The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 20, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 16, Image 32

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Though Reduced Rates Do
Not Prevail, Ticket Sales
Exceed Previous Years.
Man j- Portland People Will Journey
to California Influx from Out-
of-Toun roln Will Almost
f qoal Outward Travel.
l.onc distance travel preceding the
Thanks?! Ins holldav tie or has been
greater out of Portland than during
-.he present season. In the closing day
af last tek Port-land ticket agents
old ticket to nearly every city of
Importance In the Kastern hclf of the
sou 11 try. many of the purchaser ex
sresvlng the lutentfn to remain away linn enough to spend the holl
lay. .
In consideration of tha fact that n
reduced rale was ina.le by the rail
road ttil year, this unusual amount
ff travel has nccalonel surprise and
ha brought about the a,iicluslon that
Portland people arc supplied with an
buodanca of money.
Short haul ticket will be in demand
with the beginning of thl week. Per
sons desiring to upend Thanksgiving
In point Vest of the Missouri Klvrr
will Mart tomorrow. Travelers bound
for place in Orrton and Washington
will leave I'ortland Tuesday and Wed
nesday. No rates have bevn establish
ed for tate business, but much busi
ness la expected.
A woman who bought a ticket for
Baltimore at one of the Portland of
fice last e.k nlil lint It w hr
annual custom to spend Thanksgiving
with her rUtlves In that cltv and
that she had not been absent on tbt
occasion In ZZ years.
A party of three men aim came to
I'ortland from Southwestern Washing
ton boucht tickets to It.iston. explain
ing that the trip would rive them their
flr.t opportunity of ruling Thanksgiv
ing dinner in Ihelr respective home
In l All of them live In the
vicinity of Poston.
Numerous ticket were old to point
In the neighborhood of Chicago and
other Oreat l-ake point. Although
the present rate make It advantage
ous for traveler to buy the nine
months' tickets, most of them expect
to return to Oregon before the expira
tion of a month.
That many Portland people wl'l
Journey to California for the holiday
l Indicated br the reservation already
rn(H on trains leaving here today,
tomorrow and Tuesday. Nearly ail the
s!eeplna--car berth on the Shasta IJm
Ited for each of those three nights
have been bouitht.
According to Information from Kast
em and Southern Hallway office, the
Influx of Thanksgtvlng visitor t.
Portland will be almost a great a the
travel out of this cltv.
The number of arrival will be aug
mented by the swarm of boys and girls
attending colleges and universities In
the state who will come home Wed
nesday. Ail form of travel consid
ered, the railroad will receive more
business from the puhllc thl Thanks
gtvlng than ever before.
.Milwaukee? Will He In New I'.oom
nrfor January I.
A corp of woodworkers and deco
rator Is at work preparing for occu
pancy the room at the Third and Stark
street corner of the Railway Exchange
building-. Into which the local offices
of the Chicago. Milwaukee ac Pugct
Sound road will be moved. Although
It was expected that the room would
be ready early In .November, the time
for moving tnto them now has been set
forward to the first of the year.
Most of the woodwork Is being pre
pared especially for this use and re
quires a Ions; and difficult process. A
mahogany panel will form a facing
against the wall from the floor to an
elevation of over seven feet. The re
mainder of the surface will be fres
coed. f.rt-at Northern Change Time.
A new time card rn Into effect on
the Great Northern road today, affect
ing two trains at the lloyt-street sta
tion. No. 3 .".j. which now arrives at
:to A. M.. a 111 arrive at t:C; No. S&7.
which now arrives at 3:20 P. M. will
arrive at I:li P. M.
Kail road Notes.
I. W. Dudley, commercial agent for
the Chesapeake ac Ohio, at Seattle,
called on local railroad men yesterday.
F. t. Bauer, ticket clerk In the local
office of the Northwestern. Is spending
a two weeks' vacation in tan Francisco.
M. F. Stoke, station Inspector for the
(treat Northern, wjth headquarters at
Spokane, was In Portland on official
business yesterday.
C. W. Mount, district freight and pas
senger scent for the llarrlman roads,
with headquarter at Lewi.ton. Idaho,
was In Portland on business yesterday.
E. T. Field, agent for the Southern
Pacific at Oregon City, was In Portland
yesterday for the first time lnce recov
ering from a siege of typhoid fever that
detained him at his home for six weeks.
