rilK SUNDAY ORKG.OXIAXV, I'OKTLAXD. NOVEMBER 20, 191Q ' I I PERSONAL. . f BOBEW II RECTO K Y. BI.NFS . WRBCTORY. V V Til.' Uli'lL'l.1 I'i-ITTT 10. HOTLl-S IttHjM I vi'.-H. 'l.-fcS I'.EAL ,-TATS. Phone M..B -eo. A Jl'J. I? V.'Iinc l:c. . 3-1 and as.ur.atoa. S hilt an vc i:l ' ..---' r-t.!a KDil rirmtn-ri. .n- ar.d prk... WE CAN A r. 'I. " M-jsr.r. 74 UOVMS. Contalnm- every modern , "lu""'"t rinnlnl w -r. h'Ji. P'1?'-. ' '." UllOLNtt FlefVK 1'HKi: AM LOHM.. .ntranc. fr..m l..'.by inn N.-.t ..l-. r-!-rent ry room i " outaide room, trie i ..! f,,rn stun trie I . Ht: l-Ht.K IS I ..-.v. .... ' '.J. tn 4o.A f.-H II NlUt:d 4u l: ...d nn .. n-t.-n corner, j tre-v' I" -L".'.,'"i ;vn.-:k' wf.-l ,-ki.i. ..X . ! T ! k.MiSf. THIS i: a m; a i n wi.vt i.Asr Hi. r WAT UK Hit AT. 1'i l:iMS. ll lnnll.s trim, r'rl lU'V -... In.., ted n-..r th-j 1'i.s: ofT n . all lrr" (',1a.' kkm1 ttiriKti. anl cliin. 14 K'J".il. NFKH rirv HAU-.-L.rlr.s: ! monthly. bimM'TlH uit' vry little work, only can ,K"",4PABtaKT.WK.. RO-M.-. -1 ar ir-m.nts. m.iat r unrur a atied Lrl.a tiuli.linir. Wm J-iie loca t.on rih r.-iuir. d. , ij K'JljVS. li apartment, a'.l n-w anl lecannr turnlahej. N a, t" lV'"Mr: I -' . a nonth : rent on ttie r-ni-. an y I.:) a mi.ntn: e-yar l-a. nothm to 'qn4l thla for in. money; only coh r.. jtr-.. biuw 7 mo. i". H'killS. rent only I4". 4-y.vr !'. eempi-t. ;y iirn.h-l tl. r...: aoul . better fax lh: t on.e. price -i.'i Ttlld i;mnt l A t.NAI'. u.LV lio. 4". rooma. t- n orn r brl. k fculKllrc: r-m hi; n.. tiiuiM. iiicoin. ""' r.onth'.r: r-nfl to m-i wltii "' a-fa f"'a plai la ain.-' n-w. with mi lion " a-l-'nln raom c.a ta rotrd n.l Uln,r. -r.. .1 a-i4 barroom run lu ckiiii-. tioo. J"t IM li-tl..a I -r - )i a l.t' ' .....n-r- !' PK :t ..I ' -. ' t i rv- r . r.m. n- hn. afartinnl. vrr ai..nt y t .m -h-l : 4 H -y .r lr: low r-nf. In-Su li kn-l bot "''r (rivata bath "in rrr "'" n .n.l.aa on fmu. tor pariitulara p.aaaa t'lKTZ-MI KLLKi: '. 314 l! fll,lr SoyKTHINO KXTltA HXK. t r ni. naw rormt fcrli k u .r nu-r.v f .1 r :). t: f I.'1' n.l r..hl watV In a;l r.Hrr.. pruata H tin. a.vaar Irai at rrnt k"1 ' "Ir,n" !.., a.l .iim- " l"r "i""rh, hanll'd t-tiia or wnl ! "r a.MHl CUT .r..:.r-T: ! ..r rn pl-a call III. i .- VI CI.I.KK " . ,ilt IT linKtin I'l.lE s 1-I.LK.iT IN" THE i irr. 4t riMitt.A. n-w ...rnT rl h : th-'a a r.ihln m th nr. that ran i:..n.f.r with tii lllti brainy, prl.ata hatha. an. I col. I walrr In a) I twiitu, irara !.. rr month, rrct Pr munlh with laaa. i-i:i.-k : TKitv.-i i.nrrz-vi'Ki.i.KK . 31t-li Abibatia iiMc. rOVT Ml"" TIM -rt riK.n.1. I out".-!-. r fur ni.nlnn.. r-nt JI5 .t: thr--y-ar lr..j rirara aboa ail p-nara tii Par month, tary rrntrml location anil a ni- home. prK liTO" ihetz-jii-W'.'-K" - I ii 1 1 Amnicton Util EAliLE litiAl.TV l u afa'n l7" Ji ll-'arJ of Tran. Wa maka a ppr.-la'.ty of r.Himlnit-hou anil hofi- W haa a lara. Iit ami oo tn koiln'U. If '" want U bur. a.l or traJr. call on ua. ! quickly anil ,1""IrVl.VAR, !" MONTIIT.T. ri'"i. I " !". i lirap rani, rroun-l air .ohy r.ritlonaIly wrll t urn!hrit. If you tt a Uotoi man looking lor loca tion, aaa thla. A "iXr fll'Y. 5 rooma nvKti n. cornrr b-!' k. Tna lo cation. !! furnibJ. mly raah. SiAlKlr-lOt; Hilt QLUK SALE. 7 room. oo-l lra.. root $lv; cleara ! b .fllM Ih.a FINK llAllk. t'LilAKS IKS. I rooma. In. rliao rrnl. lwaya rrnta'l furnlturo and carpota H.IHK CLA Ti THH. 14 mom. laao. r-nt 1 .4. ninplnf wnr in ocrnn. :.ti'.r.t oon-hra, bot of fuml-tu-. rirxit and brditlnff. anap. JtKVLKoON 6T. U-ATIO.N CLEAR I NO a1) 13 rooart. rrnt HS; onlr SS; tarma liCTRr: H A SNA I'. 1 rooma. rant lli; only 3'. Monday. Liat wllh ua fur qui. k aalaa. SI F.axd of Trada. MRoH ft ritix-xtnTT. lil ft.. flOcMV 1 roorua. all fiirniahrd. In rood location, two block from W.iah Inaton at.: rooma all rrntad; ti-nt .!. cl-r ovor $JUO rn-r month; will fla trrma. A ltoo-1 buy. $110011 rooma wuil furniiili-M: a larir. modern bomo on carl In", best of Intailou. rrnt only 4o. I'-yar I-m; Inroma 414. caay urn Thla la Itrt-clana. $700 K rooms. rtw furnltttra. alram h'at and rmt--ti. nlca location: rant $.; Incoma $700 1 room, wrll furnlhd. kool lo cation, nica houa-. rrnt In roma 2 yrara' li-aae. Wa h a lr- list of good. wll-lo-catod houara It mljiht b or interest to you to c:i and s--a what w- hav. I.CIIOIS I'KK'kBTf. Kootn t Washington llliltf. Ri iM IMJ-Hi HmE wanted. Mrtifie:d priip rty to trada. for ruu of about ." rooma: will asttma srrNll amonnt or pay mail cash d' (ferem-a. II 5J.V Oregon lan. Iti TFI. -H AROA.IN. Ona of the best-pavinit hotel In tha rlty. clearing over llnnQ per month: lone leaaa. rhaap rent, and In tlio heart of city; 1 rooma. modern, new furnltura and building. Will balf Interest to good hotel man. or sell ail If preferreiL Thia can ba handled with small amount of cah. and pay tha balanca out of tha Income. For partlrulara, call Main ak for J. W. i'nnr PEACTIFVL APARTMF.NT-HOtrSE. &7 rooma. In 3-roorn suitea. elegantly ftrnjabd. new and In flrat-claaa condi tion: aai-n apartment haa prlvata bath, tel. phona and all op-to-data eonyenlencea: eyeellent location and hooaa full: llva-year l-aae: rent 4.i.'ii p- r month: .10uO caab wi'i hae.itl mis. ItlKILA.VP H.K1IINO IIOVSE CO., 313 Henry Bide. Fl'U a 'J-room rnominf -houaa, Ca,l at 1vS 1-1 h. In ttarnoon. lost a so rorrMTD. 0!ND Whara you can buy gcnulna balr mattreaata ret ail at wholeaala prices: wa renovata mattreasen and return aama day; w alao renovata faathcra. I'ortiartil t'urlaU Hair Factory H. Metzger. 1 Fro t.1. T'hones M.iin 474. A 1 S 74. X.IIST Thursday. Bungalow Thaatar or Pa pot and Morrison straetiar. alirk pin. wtb small diamond art. yalue-d highly aa a fc i inlaw b a (rum a dead brotnur: finder plaaaa return to Mlaa IlefTron. Sla MilJ t. Main S1I0. and racalya raward. $AHIY who picked ui muff and pursa with name In It near 7th and stark ata. ar knaan and will avoid troubla by return ing aama to orafonian ofXiua. and bo quca t:ona asaed. Li-tT Uruwa bulldog; tall and sari trimmed: wears collar with brasa spikes. Return to 17a lwlnt at., or call Wood I -en 134 and rejrlvt reward. 1.. r Dcu n cwilia male dog, answara to narna of Brure; wandered away from South yount T.ibor .last unja : raward. I'huca Tabor3oi jjo ST Bet wean E. 14th and Datla and E. -)th and Hurnside. ona gray squirrel fur nerkpiera. Iletu-n to SO H. :th St. North or rihorta Fast IZil. Lr a paraa with uiient illamoad and glik Finder please return diamond keap paka and keep money. 4.l Kaat Taylor. M ra. t'oity. tl(,T Ladies" s-ild watch on FTlday; rnon ogram E. D. B. Ksward. W Mi Ors gonian. LOST Heavy-set broan dog. short hair, white chest 1.M Seattle license on col lar Rewaril 4.1 Fill St. I.IKTZ-JIflT I.KP. 31. IT ll ''' . ..... RIH1MIMI-H0f.-K AllThnf. If log irt In th nurk.