rilE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, IN'OYEMBEIt 20. 1910. i j : . . . TOR KF.M. sI'K..Y furnished hnu.. seven room. four bedroom and hath, nn Portland Height ramie. r In; P'inn. wno.1 ind rim; tMr l-vir.g fr Cahforri.a: best Mr-. K on llelrht. reasonable tent lo r'( peetv pnTe A 44 $o ..i.-ei) furnlahe J a w.od rn -room neu. ri' ater-he-tr. loveiy ;rd. "f fruit; Kill lease re.p lorr.s. '. n ' ' 0h 't rtAttt. well furnish" for ho krplnc. 3 room, with for. h. $-' rn" h : two Tor SI... unutn-r i . . . r.nctn Jnth: . vr from depot. i Morrison lo 2dlh. hi k north rnMI'I.KTKI.V f-rnlsol -r.o l. t. in f.ttti f ir I j 7 ner month, ow mr l-ivin Vlty. will rii furniture t a pr that yoj wl'l agree, l a ,n"D- !"' ".' Mark t Main -'-. - '- 1. j.HiiI beautiful furn'.ie.l ' ,l,tr hink; irl My modern: lominut in vvrat ei'ie. rrrii - - - - nw'hi. Ir.qulr C. E- Br-Ui.ack .111 4 lOFl :KVT-S-ro.-m modern rirrp.. ard furnace, completely f irm ie.l. I" Tn..i,iri,. from I-' I'-, r-n' " rrf T'- required. ,.', !rua.l t-. c "'a. TO': rrr C n h u. party furnishe-l. Houe for Kent. uniiltri lor tal. fmii.i. "" 'Vi i hves. ro-.m. .-.'h mi., inr. IV rent $10' p-t. . $;7.. including a g.e. plan... .nly c.n reonlrcd: from lix-ni pars $ m..nth. thl l '- ! room.. Vv !' st.; rent $: good furnace, clear ; .:... r-nl nn.I run B,n ripn. P'' "" "n.r rli. l. ro..rr. ul. rty furm:.f!. on 1-tn t.. Inrnrn. fl'- P-t. pr!t nioBt.y hmakl'rplnjc r-wmi. U r..i.. --rlhln !-nl: 1" l-or.l- r: n:y mi .h K'tjmrrd ur I - tl chnjr- for v-...:it lo- mi: i-a i i-i' iiKAr.TV o.. )'krn MjIo A .1Tj. 7.TZ ru in lit. is . .-..I n-l Vhlrrtn-i. I V f:I HNSl V t: furrUI'ir- . f -d 2 In rl'- f ' l. rtcap a ... ..... . - . . . : . Not H . ' I n1 ! Hi a:litnx il il inr. 4 I.To-k from Waru l !rjtir from Kln'lr t. J aftrnoouil. - H RNITi ltK of . i.ii i..nlin of ...k frru.ri. Uri l"l. pi.' tm mllrr.. Annri'r tin linol-uni. l'"n. . it.. liuu.. tor roni. t. Toor . 24.V. -To buy furrlhe. ." or H-rc-m rr.1 on Vrl Hi. I'. lllnit ill mut rn-K'- rrntir. A rr il:n TTI. fit. io u. w. i;.i:lJkNt '. vi 4'n J',i;liNU I'KI IlllS 4 room r"iu for rnf will fnrnnurr; 't H! .m ur t H t!i'm lf'r.r. ; on Trrro rrH t" wh!t .-..ti. ..n m.r .Mo of .ir.ot. Mr. Ho-n. it ..r.tmtc u. lrL.t.ful"l I n:j7iiri. Turkish iu brsiix. Azniln--.r brlrkbra. rlr. l ill M nnr. -"-I N.-u;; n-r Sulmun. -h..r Mm J-OR SAt.K Klt-rnl iir fiiriniurc of ,"ur room rii . oiwoum. i.o n't rlo In: rnii.t i.avo i-i-.?-, rnri... . br;ln. AM I-. I H-t-Stn!iin. 11RMTITE rf f-ur-room prtmnt. enm pl.trlr furnl-'-l. f r alo raonnhlr A! prtm"nt r.nt.. ra.onh. . foo.-h .:. rorn.r IMh. 1 buck from Whlnloo V ApirrmrrtJS. J t , , ; K for rnt n. f.w pi -. furniture for ! i- C" (Jrri'-M.ll.inl fr..h In fniur. M n.l tilhh..n l.; "W-W cr la Inht. A. I. Johnson. FOR nulcrP-.lowr.r. Ittvlns rliy, fumlluro of 5 room f!t. fs no n. Ulici. i.-in. Fuilo 3. Wllllum ; tk L" cr. ; A f( iv rrw farnlh,. hnu'r. l room.. rholr. r. .irnr. ri.' hbr hood : rnt '". irr-omo lli. 4 imi for own uo; r.rx'n .M partlr. only. AMy:l. OrrnonUn. ti-dvitit.K ofri--r.oni i:iotcrn hono rompl-tf. wuh!n four bio. k rhoo.: bi'ii.n for t h. io r. rr. Uth. Tl. r'n.l "4 f I o Aih !.. IIU SXI.K or rrnl. fiirnlturo ol l'r r.Miui.. irwvrl location, two llck from Ihree cr- :nn N 1H1 l l KMTl ltE of x H-room flat for Prion Marshall SSI- bundajr b.t. II and II A. M. KN ITl'ltn 0 room mcwlrrn flat: rci term: ch-p If tak.o at tnr. 424 THki fiirniiu1" of room apartment; ft ara;ain, 1-hona Mln i:it. or i Kln- rl.rt t. il n.i.ii .ctl lonal bar.aln. both In fnrnliir nd Inrom. (all afternoon. .7 KOFI lh furniture of fc-room home, c.ntrall low r-nf. K. FT'"H. "2 1 1 j Morrl.o n St. JTRMTI KK of K-room hnuw for al: hou.e for rtni; rnt U7.?: i'-trie llnt: ba'h. im trt.. all 9 H"h ' VIRMTM'.F. of a five-room flat, almo.t i.ew. at ft ba.-ln. 773 MIourl av. I. car. . a SNAP- Kurnituro of .-room -oita Ir aai cheap. Owner leavln city. Uml ll one.. io:, William ae. 1 1 i r.-Kj M nio.lcrn i-ottac. !: furniture la use one y.-ar. --00. half block to Union ave. A7 K nott. ITf.W furniture of 7 -room house and ak-ovo at low prlre. Terr cheap rent. Inquire 294 lrh. or. Columbia. frRNITTlIK of -roni houae for sai. Vet Frk. IJOt'SG for rent, furniture for sale. it Joth. near l'lne. f ;tjcosiPI.ETE f urnUhliif of 5 rooms; rnt lid. I'hone Faat 14o. J I RMTVBK of " room In good condition; cioee In. A 7.'..'1. Fl'KNITI'HK f il-room flat. rea.fnable. l, "b!o. k from lorrl.n. 17"' Huh l .EW thr-tor brick. 60x100; plate '. front, leth and ;rha;l. suitable for llahl lobblna. manufacturlnsr or retail; will leaae one-half, divide apace o ault tenant or tsnaata. A. O. Lons. front and Ankeny. tXi'EIXK.VT irrov-ary and hardware loca tion, two small concrete elore room and basement; El fid. In main bualncM CL. BAMBERGER. Ialn S4. Room - Lumbermen Hldir. STORK. 4lUl. on lrrabe near lloiladay ave. good bu.lneu location, lease If de sired' ery rratimabl. Elite, bmlth k t o.. 32S Waahin'on. room rjK fiTOKrT, locate! at Eaat Morrln and v ... ?tK at. auitahl. for crorerie. dry a-ood. etc. Sea Undlady on second noor apartment. Kl'VT .4tora With It V 111 -roOIUS IA aultabt lcatlon for moat any line of bualnoa: low rent. Ions; leae. Apply to druK-t at comer oi rnmi woo i.o. -OH KENT for a term of e rear, the oirt Arllnalon Club bulldln. meat Fark and Aklr ta. Apply H. I. Coa. room No. ft. ISOHed 'fOR HE. ST Store, corner Union ftva. and Maecley street. Mm r..c wnt In wetl-llhtd office. Th mearls lots of room for ourelf nd of both phones, with heat. hftit and water. Call Board of Trade b;u. Shiva re onlce or d. room with ue of teleDbono lo rent at ft nominal Ofure to o. conaianttr la the oftlce; no real ee tat or almllar bulnes deaired. 814 iewl b;d.. 1 to 2 p. M- W..u u k --t- Tt.rmm. fin. .ffio. MoDI BOO- ad floor L.uskber xchng bulidlnc 3d ad Btark st- inquire . ji. uoioreoa 114 Lumber Ileum bUS. rtt-n rnnnwllnfl office In w!l-f urnlhed suit with u of ltln.roem and both xhonea Apply i-J Jlln bid... 3d and U aahlngton. -t"li!.li: :cnorAiihcr cn have room wellqulpped office for light service; will pay small salary. Phone Monday. M. t..V. A 4 7.V Wis renin oio. v. . r ,.nir.:a located oftlcea. all-niht le vator aervlce. till bwaliand blti(.. la ftnd Washington. t.r.-'rL. rm or whole for rent cheap. Room 113S Washington st OFKIi'R or dcakrooin, ground Boor. 44 Aider t. il.Ki-.ANT dee room for rent cheap. AM TRuNT office room. lodge hails. AUsky '-1c . Sd snd Morrleon st. Iv-H MCkf-A few office, la Coaoa bads. 'FFICES snd ample-room lncheter bld..o B'h. between Btark and Oak. SrKTIOI In orflce facing Sd st-. for renC Apply "e Mohawk bldg. Kail. IIAI.b rOH KH.NT. . Large, heated and ell lighted. Cood elevator -ric. In hrt of online i"n on Wt "Id. Apply S03 Ahlngton b '! . Ik ANTEO To Jeae n-ror space about 104) square suitable for manufacturing purpoee. M -?. Oregonlan. tOH RENT-flur. for b.ethoii' at W. It. At ,on der Wrth. at nd of Morrl eof. Pridg. WAREHOl.