The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 20, 1910, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 36

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    I I.
IRIythe; vice-president. Miss Estelle Ar- ,. i, ir illnll' llfr ll l7
milage; secretary. Miss Jessie Hurley; rllr g ldCZZll lClall -JJLHJI r IL5
treasurer. Miss Clara Wold. lJI SS SS fHl
1 XT '
y ; - -v ...
? :" -
J - ; ' ' ,
GRACEFt l. .bodily beauty enchanted
th sorlal world Ut week whan
the allurinc nd not to tx rr-
Isted appeal of the Russian dancers
caused society to rather about the
Hiker stag- In box. lose and pit. there
to witness the wordless maze of grace
which was offered them. Other Inter
ests also called society to the foot
lights. I Wolf Hopper at the Hellls;
proved an Inspiration for box parties
which In turn were followed by suppers
at the Portland. So. what with many
engagements to the theater and to dine.
. society has bad small time to occupy
Itself otherwise. However, the call ,of
the little rreen table has won Its an
swer In the drawlns;-roora of milady
who gowns herself In gold brocade or
Imported crepe and gathers about her
those dainty -matrons who chance to
have won herwspeclal favor. With this
friendly support she welcomes to her
home many handsomely gowned and ar.
Jstocratlc guests. Not only are large af
fairs of this sort absorbingly Interest
ing, but even more so are the cosy lit
tle exchanges of goodly bits of gossip
which flutter about. Intermingled with
-may I play to hearts?" "play pleae.
when "Just enough for two tables" meet
at the home of one of their number.
Such has been the chain of events
which makes possible the recital of the
octal activities of Portland's elect the
past week. '
This week blU fair to be the most
t-rtltlant since the Horse Show. One
round of festivities Is promised to
Portland's society. Tuesday evening
will mark the event of the large re
reptlon given at the Arlington Club.
Wednesday night Is the ball at the
Army Post: Thursday. Thanksgiving
evening. Is the date set for the Oregon
Alumni ball at the Masonic Temple,
and Friday evening, as a fitting climax
romes the second of the Toung People's
subscription parties. So Portland folk
will dance and be merry until another
-wek rolls round.
Quite the event of the weak whs the
reception given Thursday by Mrs. Charles
V. llee be In honor of Miss Mary Liv
ingstone. Roses and ferns were used for
the deeuratlon of the receiving rooms,
while the dining-room was arranged at
tractively with white and yellow chrys
anthemums. The mistresses of tsje tea table were:
Mrs. Hawley Hoffman. Mrs. Joseph
HrS'Hey. Mrs. lonakl Munro and Mrs.
Marlon Deilph. while Miss Antra Burns.
Miss Evelyn Wilson. Mis Margretta
Urtx ke and Miss lls Koehler assisted
at serving.
The Invitation list to Mrs. Ileebe's re
reptlon Included: Miss Ines Barrett. Mrs.
Joseph Mradley. Mrs. T. Scott Erooke.
M: Margretta llrooke. Mlas Jean
Hrownle. Mtae Mela Buehner. Miss Mar
gartte Buehner. Miss Kathleen Burns.
Miss Anita Burns, Mtss Alice Carey. Miss
Margaret Catlln. Mrs, Wilson W. Clark.
Mtss Susan Clark. Miss Cully Cook. Mats
4-ornelia Cook. Mrs. Elliott K. Corhett.
Mrs. Harry 1 Corbett, Miss Brhra
Crocker. Mtss Hatel Crocker. Mrs. Mar
ln Io!ph. Miss Angela Kinney. Miss
Henrietta Eliot. Mtss Khoda Palling. Mwa
trve Falling. Mrs. Harry K. Kali Inc.
Miss Kate Facing. Miss Isabella Gauld.
Mtss Ethel Uordon. Mira Matda Hart.
Miss Margaret Hewett. MUs Mae Hlrscn.
