 2"i Mllwauk-e ave..
AiiFNTS for prtiaita frames and art Hoi
s' ties; sarr. pies st.d cs ts lgueS free. Au
drea V M- Krielinan A Co Mfga. tx
,. Msrt!r.urg. Mv
vVNTED Agrnts f vr "Mendaxip"' It seus.
It rivets; a o farmer's combination
hatcnet. Thomas Foot Co.. Lot Augc
les. CaL
WE pay 934 a week and cspenaea to ma
with rigs to tntroditee pou 'try compound.
1 r s intra, t. I:nperial Mfg. Cow. Dept.
T. Persons. Ksn.
4jT!i wanted to sell on good rommiulng
a household neceity; ezctustv trri
t ory ; can mak Uv to .!" monthly.
Ft ra-ii u'.ars a..1-e N A4. Qregvnup,
kCJKNVs wanted
t4 a d us supply the de
' aarery i.h k; outfit
mud f"r choic
free, rai weekly
Nursery Co.. sa
A'idr Capital Cuy
ACTIVE ran vaar can mak 90 kly
'Hog tree for in Oregon Nurry Com
panv. Liberal pro-oiuoa, good territory.
A dd ree Oranco, tr.
W foraieh taa renter. colIct th rant.
tame, tasuranc and keg Bp repair,
ib savm for yoa as tnoo-n th property
m raa ur tws; raXaraac, any baak la
245tj 9 am St
rbSM A 9oo. Maua &k
RELIABLE party would
houa to rar fe. T
a iAot t h re month or
like furnished
irtr rotng sway,
logger. v ill pr
Addx k u. boa UJ.
'K furnish tho renter, collect tho rent.
pT laxe. insurance and kevp up repairs.
tne pa rn for you aa though property
was our own: reference, any ran a
Mark L
P h or. .- A ."'-". Main 33.
MA.rtl-Tu rent atrictiy modern or
ruon unf urn lahed houl In Irvlngton. I
trMn nth and ;7:h t- Bt "ar cak'-n
of nw. houf. Would consider buying
latrr if vtiaractory. Bent lia. J none.
WANTKD KurTlrted house, not over seven
room a for months of January. February
nri MmrrH- m t he In fl't-clas con
dition. Irington district preferred. Phono
Mam 3-l" or A. -.
ANTED Furntihrd apartmen r-houae. on
eat Mile, not leas tun on rooma. in hrt. k buiidlnc. a-vAf leaao. furni
ture mutt bo worth tho money. AF
WANTED To rnt bv January 1. 4
room unfurnished flat or bungalow; not
particular aa to locution, nut prefer Min
n or Mount Tabor. Addreaa with full
pertlruiars. AH 67. Ore gfnl an.
Pe vera I good quarters and slnglo lots.
W'et bide. Vanduyn A Walton. 0l Cham
ber of Commm
tt IVTJTi A r.r l.rn..m f u rn la h e d bun
low with bath and yard; must bo wrll
e furniahed bikI easlTy reached on hard-
aurfaco street. AD &7. Oregonlaa- -
I WANT on or more houses that are or
can he arranged for light houseKeepinif.
;tv full particulars and bt terms.
r;j. Oregon is n.
TV x VTl'Ii Kw .Kailui1v roattotiaiblo COUDi
with gl'lt-edao citv references, furniahed
houae for car of same, or at a low rent.
TWO la.Itrs with a ruodern. well-f urnlahed
bora In good locality. Jan. 1 for tn w in-
f-r: refTenca Main -'ft-.
Vvl"NJ I.ADY wishes ho us to care for
whil owner fs awsv. or a mall rant. Ref
erences. Phone Tabor
WANTED To rent at once . r lVroom
fumlaned hottae: mus h modern and
re !e. phone roni I. A 3
XKiVl.V furnished, modern. t-room house.
rloe In. on Haat Sid; no children: ref
erence. Phone K 4.o.
4 OR 6-room cotiage with Urge porc-h, t.t
Hide preferrrd. Phone Kt 143S.
A oa rt men r a.
TO! NO lady, employed. d-slree light house
keeping room In private family. AJ
WANTED R congenial young man. s:eam
hraled room witO nrl vale family In mod
ern intrtmnt West SM. walking dis
tance. Onlv flrat .class accommodations
fl be considered. W S4. oroniin
r ATM KK ard n wieh two modem rooms
en suite, father looking for investments,
son o!o vlolmiat and would prefer piano
accompanist ; reference if required,
i ' 4. regon ian.
TOVNO mar-te1 rour'e. on children, wants
nr- X furniahed houirkeplil ng rooms
nrlvat famllv. flat or apartmeni. T-
rembrr 1 A. It ferrnce. H ;.H4. regonlnn.
Tlin unrnrnlihMl house keening T'KJmS fo
about $IO. by middle-aged couple: bast of
rf-i en. rt ph.-ne. P-II wood 1 A-.
aivTKii KnurkMn!nf rnomi or hou
f jrn!hed or unfurnished, rn-xlrm and d-
alrable. . Telephone, La at l..l.
GENTLEMAN waa-.s to rent
widow, ua of piano desired,
J 672. Ore
A'iVTr.n Rt 3 adults. 3 furniahed hoi
kronint rooma steam or furnac heat;
rrai.innl! i'Io In. H j7. Oregonian.
WANTED Room for day sleeping: must b
quiet ; terms and location. K . ure
up unftirnii'u t rooms or oart of hou.
reaaonabie. walking distance. Phone East
KinM Wtintvd. would buy good roww
in-hoise. AK i7A. ttregonlan
ntna With toarl.
WANTED 17 voung girl, room and board
In private fami.v. Elderly coupl pre
ferred. Iust be reasonable and on East
S'de. AN OTeg.nian.
WANTED Board In private family or small
. r- ariing-hou for family of the and
maid, appointment and ralin must be
ftrst -claaa. phone Main :-S or A '34-
blNOJ.K young mn wan; room and bonl
In private family. rl..a In. with modern
conveniences. A F Oregonian.
Vi.I'Vil man drlres room In Strictly pri
vate famllv. Eaat tilde. f fte?7. Oregonian.
W.VNTEt Ry v
In errang fo
ng man. board and room
aork. AH 073. Oregonian.
Bualaew riarea.
WANTED Ry young man. desk spa In
modern oTk buiMins: buslnesa, mortgage
loana. A r -. oregonian.
WANTED, by lawyer, office or desk room.
prefer ab.y tn law on ice. 01 v particu
lars. C Oregonian.
visHED. ao unfurnished rooms; Yry
suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st
and pine.
M 1 i.N E R MA'l.. aoOH MORRISON" T.
FnmUhed Rooms.
Steam heat, caa, electricity, hot nd
cold running water In each room.
.irUi Eaat Uurnald.