-E FOR RENT. Cor. East whington and Enl Mcma a. ISOxTJ fewt. one floor; on O. R. track; Ifttele erupted by Cudahy Pk la co. Page Inv.stmaat Cc l.v real gu Fftoa Mai u4 TO 1XASE " Vnr. i. ease. WHOLESALE LOCATION IV TACOMA. We h hevy mill coniructlort b.ilM n. .1 torle. snl20 feet. with fr.irhl elevivtor and trackage In rear, alt u at c.l on Pacific ave.. In l' wholeenl diPtrlct of Tacoma. W can !ese this but;r!:ng foe a term of on to five year at a very low rental. This Is an excel lent opportunity for wholesale houso o ci good location with flrt-clas railroad and .h,p;.!ng fc!lltle. Cftll or write us for f'irtrer nortlculnrs. KIDKI.ITV KENT ft rOIJ-ErTION" CO.. 1tir..llt "A" pt.. Tacoma a.h. Ivll LIAB-T.oM; ne wareooa e Bifg locattoa: also coraer store room XMaae) Broadway, ready Now. 1. Alblna ruoi Ce nrsiNESs ormRTrMTiTA FINE IlESTAURANT. Hotel Foster" restfturant Is fnr on most liberal terms: still In operation; come today nd look Into the proposition. Located at corner Third and Davis STEAM fl.EVMN'l A good loc Ion for steam .-icnmc and dyeing estUshrrent ma be found In Oevun bl.K-k. r ront ami Giohs si..; store has i living room in r-ar; low rent. Apply SA corner drug store. Take car. fHIOKMAKKR. looking for a location. S the store with fc living rooms in rear in ilevurta block. Knml and ;nb t.: low rent. Apply lo Hi drugsil at tornsr, take -S'- car. WAXTEh-Party to inve.t Ilrtort In lcxln inale bus'ne. prooo.lflon wllh prsclli! nwin: to right party thl offers permanent Intome; buainees e li'ee'lli'fi .roitie..- plra.ant and safe Investlurill. I .e.nlan. AC &I4. XO rent In Vancouver. P f . r.SIO .iir feet, ground flr. splendid corner I. Me llon', suitable for hlgh-cl cafeteria. Light an. I l.eai free Tl-i cltr need, a jr. id cafelena. Iiomlulon Truet Co.. I.M.. ViniouiT. It. . , Knit ."-ALE nfectlonerv and f'Ult In llr of centralis; a good P.. It. town; worth 1m will aacnflce for ch. I ac.oui.l of other tnislne.. Addres It. ill N. Tower m-.. . enirena.'TKSKV, bakeri-. confectionery and f.incv groceries combined: good livlng rootri connected; be.t location: a nap f..r man and eife: lug Income; prlr. !; terms. Inquire l'th. near .-lark UII.I. locate in Portland if I ran get a good paving business, grocery or retaurnt pre ferred. hvo luvO to Imest. Address E :j. liregonian GET In on the ground floor, a fe v thousand dollar amply secured by real c.-ale will net a handsome profit Inside of eight iron t he. 4"j Couch blilg. yT'H HALE A small test-urant. well lo cated, good trade not a dead one. but ft live paving business. See Fredrick, room r.i4 Alisky bldg.. or. 5dandMorrlsonsls. FOR rAI.E by owner, a good cigar and con-f.-ctlonary store: excellent ice cream stand, three living rooms, rent e.o; 14ov. AF AN' opiiortunitv for a couple to take charge of an e.iabll.ihed bnin.-1 bakery on the Wet flue Call A 7ilS or E S3. Ore gonlan. . FOR f S To finis. 14-room. fine loca tion for restaurant or olTli-ce; rent ; f HeiO cash. ISO1 nd 17u lOlh. rear Mor rison Kr:l. ESTATE man with establl.hed busi ness desire partner who is milling to liu.tle. good opening foe right patty; 2j0 aslj renulred P i4. oregonlan IK man and wife can Invest sniiill amount In small slenrn laundiy. Ihey will find a i ham for big money maker at 4 J.'i East Morri.on St. . CA.-tH tiUUCEKY. Clean stock, corner, no competition; all r.teh trade. II A I.I. HICKI.K. Kl oermeo- CATKIN for sale, atreetcar transfer point. Independent license; deal with owner, who ninl release on account of sickness. C 1: EST A I' HA NT and lunch counter for rale; If you want a nl.e. clean place, look at thl on; prlca a7.". cash onl. .2 Norm 17'h st. ' Foil fAI.K White automobile agency for bun lMego end linperlsl Counties, together with beet gar In city. Addres C. O. Funneil r t'o.. San llgo. Cal. GIVEN wy free, map of all th aiilouua oil fields. a'o trll ubs.-rlptlon of pub.lca tion California oil Fields." Sagar-Loomls Co.. filltreolilan bldg. Portland, or. KESTaVraNT. doing a w a day business: will sell st ft sacrlllce; prly leaving; for information cail room il'. Lumber tl cane. 2i and Slark St. i MANlKA"iritlNt bulnes. owner went a reliable partner to look after agents etc.; a chance to make big money. all 417 Board of Trade. KESTAl'UAXT with 8 rooms, furnished, n.-ar th SI.; rent only i0, lease: AOO will put ou In poaacMlon. S1J iienry bldg. "A ANTED Ilefln.d. elderly lady a partner In face and a.lp arlors: will teach the business free and l."iO monthly; tlOO required: ccured. call cSI E. Main SI. TWO confectionery stores, best Washington city, established 10 year, long lease; price il.vO less than Insurance; bargalu, glek ness It HJ. Oregonlnn. BMOON doing a a day business, will sell 'at 4iMin if taken at once If you have the money. Investigate. AL o44. Orego- lllah. lv t; arvl cienliig works; best place In Portland: guarantee dally profit; must ell quick: price Sju: icrme. H. E. J A Ml-.. CO.. s near Stark. OK.Hl.KY Clean .lock, rent 3U; 4 living rooms, an unuaual opportunity; fine bu"l nesa; will Invoice, or suv; term. Jo Qulre 10th st. FfR sale or trade: drug store, good clean stock. ne fixtures, good location, terms on part. Splendid opportunity for syood nrugglet. AF 44 Oregonlan. fitl.l, restaurant, doing good business, brtck building. long lease, owner ha r.lhrr buainrsa, will sell cheap: will trade, phone A irli. GROCERY store, doing good cah business, with 4 living-rooms, will Invoice 5a in cluding fixture: rent J. Call 1st St. Tapfer, room 4. m FOR SAI.E Meat market, fine location. Call :d ai d Francis ave. ; take "W-W car or phone Hcllwood KJ7. FOR iALK Machine shop and foundry do ing good business; write for particulars. M 4.'. Orcgontan. IXlTl UL.S r'. and s-vloon, doing big busi ness. S Interest loou. AM 04U. Orcgo nlan. WANTED I'artv with money In A-l laun dry proposition; no agents. AB 644. Or gonlan. . IiRKSSM AKER. well estahllshe! business, will take partner; beet in city. AH Hi, Oregonlan. iTsJCIllAR STORE, splendid location. 