r 12 ELKS' FIGHT FOR BIG CONVENTION IS ON Committee Begins in Earnest to Win Honor for Portland in 1912 Canvass Due Soon. 1NCQAT 6 COMPANY PORTLAND ELKS' 1912 CONVENTION COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO HANDLE GRAND LODGE REUNION CAMPAIGN. 51 Our Great Sale of the Plymouth Stock Is the Bargain Sensation of the Year Washkglon (W) 3 Washington wrz am., rar-wiw. . , , nCTywflva , .. ..u t a I'fc. - me- I ' II r-- , f i, . It" - T rjs"--i T 'I I f ' 1 II B - - . a II r I. ' 1 I I J i. -' 3 H m I : i t Jaaa B. leea W. B. OUfVc R. D. laasaa W. it. mm rkjTr W. L. Mr (.eerge W. Hojt Gforit L. Baker Ira F. Pewers 'J(Vi M - -T t i IF . - ii.P i .- .Sir ,i f t I lit , 1 : . 8 Ilk . t tRi II jJ13flMf 'ry f ty ' li a f 'a ll rTtrdlaaarr Pall Xrtarba, Jr. . . Arata l lllrara 5o Rlumanrr Hrrmai M lltribrrc ftlcarl Marnia Kllaeharri! xV-T- " ' - -. - - - . jUp-yr.cva II m n" ',Lli..i-.'unwa " '', r -r-I g---a-v v;"-'-- pytww iui ... aj au tTw,.,.. l r. . .,Mi'i,uj,"i!rI.j t III" . . . v: t - . .-AMU i" 11 .- -i IT " ' I II ill I l IP II Via. i r?n n r.- ; , r v - 1 I . . . -- . .. . ... .... I t jriiiHi p . m eamr jmmm ti. tfarararo a. ti. ihihi iu u awptiaai was. nrnamT t' a. wimm momf I i i in 1 i i I 1l. if . iii r 'r ; . .- jww .lib ki. f x a si! -f ' ' " ''" ! ' V l--" l. ..li.waam.at J ,, jLillj j.mi Ljt jLm.mm,m J i: W. Bwf Oarld M. Ilaaa . Hala K. .Mooa Paal Saala A. D. C karltoa Dr. C. W. Corarllaa D. Solla Coaea Paol Vralnerr j a.i Three Big Bargains .Woman's superb, full-length, all weather, double-service Coats and Eng lish Slip-Ous. Values to $35.00. Special ly priced for Monday and Tuesday At $ 1 2.50,.$ 1 5, $ 1 S Ladies' Superb, full length, all - weather, double-service Coats and English Slipons f Smart, snappy styles. v- v.'t In imnorted and do- j;-.L.s r - fabrics. These are $25 to $35 values. Spe cially priced for Mon day and Tuesday $12.50 In the last two weeks Portland 1hI the local lodfp added Vim to Its ram- i ver.S. A. Arata. J. H. Burcard. David M. No. 4Z. tv-nvvolent and Protective Order : pnlicn lor the 1912 assembly. I Dunne. Sol Hlumauer, V. B. Glafke. Kd of Elks, laid the foundation of a cam- j Krcently W. R. Apperson. exalted t u'er Schiller. J. B. Yeon. Ralph K. Moody. palgn to brtiuj the greatest conclave of ! of the Portland lodge, appointed a om- A. M. Shannon. George L Baker. Uot Q. members and friends of that orcanlxa- mlttea of IS enthusiastic members to take j Sn-etland. A. W. I-ambert. Leon Htrsrh. lion ever assembled to Portland In l-'l , up the 112 campatitn. Members of the j W. I Morgan, Paul Spath. J. J. Jennings. When the Elks' grand lodge met at ; committee are A. D. Charlton, I Pulls j George W. lloyt. C. A. Whltemore. Kob Los Angeles In IMS the Portland Elks j Cohen. Ed Klirman, Marcus A. KleUrh- ert t. Inman, Herman Wittenberg, sent delegates who commenced tha boom I ner. Kellx Frledlander. Albert Felileu- i Officers elected by this committee are: for Portland In 1912. This met with great helmer. Phil Metschan. Jr William M- Chairman, E. W. Rowe: vice-chairman, favor among the Eastern delegates, and . Murray, lr F. Powers. E. W. Rowe. Slg I Marcus A. Fleischner; secrefary. Clyde M. after the return of Portland rpresenta- ! Sh hel, Gus C. Moser, Dr. C. W. Cor- I Bills: treasurer. W. .O. Van Schuyver: tlvee sent to Detroit. Mich., last July, nellus. Paul Wesslnger, W. O. Van Schuy- 1 finance committee. Sol Blumauer, Ira F. Hoyt Powers. W. B. Qlafke, George W and A. Feldenhelmer. The convention committee has also chosen several sub-committees and the campaign Is progressing. It Is planned to begin the canvass for campaign funds about January 1. The lodge itself, rated as the richest body of Elks In the world, voted to head the list with a J2S.000 sub scription. The convention committee has already received many assurances of support from Eastern lodges. $ 1 8.00 Three Big Bargains Men's superb, all-weather, double service Overcoats and English Slip-Ons. Values to .