IHE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. DECEMBER 4. 1910. 11 HTfh -r . T TC WE want the beet 14 or 1ft vtm Inside city i.mua on East slid tr.at $.La cash will W: pay cash rental for ! or more ni lead suitaoe mr ng pea- mut b wiihia 4 miles of e'ty. We nf or 1 K cf cf land suit- aVe Mr nur- r rear Willamette Roar, :f t";!t; must be a good bur to b coiutcervc. NORTHERN TRI ST CO, ' a: tftark 8t WANTErv Bipiif hetie frm om on who w.jl take tt Bret pvnst a lot In south ern California live Uttie (owi of .wwpo. rJ ; beet t i i mat e la tha l ata : e for any itig or throat trouble, liar m a chance i yosj to go no ana ktoii aw - Winter, hold a cheap house and be eed in trie snhtne before It ta too lata. H WANTED AT oNCE. A conttr fct ' i-alet with ode( . house, not any farther west than loth St. and aorta to Lovajoy t. I don't want to deal with any una but rlnc.pa.a I wilt par a.l cash, for this ran don't add aay fancy arte. B se. oregonian. HAVE com to make Oregon my noma, am i vkiaf for de?reble acreage pear porr land and hiiJ also consider from ltH to 7"o err-e goo p-uit ;ana as an m vMmtnt; give lull particulars. B ATX VaVK COME ti Port.AAil to make my hm . Want a a or room bumtiow. cost 30h to .vmv; J rtng'ort, Kn City Pars, or Hlftorn prrfrrd. Oa ners or!f. O. . Law bough, attor&ay. Room 27. Cor- oect Hiig. WANTTD AC It CAGE. I want a-rag on '-iumMa Boule vard, near, betweoa Kaolon and Yanoot- vr a. P. B. LKVT. 417 rORBPTT ft.TW llRUS wan taxi. mI or rant: also towr l"t and homes, rtlente prepared to bay: send rertiea ar. l est caan 8nrt. rrrwon. Sattonai ResUiy Co.. 5o5 Fifth a vs.. Now York. WANTED A pteea of income producing rtai tat. from 3 to 5 frontage In business action. het eeen Front and Sixth a Prica from $0Ou to 40.uo. give ttrma and particulars. N 34. Orfon!in. WAXTFD Do you want lo sell We hi tha buyer for small acreage tract a near laterurban car Ilnea HA Art RTNOLER. rn Lewis hid. - lots wanted. 1 harra nuyara witlna for tot tn Al- totna, H'shtand. Walnut Park. P lad moot and Ksntnti DIstrlrt. P. R. I . K ST. 4 1 T fTR rtF-TT FLPO. C I TOtfcKo AlUt far cluaa-ln acreaa NORTH KRV TRfKT CO.. 2o mark 8t- W ANTED To buy a 4 or ftroom cottka -within la mtnutaa walk oc tn marl PrMs. on aithar aida of tha rtvar. t o? Oraonlan. WANTED A nir huiidinc lot on Wast 5lda. ntca ftOxlftA lot. rtr Ootna and Rodnry tn., as first paymant. Addraas v , f.reon:an. wanted improved propekty. Cottaaaa. bnriraioars or how on Union. wllllaroa or Mlaaiaatppl ivwaft, P. R. LENT. 4 IT COR RETT PI. DO. I WO t IOW rrl ea:at mor'iia nr.d 1J it tea baarb lots as firt parmant on hoaaa and jol KDoniAiJis. W'AVTED Clo-ln lot suitaMa for ftt or apartment: Eaat or Wrat Bid. AS 570, Oraconian. WiVTrn AiWioo. narthwMt of WnLlnf ton and lihr vacant or in coma, aC Qrnn. f TO 7-ROOM ho ma. not too far out. prir ?.vo to I must Da yooC trrpvs. At. b i iw Orcf onia n. HAVE Eirm capital to lnvt In lni 1 a'-rraa No assota naaa reply. tL. , Orasonlan. MORTOAfiEt snd fon:rn wanted. Will axrhanca ehou rratdmc l"i for saxna. hat hav youT J ia. Orawian. WANTED To buy lt contract In l-iU Addition: must be cbaap for c.an. O tid, Crcmln. WAN TET To rent by Pacambcr or buy rr can. cof iaa nur ronimvum 1 ANTED To buy smI rottsca. rloaa In: Ua down, fe-ianr diadCi 'y paymrts; fall p.-nlculra At. ATA. Or--antan. WAVT uo'l lot for lrtmnt. prt ca:v. bs'aoc .fc pr month; oansra only, d J " 2. Orrc T ! n W A TED To btiy oottasa fr cash, M rr. an. ro.m J Aiakv bMa. hni.E. K-t nd raah fr Lualna property; ria !-rlptton. AP Z1. Oftnn. WkNT soma clooa-ln Trc near n road prirre'. A ft XX Orrarnum. TO EK( H 4NOE, WlLt. EXCHAN'.C TOR PORTLAND HOME. 3-arra tract iirar Jannlns Idc An Or-iih YU ctrle tine. 2 hhx:ka from rr. tra 'q Siraet. Ant rastdence ditrlft. WlM whinp for g-A rK-nm rr" pert jr. houaa and t on raritna- pr ?ww. bTODf A R D-R Ft EN N K R COl. ftat'ou.h Rld. aOVITT In HI r cholc land with l-n- rroecment. 13 mla out. cloa to station, se ett prrt or cloa--ln acrea;i- liwn er. H3A W!t'inia a. Phona C l.Xu. Wood:wn lo HA.V niEOO. CAt.rrtRN'IA. Wht bavo you t irhtnt- f r rei denco or thrw' C;v full dranp f n AH '' I. Ott anun. fjALTiFl i ft acres en maralamixed road. nar electric; rloeo In; iicnamt for house and Wt n rartlna. t locaitoa. V X2, Crr f 05 1 n. T EXCHANGE 3 Ml acre fnn with arod house and barn. Will take prt payment In income cir property. owner. 3.9 lumbermen's PuHainc. HOOMtVf.-Hot SE. carlt. :o month;. on Wast Hide, waikinr distance, to ex change f-r city property or acreage by o nr N . O'-tntlnn. V 1 1.L ecrt',e my beautiful "Pied m-nt" homa in Oakland. CaJ-. fir Impro cd or unimproved prterty In Portland. Phone Mam 471a. Fn tfAt.i: or trad, " room modrrn bun lo rursthd. 1 block from car. wltl take rrrery tpv. Phone Tb-T JA1. owner. i, M AVut) ftll.ae Beautiful horn tn lr-'ntn for inaliar house, part cash and wrifi. K'rl hM. lres:--nian. vK TtiAltf. enuuy In A a-res. thr-a Marks from resalcro lctrtc Una for lou W. . I.mimlS. f'horie TNT Jl i. 1I.L trad lot. free of lncmbrnt. csri value 4io. for diamonda. C i-N Or agon -la. Wfrj. trede CxK acres for tl'jr property la I'nrtlaid or food roorotneT'hoase. AN ATI. rveeortian f ""X wbti S besuttful lots, vane. hif paid, for automobtle. AS i.rtAnian. U It JL- cii.ie Fulton crrr Iota, ill r c 1 1 y ' n riri'. v i u. 1 Sv. for acre ste. Jll l.um br Fxranre bide TKAfK for anth.n. fine dwal'lnc ar.d ene a.rre In iirn d. Wash. rha. ?t'ck- lndepenlnt e. Orison. t'Jt GOI.O mine f-r sa.a or trade, ore avrara 5 ton. 1m0 torji tall ires asey $11. T ir'n g Hi'-ki. lndpndncr. r. 1U Ai'Iiri fin ttrr-brr. $-?JO: f k- equity ft r p-t land property. AK Ore gon t"- NT H ARIUT! A hme. I a. rca. linprocd. t tchaae f.r Portland p--pcrty or cah. P. H. Lewis. 1 Uwia Mdg. li.V3T lattn li ; Kood family boat , a Hi ii--haD for ral estate or other arod a'uc AE gT3. Oreguman. FoK ALE or trade, finest far In Willam ette tlZ aores: no scents. Owner, C " a r ' K. I r ipendenca. Or. Wit L. tr l- ci.e-ln corner proprtv for ion ta " s -rea wtt h timber. Anajelca. ja i WMnicton. rom ' 3. a"-- M"vrrj n property to exchanve for alie farm L K. Moore, suite Alt Aboard K. Moore, suite il cf T-ade. Iortland. VAVTETk To e-harae. in acres In Ku ln for cottaa in Portland. AD fc?V l.t'T- free and r.ear to trade for roomtna; h n'u or ej ut y in houae and lot. AG a To Orr!.i n. J. vs F-.MKE lot. 92 aquity; will take eon team ana j laiaotr ommerce. WE ex-hanse rur property regardless of location f r that whicn sulrs ou better. N-r"-.eeat Ex hangs. 221-9 Henry bidg- oo; corner property, heart ef Astoria: pars 14 2 rr cant. Chaa. E- Hicks. In 1pe3d nc a. Qr. 11 L exrbasse :.') ac-ee fru.t land In Mo tie dia'r'ct for good ropmtr.g houa or .r.fi. P'r,'.'!. R-'atis Co-. 334 Aah. FOR $ALC or trade. 1 lot tn 0"an Cy. wet side ef the rtver. AO K Orego naa. TO-FX"H AN'iE for P-oprrty of enuiant au. equ1 y of $- it saw I.