18 PORTLAND HOLDS LIVESTOCK TRADE friend. Try It c..d sea what happens. It was said In ancient times that he who will write this prayer to nine friends, commencing the day he or she receives thla. will experience some great Joy on the ninth day, and he who will not write It - will receive some great misfortune. It was said In Jerusalem that he who wrltea this prayer will be delivered from' all ail ments. Do not break the chain. Write one friend each day for nine days. Name a wish while writing. Sign no na me." In the records of the Municipal Court of last week, appear numerous com plaints of a woman who haa visited homes in the city and passed herself off as a priestess. Invariably after her visits articles of value were missed. It Is thought that a city directory is l.Mng used by the letter-writers to scare women and men to prepare the way for rredatory visits. On the other l and the work may be that of a harm less crank. The Government will In vestigate. Bargain Glasses ' "v V.-- Stockyard Report Shows Mar ket to Be Firmly Established in Northwest. AIC0A1 ... ; ,;" V . .. i HALF IS USED AT HOME - rfl - a j'h a.,'.,.,,, u M OVERCOATS Uanr Cities In Oreiron and Waah Inglon Look to Portland for All or Part of Supplier High Prlco I-cTfl I Filed. Tha anouaj report cf tha Portland Union Ftock Tarda Company, which has Just brm lenue-l. ahows that In tha peat xttr the comrur handled ltveatock worth J8.J36.00O. A total of M4S cara In and out la recorded. Half of tha toe If received at tha yarda waa taken kr l"eJ buyers, and tha remainder waa bought by packers and butcuers In tha JiorthweKt. Jrt!and la now firmly es tablished aa tha central livestock mar 's.t In thla part of tha United Statea. Arrampanrlnr tha report Is the fol lowing aiatement by D. O. Lively, eren ral acent of tha Stock Yards Cora janv: "In hanrtJr.tr you tha annual report ef tha Portland Union titork Tarda 'Company your attention la directed to 1 tha fact that tha value of the live stock received for enle on theae yarda for tha year endlnn October 30. waa 1.33S.(0.00. The total number of cars , received, aa ahown by the report, waa ' iS. of whl&h ISSO cara were shipped I oat. Tbla would Indicate that tha local (packer and butcbera used about 60 , per cant of the auppllea received on ' theae yard, while the other Bo per rent went to the packers and outcnera out aide of Portland. The total number of rara In and out Incident to the estab lishment of a central market at Port land waa I Hi. Thla haa no bearing on manufactured product arnica waa hipped out by Portland packers. .Market Well Established. Mora than 40 buyera took the aup pllea of the year. Shipments have prone out rrpularly to Seattle. Tacoma and Aberdeen, and butchera In the amall towna In Oregon and Washington have looked to thla market for a part or all of their cattle, sheep and hog; de mands. Thirteen commission flrme and order buyers have their offlcaa at tba Livestock Exchange building-. "The avrraice price of hog-s for the year la a record of which any market might well be proud. There haa never been a errand averaare of IlO.fO main tained anywhere else that there la any record of. The average weight of hKS for tha year Is also worthy of notice. Tha handling of cattle, aheep and hoga by boat Indicates that feeder, buyer and butchers take a part of their aup pllea via tha river." STREET VACATION OPPOSED nnnysldt Push Club Object to Grant to O. II. i X. Co. Proposed vacation of streets for tba benefit of tha O. It. A N. Company on tha East Side has met with firm oppo sition on the part of the 8unnyalde Push Club, which passed reeolutloae at a meeting held on November It. ap proving the artlon of the membere of tha Council who have expressed them selves agalnat tha vacation of tha streets. Tha resolutions passed by the club read aa follows: "Whereas. The Mayor and Common Council have under consideration an ordinance granting to tha Harrimaa syatetn of rallroada a perpetual vaca tion of-certain streets on the water front from East Oak street north; and Whereas. We understand that no pro vision has been made In aald ordinance giving the publlo tba light to paaa na tter aald vacated streets with a subway or to paaa over them with an elevated roadway or to have any rtgbta retained thereto except for the passage of sew ers, water mains, and conduits: and "Whereas. The membera of tha Com mon Council are divided In their vlewa of tha expediency of such action; there lure, be It "Keeolved. That it Is tha aeaaa of thla club that the perpetual vacation of the publlo rights In aald etreeta aa pro paed will forever bar the publlo from access to the waterfront for a consid erable distance In the heart of the busi ness district of the Hast Side, and Is not for tha best Interest of this city and should not be granted for any consid eration whatever; and be It further Resolved. That thla club heartily commend the action of the membera of tha Common Council who oppose 1 ula measure." EUGENE HOSTJN DECEMBER Orrgon-lilalio louns Mcn" t'hrls tiHii .MH'iulini