The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 27, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 29

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I I - T ". M EM E ". ..
?. T .- p-n "f.i
n: "i .m: I ; y f ji
i s.r ! r i e f - f
'm i n c u: t -tie- t ;
-r i. r - ; ;--r.
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V lN I M E
I 1 V
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Tt W.
k t.. wsn
r i : -. n r . r-"-
f r
' 1.
. 1 . -n
t .
... , r r
I 1- t r-rl4 rl'. :
.. t a ni.p. h'
i'ku month pp.
it ar.d
p.i r ' i."
r.p.a ej
i-i ktz-mi ki.i.k::
1 7 A :i.k--."n R '
S- M TH!tf
tn.n it., v-rv r. fs: mt 'iftf , I
rid at r la ail ivri.. ir l vi
hi r rn mm I
hot aa iii.n .im t)r mrti. t
f n1
r hj-.l.. f.r. t-rn v or t.t tr.i t. f r
r-iKr.-V.l'KI.I.KK .
.-! Jit At-:
i Hit!
i .t n r drii k . : !irr
f'i it r.n t-.'-rinr-
- rt .IT. I ll I r- . l'. 'f I
ri1 mntr It: rni.
month. rr t" r tii" -'
It i . '.I t r.l.l.Ku
HoTKl.S -
r--i' r v: i.t i.
i;..oitN . I 'I'-KS KKAL
kt tv:.
. M.i;i "' A " IT.V
V- ?..- .i .'v '.it t--t f-:-i!ii
i i-.- UK tv. .-VK Vol AM'
: it'"l
r m rur.e i r rt 'r ii i n nm nt
r.K'H M H.iHK oKKU vl AM' l.t'liHY
r-pn. !.'.. Int.- f
M'triit. ri t 'M'-u i - .n '"i t "l r" 'l
h- f t-i - f r ii ti. h.-f
"US I I. 'V . r-.i' 1ni, i-rnui
40 ;
t -
. r n
r 1 :
t: a:;. ef
T "j- . Kh.S
HAR'tAl v n- ST T s r
nor u y. k 1 v. a T
I tts -rt -;. h ttan-t ,. - 1 1, 1 . r--nl t (O c.vd
'. ! d ? , t e p.. ll. . at) U-t-i".
K""t t.M"t-. !!. f .!.! ci-ail.
NKMt 1 l" M All.
'fr'ri niort U. I h o.i A ep t
;ii-. Iittie K'ik. it.Iv iiei ra
ferjui r !.
' r.TVKVT I'm KS
S fli'MOt-. !' 1 'i..-o-- r-o:Iy un-
'i.j-'.lsr.l Pi-t. k r.- . -. West .- !e I
I; ti r-'t, i . t I
.".J f MS I". r".MMi It" H't i-i . t p- ' irM (hp V : M-1
T.' IJ'i'l a til .fi'li. ." k-u- b ., Hoffnn
r e.j 1 1 1 h 1 f -r I e rti! . only $.m
c J "1 re.t'rii-.l b . 1 1 fi e w 7". 1 n n r ( 1
X. r.otii. ret.t .imv 1 1 o 4 ee.
eornpl-teiv f .iiti 1 I ihr .'ic'i..iit , b-tl
Tl IS ft . '.'T l.-i V .-N AP.
f room. n- rv.T tri k h'tlVima
rim brtr: n- vai t.--if, lr-..-o-t
Ti !'-. r -'e-t f -n. 1 with
3 ; . t ts i .lnii-t He wr . wiin . II
r"rr t . :t l- r rn t t 111 in a rttu
a :ir narf-on run lit 4-. ti n-.-t Ion . jast
ci Ki:s :oo month.
M fo.-i.-in, ( W.-t Side b'ea'b-n.
"I'-n with runrvng b--t and e'j. ur
tn e ,e r r-Ti. Hr an t It H ar-
r n te, f t mittr'w. bebt'nc
.n I r,rlfi-nk' to " , re-
, ! J". ..1. to .: i;.r ies 1 ...'i nr
t - 1 n -1 U n ?,Y ill a ro..rn 1 h t-H
". ..- Ilere is a bi-in at $i'i. tirna
o- 1 .
An"""' of 4i RCKM3 n same elaaa as
t a:ove. U trh I tn les and veijr
erie;.-i rnt f-r $:..
t IS. SMITH A ro..
-.'"'j Wrii:cion si. rooma ? " 1 - 2 ft .
.K Vl TIr'l'l
."7 ro:ti. I
1 f- - room siutea elee j ni '
f'rntshe.t. new and n linil-i lui .tnit
tlor em h fiM-tnirt'l has pitaie ham.
telephone in.t m 1 1 up-1o-tlite fontententes;
e ire' 1 -m intrattott and huiM full; five-year rem per month; ;.Vmi vah
: : ! handla t hi.
ICH l'l.A.l) Ki hiMIVi J-ltOlSE 1X.
ol3 Henry B!dg.
4 rtvna. br l. k. entrj?M from
two jtik. eeiient itlun : ibong big
transient iraie. long les at ;;, p.
month. who'll In'lude pri beMtt. ha,
'm heat. bf and -old w ater and r 'a
t m all rooms; a lot cf n furnishing'
reknt't put In. f wnr mtit s-1!.
313 Henry Bldg.
I.O T AM KO l l
ITKATEP or atop n. Scot h vollie male dg.
tl i k trow n a. ! . atuiw fiiom. hi:
around nerk. tiuit able on lop. tvhlta
11 end of tall . lost from Jersey tlry
Kan -h Nv. U. Alba ny. r.. box
GuoU rea ard. W. C. Sc h ultt
Ut'T m the Wlllametta or Columhia
Ktver betfn St. Jonns ard West port,
or.. 13 hHr a irks n. ' lo'm chams;
b'H.m chains tranlcd V. I. P. "o. He-
ar4 t r Inf ormw ti. . n. Address W. P. A
T". to. rr s on t it . t r.
Jul Mv-Whr you can buy genutna hair
mattress.- r-ta.l at a holt sain prues; w
leua'.ata ma;traara ana return urn day;
e aao renovuta f-at hara. Portland
Curl :d Hair t .-.ctory. U- Metxgcr, us
r'rot.i. rhtfneg lin 474. A 13T4.
f-.l.'Nt l'lj g.l. ami ptrl bandied mii
brvlla. eft r lull that cama down fit 1
mont at. t.ut a w e. k agi. name n
bangle, owner fan hif same t proving
property anl pittlrg f(r tlia notue. K'mll
Tbor J44L. H Ki.
r M:nk ro',
J' a'i-t 10 P.
a piece S-iCiiri! . brtaeen
l . in t;.-imt f Morrison,
r sta. and Multnomah "iub.
or Security avir.;a 4k
Mth and Tab
I ' 1 nn Tabor
l.o.-'T Hwvi-ie. rr urd til be pa.d f.r
inform a Mon leading ! t h re. o n v of
a bb le taken In.m th oaks A in use
n-enf Park, f'ritfa v af lernooi.. No . I' V
"vrte b'.siM-il
I I-i- the pt-ty who inaU oriea t tok tli
sra n g!el net s:i I from th rington
tuft on priday evening return it to til
rlub caret n,er. w h- ;il turo It over to
The aauer-"
-1 At .Mier 4k r iar ka. U!a. k stile
a'rh f b w tth rM nugget attached.
aiu d as keepsake from tlead h'tsbnd! fsanl if de'tvrred at
:tii .. cr. of Ptae.L
.'-T-A pUm gold br (iu with p.'n tuj
ina lin in r.tia-M otters. tra.rii or
p.'ieuru Tli'4t -r and Cornell 1. a li-l. i.
er pi ec r turn to t-om I CM on Court.
Lcifcn Mlur.Ui r-w-nnif al UQJ.ow
Theater. r betaeen Bungalow Tiieater
li'l t'in.!'i on Mttis-ti a, gold brace
let: nndrr p ea. p e Ma:n T i 7 or r
tU't to A.'l Crbett b..!g
Lo--V r ato!. a fro-i Vnmh- r An Air
daie lerrb r. lm.mni obi ansa era 10 th
iwnn of prin -. b,.k 4iil tn. .o or; ir
"V4t.l if re'.aroetl Jeti:iaon Mrvntlie
. V neoi. v r. VV '.
Li r u Ear
riri. " T on spi
re ard t-
W . ael
nlt O Hf on other. ,l 1-
reiurn to H. H. Beunett.
l fin ii at. Ph-me Kaal
tern'tT 17 pearl. name
;tis R. engraied n back ef
.adgr. P'Cjrr: to n ner, 7i; Couch b.dg..
f..r reward phn Vain ..2'-,.
