The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 04, 1910, Image 1

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    82 Pages jfc
Pages 1 to 16
. 49.
Olive Branch Offered
by Executive.
Ratio, if Maintained,
' Means Victory.
Washington Stirred by Calling j
of Conference.
Suit lo Annul Divorce Says Wealthy
Portland Man Obtained Decree
by Strange Influence.
SAX FRANCISCO. Dec. S. (Special.)
-A tale of the wielding of a strange
hypnotic power by a husband over hla
wife, coupled with charges of fraud
and the misuse of political power, are
soma of the sonsatlonal contents of. a
' petition to set aside a divorce filed In
- n .1 - .
am courts ok rwruwitt o i , , . ,
by lira, touts in-. a weii-known san uovernmeni meereu, novv-
Franclsco woman and wife or Louis
ever, by Manchester Result
Prominent Senators Meet W ith
President at White How, but
Outlook Xot Yet Bright for
! Opposing Factions Uniting.
Lang, one of the wealthiest clubmen of
Mrs, Lang, who was Alice Baer. of
1200 Geary street In this city, declared
last night the divorce was obtained by
ber husband through stratagem.
"I cannot explain the mysterious
power that man had. ssld Mrs. Lang
last night at her home. I used to be
come tired when the spell was over TI,OIlgh Tor,cs xxt Sot Achieve Ke
sulfa Expected, Government May
Be Forced Out Figures Sim
ilar to Last January's.
WASHINGTON. Dec. J. In what was
aid to be an Initial effort to bring
about a semblance of harmony In the
divided Republican forces of the tnlt-
ed States Senate. President Taft In-
"One night my husband caused me to I
sign a paper. I don't remember the
incident. I know that I waa In his
power. Since I have learned or trie
divorce I have learned that thla papefM
waa a aummons which Mr. Lang said
In court that I had received, and
which notified me that a divorce was
pending against me and that I would I opposed. 125 members had been elected
T1i WeaUTer.
TESTEHDAT'8 Maximum temperature, S3
minimum. 43 degrees.
TODAY'S Occasional rain; south to west
winus. . .
American sailors banqueted In famous I.on
uon ouuunan. section l, paze- 5.
Election campaign In England marked by
mange ol policies by Tories. Section
page 2.
Unionists make gains In British elections.
section l. pegs 1.
Fallowing peace overtures by Dlas great
name impends In Mexico. Section
Pg 1.
Tariff Board chairman . tells what Is being
cone, section 1, page 2.
President Taft offers olive branch to pro
gressives, section 1, pags 1.
Population of Oregon 672. 76S; Idaho, 3S5,
ova. section 1, page 1.
Lawyers wrangle over legal point In Maasa-
cnusetts muraer case, section 1, paga z.
Garment-makers employers agrea to arbi
trate strike, section L paga 8.
Ninety per cent of locomotive engineers
vote In favor of strike. Section 1, page 4.
Boston's big financier vanishes; 1500,000
missing: Harry Lauder victim. Section
i. page 1.
Wendllng found guilty of murder of Aim
Keuner; lite Imprisonment Is sentence.
section 1, page
Mrs. Louis Lanr sues to annul divorce. ac
cn.lng husband of using hypnotic power.
oeccion i, page J.
Democrats of Cook County, Illinois, prepare
sweeping nousecieamng. section l, page 5.
Pacific Northwest,
Oregon-Idaho T. M. C A. adopt new con
stitutlon embodying Initiative and refer
endum Ideas, section L page 7.
President Elliott, of Northern Pacific tells
Pullman College students that country
life Is nature's greatest need. Section 1.
page .
LONDON". Dec. J. Including those un- I Camas women to try to vote despite At
have an opportunity to file counter
charges. I I did not know that the
paper related to the divorce at all; In
fact. I knew nothing about the divorce
vlted several regular ana progresses ,ult , cannot understand how he ob-
Jeadera to tha White House today.
The presence of the regulars, who
dropped In singly and In pairs, at
tracted general attention. But politi
cal Washington began to alt up and
take notice when Senator Cummins, of
Iowa, the recognised leader of the In
surgent wing of the Senate, arrived.