12t steam -heated rooma. hot and cold
running water; w have the following
left: 2 rooms with private bath, fd per
week; 2 suttee at 95 a week; 2 rooms at
li -l a wee : 2 for 94. 2 for to. and
2 for 2 per weak. Phon B 127o; Eaat
' 12 lvnth St.
ate m noiora hrick building, steanv
eatd. prlvai baths, bot aud cold watr
la rcoms beaut if uly furnished, cosy and
ovnlortabla. Rat vary reasonable. Caa
and eee ua Regulsar ana traaiat trad
HOTEL GLEN WOOD, first -clans furnished
rooma every modern convenience, steam
bot and cold water. In every room.
in fact nothing better in the eity for the
moay; rooms ana en un. p
cial rat by week; transient 91 and up
ward. 29 Halmon St.. corner of ad.
NORRIH HOTEL, 17th snd Wash.. just banda. strictly modern ana tip 10
a. stsam heat : hot and cold water
1. .r.rv room, a! I k floea mattresses. out-
Sid rooms 50c day and up. Both phones.
Main 1S1I. A t-ii.
THE l ARGENT HOTEL, cor. Grand and
Hawthorne ave. FeAUtlfully furnished
uii. or atnal rooms, hot and cold water.
nnvat phone In every room; first-cUaa
grill in connection.
2 -A 11th Si.
Furniahed and housekeeplnsT rooms; also
suite; hot and cold wster. 98 to 92i per
month. Phone Main a...i:
124 14th St.. cor. Wash.
Furnished and unfurnished rooms: pH-
yt baiha, free phoue In all rooma
MOTEL BUCKINGHAM, op. port'and Hotel.
Sou Yamhill; first-class furnished rooma
aiEicl or n sutt: modem: 900 up; transi
ents llcltd. M. SI. A 7177; 90 week up.
koTKL KLfcHVARK. Waahlngton and 17th.
nrt-clas furnished rooms, sing-e or cn
uli; a. I modern conveniences; wcsaiy
UP.A . yrm
NEWLY furniahed room. r.mnl ave..
hot and coid water, steam heat, aiectric
Iignt. gaa. pubiic sitting room, public
pnone. -.
THE IM ON DE; beautifully furniahed
rooma hot and cold water, furnace beat;
wiklr.e distance. JO N. 1 tn.
A NI E. v
r'teap to
4"! v, E.
fjunt. front roo:n, very mid
toe rig h t par 1 y . East 3a2
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall ta well
furnished steeping rooma 92.50 per week;
a ectric jlghta. h't bath fre.
MAXWELL HALL. 2i'7 14lh at.; newly f-ir-ll!ed
room with ateam hat and running
w ater.
MODERN rooma 93 to $0 pr wees,
including hatha: a:o houakpiag rooms.
&4S s Waahlngton st.
THE rlMONPK Beautifully furnlshM
rooma. heat, hot and col a water, walking
di t a n c. ZQ N. lt-.a st,
FURNLSHED room, with ftre. well fur-
n.ahed. 1H7 et Park. nar rrrlon;
rail af temoo na.
NI F.LY f imi'hed room,
or two; central kwatlon.
reasonable, one
74 7th. cor. Oak.
Tft llasel NU etjr Tarnisced ste.m-neau .
rooma running watar 3d and Uo t s mer.
r'l RNS'EI" e'ne'e roofti-. rritly modern;
Ire phon and bath. 4 W Morrison.
FOB nnT.
lornlahea XtooaM la P lira to Famllj.
nRNISHED rooms with or without board
in strictly prtxat family. In new moorn
hou. whit tile bath, electric lljchta.
furtive heat, telephone, on Fast Hide, 1.1
snlnutas ride from down town; good car
rvli. Phono Tabor 21-0 cr wrtta 1)
EXsjriSITEl.Y furniahed wll-heated rooms.
win not and cold water, sleeping porches,
fine ground a on room auttaMe for 2 or
3: every accommodation, witn excollent
home cooking If daired. Rates vary mod
erate. Phone Kaat )3o.
HAL'TIPt"i furnished larae front rooma:
new, modem midpncc; rasy walking dis
tance; few ateps East Morrison St. r.irllne;
$1- to it p'-r mo.; geutlemi-n or married
couple without children. oV! Belmont
st.. tor. Kast ISth.
3 LOVELY bedrooms, dainty enough for
a parlor. In my new ornate bungalow
homo; all modern conveniences, 1073
Mallory trf. Take a tt. Johns car and
a"t off at Alberta st. and go two blocks
west and half block north.
WANTED Young lady to share pleaaant
Ledroom with rongt-nlat girl; rent $5 a
month for each: walking distance, nice
neighborhood. N. Hist sl. Just off
LA ROC wll-huted room, sultaulo 1 or 2
g-ent lemen; strictly private family; home
prt Urges: breakfast If desired. Call.
undav. 2.'. 2 East :itb st or phone Ta
bor 20H or B 2.14..
THREE furnished rooms, conveaient and
modern In every respect : accommodations
for nurmea; strict attention paid to phone
calls: convenient to both hospitals. 67
;ilnan. Phone Main SS.'S.
I'LKASANT front room, furnished. In prt-
vato family, suitable for one or two gen
tlemen or ladles employed during day.
36 Knott St.. near L'nion n
FOR 1 or a gentlemen, room well heated
end furnished, hot and cold water, ba'h;
desirable location. West Park. Main
IDEAL, bachelor quarters, newly furnished.
modern and every comiort assured; close
In : 12 to $2i per month. Phone Main
LAKGK parlor, well furnished. running
water, furnace heat: two persons; also
single room; private place, one block from
Haker Theater. 11 11th sr.
FvR RENT A very comfortable furnished
room In prlvnte family for on or tw
gentlemen: rent reasonable. 2'i$ 14th si.
near Ts yjor. Main j4J. Preference.
! BGAl'TIKri furnished alcove to let In nri
vatn family, exclusive neighborhood, suit
able ror one or two gentlemen; very rca
ynriMe. phone A ft" 2.1.
St'lTE of tw nicely furnished rooms and
two large single front rooms with phone
and bath, very reasonable. 4v fc. Mill st.
Phone K 47ll.
$ PER MON H Rrtrht. warm, furnished
front room In cosy modem flat; fine por
celain hath, both phones free; gentlemen
on;y. jjt irn st.
WANTED Furnished front, heated, do
stairs room: married couple; permanent
ir suited: weat side, close in. write par
ticulars to K. Httthl. 2H5 nth st.
FVRNISHKD or unfurnished, two connect
ing front rooms, nice for two or three
rnenoa. or rine location rot dressmaker.
ls Enat Everett, corner JOth.
N1'E sunny room, suitable for man and
wife or two gentlemen, with furnace neat,
good home cooking. 726 Hawthorn ave.