Lb- 7 Host. m b 1 I terrier, bet Me:er4V
V r k and Fti Tn an A I'p-1 ton. iji -
0 v e eu ng . rrtm .1 h. Tth Nortti. 1
l.t-T A n. b f.inunnn tontrx t. b -
1 -en n m l lie 1 n ne or ri B:oad -
y mr hbral r- rt f returned
K. 2t'h s I--.
L'T F a-d ra'neoac en fn and -r
r -i s: : f ' r 1er re: urn to Grand
a., pone East J Hen ard.
LOjT r at o en. re !!! aefrer: in en
No 1472. K et urn to No. b.4 Nrthfup m
1., jT t
r a roliet
1 :t-. f
M'ter Frana a. Siturdav. d -s
k unibrt.a. Return to sl L i
. srd
ST A K of p ' !
.eas t ft urn to 321 Morrison
.. Hi..
irl S
Lf'fT ;-een Broad av ail t a d
oifh. e ' k loo t mounted, n It ! is S. I.
frea-d si ore. nf.
jV-V A s;i:a"i Hr ma'on miri
ai i. ha 'd Eng :b n on face, find
er p 'tis phone V ;.:.!; reward.
irT Pointer dg. whtt and Itxer; license
ew a-UA. J'Loiit B IJIi. Reward.
Lor and roio.
Tvvrv f-n-n N' I' tmin at St Johns si -t:
-n. X ir. t rvnlf.c. I.b-we s-t-
l r. a'.rrilif I., I'.r l.t e. til UfU
. W jn. .nlv h ft 'ivk. ln-
f in r n-r.t t.. w ill he
ap; r- l.i te,( . rr v t iru 1 1 .n ! t. A-M r -
r i ii'irc K i. :. l:t. kerb-id. Wash.,
- ; 1o"1. P--r. and.
, .... .t
and ; i n . n;;-
pi n.
it ii
. 1 . t rKni n.
f-roput la Rett.
THE undTi.gnrd r :v s4 Mtit
i hi f(nr. J Kitjtt trti. f'irttnl.
"ii. up u IU to k Co in of S turiy.
iv-TiL..r -1, fot t.'i foiliiMini
r.N'j prri-.tiil I,;'r. to uit. A ot
vt a rk .nc .i mil iiint!tit.rr. J-
iT-L ;i. i.ri:-i.i K-rii.litf k-cl'ry
a' A.l n i -rt: t : n n l .; . of t ;
t iiii ,i. n:--r -i.i o .';. lut
,.I mr.'rruii U li;iil'-r u i Hi l:i man-ufa-
i r "f 1 1' n:tt u: f ti. :n v-ntvry
: f i ! ' i. ... I"-. tt u in kH nl ia
t r. ft : Ui wl.l ! r"i'l fr 'f
j ,, rn or 3-i'.tr.itu I . I r ttt mac i.n-
rv r:H n:tr. . nf it crrtlf :rd
r'ik r-r l' i' -r nt tf fhr ntnonrit of-f.T-'l
n.ut v .it,i..i.j ucii l :ul th
riviii . I---- i M , r-j- i n and a.;
t-.u A ,nv-tiT.r i on filj a: th. off e
..f the iir.i-Tticii I an-J .:l jtr.nirrty may
r ii.i;-.! u;"ti ai-; at id
1 tie ma- Mr T?" m-v nirr.ti neti ron
:t cf a m;i'- -t f woodworking
ma. M.n-. 1 in .'.' r a t'J
I-.-r- uwi v f.r :!'" fi!irtr.g to opt-rat
a f. r ni tur man tu i in g .r cxil nurk
ir.K j int. to oMu.n a . .:nt?l.'t out f t.
L'Jt' I at port land. lr ;'". N J trn6er
1 ''. K. I- Sah'n. i'rutfe.
TI "K Ti oNT!tA'Ton.
.nMr r.'tt. N M n N" rmrr
1!'1i -;. 1 prop in ill h r ' 'l h;I
r v : rriiari 'in U a -t rmi'ary a n
th'1" t"n unil "J P. M. T'l'r. J 1 : I . f.r furiniiiimir a.) ma-t-n.iU
f.r. AV.ti ru' lit.a a Kiavity nv.y
l. -. jtt ru nf nai-T nrKi In tt.e i n
f ''imnrp.n. N".-- M"t-o.
Ti- w rK nl -t it m.nt ly f
"' rtu (t -in li luli'l'lnf tard,d wood
I'U :
:. i ..o frt d-lnrh machine banded wo.wl
Ifje-thT 'h mSvri. fre hy'.rnta.
t i a ditrr.utii;ic r .r ir of
' l
tri' t it
s; e, -ri. a '.tn ard r- rm nr ron
a v 1 - s.'-n t ip I proposal blanks ob
tt tip- .:ti e t.t tt. t'..mpi:iv nd at
T o ...T: e ..f 1 . . Jayi ox. IiVon H. oadvav.
1 lei 1 .-r. I l M lijo
K 1 i bid t. 1 I 1 e (cmi h:iI -1 ty
eer"t;.. rp-r for JjicHi and made paab'a
to If W.dsler, Jr
Tto- r:ht is r t rvrd i reject anv and
a I 1 is
lllf: I'lMAKIbiN watki: COMPANY.
Hv i;e .rge H. VX 'er. Jr.. preblent.
b K A I.KIi't !d a"nr"n.e..lve1 f 1 h-f f l
of U. H Thomas. l-rk S-hod iiairlt
N . 1 . M u : t T,..ns Ii 'oiint y . t n nop. room
to.' T'f ord tMllpll'ig. Port land. i rt'on.
until . p. M. rililav. hoo-mi-rr 1. 1'Mn.
fo. tbe ore- I ion o u lltKll !" ll'Vl on block
;'';. ( jf .. i'.trt iatid 1 .-goit. All ti tw
in ,t nnl ini f w IMi plans nul in"'l'lr.i
lioiis. copi-s of whl ti in iy olnalned at
t ! ot ; t. of th.- ur h lt' t s. W hit. bouse
At Koiii.hotii. -' l.umlMri?i.iis building. A
trtifi.-d he k ejunl to fiva 1 .". pr
ri t of iho Mtimmi 1 of the pr-posa I. p.iv
a !.. to the ot.I.t of K. H. Thomas.
. iiool t'le. k. t'i be held an damages In
is Ibe a'.ider. If hw.ihI.kI I ho conlrat.
ails to i'i'- i.f co tit 1 act and (iirtuai
I- -rid U'I to sixty h'U e-r cent of tho
aoooitit tod. 'it a oinpan mh h pri
!' a 1. Btda w l I not le tunsldoT! uni-sa
wii'ten "it forma luri-.isbed by the n' hl-
te l. t loM cont.tllllllK propo-HS
in it !- pla in I ft 1 1 r m I ' ProHsa i 1 or
hit 1 Jp oj liuiliiiiik. ' 1 lie Boaid of I 1-r-
ior reervt the tight to r evi any or
ad bids.
P. H. TlfoM S. Srhool Clerk.
MmH N.veinb..r l:-o.
I i.'i'i 'S Vl for l u 11 tar tfep w elL Off i'
" I'onsiructing ij. M, Fort ijeoran
W riant. Van., Normber 2?. P'M Sealed
I-poa n t rip Ilea: c 111 be 1 e-el ed at
One off ce tint ; i II ' k A. M.. I'n'ni
ber lo. plo. and then op-n-d. for sinking
m 'i Iru 11 lul uiar deep well at this post.
A I -er macli t tiei v. or k and ma -t.
rial to be furnished by -nt factor, who
s'podd s'ate in his pro;osnl where his
p:nnl tuav be seen a n.1 ms;.erTeI. Pro
p . its must be a.coriipji n.ed b" cert I flet
-he.-k ir (uumn: In t h sum of f.'.ou.
S, e-irtnii.(Tt. u.stru tlor.a to biddera and
f it! information in reHrit to t hs rork
require,! mil be furnisned upon a p pi (ca
ll -n a: thl ofYne. The 1,. s. reserves tha
r ri 1 to re j e i or accept anv or all pro
l'ss. or anv pan thereof. protxis.-iis
must be tncl"rd In a-ald envelopes
niaiK'rl "Proposals f.r st.ik mar w !! to be
o: ned Iec. Hi, pM." and addressed to
I -eut. a. read. I'.t h I nf.. Construct -In
g quartermaster.
PR P-"SA I.S will l,e r-. elwj b. tte Si..u
H'i'i of I'ontroi at Its eft Ice In the
Maie Capitol until Id A.
lo P.iM. or the following materials for
State penitentiary: structural steel, rein
forclne mmirisl, lumber, null wrk, rof
ir.i;. sk lights, plum hm g material, eb-c-iri-
al ma:eriMl, Poor, wall and partition
til. hartlv are. Pnc s must be f. u. b.
Walla Walla carlods Mdi et ed at the
institution. plans and speeifV auons ma
te aen and itiaterMI bsts obtained at the
fo'lowmg places. State Board of Control.
