The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 20, 1910, SECTION FIVE, Page 8, Image 67

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Anna Larsscn, Tamous Prima Donna, "Who Deserted Gay Theatrical Life
for Religion, Is Now Fully Fledged Preacher,
As good a cow country as God ever made and now even
the jack rabbits have left it.'
If you want to De miaeraoie,
think about yourself about what
you want, what you like, what
THIS is what sheep herding did to the
coon try around Hidden Waterin Arizona
and it caused a war between cattle and sheep
men that Mr. Coolidge describes in a man
ner that has'nt been equaled since Owen
Wister wrote " The Virginian." There are
plenty of thrills in this book, just enough
respect people ought to pay to
'you, and what people think or
'you Charles Kingsley.
of poetic love, soul communion, the
fighting Instinct, and the clash of
swords in angry conflict. The time
depleted Is the start of the French
Revolution, just before Napoleon came
on the scene as dictator. The hero Is
Jean de Favemay. a young soldier of
fortune, and the heroine. Mademoiselle
Charlotte de Cham bray. The love
speeches are as fervent as some of the
most famous of Tennyson's poems. If
space were the only criterion In esti
mating the intrinsic worth of this
story. I should like to copy It entirely
for this paper but probably author
and publishers would object.
Blare T 1 1 tnyT. hy Eugene P. I.yle. Jr. n
ureld. Ijoubleday. l'age A Co.. Nar
A novel that Is filled with rapid action,
moving so fast that It suggests that of
a oatllng gun. The scene Is princi
pally the South American Republic of
Sylvanlltlan. and -the hero Blaze Der
ringer, of Texas. To all of which
should be added poster games, slang,
treasure hunting of Confederate money
and swear words (for a specimen of
the latter see page 141, eighth line from
the top).
Confidence, by Ertlth B. I.owrr. M. D. 60
cents. Korbes A Co.. Chlcaso.
Sane, helpful medical advice about
the subject of reproduction of species,
the kind of Instruction which should
be made known to all girls from, say,
10 to 14 years of age. The topics are
hardled In a tactful, delicate manner,
calculated not to offend the most re
fined taste.
Jimmy, br Julia J. Adams llluatrsted.
Kul!iahr1 by the author at "544 PMt
avenue. i. Ioula, Mo.
An eloquent tale of a very little boy
whose father and mother lived apart,
a boy whose mission It was to reunite
his home. The story Is eminently well
stilted for children and Its language
Variety Papers n 'harla Carroll Morgan.
lliutrst1. Kort Hill Press, 1T4-184 High
street, Hoiton. 9
A series of essays, mostly addressed
to the Fortnightly Club, of Nashua, N.
H.. and of a little more than personal
interest. Observation is given on quite
a variety of subjects.
ii i
r i m : : 1
.. - . t ; -
. " JfA'" Tt ...rye ,
. ,: ' V.
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inn .iri
romance and lots of action, Dot wnat you 11
like best is the way the author describes it
all and the combination is irresistible.
A. C McCLURG & CO., Publishers .
$1.35 NET
- - -
- : - f- V
It- '
Tb Oltl IrsnU 0tln sad fc
tkriM. ; w. ntr. ii -
C"harl ?Tlbnr' Nr Vork City,
and tn J. K. Olll 1-orUanO.
A fr-off brrath omrt to u from
th old Virginia bcfo" d wh. like a
voice tht 1 tUL The irentle obterri
tkons oatllned In these sketches mirror
en ejy life, m chivalry that we work
ins Weeternerm, buy with the rueh to
tarn our dally bread, only know of by
The late rr. Ilaa-by Idollied the
FoutX and enperlairy the atate of Vlr-
Inla, where he waa born Aupuat 1J.
U2I. A recent encyclopedia, as Tnoniaa
Nelson FKe oberea. estimated Pr.
rtby merely as "physician and bu
morlat." but this bHk shows. In addi
tion, that Ir. Hasty was a lecturer
and newspaper man. The old South as
Jie knew It Is fast passlna: away, and
It ts prorer that we can direct a mod
ern searchlight on It so that It cannot
altogether elude us. Many Southerners
row located In Oregon will greet this
book as an old friend.
Thomas Nelson Tans writes the pref
ace, and Edward S. Ureftory an appre
ciation of our author. The essays or
papers Include: "The Old Virginia Gen
tleman.'" "Bacon and Greens." "Mr l"n
cle Ktatback's Plantation." My Wife
and My Theory About VIes. -Flahlnc
In the Appomatto." "An L'nrcnowned
.Warrior." -John M. Daniel's Latchkey."
"The Virginia Editor." "Canal Reminis
cences." "The Sacred Furniture Ware
room." "My Vile Heard." "A Piece About
I Victors." -The Pawnee War." "How
Ilublnateln Played." Till Joanscs."
After Appomattox." Of these, the
Vrst-knoan la "How Rubinstein Played."
It the Xn Tbealer end Other, br Waller
rUclt-ird E l..o. Il l-nll. Maynard
A .'k. Bueton. aad the J. K. Gi.l Co
Mr. Eaton writes as a critic and la
ot afraid to speak out and point to
that which he considers wrong. This
tame faculty he showed la his previous
book. "The American Stage of Today."