4 rooms rent (15: receipt I0. Call today. l ; Williams are. ner Broadway. ptnit.RiKiM. cigar and confectionery; fin location: close In: One business; other business: -ll cheap. Call f luih st. KESTAfRANT. down-town location, clears S4 to Sl day: other business: will sac rifice: g;ne caah will handle. Call loth. L111T grocrrv. dellcaiean and home bak ery at one-lhlrd price UHlay. It's a dnndv HIS H"rd of Trade. tSTABLlSHEO loon for ! to close es tte. Independent license. tiood cor ner; 1 IS N. ltd St. PARTNER wanted, to do hou wiring and shop repair work; llOO required, a --. Orecoplan. ' giMMy OROCERY: West side corner: rate averag 4i day; with, lea. Call 323 Henry bldg. BEST-PAYINit cigr and confectionery tore In Portland, no rent to pay. CaJI 417 Foard of Trade HAKUWARIJ (TUBE Clean new alock; I voice r.bout f7o. HALL Hlt'KI.r. S2I Lumbermen. ciIjmIV wanted, a oo. saloon, either in Portland, or cloe outlying town; give full particular. i .. iT-j"nian. 6tB Starlight Oil Company's add under financial. SALOON for sal cheap. w.ll guarantee 7S day sale. an oie.n. i HOME bakery and restaurant, fun If tsk-n before Monday noon. nope laooc -.o... KE.STAL R ANT "ost ou nothing to look at It. M'i Y'amhill st. FOR SALE A-l carjienter shop, with stock at a bargain. See owner. S71 1st st TWO of the best paring saloon in fort land. 417 Heard of Trade. RESTAURANT loe fin buaincs. will sell cheap. Call 4t Stark St. i-M KiNnxTIuNEKt and baker): sales average -.r. rlar. can aj nen--y qui. CREAMERY for aaie: established. s.lis ;.. month. Call :49'x otsrk St. IKK btarlighl Oil Company's ftdd under flnan-iar FlR SALE, cheap. If Sold at once, account vfcee.. rnl'llnerv store. 44 Wash. St. t iR pool table, nest Brunswick maks. t ft bargain. Oilman bt J44 Jt ftb BrSI.NFSS OPPORTCMT1E8. CIGAR A.VI FRFIT STAND. BEST OFFER TAKES IT. Go todny to 37:; w, East Burnalde. cor. t'nion, and look it over, then come to our office and make ti an offer; for th bet of r.ions It must be old at once; guaran tee aic now -1j a day. all cash sales and no delivery. GROCERY STORE. Good West Side location: rent K less 2 yer; average sale $40 day: can be In creased; prlro SltdHi, JliHKi cash. It. H. liOUUKIXll CO.. Slrt Hoard or Trade Bldg. Marshall 4. A 10.M. FLORIST. We have a tirt-class propoaltlon to make any man who wants to put some money in a good paying busi ness. This is not an experiment, but In pylng good money now. Thl place is for sale, owing to death of oanir. It will pay ou to Investi gate. Tall Mr. outline. Columbia Iruat Co.. 84 4th. .board of Tied bldg. l.".oi. Hv jou 1.ym mil you would like to invet In a cin jvalnr business, giv ing you control of the business and tnat will net jou at least .1 per cent per month on the money Invested. This I" strlctlv bona fide and one of th pest growing concerns In Portland today. You will hv the handling "f all the money and will guarantee everythlr to be strictly as represented. Thl will stand a thorough Investigation and ne worth lookinr into. i ;,.n. Oregonlan. NICE GROCERY Ttt'FI.VESS KOR SALE. One-half Interest In on of th ' , paving stores In the cltv. A splendid lo cation and good class of customers. Will sell at invoice. WALLACE IV VESTMENT CO.. Rooms il7-41S Oregonlan bids. A OVKKTlSINCi PROPt iSITION. partner wanted; money-maker. I'm 11. room. Washington t . S t..M'. sf". liHOl'Klty .-TORES. Washington t.. corner. 1"0. Ea.t tide. Invoice. :.. Cf)NFV: TH N KIIT. Several good ones. VENfilNil MACHINES. Several varieties. Call and see tts. 1IA1.I, HICK I.E. ,T.-I LunVhcrmcn. INVESTORS. ATTENTION. FxcepMonnl opportunity to acquire rsiabllshed legitimate manufacturing mml nes making iaplo line of goods, very lull coin pel It Ion and excellent territory, can b handled with nto..Tte capital; fullest Investigation Invited: this Is not a g.:d-brlek or gel-rl. h-qulck game; this busmen lia a great future nnd Is u suro winner, b. st of reasons for selling. I. f.-'S, OregoTiThriT . M K. HOTEL MAN HERE IS ToLH OPPORTUNITY TO It t.N 1 the business district of North Yaklma. JUI1.V JACOB MII.I.Eit. 416 N. Sd t.. No. Y'nklma. owner. FOR SALE Exclusive sgenclrs Inr nious Marshall & Stearns Co. s oscillating portal wall beds. The latest and most up-to-date wall bed: has superseded all "tjer In Northern California. Over 00 sold n San Francisco alone. In last days. Fully protected by patents. Good opportunity lor fe.ponslhle party with push and capital. References required. No others need ap ply. Marshall A Slearn Co.. 1154 l'halan bldg. ban Francisco. Cal. FOR 'SALE. . A SO -M rapacity Ru.selt portable mill complete, with-cutoff saw w"' conveyor, etc.: also ft No. 1 J1NortnJ.": planer, with attachmente. good n-j Us been used only ft- short time. For particular call at my office. rront su. Portland. Or. HERMAN METZflEB. Owner. INVESTOR-?. Want ten people with in0 or more to form svndlcate on a platting proposition that will make 6'JO per cent pront. A.N bU7, Oregonlan. SVECIAt.TY ARTICLE." Tarty going East will dlspoae of ft live mnfg. proposition. On sale at present time In over a, hundred store In Portland. Will stsnd the closest Investigation. An opportunity to step Into a good paying bumneia. Large profits. required. N a::2. Oregonlan. WANT to hcur from parties willing to In vest capltnl In legitimate manufacturing; company; have LI days' option on build ing and plnnt ready tor operation: not a get-rlch-quiek scheme, but a sound, con servative business which will produce good profits from beginning. Y 6 Or gonlan. VOU can buy an Interest today In a ma chine that. hn pal-nled. will make you rich and will be recognized a the great est ma. hln. ever pat-nted; Jl'Kki will complete the machine and get it patented. If Jou have the money, answer thl ad. 1 will call and explain fully. Addrcas O &3y, oregonlan. " if'toi' ARE LOOKING T-OR A BARGAIN. HKIlh. IT IS. lo-room house, fine location, short walk to P o. very cheap rent and good clean furniture. Price tn.'.O. only half cah. I rooms rented. Call room 518. Oregonlan. bMkV FOR SALE Saloon In Los Angeles. Cal. Kin location: rent ll'JS. Good lease and futures. 1-arge stock. Owner retiring. ITIco 70O. Everything clear. This is a snsp. No agents. II. EdenborouKh. Vogel Hotel. 7th and Broadway. Los An- geicr. W.vNIEU A partner "broker, lands and loans." to open an office; one not over 411 willing to work outside. 1 am middle age of A-I reputation and a good olflce snail ; should have some meana to keep un vour part; please give some good let e re nee. I' HI. oregonlan. ' FINE opportunity for energetic young man to secure an lnteret In ell-esiahllshed real estate business, which Is making big money and oen 10 thorough Investiga tion: owner leaving city; little, money te qulred. All lU.'l. Ore-onlan. FOR SALE la-use. fixtures and Winter's wood living rooms In connection; rent. $0 " This Is a No. 1 location for any business, sickness compels me to change climate. He quick. Owner. l ore- gonlan. e CAFETERIA For sale: clearing l' per month; good location, cheap rent; 3-yer lease; .oOO csili, balance from receipt. JOS. C. UIBSON. 