V V V KiTr a Tinv nrivrrrknniiLEi i v j . - a bL.is. i -. . : IX1 eat tea. A RU.UBLE )flunc woman wouM like to m-nnd work from 7 ia 2 A. M. in fl-st-cata roui lr -hou or hotel, rr p.ej-t room ar.I board Address M: IHOHCH OHLY tsprienced second yirl or -aitrs wants p -i.wn. ,.rt e;e ran..y. Ca.i or write A. E- N'rlunrt. i--u test t'OMi'ETEXT mM 11 ci w.man wants P-9.1 a as ho -in-K'-'per in ho:! r f.r !loAr an! ram::. bett of re.erencea. ( i!l Ma n 41- UDV ved tlurtMK e .. .hri ur p:!' f'-vr Xr.av and Satur ri. y af'Taooaa. dinner party. .'bona - .r f Mam st iuts Employ V.' as. i : n c? o ri a t . Er.rEr.T.T WOXMN n' attuatton tn m 9 fmii. at Kast 4utn at.. t t- w 11 i'h -.me alt'. ATI' -N wriM r ex rwrn d girl l. . r-.kni r second work. rhne, II ta in -i. lamiiy; plato .oa. K J, Ore- I'n:n. " flretlaJoBa. piFT :I reoort t. the rita'a l-i Ma-Madison. Wl. box 4-A. aril nnrraDhr will1 -hk ut and return nr--ry 1 n format tn.- mrw month :c"- v rf ,J OT. iryr tan. ANUAK aa,ittn If t- iUwlnf help phnna Mara.iail J"k I-ad.ee r.mpnymni A sen-y . chamber. .aid . a ait reaa-e, house frMp-re. janttreea. covki for hnt. i ramp. A KKr I.tr. c..e-ful. miJ!.'-K"l wnia'l acta pot it. on as r. ura-companMn ta -Wly pr.n or invaH-t: g.-'ud Ttr. rxi prt-ara f.-v4. If nr'uiry: mail wiin -a Apptt--ant. S;:i t- wr in borilin(-hout or htl In t ctiar. f..r huatani b ard and ro-nu U t dMa prafcrrrd. Address O ort WolLU li "i-iiail MUlrn f-T th Win tar cKon T..r i r ca I Sun1av at II Norm Tior mt.. atraix it nortn of V . tKO Pvit.n r Kaairn h'l !rir wifh rrlfirata a;it years' r tI;,'pr a f'"-ns r fii.ld niira for t wn .-.r m-a rhiMrn, alao ctty rrf-rricea. jkfTKR Jan. 1 taiv iaua pin-a aa flitar f-r auit huw; ha- liau y-i.ra of xpr-l-n--' thurouahiv romptrt tn manacn workroom . can furouft v1 rurenrfi. I rtl'iil aridr-. H 31. Cr-f ntan. :Tkf"i n tn iu-at"i t:.w. with -ur. rn. tlirrs rnitin as cunpinion, Tif manaxrr or manacinit houspr; Twf rn. . I 5U. Of Ionian. LAOT f rflnnint and .pTina wtaha aittoa with phtcian or ia c-inii . YL.NJ Ia-1. :io ia prof. cent in i.-r-nan. wn:a a position as a govrne f id a com pan ion. A?pl at H K F-a-!ff t. WAMtD-P'Moa car. re fr on or mora -ht:drn tlunrijt rtsv. y rf.nl rducatrd ar i -i ; ir.ti:;rrt car i;Un ana piano In- Vt'tVN'i woman wanta to work af'-r 2:.1 P M. for rcx.rn and part board. wli-t sis ir can nay ooaaioaaily. X MA Or- ""ll:n. bXi t-K.t; Nt t icAchsr wt.l tutor n pub lic s-ho' wr t:.D Khnul stud., rsfer-s.k-ss AM Ur.)iiian. 6Lrt"VTI-'.N want! by . lnead cvk. ,i.-ti or r't'aurint. alo anmnrr for flrst- -!43 ! innt!rj A J I.Cr ionlaa. r I K T- "I-A.