In "At the New Theater and Others."
a book of li pages that has as Its sub
title. "The American Stage: Its Prob
lems and Performances. 1908-10." Mr.
Eatoa falls foul of the Ktaw Erlang
er crowd, and ranges himself oa the
side of Lbe Insurgents, who have Just
ueceeded In forcing half-recognition
rrom the big syndicate. At least, the
latter has about admitted that the In
surgents are very much alive. Mr.
Eaton does not conceal his joy over
the theatrical Insurgents' success when
he says that among local theater man
agers, "those who possess pride and a
decent sense of responsibility, will not
be forced to offer their patrons Anna
Held or The Girl From Rectors. when
they desire to maintain a playhouse of
reputable standing." Such a book,
filled as It Is with the conv'ctlon that
eornea from experience, and with the
tvldent desire to be fair to the two
parties Involved in the theatrical war
fare from a box-office point of view,
deserves a candid hearing.
The charter heads are: "A Tear at
the New Theater" Summary," "Strife,
a Dramatic Debate." "Mr. Sheldon
Wrestles and Is Thrown." "'Don' and
Us. the Mother. " "Salem via Scan
dinavia." "Bridegrooms and the French
Revolution." "'Sister Beatrice and
Brand.' "The Winter's Tale' With
out Scenery." "Beethoven a Dramatic
Piography," The Easiest Way." "Miss
Nethersole as Muckrake." "John Drew
Goes to Bed." "Mr. Thomaa" New Birth."
-Israel' and the Happy Ending."
- "Herod st Ist." "A Tempest In a
Teapot." ''"Mr. Klein Tackles the
Courts." -Booth Tarklngton. Sopho
more." "Miss Barrymore In 'Mid-Channel."
"Miss Crotbers Champions Her
tex. 'Pillars of Society end Mrs.
Flske." "'Little Eyolf and Naxlmova."
"'Her Husband's Wife." The Bad
Morals of Good Plays." "Bare Feet and
Beethoven." "Some Popular Errors In
the Judgment of Acting." "Great Act
ing and the Modern Drama." "A Tlca
.for Operetta." "The Dramatist as a
of Letters; Uio Case of Clyds
- .-jj i - '
w J ; V , l
- v Vv.V - - .1
.r fj f :iV.'-'
Fitch." "William Winters An Appre
ciation." "Organising Audiences the
Drama League of America." The Cheap
Theater and the Young." and The L'n
concelted Dramatists' club."
rMetane, b J. '. Fnslth. 1I.S0. Moffat,
Yard Co.. New York City.
J. C Snaith Is well remembered for
the success that he won In "Aramlnta"
and "Boke of Covendon." Now he dis
plays his practiced art as a novelist
In the whimsical, laughter-provoking
romance, "Fortune." to which the brag
gart hero Is Sir Richard Pendragon. a
giant Knight who. In the long ago In
Sunny Spain, was a Knight Errand. He
was of the Don Qulxote-Kalstaif-Baron
Munchausen type one moment a glut
ton and successively a drunkard, lover,
brave man. and natural warrior. "For
tune" opens a new style In fiction, and
Is sure to entertain its readers.
The Path ef How. BJ Burton K. Steven
son. Illustrate. Price. It.v. J. B. Ur-Mm-ott
Co.. 1'hlladrlpbla. and " J- K.
tilll Co.. Portland.
If you are looking for a clean, pure
historical novel nothing erotic, neuro
t'c or Ibscn-fashloned, but one that
will fill the minds of all pure-mlmlod
readers with exalted thoughts of ro
mance buy this novel of old France,
The Path of Honor." It Is the pret
tiest love story of the year that's the
proper estimate, "prettiest." It tells
TDsmien de Vetister. Father Joaeph Dam
lea of Molokal. together with nthtr l)am
len, an open letter to the Rev. lr. Hyde of
Honolulu, by K. 1- Btevenson. by M. K.
Qulnlan. I'JvtO.
Calvin. Jean John ralvln. theologian,
preacher, educator, statesman, by Phillip
Vollmer. 19U.
iarx. Karl Karl Marx, bis life and work,
by John tiparge. 1810.
Payne, w. M. Leading American essay
ists. 1910.
lerelga Langwage.
Atmqulst. K. L J. Palelaet.
Hrfbm, A. B. Naturllv.
KggaTpeter Troodere.
Elster. Kjutlea eiamlado akrtrtsr. 3v.
Horrman. Wllhetm Abraxn Linusls. dar
barrator der negersklaven.
Undata. Paul Arms madchea.
Ohnet, Georges fierge panma.
Plato Selections from tbe Dialogues ef
Plato, with. Introd. and note by John
Purvea, . . . sod a pref. by B. Jewetu
Kd. i. I 9I.
pressenee. Mm. Ellse de Genevieve,
liagana. Satrljoe Del tevvnes.
rsrsertptlea aad Travel.
Calne. W. 1L IL Isle ef Man. 10.
Due mora. A. R. camera adventures la
tbe African wilds. 1910.
Arnlra. M. A. (B.) grafin von Caravaa
era. Barclay. Hrs, F. L, (C.) The mlstrase of
Beach. R. E Going some.
Benson. K. F The Oebomes.
