THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORIX-ITO', DECEMBER 4, 1910. TENHiS ROW 15 0 FOfND.sTIO.V FOR "REVOLT" RCMOHS. SAY OFFICIALS. Portland Official Ranking Com mil Ire Pkk Bol of Cllx' Racquet Wloldcr. TO RELIEVE XMAS RUSH (Tnnsnal Offer Which Ought to Help Make Many More Musical Homea at Christina Time. If It la to b a Piano for Christmas we will bo triad to have you aoloct It ' m . , . .. a Wlti th .rwunefment U,t nijrlit of SZTinm DK.mir tha official ranturcs of tha Portland ten- j w w.n to do our anar to r11rr all plarcrs of Ul'X comment of which I ' the dr1e1 ChrUtmaa shopping rush. mde on another pare In today' lune of hence this proportion. The Orrvonlan. rime rumora of dturup- Select your piano now. w wui aei ir'n in irpnii pantcumriy uv I rv (niton luh. Information from President Woodward ' and other official of the club la to the efTert that there art no Internal troubles and that the rumora had no foundation whatever. V. H. V. Andrew, president Of the North Pacific Infrnaciona. TennU " Aeoctatkn, and prominent In Mult no- man end Irrn;ton Club circle, was e- eelaliy emphatic In danylng the atnry whlr-U eppeard In a, Portland paper la aUbt. Tie rm-ta. report of the ranking committee follows: atr. Arm t Kate rhalrrraa of the Tenni remmitr. v. A. A. Club, and Mr. K. It V. ABtrtwt rrtairman of Tnnt and OranJ "ommitte. Irvine ten Club. Fort U nd. or. .;;,t;rn Tf fil-r!nel rimmlu. PDoin teM fcr the chairman f he tenn lttir iul. ad th chtrmaQ of the tnnt n4 v.jfi.a fumlit of IN rvlnttn 11, tnnim pim- in mn' :nte and tt f rat fl m men dovTh.. who are r"iiit ef ii t'ity of Portland, deaire te report aa lo.l. 1 R M. 1'i'--nhtii, 7 Kaira 'Wnii 1 A. l. 'Weii-man. 4 J. r. Ktn- a r. r.. Mac. a r. II. V. Andrea. 7. I. Coo. r r. Rarrla-an. tVaitr flrifeid. li Jma f til Ml M EN'S POl Pt.E?. t W!-kerhm and GorriU. Cln end R-r. 3 1. M. Marr ana Jdaa 4 Zotltncer aad lrrt. 1 tiiltwrt and Kat TFi comriHE- in maktnf b rank- ln b ndrar4 to ty (uiri or tn p'-ayfj rf id ma a n hr the rcrdi In t"uirmni work. In raaklna the tnn iluuMr the nmmlllM had nfne d i f f t y for t that t b -- mm eniy on tam iWlrkirfhaffl and )"r T l I rvt plAjrt (ofairMf con.inUjr tmr Ira the . mxi if the oihr double lame t'aTtr t-ther only once er n Ji.J r1trrrnt rriner la rttf rrent t urnmnta. ihia niaitlnr It particularly tiff -utt to t eattefactorr reeutte o far a it;r ranWica t -'firrned. R-o-tff ul. v anbmlit. L. M. Htarr. X. H rower. R. W. WHbur, fortUrd Trnnle - ttatnklnaT rutnmlllN fur the Tar liK Owtr.a to the fact that the committee failed to rank the women player of the city, the ranklna: of thrne players, aa nown by actual eoree In various toum. nienrs In whth they played, will appear tn the port in; arctton of Tha Urvgontan neat tiunLy. "W Tl I i, RVGRY ATTRACTS $12,000 hlanford anil California Trams Are $30,000 Iktirr Off. fNTVTRSITY OP CALIFORNIA. Br- rlrr. fal.. rc. 1. Ontrluato lnr lirmtr lima Junt nnnnm-nl tho ! r rvtpts of tho annual tnlrrollriato Kuhr f(3othall aifno playl nor Korombor 12, and li aro asmntuhml at tho unprcc lntr1 tiwHinl I J . lhH. It Is a rr-ord amount, not onlr fr the annual aamo but also a rerord aato tor tho stale. It 1 without doubt tho Unr oot amount ev.r taken In at a football (ama west ol tho Mississippi Kiver. and exceeda tho receipts hero two ytars ago br about l06. A favnrahlo comparlaon can no dottht bo mado with tho rocolpia of mapy Kssiem ica inci. with the stnete exception of. perhaps, tho Tale-liarrard cootejt. When exnonsea aro deducted tho atta dent brdlea of Stanford and California will earn bo about SM.000 bettor off. California ran find (rod nao for the monee. as near hlrachera were const njrt d this year, and tho new track will rail for a larao expenditure. Tho profita of these annuel games 0 support all athletics ami student activities of the two universities. BKXXETT ItUDV FOR BIG ROIT Portland and Tlir Da I Ira Boarra W ill .Mis on Turedaj. THE DALLE.'