Mim Clementine Hlrsch. Mrs. Hawley
.J toff man. Miss Marjwie) Hoffman, Miss
Jiorothy Holbrook. Mrs. Bruce R. Hon
evman. the Misses Honeyman. Mlsa
Oalre Houghton. Mlsa McOunnegle.
fcdss Dorothy Josselyn Mrs. James Mc
Ktnnon. Mrs. Carol Hurtbert. Miss I!se
Koehler. Mrs. Lester Kollock. Mrs. David
wls. Miss Jean M.ickensle. Mrs. Les
ter Stokes the Misses Eastham. Miss
Iwrothy Morrison. Mrs. Donald Munro.
the Misses Nlchnls. Mrs. Clifford Nich
ols. Miss Fsy Nichols. Miss llaxel Keeri.
Miss Nan Robertson. Mrs. Martin
Vchacht, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Miss Lesley
Smith. Miss Josephine Smith. Mrs. Pres
ton Smith. Mrs. H. C. Charters. Miss
Kitty Mac Master. Miss Oene leve Thomp
son, the Misses Weldler. Miss Evelyn
Wilson. Miss Caroline Wilson. Miss Milla
Wesslnger. Miss Florence Wolfe. Mtss
Lisa Wood. Mrs. Ersktne Wood. Mrs.
Berwick Wood Miss Dorothy Efflnger.
Mlsa Marguerite Hume. Miss bhanna
Cummlngs. Mlsa Mary Adair. Miss EMxa
beth Parker. Miss Luclle Parker. Miss
Jessie Mclean. Miss Ada Burke. Mrs.
Gladys Ross. Mrs. Hunt I -en Is. Miss
Pauline Parke and Mies Ethel Thomp
son, i
The opening feature of the past week
was the party given by the Monday
Night Dancing Club at Chrlstensen's
Halt. The membership list Includes:
Mr. and Mrs. F. IL Strong. Mr. and
Mrs. Sanderson Reed, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Brewster. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Pendle
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Talbot, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Alvord. Mr. and Mrs.
V. E. Grelle. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Page.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Whltehouse. Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Boise, Mr. and Mrs. S. O.
Keed. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burrell. G. O.
Pelgram, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lkdd. Mr.
and Mrs. James Canby, Mr. and Mrs. O.
U. Wight. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Llnthtcum.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Blddle. Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kunn,
Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Efflnger. Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Mac
master. Mr. and Mrs. M. li. Insley, Mr.
and Mrs, J. E. 11. Haw. Commander and
Mrs. J. M. Elllcott. Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Cronan. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Dolph.
Major and Mrs. J.-J. Morrow, Captain
and Mrs. M. D. Berkley. Major and Mrs.
J. F. Mclndoe. Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Ames. Mr. and Mrs.'C. J. Keed. Mr. and
Mrs. tJ. K. Wentwnrlh. Jr.: Mr. and
Mrs. J. il. Wilson. Mr. snd Mrs. K. W.
Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hawkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred If. Green. Mr. and
Mrs. A. ). Kats. Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Corbett. F. H. Robertson. Carl Spuhn.
Henry Teal. W. 11. Moore. A. I Glle.
Mr. and Mrs. E. CookitiKham. Dr. and
Mrs, IS. S. Whiteside. Mr. and Mrs. R,
W. Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. F l. Wheel
er. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Warren. Jr.: Mr.
and Mrs. K. C. Mrars. Mr. and Mrs. F.
F Hart. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Skene, Mr.
and Mrs. K. I'- Shevlin. Mr. and Mrs. K.
IL Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Honey
man. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Voorhles,
Mr. and Mrs. D. C Lewis. Dr. and Mrs.
R. J. Chlpman. Mr. ami Mrs. H. U Cor
bett. Mr. and Mrs- N. E. Aycr. Mr.. and
Mrs. W. H. Warrens. Mr. and Mrs.
Lansing Stott, Dr. and Mrs. 1L S. Nich
ols. Mr. ami Mrs. B. C. Ball. Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Kollock. Mr. and Mrs. C. II.
Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Iwls. Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Howard, Jr.; Mrs. Frank
Freeman. F. A. Klehle. II. C. Jefferds.
Rodney Gllsnn, C. B. tsewall. Mr. and
Mrs. W. H.-Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Wells
Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. H. I- Powers. Mr.
and Mrs. Iwrence Alnsworth. Mr. and
Mrs. D. tlilndler. Dr. and Mrs. E. J.