Brouchton. Rhods Nsncr. Sr. In L
De Morgan. W. ". An affair of dishonor.
James. Henry The finer grain.
I.nras. K. V. Mr. Ingleilde.
Pays, James The confidential agest.
Porter. Sidney Strictly bualoeaa.
Reed. Myrtle Master of the vineyard.
Flae Arts.
Rossini. G. A. Ougllelmo Tell (William
Tell opera In four acta. a. d. Italian and
English sorts
Spurrier. Steven Black A white; a man
ual of Illustration, ed. J. ISvO.
Leupp. F. E. Tbe Indian and bis prob
lem. 1910. Aa authoritative and unpreju
diced discussion based en twenty-five years'
experience la tbe Indian service.
liorsley, Reginald New Zealand. 1000. .
Coatee. Mrs. F. (E.1 Lyrics of life. 110.
Dixon. W. M. A Grlerson. H. J. C Eng
lish Parnassus; an anthology of longer
poem a 1U. Aa anthology to which un
qualified praise must be given Carnegie
bulletin. , . ,
Dixon. W. M. English poetry from Blake
to Browning. ISIH-
Kelly. James ritxmaurice Chapters ea
Epeatsa literature. ISvA.
AlaaUr. sT. AC ed. nllsb, firose CI-1S7-
Let the Roof Fall In. by Frank Danny,
a rury Kngllh novel;' S1.S0: Illustrated Ap
ltifne Hl.l.l-n Water, by Dane Coolldse: ll.SS:
a rartlln atory of the Arizona cattle coun
try iMcClurgl.
The Knd of Dreams, by Wood Levetla
WIlioD. s novel or occultism, weird, start
ling Kenneriey. N. Y..
Marjnrle Tdoxla, by Maud Morrison Trluey.
Illutra!ed. a cheerful story for a little girl
(Hanil-McNally. Chicago).
ftya'ematto Moral Kduratton. by John
Kins Clark; leasona In ethics for elm"nlary
schools A. S. Barnes Co.. New York).
Hiawatha Alphabet, by Florence llol
brook; veree and colored pictures for a
child (Hand. McSally A Co.. Chicago).
Making l.lfe Worth While, by Herbert
Weatcott rNher, an eloquent appeal for per
sonal hygiene (Muaaon Book Co.. Toronto).
The Native Born, by J. A. R. Wylle, illus
trated, a novel of actual thrilling ac
tion describing array life In India (Uobba
Merrlll Co.).
A Calender for Paints end Pinners for
JtJU. Icoaa sheets, one aheet for every week,
with finely selected mottoes, St. (Lorbas
A Co.. Chicago.)
The Arabian Nights, edited by Anna
Tweed. an entertaining story-book for chil
dren and grownups, illustrated, SI (The
Baker A Taylor Co.).
fa-Two Cook Book, bv Jennie C. Wil
liams, 91. tested recipes for two persons, a
book that nils a long-felt want In the
household (Barsa Hopkins. N. Y.).
A Happy Little Time, by Laura E. Rich
ards. Illustrated. $1.23. a charmingly writ
ten atory of a little Invalid, sure to plesss
sympathetic children (Dana !stea A Co.
Old Testament Narratives, edited by Pro
feaaor Edward C. Baldwin; a pocket edition
of one of the college requirements In Eng
lish resiling as to Lb a Old Testament (Amer
ican Ilk. Co.).
A Trip to the Land of the Midnight Sun.
bv Martha Buckingham Wood. Illustrated.
12. a handsome looking volume giving the
autbora personal experience In Norway,
etc (Brandus. N. Y.).
Nlghtahade. by Psul Owynne, 11.85; a
dramatio novel in which the moving spirit
la a sort or monster of the Frankenstein
order; a being that haa a lamp which (Ives
sight to the blind (Brentana's).
The Bankers In Literature, by Johnson
Prlgham. stats librarian of Iowa; 24 J pages
showing bankers who have also won renown
as poets, essayists, dramatists, etc; illus
trated; 2. (Bankers Pub. Co.. N. T.)
The Slant Bonk, by Peter Newull. illus
trated; a queer-looking publication, "slant"
of which makes you laugh, story In verse,
relating adventures of Hobby's runaway go
cart; designed for children (Harper's).
The Wollopors, by Annie Hare. &0 cents;
The Auto Boys Quest, br Jsmes A. Bra
den. 41. and Billy Whiskers Kidnaped, by
prancea Trego Montgomery, tl all Ulna
t rated and for children as holiday girts
(Th Seal field Pub. Co., Akron. O. ).
The Rainy-Day Scrap-Book, by B. L. and
E. T. Phuman. Illustrated, 107 fine half
tones. 4 1 . one of the best holiday books
of the season, a book that has all the fas
cination and delight of a puzzle, something
that will keep children busy for hours when
rsiny weather confines them to the home
(Keilly A Britton, Chicago).
Ixve and Friendship, by LIHysa Phaffner;
rrlio verse on the value of love: 4).?3 cents;
KMeen, by W. O. McUeehan. four pagea of
artistic brown papar depicting the cheerful
massage of one of the Japanese (iods of
1RP0. lfsia.
A collection of representative
Dewey. John The Influence of Psrwln on
philosophy snd other essays in contempor
ary thuvsht. 1910.
