i TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 20, 1910. t SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK Harry BielU Mr. and Mr. William 3?aaugbtjr. Mr. and Sir. Kd I"lB ad Mr. and Mrs. Kred Marx. Mr. and Mm. A. K. Il-ls!er celebrated ttrlr 3n. rdJlna; anniversary Ftur tlay. November I-. at Irtlr home on East Davis street. The following jrucata were pres-nt: Mr. and Mr. t. bcaurr.ann. Mr. and Mr. A. ll.-iler. Mr. and Mra. O. Ruberl. Mr. and Mm. K. Falrbanlc. Mr. and Mr. IL KueMe. Mr. and Mrs. II. Tun der Wertr.. Mr. and lrs. A- Gel-re. Mls 0rtruil Kuehle. Mlas Florence voii dt-r Wrtli. Ml Helen Kurhl. Mla Clara .-Ulcr. Al fred Roberts. Walter Fairbanks, tieorire Roberts. lUnrr Kuehle and Uj" Nlk las. Urn. r. P. ArrlnKton. of the Hint Apartments, a-ave mo enjoyable ' llacli elor Mld' entertainment Tuesday vven Isc In honor to Mtss KlUabeth Wooil ruff whn recently returned from a fire weeks' trip to the Fast. The hostess u assisted by Mra. C. K. Ire land. The follom-lna: irueM were prcii ent: .!! Klizabeth Woodruff. Mlna Mary Worrell. IIm Oertrudo Phillips. Mini Minnie Ilrupcer. Miss Coleman. Xtra Ethel Wlnne. Miss Ann Ford. Miss Mayme Ford. Mlsa lxetta M. Ionnlll, La S;ronce and Miss Wickham. The first regular Winter meetln of tl.e lMra!nit Clory V Cl'ib waa held at tfce home of Urv I"-la Nltk!ey Tuesday afternoon. Tl birthdays of Mr K. Pfer !ner and Mm. Rosa Krnery ere cele brated In the course ot the entertainment t which the followlr.c tiietji wre pree r.t: Mr Knee tmery. Mrs. M. A. Reed. 3J-S- Sadie Hamilton. Mr. Mary K. rfrrdner. Mrs M.utdc C.reene. Mr. Flora CoitwisII. Mra Mary He. Mr. Nel- vrna Worlrk. Mr, llarnar wcicn. jirw. Bsiu Smith and Mra. U. HuMcn. A merrr crowd of yonnt people, con ai.itlnir of lUrrltt Vanetta. Rose K.l- vood. Hester Thorp. Myrtle an.i ran el Elwood. Louise Taylor. Frank Akin, Clarence Stanley and Fred Oliver, wlln Mr. and Mra. Thorp as chaperons, were met at Rockwood with a waa-on in which they were conveyed to Orient, where they attended a real country dance on Saturday evening a week . e-upper aerved at II o'clock, after which dancing: continued until the wee Jiours. The Monday History Club met No vember II. at the home of Mra. Charlea V. Filter. Mexico was the country un ifier discussion. Mrs. Tipton a-ave an ad drciui on " Aztecs and Foltees." and Mr. Ktnltii read a paper on "Pottery or aiex 5 co. Following- these Mr. Cooper rave g appreciated talk on Mexican curios. pottery, baskets and arawn-wora. ni which choice collection, owned by Mrs. Cooper, waa on display. Mr. and Mr. Swan, on Manhattan afreet, were agreeably surprised We nenday evenlnir. November 15. by the George Wright Post and Corps. Mac cabees Women and their neighbors, the occasion being their SSth wedding- annl- ersay. Five hundred was enjoyea in the course of the evening. One of the affair of the week was the surprise party In honor of Bert Frost. The decorations were pink and are en. orofusely arranged with carna tions and Oregon a-rape. The enter, tilnmrnl consisted of "600." after erblch an elaborate supper was served. e Jly FJJlers entertained with a box party at the Hellls; Theater Monday evening m nonor ot Mm Freiburg-. Germany. The following: a-uesta were present: Kdwln Welte. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1L EUers, Miss J or vis, Ir. Emil Ecna. The Tllllcum -500" Club waa enter tained Monday evening" by Mrs. Henry Ftaff. 