I i v m pi a ;, John K. architect. Paul
sen bbfg.. Spokane; C. H. ICeed. superin
tendent State penitentiary; Vacuum En
gineering A Specialty i'o.. Lumber Ex
ilian sr. Seattle. I.iftcr i' r ucl ion
B'-rlin bldg.. . Secreiarv "hamber
f Commerce, pot Hand. S'ate Board of
Control. 01 mpia. Wash., NovemiK-r
Nottc la hereby fclven t: at School Dis
trict No. 2 of Daliaa. Polk County. Ort
gun, will receive seated b.da fur tha sal
vf IIM.O0O.00 5 Mr cent semi-annual Int.
bearing bonds of aald dlatrict. aaid bonda
to run for A) years, t ut t be redeemanle
at tha option of aa;d district, on and after
Id ars from tha data thereof, at any
.roi-annual int. pament data. Bius ili
L opentsl Dc 1st.
Clerk School Diet. No. .
meeting of ihe atocklildTS of the phoe
tix Don Works ii be held at ihe of fti e
f the company. E. ;ld si. and H:ivthorne
m e.. Port land. r.. Monday, Dei-ember
1'. I!H. at 7 ..( P. M.. for the purpose
of electing directors and for the trans
action of 4 h other business as may be
btoi.ght before said meeiir.g. November 12.
l'.o. i St'inhauae. sccretarv and treas
urer, and Sana Jaorrow. president.
Miaral Uuieua
OK OREGON In the matter of SAMUEL
OLDSTEIN. bankrupt. Tha undt rsign-d
truaiee wul tariic a aled bida at his of -tl-
e. room . No. 7 First street, I'ortlaml.
lregon. up to 12 o'clock notn of Tueaduy.
November 2V. lvlo, for th following' prop
erty belonging to etd estate, to-wit :
Stock of n.i rchandiae consist tnif princi
pally of clothing, shoea and gent furniah
lag goods of tho Inventory vaiu of
S 1k.V1 l;, lot of atore natures of the In
rniory va'ue of 07 all located In
the Fanning bblg., at Sheridan, Oregon.
Cash or certified check for lu per cent
of 1 he amount ofT.-r.-d must accompany
each b'J act the right la reserved to re-J-ct
any and all bids and aald aala la
sui'jet-t to combination by the court. An
iiivcntory of toe property is on Ale at the
ol tew of the under tgnrd and th prop
erty may b lnapci-a npon appluatlou u
E. U. HenUeraon, at Sheodan, or.
U. U S A BIN. Trusts.
Datel November 11 110.
IN th iis t ri. t Cou.-t of tn United Ptatea
f-r the District of Ore run: )u the- matter
f C K. KLAGUET1. bankrupt : Tn
undeiSigtied w:.l iece:e sealed b.ds at his
0 e. ivuin " En s: st ; -fi. prt land.
tregn. up to 12 o'clocg nMn of Wednea
cia. SowiiiIkt i',, Plo. fur th following
fesrtbed personal property belonging to
sa.d, olt: A aiovk of eisjiirirai
f:tures arid sup;Jis Ik alvd at 301 East
! street. Portland, iiregon. of th
iner.t r- valu of 24. tcether with
a It of office fixtures and loola of th
inventory value of H.'"i.7 located at aa.-n
place. t.'asn or a certified cueca for lo
per cent of the amount offered must ae
conipar ea 'h bid and the r'Xht la re
srrif.l t. reject nr.) and all I Ida. Said
sal l mad subject to l onflmia t Ion by
tie court. An inventory of property ia
on file at the of; ice of lae undeisigneti
and the propert v ma v b tnspei ted upon
i ::'a U n at said offKe. Imed at Port
land. .regoi. .Nuifni'-er JT2 lliO.
R. U SARIN. Trust.
NOTICE is beret- ;in that I will sell 10
th highest bidder tn lono-amg pona
isi mad by school district No. 2. Lin
cula t'ojnt). Oregon: 10 HOiM) puncU.
dated December lo. 1P1. Interest 4 par
tent. paab. senui-annuaiiy. January I inl
July 1. ir a ;unng In 2i eara. rdemaDii
afier JO years at th option of th d.
1 r-t. H.ds received up to and tnc.udmg
December . lwl- Funoer iniormsi.o u
rf.iuei. G. B- M'"lusae. Couuty Tiaa-
uu-i. Toled-1. O re tl.
NoTU E km beret given hat Feretti.
or.r.-: Ty a parrner In th copartnership
firm of Fer. ttl lirot her, doing business
ar NV 2V" Union a en ue. port land, Ore
gon, has severed hta partnership r rat ion
m 11 n said firm and no longer con
re led therewith. All dMs and obllga
t oris y sabl firm are assumed bv tn
rarnatnrng partnsi. A. Feretti and M.
i- -re. 1 1. Pate, 1 at p-irt land. Oregon. No
T.:rr z'. t!'i ;. l-er-ttl.
R N s T J F. R N R h I O R N S E N . Norwegian
n'4 uer. ' rt 1 tn Bl n- rt son. front Brni -
ef on. N-it ti-r mr undersigned.
uTiurn1' ! of bn'o -nmol vessel. l I.
r p-tiisioic f.r any dtbts ih.ti may b
'0;.'f- bv rr-wt . Kerr. Clifford "O
1 HIS s to crtif that Cis fli m known as
)i n . w-
ship. I will
Id;. a after No
W . F- ii'. hae disa.i d p-irtn-r-
not b responsible for any
Nov ember 2a. t:li.
i'H SALE To tlo..k of inmrti. if ona
r Portland n Urg- t and m.t reponi
h'e rorp-rarlnnau Thwn e. uritia are itMt
rtl Htid v. i.i l-r lrst in vr 1 1 cm i-n ;
r pRMnf rfnUr il-nl. Market
lu tiie To ut'.lta $-. Villi n-ll
f r J"0 cait 4f taken quirk. K 0.;.
titl-a and making lo.ina for p.irtlt uiar peo
ple haii nuni'-ro'ia -hit' a I'pln Ht ions oo
band beat of rf nnvfi. Chi I al Mc
Kay bldic .Vain 47 MT
MORT''. A : KS. rontratia. boiida. atovka. war
inta jii-i nor.n boii'it and aold. I-oane
n-at1atH. Il.-nrv Teal, 410 Abituion
iddc. M;'fc .:! t.
I HWK .t.o.iA to inet In i-iin im. money
iiwtrif s and real ntale t ..rti nt. J1v
t;ti In tc;.1 V oreaoiiuin
Mvnej to I.4mi Ileal Katale.
I lh i H)no Jii.nO'i; will pay
p-r etit inter ct. no b.nui. and will kv
as sv.-iirltv first morCKK "n I'-a'Te.
wM Inii-r.ived f.irm In Wl.lanu'tlo Valley.
!: to T'orthm-i . this money is to b used
for sto. kme. fn. inn and generally iinprov
insj tin liirm. vihl.h will eutil bring It
tip t' lb" .nhie of MV.""t. Add reus AK
i7. Orvgonidii.
N KW b'oi it of $ 14 0im to Inn n t Ins week ;
oU can have any part yuu w nt. Also
fhe f nine: J ,..1
uwi nni"uiii. immi. j;.i0 and -'
i four Mino.mtat. f ! himj, fltHHl Ulir
amount j..hi. $b thre amounts K
1 1 :.i'u $t'tj. ..Mt. M. Keitie a; lo..
;Titnger hldi.
- in improved or uniin-
proKi) ren I estate; am a it uim m
installment lor.ns a spermlty; ral eatata
r .riir.irt and bonda pun -based.
W H. Nann. 44H Mierlo k bik. Main HI Iff.
ON IMIllVE I citv property or for Imtid
ing purposes, 3 to . yeans" time; liberal
r'p.nm-nt p'tvitrg. a; mom-y advancrd us progress , Tim Ivjuiialde Sav
Ina a. Loan Asocintioii. -4u Stark at.
CASfpaidfor "nifirTgagea- or allera' inteieat
In coin ritf is on r-al t-atntn any where in
orreon or Washington; mortgage loana
n- goi 1.1 ted on III) proven pi ojeriy.
H. E
I.uinb.'rm.-ns bblg.
ith and Stark.
borrow $l.".ort ard
I iflio
on i!
Fond resld-'nres; -good
rit. at
J. it. I II I OA 1 .
1 1 oh Spalding rtldg
HAVK s2T" to 01 impried city
p-.iper-M. cltner or Two loans. Mnft
d-al with pmi'Mpais, no brokers. AN ..
oii;rinian. i
FIKST and second n1ortKgeg and rontrnctg
pun hastl or farm and city property,
anvwher. In Oregon or Washington. E. I
1 .vert aiix. Fnttm hldg . h4 lith at
I'LtXTY of money to ban at 6 and 7 per
cent on real estate security.
i:inv. p. mai.u
104 Second St.
.VHiiHtn on Imp.-oved city or fnrm property,
b-ibding or small loans al lowest prices;
large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxte
Co. ."14-1 ."- MI ci :im,'er bldg.