Phone B 227.
WILL rent 2 elegantly furnished rooms in
a new modern rlat; no other roomers,
quiet and homelike. Mnln ISTS. 2.12S
Nart IJJa.l blorkfrora 18th and Salmon.
IN nice residence dlatrlct. walking distance.
on larse room with alcove; also two
other large r. omi, well furnished, with
or without board. M l.ucretla st.
NI'E riean bels In attic room, suiisMe
for working men. $1 per week: also other
rooms $2 pee week and up. 1 R li'th st.
LI";TIT. clean. corrf.rtahle front room.
hath, furnace, gentlemen only ; 41&
7th st
ZA KCE front room, new I v fui nlshml. suit
able for two: heat, bath and phone,
per week. Psrk sf.
NIET.Y furnished room, business woman
preferred. reaaonaMe. 731 H"L A 4387.
'! evenings between and T.
HE Al TI Fl'LLY furniahed rooms, breakfast
If dealred. A 2 23rd St; half Block Irom
TWO elegantly furnished rooma new build
ing, steam neat, private oatn. on 1st,
9 AND 9S a month, neatly furniahed rooms.
bath, phone, electric itint, near canine.
427 Harrison. Main S.T1.
t HAVE two elegantly furnished front
rooms, suitaol ror two persons; sent
moderate. Apply M X. lath at.
! TWO furnished rooma suitable for 2 or 4
gentlemen: wen reaten. batn and nice lo
cation; walking distance. 674 Salmon.
FOR RENT A large furnished front room
In modem house, suitable for two gentle
nen. 447 Main bet. 12th and lath.
TWO steam-heated apartments. well-f ur-
nlshed room. Nob Hill, walking distance,
near rar. reference!'. AIHM. Oregonian.
FUN NT front room for gentlemen In a
Sri rate ramny. pnone Main 4194. T77
oh n son bl, bet. 25d and 24th.
474 Ci.AT STREET, cor. 14th; nle fur
nished room, rurnacs neat; gentlemen
only; f2.3 per week.
NF-W1.Y fundshert room; heat, bath, elec
trfcitv. hot. cia water, nomeuae; ooara
?f de-ire J. c 2114.
1 FOR RENT Nice, warm room, hot snd cold
water and batn. also sleeping porcn. &4
Yamhill st.
FURNISHED rooma or rent, double and
in ale. heat, el or trie and ana hot water
at all times, walking distance. 403 dth at.
PA RI,OR snd sleeping room, accommodate
three; large, clean, cneeriui, ugnt, neat.
bath, phone. 847 HslT St.
FURNISHED front room suitable for two
gentlemen. b3U taat outn. between iitn
TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing, modern, no children: rent olj
2oth st.. Portland Heights.
COM FORTAFI-E room In private residence;
rurnlture bran a new. o is. lamnui, cor.
1 3th St.
TWO clean beds In lsrge. light attic room;
f 1.25 a week tor two, gi.a for one. 4.0
Main st.
11 EAST FINE, near Grand ave.. nicely
furnished room, suitable lor one or two;
9. with heat, bath and phone.
i FURNISHER front room, modern conven
iences: private xamuy; ceniraiiy jocaiea.
44 Cl.iy st.
QI'TET. refined person can f Inrl in re par
lor neoroom in pnv ai noma, i -1 r.. i n
BE AT'TIFl'T.LY furnished fiont parlor, $18;
also sing: room. t per monrn: monrm
conveniences. f75 'otich. V. E. cor. lMh.
NI'El.T furnished, furnace-heated room
with bath connected; suitable for 3 gentle
men ; rjrreasnnahieiMfisniBt.
FOR RENT I-arge, light, well-furnished
room, reasonable, tan arter ji a. Al.,
0so Belmont s.
EI.FO NTLT furnished room, reasonable.
walking distance; neat, oatn. ws aiont-
merv. t thw.
FRONT room, good location, modern con
veniences, reasonaois. J tast iitn, cor-
ner Afh.
ONE furnished and one unfurnished front
room, in private ramiiy. waiKing a 1st an oe.
cottage H A oa. tn-egonian.
DOURf.E PARLORS with fireplace; also
single room in strictly monern home,
talking distance, fa 2 Flanders,
VOR RENT Room, private family:
el.ctric liRltts. Ttirnace neat, walking dis
tance. Phou -C 2dR0.
UIVtlLE room, furnished for light house
keeping: grca iignt. convenient, gas pjate.
1 n!fn nve. .-s
FRONT rooms, furnished, on first floor, for
rent. Heat ir necessary. io Aiacr cor.
LARGE room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen.
Reasonable rent, pnone A o2f.
FURNISH ED rooma private family, sow-
i.-hlne; reasonable. , 70 r.ast 1 ayior st
NICELY furnished
room: furnace heat.
303 12th at.
bath and phone.
WELL-FURNISHED front room in a mod
ern cottage. 271 Market St.
RENT Two nicely furnished rooms,
1 week. Belmont-
Nlt'ELY furniahed room with board, reason
able. 117 K. at.. Mt. Tabor car.
FOR RENT 6 furnished rooma
rteimom si.
LA RGE rom. closet, ft rep! ice. near bath.
.iri Morrison st. rnone a
LARGE furnished front room; phone, bath.
excellent location. 11. i4tnst.
FURNISHED room. M Hoyt St., cor 17th. ptr mrntn.
Fl U.N IrH ED room for rent, frl-. ate fam-
N. loth, phone A 363!.
FI RNISHED room, sultabl for two. 529
Hoyt St. Marsnail 2M'J-
NICE front room with atcove. bath, heat
snd phone- r-o xayior.
T1.EA5ANT rooms, furnace heat. 674 John-J
FOR RENT Furnished front room for two
ml irrr.en. ail cnerrett ave.
N 1"ELY furnished rooms, furnace heat.
h. private family. 324 Jackson st.
I FtK KENT-One single room: ga. bath.
turn ace nrai. v an o-n .iornion sr.
R M for one or tw. men, 91. j per week.
Uv 1 2l h
Fnmlahrd Rooms la Private Family.
LA ROB. beautifully furniahed front room
with sleeping porch, suitable ror z gen
tlemen: mmlern convonlences. heat, ho1
and cold water; walking distance; refined
neighborhood; reasonable. Phono A 441
ROOMS that are sure to d I ease. In crtvat
famllv: fre nhntio and hath. modern.
walking distance. 221 Cherry, near Si eel
bridge. ..
Nir-KY furnished front parlor, suitable for
two; aiso Single room; electric iignt; neat
and bath : reasonable; walking distance.
r.ast mn st. North, near ilurnsiae.