O-orge Sharon. e!ty ticket agent for
the Santa Fe. left yesterday for Seattle,
and will continue from there to
and other Eastern point to spend his
Pratrkt .Makes tIteoorrl In Ei ports
for Ten Month of Year.
Of I :iO.J bushels of wheat ex
ported from tl Customs districts In
the United States during October.
Portland sent away 1.17J.H0 bushels,
and for ten month, ending with the
October exports, this port is credited
with I.MJ.4S4 bushels, thereby taking
rank as the greatest exporter for that
period In the I'nlted State.
The comparison of districts I con
tained In the monthly statistical bulle
tin of the Department of Commerce
and I.abor yesterday received at the
Custom House. For October. Puget
Sound floated T03.J41 bushel, and In
1 months that territory dispatched
3j;:: bushels. Philadelphia Is cred
ited ' with ... IsS bushels In 19
months Baltimore with 3.412.31 bush
els and New t York with - 3.J01.7J
bushela. "
Portland sff t away 11.173 barrels of
X'.our In October, while In the same
period last year the movement was 38.-
!3 barrels. In 10 months there was
floated 741.749 barrels.
Shifting- of Hawthorne-Avenue Praw
in Place Begins Monday.
r.JInMlrr nnfjrrrA vesterdaV W'lth
iirk ' rvR-tiu- who stated that the
false work on three barges, the Ocesn.
i-iv.i .-a cta.ah wVlr-h will he used In
lift:r.g the Hawthorne-avenue brldse
draw- and shifting It Into place, wm u
ished. Harbormaster Ppcler requested
that majrers) of vessels passing the
K-I.l ei-ntn Mnnitnv mnrnlM tO Wetlnes-
tlav evening proceed under slow bell.
The barges will be floated Into position
tomorrow and It is expected that the
' - fjlltN
draw win rest nrnuj uo "
work Wednesday, ao that It can ha
n..,..., inm nj.itlon Thursday. Swell
from stearaere will prove danger-
... nnilortiiklnc. It IS Said. &
Ihey would cauee the barge to awing.
Police Shoot Into Mob Making Anti
American Ueruonstratlon.
NEW YORK. Nov. lJ.-Senor Arellan.
the Nicaraguan Minister at Washington,
who Is at present In New York CUy.
receiv.-d today a dispatch from the tori-Ian
Minister of Nicaragua, saying that
p;ii.ll!H-d reports of the recent fatal
noting at Ieon were exaggerated.
Arcorulng to the cablegram receive
by the Minister there was a total or
seven casualties only. Including dead
and wounded. In the street fighting at
Ion The local authorities were In
formed that the people were about to
start an antl-Amerlcan demonstration.
The Chief of Tollce at the h. ad of his
men went Into the crowd and ordered
them to difperse. The rioters refused
and attacked the police, wounding the
t hief and one or his men. The police
then took the offensive, nnd In the re
sulting encounter three of the rioters
were trilled and two of them wounded
Quiet has been restored at Uon and Is no trouble elsewhere In the
Republic. .
liurmeiilMorkt-r Invade Klevated
Station to Make Attack.
CHICAGO. Nov. 19. One man was
shot and four other bruised and cut
In a riot of striking garmentw-orker
at the Kedxle-avenue station of the
Metropolitan Klevated Hallway last
night. The .dlsturban.e assumed uch
threatening proportion that police re
serves were rushed to the scene In an
effort to clear the street of struggling
men and women.
The trouble Is said to have started
when striker appeared on the platform
of the elevated station and accosted
men said by the police to be strike
Men and women who had been pas
senger on a train ran to the doors, but
It was not until some time later that
they were able to reach the street.
When the first of the patrol wagons
arrived the righters had fled from the
elevated station and disappeared In the
crowd that had gathered In the street.
Wickerfliam find Pardon Not Jus
tified by Showing Made.
CHICAGO. Nov. 19. A special dispatch
form Washington says:
John R. Walsh will not be liberated
from the Federal penitentiary- at Ia?av
enworth. Kan., where he Is serving a
five-year sentence for the wrecking of
the Chicago National liank and allied
Attorney-Ueneral Wlrjtersham has con
cluded hi study of the reports on the
Walsh case made by District Attorney
Sun of Chicago and Federal Judge An
derson of Indiana. He baa reached the
conclusion that the pardon of Mr. Walsh
by the President Is out of the Question
on the showing of facta.
