The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 20, 1910, SECTION SIX, Page 6, Image 75

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passages mom
i J
AM about to kill myself Tou
ill find my body In room
itgbt-frty-slx. Delmont Hotel
If yon listen you'll her the shot
Good - by
This was the fateful message that
want buuitig owr the telephone wires
lata on a foggy. 4rtuly night In April.
Tha Intending aulclda ha called up po
lice headquarters this was In tha old
Mulberry street days and tlr lieuten
ant at that end of tha circuit, after
waiting a few seconds, distinctly heard
tha sharp ringing report of a firearm.
provl rig that tha unknown speaker had
kept his word and must hare purposely
left the recelrer off the hook. Then
Instead of railing up tha office of
tha Hotel Pelmont one of the newer
19-siery hoetelrtes near the Grand
Central depot. Finney Valentine leaped
Into his official motor and dashed off
uptown, hoping to be first on the iieia
before tha hotel people had a chance
to noddle things.
This desire was realised. Apparent
ly no alarm bad been s;len or heard
from the alfhth floor by guests, cham
bermaids or bellhops which perhaps
was sot surprising- considering the size
of tha hotel and tha fact that the loca
tion is a very noisy one so far as street
eunds are concerned.
I' poo locating r" m number J4
the door had to be forced, the key be
ing on the Inside and tha safety-bolt
alKO shot here Is what Kinney saw and
There were two rooms and a hth
'a tha suite sitting-room and sleep
ing chamber. The telephone was In
the former, and sure enough the re
.celver dangled idly by Its cord. Both
of these rooms were apparently empty
and la good order no furniture disar
ranged, nor had the bed been dis
turbed. A suitcase lay open on the
table, bnt tha articles therein shirts,
collars, underwear were neatly dis
posed. On the dresser In the bedroom
were tha usual toilet articles of a man
of soma means rasors. sllTer-backed
military brushes, sharing mug. hand
glass, etc. and a traveling cloik.
Only a couple of searching glances
were required to make this brief In
ventory. 'What they were looking for
lay an tha floor of the tiled bathroom,
lust Inside the door the body of a
man In the prima of life, attired In
evening clothes, lying huddled on one
side Just as ba had fallen. Loosely
gripped In tha fingers of the rljtbt
hand doubled under the body was a
tx-chambered bulldoa revolver with
one cartridge exploded. In the rlpht
ereple was a round hole from which
tha blood was still ooilng to a tiny
pool staining the whiteness of the tea
aelated floor. The eyes were staring
wide open with a look of sudden hor
ror or surprise.
In tha man's pockets were a small
roll of bills and some silver amunt
'ng to S30-40. a watch and fob. and in
the breast pocket of tha dinner-coat a
flat wallet or bill-book absolutely
The hotel register showed the name
-William Kardester. Washington": be
bad arrived the day before. There were
no means of entering room 4 save
tie door no transom, no fire-esanes:
the windows were rlod save thst of
the bathroom, ahlch opened on an In-
aar court, .slOk tha .pavement it odd I
ar a i w t m. m mm m m m a
- ""'?SkA b PT2T-
feet below. Apparently the case was
one of suicide so said Dr. Lettish, the
house physician: yet the trained eye
and mind of Inspector Valentine espied
one or two salient facts which pointed
In another direction. To him if looked
like a case of murder, wltn eltner rob
bery or revenge or both for the object.
Yet. per contra, there was tha self
convicting telephone message: the
closl room locked and bolted on the
Inside with no other means of exit save
for a bird, a sheer drop from the win
dows to the street of nltch a hundred
fet. with nt enough foothoM by way
of cornice or ledge for a human fly:
and la.otlv. the total absence of all
stens of a struggle. At first glimpse
the tragedy indicated a carefully-
rvUnnnd scheme for self-destruction.
"Hut." said Valentine to Lieutenant
Kettle, "there are a f.-w other facts ta
be taken into consideration. In the
first Mace. William Hardester never
fired that shot himself. "
"lie dl.ln'tr"
"No. There was a total absence of
nowder marks on his white dress shirt,
proving that the pistol was discharged
from a distance of several reet.
Kettle nodded.