Lab be.
Mrs. James D. Hart entertained with
three tables of bridge Informally Fri
day afternoon.
Miss Sallle Lewis and Miss Henrietta
Falling were among the society folk
who entertained at dinner and at the
theater In honor of the appearance of
the Russian dancers at the Baker.
Both were hostesses Friday evening.
Mrs. Ernest Tucker wss at home In
formally to a number of her friend
Thursday afternoon. She entertained
at tea.
Mrs. John Claire Montelth gave a
bridge party Thursday afternoon, at
which Mrs. Frank Kerr held the high
est score. Other guests were- Mrs.
Ralph Wilbur. Mrs. E. Henry McCrak
en. Mrs. George Corner Mason. Miss
Lulls Hall. Mrs. John Keating. Mr.
James Ernest Laldlaw. Miss Camilla
Dosch. Mrs. Frank Kerr. and Miss
Elizabeth Sears from Vancouver Bar
rack. m
Mr. and Mrs. William f. Alvord were
liuau Thursday evenlug at a dinuvr lu
Donald Munro
Yellow button
honor of Mr. and Mrs.
I Miss Grace Warren).
crysanthemums formed the decoration of
the table about which were gathered
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Falling. Mr. nnd
.Mrs. Hawley Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Talbott, Miss Isabella Gauld and
Phillip Frje.
The first of Portland's society matrons
to make use of the. new cardroom at
the Woman's Exchange was Mrs. Theo
dore Wygant. who entertained Informally
last Wednesday with a few tables of
bridge. The honor guest wus Mini De
Hart, of Hood River who Is visiting Mrs.
Iroy Parker. The prizes were won by
Mrs. Leroy Parker and
E. J. Dcllart.
A distinguished visitor In Portland
last week was Senator William Alden
Smith of Michigan, who Is accompanied
on his Western tour by K. D. Conger,
of Grand Rapid. They were In the city
Monday and Tuesday and were regis
tered at the Portland Hotel. William
F. Stlne, who has been a close friend
of the Senator's for years, was directly
responsible for his entertainment. Be
side his several business calls the Sen
ator was the honor guest at a number
of luncheons and dinners at the Arling
ton Club, so his time was constantly
filled. Monday at luncheon he was the
guest of Mr. stlne, who also entertained
Mr. Conger, B. S. Josselyn, Charles W.
Fulton and Frederick W. Mulkey. In
the afternoon the Senator was taken
about In an automobile to the new resi
dence of Mr. Josselyn on the East Side
and then to Council Crest, where Sen
ator Smith expressed himself as highly
delighted with this city.' In the even
ing Mr. Stlne was host at. a theater par
ty, including; the Senator. Mr. Conger
and J. O. Klrod. who attended the per
formance of Do Wolf Hopper. Prior to
this engagement F. W. Mulkey was host
at a dinner at the' Arlington Club In
honor of the distinguished guest. Tues
day Senator Smith was further dined at
the Arlington Club, when C. W. Fulton
entertained Senator Smith. John M.
Gearln, Frederick W. Mulkey, Benage
8. Josselyn, William F. Stlne, E. D.
Conger. Whitney L. Boise. Theodore B.
Wilcox. E. B. liner and Elmer Dover at
luncheon. Again Tuesday evening the
club was the scene of a large dinner
when H. H. Josselyn Invited the fol-
I lowing guests to meet the Michigan
I representative: Judge William B. Gil
bert, Senator George K. Chamberlain.
Frederick Mulkey. Edgar IS. Piper,
Charles S. Jarkson. William F. Stlne.
Elmer Dover. Franklin T. Grlffth. Guy
V. Talbot. William D. Wheelwright.
Mayor Joseph Simon, Judge Charles E.
Wolverton. Charles W. Fulton, E. D.
Conger. Frederick V. Holman, Frank
Branch Riley and J. N. Coghlan.
The table decoration was a profuse
arrangement of huge shaggy yellow
chrysanthemums and smllax.