- He was quickly followed by Senator
Borah, of Idaho, progressive. Later
rame the Information that Senator
Brlstow. of Kansas, had been Invited,
but had failed to put In an appear
Taft .Vk Harmony.
In Insurgent circles It waa said the
talned the divorce from a Judge," tha
wife continued, "but I have made the
to the new Parliament at the close of to
day's polling.
The standing of the parties Is: Govern
ment coalition Liberals SI, Labor 7. Irish
Nationalists S; total S3. Opposition
Unionist 62.
The Unionists gained seven seats, six
charge that he retained a represents- I from th , iberals-fialford fnnuthi. Ah.
uve wno exercised innuence wun toe ton-undtr-Tvii., Warrington. Darlington.
courts In Oregon City and in that way
secured a decree.'
'What my daughter says about tha
atrange power la true, said Joseph
Baer. the father. I am at a loss to
explain Just what It was. but It made
an altogether different woman -out of
my daughter. She came home tired
and worn out and seemed to have for
gotten everything that had gone on
Kings Lynn and Grimsby and one from
the' Laborltes Wlan. The Liberals won
four seats from the Unionists Manches
ter (southwest). Rochester, the Peckham
division of Camberweld and Exeter. So
that the gain of the Unionists is three
seats net.
Government Fears Outcome,
This result Is not quite up to the ex-
about her. From what I have learned I pectatlons of the Unionists, but at that.
I am of the opinion that It was soma I If the current continues to run In their
preliminary conference with the Presl- I sort of a hypnotic or mesmeric spelL" I favor, the government will be placed In
dent had riven no definite promise of
success. The a-resident was reported
as conciliatory and Is said to have de
clared he waa anxious to do all In- hla
power to bring about unity of action
. in the party
A leading member of the progressive
wtng In the Senate was asked for an
, expression aa to the outlook for bring
Ins; tha regulars and Insurgents to
(ether. He shook his head.
-Such a thing la possible. he de
dared, "but It certainly la not prob
Mr. Baer said his daughter would aue I a very awkward position and in all prob-
for divorce and alimony.
VnWerMty of Washington Lays
Claim to Oldest Student.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. J. (Special.)
When It cotnt'S io a competition for
aged students. Washington University
lays claim to a world's record.
It has enrolled In the chemistry de-
This opinion waa echoed by others. I partment one seeker after learning who
was 0 years old last August. This ven
erable collegian la J. P. FTaser and he
Is conducting research In physiological
At the other end of the scale Wash
ington has students of If years, five of
whose combined ages would only equal
that of tha old man who labors In their
He la studying antitoxins. "Whether ha
President Is Anxious.
At the White House It was not ad
milled that President Taft waa not
making a special effort to bring the
Insurgents or progressives Into line.
It was declared with a great deal of
emphasis that Messrs. Cummins. Borah
and Brlstow had been Invited to c-ll
only as a part of tile President's plan
to consult as many as possible of the is trying to perfect soma antltoxtn long
known to tha medical profession or be
lieves himself on the track of a cure for
a disease that now bafflea the medical
profession, can only be conjectured.
Fraser Is a retired physician. 8lnre he
ceased active practice he has devoted
his life to delving Into the secrets of the
Senators snd Congressmen regarding
recommendations In his message and
the legislation programme for the
coming session.
Reports of the conference sprrsd quick
ly through the city, however, and It be
came known that the president prac
tically had offered the olive branch to
the progressives, with many of whom he
hmH not heen on 111 mml rtr.l 1 1 i.fmi
The Insurgeuta of both houes prob- HAMitl tKS T 1 1 N WILL UUI I
ally will hold a caucus before deciding
on any course of action. Their tone to- I Impresario Will Go to London and
nigm waa naraiy conciliatory I
"The fact that this Is the short session I rouuee upcra.
f Congress, with the time for legisla
tive action limited, will not prevent the I NEW YORK. Dec. 3. Oscar Him-
bringing of Important legislative pro- I mersteln, the opera Impresario, Is go-
pa-eats to tha attention of the country I lng to quit this country for good and
and Congress." said Senator Cummins
shortly after leaving the White House.