-vtngton homa aH 57.t-T egor.Ua. HAVE a II ? piane ehe k What have ru t exchange foi it I 'r- Ma 3J. l(4" CA DILL AC. touring ear. Will trade for good prrrty. AM" $74. freg-ntan. OTbE a-n f r $t$.'w,o s;- of rr.er raa Vae. 6'' H'av Mdg. Phor.e A IIH E CAN trade ur prep-artjr e Caa bw Aieaxa ml HAVE bu-a for homes from liOOO to io.ko. Lit wiri u: we a;i. HJlE Y a prtiHOP. 1."? Thfrdt. I WANT ron huae nar Wo! aiork or Mt. Fcott rar. not ovr .tN cash; full partlmiara daalred. E Ml. OrgnMn TO EXCHAXCE. ADVANTAGEOLti EXCHANGES. M scree, all Cine land. &' a " of aama beina In fne state of cultivation: excel lent buildings of all kinds; water piped Into boiee. bam and gardens; well fenced, orchard and com pieteie stocked and wai;-eulpped; readv to move right onto without buying en .thing at all; no in cumbrance scatnat the same. It la a plAce on ahkh you can mske money from toe atari. price only gTsuO. Will accept a good Portland rea.dene for part, a Ut tie money and time on balance. n are in hign state of cultivation, good buddings, stocked and eoulpped la very way. Price ft 7S. Will accept Portland property for part. a. rea. fine suti. moc excellent bulld rnrs of all kind right at station, fully equipped with stock, tools. Implements, h. air.: reayto niov right onto; will B'-cvpt por:land property for part or all; or wut accept good stock of goods; price . acres ere!! Improved, good buildings, r'ght in th ed of Portland- Price ftooOO. Will accept gotd realdcnce. The above are only a fw f th KoA exebanges I have. If you have a good ran-h tnat toj desire to exchange for Portland propertv. or If you have Port land property that you wtah to exchange for a good ranch. I can Interest you. Ga full description, and make your price right. rail snd see me. or write me. J. E- Smith. M3 Chamber Commerce, I'ortisnd. Or. , WHAT have you to exebange for any prop erty on this Hat? We trade for anything: of v-siua. 7-acr farm. w acres In cultivation. fUU arrt. acrea bottom land, bal- nr wheot land. tv0 acres, of which S13 acres will corns Ctnl-r Irrigation. 4m acres of Ana fruit land, cloaa to food tow n. Sji acres. 00 acres In cultivation. lo acne, ail In cultivation. If) acres, all bottom land. S'JU acres of heavy timber land. . acres tf heavy timber land. ku ar roe nn-s timber land. 21 acria near Portiand. nr. soil. 10 acres near Tha Lallca. lia In Fortland. HokiQ. Pittsburg, Baker City, houses in Portland and bpo- kana. u n vf(p ro nO Chamber of Commerce. Mnraha!! 1874. frOfTTT 112 aa tn a t1,oon baalnes prop erty, marrhouae district, to exchauge for Unincumbered property. cry easy on mortgage, income to carry. High-class reaidenre property, valued $3o.uh. and unimprovad to exchange for 4 'pert y v.vmk - A hnnch of 14 lot and large dwelling. all valued $1.MX. to. exenange fnr closa-ln property or will sell very easy terms. ft lota on Peninsula, admfraMy located. to axenaage for irvmg ion aweuing. 4 acres vicinity North Yamhill, valued 12tw. to exchange fnr city property. JajCKSON a: DLERINO 2d tark at. lt ACRES Of excellent soil, near Kelso. Wash.: C acre In cultivation. balance easily eird' some oo Dilina. aood family or chard, house snd burn; Well Watered by sorincs and a ells: Ideal rancn tor trutt or stock: plentv of outrange; price only J0 pr acre; will exrhanae for Portland property; gl e some cirierenee. KAl.'FFMAX.V A MlMiRE, 5 J j Lumber Exchange. WANTED Koll-top desk and typewriter; will trade real estate. Wanted Rooming-house; will giro Hare exchange from V to $.10,000. What hava you? JAA1ES J. REID LAND CO.. tit ark bt. 7 it Av-'REd. a-room house, right at station on S. p.; 4 acrea apples, balance in high state of cultivation; good barn a no oui t illdlngs; good soil and fine little ranch, W ill take house and lot for part pay tnenf. HIGLEY HISHOP. 13 Third Ft. 2 A'RES with buiMinpa, In hlphiil state rultUation. Including a acree Deaveruam erd water; Juat be von d Tualatin: extel lent gard-n land, for would take Portland residence as part or all payment. f 'articitlars frm Alain 4vh C. U RAMRERGER. A 24SS. Room I.umbermens Hhlg- OWNKR of 2-acre llod Kiv.-r pla-e. n.ar famous Tucker orchard, win trade satnn for Portland residence property; ft acres clearer!, house and bsrn : overlook tne beautiful 1 oik i;iver and 19 one of the most plrtureenue as well as fertile apots In tha Hood Kiver vaiiey. j wrfjo FuH exchange, my l-acre place at Courtney, near Ore on nty car ina: ail improved ana in orchard. irapa, berries, etc.; 3 houa.. elect rlc lights, barn. etc. : will consider lnlde property West Strte improved or un Improve.l; pcUa IID.COO. Address AF &;. OTrjfn'.aii. H VIEW lota, rotnprlalnr all of Columt.ta l'e.g its Addition to sncourer. v aan.. aiuea at ft'W.oo; will exchange for Port land lots or acreage. l ELLAHri-ill RTON" CO l-ttone Main 11. 3M Hpaldmg b;dg. Ti" farmers. If ou have a good ranch. and your price is rinr, wntrn you aeaire to exenange for Portland property, and get part in rah. I invite you to call. X tun he of service to you. v'all or write, a i vine full particulars. J. E. Smith. 313 nam her Commerce. Portland. Oregon. 64 o ACRES In Ct-kamsa County. Will trade business, the Mi. Mood Kailrrad Is rnw being bul't; also auto road. whl. h will make this land :tuM The price now la t Vr acre. Hall. ".-0 FTont st. $l.tH EQflTY in ' acres at 1-enU for Seattle propertv. nsisme e.o. 7 per m. tore btillding and l"t. leaned f 2i month. Coiner, on cartine. value I ,0. 7SxHM WEST HI1R lot for houae. $e0. 407 Lumbe-mns Bank blilg. Main ZUlS. WILL eiihance 5 acr- genuine onion and eel Ty heavernam at lifaverton, an uuaer cultivation ; lv proiudced fti"M per ear; for residence free from incum brance; alue :.iV mortgae ftitoo. Owner. 11 j v"lev.land -' -irS- TO exchange for Portland property. 4 H acres at 1 ornellus t ss tunr.ei; a o. W. of Hurling ton ; suitable for platting ; fronts I'nite.i Lallal. tlO.eOO. C. F. PHuger at Co.. ro.m & Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sta. 52 A KKj near 1 udfpendence ; all under cultivation: station on piace; to rxenanare for t-lty property; will aasume mortgage or pay dinVrrn'-e. Cnt.KH-HMinrs AGENCY. ".VIS Waahtngton. for. 3d. 72 AC H EH good White Halmon land, ex enange for nnu" ana mi, varant ion or a-re: a hat !ava you? Rogers at Mo- II f. wela;irt M!f. UCh M hotel atth billiard and pool room; furnace nai. rief.nc iiisnja, water, in a ltr town ui Oigon: .-hn' rash or trade will handle thia. 4-1 Abtng'on bldg. gV-Ri NiM houiie. n1 a lot, 7. too. walking tliatance. efnange ior propriy 01 teas valuo; will take mortgage for difference. J Tf. Oregon lan. HAVE ft mortgage. 2 S Vars. at H per cent, on nrresxe. Multnomah Count v, va'ued at e''1: exchange for a sub urban h'm-. P. . box !.