-" ia;irira a ork Mn- r1;. Iu'.:i nd Thurada. referenc. U ...! l j wr Mt . AN eprii,d and rt-find laHy wouid '.r c h - Mrri fveuit.jif. , Tihon Mr- I ItV. T H .'', Orrs "! a :i. WaN1"KI n r:iaM woman, pi--- In iari frr ro-r fm A. M. to 2 T. M. AJ ' . vf"ntan. a.1 'i i aTKU yoon laiy Itra jii tn a a r.imtin; -n rf ititfd lady vf mvana. 1. T . i la rr IMM IMMERKD wtd-" wu'd hk to r rn a f.tmily to t'aiifornia. rpnea aud m;i s-.r. V Oregon Ian. !.ArrftT and mndtn5 lona at horn, or will c out by da. Call or address u 4"rrrrt St. pi N"" at our hrtrn. U mo. N w Vork i iarva:ory irraduat. Mars!. alt l.i.. X IAKK a la: tv of taundrrlrc fina lao ru. r4in, W ,t a dtine at iionn. I r.one Mar i . I .1 as uiant tn rb at-in's off; re. :i know vt iicn'g taph . T --!:. n ' tn. lVY Kap-ncncsd woman to do i-irl-v. Main M.'.. av and w f wih position. rok and h'yr t' '--mp' ip"'flrrl ,A h st WoMAN wnia work by th dav: good cook in'l ron-r AK Orsrnian L 'HA VMh for you hra or thar. Min I v work by cap Ma woman, phona Mam ti4- TWO fria w ih to w'k by day or hour. a'l M. t-T. rom Lrf BXRBrTrt nt work ia lady or an-" ati ? 577. 'roritan Tv' Vij woman wants iay work; rJrn.- 'i 'Wf rTK.ST w -rn w ant a day w ork for Vnta. TaKo ?o V. T ? X b !.'. t'onins or wairilttR. Miin 4 Rf--na LATV illustrated an stnrf and pino pUyar wanta position. T 51. rrniB. cTc R il a S lad r does NuMw"rk and waar- ip e y tli dy. gat Mill St. U " F: MAN woman wmnta w aahlnaj at boms. 3Ira. ."olf .. t.arabo at. NOHWC'jl V womsA wwnta day work. Kin f a in S7' i;iRI. wanta Uht h ! ork; am ail fain v. f Mi. ut-'conttn. t M ; A n1 otl pain Una; taufhu At your ''m d:rd. Tafr 347. LaIV wanra dav work Tucaday. Friday; rrf- VCMAS wants awvapinc. clanln. 2."Vc par Sn ux .T 1 J a: at. A OOOD woman wants work by ths day. Pnona Eaat ijt.. i ii'srapnirs ora- re Ma uwimi ft band-dcoratd 41 bo:tl perfume 'J ; OMteiitna' evarrthlnc; narty mouct) aenrs. last c I'wrker Cbemlcal to., Av KNIS earn to wsklr aei:ins: ur brstded waiats and drvaaea. smathtnt new. p etticoata, various etnurotdr v no eltls; csrsofTue fre N'stlonsl Importing Co.. I-fc D "u Fradway. New York. r't'R n" patents Just in from Oermany; S mi other red-hot sellers. Xmas sltverwsre, new books, femes, novelties, rataiocua and samples fr. K. dgra Caw Mil e mr. Vts. WE want afnta for our wonderful Hickory Kerosene Mantel lamp, low price. at!fac. Mori guaranteed, 3kK lAimbsr Exchange. 11 snd si'srk. C;".NEr.AU special. bv large. M-lrne. health, acrid' nf companr; nw. Itberrtl. eaaye:.ing policies: choir territory ; big pav Royal t au:t "o . St. Ua i. A h.NTi to handle bisst moav-ra k ing Ur xtlr.guiahrs: apcial at art Ing o?r ; erittalvs frnr.ry; TS to Pr month. Ftlgr hemic I Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee. W .s. Aot.MS Our vecetabls soap: fastest seller on earth; 1 pr cent pro At. Fsrmanant bus;rs: territory, free M.xp'a Morgaa Curpty Co.. St. Inaa. M MTt-t ION stent a. fant eeliar coating or. f . i in r 3' . v ery fl rm n eed a . o ri rs i o $; amp;e. partlu.ara free. Kmboaaed ?