-t !r r--i Hr.i.1. r.m.n. h..u -r .rrtm-nt-lio.i--. r.i, o ... t..r r-l:.b: In f .rm' i-n fl.: .w l. a paf.ial of hat can oftrr .,-,t LLEWrLI.VX aettor. white dog. blark and bl -k eyes, half of tnll blai k. Jie East 4ith. Tabor W Liberal reward. WILT, party tint took suit b"I from lion A Martin's drugstor-. r, turn the samo. aa lhae ar kno i. and save trouble. L..-.T lot terrier bit. h. blai k and l-.n head, black spot butt of tail. 31 Khedner bidg.. or Main .V.1J: reward. FOl D lnrk brown bull t-rrier do short ears, stub tail fall Kellabla r-ipresa r-o.. th and S'ark. IX- T Multno-tiau fob. Inula. a W. lw W. engrmred on ba. k: llbaral reward. K. Wilhalm. City Engineer o(Itce-! tJost no'jarsey anrl Bwlaa cow with halter and be, l on. also d-horned. li reward. J. w Tyylor. Ler-ts. Or. lT Small open-lure watch, with fob and charm attached. Iletarn to Hilars Muatc House. Park and Wanh. ; reward. fOI'ND A ring on listMorrlaon at. Call Ifalnea" Tea. Store. J. I and Aldc t VA"Mte ball terrier ifewalel. Fbune Best K sward. 1 . I ' T . . . I r i c . . .. I Loans Vanteev I . rvn I I,. . 1 - I .IHIlll J W - - - AUVl.r.TbKMKXT WATER WOIIK3. Jackaonvllie. (.irrgon. Nmimtirr 1. IdlO. See e.l prupia.-iis wnl be received by the City Recorder ol ji-Ws-nvillr. or., until & o rio. k P. !.. November HilO. lor constructing water works for the Oly of Jarkeouvilii-. Or. The work will consist of exravatlng and bark Ulllng ttencn-a. hauling and laying steal and wood pipe, hauling and p.Ht.tig valves, valve boles, hydranta, special realities and constructing storage ilurn and reservoir for a gravity water system. Ail labor and material to be lurn.jiied by the tontrartor. plans nwy ba sr.n and apeclflcatlons obtanird at the office of the City Itecord r of Jai ksonvlll-. Or., or at the ofltce of i Hairood A Cummlngs. civil engineers, aledtold. Or. Ail I i-is must be submitted on the prvnf d lorms furnished by the CH7 Ke r of Jai knimv I'le. Or. Ki h bl.l shall be accompanlod by a r. rti;i.-l ch-i k In lav. a- of tile City IfaiurT of Ju on Hie for flee 3) per c-.-nt of thu amount bid. A kon.l iraepums I" the C'ltr of Jark sonviiiv will be required for thirty taw! pr cent o( the contract price. . The right la reserved to reject any and II bid. H.-O. lo.X. Recorder. T. T. SHAW. Mayor. THE undersigned will receive sealed bid at his nfliie. 7 First street. Portland, Ore on. up to it ocly.k no..n of Saturday. I'eceinper 3. lsiio. lor the following de- personal'.. to-mlt: A, lot .f woodworking an.l mill machinery, lo rated f the Krynolls Furniture Factory at Albina and tSoMsmlth streets, of the total Inventory Value of SIBiMl; also a lot of niaiertaia and lumber used in the man -w:a. ture nf furniture of the "Inventory value or 111.12 "i. all located In said lec tin. Hid wi.l be rceived for. all of said proper! ur separate lids fur the machin ery and nm 'er la. a t.ali or a certified check f"r lu per cent of the amount of fered must ai company each bid and the r.lit Is reeerved lo reject any and ail I. ids- An inventory is on file at the office of the un.lerslgne.1 and said property may be InsiievteU uvon application at said :fice. a 1 he roachlnerve ahove mentioned rou ts of n corr.i-iete set of woodworking machinery. This sale oflrrs a good op-p.-rtunlty for ativone desiring to operate a furr..:ure manufacturing or wooo w ork -inc i an to obtain a complete outfit. lea.. i at I'orliund. Orecoii. November t.. 1 m i . . I. s.ntun. Trustee. NOTICE TO ONTItAt-TOn. r-iniarnm. New Mexico. November 1-ilu S. a.rd proposals w ill be receiv e J tv the Cimarron Water Company at H ..nice in tins loan until 2 P. M..". e. emlier J". Jilo. for furnishing a. I ma terlais f or. anil constructing a gtavity sup ply sv.iera of water t In the Town of Cliuirmn. New Mexico. Tre work wi.l consist mall ly of . ;veuo fest inch machine banded wood V'at.'"0 feel S Inch machine banded wood "i"o-etrier with gte valve. Tre hydrxnt. etc . a ttieiril.uung reservoir of ocK'.-Iioii-rallon cs;im lt. Plana. specifivlin and form or con trail may ne aeen and .pmpoeal blanks ob tained at the .rin-e of me company and at trie o.-Ti.e ot T. W. JaycoZ. Iviob iiroadaay. enver. Coloiajo - I a h b.d s..a:i be accompanied hr crrtiliol check for Jisu and msde payable to C.eorte II Webster, Jr. The right la rrrerved lo reject anr and "TH,li'!ClVARHOS WATER COMPANY. Hr Oeoise H. Webster. Jr.. Presl.lent- DFPARTVENT of the Interior, t nlted statea Keolamation Serylca. Washington. 1 C Oct. 14. 111. Sealed propoaa.s will be received at In otlus of the United Statea Reclamation Service. Portland. Or., until 2 otlock P. M.. leceniber li, 10ll. for tlie rotistruclion of the Lost Hirer Inversion Works, located from alZ to 10 miles south asl of Klamath Falls. Or. The work consiata In cuneiruclUig a concrete diversion dam. culvsrts. briUncs. etc., and Involves a'xiut nOisl cubic yards of con crete and 4U.IKK1 cubic yarda of 4xcava tn.n and emhankment. For partlculara ad or.aa the I nited siales H.clamatlon ber-y-,e. Washington. U. C. Portland. Or., or Klamath Fa. la. Or. Jeaso E. Wilson, Aot Uig becrstary. SALE OF BONU8. Notl-a Is li-rvb) given that Fchool nii tnct No. of Uallaa. Polk County. Ore gon will receive-sealed bids for the sale nf HOiMl ii 5 per rent semi-annual Int. bearing of .aid district, said bonds to run for J; years, but to be redeemable at the notion of (aid district, on and after Id veara from tne date thereof, at any semi-annual Int. payment dale. Bid will be U-n- 1We" 'lirAMPHEM, .'lerk Sch.eul Uist. No. X WANTED Bids for grading, eoncreta work, rarpenter work, wiring, plumbing, heat ing, painting, plaateruig. - Peterson, 4M ltth st. Mlecel IN TUB IHSTRICT COURT OF THE I NITED ST ATtrJ FOlt THE '1STR1; r tiF oltK'lt'N In the matter ef KAMI. Els til. OSTEIN, bankrupt: The undersigned trustee will receive sealed blda at his of-fl.-e. room 8. No. J First street. Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday. November "!. 1'JIO. for the following prop erty belonging to aald eslste, to-wit. Stock .of merchandise consisting princi pally of clothing, shoes and gents furnish ing goods of the Inventory value or floiJ la. lot of store fixtures of the In Jintory value of $.r.7.6el all ' the Fanning bl.lg.. at tueridan, Oregon. Cash or ceJtltled check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the right la reeerved to re ject any and all bids and aald sale l .object to eoultrmatl.m by the court. An Inventory of the property- Is on "!e at the office of the undersigned and the prop -erty may be Inspected npon application to E. L lienderaou, at snertdsn. or. JL u SARIN. Trngtew. Dated Xovember 19. 1'Jl". t NOTICE Is hereby given that I will well to the ill g heat bidder the following bond ls-ue mails by school district No. 2. Lin coln Countv. Oregon: 10 ilowO bond. Sated December lo. I1. Interest U per rent payable semi-annually. January 1 and July J. traturlng In 2 years, redeemable after 10 vears at the option of the dis trict Illds received up to and Including December a. 11- Further Information on request. O. B. Mc luskey. County Trsaa urer. Toledo. Oregon. I-HtjENlX IRON WORKS The V",?"1 lueetlng of the stockholder of ths Phoe rlTlron Works will I held at the office of the company, t- 3d St. and Hawthorne ave. I omenu. c, . 