W E II W E pbntv of m-n-y to loan on city
p-opertv lii oumii from $1imm to J.".h,ohi
at low -st 11 rr -nt rat-s. Morgan. Fln dner
jt Bivce, 3-ro0 A'dnglou bblg.
To I .OA N Several amounts at 7 and 8 per
rent Internet on city real estut-'. C. F.
Pi' tic r a; Co.. room . Alulkt-y b'dg.. Md
and Morrison ate.
PRIVATE money, largo amount on hand
for lmmslMis bns on good re;ai estate.
Henry 1 . Pi ndhomm's Co.. IkJtl Spaldiua;
b'dg. Fire lnauranee.
(I'-ni.O'hi to LOAN, iarge lonns a specialty.
bin Iding loans, lowest rates. W. 'J. Beck.
Z2 Falling bldg.
1M M EII A TE bans from $. and up on all
a- uriti-i. W. A. Hathaway. 1 00:11 111
Washington bldg. Phone Main So:'.
I MAKE loans from L'.'o to $;,imhi
buv good mortgage. Attornex ,
Spalding bldg
a i so
414 t
S 1 s. '") TO loan at 7 per rent for a term
of enr n incoina bearing property. V
.t. ( iresonian.
U ANS on Improved city property for nrl
vato lnv-atora. M. B. Tbomiiaon Co 4th
and Oak. Henry bldg.
MORTGAGE hmna on city piopertv. lowest
rat'-S. 'A. II. Blirall Co.. 22 .McKay bldg.
r.d an1 i-ta-a.
MoNEY to loan at reasonable ratea tn sums
from tt0 up. Tha Lawrsuca Co.. 341 Al
der st
MoNEV lo loan on Improved inside property
IKIiA't-MLMJ-. o
Ground Floor. L-w la B'dg.
iiihmi 11N well situated resid r-uce or othr
Improved real property. T .inl. Oregon
WILL, loan
llitchco. k.
s.'.om or leas on rtal eatat
t lt Rottichll'l bldg.
$a...oui Tt) loan on good city property at
per cent. -05 Couch b'dg.
$4'o TO loan on first ren estate mortsagr.
R. I inet ikofer. u. sa 'in on.
tJH on imitroved rl eatate acuriiy. we
liN-ated : w ill divide. A M Oregonian
PRIVATE money loaned on real estate uiort
gugea. H. Miley. rmm Jiul Gt rilngar bldg.
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat
eral aecuriiy. C. W. Pallet!. 8on- Fenton
Slat funils loaned, per cent. W.
as, state agent, Multnomah Co..
E. Thorn
4i Ni C.
H. LEWIS, ft
Will Io;in Jlo.i'iM' or b sa. real eatate aecurlty
Fun Fhgton. 4 it ominerriai ciuo bldg.
lio.anrt A3 whole or two or three good loans,
central f t-z. urpgonian.
S4)ik to lojin on improved n mi Stdo ptp.
erty at t per tent. A o.u, oregonian
Mortgage lans.
Mi N EY to loan on real eatate. Harding A
Reynolds Co.. 813 Chamber of Commerce.
MONEY, any amount. 6 lo S per cent. Good-
nougli A Sottx. 310spaldlngbldg.
ll.Ma TO loan
$2j'K) AN D tbH for Immediate loan.
McCarthys Abingiotl bldg.
J. J
BUII.I1N LOANS A. C Furlong, c
tractor. t.'i "h. of Com. Main 4"tt.
WANT $::mo fui lo.jt.Mi home on East 20th
at. E oo.'l, Oregonian.
$2uim WANTED on $4..00
home. E .V4. Oregonnm.
fine lrvington
WANT I120O on tT.rttm house In Alberta,
per cent F ."". Oregonlun.
SJ.'.iMt LOA N w anted op ttbMai twn-storv
house and PmixIOu on Tabor Heights. F
f.2. t iregonlan.
4iMK) WA NTED on !n Irving ton home
on car tin. F oil. Oregonian.
H M CARLOCK A CO.. brokers
monev a I
tt and H per cent- 417
Board of Trade.
Money to Loan Chattels and feulitiie.
If you knew how easy our terms ar
you w ould not be short of money. Don't
b bothered with a tot of email debts;
let us furnish money to settle them.
Furniture and planus, storage receipts,
livestock, rooming -houaea. lit Insurance
policies, all kinds of securities; terms t
suit ; also aaav weekly or monthly In
ataliroetua. We buy and loan on first
and second mortgages and equity lo con
11 - Hamilton Rid.. 131 3d. Main 2U!.
9 t t 9 f I S I
3o7 Spalding Bblg..
3d and Washington Sts.
Money. Money. Mone. Mony, Money.
We loan money that's our business.
We money for those who need It.
W all Deed mony. Therefore, com
to us.
We loan on pianos, furniture, ate.
Why !t your email bllla worry you?
We can advance you any amount fiom
$10 upward.
Why go to other companies? See us.
V-'isw people DEAL with us.
When others fall, consult th old re
Steadily employed can borrow
lo, 20. 4 Jo. 1A0. 7.V $100
on our personal note,
mortgage - No itidorser.
Easiest payments Lowest rates.
Business atrb'tiy ronfldeiitlai.
Og Falling Bldg.. 3d and Washington.
MONEY loaned In amodnts from ll'up on
ail kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or
any personal property. Easy weekly or
monthly payments. Low rates. Confiden
tial Cray at Cunningham. 21 Rot lu mid
B i d g ..ii o x hw est co rner 4 w a s h i n g t o n.
JIONEV advanced salaried yople. house
keepers and others upon their own names
wn hout aecurlty; cheapest rates, easiest
payments: offices (n W principal cities;
sne vourself by getting my terms first.
TOLMAN. 3t7 Lumber Exchange
LOWEST R ATES Loans on all kin. 'a of sa
i;nlv. chattels or reel estate Union Loan
Co.. 33 lifayett bldg.. fh and Wash. p.
LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and o-her sh
cur'ties. Wm. Boil, room l Washington
b!dg.. cor. 4t h and Wanhmgion sts.
MoNEY loan on diamonds and Jewer ;
!ow ra es of In t o r e s t . 1 2B Wa s h 1 n g t on.
LIBERAL loans on furniture and diamonds.
J. E- Ntrhois. o2Q Board of Trade bldg.
A LOAN for the asking, aalarv cr chattel.
The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg.
LOW rates : we !on money on diamonds
ai.d Jewelry. Marx eV Bloch. 1 eat au
Money to Ixan battels and balarlea.
"E loan nioiie-y n watchex. diamonds. senU
kltia. mink nwrcoau. trunka. dreaa suit
IBM'S and miioi-al tn-'truint-nta.
71 Sixth St .
Met ween Oak and l'ina 8ta.
Main V'lO.
Loan Vt anted.
E can invest your money at fond, rates of
interest. litlt-edicA serurltlen. First mort-K-tpa.
I.i'nit-lei m investment.
5l'4-.' po trd of Trade Bids.
WANTKl) Loan of $,i:H from private party
f-ir ;i yea s. aecureu bv lirat mortsaK rt"
-a-r Tiuing ore hard. Just torn in Into
bearing-: nenr White Salmon, Wash. Ad
!ress O .".47, Ort'soifn.
nt-r cent security . 1 1
acres, house and barn; Oregon Electric;
will pay ' per rent in advance and ex
penses; v luo J. ".( ; Insurance $ 10no ; a li
st rart ren.iy Monday N" -i.".4. Oregon tan.
WA.V.T $ 1 kht and $I4in on two homes, worth
$lson and f. '14 mii, respectively; restricted
d 1st r let ; will pay 8 per cent quarterly
and expense; full Insurance. E ,4i, Ore
gon Ian.
WANTE1 two loans $22? each, secured
by desirable Improved residence proper! y
In Irving ton 41." th amber of Com. Main
:.7 A I37'..
U K have a client w ho tvants 1o.4hmi ui s
per rent for two or. three yea is op good
security. McCatgar, Bates &. Lively. 315
vKaltlPs Vdg.
A $- NOTE due In five months. 7 per rent
interest, secured by first mortgage on si
lofin. worth $3Co. will discount $j0 f r
uulrk sale, ij n44. oregontarv
LOAN wanted, fiortfl one or two years, a
per cent. dt edge security. J 54. Ore-
WANTED From $3eno to fSOOO on good se
curity; private, party only. T uiO, Ore
gonian. WANTKD l!l."i0. per cent, .1 to . years.
. first mortpape real estato securtty. S a.M,
WANTEP Loan f.rMU for A
rent on $!.'. 000 gilt-e-ige
ears at per
ea.1 estate se-
curlty. N" 54. Oregoniar.