$35.00. Specially priced for Monday and Tuesday At $12.50, 315, $18 Men's Superb Combination Raincoats and Overcoats All the new collar fads. Showiiitr a wide r a n r c of imported and domestic, water proof fabrics. . These are $25 to $35 values, specially priced for Monday and Tuesday 12.SO S 1 S.OO $18.00 CHRISTMAS BOOKS EXHIBITED IN YOUTHS SECTION OF PUBLIC LIBRARY Good Reading Material Is Question VThich Always Arises at Holiday Time Portland Library Authorities Wonld Serve Public in Guiding Children and Parents to Select Attractive Literature. FT HODOS MIIXJARD. TUB question of the best reading for children Is of perennial Importance. Many are asking these days about bo-jks to buy for Christmas: therefore an exhibit of especially attractive books suitable for children has been arranged In tha children's department of the Pub lic Library and also at the East Side and Alb ma branches. Ttiese bouka may arva for the guid ance of those who are not familiar with literature for children and are Intended to help aivd suggest tha books that chil dren not only will read but are well worth thrtr while. In ehooalng books for rhll.lrrn tbare are several considera tion first and foremost of all perbapa tha taste of the child should guide one In the selection of book: then the edi tions should be tha best, well Illustrated to train tha child's eye lo the beautiful la art. the print clear, the paper good and the binding attractive. Tha books In the exhibit range from the picture book for the very small child to the his torical novel for tha older children. Every season a most glaring array of bonk l published, their doubtful merit being their cheapness, but the Illustra tion are so bad there la danger lest tha ihlldren'a naturally correct sense of rolr should be destroyed. In place of such books here are the charming vol umes Illustrated by Kate Ureenaway. Randolph CaMcott. Walter Crane. Bou tet de Monvel and many others and ranging In prl.-e from cents to li. We wish our children to be truthful, why not give them plcturea that are true t- nature, true to act and true to sense? Caldrcotl and Crane Hooks Arc ChmmI Soma of the attractive books on dis play are the Randolph Caldecott and Walter Crane picture books, published by Warn at Ii rents In clutti and 2b rents In paper. Tha drawings In tha Calde cott boka are full of character and hu mor. The 'Crane books make an appeal to the child's aesthetic nature and the stories sre c!artc fairy tales and nurs ery rhrme. Tne action, coloring and Imagination In these picture books are all IWIghtful and add variety lo the child s collection. "Hahy's Own Aesop" (Wirtif. Jl.iul with words plctorlully patntrd in a series of delightful plcturea bv Walter Crane. ill please tlie little folks. The Kate Greens ay picture books (Warne. 1.T5 are too familiar to need comment. She had tte magic poser of turning everything her bru.'h touched to pure gold. Her lllustrat4ons are so nuaint and the coloring so dainty. From tha picture books we come to tne aiotner vsoose rnymes inai nave i for children as there Is In the building of air castles for the older people. In the collection Is the ever welcome Hans Christian Anderson's "Fairy Tales," translated by Mrs. K. Lucas Pant. S2). The edition Illustrated by Helen titrat ion, with an introduction by Edward E. Hale (Ulpplncott. Ii Is the most charming. Then the Brother Grimm's "Fairy Tales. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham (Ldpplncott. :.60 Is a beau tiful edition. There Is also a larger edition published at ii. Oriental MyMlcWm Seen. The fairy tales from the Arabian Nights' entertainments Introduce an element of Oriental mysticism Into the child's reading. The new "Arabian Nights" edited by Kate iHiuglas Wig gin and Nora Smith is undoubtedly the moat attractive volume we can offer, with Its beautiful Illustrations In color by Maxfleld Parrlsh tSrrlbner. t!.S0. "The Child's Story of Hans Christian Andersen." by Paul Harboe (Diiffteld. 11.401 would be a very acceptable gift. George McDonald's "At the Back of the North Wind." Illustrated by M. t. Kirk. Is a good edition of one of the most absorbing- fairy tales ever written. Mrs. D. M. Cralk's "Adventures of a Brownie" (Harper. (0 rents) and the "Little Lame Prince" Harper. 0 cents) are also favorites. Charles Klnasley's "Water Babies" every child should know. The edition illustrated by Mar garet Tarrant (Dent. 11.50) I one of the most beautiful. The one published by Macraillan. fl. children are very fond of. We must not overlook "Alice In Won derland." by Lewis Carroll. Illustrated by Kir John Trnnlel (Marmlllan. II). which Is an unfailing source of joy to children of all ages, even to 70 years young. A later edition Is Illustrated by Arthur Rackham UKubleday. 11.40) From the fairy tale to the classic myth Is but a step and there Is no more delightful example than Nathan iel Hawthorne's "Wonder Book." one of the mot beautiful editions Is illus trated by Maxfleld Parrlsh Duf field. i;0i. Another attractive volume la Illustrated by Waltes Crane (Hough ton. ID. Charles Klngsley'a "Heroes." Illustrated by Robinson (Nlster, K.60) Is a charming version of the Oreek fairy tales. There Is an Inborn love for animals In children. Rudyard Kipling's "Jun gle Books" (Century, f l.0). Krnest c ton Thompson's "Lives of the Hunted" and - "Wild Animals I Have Known" (Scrlbner. II i. Charles Major's "Bears of Blue River" (Marmlllan, SI. 23) and Lily Wes.clhoeft's "Jack the Fire Dog" (Little. ll.ISi. are all animal stories to be recommended. Animal complete understanding of outdoor land. Then Mrs. Lounsbury's "How to Know the Wild Flowers" Is Insplrlngly written (Stokes, II. CO). I oil In Iliod Should He Known. Howard Pyle's "Merry Adventures of Robin Hood crlhner. 13) should be In every children's library. He gives the tales with all the flavor of the aualnt phraseology of the times: this Is the i few books that hAve served their time best retelling of the legends, but Mrs. j have been dropped out and many accee Tappan's "Robin Hood" (Little. 11.60) jslons to the library on machine shop Is also excellent and not so expensive. ' practice and allied subjects have been John Ruskln' "King of the Golden River." the most beautiful sermon ever preached in the guise of a fairy tale, are shown in good editions. For the boy who Is Interested In manual training, electricity. Indians, history and travel there are many books to look over. A cordial invitation Is extended to all motherx and fathers, teachers' and Sun day school teachers, aunts and uncles. In fact to all the friends of the children to come and see these choice books. A good hook Is a possvsnlon and to Inspire a child with the love of reading and the desire to acquire a library of his own ts to beaiow upon Mm a gift which will bo a resource and a delight during his whole life. A second edition of the list of bookn on machine-shop practice, lapued two years ago. ana wnica met such a need through the city, has Just been published. This list haa been thoroughly revised, some Special Lot of Coats for Meii and Women Comprising broken lots, odd sizes, etc., all .