The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 04, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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New Ordinance to Be Consid
ered at Meeting Next
Oat arc of Herniations Is Present
Inc Establishment or w Sa
loon Outside of lire Limit.
Restricts d9nltbs of bout.
.No license to ba jr-ntd to a per
soa who hu been cooticwS of a fl-
eey. sr. ihtr aest ar. t u; for
iKiir who ku sot Bled at bui
tion ta bacorrs a cttua.
Two paraans aot iatereeted ta
liquor traffic must vowefc for tha
character of as applicant far a li
censor LinnM fees moat ba paid sea
sis months. Instead of qearterlr.
Acaoal Ucanaa fes tor wholesale
Jlquor-deaJsrs Increased froa (to ta
(too: for combined wholss!ra and
racUSera. from I0O ta !:; for
grocers, from MM ta !. for rea
taoraata. f.-om J" ' ; ru
Clsta, from IJM to Iioa. Tor saana
factarara tha Ucns f af ra
malna tha same sad for retail Uquor
dealers, ordinary saloonkeepers, tha
llcaaaa remaine at I to.
An additional license moat ba ob
tained for a bar mora thaa I faat
in length, or for aa aztrm bar la tha
aama atab:uhmBt.
No liquor can ba sots tnm It
e'clock Saturday Blabt oatll t A. it.
lloaday. On olh.r dais aa Uqaor
caa ba sold batwara 1 A. at. aad f
A. M.
A minor may ba punished for go-
tna Into a saloon or mlarapraaant-
las bia as, a
ftaea ara Increased, and tba third a
rlolatloa cf tha law automatically
forfeits tha llcanaa.
Fswars of attornay ara prohibit. J
No Ba aaloona may ba established
eatsld tha present Bra limits. v
Tha prnt nun-.eer of aalooa II- r
eenss. 419. cannot ba tncraaaad an- J
til th.ra will ba bat oaa aalooa for
orary too peopla la tha city.
.......IT ...A
New liquor license law, which ara
believed to ba mora exacting thaa any
kreTloualy In forra In thia city, war
tentatively outlined yesterday by the
loecial committee recently appointed" by
he Council to prepare new legislation
n that aubject. Tha final consideration
af the proposed ordinance will ba given
ry tha committee at a meeting to be
eld neat Thursday morning at 10 o'clock,
when written sus-geatlon Mr changes
will b received and considered by the
committee, which will not permit any
Sralury on tha matter at that time.
One of the more Important changes
L resided In tha proposed new ordinance
i tha prevention of any Raw saloons
t!r.g established outside of tha fire llra-
iia. although tboee now In existence
bare will not ba disturbed. Another
Important Improvement ta tha doing
a ay with tha powers of attorney that
saloonkeepers of Portland have bean In
Ilia habit of Issuing to breweries.
Although the city charter provides for
tha appointment by the Mayor of a liq
uor licenae committee composed of Coun
rdm.n. such a provision has not previous
ly been placed In an ordinance. Tha
new ordinance, tiowever. provides that
savea members of the Council shall cun-
tttul tha lliuur license commute and
ahall have power not only to grant li
re itara and revoke thara at will, but
trie members mif enter any place where
ltouors era sold, or where It la desired
to eU luiuurs, for the purpose of In
leetisatlng the place. Tha committee
may also summon wltnessea and conduct
a legal elimination concerning the viola
tion of the ll'iuor lawa with reference to
tha validity of a license.
The new law carriea with It virtually
all the ratrictions of the one now In
force. It prohibit a woman from enter
ing a saloon where retail liquors are for
pale, but withdraws the former restric
tion of thia kind applying to wholesale
liquor stores. Concerning minors, the
fact that a guardian gives the saloon
keeper wsrnlug, makes him responsible
lor permitting a minor In but saloon or
selling hint liquor.
The new provision concerning minors
s Inserted at the r.juet of H. C.