1 IBlo at 7.30 P. M-. for the purpose ir e.ecung dlrectora and for the trans action of such other business as may lie biought before ssld meeting. November 1 lslu. . s'elnhsuse. secretary and treas urer, and bsin Morrow, president. JOHN N BROOK, will not be rcsponsi Me for dsbts made by the firm of John N Hrook at Co. from Nov. 14 and hsre- after. IT? ANCIAL. sTTRI.Hillt Oil Company of San Francisco offers a limned lumuw i. e... , ------ at li rents per share; situated In ths celebrated guslier belt of Midway Fields, producing one billion dollars worth of oil per mouth; listed oil stocks of California have pld 13l tkaJ.lHM) dlvldenda. closest Investigation desired, local banking ref erences. Free birvlsoye view and booklet of Midway Holds. Address F. J. loung. seca-etarj starlight Oil Company, Portland Hotel. WANTED TO BU'V fttate or city agency for old line ft re In surance company; agency must have been In successful operation for at least two years correspondence treated strictly oou tlitentlal. AD faJ. Oregonlan. .-.IK SALE Mortgage loan for ItOOO on li us fruit farm in Southern Oregon apple district, drawing T per cent Interest, due in January: muat have the money; will discount: principals only. 1'uone East 1412 Monday. r.vvvKK uf IS years' experience examining ttllc. and making loana for particular peo ple, has numerous choice applications on hand- best of references. Ca.1 at ouj Mc Kay bl.l g. Main 471Q. iiiHTiiAcSKS. contracts, bonds, stocks, war rant. and ot.-aougbt and sold Loan. "Sotlaied Hery Teal. 410 Ablngton bl.lg- l'-O'x 3d St. u II 1. Day cash for Gold Coin Mines Com iiny stock. If price right and Immediate re. . n., liweeininn il.ilivery. r o--. will, discount IIIU3 balance on Install- u'ent contract, li per cent; well accured. no l.utr.ber Kvchniige. Money to l-oon Kesd Ea-tata. Etate funds loaned. per cent. Vf. E. Thom- aa. stats agsnt. MulLnomah Ca. tC UiiHTUAUB LOANS AT BEASONABLB RATr.1V H: LEWIS 1 LEV, la BLiXl. Wiil loan $10,vHH) or lean, real eatate security, F-"tair4joomnierclal Club bldg. MONEY to loon on realty. 642, Ore gon tan. iiOilTGAGB LOANS. AND T PEI1 CE.M. LOCld SALOMON. 233 UfARK tT. IIONEY to loan on real aetata. Harding at Reynold Co.. 313 Chamber of Commerce. JdORTilAOE bearing 10 per cent for sale. See me st once. 245 Grand ave. MONET to loan on Improved city real ea ta'te. Parrun. W at kips A Co.. 2S0 Alder. vi o SET. any amount, t ta I per cent. Oas4 eoueli A Selta. 3H Speuldlng bldg. $10i TO loan: no commission charged. AB 624. oregonlan. MoMEY TO LOAN On Improved or unim proved real- eatate; small building and installment loars a specially; real eslat contracts and hoods purchased. W. H. .Nunn. 441 Sherlock blk. Maln tll. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes: S to 3 years' time: liberal repayment privileges; money sdvanced aa building progresses The Equitable Sa Incs Loan Association. 240 btaxk St. CArll paid for mortgages or sellers Interest In contracts on real estats anywhere la Oregon or Washington; mortKa.s loanl negotiated on improved i.roperty. H. E. Nob.e. Lumberniei.s l)ilg. Pin an d fa 1 a r k. TO loan, several amounts at 7 and tv per cent Interest on city renl estate. C F. l'fluger a. Co.. room 5 Mulkcy bldg. 2J snd Morrison sts. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property, anywhere In Oregon or Washington. E. L Deversaux. Fsnton bldg.. 34 tlih st- PLENTV of uiouev to loan at od 7 per cant oa real estate security. EDW. P. . MALL. ' 104 Second (H. t&OO.OOO on Improved city or farm property! bonding or oinsll lusns at lowest prices; largs loans a specially J. 1L aleEanal Co.. 614-lS-ld Uerllnger bidg. WE HAV E plenty of mon.y to loan on city properly In sums from (1UO0 up to J.'.O.lrvO at lowest current ratea Morgan, Filed aar A Boyi ft. So3-r.od Ablnglon bldg. $i00 NOTE w ith mortgag on good saloon, due In ( months, for- quick sal at flail. AK 511. Oregusuan. $ W 1I.L be loaned by owner on Port land real estate security. Ai. i-i. Ore- ironll WANTED Money, luans secured by A No. notes and ou new automobiles AE 03i, j iregunlall. . lniTouu TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Beck. 812 Failing blilg. IMMEDIATE loans from 15 and up on all lecurltlea. W. A. Hat.'iaway. room 19 Washington bidg. Phons Main 802. LOANS oo Improved city property for prl vst Investors M. E. Thompson Co. 4ia and Oak. Henry blag. aluRIOAOE loans on city property; lowest ralea A. H Aiirretl Co.. 2ui AicEay blvlg . J and Ktark. M'iNKY to loan. gooil security. G. E. S. hmcer. fiyl S. Jersey si.. St- Johns. Co lurr.b.a I7i. ; W E loan money on city and siiinirtMiti r.-nl ixtAt.-. also buy good mortgag-s. Wes;ern s-curltls Co., 414 Spalding bldg. , l'RIVATE I'tMM Any amount, reaaocabla tariiis roorlgagea purchased. Henry C 1 rudnonim Co-, trvil Spaiding biug. jw", PER CENT; IliOO. 7 per cent; city properl. J. It- Stipe, 7'0 Chatubr-r Commerce. MONEY to loan ou Improved Inside property. Ul.o.Nil-STEEl.K CO.. Oround Fioor, lrwis Itldg. vi0,e;Y lo loan at reasouaulu I ales In sums Ir'oru 4 up. Abe lavsnuo) Co.. I14 Al iltr su e- WILL loan .iicro or l-ss on real estate, HUchcock.tio jHothciuidbidg. LOA.NS ON INSIDE "pllOl-Eltlf AT B TO I, CENT. 14 LHW1H HUlLUl.Nta, i-itlVAAE money loaned on real estate ixturx gagea JL Miiiy. room 2o4 Oenmer bidgv BL ILdTnu" loans. A. C. Furlong, contrac tor, oari Ch. ol Com. Main 4..U4. jajajua on teal, personal, chattel or co.iat aiai security. C W. l ailstt. 3ua-W renioo. Money to l)Oelu battel aad Salaries. 1 $ f $ $ 11 Ike tou lookino for money. If you know how eaay our terius are oxi would not be abort of money. Doa t be bothered with a lot of suiaal debt; let u lurnlsli money to aetlls them. WE LOAN ON Furnltura and pianos, storage receipts, llv stock, rooming nuusea. life Insurance politic, all kinds of securities: term to suit; also eaay weekly or monthly In-ata-lmeula. We buy and loan ui flrat and secuud oiurtguaea and equity la eoa- Lras!REAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO. 112 Hamilton Aliug.. 131 3d. Main ioaa, BUTTON CREDIT COMl'AiSA. .07 Spauling Blug. 3d and vvasmugton St. Money. Money. Money. Mouey. Money. W e loan money that's our business. We have -mouey fur those who need 1L We all need mouey. 