TYTE SOPAY QKEGOyiAX, PORTLAND DECEMBER 4, 1910. , 1 . T ZZnn I NEW TODAY. 1 MW TODAY. TODAY. - 1 XITT TODlt. I NTW TODAY. I . . I I yirtr TontT. I ' - . I I I ..aa..aaaaBBaaaBBBaBBaBaaaaBBaBaaaBBaaaaaai BEAVERTON REEDVILLE ACREAGE ' New of fw at 102 Fourth itreet, near Stark. A few acres of Ihis beautiful land paid out on our easy monthly payment plan will show a hand some advance in very ihort time. Feo the 4-year-old apple trees, with erop this aeason, that snow quality of aoiL Too can have this t to trees of yoor own selection at $15 per acre. Four years cultivation bring them into bearing. ' Only 40 minutes ride on the Fourth-street ear line. Call and arrange with us to go and see this land. The Shaw-Fear Company 102 FOURTH ST. uMain 35. A 3500. Special Buys ANfAA Aa $-room dwelllnc Qutm OJJUU hy nr 10th. If no want noma for JittU money ive ua a rail. onnn A trlajia-ular trart on Sandy COUUU road, euttable for ialnea. and 14 rasti nandlee. This la a grtn. Peninsula If ntrrrt. 'wa 'an aupplr Tr want. A nplendl.1 rhanr to Improve and l"t K""d rrtuma on Inveetment. aa Hrllln ara ararce. Mortgage Loans 1 fnf and any amount ovar OlUUU $J4,0 to loan. Jackson & Deering -.Mala S4S, A S43T. 3a Stark St. Make Money Truck Gardening 5-arre tracts of the famous Fuddinc River bottom land, suitable for onions, cnion s'ts, celery, rabbare, etc. One and a half miles from Hubbard, Or. Gravel road and sidewalk to the land. Price $-J0O prr acre. We will soil you a bouse and lot. Hubbard, and 5 acres of this laud on terms to suit you. For particulars write C. 11. Trul linfrr. President of the Hubbard In vestment Co., Hubbard, Or., or eall on Wallace Investment Co. MS Orrconian Bldg.. Portland Acts. Hawthorne Lots $850 Each A abort diatanca anuth of Hawthorne Krnnf. wo aell to early bur". xlP' fine bull-lira- lot for $50. with $io caah down an.l 110 monthly. If you want to rmn up i"n quirk profit boy hr and now. Hfor tua atadlann Iridic haa hfrn In crvl-a lon uiaao lota win aril at a btc advance. MR. WALLACE. 41 Railway K.araaa. Maraaall JTS 1600 ACRES On main line of Southern Pacific, all improved. This is a very Tine tract of land ; C acres of bottom, balance very rich upland. Nothing better in tba state. Kay terms. Price $15.00. George Northrup & Co. 411 Spaldinir Buildirc. City. Pbone Marshall 30"6. Cheap Corner C OR. i TKEXTMETOD A.VD ftTK, ITIca S350O. t.nnntnn a wiroRirK, Tfaiwcir, of lc a4 C'ard UMi. Mala 4.1. 4 S-4.13. SS Ui1.l Tract contract. It an !.add ar... Ir IS'h at, ;;. ch 1-MO. balaac. IUW 9m cairact. t-O rr mnv a pr caat im- mc A. H- IIM. aa Boaxd at Trade kids, Mala OS 7 4. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Free Excursion TRIPS TO HOOD RIVER The moat beautiful acenio river trip In America. For full particular! about our free excursion to Hood River can on or addrea levlln A rirebauajh. M. Ml Swrtland Building, who offer tba following: BARGAINS ! ACRES, nicely located on good road: all in commercial orchard: hair of which la bearing. New house, good aprlnc: 1500 caah will handla It M the returns from crop will pay the balance. , o ACRES, all tillable. SS acres In strictly commercial orchard, one and three years old. Good S-room plaatered house: flna aprlnc and creek oi place. One mile from railroad; station on Et Side. Price only $500 per acre; 15000 rash will handle It with terms so the crons will pay the balance. I food River carried away the honors and the loading; prlsea In competition with all other districts at the National Apple Show at Spokane aa a result there la aa In. creased activity In Hood Kiver real