it THE SUNDAY OR EG ONI AX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 20, 1910. RECORD HOP SALE McLaughlin Crop Is Sold to Lachmund. LARGEST LOT IN OREGON Inlrnnlrnr (irowfr DNpofd of 1C75 nlr at Trier He ported to iu I a 1-2 fni Ac.It iH'mand for Old T htp mrkt. after a nd riragKinc MM of rvut to Mka hat drtnty prune Into .-tivt. Tmn crlltin r- Urin m ttinM, It baa bwma Arm. Th lara, InfUvMual MMtt f Imp In ih -. that of ; a. M'-Lauahtln. of In lpftidm,. rntalntn 1275 b. -vl! TMfrJi f Lou! Ui'hmund. cf P.lm, Th prtr rrprtM In th local t ratio to b 13 rent, but th announrrtnrnt cm fftaiu Tndrpnl--m-. thai It a 13 rni. ? a f tHim tranathn around ratat Intarrat am on a d In Portland and 8 I'm. There waa much eurloattjr to know wbethrr tha purt hae m made f r 1'a.ul R. J. liorat. whom Ljm muoi rpra rnta or for otbr. Th lmprlon pre- raJ'a hra that tha bnp will b turned over to KUfr. Wolf . Niiff. It la known thai thla Arm bad prlou!jr an olTr n th hop. T. d A Co., laaac I'ln-ua A Poni, and other dvalera bad a:o figured on ii. t.t. Another lntrettna' feature nf tha market la ih demand that haa davrlp! for last Jara hop. Thy hita b-n avl'lna; at fx id a aprral aa compared Kith lh rurrvn rtp. and attracted tha attention of buyrrs. M rent waa the quotation on !99s laat wk. aa alnt IS rnta on I ft! a, but thla ma rain haa been reduced. Hal Hoi am yea frdar p.ti-1 11 v, renta for the Inif Mtnto ht of 7 h4'n of fn at Salm. Mr. Iloham'a total purbaiM-a of oM wer iV-O bales. Tha e?hr wr tmiirht at and 7 rnt. T A Uveal r "o. a-urrd H3 batea from Byron Sl'mcnmi'lrr, of am. at T cent. The Murphr Tnt of iot Lale of 1110 at St. Paul waa S0I4 TtT-lr. but tlie name of Ih bu?er r th prle were nor learned. Tral!nc un an artlte ai-ale im a I mo been resumed In Washington. MrNeff .Un. ya terOar bucht .172 bala of Yakima. In addition t 41 taRa ar-uretl In thia at ale. Klalr, Wn'f A Netter bought 1 1.1 balea fi m f.r liturgta. of Puyallup. at 1 rnt. T. A. Uvmlfy aV fo. bought tha Ier trjnd lot of 117 bale at Oletia. the J turd- en ..t of 71 bale at Yakltua and 63 bales from lun M Ionar!. of th same ptare. a!l at 1 tent. Ulrvsley a.'o soeured 1M bales 'w lri frum M lmaid- About 3H b.' Waningtrana wm shipped on consignment to Kiiglan! . aMfrnla advlrrs recelred yesterday vtat r.J rriat th- I hi manna have contracted 2"0 tu 3'o baWa of KuwUa Ktvers for threa years at ! tiantm. Tl KKr.Y KM'KirTH ARE IARGKB Lwral Hyr Holding; Off lot II riraC of tteek. Turkey recetpta y-stcrday. aa waa to do Prtcd. wrra fairly larce. Tha demand ou taa street wa amalU but tha market wa n-t weak and former aakfng prlreg wr r-picd. Fancy birds sold at 29 r c-nta. a con. la wero offered at 23 o .'4 rnta and culls wero quoted at SO renta Vany of th local mailer. aopecUliy the lrr Arma. bar secured their supply of turkeys in the country and thla has cut tha Front-street demand somewhat. It will also reduca tha supply on tha street. Tho smaller dealers ara holding off their aurrhaaea until Monday or Tuesday, la or dr to what turn tha market takes. Ha ports from Valley points wera that laattla and Pan Fraaclaco buyers wers In tha mar ket aa strong aa usual. There wag litila utaida Inquiry on tha local market yester dy. but heavy shipping orders ha al ready b placed, wbk-h will b largely tlld from today's recetpta, Tha Ilea poultry market was actlre and fairly steady. Practically everything re ceivad was diaposed of. , but It was neces sary to a had a price on chickens somewhat in tha lata afternoon. Tbo agg market waa firm, with aa actlvg demand for all kiada. No change wag re ported In tha butler market. LOCAL WHEAT FIUCES HOLD ItTEADY la 4 Kern and Trading; Is Light. A Ittita trading was under way In ths wheat market yesterday, but the demand wag not strong from any quarter. There aa no pressure to sell and tb majority I farmers wanted the prices that wars of fered !n tha middle of ths wwk, but wars no longer available. Ths quotations of tha dealers were unchanged yesterday from r rid ay. standing nt 78 cents on club and fcovSl cants on blue tern. Weekly foreign wheat shipment, aa re ported by tb Mertrhanta Kx change, wera: This wk. Last wk. Last yr. Russia .-'4'.u e.3j,vuu T.tkiw,u.0 Uaub ....... I. u4.iRH 3.o.(hm pi,0t0 lad la 1.1im.0u tdO.uvv iV.'.OvO Local receipt. In cars, war reported by ths Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 14 Jt f 19 Tuealay 7a a n y Wednesday . . . a X 3 4 Thursday ..... 7 4 10 Friday ." 3 jo haturday A 11 .. i Tr ago &; 4 12 4 1 Total tlna week 3m XT . 11 u Tear ago ..... 3am 43 3 '2 'JV Saeon to data.42o" r;.i 9'i 144 Sear ago &4 bo T37 fto3 121 CRANBLKUY MARKET I BEAK Local npply Is Too Large for Trad fie- The cranberry market haa advanced $1 n barrel In the Cast, but In spit of this fact tn-e local market la weak, as supplies) here ara beyond local needs. Tha top pries quoted on Front street yesterday waa f S 30 a barrel. tirapes wer In small supply and firm. Well.colored oraogrg sold wall. Apples were Slow. A car of celery was xeceired from Loo Angela and quoted at S3.&0 per crate. An other car la due today. A car of sweet potato- arrived last night. A large assort ment of Y?g-tMe cam np on tha Kos City, but must of lh lot was sold to arrive. Iw j cars of navel oranges art due today. Baa Clearing. Hank clearinga f tha Northwestern cltlea yesterday aer aa follows "learlnrm. Haiancea 17.1 71 IT'i rt.. v..;i Portland. . eattle. Ta -rn-. . . ipokano . 9 l-'4 I.'i;7.i.v; ;7o. i, Man clearings for Portland. rVattla and Tatoma fr the past week and corresponding week in lormr aar Portland. Seattle. Taroma. 19 1 $1 1-V $117 31 t 4A4.HS mj,s;h m.suj.s 4. a-ij ...... .Wo.SI.I P.ili.HH 4.a U . 10: i;t.4tti 7.4ij.4;7 4...;j.s: wH;.-. HUM J. 37 4.771.119 4. 3 . 1 ? I a. 1 . 3i3 4. C. 3'4 1?4 :i 07. -'. 