Progressive Programme Out.
The Senator cava the first outline of
the programme that Is to be followed by
the so-called progressives In the session
that opens Monday. It Is the plan of
these members to urge the furtrter con
sideration of a tariff commission law sim
ilar to that embodied In the Beveridge
bill and to draw attention again to meas
ures for further control of common car
riers. "It Is not probable that any measures
f first Importance can be passed by Con
gress at this session. said Senator Cum
mlna "Thee, of us who are known as
l Concluded on Page 7.
will leave In January for England.
where he expects to open hla Opera-
House next season. Mr. Hammersteln
said today:
'My business la opera. I can do
nothing else. I must produce opera.
Since New York does not want me. as
the men who could have made It dos-
I glble for me to remain showed within I bare majoritlce of Uve and four votes
th few veara. t win r- la l.on- respectively. In each case there will
ability will resign. Neither party re
ceived the lead from London and Man
Chester that It desired, although on the
whole the government came off best.
since It succeeded In holding the north
east division of Manchester against A.
Bonar Uw, one of the chief exponents
of tariff reform, who was greatly assist
ed In his: campaign "by. Mr. Balfour's
pledge to submit the question of pro
tection to a referendum.
The Unionists reported tha return of
a majority of Unionist Free Traders,
of whom there are many in Manches
ter, to their party. In London the
Liberals held their own and a little
Juniors Hold Seats.
Captain Norton. Dr. T. B. McNamara
and C. F. O. Masterman, Junior mem
bers of the government, all hold their
seata and helped to win Peckham. In
addition, the Liberals held Haggerston.
The Right Hon. Augustln Blrrell, Chief
Secretary for Ireland, and the
Hun. C. E. Hobhouse, Financial Secre
tary to the Treasury, maintained their
own positions In Bristol, but were un
able to Improve conditions for Liber
alism. Two Canadians, Sir Gilbert
Parker and W. M. Altken. a younger
man from the Dominion, take seats in
Westminster to represent Gravesend
and Ashton-under-Lyne respectively.
Both are Unionists, and Altken. for a
novice, accomplished the unuual. He
had to contend against the cry that be
had made hla fortune In cornering cot
ton, having spent the greater part of
his life In the Southern United States.
Cuba and Porto Rico.
Unionists Regain Grimsby.
Another Unionist gain must be cred
ited to Sir O. Doughty, who won back
Grimsby, lost last January. Mr. Bal
four personally took part In the speak
ing in behalf of thla Unionist candi
date, while Home Secretary Churchill
helped the Liberal candidates.
Two seats. West Bromwlch and Glou
cester, are held by the Unionists by
den. where I believe I am wanted.
"After 40 years In New York, after
realizing my ambition and giving opera
here as It was never given before, and
then being forced to give up my work.
I shall go. Yea. I will sell my theaters
If the offera I receive are auf flcle-tly
large and I shall live In London. That
Is all."
be a recount.
On the whole there Is an extraordi
nary similarity In the majorities as
compared with the election In January,
although fewer persons voted.
The weather was very cold and wet.
LancashireGeorge Touimln (Liber
al) 4509. E. L. Hartley (Unionist)
li'oncluded on Page 8.)
torney-General's ruling. Section
page 11.
Initiative measures are made part of
statutes by proclamation. Section
page 7.
Everett newspaper man gives Inside facts
about Dr. Cook. Section 2, page 16.
Mayor Oill charges Council Investigating
committee bas employed crook. Sec
tion 1. page 8.
Man of dual personality who swears will
prosecute detractor. Section 1, page
Washington State Board of Control snb-
mlts budget caning for S3.421.Z1S. Sec
tlon 4. page n.
8utt hrought against Sheriff of King County,
Washington aids In booming hlna for
Governor. Section -1. page 12.
Football season develops many star players.
section 4. page 4.
Tennis rankings prove disappointing te
racquet devotees. Secticn 4, page o.
Bowling leagues in Portland promise te
thrive, section 4, page o.