Mocl. Ten years of aetavity by the Oregon iJaho Toung Men's Christian Associa tion will be reviewed by the annual LICENSE UNDER SCRUTINY Tnmwatrr Restaurant Keeper to Be Heard Before Committee. R. B. Pomsroy. who waa recently fined la Police Court for errvlng drinks with out taeaia In the Tom water Restaurant, will have to appear before the license committee of the C.ty Council tomor row to defend kta right to continue doing business. Chief of Police Cox was re quested yesterday by the City Auditor to have In attendance at the meeting of the committee the officers who have knowl edge of the cj so viet or Llcdberg, who was convicted of tha same offense, undertook an appeal to tha Circuit Court yeatercUy. Und berg waa fined tu and his reataurant liquor llcensu waa revoked. Hie cod ten-'' tlon Is that he was wrongfully convicted of selling without a licenew. in that ha waa the possessor of a license. It has been held by tha Municipal Court that the grill license la of no effect when Its) terms are disregarded. THIEF MAYJTRAIL PRAYER Official Believe Kellglons Letters Are Robbers' Trick. What la believed to be an effort to srouae reiigloua feeling that Portland resident may ba made easy victims for men and women thieves known to ba In the city, waa called to the at tention of Government officials yes terday. An "ancient prayer" la being circulated through the mailt, and In the letter accompanying It the atten tion of tha recipient la Informed that dire conaeqnencee will follow a re tfal to act. Tha letters bava no names signed to them, but declare that every person addressed shall either be a winner or a loser. A letter received at the Fed eral building yesterday reada: "Oh tiod. I Implore thea to bless all mankind; keep ua all to dwell with the. D.lt j,raicr waa sent to me bj a - - V '7-. B. U Sbaey, of Day-torn. O, Who Mill lie Omm mt Chief Soeak- era Befre Orrajeav-Idafea Y. M. I C. A. at Kusteae Deeemker 2, and 4. ... convention of that organization, which will ba held In Eugene December 2. t and 4. The first convention of the Oregon-Idaho organization was also held In Eugene 10 years ago. The convention Is to be addressed by many prominent speakers, among them three Eastern men of National reputation. These men are E. L. Ehuey of Iayton, Ohio, a member of the In ternational committee of the T. M. C A.: Charles R. Drum, who Is asso ciated with Fred H. Smith. Interna tional religious work secretary, and George B. Hodge, head of the Y. M. C A. educational work In North America. Others who will take aotlve parts In the three-day programme are J. A. GoodelU International Industrial work secretary: P. L Campbell, president of tha University of Oregon: Gale rca. man. Pacific Coast student secretary. and R. A Booth, of Eugene. Muslo will bo supplied at every meeting- by the Tacoma Y. M. C. A. quartet. The first meeting will be held Fri day afternoon, December t, and there will be morning, afternoon and night sessions throughout the next three days. A big Sunday afternoon mass meeting will be beld In the Eugene Tabernacle and will be addressed by Mr. Drum. The headquarters of the convention will be In tha new T. M. C A. building. More than 160 delegates are expected to attend tha various sessions. The Oregon-Idaho T. M. C. A. now has nearly 8000 members, whereas the membership 10 years ago waa only 00. During tha same period students In night classes have Increased from i;t to 1400. while the valuation of Y. M. C A. property has advanced from 1160.000 to 1710,000. BELLINGHAM CHIEF QUITS rollce Head Criticised by Mayor, Resign, Is Made Sergeant. BELXJN-OHAM. Nov. Is. FolIowWig criticism of his department by Mayor Demattoe. who Is abaent In California, Chief of Police Cade today tendered hla reslrnatlon to Acting Mayor Miller and demanded an Investigation of his con duct and that of the ctty'a executive. Miller accepted the resignation and Im mediately appointed Cade desk sergeant, a position he held nnder civil service rules prior to bis appointment as ciiex of Police. Tha Mayor left last week for Ban Diego on a fortnight's vacation. . From Ban Francisco he sent his Chief a letter declaring be had learned that undesir ables were being allowed to remain tn town and that gambling waa permitted. He Intimated that If such waa the case he would demand Cade's removal on his return. Cade declared in hie letter of resignation that If the city haa not been kept clear of undesirables the fault lies with tha Mayor and not with his depart ment. Cade's sucoesaor has not been named. Honeymoon Trip la Postponed. Alden M. Arnold, of Portland, and Mlsa Rose White, of Vancouver, Wash., were 'married Tuesday In the parlors of the Imperial Hotel. The bridesmaid waa Mlaa Laura K. Garretaon. or Port land, and the bridegroom was attended bv Arthur Gregory, of Seattle. Rev. Benjamin Young performed the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold have post poned their bridal tour unUl the Christ mas holidays and have taken apart- These are the lenses uauajly advertised as "K xeeptlenal