Mr. Conger and Senator Smith left
Portland Tuesday evening for Seattle,
where they were the guests Wednesday
of ex-Senator Wilson, tho first Repre
sentative from the State of Washing
ton. Thursday they departed on. the
Shasta Limited for the South to visit
San Francisco and the Senator's past,
ents in Santa Anna. Cal., whence they
will soon leave for Michigan.
Captain and Mrs. William R. Blddle en
tertained at the new lielllg Thursday
evening at the performance of the Prince
of Pllsen, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Edwards. Mrs. E. If. Brooke, of Wssh
bigton. D. C, and Colonel McGunnegle,
of Vancouver Barracks.
An Informal supper at the Portland
Hotel followed the theater.
The Auction Bridge Club wilt meet next
Tuesday at the home of Miss Elizabeth
Allen at East Washington and East
Tenth streets.
Mrs. Clifford Marshall entertained at
bridge Thursday In honor of MJss Grace
Stokes, of Astoria.
Yesterday noon members of the Ore
gon Alumnae Association gathered at
Tnll ft Glhbs tea room for luncheon, after
which the election of the following of
ficers took place: President, Mrs. E. JS.
The women's reception at the Arling
ton Club will be the! event of the week
and will take place Tuesday evening.
The guests will be received by the
president of the club, William D.
Wheelwright, and the vice-president,
Walter J. Burns. The doors of the club
house will open at 9 o'clock, when the
dancing will take place In the main
hall and In the domino room on the
main floor. Throughout the evening
from 11 o'clock until 2 o'clock supper
will be served In the banquet hall.
Next Tuesday Is the date set for the
appearance here of Madame Langen
dorff under the auspices of the Oregon
Alumnae Association.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox
and Mrs, Holt C. Wilson returned to
Portland recently after a fortnight's
absence passed at Del Monte, Cal.
Miss Ilsa Koehler was hostess Mon
day evening of a box party at the open
ing performance of De Wolf Hopper in
"A Matinee Idol." Miss Jean Macken
zie was the honor guest and the other
persons present were Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Koehler, Miss Malda Hart. Irv
ing Webster, Rodney U Glisan and Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burrell have
returned after a fortnight's stay In
Santa Barbara and San Francisco.
Mrs. J. P. O'Brien and Miss Lillian
O'Brien arrived In New York City last
Sunday, where they remained at the
Waldorf Hotel until yesterday, enjoy
ing the Madison Square Horse Show.
Yesterday they went to New Haven to
be the guest of George Stanley at his
fraternity house until their departure
for Philadelphia and the home of Miss
O'Brien's schoolmate. Miss Edith Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stevens, Jr.,
who were married In Chicago. Novem
ber 9, are at the Portland Hotel, as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Stevens, Sr.
A luncheon was given at tho home of
Mrs. T. B. Wilcox,. Friday afternoon. It
was most Informal and the number of
guests was small. . .
Miss Eleanor Laldlaw. of Spokane,
who. It wjll 1e remembered, took an ac
tive part In Portland's Horse Show this
Winter, was hostess recently at a the
ater party. She entertained half a dozen
of Spokane's younger set. most of whom
hawe visited In Portland. Her guests
were: Mrs. E. R. Week. Miss Eleanor
Welch. Miss Ruth Avery, Miss Gladene
Rankin, Mtss Kathleen Norman and
Miss Vera Scngfelder.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Ross S. Kings
bury (Miss Josephine Elllcott), who
were married In this city Wednesday.
October 1. instead of going to the
Philippines as they expected, have been
ordered to remain at the Marine Bar
racks. Honolulu, where they are at
present living at Young's Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury were recent
ly tile gUeSIS Ul me nicuuiioiiio I'-
ents. Judge and M- Kingsbury, on the
lsianu oi .vaui.
r-mnmonrier and Mrs. J M. Elllcott.
Mrs. Kingsbury's father and mother.
moved recently to tne jictormicii nouio
. r. . i r , . clmnn .l.iiat UnrllonH.
hi m r.noi puiuk'u -
where Mrs. Elllcott wl'l entertain her
moiner, .Mrs. iianca r. nimo..,
i,- ivini.r Mrs. Kllicott will keen
Thursday as her receiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Munro Mlss
Grace Warren), returned from their
wedding trip to Texas last Tuesday
and are now the guests of Mrs. Frank
M. Warren. However, they expect
. . .. (h.l, nwn hnmH on Tenth
soon Kr 1 1 . . " ' ' '
street between Mill and Market.