WANT $70fo on good Income property In
Sunnystde for 3 years at 7 ptr cent In
f e res t . A N ft . tre g on I a n .
$.Vhhi ON improved lots and fine residence
worth $12.tMiO for 4 years. H f.V. Ore
gonlan. W A N T E I $2 lam
on Washington, '
."..".:t, Oregoman.
o jr.oii. new building
per cent, a y eu rs. 1 1
It A NS w anted. $niiO Hi st moi t gage notes
for sate, drawing 7 per cent ; will d is
couni. O r4!. Oregon fa 11.
lii-xi WANTED on ernsaj. West Side resi
lience property; walking' distance; two Car
Itnea. 8 Oregonmn.
I WANT $lfkN iian for one year at 1 ')
per cent ; j.vuMi collateral securit y; prin
cipals only. R 4 . Oregonlnn.
$ 1 .". i'h mi want ed! on
West Side real estata
6 per cent. AB 4S
worth $.", Ono
WANTED. $:too at S per fent on property
w orth $imio. F. Fuclis. '22 1 Morrison st.
$loou TO loan on city property. 420 Lum
ber Fxchnnge.
WANTED ?i::iu. K per rent, on improved
roaid'-ice propcrt v. AN" Oregoninn.
fin oiMi to loan on
1 1 V realty. AB 5 K, Oie-
$;ioo Ti loan on really security. Main 1J4M.
4.IQ Worcester hide
WANT ED $1iO(. first-class real estate se
curity; principals only W M. Oregontan.
jrtiiun FoR :t years. A-1 security; no pre
mlnm pid. T -V.-'t, (-"conian.
W A N T E D I .oh n 4t 00,
K ."V..o. Oregonlan.
gilt -edge security.
l.l'.'r us place your money, good mortgages;
references. F. H. Le-ris. 6 Lewt bldg.
2at or $;too on a lt In St. Johns, worth
lift. V MS. Oregonian.
SPIRITUAL ad iser. fr. Jefferson euros
troubles quickly : .It frerson guarantees to
place secret knowlefige and power In your
own hands, to remove t he cause of any
trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by
anyone or anything and open up a quick
and sure way for t he contentment, hap
. plnesa and good influence for success that
voti desire. Call and ronsuit him daily or
Sundity. 10 A. M. to S P. M., at 4i2 Wash
ington st. above 14th st. i
WIDOWER Age -I' i. has one eon and good
prop, rt y ; occtipm ton. cement com factor;
no bad hahps : wants to find suitable life
c- im pan ion. w blow without children : must
be gttOfl COOk Mild hoUaekeepor, between 40
and ."to years of age. Write or call 772
Mary bind a v-.. on Sundays or evenings,
nfier 0 o'clock.
M RS. ' A. 5d I'AKK. graduate nurse, has
opened her new offices at 141 11th St.,
corner A !der. where she will give mas
sage end acalp treatment, alao electric vi
bration and violet light treatments. High
est doctors' references. 11:30 A. M. to 8
1 M
Everett St.; ope nSundays; learn hair
dreseins. manicuring and acalp treatment.
$ 10. in private lessons; scalp treatment,
bnlrdressing. 2."c each. A 3002. Main
A GEN1LEMAN of 2-1 would like to meet a
lady of good appearance, one who will
finance me 1 hrouyh t he remaining I '
eais nt college; matrimony 11 sunea. au
5."-s. Oregonian.
GERMAN", educated, good habits. seeks
"hi 1st lan German w omtn. healthy, good
housekeeper, between 25-35. of cheerful
disposition; object matrimony. X 55H.
A WIDOW would like to meet a gentleman
of means with a view 10 matrimony, age
40 or more, who would appreciate a truly
respectable woman. R 551, Oregoiilan.
HONORABLE business man. J2, desires to
meet refined woman or means willing to
assist financially with an imported article
yielding splendtd profits; matrimony if
suited. AH 550. Oregonian.
DOUBLE chins removed or your weight re
duced by a nann less cream ; mnKes your
skin finer; reasonable. A J 550, Ore
PLES, J3.65 per parrel, large ize ; small
size. 2.15. delivered. Phone 2712. McRoy
v Maion shippers!.
LA Ll ES' hats and auita niHdo and made
over; smart styles: reasonaore. .vin nuery
and dressmaking rooms, 217, 227 Wash.,
mar Second. Snve this and find me.
A GENTLEMAN having some goon articles
to nlace on auto inargei neens immeainte
help, hnanctally; either aex. AF 54tl, Oie
gemian. '
M RS. STEV EN S. Id ears port lann s lead
ing palmist a no cmirvo am, nas 11 er late
bonk ' Palmlstrv Made Easy," nn sale at
:'4:o- YamhIM St., cor. 7th.
VOICE production, best instruction. Italian
met lion; '"w en iiiiiuuuiuuu.
6.". Oregon lan.
MANICURING, chiropody, aalp massage.
rtth st.
sULL tnlormation of me divorce
lawa of
Nevada and "hit e.te c
box 577. Gold-neid. Nev.
LADIES Will teach a new method of
beauty culture, emireiy new in t urumiu,
reasonable. A H 554, Oregonian.
MADAME ESTELLE, magnetic healer, men
tal and apiritual waiiowa Apart
ments, suite 7, H:i West Park, A 5MHi.
FALLING hair stopped, dandruff cured.
huird resell! g. man ten 1 ma, so am pool ng.
done at your residence. Alain 5721.
SU PERFLUOUS hair removed by electio-
I vela. Il-ov per nour. 3j raimon au, cor.
GENTLEMAN, age H.'J, desires the acquunu-
ance of lady; u 0001 are suuea matrimony
can follow. AN f.ft. Oregonian.
NE W beauty parlor.
East Side. leliuule,
25-'t Holiaduy ave.
acienunc wora none.
SWITCHES, pun, curls made from comb
ings. $1. saimon sc. v'i . i-arg.
BABY boy
for adoption. AG 5 lit. Orego-
CROCHETING and knitting wanted to do at
home. e 1' ,ni-
B. SKIP, mental and spirit
21 Selling-Hirsch. M. S24.
ual scientist.
AGNES O. If alive
write to your mother.
K. O.
s,nMPoOING and acalp treatment; dolls
earlv. Phone East 464
WiTaUY Beauty parlors; learn manlcur-ns-
'0-412 Dkun bldg.
LEA hN the business at Sanitary Beauty col-
e ge. i'iu uii" m:
SWITCH made. 5c. sanitary Beauty Col
lege. 4oo-iJ -
jtJrI kET C 1 1 L" Al treat, wor
17S 3d st.. cor. amhill.
w omen a maladies.
0 FOR complex .j-Mit.jr jjeauiy
College. 400-412 ekum bldg.
Rurt MO cure rheumatism and blood pol
rice at- - j muy.
SANITARY Beauty College 400-412 De
b A i 1 o- hair riresnlnn-
ki?m unitt- . o , w
ti a I M OF FIGa Kemeaiea tor dtsaasaa of
r A IxJl - ro.i. at Main oik
w ome x
IT ION S K uara n teed ; Sanitary Beauty
Co 1 1 eg a. -ioo
Mr:. M. V- in'. 1"
TRADE Good 4x camera for violin.
C. C. Petersen. 2'Jl Grand ave.
PUFFS and curie 75 o, out of combings. Sao-
ltary pariors, iw wuu ojus
DR. McCALL TRAVIS, spiritual adviser,
health, happiness and succtu for all who
are in need of helping Influence. I'r.
Travis positively guarantees to teach you
how to overcome uiif a', orabltj cond it tons
that are cauecd by yourself or others, no
matter how badly you ar discouraged, io
inatur who has fa i led in your case. Sea
the man who rtaliy helps, now permanent
ly located room 14 and 1.. Raleigh bldg..
corner of Sixth and Washington sts. Take
elevator or stairs to second f ioor.
Modern Electric Treatment for nervous
debility, enlarged glands, rectal, chronic,
biood and kln diseases. Consultation free.
W. i. Howard. M. SU4-6 Kolhchild bldg.
4ili and Washington."
STOP making a 111 utoi e o our sioiuacn
and don't submit to an operation. but
cunsul. Lr. ilorne at ouce. Call today
a:id consult hl:n free. Take elevator to
4th floor Rothchlld bldg., 21 ? Washing
ton at., rooms 4u7, 4Ub and l'hoae
Marshall 2-?0,
" Vti. ALICE A. Gill FF.
Diseases of w omen and children, sur
gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated
a-'coruintf to t ne latest met nous, praiio
hospital accommodation ; confinement
cared for; consultation free. Koum 1;
lirand Theater bid. Main 3025. A Q'u
Leading ls and toupee makers; finest
stock of human hair goons In the city; up
to.Hatia T.nrlurs for halrdresslne. manl
curing, face and aialp treatment. 147 7th
at., bet. Morrison ana. Alder, phone Main
MARRY rich ; thousands want to marry,
niHnv rich and beautiful: big Its Is of de
scriptions and photos free, seated, either
sex. Write today, one may be your af
finity; send no money. standard Cor.
