The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 04, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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    - TS
Newspaper Men Are Fastidious la Their Choice of Start for Entertainment at Heilig Theater, December 19.
Fifteen Acta to Be Programmed for "A Night Off," Before Christmas.
Vaycr and Chief of Police to
Improve City's Moral
There are three kinds of total adding cash
registers manufactured, as follows:
Norrmber fir a nil Jury File Krport
With Jndft-A Clcland and Ad
journs Kelly Bntte and
County Jail Are Insanitary.
With a rrren.w fmni f h Mx,wr and
' Olef oC Polio that (be moral roadrUnn
of h city will be Improved, and oe-
quest h!n a lor; list of house of que-
Uubl character to tne next arawl
ory tar InreatHatlon, (ha Nmmbw
eoticty grand Jury eutrmrttcd It final
t port la Prejd.lln: Jad Clelaod y
'trdy morair e.
In eommentin; upon tta ftndtnca, tha
ktt report says:
WhJo w bar not had ttma to In
vevtlcata tha condltlona thoroughly.
bcuew haw arcorop1 lhei
rood la thl direction and w aro leav
ing a lone IWa of houses of thta rlaa
to b turned orr to the lecuiher (rand
Jury to nnlah Inreatlratins;. W hav
i aad tha ILiyor and tha Chief of Pnllca
befcr oa twice, cacti of whom haa prom
' led ua their cooperation, and we Under
stand that the j--llr- have received strict
orders thl wee, t will be of much
hrnent. If obeyed, and we hop our uc-
reeaor will aea that these order ara
I'ort's I' robe to Croitlrrue.
WHh reaard to tha Port of Portland
mmlaln. tha report anln beduestri
the merits of toe proportion to the Ie
cember Jury, and take a tep further
In (lerlirlr that "we wish to Impreaa
the rwenher jrrand Jury with the full
Importance of their continuation of the
(work we have commenced In tha full
lsva:utlon of certain specific chance
; made by the Committee of Fifty, heeded
br Ju.lee Uunlr. In mhJoh we hara an
attorney Inr::iratin8 row. who ke
rentable to thl committee, and who la
w.rkiri In harmony with tha District
Attorney's office. We hare recnen-
men.trd to tha County Court and County
1 tVmm!.ira that a rceeonmbl lam
he !!,. I to carry on the loreextcatlon
of the 1'ort of lvtlend Cnmmtsalon.
In It report the Jury states that It
haa actrd upon 33 I ?T of whlc1
were considered true hit- and eta not
true Mil, irtatitutuma at the poor farm
bt;r Hu'te. Unnton rock quarry. Coun
ty and Vv Jail and the Haby Home
were rtoltrd. At the poor (arm tha Jury
report, that It found everything- In satis
factory condition, and th.a the marmae
tnrnt wsa food. 8u far aa tha tuber
cular ward waa concerned tba Jul
IhoucM that tt mlaht b Improved upon
la reaard to the attic, wher several In-
nutei had to b pUced oa account of
lack of room, and where In eas of nra
there, would ba la darucer.
At Kei r Ilutta condition war thouaht
ta be Insanitary, and Improvement
were recommended- Tha remaining; In
stitution were found to ba ewttafactorr
with ti-.a aireptlon of the County Jail,
wher no relief could ba arc u red until
the new quarter are 1 readlnr.
The araiid Jury waa composed of tha
rVllowirs; member: Foreman. II. A
ajeppner. 7 Sat Tenth atreat North:
clerk. Thorns P. Thornton. 3 Rant
.i linen street: J. TK Wharton, ta Et
eleventh at reel. IX D. Walton, latt
Kxeter reet; W. It. Cbuntryman. ill
North Twenty-fourth trae: 8. Ie Toon.
I'm Haven atreat; A. Anaorit. M Caat
vi.lean MreaC
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1 . ,
I frolic. "A Nlht OfT." at th JUIIlg- lilt eawe
terrenhonao Owner Contend Appll-
railun Specified Content.
John O. Holden. flortet. whoaa reen
boua waa burned In the Kxpoettlon
fire, haa brouaht suit airalnt tha I -aw
I nlon tt Rock Imurance Company, of
London, to collect on a policy of liOO.
Mr. lloiden rontenda that th aent
mad a mtataka In maklna; out th pol.
ley. and that be did not notice until
after tha fir that th policy read "on
fram and ! rtaen-houaef In
stead of f IXturea. too Id. (c."
lie contend" that bla application for
a policy pec I fled th content sad not
tha bulldlrif.
tha Portland Pre Craba holiday
froJlc. "A Nlaht Off." at th JUII1-
Theater. Monday avenlnf;. December
11. paaae Into hlatory without exciting
fieri fire of Jealouay and envy In the
heart of Lee Shuhert, Charle Frohman
and Martin Beck, th committeemen who
ara worklna tirrleaaiy to make tha fra
ttvltle brilliant and aatlafylnir will feel
that their labora have rone for naught.