'Abd al-Baha tbn Baba Allah Some
anawered questions; collected and tr. from
the Persian by L. C Barney. lto-
Burton. C D. others Biblical Ideas of
atonement; their history and significance,
Khelralla. L G. Beha TJ'llah. 1000.
Hayes. C- W Handbook for field geolo
gist a Ed. x. ieo.
Millar. C. M The construction and flying
of kites. 1SUA
Twining. K. W Model aeroplanes; bow
to bolld and fly them. 1900. Accompanied
try flv aheeta ef full-else working draw
ings. Sociology.
Peard. C A. American government and
politics. 1010.
Clancy. James American civics. 1!00.
Clerk. J. w. ed. Weddings and wedding
anniversaries. 1005.
Cromer. E, B. 1st. esrl of Ancient aad
modem Imperialism. 1U1 0.
Korkunov, K. M. General theory of law.
Laughlln. J. L. Credit. 1003.
Mscphall. Andrew Essays la politics.
Morris. William William Morris. poet,
artist, socialist: a selection from his writ
ings together with a sketch of the man: ed.
by F. YV. Lee. Ed. 2. rev. and enl. 1!1.
Contains a sketch of Mr. Morris personality
by William Clarke.
Special hasards; a series of ten lectures
delivered by experts before the fire Insur
ance club of Chicago. lflo-07.
Vaeful Arte.
Camp W. M- Notes on tract. Vonstruo
tlon and maintenance, Ed. 2, rev. 2v. 1004.
Davison. W. J. Gymnastic dancing:
rhythmic exercises for classes of men and
boys. 1009.
Hsusner. A. The manufacture of pre
served foods and sweetmests. 1002.
L Phillips. W. B. How depsrtment stores
are carried on.. 1900.
Books Added to Reference Department.
Abbot. Etoelred. eomp! Ust of photo
graph dealers, with Index by countries, and
descriptive notes on collections of photo
graphs In some Massachusetts libraries and
museuma. 1007.
Dunning. J. C- Trie neueeten anwendun
gen der Monroe-doktrln. 1008.
Eggleston. w. U. A others People's pow
er snd public taxation. Ed. 2. 1010.
Iowa. University of. Forensic league In
come taxv the constructive and rebuttal
speeches of the state university of Iowa in
tha Inter-eolleglate debates, ieoo-10. 1010.
National Assn. of credit man Monthly
bulletin. lOos, 1P07, 10O0. sv.
Weir. II. W. The poultry book. 2900,
f r
-. . . 1 JZr ,(
V - a
y i-e... '
.' . ... yeeX
COPENHAGEN", Nov. 19. Will Anna
Larssen. the former idol of theater-goers,
return to the stage from
the evangelistic platform? That la tha
question which Is agitating theatrical
circles In Scundlnavta.
Today she is preaching, under the
auspices of the Evangelical Society,
In Copenhagen, with the title of "The
Evangelist Anna." She denies that she
ts tired of tho life of the religious
advocate. All the giddy whirl of the
merry dramatic crowd Is past for her,
she says. Yet she admits that she Is
about to start on a tour with a pro
gramme of religious poems for recital,
and her former admirers hope this is
the precursor of more secular activi
ties. Acting Has Sincerity.
Madame Anna Larssen was by many
theatrical authorities considered the
most gifted actress In the three Scan
dinavian kingdoms. There was In all
her acting an air of exquisite sim
plicity, a convincing sincerity and at
times an Intense humanity, that al
ways delighted and deeply moved her
audience. Her repertoire was an ex
ceedingly comprehensive one. It In
cluded Salome, La Dame aux Camellas,
Trilby and a vast number of modern
parts, representing all sorts and con
ditions of women In German, French
and Scandinavian plays.
She has a singularly harmonious fig
Luck: and A Book of Hospitalities and a
Itecord of Guests, with a foreword by Arthur
Gulteman; $1.60. (Paul Elder A Co.)
Egypt and Israel, by Willis Brewer, a
laamed Inquiry as to the influence of older
snclent people upon Hebrew history and
the Jewish religion; shows marvelous re
search and Elves a few historical surprises:
S2. (Torch Press, Cedar Bapids. la.)
Talcs Come True and Tales Made New. by
Margaret Coulaon Walker, and the Zodlao
Birthday Book, by Beatrice Baxter Ruyl.
the latter with dates showing the Influence
of astrology on your birthday; a suitabls
gift book; both Illustrated (Baker. Tay
lor Co.).
Pilnclples. Bules snd Laws of Auction
Bridge, by J. B. ElwelU $1.25. expert ad
vice and Instruction that are tip to date;
and Open Water, by James' B. Connolly,
illustrated. $1.23. nine short stories written
In Connolly's alluring style, the beat one
being Tahushlma Straits." depicting tha
last Jupan.aa-itueslaJU naval battle (crlb
ner"s). Among Friends, by Samuel McChord
Crothers. i.V'. a collection of essays, all
written with discoursive, leisurely china on
a variety of Interesting and helpful sub
jects; and Tales From the Alhambra, by
Washington Irving, and adapted for the
young by Josephine Brower, an attractive
and safe holiday book for a child, illus
trated by C E. Brock, 1.S5 (Houehton
Wlrtlln). Presidential Addresses and State Papers,
by William Howard Taft. II. R0. March 4.