t alara" hy the "Mry Goods Doc tor." They are tlie kind that have been apolled at the factory -. the grinding. They really have no value and would be Men at 10 renta the pair. More Mindnes Is caused from tholr use than from ail other causes combined. These are first-quality lenses. Focus directly in center. Hlgh lv polished and ground by skilled workmen. Thene are the kind we handle. Cheap g-laases are costly, as thore who have tried them know. They are n't only a positive In jury, hut it Is soon fnund that the monv spent for them haa been wasted, and that to obtain relief and satisfaction others must be procured. We Fit f; Issues According ta Mndrra Da-leatUle Methods, at Iteaaonable Prlrea and ftDsrai Irf Reliable ork. TUflMDwflM Eyigut liiumi uun s pecialist SF.COM) FLOOR CORBETT BI.DG Fifth and Morrison. Actual Matters of the Genuine Krypton: Lease. ments at tha Pare, East Eighth and East Burnslde. Anto Left Standing, Owner Fined. For leaving; his automobile standing on the street eight hours, Joseph O. Tremblay, a contractor, was arrested by Patrolman Burke and was fined CO In Municipal Court yesterday morning. Tha officer report'-d that the car had stood at Second and Alder streets from S o'clock to 11 o'clock FVIday night. Becker, McLaughlin and Sweeney s Dry Goods, Furnishings for Men, Women and Children. 441 WASHINGTON ST.. Telephone Marshall 2213. Thanksgiving uSI Until Thanksgiving day -wo of fer all Table Linens at a general reduction ' of 25 Per Cent less than marked price. Sweaters for Men, Women and Children, all colors, from 73 np. Men's Union Ruits in Austral ian wool, each $2.25. Complete line of eotton and woolen Blankets, Notions, Laces, Ribbons and Veilings. Agents for Redfern, Warner's Rnst-Proof and Thomson 'a Glove Fitting Corsets. DR. A. P. DE KETSER'S DRTJGLESS HEALTH INSTITUTE r . . .. . . . Chiropractor and Optometrist. Ileals as Nature hcnls, in accord ance with Nature's laws. Compelling the body to do its own healing with its own forces. .Yours for health's sake, DR. A. P. DE KEYSER," 704 Dekum Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. Wo fhMMtit. t IShop mh infe 6a&andi - 0d m and m WW, AM" i Ml ii - ii 1H 1 Hi IS m MOYEE Just as good in every way as those you pay $20 and $25 for in other stores. WE HAVE FIVE STORES WE BUY MORE CLOTHING WE SELL MORE CLOTHING ' Than any other store and are satisfied with smaller profits These are some of the reasons why we give BETTER values than any other store. 3d and OAK 1st and YAMHILL 1st and MORRISON 2d and MORRISON 89 THIRD r aWiif I Jr'i-'-V 1 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW TOR FLOWERING BULBS, ROSE BUSHES, SHRUBS, FEUIT AND SHADE TREES. We have a large and complete stock at our City Tree Yard, corner Sec ond and Main streets. Buy a nice fern or flowering Plant for Thursday. Go See It Today I '-:' I'ii . .lf;k 4M Muuiu';,'h";';i" r;;jBi:-' rVI V"A'jfiTlln THE UNTRUTH OP $5 GLASSES FOR ?1 EXPLAINED The trick is to attract people to eall for the $1.00 kind, and then say to you: "Your case is different"; you reauire irround classes costing from $5.00 to $25.00, or as much as yon will stand for. But you always pay more than is charged by the legiti mate optician. We fit glasses at lower prices than they do, in every case, make no extra chanre for examination and guarantee the work to be satis factory. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS SIH-Sia FAILING BLDO, Cor. Third and Waablnaton Mreeta. ecaaa Flasc. Was Elevator. THE THANKSGIVING DINNER Is the most important meal of the year and is all the more enjoyable if it is well cooked. Its preparation often gives the mistress of the kitchen no end of worry for fear the dinner will not come up to expectations. There are a number of articles in the culinary line that will greatly aid in the preparation of the meal. First of all to . cook the bird properly it is necessary to have a roaster that will do its work well and not require the undivided attention of the cook. We can fully recommend the Savory as one of the best one that will meet all the requirements of a first-class roaster. dcdPFCT SATISFACTION GUAR AM I tew To use a Savory Roaster means to have better nift more tcn- lasiwg "" . . der. more juicy and with leas trouble io For The Savory bastes and browns the meat or fowl automatically. And u all this with the "T" r -r. rKus saving you money on cheaper cuw oi . - every rchase. BuyonetodaT. WE ALSO HAVE THE LISK ENAMELED SFLF-BASTING ROASTER That makes an old hen taste like a spring chicken. You can cook any dish in a Lisk that you can cook in a casserole. It saves on your meats and makes better eating. Wefully guarantee both the .Lisk and Savory. . NO KITCHEN IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A UNIVERSAL FOOD CHOPPER A UNIVERSAL COFFEE PERCOLATOR . A CHRISTY MAYONNAISE MIXER A LIGHTNING CREAM WH1PPER OR A GOOD PAIR OF CARVERS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF COOKING UTENSILS HONEYMAN HARDWARE CO. FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON 4