10H East Market street. After the usual number of "hands" were r laved a hot luncheon was served. The good fellowship campaign com mittee. Women of Woodcraft, expects to give a literary and musical enter tainment, followed by a dance, early In Iecember. A delightful party at Christensen's hall took place Thursday evening, when the Portland Chapter of the American Institute of Banking enter tained at dancing. Miss Josephine Locke, a well-known lecturer on art. who returned recently from Japan and who has given Inter esting lectures on Japanese art here, under the auspices of the Woman's Club, will lecture on art before the Rose City Chapter of the American Woman's League, at the library next Tuesday evening. Miss Locke will leave for Europe Boon, after a trip to Los Angeles. At the annual meeting or St. An Brews "society of Oregon. Wednesday evening. o8krs were elected lor the ensuing year as follows: PTesldenU K. K. Paxter: vice-president. Alexander G. Brown; treasurer. Charles Leigh; secretary. A. T. Smith; assistant secretary. Thomas Burns; chaplain. Rev. Donald A. Mackensle; committee of relief. W. R. Mackenxie. James Cormark. John A. Paterson; Committee of management, John Baikle, John M. Wallace. J. R. Stuart. It waa arranged to hold the annual celebration November 30, with a ban tauet at the Commercial .Club. see Miss Marie Cavallne and Miss Marie Stlngrlch entertained with a ahower In tionor of Miss Gladys NeaL whose en gagement to William Ellwood Graham has Just been announced. The bouse was artistically decorated with palms and flowers, of which a huge bell In the dining-room was an attractive fea ture. The guests were Miss Gladys NelU Mr. James M. Neal. Miss Marie Mc lirtde. Miss Luclle Fenton. Miss Weh rung. Miss (Catherine Whttmer, Miss Heckle Goldstein Mis Nellie Prebel. :Ilss May Clarke. Miss Charlie Fenton. ,3ilss Hasel Koonts. Mtss Louise Walk er. Miss Maurlne Campbell. Mis Esth er Hays. Miss Edith Kopple. Miss 'Katherln Graham. Miss Margaret Slackett and Miss Lucre il Cavallne. Mrs. Charles F. Runkel entertained ;.t her home. C7S Stark street, with a ' plate shower Thursday afternoon In i honor of Miss Gladys McSloy. the only daughter of Dr. J. 1L McSloy. of thl jelty. whose wedding will take place I early next week to Mr. B. O. Herman, Jof San Francisco. ' The rooms were artistically deco- rated with red hearts and potted fern land the tables with red carnations. Mnch amusement was afforded the guests by the written advice handed In with each plate to the bride-elect, lafter which they all partook of a I daintily served luncheon. A profusion of hearts decorated the luncheon throughout. Among the guests present were several old friends from South (Daknta. Mrs. James Whealan. Mr, tl. W. Huffman. Mrs. O. R. Elwood. Mra. li D. Hollister. Jr.. Mrs. J. 1L Mc Hloy. Mrs- R. A. Vile. Mrs. Moody 'Rogers. Mr. George Thompson, Miss Florence Elwood. Miss Louise Rogers. Mis Ruth Lewis and MLsa Nina Run kel. WEDDINGS. NeUWudv. One of Cie largest weddings of the past week took place at the Neth resl eoor la Irvlcgton, Wednesday venloaV CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3. when Miss Mary E. Judy and Carl F. Neth were married by the Rev. Harry Ix-eIs of the Mlzpah Preshy terlnn Church. The bride wore dainty silk, embroidered, and a veil of tulle caught Into place with orango blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of bride roses. Her bridesmaid. Miss Anna Turner, wore a gown of pink messaline and carried pink carnations. Joseph 3. Feary at tended Mr. Neth. The ceremony was performed under an arch of evergreens and Immediately following it supper was served. The rooms nere decorated with ferns, violets and chrysanthemums, while a large "Horn of Plenty," made f chrysanthemums formed the center piece for the table. Mr. and Mrs. Neth will he nt homo after leember 1 to their friends at 4.2 East Fifteenth street north. The following persons were pres ent at the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neth. Forest Judy. Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Cutler. J. A. Anthony, Miss Marie Herk er. Mls Lillian Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. FORMER PORTLAND ACTRESS WEDS STAGE MANAGER IN SEATTLE Tl -:jJ " ' "... " It t ' W . m - Karl l. Dwlre. stage manager of the Baker stock company In Seattle, and Miss Ruth Leschler, a former member of the Baker company In Port land, were quietly married at the Baptist parsonage In Seattle, Wash., Thurs day afternoon. November 10, at 3 o'clock. The ceremony was wltneased by only a few friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dwlre. W. S. Cutler. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur But terworth. Mrs. Mnnette Robinson, A. H. Tugs, John A. Wilson. Mra. C. E. Sher man, John Aaron, Iroy R. Fields, .Miss Alice Dougherty. Frank W. Howell, Mrs. H Frey. Miss Ellrabeth Johnston, Miss Mary McCartney, J. H. Weiss. Mrs. Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Flledner. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Aldrlch. Miss Helen Standlst. Linn Bennett. Miss Olga Sech tem. C. B. Haynes. IL. A. Bennett. Ar thur L. Fields. C. O. Crook, C. V. Mi chel. Miss E. Wllhelm. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. TenanU Mr. and Mrs. H. Pfaft, Mr. S. A. Star. Miss Virginia Chambers. Mrs. M. E. Hamlin. Mrs. M. E. Mullen, miss Cornelia Barker. Miss Maud Osborne, Miss Mary K. Qulgley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Goehrlng. Miss Berth Lerr and Miss Effle Chambers. AVelgel-Ioorc. ' C.ustav Welgel and Miss Ethel Moore were married Wednesday evening by the Rev. M. E. Boulton. of The Dailes. The ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. R. Le Compte. at 10 Blbee avenue. The attendants were Harry L. Frank and Miss Greta Jurgen. White cosmos and chrysanthemums with English Ivy formed the house decorations. Mr. and Mrs. W elgel expect to reside In Portland. Stratum-Tort r. r 11 T Cotia ttni4 ATI I.0I0 Porter were married in the church par lor or the r irst Lnitanan t-nnrcn - v,- in v... tho Iter T. 1 Eliot. Mr. and Mr. Stratton left immediately for the South, returning to roruana ""- L 1 1 0 , . VA .-i. ...... ., . - - -- at home at 41 Union avenue, North. Kdasrds-Kvenson. A. E Edwarda and Mis Bertha D. Evenson were married at Sunnyslde Congregational Church. Saturday after noon. November 12. by the Rev. J. J. Staub. R. W. Wilson waa best man and MLsa Thea Evenson, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. IlimlroSchoflold. Mr. Emma Schofleid and A, C. Loh- mlre were marriea inursuay rveiiius br the Rev. E. H. Mowre. pastor or the Methodist Episcopal Church. South. They will reside In the home of Mr. Lohmlre, at the corner of Tillamook and Thirteenth treets. Maxfleld-llcach. The wedding of Daniel M.ixfield and Ada Beach took place November 13 at 300 Hougton street. The Rev. J. Bower eox performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Maxneld will be at coma to tncir friends at 1090 Amherst street. Ilolbrook-Cockcll. Mis Minnie CockelU of Lexington. Wash., became the bride of Jesse Hoi- brook Tuesday evening, November 15, at the First Baptist Church. The Rev. W. B. Hlnson performed the ceremony. Smltli-Wllson. Sidney A. Smith and Miss Mabel P. Wilson were married at the residence of PROMINENT ATTORNEY OF GRANTS PASS WINS DAUGHTER OF SOUTHERN OREGON CITY. I i ...-w ". ;i v lit !- Y. n U I V y - ; . :v V:i r - . 1 - I 1 t 1 . GRANTS PAPS. Or, Nor. 19. (Spool!.) One of the prettiest weddings solemnised In this city this Fall took place when Hugh L. de Armond was married to Miss Effle Gertrude Tetherow. Mr. De Armond Is a prominent young attorney, and a graduate of the University of Oregon. He has long been associated with his father and brother In the milling business. Mrs. De Armond Is the eldest daughter of J. M. Tetherow, of this city, a large mine gtuu la Oregon and. California. Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Waggener. at Montgomery street, Tuesday. Novetn ver 15. the Rev. J. Bowereox officiating. Mrs. Smith came to Portland recently, her former home having been In West Point. Cal. The bridegroom is a civil engineer employed in the construction of the new railroad to Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reside In Oregon. Olsen-Vlk Tonncseti-VIk. The double wedding of Tlnus Olsen and Una Vlk.'and Oio Tonnescii and Inga V'lk took place November u. at tho Lutheran Church, when the Rev. O. M. Holden performed the ceremony. LoveJoy-IIaium. H. M. Lovejoy and Miss Kilo. Hamra were married Tuesday evening. Novem ber 15. at T21 Everett street by the Rev. Benjamin Young. llarman-Joliti.vm. George A. Itarnian, of Salem, and 7 Miss Llllle Johnson, of Portland, were married Saturday, November 12. at the Methodist Episcopal Church parsonage by the Rev. Benjamin Young. McCall-nulck. William S. McCall. of Colfax. Wash., and Miss O. Leaty Renlck, of Portland, were married by the Rev.'W. B. Hlnson Thursday evening, November 17, at the First Baptist Church. AVatson-Prosh. Richard Watson and Rose Frosh were married at the parsonage of the Grace Methodist Church, on November 12. when the pastor, J. H. Cudllff, performed the ceremony. Mechlins-Poe. The wedding of Ormsby Mechllng and Miss Alpha Poe took place at the White Temple, Thursday, November 3. The Rev. W. B. Hlnson performed the cere mony. Stratton-Porter. Carroll B. Stratton and Lolo C. Porter, both of Portland, were married Novem ber 10 In the parlors of the First Uni tarian Church by the Rev. T. L. Eliot. Cernlck-Chnrvat. Caroline Charvat and M. J. Cernlck were married at the Grace Methodist parsonage, November 12, by the Rev. J. II. Cudlipp. Arnold-White. A. M. Arnold and Miss Rose L. White, both of Portland, were married Tuesday evening by the Rev. Benjamin Young at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage. COMIXG KVEXTS. The 'Mystic Stars of Myrtle are giving a dancing and card party Wednesday evening, November 23, at the Masonic Temple, comer West Park and Yamhill streets. The patronesses Include: Mrs. Peter Hobklrk, Mrs. H. G. Boyd, Mr. Herman Carlson, Mrs. V. B. Harrington, Mrs. C. IL McGirr, Miss Virgina Mul thauf. Mra. Fannie Neppach, Mrs. C. E. Runyon, Mrs. G. Hlgglns. Mrs. W. L. Robb. The reception committee consists of C, E. Anderson, V. A. Avery. H. G. Boyd, J. L. Bailey, H. M. Bush. J. Les ser. W. W. Chrlstensen. D. G. Tomoslni, George E. Hlgglns, Albert Stone, The Now York 8tate Society of Oregon will hold the annual celebration of Evacuation day next Saturday evening, November X. at Oddfellows' Hall, at East Sixth and East Alder streets, when Judge Henry McGinn will deliver an ad dress on the last great event of the Rev olutionary War. A musical and literary programme will also be given and re freshments served. Invitations have been extended to alt New Yorkers, either visitors or residents of this1 city or state, to be present. The St. Lawrence Social Club will give a Thanksgiving dancing party at their hall, on Third and Sherman streets, Thursday night. The patron- Y v. J esses will be Mrs. N. A. Schanen, Mrs. W. P. Llllis. Mrs. C. H. Feldman. Mrs. M. J. Smith and Mrs. F. P. Sheasgreen. The Committee on Arrangements is composed of R. E. Barrett. A. B. Cain, Joseph Cavenaugh, W. P. Llllis, Harry McCullotigh, Henry Tillman, J. C Smith, John Weber and Edward Bar rett. . A Thanksgiving reception will be held in the parlors of the First Con gregational .Church Tuesday afternoon. Foreign countries will be represented by the costumes of the women In the receiving line and Mrs. Frederick Ol sen and Mrs. Baltes Allen will furnish an excellent musical programme. The Daughters' of the Confederacy will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George H. Thomas at Fourteenth and East Morrison streets. AU Southern ers' hero