Additional Advertisements on Pages 1, 6, 7, 9 and 11, this Section-Visit Our Basement "Uiiderpri T T5 .r. AfK rioor-Arfents for Milliard's New York Chocolates and Bon Bons iry unr uwn vim 1TL Tine Greater Ol mcnami ana Corset Department Bulletin for Monday " ' . . . " r. TTar,lrav a AfniMoffn f M w, 9 SKopp re ers IN no other mediam-priced corset can you equil or ven approach the style, design, fit and workmanship which are sewed In every seam of every pair ol ROYAL W ORCESTER Corsets. They are pre-eminently Amer ica's test corsets, sold at prices moderate enotiph for any parse. rfpl Wat wADPCCTrft sen art the short cut to the fash ionable figure of the tnotnent the correct foandation tor the pre vailing modes In gowns. Whatever the type of figure, there is a ROYAL WORCESTER de signed to improve and beautify it. RUST ABLE BONING " 30NTONcoS3 JTave made themeriom ...... 'ZI, :. r , nleie linos of such popular makes as Xemo, Mme. Ilelene. Marietta, Marquise. Warner. liclfcrn. U..wd " ft rT r - " rolI,lt Corsets. Sahlin Waists and others, and aU corset aceessoriesrhee eToTeleTre'sT.eeint fitting rooms: expert fitters and eosetleres to serve you. Experienced salesladies who know (he merits of every corset thev s.ul wl an tell yon how to overcome all y.r corset troubles. Having the best lines of corsets we are prepared o the rrn,;,rnn11.. 7..i, figure. TeTslabllsli these facts more firmly with yon we invite you to come and st.uly the models; talk with on. r--- TJtSSSTrSSi are the very best ..nes to be found In theegHre Northwest and tnV prices w... please yon. D emonstration of Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets at our Store all WeeK By Miss Belden A PKfial demonstrator who is sont out from the Koyal Worcester Corset Factory will be with us all this week, during which time she will specialize and demonstrate the lion Ton and Koyal Worcester Corsets. She will explain all the virtues of these pop ular makes, and give fittings to all who are inter ested. Don't fail to take advantage of this oppor tunity to have corset ails explained just as a doctor would diagnose your ease if you were ill. Timely Message f or V o men of Limited Means Necessarily the majority of women arc obliged to think first of their purses before buying corsets, same as when purchasing a hat, shoes or wearing apparel. To those women whose spending power is limited, this timely message will appeal. Save on other garments, but buv a good, sensible, stylish corset the ROYAL WORCESTER. Anyone can afford to buy and wear the ROYAL WORCESTER, it is the one sure" wav to solve all your corset troubles. Unmistakably the ROYAL WORCES TER is the greatest corset value at a medium price. This has been so for nearlv fifty years. Every ROYAL WORCESTER corset is an original con ception, designed upon corset lines and fashioned from the best materials with painstaking care by skilled workpeople. Don't invest in a new gown un til vou procure a ROYAL WORCESTER over which it iiiav be fitted. The diversity of styles and varying heights and lengths will enable 3'ou to do this with ease, and you will enjoy the utmost in style, fit, comfort apd service. And don't accept anything "just as good" if the dealer doesn't carry the ROY AL WORCESTER. Buy of the merchant who does sell them and insure yourself against dissatisfaction. BON TON corsets are the truest expression of every corset virtue the highest achievement in the art of modern corsetry.. Every wearer of the BON TON corset is the proud posses sor of a wealth of style, health, comfort and symmetry. There is a subtle charm and . grace about all BON TON corsets which appeals to your finer tastes and excites your admiration and fancy. BON TON corsets are absolutely without a rival, cach'model an original conception of surpassing excellence in every detail. PRICES $ 1S Find the model in the Bon Ton that is best adapted for your figure. Remember the number of it. When you need a new one just tell the saleslady the tvln von nre wearing, so if you wish to change the pattern in any way, she can give you a different f Bon Ton Corset, built on T O Gtl 1 same lines. Prices range , P- Corset Dept. 2d Floor r-Z MM ir mtmimmwmu-.mmmaMJ $ql I i 1 1 iiiH nwilll!!iii'il!lll! riWEI'l