$'25 and $30 values, including a few very expen- Qf sive coats, will be sold at one price of. . . y I ZiOU 1000 Raincoats and Capes for Boys, Girls, former price3 $7.50 Now $1.75, $2.75 SPECIAL ATTENTION This Hale will also include a lot' of 'our new sample Fall Models of some of the highest class goods ever shown in Portland, which will he sold at 60 per- cent, reduction; on the original selling, price. , Do not fail to ask the salemen to show, you these samples;; That nifty Tan Rubber Slip-On for men, spe cially priced at $6.40 rOODYEA j RAINCOAT COMPANY! 302 WASHINGTON STREET For the man who likes black we are showing a wide ran go of superb all weather Coats at $15 and $18. A far higher type of hero la found In the King Arthur tales, which appeal to the chivalry and developing manhood of the boy. Howard Pyle's Is the best version (Scrlbner. 12.50). although there are many others In the collec tion. Mary MiLeods "Knights of the Hound Table" Is one of tbe most read able (Wells. 11.2-1. There Is no -better reading for chil dren than poetry, and the love of It Is Inborn In most of them, and children prize the "Child's Garden of Verse." by Stevenson. Illustrated by Jessie Wilcox (Smith I Scrlbner. Ii) and Kugene Field's "Poems of Childhood." Illustrated by Maxfleld Parrlsh (Scrlbner. i:. Rob ert Browning's "Pled Piper of Hame Iln." illustrated by Hope Dunlop' (Hand. II.2S) la another favorite. One of the best anthologies for children Is K. W. Lucas' "Book of Verso for Children" (Holt. II). A "Treasury of Verse for Children." .edited by M. E. Kdgar (Crowell. i 1.60) Is also good. Kate iKJuplas Wiggin s "The Posy Ring" and her "Oolden Numbers" (Doubleday. It) are as charming collections of verses for oil I Id re n as the heart could desire. For the child musically inclined there Is aaaea. this list may be obtained at the Central Library or any of its branches and reading rooms. The telephone service with the reference department Is becoming quits a feature. It must be remembered that important Information cn be secured - over the telephone if there Is not time for a visit to the Library. Call up Main 1556 and ask for the reference department. ELK SLAYER FINED $300 Game Officials Announce Intention of Enforcing- Closed Season. Killing elk In Oregon was expensive for E. E. 81errt. of Gresham. for on November 13 he was found guilt- of such an offense and fined W0 by Judge Campbell at Oregon City. The offense was committed last January, hut owing to various postponements the trial was not held until Wednesday. Chief Deputy Warden Ureen and sev eral of his assistants worked hard-on Point. 12 miles from Medford. In the near future. Several business men from Pierre. S. D-. who have made invest ments In ranches In the valley, lately decided that Eagle Point needs a bank and they are now awaiting the charter from the state banking authorities. The new bank will be capitalized at 125.000. Prominent citizens of Eagle Point will erect the builldng for the banking quarters. MEN HIREDjJNOJOB; ARREST Kmployment Agency Ixses $8" Re funded to Laborers. For causing IS laborers -to be sent to North Tamhlll. where no work was awaiting them, Rudy Rudfch was ar rested yesterday morning by Patrolman Wade, on the complaint of C. R. Han sen A Co.. employment agents. As Ru dlch had secured no money, the only Indictment under which lie could be charged was the city ordinance against disorderly conduct. When he was searched at the police station a set of brass knuckles was found in his cloth ing and an additional charge of carry ing concealed weapons was placed against him. Riidich went to the Hansen agency and represented himself as a contractor engaged in station work at North Yam hill. He said he needed 35 laborers. He was entertained and feasted by Hansen's, people, who posted a bulletin and soon had the required number of men. equipped with blanket rolls and ready to go to work. Rudlch took rharicft of the party and pnt them aboard the train, but disappeared In the vicinity of Hlllsboro. The labor ers went on to North Yamhill, but there was no one there to set them at work. They returned to the city in high Indignation and the agency was obliged to- refund to each of them I2.. at ii n hT lhm inlvr d ) n t h rotiir h I he nurseries from one generation to an- th delight the very small ehll other. One of tha best editions Is An- Br rIIrr" r.c"r. ,Ub" Hr. Lan'. nursarv rhvme book ' bit" and "Benjamin Bunny (Warne. (Warne. 