- ACRE. g.Kd wheat land near Amcri- ran r a 1 1 S. iciano 9 tMt.41; incuniDmnra $10: will trade my equity for property netr Portlnnd. Phone East 3. p to have a rhnln-drtve auto that you wish to trade for eomolhtng that Is a money-mak r. call at 47 Wurceater bldg. from to 1J wnd S to 5. ME!Rl fruit Uiid. Improved or unlm- prnvetl. to exTanc ior sooq rceio-nco property or bi.ir,.a property. Call Main 4"T7 or Eat S22. 40 A' RES A-l H'wd River apple land; would to trade ror o or n-rpom nouae. oun ga low pr frr"d. Call Gronr A lleachel. Commercial block. AM MT, tr'-gonlnn. B OR IO acres, fin gard-n land by owner; fine state 01 Ct: m v anon ; no uuiiuiur, a ml lea out on carl me. near station, for ctv property. X 57i. Orearon'an. :, .j 10 acres :. . . 1 acres virgin "H n Marlon County I want lo exchange for small residence gmrery. G 64. Oregonian. TR APE f -r a n vt h f r r. I n at- rea raw la n i In Rogue River auev; price j.'w. .nam, F H'ces. Indeendence. Or. CAH hwaineea. slue 1 12.000. to exchange f- rar m or nmwr ianu. v o a o. vrcgo nlan k I' aeveral iufturhn lota. Si 00 ... ;, , irar title: what have you In exchange. P. O. boa 4S. FIRST-CT.AS.S creamery clearing $7 to $10 per day to excusnge for aureate near Portland. jtV'rt X 6HO. Oregonlan. FINE lis rf rea! estate f.r exchange. NORTH VRN TRUST CO.. :r-. Stark ft. t aP for aotneona In a o,l Ia Anrel-g "huPding lot if taken thia wek. Main et-V wHT have yoa to trede for a good busl neae fi in couth Portland? Call 411 Cor bert bldg 11 L trade ten a rea -Vo and pay dif ference, for grocery or general store, not fe-d'nf l.t"V K rT. -e';en. WANTED To evhav.e ab-.t 4 ooO.u-hi f. fir ttriHer. ursr T i.lamrtok. for mercan-t'l- buanewi. V 7I Qrcfptiin TWO Portland lota. 12 Coos Bay lota, ex charge for f w. orchard or acreage. r4-e. 1 a Uhsher of Vmme-re. WE do sell or iraoe for anyuiu&aT H viuwe 17 Bard of Traria. 1 V vk r a specially ef trading an: thing. la 'J3 Coxmaicial bloc a- Alaia 4407. TO EirHAXO- WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. 5 lots, price ft?Aoo: mam plee of acreage close to transportlon. same value. EST l:iTH STREET. 1 lots, prlc 3rHM: want hiuae. same vaiue. WILLAMETTE ADDITION. lota. 2'x ino end nt Alberta carllne: prlca.lt. all! take lot cloa in on East .!da In vt. rlnltv of PnnnvaUlM or Hawtnorne. BROADWAY STREET and AOth. one lot. Improved street, pries l""": aiao j.t acra tract near Tiaard. price g-Mhio- will take one or mora houaee or subdivide th DIVISION STREET. 5-room modern house, price ft32:u; will take acreage Join ing nerwooci or in en nmm. TWKNTiETH SfREhTT. -room flat. prica ftJto; will take good lota to tha vait:e or te. some n, .imv wfkt KirK suburban acreage and up- to-date home: wiil take Income flat fculMtng up to 7ffOO. r.LEXARl REALTT CO. (Inc.). 41-4.: Chamber of Commerce bldg. $4000 RE ID EN C and $2000 cash to trade for small farm. ftlotu restdt-uce and cash to trade for well Improved acreage. Jl.VlX-O automobile business to trade for farm: is paying big. $ iKino 22-acre frutt farm. Houthena 1 Ora- on. to trade; this is a inaa. xtjouo meat buaineas to trade; cleared I4-h this past year. .... aiOOOO 7a-acre farm with all stock and Implements to trade for city property. iftfhjo- li acres iiiiiht wM w ttnr-d.mirface streets: part trade MOt0 Dairy farm completely stocaed mill rraaa. My buaineas Is trading at right prices; let me know what you hava and what you want. C. W. LA BARBE, Jon Commercial Plk.. 2d snd Washington 11 ir-Rrti tn Tlnrdvllle station. All under cultivation, fine soil, free of Incum brance. For house In city, must be mod- 14 A era a 11 cleared. 6 mile from Ore gon city. Nice) pi ace ior property. r"ay casn nuifrrmt n IIAA8 Ac RING LEU, 211 Lewis btdg. ANYONE wishing to exchange a good hlook of downtown buaineas property for gilt-edge Portland securities or for part canh and securities, will do well to give full particulars; looation. area, im pro menta. encumbmnoe. Income, etc Owri,- era on 1 aeaea iu nrjwuu w Oregonlan. . WANT 25 to 40 acres. Impr., cult.. near t ran up., not over TJ m. fmm Pd.. In ex change for my Rose City Park new housa and 2 lots, cash value HARTMAN eV THOMPSON. Bankers. Ch, of Commerce BJdg.. 4th and Stark. tiee H AUTO G -iU V. RIVER. n are nn-hard home at Central Point, highly Improved, an Ideal Income paying home; will trade at cash value tor I'Onianu property. W l.A RARRE. I0 Commercial Blk.. Jd and Washington. FOR CITY PROPEllTT. 10 Acres, cultivated, near Mllwaiikle. 24 Acres. Improved. Reedvllle district. 40 Acres. I'nlted Ry.. Improved. 10-Acres, orange land. California. 4 Acres. Improved. Base Line road. BROWN ft STONE It. H4 Cou c h bldg. A 30-4 POPE-H ARTFOFUJ automobile, ex tachahl- (.-ii:cui'sf runs, 35x4Si-lnch tiros; has glsss shield, top. presto lights and speedometer, to exchange for rt?ai es tate or eoulty In good piece of real ta:e B E.ni. ortKt'iau. H ALF- ECTION of wheii land, only H mile frora railroad; ove- 200 acres In cultiva tion: houae and ba-n; all fenced and croa fenced; right in tne center of the wheat bIt, on county road. Price i.'i per aorn. Will trade for portiana proneriy. j. v. Fandera. 4?S Lumbermen's bldg. FOR SALE Or will tske part In trade for property close to portiana or Vancouver, tnil value. 11.0H: 2 large store build ings; hall upatalm; grocery and hardware stock. Phone labor J. tunumu post office. Arlets. Qrj-on. I'V.-UiViiE iR SALE. Have two equities In lots near Rose City Park carllne to nll or trade at a bargain; one 1.15". one $7t). Call Main 205 between 2 and 4 P. M. . WILL exchange a 50-arre farm In Lincoln Count v for city property or close-In acre age; railroad, river and eoonty road runs through It; two sets buildings; vaiue 310 per acre. EXCHANGE, for lot or acreage. I toam mare, into pounds; 1 llarhtweight farm wagon, with top: 1 mounthtn hack, with new leather top; 1 "t double medium work harness. 21" East Hd'h at. ill ACRES. Ill miles from Portland. p.rt cultivated, red shot soil, fine spring near house. Main county roaa, -nine 10 school. United ity.. exenange tor cuy property. H14 ioiich bldg. CHOICE building lots r?s!dcncr c!-m In on East Side; will exchange for income propertv or good farm or acreege: only 13 minutes to Pnstoffice. C I- Bamberger. M"tn 24- Room 2. Lumhermens hhir: ACRES of wheat lend. miles from railroad and town. Gllham County; will trade for Portland home or lota David Lewis, room X Lumber mens bldg., Sth and Ftnrk. M 20 ACRE timber lend. 40 acres apple land In Mosier Isnd district; fo acres near Wnnhoutnt. Washlnxton. for Portland su Vurban property. T Oregmian. SU- Ai'RE ranch, near P.nlnier, Wash.. 1 J aerea In Cultivation, noupe ann nam. biiibii orchard; to exchange fir city property. W. H . L nng Co.. 414 Ahtnrton bldg. NEW modern bungalow. 