"Next, the pistol was not tightly
gtuiped In tha dead man's hand. Some
effort had been made, arter na nao
fallen In his tracks, to twine the fin
gers round the butt so as to convey
tuat Impression. That proves nothing.
you'll say. but taken In connection with
the absence of powder stains. 4's con
clusive to my mind."
The lieutenant nodded .again. "What
elseT' he inquired. "dH you notice 7"
"This." said Valentine Impressively.
"The murderer entered suite ft
through the window of the bathroom,
and went out the same war!"
"Oil. come now. chief! Why. he munt
have ued an aeroplane or a balloon!"
'Not ncceiwar'.ly. A light steel ladder
would lis -e turned the trtck. There were
marks on t! sills wh-re the paint had
been rubbed off
-Such a ladder must have been swung
from the floor above, then." commented
"Precisely. It waa a foggy, rainy night,
remember, and there was not much risk
of being even from the court. Our search
begins from that room in the Delmont
hlch ia Immediately over Hardester a.
All those floors are similar In plan. Then
find out who was registered from that
suite on the ninth floor laat night or yes
terday. There your starter.
"But what about the phone from
Hardest err1 objected' the other.
"A blind. Hardster never sent it. He
had been drugged or waa slightly Intoxi
cated before he was shot the doctor
will swear to that; the man who killed
titan sent the message and fired the shot
you heard, leaving the receiver hanging
on purp.v with the circuit open."
Kettle rove to go. "Anytmng eiser ue
Thl." rejoined the dileu displaying
an oblong ptce of blotting paper, fresh
save for one sen 01 maras in
where It had been used to blot an ad
dressed envelope. I found this on the
table in HardojKer's alt ting-room; the
writing Is the sunt as that on tno hotel
register. Hold It up to ice mirror yonaor
and see what you. make of it."
Lieutenant Kettle did as ne wsa oraaen
and uttered a startled exclamation.
"Why. It s rlaln enough," he read: 'Miss
Qreta Bunders, Detroit. Mlohr
Exactly." commented Valentine, "ana
there's the woman In the ease."
Gad. Chief!" exclaimed Kettle In ad
miration, "you beat us su.
Vslentlne let the compliment pan. X?iu
you look at Hardliner's signature on tha
resister?'" h- arked.
I lid. He hailed from Washington, I
noticed.' .
The Inirpcctor nodded. "Which oneT
There srd upward of 40 Washingtons In
the United State."
"Well. It'll tske a little time, of course,
but we ought to be able to locate him if
that's his home town."
"It's done already. I suspect." returned
Valentine. "Mine riandars lives In De
troit. Just consult that post ofj Ice direc
tory and see If there isn't a Washington
In the State of Michigan."
"Ther 'Is." announced Kettle.
"I thought so." said the Chief quiet
ly. "Now. If you and I were a couple
of book detectives we'd lit down right
here, with these facts In our posnewlon.
and by some mysterious) psychological
process reason out the whole rasa with
out leaving headquarters, then go out
and nab our man. But being merely ordl
nsry policemen we've got to work In a
different way. So I'm going to start the
hunt In Detroit. Here's what I want you
to do: Oo up to the Delmont. find out
who occupied the suite over Hardester's;
If he's there exlll you'll find he Isn't
don't let him get away. But you can
learn his name and description, where ha
came from and where he went, perhaps.
Meet me with that Information at Grand
Central In an hour."
Valentine received Kettle's information
at the gate of tha concourse "Name's
'Jacob Fenderson. city;' arrived yester
day noon, carrying a Cross bag: left last
night by the midnight train south over
the Pcnnsry; dapper little fellow, wiry snd
active; wears a rsne-colnred besrd and
moustache trimmed in French fashion;
was never at hotel previously." I
The two sleuths walked down the plat
form. "I'll bet thai midnight train business
was a bluff," said the Chief; "It's even
money he In the rlty yet: btter round
up all the hotels In town hslf a doeen
men can do It and wire me result. If
you And Brother r'omlerson arrest him
on suspicion."
The train bvgan to move, and with a
farewell wave the great Inspector wa off
on the long trip to Detroit, where he
hoped to get behind the scenes and learn
the motive for Hardester's taking off.