The Attorney-General has also con
cluded that a commutation of Walsh'
sentence would be unwarranted unless
It should be shown by further examina
tion that the prisoner Is In falling health.
Patten Aoto Injnrea Cyclist.
CHICAGO. Nov. 19. James A. Pat
ten, the retired Board of Trade ope
rator. In hla automobile, ran down a
cyclist In Evanston last night. He
clambered out of the car, assisted the
chauffeur In lifting the Injured man
Into the ear. and hurried him to a
drug store for medical attention. The
victim of the accident. Charles Pearson,
a cement-worker, was not seriously
hurt, but Mr. Patten waited until a
physician had dressed Pearson's wound.
The accident was unavoidable, Mr. Pat
ten said. "The roan came out from be
hind a fountain and ran directly In
front of the car." He added: "Had my
machine been going fast, he might have
suffered severe inJury,or been killed."
Ottawa Seek Ixiwer Putle.
OTTAWA. Ont.. Nov. -19. Thousand
of farmer throughout the West want
the dutle on agricultural Implements
lowered o that they can buy from
American firm cheaper than they do
now. Conservatives evidently are go
ing to give the government a chance
to show where they stand on this. A.
K. Melghlln. Conservative member of
Parliament for Portage la Prairie, has
given notice that he will move the fol
lowing: "That In the opinion of the
House, a substantial Increase on the
Import of agricultural Implements la
now due the agriculturists of Can
ada, and In just accord with the true
ends of a protective tariff."
Clam and Whisky Fatal.
MINF.OL.A. N. Y- Nov. 19. Although
James Mosher. a Port Washnigtqn poU
Itlclan. was accounted well to do by his
neighbors, letters of administration
Hied here show that his estate will net
his heirs less than fUO after all the
bills are paid. Mosher died from eat
ing a peck of clams and drinking six
glasses of whisky while celebrating
the Democratic victory In Maine Sep
tember 4 last. Hla estate is to be di
vided equally among 11 relatives a
mother. father, seven brothers and
two sisters, who will receive about $10
Assessment Increased $600,000,000
NEW YORK. Nov. 19. The tax de
partment of the city government an
nounces that the assessed valuation of
taxable property In New York for the
coming year will show an Increase of
more than 3600.000.000. bringing the
total up to nearly This
will mean an Increase In the city's debt.
Inourrlng capacity of 10.000.000. Soon
after Mavor Gaynor took office, he an
nounced that he wished to have the
assessments come as nearly as pos
sible to the market value of the prop-
'r,Jr' '
Japan Order Hlggest Dreadnought.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. Shipping firm
here have received from London word
to t effect that Japan ha placed or
ders there for a Dreadnought bigger
than any under construction. The ship
will be of a tonnage of 25. 000. and will
cost about $i:.t;o.ooa
Acetylene Will Replace Oil
Beacons on Columbia.
FInme Die Down with Coming of
Dawn Only to Iteappear With '
Greater Strength at Xight.
Kxperiments Watched.
Importance I attached to an an
nouncement yesterday by Commander
Elllcntt, lighthouse Inspector, that as
rapidly as the equipment can be ob
tained the present night aids to navi
gation on the Columbia and Willam
ette Klvers, known a beacon lights,
which are oil burners. Mill be sup
planted with patent acetylene lights
that operate for six months. In the
new lights the flow of gas. and con
sequently the size of the flame. Is reg
ulated automatically by the changes
from night to day.
Commander Elllcott will spend most
of today inspecting the first light,
which has been delivered at the Buoy
Station at Tongue Point, and if Its
workings are satisfactory it will be
Dae te Arrlrw
R (J
Golden Oate. ..
Km City
...In port
...In purt port
...Nov. -JO
... Nov. .0
...Nov. 1-0
. . .Nov. "5
...Nov. 1M
. . Nov. L'fl
...Nov. 7
, ..Nov. 1
.ban Pedro.
.Coos bar. .
.San Pedro.
. T!Ilamrvk.
. Hvnttknng.
. ean Pedro.
. Kureka. . . .
.San Pedro.
. San Pvdro.
breakwater. . .
Cm. W Kldar.
Fue H. Elmore
leaver. ......
KotDokt. .. . . .
fichedulad te Depart.
Name. For Ta
Coldeo Gat a. .. .Tillamook . ... Nov. 20
breakwater. ...hid Pedro... . Nov.
Sue H- Elmore. 7i;iamoos.... Nov.