11.50). Illustrated In black and white. Another good edition has col ored plcturea by Kllxabeth Franklin Batts (Stokes. I !.: then. also, one arranged by Charles Welch Is excellent and tha most beautiful volume of Mother Goose rhymes Is edited by Wal ter Jerrold (Dulton. III. Old fables, fulk and fairy tales are also popular with the children. Horace E. fcudder'e "Children's Book" (Houghton. I'. I is a veritable mine of fairy tales. legends and fables. There la a charm about fairy talcs 54 rents). The pictures are well done In soft colors and the moral of the story Is not too obvious. J. M. Bar rle'a "Peter Pan" (cVrlbner. II. 50) la most delightfully Illustrated by -Arthur Rackham the larger edition at 15 con tains many more pictures. An added pleasure to outdoor life "amid na tures beauties." Is the study through books of all her glorious mysteries. Robert Chambers' "Orchard Land." il lustrated by Reginald Birch (Harper. 11.501 Is for very young people. Peter and Gcraldtne coma very naturally into America." which' ts Illustrated In color by , "r,ed frVldh;nce enoUfh t0 COnct B. OKerla. eDoubled.y. JB,. Johanna I? b"1 " Cmp""" We.,-d'?: U ... -I' . tl.UP 1 ClAnt rtlAl ' I ...I V. VOUQIIW natlng story of up In the mou has many plct scrlption of child life. Another edition published by De Wolfe at 11.50 in good. Then Lorensint's "Plnocchlo" (Ginn. 00c) tl-e children never tire of. The greatest story of adventure ever written. Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" (Russell, 11.50) and '"Gulliver's Travels" (Swift) . '.,'', Z ,711 i tlrst conviction for killing elk In this mtaini f RLriin J officials believe the heavy jntains of Switzerland. It j flne ,nfllc,ej wlII dter thoM who con. mm nil "JZ ; '"'P1 "unun. lk urlns the closed season. Chief Deputy Green has placed a gaso line patrol launch In service on the Wil lamette and Columbia rivers to supervise the duck shooting preserves, for rumors of several cases where the limit has been evreeHed hnve prh(l ih n.m War- are there also. Them are old favorites j aen-B offlce and thls measure has been ana are aa in-wi .uuy y ,i "r,"c" adopted as a means of protection. ,t-ptriun; iui wi ii riirmtiuii, a i.v- vitv Is the Tuberculosis Crusade Losing Ground? Illustrated by E. Boyd Smith (Houghton. H.50i should be observed. A new story by' Grace Richmond called "Around the Comer In Gay Street" (Doubleday. I1..VM has a good home spirit and would be appreciated by the girl who likes Louleia M. Alcott's "Little Women" (Little. 12 . Among other good hooks for the girls will be found Carroll Rankin's "Dsndellon Oottege" (Holt. 11.50) snd B. Dlx' "Merry Lips" (Marmlllan. 111. Homer Greene's "Pickett's Gap" Macmlllan. 75c) lei a good Mory for the boy. 10 or 12 years old. H. E. Marshall's 'Scotland's Story" and hi "Island Story" (Stokes. i7M and E. W. Grlerson's "hlldren'a Tales From Scottish Ballads' (Black. 