IJ 1 ' -H Vio Kriilach. ho lm been llvlnn Ml the Hill, will movr l I.u. r-tl Court tid live with hrr dmirlitiT. .Mr Tay lor. Mr. an-1 Hr. t". J. Waldrn. of l.o .llel. who hBTe liffl ! uwi nt I'r. nni Mrn ". K. Klcbori: t Ihelr river Ui'C "A'hwood." lft Porlliina I.r the Sou'h lHt rlghl. Mr nl Mm. Alrwrt EuEcnr rseblirH i'-!i Marv riqu'i hiiv. returned from Southern fillfornlj,. whern h-y u"l ttotr hnn'vtnnon. Thy itrr i homo to In-lr frtn.l at 1 12 K.ft Twelfth Mrt Misn Wllia Kindt. nr onipamcl by to fri'n'lM. Mis Anna Andmon n. Mis tepl:ln Strr'.)nKQn. arrlvnl Thurfiay will r'nl mvrral wrcki a th" t'ietit i.f lts. Ktndt'a nistor. M! KIa M. Mr. M. M Wyatt. of Oaklan.l. CaU who twlc. recently waa the buu gueat f Xlr. A. H. Todd at her Columbia 1'itk real.l.-nce. left for the South Ved tieaday. Mra. 1-yatt la tbo mother of lira. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., and a pi oneer of Oregon. MIm Wlllla Olsa Lauer. who la re turnlDK to hr home In New Caatle. Ta.. after a throe-month visit with her elRter. Mra. John M. Jack, of Grantre vl!)e. Malm, la now the ftuent of Mra. l.ewla J. Ruhl. Mlas Lauer alao visited In Seattle rerentljr. SAND-FLY INSECTS MAKE THEIR VICTIMS INSANE Important Discovery as to Causa of Pellagra Made In Italian Marshes by Dr. Sambon Enral Districts Suffer Most. . I'KCI A I. A X X OI X CK.M EX TS. Orchextra. Marshall IMS, Stllea A If.. ... IHamonda. C. Chrlxti'hsen. aecond floor Corbett butldtna-. Take elevator. tJrer'tn Conservatory of Muale. All branchv taught by ataff of teachers. . Order work, decorated China and flrlns. K. bishop' new stud to. ivj-t lielmont at. wts! Watrh Repatrlna;. C. Chrlaten en. 11 floor Corbett bldir. Take elevator. Frederic C. Ton-ay. of Vlckery. At kins Torrey. San Tani-lsco. an nouncea bis annual exhibition of painting and fine prlnta. for two weeks. November 11 to December 3, at aulte 345. Portland Hotel 'inot open venlna;s except Saturdays). The ex hibition U of exceptional Importance romprtalnir recent European purchasea and notable American canvases. "Tlie QulvtlU Shop." A place of refinement: a dainty spot for the tired shopper, where she may ret-ure soothlnK facial massage, to smooth out the "worry-lines"; a re freshing shampoo or treatment for scalp and hall- In an atmosphere of r-nt'.llty and purity. The yulvilla thop Is absolutely sanitary. Klectrlclty is used int-ad of t.ffonslve sras. Vio let and ruby rays and electricity are scientifically employed. Convenient lal exclusive. 41S Ore-fonlan bid. PKIXJVGUA Is a widely-distributed dl.iease. It ta found in Kurope. Afrl.a. Asia. America, and even In CVeanlra. In Kurop it occupies most of the foothill districts of the UTeat southern hi,.. land reRlon comprlalns; the Pyrenees. Alps, Carpathians, and Balkans, and probably affects more or less seriously over a million people. It Is a disease of lone; duration, charac terised by a peculiar rash, not unlike a severe sunburn. whV-h appears on the face, round the neck, and on Jhe back of the hand and feet, says the London Tlmea. This eruption recurs each year at determinate aeaaona Spring and Autumn; It appears sud denly under the Influence of exposure to aunlls-ht. stands out some d-y, then fades off gradually, and Is followed by long persistent desquamation. To gether with the eruption other symp toms appear. They are Irregular fever, frequent fits of giddiness with a peculiar sensation of falling back wards or forwards, great debility, con fusion of mind, copious salivation. In somnia, pyrosis, and diarrhoea. These symptoms abate during the Summer months and disappear almost entirely In Winter, especially in early cases. They return with the rash each Spring. After a period of progressive aggra vation, which may last three, five or SO years, the patient becomes greatly emaciated, partly paralysed and en tirely demented.