IcVllieter of the horn rule associa
tion, who alao used his Influence In get
ting other restrictions placed In the
In-w ordinance.
The new ordinance contemplates the
prevention of what are commonly
atnown aa combination houses," and
no ltreose Biay be Issued to any place la
which gambling or any kind of Im
morality Is known to ealat. The sale
of liquors cannot be extended to other
f-ajna of the building la which the aa
oon Is located.
Definitions to determine what Is
tneant by various terms In the new or
dinances follow:
"The words Intoxicating liquors'
whenever used In this ordinance ahall
be sake to mean aud Include spirit
ous. vinous, fermented, mixed and malt
"The word "person' whenever used In
this ordinance ahall be taken to mean
stud Include a natural person of either
sex persona, copartaerahtp. corpora
tion, and associations of persona, and
the singular number shall Include the
plural, and the masculine pronoun ahall
Include the feminine aad neuter:
"For the purpose of this ordinance a
manufacturer shall oa taken to mean
any peraon who manufactures Intoxi
cating liquors:
Tor the purpose cf this ordinance
wholesale liquor dealers shall ba di
vided into three classes, tat wholoeale
Jlquor dealer, (b) wholesale liquor
dealers who are rectifiers, and (c
manufacturers. a A wholesale liquor
dealer ahall be taken to mean any per
aon who sails or la any manner dla
yo of Intoxicating liquors In orig
inal packaera and not to be drunk on
the premises: (b) A wholesale liquor
dealer who la a rectifier shall bo taken
to mean any person who sells or la any
manner disposes of Intoxicating liquors
la original packaaes and not to be
drunk on tha premises, and who rectl
ie aad ratines distilled aplrlta or
a-ines by any other process than the
original, or who distills or raanufae
turea Intoxicating liquors by mixing
distilled arums with winea or other
materials; c A manufacturer shall be
taken to mean any person who dis
poses cf his products In original pack
ages aad not to be drunk on the prem
ise. Tor the purpose of this ordinance a
petall liquor dealer shall be taken to
pna a any parson whe sails or In any
gnaaner dispose of Intoxicating liquor
to be drunk on the premise or ease
where, Kor the purpose of this ordinance a
restaurant keeper who sells or In any
manner disposes of Intoxicating liquors
be taken to mean any person who
es the cooking and serving of food
the public his occupation, or who
tes a restaurant or public dining-
room In connection with a hotel, which
restaurant or public dining-room Is
fully equipped with modern conveni
ences for cooking; or preparing victuals,
and where hot meals are actually
served at least three times a day and at
least six days In the week.
"A meU for tha purpose of this ordi
nance kt denned to be a meal constat
ing of such quantities and quality of
food as Is OTdlnaiilv served for a meal
In hotels and restaurants;
"Kor the purpose of this ordlnsnce a
hotel ahall be taken to mean a building
or part thereof used for supplying lodg
ing, or food and lodging, to strangers)
snd others, and having a public dining
room, and which contains not less than
3 rooms, furnished snd rented to
strsnge rs and others, for lodging.
Tor the purpose of this ordinance
a drugslst who sells or In any manner
disposes of Intoxicating liquor Is a per
son who makes the compounding of
medicine and the selling of drugs) his
chief occupation, but a druggist who
re lis or serves Intoxicating liquors on a
prescription of a regularly licensed
physician with only one eale with esch
prescript Jen. and who keeps a register
stating the articles and amounts pur
chased, the price paid, and the purpose
for which It Is to be used, and the per
sonal signature and address of the pur
chaser, shall not be domed to be sell
ing or serving Intoxicating liquor within
the Intent of this ordinance.
"The word 'grocer whenever used In
thia ordinance shall be taken to mean a
person who cairlea In stock and aells
a general line of groceries, snd who'
makes the selling of groceries his prin
cipal occupation, and who sells or In
any manner disposes of Intoxicating
l'Quorw in crlcinal package not to be
drunk on the premise!."
