The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 27, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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nd was dtnuzed to such an extant
J that pamanarra had to CO hunnry un
! til suet her ur could b sant to mart
the troln. The fire waa confined to
th-5 klti-Len compartment of the diner.
b-.t the Truckee fira train bad to be
cnl. to subdue It. as the chemical
apparatus carried for such emerfOD
cl proved Inadequate.
Only Depositions Figure in
Suit Filed" by Former
Land Official:
Mie Prmn Desertion and Cruelty,
Husband Offering Her Govern
ment Fot to Remain East.
Property Worth $11,000.
Astoria Plans Centennial In Honor
of First White Settlers on Coast.
ASTORIA. Or, Nov. . (Special.)
A meeuna- attended by more than 100
representative business men in thla
city waa held last evening-, to arrange
for holding- a suitable celebration next
Summer of the 100th anniversary of
the founding- of the first white aettle-
meut on the Paclfle Coast. A commit
tee of fir was named to select a cen
tennial commission of 1 member
which will hare entire charge oX the
The deleaatea to the Oregon Devel
opment League session at Salem were
Instructed to brlna; the matter berore
that body and solicit Its co-operation.
The representatives to the Legislature
were requested to Introduce a bill ask
ing an appropriation from the state to
all In iWravlng the expense of the
celebration. The committee which will
select the members of the centennial
fcEATTLfi Nov. 2t .-5re. il ) I commission consists of Mayor atnltn.
In a divorce battle, waged eatiruly by J- K. ("iratke. Rev. John F. Waters. B.
deposition. -tth the pr:r.c:pa atsntF. Crawshaw and Herman Wise,
from t.-.s courtroom, and represented only I 1
by .Stir attorney. Judge Frster loay ,,,r--ri w i vimnrn
granted a decree of divorce on htr ero.-- pjtnU UUICILT LlllOntU
cotr.pixir.t to Jlaude & u:iri 01 ir.e
former chief of tre Su!e d.v:.ton of
the field serrlts of the Interior Iej-ait-
meet. for !-ertion trd cruel treatment.
Tr.ougn Lou; R. Glivu. the plaintiff,
had charged hi wife with deser.lon. tfct
eourt considered as proved the lfe's
rounWr-chrse. as made by ti e depol
tlons ot Mrs. G.'vis. Ler sieter. Mrs. atlr
f. Eof'.ey. f.f O street. WasMrston
r. and her brother, fharles W. Haas
of Waer.!rg:on. P. C Ail of thew swore
that Mrs. Glavis carr.e E-vst from Port'
lcd. Or.. In December. 1Su7. to aait upon
her sick Joha P. V- Haas, and
on the day of Ms funeral. February S.
she received a ktter from Glavis,
aking that the separation of the couple
be permanent.
Glarl Worth S 14. ZOO.
T.-e schedule of propertv In Glavis"
rm am given In his depomiion. tncluJ-d
tlOO worth of real estate, all but U0
worth being community property. The
prossrty rights of the couple were set-
fled outside st court. A l-acre timber
claim tn Oregon Is said by Glavls to
have been taken from htm by the In
tenor IXMrtauit. which canceled the
Aside from the deposition ef the hus
band, he offered no evidence In the case.
Mrs. Glav sets forth In her deposi
tion that she left Glavis at Portland in
December. 1J7. to attend her sick father,
with consent and with his money.
On the day of her fathers) funeral, she
rrtarges. Glavis' letter sug3sting that she
get a divorce and receive. In return, a
Government position and Jo a month
from him. came to her. Tie shock, she
ys. nearly drove her Into a condi
tion of nervous prostration.
Wife Forced to Work.
She refused to aecept the offer and
told Glavi aha waa ready and willing to
return to him aa his wife. Its answered
by repeating hla offer and Insisted that
she remain Eae of the Rocky Mountains.
saying that If she ever came West of
be Rockies, he would leave the country.
It la charged that the wife waa unable
Jo rejoin her hueband. as he would not
pay her expenses snd that su
obliged to go to work.