4.7'O.rtJd 3.7.747 J 3,74.1' 4.0.!MJ 9,1:9.073 Oeatai. Flawr. FeeaV Kan. WHEAT Track prt: Flueatem, ole; riun. 7c : rad, Kuaaian. 7c. Vail ay. auc; -(o1d. 7c. BAKU.-Faod. f.0.600dU pr ton. ' kiUrLrFS Brao. . par toa. sld d ing. 411. short 4.7; rolled barley. 414 rLOl'R rater, t a 14.13 per barrel; tra'ghts. !4 1J4 1V aaoorta. I.I SO: Valley. 44 1. graft am. 4-44; wnola wheat. .aar- ( UAX Track prtcz T1atny. WUlaaiai si9) e.r too; Ka.tera Oregaa, ...f.tta. nr. :3altl: grain bu( i: Wh..:, til. e--cd. Ill per ;S per ton. OATS While, I .'TO Dairy and Country Prodoco. POULTRY Mens. JoMVsc; Spnnss. 13 13 'c; duck, whit, isc; geaa. Uc; tur kry. live. 2ig dreaaed. choice, So ( :i',c; seconds. 24c. culls. squabs, ft. per dosen. ; ;!i 4regon ranrh. candled. 42 wr; Kkatrrn. Aprils. Icj-C P"r duzen; laat arn fresh. S( 37 'c per dosen. bl'TTLH lly erea n-rv. aoild pack. 3o per poaiad. prima. 370 7Ho per pound; autald creamery. 333ftc per pound, butter fat. ICQ per pound, country stor but:r. 2lr?.V- par pound. CHKfc.SK Kail eresm. twins. 17l.w per pound: young A m -1 c a . IS v HHo. PORK Fancj. lOijllc per pound. VKAL aucy. I to 1- pound. IZ9 tic per pound. Vecetable and I rulta APPLES Kir.r. 40 u 7"c per box; Wolf Hlrr TV 1 1 . Waic-n. hie u Baldwin. 7:c0 11 N.rtnern Spy. 7$123; Snow. r ;ltf spitsenbei'. $l ow2. Winter Banana. 31.73 tf.3u. SACK VbiikrAiiLKS Carrot. fltfl-33 hundred; paisnif. Hull' turnips, $1. .-,:tW.N f Ki i I S Pears. U.23t2 par bos; gran-. $I.-T.S 1.36 per b; crau beriie. per barrtl. quln"ea, i -t . ' pvt bo; iiuckl'-oerris. per ;nu. peraitnmona. 91 per bos. VK'iETAMl.fc. Beau. 10llc per pound; .-abag. j lo per pound; cauliflower. i aitfornla. $.3 per crale; vet y. Cali fornia. 3J rto per crate; cucumbara. $2 per cmi'B. littl e pet mi. if in)i:e per lb.; green onlona l'HJ per doc; peppara c per lb-; pumpkins. lwl Pr It., radlahea. 132oc par usn. aproura. 7Sc; aquaan. 14)10 par lb.; tomatoaa. tl.- P-r boa. THOPH'AL FRT'TTS Orange. navels. 3.-'.' per bos; Valcnclas. H SO.j4 ,5 1-tuor.a. 3l.rOfl7; Florida grapefruit. S3 ,V bananas, 3c p-r pound; pineapple, no per pound; pom granatc. i jf p-r box. l'l'TATKfc.6 Uregon. L.2a1.3S par bun dred : tweet Dotatoea. 2 Sac per pound. uNlo.Nb urtiua, bujiug pravo, 4i-10 Sv bund red. erararte Dried rrmlta. Kla DRIBL KRtlT Applaa. 100 Bar soaa4 earrauia. likalA; uricota. HO 14c: dataa. Te par pouad. buia, .ana or time, ar aa. 7 vs.; fiba. 41.0 l-il; 13-Wa. t, Al.iiiN Columbia K r. 1-pound talla IXlv V doaen; 3-pouad taila. XN; 1- poand (law. 2-; Alaaa.a p. ok. tail.. II; r.O. 1 -pound lalla. l.MUDd talla. ii. l-poa4 aookajre riiiPF.ii Uorha. 24 J 2a Jaea. ordiaarr IT02UC: Coala Klca. raocy. lRfri'Oc; (ood. It.lsc; ora.uarr. 12 aide per i-ound. K.I1T M aiauia. ITaiac par pound. Br. mt i .mi nal. rillMria. 14 c 10c; alisoada. 1 Ik, ixuna, lUc. cocoanuu. UOcll paf doaen; cOealuuta. I o per pouuu. fcal.T oranulated. alS per loo; half ground. lOoa. s M par ion: eOe. par ton. KtiNit-small wnua. be: - lara. while. Uc. Liiii a. a a: pink. 7 i rad aiaalcavaa, TWA K. V..H . KlCa Mo. 1 Japan. 4e: cheaper gradea. u jai.: tioutta.rn bead. akSIo. atO.Na.1 Coolca, 13 7a par caae; atralnad. THo per pound. firnift lr aranuiatod. fruit and berry, tati b.i l.4u: extra c . S6 10: aoldan CL. j. yellow U. t-t-WU; cub .a barrel. K 11 W; la .V Terma on ramittancoa wlln in lo dajra. deduct 4c per pound. If later (ban 16 and unin 30 d.ya. deduct fee par pound. Ka.a ausar. IGilsa par pound. rroTlatona. HAMS 10 io li bounda. 19n: 13 to 14 PuuLda lt,c; 14 tu Id pounda. ISc; la io m. ir17So: ekinned. loc: plcnioo. ia... .-nlU.. rail IV UACO.v Kamjr. io; aiandard. 0o cholre. ZdSac: tnzlleb. 31a. eoKcL MliAI! Heal tonaiuaa. T; dried beef teta. 33c: outaldea, none; aldea. 23c: knucklea 21c LKT BA1.T CLii ED Uerular ahort clear a. try lSVte: tmokxl, 17c; backs. Ilfht. amit. l&He: amoked. 17c: backa. heavy, aalt. lc: ia,c; export belli, a. aaic. Itlr: amoked. lc- LAPI Hi. kettle rendered. lSae: at ana ard pure. lSi.c; cnoick, liWc; abortanlng. lions. Weel. Hides, t'.le. Ilors lulo cmn. llulac: 11V9 crop. a Tc; vlda. nominal. WttuL K..tetn Orrfftn. IBtflTe Pound Valley. 17tjllc per pqunrl. MlfAIK liotte. j.'vlc per pound. I'AH'AKA 11A11K i-c per pound. HIDES Mailed hid -a. c per ponnd: salted air. Ilr. salted kip. Ho; aalted ataxa. . .rMit bldea. lc leas, dry btdM. li.4 c: dry ca:f. 17.IHc. dry atuxa. lltflic. I'EI.Td Urr. Mc. aalted. butchers' take-off. 40 o Tic. fcpriua lamba. ZSejtoc. I.INSKED Oil. Pure raw In barrel.. 11.07: kettle bmied. In barrela. al.ou: raw. In caaea. 1.1J. kettla boiled. In caaea, lota ot 0 galena. 1 l9m per gallon. TtKrBMiss la caeca, ii; la wood karreia. 'Wa BENZINE I'nloa benxlne In Iron drama barreia. ISfeo: anion .beruttne In caaea 3-5a 13mi bauea Move dietlUata la Iraa) drama. To. COAL OIL Pearl oil la canes, ISe: head- llaht. In eaaaa, llSt'i aecina. la ra aa. Sim; Hialna. In caeee. Iv; extra atar. la smeea. ; water w Ulte. iron barrela, 10we: bead- llaht. Iron barrela, llao; apacial W. wnua, Iroa barrela. 14c GASH GAIN IS LARGE XEW VOHK BANKS' 'SCRPLUS RAPIDLY ICRK.SIXG. bunds mt m llixhrr Klxrure Ttiaa SliRf the Middle of Septrni.H-r. IxMina MIed Down. NEW TORK, Nor. Ift. Th statement of clearing-nous banks (or the neck shows hat th banks hold S17.77.1.O00 more than he reiutr-ments of th 2i per cent reeerv rule, this I an inrreaaa of 4l0.atv2,0K) in ht proportlonnte cash reaerv aa comoarad with last aeek. lb following ta th Near York Cleaj-lng-Houae summary of th weekly atatement of bank for tb week ending No. vsmber J, li10: Uatir averagt. lnrr..a l.iM.T.oQ,ono f; o,io l-pbita ........ 1.170.31.V4MNI 2.71'l.t rvuiatlon ...... 4...H.(h 8.6"U.IJO lO.-'.'al.tHrO ili.eiolAfO r pet la , tender .... !4a.3.'l.lHM 7.'eil.