WISH to rent to a refined gentleman, nice
bedroom in private apartment : private
bath, phone, steam heat, walking dist
nee. ai urfgonlan.
furnished rooms; gas. 'bath, $' and $Z per
NICELY furnished room. Call IStt ItiiU
U between Yamhill and Taylor, or phoni
a mz i n.
TWO nice furnished front rooms for rent.
4X! Burneide st.; each suitable for 2 or
3 gentlemen.
4X1 EAST PINE, near Grand ave., nicel
furnished room, suitable for one or two;
? month, with heat, bath and phone.
FOURTEENTH. East Salmon: furnace-heat
cd room, bath, quiet neighborhood. Phone
bl NiiLE room, also cosyden, with kitehert.
ning room, east ana sou in inuoi.
20th North.
NJ"Ei,T furnished room in steam-heated
flat with every modern convenience.
Phone A 4070.
NICE furnished front room, good location
reaonahie: phone, bath, an e.abo s u
Kl'RN'ISHED rm, with fire. $10 a month.
2U2 14th st.
2. .vi.
for 2 gents; heat,
32 12 th.
FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms, ground floor.
I A Dor E. 34th St.
NK'B nttir room, suitable for young man.
cheap. ilaln K3
COZY room in private family for refined
young man; reasonable. Main ovb.
N"EATI,Y furnished room, reasonable, gen
tiemon only. 414 Salmon st.
92-io WEEK Comfortable, small room; bath
and phone; close In. 2i2 Tenth.
NEWLY furnished rooms. 178 Ella St., near
Washington. Phone Main 622.1.
N1"E front room for gentleman, private
irniiy. zvi itn st. .
9U MONTH Nice outride room, beat, bath,
walking distance. H 2 nth
LAKiE sttlc room; fine bed;
men. Call fi2S Morrison st.
nice for two
NEATLY furnished
family, close in. 1
front bedroom, small
! E. 7th North.
NICELY furnished room, steam heat, elec
trie light and bath. Phone Main 2443.
NK'ELY furnished front room, stove heat.
10. 4.1 iin st., cor. nail.
FI RNISHED room in widow's family: mod
ern conveniences; close in. Phone B XBit.i.
NICELY furnished front room, home prlvl
leges, phone East lias.
NEWLY furniahed rooms, heat and
at 2 Grand ave. North.
NICE front room, private family,
ing distance. 229 West Park su
2. SO WEEK, nicely furnished room,
phone. x 9 1 1 1th st.
L'nfnroishrA tmn
ONE large, unfurnished, housekeeping front
room w ith alcove and closet. 212 Union
ave.. North.
THREE up-to-date unfurnlaheed rooms; gas
tisnis. use or nam ana pnone: reasonaoie.
!U Esat wnn. st. Phone East 74".
S CONNECTING rooms, heat, light and
water, bath lower floor. 24 E. Burnside,
Rooms With Board.
TW O suites, finely furnished, one with
private bath, furnace heat, hot and coid
wster; an m oa e rn conveniences: most cen
tral location; also three rooms suitable
T.r lour young men. 20 jyth st.
FOR RENT 4 -room apartment for house
Keeping; oatn. steam heat, both tele
phones: beautifully furnished. Call Main
after 9 A- M. 3 minutes' walk from
fUKTLAN o women s union. 23d year:
rooms witn Doara. use 01 sewing-room, li
brary. 910 Flanders. Miss Frances N.
Heath, supt.
THE CALVARD 152 Morrison, corner 13th;
rooms w 11 n ooirq.
Rooms With Hoard tn private) Fatuilj.
NEWT.T furnished rooms, en suite or single.
-10 uvi v . iuiiiiuii e aiur in rooms; elec
tric light and telephone; terms reasonable.
2 1 5 N. 24th St., corner Overton.
TWO gentlemen friends who would appre-
rii nome comroris and good beard can
find a home at U33 Cook ave. (East Blde,
be:aeen Union and Williams avea.
ROOM and board, private family, suitable
for two, $o per week; 2u minutes' walk
rrom biz. center. by E. at a bl North.
I'hone E. 722.
GENTLEMAN wishes roommate, nice large
win, goou nome cooaing, th reo
meals per day. o2 Salmon st.
NICEfjY" furnished front room with good
noma vuaru ior inrve gentlemen, as per
.Wek. X'Jl llth.
FIRST-CL.AS8 table board In atrictiy private
family, for one or two parties; reference
reu,uired. Inquire 8a Main rt.
ROOM and board for one or two young
ladles; light, airy room, home cooking,
walking distance; references. 963 13th at.
YOUNG man wanted for room and- board
private family. J per week. Fhona E
NICELY furnished room, home cooking, one
6r two gentlemen. 922.50; reduction for
two. 350 Clifton st.
96 PER week, pleasant modem front bay
window room for two, with board. 2o4
3 2th. n euj-M aln.
SOUTH-FRONT room for two gentlemen. In
private family; board if wanted; walking
distance. 4t9 East Ash. Phone B 1153.
rUK KENT Fine front room, first flrM-7,
for two persona 9t each. 291 llth. Ma,i
shnll 2&3.
.NEW LY furnished room with board, pri
vate family; gentleman; steam heat.
Ionian Court. lSth and Couch sts.. Apt. 32.
iaKGE front room, two beds, with board,
in walking distance; reasonable. Phone
East 3X2. tftd East 12th st.
ROOM and board to young lady, family of
two; bath, electric light; 7 blocks tit eel
bridge; 9-0. -4H Larrabee.
NEWLY furnished room, board, home cook
ing, for 2. all conveniences, walking dls
tancc; reasonable. 2 02McMill a n .
THREE large, newly furnished rooms, home
cooking, breakfast and dinner. Two In a
room. 955.00. Main 2' 1.
ROOM and board for gent leman ; German
preferred. Tel. East 4&0a. 703 Mult-
ROOM with
board reasonahle; all enn
107 16th, near Flanders. Main
BOARD and room in private family; $., or
board without room, 94.23. 128 Morris
THE HAWTHORNE, 221 13th St.; nicely
furnished rooms with board; also table
boarders; home cooking.
DEblRABLE rooms, with board. home
cooking, suitable for two. 644 E. Alder.
.. B 3L
NICELY furnished single room, with board.
2 llth su
ROOMS and board, 4 E. llth su North, cor.
Ankeny. Tel. East 4oJ8.
ROOM and board for on or two in quiet
family: walking distance. 473 7th bl
N ith, warm room, with board, for lady;
reasonable. 7S0 Belmont. East 2Sfll.
CLEAX well-iurnished room, private fsiu
ily. 432 3d St.. flat C.
FIRST-CLASS room and board for one or
two in pnvato family. Call 478 7th t.
PLEASANT rooms, choice board, business
poop ic. 712 Hoyt st.
GOOD home cooking at 618 Quimby sL,
near 10th; 94.50 a week- Phone Main 7o3tt.