'A liercfora, come to loan on pianos, furnllure. eta. Why let your small bills worry yuuf We can advance ou auy aiuuuul from Slo upward. Why go to other companies? Sea us. Wise people DEAL with ua. When omois fail, consult tha old re- '''bHL-rTON CREDIT COMPANY. SAJAit Y LOAN BANK. avnyoua ciaadlly ampluyed can borrow 11. li. 110, i0. $15. $1 (jn your personal note. No mortgage No Indorser. Easiest payinents Lowest ratal Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO. 101 Failing Bldg.. Id and Washington. WE loan money on watches, diamonds, seal- klns, mink overcoats, trunks, dress suit . . -aid musical Instrument. UNCLE MYERS, 71 Sixth SU Between Oak and l ine St. Main lu- MONEY loaned in amounts from $10 up on ail kinds of ocurilles. furniture, piano or any personal properly. Easy weekly or monthly paytnouta. Low rates. Confiden tial Oray A Cunningham. 2ol Kothclilld Bldg.. northwest turner 4tn A W aahUiglun. MONEY advanced Salaried people, house keeper and other upon their own names without securi-.y; cheapest rates, easiest nutrients: office In Cd principal clttea; save yourself by gsttinjr my term HrL TJLMANiJllLuaiber Exchange. LOWEsT RATES Loana on all kind of e- curlty. chattel or real estate. Union Loan Co., 45 Lafayette bldg.. 8th and Wash, sta LOANS tin diamonds. Jewelry and other se curities. W m. Holl. room 0 Washington bidg . cor. 4th and Wellington sis. A LOAN for the aaklng. salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Pckum bidg. MONEY to loan ou diamonds and Jewelery; low rates of It tent. isS Washington. $lvio" TO loan' on realty security. Main 140. 430 Worcester bldg. . LillEKAL loans on furniture and dlunuilnla. J. E. Nichols, f.20 Hoard of Trade l.l.lg. LOW rate: w loan money on diamonds and Jewsiery Marg A Lloch. 74 Hj st. laess Wantesl. LOVN wanted. $hj iU 7 per cent on very line West Hide resilience property In Nob Hill district. N 627. Oregonmn. OWNER of good West Slda Improved prop . '. . I.,an at glSUO. AL 62L Ore gonlan. ItKio FOR one year from private parly: good buslne-at aecurlty; will pay 10 per rent: n.. aaents. AB 641. Oregonlan. $i7i AT per cent wanted for 3 to 6 year ........ . s -iii' ii n i . i r I V A K On SiaOO woriu o ' . e--e 04-. ctrvgoniaii. WANTED J o'iOO for 2 y ar at s per cent on properly worth S0"i. t , r t,cri:v. i 3 $l..o WANTED on timber land worth g.-.OOO: will pay 1" per cent Interest for trrimeniate loan. r o--. v.. e,..... ll.'.oo MOltTiiArtE for sale: good security. Henry C. prudttomm Co., KOd Spalding bidg. " WANTED From ownera. $7j". ou subur ban farm, value $20,000. K Ko. Orego nian. , W' ANTED -$21H0 loan. per cent. 3 years; property worth $4000 security. R 634. OregutliR a. L(. 1 N WANTED Private party wants 15.- iuiii on central Income piopert. S 530. oregonlan. . ilONlT WANTED Application on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sal. HentT C. Pnidhomme Co- Spalding bldg. WILL pay 10 r-r cent for $4 one or t wo years: security, so acres, near Medford. br. V 521, Oregonlan. WANTED Money, loans secured by A No. 1 notes and on now autoniootles. AK 0.J, Ore gonlnn. WILL pay per cent for one year on ..oo, good real estate security. N 630. Ore gonlan. INTM.I.MENT contract $I2."0. repayable JO month; liberal discount. M S42. Ore gonlan. VANT $1200 on $3000 corner and 6-room house, northeast corner Kail Tenth and Mason sta Phone Main 2iol. $440 Second mortgage; good security. P 4S. rill discount 1100; Oregonlan. $3000 WANTED on $7'J00 completed home In Laurelhurst. N 642. Oregonlan. $T500 "WANTED on my $4200 Broadway home E t:i2. Oregotilan. $1000. 8 PER cent, wanted on $3o0v mod- em home. B. 634. Oregonlan. $1200 WANTED on two house and lots worth $.1S00. S 633. Oregonlan, llti.K ON $3.Vi0 -r.ora bungalow near car. WavrerlelKh. 8 per cent. D 031. Oregonlnn. WILL a11 $2iHI worth AI bonds lo yield 9 per rent. C 530. Oregonlan. WILL pay 10 per cent for raMl on 1 1000 worth of Iota AL 512. Oregoulan. LET us place your money, good mortgage, rafsreacea. F. H. Lewi. $ LswU Bldg. WANTED For 3 year at 7 per cent In terest semi-annually 1HIO0 on gilt-edge Portland Heights residence; property situ ated walking distance between two car lines; magnificent scenery. Phono Mar shalllJi3. bet. 4 and 7. evenings. A RESPONSIBLE concern wishes to borrow HHircro at per cent on West Side real estate worth more than three times the amount of the loan and bringing a large Income. AK 5211. Oregonlan. WE csn invest your money at good ralea Interest. Gilt-edge securities. Firs-, men-ril-i Long-term" Investment. PROVIDENT I.N'V. A TRU!TE"J CO 624-B2B Board of Trade Bldg. W .TFD Three loans of $.'000. 110.000. 125 m 10 t 7 per cent for 3 to 5 yeara on good inside Improved property. R. K. BRYAN. 005 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Hulldlng loan. modern apart ment house, on desirable business prop erty; Slr.iin. 3 years, at 7 per cent; will pay commUsiun. Address D Ore gonlan. 10 PER CENT INTEREST. $4000 loan wanted on $10,000 worth of security; will pay attorney fee and fur nish abstract, etc Address O 641. Ore gonlan. $3lMi0 OR $4000 from private parties on choice improved really close In outside, worth $10,000: will pay 8 per cent; no commission. AH 527. oregonlan. liJo Kust mortgage. 1 per cent, quarterly interest, for sale; backed by second mort-k-age on. city property. F. A. Kowbach. Spokane. Wash.. 141S Broadway. $441110 WANTED at once on West Side resi dence, wltiiln walking distance of business renter: property worth $'.Hi00. F 543. Ore gonlan. " WE have a client who wants $10,000 st s per cent for 2 or .1 years. 011 good ectir ny. McCargar. Bates A Lively. 313 hall- inr Mug. WANTED Flist mortgage building loan. llf.00 at k per cent, on Improved Rose Cltv- Park property. Value $4uu0. Address .M r.:;i. tirt-goniun WILL sell 2mh fust mortgage, drawing 7 per cent quarterly on property worth 7.-,ou: r.av reasonable expense; abstract, 1. . t -.-re, i .Mipnnhtl. nil in 1,01 11 11, e. 1, - - e WANTED To borrow $20,000 on good res ilience property, loans to aggregate from $loo to lli.iiHi. J. H. Tlpion Co., UOS spaiaing ning. FOlt SALE A jjlnuo and IiK'O mortgage at per cut quarterly: abstract; full Insur- ItlCe . gOOU. I. O.I 1, v 0 earn. $"7iSb WANTED at 7 lr cent on business property on East Side. AK 62t. Ore- Pl-R.-vON.VU MEN CURED QUICKLY. Modern Electric Treatment for nervou debility, enlarged glands, rectal, chronic snd special disease. Consultation free It. W. L Howard. 304-tl llothciuld bldg, 4th and Washington. A WOMAN of good education, manner, ap pearance, family.' energy, staylhg quali ties, executive ability, loyalty, wants hon oraule work with chance foe advance ment; no objection to going out of city; canvassing or similar work on commission not desired. ah u.i-.'