- A number of these unfortunate beings commit suicide, as a rule by drowning: the majority end their days In the lunatic asylums of their respective countries. Pellagra was first described In Spain In 1T3S by Gaapar Caeal. under name of mat della rosa. and by Fra polll In Italy In 1771. under the popular local name of pellagra, a name signi fying rough akin. Not these authors, hut others who followed them, looked upon pellagra as a new disease, and ascribed It to the eating of malse. In 190S Tr. Sambon. at a meeting of the British Medical Association, held at Leicester, stated that Indian corn, either sound or deteriorated, could not be regarded as the cause of pellagra, since it did not explain satisfactorily any of the epidemiological facts of the disease. On account of the great sim ilarity between pellagra and certain parasitic (protoxoal) dlseasea such aa sleeping alck-nesa. sptaui ad kalasxar, he suggested that pellagra might also be a protosoal disease, and waa prob ably transmitted by some blood-sucking Insect. Last Winter. Dr. Sajnbon further sug gested that the assumed Insect -carrier of pellagra might be a sand-fly of the genus Slmullum. because of all blood sucking flies with a geographical dis tribution equal to that of pellagra this wastho only one that exhibited the same topographical distribution and the same, extraordinary double season. Spring and Autumn. Thanks to Mr. Cantlle. Sir Patrick Manxon. and Sir Lauder Hrunton. a very Influential committee was formed, some money was raised, and Dr. Sam bon was sent to Italy to Investigate the causation of pellagra. In Italy Dr. Sam bon was Joined by Captain Slier and Dr. Ijivlmlcr. of the I"nited States Army, who hud been detailed by the American Government to study pellagra In ltX'y, after having already worked at It in the states. Although there is no pellagra In Eng land, tho disease is of the greatest im portance to us first, because it prevails ONLY DAUGHTER OF PRESIDENT OF GRANTS PASS COMMON COUNCIL IS BRIDE. s--; f j-sr-3 wf -xkjf . C3- &."r GRANTS PA9 Or Nov. 19. (Spe clal.) Among the popular wediings of the Fall was that of O. A. Glass and Miss Geneve Myers, of Grants Pass. Mr. Glass holds a position with the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. Miss Myers Is the only daughter of J. L. Myers, of this city, president of the Common Council. She has resided here all her life and has been an act ive member of the Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Glass will spend some me in visiting friends and relatives, alter wnun iney win go iu ,... theu; Xutuxe .home. . extensively in Egypt and in the west Indies: secondly, because the elucidation of Its causation is bound to advance our knowledge of the causation of other ob scure diseases such as beri-beri. for in stance, which are extremely prevalent in our colonies. Dr. Sambon went to Italy in March. 1310, and for three months studied the disease in the provinces of Bergamo, Brescia, Milan. Padova, Rome and Pe rugia. He found that maize, either bad or good, could In no way account for the disease. The distribution of deterior ated maize was very different to that of the disease. Besides, he found nu merous pellagrins who had never eaten maize. He found that pellagra Is lim ited to the immediate neighborhood of certain streams Infested with Slmullum larvae. He proved that the endemic cen ters of the disease have occupied ex actly the same places among the foot hills of mountainous regions for at least a century, because in certain provinces such as Belluno, Padova and Brescia the disease shows today the very same distribution and prevalence recorded by authors who studied the disease in these regions a century ago. He has been able to prove that the season of recur rence of the disease is also the season of Infection, that if the Spring is re tarded, as it was this year, both the sand-flies and the pellagrous eruption were delayed, and., vice versa, that an early Spring hastens the appearance of both sand-flies and pellagrous rash. He found the disease to be exceedingly prev alent within the endemic centers which are the stations of the sand-fly. In these foci whole families are attacked, indeed, the whole population Is affected. Out of these centers the disease never spreads to others. In families who have removed from an endemic center to a healthy locality the children born within the endemic center are pellagrins like their parents: those born after removal are perfectly healthy. The disease is not hereditary, not contagious: it is like malaria, like yellow fever, transmitted by an insect, the sand-fly. The Slmuliidae