Iso much trouble arose over tha trans
fers of licenses that the committee not
ooly places! a provtaloa In the new ordi
nance prohibiting the us of powers of
attorney lo thia regard, hut provided a
new section governing this feature. This
is one of the more Important features)
of the new ordinance, and reads as fol
lows: "No transfer of any liquor license In
the City of Portland shall be nvado be
tween the Saturday Just preceding the
second Wednesday of December and the
arse day of January, nor shall any ap
plication for transfer be received or Bled
by the Addttor during sold time.
"Any licensed liquor dealer of the City
of Portland who dcsltes to change hie)
place of buKlncss from one location to
another ahall tile his application there
for with the Auditor of the city of Port
land. Said Auditor ahall present the
same to the liquor llconse committee at
Its next meeting. Said commlttes ohall
Investigate snd report to the Counctl
upon said spplication In ths same man
ner as upon an application ror an
original licenae.
Any ucensod liquor dealer desiring to
transfsr hi license to snother person
to conduct business at the same or an
other location shsll execute in Instru
ment of ussismment of such license to
such other person. The asHrnee shsll
file with the Auditor a written appli
cation for such trannfer. Tiie license
and Instrument of assignment shall be
attached to said application, and such
Instrument of assignment shall be made
upon a form to he rumiatiea oy in
Auditor and onall ba executed and
acknowledged with the asms formsllty
aa a deed of conveyance to real prop
No other form of transfer of a liquor
license shall be accepted or filed by the
Auditor. In case of the df-ath. Incom
petency c bankruptcy of the licensee,
the assisnment may be executed by hit
duly appointed, qualified and authorised
executor. administrator, guardian or
trus-tee In bankruptcy. At the time or
filing the application for the transfer
of a liquor license, as In this section pro
vided tha applicant shsll dellvsr to tha
Auditor a certified check on some bank
In the City of Portland in the sum of
110, payable to the Treasurer of the City
of Portland, ss a foe for such transfer.
In case the transfer Is refused by the
Council, the Auditor shsll return said
certified check to the sppllcsnt." j
25,000 Persons Visit Display
of 250,000 Samples of
Oregon Fruit.
Profcsor Van Tseman, Noted Fo-
mologlst. Chides Willamette Val
ley for Neglecting Soil Many
Trlxes Are Awarded.
Charge of Manslaughter Against Dr.
Klen Doe Not Hold Jury
Sends Case lo Medicos.
Ten indictments were returned by the
Multnomah County grand Jury yesterday
In Its report to Presiding Judge Cleland.
Jans M. William Hassing was indicted
for murder In the first degree for killing
his wife, 111 Lb Haaslng. Thanksgiving
night, llaaslng is In a hospital from tha
enact of wounds sajlf-lnfllcted alter he
had killed his wife.
Count and Cuuntess Uathlou were In
dicted under the-naines of V. Collins snd
X. Collins. slias V.gifp Katnlou and
Nora Kalhlou, on the charge of stealing
an asrortmrnt of towels; tools and
blankets and clothing from Ford Eros.,
November 2J. Mrs Kathlou Is also In
dicted under a charge of larceny made
by Mr. Nettie Johnson.
Scott Three Time Accused.
Walter J. Scott faces three counts. He
Is accused of having attacked his wife.
Ijouise . tVott, September 3; charged
with contributing to the delinquency of
his slster-ln-law. Kate Odenwsld, II
years old, and committing a statutory
offense Involving the same girl on the
same date, June 19.
!(. 1- UllenthaU employed once by
the Itelfast Importing Company, k
charged with embexxleinent of Ii3 from
Ward T. eknlth, proprietor of the, con
cern. The rmbesslament Is alleged to
have taken place on October ax
Harry Raymond la accused of having
stolen worth of goods from Julius
Itncus October SO. The alleged theft
comprised a valuable coat, muff, opera
gloaa and watch.
