9 EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY SECTION THREE Page 1 to 12 NO. 47. PORTLAND. ORKCiOV -SUNDAY MORNING, NOVE3IBER 20, 1910. VOL. XXIX. See Additional Advertisements on Pages 5, 6. 7. 9 and 11, THis Section-Special Announcement of Pure Foods, Pagejj Section 3-Avoid the Rush and Select Your Christmas Toys XNow, ay tor mem or naveinem "HL' "- ZZ V V TSue Greater Olds-W.orftmainiiKiBiig ales iim All Departm'ts St ws7 e" 1 A""- .:i.v.-f4 ill-:, v v i . . - Sale Women's Dresses $38.50 Values Now $18.95 We 'could devote an entire page to the description of this as sorhnent of women's dresses and then not tell it all. The i values are really astonishing. This is not a lot of left-overs, "7;V ''I I . I 1t..n Tliii- nwi 41m vnf nffoi A I ; V'' ' 's Mlf in unuii7i num. i iirj nv- mi. wj l.wt f IIia L'Aii.'fiti All iiAtr 11 tfrll I 1 1 tl i i fllf fllilllltf fctvlPS- V ' 1 1 V 7y Just the smart things that are hei-jy worn right now. The lS&ivI:('rIal, are voiles, peau-le-cygnes, plain and fancy aeo- FREE Mr -self-trimmed styles, etc., values to $3SJ0 for the special low price for this sale, at, only, ea $18.95 $7.5Q to $lQ Furs $5.69 $2Q Muffs and Stoles at $14,95 Australian Fisher and Fisher Wallaby Scarfs and muffs, tfg Q values $7.50 to .$10.00; special for this sale at, only, eachM, Sidney .Raccoon, neck-piece in the cape elfect, sable; opossum scarfs trimmed with heads and tails, river mink collars and muffs, all nicely lined with satin and well finished; regular d O QC $12.50 and .$15.00 values, special at, each f w Opossum Scarfs, very good quality of fur, lined with satin and trimmed with heads and tails, a fur that will Iar $20 value bargainized for $6 Petticoats Now at $3.49 A hlcnliI rry of rich color effects, chantre nblo and plain and two tones; every wanted rolor in the lustrous surface taffetas; rut full in the body with wide, full flounce, CJO with tucks plaits, etc.; $6.00 vals. PJi7 $6.5Q Fancy Waists at $3.29 An unusually early Christmas seasonjiaa been anticipated and we believe these Waistrwill make splendid gifts. Richtaf f eta, braided and tucked ;" beautif ullace-taimmed messalines; Dainty Net Waists in all colors: trimmed in laces, etc. Both dark colors and evening shades; regular values to $6.50, 3th dark colors ana evening (tQ QQ I, specially priced at, each g J,7 Petticoat Sale I .1 7L II. ..; . .v m-, o. v!ff n 'n ti 4 A af f- Ill'l L 1 "J llllhllllltr III IMIIIIfin 1111. At 1 v n u m M 1 It. i.dii ... r- , . e , : 3Fi,. this saleV c:,,:lfjr- fi Heatherbloom and brocade saune STA VVV Petticoats and Moreens, with the fhS' ,1 r' McGee patent adjustable yokes; the.; to VTilXv, best underskirts for common wear. in I j' W Winter; a good range ot colors, m- , t eluding black; values to CJO AQ A $4JjO; specially priced at p" Ml V mm r 'iff' ti Long-Distance Phone Service See special announcement of our free lonjr-dLtance telephone service on pavre seven, upper right-hand corner. I'artie livinir in other cities may order poods by telephone without extra charge. We have installed as a part of our own telephone system trunk wires which will connect with any exchange in the cities and towns mentioned in the telephone list. Great Sale Every SMit and Coat Is Reduce d "Women's Suits $32.5Q Values ecial SI 6.93 Every garment in our big second floor cloak and suit salon is on sale for this week at greatly reduced prices. Here's a line of suits which we are especially proud to offer. These suits are to be sold at $16..)5. If there is abetter line for the price west of Chicago or even in that great city or inall the country, we'd like to see it. They have all the style and fine points of workmanship that could possibly be nut into suits at $32.50. The materials em- ployed in their construction are diagonals. Broadcloths. Cheviots, Serges and mixtures of all kinds. The late style semi-fit ting jackets appeal to all women Just leave the fitti ..... ., - tf ; j pn who study the style books, ml? ng part to us. No sale is con- j sidered complete in this store until the cus- tomer is satisfied. The sizes range from 34 to of SKoes $5 Values $2.49 $7 Values $3.39 2000 pairs of women's high-grade Shoes are grouped in this lot; all short lines, whe're there are only one to two or three pairs of a kind or size. Also factory amples which are the most perfect tyjes of shoemaking. Valnes CO A Q up to $o.OO; special at, pair Women's Shoes in an endless assortment of broken lines and factory samples from the best makers in the country; made especially for people who fancy fine footwear. Regular $5.00 CJO OQ to $7.00 values; social, pair Men's Pumps $5 Values at $1.57 Men's -House Slippers and evening Pumps, in all colors; factory samples of Pumps in gunmetal and patent leather stock for party wear and comfort; slip pers for the home; $3.00 to fljf C7 $3.00 values; to clotie out, at 1QOO Pairs of Child's Shoes 91.5Q Vals. 98c 1000 pairs of children's turn sole Shoes