Mob Makes Short End of Black
Pound in Girl's Room.
MA TO. Fla.. Nov. ;. P-lchard Lowe,
a negrn. wan quietly lynched eeveral
miles outside the city before, noon to
day for entering the room of the daugh
ter of R. M. Cobb la the heart of Mayo
late last night. The crime and the
subsequent lynching were a secret un
til this afternoon.
Cobb was awakened late last night
by Ms daughter's screams and went to
Investigate. As he entered the room,
the negro Jumped through the window.
Later the negro was arrested and Iden
tified. Forty men this morning took the
negro from the Jail and banged him
from a telegraph pole Just outside the
city- After the body was riddled with
bullets the mob dispersed.
Man and Wile Seised In Tacoma for
Aliased Portland Theft.
TACOMA. Wash.. Nor. 3S. i Special.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Coll'n were arrested
here this afternoon on information fur
nished by the Portland police, on a charge
of grand larceny. The police were ad
vised that stolen goods would arrive here
thla afternoon addressed to the couple,
The goodr were found at the express of'
flee and the police followed the stuff to
the Lansing Hotel, where the express
company made delivery. Mr. and Mrs.
Collins were arrested at the hotel.
Mrv Collins say she kef t some articles
for a woman tn Portland who had not
railed for tiiem and that the charge of
stsa.icf arises from that ncldont; The
couple la held here for the Portland au
thorities. Conine and bis wife formerly conducted
a boarding-house and a "beauty parlor'
at SM East Main street, tn this ctty. They
art accused of taking personal be'.ocg
lot of Mrs. Schofleld, J. M. Scholts and
A. F. Ford, boarders at their place. The
goods are ralutd at SajiX The boarders
say money waa taken from their rooms
at different fmea, Mrs. Collins opened
a beauty parlor and throug!) various
methods of advertising she secured sev
eral students, from each of whom she la
said to have collected t! as a tuition
Last Wedneieiay the Collins left for
Tacoma. A. F. Ford then filed a com
plaint, charging them with larceny.
Detectives Mailed and Craddock. who
traced the couple to Tacoma, left last
night for that place to return the prisoners.
D. la. Smith Killed When Chain
Gives War In Tualatin Mill. .
D L. Smith, president ot the Tuala
tin Lumber Company, one of the prom
inent residents of the Tualatin Valley,
was killed while superintending the
operation of on of his sawmills, two
miles west of Tualatin, yesterday
He waa watching a chain, by means
of which a stump was to be pulled
from the srrouad, slowly wrap around
a drum, when the hook which waa
attached to the stump pulled loose,
striking htm with terrific force In the
abdomen. He wss rendered uncon
scious by the blow and fell to the
ground bleeding profusely from the
horrible gaah cut by the heavy Instru
ment, ills vital organa also were In
jured. Death came half an hour after
the accident.
Mr. Smith was about IS years ot age.
He tt aurvlved by his widow and a
son. Jesse, who waa associated with
blin in the business.
Stolen Gander, Hidden tn Cellar,
Responds to Owner's Call.
A LLEXTOWS. "pa. Nov. (Spe
cial.) Gustav Conrad has recovered a
flock of geese that bad been stolen
from hi.) poultry yard.
Conrad made a uouse-to-nouse
search, constantly calling 'Bill! Bill'.
At last there was an answering
snuawk from a cellar, which he recog
nized aa the note of hla gander.
Conrad went Into the house and be
gan, to ask questions. The woman
frankly admitted she had a number of
geese In the cellar, which she said she
bad bought from a boarder living In a
neighboring bouse, who said he bad
won them at a- raffle la the country.
She willingly returned the geese to
the owner.
The thief fled.
(Continued From ytrst
"Will tell you what Is
in aloes when
I see yoa.
la letters written from Hotel Pedl
cord In Spokane October and from
Hotel Watervllle In Walervtlle, Wash,
McDowell addresses his letters, My
Dearest Lula" and "Dearest Lula." and
areas her-to elope with him.
The following letter Is from Springs
ton. Wantv. and Is dated October IS.