A counterfeit check is the basis of
in Indictment against 1-Yank Thomson,
alias Joe oung. who got Krank U. lied
derly to cash lite check, on bVpemberi a.
for its face value, of Ku.
Chargea agAinee: K- Kennedy, accused
of obtaining sight boxes of peara from
A. Alt by means pf a bad clieck. and
John P. Iraln, ofCliicago, who I al
leged to have pasaed a bad ch-ck on P.
U. Illaser, wens dismlsaed. Three In
dictments returned were withheld from
publication becaurs) the part lea have not
been apprehended.
ElM-n Charges Dropped.
Complaining that the evidence was not
sufficient to 'jonvlct. the grand jury re
ported a not true bill against Dr. Wil
liam Bisan. accused of manslaughter In
performance of an unlawful operation
on Anna Kolcen. October JL The Jury in
Its final report mentioned the case of
Dr. KJsen by stating that It believed that
the case sihould be refercd to the 9tate
Medical Board for consideration. The
witnesses examined mere: Dr. W. B.
Hamilton. C- Liscum, Violet Cowen and
C. J. Keleen. Dr. fcaen. the doctor, ap
peared at his own request.
The grand Jury expressed the hope
that tha Medical Board would giv tha
caa complete Investigation. i
The Portland Apple Show closed Its
door last night at If o'clock, after
having received 25,000 visitors and ex
hibiting a quarter of a million of Ore
gon-grown apples.
H. E. Ven Deman. of Washington
D. C-. who acted as Judge, will depart
this mornlnir for Chlco. Cal. President
Atweel, of Forest Grove, will reme'n
the city for a few day to elos bust.
ness detail of the exhibition. The
exhibitors will pas a portion of today
In packing their products for ship
The show ha been a glowing uc
cess." said President Atweel. "I am
satisfied with the result and believe
that the citlxens of Portland have rea.
son to thank the State Horticultural
Society for the wonderful results. It
was the largest and best show ever
held In the state. If Portland citlxens
win put their shoulders to ths wheel
they ran make next year's display sven
greater than the Nations! Apple Show
t fpoaane."
Crowd There at Close.
Throng visiting ths show yesterday
were Just as large as on sny other
day. At closing time the crowd was
still there and had to bo. told that the
show had come to an end. The re
ceipts will reach close to $3000.
"The Willamette Valley." said Pro
fessor Van Dusen; "can raise apples
Just aa good as any other portion of
your stste. But I do want to say that
there Is no valley In the world that has
been so criminally handled by its farm
ers as the Willamette. They have neg
lected the soil, handled It as If It would
last forever and have paid no more at
tention to Its enrichment than they
wquld to bogland. The day has gone
by when you can treat soil as If It
were nothing more than a thing to
play with. The science of soli-making
Is Just aa essential to progress as any
thing else.
"My advice to the people of the Wil
lamette Valley is to plant more wal
nuts, more filbert and more apples.
Tou csnnot raise enough of either to
supply the demand of the world. There
Is Just as much monsy In walnuts as
there Is In apples.
Arizona Dates Thrive.
"I am on my way to Arizona, where
f go to Inspect the African date which
I brought to this country through the
aid of the Agricultural Department of
Washington in 1889. The dates were
obtained in Arabia. Egypt and coun
tries along the Mediterranean. I have
not seen these date trees since they
were planted In 1130. They were
rooted suckers and every year the
planters down there send me a box or
two of each year's product as a sample.
I am proud of this part of my work In
Introducing tha date In 11)1 country.
The orchards having date trees are be
coming more numerous every year and
It will not be long before we have all
tha date that we can consume and will
do away with the present Importation.