. orot"" A WOMAN is an old as she looks. I guar anteed to remove wrinkles and make you look 10 years younger; free demonstration, jtoom 37 Raleigh bldg.. th and Wash ington, hout 10 to 4. WANTED--Name and addresses of parlies witnessing accident to lady alighting from car Saturday evening. Nov. 1J. at cor. of loth and Morrison. Please communicate Y oai, oregonmn. leiepuouw ji"". TOUN'O man with good position wishes to correspond with seriou rellned young lady 20-oti; lrlctly confidential; give full par ticular In flial letter; matrimony If Uft able. II 630, Oregonlnn. I POSSESS-Information which cost me for tune and feel that 1 should let every con sumptive know about my experience. Mrs. j yi Keynolds, Central National Bank. olumliu. o I WANT to make the acquaintance of a young lady between the ago of 2o and 30; object matrimony: by occupation I am a laborer; no trlfler need apply. AB 540, 1 ireironlan. WANTED A refined young lady would Ilk to make the acquulntauce of - a respect able bueiness man bet. the ages of 2S and 35; no triflers; object matrimony. J 04L Oregonlan. CHARLES COr.EAN I desire the address or uiiv Information as to Cl-arle Colcan. formerly of Columbia County. Oregon. Write to Geo. H. Slilnu, lawyer, St. Helena. Oregon. J . FORTUNE telling with playing cards; lm nlined method, great fun for old nd young. tartllng revelations; booklet con tslninr complete Instructions 25 cents. West Novelty Co.. Lockbox Seattle. MARRIAGE papers higheat character In cVporated. lath year. 500O members: paper sealed: send 10c. K. E. Love, box 1000. Denver. Colo. PAINLESS, prompt, permanent and Inex pensive cures by latest natural healing method. Dr. Philip T. Ball, Merchant Trust bldg. PERSONAL Young man. good pcslrton. would correspond with young lady or widow with view to matrimony: particulars; no sgenLKO.JJreimaru All ERICA N. age 32. good habits. good trade and Income, wishes to make ac quaintance of lady matrimonially In clined. N 614. Oregonlan. SUCCESSFUL voung business man wisnea the acquaintance of a young- lady of re finement: matrimony If suited. AO 6.4. Oregonlnn. WOULD like to have several tallies for hair dressing, manicuring, shampooing, facial and scalp roaasage. work done at your home. Main 8.-.04. FORTUNE Tell your own fortune with Gypsy Fortune-telling Cards. Full In structions. Price 60c; Dream Book 25c, M. Martin, P. O. box 2119. Portland. Or. MASSEUSE OR MANICURIST. A well-equipped business to be dis posed of. something- entirely new on l-oMtJN6j44:Lregonian: . MRS SOPHIE H. SEIP, mental and spirit-ti-ii scientist. 21 Sellins-Hirsch bldg. Main 6"24J ciTRON'Ii- CONSTIPATION positively cured by our Swedish drugless method. Dr. Xlsbeth. 4H.t .viarKev sc. cm. -.n. .... .-i.e.. Cisco. C -U. WRINKLES removed, segginc corrected In 15 minutes: free demonstrations. V sell ing -inrschb'.lg. NeoPlastique Agency. ynrxo mun. 24. deelre the acquaintance of'yviunK lady; object malrlmony. ti biV. Oregonian. yoTnicI ladvTwlVhes i "to meet refined gentle man; object matrimony. A 531. Orego- nlm HONORABLE gentleman, age 24 would like to meet respectable young lady, 18 to 23, bJtrritxlni.54JOregonIan. mxiiavF F.ST ELI. E, magnetic healer, men tal and spiritual .dentist. 1P3 W. Park. suite 7. A 63"a. VlK'AI 1ST offers best Instruction, role production, very reasonably aa Introdue tlon. I. 542. Oregonlan. FULL Information of the divorce law of Nevada and other state free. AdUre box 577, Goldneiu. .vm. TfY between Z6 and 3.1. little money, part ershTp 5. paying business. AN 640, Or- gonlan. p.,0e GRIFFITH, beet known phrenologist: free lesson every hour. 232 Vs Waahlngtoo at., rooms 15 ami ltf. 11 1-1 ciiyn cures rheumatism and blood Pol 1 "im: prlca? $1. Dr. A-lcrc 31" AlUky bldg ; AilNES O. If allv. writ to your mother. K. O yjiL, please write to your mother. Pick, worrying. taNtTAUY Heauty parlors: learn manicur- Ing. 400-412 Deknm bldg- LEA UN the buloes at Sanitary Beauty Col lege. 400 Dekum bldg. J SWITCH made. P5c. Sanitary Beauty Col lege. 4QO-4ia c-een- " - DR. KETCHUM treat womeua uiaiauie iroi- :td St.. cor. Yamhill. ion FOR complete course. Sanitary Beauty ...'i neknm hldr. college, ejv-i. " O Onne Jurvas Natural sanatorium. 178 E. roth Apoplexy, appendicitis, tubercular g land, etc.. a specialty. Tabor i,OS. B21.I8 f-"cvfLE M n" 2". good position. would meet working girl; Intention honorable: ohlect matrimony. T B20. Oregonian. SANITARY Beauty College 4O0-412 De- ktim MUg.: learn. . -. it 1 , w nc KIOS Remedies for disease of women. 532 Davis St. Main D2I5- Pi .S1TIONS guaranteed : Sanitary Beauty colleee 400 to 412 Dekum bldg. iTTr..! i Oregoulan office for answers ad dreseed. ss requested. C. P.. ilndUon. Wla, ANYONE knowing the address of Loui E. Shear please addres AG 528, Oregonlan. villi kis wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. MricM. D. HM1. 42U FMedner bldg. M 3473. PUFFS and curls 75c, out of combings. San itary Parlor. 4"Q Dekum bldg. MRS. L-VDD F1NNICAN U at 2-4 East llth North. SWITCH ESi pufTs. curls made from comb ing L Salmon su, cor. Park. DR. W. E. MALLORY. JI12 Rethchild bldg.. ha the most up-to-date office in Oregon. All rooms are furnished with the most ex pensive appliances, including radium (the orly physician on the Pacific Coast who has radium;. Every therapeutic electric current In use: X rays, static machines. X-rays colls, ozone, oxygen generators, high frequency, wave, sinusoidal, Faradic. galvanic, cautery. vibrators, radiators, baths, herbal, steam, shower, electric light bath cabineia and bake ovens. Smallest to the most powerful lights. Including ftnsen. hellos. solar, violet and ultra-violet. You are asked to visit my office and investigate for yourself If you have cancer, old sore-?, tumors, swollen glands, rheumatism, catarrh, eczema, blood dis eases, bronchitis, throat trouble, mother marks, moles and superfluous hair re moved without scars. All chronic diseases treated with these methods. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all troubles quickly: Jefferson guarantors to place secret knowledge and power in your own hands, to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by anyone or anything and open up a quick . and sure way for the contentment, hap piness and good influence for success that you desire. Call and consult him dally or Sunday. 10 A. 51. to 8 P. M.. at 402 W ash in gtonst(ove14hst;1 STOP making a drugstore of your stomach and don't submit to an operation. but consult Dr. Home at once. call today and consult him free. Take elevator to 4th floor Rothchlld bldg., 2S7 Washing ton t.. rooms 4u7, 4os and 40. Phone Marshall 2fv.i0. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private ' hospital accommodation; confinement cared for: consultation free. ltoom 12 Grand Theater bldg. Main 392S. A 5u0i. " EEBVET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods In the city; up-to-date parlor for halrdressmg. mani curing, face and scalp treatment. 14i 7tn St.. bet. Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 546. : GILBERT, the tailor, suits pressed 50c while you wait; cleaning, pressing and repalrlug. fatheis and boas cleaned, curled, dyed and remodeled by .Madame Gilbert. Room 311:0- Washington St.. Olive bldg. Phones Main 4Htv4; res. Main 4443. GERM 4..N. 3-' years old. with nice estab lished business and good habits, wishes to make the acquaintance of some laay matrimonally Inclined: no objection to widow; German .preferred. AH 630, ore gonlan. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heisingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's directions; baths masseuse. No. 7 East lltn st.. sec ond door south from Eat Ankeny car line. Phone East 21", B 1S03. GET M KRIED Matrimonial paper contain ing advertisement marriageable people "from all sections of the United States. Canada; rich. poor, young, old. Protest ants. Catholics; mailed sealed free. U. Gunnels. Toledo, Q. MARRY rich: thousands want to marry, many rich and beautiful; big lists of de scriptions and photos free, sealed, either sex. Write today, one may be your af finity; send no money. Standard Cor. Cluh. box tjQ7. Grays Lake. 1U. NEW YORK trained nurse, diseases of chil dren, scientific feeding of Infants, conta gion and maternity a specialty; minor op erations, curetage also. Miss Kerner The Ulchardson. Apartment S. Phone Main 2330, A JSiJj . NOB HILL Hairdressins Parlor. 573 Everett st. want scholar to learn whole business ' In one week for $15; hairdresalng only to; single treatment 23 cent. A 3U52, Main 71I72. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moies. etc. perma nently removed by the electrld needle. Phvsleians- references. Ladv operator, at 6eJ5Vj E. Morrison. Established Dj4, a-" - or ML Tabor car Phone East 891 L . HAIR. HAIR A" shades In best QiialltJ Jj cott. Closing out stock: scientific face and scalp treatments; expert halrdressmg and manicuring taught. Aza H. Ribbecke, llrana leaoer, iiui ar.o e.. .. ..,..1. niviTIGI nir. VflK Manicuring, vibration and magnetic treatments: respectable patrons solicited. The Philadelphia House 2124 3d St., cor. Salmon; hours 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. gj F-RESPECTINI man. 53, of some ni'eans. desires to correspond with lady similarly situated, object matrimony: con fident il: no general delivery. H 6-8, t treponian. IJ IV- 1 I- ' '.J. Disease of .women and children, electric ticatment letnervoua ailments, private hos pital Rooms OOa-.VHl Commonwealth hltlg., Bth and Aakeny. Phones Main 4Q47. A 2411. A REFINED gentleman wishes to meet a voung lady. Irish Catholic preferred, between 22 and 35 year, not over 5 feet 7 tall: object, matrimony, if uited. B . . . , 1 T C-ll I i2i. oreRonian aV TALL, congenial, educated bachelor of ,-16. with considerable property, would-llke to meet lady of suitable age. etc.. with some means and matrimonially Inclined. Aiiilress iv. 01. urenuii.n... WIDOWER, past 40. with ome property and good poeltlon. desires to meet lady of suitable age who would appreciate a. kind husband and good home. A 50J, 1 iregoniun MK1 STEVENS. 1 years Portland's lead ing, palmist and clairvoyant, haa her late book "Palmistry Made Easy." for sale nt o4o'4 Yamhill, cor. 7th st- GENTS bo hot air cards; no two alike, all different; often wanted, but not easily obtained; sent sealed by mail for 23c. Novelty Vfg. Co.. Box lfl.1. Arleta. Or. TOUR fortune told; astonishing revelations; let mo guide you to happy, successful future; seud birth date. 4 2-cent stamp. Prof. Allen. 8 No. Wood. Chicago. YOUNG man 30 year -old has good business and would like to meet soma good woman with small means to help In business; marriage If ulted. H 532. Oregunlan. MRS. MAYME WALLACE. Electric and vibratory treatments; bath- maaseuse. 320V, Stark st-, Port land.' Or. Phones Marshall 24H2. A 2S'J. DKE.-'S suits for rent, ,1.50 month keep your clothes cleaned. pressed. buttons sewed on. rip repaired. Prompt tall and dellverlea Unique Tailoring Co.. SOD Stark. DR. WALKER, specialist for men quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St., r-orxiana DON'T be lonesome Join the only reliable marriage bureau In the world. Send 10a for November paperg. Box 251, Seattle. Wash. WANTED BY DEC. FIRsT. Sanitary Beauty College. 4O0-412 Dekum b'dg evening class; make arrangements; we teacn prac-ic-m met A R VCHELOR of 45 ishes to meet lady with view to matrimony. Address AH 6.V4. Oregonlan. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson helps you out ot all troubles. 4U2 Washington L, above 14th t- MME CourtwfTght, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformltlea corrected, plas tic surgery. 453 Morrison st- Main 6042. SWEDISH drugless specialist, nerve, rheu malic and stomach disorders. C. Holm strom. 3n-3 Oregonian bldg- Mara, gyao. RAFFTY razor blades resharpened 3(K- doz. American Safety Honing Co.. 814 McKay bldg. , MISS WALLACE give magnetic electric treatment: mental, apltitual scientist, luo ELECTRIC treatment $1.40 per hour. .Salmon, cor. Park. 155 BCSIVESa InJ5CTOKY. Accountants. " MACKENZIE, BAIRD BERRIDGSo Public accountants and auditor. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7309. A 1449. Office systems. Factory systems. Periodic adult. Investigations. J. M. WILLEY A CO. Public accountants, all branches. Suit 420 and 42S Henry building. Phon Mar shall 121, or 45 William St.. New York. city. t E. H. COLLIS - CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Coruinerclal. County and Municipal Audlarug. Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester block. Phone Main 6507. Asnayer and Analyst. Well A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem Ists and assayera. 204 '.t Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. ISO Morrison st. Attorneys, A. E. COOPER, attorney at law; practice in all courts: abstracts examined. 710 Cham ber of Commerce. M. 11. A a-01 1. B. M. BENSON, general practice of law. collections made. 902 Spalding bldg. . tirculatlng Library. LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg.. 186 5th st., bet. Taylor and Yamhill. Chiropody. WMv ESTELLE and Flossie Denevey, the only scientific chiropodist In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. II ill. room 42 Filedner bldg. Phone Main 8473. Chiropractic Physician. "C H I - RO- PR ACTICIC. K-N ER;" say Itfast and remember Columbia bldg. hrs, 12-5:30. et'oal and Wood. OREGON LUMBER A FUEL CO.. Halscy and E. 3Uth at. Tabor 2&11. TAYLOR, YOUNG At CO.. snip brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bld- Collections and Law. NETH & CO.. COLLECTIONS l 1 EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg., Portland. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 107 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths. 2oe. Brans and Machine Vork- HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 100 N. Rth. Main 3iO- Consulting Engineers. GOLDBERG A TRUMBO. consulting en gineers, 312 Couch bldg. Patent Ideas worked out. power plants, general en gineering. Telephone. Dog and Horse) Hospital. DR. BROWN, D. V. S. Office 324. Flanders St.. Main 40SH. Hospital 12th st. Educational. MARION LOWELL. New York. Washington, D. C. teacher of domestic art, publisher, announces a limited stay In Portland; professionals or beginners coached for stage, platform or uaiior recital. See les son, either voice or pantomime: holiday rates. Call. Marlon Lowell, 175 East 14th st. South ttemporaiy). Testimonial to Miss Lowell from Ann Swanburne: "l thank your training for the greater part of my success." ' ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanic al, survey, assay, cyanide; established 1S64. Van der Naillon school. 