Abbott Motor Company to establish agency
nere. section 4. page a.
E. Henry Wemme says automobile roads
of California do not surpass Oregon high
ways. Section 4. page 6.
Baseball fans not enthusiastic over Lucas
plan to form league In Intermountain
country. Section 4. page a.
James J. Corbett says "Battling" Nelson.
despite defeat. Is gamest man lo ring to
day. Section 4, paga 7.
Autolst ends transcontinental trip st Los
Angeles: city greets titia witn band.
Section 4. page 7.
Kelson now fit only for retirement, says San
Franclaoo sport writer. Section 4. page 8.
Tommy Burns picks Jack Lester as coming
cliamplon pugilist, section 4. page 8.
McCredle Is busy laying plans to pick cham
pions for next baseball season, section 4,
page .
Washington High wins Interscholastlc foot-
ball championsbip by 3 to o score, sec
tion 2. psge 4.
Tommy Burns believes he hes found future
champion pugilist. Section 4, page 8.
Commercial and Marine.
Bids are made on next year's hop crop.
Section 2. page IT.
Steady advance In Chicago wheat market.
Section 2. page 17.
Tone of stock market is heavy. Section 2.
page 17.
Apple shtpplng season nearly over. Sec
tion 2. page 17.
Portland and Vicinity.
Southwestern Washington Development As
sociation would excel Oregon League In
progress. Section 1. page 13.
Attorney Martin 8- Pipes says, under new
law. lower court connot set aside jury
verdict. Section 8. page IX.
Proposed new liquor license ordinance far
more exacting tnan old. section 1,
Page 14.
Portland apple show closes In blaxe of glory.
Section 1, page 14.
Portland Free Dispensary plans children's
clinic. Section 1, page 1.1.
Visiting Nurse Association recounts how It
expended last years Kea cross stamp
fund. Section 1, page 13.
Contractors make tests: say garbage cre
matory Is satisfactory. Section 1. page 10.
November county grand Jury passes investi
gation over to December prooers. sec
tion 1. page 12.
Federal official Inspects four blocks near
Union Depot In search of Postofflce site.
Section 1. psge 10.
Two union pickets accused of besting
strikebreaker, section 1, page 10.
Admission of convict may connect Frank
Wayne, convict, with murder of Dr.
Johnson on Ford-street bridge. Section 1,
page 4.
O. R. s N. tunnel at roe Station to be ready
for trains in Spring. Section 2. page 16.
Christmas shopping In full blast: Santa
Claus In stores thrill children. Section 2,
Pge IS.
Real Estate.
Unusual activity noted In Portland real es
tate market. Section 4. page lo.
Freight depot Is cited as one of greatest
needs of the East Side. Section 4.
page 10.
Lumbermen believe employer's liability law
will not be success. Section 4. page 1L
Building permits nearly $ 500,000 for week.
Section 4. page H-
East Side sales of lots are numerous. Sec
tlon 4. page It.
Mexican Troops Sen
Into Mountains.
After Conference Federals
Rush to Subdue Rebels.
Revolt Said to Be Gaining: Power
Dally Insurrectos- Well Offi
cered, Have Money and Treat
Foreigners Considerately.
' MEXICO CITY. Dec. 3. Presi
dent Diaz, after reading the dispatch
from Chlbuahua in which was re
lated the appointment by him of a
commission to treat with the revo
lutionary leaders, told an Associated
Press representative that he had ap
pointed no such commission or writ
ten any letter of the nature referred
CHIHUAHUA. Mex., Dec S. While the
peace commissioners were conferring with
the revolutlQjitsts along the railroad lino
today, 800 OJJpips under General Navarro
letf here for the purpose of subduing the
Insurrectos In the mountains adjacent.
Reinforcements arrived here from the
City of Mexico to garrison this city.
The commission telegraphed today from
San Isldro that the members would pro
ceed to Guerrero to treat with revolu
tionist bodies there.