(NN H Ii.;,., j,o.pfi 17.77S Krve Keawrv roqulred Surplus E. V. S. depoett. In. 1 v'i.OW Actual condition thts d.ty n l.l,',t.!7'J.t0 epnalts 1.177. l:t:t.oiO 4.73t.iMNl 'J V4a .ikn ..".". l.iaa SKl.ttVi.tNHi ltt.7t"e..0 I'M, I 1.VM trcttiaito. . . . . 10,10 i.aii.iHK) I.0.T;I.inm1 1.fa..'H0 7.14.4H0 tSpevIa ...a k1 tenders ... ra-rv rWaarv rrqulred K or plus H-L. r. rtepoalts 7.178.iOO Siat banks imf trust coraiania of GrAir New York not reporting to tho clearing house lkttnt ......... 1.10i 7.72 W es.7.onO l.'.tMe...WU l.l.d.(MH hpcie egal tenUt-r Tot.tJ deposit lacraasa. Th Financier a lit say: An unexpected cash gain of $9,021.40. or at least thre times in axevsa of a hat the known figures earlier In the ne-k Indicated, brought about an Increase in the surplus re serve In th Near York bank of 17. 142. 0m). according to th statement of actual coudl- lon 1 sailed Saturday. A a result, the eur plu above th 2A per cent reserve minimum now gi.oi.Via. This U the largest surplus recorded sine he middle of eseptember. when the banks wera preparing to meet crop requirements. nd la mr than twie aa large aa the aur- plu for th corresponding date a year ago. Loan snowed a smaii reuuction in tho ctual statement of IM?.?. although in statement of a a the loan shrink age is given at gi i.suj. ik i itia proiaily reflfbcta "jxTiiUmi noted In th previous ac- ual statement. At any rate, th surplus, figured on sver tanda nt 4 17.773.n2.".. or about 42.000,- m below the real surplus reported by tha bask on Saturday. It la rsthi-r Interesting to not thai th shrinkage in loan waa nut confined to tha clearing -house? banks, but s tended to th trust companies and out do Institution, which, according t- the taiement. reported a deereas of 41.75.0 loans nnd a decrease of n little larger mount In deposit, together lth n shrink go of ll..'1-MKtO In cash. The statement, taken as n whole, fur shadowa an xtrenely comfortable position In tb money market. New Tark feltM Market. NEW YORK. Not. 10 Cotton futures rlceed barely ateady. Cloaina blda: Novem ber. 14 ?tc: lecember. Itllc. January. 1424c: Feorvlary and March. 14.42c; April. 14. 4. y May. 14 3ic. June and July, ll.ilc; Auauat. 14 2"-C. s,Mt fl'1 quiet. 3 potnta higher. Mldup landa. 14-i.'.'-: mldsulf. 14 Svc. No aalea l otton rtp.p1 ateady. unt-hansed to a de cline of T polnta. and elnaed barely ataady. net aAChanged to I notni. lower. 1 ADVANCE IS STEADY Stock Prices Are Lifted Small Dealings. on TRADING IS PROFESSIONAL Inlon Pacific and Steel hell nt the JliRhot FiKureH on the I'rct-ent Movement and Read Ins; Is Not, Far Hehind. NF W T'RK. Nov 10. The stock market re sinel its professions I limttat tons tods v. hit prices continued to advance 1 nlon Pacific and I'nlted Ptats Hteel practlralJV roM. to the highest price on the present movement and Reading was not far below. Tha Indications of easing money conditions mad a sustaining In flu nee. The current money movement toward New York w aa regarded aa ending the crop moving re quirement of the interior, and foreshadow ing a recuperation of reserve holdings of the New York bank. Th private dix-ount rat receded In ln dop. The pnlifT-al prug ram me In tireat flrltain. by pro Ming for hud get net Ion be fore the dissolution of rarllament. takes from the situation the factor which proved disturbing In last year crisis. The feature of the bank statement wss th heavy transfer of deposits and loana frum trust companies to clearing-house bunks, occasioned by th decline In Interest rait during; the week. There were de creases In th weekly averages of "other bank and trust companies" of l).o6n.Kit0 In deposits. 41M.7M..6INI In loana nnd 41.tH. soo In cash. This transfer seema to have ben neutralised In the actual showing of the clearing-houee banks by on con tract In other quart era. so that the loan Inert-use. only reached the nominal sum of I i..J.7t)L Kvtdeiiily the shifting from th trust ciTipnia did heln to bent-fit th ca-h showing of tha hanks, the actual cash lncrast f.f over 4d.0oo.00d comparing with prfliminary eatlmates of only $5.O)0.000. Bonds wre easy. Total sales, par value. 1 Irtniroo. I'nlted Ptat" bonds ar un changed on call from laat week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sales, "ioo Kid. Allla dial pf.. Amal 0pper . Am Aicrlcult .. Am i-UKar Amorlrnn Can . Atn Car A Kdr Am I'ottiHi OH. Am Hd I-t pf Am l,o ,-curl. Am I.lnaeed . . . Am l.tM-omuMYf. Am Kmvl It, f fio prff-rreti. . Am iteel Fdy.. Am Suicar Kf. Am Tel Tel.. Am Tnliarco pf Am Vmlon .... Anaronria M t'o Alehlaon do preferred.. At! Coae: I.lne. Halt A Ohio ... 11,'thleltem Slrt ItrooK H Tran.. 321, ill 4IS 7'1 Jon "IIO uuu "io " 3"t 4.nri I'M) "iiHj l.lou V.3i0 riHi lii 2a a,i- 4i.l 4'IU 111 r..-. i; 2:1 1H 12 3H xiS JII0 47 1 III 143 yr. 3--Vi 42 W Jill 101 118 107 '4 32 S 1 " !l Canadian Vnc . . Central leather 34 do preferred.. Central ol N" J. lll;4 i.h.-a me Ulllo . . CMcaxo & Alton Chi Ot Wat... 4S 4 SlH 1NI 23 S do preferred.. 4 14 Chuaco N W c M nt r . . 123 5a C. C. C Ht I- r-nl Ftl.l & Iron "fl 4 outhrrn. t'onaol aa .... Corn frcMlucta.. 1I aV lliKlnon.. UAH ;rintl-. 07 j.(wh 33 S 130 1'IS 1 TO 33 do prererroi.. fitetlllcra' rtecur H4 Erie l.VOO IH " 'r"ii l.OU ' "7 (Ml 1.1'HI 4iH i mo B.3UO 3IS do 1st pi .... do - I Pf 41 K7 1 r4 '4 tSen Klrclric . . Lit North pf .. 123 North ore.. Illlnola Central. 1:14 21 Int.-rbor Ml .. do pn-lfrrert. . Inifr Harveater Inter Marina Pf lut-I'apcr ..... Int I'ump ..... Iowa Central .. K O Houthvrn.. 112V, HI 4 12 44 211 .1.1 '4 ln4 14H1. 2S do preferred.. Ijii ledo Caa . . . l.ouia Naab... l.fXIO 4 HI "iixi l.luo "0110 7uo l.aiai I'M) Minn PI 1, .. M. 8 H ft r S M 1.14 H.- Mo. K in 41 Tex do prwerrea. . Mo 1' .... Nut lllacutt ... 112 H..S 114 43 US 4 ll'i 3114. 1 21 . llHi V Wl 20 84 Vi 104 5. 3S 1M44 34". U74 83 S 7 b 41 V4 2rt 3t4 Dl 4 11S 27 till. 37 W 27 V 24 r. 17H4. 8.1 Aa S3H MS 1174 Ml t3. 