3ia tierllnger Bldg. . A SNAP. Well-furnlhed roomlng-houo of about 41 roome. Including piano: cloo to bul nca centr: doing fin business; leaving the cltv. E 544. oregonlan. I WANT Invest a few hundred dollars In a small merchandise, grocery or cigar store. I do not want partners. What have you for ale? Addres by mll only. J. W Foter Hotel, ad and P.vvl. " iTesTAURANT AND OYSTER HOUSE. Good location, long lea.-, low rent; a dandy; worth twice the price aakod; ... part cash. 313 Henry bldg. OLD established Job printing office, partner wanted to take oruera; owner will guar-nt-e business will pay HM) monthly. For Information call J3S Lumber Exchange. MOVING PICTURE THEATERS. We have several good buys; one at I i;oo. HALL HICK LB. 311 Lumbermen. HAVE you I'JOOii to place In flrst-cla city business, where you handle all money as treasurer of company. K iJ4. Ore gonlan. BUSINESS wanted: I have :0 to $1009 to Invest in good paying huelne-s: no real estate, grocer) : sialo full particulars nrst letter. 14 l. Oregonlan. MANUFACTURING llrm wants Interest-n help; will pay el'ki month salary and bl. pro Us. Callp4vl.Starkst. . F I ' R N ITU HE AMI HARDWARE. Partner wanted; about $1200. ( II ALL Hll'KLE. S'JI Lumbermen. WORKING MEN'S HOTEJ-. 40 rooms, fur nished complete. Independent license, for sale che.o. Call 417 Board of Trade. TRANSFER business: reliable partner wanted: will pay Sim month: experience not necessary. Cell 114a t- Slrk st. OREGON COLD HI Li. stock; make best cash offer for inr part of 2noo shares; must have cash. J ft Oregonlan. GROCERY For a bargain see this one; tease low rent; $75 day sales, which cau be increased. Call il4 Slark St. BLACKSMITH and carriage shoo employs t men. sivu): a snsp. 4.i Commercial block. d and Wsh! WANTED Partner with $loO and his serv ice for very good business. Call 208 lth St.. Portland. Or. Foil sale, two-chair barber shop, wiih chance for living room. Call at saloon, cor. ".I and Madison sis. HWE buver for business or rooming-house, from ..".' to I'Jiiimi t th r'.'ht price. H IGLE Y BISHOP. 1.12 TH IRD ST MOV ING-PICTURE theater that navs; half rsh. balance monthly. N .'.2. Oregonlan. HAVE fi.'e to Sivest In confectionery store or business A 11 .'.31. Oregonlsn. RESTAUR '.ST. very cheap, bis" trade; cheap last; Uvlng-rooms; terms. S9 Simon. an elegant new 3-story hotel, roniairung . large rooms. 7 baths, all with tll floor, hot and cm water throughout bi) rooms will be finished about January 1; balance when,1 Located In the center of i BUSINTF.SS OPPORTUNITIES. COUNTRY MERCHANT WANT TO SELL YOUR STORE? We are flooded with inquiries from Kastern parties wanting general stores In th Valley. If you have something good that we can recommend, ranging In price from JiiOisj tn .V)oo. let us know. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Rooms 517-518 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED A partner for th nvv and ec-ond-hand automobile buslne; eetabllshed In Portland for two years; uo ln( a good business. but need a good man for a partner: this is a grand opportunity for th right man to engage himself In a good paying buslne on. a mail Investment; experience I not nec essary, but would prefer one who cn 00 light offieo work and take earn of the book and handle the money end or th butn-ss. Address C M'.r'. Oregonlan. INVESTORS'. Want tn people with J1" or more to form svndlcate on a platting proposition that will make 500 per cent prom. A.N &u7. Oregonlan. WANT business man. capitalist ' ,,rk Ingmau lo Invest 1000. Cash nianufartur. Vatented articles. Interest In ni States patent given Investor. Guaranteed clear $10,004 year. No risk, no experlenc required. Stand strict Investigation. .no brokers wanted. Honest partner required. AN :3l. oregonlan. FoR SALE An up-to-date general business In a rapidly growing town In Oregon, doing a cash business; no gro ceries or feed; established lnce 1!H and clearing from $4ono to $1000 per year; will take $12.0v0 to buy It. Address 1- ' I iregonlan. it lOU nAri iiw Y .. Or more to Invest In olld manufactur ing business where the net Income Is from f.u to imi'per cent and your money abso lutely safe, addres. or call . ...... ....... iM t i rMv A 1 ba r..iMici-"'." 317 Henry bldg.. I'hone Main 15o4. ALIA1ILK BUalNBSo IN OKMA i vuj. This ancy Is In a position l fun" Information "rdln,,1 ! openings; only leglUmats propositions con- "'CAIES VERCANTILE AOENCT. 416 Ablngton bldg.. EstabUshed18.. FOR SALE-MOVING-PICTl'RF. OUTFIT COMPLETE. EVERYTHING NEEDED IN THE OPERATING BOOM; ONE-Pl.N ED ISON MACHINE. MACKINTOSH DS" SOI.VING STEREOFT1CON. M,00."' SWITCHES!. FUSE BLOCK. Y IRI.NG, ETC: W 519. OREGON I AN. LOOK. Her Is a bargain If taken at once: An up-to-date confectionery, with an Iceles. Innovation Fountain Installed voice 14000: will sell for a; 5 00 In cash. For full Information, write Blsbey Bios., Cottage Prove, Or. f 10.000 CASH Will put you Into one of the. best mercantile businesses In Portland, owner will guarantee 'ou 20 per cent on your Investment, boalde good salary lor Services: In fact It will beat that to a JOS. CGIDSON'. 305 GcrllngctBldg A LOCAL corporation, well established need a r-w thousand dollars to develop th, business demanded; can show P".,"!'" $-) to $aoo a sound and exceedingly prolltal.le Inveatment; can give and ie oulre best reference. B 521. Oregonlan. WANTED, party with :t.100 to tak an lntarest la good paying business. AiEs mercantile; agency. 418 Abington bldg. Main 51)88. "one hundred- dollars salar't Per month: 4 year' contract to right man to manage fruit orchard who Is enp able of handling men; references re quired: mauager must own Investment ?n por., N5-...Oregonlan. RESTAURANT. 4 private J.!!: 1.10. Ions counter long Inw, 5.1.1 Wash Ington st.; serve liquor; dolns u0 Reason for selling, poor lualth. I hone. .Mnrsnau -a-.. FCnT" RALE Stock of general "'r.cha,,.d'?; about $10.(10.1. In live Washington town of .V)0 with payroll $ 1 4O.0-." a mont h v..,i.. aniea tH.ri tHMi cash. Reasons for selling J 528. Oregonlan DRY lioot'o o 1 ... o.. Clean slock. fin location: Invoice $1000; clearing $20i a year; low rent. HAAS RINGLER. 211 Lewis niug HAVE the beat bu.lnesa proposition in Portland for a safe Investment to some one with $2500; can show yoi. a profit of better than 60 per cent profit, can glvo . . .-in oreonlan. bank reierence.. ---- WANTED Active partner In an old-eslab-W ilshed hardware business In on. of the best-growing towns In h" "'",,.,0w5 Valley: must have from -0O to $10,000 catiliai. a on. --- LOCATION r oiv 1 - Choice corner, new buildins. no compe tition: C?Od leas. ..Kmen. HA I.I, at Ml- Q..T-. "- OPl'NIN'G for energetic man able to Invcal F'lWl in reliable cash business; pays much better than wages: duties easily learned. Particular 24Hix Stark st. , I HAVE a fliat-class business proposition for sale or will trade for clear real estate. Call or addres. A. M. "'' - ta" .T-th P- r nnnn , a. . - HAVK i"H to invest tn leKltimHt bu-i-jHAr. -..'" 