Unconfirmed reports have been rgcelved
here that Guerrero had been attacked to
The departure of troops on the heels
of the commission is believed to indicate
that that body carries a message more in
the nature of an ultimatum than an olive
branch. It is believed here that the pro-
eeedlngs will develop a battle by Monday
or Tuesday.
The letter- from the President was
received today naming the following as
Judge Jose M. Danders. Dr. Garcia
Cardenas and Senors Amador and San
tiago Gonzales.
The commissioners, among other things.
will endeavor to ascertain Just what
grievances afflict the revolutionists.
Terms of peace wi 11 be discussed and a
report made to the national capital.
These Insurgents will be given to under
stand that if they persist in bearing arms
against the government they will be
given a lesson which will leave the State
of Chihuahua in peace for many years.
The defeat of a detachment of govern
ment troops at Pederuales, on Tuesday,
is admitted by those In authority here.
According to the most consistent Infor
mation, the government troops who met
defeat were a band of 150 who left the
train at San Andreas nearly two weeks
ago, when the coaches were attacked by
revolutionists. They escaped at that time
and up to last Tuesday had been moving
west, gaining food and water In a pre
carious fashion.
Hunger, it is said, drove them to Pader-
nallcs, where Insurrectos were known to
be. The revolutionists-, by a Ionge range
fire, drew them close to the village,
where the former attacked In force, fir
ing from roofs and windows. The two
officers at their head were killed as were
number of soldiers, reported anywhere
from nine to 20. Several prisoners were
captured and are said to have followed
the Latin-American custom of Joining the
The Associated Press correspondent un
derstood that about 50 of the soldiers
made good their retreat and were en
deavoring to return to Chihuahua.
The Governor confirmed the report that
reinforcements are expected here daily
to garrison the town while the force of
800 troops now here proceeds along the
Mexican & Northwestern Railway in an
attempt to pacify the disaffected district.
False alarms of fighting within ee st
riding distance ?f here have been fre
fConcluded on Page 2.1
$500,000 IS MISSIXG.
Scotch Comedian, Known to Be Cau
tious Investor, Is Loser In
Boston Friend's Deal.
BOSTON". Mass., Dec. 3. (Special.)
After a meteoric career of several years
In high finance, Robert E. Davis, the
boy stock broker, Is rnlesing from Bos
ton. Simultaneous with his vanishing a
month ago, sums estimated at from J300,
000 to $500,000 have disappeared. The
police have a warrant for his arrest, on
a nominal charge of larceny of $10,000
worth of atocka from a .woman. Davis
Is 23. one of the youngest and at one
time the most succesaful man of affairs.
on State etreet.
Scores of firms In the financial district,
and . brokers are losers through the
speculains of Davis. His acquaintance
ship consisted of the best class of
bankers. He counted hla friends in. the
Back Bay and Brookllne districts by
hundreds. The disposition of the money
is one of the mysteries of the case. A
thorough Investigation - has been made
throughout the Boston financial district
and no trace of speculation on the
young man's part, save for legitimate
deals Involving perhaps 150,000 can b
Another victim was Harry Lauder,
Scotch comedian. Davie entertained
Lauder at his home in Brookllnf at
two banquets. At one of these ban
quets many prominent people were
present to do honor to the comedian.
The alleged separation of Lauder from
his funds took place at the second din
ner. The comedian is a cautious in
vestor, and it had been his boast for
years that man who, could trim him
did not exist.
number mm
Idaho Count Is Given
As 325,598.
State Entitled to Another.
Member of Congress. :
Old Man Objects to Superfluous
Brutality . of Robbers.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 3. (Special)
Because he was beaten as well as
robbed and could not conceive of any
humane and well-meaning- footpads do
lng such things, Peter Dubio, an octo
generlan street sweeper, today opposed
the application of Lee Clark and Bruce
Martin for probation- '
The battery and robbery took place
as the aged man was entering -his
apartments on Lower Market street.
three weeks ago, $40 and a gold watch
being taken from him. Called to the
stand to give his opinion of the merits
of the . application, Dublo, loaning
toward the bench in department 6, of
the Superior Court, asked earnestly:
Say, Judge, what in hell did they
want to beat me for?"