. Or.. Ier. I. (Special. t Tho flaht between Jockey Bennett, of Portland, and Hub Lynsm. of this place, which Is to bo held her December Is attracting much attention. Prnnett. accompanied by a couple of aparrlnic partners, arrived last night and haa aocured training quarters at The Dalles Commercial and Athletic Club. Tho llnl- rnrtland Mshter la confident of defeattns; I.ynam and ap pears to be In the pink of condition I.ynam Is popular here and as ho has won all of bis rights by tho knockout rout, he Is looked on by local flKlit fns to have a itood chance of winning-, lie haa secured Kid Morrlseey. who re cently dereated Kvans here, and Kid Kiposlto as his trainers. Tho lo cal scrapper has a world of speed and cleverness but whether he will be able to eilp a "dream-producer-" on a fishier of Pennett s class Is a question that la affttaitnc the fans It aside for you: store It In our su- ferb new wholesale ulldlns;. delleer It any hour of Christ mas Eo or Christ mas Day. or any time that you order, at which tlm final arrange ments as to pay ment can be marl a. Ours la the only ronc.rn elllna- at lowest cash prices. One price to each and all al'k. and that the lowest. Our liberal credit nlan for the mere additional simple Interest maaea it possible tor everr noma to possess a rood piano, a durable sweet toned Instrument that Is a credit to us and a loy to the possessor. Whether you buy the cheapeat piano that Is reliable end can bo warranted. and which we aeii here for 111", or the finest, most ex clusive nnd most rost'v fhst Is made a Chlckerlns; Art i r a n 1 you will f'nd that st Filers Music House more lntr!rien piano valoe is always to be ootainea man etsc- wh.r Filers Music House also la the only place In P o r tland where all make of Talking Ma chines may be examined lmpar tially side by side. Prices range from 1 10 for a dspper. lit tle talker, to Tw 1 sljff rJZ ; . vr. IJOO and i:so for t atlr House. Ores on's Home Piano H o u se. Plggeat Busiest. Heat. Main re Ih s a I e s r oom J'l Waehtnet o n street. East Side. $4 Grand avenue. as kicked at the post In tho first rc and a result three of his engagements were cancelled. He was lo have ridden Knflcld. Roy Junior and Rose vale. All were returred winners. The wilts: Futurltv course Fsthsr Stsfford won. ivld Wsrfleld second. Rltt.r Mir thinly Time. 1:11 J-i Five end half ftir'nnr. TM.fl. On frole second. Dargln third. Time. 1 OT S-S. Se.n fnrlonre Enfl.ld won. Connertnsrn Secon.l. Jim O.rfncv third. Tim.. 1. 27 3-3. Mile. rarktr e.:ilpe stake. Knv Junior won. fOrviccn. second. Dlack Kate third. Time. I 40 -. nils end :l ysrria Roeevale won. Sir ICd- werd nuns. Colonel Jack third. Time. 1:4.1 Kuturltv course Abe Bluoekee won. rtovia Bo!nd seconil. Gtennadeane third. Tuns, -&. Cniplrcs, Too, Must Train. CHICAOO. Dec. X Spring training for umpires Is tho latest Innovation to be proposed In baseball. Secretary-Treas urer Charlra G. Williams of the Chicago Nationals la tho man behind) the idea and PresMent Murphy will be asked to present the motion before the annual session of the National League Decem ber U In New York. The player are required to out In five or aix weeka of hard practice In he South every Spring, ' aald Mr. Will- am yesterday, "and If the club