state. Buy now and save money. Devlin & Firebaugh SIM, all. SIS Swetlaad Bid a. Irvington $6500 Thoroughly modem 8-room hoiie, in fine condition. Two prates, fur nace, full cement basement, cement floor, fruit room and laundry trays. Gas and electricity. Lot 60x100, fac ing east, on East Ninth street; all street improvements in and paid for. One block from Broadway ear. This is the best buy in Irvington. Holmes & Menefee K Third Stret, Chamber of Commerce. West Side f0xl00 inside lot on Tenth street, with some income. A corner in same neighborhood sold for $1.),000. Our price only f9000, part cash. East Side A two-flat buildinc. close in: in come 10 per cent ; a safe and good lit tle investment. Price $(3300; part cash. Get particulars. H. H. Urdahl 503 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall A 534."). CORNER 70x100 Close in, on East Side; fine loca tion for apartments or flats; fine neichborhood. A bargain at $4300. All improvements paid. H. F. LEE 3015 Board of Trade Phone M. 8M. Dabney Sl Dabney REALTY OPERATORS, have removed from 412 Commercial block to 307 Railway Exchange MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reason able rataa. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Board af Trade Balldlag, raawee Mala S-40T. A SJ&l $6500 loOrlOo. on Willamette Hta by own er. The most stxhtlv and beat corner n tha hill: bottt atreeta paved: gas. water and aewar connection. Call or address SI LiaHlam Bide MORTGAGE LOANS Lewfet swrea aa4 I'lie ts emit ise. eal ratea favaraala teraaa tare Waaa aa baalaeaa vravertlaa. SWaiaa lmi ear rrivata latajlm Aa H. BIRRELL CO. tws HaKay Bl- M a star. Nob Hill $1000 hainv the market, well built, l-room housa offered. lxt valued at SISOO, house I4it0. This as a good offer and requires JS0 cash to hajiuio iu I11IH.1 41 TKCST C OM PA K V. Business Property ran, rvsseli. a.d koovet, Two stores and T.ata. Income $5 month. Lot 40is. Prlc SSSOO. i.nnninn at wirdrk'K, TV mrr otrlea 04 rN RI4a- Mala a, A 34U. S43Vfe Stark. St. Depend Upon It That you can save money by investigating sightly Arden- wald, before purebasins a bomesite, as we can certain ly give you the best and most for your money. Full-sized lots, all improve ments in and paid for by us. Prices $400 to $600; easy terms. Call at our office or phone us for particulars. Knapp & Mackey 313-313 Board of Trade Bulldlaa New Brick Apartment house netting 12 per cent . 62,000 Half cash. 8-Room House Everett street, full lot, ? 12, 500 Quarter Block Eleventh and 'Montgomery, ideal apartment site, ?30,0O0 Terms. Some Income. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. 272 Stark St. This Place For Sale DON'T put a 6ign like the above on your property; the Kastern homeseeker will NKVER see it. List it with a firm that is in correspondence with the eominp; future residents of Portland. SUCU is the business of the Illinois Realty Co. 626-7-9 Corbett Building. SEE US ABOUT Our Quarter Acre Tracts Near Rrland Station On the Mt. Scott line Cheapest and best Water to each tract Streets graded Easy terms KNAPP & MACKEY 212-213 Board of Trade BMp- A Platting Bargain TEX ACIIES NKAR CITY LIMIT W EST SI UK. Quarter-mlla from city limlta on Barnes Rnad and Mt Calrary carllna. eat aloplna;. an Ideal location ror hlsrh rlaaa homes, nearer than Mt Tabor, no bridges to cross, lies east of ML Cal vary Cemetery. PRICE 100,000. Easy Terms. J. H. AITKIN, 614 Buchanan Bids. 