NEWLY furnished rooms with board; price
reasonable. 503 E. Oak sL B 2010.
ROOM and board for two In "private-fsm-
II y. inquire 825 East Morrison.
BOARD, with or without room. 204 N. 22d
sL A 72 ia
GOOD room with board. Call at 404 Madi
son st., cor. loth. Main 2lK0.
PLEASANT room with or without board.
irtsra l"th sr.
COSY room, two meals for two. modern,
home-like. 90O- Phone Main 64S5.
CHOICE rooms with board, all conveniences,
everything first class. 33 N. 17th.
BOARDand room for either two ladles or
two gentlemen; home cooking. 147 N. 2l
NICE clean room with breakfast for two
Id small family. Call Marshall 1651.
SP2 SALMON, corner 10th at.; table board;
good homecooking.
ROOM and board In private family for man
and wife' or two ladies. P87 Corbett st.
ROOMsTwith board, reasonable. 170 N. 16th.
Boo na W It h Boar d In PrlTat Family
WANTED 2 or 3 children to board, aga ;
from 1 to 6 years, close to two goo a
Schools, large town, good home, motners
care. Tak Montavllla car. set off at
tir.d st.. go S blocks north, inquire at 1620
v. mow st.
L.AKi;E. airv front room, all conveniences.
centrallv located, about 5 minutes' walk
from Postoffice. with board: will serve
two first-class meals a day. breakfast and
dinner. 427 Columbia, bet. llth ana i-un.
Phone A 85B3.
A LARRR. nicelv furnished front room, on
good carline. 30 minutes out. 9..50 per
week, with board ; home cooking, home
privileges, use of piano. Phone Red
Oak Grove.
PLEASANT room with board (breakfast
anii tt n't1rulr illnn.r) modem flat. Seven
blocks from steel bridge, to a couple of
gentlemen; reasonable. 444j Larrabee j
st. Phone East 5430.
Evr F.PTiovAi.iV nice front room In pri
vate family, suitable for man and wife.
or two young men; very best home coo
ing. Phone East 4710 or C 2982
Just opened and furnished completa for
Housekeeping, 3-room suites witn rri:
hall. Bleeping porch and veranaa. menu,
phone In each apartment, every room out-
IHa an4 iMrrnilndaH hv ViAailtlful hOmOS.
electric elevator and the best furnished
apartment-house in the city. If you want
something extra nice, come to the Everett.
CUMBERLAND Apartments, corner Of West
Park and Columbia streets, will ba ready
for occupancy by December the 10th; this
is one of the best-located apartment
houses In the city, fronting the parks, ar
ranged In 2 and 3-room apartments, witJ
all modern conveniences; will be rented
the 2-room completely furnished and the
3-room unfurnished. Apply to manager
on premises.
925 TO 933 Fine West Side steam-heated
apartments: puvate oatn ana pnone,
wood floors, small outside porch, fine new
brick building; these axs the best and
cheapest apartments in the city; they nre
furnished with bedsteads, springs, dresser,
dining-room table. Icebox; do look them
up. Call 414 llth St., Lammeier-riau.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, lth and Coiumoia.
4 blocks south from Morrison st. ; new
brick building, completely first-class; fur
nished In 2. 2 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
beat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan
itor service; rent very reason a pie.
BEAUTIFUL- apartments In new corner
bldg., elegantly furnished, al! modern con
veniences, hot water heat, gas and elec
tric liarits. larsre clothes closets: all out
side rooms and hall service. 554 East
PENINSULA apartments, new concrete
Ding.. 2. 3 and 4-room am, and DatOS.
hot and cold water, steam heat and all
modern improvements, $15 to $26 per
month. Alblna ave. and KlUingsworth, 20
mm. to center or cuy. L. or st. jonns car.
THE CODY. E. 7th and Tailor sts.. new.
beautifully and very elaborately furnished
apt., of 2 or 3 rooms; something entirely
airrerene irom the usual run of apart
ments-; this is worthy of investigation If
you are looking for something good.
OUR nicely furnished 3-room apartment In
tne King-jjavis; ail modern conveniences.
Including fireless cooker, etc. ; must give
reference; w 111 rent or lease. Phone A
isast Ash; new three and five rooms;
heat. flrcDlaces. no dark rooms : verv de
sirable; references required. Phon East
-B I J.
VACANT soon. 5-room unfurnished apart
ment, with bath and all modern con
veniences, telephone, steam heat, hot and
cold water, gas, electric light. Janitor
services, etc. I'hone Main 56U3 or A lua.
ANGELA APTS.. 97 Trinity Place, bet. 19th
ana -uin. orr wasnington; one 2 -room ana
one S-room front apartment; elegantly fur- j
nisnea, strictly mouero, electric elevator;
"private phones.
THE ANNEX. 180 E. 7th. near Taylor; 2 1
and 3-room unfurnished apartments, steam
heat, electric light; this is something
worthy of Investigation if you are looking
for something good.
JUST OPENING New York Apartments; 2
and 3 rooms, unfurnished; steam heat, tel
ephone, call bells lc rooms. East 7th and
Belmont; walking distance. Phone East
15th and Everett, 2 and 3-room fur
nished apartments, with private bath.
team seat, wan oeaa.
8-ROO M a partment, gas, ba t h, gaa and
wood range, piano and phone. Call 3d.
N. 22 d. before noon or Monday after 6.
A 4Udl.
THE Stanley Apt., cor. King and Washing
ton, nice up-to-oate apt ox rooms, zur-
nlshed and unfurnished suites; reasonable
FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished
room apu, ovo jenerson, oetween 141a
and lath. The Davenport. Phon Main ;
KEELER Apartments, 14th and Clay sts.;
new brick buiiaing, steam heat, electric
elevator, janitor service, etc.; on of our
finest suites now vacant.
THE IRVING. 21st and Irving sts., 5-room
basement apartment, gas range, hot and
coia water; steam neat, window shades.
otc. : reasonable rent, bee janitor.
completely furnished, bot water heat, and
an Deas; an eiegant nome ior tne winter.
377 Vancouver ave. Phone East 3!iS.
ROOM apartment, also sleeping room, fur
nished, running water. 621 1st st.,
apt. f .
EKYN MAWR, 185 East 15th, cor. Yamhill;
o-room apartments, neat, range, rexrigera-
tor, porcn and fireplace.
LEOXCB Newly furnished 8-room apt.;
phone, modern conveniences. lbS 22d
DAM-MEIER Apartments, 4 rooms partly
furnished, 925; walking distance. Apply
NEW, light, outside, modern furniture, 2
and S-room apartments. 228 EL 20th st.
Phone East 14 JO.
FURNITURE for sale, reasonable. aDart-
ment ior rent, jl evenings ana eun-
cay oniy.
BOZANTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-room
apta ; private pnone and strictly mod
ern; U3a, near jonnson st.
187 17th. near YamhtlL
Furnished aprtmepts, steam -heated.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished four-room apart
ment with storeroom. rteterences
quired. A 4632.
T. CLAIR. 7i5 Wayne St.. six-room mod
ern apartment ; two porches, all conve
niences. rnone Mam yau.
MODERN 4-room apartment, fronting street.
urmonae Apartments, in .nod rim; e&e
Flanders st. Telephone Main 82oL
Modern furnished I -room apartments.
private bath, steam heat. Phone East 800.
L'.NLIGHT apartments, elegantly furnished,
3 rooma i.3 i ceimont. xaoor car.
Tabor 17S8.
URNISHED and unfurnished apartments
At the tuin Myr. 2 ut Bt. Marshall
ROOMS and bath, beautifully furnished.
including piano, call Madison Park Apt.
ONE .-room apartment. Coman Apartments,
704 Lovejoy.
2-ROOM modern furnished apartments.
1162 union ave. woodlawn 237W.
FOR RENT 3 or 4 rooms, modern, furnished
apartment. The Carigan, bth and Davis.
COMPLETELY furnished flat, gaa bath.
phone. Call bet. 10 and 4. 801 Hoiiaday
FOR RENT Three-room, new,
furnished flat, close in. 6JUs E.
Oak and Pine, rent 24.
7th. bet.
NEW 5-room flats for rent, steam heat, gas
ranges, walking distance. Call ob7 East
4-ROOM modern flat, corner 85th and Haw
thorne; rent very reasonable: no chil
dren. Phone Tabor 516. B 2907.
MODERN 4-room flat, 1034 East 19th St..
rent $30. Also 5-room new flats on 26th
and Belmont; rent 27. Phone Tabor 414.
MODERN 4-room flat. 404 Hall St., $25.
200Alder sL
FURNISHED" flat, 4-room, homelike. 373 Vt
7th st.
NEWLY furnished flat for rent,
gene st. Phone East 2603.
360 Eu-
FOR RENT Two strictly modern flat a
Call 622 North mp. Main 8475.
4-ROOM flat, close in. ' Inquire rear cottage.
230 Hall st. ' .
FOR RENT Two 6-room flats with all mod
ern Improvements. 515 Beacon, corner llth.
NEW, modern. 5-room flat. East 18th and
Ash sts.. phone B 2006.
NICELY furnished, strictly modern 3-room
flau 1043 Qantenbeln ave.. cor. Alberta,
M LL flat for rent; elso furnished flat;
'modern, walking distance. 2.13 H Hall sl
NEW 2 -room flat cheap. Phone Woodlawn
i!:.t. 7"6 Vancouver ave.
N EW, modern, 5-room flat. East 19th and
Ash streets, phone B 206.
FOR RENT 3-room flat, bathroom, pan try
and ess. 631 Williams ave. Call Monday.
Strictly modern upper fl.t. sleeping
porch, hre pi ace in in ing-room, furnace,
wood lift, cement basement, tine fixtures,
100 feet from car. Call Mol Hawthorne ave.
Phone B 2164.
1 6-ROOM sunny upper flat, beamed ceiling.
panned dining-room, plate rack. - china
closet, brass fixtures, electric and gas ;
large front and back porch, cement base
ment. 746 Kearney, near 23d
COLONIAL HEIGHTS. 3room lower flat
for rent, furnace, fireplace, beam ceiling
and paneled dining-room, linen closet, gas
range and inlaid linoleum, sleeping porch.
2'.5 E. 21st.. Hawthorne car. Tabor 1517.
Strictly modern, furnace, fireplace, built
in book cases, tinted walls, line fixtures,
sleeping porch. S1 Hawthorne ave. B
FOR RENT Fine 7 -room flat, all modern
conveniences, exclusive district, splendid
surroundings; price $42.50. Apply 776
Johnson sl Tel. M. i591.
M OD E RN 4 and 5-room flats, 18th and
Yamhill sts.; rents $::2.50 and $'',:.
m y 250 Alder at.
NEW 5-room flat, " fireplace, hardwood
floors, servant's room and partial janitor
service. 526 25th el, Portland Heights.
near Laurel.
KbW. modern, o-room. lower, outside flat;
gaa stove and water heater; rent 922.0V
including water. Phone East 6317.
92S 6-ROOM lower flat, modem, large
pleasant rooms, fireplace, lurnace, vacant
Dec 10- Main 2160. 607 Pettygrove.
6-ROOM upper flat, heat and water fur
nished ; cor. ibth ana n-ast Main. can
at S26 East Main.
MODERN upper 5-room flat. 406 Vs Park bl
inquire at 29 1st st.
MODERN &-room flat. 3-S8t 7th. A 4173.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all
free; 915 per month up; a clean place;
best In the city for money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "S" car. or 16th
st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 2,
512 month; 4. 916; front of cottage; 2
large rooms, with porch, $15 month: 3,
lower flat, 16. Apply 364 North 26th,
west side river; W car from depot, 0th
or Morrison, to 26th, block north.
$1.00 TO 92.50 WEEK; clean, furnished
housekeeping rooms, rree launary, oatn,
phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver
aye., and 203 H Stanton; take U car.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, complete
fwr housekeeping; also two-room cottage;
gas stove heaters, electric lights. 000 0th
st. Main 5SU2.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, 918
month; also 2 uniurniEhed housekeeping
rooms, 910 a month. 8U E. 12th st.. South.
CAMBRIDGE bldg.. furnished housekeeping
rooms, very central. rtoom 00, oa ana
Morrison stg.
NICE large housekeeping suites; price rea-
sonaoie; oatn ana telephone. -24 ioi
laday ave.
EILEEN COURT. lo3 16th, single and house
keeping rooms; modern conveniences; 9
per week and up.
2 NICE front rooms, unfurnlsnea; also 1
furnished housekeeping-room, reasonable.
515 Mill st. Phone Main 5110.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 8 and
Up. bOiS tiOOa SL.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete
bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2907 or 237
TWO or three very nice large modern house
keeping rooms. bbo za.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, near Rus-
seil and Williams ave. iJnone n,ast
H UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, at
221 4 First st., near Main.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
reasonable, close In. 747th st.,cor. oak.
Honsekeeplng Rooms In Private Family.
601 DAVENPORT ST. 6 blocks from P. H.
car; 4 nicely furnished rooms; gas, bath,
phone: $-0.
BAY window housekeeping rooms, first floor.
furnished, for adults only; ou; Irvlngton.
Phone C 2S:5.
UNFURNISHED or partly furnished house-
ketiping rooms, large, light, clean, -ktv E.
loth. cor. Division.