31f0; will take lot In trade or will trade for 10 or 20 acres near rltv. Inquire 1150 Belmonu Phone Tahor ln ACRES of limber and coal land In Douglas County, near Ropeburg. to trade for other property. Security Inveatmeat Co.. 317 wcrcoater ping. fcvL ITY In several houses to trade for lots or Improved acreage: houae and lot f-r small farm with stock. Phone East o0 or addreae AL 573. Oregonlan FOR MLE. lion Vehicles and Han UK HALE Team of two horses, sooad and In good condition, good spring wagon and harnesa n firs: -class shape; a bar saln for quick aala, Al Langeoberg, Ciackamaa. Or. ONE bay mare, age o years, weight 1400 lha. with a guarantee; for a quick sale. $175: one black mare, age yeare, weight Hy lbs., sound and broke single and dou ble and city broke. 270 E. 7th St. 10 HEAD of horseg and marea, from loiWi tO 1 t'HI IDS.. ail wore. WinCim ami uuw- bie; must be sold at once. 270 12th it, cor. Jefferson at. ' MUST sell tine chunky -"AO-lb. tm. mare and horse; trtte workers. $125; pony, 4 year oui. aounu, e-- near Broadwsy. IF taken at once, one bay horse, weight 1 :ita ma., true " , $7o also on brown horse, weight U.00 lbs.. .UV 27Q K. 7th St. PAIR of good work horses, weight 2600 lbs., .. . a m nvlrf I . m- ( ennm ' l,umhermen'a bldg.. ftih nd r-'rark. or Bud Smith Stables. Vancouver. Waah. FOR HALE Two standard-bred marea. 8 years ana y - ""c m cart, harness and roha. Addreaa room 16, Nepach House, 3d and Put aide sta. FOR SALE A bargain If In ken at once; team ot nore wruimn wvw. i.w, o s. nitas this; also harnesa; at pacific Feed stable. HACK and harness, good ss now, $:0. Hughes' Livery, lUh and J fferson. U. 8. Rodtrl-k ownrr. room 40 Bush mark Ho tel. 17th nnd Washington. WANTED--Light horse to do a few hours' work each day for his board. Call Wood lawn :i4 after A. M. today. WANTED Driving horse to keep for his board; light buggy work; good Stable. Phon e. East 22 2d; B 222H. HIGH Studebak.--r wagon, carry about 12o. Inquire S East G4th. or phono b 2"n FOR HIRE. PORTLAND PTAHLfS. 2b l.-.TH ST. MARSHALL HORiiES AND WAGON 3 BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH 2 XIE horses for sale; ride or drive; also phaeton and Baity buggy for gule reason able. Inquire 11th St. BAUGAIN on X horses lfM.o and 1100 lbs. Woodstock. A7th and -Ud ava. Phone Sell wood TTi. W.NTET A yong horse, about llOO Iba; mint be SLund and gentle and give guar- antee. Call Main 32-13 WANTED Oo4 team and work horses In exchange for real estate. Call 411 Cor- bvtt Mttg. $" TAKES chunky l2ftoib. mare, heavy in fnal. tine htavy double hraas-trimmed harne.-uk $2.V Call Ruseii gt. Rl HHER TIRED top buggy, new etude baker wagon, b'.'gry. harneaa; one good buggy top; all first -class. East IMS. 22 HEAD of horses, draft and general pur poses, inquir inrouRri ww ni any Cms. 227 balmon st. Phone M. fl3r 22 fICAD horaea. draft and general purpose; guaranteed aa repr"aantcd 10 purchaser. 1H40 Macadam st. Fulton car. HI BERT 4t HALL'S STABLES. H0 Front at., livery bisinata, rigs, horses, harness, w 4 g o n a. for sale or rent. Main .12t8. LIGHT and hea y harncaa and wagon for aale cheap. Geo. W- Demlng Co., Lenta, or. phone B am. AaH for 143L ON'C second-hand delivery a agon for""aaie cheap. Cor. East th and Belmont. HOtLE. huggy and harnesa for aale. In o,uire WuuUab u 1307 or t PrcscotL J FOR RALE. Horace, chicles and HuroeM. 3000-LB. TEAM MARES. Agea 7 and 8. chunky built, with plenty of bone and substance; thia team cost the present owner $uo0 ons year ago and are worth as much todav; price $350; war ranted and trial allowed. 605 Alder at. $140 TEAM AND HARNESS $140. Pair chestnut geldings. 7 and 8 vears old. weigh 24K lbs., suitable for ranch, express or any purpose. Harness Is set heavy sewed trace harness, collar, halters, all goes for $140. 5u5 Alder au WAGONS, BUGGGIES. HARNESS, SAD DLES. One low truck, one farm wagon, one three-spring top express wagon, one open delivery wagon, five rubber-tire runa bouts, all good aa new; two steel-tire buggies very cheap, one top rubber-tire Studebaker buggy and hand-made harness, bargain at $1'0; set sewed trace farm har nesa with heavyv breeching complete, prlce only $24; several saddles, stock, mil itary, English and ladles' astride, from $ up to $20. Call and Inspect our stock. New Tork Club -tables, 15th and Alder ata. Black gelding. 1100 lbs., single or dou ble worker: one brown horse, 10.S0 lbs., good puller, single or double; one farm mare. 120O lbs. Tour choice $o5. Call 6o5 Alder st. DRAFT TEAM. $20. Horse and mare, weipht 2lM0 lbs., both true to puil. good wind, been used part of year on wood wagon: very valuable on a ranch. Also set sewed trace harnesa and collar, price $30. Owner must sell. Call 503 Alder st. Pair matched dapple rraya, weigh $100 lba., Jow, heavy chunks, first -class In every way; one pair browns, weigh 8000 lbs., horse and mare, fat and handsome; one brown horae, weighs 1300 lbs., sound and active, very tine single horse: one aorrel gelding, weighs 1400 lba., very fine ranch horse; also five head cheap farm mares from lloo lbs. up. For inspection apply 005 Alder at. $1R5 BARGAIN $185. Pair well-matched baya. horae and mare, weight ll.V) each, good prompt driv ers, fast walkers and will ride; also set heavy sewed trace harness, all goeu at 185. AOo Alder at. Handsome seal brown mare, weight 1200 lbs., absolutsly aound, rider or driver, sin gle or double; very stylish driver; at tracts all manner of attention on the street; ran show 2:40 gait road ten miles per hour, also hand-made harnesa and rubber-tire top Studebaker buggy, whip and rpbe. For Inspection call boaxdiug stable, 5nS Alder at. PAIR of matched gray geldings, 5 and 7 vears old. weight ;i0l0; pair of gray geld ings. 0 years old, weigh 2i30; brown horse. 7 years old. weighs 150; pair black geldings, weigh 2700; pair gray geldings. and 7. weigh 2.100; pair chestnut chunks. 4 years old. mare and horse, weigh 27t0; pair of black Perchemn mares, low set, heavy bone, in foal by 2tHi0-ib. Pe re heron horse; one pair of mares, gray and black, both safe In foal by imported Percherons. This bunch will all be sold as represented; If not vour money refunded. Call and see them hitched to load. 884 Front at., cor. Mar kit. HOHSJia FOR bAi. All of Winston Broa. 4s McDougara horses will be on sale at tha Hawthorne e tables for 10 days. They range in weight, 14 O0 to 1800, and from a to 13 years of aa. Aa all of our work on the N. P. R. K. Is dona, all of our stock will he for aale. They will be eold under the guarantee of the Hawthorne btablaa. CU and Inspect these after Novemaer 1 HAWTHORN IS STABLJ, 4'M Hawthorne ava. . BA RGAI.N.S Team of good bl farm horses, 175; 14U0-lb. bay horae. 9 years old, guaranteed sound and upright, $125; bay mare. J.ioo lbs.. $125; pair nice black mares. $225; good 12"0-lb. brown horse 7f; 1200-lb. bay horse, true any place, $100. Come and ae them hitched until you are satisfied. 