The date Is suitable to Arizona. Ths
walnut 1 suitable to the Willamette
"So I say, plant the walnut, the ap
ple and the filbert. You have a won
derful country, but do not forget that
Virginia can raise good apples. I am
going to Judge the apple show at Roan
oke, Va., In January. They have a
good Newtowns there aa you have but
you can beat them on a number of va
rieties and you have the best apple
land In the world. God has blessed
your land and all I want you to do Is
to glvs God thank by taking care of
the gift and do not pauperize the soli
by falling to enrich It.
Many Prizes Awarded.
The awards made yesterday were:
Best commercial packed box In Wil
lamette Valley H. G. Kumbaugh, of
Albany. 110: second. D. C. Van Dorn
Dayton, bronze medal; third, Ernest
Oleson. Greaham. diploma.
Beat box of Spltzenbergs; First,
Peter Mohr, Hood River, 2j; second.
y. A. Shogren. Mosier. bronze tnedal;
third, M. M. Hill. Hood River, diploma.
Best box of yellow Newtowns r Irst
Lawrence & Smith, Hood River. 25;
second. F. P. Friday. Hood River,
bronze medal; R. A. ewcCuliy, Hood
River, diploma.
Best box of Jonathans First. W. W.
Flke. Hood River, 2a: .second, H.
Struckmler. Thomas, bronze medal;
third. B. Lels. Beaverton, diploma-
Best Baldwins grown West of Cas
cades First. F. I Wade, Eugene, $10;
second. J. Beebe. bronze medal; D. C
Van Dorn. Dayton, diploma.
Best Ben Davis First, Epplng A
Rattles. Hood River, family scales
second. U E. Clark, Hood River, bronze
medal: third. B. Lies, Beaverton, di
Best Arkansas Blacks First. Law
rence A. Smith. Hood River, spraying
device: second, Ed F. Reeves, Mosier,
bronze medal: third, D. C. Van Dorn.
Dayton, diploma.
Beat Grimes Golden First, Henry
Strlckmeler. Thomas pump; second, W.
K. Newell. Gaston, bronze medal.
Best box of Hyde's King First, Law
rence Smith. 110; W. K. Newell, Gas
ton, bronze medal.
Best Northern Spy First. Epplng at
Rahles, Hood River, 100 cherry trees;
second. H. F. MeCormack. Eugene,
bronze medal; third, W. K. Newell. Gas
ton, diploma.
Best Winter Banana First, Home
Orchard Company, Hood River, 100
cherry trees: second. W. Walther, The
Dalles, bronze medal.
Best Delicious First, w. 8. Sherman,
Hood River, 15.
Best Oano First, Lawrence ac Bmlth,
Hood River, $3; second, B. Lets, Beaver
ton, bronze medal; third. Ed F. Reeves.
Mosier, diploma.
Best King First, t. C. Van Dorn.
Dayton, IS; second. II. G. Rumbaugb,
Albany, bronze medal.
Best box of Red-Cheeked Pippin
First, John Ross, Mosisr; second, D. C
Van Dorn, Dayton, bronze medal; third,
B. Lels. Beaverton. -
Best Rome Beauty First, W. K-
Newelk Gaston, IS) second, J. F. Dan
gerfleld, Scappoose, bronze medal;
third. F. A, Gregory, Portland, diploma.
Best Vanderpool Red H. G. Rum-
baugh, Albany, J 5.
Best Winesap X E. Clark. Hood
River. $5.
Hood River County prize Stiltxen-
barg. first. U. U. Kill. l; second. L.
E. Clark, f 1; third, jtjJm.
'ji Stone Bros., Tailors
ailors to Men Who Know
We wish every man in Portland who appreciates correct dress, the
best materials and perfect fit at the lowest possible price, that such
results" can be produced, to call at our store during the present week,
examine our stock of the very latest and most approved patterns in
Imported and Domestic Woolens.