Within 14 hours Kettle wired the Chief:
"FVnderaon arrested. Denies Identity.
Refuses to talk." They had rounded up
the suspect by description over in Brook
lyn, at the Lorraine, m liere he was regis
tered Under an alias. Meantime Valentine
waa hot on the trail In Detroit, What
measure of success he attained may be
Judged from the sequel.
On being confronted with the chief
In person at headquarters Fenderson.
alias Gold berry, preserved a stubborn
silence. He would neither admit nor
deny, and on being taxed with Har
dester's murder, he smiled scornfully.
The man's nerve was superb. "We'll
break htm." declared the Inspector,
clamping his Jaw. "if ever the 'third
degree' was justifiable It's In dealing
with a cold-blooded scoundrel like this
Many sensational weird and lurid
stories have been written and told
about New Torkls mysterious "third
degree." most of them wide of the
truth and nearly an uniting In decry
ing "police brutality." But the fact Is
well-known to those wise in such mat
ters that the dread "third degree" Is
more a mental than a physical ordeal.
to be feared only by those actually
guilty of a given crime.
"On the carpet," face to face with
Finney Valentine, in that dreaded In
side room whose very walls were
muta witnesses to divers horrid crim
inal narratives, tha quasi Jacob Fen
derson. alias Goldberry, preserved his
hitherto cool and even Jaunty de
meanor, though the smile on his lips
faded at the first two words uttered
bv the chief
'"Ales Jb'racovan, . alias "adion,
alias Goldberry. you are charged with
the murder of your step-brother, Wil
liam Hardester. on the night of April
10th. What about Itr
"Nothlne. You've woke up the
wrong passenger. Besides, you can't
prove It!"
"We'll se " answered Valentine.
"Listen. Tour real name, as I said.
1s Alexander Freeman, born near De
troit thirty-two years ago. Tour moth
er was a widow when she married
John Hardester. Tour step-father
treated you almost as his own son;
hut naturally Billy Hardester was the
favorite. When the old man died lie
left you ten thousand dollars In cash,
which you promptly 'blew in. In fact,
you were an all-around bad lot from
your boyhood np. snd I guess you
broke your mothers heart.
"When your money wss gone, you
tried to sponge on Hardester, but
after a while he refused to be bled
any longer. Meantime both of you
had fallen In love with the same girl
Miss Greta Sandars. She turned
you down and accepted Billy, your
"Once more you attempted to extort
money from Hanlrster, but he
wouldn't give up. Then you vowed
vengeance not only to him person
ally, but to Miss Sandars. When he
left for New York you followed by
the next train, tracked him to his ho
tel, and engaged the suite right over
his head. Yours was a pretty slick
scheme. When you ran with that cir
cus back In the nineties you became
something of an athlete and your
nerves were always In pretty good
"By means of a rope ladder you low
ered yourself out of the bathroom win
dow to the floor below, probably In
tending to do for your victim out of
hand. But lui-k was with you for
once: Billy Harvester had drink deep
ly at dinner, and was pretty far gone
In liquor when you entered his apart
ment. There you stood and gloated
pitilessly over the nearly helpless
man your step-brother. Seeing his
condition, a variation of your hellish
plot entered your evil brain. You de
cided that yon would try to make out
a case of suicide. So you sent that
fake message over the phone and
then deliberately shot him down In
cold blood, afterward putting your
own pistol In the dead man's fingers
where he lay. Then you robbed his
Lwallet of several hundred dollars, for
Billy Haidcster always went wen
heeled. Returning to your room by
the way you came, within an hour you
left the Belmont, saying you were go
ing south over the Pennsy. There's
where you made your first blunder.
Like msnv another criminal you
thought you'd stay aroind a bit to see
what would happen, feeling certain
you'd made a el'-an get-away. Just
what you did with the ladder steel
or rope I don't need to know; prob
ably you tossed It overboard as you
crossed the bridge. That's the case
against you as it stands and I can
prove every detail.
Freeman, to give him his rightful
name, was no longer smiling. Indeed,
a haunting terror had crept into his
eyes under Valentine's merciless
grilling. But he was still game, de
termined to admit nothing.