-.J - Mie;a uke a i'htcago. AJENTj Both sTee; w menu fart ura and i -ntrol tn f asat - aUin houhoid sP c'a tv t r invented. vonnoliy Co.. 1-3 1.tfcrTy. Nte York. AH:nT ir.ks $2i to l0- weekly with our proposition; eaar wok: meet beet people; v-rite tod a; pcuti waaf rn Agency e V ;g. Co.. Lee T anoe. N'. M ft Py 434 a e' and tpnsea to men wi'h rtga to Introduce poui'ry compound. 1 r'i c-ntrS' t. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 7. Farsons. Kan. . AGENTs) wanted ta aid na supply tha e saasd for botes auraerr a: Jk: ootflt free: easti wsk y. Aridreea Capilad Sorwerr Co. fca.sia. Or. Aw r N T a W a TED hornet h Ing new. get busy; sail I 8. tafaty La;r.p Burners: big damand. fliick aa.a. large profits. Ca.l or wrtte no3 ctpa dtng bUg.. Portland. Or. ACTIVE eaavaaeers ceo mta $Jv wea. j awtliaa' trees for the Orecoa Muraery Com pose. Liberal propoaltioa; good territory. A d dress Or acq. Or. aT-ENTS for p.-rtra;ts. frames and art po 1 a ua; aamptes and catalogues fe. Ad dras N. M lictnsn A Co.. MfgA. bog Vi":r',i't. My A1' ?' T omei hlng new, lx per rent r-'ot.t. free aarr.p.r. cs:i 11 to 12. 5 to a 7" a'Ti af.. rorr 1. -wENTi y raw know about tha profits Irs iurrltng perfumes to famctaa. Ad cUaaa X-a-T.er d Co bU Ioalfw Moa WAXTED AO T. NTS. AOK.STi Wa hava tha faateat aaiana h.v.iint:d spilfv on tha market, (on ntl y irrt 'o.. Wsstrn orfir. roont 4. trand Tia:"-r bins; :erett. Wah. THE STTX1TAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 20. 1910. - lt . t ' I I wrvT. I roR BEST. 1 FOR REXT. I rOB RENT. OPPORTT'NITT of lifetime; no prlnce ncaarv, b:g cash protUs dally; one agent m.da I ; 1 In hour; everyone will buy; we laaue mora at-cMr;t and al.kness polirtes tran any other atmilar company in worio give most DDJiar and cheapest tniuran a written; new plan. II a car pays for 4".mw policy: no aements or du.; othr amounts In proportion; nat n nnem , wr-kly irrtmntty : fr medical attend ance, oric-nal popular features; ennr w. all riilmi prompt v and liberally sett d ; Ir-.anranro wata S&O O it) : reliable repre sentatives antd evervwhre: etclu?iva territory; llbral. permsnnt inomt, m t m.U m r wi h.-Int; v an re. In trnatlonal Co"rDration. 