121 are all well ihn-troted and well written for the older children. Gertrude Smith Popular. Gertrude Smith's "Arabella and A ra in ins. (Harper. xi.i ts s ory. cnuaren first learning to read particularly enjoy. Robert I- tte-encon's "Treasure Island' Eagle Point to Have Bank. MEDFORD. Or.. Nov. 36 (Special.) A bank will be opened at Eagle GOOD NEWS FOR THE DEAF. A celebrated New York Aurlst has been selected to demonstrate to deaf people that deafness Is a disease and can be cured rapidly and easily in your own home. He proposes to prove this fact by sending to any person having trouble with their ears a trial treatment of this new method absolutely free. . We advise all people who have trouble with their ears to immediately address Dr. Edward Gardner. Suite 5. No. 40 West Thirty-third street. New York City, and we wish to assure them that they will receive by return mall, abso- tbcrlbucr. 11.25. a classic in iulf and , lutely free, a "Trial Treatment." Despite all the effort being made by advocates of fresh air and egg-and-mllk treatments, the number of new cases has not been noticeably decreased. Write to us and ask to be referred to Clergvmen. Priests, men and women who took Eckman's Alterative and are today well and strong without a trace of tuberculosis prono slcians. Some of them tlve 10 years sgo when do u-nuiri not live 10 weeks. Could anything be fairer to yourself and those who love you and would do anything to restore you to health? If you are skeptical investigate us. our medi cine, our advertised statements. Write to those who nave sent in amaaviia ana testimonials telling how Eckman's Alterative cured them. Here is one: 5323 Glrard Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa. Gentlemen: "In the winter of 1903 I had an attack of Grippe, followed by Pneumonla and later by Consumption. I grew steadily worse. In the winter of 1904 I had cough. night sweats, fever and raised quantities of awful looking stuff and later. 1 naa many nuranrmsn, at one time, three in three successive days. Milk and eggs became so distasteful I could keep nothing down. Three physi cians treated me. I was ordered to the mountains, but did not go. Eckman's Al terative was recommended by a friend. After taking a small quantity I had the first quiet night's eleep for weeks. My improvement was marked from the first. I gained strength and weight and appe tite. I never lad another hemorrhage and my cough gradually lessened until entirelv gone. I am perfectly well. Evervt'hlng I say here an be verified by niv family and friends." (Signed Affidavit) Annie Floyd Loughran. Eckman s Alterative cures Bronchitis. Asthma. Hay Fever: Throat and Lung Affections. For Sale by The Owl Drug rn. snd other leading druggists. Ask for booklet of cured cases and write to j F.ckman Laboratory. Philadelphia. Pa.. ! I tor additional evidence. I If It's to B fx e a a e I 7 .'.-' '. rZ4-A.'A ,-'4 The demand for Chickerings 13 unprecedented. We have sold so far this year more than double the number of Chickerings sold during all of the good year '09 At the present time we have over $80,000 worth of Chicker ings grands and uprights in our Portland retail and whole sale establishments. Everv cataloenie stvle of the Chickeririg is here and some noutoo1? fife bitera- I specially designed instruments as well. We expect that every !when doctors said 5 Chickering will be sold before New Year's. Even though our concern has been able to offer an assort ment many times larger than is to be found anywhere in the Union, we are free to say that never heretofore was opportu nity for careful selection and comparison offered in our big institution as right now. Every piano selected now will be stored free of charge in our new superb wholesale building, between 15th and 16th streets on Pettygrove, and delivery will be made any hour of the forenoon, afternoon or evening that may be desired. ( ) There is no more magnificent gift than a Christmas piano. Let it be the best in the world, a Chickering, if possible. Oregon's Home Piano House Please Place Your Order With Us Now! ei ) ai i a I I Tli Oom of tta T cion of Honor Jt ftoweti I pon the ' nickering-. th Hifcbebt Kf-cngnttinn Kier Accorded an American Piano.