owner deem It proper to send their athlete away for tho purpose of brightening up netr patring eyes, why wouldn t It be nod Idea to give the umpires a Ilk course of treatment?" Paper Mailers to Play. The Orrgonfnn Mailing. Room foot ball tram will meet the Piedmont tars In a game for the city champlon- hlp next Sunday afternoon. The same will probably be played at the grounds of the Catholic Young Men's Club at Williams avenue and Stanton streets. cLISON E1S SCHOOL 921 t'nlver.lly of Mahln;tnn FimlbaJI Rrrrlpta Total $9030. I NIVVRStTT OF WASHINGTON. Se attle. Dc. I-.0t-e.Ui Again the I nl veraite of Ws'htngtnn h nuiile a elate for hrelf during- tiie football sea son, financially. Notwithstanding the fart that the associated atudonts have ben to greater expense this year than eer bfore In the stvepe of paying Mglier salaries and expending more for equip ment and additions, the season cnil.J wtth a bonus of 121. The expenses tnls year of malrtaiiung the fool Sell team have totaled TS.' The g"e receipts have netted tiie students . The a. student fre now stands to tlefray a:l other rxrH:ucs of associated student a.ttvltlrs. ( aiholx- Club Win Came. P a)tng cn its own floor, ti e Catho lic Voting Wen a C?t:b Huskethall team defeated the Belinke-Walker Business College teem last night by the score of II to 1. The game a as f4t, the team work of the athollc Club adding to the sped of the contest. The winning team'a diminutive guards, ilurphy and ll'lck. warded off many scores by their energetic work. The p!aers were: i. I. M- C Position. R-VC. B. r. t'slv r Good. Nln F Tho-npfwa H-r. r"d '" Murphy "I Weathe-eto,. UeJUkk Peterson. Roy Junior Prote Easy Winurr. UAKLAND. Cal.. Dec. 1 Roy Junior, coupled with Meltondale. as favorite, proved an eaey winner of the Croek-r selling wtake. at Kfneryvllle todsv. The ra.-e ws run over a el pry track and sVowerv aratiier prevailed. T:e sun shone at titties ard the attrr.datK e as large. R irtia Granda et the early pace but Roy Junior took command alien ready nd rnmned In front of Servleni-e. On Parole, odrte-on choir tn the second, was beatea eassly by Thistle Belle. Van ST IT Wins at Prnsacola. PENSACOLA. Kla.. Dec. S.-Syxygy. the second choice, scored over Autumn Rose, the favorite In the fourth race bere to day, after a terrlrlo drive. DAILY METEOBOIOOirAL RE POUT. PORTLAND. Tc X Maximum lempee arur. .ti d-cre. mirlntum. 43 d.srrea Kivrr rrsillm. S A. M . tt) 1 r.e: rhuiise In isat 3 h"urs. 0.4 foot. Total rainfall ! VI. to J r It I. (l:H Inch: lot. I rainfall alnc. e.:.t.mb.r I. Ittto. 13 tie. inches: nor mil rainfall since tuptember I. 12.73 Inches: ex . Bine. I. 1 . ?S tnche. Totsl aurtahln.. 24 minute.: poMihle aunahtne. 8 hours 32 mlnut.e Itarom.irr (reduced to .. I.v.11 at i V. M.. I.V.S3 inches. - i '. Wla i 5! JIT .IA7.0N. W; j .t i Mr ! ... l W).n.i"W .'near ....I inn M' p ?E irioudy C. . I 4 o.nn" 4 a iciaar o. e.K Hnom . ...t 54 rt 00. a .V icioiidT r. 4 . vw'Pt cloudy ..... r 4 o la' 4 R fnnw ...J Mo.iM a ,fr .... I K- in ,tv Ti.r ....) 24n.ov 4v inudy ...' !. o 4 IC iriwr ... I irto.i-i.. NWiniir ....!(. u. nFt 'i rioudy . . , 1 ..o 1. 1- 1. t irar .... n.s 24 tr 'Pt. rloudr 4 -K rt rioudr o J 44 V 12 ?B 'Hain 1 A" tl 1st i U.- M.. el. .J Ml .-- 4 S t'ear MO M U' V '4ar 44 n.rwi W f'loudr x n iw 4 v 'firs-idy lHrtei:n rifarr 1 10 rn s-r u lnea. . . F-tlnfb '.urfki. . . ... . . .I It awajj on . . . . . 4.ns ....... Jirkt..'!''... KanMl .. 1 irlr4rt. . York Vrt'lh M . . . 