174 374 47 71 71 National lad . Mel N Kr Z pr N T I'entral . . . N y. unt at Wea Norfolk 4k Wea North Am Northern r ac .. Harlllc Mall ... rtnnprlvanla .. reople'a Caa ... , 2.K i" 1H) (CO C C M U. IMttaburff Coal. Hneaed d Car.. lliO . T'KI J, HI o II Ml Sort 9.000 ""00 """206 'o'.50ii Pull Hal Car.. ley Pteei epnnc Heading Hf public Fteel.. do prererreu. . Hot lalanil ... do preferred.. Ft L a 8 r 2 PI L. Mouthweau do prt'frred. . Bloaa fhefTleld . Houthern fao .. Southern Hy . do preferrea.. Tena Copper . . T.I 1-acinc. Toi. St L a Wea 1.IMMI .1iH Vial .VXI 31.4o 210 ""iikI 4S.MK 41 Nt l.fliKI 1.1O0 IH) .1HI 1IX) 200 do orererero.. Union r'aciflc .. do nrefrraa. II a healty ... . U ft Rubber .... U 8 fcleal do prerersea.. Utah Copper . . Va-car. Cham. Waoaah do preferred.. Western ld . . . Weatlna Klec W.atern Union.. W heel ALE n m Total sales 'or tha day. 3O0.40O auarea. EONDd. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. Cloln quotationa: U. B. ref 2a r.B.l.N-. x. t. do roupon . . ,.. "V,V. ....... U. l. la re 101., .No. ractur a. dO Coupon . . . Il H4 j ni"H ra. ..v. t V. 4S r.ll W1- -enirai aa. w do courion ...ii; lapaiie.. .... 4 D. a H. O. 4a. W4u, . - Meaey. Kirhane. Etc. NEW TORK. Nov. 1. Money on call. nominal. Time loana easy: u cava. i- per cent; XI das snd six months. 4b 044 per rent. Prime mercantile paper. SbU per cent. ierlln excnanite ateauy, wmi uiu. neaa In bankera' blila at 4.8i V 4.S21S for - y bllle and at ror aemano; commer cial hllla. II 14l.SlS- liar allver isc Mexican dollara e. ' Honda Ooeernment. ataady; railroad. ateady. LONDON. Nov. It. Bar silver Steady. 3SSd per ounre. Money 4SV P erceni. The ra4e of discount In tha open market for ahort bills la 44 per cent; three luunths bllle. 4 6-14.4 7-14 per cen?. BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 15. S.terllnx. CO dav,. t.t2; ilghl. 1IXS Ursfts Sight, par: teiegrspn. Jc. CHICAGO. Nov. 19. Klchance on New Vol k. 10c discount. Condition af the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Nov. 19. At the begin- nine of buslneea toiluy the condition of tha nitMl llat-a Treasury waa: Working balance In Treasurer a office . .I2.ut0.340 i banka and Phlllppln. treaa- ury 33.3V8.130 Toinl balanra In tha general Tund B.T4t)7.4 Ordtnarv receipts wer. 2.243,819 ordinary dis- estenlay. with bursemeeils or .... The deficit to date Is 13.0o7..VU t this time laat year. sxalnet 127.440.121 Theee fleurea do not tnclud. Panama Canal and public ueoi tranaactiona. Cf fee and 0nar. NBW YORK. Nov. 19. Coffe. futures closed firm at a net sdvsnce of 18 to 21 points, with all tha active niontha making new high record a for the movement. Salea wera reported of 7l.on bags. Closing bids w.ra aa folloe-a: November. Decenlber and January. 10.1&c; February, 10.10c; March. Id IV; April. in.lOc: May. July. August and Beptember. 10.21c; October. 10.2AC. alpot coffsa firm; Rio No. 71 aaavat. js. 4 High. Low. 'ii" '70s 'ass lila 10 nr. 1, r.4 i ." U4 '.a "i'a 'iusl ' 411 i 'in" 2'a '?4 Jiirt 100 11" m 'ii-is io4a in4 101 la ni 1 in 1 r.i 107 i 10; '4 S3 32:s JM 7nj H IllH 34 -a 34 'UK "Ai" 'i:i;; 'ii 47 47 b 14-1. 147 14V 131 i K UO 1.16H' 13.-, S iii" Hi" 'ki siVJ 4!4 411 ij-iW iiii'-i lIU bit 1. 'iis "iMH mis 111 UVVa 'iivi ' 44 43 "si" "si" ioS iors" 14S l4 ii:." 3o 34 'tiil" 'sis 112 111 'ias '"S 114S Ha 43b 43S ail's 3" T 130 s 12U' 20' "2014 mi, 33 s Kir. in& ad S:.' ir.4 a:.4' s S Uti n7 s 34 S 8o)a "ii" "ii" "eis 'ii" iis' iisa' 'ii s 37 s 2H 2S 24 S 24 67V IVtiS 17'J 121 3 2S "ill " jo ' ". S7S "4 117S 117S 34 IS U' W "2. 1 1H S4 37 ' 47 47 71 71 F.nrn. 18 c; xnlld coff firm; Cordova, 14 i i.-k-. Flaw aucar. .teadr: MuK(na(1& .K? te,t, 3.37c: rrntrifuxal, iJ teal. 3 S7r; molae atiaar. .Sll tet. 8. 12c. Keflned. ateady rruahed, 3.30c; granulated. 4.k-; powdered, 4-iOc Stocks nt Boston. ROflTOS, Nov. 1. closing quotations A Iloueg Amalp. Copper. . A. Z. I. A i?m., Arizona Com. . . Atlantic B & C C & S M. Butte Coalition. C'al. at 4r1ztna. 44 (Mohawk 49 70S Nevada Con. ... 'Jt Si .Nlpffaing Mines.. 10 is iNorth Butte,. ... 3 THINorth Leke H lt;;oid Dominion... - 20 Osceola l.'IO'i iV. iParrott-S. A C 12 ial. A IfeclaN. kjulnry Centennial 1S shannon Cop. Ran. C. Co, 7i (Superior R. itutta .'I.- M. llirSuo A Bos lltn 77 It 47 Franklin J 1 Sun 4 I'ltt Cop. H Glroux 'on 7 1 iTamarack kJ Granhy Con. ... 4. (L. S- S. F. M.37 Oreene Cananea. do preferred .. 47 I. Hovale k'od.i ""H !Ttah Con 1 Kerr Lake 7a;Ctth Copper Co. Lak Copyr.... P. iWinona M I- Halle Copper 7S Wolverine 1-5 Miami Copper... -tai Chicago 1 Hairy Produce. CIIT'A1 . Nov. IP. Butter Steady Creameries. 24a3,,-c; daine. 2n2c. I-'vars Hteal v. Receipts rases; mrk. cftse Included. 11 tf-e-Sr: firsts, '.ic; prime firsts, lilc. 4 heeiie Steady. Palsies. 1 ? f Tnina. II1, i HHc: Young Americas, lbW 16c; Long Horns. Inc. ELEVATORS ARE BUYERS STRONG DKMAND I-Xlt VIIKAT 1IIGIIKK I'KH'ES AT CHICAGO. Much CovrrliiR bjr Shorts and New Invct-lnifiit HuyiiiK May Closes Threc-Quartcrs Vp. rinrir.n Vci- 19 There w.a a cren deal nf covering lv nhorta snd nlso much new Inveetnient credited . to leading ojicra' tors In wheat todav. The Iwccmher .l llt.rr wa. Iti fl.mHnrI hv elcvnt nenDle and at a narrow difference. fash wheat, too. devoloed Improvement. Ship' menu from here were renorted as the larfr eat in anmctime. Altoirother. the market ap peared ahout as strong today as It was weak yesterday. The only exception came during s brief period early when prom-manm temnoranlv nullified the upward wnnrn nf niiot nt tona. M :.v from II."7. 