51st and Tele graph. Oakland. Cat Electric Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d sU Embroidery. EMBROIDERY, monograniing aad fine nee dle work. Addres Airs. A., J. Croee. 115 N. 23d t.. cor. of Glisan. Engines tlas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en Klne. 2l-23 E. Morrison st. Phone E 513. Feed Store. ZIGLER & Misner. hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 42. Furs. N. M. UNGAR & CO., INC.. formerly of 4'6 Merchants Trust bldg.. have removed to 109 Seventh St. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall 7.'3. . Hat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us.' Royal Hat Works. 223 1st st. M. 8443. Leather and Finding. CIIAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfrs.' findings. J. A. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished ISO 8. ISO Front K. Machinery. MACHINERY. Give us your repairing and job work; beet work and prices guaranteed. Irving ton Machine Works, cor. E. Oth and Schuyler ts. Phones: East 470. C 10US. B. TRENKMAN & CO., Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma c'nlnery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. MuslcaL LOU1SE 8. BROOKFANK. TEACHER OF PIANO AND HARMONY. STUDIO 27o N. 24TH ST. PHONE MARSHALL 305'i EM1L TH1ELHORN. violin , teacher, pupil Sevlck. IHrO Marquam.A 4100. Mar. 1U2. Neurologists, Eye Specialists. QUICK relief for eye and nervous troubles. Drs. Freeze & Rice. HaOH Washington su Osteopathic I'hysician. DR. LeRoy smith, graduate Klrksvllle. Mo., class ot 1R6S, post-graduate 11107, under A. T. Sill, the founder. 317-..18-31" Swetland bldg. Main 1US7. A 1HSJ. DR. R- B. NORTHUP. 415-410-417 Dekum bldg. Phone, Office M 349; Res. East or B 1028- Faints, Oils and (iluas. KASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylot. Patents. PATENT secured or fee returned; Illustrated guide book and list of Inventions mailed free to any address; patents secured for us advertised free in World' Progress; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans & Co.. Washington. D. C. " Patent Attorneys. INVESTORS of Oregon may obtain free ad vice and best professional service flora their home office. .,,.,,,, NORTH PACIFIC PATENT BUREAU, Luml.ermens Bldg.. Portland. President. H. A. KELLOND. International Patent Lawyer and Ex pert, 30 years' direct practice. Complicated cases, those rejected In other hands and FOREIGN PATENTS e naeiallv solicited. Counsel and Expert wrk for At ornoys. TRADE MARKS. LABELS, DESIGNS AND COPYRIGHTS ecured. Phones: Main 2362, A 23Q4. PATENT YOUR IDEAS and make money. Send" for my new book. "How to Get Them" Best service. Joshua H. H. Potts, lawyer, Washington, D. C. Chicago and Philadelphia. ; PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law. lite of U. S. Patent Oflk-e. Book let free. 71U Board of Irada bldg. U S AND foreign patents that protect are 'secured through Pacific Coast Patent Agency Inc., Dept. A. Stockton, Cal. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic ents, Infringement cases. and foreign pat 604 Dekum. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, tiuo mm v.iee.tric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, Sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years In Portland. 71 Hth st. Main 910. - riuinbiug. JOB plumbing, pipe fitting colls In stoves & furnace 1 stove work. Phone East 6608. J. K. Lawaon, 791 Belmont. ' Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ofilce near 24th and York st. M. 349. lr inters. CI AS A PKUDHOMME CO., primers, blank book makers. leBaI blanks. loose leaf de vices, township plats. 05-0 7th St., bet. Oak and aukciu. Rubber SI amps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery etc. Ar?innlngh;m-s. 231 Stark. Main 147. Kug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag ruga, carpet cleaning ann laving. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison Sales. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. PS 2d st. Sates .. nrleeu. Second-hand safes. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand ltap Ids Showcase Co.. 6th and lloj t. R. Lutke. manager- . 51 H. BIRDS ALL, i'OS HAMILTON BLDG., showcases In stock: prompt delivery. Sales agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. MAR-SHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch, new and 2d-hand. Main 2703. Cahlnet work- Shingle. BEST In the city: car lots or less. S. Gilbert, iOl vv asuiiiav"- Storage and Transfer. VORTLAND -VAN STORAGE CO.. corner ltth and Everett sta. Just opened r.ewee; nd most modern storage warehouse in oitv- every convenience for safe and proper liandllng of good: lowest insurance rate ' in Northwest; free trackage; vans.for mov ing. MainarJAj520. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Fxoerts, reliable men. no booze-nghtera; ili move you quicker,-cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for an .-.tlniBte- storage rate the very lowest. Van Horn Transfer Cu. Both phones. 7 PICK Transfer & Storage Co., ofike nd commodious 4-tory brick warehouse. ..rjarate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d . and Plrre sis. i-ianos and furniture moved and packet, I lances a"" , B9U . 199ii. . n.-in t-T A t- I." 1 - (" I ' 11 ' OLSON-nCIE, llWI-'Dri." i -W" General transferlng and storage; safes, nlanos and furniture moved and pocked lor shipment. 20ft Oak st . Bet. Front and isL Telephone Main 547or A 3247. tVRFGON 'TRANSFER "CO.. established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, office 310 Hoyt St., between nth and lh. Office ,"oes Maln eg, a lino. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. . 614 r ront si. Veterinarians. cjiBrown and & B. Foster, veterinarian. Ml Ankeny st. A 3999. Main 2402. Typewr.Uiigr. T5 iRTi AND MAILING CO. Multlffraphing, .tvotiwritinrT. mailing, public stenographt-r, w.nwav Exchange Main51S6, tvpewRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60. fully 1 . navrnonia. rntal euarntii3r?u. - - - per month. Paclflo Stationery ft PrtnUng: Co.. 20$ M BU . WE are trio ex-;u-ii8 wrltcr concerns on this Coaat; investigu-te; all makes, all prices- The Typewriter Ex- rhange, 287 u Washington et. VEW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut. rate. F. 1- Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. ERXEaf MILLER CO., 172 It st.