110. After addressing Mrs. Traynor
as "Dearest Darling Lula." McDowell
follows with a halt-page of endear
ments and continues: ,
"Oh. God. If you were only as well
satisfied aa I am that I would be tree
In a short time, how much batter and
how mueh more satisfied you would be.
"Oh, Lula. how I love you and how
my heart achea for you.
"Lula, I swear It before the living
uoa mat you win see me iree ana
that you "HI rest at night on my
Freight Train Tears 200 Feet of
Rails Dining Car Darned.
TRL'CKEE. CaL. Nor. li (Special.)
A wreck occurred on the Southern
Paclfle In the snowsheds near Soda
Mprtngs at I.JO o'clock this morning
and delayed traffic more than six
hours. Two cars of a west-bound
freight train were wrecked and tore
down 100 feet of snowshed. scattering
the heavy timbers In a mass on the
track. Ralls were torn out fur a simi
lar distance. A wrecking outfit from
Truekee cleared the track.
About S o clock this morning a din
ing ear thai was about to be picked
up by the Atlantic Express caught fire
at its berth la the yards at this place
Eradicates scrofula aod all other
humors, cares all their effect,
makes the blood rich and abund
ant, strengthens all the vital or
It effects its great cures, not
simply because it contains sar
saparilla, but because it combines
the utmost remedial values of
0 different ingredients.
Get It today tn usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsataaa.
Yon '11 Appreciate It and Save Enough
in th. Price to Educate Your
self in Music.
For the man or woman who will
come to our factory-cost sale (3(1 Mor
rison st) not later than 10 o'clock to
morrow, I have the . rarest bargain
even at i e factory cost price to cSer
them in the way of tho finest little up
right piano that I have put ray hands on
tn many a day. It Is ao perfect nnd
beautiful In Its deep, rich and clear
singing tone throughout Its entire
scale, with an action ao perfect, light
and elastic In tourh. tbst no descrip
tion can do It JusUce tt la simply a
perfect mahognay "gem."
Its regular retail price on our ware
room floor In New York and Boston ia
$450. Its factorv wholesale coat at our
factory. Kali TRIver, Mass., without
freight, is :25. That's the price that
will buy It today, and the first person
who sees and hears It. that would pay
tili for any upright piano, win take
It. Don't come next day and expect to
find It. for it will be gone. It't have
several other extremely fine bargains
for tomorrow, but none quite Ilka this.
It's a corker.
Come early, and ask to see Fisher's
little "Mahogany Oem'V-2S down and
$10 a month takes it. A. A. Plaher.
manager "Cote Flsao ilfg Co.. 3l
50 Cents
a Year
C50 Ceitts
a Year
1 stilMlls'l 1 1 1 ' '
The Most in Value, The Best in Quality
All Sizes,
All Sizes,
Visit Our Big- Ekasexnent Toy Department Now! Do You Realize How Near Christmas Is?