41' pile to Bi!c and closed Sc net higher at Oft a: c Corn waa weak until In the lnat hour. when the market rallied with wheat. May fluctuated from 40Sc. to 4B-T4 T 4lX.c. do In. .I..,lv a. Jit.. m net vultl of II hud fash corn was weak. No. 2 yellow finished ar r." r."j i-c. Oata followed the changes In corn. May sold between 3344c ami 3:t'4c with las tranaactiona nt the last-named figures, pre ciceK- i,m an m. ?a hoiira nerore. There waa m lnte rallv In hoc products. The end of the day left pork 6 to 7 be more einen-lve: lard 2i4e hla-her to 2nc down, and rlha nt an adance of 2 14 to ,1c. The leading futurea ranged as follows WHEAT. Open. ' High. Dec $ .SOU .! Msv i. .!"4 Low. S .'4 .91 .92 b .41b .IS .471. Close. t .i July 13 .S3!. CORN. Dec 44 '4 .45 May 4't .4Kb July 47,S .7S OATS. Iec .30b 30b Mar 3SS ..1::7. July 33S . .:;4 MUSS PORK. .93 .4i;. .47 .SOL .33 a .33 .34 Jan.. . May.. 17.22b IS. 24 17.3& 16.39 17.2!b 16. : 17.32 b la.2 LARD. No. 10 HI1 lO.SO II) 4S 1S.50 Jan S.SS 10.03b 3b 7b May 9.44 t.40 9.42b 9.47b SHORT RIBS. Jan 9.12b ln 9:0 May .. a.2b S.SJb i'-ati n,iulon. were aa follows: Flour -steauv. Winter patents, $4.10 ; atraights. J.744 30; Spring patents. 94.23(1 4.4.: stralglUS. Il.nHU l il uaaera, 41. -'.', U 4.4 j. K. Vn 7Xs7IIUe. Harley Feed or mixing, 6087c; fair to choice maitiiiK. sic .... Flameed No. 1 Southwestern, $2.54; No 1 North weatern. 82.40. Timothy Mil $9.60. Clover $14.30. I'ork Mesa, per barrel. $17.SO17.. l.ard Per 100 pounds. $10.40. Short rib. tildes (loose!. 49310.). r.rtln atatlatlcs: Total clearances of wheat and flour wers eaual to 3 u, 010 bu-hela Primary receipts were 20.000 buahela. compared .with 8u 110 buahela tha corresponding day a year man Katimated recelnta for Monday: Wheat, lv cars: corn. 231 cars; oats. 130 cars; hogs. tn.OOO head. Receipts. . .. ;n.i ... 27.400 ...32S.5K0 ...232.200 2.000 . .. 70,600 Shipments. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels . Corn, buihela ... Oata. bunheis ... Rye. buahela Barley, buahela 30.(00 203,500 229.1 00 42U,SO0 ' i i.Voo (irmln at 8.B KAN FRANCISCO Nov. 19 Wheat and barley Steady. Spot quotations u i,..,Khi, 11 4fclf 1.50 ner cental. Uarlev Feed. 41.01 V l 1.02 b per cental; brewing. 81.94 1.07 b per cental. 1 m t. He. I Il.imui.iO per cental, "ihib. 81 43ul.40 per cental; black. $1.30(1.45 per cental. Call board sales Wheat No trading. narlev December. (1.03b percental: May, $1.99 aaked per centaL oropeaa Grain Markets. 1 ivrnvnuL Kov. 19. Wiieat December Ta: March. 7s 2d; May. 7S aria. westner cold. ijVDOJJ.- Nor. 19. Cargoes firm. Walla u-.ii. .hintnent. 3d hlaher at .f.iS UU. Knallah country roarsoia. geueraiiv wu dearer; French country markets, steaay. Minneapolis W b neat Market. uivvb IPOL1S. Minn.. Nov. 111. Decern h.r xi 02s til. 02i: Msy. nii; .no. 1 ...! iiiir.1.' No. 1 Northern. 11.04 S W in.',- No. 2 Northern. (1 01 it 1.03b ; No. 3 wheat. 44et$102S. Hope. Ktc, at New York. NEW YORK, -Nov. 10. Petroleum cta.iv -.fined New 1 orK oarreis. a. 4; re fined Now York. bulk. $3.9o: Philadelphia, barrela. $7.40; Phllaaeipnia ouia. ..... Wool Steady; aomestic neece, iwti.uc. Mous Firm: state common to choice. inn ih23c: ltHi. 1..S1SC Pacific Coast, 1J10. 14 UlSc: 19O0. 10HT14C. Hide. Firm. central America, 21bc Bogota. 22&2.1C. SEATTLE II DE.VLEKS ACCUSE OREGON SHIP- PEKS OK BULLING MARKET. Packers Trying to Place Orders for Eastern Fresh Pressed Stock. Potatoes Are Weak. SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 19. The turkey market was very strong today, mere was very Indication that Oregon ahlppera are trying to bull the market. Reports from Southern .Oregon, where- Seattle dealers are endeavoring to buy turkeys, stated that ship pers can dispose of their turkeys locally to better advantage than, by shipping to Seattle. Seattle dealers, however, refused to lift their buying prices; Packers were busy trying to book orders for Hustern fresh dressed turkeys. There will be a pro nounced scarcity of ducks and geese. Kgg prices will remain uncnangea next week. Tha market was ratner wea. How ever. Butler oragseu. . - - ui. Wheat was neglectea in tne joeai market. but active In the Interior. The market was nominally uWbaaged here. Exporters were not offering more than 40 cents, but millers paid t cents more. The demand at present comae largely from millers. Oats were quoted at - on the exchange, but could not be obtained on track at less than 8-'9. Tran. In ths fruit ana vegetanie market was active. In spite of ths rain. The heavy trade centered In holiday specialties. The potato situation is giving western avenue commission ici um con cern. Speculators have purchased a good many potatoes tnis ran sou are trying to lift the market by holding back. Shrewd potato traders maintain that conditions do not warrant the high prices thst prevailed , . n ease, wa-u. ue aarai wxa. ia sa. GOOD SALES MADE Latest Deals of Northwestern Fruit Exchange. DISTRIBUTION IS WIDE lioxed Apples Placed in Markets Where They AVer Never Known Before Advantages of Vp-to-Date Organization. Th dally market bulletin of the North western Fruit Exchange, Spaldtns; building, follows: This j-ear tha Northwest produced the lartreat crop of apples in Its history, snd the business has at last developed Into large proportions. In the years to coma ths pro duction will Increase enormously. The Northwestern Fruit Kschan;e. occupying as it does a public position snd standing al ways for the betterment of the . Industry, has stuck strictly to the facts In these daily reports to shippers. The course of the market is clearly portrayed from the be ginning of the season to the present, and thoughtful growers everywhere are inited tu think deeply On the whole question of the organisation of the Industry. Had much of the fruit which has subsequently been placed in the hands of the Exchange been definitely, committed to it six weeks at?t it would have been possible to take advan tage of a large speculative demand for cold storage, which was lost owing to the un organised condition of the shippers. This Kxchanre has