1 i. Vvnor pneed credit ma'n. Addre P. O. Box 373. St. Paul. Minn. CAMI If you want cash for your business. CAc"orpor.lon stock, patent or other prop erty, addres Northwestern Business Agency. .Uinnenoooe. -" SNAP Cigar stand Morrison St.; qulclc sal. li"AI.T. HICKLB. S21 I.umhermens. wit 1 car lo per cent lor iniroo... 1.01. ... ,,,'r les who Invest In our business; large rtVvid-nds: safe city retail proposition. K 52.". Oregonlan. PAUTNER wsnte.1 for strictly cash business-will pay good aalary also share of profits? very little money required. Par- I ten 1 a i s ---- vi l-i L-KNOWN uierchant want reliable paitner able to Invest $2000 with "'Vices: dull, a easily learned: Pay $2."a) month to each partnerCall2S v,Starkst. NtOTtOV "picture and vaudeville theater, only M merVty near Portland. A snap , st $900 Owner going East. Address AH u3j, Ore gonlan. ,, . , HOTEL and restaurant. Illla mcnk Or ; great bargain: $500 will han do? renion ill health. D 5IO, Oregonlan. GROCERY', bargain : .-on Washington st. See It; cash business: no delivery. Must sell. WILLs.ll to highest bidder 2500 .hares Ore gon Gold Hill mining .lock. r 6 Ore gonlan. $7.10 CIGAR .tand: transfer- corner J sale. j-v 1 tri' lease. Call t-3 average ?,-r . - Henry nia ClOAR and confaciionerv Ptore. cleara -ut C a nVonth; cheap; no renu 417 Board of Tratie mi expense;, living-rooms; will sell cheap call a. mLATEN printing plant. established a years, or will sell Interest to rustler. F 4SU. oregoni.". 1.1-i.I ABLE partner wanted for transfer business; experience not necessary; pay si.ji month. Call 248 . Stark st. MININO AND l.lULDiiu.ii cwn-. TelDhon and other bond bought and old. Fletcher Inv. Co. 2-5 A blngtun. STOi'kS bond, .old: commissions moderate; references exchanged; give full details; eg tabllshed house. Post Box 122. New York. 7ot buys a good poolroom. tc, and busl - ''..-... nc heat raaaon for aellina. Ilea.. ii.-i- H 1 7 M Isslsslppl sve. GROCERY store, nice corner, ai. '-w n. price $13); dally cash, sales, tn. Call ml 4th st. A-l CIGAR stand; mu quire Arlington Hotel (th and Gllsan. 1 II. weigie. BEST location In, the city for a plumber or - r.-. . owner. 1 1 U. Belmont st. FOH PALE A first-class dressmaking es tablishment. AN 51"i. Oregonlan. SALOON. Best location In city, rhtno M. 72C2. A GOOD paving poolroom for sale: a snap for cash. See Bailey Conners. Lents, Or. FOR- SALE Two good pool tables. 384 Hswthorne ave. too BUSINESS cards. $1.00: you must brlni; this ad. Rose City Prlntery. lw.yjp Thlra FOR SALE Picture theater; no agents; will sell ehesp: Investigate. C 510. Oregonlan. VEW Joslina Hendy, triple-discharge. 3 " stamp mill, cheap. AE .:'. Oregonlan. I mi AUSTRALIAN chop house. 300 Couch st. $2.'.o0 GROCERY. West Side corner, sales average. $oo day. Call 328 Henry bldg. SALOON S75 day sales, lease; will aoll cheap. Call 248 Stark su WANTED Partner with 5ia to SlOOt. to pi t with my like amount and , P, manufacturing business; I 1 1 1 s; 11 th o produn: want partner to attend the "f" tlce- experience unnecessary; act qun k. 'Ja-J n. r.on.1 Interview X Oregonlan. BVSIXJSJJPPORTrXTTrES, 'INVESTING FOR PROFIT" worth $10 copy to any man who Intends to Invest money, however small, who has money Invested unprofltahly. or who can save i or more per month, but who hasn't learned art or Investing for profit. It demonstrates real earning power of money, the knowledge flnanciera and bankers hide from masses. It reveals the enormous profits bankers, make and shows how to make the same profile. It explains how stupendous for tune are made and why they are made, how $1000 grows to $22,000. To Introduce my magazine, write me now. ' and I 11 aend It six months free. -H. I Barber, . 7? Jacks..n hUlg.. Chicago. WILL exchange for city or country property, the fastest money-making proposition In Portland, consisting of well-established vacuum carpet-cleaning business; have 8 inachlnea complete thRt will invoice, to gether with extra fixtures and appliances, about $3000: I own. my own patents and have exclusive right In Ave best states on Coast; very best reason for selling. Price for everything cash or trade. $20'Hl; make my own machines: have good lo cation, cheap rent. Owner. AN 5-1, Ore gonian. RESIDENT SALESMANAGER WANTED. Salarv. $100 to $l.o. allowed monthly. Increasing sales of our product necessi tates our opening distributing office in unoccupied territory. We desire manager with clean record, acquainted, with ' to $1200 cash to carry Initial account, me return of this money secured to you. po sition permanent: office and other ex penses allowed. F. O. Jahn. president First National Bank. Omaha. Neb. BANANAS AND PINEArn.ES And all other tropical fruits and plants crow In tropical Mexico. Join our free excursion to this richest, cheapest, best land on earth, healthy cli mate, transportation facilities are the t-est; new tract Just opened: land selling for sT.vO per acre on easy terms; next ex cursion Dec. 1. Get busy and Join ua. RAW! & PATTOX. S?I T.umbermens Bldg. flth and Stark. IF you want a good safe Investment, the older It gets the larger mo income. . .. par vearlv dividends give me an ophor- . " iin t- it vtonlev. Hotel tunity to explain. Seward. LARGK and flourishing drv goods business for sale: In Pne town, rapidly growing: will take about $(50,000: easy terms: big tvargaln; proprietor is old and wishes to retire; last vear buslne netted over -5 per cent on above-named amount; Prefer to deal direct with the principals. H 0.3, Oregonlan. . -- F5if SALE Good, up-to-date stock cf tar nlture. carpets, etc.: Invoice about $ nn: building good 2-story. 12 rooms furnished: fii00. good farming country surround ing, large territory to draw from; prar tlcallv the onty furniture store In Hie rcunty. For particulars address owner. Box 2.14. Wnsco. Or. A BARGAINT. Must sell at once 10 shares of Open River Transportation Co. stock (owners of steamer J. N. Teal, etc.! for $375; will give free to purchaser 101KI shares Fidelity Copper worth $50; must sell. X 531, Ore gonlan EXPKRIF..VCED MOVING-PICTURE MAN WANTS PARTNER. EITHER LA DT OR GENTLEMAN. TO OPEN THEATER: WILL FURNISH SERVICES AND HALF OF INVESTMENT: CORRESPONDENCE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL: PARTNER CAN BE ACTIVE OR OTHERWISE. J f.43. OREGON I A N . BAKERY" FOR SALE. Nice little bnkerv with lunchroom in connection. In Puget Sound city of 40.OOO Inhabitants; B-yenr lease and very lovv rent; good location, old established busi ness: store newly remodeled and fixed tip very attractive: Invoice about $2000-$2500. AM 4SK, oregonlan. mnnev fully secured: Portland now being cfrcularlzed. Apply at once. Tond Tarn- pon . Q-. i"mnr, e.. S.MAI.U prospering established grocery business where rent 1 cheap and business profitable: must sell on account of sick ness: stock turned regularly once a month. C T. Bamberger, room 2 Lumbcrmens bldg. Main L'4S8. FOR SALE Cleanest and best little res . taur.tnt and grill on flth St.. clearing over $.100 per month, cheep: reasons for selling am called East and must go a soon aa possible: Investigate this money-maker. See owner. 