3:U Front st. FOK SAlJi 1 bay borsv, aouua and In mai claaa condition; 7 years old, weight 1060, price $'.to; 1 small bay mare, fiio lbs.. 4 years old. In foal. $35: 1 spotted mare, 10 years old. &50 lba. true puller, single or doubie, $55. Inquire 7fr First st. FOR BALE Team of two horsea, harnesa and spring wagon: all In nrst-c!aaa con oiilop; will make price right for quick aale. Owner, room 200. Oregonian blag. 30 HEAD of mares and geldings from 4 to K years oin. weigning irom 10 lbs. Thia atock is right from the country and all In good condition; will be guar anteed as represented. Todd Horse Mar ket. 334 Front st. THREE good iry horsws and set of har- co:ne out and make offer. Far re! 1, 3Sth ave and 60th at.. 4 blocke north Stewart atatlon. fi HEAD of hoiaoa. weight from oOO to MvO lbs., from 2o UP IO one nw ni.ii grude runabout, one top delivery wagon. 3 s-ts of doubie harness. huO East 2hth iu W. W. car to Gladstone ave. FOR. SaLE Horse, harnesa. buggy, togeth er or separate; cnaap. jiain loa. Automobiles. THINGS ON WHEELS, ALL PORTS. AUTOMOBILES. MR. BUYER- -MR. SELLER. Thia should Interest both of you. Cars sold on 7 per cent eommlsalon, $25 minimum, no more, no leas. TO THE HELLER: WE NEED CARS. Felling one to five every day. Bring vour auto; we mark It with your price and do not ask a buyer hundreds of dollars profit, as others do. TO THE BUYER. Select your car, take a demonstration, and when satisfied, pay us $25. bsJance to owner and thereby know you are not being done for BIG PROFITS. No other dealer will give you auch a square deal; therefore buy of ua. Every make to se lect from; if not In atock. we cun get what you want. WE ARE SURE TO HAVE THE CAR YOU WANT AT YOUR PRICE. PORTLAND AUTO EXCHANGE. h6 Tenth SL Ipoa. 7 'PASSENGER Franklin, first-class condition, for saie cneap. l.'iw, 7-paaaenger Franklin: a bargain. 1107, 5-passenger Franklin, first-class ahape, newly painted, new top and class front. 100O Columbia Electric newly painted, new hatterlct: a snap. 1110. 6-cyllnder Ftanklln roadster; prac tically new. Will take part real estate. MEN1ZE.S-DU BOIS AUTO CO 7 th and Davis sta. FOR PALE Ml" ST HAVE MONEY THI3 WEEK. Owner win saciiuce una a-tt"-iler 30-H. P.. "-passenger car that cost $10"0 a abort time ago; will sell for $:Hu. This car looks and runs like new and has a perfect-running motor. Don't miss this if vou are looking for a big bargain for yoiir money. Call today and balance of week. Ask for Mr. Holllday, So lont h su WE arc going to cloae out every second-hand car in the place regaraieae oe yncw. x Include some unusually fine propositions In pierce. Cadillac. Peerless and fa" teams cars. Come in snd look them over. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY FIVE-PASSENGER. 40 H. P. Parry, com pletely equippea; iWi l impruvenwua, used three montha Cash or trade for Portland property. TeL East 4817 or Main 8124. 4- C YLI XDER, 2 7 horsepow er, 1810 auto ; perfect condition; exenange ior ima other rxd property; fine machine; no wildcat schemes considered. Main or A 17M. 3l Chamber 01 commerce. CADILLAC 80. fully equipped, in perfect condition, run oniy iwu m hob. j .".. Schacht Motor Car Co.. corner 5th and FOR SALE Large 7-paasenger touring car, w 1 1 -. t.ir BAnA olt v nroner tv. 311 3th. . HAVE several $100 lots on United Railway near Burlington; win exeneuge ior a-w-lnder automobila p.O- boxf35- STEVENS-DURYEA lemouslne. flrst-clasa condition, ohoap. at Smith-Miller Auto Co., Union and Wasco ata East 282. FIRESTONE, new, for eaie. or wouid trade for real estate and pay difference. Oregon Electr'.o Vehicle Co.. 62a Alder St. WILL sell or trade. 1900 Cadillac 30 tour ing car at a bargain. Fine condition. Call East 312 or Main 606- CA DILL A"", 11. automobile, perfect con dition. fr sale, complete equipment. B 667. Oregonlan. EMPIRE GARAGE. 270 1 2th. corn" Jef ferson. Live storage $5 per month. A 1030. Msin 10. ROADSTER, fully equipped, terms, snap. $:iM. iS4 Union ave, and Davis. FOR RENT Dead atorage garage apace. Marshall 3 36. AUTOMOBILE for sale or trade for real entate. Call ES 10th. near Stark. WANTED Automobile in exchange for real eatate. Address AM OTP. Oreg on la n . R-."I"K. 4-cyllnder. 2H.-h.-p.. fully equipped, r .ctlcallv r, . w.o. Phone Vain 1H2. lyiit FORD 5-paseenger, splendid condition. Phono mornings. Main 2320. $m BITS -f.-passenger tourist auto; coat $14Si. Phone owner. East 2741. FOB 8 AXE. Ant omob Ilea PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLE AJUXG- HOUSE. Arthur H. Hertz, Manager. We are exclusive dealers In used auto mobiles. This week we are offering an other fully equipped "Cadillac" touring car. This car is in tne oest conaman p"- ihl havlnir Kraft new tires all round. with Nobby Treads In rear. See this and make us an offer. We also have some cars to trade for real estate. MAIN 692; . PHONES- A 2234. I TH AND -MADISON. PORTLAND, OR. PRACTICALLY new Barry roadster, seater; only run 500 ml lea. In fine ditlon and running order. Owner, Commonwealth bldg. PLuioe, Organ and uaicailnatii eata. A RARE bargain ; B-flat bass, low pitch fenxei at aimer clarinet, a .o-nt. hmion-Pupescht clarinet. 1 A Mahallion- rupvn:ai tiftrmeu r - -- keys, and 5 rings. In perfect order and fullv o-uax anteed every way. F. W. Van Dyke, Grants Pass. Or. Ciia check on r.Mv nlano house for sate. $20; $HH check on Bush A Lane piano no use win aeil for 410. An 000. vnb' tilan. HANDSOME mahogany piano, cost $400 five months nam: will aurrtflce for $195 on terms; rare snap for somebody. Address J 570, Oregonlan. TALKING MACHINE and 20 new 10-lnch records for only $26: coat $57. 560 Will- lame avenue; take u car to rtusaeii st. U'lVTrn 4.' . - .1 A mlja niann used but little. Cash if price la right. Telephone during; business hours. Main 842 WILL sacrifice beautiful upright piano, cash or easy payments, to reliable party. Address, Sacrlflc. V 5G7, Oregonian. FOR SALli: Credit check on piano housa valued at $129. will sell for $25 if taken at onoa. Call Beiiwooa 2sr. YOUNG couple, own home, wish to take good piano in exenarge ior storage, erences. E 566. Oregonian. WILL sell at nacriflce my equity of $120 in a new upright piano; must be taken at once. ri 577. oreonian. FOR SALE $LW piano check on Graves AIuslc Store; make me an offer; answer at on da y. AK -574. oregonian. $400 Upright arand piano cheap; terms $10 down, $7.50 monthly payments. 226 Aliaky bids., afternoons or evenings. BEAUTIFUL piano; will sacrifice for ready cash. Aire. Ulane a aencaiesst-n aiore, at., near Jefferson ; very gooa mate. LEAVING city, have paid $165 on hlKh- grade piano; will sen my equity answer quick- P 560, Oregonlan. $127 PIANO bond or will exchange for pho nograph and records. Edison or Victor pre ferred. Aaaress am 01 a. urc.uniaii. WANTED A piano for storage In small family; no chuoren. r: bo.. uregonian. FOR SALE Certificate on Graves Music Store, worth $127. D hi, uregonian. FOR sale cheap, on account sickness, high- grade piano. 