Immense Crowds of Christmas
Shoppers Are Coming Mow
.eW eaaW 4
Are Heady Earlior Than Usual TVith Biergrer, Broader Stocks! Your Every Want Here
Every department is busy now and growing more so every day, which means that our untiring efforts to fill the store with the BEST in Christmas
merchandise are appreciated, ly our .store friends throughout the city and vicinity. May we offer a very important suggestion I or your benefit
(Great Holiday)
Apron Sale
Priced From
25c Up to 82,00
A fine assortment of dainty Christmas Aprons,
shown in all style, shapes and sizes, made of
fine quality lawn, batiste, fancy dimities, dotted
and plain swiss, wun aamty
trimmings of fine embroider
ies, laces and ribbons. Well
made and neat, dainty and
useful Christmas gifts. Ask
to see this fine line of aprons
now, while assortments are(
complete. '
Priced From
25 c
Up to
en's Tailored Suits
Women's and misses' tailored Suits, unexcelled at the popular prices quoted. The most desirable new
Winter styles are represented, and each garment is tailored with the utmost care. Medium and three
quarter semi-fitting tailored coats, with collar of same cloth, velvet or moire; skirts in new pleated
and frored styles; shown in the following popular dress fabrics: Storm and wide wale serge in plain col
airs and Cheviot and tweed suitings in stylish mixtures $12.50, $17.50, $22.50
Purs in an exceptionally wide range of styles, kinds
and .prices. They represent the very newest in
Winter furs capes, scarfs, muffs and sets, plain
.or with tabs, lined with good quality plain, shirred
or brocaded satin; they are shown in -real, Japan
ese and brooji mink, Isabella fox, lynx, French
iioney ajad astxachan. Popular prices for this sale,
ranging from- , .$1.50 to $25.00
Women's stylish Winter Coats of good quality
broadcloth or serge suiting in plain colors and
twed and cheviot coatings in stylish tan and gray
mixtures; they are made in several very attractive
new Winter models, with storm or notch collar of
same cloth or velvet. $1730 Coat values, special
ftr ibis sale at $12.50
Children's rubber Capes and others of good quality
rubberised sateen in a gray and blue striped ef
fect, tan and blue; they are of good length, with
arm slips and plaid-lined hood ; sizes 6 to 14 Years.
Monday and Tuesday. -$1.90, $2.95, $3.75
Fine quality German velour Bathrobes in beautiful
navy, dark red, Copenhagen, light blue and gray
floral designs; they are made in several pretty
styles, with collar or Dutch neck, medium and
full-length 6leeves, belt cord and edges bound with
satin to match. Values up to $6.00, special for
Monday at $3.90 and $4.50
Petticoats of a good quality,1 well-wearing taffeta in
a dozen dark and light colors, made -with a deep,
circular, sectional, corded flounce; another with
two rows of shirring and corded ruffle, nnder
flounce with dust ruffle. $5.50 values, specially
priced for Monday at. $3.50
Children 's Capes of a good quality kersey or broad
cloth in black, navy, Copenhagen and red ; they are
made with arm slips and military collar, trimmed
with braid, or with plaid-lined hood, unlined or
lined throughout with a black and white check or
red flannel lining; sizes 6 to 14 years. Monday
and Tuesday at $2.75 to $5.50
Women's Felt Juliets at 99c
Boys' High-Cut Shoes
Two special bargiain jinrchases bring to you exceptional values. We call your partic-
ular attention to or offering of boys' high-cut Shoes; they are made of the best of
leathers and are scJti all through, and the price savings are well worth considering.
Boys' hiyh-cut Shoe;, in all sies from
IQV2 to 1314; just the kind the boys
want; 12-inch topj with J2 1 A ll
buckle. $2.50 valmis at. v
Women's new-style Shoes in all leathers,
all sizes and widths, in light and heavy
weight. Best $2.50 val- C "f y Q
ues, priced at. ....... ... A U
The Savings Are W ell Worth Considering
Women's felt Juliettes in all styles and colors, neatly ffur
trimmed, all sizes in each color, . best $1.50 QOf
grade, this sale at 7 i7L
Men's House Slippers in all stylp, in tan and black colrs
and in all sues, tfest ;i.ou values, priced tor flOr
this sale at U XJ,U
Women's Carpet, Cravenette and Velvet Slippers in all sizes
and good styles, best 75c values, priced for ACkr
this sale at. XJ
Men's Carpet, Cravenette, Velvet and Embroidered Slippers
in all sizes, regular $1-00 values, priced for fi O
this sale at
rim ftn ' s Tf,
Silk Hose, $1 Pair
In black and best colors, regular $2
values, at Va price, a pair. $1.00
A very important salo of women's
high-grade Italian 6ilk Hose, the
kind guaranteed not to drop
stitch; they are made with double
heel, sole and toe, and are strict
ly all silk; shown in black and
the popular shades of blue, pink,
red, gray, brown, tan, old rose,
lavender, reseda, navy, Copenha
gen, champagne, etc., etc. Most
excellent stockings for gift pur
poses. The only reason why we
can sell these stockings at such a
low price is because we purchased
them from an overstocked manu
facturer at HALF PRICE
Note Wo reserve the right not to
sell to dealers, to take phone or
ders or send C. 0. D. None can be
exchanged; each sale must be final
at this low price.
fDon't Put Off Your Moll and Toy Buying: Until the Last Minute!