Miss Lulle Hall was hostess at an
Informal dancing party at her home
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. N. Teal entertained at lunch
eon last week In honor of Mrs. George
... cam MrE, 1urv Knell of Oak
land, Cal. Covers were laid for ten.
Miss Helen Teal of Hood River Is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. TeaL
Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison returned
Thursday from the Eaat after an ab
sence of two months.
?w '
Mrs. George W.-Snell and Miss Vary
Snell were the honor guests at a
luncheon given by Mrs. Henry E. Jones
at her home ' on Portland Heights
Thursday. .- Mrs. Jones' guests were
Mrs. Henry Page. Mrs. D. P. Thompson,
Mrs. Snell and Miss fnell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Edwards of Hay
Creek gave a dinner and theater party
Monday evening to the Portland and
the Helllg. They entertained Mr. ftnd
Mrs. L. Allen Lewis, Miss, Falling, Miss
Mae Failing, William O. Wheelwright
and Walter Burrell.
Miss Margretta Brooke was hostess
Monday night at a theater party to see
De Wolf Hopper, followed by supper
at the Portland. Miss Brooke's guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Lewis, Miss
Anita Burns, Miss Lisa Wood, Miss
Margaret Hewitt, Kenneth Beebe, Kert
Koehler, Fred Foster. Kirk Smith and
Andrew Kerr.
Congratulations have .been extended
to Mrs. Andrew C. Tanton over her
election to the presidency of the Port
land Rose Society.
Miss Olive Kerry, a debutante of Seat
tle, who recently visited In Portland
with her mother, "Mrs. A. S. Kerry, a
prominent society matron of the Sound
city, was the motif of a theater party
Monday evening when Mr. and Mrs.
Fred S. Stlmson entertained. ,
Kerry wax also tbe feted guest at a
dance given Wednesday evening. No
vember 9, by Mrs. A. S. Kerry at fneir
home on West Highland Drive, Seattle.
Mrs. Georgo Peters entertulned with
bridge both Wednesday and Thursday af
ternoons of last week. Her house deco
rations' were yellow chrysanthemums and
Oregon grape. Wednesday her Invitation
list Included: Mrs. G. E. Bruere, Mrs.
Richard Everdlng. Mrsi Herbert Holman,
Mrs. Ralph Meyer. Mrs. E. E. Lytle, Mrs.
George C. Muson. Mrs. Henry Mr
Craken. Mrs. Harry Coleman. Mrs. L. S.
Doble, Mns. T. A. Nltchey, Mrs. Sam
Archer. Mrs. William Wallace, Mrs. H.
I. Keeney, Mrs. George McBrlde, Mrs.
Henry Noble. Mrs. S. B. Schwab. Mrs.
Ernest Laldlaw, Mrs. R. J. Chlpman,
Mrs. J. Cretone O'Gorman. Mrs. Sam
Lockwood, Mrs. Frank McDonough. Mrs.
William Slnnott, Mrst George Hazen,
Mrs. Henry Frank. Mrs. C. K. Henry,
Mrs. Melding Kelly. Mrs. George Brown,
Mrs. R. C. Warriner, Mrs. Jesse Shark,
Mrs. Walter Mathewson, Mrs. W. E. Mc
Cord, Mrs. H. H. Northup, Mrs. Ralph
Mataon. Mrs. Frank Kerr, Mrs. Walter
Ooss, Mrs. R. R. Huge. Mrs. Lester Kol
lock. Mrs. Harry Humphrey. Mrs. George
Greene, Mrs. Roswell Swezey, ,Mrs. Sam
Stocum. Mrs. Ben Neustadter, Mrs. Ray
Warriner, Mrs. Walter Cook. Mrs. James
Ellis. Mrs. Frank Raley, Mrs. J. Sherman
O'Gorman, Mrs. Ray Matson, Mrs. E. P.
Thompson, Mrs. Lewis Thompson, Mrs.