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed free. (.RAM) CENTRAL tSTATION. JSout liern Pariflr. leaving Portland A sh la mi PanserifitT ....... Rostourg last nter Sha.sta laimited California Express San, Francisco Express .... West Side Corvtilfs passengrer ....... Sheri(!an Iassenger ...... Forest (ro e Passenger . . Forest Grove Passenger . . Arriving Portland Oregon Kx press ......... Ashland Passenger Koseburg passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited . . West Side Corvalis Passenger ...... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove Passenger ... St: SO a. m. 4 : 1 j p. in. :o0 p. m. 7:4." p. m." 1:JU a. in. TiH) a. m. 4 :) p. it i. 5 : a. in. 5 .40 p. m. 7 :.0 a- m. H-:O0 p. m. ' . ::;0 p. nu 11:10 a. iti. -i:U0 p. 1". 6:iy p. m. 10;'0 a. ni. 8;m a. m. 4 :40 p. m. Northern Pacific. Lea-ving Portland North Coast Limited via Puget Sound ., North Coast Limited via North! Bank Atluntic Express via Pucet Sound 7:00 p. 12:1S a. Atlantic Express via North Bank' 0:00 a. m. m. xn. no. m. Twin City Express via Jrugei bound Twin City Express via Nortti Bank Missouri Kiver Express via Puget Sound Missouri River Express, via North Bank Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Ex 5:30 p. 7:00 p. 10 :10 a. 7:00 p. press Grays Harbor. Olympiaj and South Bend branches.. f,:4S a. 10:10 a. 3:0 p. I. :o0 p. 8: lop. 7:20 a. 8:00 a. 7:0 p. 8:15 p. m. Portland-Puget Sound Special Puget Sound Limited, Grays Har bor and South Bend branches.. Yaeult Passenger Arriving Portland North coast Limited via North Bank North Coast Limited via Puget Sound Northern Pacific Express via North Bank .. Northern Pacific Express, via Puget Sound Pacific Coast Express via North, Bank m. xn. xn. nu IXlv. Pacific Coast Express via- Tuget Sound i 7:20 a. 8:00 a. 4:00 p. Missouri River Express via NorthJ Bank - MiAsourl River Express via Puget; Sound Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Exprf ss and from (jlvmpia, bouth eui. Grays Harbor and Yacolt branches 4:00 p. no. 7:10 p. m. 10:0 p. m. Puget Sound Limited, and fromi Olympla and Grays Harbor hranrh .................... Puget Sound-Portland Special and) from South Bend nrancn . . . Oregon KiUlnwi X Navigation o. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited. .. . The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland Oregon Express Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland Pendleton Local Pa'ssenger Oregon-Washington Limited . . . Spokane Flyer 00 a, m. M a. m. 0O p. in. 00 p. ni. 0 p. m. 00 p. m. 15 a. m. ;iu a. m. ;;o a. nu Oo p. m. :o p. m. 00 a. m. Astoria A Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express... Astoria and Seaside Express... Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Seaside and Astoria Express... Seaskle and ' Astoria Express. . Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger 8:00 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 1 :1a p. m, 5: li p. m. 12:20 p. m. 10:00 p. m. 9:40 a. m. 6:00 p. nu Canadian raclflc Railway Cu. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via Seattle 11 :00 p. m. 1J : li in. 11:30 a. nt. 10:30 p. m. Oregon & Washington Railroad Co. leaving Portland I Seattle Passenger ....... t S:30 a. m, Shasta Limited I 3:00 p. m. Owl 11:4. a. rru Arriving Portland ()w 7:laa. n. Shasta Limited 5:0 p.m. Portland Psssenger ":4o p. m. JKFtEKSOX-STRKET STATION. ,sm u them PaiHc. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas passenger Forest Grove Passangor. Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. - .1 7:40 n. m. .1 4:0."i p. nu . 1:00 p- m. j)10:ir a. m. . j ft :5r p. in. . 12:00 noon JfORTH BAXlSTAjriOjy Kleventh and Hoyt Sts. tepokane. Tortland t Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland - Lyle Passenger ' wufl1 For Vancouver. Wash., Stover son. While Salmon, Lyle, Goldendale and intermediate fnland Empire Express. a- m- For Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City St. Louts, Spokane, Washturna, Kahlo- tui Pasro, Roosevelt, GramnHlles, Lyle, White Salmon and Vancouver. Wash. Columbia Kiver Local V.:t1Vt:J ,p m" For Vancouver, Stevenson. White faalmou. Cliffs and intermediate points. North Bank Limited ............ .T."0 P- City. St. Louis. BUliniis. tucna. Kahlotus, Pasco, couver. Wash. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited..... t. ,hl.n rr.t tit Paul nokane. Wasti- Roosevelt, Van- 8 :00 a. m. Omaha. Kansas City St Louis, Yellowstone Park, Spokane. Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, and Vancouver. Wash. 1n.n ny Columbia River Local. .......... .1,0.-0 a.m. From Cliffs. Goldendale. Lyle. White Sal mon. Stevenson. Vancouver, Wash., and in termediate points. Inland Empire Express. ......... .8.1. P-m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas Citv St Louts. Billings, Spokane, Wash tucna Kahlotus. Pasco. Roosnvelt, Grand tiaMei. Goldendale. Lle. White Salmon. Vancouver. Wash. fi.4f)D m oSTk?!"" WMtV tin-o: Y.nrnijver. Wash., and Intermediate pmnts. irne ic-alntua. Kelso, unenaiis, c-iiiia..a. Taroma. Seattle. Everett. BellinBhtim. Ian .,,. h i . and intertnei-llate points. Shore Line Express, via Seattle. .11 :HO p. m. Vnr Kalama. Kelso. Chehalls. Oentialia. TaeomawttlV. Everett. BelllnBh.m, Van ." r e...H intermediate points. rKineFort.and--lltli and llovt Sta.- r . rr. . rnntrall-1 Chehalls, tt, lso. Kalama ami it.c. ett ScatUe, Tacoma. Centralla and Ch.- halls; " Time Card Ores-on Klectrto Jtuilway t'. KsT-ki' lun,2ntanelIeronlt. "wleodbttrn-S-1" and Int. Point Locals leave Portland 6:30, 7:50. 11:00 A. M.. 2:00. 1 i, i-Vu 8 (0 F. X! .Local lor Tualatin Jnd-Saiem. VlS A. M Local for Wilson .ii... and Int. Statluns, 5:10 P. M. "tflUsbori-Fot (iT .and liilerrnedl-te ti lie and Int. points, 6:40 A. M. dally ex- . c.,e?,lv and 7 115 A. M. dnlly. " Vrriv. Krtlaod7 from Foreet Grove and Int Stations S:-0. :60. -11 :4U A. M.. 1:-. 2 50, 6:2". 8:10. 10:50 P. M. bunday onl. - 4:1ien;tMlront and Jefferson. Portland. Or. p7rtlanTKailwT. a. Power Company. Tieket Office and v aiuns-n..-., i-.e..t Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS I EAVE EAST WATER ANU CARS -t.R,SON STREETS. m .nn -ei K--tn A. M. and evr,rygO0? rninuTe. and Including last car. Gresham aad. Intermediate points-S : 55, 1:45. 2:4a. 3:43, 4 Sif-.-'- VrVil: Falr.vietv anu c . ,-. n-a.-, a 4N 9:45, 10:45 A. M-: 12:4a. ..4 . 3 4a. 4.4S. 6:ck.aderoP'and' Intermediate point ,-8 :5s. 8:45. 10:43 A. M.l l--'". P- . . --r,eT" irV.Tt Ticket Office and Waltlng-Roiim Second and A M.6:15. 6:50. 7:25. 8:00, 8:J5, 9:1. . ii'.iV1?-t11:!:i. li -an 5:10 5:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:1a. 8::a. 1o':3.,..;211 '' r- - bn'tlio third Monday In Iftrr monlh the last car leaves at 7:0.1 r. 51 -Oaily except Bunday. Daily except Monda- - (ireat Northern ltailyraytipariy. I.eavina Portland llth anil Hoyt Kls. In S'U Limited, via Seattle lM:'a in. For t'liihalis. t'entralla. Tacunui. Seattle, Everett. Belllnitliiini and Vancouver. B. t.. " t f Ralllnel am Ever eFr0Sattli- Tacoma'. CentraJla. ijl.ehall. Kiso. Kalama and Intermediate D?'V I. r-nm hiiuuu-c-'i - I!" r