large plans for the future. It will always stand for strengthening of the local organizations, and will hold itself ready to lend every assistance to ail districts in the effort to place themselves on sound business bals. The market continues dull ani feature less. There Is practically no speculative de mand and cold atorage requirements have generally been covered. Such a demand as there is centers In the low-priced varieties, and the higher-priced and mixed cars of miscellaneous fruit are hard sellrri. and the trade are not willing to pay the prices we are asking for the better grades. Neverthe less, we have made some very good salea In the last few daj-a. The following report In dicates the range of the market and repre sents outside values; M. A O. 862. from uryden, v, asn., iitni containing 13 varieties extra fancy, fancy and choice, as follows: Extra fancy Dela ware Reds. Axtra fanny Kins: Davids, 1 no fanfv xi.a.V extra, fancv and fancy i Ganos. $1.20; choice Delaware Reds, Wlne sana. Stavmans. uann-. Black Bens. Arkan sas Blacks. Wegener. Spitaenburgs, Missouri pippins. Newtowns and Rome Beauty, 91, all f. o. b. shipping point, to a buyer in Louisiana. tV H. U. 34.041, from Cashmere, 7th. con- tainlna- H'AQ boxe Rome Beauty. Champion, Mammoth Black Twigs. Black Twigs, extra fancy, fancy and choice, for $S0O f. o. b.. to a huver in Kentucky. I. 'Cm OJ.S7S. from Cashmere, TYash.. 630 boxes of extra fancy and fancy Staymun Wlnesaps. rather heavy to small sizes, at $1.35 straight f. o. b. to a buyer In .Louis iana. p. f. el MOO. from-Peshastin. Wash., 12th, containing nine varieties, all choice, rather underslrable varieties heavy to Delaware Reds. Northern Spy and Rome Beauty, at S5e f. o- b. to a buyer in Georgia. P. F- E- 1174, from Cashmere, I4in, con taining Ganos. Black Bens and Ben uavis. t $1.33 for Black Bens ana oenos. xantry nd extra fancy, and 11.10 for Ben Davis 4. $4 -tier and larger, to a buyer in renniyi- tnia. H. D. 2428, from Sherman Spur, Wash., November 8. mixed varieties as roiiows: vanrv and extra fancy Akin Reds and Can ada Red. $; extra fancy Delaware Reds. xr;ii.- fancv iVtler Delaware Reds. $1.10; extra fancy Baldwins, 1; fancy and choice Baldwins Hc: choice Rome Beauty, ooc, an i n. h ihlimtnr Tolnt. to a buyer in -lexaa. 1. f. K. irOm t-H-SII C, .Utr;iji,. ft. about half each extra fancy ana rancy Missouri Pippins, mostly small Si bps, si. 10 f. o. b. shipping point, to a ouyer in Louisiana. C. B- Q- 3S.C34. from Cashmere, w asn.. 12th, ltf varieties, good, bad and inainer- ent. all choice grade, at f 1 atraignt r. o- o.. to a buyer in Oklahoma. i luarticularlv call the attention of fruitgrowers to the extremely wide distribu tion which we are effecting, and our success In avoiding the- large centers which re pounded to death by operatora wno no taciiities ror reaenmg .no keta We are effecting this distrvouTion ai tremendously neavy cost, out ioi aikmu has only one purpose in mind, and that is to obtaitt the extreme limit of the market, n Mrh and everv car. A few days ago we reported the sale of a car of boxed applea to a buyer at Knoxville. Tenn. This la the first car of Northwestern boxed apples which has ever gone Into that thriv ing city. There are dozens of other cities In the United States which have never bought a car of boxed ana inis ix- 1. InCPSSantlV tO ODen Up new markets, broaden the demand and there by bring about a neaitnier mamei cuum tlon and keep values on a standard level. IRE CLOSES QUIET SMALL OFFERINGS OX HAND AT THE STOCKYARDS. Week Close With Hogs Easy and Cattle and Sheep Steady to Firm. The week closed quietly In the livestock market. The yards were wen ciciito u by the active trading of the preceding day. and there wss little left to handle yester day. There was no occasion io ucr aa market conditions were untiniiiw. were quoted weak and cattle and sheep teady to 1 1 nil. Th. receipts for the day were 60 cattle and 244 aheep. . - Shippers or tna stoca. ... Pavotte. Idaho, one car or cstiie, j. xi. Phirman. of-The Dalles, one car of cattle nd William tinepaj-u, wi. h"I- . ... .. ,i..... of prioea current u v . . - tock at the Portland Union stockyards were as follows: Beef steers, rood to choice. ...o.2r.ifD.r.o Beef steers, fair to meaium awv " Choice spayed heifers -4 704 6.0O Good to choice beef cows 4.009 4. 5 Medium to food Deer cows a.ovw Common beef cows 2 00 3 50 Bulls ' " Stags, good to choice 1. Calves. liBht .' ?"? J Calves, heavy .uu HoK.. top ., 9-OOJf 0.15 Hoks. Talr to medium "" V ; Fheep. best Valley wethers 3.50 Pheep. fair to srood wethers..... 8 .00 8.23 Sheep, beat yearling wethers 4.25 4.73 Bheep. best valley ewes a.ouw s.ui Umlu. choice mountain 5-2ti 5.50 Lambs, cTioice viiibj " w w" a hii aco I.iveatM'k. nuicAiin Nov. 1!. Cattle Receipts esti mated at wm: market steady Beeves. 14.40 4J; IKa! mecis, -t(-., , rami u ateera, S 4. U V o.illi; Bioc-aera ikiiu h.-iib. UiJ.11; cows aim jieiLv., ,..4v,iv, calves. 7.S0tfl. ' HoKI hleceipis rsiii"i iu..,- et weak. !vlic lower. l.iii.. ,n.ovwi.o.j. mixed. $"UT.4il: heavy. o.j! i 11'; roup, .0T.l5; .5000 '-.2 40; pigs. t-w, " T'w sheep Receipts estimated at 2000: mar- t steady. Nat,ve. 2.25t3.95; Western :.50n4; ynrnng". itt-'. lamba, native, 4 fcO.10; Western. .4.ia QUOTATIONS AT SAK FK.XCISCO. r rices raid far Prsdoca In the Bay Cttj Aiaraeia. siV FRANCISCO. Nov. 1. The follow ing prices wera currant In tba produce mar- et toaay: Butter rancy c. C't)eese Young America, 16W18c. Kggs Store, 53c; fancy ranch. 54Hc. Vegetables Cucumbers, 75c &$1; garlic. tic green peas. &4sc; string-beans, 5 tomatoes, 253 50c; eggplant. Sag 60c Hay Wheat. 19 14; wheat and oata. $9 11.50: alfalfa. .7(913. riii.m.a " r- burbaaka. 11,4.0 X.50; Burfcank, L&ifirl.75; sweets, $29 2.23. Onions 90c 3 $1.1 V K rut la Apples, choice. 