Geo. W. Elder.. Fan Pedro. ... N"V. '.'3
P.oseCllr San Pedro.. ..Nov. 1!3
Eureka. ....... Fureka ... ... Nov. L'S
leaver . fan Pedro. . . . Nov. ZH
irbanoke Sun Frwnrtsro Nov. 30
!vcja. ........ Hongkong. Nov. SO
Per rootl'ar I'ec. 3
Seija llongkonr. .. .Lee. 10
placed In Neah Pay. The light ha
been thoroughly tested by the Uovern
mei J and some have been In service on
the Atlantic Coast for two seasons,
while a few were Installed In Alaska
thl year, but In the one at the Buoy
Station I said to be embodied the
latest Improvements. '
The beacon Is fitted with storage
tanks Into which I forced compressed
ga. The flow I through a valve that
In so sensitive that the full flame Is
gradually diminished as dawn ap
proaches and during the day there In a
tiny pilot light burning. A twilight
fall the valve expands, permitting a
normal flow of gas. so the light blazes
forth and burns steadily until dawn.
borne types have been ueM In which
carbon In the tanks was mixed auto
matically with water, so as to gen
erate gas. but the new device In re
garded superior for still or shoal
water, though It in not deemed per
fected to a point that make It desir
able, for outside purposes or where the
likelihood of rough weather demands a
larger flame.
There are In use on the Columbia
what are known as eight-day lights,
which do not have to be tended during
that period, while others are supplied
with oil for one or two days. Men at
various point are employed td look
after the Illumination, and mariners
depend on them to keep the beacons
going In all kinds of weather. Com
mander Elllcott says that experiments
have shown that the acetylene beacon
are not only more desirable than oil
lights, because of requiring consider
ably less care, but they give a greater
percentage of Illumination, which Is of
a clear hue and more easily discern
ible on dark and stormy nights
Gale on Pacific Holds Steamer
Down to Slow SKH'tI.
Prevented from making observations
for seven days, held by an easterly gale,
so that for two days but ISO miles waa
covered, and being Ixset by headwinds,
rain and fog during all but four dnys of
the voyage. .w the experience of the
Oriental liner RyKja's company on the
voyage ended yesterday morning, when
she berthed at Albers Dock No. 3. Even
with the delay she made the run In 17
Captain Meter, who assumed command
on the lant visit of the liner, when he
succeeded Captain Svendsen. said that
the best weather was experienced off the
Pacific Coast and the lns four-days of
the trip were clear. Moonlight night
and an absence of wind, wltlr leeej swell
than was found on the TJrienluI coast,
was the weather this week.- The Rygja
wss the first vessel of the present Nor
wegian fleet operated by the Portland ft
Astatic Steamship Company to call at K'u
shlro, where she loaded hardwood logs
to complete a consignment of 1.200,000
feet, the first of the material having
been taken on at Otaru.
Captain Meier says that Kushlro Is
not a desirable port of call at which to
load cargo, because It Is unprotected
from the east and that storms have
a full sweep, so ,that when a blow Is
on It would be necessary for steamers
either to head out to sea or proceed
to a small harbor about 30 miles north.
The steamer began discharging sul
phur and Chinese merchandise at Al
bers' and will drop down to Hanlleld'a
dock to unload the hardwood.
Livestock brought from Kushlro In
cludes a bear, and there are also
aboard two crocodiles, the usual con
signment of monkeys and a few cana
ries. It Is probable that on the next
voyage a tiger will be transported
here. On the way to the Columbia
River a large snake, the property of
the boatswain, or "No. 1 man" In the
forecastle, was killed because It re
fused to partake of food provided and
suffered from cold.
Hazel Dollar Expected Tuesday to
Load for China.
Two steamers of the Dollar Steam
ship Company are to load Oriental lum
ber cargoes here before Winter wanes,
as the British steamship Hazel Dollar,
due Tuesday to load a full cargo at
tha Portland mill, will be followed In
January by the British steamer M. 8.
Dollar. The firm Is building a 10.000.
ton steamer abroad for the Pacific
Coast trade that will be available next
Ptanley Dollar, a member of the firm
and who has assumed many of the
responsibilities previously shouldered
by his father. Robert Dollar. Is in the
city arranging for the dispatch of the
Hazel Dollar. Ha said yesterday that
l7o Treat You
30 Bays FREE
Blond Poison ein never be cured with mercury
or poloKh. Von might as well know this first at
lust. Merlicnl suthontles say BO. The most thesa
drugs can do Is to drive the blood poison back
Into the vsteia and smother It fr several years.