Jack Rarrett, chairman of the enter
tainment committee, and Jamea 8. Tyler,
who finds time after bla dutlra a newa
editor of a dally and an executive officer
of th club ara flniahad to aelect tha lit
erary wheat from the chaff for th Prea
Club book, can ae no good reason why
A Klffht Off ahouid not be th real
claear theatrical treat of tha aeaaon.
n the flrat plan, they arguo. they have
(Ma talent, and what la more ah, now It
rim out-H-verythlnt; pertaining lo the
booking of eomr-blrue, dramatic heavv-
elalite. comeitlan and general bead-
liner haa all bean carried out according
to tba moat approved method of Forty
aero rid afreet.
And all of the poater projecting th
attraction of tha fet upon the public
hav been framed atrlctly In accordance
with the unwritten laaa for SMch tiling
laid down on th Rialto.
Thia may pall upon th dl1nterated
laity aa commonplace detail, but tlier
could be no greater error.
Jack Barrett, for Instance, would aa
anon thlr.k of writing a note to a prima
donna without couching the mlaelve In
the orthodox theatrical vernacular, aa la
employed by all aelf-respectlng Impresa
rio, a he would or paying the -National
dent or living In Beet tie.
Ilarlnr launched Into the labor and ra-
eponatblllty of preparing an entertaltt
ment that w'Jl find favor wtth aucb. rap-
tloua critic a their fellow mcrobera. and
will pleaae th general public, they are
determined to carry out the Job accord
Ing to Hoyle. or mor properly, accord
ing to Broadway. i
At a reeiilt of the ectlvlMe Incident to
t : . rr "
K 1
t an-tr .
I ' " ' vt;Vlao
eciiritig 15 alar feature for "A Nlaht
Off' and preparing a souvenir programme
that la extccted tu add much to the
club reputation, th board of managers'
room In tlie club's nutte, third floor, iler-
hanta Trust bulktlna, haa taken on a
distinctive theater-office look. A Dra
matic Mirror date-book offer Inspiration
lo those thinking up new "atunta-" with
which to bewilder and ertthuao local
patrons of the drama. Just one picture
of All'- Lloyd, hung on the wall, fired
Barrett with enough seal to land four
lug "acta" for the show, at ono fell
Members of the committee on enter
tainment have beonma so steeped In the
atmosphere of the footlights that
Charles N. Ryan took tt as a matter of
course or matter of ctiorua that the
two yonng women who presented them-
aelvea at room 303 Merchants Trust
building yesterday were anxious to add
their luster to the stage.
"Have you any work?" asked one of th
fair ones, making Incandescent eye at
"Might have." said Mr. Ryan. "What1
your actr'
The young women looked at each other
and girirled.
Mr. Kyan's professional eye took In
the situation at once; the young women
were umateurs.
Klne Kefcrenccf Cited.
"Most anything," lisped the goddess.
who had a good face, though an Impos
sible dresser.
"I know." said Ryan," but we hare to
know what your act is. Can you sing
Can you dance we might be able to use
some or the raviowa aturr it you can do
It properly.
Goddess No. 3. a mere slip of a girl of
M Summers, sniffed contemptuously
from undor a moulting Gainsborough.
"Sing! Dsnce! Why, the Idea. Tv
worked for some of th best families In
town and I have never been aked to
sing or danee. Why, I have references
from Mrs. What's-her-name over In
Irvlngton "
"Lsdle," said Ryan, "thia 1 th book
ing office for A Night OfT 15 star acts
count 'em. with acenlc "
"Oil." stammered the housemaid, "we
thought this wss a Intelligence office.
There Is an employment office for
women across the corridor from the cltrb-
'But It just shows, said Jack Barrett.
who care as much for logic as he doe
for the toothsche. "that things are com
ing our way."
Flushed with prloe over th Idea, h
decided to appoint a .press agent, not
necessarily for publication, but to em
bellish the booking office. He argued
that there waa no telling who might drop
in any minute and it would embarrass
the newspaper-theatrical men not lo have
a few pres representative strewn
Wlfo Win Plvoree Decree.
fWaus her husband treated her with
contempt and cruelty, a divorce waa
granted to Maud A. Tutro yesterday from
Krnest C. They were married In Mil
bank. A D-. In l"i. and hav four chil
dren. Th court rranted th custody of
tha children to the znotuor and gave her
to lota In Arleta.