65e; common. 49ci Mexico ltmea, )6; lemons, choice. $; lemon., common, $j; pineapples. .$l.i?V J.;."i; navel oranges, $21. Mi lis tuffs Brau. Jj;30; zntddlinss. 2l K5ceipts Floor, 4634 quarter sacks; wheat, $270 centala; barley. 66.191 centals, oats. 39 centals; ftotatoes. 476 eacks; bran, li sacks; midcLUngs. 2S sacks; hay. J60 tons. Irled Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, ISov. 19. Evaporated ap ples, firm, with continued small offerin(rs of new crop. 8pot fancy, HHllc; choice, lO'4j10Vc; prime, 7titfc. Prunes continue firm on small stocks, quotations rauftlnft from i t ft H c for Calt fornias up to 30-40c and 8'4f Uc for Ore Kodi from Wc to 30c, Pechea inacttT and flim on reports of firm markets on tho Coast. Choice. 7 P 7Wc; extra choice, fl&S'io. fancy, 8V4fiic. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. The metal mar kets were nominally unchanged and there was no fresh feature in the absence of ex changes. Tin 3S.T5 SS.SStx Xike copper IS 5 IS. -5c; electrolytic, 12.S"SS?13c; casttnc, 1 1S.7&. Left .-Qi4.i OcNew York. Ppeiter -Nominal. Iron Unchanged. London Wool Sales. T-rONOON, Nov. 19. The sixth series of the wool auction sales will be opened next TiidAy and the closing Is scheduled for DM-ember 2. Iuring iu first ek S,000 bales will be offered. Wool t St. Iritis. FT. T.OT'TP, Nrrr. 19. Wool Tul!. Terri tory and Western mediums, StfjSlHc; fine mediums. 2021c; fine, 12(3 13o. lolnth Flax Market. D1XUTH, Nov. 1. Flax on track,; to arrive. November, $2.60; Mar. $2 32 asked. December. ALL READY FOR PISTOL SANTA MONICA AUTO R.CERS FIT FOR EVENTS. Annual Automobile Classic of Pa cific Coast to Be Seen at Dawn of Thanksgiving. - LOS ANGELES, Nov. 19. With last year's record of ' 64.45 miles an hour to excel over a 202-mile course, eight bg racers are being- "tuned" for the Santa Monica road race, the annual automobile classic of the Pacific Coast, which will start on the mornina; of Thanksgiving day next Thursday. All arrangements have been com pleted for the bis event, the boulevards over which the racers will scorch the asphalt are ready and a big amphi theater is belnjr constructed wberein there will be held a "night of revelry." beginning at midnight preceding the race. Harris Hanshue. the driver who set last year's mark of 64.45 miles an hour, will not be in the race, a severe cold, with complications, having placed him sick in bed. But the Apperson "Jack rabbit" 'which he drove to victory is one of the entries. It is to be pitted against the Fiat, Isotta. Pope-Hartford, ' Lozier, Knox, Ohio and "Only" cars. This road race, 24 times around the s.4-mile course or a total of 202 miles, will be the premier event of the day, but there are two other contests scheduled the light-car race, eight times around the course, and the stock-car speed test. 12 times around the course. The light-car race is rirsi on ine programme and will start at 6 A. M., at the close of the six-hour revel, which will be marked by night-balloon as censions, vaudeville and a football game played by the light of 1000 arc lamps. Since last year's race was run the boulevards constituting the course have been greatly Improved and a new mark of more than 70 miles an hour for the entire 202 miles Is confidently expected. GENERAL MAUS WINS MEX OF TELEGRAPH SERVICE UNDER HIS CHARGE. Department Decides That Colonel Thompson In Technical Work Report to Washington. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Nov. 19. To put an end to fric tion hetween- General Maus, commanding the Department of the Columbia, and Colonel Richard E. Thompson, chief sig nal officer of that department, the War Department today Issued orders expli citly defining the scope or autnority 01 these officers. In his annual report it will be recalled General Maus severely criticised Thompson's direction of the Alaska telegraph service, and suggested that he be detailed exclusively to that duty, and that another officer be sent Maus as chief signal officer or his ae nnrtment to be stationed at Vancouver. The department today djrected that In all that pertains to the technical han dling and maintenance of the cable sys tem. Colonel Thompson snau db suuor rllnntn onlv to the Signal Service at Washington. General Maus, however, wins the rjolnt that tne aiscipune or tne officers and the men connected with the telegraph system are placed directly un der his snrervlslon. Colonel Thompson has at all times been subordinate to the commanding offices of the Department of the Columbia, but because of his connection with the cable svstem which is outside or General Maus' jurisdiction, the Colonel has been Inclined to Ignore the department. In his report. General Maus severely criticised the system of discipline of the enlisted men connected with the telegraph sys tem and now they have been placed un der his supervision. Marriage Licenses. APPLE-DAVENPORT J. P. Appie, over 21 Stayton; Daisy Davenport, 17. city. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON Francis Franklin, 88 city: Anna Lee Johnson. 85, city. FI8HER-SAKRY Leo Fisher, 22, city; Lena Kakry. 22, city. BACH-SCHRAMM M. Bach, 61. city; Minnie Schramm. 