's Tha ena BEST plao in Portleaa to bBT. GEOORAPH1CAX, CENTEX n HOBT rcaldeuca property of tha city. EEt0 IS BEHCmr. FSTTEa Ct and aaa tha many CHOIC3 real. Sescaa andar conatruotioa aaa taa ics. provaiaeaia coiiC on. lbs Cregon Real slats Company CRAXD ATE. AXD alPLTBiOM AH T. Must Sell This fine apartment site 009x100ft.) the N. tv. cor. of 10th and Harrison at.. with S housea. I minutes' wslk to P.O. anil OMs. Wortman Kin Department store. Thla property haa been placed In our handa to aell. The one who buys thla property will make no mistake. For price and terma aee J. L- WELLS CO aa Caaunaer of Commeree Wld. Apartment Site East Barnalda at., close In. 100x100. with fine s-room house, only 10.0": worth f 15.000. 60x100, same locality. S4150. HIGLEY & BISHOP " ISa Tklrd Street. FOR RICH MAN OR HOSPITAL Elegant S acres, with JS00 mansion, handy to cars, fine creek and orchard, verv best soil, either for rich man, hospital or old people's home. F. Fl'CHS 231ft Xorrlsoai Stress. Holladay Addition Apartments S67 500 Fine brick apartment just off "Washington st., 75x100. Pays 9 per cent net. S40 000 "Well-filled apartment, '4 stories, 50x100, paying 10 per cent net.. S30 000 New apartment on Ir ving street. Pays over 11 per cent net. S20 000 Four new flats near King st., 52x104. S37 000 Fine brick apartment near "Washington. Pays good interest. S17 000 Four flats on 23d. S16 500 Apartment house on Taylor. Pays 14 per cent net. S15 500 50x106 with 4 flats on upper Fifth street. S15 000 50x100 on Kearney st. Two good flats. S28 500 Four-story apartment on Flanders. Pays well. Apartment Sites S30 000 100x100 on 19th near "Washington. S20 000 100x100 on Johnson. S21000 100x100 on 21st near "Washington. S15 000 100x100 on Lovejoy. S10 000 50x100-' on 21st near Glisan. , S8 000 50x100 on Iloyt. KEASEY C&i nUHASDNJEFFERY J. 232 Chamber of Commerce. .CJ If You are Looking for a Healthy Location For a nice home see property at Mt. Tabor on 55th street and Hawthorne avenue. There is only a limited amount, and easy terms will be given to those who build. See Philip Buehner 516 Lumbermens Bldg. Cor. 5th and Stark Sts. 10 acres of land ready to plant to walnuts; land that is ideal for the purpose and meets every requirement. Price $200 per acre without trees, or $275 per acre planted and cared for five years. Terms to suit. Write C. II. Trullinger, President of the Hub bard Investment Co., at Hubbard, Or., or call and see - t WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. 518 Oregonian Bldg., Portland Agents Walnut Orchard 140 ACHES, 17,300; 75O0 CASH. 100 acres In S-year-old trees, on Foothills, near pood town soon to have electric line, also 160. 480. 500 and 800 acre tracts, suitable for nuts or fruit; all in Yamhill County. Geo. E. Waggoner Inside Property For sale 40x100 on Pine st., be tween Fifth and Sixth streets; some income. Price $60,000. Russell & Blyth Commonwealth Bldg. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT SITE 100-tlOO An ideal location on 21st, near Washington street. This will bear the closest investi gation. Price is right. C B.LDCAS, 5U Corbett Bldg. 160 ACRES 2y2 miles west' of Willamette River, opposite St. Johns. An opportunity to subdivide, and can now be had at"$200 per acre. Good residence np to $3000 will be accepted on this. THE SHAW-FEAR CO. 102 Fourth Street. Main 35. A 3500. "CAREY ACT" PUBLIC LAND OPENING Tou are entitled to take up 160 acre of Irrigated Land In the DESCHUTES VALLEY Central Oregon. Application can be made NOW. Central Oregon Irrigation Co. 1B Ry. Eichr- bldg-., Portland, Or. WANT We have a client that-wants a $10,000 Investment that $6000 will handle, that will pay 10 per .cent. Western Oregon Trust Co. 3T3 Stark St. Waktit ED A Safe