THE S PSD AY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 27. 1910. U : V ronianQ gems rernn 5 vjioves j. ex. 1. vousm s onoes nome 01 niemo corsets Agents oossara dwrimu, nmcucuc Agents Acorn Moves and Ranges Move Dept. INow on 4th Fir. Goods Purchased on Credit mon., A ues. ana wea. vo on uec. acc c i 1 (lb The Meier p, Frank Store Great Apple Show NEXT WED., THURS.. FRI. &. SAT. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. Matchless Merchandise Veritable Values Matchless Merchandise Veritable Values In Which to Buy Your Christmas Presents, Hurry 1 24 Pays my HP1 REMEMBER THE SALE OF Uy-stkhjcts9"" "Red Cross" Stamps The proceeds of which are to be given to the rau.e of fighting tuberculosis in the State of Oregon. Sale starts tomorrow morning in booth. on the 1st floor, tinder supervision of Mrs. David Uoneyraan. Demonstration "Mysto Magic" The most interesting and entertaining demonstration ever given in Portland. Mr. TV. R. Richardson, of New York City, will give demonstrations daily in our windows and in the fifth floor toy department. The most clever tricks in parlor magic aptly performed. All tricks performed by Mr. Richardson axe for sale in our toy dept. See 'window demonstration of Kellar Trunk Trick at 10, 12, 2, 4. COME IN AND HAVE YOUR Pictures Framed At once, if you want the work done in time for Ckristmas. If you put it off too long, we can't get the work done in time for your wants. Artistic framing by expert workmen at the lowest prices. Great Christmas Handkerchief Sale Begins Tomorr SEE TOMORROW MORNING'S OREGONIAN FOR FULL PACE ANNOUNCEMENT OF ADDITIONAL ARTICLES OFFERED AT THE LOWEST PRICES 2 Extraordinary Specials In Misses' and Women's Storm Coats Regular $20.00 to S28.00 Values at $12.4.5. Regular $15.00 to $18.00 Values at $8.85 In the first special there are 225 coats priced at $12.45 In the second lot there are 235 coats priced at $8.85 J Tomorrow morning, at 8 o'clocK, we begin this unusual sale. Women's and misses' storm coats, made of broad doth. Kersey and fancy tweeds, 2d floor, suit section. I Five Suit Bargains - V5 'iA $ 1 2.45-$ 1 6.45-$22.45 $27.45 and $32.45 fy Wtmon'l onil vniccoe talln.Tnaifa cnitc In nlaln far rr models, all good colors and materials. Read these items: rvS Values to $20.00, specially priced for this sale, $12.45 Values to $25.00, specially priced for this sale, $16.45 pnf Values to $35.00, specially priced for this sale, $22.45 jT5 Values to $45.00, specially priced for this sale, $27.45 V Values to $50.00, specially priced for this sale, $32.45 Sale 5000 Pieces Womii's Neckw'ar r s - : J?!5 Ppal Irish and Tlnnv lar nr rinnrl mrirntr1ir1 norV i r. war In rahntt iafintc laro rnllarc ctnrkc ma Also fancy lace, chiffon, Egyptian scarfs. $5.00 to $40.00 values yon will now find placed on sale at One-Quartet Less A Phenomenal Sale of Comforters 5000 to select frcm. Prepare now for the cold nights. $1.50 SilKoline Comforters, specially priced now at $1.15 $1.75 SilKoline Comforters, specially priced now at $1.29 $2.00 SilKoline Comforters, specially priced now at $1.59 $2.25 SilKoline Comforters, specially priced now at $1.69 $4.00 Sateen Comforters, specially. priced now at $3.49 The Meier k Frank Store's Christinas AsmoimcemeEt Desirable Handkerchiefs For Men, Women and Children 3k . Sale Starts at 8 A. M In 4 First-Floor Main Aisles and in the Handkerchief Annex on Second Floor Every Handkerchief IN THiS MAMMOTH STOCK Reduced SALE PRICES RANGE 'FROM 2c TO $30 USUAL PRICES FROM 5c TO $40-SEE TWO LARGE 5TH-ST. WINDOWS Phenomenal Basement Price d fPricej Muslmwear ITEMS ANNOUNCED IN THIS ISSUE WILL NOT BE REPEATED-SAVE THIS PAGE FOR YOUR SHOPPING GUIDE TOMORROW SALE AT 8 A. M. Entire Stock Women's 3 -Piece L. Fancy Tailored and Dress Suits QlT VELVET SUITS EXCEPTED Regular prices from $55.00 to $300.00. We place on sale tomorrow, at 8 o'clocK, 200 suits, all this season's novel- ties, in desirable styles and materials. Sale will be in )) the Suit Section, on the second floor. Don't miss this. P Two Waist Bargains At c The 98c waists are in pretty.flannels, regular $1.50 and $1.75 values. The $1.98 waists are tailor-made, linen. These waists are beautiful and the $4.00 to $7.50 values. A C AT THE SIGN OF THE a-rgain Square IN BASEMENT ANNEX DRAWERS, COMBINATION SUITS; NIGHTGOWNS, PETTICOATS Our Greatest Sale 5000 Garments in Women's Fine Un- dermuslins SaS Half Price Matchless Merchandise-Veritable Values In Furs All Those Furs Sold by the Greater Meier (Bb Frank Store Are Dependable and Guaranteed Furs erair i nnA : ' f XT 1 l w a iuuu iians vuriaius, ui nuuinKnam lace, naura weave i n anrl Pin n v of forte " uAtitA vr A rahia t ft inrKoc xiri A o ?iz 2 1-2 yards long. Regular price $2.50 pair. Third floor. Fine Sample Line of B : ahcy;Liflens At About V2 Regular Price About 1-2 regular price. Lace trimmed scarfs and squares , Bought from a" large importer at a very low figure. For this sale we have priced them for only R eauce The Greatest and Best Stock of Furs in the CityThis Announcement Will Be Good News for Thousands Who Con- template Buying Furs Sale Starts at 8 98c, $1.98 arid $2.98 Eachc 5 omiduic iui wtusia, ureases, ciw. ci. apfi vyi laiv Christmas gifts. There are three big bargains, priced at Only 69c, 79c and 98c Yard !e Fancy PlatesfQ 35c Values 1 7c Each S3 r : In the basement, 5UU0 flecorated fancy plates, in assort ed sizes. Fine Austrian and Bavarian China. Regu lar 25c and 35c values, specially priced now at 17c each. a.wsjjcf