Buy While Asfsortments Are. Complete. Come to
ant a Clams9
fa a. f
Headquarters &$M
50c red Chairs '. .39
35c Dressed Dolls 25
50c Wheelbarrows 35
$1.23 kid body Dolls 89
$1.23 Dressed Dolls ...89
$1.25 Baby Bumps DoU $1.00
50c Mission Chairs .39
35c Target Pistols 25
EXTRA! A salo of 500 fine kid body Dolls, fall 20
inches long, with natural hair, parted wig, moving
eyes and shoes and stockings. Best $1.50 val..89t
SiM Claus Mates His Headquarters
Thctse Special Inducements. A Small Deposit
Wili Hold Your Purchase for Future Delivery
EXTRA! A splendid assortment of Dressed Dolls;
they come full -18 inches long, with moving eyes
and real eyelashes, large picture hats and beauti
ful dresses. $1.25 values at 89
EXTRA! About 100 Go-Carts, one-motion folding
kind, made with steel frame, metal wheels, with
rubber tires, leather hood and side curtains. Best
$4.00 values at $2.98
75c Toy Trains 5Q J
Elegant Silks f br Tour
Holiday Sewing
Such is our confidence in the values we are prepared to give in our popular silk section
that we claiimyou do an injustice to the powtir of your montry if you buy without seeing
our stock. There is no good style, kind or color that you o annot find here, and prices
need only be compared with the lowest elsewhere to prove the superiority of onr valnes.
$1.00 YARD
The most popular new silks for waists,
scarfs, fancy work, etc; a splendid showing
in striped patterns st fifty cents a yard;
pretty allover patterns at seventy-five cent
a yard, and a choice assortment in allover
and jacquard weave at one dollar a yard
Unmatchable values at these prices.
An exceptionally attractive showing of new
Poplin Silks in self-colored jacquard de
signs, neat small patterns in any wanted
color. Beautiful new silks shown tomorrow
for the first time, suitable for scarfs, bags,
waists, fancy work, etc. Unmatchablo val
ues at this low rrice.
$1.00 AND $1.25 YARD
Full-width beautiful new Brocaded and
Jacquard Silks in swiss taffetas, messalines
and satins, shtrwn in a choice assortment of
new designs, vjhite ground with hand-twisted
floral patterns interwoven with jacquard
designs; especially suitable for evening
wear and fane y work. A showing that must
be seen to be appreciated.
22-incb fancy lfompadour Messaline Silks
beautiful, lnsbwus silks, in white ground
with neat flora,l overdesigns in rich color
ings, suitable for scarfs, bags, waists, auto
veils,- tancy wcrk, etc. An unusually at
tractive silk at a very low price.
Our Holiday Bargains
in Men's Wear
Men's House Coats, Bathrobes, Suspenders
and Mufflers at Specially Reduced Prices
We are ready; are yout Special values in men's House Coats. This is
a most opportune time to buy before the great rush is on. We'll enjoy
showing you this entirely new line of coats, for we have the best pat
terns and the best values at the lowest prices. Specially priced for
this sale at..... $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and $7.50
Ask to see onr nice line of men 's Bathrobes, for it 's the best sale that
ever started a Christmas season. By going into the market months
ago and securing first choice of fine materials at a considerable price
saving we are ready to offer these bathrobes at special prices. Your
choice at ...$4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50
A large assortment of President Suspend
ers, made of excellent quality elastic and
each pair put up in a fancy holiday box.
They are shown in a large range of pretty
patterns, and are priced for this sale, per
pair 50
A special offering of the celebrated Brad
ley Mufflers, shown in all colors and sizes
from 12 to 17. Pick out your mufflers
now for Christmas gifts, while the assort
ment is so good. Your choice at this sale
for, each 50
Morrison St.