H. E. Northrup, Mrs. W. J. Northrup,
Mrs. Rudolph Prael, Mrs. Reed. Mrs.
James Elliot. Mrs. Raymond Green, Mrs.
Dukenson. Miss Helen Van Schuyver,
Mls F. Doble. Mlso Senstacher, Miss
Mubel Goas, Miss Judith Scott. Mise
Helen Eborall, Mrs. John Peters, Mrs.
George Langhard, Mrs. L D. Peters.
Thursday Mrs. Peters entertained the
following guests:
Mrsi Horace Mecklem, Mrs. Elwood
Henderschott. Mrs. William Stalger, Mrs.
Irving Potter, Mrs. William Hendrlck.
Mrs. Lambert Dunbar, itsa. Arthur J
For proper table decorations our stock is more than
amply supplied with useful and attractive accessories
We are displaying the most complete variety in the city. Pat
terns comprise the best and most exclusive on the market.
in sterling silver, with steel-plated blades of the finest quality.
A splendid variety of styles. .. 1
comprising the most famous American makes. Patterns of the
most refined, which must be seen to be appreciated.
In Trays, Platters, Pitchers, Vegetable Dishes and other use
ful articles is the ideal suggestion for the table. Patterns are
of the best reproductions.
Known the World Over
Sole Agents for Oregon
283-285 Washinsrton Street, Between 4th and 5th.
Sprague. Mrs. Loyd WIckersham, Mrs.
Curtis Sargent, Mr Ben Berger, Mrs.
Xorrls Gregg. Mrs. Ralph Sutherland,
Mrsi Harper Skuse, Mrs. Arthur Derby,
Mrs. George Beach, Mrs. Ralph Hahn,
Miss Mary Slate, Miss Mayme West, Miss
Daisy Dean, Miss Persls Sargent. Miss
Mvrtle Schoefer. Miss Caroline Benson.
Misses Jacobsen. Miss Hilda Plummer,
OVi&a Nell Peterson, Miss Jessie Peterson,
Miss Hannah Connell, jfllss Eleanor Roth
ermel, Miss. Marjorle Noble, Mrs. Walker,
Mrs. J. Curtis Robinson, Mrs. Lawrence
Holman, Mrs. Bert rrwln, Mrs. Horace
Fenton, Mrs. James Ellis, Mrs. Henry
Frank. Mrs. Ray Matson. Mm Henry
Bigger, Mrs. John Peters. Mrs. Horae
Chapman, Mrs. Walter Gadsby, Mrs. Clin
ton Shorno, Mrs. Arthur Barendrlck, Mrs,
Ross Plummer, Mr?, Ben Morrow.
Hugs, shaggy chrysanthemums lorme4
the house decorations Thursday after
noon when Mrs. Jacob H. Cook, on
ftl fell
The last models recently expressed to us by our New York
resident buyer, reveal still smarter patterns, more clever work
manship and greater designing ingenuity. They appeal be
cause they are of distinct attractiveness, full of meritorious
features and moderately priced.
For Ladies and Misses, in serges, tweeds, worsteds and man
nish mixtures, strictly man-tailored, hand-molded front, well
shaped shoulders, distinctive outlined lapels; all hand-felled,
strictly masculine in every detail, reguation length coat,
lined with Skinner satin throughout; skirts made in the tube,
flare and cluster pleat effect. The best
value in the city. Now on sale at the
very low price .'
long coat:
in serges, Garfield cheviots, tweeds, homespuns, broadcloth
and fancy worsteds, skilfully tailored, lined throughout with
Skinner satin, some with selfsame collars, others with inlaid
velvet. collars of matching shade, mannish lapels, hand-felled
shoulders, molded fronts, full regulation length, neatly de
signed cuff effect. A garment of smart A m
appearance and good service. Extraordiu- jj f S3V
ary value,' on sale at the low price of....
Targe 3-piece silver Carving Set, fork, knife and steel, in
French gray or bright finish, hollow handles, A
6 different patterns to choose from ; worth $10. t--3
Special for Thanksgiving only at , t
Charge Accents Selicitei
WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. The Store Where Your Credit Is Good