Place to Own Property is in Because It is Inside Property Where you can . walk to your place of business in a few min utes, being only 12 to 15 blocks to the river at Hawthorne ave nue. Where you have adequate car service to any part of the city every few minutes. The best is the cheapest. Choice inside lots, which have 5120 square feet of ground in each lot, with alleys, from $2000 to $2150 Including all improvements asphalt pavement, sewer, water and gas to every lot, which are now in and paid for, at these prices, sold on easy terms 10 cash 1 a month 6 interest Special discount for cash and building. Warranty deed and abstract. For particulars see agents, F. W. TORGLER 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. STRONG & CO. 605 CONCORD BLDG. Also salesman on grounds. UNION AVENUE CAKT OV SEE IT COMEVG T The WashlnKton alreet of the East Side that divides tlio .Femnsuia in iwu, drawing trade from either side, con necting the Willamette with the Co lumbia. When the Broadway bridge and the great bridge at ttie north end of Union avenue, which will cross the Columbia to the State of Washington, are built Union avenue will bristle with business, skyscrapers will arise and lots which vou can now buy at $3500 each (I have two listed with me at this price) will be worth $35,000, and all this will come inside of ten years. Wo will then have an increase over the pres Tionniation of nerhaDs half a mil lion souls, and three-fourths of them domiciled on the East Side. Think of the inheritance an investment now will be for vour children, and the profit to be made in the meantime. Rents are low now, but wait a few years and see the change. I nave iisieo. ior THIS WF.KK ONLY THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS! t 1 1 A AO buys finely Improved 58 t L 1 lUUU foot frontage. 2 stores and two flats, full concrete basement, 15 foot cement sidewalk, iron doors, rents at $85 month now. will soon bring double: built'only two years ago. Ar'nnn buys full lot with house ttQUUU thereon that cost zzuuu: room for store and flat besides, in tha heart of coming business; lot alone worth the price. . a hn v .full lot with new store and flat overhead, room for another store ann iiai pcsuh'b. iuu will make $2500 on this property inside of a year. Good reason for selling. This is a windfall and worth now $7o00. nTVIiIt! Two fine corners, CUlilN lljla unimproved. We have the Inside on Union-avenue property. Come and see us right away. Several good buys in residence, prop erty also. J. D. KENNEDY 836 Union Ave., .N. WALKER & REED'S BULLETIN JS1500 Fine residence lot in Irvinff ton; easy payments. $3000 Quarter block on East Mor rison street. 4750 Three-acre tract- inside the new western city limits. jtsoOO Over quarter block, Portland Heights; river, city, mountain and canyon view; adjoining piece with out view has sold at the rate of $9000 per quarter block. S9000- Over two lots on Broadway, close to new bridge. . $20,000 Corner lot on 7th St., close WALKER & REED 416 Rat-iray Kichnnjfe BuJIdlnff. Main 835. A EINE BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE 110 acres, 12 miles from Oregon City, in the Willamette Valley; 60 to 70 acres cleared, balance fine fir timber. All machinery goes with the place. Three fine springs of water. You will miss it if you don't buy this. A PPL IT TO T.J. WIRTZ Oregon City, Or. R. F. D. No. 4, or Drawer 19, Aberdeen, Wash. LOOK THEM UP! No. 9 E. 12th st. 8-room house. "sl 44 and 46 E. 7th N. 6 and 7 room houses, $7000. No. 12S6 E. 12th st. N. 8-room house, price $2500. -en, It 50x100 and barn, on E. Oak, near E. 12th, $3000. CALL OV J. L. WELLS CO. 636 Chamber of Commerce Bld&T, Grussi&Zadow Bargain List $1300 Nice 5 - room cottage, foil lot, E. 75th St.: $500 cash, and $15 per month. 