Only after repeated rapping for or
der did the laughter, in which even the
Judge Joined, subside. Then the mat
ter of releasing the young robbers on
probation was continued for one week,
with the chances apparently against
x"outh Dreads Approach of 17th
Birthday, Falls to Death.
NEW YORK, Dec. 3. For the reason
that both his brother and h's sister
had died Just as each was approaching
the age of 17, John Smyth, a young resi
dent of the Upper East Side, had fre
quently expressed a fear that ne would
ever live to celebrate his own 17th
He was nearlng what he considered
this crucial age, when today he fell
ight stories through the elevator shaft
of a new building at Broadway and
Ninety-second street, and died as the
last rites of the church were being ad
ministered to him.
Idaho, With Gain or 101 Per Cent,
Leads All Except Oklahoma in
Rapidity of Growth Settlers j '
In Country Swell Totals. ;
Ington, Dec. 3. Oregon has a population
of 672,765, as shown by the 13th census,
announced today. The population ten
years ago was 413,536. The increase in
the past ten years, therefore, has been
62.7 per cent. The population In 1880
was 313,767. The increase in 20 years
has been 114 per cent.
The Census Bureau's figures, announced
this afternoon, indicate that Oregon will
be entitled to another Representative
in Congress two years hence, even If the
ratio of representation Is Increased, in
accordance with custom. The announce
ment of the population of Idaho, also
made today, indicates that that state
also will gain one Representative.
The figures show that there are In
Multnomah County, outside of Portland,
19,047 persons. The population of the
county is given as 226,261, the population
of Portland having been announced pre
viously as 207,214. The whole county
shows an Increase of 123,094. The coun
ty has more than doubled its population
In the past ten years. It bad a popula
tion of only 4150 In 1860, the first year
in which there is a record of the coun
ty's people.
The state In 1850, when the first cen
sus was taken, had a population of 13,
294. The state has an area of 96,030
square miles, of which 1470 square miles
are water surface.
The figures of the bureau show that .
Idaho, which is credited with a total
population of 325,598, as compared with
161,272 in 1900, a gain of 101.9 per cent,
has a greater Increase in the past ten
years than any other state in the Union
thus far announced, except Oklahoma.
The population of Idaho by counties la
as follows:
County 1910.
Ada 29.0S8
Bannock 10.242
Bear Lake 7.729
Bingham 23.306
.tfjaine s,37 -
-Boise 5,250
Bonner i 13.588
Canyon 25.327
Cassia 7,197
Ouster 3,001
Elmore 4,785
Fremont 24.60tl
Idaho 12,384
Kootenai 22,747
Latah 18,81 H
Lemhi 4.78U
Lincoln 12,676
Nes Perce 24.80O
Oneida 15.170
Owyhee '. 4,044
Shoshone 1.1,963
Twin FullS 13.043
Washington 11,101
Totals 325.598
7'. 497
. 3.441)
Clairvoyant Suffers Prison Penalty
for Swindling Woman.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3. Five years'
Imprisonment in San Quentln was the
sentence imposed today by Judge Dunne
on Mrs. Bessie Orloff-Arnold, the clair
voyant and medium convicted of swin
dling Mrs. Francis Shaw, of Oakland, out
of $150.
When ehe heard the sentence, Mrs.
Arnold fell Into the arms of her hus
band, Oscar Arnold, who is awaiting
trial on a similar charge. A ten days'
stay was granted to permit appeal. .
Increase Means Another Representa
tive in Congress.
With a total population April 15, 1310,
of 672,765, Oregon will have shown a
remarkable growth, and when the bill
Is Introduced In Congress as a result of
the announcement of the population of.
the United States, will provide for an
other representative In Congress. Rep
resentation in the present House is upon
a basis of one Representative for each
225.000 population or major fraction there
of. It Is probable that the ratio will be
Increased somewhat by the bill, but In
no case Is it believed that Oregon will
be deprived of additional representa
tion. Comparison of the figureo, yesterday
announced indicate that Wasco and Lane
counties have approximately tied In the
number of now settlers added during
. (Concluded on Page 4.)
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