V I 5 J1TE SUNDAY OREGCOTTANV PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 27, 1910. IS The Potter Automatic Change Competing Machine I t 3 is ific oniy meciianiccii acviuc in tnc: wunu iuc&l pciiuniid liic; ycijr service tliat has annoyed retail merchants for a quarter century With One Operation of the Lever IT AUTOMATICALLY FIGURES AND PAYS THE EXACT CHANGE IT PRINTS THE AMOUNT OF THE PURCHASE UPON THE SALES SLIP IT TABULATES THE AMOUNT OF EVERY SALE MADE DURING THE DAY IT PAYS COIN OR PAPER MONEY WITH EQUAL FACILITY, AT WILL WJth One Operation of the Lever Li WORK IT YOURSELF (Al o D E r KFTTO rLIrSTRATIO.X. T Marr trmy. ' wwtnt ontaa of trrrr 4rillillt from 0K rrT TIVEMr-DOLLlR bOLD PIECE, COT Has eTry ! la earreaer. TW Ift-kaa4 krrboatr, with krys rva rwallii rrrrr amoaat from 0K CTXT fa OVF. Ill XDRF.D UOLLAHS. Tkla kT uri la .4 for tka anwaat af tka mr rkaa. Tka takalatar. wfclrk r1rra ka total af a Ira aad dorian tka day. Tka amoaat of ttrrr aalo la addrd to twry arorloaa aalr, akooilaa; tka fatal at r axlaata of tka day. Tka rtskt-haad kaykoard la tka asaat roaatrrpart of tka Irft-kaad aaa, aad la aard ta raarraaat tka amoaat of aaoaay varrivad. Tka lrr ky wklrk tka aaackla la oper ated. Tka takla aad alot. wkara tka aalaa alia la laarrtad for prlallas tka amoaat af tka aalo. Tka a art or lata wklrk tka rkaoaa falla. aftrr tka pulliaa; of tka Irvar. Tka kaad krld krra will rrerl tka avaaay aa It falla. By rrferrlaa; ta tka kvyrd lllnalratloa aad tka aaoir drarrlatloa af tka airfares! sarta. aay aaa raa aaally aharr-ra Jaat kaw tka ma rk I aa vrarka aad may work oaf aroblataa of kia m at villi. Ta aaalat tka reader la aearaflaa; tka naeklae. tka followlaa; azacrl ( la aoowa la detail. A nulaarr at a loral a tor parrkaaaa MS.M3 la aarrrkaadlaa. at kavtac raak at kaad, tka rmtaarr teadera krr kaakaad'a rkrrk for fW-VA. Teat yoararlf aa tkla a rote Ira aad ar If yoa raa meatally ralralata tka fat t ' ' ' - ' 'V "Si? " SEE HOW SIMPLE exact amonat of change qnlrkjy and trauvlh ly the flrat time, lmaslne, then, the diffi culty of a cannier In computing: raoh ju-ob lama al 1 day Ions, and the liability to con ataat error. The clerk; who eella the order makea out a aalea allp, ahowlna; tka amount of the aale and the amount of money or check: received from the cuatomer. The aalea alls and check are eent to tka central caahler. Let na follow the work of the caahler aa aoon aa the allp and check are received. She obaervea flrat the amount of the purrhaae and depreaaea the krya on key board (H) lettered H, 3, 6 and S, the amount of the purchaae. Then, noting the amouat received, ahe depreaaea the keya on keyboard (Dl lettered A, 5. 3 and O. Inaertlnar tho aalea allp in alot IF), ahe pnlla the lever B forward about onarter way, and the machine iloea all the work automatically, without aay further effort. The flrat interesting; reault fa allows la the change aperture G), where the exact amount of change fnlla. If yon count it, you will aee one 910 trold piece, pne allver dollar, one fifty-cent piece, one ten-cent piece and two pennlea, making exactly 911.62, the cor rect change. Furthermore, In every opera tion of thla machine, yon will find that the change made. In every inatance, paya tka amnlleat number of colna poaaible, juat aa a caahler would do, or any other peraon making change. ' Now, for your awn amuaement, and to further demonatrate the efficiency of the device, auggent a problem of your own and work It out In the aame way that la aug geated above, and for the double purpoae of aatiafying youraelf of the almpllclty of the machine and acquainting youraelf with the operation of the machine, ao that when yoa aee It In our office or In your home, yoa will anderatand It more thoroughly. FACTORY SITE LEASED AT COR. OF GRAND AVENUE AND HOYT Thirty Acre Site, Near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Adj Property, .Has Been Purchased and All oining Westinghouse