"All that yon say may be quite true,
chief." he said. about some other
man, but you're barking up the wrong
tree so far as I'm concerned. How
long are you going to keep me without
a lawyer?"
"Until you confess!" snapped Vaiiv.J
tln. "That'll be when hell freezes over.
I guess!" retorted Freeman, settling
bark In his chair doggedly.
Valentino pressed the desk busier,
and a uniformed member of the force
"Talto him downstairs," said the
Chief, nodding toward the culprit. As
Alec Freeman was led to the door, Val
entine fired these parting words at him
over his shoulder:
"Better think It over, my friend.
We've got enough evidence to send you
to the chair!
This was the first act in the work
Ing of the "third degree." Left to
himself In a cell for three days and
three nights, with never a word from
the doorman who brought him nis
meals, the suspect had naught but his
own thoughts for company. On the
fourth and again on the eighth day he
faced Valentine again; the former or
deal was repeated with sundry addi
tions in the shspe of further damning
details surrounding the killing or Billy
Hardester. Still remaining obdurate,
the flat twice again went forth: "Take
him downstairs!"
Such treatment was bound to affect
even the least Imaginative of men
and Alec Freeman was anything but
At the third Interview Valentine
Played his trump card. After Interro
gating the criminal and eliciting noth
ing but oft-repeated, dogged denials.
the Chief rang his bell. Almost Immed
lately a door Into the outer office
swung open, facing which " sat Alec
Freeman, and one by one the follow
ing persons entered: The clerk from
Delmont.' Miss Creta a'dars, her
mother, two men from Detroit, and last.
the pawnbroker's cserk who had sold
the lethal revolver and cartridges to
(he assassin.
Each, as he or she passed at Inter
vals of perhaps SO seconds, took a long
look at the culprit, then moved away.
Not a word was uttered, not a gesture
made. But those 12 pairs of accusing
eyes, coupled with the mans guilty
knowledge, constituted a terrific or
deal. It would have been easier to bear
had each one pointed an accusing fin
ger or shrieked aloud some bitter de
nunclatlon, for there Is notlhng so hard
to confute as silence.
The guilty man, also, was a prey to
various emotions apart from his self
knowledge of the crime. How much
those silent accusers knew, what they
had divulged to the police, and the
fear that the latter might have other
evidence yet undeclared all these mat
ters tended to break down his cast-Iron
will and callous composure as was.
of course. Intended But still Alec Free
man made no sign: yet Inwardly he w-s
quaking with horror at the thought of
spending many more hours In the soli
tude of a cell with only his last experi
ence and his own scorching conscience
for solace.
"Take him downstairs!" commanded
Valentine coldly and sternly for the
fourth time.
At these words the murderer broke
down. Falling on his knees he poured
out a full confession, and once more
the efficacy of the "third degree" In
obdurate rases had been vindicated.
(Next Week "The Fire Fly.")
As He Heard It.
Harper's Baxaar.
The young man stood hesitating upon
the steps until tha shrill, girlish voices
died swsy, and Alice opened the door.
"Oh! Have you been here long?" she
"Only about five minutes." ne replied,
availing himself in a hesitating manner
of her Invitation to enter.
"Then you heard us?"
"Fir. well, a little, you know I really
couldn't help It. I was Just about to go,
you know" he stammered.
"About to go why?"
"Thought I might be Inopportune, you
know. Realise that such things are
bound to occur once In a while, you
know really can't be helped even most
sweet-tempered persons "
"What sre you speaking of. Mr. Soft
ie! gh?" Alice demanded, suspiciously.
"Why er of course I wouldn't have
presumed to mention It. you know! My
brother and I every once in a while
we do. really!"
"You do. really, what?"
"Er quarrel, yon know!"
Alice looked coldly out of the window.
"When you came," she said, evenly.
"my sister and I were singing our new
To Editor Oregonlan. who knows how
Science advances, especially lh base
ball. Dearest Sir:
Me & Nogi has now got extremely
financial offices In S6th floor. Pawn
broker's Trust Bids., New York. This
room is laboriously furnished with mis
sionary oak chairs, Young Turk rugs
and contains following motto in large
gilty letters on front door-glass:
: "TOGO & NOGI. :
: Household Detectives. :
: , Eneaklng Done Carefully." :
We owe such exalted rent for this
place that we feel quite fashionable.