or sand-flies bite fierce ly In the early morning and at sunset, never in the hottest hours of the day. They never approach towns as mosqui toes do. and this is the reason why towns are free from pellagra and why the disease Is limited to rural districts and to those fleld laborers who work in the neighborhood of infested streams. Thus to the already long list of Insect borne diseases we must add pellagra, one of the diseases which give rise to Insanity. ' Newest Coat for Men and Women. A. B. Stelnbach & Co. are showing a handsome camel's hair polo coat for men and women. It comes In two shades, tan and gray, made with a belt all around and large pearl but tons. It Is the coat seen so much In the East this Fall and Just the thing for motoring and knocking: about Developing Bust AND CHEST Mile. Marlyn. Amartca's sreit authority on Health and Beauty Culture, advises deep breathing each morninn and nlKlit. massag ing the parts -with Meloruae Beauty (Team each nlBhU and each morning bathe the parts with cold salt water. Tnke Whites vauraire tialeca Tablets four times a c)ay. drink water freelv. and within a very reason able time exiellent results will be noticed. It Is essential that you take the Vauculra remedy that contains the GBNITINK IM PORTED OAI.EUA. such as WlUard M hlto Company does, and to be on the safe sla ask for this brand. Taka no substitute, as they axe worthless and a waste of time. Tho tablets ara more of a food than a medicine and are perfectly harmlesa. Easy to take. , . . Not only does Mile. Merlyn indorse tnla method, but also all hUh authorities on beauty cult and beauty writers and thou sands of women who have successfully used them. White's Vaucalre Galega Tablets are no new experiment. MADAM DE LE VIE the world's greatest writer and lecturer on Health and Beauty Cult, recommends only Wlllard White Company's Vaucalre Galena Tablets for developing the bust and as a general tonic and flesh builder and main tains that they are much better than the liquid. Tho Owl Drui! Co. will sell this wonderful preparation at "U cents for the 1 alze box and will fill mail orders at U- cants, ask ior Willard White Co."s VAICAIRE GALKGA TABLETS THE FAMOUS BUST Developer, Flesh Builder. Toulc, . S1.00 BOX. .4. s i ; . t WWrlh. Vi twu: mf&z mi ftri&? asspv.i au -..-i It . TT .TWlI'U 'II' I it seal UasUuMi 1 1mm 79c EL0R0SE THE PERFECT MASSAGE ASI) - TOII.ET CREAM. Excellent for the complexion, removes wrin kles and blackheads. Keeps the skin on ion and smooth and will not itrow hair MELOROSE En39c IT p Send 2c stamp for samsle of Melo- rose Cream. Melorose Face Powder; also booklet. Write to WILLARD WHITE CO.. Chicago. 111. WA and Jewelry pay a small payment" at the time of purchase and balance in easy weekly or monthly payments to suit your income or convenience. Eastern Outfitting Co. ... I . . l . It. H' r K Tenth , J2L r"Z jA E. Barnhara's Toilet Prepara!ions Contain nothing that will Injure the most sensitive skin or delicate complex ion. The Juice of the Cucum ber has for apec been rec ognized as one of the most Important and erfectual rniieili.:s for beauty Ills, and hb compounded under the formula of the K. ltnrnhHfn Curumher and Klilerfloirer Treiktii Is cKDec.lally delightful as a skin cleanser, as It enters the pores, removing all impurities. Its whitening and soothiiiK qualities are known to thousands. Price 5llc and $1. K. Burnham's Kalos-Oione Massage f'reme is a Brfasels. vanislilnc ercnie. It is wonderful, beautlfler. (Gentlemen find it dellKhtful after shavinK.) I'rlce o()c. E. Durnham's Medicated Complexion l'owder Is a finer powder, and more satis factory, than many of a much higher price. shades.! Price .V'c. THKKK IS AN K. Bl ltMIAM PRKPABA TION FOR EVliKV BKAITV ILL. These preparations are used exclusively In E. BU11XHAMS liEAt'T V CULTURE ESTABLISHMENT, the lamest in the world. 70 and 7:2 State St., Chicago. FOR SALE AT AIL FIBST-CLAISS DRALKKK. If your dealer cannot supply you we will send postpaid upon receipt of price. E. Burnham. IIT and ! E. Wash. St., Chl rag'i. Oei't. c-?.:t. Tents and tarpaulina to the value f g 1S.. 000 were bought by British South Africa In the hrst seven montlia of 1910, or more thaji. double, the .amount la Iba 1803 V actodc j