8-room house, Montavilla, $700 cash and $15 per month. New 6-room large cottage. Mount Scott carline; terms. 6-room cottage, corner lot, Fremont St.; $1000 cash. 8-room house, on Belmont st. corner. A snap. Swell bungalow, 5 room a, corner lot, near Hawthorne ave. Will trade for good lot. Modern 8-room house. South Portland; $1000 cash. 100x100 corner, with 7-room cottage, E. 18th St.. Alberta. New 7-room house, E. 13th and Frederick; $300 cash. 6-room cottage on Quimby, near 19th. Furnished S-room bunga low. Rose City Park, $650 cash; a fine buy. Nice 5-room modern bunga low. East Stephens St., cor ner lot. A swell place. Swell bungalow, 6 rooms. Piedmont; very easy terms. New 6-room house, E. SJd, near Hawthorne; $1000 cash. 8-room bungalow, 100 x 100 corner, Woodstock; terms. Fine 7-room house, corner lot. on Albina avenue. Swell 7-room modern house, Tillamook st.; easy terms. Swell 8-room house, corner lot, Multnomah St.. Irving ton; easy terms. . $1700 $2100 $2500 $5150 $3400 $3500 $3500 $3500 $3600 $3650 $3800 $4000 $4000 $4250 $5200 $6000 $6500 $6500 $6750 $7000 $7500 Swell new 7-room house, E. ISth, near Knott; $1500 cash. One' of the finest homes in Ladd's Addition. 9 rooms, $2000 cash; strictly modern. Your choice of 3 new mod ern 9-room houses in Irv ington; terms to suit. Modern 8-room house, 100X 100 corner, 11th St., Irving ton; $1500 cash. Lot Bargains AjCA Each, 2 fine lots In Lenox Ad 903U dition; terms. (frfirk 60x100 on Vermont st., South 3 lOU ern Portland; $100 cash. CQnn 50x100, E. 33d St., near Clin B9UU ton. Easy terms. Snap. 1 1 Bn Fine lot, Alameda Drive; J 1 lOU fine view; a sinap. Ainnn 75x120 Laurelhurst; easy iplaiUU terms; a snap. Afjnn Fine lot 60x100, Irvington. (D14UU E. 8th St., near Stanton. AfCnn Fine lot, 50x90, on Union 9 lOUl ave.. North. Snap. A-. rffr Your choice of 2 nice lots, J10UU irvington; $200, cash. $1800 Height fine lots, Portland its: naij. Aqnnn Fine lot 40101, East IStn. near Davis; $600 cash. Annnn Very fine lot, 60x100; on OUUU Williams ave.. Walnut Park. tOnAn Corner business lot, 22dand 9UUU Division; stores or flats. Anngn 75x100, on 26th near Tllla u2COvr mook; snap; easy terms. tfOff nA Fine lot, 60x100, E. Yamhill pZDUU and 28th; $1000 cash, aqenn 60x85 corner Front and DZ3UU Hamilton; $1000 cash, jfrj r"-r Full lot on Curry st near 3ZOUU Corbett. Terms. anHnl Corner 80x93, East 30th and DiJUlr Tillamook; easy terms. dZDUU Wygant. A fine' corner. Itlfnnn Quarter blc &OUUU Gantenbein Quarter block, Stanton and avenue. Grussi & Zadow ' 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Apartment v Property ;With ten years' guaranteed lease. Near 14th and Jefferson . Price $31,500; income $300 month Building is new and strictly modern.' Goddard 3 Wiedrlck Temporary Office 504 Concord Bldg., 242y2 Stark Street. Main 24o. 'A 2452. 5 NET 5 Flats Near, 13th St. Location where values rapidly in crease. Income over $1700; equal to 15 per cent on cash invested of $7000, or 11 per cent on full purchase price of $15000 r Goldschmidt's Agency 253 Washington St., Corner ThirA East of 15th Street Close to Washington. 100x100 . $32,500 Investigate quick. H. H. Urdahl 503 Lumbermens Building. Marshall 1858 or A 5345. WAREHOUSE SITE ' Half block, 100x200, with 200 feet of trackage, close in $35,000-J-$5000 cash, balance easy. R. F. BRYAN, 505 Chamber of Commerce. A. 1227, . Main. 1963.- 1 1 ftQ.O