TWO LARGE furnished sunny housekeeping
rooms, moaern; pantry, iirst iioor. rnone
Main S3b2.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, small sleeping
room. per month. 62 Raleigh
and 10th.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first floor; steam
heat, bath, free phone; rent . oy week,
month ; down town. 350 Alder.
TO LET Kitchen and bedroom in very nice
nat on 11th st.. near .Morrison, so monta;
everything furniahed. Phone Main 4107.
ONE large, comfortable room for business
woman; phone, bath and light; very rea
gonable. 4 1 a 10thBt.
SPLENDIDLY furnished suite, heat, lights.
bath, pnone, nrst-ciass location. 07o
Couch. N. E. cor. 18th. A 5250.
HOUSEKEEPING rooniB, well furnishea.
912 per month. d2U Montgomery, bet.
6th and7th.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite, also bed
rooms, si and 910; bath, gas, phone, heat,
walking distance, 625 Marshall.
LARGE front room and kitchen.
173 N.
water heat, iignt ana oath.
2 LARGE housekeeping rooms, suitable for
bac helors or couple ; 93 week. 542 East
WELL furnished steam-heated housekeeping
rooms, batn. pnone ana launary; wanting
distance. 00 tusan t. ,
8-ROOM house, reasonable rent during ab
sence of owner, between Dixon and Du
pont. on Larrabee. No. 429.
428 YAMHILL St.. private house, 2 rooma
furnished for housekeeping ; easy con
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, sin
gle or en suite; walking distance. 407
HoMaday ave.
I FURNISHED room for light housekeeping
for 2 ladies; private xamuy; 910 month.
548 East Ankeny.
ONE large, comfortable housekeeping-room
for one or two business women; newiy
papered and furnished. 412 Tenth st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent, 354 7th St.; aauits oniy. uau aiter
noons. $S FURNISHED room, with us of kitch
en, moaern. Lmon ave. r., near
Broadway. Phone El 5558.
LARGE 2-room suite and small kitchen,
furnished completely ior housekeeping.
Market st; A 4006 .
TWO nice housekeeping rooms;
phone, heat and bath. tiO 7th st.
FURNISHED basement room for light house
keeping. B-i iitn st. cor. lay.
FOR RENT- 2 clean, furnished housekeep-
lng rooms, close in. 4bi e. nne at.
NICE cltsar housekeeping suite, central. 175
14th Rt.
S-ROOM corner suite, light, phone, bath;
rent cheap. 24 wiuiams ave.
THREE-ROOM housekeeping suite, bath.
furnace, gas, reasonable. ou jenerson.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
grouna noor. imo, corner aairnoa.
GOOD attic room for light housekeeping;
$10 a month. 202 14th st.
HOUSEKEEPING, sleeping and transient
rooms cheap, lvi west r'arK. a 23 lb.
MODERN 8-room house, fuel lurntshed and
new, rent 90O- i'hone u nw.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 99. 370
12th at. walking aistance.
ONE housekeeping room, gas, light, heat.
bath, pnone, ciean, cneeriui. ai nan su
THREE nicely furnished
rooms. 2Q N. ibtn st.
I 804 SALMON Two lovely rooms, furnished
for housekeeping; aiso two grouna noor.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 10U0
Washington, oeiween a m o-itn.
313 14TH, cor. Clay; choice 1 and 3-room
housek eeping suites.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms to let;
heat ana iignt. oain ana pnone. zus I7tn.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms.
walking distance. d.-u Montgomery at.
o N. -OTH Newiy zurnisneo, two-room
suite, complete ior pouseKeeping.
NICELY furnished down stairs to rent.
1 15 fe. aaimon st. rnone r. 0000.
3-ROOM housekeeping suit. $10 a roonth.
742 tsavier st-
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; no chil-
dren. fcast gas, o iuin, m.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 406
4th su
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, sink.
large pantry. inquire h .n. iai st.
THREE rooms, partly furnished.
g ornery.
186 CHAPMAN", neAr Yamhill, unfurnished
rooms; aauits oniy. r-none jiain o;ix.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with
h ea t: phone. &Hi joht ison. Main yiba.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. electricity, gas.
bath, both pnones. piano. rarn bl
331 14TH ST.; nice lighthousekeeping suite.
for rent; front rooms, private ramiiy.
FURNISHED housekeeping room. 375 14th.
ttousekrepiog Rooms In private) Family.
4 NICE rooms, furnished or unfurnished,
good residence location. Piedmont Addi
tion. I block west of Williams ave., 1213
Moore st. phone Woodlawn 1035. Call
TWO suites housekeeping rooms, gas
ranges, both, phone, walking distance.
:ii2 ht East Burnside, cor. Grand.
CLEAN houskeeping room, suitable for
young man; modern, hot and cold water
and . heat: $l.0u per mo.; walking dis
tance: references exchanged 2t4 loth sU,
cor. Columbia. phone Main S(70.
TWO or threo new rooms in fin private
home, Hoiiaday-Irving ton, near carline.
close la. suitable for housekeeping; hoi
water heat and private bath. Phone East
.'Si 10.
'10 LET One large room and kitchen, fur
nished; reasonable, for man and wife who
will care for furnace. Call Sunday be
tween 12 and 9 P. M.. 4t Lucretia St..
near 23d.
NEWLY furnished front housekeeping room,
$12 per month. Gas for cooking included.
12 minutes' walk from Postoffice. 410
Hall St., near llth st.
At 1'LV Tuesday ; two clean, large, front
roopis, furnished; ground floor; walking
distance; gas, electricity; no children.
G67 Everett.
FRONT suite, furnished complete. house
keeping; running water. 915 month; no
children. y 512 4 Williams ave., near Rusv
se.l st.
SUNNY rooms, furnace, electric light, gas.
bath, phone, walking distance. Sunnyslde
and M1. Tabor cars, on block from 12ih
and East Alder. .r"3 East Alder.
TWO clean, well furnished housekeeping
rooms with bath, light, water, and use
of telephone. Call at 165 Morris st., or
phone C 1178
THREE neatly furnished rooms and small
kitchen for rent, 925 per month ; water
and heat free. Inqulre 174 Grand ave.
THREE elegantly furnished housekeeping
rooms, 25 minutes walk, two carlins;
cooking gas included. 350 Ivy st.
Ft KNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern.
622 Delay st., cor. Morris, near O. R. A N.
car shops.
CHOICE furnished housekeeping suites, cor-,
ner. modern, reasonable, walking dis
tance. 575 Main.
NEW annex to widow's home, unfurnished.-.
3 rooms, sleeping porch; permanent cou
ple; meals desired. 64 B. 15th. mornings.
240 u 5TH ST.. suite furnished housekeep
ing rooms; all conveniences.