30 N. 0th st. (no agents). $2000.00-We will lend you $2000 under cer tain reaaonable condltlona, and agree that you may repay the loan from the divi dends on an Investment which wa will sug gest. Continental Commercial Co.. St- Louls. Mo. CAFETERIA. On 6th St.. corner, in business section: 3-vear lease: doing a business of over $1"0 per dav; will stand closest Investigation: n snap: only $1000 cash required. 313 Henry bld iTaFIORING MEN'S HOTEL. In factory district; 2 rooms: full of ooarders: on account o sickness can be bought for $1000. Call 523 Lumber Ex chnnge s'mALL cash business; wants honest man as partner: must be satisfied with flS. to $2S eeeklv- to start In with; $.".0O required. For information call 623 Lumber Ex cbange. , LIGHT MANUFACTURING; business want partner to check goods: owner will guar antee you no less than ?10 monthly: small Investment. For Information call 523 Lumber Exchange. ALASKA Information Bureau; $1 postal or der will get you reliable Information about the ldltarod gold fields and Alaska In general' questions answered promptly. 1020. 1st ave.. Seattle. Washington. FOR SALE Finest Irrigation Investment In Oregon- owner's sudden departure for East being the only cause for selling; worth less land made thousands. continental Trust Co.. 302 Spalding bldg. . FINE opportunity to mnlte some money in modem rooming-house, good lease, low rent- well furnished, central; selling on ccount of sickness. Owner, r. O. Box 441. " YOUNG MAN. STRANGER I Make careful Investigation at expense f seller before you Invest mono- In any proposition. Advisory Department. Y. M. C- A. WILL trade Vj of my Interest In splendid manufacturing plant for fruit farm or town property where services are gtvenj will guarantee $100 to $."00 a month. 24.. Grand ave. ' IMPORTANT. Information which will enable you to Increase vour Income on small Investment mailed free. Cleveland & Co., 50 Congress CORNER CASH GROCF.RT; best location In . . . I . J.I... V. hll.lnA.S Will west roniKii'i. ,i..... - -e - ;; sell reasonable If taken at once. all room .".2.".. Lumber Exchan.e for InfoT ma tlon. "SALOONS. For sale Five of the finest mlnnnl In the cltv: all Independent license.. 314 Henry hide. WANTED Young man with good ability as manager for a retail "l'". town- must Invest $"": chance to make good money. L S3! Oregonlan. SALOON. : " Down- town: Independent Iicen and (ow rent; owner sick and must sell. Particulars 313 Henry bldg. DEPOT Cigar store, net $2)0 monthly over and above all expenses: for further In formation, call 523 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. . PARTNER wanted for strictly cash busi ness: this requires very little money and will pav $20 week salary, also share profile. Particulars 2 IS Si Starkst. CONFECTION ER Y. cigar store, guaranteed paying basis; stock, futures new; every thing at Invoice; cash or trade. C 031, Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, clesrs over $300 a month, cheap rent, lease, price sgioo. 427 Henry bldg. SMAII. cash grocerv. doing good business: a snap If you want a good business; llv (nir room In rear. 7R3 Hood St. STOCK and bond snicsman wnii en ii.ukc wants position. Give full particulars. Ile sults. Post Box -OKI. NwYPrk. SI'Hl'HRAV GROCERY: business $40 daily; rcnt till per month: at Invoice; S0O re qnlied. Call .'23 Lumber Exchange. CROl'FHV Clears $lo month after paying all expenses: living rooms; will sell cheap. Call 14SI- Stark St. II AVE elisTbno to Invest with good manufac turing companv: must be In operation and on a paying basis. G 530. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 01d-etabllshed cleaning and dyeing business including wagon. AG 542. Oregonlnn. . $1".0 BUYS a half Interest In mv business netting me $50 per week: will teach same to some honest young man. P. O. Box 441 . GOOD paving barber shop in Rosehurg. Or. For particulars apply to Lewls-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co.. Morrison and loth. I WA.NT a trustworthy partner with little monev to start manufacture my paeent No. 74.07. Address X 534. Oregonlan. jinsn CONFECTIONERY and cigars, close in: a goon miv. . an 0-1 AN Interest In machinery- company for sale 'or trsde. W 534. Oregonlan. SEEStarllght Oil Company's add under financial. . DRYGOODS. hoes. etc.: will Invoice $2000; splendid business. Call 24'.. Stark st FIRST-CLASS meat market for sale very reasonauiei n LIVE man or woman wanted to represent is In Oregon selling to druggists and the public direct from factory: highly adver tised article: hie profits; must have $250; BUS1SESS OPPORIXNTTIES. TALK WITH FLETCHEl- aii caiuornia on ciocaa. 2.010 Alaska Pet. At Coal treas special 15.nio Almeda Con. transferable. . . bid 1.000 Automatic Call & Adv. Clock bid 5.000 B. C. Amalgamated Coal. . .bargain a O..J, Ql..b 1.-nA hid bid I.,'...". Jl.OLU ... oOO Calif. Con. Oil (Bb Evans) snap bid nld ;o Campbell's Aut. s. G. B 200 Carlsbad Hot S?s. ban 1,000 Comstock G. Gate 5.150 Fidelity Copper 2i German American Bank... 0 German-Am. Coffee 300 Globe Grain Separator S.liOO Gold Creek 1,150 Gov. Standard Powders . hid bid . 25.50 bid bid . special hid . special bargain bid bid licrriiicn iiii. ..ivi 300 H. O. Peck Auto Wheel 2-15 Int. Lbr. & Dev 1.00 Morning Metallne Loob N'ecarney Hydrocarbon .... N. W. Long Dlst. Tel. bonds bid hid 10 Open Klv er I ransiori-"u.. bid n.nno Pacific Coal & Gas barE?!IJ 2.0O0 Pac. Coast Cranberry Co... bid ..asi Plckei t ont. suv. ...ov... . . . 2o Portland concrete Pile specla. S'i.i Tacoma Tel. bond ' t 50 Union rac. Life .. ..... ort- joo Utility Car (Installment)... 10.00 All other stocks and bonds; see me be fore tmylng; may be able to do better. 1 WANT: Almeda Con. Paula Oil Gov. siand. rowder Poulson's w lreless Oregon Gold Hill Hose City I want Tacoma Telephone bonds in ex change for 6IO a, Gilliam Co. Improved "ln'ant large equity or clear city lot for calumet Bucna Vista. National Copper and Trevor stock. 225 Ablngton bldg. HOTEL MEN. ATTENTION. $35m cash puts you in possession of the l-est country hotel with bar In Ore gon; clearing $1000 a year. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION. We have good money-maker in coun try stores from 30"0 up to $H0.0OO which will stand vour closest Investigation. F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrison St. LACK of sufficient capital compels me to sell half Interest in best manufacttlrlng proposition In the country: unlimited de mand; profits immenso; little competi tion: close corporation. Address r ojl. OregoniatK ' WE have a fine business opportunity for party with from $2500 to S5000 In good, live town In Southern California. AME3 MERCANTILE AGENCY. 416 Abington Bldg. Main 59S. ATTENTION. Wanted Man with $10,000 or more to Invest In automobile business, established business, best' line of cars represented in Portland; want money to purchase more cars. AK 52(1. Oregonlan. GROCERY and delicatessen, near Washing ton' new, clean stock; flrst-cla. trade; rent $20; owner sick and must sell: clears $.00 per month; this ia a line little busi ness and can be bought cheap. 813 Henry oiug. LAWYER desires opening with established law tlrm or lawyer, Portland or else where. In Northwest; may taka Interest retiring paitner; any proposition consld- HERE I ft chance for someone that is look ing for a good cash business, clearing $lnO per month; will stand thorough Investiga tion; owner going East: price for quick ..I. 12X- no agents. Call 303 Larrabee. HALF Interest In aa old established busi ness, doing a good business, with a sal aried position of $100 pr month. For full particular, call Kinney 4 Stampher, Ie-m-br Exchange bldg.. room 531-53 I WANT to Invest a few hundred dollars in a small merchandise grocery or cigars store: I do not want no partners what have you for sale. Address by mail only. J. W.. Foster Hotel. 3d and Davis. REAL estate business: opening for steady. i ..n..iani.. not necessarv be- . . ia re anarffpll lo yona anility to anon .no... -c.v. man can depend on making at least Ji. niontn. r-articuitii -iq -3 ... AN exceptional opportunity to get control of permanent business; will net big re turns; small capital will handle It; stands close Investigation ; need no experience. Mlllls. New Scott Hotel. $350 MANUFACTURING business. owner wants a reliable partner he can depend on to look after agents and do collecting: a chance to make big money. Call 41T Board or iraae. WHOLESALE and Jobbing business of merit, profits large and sure. Must sell this week $1800 for half interest In this well known concern. A reasonable cash offer will not be refused. Call at once. 218 Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE A moving picture theater do ing good business, in good location, with cheap rent and long lease. For particu lars Inquire at 271 Everett St. near 4th St.. North. WANT to meet lady who loves music and has a few thousand dollars to invest in a business that Is aa safe as Government bonds and will pay a profit of 50 per cent. A 52S. oregonlan. ' DELICATESSEN and light grocery; clear ing I'joo monthly over and above all ex penses; week trial given before Investing n cent. For particulars call 523 Lumber Exchange. FOR LEA.SE Ow ner of gold mine, equipped with 10-stamp mill, will furnish free elec trlo power and lease property for 25 per cent of gross product. Address AN 4S7, Oregonlan. liEAL ESTATE business; opening for steady, sober man; experience not necessary bo vond ability to show land, etc.; itiergetlo inan can depend on making at least $150 month. Particulars 248 Stark st. WANTED A partner with some capital 10 manage a plumbing business: shop estab lished. Write Box 146. Arleta. Or., for particulars. ; BOOM1XG-HOCSE8. FAMILY HOTEL. FLAT tMlb. 3. rooms: steam heat; all light outside rooms, very close In: good lease at $200 per month: this house Is always full and clears $300 per month. $1700 cash re- QFOCRTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. 313 Henry Bldg. A MONEY'- MA K ER. I! ROOMS. MORRISON ST. Good building. 3-year lease, some house keeping apartments, rent $100; Income $320; very good furniture: owner will sac rifice' on account of other business; price $1500: cash. jj JAMES. 8 10th. near Stark. " ONLY $20. " 10 rooms, close "n, well furnished: rent only $30 per month; this Is a nice home snd gives a good income. If taken at once can be handled for $2o cash. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. Ola xieiiij- win.- 9 poOMS, rent only $30, located near White Temple, large yard. Winter's wood In basement, all nice and well furnished; owner must sell at sacrifice: can easily clear $75 per month on this place and t'.l V e r-.ll o.ilck for this. H. E. JAMES CO., eH lvin, near mnrii. ROOMING-HOUSE, 9 rooms, fine location. Income $SO per month, $700, $4"0 cash. Call 30S Board of Trade. 15 ROOMS, close In. furnace heat, house clearing $90 month above all expenses; will sacrifice on account of other busi ness; price cut; $1100; terms. Call S8 lOth.i near Stark. li ROOMS, close In: rent $45 per month; a neat place, well furnished and ha nice yard' run as private boarding-house and clear over $100 per month: easy terms. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. 313 Hanry Bldg. 8 ROOMS, new. near 7th and Columbia. $700; terms. . , .., . 9 rooms, newly furnished. Nob Hill, for rent, furnished. , cn 1 rooms, rent $4.", Income $115: $S50. 'Trtu. Washington St.. rooms l.i. t 11V.11-' l.OOO . . V : . . . $400 per month profit; 28 rooms, each has bath and phone: modern and up to date in every repect; excellent location; rooms alwavs rented. Phone Marshall illo-t or .Main ouui. Have good farm on Willamette River; river bottom soil: first-class for truck farm: will exchange for apartment or rooming-house. Owner. E 540. Oregonlnn. UNFURNISHED roonilns-liouse. In fine condition: l) rooms. $50 """i,,. I'? N. '.'3d st. Address room. 312". Hamilton bldg" rhone Main 2Q4. ft FGANT 7 rooms, beautifully furnished m'ahosan'y and oak furniture: rent of house onlv $30; fine location: upper floor ' will rent tor $M. AJ543. Oregonlan. 13 ROOMS close In. rent $S0; Income $130; worth $?0i); Monday, $650; terms. Call ts 10th: near Stark. wanted To buy the furniture of from 9 to 13 rooms, near In on West Side: have to pay down. Phone Main .1000. FORCED to sell account sickness: 40 rooms, steam heat, rent $100. good lease, new furniture and carpets. $1700 cash takes It nr sisoo on terms. 319 Board of Trade. A GOOD paying rooming house, newly fur nished, choice location, small amount of cash handles this. Phone owner. A 1Q54. BUY from owner. 14 rooms, all one floor, $U'0O cash. AB 531. Oregonlan. ! ROOMS, rent $150, long lease. $4500; ,000 down, owner. I n.ti, oregonmn. 