1000. to Mrch 4. 1010. being from his nom
Instlon as President to the end of his 13.-UKO-rolls
tour of tho country; a book val
uablo for reference and echool purposes; snd
the Healthful Art of Dancing, by Dr. Luther
H. iiiiick. a health book, plea for sane
dancing and mirror of back dances; J1.40.
(Doubled ay. Page Co.)
Koto All the above books were received
for review through the J- K. UllI Co.. of
this city.
Sunday Church
First, the While Temple. Twelfth snd
Taylor streets Kev. W. B. Hlnaon. pastor.
10. "one-sceord" rrsyer meeting: 10:30.
preaching by the pastor: theme. "Who Made
Ood?": solo. Mrs. Arthur J. Hill; 1--10-Temple
Bible school, classes to Interest all
agea: :1J, B. Y. P. t;. meeting In lower
temple; T:SO. preaching by the pastor;
theme. "The Best Medicine. Muslo by quar
tet and chorus.
East Forty-nfth street, corner Msin Rev.
A. B. Walts, paator. Morning worahlp.
10:30: sermon by Kev. E. P. Waltz, of Baker
City; Sunday school. 13; B. Y. P. C, 6:::
evening worship. ":S0: sermon, "One Thank
ful Man Out of Ten."
Third. Vancouver avenue and Knott street
Rev. WeMey J. Besven. pastor. Morning.
11, "Tho Worth of Christian Friendliness' j
evening 7:4S. "The Temptations of Jesus.'
a picture sermon. Illustrated with stereop
ticon; Bible school. 10; B. Y. P. U.. 6:j.
1 . . . A..,t , a n H AnkenV
bill Piuo. J-1"- . ..... .- - --
streets Rev. Albert Bhrgott. minister. IO
to 1 - , VJUr lfrot IO ina " , " " J ----- -
people's meeting: 7:30, "Judsment.' Thanks
giving day aervlce, S:30, with baptism.
Tabernacle. East Forty-nfth and Holgste
streets Rev. F. E. Dsrk. acting pastor.
Bible school, 0:45: preaching. 11 and
prayer meeting. Wednesday. 8 o'clock.
Grace, Montavilla Rev. Albert E. Patch,
pastor. Preaching services. 11 and 7:30;
Bunday school. 10; young people's meeting.
6:30: prayer service Thursday evening.
Arleta, East Sixty-fourth street and Forty-eighth
avenue Rev. D. M. McPhail, pas
tor. 10:30. upper room, prayer meeting;
10:43. services; 12. Sundsy school: :30. B.
Y. P. U. ; 7:30. evening service.
Immanuel, Second and Meade street
Bev. H. 8. Black, pastor. Preaqfetng. 11
and 7:30; Bible school. 10; J. B. Guthrie,
superintendent; B. Y. P. U.. 6:30; mid
week prayer meeting. Thursday. 7:3a
Second and Central United. East Twsntletb.
and Ankeny streets Joint Sunday school
and preaching services. 10 to 12 and 7:45.
fcellwood. Eleventh street and Tacoma ave
.-r ..
I -
ure, beautiful hair, sweet eyes and
smiles and a voice free from all stagl
ness. She knows the world and has
tasted the Joys of life. She has trav
eled extensively, written a book about
Spain, a country she loves, knows Lon
don thoroughly and has a wide know
ledge of" the movements of the day In
literature and ho arts. At her charm
ing villa in a favorite locality she
had collected from every land a fine
variety of pretty things.. Yet, all at
once, she bade godbye to all this, sold
her belongings and her house and with
drew entirely from her old life and
It was a severe wrench, yet she
says she Is happy In her work of heal
ing the sick by the laying on of hands.
She Is supposed to have healed sev
eral people recently In this way.
And now Anna Larssen has begun
regular preaching, a function to which
her sweet and perfectly trained voice
Imparts a peculiar attraction, al
though she Is not perhaps what peo
ple would call eloquent. She may even
be considered too dogmatic and too
learned In her frequent quotations from
the Scriptures. But In spite of this and
her plain and simple attire, much of the
old charm clings to her. Either way,
whether her role is to be that of evan
gelist or actress, this former prima
donna of the Dagmar Theator of the
Danish capital will remain one of the
most remarkable women of Northern
nue Bev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching.
11 snd 7:30; Sunday schol. 10; B. Y. P. U.,
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. Preach
ing. 11 snd 7:30; Sunday school, 10; B. Y.
P. U- 6:30.
Highland, Alberta and Seventh streets
"Rev. C. B. Elliott, paator. Preaching, 11
snd p; Sunday school. 10; prayer meeting.
Thursday. 8.
Sunnyside (Germsn). Forty-first and Haw
thorne Sunday scnool, 0:45; Conrad Wyes,
Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets
Rev. R. H. Thomas, pastor. Services, IX
and 7:3a
Calvary. East Eighth and Grant Rev. J.
JJ. Monroe, pastor. Services. 11 and 7:30;
Sunday school, 10; B. Y. P. U., 6:30.
Bt. Johns Rev. C. L Owens, pastor. Serv
ices, 11:30 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; B.