Kqolty Suit Plmlsard.
A croae-blll In equity was disposed
of In the suit of A. L. Maltlngly vs.
the Oregon Idaho Land Company, In
volving a note of ll'.'P-V Th bill wa
dtmlsed and the company waa per
mitted to begtn an action at law for
the collection of the note.
City Snrs to Condemn.
Th City of Portr-ind ha brought suit
against th touth I'ortland Improvement
Company la condemn a narrow strip of
land o as to mak a ml desired In con-nev-t
on with the extennlon of a street In
th Jtouth i'ortland district,
Salt rron on SI 0,000 Note.
IX W. Hum ha ugh haa brought uit
ajlnt John Clwn for the recovery of
I V..U due on a promissory note given
ta pevment for lots 1 and I In Park
Ad.uuon. The petitioner asks for a tore
cloeure decree.
Ilrcrlyrr Not TMschartrd.
Judsw Morrow refused yesterday to dla
charse ti rccetxer In the case of Aueten
v. 1'latts. which Involved an automobile. was an appiU-atlon for discharge
eo t.'iat partnership debta might be re
lieved. Women AVI II PWoi Author.
Th December meeting of the State
Woman Preaa Club of Oregon
will be hvid Wednesday evening.
December a. at i o'clock. In a
committee room en the second floor
of th City Hal!. II anil be -sulhorW
evening. " Th programme I a follow:
"Hint aa Plot-Making and Character'.!,
ton.- Mr. M. K. Allen: "tystsm In
Wrrtlnw." Mia Ann M. Docking; "Wo
men la Journaltero." by Mr Dniu
ickl Marshall tpaper read by Mis
Unna G IUchanlwtn). Cisr-utadon led by
Mr, le B. Bartlett.
Fcltfsen's suecee Is do to hi re
alising trial a satlatlvd cnstooaar mean
larger boslaeea. ea
The Distinctive
Winning Flavour
rost .Jl oasitie
Is sure to be remembered.
It is one of those specially good things to eat
that most everybody likes. (
Served direct from the package with cream
and sugar, Post Toasties are a convenience that
busy housekeepers appreciate.
Don't be caught without a package in the
"The Memory Lingers"
Battle Creek. Mich.
No. One
These cuts show types
of our Handle Ope
rated, Cog and Gear,
Registers. The money
is a d d e d by turning
the handle. Prices
from $100 to $765.
Ka Ml The Highest Type of Cash Reg.
later Built. Prfca 380.
Print Usrt ml
sTav 41.
Price $100.
No. Two
Here are shoTm types
of our Drawer Ope
rated Registers. Sim
ilar in outward ap
pearance to the Han
dle Operated, Cog and
Gear type (shown
above). A push but
ton releases the draw
er; the money being
added by closing the
cash . drawer. Prices
104-O, With Autographic Attach-: fVnTn .ft4.fl Tr 6135
t. Registering Capacity Ic to W..
Ipped With Clerk's Initials! Also
n," "Charge,'' Kecelved on Ac
t," Tald Oof and "No-Sale" Key.
Price 1115.
No. J031. Registering Capacity From lo?
to C5.S9. Equipped to Print Each Item
Recorded oa a Tape. Price gso.
No. Three
Press Down Key Reg
isters. Prices from
$35.00 to $200.00.
JVo. StT. Iterlsterlng Capacity From Be
o 7.8S. May tie Kqulpped With
"Charge," Rec'd on Aect" and "Paid
Oat" Key. Price $100.
make styles and sizes of cash
registers that all other man
ufacturers make. We make
many no one else can dupli
We guarantee to furnish a better cash register for less money
than any other concern in the vorld. Thia guarantee means:
First The best cash register built.
Second The lowest price. '
Third That a National Cash Register will be kept in perfect
working order.
What safeguards this National Cash Register guarantee
First Capital, $10,000,000.
Second Experience, 27 years.
Third Organization. The National Cash Regis
ter Company keeps in close touch with the needs of
Purchased.! ' .
Registering Capacity arras Be
to I4)5. Price S35.
the merchants everywhere through its permanent
local branches.
Fourth Do we fulfill our guarantee f Ask your
neighbor who is one of our 900,000 users.
Low Monthly Terms Without Interest, or Five Per Cent Discount for Cash.
IO 1 O
Salesroom No. 70 Third Street
E. T. Kelley, Sales Agent Portland, Oregon
A' stock only possible after generations in the business in Europe and America.
It would take a "wondersmith in words" to describe the delicate beauty of the
gem set or the plain metal pieces, any- one of them would make an accept
able present.
Second Floor, Corbett Building
Open Evenings Until Christmas.