Then when vou think you are cored, pitiful mer
cury symptoms will break nut. and you dad that
your bones have been rotting all the while. Youi
teeth will begin to loosen and your tissues,
glands, brain and vital organs will show thj
terrible destrnctlve power of the mercury and
potash. Locomotor Ataxia. Paralysis. Imbecil
ity and Premature Death are then almost IneT
Itrhle. Anr medical authority will corroborate
these stutements. The remarktble vegetable
0Mc Treatment does not drive la the
Blood Poison
but drlvei It out. It positively contains no min
eral poljons whatever, so that once cured by th
Ohbee Treatment you never run the terrible risk
of having vnur bores soften. yur nerve collapae.
your tenth fill out, your kidneys degenerate of
your brain weaken. The Obtme Treatment Is a
marvel, producing remarkable changes in only
SO dnys. This Is why we offer to any blood
poison victim living, no matter how bad esse.
30-Day Treatment FREE
Von want to be cured and cared qu!ek-r-ot
poisoned with nierrnry and potash for years. A
-Inv Treatment Is yours for the asking. To
will ia your eyes at what It will do for yon In
a month. We treat you free for a month. Just
write to n and get the treatment free. Then If
you are satisfied It Is the most remarkable treat
ment you ever tok. you can continue If you
wish. Never In your life will you ever again
bare sncb an eipportuulty for a complete cura, as
Is given you by this
Great Obbao Treatment
Ttala Is a square 1e(il. Toil im not bin, no
ootm. male us do promises, except to tak tha
trfrttmrnt. . . '
The wonderful Waserman Tt, the only blood
ItUoii test known to s-Hentlnti, proen that the
txxly i completely purified by the Obbac Treat
mrrit. n that memiry and pot nib do not cure
blood poloo. Sit down and write to ui. gUln
a full history of your cane In detail. We will
treet roar Iftter ns a a a '-red confidence. Con
ant cation and ad-1ee free. "Wo win wnd yon alao
th remarkable book. -IrtlTlnfr Out Blood Polaon
468 Obbac Bldg., Chicago, Illlnol
her cargo was destined for the China
market and the M. S. Dollar will load
for the same territory- These carriers
are not strangers in Portland, ns they
have been trading irregularly between
the Kar Kast and Coast harbors for
several years.
;ale Raging Along Coast at 62-Mile
ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 19. I Special.)
Another southerly gale commenced to
day and will probably last all night.
At 8 o'clock this morning the wind at
North Head was blowing 60 miles an
hour from the southeast and at noon
It had reached to a 2-mlle rate. The
barometer Is dropping slowly and the
gale may he expected to shift to the
southwest before blowing itself out.
The wire to North Head went down
this afternoon so that no report was
received from there this evening. The
bar Is rough and the steamers Sagi
naw. Daisy Freeman and Francis H.
Iggett are barbound In the lower
harbor. The only vessel able to cross
out today was the steamer Bear.
Forecaster Beals yesterday ordered
storm warnings displayed at every
tntlnn In the district. Captain Mason,
master of the steamer IJbse City, re
ported that when ha crossed into the
river early In the morning the south
eastern gale was beginning to blow
with force and the glass was falling
rapidly. '
Negotiations on for Alliance.
A prospective purchaser for the steamer
...... hv firav A Holt. Will ar-
rive In Portland today. The setamer to
moored at the city levee. tnanes ouin-
fn. th. vMiRp.1. was yesterday
BOIl, il - - - -
notified, but the name of the buyer was
not given. The Alliance has been out of
commission several snonthn, her opera
tion on the Portland-Coos Bay run having
been too expensive.
Marine Notes.
To load lumber for the South the
schooner Expansion, which crossed in
Friday, was yesterday towed to
Gangs have been ordered for the
Vincennes. which will start working
wheat tomorrow for the United King
dom, at the elevator dock.
Delays in loading cargo In the har
bor prevented the steamer Golden
Gate from sailing last evening, but she
will get away this afternoon for Tilla
mook. '
Having finished loading wheat the
Kirkcudbrightshire went to the stream
yesterday from the elevator dock and
will leave down Wednesday. The Sel
ena is expected to finish tomorrow and
will start for sea Tuesday.