COMPLETELY furnished boathouse. $15 per
month, moored at the Oregon' Yacht Club.
520 Railway Exchange.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow; new and
modern; line bath and toilet, beamed ceil
ing and buffet in dining room. Full dry
basement, gas and electricity; 1 block to
W. R. car. get o.T at 30 th; rent SU a
month. 933 Division st.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS 4-room cottage for
rent; will sell furniture; get off Heights
car at Hawthorne Terrace, go cast on
Terrace Drive to white cottage on upper
side of street. See Mrs. Bow en or tele
phone Marshall 1205.
7-room modern house on 6th and Going
sts. Lot 75x100. four large bedrooms up
stairs: rent, $25.
Main 35. 103 4th at. A 3500.
10-ROOM modern house, not water ey-stem.
fireplace, large garage, on the corner of
lth and E. Madison; $50 per month to
right person. Phone E. 738 after 8 A. M.
At a great saving. Get our prices.
Lookers shown every courtesy.
M. OSTROW & CO., 64-60 North 3d SU
Reasonable pricea Easy terms.
9-RROM bungalow In Rossmer. beautifully
furnished, hot air furnace, electric lights
and every modern convenience; just
finished, on full-siaed lot, rent 45 per
month. Inquire Calumet Hotel.
FOR RENT 8-room house. 490 E. 33d st.
Come and see this house and if It suits
you we will make the rent to suit you, as
the owner wants a steady Tenant. M. E
Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
FOR RENT New house with all modern
conveniences; 6 rooms, front and back
yard, fine neighborhood. 30 East 22d st.
North: reasonable rent. Call next door
for key.
MODERN 7-room bungalow, for rent in
Irvlngton; 20 minutef from city. 2 blocks
off carline: rent 935. Phone M. 5531.
Julius H. Balzhiser.
FOR RENT Good S-room house with moa
ern plumbing ; 25 minutes' out on Mon
tavllla carline; 920 per month. 511 Swet
land building.
HOUSE, 7" rooms, modern, - basement, wood
shed, two lots, near car. Mrs. Moxley.
H710 50th ave., Mt. Scott car, Tremont
FOR RENT New bungalow, 14th St., Ir
vington. hardwood floors, all modern im
provements, fireplace, furnace, lighting
fixtures. Phone East S100.
WILL rent my strictly modern home; lo
cated in irvlngton; o rooms, sieepim,
porch; nice yards; to suitable party; "f.'i.l
per month. 511 Swetland bldg.
FOR RENT 6-room house. IV acres of
ground. Iruit trees, oernes. cnicKen nouses
and barn; located end of Simpson st., take
Alberta car. or address 665 Weldler st.
HOI SE for rent (n Woodlawn. modern, nice
grounds; 8 rooms, large closets, gas ana
electricity; linoleum and shades free.
Phone. Woodlawn 2297.
FOR REbT 6-room, modern house, 3 1 3
North 2th, hair block to car; cnoice
neighborhood; only 95. Higley & Bishop,
132 3d STREET.
COMFORTABLE rooms with or without
board; waikmg distance, n. -ii-Phone
A 2751.
HOUSE, 1283 E. 12th St., near Ainsworth; tt
large rooms; newly renovutea, oatn, iaige
yard; $20 per month; key next door.
NICE 7-room house. 706 Frankfort St., itS
per month. Fred c. King. 014 opaiums
bldg.. 2d and Washington.
NEW 5-room bungalow, never occupied, one
block car, 91s to careiui tenant, jopn
Johnston, room 82, 318 V Washington.
m .v. a m 7-room house 971 East Taylor,
near good carline; rent $18. Phone Tabor
MODERN house, 8 rooms, at 608 E. Mor
rison St., rent $35. Apply at tilt E. Mor
ripon st. Phone East 336S.
WANTED Lady to take good house for
Winter, in exchange for board. No objec
tion to one child. R 509, Oregonian.
4-ROOM modern bungalow. 189 Church St.,
1 block from carline; rent 914. Phone E.
738 Monday morning after 8 A. M. -
MODERN cottage, 4 large rooms,
1035 East Lincoln st. See owner, F. P.
Mattson, 643 1st. Home phone A 45 L
$15 5-ROOM cottage, 461 E. Flanders.
15 5-room cottage; 464 E. 26th. J. J.
Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E- Ankeny.
MODERN, desirable 7-roora house, 403 Han
dock and Grand ave.; fine wood finish,
polished floors; $40. East 1685, C 1401.
FOR RENT Cheap; on East 19th North,
Alberta district, a 6-room modern house.
Inquire at grocery, 5:t Mississippi ave.
FOR RENT New 5-room cottage oa Guild
st., between Thurman and Vaughn- Phone
Main 8462. -
FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow on
Willamette Heights. Call Sunday. Phone
Marshall 1140. room 28
jujR RENT 6-room house, bath, gaa, elec
tricity; nice yard, fruit and flowers. Cor
ner East 42d and' Yamhill.
9l. A MONTH, modern five-room bunga
low, Stewart's Station. Mt. Scott line.
Tabor bCO. C. W. Wells.
NEW, 5-room bungalow, $17 per montji.
E. 44th St., near Hoi gate. W-W car.
Phone Scllwood 1536.
FOR RENT A 5-room cottage at 32
man St., on carline.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, fine
location. 707 East Burnside or E 3206.
UP-TO-DATE S-room house, Hoiiaday Ad
dition. Inquire 329 East 7th North.
l,vrKOOM house, 67 Ella st. $70. In
ouire 435 Gilsan. Main 4576. A 3575.
FOR RENT-In piedmont, 7-room house, on
carline. Apply room 010. Oregonian bids-
"ROOM house, $30. 109 North 14th st.
Louis Solomon & Co.. 233 Stark st.
FOR RENT A modern flve-room cottage.
009 Front, near Caruthers st.
NICE 6-room house, newly papered. 148 East
13th St., near East Morrison- $24.
6-ROOM house, 304 16th, call at 500 Clay.
Rent. 912.
MODERN 8-room
catcd. East Side.
dwelling, centrally lo
Phone Main "35.
MODERN 7-room flat, 444 Park sL, 937.50.
No children. Phone. Tabor 763.
FOR RENT 7-room house, walking dis-
t an re. Call East 2017. 234 Dupont St.
7-ROOM house, bath and gas: 918, at 668
Kerhy st. Inquire at 672 Kerby.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, gas. bath. 623
East Salmon st. Phone East 4640.
NEW 7-roomed house, shades, electric lights.
396 57th and E. Lincoln. $20. Main
FOR RENT 5-room house, newly finished
throughout; $10 per month. Tabor 1012.
MODERN 6-room house, newly tinted. East
Side. Phone Main 2748.
5-ROOM modern cottage, 555 Main St.;
$20 per month. Phone A 1215.