Y. P. TJ- 6:30.
First German. Fourth and Mill streets
Rev. J. Kratt. psstor. Services, 11 and 7:30;
Sunday school. 0:45.
Second German, Morris street and Rodney
avenue Rev. Frederick Buerrman, pastor.
Sundsy school, 8:40; preaching. 11 and 7:S0;
Y. P. U.. 6:45.
University Park Rev. H. F. Cheney, pas
tor. Sunday school, 10; preaching, 11 and
7:30: B. Y. P. U.. 7.
Swedish Rev. Eric Scherstrom. pastor.
Preaching. 10:45 and 7:45; Sunday school,
12; E. Y. P. V.. 6:30.
Chinese Mission. 353 Burnslde street
Sundsy school, 7; J. O. Malone, superln
tendent. CATHOLIC.
St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill
atresia Jesuit Fathers. Low mass. 8; high
mass and sermon. 10:30; vespers and bene
diction. 7:30.
St. Mary's pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and
Davis streets Most Her. A. Christie, D. D.
aw msss. 6. 8 and ; high mass and ser
mon. 11: vespers, instruction and benedic
tion.' 7:45. .
Ascension. East Seventy-sixth and East
Morrison streeta Rev. James B. Fltzpatrlck.
rector. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon.
10 30; Sunday school, 9:30; benediction of
the blessed sacrament, 7:30; week days, mass
8 30 A- M
'immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave
nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly.
Low maas. 6. 8 and 0: high mass and ser
mon, 10-80; vespers and benediction. 7:3a
St, Francis'. East Eleventh and Oak
streets Rev. J. Ii. Black. Low mass. 6.
8-30 and 0:30; lilirh msss and sermon. 10:30;
vespers. Instruction and benediction. 7:30.
St. Andrew's, East Ninth and Alberta
streets Rev. Thomas Kiernan. Low mass,
8: high mass snd sermon. 10; vespers. In
struction snd benediction. 7:30.
St. Stanlsiaus. Maryland avenue and Fall
ing street Kev. C. Beroskl. Low mass, 8;
high ms and sermon. 10.
Holy Cross. University Park Rev. C. R.
Flnner. Low msss. 8:30; high mass and
sermon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 4.
Holy Rosiry. East Third street and Union
avenue Verr Rev. A. S. Lawler. Low mass.
0. 7 snd 8:30; high mass and sermon, 10:30;
vespers and benediction. 7:30.
61, Lawrence s, Third and Sherman streets
Rev. J. C. Hughes. Low mass. 6, 7 and
8:30; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers
and benediction, 7:30.
St. Patrick's, Nineteenth snd Savier Rev.
E- P. Murphy. Low mass, 8; high mass and
sermon, 10:3O; vespers and benediction, 8:30.
Holy Redeemer. Portland and Vancouver
avenues Rev. Ed K. Cantwell, C. S3. R.
Low mass. 8: high mass and sermon, 10:30;
benediction, 4.
Central. East 'Twentieth and Salmon
streets Dr. J. F. Ghorraley will speak at
11; theme. "National Perpetuity," a
Thanksgiving sermon; at 8. theme "The
Voice of the ' Secular Press." Rev. Francis
L. Cook will conduct special song and praise
services. Bible school. 10; Junior Endeavor,
4; Senior Endeavor, :30.
First, Park and Columbia W. .F. Reagor,
minister. Bible school, 10; 11. "Opposition
to Every Good Work"; 7:30, "Great Things
for the Lord."
Rodney Avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott
T. G. Picton. minister. Bible school. 9:45;
11. "The Best Friend"; 7:30. "God's Two
Wood In wn. East Seventh and Liberty Ed
ward .Wrig'ht. minister. Sunday school, 10;
preaching. 11 and 7:30: C. K.. 8:30; prayer
meeting. Wednesday evening. 8.
Kern Park; Forty-sixth avenae-and Sixty-
ninth A.-J. Adams, minister. Sunday school.
10; IL "The Law and the Gospel"; 7:30
"How Are We Made Believers"; 6:30, C. E.
St. Johns, Lively street J. R. Johnson,
minister. Sunday school. 10; preaching. 11
and 7:30; C K., 6:30; prayer meeting.
Thursday. S.
Sellwood. Wall Hall. East Thirteenth and
Lexington. Bible echSol and communion
service. 10:30 to 12; Junior C. E.. 4; senior
C. E-. 6:30; evening service. 7:30.
Montavilla, L O. O. F. Hall Bible school,
Gladstone A. H. Mulkey, minister. Bible
school. 10; 11. ,"The Last Supper"; 7:30,
"The A-ony." .
First Church of Christ (Scientist). Scot
tish Rite Cathedral. Morrison and Lowns
dah atreets Services. 11 and 8: subject
of lesson sermon. "Soul and Body"; Sunday
school at close of motping service: Wednes
day evening meeting. S.
Second Church of Christ (Scientist!.
Woodmen's Hall. East Sixth snd East Al
der streets. Sunday aervlce. 11 and 8: sub
ject of lesson sermon, "Soul and Body";
Wednesday evening meeting. S.