CI ub. b ox 607, Gray s Lake. HI.
SUPERFLUOUS hair, moies. ete.. perma-
nently removed by the electria neodie.
Physicians' reierenccs. I.ariv oyerator, at
oil5 V E. Morrison. Estubiiahcd 1M4, S-S
or Mi Tabor car Phone Ka.t 3'JlA.
graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stcrm
ach ailmentp under physician s directions;
baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th at., sec
ond dor south from East Ankeny car
line. Phone East Ji, B l!;h3.
VERS O N A I -1. Lor Wallarh, skilled ma
chinist, formerly of Honolulu, T. H.
Frienda desire knowledge of. your wheie
iibouia. Write or come to Ir. .lohn Atch
vrl.i. room lti4. Mi Ms bldg.. San i"rancI?co,
t uiifornin. ,
PERMANENT health thmtigh perfect cir
culation. ' Don't wait until you are c;m
pietelv broken down. I aid and abet Vir
i-0.-ii..i ni Iva now ei s. MurrrrA- Ironside. AL
M. T.. 212 Alisky bldg. Residence
phone Marshall 113
GILP.ERT. the tailor, suits prejcii .uc w nue
you wait; cleaning prsflng and repairing;
feathers and boas cleaned, curled, dyed
and remodeled bv. Mndame Gilbert. Room
2T, .lO.'i1- Washington sr. Olive bldg.
Phones Main 4 1 . 4 ; rs.. M;iin 4443.
w.vvtvi) The address of descendants -f
George Hamilton, w lio mm ried EMzahetn
Vandme. in Vermillion County. Indiana,
in Ix-is. and later moved to Che State
of Oregon. John E Hunt, 135 Adams
st reet . Chicago, HI.
GET MARRIED Matrimonial paper contain
ing advertisements marriageable. people
from all sections of the United States.
Canada, rich. poor, young, old, Protest
ants. Cnt holies; mailed sealed free. G.
Gunnels. Toledo. O.
HAIR, HAIR All shades in best quality at
cost. Closing out stock; scientific face
and scalp treatments; expert hairdressing
and manicuring taught. Aza II. Klbbecka.
Grand Leader, 5th and Alder.
FORTUNE tell ing, simjiMf ied met hod w ith
playing cards, great fun; entertain your
friends : sturtling re vein I ions; bonk let
containing full inst ructions, 25c. West
Novelty Co.. lock box ssii. ScaiHe.
" : dr7d. l. lewis.
Diseases of women and children, electric
ti cafroent of nervous ailments, private hos
pital. Koonis50V5M; Conimnnvn-alth bldg..
Gth and Ankeny. phones Mam 4Q47. A 2411.
Manicuring. vibration and magnetic
treat men ts; respectable patrons solicited.
The Philadelphia House. L'121- ;id st.. cor.
Salmon; hours 10 A. M. to 10 P. M.
Electric and vibratory treatments;
roth masseuse. H'.'iJ ' Stark st., Port
land Or. phones Marshall 24'.2. A 2Sd.
W A NTED Several U'.dies for shampooing,
hairdi r rising, rr.nn i u ri ng. facial and scalp
ma -;t;age; work done at your home. Main
DU.'-S.- suns for rent. $1.5 month keeps
your cibthes cieanea, pressea, buttons
sewed on, rips repuired. Prompt calls and
deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., S01 Stark.
DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly
cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and
bladder troubles and piles. Consultation
free. 1SI 1st st.t Portland.
FORTUNE Tell jour " own future with
Gypsv Fortune Telling cards. Full in
structions Mc. Dream book 2oc M. Mar
tln. P. O. box 2 m.
Sanitary Beauty College, 4I-U-4I2 Dekum
b'dg., evening class; make arrangements;
we teach practical facts.
YOUNG man, with property, wants to cor
respond with serious young lady or widow
with small means; object matrimony. AE
552. Oregonian.
MARRY, don't live a life of single loneji
nebs. ladles and gentlemen get acquainted,
circulars free In plain wrapper or HO
names for f0 cents. Box &40, Portland. Or.
VH DOW -w-ith profitable" business would
like to meet gentleman with some means;
Catholic preferred; matrimony if suited.
D 54. Oregonian. .
MARRIAGE puper Highest character; In
1. orporated 15t h year; 5'H'O nn-mb.-rs; pa
per seated ; send 10c. R. hi. iAve. Box
icon. Denver. Colo.
VOUNG man, stranger, wishes acquainiance
of re lined winding girl nr widow ; object
matrimony. AG 54, tregonlan.
FOREIGNER. :;2 years, wishes to many
some good woman with some means. Ad
drcss J 552. Oregonian.
LA DV would meet refined gent leman of
means over H5 ; object matrimony if
suited. K o4!. Oregonian.
SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson helps you
out 01 an irouoies. sj; vi asuington at..
MAKRY your
Details. 10c.
cico. Cai.
loulniate. A social reform.
P. O. Box 312, ban Fran-
MME. Courtwright, skin and scalp treat
ments, racial ueiormmes corrected, plas
tic surgery. " -1. jjuiu i04a.
MISS W A LLAi give? magnetic electric
treatments, mental, spiritual scientist. I'jtj
lltn at.
NEW YORK massage and beauty parlors
just opened, latest electrics 1 appliances
or rneumaiiHin. Jiarsimn rsiti. -i2U Alder.
GENTLEMAN 45 wishes to correspond with
lad iiesirmg 10 use ii'iinesn-aa right
Object m :t r im o n '.A N5 . a, Q reg o n f a n.
m mKl'SE Swedish
graduate for anpolnt-
incnt. phone Alain Ho.
dren only.
Ladlea and chil-
by our Swedish drugless method. Dr.
N isbeth, 4X1 Market St.. cur. 12th. M-Tosa.
WRINKLES removed, sagging corrected in
1& minutes; free demonstratlona. u fceli-ing-Hiischbldg.
Neo Plas'itjue Agency.
6Onne Jurvas Natural sanatorium, 173 e.
0'th. Apoplexy, append U it is. tubercular
glands, etc., a specialty, 'labor 2iUS, Bi'MS
Public accoiintants and auditors.
224 Worcester Block Main 7.iil. A 1449.
Office systems. 1'orlod ic adults.
Factory svstems. Investigations.
Public accountants, all branches. Suite
42 and 42N Monrv building. Phone Mar
shal! 1221 or 45 Williams St.. New York
Commercial. County and Municipal
A udi t ing. Invest iga ting and Systematizing.
.124 Worcester block. Phone Main 5H7.
Attorney f.
A. E. COOPER, attorney at law; practice In
all courts; abstracts examined. 716 Cham
ber of Commerce. M. 71. A 207 1.
B. M. BENSON, general practice of law,
collections made. i"2 Spalding bldg.
Asfa.ver and Analst.
Wells 4V Proebstcl, mining engineers, chtm
Isra and nssayers. 204 '? Wash fngfon.
and ore-testing work. ISA Morrison st.
WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the
only scientific chiropodists in the city.
Parlors Jo2 Gerlinger bidg., S. W. cor. 2d
and Alder. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and podlcuiir.g. Airs. AT D. Hill,
room 420 Flledncr bidg. Phone Alain 347.1.
Clrcnlntlna- Library.
LATE fiction, ."ic a day. Woman's Exchange
bldg.. 16 5th St.. bet. Taylor and Yamhill.
Chiropractic Physician.
and remember, Columbia bldg..
Coal and Wood.
; .say it fast
12 to ft: 30.
Halsey and E. 3Uth ats. Tabor 2611.
Coaimlsion 1 ere ha n I s
TAYLOR. YOI'NG & CO.. shU brokers, com
mission merchants. Sherlock bldg.
Collection and Law.
I'HAHiiE. 33o Worcester bldg.. For t land.
PORTLAND Collection Agency. 317 AiisLy
bldg. M 42-2, A 7:117. dents collected.
Bath and Swimming.
Portland Swimming Baths. 1fl7 4th Elegant
plunge, steam and shower bath, 2oc.
Brass and .Machine Work.
and machine work. B0 N. 5th. Main 3iO'J.
CotiMiltiug Knglneers.
GCI.I'RKKU & TRI'MliO. consulting en
gineers. Z12 Couch bldg. Patent Idens
worked out. power plants, general en
gineering. Telephone.
PRof. , W. Ii. Wheelun's dancing academy,
Auditorium Hail. 2un 3d si., near Taylor.
The only competent and experienced
teacher of professional and fancy danc
ing on the Coast. m
I1EATH'SdXnciG SCHOOL. 1 Second
st.. between Wash, and Stark ats. ; stage
dancing taught; waltz and two-step guar
anteed in four lessons, class anu social
dance Monday. 8 to 1 2. J.essons daily.