in, black and red kid, button and lace styles. Laird & Schober make; shoes that sell the world over at QQ. a pair; priced special to close Ol Great Sale Undermtislins Regular $4.25 Gowns for $2.39 Regular $3.00 Gowns for $1.98 Reg. $8.5Q Combinations $498 Women's Gowns made of fine nainsook and long- cloth, trimmed in Valenciennes lace with Irish crochet medallions and beading; CO OQ ifi-Lf regular values up to $4.23; on special sale at the low price of VpJ' yl. LOT 2 vomen s Gowns made of cambric or long cloth, trimmed in y lit Vol !. mrA fin tftmhrnfdprv Art I hejirfinir: all ki run Tttm- T O J j I lar values to $3.00; on special sale at the low price of, each P O I' LOT 3 Women's Combinations made of fine nainsook; cor- C QQ 44. Regular values to $32J0 are priced for this Thanksgiving sale $16.95 Women's S.5Q Sweater 2.19 Women 's fine All-Wool Sweaters in gTay and white colors; V-neck and high collars. The best values, neatest styles you ever saw for the price. Do not ' fail to inspect these. ! IMliPlI Women's Coats $402 Values Sp e ci al $ 23.65 This Xovember month finds the cloak room making the most extensive display of novelties that ha.T ever been shown by the O. W. K. Store. The very new double-faced materials and Polo Cloths are in great favor. Tomorrow we will feature a splendid assortment of styles in the heavy plaid back materials with turn back cuffs and faced pockets. Plain coats and belted styles, cape effects, braided coats, coats with hoods, polo and auto styles and popular styled street coats. In fact all the late styles of up-to-date coats can be found in this splen did assortment. The mannish effects and Scotch mixed goods are especially attractive. rft $23.65 Don't fail to see them. Tomor row values to $40. Bargains $8.5Q Dress Shirts at $4.98 Women's Dress Skirts in Panama, serge and Venetian ma terials. Plaited and banded effects; the very newest styles, and all the good staple colors. Be sure and see this line. EAtire Stoch of Furs Reduced Select your Christmas gifts now and have us care for them till you are ready. $2QO Muff $15Q $2QO Scarf $150 High-grade natural Mink Scarfs, with long tabs, trimmed With heads tails, and 'claws; ;a regular $200.00 value, $150.00. Plain pillow muff to flVt Cfl Aft match; $200.00 value atPJVu". Sale Rug Muffs $lQO Values $75 $175 Scarf $131.25 .Very choice grade of .natural Mink, se lected skins, '.made up in the rug style, trimmed With heads arid tails;' regular $100.00 values; specially t7tt ftft priced - for this sale 'at P Scarfs 'in 'the natural' mink 'with long tabs, .cape ' effect, trimmed With heads and -. tails ; our regular (P I' 91 O C $17o values, special only y U x Austrian Chine Hill a $35 5carf for $26.25 $25 Muff at $18.75 ' . - -j - . 7 ; 1 ' ' i Austrian Chinchilla . Scarfs, made i with,1 insets of corded silk hands; a. very-new and attractive garment ; - best regular $;i.3.00 values, special at COfi 2'1 the low price of only, each Svl"' Muff to match, very. fine CI Q ?7tZ $25.00 value, special only V Sale BlacK' tynx $95 Scarf at $71.25 $9Q Mtiff at$67.5Q Large Black Lynx Scarf with two heads and four tails;- a rich, handsome neck piece; our regular $95.00 t7" OC value; special, only,, each P Muff, large pillow 'style, to match; very fine $90 value; on special Cfl sale at the low price 0fPu'V rkmu, iff k set cover and skirt, corset cover and drawers; $8.50 values LOT 4 Women's Combinations, in cambric and long cloth, trimmed in laces, embroideries, headings and rib- QQ bons; our regular $2.00 values; specially priced at "C LOT fi Women's Gowns made of fine cambric, trimmed in VaL and Torchon lace; Empire styles with wide P A Q ribbon beading; regular values to $2.25; special V-t"' LOT 6 Women's Drawers, of fine nainsook or long cloth, umbrella or circular styles, -with fitted waists; tO "1 O beautifully trimmed; actual values to $3.50 for .N Women's Chemise of fine nnality nainsook; rare novelties trimmed' in lace, embroidery and medallions; QO made with fitted backs; Tallies to $3.50; special P70 A Great Sale of Eimonos: Imported Garments From $1Q to $138.50 Flannelette Kimonos $4.5Q Vals. $2.39 Elegance incarnate! A new vista of Kimonos, creations of the, cloth and lace, wool and silk, etc. all beautiful as art itself. The finest imported garments, bought direct from the makers by our buyers who go abroad. France and Japan vie with each other in this great holiday showing. Delicate French crepes; house Gowns with overdrape of beaded hets, 1 J k. 4nmmorI lflfA MTI tn milfoil. AcCOl'dion plaited silks with spangled overnets, ribbon knots, and lace cap to match. Hundreds of richfljl ( 4 1 QQ Cf creations; priced special, frm3 1 U tO $ 1 OO.DU Flannelette Kimonos in the Empire styles or shirred in at the waist line. Beautiful floral and conventional patterns; cotton crepes, full loose Empire styles, some with gO Q, Q mandarin sleeves; some faced in satin; $4.80 val. S"' Newest Paris ian and Jap anese Styles