Paid for. A lease was signed Wednesday by the COIN MA CHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, for the prop ertj at the corner of Grand avenue and Iloyt street, where the first factory of this company will be built at once. Plans for the building have just been received from the architect. Tomorrow these plans will be submittedto a contractor for figures and building will start as soon as it is possible to do so. This plant will be used for immediate work of the company, such as the making of models, dies, planning the big plant and attending to such other mechanical details as may be required. The COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURING COM PANY has bought and paid for 30 acres of property near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, whero the permanent plant will be built. This site adjoins that of the Westinghouse Elec tric & Manufacturing Compaq-, which is 70 acres in extent and was recently purchased by that company at a cost of 5250,000. It is in this factory that the machines will be made and it is expected that the building wrill be completed and ma chines ready for distribution within two years. Tho intentions of this company are serious and those who are familiar with the businesslike and effective man ner in which its affairs have been managed since its incep tion are enthusiastic over the magnificent future which seems so certain. Every day adds to the certainty of suc cess. The machine is perfection. There is no opportunity f qr improvement, as it thoroughly covers the field for which it is designed. Demand for it is already stimulated. Letters from all parts of the country are asking for prices and reservations. The stock sales are increasing every day, bringing the time of dividend paying closer and closer every twenty-four hours. The character of men and women who are investing In the stock of this company evidences the fact that a machine has been designed, at last, that answers every demand of the greatest of modern institutions, the department store oij America. Of equal interest, also, is the fact that there is not a store in the world that cannot use such a device, creating a demand which is equal to that of any office ap pliance that has been placed upon the market in many years. For a Few Days Longer This Stock $ May Be Had for $60 Per Share. The Price Will Then Be Adyanced to $65.00 or $70.00. Payments May Be Made in Cash or Monthly v tfv.'"'-.:'.-. .r!lll' ,t. .1- l' 1 il ! I'1 " 3 ttrt&wwzc 1 ' - jH.v - V-..VJ The Sale of Only Ten Machines a Day, as Compared With 400 Cash Registers, Shows a Minimum Profit of 11V4 on the Company's Total Capitalization of $2,000,000 Model Machines Will Be Ready for Exhibition Some Time This Week By Filling Out and Mailing Either of These Coupons Your Wishes Will Be Promptly Granted COUPON A COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Corbett Building, Portland. Please mail me literature describing the POTTER AUTOMATIC CHANGE COMPUTING MACHINE. Name . . Address COIN MACHINE MANUFACTU RING COUPON C COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Corbett Building, Portland: v Please have one of your representatives call with your model of the POTTER AUTOMATIC CHANGE COMPUTING MA CHINE and explain its operation. Date Hour Phone No COMPANY COUPON B COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Corbett Building, Portland : -I will call at your office at the following time to inspect your model of the POTTER AUTOMATIC COMPUTING MACHINE. Day. Hour Phone No . Name .. Addresfe 720 Corbett Building Portland, Oregon COUPON D COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Corbett Building," Portland: I hereby agree to purchase shares of stock in the COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY at $60 per share, upon 3-our usual terms of payment. Please send agreements to that effect. Name . . Address Name y . Address Main 7324 A 6291