25c LESSON, four lesaons $1 ; wait, two
step, three-step, stage dancing taught
daily. Prof. Wal ilison s, rorUuud'
largest and leading dancing school, iisii ir
Wash. st bet. W. Park and loth u
Dog and lioiae liopitui.
.. Main 4nd.
. S. Office 324 Flanders
Hospital J 12th St.
Drugless I'hy slclans.
C. irOLMSTROM. Swedish graduate; digest
ive, nerve and chronic disorders. 3b2-3 ore
gonian bldg. phone Marshall 2s2u.
ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanic
al, lurvs), assay, cyanide; establlsned ISdi.
Van der Nuillon school. Blst and Tela-
gr.tph. Oakland. Cai.
Eletrir Motors. .
Alotors for rent or aaie. 213 2d su
Euginr Gas ami Mram.
ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seabury
steum engines and boilers, gasoline en
g i tie. 2Sl-2?3 E- Morrison st. phone E 515.
Feed (Store.
ZIGLER Hi Al isner. ha, train, feed, ce
ment, th ingles. 94 Grand ave. E. 4SH.
N. Al. L'NijAR A co.,- INC., lormeriy of 4o6
Merchants Trust bldg., have removed to
lovi Uoventh st. Furs remodtiled repaired
nd stored. Alarsliall 753.
ilut i aeiury.
HATS made to order cost no more. See ua.
Royal Hat Works. 22.1 1st at. M. 84 4 A
leather nnd Findings.
Ch" AS. L. AlASTiCK Ac CO., 74 Front. Leather
ot ever description, taps, infra.' findings.
tabliahed ltOo. lsy Front st.
B. THEN KM AN Vic CO., Hydraulic and spe
clul pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma
j.iiner. All Kin d 3 of lepaus. IVA N. 4in.
Aluaicul. .
EM IL TH1ELHOKN, violin teacher, pupil
Sfcvlck. iroo Alarquam. A 410O. Mar.
Neurologists, Eye Specialists.
yiTCK relief for e
Drs. Freeze sc Rice,
and nervous troubles.
i(20V Wosningtonst,
Ostcoputlilo I'byslciniia.
DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksville, Mo.,
class of lbU5, puai-gi aduato luu7. under A.
T. Hill, the touuder. ul7-318-ol wllaud
bidg. Main l'Jb7. A lub5.
4 i.-4ltt-4l7 Dekum bldg.
phone, Olflce Al o4U; Ks. East or B 102$.
Paiul, Olla and Glass.
RASMUSSEN A CO., Jobbers, paints, oils,
g 1 a ms , laxli and doors. Cor. J. aud Taylor.
PATENT secured .tir fee returned ; illustrat-
t-a iruide Look unu nfi 01 111 vcnuono niuiieu
11 uo to any au ureas; patent a secured lor
us auvertiaea tree in World a Prugrcas;
aumpie copy ft we. Victor J. hvans & Co.
aaulugtoii, D. C -
1'atent A t torne j a.
lWK.-iTORS ot Oregon may obtain free ad
vice and best pioletftaonal sjrvtcu fiom
their iiome utlic.
Lumbeimens Blug., Portlanu.
l i ,-suu iii. K. A. tt.bLl.UiNO.
International i'ateni Lawyer and Ex-
t ::o 1 uui'ri' direct practice.
comnliculed cases. iiiosd rejected In
othar hands and FOREIGN PA'lENTS es
pttciaily solicited. Counsel and Export
vi. nru ror Attorneys. 1 HADE M Art Kb,
secured. Phones ; Main 26o2. A 2364.
PATENT YOUR IDEAS and make money.
Send for my new book, "iiow- 10 Get
j hem." Best service. Josnua It. B. potts,
lawyer, Washington, D. C, Chicago and
PAiENTb procured by J. K. Aiock, attorney
at law, late of U. b. Patent orace. Book
let free. Til Board of Trade bldg.
U. S AND foreign patents that pruLect aid
'secured through Pacirtu Coast patent
Agency. Inc.. Uept. A. Stockton. Cai.
K. C. WRIGHT, domestic ana ioriigii pel
euts. infringement cabei.
oU4 Dekum.
THE Barber Asphait Paving Company, ou5
U08 Electric bldg- Oscar riubcr, Portland.
W 4 lilt EN Construction Co. Street paving,
sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Been blug.
UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 4i years
m Portland. 71 utu at. Alain UlQ.
' piuuiblng.
JOB plumbing, ppe fltLing colls tn stoves &
fuinaoe; siuve work. Pliotia East abuS. J.
R. Lawson. 7i Belmont.
' Pipe.
utile a near 24th and York. sts. M. a-ial.
" ; " i'rlnters.
GLASS Sl PRUDHOA1 AiE CO., printers, blank
book makers. ,egal blanks, loose leaf de
vices, townsnip plats. 05-0' t tn St., bet.
uak and Ankeny.
Rubber Mumps.
ALSO aeals, attnciiS, choice stationery, etc.
Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 14J?.
Hug; Weavers.
carp-its, coiomal rag rugs, carpet cleaning
Miiu luyn-g. I- Cnion ave., nr. iu. Morrison
THE AlOSLEU SAFE CO.. lUi 2d at. bales
at factory prices. o.v.4U-..,uu
safety lilades Keharpened.
GILLETTE and others resharpened. oO cents
doz. ; in' w-' " niuci -
lcuu Safely iloniugUo..ol4 McKay bldg.
Hunk and St-ir Fixtures.
T4i v." I.CTKE MFG. CO., biancn Grand Jiao
Ida Snowcuse Co., Uto and Hoyt. R. Luiae,
manager. -
showcase In stock; prompt delivery, bales
agent, M- uiver uoiuc
and 2d-hand. Main
4th and Couch, new
; 1 im. cam rie t work.
Ah Ingles.
BE-T i" the city; cur lots or leis.
iiinjtgrt. -ol Washington st.
CHRISTMAS suggestions. Give a stenciled
article. Original and exclusive classy de
signs. Atuker will call with desigua. Ad
dress AH oregonian.
Storage and Transfer.
PORTLAND va- aiwiwAUc cu.. coruer
13th and Everett sls. juke opened new.
u ...1 uiuat mouern storage warehouse i
city every convenience for sale and proper
Handling of goods; lowest insurance rate
In Nortnwest; iree iracs.ugt; vans ior mov
ing. AialnorA152o.
Experts, reliable men, no booze-nghters;
wlil move you quicker, cneaper and uet
itr than anyone else. Piione us lor an
estimate; storage rate the very io wes:.
MnIjornTraiiaterCo. Both pnonej.
C. O. PICK. Aransxer ac storage ta.,
and lumnwu.uua 3 ui w arenouse,
separate iron rooms and fireproof -auit for
valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.
pianos and furniture moved and packed
lor shipping- Main 5"J. A 1UQ.
General transtering and storage; safes,
pianos and furniture moved aud packed
tor shipment. 20U Oak st , bet. From and
1st. Telephone Main647or A 247.
OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870.
Transtcr anu it .tii storage.
Office 10 Hoyt it., betweeff 5th aad oin.
phones Main 69, A 1109.
STOVES connected and repaired. Main lllo.
61 Front sv.
typewriting, iiianiiiK. jjuwui; amuogi apner,
personal typewritten circular letters. 3t6
Railway Excha n g e bid g. Main 6166.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully
guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery & Printing
Co.. 2tf3 2d st.
NEW. rebu;lt. second-hand, rentala at cut
rates. P. D- C Co., 281 Stark. M. 1407.
WE are the exchange for the largest type
writer concerns on this Coast; investigate;
all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex-
change. ST W a shin g to n a u
S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians.
331 Ankeny st. A 3999, Main 2402.
Rooms papered. $2 and up; will bring sam
ples. Gordon. 414 East Morrison, phone
East 7S.
ERNEST MILLER CO., 172I"t stwhOl7
sale and retail. Samples mailed free.
Southern 1'acllio.
Leaving Portland
Ashland Passenger ,
Koseourg pasjsatoer
Snaata Limited
California Express ,
San Fraicisi.o Expreas ....
West Side
Corvnli passenger
Sheridan Pa.seenger
Forest Grove Passenger ..
Forest Grove Passenger ..
Arriving Portland
Oregon Express
Ashland passenger
Roseburg Passenger
Portland Express
Shasta Limited
' West bide
Corvalia Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove passenger ...
Forest Grove Passenger ...
8:30 a. m.
4:15 p. in.
U:uu p. m.
7 :45 r. m.
1:30 a. m.
7:aV a. m.
.j 4 :00 p. zn.
a :a a. m.
, 6:40 p. m.
7:I0 a. m.
10;O0 p. m.
i 5 :50 p. m.
11 10 a. m.
2;3U p. m.
6 : 20 p. m.