First, Park and Madison streets Rev. Lu
ther R. Ivott, D. X., pastor. 10. Bible
school; 11 and 7:45, Thanksgiving sermons
by the pastor, and Thanksgiving music by
the quartet at both services; Y. P. S. C E.,
at 0:30; union Thanksgiving services in tne
Taylor-Street Methodist Church, Thursday
at 10:30.
Highland. East Sixth and Prescott Rev.
E. S. Bollinger, pastor. 10. Sunday school;
11 and 7:3l, worship; themes, "Looking and
Seeking for Things That Really Are";
"Thanksgiving" praise service; 4:00 Interme
diate Endeavor; 6:30. Y. P. S. C. E.
University Park. Haven street near Daw
son Rev. W. C. Kantnor. pastoT. Preach
ing, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; Y. P.
S. C E., 6:30; sermons, "The Human Heart
of God." "Standing With the Wrong Crowd."
Hassalo Sunday school at 10; preaching
at 11 and 7:30. bv Rav. E. E. Read, of
Hlllshoro. ,
Sunnyside. corner of East Taylor and East
Thirty-fourth streets Rev. J. J. Staub. pas
tor. Services at 11 and 7:30; Sunday school.
10- Christian Endeavor. 6:30; sermon topics,
"My Place on Christ's Programme," and
"Criterlons Which Constitute Ileal Great
Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett streets
Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services, 8, 11
and 7:30; Sunday school. 9:45.
All-Saints, Twenty-ilfth and Savler streets
Rev. R. E. Remmington. rector. Holy com
munion, 8; Sunday achool, 0:45; morning
service. 11; evening service, 8.
Grace Memorial. Weidler and East Sev
enteenth street. North Dr. Van -Waters,
rector. Sunday school. 10; morning service,
11; evening service; 7:30. Rev. Oswald W.
Tavlor will officiate,
Pro-Cathedral of St, Stephen the Martyr.
Thirteenth and Clay streets Rev. H. M.
Ramsey, vicar. Holy communionWl and ;
morning service. 11; children's mission. 3:
mission service. 7:30. The Rev. Father
Huntington and the Rev. Father Anderson
will preach. . .
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. Good Sa
maritan Hospital Rev. W. R. Powell, chap
lain. Holy communion, 7; ward services, J;
evening prayer aiiu 00,,.. . -
St. John's Memorial, East Fifteenth and
Harney avenue (Sftlwood) Rev. T. F. Bow
en. rector. Holy communion, 8; Sunday
school. 10; morning service. 11; evening.
7:30- sermon topics, morning. "Gods Jew
els"; evening. "A Fatal Blunder."
St. John's. Milwaukie Rov. T. F. Bowen.
minister. Sunday school, 2; evening prayer
and sermon, S- .
Good Shepherd, Graham and Vancouver
avenues Rev. John Dawson, rector. Koly
communion, 8; Sunday school, 9:45; rnorning
service, 11; no evening service. At 6 P. M.
Father Huntington. O. H. C. will conduct
a special service, to which everyone Is earn-
"sf Matthew's. First and Caruthcrs streets
Rev. W. A." M. Breck in charge. Sunday
school. 10; services and sermon by the Rev.
J. O. S. Huntington at 11.
St Andrew's. Hereford street, John Mar
shall minister in charge Sunday school. 10;
aervice and sermon. 11; no evensong on ac
count of service at St, Stephen's Pro-Cathe-
First (German), corner Tenth and Clay
streets-F. Benz. pastor. 'n "7 tn-10-45
and 7:45; topics, "The Law of the
Letter "nd That of ?he Spirit"; "The Coun
cil of God Unalterable"; Sunday school. 9.30.
catechism, 2:30; Y. P. A., 6:4j.
St James' English, corner West Park and
Jefferson streets J. Allen Leas. pastor.
SerVlce, at 11. conducted by the pastor: Sun
day school at 10; Luther League at 7. In
The ev'enlmr "The Holy City," by Gaul, will
0" rendered by a chorus of neariy fifty
VSteSJohanncs (German), corner Peninsu
lar avenue and Kilpatrlck street C B"e'-n;
cr pastor. Sunday school at 9:30; public
worship at 10:45; Young People's meeting
Tve " Wednesday at 8: German school every
Saturday from 9 to 12.
Taylor-Street Dr. Benjamin Young.
tor. 0:30, classes: 10:30. morning sermon.
start to
this story un
less you are pre
pared to stay up
until one o'clock.
That s the kind it is.
Ti: . "Dorr a 4Vt 4-Thai V
i .- IT lffl'fVSKi a . -':W H
Paternoster Ruby, and you cannot stop jeading until you find out
who it was.
A. C. McCLURG & CO, Publishers, $1.35 NET
subject, "The Appeal to the Cross": 12:1S.
KunUav school; 6:30. Epworth League: 7:30,
sermon, subject, "The Spirit of Thanks
giving." T'nlon Thanksgiving services of the Wesl
Plde churches at Taylor-Street Methodist
Church Thursday at 10:30 A. M. Dr. W. F.
Reagor. pastor of First Christian Church, will
preach the sermon. Special muslo by the
Taylor-Street choir. Robert B. Carson. Lu
cien E. Becker, organ. Thursday afternoon
at 4 o'clock, Lucten E. Becker will give a
free organ recital. All music lovers are in
vited. .