4ri iotn at. VIOLINS Stveral old ones for sale at Prof. Emll Thlelhorn's studio, yuo-i aarquam, PIANO for sate, cost $425 new, Conover: fine condition. $275. X 565. Oregonian. $i;(l CERTIFICATE on Graves Co. for , TTJ1 OC11 auie ior n uuinu $11 PIANO check on Graves music store for sale. $25. u ot.i. jre gon tan. FOR SALE $117 check on Graves piano house; your own price. Call 415 Alder at. $120 PIANO check, cheap. Phone B 1246. Birds. Pogs and Pet Stock. for aALK Four thoroughbred, nure white, silk French poodle puppies, males, two months old. small ana wen lormea; per fof aneci ens euaranteed: also four Hou- dan hens and three pullets and cockerel, cheap; best of stock. H. Miles. Lents. Or., R. 2 Tal:e O. W. P. to Gilbert station rTT.T.. T.OODFin Airedale dosr: also full blooded English white bull terrier, for aale cheap. Or. V. E. ASrown, vi iin t. o. Phone East 4.o. WANTED Good home for a fine cat; ex ceptionally Intelligent and affectionate. Phone A 3973. BOSTON TERRIER. 6 months old. fine pedigree; reasoname; must sen. iuo 6th st. Main fl2Qa 10 Tons Timothy hay for sale In barn and free stabling for 70 horses, more or less. 506 OreRonlan bldg. FOR SALE Two fine young hounds, cheap; 1 block north, 1 block east echoolhouse, Lenta Or SIX Spits thoroughbred pups. 2 months, s. E. corner 6th and Salmon, bootblack stand FOR SALE Fine full-blood pit bulIdoK. $15. Room 205. 85 H 5th St. Marshall 2774. HOMER aqudb breeders, runts and runt homer crosses. i- ti. ptarx . -oo. UNTRAINED, pedigreed English setter, at your own price. A beauty. Call E 017. THOROUGH BRED registered female collie pup for sale. Telephone Tabor 1993. FOR SALE Fine breed of Cocker Spaniel pupa; $5 each. f none juid. FOR SALE Bull pup. Phone B 258S. 10 E. 6th. ' Ml scellan eoua. BE WING machlnee, eecond-hand. $5 to $15. New high-grade machines $30 and up. New York Agency, 350 Morrison St., next to Toll A Giubs. FOR SALE Edison Projecting Klneto acope, complete. 2000 ft, films, awitchea, wire, curtain, ready for business; bargain for quick sale Phono C 1103. m TALKING-MACHINE and 20 new 10-Inch recorda for only $25; cost $57. 5 Will lams avenue: take U car to Russell st. BLACK go-cart, . price $16; will sell for $7.50; used 3 months. Phone Main 1209. Good aa new. t m IDEAL hot water heating boiler, 1250 ft.; guarantee condition. 125 11th at. Used one year. LARGE city map and wall rack only $12. Fred C. King, $14 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Washington. " . GOLD 18 kt- English hunter watch by Ben son, for sale. $100, Apply to view, X R74. Oregonlan. $ H. P. GASOLINE engine for aale at half cost. Phone 1 apor 1 FOR SALB cheap, etack good oat hay. 1427 Commercial at., cor. Dekum fcve. FOR PALE o'-D. C motora 1 &h and 10- horsepower. cneap. t. vnom -b. v-u. LOGGING donkey. 0x10, good condition. Main 2017. CONCRETE mixer for sale. David Dow aV Son. 202 Lumbermen! bldg TENT for aale, 32x14. in good order, at iS E. 81st at- Montavllla car. OVERCOAT; 8i black, velvet collar. Phone Main 4144. UNREDEEMED diamond ring and bracelet cheap. fierce, oiw -o.naw.jr uma. FISH-NET for sale very reasonable. In quire John Nelson, 671 Thurman st. $110 PIXNO check on Graves Music Co. to highest bidder. M 574, Oregonian. CS-MITH "Visible typewriter, new, with latest attaenme-nta. eov. iiiouguumii. FOR SALE Cheap. 2 counters, truck and counter scale. 305 Lumber Exchange. COIN collection, or will trade for unin- cu m p ereq protiwi.'- p- ROLL-TOP desk and chair for aale at sc bargain. Call 627 Corbett bldg. GOOD bargain In factory-rebuilt typewrite. 00 ata st. A LARGE roll-top desk cheap. 8 East 64th. or phone B 2"0. Inquire FOR SALE $124 piano check on Graves Music Store, cheap. Phone 02807. 6ILK gowns, opera capes, street suits, Janl tor. 6.1 Flanders st. Main 6251. ROOMS papered or tinted, including ma tinted, including : K 575, Oregonian. terial, UP- WASHBURN guitar, case and stand; first class. for $15. Phone A 3591. BRIGHT Oriental nap Brussels carpet. 14H xlS. at 770 ,Mcadamat. MULTTGRAPH. fine condition, for $150. AN 52. Oregonlan. NO 7 R EM INGTO X typ e wri ter, good as new. 135. Ross. 414 Buchanan bldg. A FINE heifer, nearly 2 years old. CaU $18 EatJtaL orPhoneB 2281. FOR SALE or exchange, for anything, pi- ano check ' !J3-P &?4 regonian. PORI 3ALEcheap, 2 piano contest checka on Gravea Music House. Phone A 8nSB. TWO good cowg for aale. Inquire, 8 East 64th or Phone B 80. NEW No. 5 Underwood typewriter; a snap for cash. Y 570. Ore gonlan. 1127 CHECK. Graves Music Co., for $10. 42 N. 2lBt. Main 6193 MANURE for aale. Phone East 1775. FOR PALE. Miscellaneous. BUFFET, golden oak finish. $7.50; buffet, solid quarter oak polish finish, $10.75; aah sideboard, $.i; ah extension tables, $3 and $3.50; 10-foot solid oak extension table, six legs, square top, $7.60; solid cak pedestal round extension table, mission finish. $9; pedestal round top extension table, royal oak. $7.25; center fables, 75c to $3.50; English breakfast tables, mis sion finish. $3.75: solid oak hall rack, XVI finish. $6.75: solid black walnut hall rack. $4; fine black walnut library table, $8.75; office table, 30x54 inches. $3: $50 roll-top desk, 60 Inches long. $28; S8.50 revolving ofTice chair. $4.25; arm chairs. $1 to $3; straight chairs, 35c to $2.50; rocking chairs, 75c to $7.50; $20 fine massive oak morris chair with bag cushions, wax finish, $10.75; $J5 btrdseye maple dresser. $13.75: common dressers, $4.85 up; 9x12 Brussels ruga. $9; 9x12 art squares. $3: fine $16 0 atl2 fiber rug. $6.50; several good carpets, 25c to 60c per yard; wardrobe. $4.S5; 18x 40 beveled plate mirror, gilt frame. $..; black walnut mirror. 17x32 inches. $2.50; extra good value in brass and iron beds, $1.50 up; $45 Jewel gas range, with upper and lower ovens, $14; cook stove. $6-50: Imperial steel range with water coil, cost $45. good aa new, for $22.50; large double oven steel range, suitable for boarding house or hotel. $30; healing stoves. $1.5 to $13.50: some extra good coal heaters from $4 to $12; baby's Iron crib with silk floss mattress, coat $14. for $4. It will pav you to come and look over these articles; they are all big bargains. W e want to make room for alterations in our store; these goods won't last long at these prices. Western Salvage Co.. B45 547 Washington, between 16th and 1 th sfs. Both phones. Main 1108 or A 8.93. FURS SPECIAL SALE FURS. Owing to a backward season, must sell my large stock of fine furs at prices that will make a clean sweep; take advantage, buy genuine fura from the manufacturer and get the best at special price. Sale all ' the week. Open evenlnga A. Reiner. Practical Furrier. 