171 Broadw ay. rt J . Nw- YrV L.CL.l'IVK t-rritory now being ai.iitted f r I-lttie C.isnt HoufioId lump. thtnc of Ita kind, it has free fiid w here , er there's plumbing; removes al atop- pak-"S In pipes, saves piu:nirs niui. -rnts noauus ssea. tvryon wants it a. -r v ',r.i It. vt ; n'tit cun op rat It; as iimni In bualnfa w or d aa among biM. aellir.g at t'-p speed; a:rc.v in ii : I can gTAitt yon absolute monop r and fts you fr Ilfe.e if uu sra the right man. Afl'irwj at Kvnn,:y. i ram i.ow. I A K K J-'l next baturda-r. esv mnf walt II. for ..u; ali Mnrvel vaporiser '""l.f"1 oil lainpa and l.-r.tin; ii:ak-s brlliuni white Itghl it common lamp, cull i. 'f-1 in two. no man tela to break ; sHs nka wi.rir.re: Krlca. r. M-v. Irar J nl on w . Hainan. VVl . made IJ on da . hurry, liurrv. you can avcraso I- week. re-vbod v e-tred 'rlte ot k for X- ciuaie ferritorv. Mdn. y Vairrhlld 7m" pany. "All 'mi r. 'l .1 ( .. 10 00, w,.,. sTTm'Iv. bond, buil'l it-.a and loan and A-l lif Inauranre salesmen nd good msnasrs of men I'apitAt so. k. 13. '--' pay per rui p-l-i bnda. lay tna .A.eamen more tnonry. btt" Investment for the neoi.le. ato!utIy af. Splendid opportunity for g-.d men. None hut ex-P-r..-nce-J m-n. Addr. with reference, stating epriene. i:t.-erve Realty com pi.y. jipoaan. W ah. ------. I' I.I. start ou In Idg bu;nees: gl-e ven: ; fascinating aors; eaav. rven nmat-ut nuk to l day. "htpnan. Michigan, n . i tirt dn. 1--. iklaUom.i. ma.e and bu'lt home In year. Our newa aaia pi.tn cr-a:ir. f ininn, m-n, " write to. lav for particulars. C. E. Swsrts- butich. b -x . Tol-lo. Q- Air:TS If ou want clem, legitlmata bu:nes nf your ow n. arliich paya from IS to rijlly. send for 'ir free booklet mi.'rh t:. all about fit t ing glaasea and how ! atari In buslneas; speri.il orTr e thoi who write at once; u poiai win bring It. Jackn.an tptcal Cotleae. ll-a born trt.. 'hl ago. ' i"Ik-vT w a vtki Vai-uuin cleaner: live, rnrgEb nr-nie to . H 1 hnrman Klrtrlc acuum 'i. inrs for home. tof.a. n'''. etc ; t .ean bum.'. Mg pronta; writg i., day .;-nral Comprcd Air and ar uutn Mar binary Co.. Dept. St. Louis Mi!acuri. Ol'R startling new Invantlons. S.ixonla Spark Mas Lighter. cheaper than mat hea; vacuum clenner. r.haper than brooma: Incand'rent keroen mantle lamp, cheapest sn. leai light known; qul k al. s and large profits, t. K A. LlZhling o . H x 1. Spt msTivld. Mum. ( NO HKTTKR piN positlnu offered than an agncv fr th Aiaddur incandescent kroetie in in tie lamp. Writ today for booklet number 6. telling all about this wondTful lamp and our special proposi tion to snts. The Mantle lamp Com panr of AmTira, r'ortlantt. C'r. kV cn nuk $1 day soiling our nw hieh rrade onginsl air bruh d'-aisn show ritJ-ds to atorek-'cpers: 3'. varieties; Xmns and Xew y. ar eigni" : cata incur and earn pie f ret. People's how Card Concern, Kmnhth pidr.. Chicago. WILL help you m.ik morey; If you are an h-nst and ambitious dy or gentleman It will pay oj to write u at rnce. ti:onakr PfHalty Company. Trepiont Plats. I.?n-.er. Colv. W A NTCn TO RKT. Ws furnish tiie renter, collect ths rent, pay ta&a. Lniurance and keep up rspsira. the tame tor you as thou-n ths property was our awn; rsXsrsncas, auy baA la a? art land. iai SHAW-rEAR COMPACT. 