1 .and . . rtneeburff . . . Karramrnto St. t.on!. . lat i I Salt Ik 4 A-n n.v a K 'Rain Ladies Tailored Suits Especially Selected for the Christmas Trade and $30 Vals. (jjJJ (JCJ $25 Monday Positively the greatest value-giving; Suit Sale of the year. All sizes, from misses' up to 46-inch bust measure; in all colors; made of finest serges, broadcloths, all-wool worsteds and cheviots and newest nmnnish, materials; latest "Winter styles plain, pleated and tnbe skirts; correct coat lengths; special price 3 "1 Q APj Monday OlO.vVO LONG COATS Special $12.95 New Novelty Long Coats, body lined, velvet collars, large pockets and buttons, and belted ; all sizes ; a big special. $7.50 Silk Waists $4.95 New style "Waists, Persian silk and velvet long and short sleeves; also kimono style. Especially for the Christmas trade. Also $4.50 Lingerie Waists for only $2.98 Fancy Kimonos at 98c Kimonos in all styles of crepe; in dainty floral and Jap stj-les; long, short, loose and high waists. "Wide range of price from up. $8.50 Fine Silk Petticoats $4.45 i' '1 AH the new Persian effects, strictly up to date; in mcs saline and taffeta; especially reduced for the holiday trade; all colors; worth reg ularly fro.oo; positively a great snap at only . . . . $4.45 Hats Cut in Half The biggest snaps in the whole store are to be found in our Hat Section. Tou take any hat in the stock at half the regular price. We cannot illustrate these bar gains. You will have to see them. Sole Agejt For Special 95c These are $1.25 values, in all colors; two pairs to a. customer; Monday QC only; sp'l per pair. .feJC 13 OFF ON FURS You Save Money by Trading on the East Side Facfr Rnvneirla Siaaaw asi MUOk W MA UUIUl o Union Avenue Gevor U Ta HAUSER LEADS BnSEMfl!SHS:H III IVVU 1 -Mi-w wiiva.aiia.ia . wjlh ,4f K1im9Bt 387 putouta and a. ; PHIL.1ELPHIA FIRST-BAGGER HAS 1000 PER CENT. Young 'Ty" Vounjf, of Clilcago, Prove Brvt bolder or Pitchers tn American League. CHICAGO. Pf c, 3. llauner, of Thlla- delphia, was the leader of first base men In the American Leajrue baseball fieldina; averages made public today. He played In -9 games, with a record of lno per rent, f'lovall, of Cleveland. tn 12a xames. Had tiie hinent numter of putouta to Ms credit, 1404, with a percentage of Col Una. er i'nnaneipna. jeansine 402 La- second, per- centage of .966 Conroy, of Washington, leads the third basemen, hla record being 61 put outa in 48 games, with a percentage of .901. Turner, of Cleveland, leads the ahort atopa, with 94 game a, 194 putouta and a percentage of .9.1. Kaaterly. of Cleveland, has a percent age of 1000 among the outfieldera, hav ing played la 30 Karnes with 39 put- outs and nv asm at 3 Pitchers who fielded 1000 are Toung, of Chicago; Kan well, of Cleveland; Man ning, of New York; Adkins. of Phila delphia, and Kfllian. of Detroit, Among the catchers, Donahue, of Bos ton and Philadelphia, alone had a per feet record. Aldermen and others was brought into play, it la probable that the High School Cadets of Vancouver have won their plea for the privilege of sending 90 cadets to the Oug' coronation cere monies in London early next year. Cailcts to See King Crowned- VANCOUVER. B. C, Dec 3. (Special.) After a long fight. In which the aid of ( Vanciarn. pTtolcaee) Tarnma T t t ,-oai 1 ej anil . Ha TVftlia... YV.t.iitn.rin. . . . Vlnn.i"-f .. M-aMi.r1 . . Feklvnu I fu 41 oai 4 sv ft. fioady I o rt tM a v !rirar J .?2 4 V Rain .j 4h 0. 4 HW lrtnijf ..'! .1J ( 'n.n .1 4.' ..' 4 Rain I ." n 4 NW-rifur . . . 