In tow of the tug -Wallula. which
towed the barge Annie Johnson from
Astbrla Friday, the schooner liable
Gale left down yesterday morning with
lumber loaded at Inman-Poulsen s that
Is consigned to San Pedro.
Entries at the Custom House yes
terday were the barge Annie Johnson
and steamer J. B. Stetson from San
Francisco, the Norwegian steamer
ItygJa. from Kushlro, and the steamer
Eureka, from Eureka. The Stetson
cleared for the Golden Gate and the
Eureka for Eureka.
Cnrrylng more cargo In bond from
the Atlantic seaboard the steamer Fal
con of the Amerlcun-IIawalian fleet.
Is due tomorrow. Adjusters have not
completed their task of checking over
damaged cargo that waa discharged
from the Falcon's Jast voyage, follow
ing a fire in her hold that is pre
sumed to have originated through
spontaneous combustion.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Nov. 1!). Arrived Pteamer
Rose City, from Ban Kranclsco: steamer
Caaio. from ban FTanelsco: Norwegian
steamer rtygla. from Hong Kong via Yoko
hama and Kushlro. Sailed steamer baa
Jacinto for ban Krunelsco; steamer Atlas,
for ban Franciaco; Barne No. I:i. for ban
Franclaco: schooner Matole Hale, for San
Pedro; ateamer Kureka for Eureka.
Astoria. Nov. lit. I'ape line down; no par
report. Arrived at H e.nd left up at 11:15
A. M. Steamer Roso flty. from ban Pedro
and ban Krunelsco. Arrived at 10:1a and
left up at 11 A. M Steamer faaco. from
ban Franeisco. balled at 1 P, M. Steamer
Bear, for San Francisco and Fan Pedro.
San Franeisco. Nov. 1t. Arrived at a A.
M Steamer Roanoke, from Portland, balled
Schooner Annie M. Campbell, for Columbia
River. Arrived Schooner Virginia. from
Portland, balled at 4 P. M. Barge foro
nado in tow of tug Defiance, for Portland;
steamer Maverick, for Portland.
Coos Bay. Nov. IU. Sailed Steamer
Breakwater, for Portland.
Eureka. Nov. ll. Sailed at 10 A. tl.
Steamer Ceo. W. Elder, for Portland.
. 1
Y a - - .sa- w
Call at Once if You Are
Don-t take chances with - patent medicine. " or " tips from f fiends, and
run the risk of dangerous compilations. I have the qu ""'J n
world. Don't wait unUl something happens. Call In tlij be e lnmng ana
save money. I will charge only a ftw dollara for the first treatment, pro
vided you call early.
Ailments of Men
Thousands of voung and middle-aged men are annually swept to a
prwmature g?aveVlf yfu have any of e following symptoms cnSUn me
before It Is too late: Are you nervous, despondent and BTlopmy. apecKa
before the eyes Twith dark circle, under them, weak back. "he-
kidneys, irritable temper, cranky, palpitation of the heart, bashfuU pimples
on the face, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memorj, lifeless.
d"st rust f til, lack of energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights,
changeable moods, sore throat. ,etc?
M-TXT Toung and middle-aged men with weak back, failing strength.
JYLXiXX BunKen cheeks, hollow eyes, poor memory, I cure cheaply.
TT A TTrr-iC3T TT'TT'tJC! Wormy veins, varicose veins, reduced and
VAJXlLtUOJlj VXjXXiO cured without pain or Inconvenience. Rup
ture etc.. and Piles cured without operation Consult me free and find out
now I cure without the knifo. Myrlce for a cure Is the cheapest in the
CHRONIC AILMENTS Btl;a1t?on,nc1"n!g.
liver, stomach, catarrh, rheumatism, pains.
inti VflTTO Nervous and despondent, debilitated; tired mornings; no
AJXXj lUUf ambition ilfeless; memory poor: easily fatigued; excit
able and Irritable: eyes red and blurred; pimples, haggard looking, ulcers,
sore throat, lack of energy and confidence?
rT Tt nrPW vrith chronic kidney and bladder ailments, difficult urination.