13 ROOMS, loth and Salmon ats., $1100 cash, Owner, Y 630, Oregonlan A FEW" GOOD ROOMING-HOUSES JUST LISTED BY R. H. GOOJJKIND CO. SIX ROOMS. At 412 Hall St., near 11th: go see It today- rent $20; prlco only $2io. with $li5 cash. This is a Near 12th and Jefferson: rent only $30: furniture now; nice clean place. Price SiOC, $400 cash. -10 ROOMS. Near 17th and Irving; furnace heat, rent $4.1 ; furniture new 7 month ao. Price $s00, half caah. IS ROOMS. All select housekeeping: new furniture and houso full of steady tenants: clearing $100 month; rent $.".: 2-year lease. If vou want a nice, clean, up-to-date home, see this. Trice $22.-. ). terms. IS ROOMS. All housekeeping; located at 408 Jeffer son st.. near loth; rent only $5..: average food furniture: clears $75 month. Price l-liO; only $500 cash. We have the ex clusive handling of this liouso and It will only bo shown on our order. 35 ROOMS. Elegantly furnished rooming snd apartment-house, located in tho very -! apartment distiict; the rent Is only $l.i. with -var lease; guaranteed clearing $190 month. If you want something out of the ordinary and have $3000, ask to see this house. 50 ROOMS. New, up-to-date apartment-house, filled with best class of tenants: newly fur nished; tinest location and rent only $5 a room: clearing $250 a month; $3000 cash will put you In possession. SO ROOMS. Hotel, brick building, on a prominent downtown corner, with ground floor of fice: this houso Is modern in every way. Is furnished with the very best of furni ture and clears over JS00 a month: If you have $70(10 cash, wo can arrange the bal ance We challenge you to find a better house In tho city for the nioni?;'; STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. FURNISHED 4 MONTHS. S7 rooms, contains 32 apartments, brick building, tlncst West Side location in. the citv elegantlv furnished with best of Ax mlhster and velvet carpets, mahogany and oak furniture and very best of mattresses, rent $!i75. which Includes steam heat, hot water and telephone; 4i-ycar lease : no security upon lease; this s a very easy houso to run; guarantee clearing $4-.) a month: $0000 cash, bala nee. ,' ea.y pavments. This Is without doubt tho finest place In the city for the money. S N A P APARTMENT-HOI Ph. BUYERS. SEE THIS QUICK 104-room afiartment-house. West Side location: rent only $5 a room. steam heat. 82 private baths: every apart ment rented; this house Is furnished very fine and Is clearing $450 a mont 1, Just think, we can sell you this house for $.i.M.0. with only $3500 cash: if Jo expoct to pick up a snap. see. this house. V R. H. GOODKIND CO.. 610 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 Marshall 40S. A I00. VERT REASONABLE. 70-room corner brick, down town; . A-l modern house: 4-year lease: rent MWT. lease 4 vears; clears $500 per month; $4500 put. you in f'AP3. 70-room brick apart ment-house In 2. -3 and 4-room apartments, a number of which are exquisitely ''"' Vhe mln oak and Axminster rngs: up to the min m 5-vear lease at low rental; fine lo cation' big money-maker: price. $3200 the best buy in the city. Seo It before It 1. too ,a."'ART,,ENX.HOUSE SNAP. 51 rooms In 3 and 4-room apartments-verC- elegantly ""lshed throughout and strictly modern: rent only $-o0. o-year lease; price Vgg By SO-toom brick: A-l carpet J"": beds and bedding; modern, 4 baths. RV year lease; rent $13..; big money-maker. ALL GOOD PROPOSITIONS. 18 rooms, $1500 cash. 17 rooms, price Jl0-0. 1'j rooms, new, $i00 casn. 10 rooms. $400 cash. DEVLIN & '!RK,BA,?,7;n-C10-511-512 swetland Building. T ATtGEST LIST. BEST BARGAINS OF HOTELS AND ROC MING- HOUSES IN THE CITY". $45011 rooms, good furniture, leas or 1 year, bouse clears $50 $a50-ia3Oroom.. very good heart of city, lease; a. fine tran- JOOO-ilfr'ooTJ - beautiful hom.; fur. 'niture the very best be had. $140022 rooms, all on ono floor, leas lw for 3 years: clears over $100 fMM 24rooms. steam lieat, a oeautlful home, elegant furniture. s-H?co;j. long lease; clear $400. $13 000 3-story brick hotel. Including bar. ' will trade for farm. Any of the above can be "T. nukse'e'uswe'doth. buslne i"HMA"cH. SCHNDER. STEARNS CO.. :.-". 417. Board I of Trade hldg. Main 23.0. THE,12 rooms: rent. $40; terms jnno 10 rooms: rent. $3i: le, "'",' j7-"n 14 rooms: H. K. : good location. ,S-o 13 rooms; furnace; $Io:,o20 rooms; good 'ration. -$1"00 23 rooms: rent. $40. lease. Sl inii 19 rooms; rent $'. ''" ,140(118 rooms; rent. $.0, ttrm: I,Ann 38 rooms: rent. $1.1. i"". iJaoo 20 rooms; lease will trade I ,nol rooms: lease turner, terms. 6i rooms; rent. 50. trade. 44 rooms; lease and r t"ms. t-ilno 40 rooms: lease, furnace, heat. J.-iOoo 54 rooms; brick. lor city erty nr,00-128 rooms: brick leas. term.. Ill iHtO rooms, 1 -iK, 4J-- SISOOO 130 rooms: hotel lease, terms. For more particulars, cal I at filO Swellann bldg. tei -voir WANT TO MAKE MONEY IF lou,N:V;:STTr,ATE THIS. Beautiful modern v: om.r. brl ment. central location. One of the best business Investments In h e nn $500 per month above all P'"," coVdi: t?orna.tlwnihneBW'yeaa;'d.eaye;'13V; ""oreSonTnestment CO.. 505 Couch Bldg. " ISO-ROOM MODERN HOTEL IN SPOKANE A SNA1 . 10 ROOMS, clean place: price SO0 10 j" rooms, fine location: price tn 13 rooms, always filled: prlca $rtoo. 22 rooms, clearing over $100 $1400. 30 rooms, new furniture; n.00,.,nn 7 rooms, clears $350 month: $. ..00. ...".e. 417'BQVad" rlrnerg'od"? ' " ""! r,ce0,inoo'Pr43K5 rc0asr ban,LCn'c, ?errmS Thir 1, a good 's'l'd money-maker. Tease? "oltW housekeeping: price ,13l A BARGAIN. . tn room, close in. '"'""': VTnd ft neat, clean place: a good home and ft good income: requires only -"L "PORTLAND RO.MING-HOl SE CO.. " VOR SALE BY OWNER. Rooming-house 11 housekeeping .ultes and 12 "Wlo rooms. '':? monthly. N 5:1:1. Oreimnw. Workingmen's place; 46 rooms: com pleie big money-maker. ,l,ndP'T,'1 fivlng; lease; price $2000. 417 Board of Trade. yt'RVITniE of 12-room house; Ideal loca tion; all occupied now; rent $60; pay. ,1'iO. See this Monday. HAAS & RINGLER. 211 LereU bids. NEWLT furnished apartment-house. 52 m. West Side, rearing :': must sen? god lease inquire AM 509. Ore- gonlan. . noOMIXG-HOUSE. $200 cash, balance easv: Rfl?Mbeftutlf. light rooms. rr toN. See this clean, pretty home. 182 14th North: S car. KOOMING-HOUSE. S2oo cash, balance easy: eo-ctric lights, n' beautiful llsrht rooms. corVer house; see this clean, pretty home. W 14th st. North. S car. 35-ROOM transient house 6 yrs lease cheap rent; cheap for cash. T 54-. Ore gonlan. 27-KOOM. West Side location: rent 11 00; Income, $100: money-maker: only $1000. mc'tVT v BISHOP. 132 3d St. 39-ROOM furnished npartmen t-!i"'i'. Jj1 full Grand ave.. Income $125: rent $144. Frlce $2C.:V 405 East Morrison. TtoOMING-HOl'SE. 10 rooms, for rent, fur nlture' for sale. M 533. Oregonlan. NICELY furnished rooms to rent by day or week. 1 '-i p.- .-'mo- 18 nnnuf:. new furniture, good location; '.-.' icti: ait, 1 $1600. term. fimnpm. .ovv. - I bmalL roomlng-houao for aale. cheaj). I 4t atreet. A