Grace. Twelfth and Taylor Dr. Cudllpp
will preach in the morning on "In De
fense of Optimism" and In the evening on
"Retrospect and Prospect." Mornlag worship.
10:30; Sunday school. 12:00: Epworth
League. 6:30 and evening worship. 7:3i;
quartet morning and evening and large
male chorus in the evening.
First South, Union avenue and Multnomah
street E. H. Mowre. pastor. 10. Sunday
school; 11. preaching by pastor; 6:30. Kp
worth League: 7:30. preachmlng. subject
"Sowing and Reaping."
Centenary Ninth and East Pine Delmer
H. Trimble. D. D.. pastor. The pastor speaks
at 11 on "Centenary's Mission," and at 7:30
on "Hell": special music by large chorus
choir and quartet; Sunday school. 9:45; Ep
wortft Loairue. 6:30.
Methodist. Vancouver. Wash., Sunday at
3 P. M.. Rev. John Ovall will preach. The
Swedish singer. Miss Christina Olson, will
render several numbers.
First German, Thirteenth and Davis
streets G. Hafner, pastor. Services at 10:45
and 8; Sunday, school, 9:30 ; Y. P. a. C. E.. 7.
Calvary, comer Eleventh and Clay streets
Services 10:30 and 7:45. Rev. Thomss
Holmes Walker, pastor, will preach; morn
ing subject. "What Is That to Me?" even
ing. "The Power of Habit"; Miss Margaret
Lamberson. organist; Bible school. 12 noon.
Kenllworth Dr. Klehle. 11 o'clock sub
ject, "The Kingdom"; 7:30 subject, "Lots
Bad Choice"; Sunday school, 12:10; Young
People's, 6:30.
Third, corner East Pine and East Thir
teenth streets William Parsons. D. D., pas
tor. Morning worship, 10:30; sermon, "Prais
ing God"; evening worship. 7:45; sermon,
"Job. the Old Testament Perfect Man.'
Piedmont, corner Cleveland avenue and
Jarrett street Rev. J. E. Snyder, pastor.
Morning. 10:30, harvest home and Thanks
giving service, "The Fields Already White
for the Harvest": evening. 7:30, "The Sab
bath Breaker"; Sunday school,. 12; C E.
Hawthorne Park, Twelfth and East Tay
lor streets Rev. E. Nelson Allen. r. I
mlnlster. 10:30. "Rejoice in the Lord': 1
M Sunday school: 6:30. Y. P. S. C E.; 7:30.
stereoptlcou lecture on "Cairo and Its An
tiquities." ..
Fourth. First and Glbbs Rev. Donald
Mackenzie, minister. Morning. 10:30, 'Our
Pally Bread"; evening. 7:30, "Taking Men
Alive"; Bible achool. 12; Christian Endeavor,
6:30. rersonal workers' study class, Thurs
day, 7:45.
Church of tho Good Tidings. Broadway
and East Twenty-fourth streets Rev. James
Dlmond Corby, minister. Worship with sei -mon
at 10:45 and 7:45; Sunshine Hour t
Bible study at 12 noon; Toung People s
TTt mt. at 6:30: . union
1 .;nrinti" ,,., ...
j Thanksgiving service at 11 o clocK.
Church of Our Father. Seventh and Yam
hill streets Rev. Thomas L. Eliot P. l..
minister emeritus; Rev. William G. Lllot.
Jr., minister. Services at 11 and 7:45; "'"'
lng "Against the Hardening Effect of tha
World's Wickedness"; evening. "Personal
Impressions of a Lattcr-Day P lsrlmajre:
III Hungary and Francis David ; Sunday
school, 9:45; young people's fraternity.
Ockley Green, Gay street and Willamette
boulevard Rev. J. Bowersox. Pfr
Preaching services. 11 and 7. topics The
Pleasures or Displeasures of the D'une'
Which," "The World's Need of the reat
Physician"; Sunday school. 10; K. L. C. t...
First, Sixth and Montgomery Frank Be
Witt Findiey, minister. Publlo worship.
10:30; sermon topic. "The Grace of Grati
tude": Bible school. 12; Junior meeting. 3.
Senior Endeavor. 6:30. leader, Miss Johanna
All. topic. "Thanksgiving" ; evening; service.
7:30, sermon topic, "Our Faith and Its
Radiant Outlook."
Sunday. November 10. Rev. S. Earl Du
Bols will enter upon his sixth year as min
ister of the Church of the Strangers. Grand
avenue and Wasco street. He will preach the
same sermons he preached live years ago
when about 25 persons were listeners. Morn
ing theme. 10:30. "What Is Tour Life?
evening theme, 7:30, "Heart Trouble. Spe
cial music by tBe chorus choir.
International Bible Students-? ervi ces
Oddfellow's Hall. East Sixth and Last Al
der streets; Berean Bible lesson. 1..10 dis
course, 3. 'by William A. Baker; subject,
"Overcoming Evil With Good. ...
ThTBiblo Study class of the Council of
Jewish Women, will meet in the vestry
foom ' ot Temple Beth Israel on Wednesday.
November 23. at 3 P. M.
. By
Charles Edmonds
The best mystery
yarn this Fall,
a de
light to the
eye in
every de
tail of book
by McFall