55, city. ERICKSON-JOHNSON Albert C. Erlck son, 23. city: Mlna Johnson, over. IS, city. M AKKLl'NU-NELSON John E. Mark lund, 27, city; Anna Olivia Nelson, 20. city. Wadding and visiting csrds. w. Q. Smith at Co.. Washington bUt, atn and Wash. Wadding and visiting carda. Wm. Jtiiunsa Co.. .Zsfe Washlngtoa St. Articles of Incorporation. KLOCK PRODUCE COMPANY Incorpor ator. T. B. Kl'ck, J. A. McUod and W. P. Wilson; capitalization. g.MJ.OOO. DAVIS SAFE tc LOCK COMPANY Incor porators, James B. Kerr. W. Keeler and Charles &. ' McCulloch: capitalization, t225.W0. PACIFIC AUTO TIRE FILLING COM PANY Supplementary articles, making par value of 60.000 shares of stock fl. Capital was formerly 6000 shares at $10 a share, McVey European Champion Heavy. PARIS. Nov. 19. Sam McVey, the ne gro heavyweight, knocked out Battling Jim Johnson tonight in the twenty-first r6und of a fight for the championship of Europe. Many American bluejackets saw the fight. The motor omnibus Is rapidly displacing all other vehicles for the cheap transporta tion of people in lonaon. CASE GOES TO JURY Arguments Closed in Helve Murder Trial. STATE EVIDENCE ATTACKED Attorney Hayes, for Defense, Ap pea Is to Reasoning: of Jury by Attempt to Pick to Pieces Testimony Offered. OREGON CITY, Nov. 19. (SprrTarv The fate of Curtis Helvey, of Cams, who is on trial for Flaying George Smith last June, is in the hands of the jurymen. The final arguments of the opposing counsel look up the greater part of the day, and after receiving the instructions of judge Campbell, the 12 talesmen, at 4:50 this afternoon, retired to tho jury room for tho purpose df determining the guilt or Innocence of Helvey. Gordon K. Hayes, for the defense, was the first to present his argument to the Jury this morning, and in an address in behalf of his client he touched upon the failure to find a club at the scene of the killing, such as Helvey says Smith attacked him with, and Intimated that as Smith's father and brother were the first to arrive at the body, they per haps knew of the whereabouts of the bludgeon. In attacking the state's theory of the shooting, Hayes declared that no evi dence had been, Introduced to show the height of Smith, or that the model used in the state's experiments was a man of the same height and build. The faet that Smith was shot in the back, ac cording to Hayes, depends entirely on the manner In which Smith swung the club in his endeavor to hit Helvey. The attorney contended tho fact that wit nesses for the state had testitled to Hel vey's accurateness in revolver-shooting, and asked why it would be necessary for a marksman, lying in ambush, with a rest on a log, to have shot three times In order to hit a large man at a short distance. Attorney Brownell In opening, his ar gument attacked conviction on circum stantial evidence, and said that in his opinion, the meanest man on earth is the one who will try to send another man to the gallows on suspicion alone. He declared that, the state had failed to prove any malice on the part of Helvey toward the dead man. He said that Smith's father spoiled the case for the Btate by failing to tell Helvey that young Smith was also in the woods look ing for the colts, and hinted that the old man wanted the two to meet. The physical development of the two men was "compared, and the speaker said that Helvey was justified in carrying the revolver. Attacking the assassina tion theory, Brownell asked why Helvey talked to Smith's father Just before the shooting instead of reraaiuing in hiding The fact that no club was found wad. in the eyes of the speaker, a strong, point in favor of the defendant, for had the shooting been premeditated, he could easily have brought a club and placed it near the body to strengthen his defense. In concluding, he said his man was either guilty or not guilty of premedi tateal murder, and urged the Jury either . : ,1 Jn.i 1 mm v.vllit nr Cine to bring in a. first degree verdict or one of acquittal, as there was no grounds for the returning of either second degree or manslaughter verdicts. The final argument was made for the state by District Attorney Tongue, who has conducted the prosecution. He as sailed many of Helveys witnesses, charging, them with giving conflicting evidence. Helvey himself, said the offi cial, plainly lied in telling the details of the shooting, and on close question ing, was picked assunder. He attacked the testimony of Helvey's father, and declared him to be an unnatural parent to run away as he said he did. when he heard the shots fired, knowing that Smith was looking for his son. The defendant was branded as a cowardly liar, and the Jury was asked to choose between nis uniiuwuinuaicu testimony or that or many wim railed hv the state. Tongue justified Smith's action in striking Helvey on a former occasion, and declared that had he not done so, ho would have been un deserving of the name of son. In his instructions to the jury. Judge Campbell asked them to bring in one of four verdicts, first degree, second degree, manslaughter or acauittal. and defined each degree. Walks Must Be Repaired. VANCOUVER. Wash., Nov. 19. (Spe cial ) Two hundred owners 01 uewi- tive sidewalks and walks that need re pairing badly, have been notified by John Secrist. Chief of Police, to get ....,. t .nee and have their walks put In gol repair, or the work will be done by the city and the charges as sessed against the property. West Point Defeats Trinity. WEST POINT. N. Y., Nov. 19.-West Point defeated Trinity at football today 17 to a It was the Army's final game before the one next Saturday with the Navy at Philadelphia and was a hard fought contest. The scores were all made In the first half. Taxes too heavy? Look rarefully af ter the cause! Then "Boost for Bitulithic" TRAVELERS' CUlpE. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P. It., October 1L 18. 25. Nov. 1. 8, 16. 22, 20 and every Tuesday night Freight received at Alaska Dock until 3 P. M. dally. Passenger fare, Orat-claea. $10; second-class, 7. Ineludlni meals and berth. Tickets on sals' at Alus worth Dock. Phones Main 28: A HH4. O. R. & N. AatAi-ia Route. KTF.AMKK HAfiSALO Leaves Portland daily except baturaay ai 8-00 P M Makes all way landlnKS. Arrive at Astoria at 6:00 A. M. Leaves Astoris dally, escept Sunday, at 7:00 A, M. Arrives Portland at 6:00 P. M. Makes direct con nection with steamer Nahcotta for Megler. llwaco. , Long Beach and all points oa taa Ilwaco Railroad.