This Week all $60-$55 values .$45
This Week all $50-$45 values . . . ... . $40
This Week all $10-$35 values $30
The same care and attention given to every detail to pro
duce perfect results as if you were paying our regular
price. s
It is our desire to make our Portland store as popular to men who appreciate the best that is
known to the tailor's art as our Seattle store is known to good dressers in all parts of the Sound
countr-. j
We desire jour patronage and if the highest class tailoring, the best materials procurable and a
full dollar in value for every dollar expended with us is appreciated you will remain indefinitely
one of our patrons. 1
tone Bros.,
i 'it "i
Yellow Newton First, Home urcnurn
Company. $15: second. W. Flke. J10;
third, F. P. Friday, diploma. Pears-
Best box of winter rseius rum. n- r.
MeCormack. Eugene; second, . r
Wslte, Eugene.
Special Bert box of any variety not
mentioned Ortley. E. H. EhrK. mooo
River; Wegener, F. P. Friaay, 01 noon
River; Black Twig, first, Lawrence
Smith. Hood River; second. H. O. SH
varhols, Hood River. Golden Russets
James E. Carpenter, of Hood Kiver.
Exhibit on plates first, J. l-
ter. Hood River, Is: second, James e,.
Carpenter. Mosier, silver medal, single
plates Baldwin, nrsi. ueorge cvaiio,
Mosier; second. Romeo Goulet. Brooks;
Ben Davis, first, C L. McKenna, Port.
and; second, W. K. Meweu. uasion;
Gano, . first, J. E- Carpenter, Mosier;
second, W. K. Newell, Gaston; Jona-
han. Henry Struckmelr, Thomas;
Northern Spy, C- J- Tlthcombe. fecap
poose; Red-Cheeked Pippin, J. E. Chip
man, Oregon City; Rome Beauty, first,
F. C. Dethman, Hood River; second, J.
E. Carpenter, Mosier; Spltzenberg. first.
W. K. Newell; second, F. C. Dethman.
Hood River; Swear. F. C. Dethman,
Hood River; Wagener, first. James, i..
Carpenter, Mosier; second. F- A. Greg
ory, Portland; winesap, w. ix.. roeweu.
tlaston: Winter Banana, F. A- Gregory,
Portland; Yellow Bellflower, first, F,
C. Dethman. Hood River; second, F. L.
Waite, Eugene; Newtown, first. M. V.
Rand, Hood River; second, F. C Deth
man. Diplomas were given to each
Largest apple In the shew J. L.
Hood River; variety, Gloria
Baker City Issues Bonds.
BAKER. Or., pec J. Opeclal.WThe
City Council last evening passed an or
dinance authorizing bond Issues for the
payment of improvement of several
streets under the Bancroft bonding act.
The bonds will be due December J, 1920;
amount, J33.023.83. The city will be placed
under the commission form of govern
ment December 7.
Peep in Oar East
Boned With the Idea, Indestructible
The most pliable and hygienic
Corset Boning in the world.
Guaranteed not to break or
rnst. Will not take a perma
nent bend at the waist line.
Mrs. Lou Fountain
704 Hoyt St. Marshall 2016.
Piano Prize Checks
Will Be Redeemed at Par
Eilers Music Eonse has arranged to
accept 110 piano checks, same as cash.
announcement headed "Important
Notice." pace 7, section 1, of The Ore-gonlan.
The Boys and Girls Are Taking
Great Interest in Morgan s Pony
Have you seen him yet in Morgan's Show Window? He's a cuie
little fellow and will be the envy of all the children in the neigh
borhood when he gets his new home.
This Fine Pony and Gart Will Be
Given Away Absolutely FREE
Every 25c
You Purchase
Entitles Yon
to a Pony
Ticket. -
Hare AH
Tour Friend
Bny Here
and Save
Pony Tickets
for You.
Morgan's Dept. Store paid $300 cash for this fine little pony. He
is 3 years old and as sound as a dollar a fine little traveler. And
remember, you have just as good a chance as anyone.
Bring the Children to See the Pony Monday
All Cars Transfer to Morgan's
al ae- ! W aT