10:2o a- m.
b:oo a. m,
4:40 p. m.
Northeru 1'aclflc.
Leaving Portland 1
North Coast Limited jvla Pugetl
Nort h coaat Limited via Nor:
10-: 10 a, m.
Atluntlc Exnress via Piiirnt snnnd'
7:00 p. m.
12:15 a. m.
Atlantic Express via North Bank! V:(iUa.ra.
cLjf express via Pugetl
Sound I 3:30p. m.
Twin city Express via North
Bank. 7:00 p. m,
Missouri p.iver Express via Pugetl
bound 110:10 a. m.
ja:ssoun itivcr Express, via North,
7:00 p. m.
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ex
press, Gr-iys Harbor, Oiympia
and South Bend branches
Port land-Pugct Sound Special
Puget Sound Limited, Grays Har
bor and South houd branches. .
Vacolt Pass-jnger
Arriving po. tJand
North Coast Limited via North
6:45 a. m.
10:10 a, m.
8:10 p. m,
3 :ii0 p. m.
8:16p. m.
North Coaat" Limited via Pueetl
Sou no
o .
7:20 a. ra. '
6:00 a. zn.
7:80 p. jn.
8:10 p. xn.
7:20 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
4:00 p. m.
Northern Pacific
North Bank ...
Northern Pacific
Puget Sound .
Pacific Coast Express via North
Pacific Coast Express via Pugot
Missouri River Express via North
Missouri River Express via puget
Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express
and from QJympia, South licnd.i
Grays Harbor and Yacoltt
branches 4:00 p. m.
Puget Sound Limited, and from
oiympia and Grays Harbor
branch 7:10 p. m,
Puget Sound-Portlnnd Special audi
from South Bend branch 110:30 p. m.
Oregen Kuilroad Si Navigation Co.
Leaving I'ortland
Pendleton Passenger
Oregon-Wash lug ton Limited.
The Dalles Local
Spokane Flyer
Oregon Express
Arriving i'ortland
The Dalles Local
Spokane Flyer
8 :00 a. m.
10:.K a. m.
4 :0O p. m.
6:u0 p. m.
11:00 p. m.
8:00 p. m.
. . .9:55 a. m.
. .1 8:00 a. m.
. .lu:30 a, m.
. .jll::i0 a. m.
. . .5;4 p. m.
. .1 B:Q0 p. m.
i Oregon ixpreas
I Soo-Spokane-Portland
Pendleton Local i'assengor . ,
Oregon - V ashing ton Limited
Astoria & t olumhia ICiver.
Leaving Portland
Astoria and Seaside Express 8:00 a. m.
Astoria and Seaside Express 6:30 p. m.
Rainier Passenger 1:15 p.m.
Rainier PasenLr 6:45 pm.
Arriving Portland
Seaside and Astoria Express 12:20 p. m.
Seaside and Astoria Express. . . . 1 1 0 :u0 p. m.
Rainier Passenger 9:40 a. m.
Rainier Passenger . 5:00 p. m.
" Canadian Pa title Railway Co.
Leaving Portland
Via Seattle.
Arriving Portland
Soo-Spokane-Port land
Via Seattle
11:00 p. m.
12:1a m.
11:30 a. m.
10; 30 p. m.
O regon & aj ub i n gUt u Rail road Co.
Leaving Portland
Seattio Passenger 8:30 a. m.
Shasta Limited I 3:00 p.m.
Owl 111:45 a. m.
Arriving Portland j
Ow l I 6 " a- m
Shasta Limited .1 5:J0p. m.
Portland Passenger f 2:15 p. m.
Southern Fuciiic.
Leaving Portland
Dallas passenger
Dallas Passenger
. .1 7:40 a. m.
. . 4:05 p. m.
. . l:l0 p. m.
. .110:15 a. m.
. .( 6:55 p. m.
. . 12:u0 noon
Forest Grove passanger.
Arriving portlanu
Dallas Passenger
Dallas passenger
Forest Grove Passenger. .
Eleventh and Hoyt Ms.
Port fund
Seattle Railway Co.
Leaving Portland
T.virt I'assenter
7:30 a. m.
For Vancouver. Wash., Stevei son. White
Salmon, Lyle, Goldendale aud intermediat
inland irnpirn jxpreaa v.w . m.
hoi Chli-aca. St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas
City, St. Louis, Spokane, Wastuucna, K.ahlo
tus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Jrautn'nlles, Lyle,
White Salmon and Vancouver, Waih.
Coiumbia River Local 0.15 p.m.
For Vancouver, Stevenson. White Salmon,
Clifis anu intermediate points.
North Dank Limited 7:00 p.m.
For Chicago. St. iaui, omana, ivansas
City St. Louis, BMiings, SpoKane. v asn
tucn'a, Kahioius. I'asco, Roosevelt, Van
couver, Wash.
Arriving Peruana
North Bank Limited :uu a. m.
From cuicago, ot. ram, tv:i-M.s
City, St. Louis, Veliowstone Park. Spokane,
Vancouver. W ash.
Columbia River Local 10:30 a, m.
From Clifli. lioiuenuaie, A-yie, nue ai-
moa, Stevenson, vmituuvoi, n wu., nuu "-
termediate points.
Inland Empire Express 8:15 p.m.
For CUICagO, si. X tui, umnim, "
City. St. I-ouis. Bluings, fcpoKane, wasn
tucn'a. Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosuvelt, Grand,
duilcs, Goldendale, Lyle, wmie baimou.
Vancouver, Wash.
Lvlc pasbenger 8:40 p. m,
'From Lyle. WhUe Salmon, Stevenson,
Vancouver, Wash-, and intermediate points.
Great Northeru Railway Company.
Leaving poi-Liaud 11th aid lloyt Sts.
Oriental Limited, via Seattle lu:00a.m.
Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p.m.
International Limited. Seattle, Ta
coma atui Vancouver, B. C 10:00 a. m.
The owl Tacoma, Seattle and
Vancouver, B. C 5:00 p.m.
Rhore Line Express, Tacoma. Se-
atHe and Vancouver. B. C . . .11:30 p. m.
Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt sts .
Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6:45 a.m.
firieital Limited, via North Bank b:15p. m.
The Owl. Vancouver, B. C. beat
. 1- Tacoma
6:45 a. xn.
Shore Lino Express. Vancouver.
B C beanie and lacoma. .. . 2:15 p. m.
International Limited. Vancouver.
inir' . - m.. onl Tacoma.... D :.V) n. ttl.
Time turd Oregon Klectric Itullway Co.
passenger atatiou. Front aJidJellerHonsta.
" ood4juru-Siilem .ndInt.Polns- Locals
leave Portland 0:30, 7:50, 11:00 A. AL. 2:00.
50 o-ao, :40 P. AL Local for Tualatin
and'baUni. U:l5 A. AL Local ior Wilson
vii'o and int. Stations. 5:10 P. M.
HiUbboro-Forest Grove and iutermexnate
Puints Leave Portland 7:05. S:3o, P.20 A.
M . 12:lo, 2:10. a:3u, 5:30, tt:25 P. M. Sat
urdav ouiy. 11:U0 P- AL
Vrrlve Portland from Saieui and Int. bta-
tioj, 540, ll:oo A. AU. 1.15. 4:tj0. 450.
0ou :-0, 10:50 P. M. Local from Vilson
ville' and Int. points. 0:40 A. AL daily ex
cept Sunday and 7:35 A. AL dally.
Arrive Portland from Forest Grove and
lot. Statlo" fs;VO. :0O, 11:40 A. Al., 1:60.
2 50, 5:20, o:lu. 10:50 P. AL bunda only,
Depot, Front and Jelferson. Portland. Or.
I'ortland Railway, Ug-bt & Power Company.
Ticket O&ee and Waittng-Rfiom,
First and Alder and" Eaat Water
and East Morrison Streets.
City 4:00 and 6:30 A. M. and
minutes and Including- laat car.
every 3"
Greenam anu mienucunw puiul
7:45, :45. 9:45. 10:45, 11:45 A- M. ; 12:45.
1:45. 2:45, 3:45. 4:d. o:u, o:, Ji:u f. m.
Faxrview anu nuuiumo u.jj. -1.10. o.u,
9:45, 10:45 A. 12:4a. J:i, :o, 4:45.
5:45. 6:45 P. Al. ...
cazadero ana intermeaiaie points t: a a.
8:45. 10:45 A. M. ; l.:4a, 2 .o. :la. e:4-
Ticket Office and Waiting-Room Second and
A. M. 6:13. :0. 7:25. S:0O, 8:35. 9:10,
:50. 10:JO. 11:10. 11:50.
y. M. 1- :' i x .o'j, i : ju, a :iu, s :),
4 30. 5:10, 5:50, ;30, 7:U5, 7:40, 8:le, :25,
10:35. J 11:45.
On the third Monday In every month the
last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily exoept
Sunday. Daily except Monday.