129 11th at. SEWING machines, special aale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machlnee of all leading makes. Singer. Wheeler A Wilson New Home, White, Domestic, Household and others, to make rwoxn for new Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Store, 8. S. 61 gel. agent, $33 Morrlaon at Phone Main 2183, A 4509. APPLES Boldwin. Peir naine, Ruaaetts, Bell Flower, Winecaps. Ben Davis, Ort leys, variety, 6 boxes or over 80c 90c, $1 each, delivered In city. Also chickens, fine Jersey heifer 6 weeks old. C. G. SANDSTONE, Hillsdale. Or. THE STORE IN THE AIR With prices on the level; men's high-grade suits, overcoats and cravenettes $30 to $35 values for $18.76; a special sale of over coats and cravenettes $15, $18 and $20 values for $10.85. Jimmle Dunn, room 315, Oregonlan blrg. Take elevator. CASH register. American, the register that caused the reduction In price: no crank to turn, jupt touch the button, gravity prin ciple. The register you will eventually buy. W. R. Hignett, Oregon agent, SolVi East Morrison st. MEN'S TROUSERS. . Men! Buy your pants of me. By my sys tem of buying end my $30 a month rent I can sell you $3.50 to $4 pants for $2 5o; $4.50 to $5 pants for $3.50. Jimmle Dunn, r room 315. Oregonlan bldg. BARGAIN Grizxly bear skin rug, mounted on felt, and head and feet full size; A-l specimen ; also Rocky Mountain sheep, mounted full size, fine horns and a fine specimen throughout; fine Xmaa gift. Call 391 E. S&th at., Portland. ROLLTOP desk, revolving chair, 2 arm and 2 straight-back chalra. all in early Eng lish fiak; also flat top desk and 2 vugs at a bargain. Apply Columbia Trust Co.. K4 4th st. Call for Haynea ANYONE wishing to buy a check for $J23 to be applied on a piano at Graves' Musio Store, can have same for one-third its face value. Inquire for L. F. Taylor, City Div. P O., or 859 Vernon ave. XMAS novelties, hand bags, manicure sets, work sets, safety raaors, cutlery and per fumes. Any article reserved until Xmaa upon request. Stipe Taylor Drug Co., cut rato druggists. 289 Morrison at. FOR SALE. Two 42-Inch LeSel water wheels with 4H and 5 H -Inch steel shafts; will be sold cheap by the owner. Box 606, Vermil lion. S. D. GASOLINE wood saw. 5-horse, Stover en gine, in good repair, seven wheels; also 2000-pound team, oil tanks and outfit, for $350. Call Dix. 343 Williams ave., Port land. Phone East 4451, East fiftl. FOR SALE. SHOWCASES. All kinds of showcases made to order at lowest prices. Phone, East 8117, 418 East 8th. OLD Jewelry exchanged for watches and diamonds: unredeemed pledges for half original prices. Uncle Myers, 71 6th at., between Oak and Pine. EIGHT-FOOT round extension table, solid oak, and six leather-seat chairs to match, less than half price; no dealers. 569 Hoyt TWO genuine oil paintings, very beautiful, of Lincoln and Washington on 16x20 can vass; make me an offer; I need the money. Chas. E. Griffin. Amboy, Wash. NEARLY new Monarch range. with gas plate; round oak heater, gas range. 48-in. asbestos table mat, first-class condition. East 437. THE Northwest Typwriter Company, 90 Sth at., phone Main 5528, la the only company selling strictly factory rebuilt typewriters; prices $10 to $65. ONE good Jersey cow and calf, been fresh one week; she Is a rich milker and gen tle; has been tested for tuberculosis. 308 Front st. FOR SALE Cordwood. 130 cords mile Stanley station. O. W. P. D. C. Freeman, Eugene. Or. FOR SALE 10 aharea United Wirelesa Tel egraph preferred atock, guaranteed trans ferable. Box 75. Little Rock, Ark. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcase. counters. General fixtures In atock and made to order at lowest prices. 222 Grand ave., S. 8AFSS Flra and burglar-proof; ten second-hand standard makes; low prices, easy terms. Portland Safe Co., 87 Sth at. A HANDSOME Xmas gift, Alaska bear skin rugs; see them at Occidental Ware house, u ana 11 rxmrtn st.. rsortn. DINING-ROOM SET. 4 pieces and eight cash $40. 7 if 8 Gliaan at. SMALL cook stove, with water colls .and heater, will exchange for or buy large go-cart. O 6t6, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 25-foot launch, with boathouse. 15-H. P., excellent condition, bargain; easy terms. Marshall 2425. SMALL woodworking plant. established business, about $3000; consider part in trade. AE 570. Oregonlan. $129 CHECK on Graves ft Co., pianos, at a discount, or wm iraae, r. u. dox 60s. Phone Main 9137 FOR SALE! Washburn mandolin, $10, cost $18; want to buv a phonograph; give pr Ice. H 5of. Oregonian. S DIAMONDS set In one ring; a beautiful ring : owner needs cash. AS oTl. Ore gonlan. WANT to sell a $45 certificate In Behnke- Walker Business College for $35. 507 Kst Clay st 1 DENTAL engine. D- O, In good order; leaving city reason for selling; $40. AE 50. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP. A combination typewriter desk, at 473 Fast 8th sL 1 ALMOST new standing bookkeeper's desk. cost S.v5; 1 cnair, i. n-1001. airecior a 1a hies, nearly new. 286 Oak st. SECOND-HAND visible Remington type writer, cneap. enry a. rtnoue, ot. james Hotel. 14-KARAT solid gold watch with 17 jewel adlUPtea rsartien waitnana; ov. ubcw Myers, 71 6th st., het. Oak and Pine. GENUINE Martin guitar, original cost $65; only 2f; wasnnurn manaoiin, eio. unuie Mvers. 71 qth at,, bet. Oak and Pine. AT a bargain, one cabin-boat with house boat; 811 Kinos- or pleasure ooats at very 1 o prices. W. H. & E. von d er Wo r t h . FINEST ready roofing and buildinsr paper at less tnan mi rueu tso i-umuer -exchange. 2d and Stark WANTED A capable girl for general house work; one Wltn rsierences preierreu. Ap ply 869 10th SL VACUUM cleaner to trade for sectional nOOKCi or aujuuug ji it v. wiu, Oregonlan. 21-JEWELED. adjusted. 14-karat gold-filled 25-year watcn- original cost eo. oniy u. Ur-de Myers. 71 6th st. FOR SALE; Fine new furniture, organ. dining tame, cnairs; leaving ior a.uiurnia.p must sell. Phone East 5455. FOR SALE: A $127 piano check at your own price. ;aii or write room xx, Grand ave. FOR SALE cheap, large fresh cow. Joseph Smith. NaahvlUe station, ML Scott car. Call today. HOUSE for sale cheap If taken soon, on Hall st., near 11th at. Apply 410 Fenton bldg. FOR SALE One twin cylinder Indian mo torcycle In good shape. $185- 616 Haw thorne ave- BEAUTIFUL sideboard; paid $78; same aa new; for sale cheap. 660 E. Madison; Tuesday at 3 o'clock. 1 FOUR-HOLE Jewel caa range, nearly new. Phone East 1345. STANDING dask, chair, revolving book- case, table and carpet. C 535. Oregonlan. DIAMOND brooch and scarf pin for tale, cheap. Address AC 569, Oregonlan. FOR "ALE. FOR SALE Something new In Edison Phon ograph. 2 and 4-minute attachments, about 100 records, at less than price. Call quick. 208 E. 35th at. S. WAITED MISCELLANEOUS. CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. Wanted Men'a cast off clothing and shoes and bicycles; highest prices paid; we also buy ladies' clothing. Call up the Globe second-hand store. Phone Main 20 SO. 290 1st st. WANTED Any standard visible typewriter; willing to pay $5 down and $5 per month. Price must be reasonable. H 560, Ore gonlan. WANTED To buy anything in geunine an tiques, porcelain, pictures, silver, jewelry, etc; will pay good prices. O 35!, Ore gonian. WANTED Your tinting at $2 per room; also Inside finishing and papering; satis faction guaranteed. W. C. Loomis, Tabor 214. WANTED Second-hand glass or bank par titioning; give number of feet and price. F 562. Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 10 good Jersey cows on own place, arrange time paymenta Box 19, Reuben, Or. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445, Main 8951. WANTED To buy second-hand auto case ings and inner tubes. Chas. S. Elton, 435 Stark st. WANTED Furniture, 8 to 12 rooms. West Side; small deposit; balance monthly. O 5S. Oregonlan. IF YOU have household furniture to aelU call up George Baker A Co.. 102 Park au Both phones. WANTED Second-hand Smith or Under wood typewriter in good shape for cash. AL 568, Oregonian. "THINK AWHILE" then call Marshall 2853 and get rid of your housefurnlshlng goods. CASH paid for stock of merchandise; new and uaed furniture. P 6tiL Oregontan. WANTED Moving-picture outfit, gas outfit, film, etc. AN 555, Oregonla n. W A NTED Use of good piano for best care; small rent. AG 571, Oregonlan. WANT good home for 9-year-old girl near school. AB 573. Oregonian. SINGER machine to rent. 486 Wash. Main 880. HELP WANTED MALE. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY can place 100 young boys; permanent posi tions with good pay for ambitious work ers. Apply to superintendent on Sth, floor 6 to 10 A. M. WANTED Good reliable man for extractor work; steady work and full pay. Apply Monday, 7 A. M. UNION LAUNDRY CO., Second and Columbia. WANTED Traveling salesmen; earn $100 to $250 a month while learning practical salesmanship; write today for lis-; of po sitions paying $1000 to $5000 a year and particulars about how to get one of them; . no experience required; address nearest orTice. Dept. 455, National SUesmen'g Training Association. Chicago, New York. Kansas City, Minneapolis. San Francisco, New Orleans. WE have aeveral openings on our travel ing sales force for 1011 In Portland for good, live, hustling business producers In specialty line; we have strongest and most complete line of calendars and advertis ing novelties In the country; yearly con tract, exclusive terltory and permanent position for right party. Addreae Gartner & Bender, Dept. A. Chicago. GOVERNMENT positions; railway mail clerks, carriers, etc.; thousands appoint ments to be made; circular 161. giving particulars about dates, places, examina tion, salaries; positions guaranteed. "Free Tuition," etc.. sent free. Natl. Cor. Insti tutc, Washington, D. C. THREE energetic, reliable specialty sales men .for 1911; new, u tractive advertis ing proposition for retailers; worth $500 to $730 monthly to producers; give refer ences and permanent address that letter. Address AX 1009 Strauss bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTED First-class man to sell best land at lowest prices; extraordinary induce ments to efficient men and hustlers. G 5G9, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. capable of taking full charge of dopartmental business; man of pleasing appearance, good, habits and ex perience; v must be progressive and ener getic; state age, salary expected and give telephone number. E 575. Orego n ia n. STATIONARY engineer 1150 per month. Must be temperate, married, under 45 and a resident of Portland. State age. ex perience, home and business address. Cor respondence confidential. Address B 565, Oregonian. SALESMAN Experienced any line, to sell general trade in Pacific Coast: unexcelled specialty proposition, with BRAND NEW FEATURE; commiselon with $35 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. FOREMAN wanted; must be able to handle men and teams and Invest not less than $1000 In company's stock ; good salary to right man ; references required. L 569, Oregonian. SALESMAN Make $500 monthly selling Osage City, Okla., property; co-operative plan; easy, quick; nothing like it; inves tigate. Chamber Commerce, Oaage City. Okla, SALESMEN Our bank check protector sells to every office, business house: does work $25 machine; sample 25c; circulars free. Terry Mfg. Co., 121 Colton bldg., To ledo. O. THE Progress Magazine, Chicago, will send anyone Interested free particulars of how to bepome a newspaper correspondent; good Income possible; work anywhere, all or part time. Ask for booklet 342. TOUNG man to learn real estate business. prefer stenographer, bee .v. m. Apple, farm- manager. M. E. Thompson Co., ground floor Henry bldg., cor 4th and Oak streets. MOTION-PICTURE operators are in ae mand; why not learn this profession? Easy terms, pay after you have secured position. 327 Marquam bldg. WANTED Experienced draftsman for de tail work In reinforced concrete; state ex perience and salary expected. G 576, Oregonian. $100 MONTHLY, expenses, travel, distribute Samples ior 01 g man uihci uxor; ateaay work. S. Scheffer, treasurer, A 247. Chi cago. WANTED Intelligent men to take course in our school of motion pictures: splendid opportunity: price and terms within your reach. 327 Marquam. SALESMEN Strongest line advertising nov elties on market, appealing to all classes trade: liberal commissions. Metal fpecial tles Mfg. Co.. 427 Randolph. Chicago. SALESMAN for this territory; splendid commission contract; $85 weekly advance to producer; staple line, permanent posi tion. B. L. Rice Company. Detroit. Mich. A DEPENDABLE office boy that can grow Into a clerkship rapidly; salary to start S 20 per month . Address I n you r own hand writing. AN Bfi4. Oregonlan. BAKER-HELPER on bread; one who un derstands how to make up bread. Call at 6O8 Wash, st., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 40S. WANTED Experienced collector and office assistanL permanent position. AddreFS, stating experience, references and salary. L 574. Oregonlan. WANTED A solicitor of attractive appear ance aid experience to sell lecture tickets. Main 599 Monday. A GOOD position awaits you; tako a course tn our school of motion pictures; inveati gate. 327 Marquam bldg. YES learn driving autos and all about them, in our garage, day or. evening. Office 242 8th and Main. ORGANIZERS Good commissions getting members, organizing lodges for Order of Owls, South Bend. Ind. COLORED organizers for Sabans, oldest, greatest fraternal order on earth. Box jL16.South Bend. Ind. WANTED Man for ranch work, grubbing; $25; steady work. Phone Main 6618 before 12. - WANTED A buyer for a complete book keeping and business forms course in the I. C. H. Y 576, Oregonlan. WANTED City coal salesman, Monday, 830. S6Q E. Water at. CITT salesman wanted on hardware line, on commission only. 805 Lumber Exch. bldg. WANTED At once, 2 men to lean 1 to drive and repair autoa Call 50-52 7th st. North. WANTED Jap echootboy to tend to fur nace and wash dishes. 335 Montgomery. wan'TED Some good delivery boys. Ap pfy Lowengart & Co., U North 7th st. OPERATORS on custom pants, steady work. 3 5th. room 504. WANTED Moving picture operator; Pow ers' machine. G. Watson, Tacoma, Waah. NTCEJapanese school boy for house work; references; 761 Mars--"-