It was here that this Horble Mystery
of the Rockefeller Institute began to
collapse. It happened like thus:
About two weeks of yore, Hon. Wm.
Jenny Bryan dropped up by elevator to
where we sat. He was disguised to
look like Hon. John Drew, so that no
body would suspect his Nebraska per
sonality. "How do, Hon. Bryan!" This from
He remove his deceptive moustache
with peaceful expression peculiar to
one who flnde it easier to be right than
to be President.
"Togo," he say with circular voice,
"please imagine the worst."
"I shall attempt to do so," I report,
attaching my sad thoughts to Asiatic
cholera, Tammany Hall, army canteens,
aviation, and Increased cast of beef
steak. "1 have Imagined the worst," I dlb
"What I am going to tell you Is
worse than that," snagger that grea
Deep breathing by me & Nogi.
"The tale I have to tell Is on of
delicious horrors," resum Hon. Bryan,
a clannish pallor running through his
l.ald hairs. "Tou have doubtlessly
heard ot the Rockefeller Vlvlsectlonal
Institute? You have! In this great
cat A dog laberatory 1000 talented doc
tors Is employed as cut-ups. Great dis
covery of science Is made here. New
heads Is sewed onto old dogs and they
are permitted to bark away completely
contented because of thst wonderful
surgery. By daylight & nlghtllght them
great Scientists of this Rockefeller
factory are spying through talented
microscopes at cat-germs and dog
germs, and each hour they learn more
astonished miracles."
Me & Nogi set beswttched. Our dog
O-Fldn hide shyly under bed.
"What next shall they discover?" I
require nervely.
"Hlssy!" say Hon. Wm. Jenny. "Lat
est discovery they make Is most horble
of any. What you think?"
"I can not!" This from me Nogi
similarly. "
"They have discover the secret of
manufacturing living protoplasms out
of which organic animals can grow up
to be adults"
"What then, please?" we require.
"Togo, listen at me!" snagger Wm.
Jenny Bryan. 'Tf scientific doctors can
make adult dogs & cats out of mixed
chemistry, will they stop at this? An
swer Is, No! ! They will prooeea
with their drug-store mixtures until "
Until which V we renlg.
"Until they are manufacturing Hu
Persons in holesale and
"Will not this be nice science
AnV I ask out.
"If anybody but Hon. Rockefeller
was Interested In this cookery. I should
. nothing." snagger Hon. Bryan.
..d.. t a m .ware of something. That
Rockefeller Institute was founded by
. . . .
tha Standard uu lor tiuii-
"Relate them purposes. If conven
lent." I digest,
if i .hnuM relate you all I have dls
i -Rockefeller Institute I
wtr-tcu '
should collapse, by horror, say him.
"Therefore. I ask It, Togo, kindly pro
ceed afoncoly to that great visectton
works and see what is with your detec
tive peep-eye."
"Shall we see something?" I negotiate.
"You shall see how John D. Rockefeller
has arranged to overfiop the American
Gov't," aggravate Wm.
"This would be amusing to observe,
report me Nogi. So I disguise myself
with following apperatlx:
1 horse revolver and i colts.
1 Shylock Holmes cap of deduction
6 wrist-cuffs, 2 ottomoblle goggles and
one copy "American Medical Review."
Cousin Nogi wish me to add on
quarts chloroform to this list, but I dlb
"To take chloroform to Rockefeller In
stitute would be foolish like taking
smoke to Pittsburg."
Saying this wise wisdom we buckled
- i i, II ntttf xirav
on our tools ana Rnraim
It was 12:30 night-time, with care
fully carpeted feet we arrived to family
entrance Rockefeller Institute. Our dog
O-Fldo follow us at a suspecnui oi-
tance. but when ne seen mo cui-uw
neighborhood In which we was stopping
be bounced away with his vajuame tau
carefully concealed. What has man in
vented eaual to the wisdom of dog?
We carefully vanished behind a crate
medicated chickens ana awaitea.
Nothing was heard but the superstitious
crokes of typhoid frogs from the Interior
of that scientific headquarters. Chill
creens enjoyed by US.