1 1 j i'V 4 V 'rnr ...I MO 4 4 H W ft. rioudr . .. I 40 Ort . . I p. flo-jrlT Vi EATHER COXOmOXI. The North PaHle lHtUThane Is i-entral thla evonlns vr i.'entral aSrluh 4'olumhla an'J fe hromrfar la na!na rapidly over Wmx n Oirf a an! Wtm Waahlnatnn. Th line lo Taio.ii 1 aland vent dnwn at Niut 4 r il. at arhlcti time th wind vaa Minimi 6 mlls frrrn the sontheaat. Te hticbfat vrJrrir at North Read a.rra laat tiiaht wii 4 mTIa f rr-n th anutbeajit. Tha in1 a lore the crtvt ahlfted to the eouth- t lare In the aftemvn and a moderate at will prvll tnisM vhlrrt will itrad'l allr mheldr F'lnday. The ralna have bn hcivr in S"nthrn Crfn and In Northern California, and medrt,y haw In Wavh Ir.stnn Xprthrm (r-'n and Idaho. low Ie.rp4raturta acala rrvil in the Dakota anl th lintumn Nurtftwrtf, tt-htle in tha Kat tiulf and Rn'.ith Atlantic states It is tntlrtar. The conditions are favorable for occasion al rain S'.inda in Veatem Oreunn and We-itern T aahlnaton and for rain or tnow eaat of the f'afrrade Vuntatna. It will be colder la Southern Idaho. FORECASTS. Prt;and and Vicinity. Sunday Occasion al rain, aourh t imi mlnta. OrnoB. Miadiv--O rational rain wit ratn of mow aaf rnrt:on; south to writ wind dtmtntahin a1or the coaat tonifot. W'ash'rston. Suadav Cw-caaional rain wat. ratn or snow eaat portion : south to eat vinda. diminlahmg aloog tha coast Fundar T-labo, Sunday' Rain or snow; colder south Dortton.- FORT GEORGE IS the geographical and strategic commercial center of British Columbia. IS the natural supply point for a territory larger than the State of Michiganlarger than the Empire of Germany. IS at the junction of over 1000 miles of navigable water ways east, west, north and south. IS on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific (transconti nental), now building, and of six other railway lines chartered and surveyed. FORT GEORGE WILL BE THE METROPOLIS OF A SPLENDID TIMBER, MINERAL AND MIXED FARM ING TERRITORY OF FIFTY MILLION ACRES. This tcrritrrry is larpe enough and rich enough in natural resources to support a population of millions of people. This population ami all the commerce of the lesser cities, towns and villages will be tributary to Fort George. FORT GEORGE WILL BE ONE OF THE LARGEST CITIES IN THE WHOLE OF CANADA, AND THE SECOND LARGEST IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, VANCOUVER ALONE EXCEPTED. Get In at the Beginning of Development of This Vast, Rich and Last New Country ACT AT ONCE Let us send you a copy of "British Columbia Bulletin of -Information," containing up-to-date news of investment opportunities, synopsis of Jand, timber and mineral laws, , etc., FREE. Send your name and address today. NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO. LTD.' CAPITAL 2!WMaOO PAID IP. Jotat Owaera a ad Sola Airssta Fsrt Georqae Tortrnalta. Mrad Of Mori 413 Bower Bids;., Vasraarrr. R C. ' Riraar Obee, District Salea Solicitor, 40C Wells-Far Bids;., portlaad, Or. Champion Coulon Boats Harvey. NEW ORLL'AKS, Dec. 3. Johnny iwOulon, or Chicago, holder of the 11 S pound championship, was glren the decision over Charley Harvey, of New York, at the end of their Id-round bout here tonight. Couloir's fighting was lar superior to that or his oppon ent. VWJMK.V OF WOOnCItAFT Mrs. J. Ltarh. special 7. nr TVnm.n nt wmam. crart. who has g.naral auperviiion ovr the nj sua auouroa. win d . sound h.reaft.r vary Turadar and Friday at her ofriru In Head quart, ra Buildlna. Tenth and Taylor ........ nwr, !iere inn will D. Kind to, alvs Information concerning the Order 10 n v peraon neainrui me same. Fbone, Main (70 or A ;.'"o. (Tlv. their r.rular whiat and .ioo' social Woodm.ns T-mple, ijg liih st., Wedn.s- rues Uanclnx. COMMITTEE. KQV1TY IX5DOE. No. 6 F. T'. OP auv.n. ICA will Klvs a whlat and 00 partv Fri day svenlnx. Dec. . in Marquam bids., xth door. frliuM. refreshments and coed raualo u.u.nifc. Amiueeiwi .u cents. VPrJll'S?'1 CAMPAIGN will siva an entertainment and dance Tuea- uy wwmni, uw-morp 6, at fiast aStdo Woodman Hall, lij Eaat th at. Enter tainment Win gli sharp. Dancing at si.iibpiuh - cents. day eventnir. Dor. 7 Weinberger' orcbeatra. FCXEBAL 'OTICS. KRIMBEL At residence, 443 21st t.. North. Dec 'A, Jacob Krlxnbcl, aged C- years, father of M ra. J. J. Harold. Mrs. X. Ray mend, Jacob, Henry. Gertrude, George. Pauline. Clara. Caroline and Anna Krira bel. all of this city. receaeed was a mem ber of Assembly No. 137 of the United Artisans. Funeral will take place .from, the abore residence tomorrow (.Sunday) Dec A, at 1:4a P. thence to St. pat- rick's Church, 19th and Savler streets, where services will be held at. 2 P. M. Friends and acquaintances aro respect fully invited to attend. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. AXDRIAN In this city, December 2. John Aldrlan, aged 20 years. Funeral will take piece from Dunning. A McKntees Parlors. Seventh and Ankeuy streets. Monday. De cember 6, at A. M. ; thence to 6t . Joseph's Church, 15th and Couch streets, where services will be held at 10 A. M. Friends respectfully invited. . Interment Riverview Cemetery. STIEGLER In this city. December 3. at the family residence, t57 Water St.. Mrs. Amalta St if pier, aged ol years 8 days. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at St. Lawrence Church. Third and Salmon sts.. at 9 A. M. to morrow (Monday) December 5. Interment Riverview Cemetery. GRAHAM The funeral services of the lata Samuel M. Graham will be held at Fin ley's parlors at 2 P. M. today (Sunday). Friends invited. Interment Lose Fir Cm etery. XON8ETH FLORAL CO. MAKUUAJi lsiUGa IAKAL. lKbllA. rhones; Mala HQ A llfrt. DraBlns; & afcCntee, Funeral Dlr saia. Tth and IlKe. l'bone Main 430. abaely aw- sUtant. umce oi yonnty coroner. 'EDWARD BOLMAN CO., Funeral Dlrees tH, tZO 34 St. Lauly assistant. 1'bone M. 4. ST. TlXUCY SON. 8d and Madias. Lady atteadaat. Fhone Main , A fCAfil BIDE Funeral Directors, an reaaeie tj F. S- Donnliig. Inc. E. S3. B Z&2b. E1UC80N CO Cndertakers Udy assise. nt. 409 AJder.. M- fli3. A ttSS, ZJCI -LXK-BVRXlib CO.. Funeral Dtrewtar tg Williams stm both pbooesi lady asst. LiLBCH. mdertaker. cor. East Alder mm4 tb- Bast ?8U B lafta. Lady assistant. VEW TODAT. W. C. Baker and C. A. Crowell, Both Phones. Proprietors. Tomorrow, MONDAY, 10 A.M. Annual Sale for the Garner Tailoring; Establishment. Mr. Giirney carries no goods over rrom season to season, hence mm an nual sale which affords you a chance to purchase genuine imported woollens at your own price. Every piece ie guaranteed Imported English woollen goods, and win be sold at auction to the highest bidder at our eaiesrooms, 152 Park St. Kale starts at lO A. M, sharp. Terms strictly casta. CEO. BAKER A CO., Auctioneers. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Of tlCJC CITY HA IX " MAIN ts. a issa. HCMAsiB EAST 4Tta new totay. 0U.N AN APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE, lOOilOO, $15,000. NOB HILL DISTRICT This cannot be duplicated for the money. CHAPIN &" HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. ONE BLOCK FROM POST OFFICE VERY PROMINENT CORNER 100x100 rice $200,000 Terms. GORDON" GRANGER WOMBVS KEIJIT J-ORPo will hold thrlr bazaar In th. Relit - nmiBi"iirin una uruon ave nue. Saturday. Le ember 10. vl Carda are out innnnnrin. .v.. u . . srs1 opening party TiiurMsy evenlna cember a. In the new Unnea. Hail f. Inc street. Tsks w r-. - em.. . .. t'alon orchestra Danclna; 8:30. portt.a vr rximtiM u.v-t- MAt'CABEIW. will ,lve their regular "monrh- i j "ii a n u mna y even mc Dec ft in ih. K P. Hall, nth and Alder .. ., ."V,'n" jFrlends Invited. itMes' orcheatra. ( DIED. DORNAX December 1, Josenh nnman wg.q HP yearn. Funeral notice later. TTNEaAL NOTICES. MuTEI2"' h.',T ot h!r a"uhter. Mrs. - .. ' '' rionaaay ave., Dec. 3 . Meta Jl-yer. sited 73 year.. 11 month a. 2! day.. Funeral will take pi,ca from tx parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors Eaat Alder and Eaat aHxth streets todav (Sunday! Dee e at 2:30 P. M. Frl.nrts rrapectxully Invited. Services at crave private. BOGGS December 7. at ITU Stanton street. Katie Bun. widow of the late John W. S"fi. Funeral aervlcea will be l.eld at Keller-Byrne. Co.'a parlors. 394 Williams avenue, today (Sunday). December 4, at S P. M. Interment at Ixine Fir Cemetery. Frlenda invited to attend. BARBER In thla city. December 3. Allle 1 arper. wu ot Lt. J. barber, Saed 24 years The funeral services will ba held at the Taylor-Street M. E. Church Mon day. December 5. at 2 P. M. Friends In vited. Interment Biv.rvlew Cemetery. OIEUISCH -The funeral service, of th. late Joeepn Uleoiacn will oe nela st Bt. Fran cis tnurcn. corner or l.'tn ana Eaat ON TUESDAY NEXT At Onr Salesrooms, 183 Park St., We are Instructed bv the owner. Mrs Mucklev. who i returnina to British Columbia, to sell the net furnishings of her private home; also the almost new furnishings of a recently furnished apartment, the owner of which is leav. ina for California. cornnri6ir.K mahog anv tinholstered oarlor furniture, rock ers in quartered obk witn genuine eather UDholsterine. Darlor davenport with mahogany rrame, rattan rocKers, library and parlor tables, up-to-date dining-room tables and chairs, tna lur nishingg of eight bedrooms, viz: mas sive beds in all brass. V'ernis Martin and enamel, dressers and-chiffoniers (a very select assortment 1 in manogany, quartered oak and birdsey. maple, with rockers and chairs en suite, child's Iron foldinr bed. also child's crib with drop sides, oak folding bed with extra steel springs, best mat tresnes, comforts, blan kets and pillows. Dooy Brussels car pets, velvet rugs and small rugs, Jewel gas range, linoleum, etc. Also set of fencing foils, mask and chest protector, parlor heaters, etc. Sale on Tuesday next at 10 o'clock. ,.- ON THURSDAY NEXT vi'e shall have the furnishings of a cottage from Portland Heights. This is also a nica clean lot of household furnishings. Sale at 10 o'clock. In Onr Retail Depf we sell new goods at all times. We handle no cheap fur niture, but sell you good solid oak fur niture, rugs, etc., at cheap prices for cash. We do no Installment business. GEO. BAKER A CO, Auctioneers and Furniture Dealers. lffa Para: St. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Comer Second and Yamhill K.gnlnr Salea Days. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. V have the largest and most com plrte line of little-used furnlahins to be found In the city; also Rood upright pianos, or&rnns, grraphophonrs. ete. Inr ataoriment of rnsrs and carpets, oft Ire furniture, iDcinainsj rou ana xmi top desks, office chairs, typewriters etc.; also several ?coa ateei ranges, beating stoves, linoleum, etc. Goods sold at private sale at all times, Groceries, elothlnsr. shoes and miscel laneous hardware for sale at .est than coat In oar store. 171 Second street, ad joining: our auction room; aluo show cases, scales, xireprooE saxes, eie. J. T. YII..OX, AneUonerr. Cash paid for furniture, storks of merrhandiea, etc. Call up Main 1626, A 248. Goddard-Wiedrick Temporary Office 504 Concord Bldg., 242V. Stark Street. Main 245. A 2452. 