UJ-alJ JVIXjXi enlarged glands, etc.. should call at once, for quick relief.
becomes active, ins 1 1 1 c B
dfsapear! ; the eyes become bright
physical and vital sysiemej arc
cur ATT ttitti "Tt My prices are always rea
A OlW-AJ-liJ a- XjXj 8onable and never more
than you are willing to pay for the results I will
give you. I will -allow you to pay me bt the visit,
week or month, as you are able, or I will allow a
liberal discount for cash. No man too poor to get
my best service. I have euch a large patronage
that I can give you a very small price. No ex
cuse for any man to no wunuia
treltmen? rX soundly and
-SSSviiHvitive xrs r-aoyi
want non" do not honTstly earn, and if I fall to cure you I do not want your money.
Consultation and advice free. If yon cannot call at office, write for self-examination blank and book
many cases cured at home Medicines $1.50. to $6.50 per course.
HOURS 9 A. M. TO 8 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 TO 12.
, Corner Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Oregon.
""".villa0- Nov. J3.-Ball.d-Sta.mer W. 8.
Porter. for Portland. .,,,
Tac-oma. Nov. lit. Arrived. North steamer
Hornelen. for Sound ports; steamer Queen,
from Ban Francisco. sW.'d-s" Olym
T.ia. for erieattle; French brk Notr
Iiatne d'Arvor. for Queenstown-. Brazil steam
ir muv2r7for Seatlle; Japan steamer Mex-
for Southampton; Bluecher h,1'.:
burg; Mlnnetonka, for London: Arab c for
Liverpool: Berlin, for Naples: Graf V. alder
see, for Hamburg.
Rotterdam. .Nov. 17 Sailed Lranlum.
,0ply'mou.hrlNov. 10Arrlved-St. Paul
If Palermo. NovV Jo.pailed-Martha Waah-
Antwerp1: Nov. 'ift-S.l.ed-Oothland. for
NeHave'.rlNov. 19. Sailed LaBretagna. for
NBeattfik" Nov. 19. Arrived Stoamer
oivmnla. for Tacoma; steamer Edith, from
Kkag-way. Sailed V. S. B. Manzanlta. for
Grays Harbor: steamer Queen, for Tacoma;
steamer Muckman. for San Francisco;
steamer Titan, for Tacoma; steamer A. G.
Lindsay, for Valdex.
Genoa. Nov. . 19 Arrived Prlnxesaln
Irene, from New York.
Bremen. Nov. 19. Sailed Frlederlch der
Gross. lor ew ior, ,
Glasgow. Nov. 19. Sailed Furnessla. for
VLn Franeisco. Nov. 19. Arrived Steam
ers Roanoke, from Astoria; Setos. from
We do not care to enlist the interest of the
casual reader, but we Invite the earnest at
tention of men, MEN ONLY, and only men
who need treatment.
TVe want especially to talk to the man who
has been taking treatment that does not cure.
tV want to talk to the man who haa dosed
himself with Free Trial Samples, Patent
Remedies, Specifics and Cure Alls, we want
to talk to the man who haa been using secret
appliances and similar devices. We want to
talk to the man who haa sought relief In
If this' haa been your unhappy experience
you are cordially Invited to oome to our
Office, where we will fully and freely explain
to you why suoh treatment has not oured you.
and where we will demonstrate to your en
tire satisfaction why we can otrre you safe
ly, quickly and permanently.
We claim for our treatment nothing
miraculous or wonderful It la simply our
successful way of doing things. i
No Money Required Until Satisfied
We charge nothing to prove our methods will cure you. Tou need not
pay a dollar until satisfied. Private counsel and a thorough, painstaking
personal examination are free. No charge for medicines.
AFFLICTED M,fiN, before treattwc elaevrhere, honestly Investigate enr
nrevea methods. Yes will then understand how easily we rare VARI
contracted ailments.
What you want Is a cure Come to us and get it. Once under our
treatment you will quickly realize how simple a thing It Is to get well
In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not
only years to life, but life to years. Hours Dally 8 to 5. Evenings 7
to 4. Sundays 10 to 1 only.
T Make
can cure you and
make a man of
srr that nervousness, bashtnlness ann uespuiniem
i at.ivno tn 1ir Kmiv. and the moral.
-. r-, - ----
the face full and
11 the afflicted to consult me personally or by letter.
If you doubt my ability to euro you, remember I
give a week of my great treatment free It you
desire, so you can try it yourself and see that it
Is the best obtainable In America. This free offer
Is especially made to' patients who have failed to
get cured by doctors who are not specialists.
- -
.. .. . . v .-a.. n rtr. m.