What would Shylock Holmes ao unaer
such a circumstances; require nogi
with nerves.
"He would take morphine and be pa
tient." I snuggest.
Pretty soonly the sound of footsteps
was seen approaching In the midst of
silent talk. More close & closer tney
came with conversation. By close eye
peep we seen what was Hon. John D.
Rockefeller entering his Institute fol
lowed by 7 Standard Oil Senators! !
1 smeU rats!" whasper Nogi. (This
were not Impossible In the midst of such
mixed animal life.)
With suppressed heels we follow this
Rockefeller procession to inside or
Rockefeller Institute where they went.
One Senator seen us, but when he no
ticed our guns snd wrist-cuffs he
thought we was medical students with
In Interior of secretive hallway Boss
Doctor step forthly and make handclasp.
Bright evening. Hon. Rockefeller." he
"Are everything in ready preparation
for our Astonishing Discovery?"' require
that great Standard Oiler.
"Everything," report Doc. "This must
ba conducted with elaborate mystery,
because if our plan waa unloosed Sen
ator Beverage would have us lynched
Them 7 Standard Oil Senators hear
this threat with pale aigestions. Me &
Nogi hid shyly behind a taft-shape Re
publican. "Lead us forwards to the chemistry
: t
gg' Ij
department." say Hon. John removing
his wig timidly.
All walk forth with me & Nogi dog-
glshly following in rear. Boss Doctor,
lead them - past gulnea-rlg department,
up 2 flights stairway, and finally they
arrived to small room of sick greenish
appearance. All arrive Inside and make
slam-door. No admittance for me &
1 Nogi, who seen what was by inserting
our eyesight over transom.
We observed as follows:
17 assistant Doctors stood around with
noani. drug-bottles, saws, chisels and
other Implements of science. In long,
neat rows all surrounding walls was
large tin tanks with labels "Incomplete,"
"Nearly Finished," and "Done." Hon.
Boss Doo open several tin tanks, drop
in a little prusslc acid & sour milk and
explain, "This are very interesting
Hon. Rockefeller 7 Senators, take
sit down in central room.
"Gentlemen & Senators," say Hon.
Doc. "1 firstly must make slight
lecture to you about Science. This
branch of intelligence have advanced In
such rapid bounces that we are now en
abled to create a full-sized human man
by delicious mixture of chemicals and
careful cookery. This manufacturing
process were discovered by Prof. Slash
er, while experimenting with the ap
pendix of a congo eeL You would not
believe what delicious results we have
"Would you show us some samples,
please?" require one Senator.
"Sssssss!" say Hon. Rockefeller.
Hon. Prof will come to that presently."
"The objek of our meeting here to
night, say Hon. Doc, "Is to demonstrate
to the' XT. S. Senate that Artificial Men
can be manufactured by the Rockefel
ler process who will be able to fill
positions In the Senate as well as the
natural product now does and "
What will be the advantage of hav
ing Manufactured Men in the Senate?"
require one oldy man.
'Because so," say Hon Doc. "If Sen
ators can be manufactured by Hon.
Rockefeller at small expense, lie will
soonly be enabled to fill Washington
with politicians created In his own lab
ratories and carrying the Rockefeller
brand exclusively. Tbusly, If a Rocke
feller-made Senator fails to act with
satisfaction, he can be destroyed and
another manufactured to take his
"How per-fectly dee-llcious!" say one
Standard Republican.
"Do not congratulate me!" say Hon.
Rockefeller cowcattlshly.
"These tanks you see surrounding
you." say Hon. Doc, "contains human
persons In process of manufacture. It
Is a difficult process, and have taken 22
years continued brain-thought to ac
complish. In this entire labratory we
have only one Complete Man, which I
shall show to Hon. Rockefeller as a
sample of our line of U. S. Senators
which we hopes soonly to turn out at
the rate of 6 a week."
This Boss Doc take all these tourists
through his works, showing everything.
From one tank labeled "Incomplete" he
fished out a human person minus head
and arms. Another he removed was all
head and no feet. "He will probably
turn out to be an Insurgent." said one
Senator. "He should be killed before
finished," ssy another.