have been Invited to attend. An Interesting programme ha been ar ranged. The Mothers' Circle, of the Eliot School, will meet Friday. November 18, at 3 o'clock in the school assembly hall. A discussion on matters of Im portance to teachers and parents will be led by Principal P. W. Downs. Tho O. E. S. Club has set the evening of December 12 for Its Christmas party, which will -take place at the Masonlu Temple. This Is tho second of Its Win ter serlefl." The first division of the Shakespeare Club will meet at the home of Mrs. E. E. Tinney. at 52S Couch street, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Bible Study Class of the Coun cil of Jewish Women will meet In the rest room of the Tcmplo Beth Israel, Wednesday, November 23, at 3 o'clock. Cards are out for the hard times party to bo given December 1 "by the P. S. T. V. girls at their gymnasium. The women of the Grace Methodist Church w-111 hold their annual bazaar on December 6 and 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The engagements of Ii. L Guiss and Miss Helen McKinney, of Woodburn. Or., and Hal D. Patton, of Salem, and Miss Nellie May Lucia, of Portland, were announced at the celebration of the 17th wedding anniversary. Novem ber 6. of Mr. and Mrs. E. Cooke Patton, at their home In Salem. The occasion was an elaborate dinner with covers laid for 12. The dining-room was beautifully decorated with smilax and yellow chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Lewis will be at home today in honor of heir daughter, Ruth, whose engagement to J. New berger they announce. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will also receive Wednesday from 2 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon. SOCIETY PERSOXALS. Miss Henrietta Schuyler is passing a few days with friends in Hood River. William Eubanks, of Eugene, was In town a few days last week on busi ness. Mrs. H. M. Adams, of San Francisco, epc-nt several da.ye at Hotel Gearhart this week. A. D. Plugoff. of San Francisco, is visiting in Portland In view of his business Interests. Mrs. Imogens Harding Brodle, who has been seriously 111 forsome time. Is now rapidly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gaston Gottschalk and wife, of Chicago, have taken an apartment at the Re-Ukan. Miss Gertrude White and Miss Hen rietta Tichenor will pass Thanksgiving at Hotel Gearhart-by-the-Sea. Mrs. Benjamin Latz has left the city for San Francisco and Southern Cali fornia for the Winter season. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McQulnn left Portland for Seattle Friday. From Se attle they will sail for Alaska. Mr. and Tdrs. Frank D. GIbbs have returned from the East and are now domiciled In their Irvington home. Dr. B E. Miller has returned from Olyirmla, Wash., where he was called on professional business last week. Mrs. S. A. Ross, Miss Lucy Slade, Miss Florence McCommon and Mis?s Bessie Sexton, of Astoria, vlsdted Hotel Gear- hurt this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wyman. of North Yakima, where they were recently mar ried, have come to Portland to estab lish their future home. D. C. Lawless, of Toledo, O, who is making a tour of the Northwest, re cently stopped In Portland as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Simon. Mrs. Mary L. Coleman, of Atlanta, III., arrived In Portland last Sunday for a two months' visit with her son, II. E. Coleman, at 778 GUsan street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Johnson and small daughter, Mary, of Southern Cali fornia, are week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Goodwin at East Forty ninth street. North. Mrs. Charles Barenstecker left Port land yesterday for an extended Eastern trip. She experts to spend Thanksgiving Your Freckles Need Attention fa November or Face Will