720 ACRES within 35 miles of Portland, 2V miTeft from railroad in Washington County. 4 miles to grood town; 650 acres of good plow land, none better, about 100 acres under cultivation. Well watered by springs and creeks. An ideal fruit or stock ranch; 24 million feet of good taw timber. Price only $15 Per Acre A splendid investment, particulars apply to For further KAUFFMANN & MOORE 325 Lumber Exchange. 257 Acres on fine count r road. miles from Portland, in the Tualatin Valley. Excellent soil, no rock or gravel. 160 acres in high state of cultiva tion, 19 acres genuine beaverdam land, raising tbi year 50.616 lbs. of onions per acre; & acres in orchard, mostly apples, about 12 years old and in good condition. Good 8-room house with bath and pantry, fine barns and other out bull d i ngs. All implements and stock, consisting of 4 horses and 25 A -No. 1 milch cows and a regis tered bull, go with the place. A beautiful place in good location, and a money maker. Price $31,000, terms. Might, consider Portland Income property as part payment KAUFFMANN & MOORE 325 Lumber Exchange. Koiladay Addition Two new, fine flats, bringing' good income, lot 50x100, facing east, close to Union avenue and Broadway. Must sell. Half cash, balance time. A. J. GANTNER 406 Henry Bldg., Fourth aud Oak Sts. GILMAN Auction & Commission Company Special sale of five cases, in lot to suit, 1000 dolls, drums, etc., tor ac count of whom it may concern at any price, MONDAY (tomorrow), 10 A. M. Be there. TUESDAY, all day, holiday goods, blankets, beddinz, furs, dressers in oak, leather chairs, couches, furniture, etc. . WEDNESDAY, all day, holiday goods, household furniture, etc. THURSDAY, all day, merchandise stock from hastern Oregon. FRIDAY Rugs, furniture, holiday goods. ' SATURDAY, all day, bargains in all lines holiday goods, etc. S. L. N. GILMAN, Manager. in . at 1 P. M , invited. wry. v). Interment Mount Calvary Cem Oak AUCTION SALES At 211 First Street Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2 P. M. Each Day Come and see all the arood things we have ior the holidays to be sold at auction and private sale at any time. Biew Beds complete, new dressers, new room-size rugs, am email rugrs, new couch covers, aew table spreads, new dining; tRbles end chairs, new linoleum, new rockers, new center tables, new kitchen furniture at less than .half priee any time, and at auction prices on auction days, and, remember, we have a iarge stock of second-hand fur niture grood as new. Come and find out why we can keep three drays going hauling goods. FORD AUCTION CO. for used furniture. We pay plenty Main 051, A 244a. Price $23,500 INCOME, $185 PER MONTH 50x125 ON THE EAST SIDE OF WILLIAMS AVE.. NEXT Tp THE CORNER OF RUSSELL ST. THIS PROPERTY IS COVERED BY A LEASE ISSUED FOR FIVE YEARS OF WHICH TWO YEARS IS YET TO RUN. AT TERMINATION OF LEASE SAME WILL BRING $275 TO $300 PER MONTH. EDW. P. MALL, 104 Second Street. (Lumber Exchange Building) 21 ACRES Six miles from City Hali, on West Side, all in cultivation, with house and barn ; on three roads and only 'i- mile from two carlines. All cash, or half cash, balance long time. A. J. GANTNER 406 Henry Bldg., Fourth nnd Oak Sts. EAST EIGHTH STREET Apartment Site 100x100 Southwest corner . E. 8th and Oak For particulars, see J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand Avenue and E. Ankeny. East 28th Street AT GLISAN, 50x100. STORE AND DWELLING. THIS IS AN EXCEL LENT LOCATION AND SURE FU TURE. TERMS. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 101 Second Street. . ", (Lumber . Exchange Building', i