"And now. gentlemen and Senators,"
say Hon. Doc." "te next I shall show
you is our pride and joy the complete
Senator manufactured in six weeks by
the Rockefeller Institute Man-making
He open large life-size tank. Pop!
Slide-doors flew open and outward
stepped a large, hansom Senator includ
ing side whiskers and a copy of the
"This. Mr. Rockefeller, Is the Senator
you ordered.
"Can he speak?" require John olllsh
ly. "He can only speak when spoken to,"
snuggest Doc.
"Ideal!" snagger Hon. Rock, turning
to the Manufactured Senator.
"What is your name?" '
"I don't know."
"Haven't you any mind of your own?"
"No. T am a Standard Oil Senator "
"Good! Your name is Senator Shrimp.
Can you deliver a 4th of July oration
that will make the Americans feel ss
free as possible without compromising
the Business Interests?"
This Chemical Statesman stand with
his hand on his breast bone and his
finger-point raised to the roof.
"Friends and fellow citizens," he be
gin with cold-storage voice. "From the
rock-bound coast of Maine to the palm
beach of Florida one and forever, now
and united, let there be peace while the
divine bird of freedom "
"You are surprisingly lacking in dan
gerous Ideas," snuggest Hon. Rockefel
ler. "Are you Republican or Demo
crat?" "Whatever suits you, Mr. Rockefel
ler," corrode this machine-made poli
tician. "This specimen will do." say Hon.
Rockefeller, turning to Boss Doc. "I
congratulate you on your remarkable
bakery. The country will be mine In
six months if you can continue to turn
out Articles like the one you show me.
He Is neither a man nor a dummy 4is
Is a Corporation Senator. I need him
immediately. How soonly will he be
"Next Wedsday," say Doc "With "B
set of financial whiskers and new false
teeth he will be ready for anything."
"Can you bake more like him?" re
quire the Great Oiler.
"To any extent If I do not lose the
formula." Hon. Doc point to slight slip
of paper In drawer of desk. "If that
formula was lost, all must be discon
All shodder to think of. Then Hon.
Rockefeller and 7 Senators make shake
hands and Hon. Doc, accompanied by
his assistant druggers. go down to door
with their distinguished tourists. This
leave me & Nogi lonesomely hiding in
that room with all them Artificial men!
"Nogi." I otteh horsely, "occasions!
murders must be Included in the rep
artory of all respectable detectives.
Therefore it is our duty to destroy this
Chemical Man before he hatches any
"This will he amusing adventure,
say Nog! with Joking expression. So
we snuk over to Incubator, where Sen
ator Shrimp was cooking, and with
rapid twist of steampipe we turn on
full blast. WHOOSH!! That misfortu
nate Chemical Statesman arouse wild
holla of "Unconstitutional!" and cook
up till thoroughly stewed. Then we
turn steampipe on all other unfinished
persons. WHOOSH!! They also frica
see away. Nextly w softly crep to
desk, removed out Hon. Formula and
qulcklv eloped away from Rockefeller
Institute Just as all them Doctors ar
rived back In room and holla with
"All are lost! Hashimura Togo, tha
Detective, has foiled us up! !"
When we arrived to street-post lamp
outside we opened Hon. Formula and
read what was. It said like following:
"To make a complete man.
"Put a spoonful of prusslc acid In a
gallon of buttermilk. Stir cautiously
In a copper chafing dish. Add shredded
wheat analine dye and turpentine.
Cook until done. If not successful, try
something else."
Nogi read this beside myself.
"Togo," he say. "if this recipe is per
mitted to get loose and be printed In
Household Departments of Sunday
newspapers, every scarum-harum drug
!. win he heloing the Standard Oil.
This secret is like snakes. It is only
healthy when it is dead."
So we fill this paper with tobacco and
twist him Into cigarettes. Then me &
Nogi lit them puff-smokes and en
joyed them till they was burned to
"when we threw away the stubs Nogi
look to me cheerly and snuggest:
"Maybe we have made It Impossible
to manufacture Creatures of the
"Perhapsly, and yet otherwise, tnay
ensue," I enunciate with keen expres
sion of one who would rather write edi
torials than talk seriously.
Hoping you are the same,
Yours truly,
(Copyright, 191". by the Associated Lit
erary Press..) '