Staad Covered. November is the time to take spe cial care of the complexion if you wish to look well during Jhe Winter. The Autumn sun and winds have brought out freckles that will stay all Winter unless removed now with Othlne double strength. This prescription for the cure of freckles is the discovery of an eminent skin specialist, and is so uniformly suc cessful that It Is sold by Woodard, Clarke & Co. under the guarantee to re fund the money if it falls. Get an ounce of Othlne double strength, and even the first night's application will show a wonderful improvement, some of the smaller freckles even vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othlne, as It Is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove the freckles. . AND FLORAL DESIGNS CLARKE BROS., EORISTS 287 Morrison St. r-.Y ; -1 1 is ,i'W 1 ttWiiWsisa, f-" ' ai iui mm i.ll. JWlJSSilsi-a;.ai llll Black Furs Are Very Popular BLACK WOLF Animal or Shawl Collar, $17.50, $22.50, $27.50. Muff H Barrel or Rug, $13.50, $17.50, $25.00. BLACK HUDSON LYNX Sets Complete, $7.25, $11.25, $18.75. Brown Furs Are Very Stylish SABLE FOX Shawl Collars, $17.50, $22.50, $27.50, $35 Muff, $12.50, $17.50, $25.00, $32.50. Special Sets, $22.50, $25.00. JAPANESE MINK Scarfs, $6.50, $11.50, $17.50, $25, $35. Muff, $17.50, $22.50, $27.50, $35. ALASKA AND EASTERN MINK Animal and Shawl Collars, $35, $55, $75, $100. Muffs, Barrel and Rug, $35, $42.50, $55, $75, $110. We invite your inspection of an assortment that will woman of taste, who is determined to get the best in Fur Coats and Fur-Lined Coats Our Specialty In All Desirable Furs Correct Cut and Style. PRICES $30, $47.50, $55, $75, $95, $110, $125, $155, $175, $200. H J. P. PLAGEMANN, Mgr. MANUFACTURING FURRIERS Store Open Saturday Evenings Until Christmas. Send In Chicago with her mother before going to Cleveland. Ohio, where she will be the gTiest of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Foxer. The Christmas holidays she will pass To those only who contem- aMsHtVBBBBBBWsWBBBBsasBVsr plate the purchase of a Stein way piano for Xmas! We consider it our duty to notify you that your order should ba placed without delay. The de mand for Steinways in Portland is greater than in any former year, and it is quite possible that we will be unable to fill late or ders. Selections may be made now to every possible advantage, put aside and delivered Christ mas. Priced from $575to $2000 Home of the Stein way . J asiisl" L HlfNWfc pwg ptlllkliaaO yd"r'"' T "lla ilp !f We Stand Unrivaled for Quality, Value and Artistic Workmanship THANKSGIVING SUGGESTIONS BLACK FOX Shawl Collar, $17.50, $20.00, $25.00, $35.00 Muff, $15.00, $17.50, $22.50, $37.50 BLACK LYNX Scarfs v-Many Styles, $35.00, $40.00, $50.00, $75.00. Muff Bolster and Rug, $30.00, $40.00, $55.00, $65.00.' BLACK CONEY LYNX Scarfs, $5.75, $8.50, $11.75, $15, $22.50. Muff, $5.75, $10, $12.50, $17.50. SABLE SQUIRREL Scarfs, $4.50, $9, $16, $20, $27.50. Muffs, $10, $15, $22.50, $30. Special Sets, $14.25. GRAY SIBERIAN SQUIRREL Scarfs, $6, $9.50, $15, $25, $35. Muffs, $10, $12.50, $15, $27.50. Special Sets, $13.50. BROOK MINK AND SABLE OPOSSUM Collars and Scarfs, $5, $7.50, $9, $12.50. Muffs to Match, $6, $10.75. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' SETS, PRICES $2.00, $2.50, $3.25, $4.25, $5.75, with her daughter, Miss "Viola Baren stecker, who Is at school at Forest Glen, Maryland. Mrs. B. H. C. Taylor .of Lewlston. 'Be Sherman my& Co. OPPOSITE P. O., PORTLAjrr OR. appeal powerfully to the Furs for the least money. in all Furs. $6.25, $7.50. 288 Morrison St., Corbel! BIdg. for Illustrated Catalogue. I Idaho, formerly Miss Hortense Van Fredath, of Portland, and her daughter have come to Portland and will reside at Lucretla Court this Winter. Mrs. T. 8z CO. On Morrison at Sixth