Hamburg;- schooners Defender, from Hana;
Virginia, from Portland; Hugh Hogan, from
Coos Bay: barks Charles Gounod, from Rot
terdam; R. P. Rlthet. from Honolulu; Tou
ralne. from Rotterdam. Sailed Steamers
Governor for Seattle: Capastrano. for Grays
Harbor; Maverick, for Portland: schooners
Snow and Burgess, for Port Ludlow; Annie
M. Campbell, for Astoria; barkentine Coro
nado. for Aatoria. .
l,os Angeles. Nov. 19. Arrived Steamers
The famous
Chinese, lira,
9. K. Chan,
with t h e lr
Chinese reme
dies of herbs
and roots
cure wonder. ifa.
fully. It has sr-Ztr
cured many - "
when other remedies
Sure cure for chronic pri
art cmi
have faued.
vate ailments, nervousness, blood poi
son, rheumatism,
bladder, kidney, throat and lung trou
ku. -nnmimntlon. stomach disorders
and other diseases of all kinds.
dies harmless. n. prt.ii.u.
treatment. Examination
free. Call or
write to .
The S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Co..
126 V4 Morrison St.. between t irsi
Second. Portland. Oregon.
This Chinese doctor and pharamae.utlat of Wat Jlnsr Chi
nese Herb & Root Medicine Company 1. American born and
a citizen When four years of age he went to China with
his Barents and got a good education In the school, of that
land Obtaining 'hi honors of Doctor of Medicine, he was
permitted to , pracilce In the Canton Medical College and to
iVudy the eminent phyelcian.- prescription, of centuries
For six years In New York City he was president of the
Oriental Hospital, where ha had such wonderful success with
hla i medications. While there In New York City he met Seld
Back Jr.. of Portland, and waa Induced to come to Port
land and open an office. Any man. woman or child with
anv Internal external or eruptive disease who will cime to
my ofdee can mcun free confutation and examination.
If you can't call, write and get diagnosis and remedies.
01H First, Bear Columbia.
No Mistake
in Trouble
Why waste money " trying "
different docforaf Go to the
Master MpcciallHt In the first
place and get cured and avoid ex
perimenting with poor doctors.
you. unaer its innuein-
a ti rl wTien von see how sensible my
Boaver, from Portland; "Watson, from Se
attle; British steamer RIverdale. from
Chinese ports. Sailed Steamer Sttnta Rosa,
for San Diego; Klamath, for Columbia River.
Tides at Astoria Snnday.
S:43 A. M 7.0 feet I :05 A. M 36 feet
"r." P M . 9 it feet 10:07 P. M ...1.1 feet
Pay When Cured
We 1mvo every known remedy ap
pliance lor THUAT1AU YOU. Our ex
perience Is so great and varied that n
one of the ailments of Men Is new to aa
General Debility. Weak Nerves, In.
somuiiu Kesulta o( exposure, overwork
and other Violation, of Nature's laws.
Diseases of llludder and tvidueys. Vari
cose Veins, quickly and perinaaently
cured ac ainall expense ana uo Cetea
Uon from business.
tracted aud cnronlo cases cured. All
burning. Itching and lnflammatloa
stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected la
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of question.
Office Hours A. M. to s -. AL
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Cornea- First.
C. Gee Vo
j The Chinese Doctor
! This great Chinese
j doctor Is vrell
Known thro u g li-
out the Northwest
j because of his
i wonder f ul and
; m a r velous cures.
and is today her-
greatest of his kind. He treats any
h s . it diseases with powerful Chl
nede roo"? herb. Ind barks that are
"nflrelv unknown to the medical
.?ie"eyof ?Ws country. With the.,
harmless remedies he guarantees to
curt "catarrh, asthma, lung trouble j
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liver and kidnov troubles, also prl
"ate bailments of men and women.
Patients outside of city write for
blanks and circulars. moose -to
First St., Near MorrUon.
Portland, Or.
If you have weak
nerves, poor circulation,
feel R-eneral run down,
have anv weriknef.i.
make you strong, heal
thv and feel like a new
man. Our free book, on
Men's Ailments, Causa
and Cure, factory prices
and all pnrtlculars.
mailed In plain, sealed
envelODC free. If you
need strength, or If you are taklne electric
treatment now and pay $1 ami V- a vlait.
don't fall to Investigate You can cure your
self at home. Just- when and where you
need It. at small cost. Convenient, com
fortable, always ready, strongest and best
or no cost. Electric Suspensory free. Ad-
a 'va