24H Stark Bl. Phont. a 3oOQ. M.ln ax : VAST7p-4T.. rnt H. 12 or 13-r""m t ir m.l.r.l roomln liiif. c'.ow in. F. LJlpo. lntTti'lonl Hoi. I. r"rl!.n1. Or. 11 fuVninh'l Mj'iirlnirnl or colt.n. cJom ! t.rline; thr In f.n.lly. AddrcM U S2U. 1 'ii Qui, n TOLL. Thompson K-oll Fir. Inaur.nc. Arne; tus.l Kli' llrd: r.pIr; (; farnl.n l.n.pt C.ll IIP b.d. IVA xTKl-T. r.nt. . lx or vo-r.om r. or nt in . Ko-i looiinr. by vpi.il f.nil'v. H lr""ln. T' KKNT 3 or 4 ro.'in. in irliat" f.m'.ly. riirnlnn or uninrei-wn.. w.iiuk -tn-; nol pv.r 1.V H :. Or.Jiiln. . tin .Nil man. SJ y.r. qul't dlplli'n. .u.J Ilk. l- b.v. . r.wra wtln hoai. com. trl Al. 630. Or.tinln. WAN I'KU A hnu r f from 4 tty ft r-oma; "niklng dlatanc; Weal slrta. WA.NTKI' V fuml.he.l hiiw, Ikln dla uno. Wral irt. R Or. Rulli.n. VANTED- H or l-ronm bi:a.. w.lKinx lane, bualno.. dlalrl. I. .14 Duponl at. AD4rtBnot BY lrut.r 1. 4 ur 5-rKu li(m. nimlera. H"f ti" f- 't:T. T Irrnnlan. liil rLE aanl to-r."m partmiil wllb, b.Ih in houth Portland; p-usl arnl .n-l modarn. no children. AM Orafo- nliti. k-.ta. WAXTKP On !.'. r t miufirfty furnlahM. h.atwl. houaekM-lfn rwm; ntuat b rrer,h'. ITTtan.nl. rfaion .hi.' r.ot ..ld first and f if Hrent i. If IhoH tt-rnia dm ault. don't .naocr. T ft" J. Orcj'-mlan.. WANTEU Pjf vuuni marrlad r"Ul. l' bouiM-kpia; room., or on. rotn with u. f kitch.n. In private family. clo. in. Would prefer plac. .lib, piaao. Ahl 4J:. Cre.nlan. BY man anl ue. -J unf urnieled roouia I-.r houaekarrir.it. teaavl'.al'l-: or - furaiahe.l. rr to. win'er. not oer 1J blocks from lUpot. K "t anian. wTnTKD Br yount couple. 1 wo houae krepinx room., aonlb of Waahlnaton. not to ex.l A'- aal. Ore.oni.n. TWt refinaU women went niodoro. deair abl. room. na. of klt-hen. Kaat Kid. pre ferred A 6.1.'.- e-r K S4-1. OreitiiriiaD. W'ANTEP To rent. 2 to 4 unfurniahed rnoma for houaekeepln. by quiet family; waiklnar dlatance. tl -'i. llr.unlo. TWO .dull .ant to clean honaekceplna rootna. aalklnc dlaianre. reaaouable. N ".J.;, i irun la T. KKSt'KiTAHl.E. refined aenlletnan. d.-.irea room In horn, of mMdie-at-ed. unlncum b.re larly. t SW i-reconlan. WANTt'.I A prla(e tcAi. .Ith.r in I -a dd a Addition or Holiday Addition. all t aat 1 .7. WANTED Poom In private fn:tiy for Uht bouaakeeplnf. J S'.'l. Ore.onlan. TrisTEV 1 houaekenlna- rooma "T v.rant coitaie I'take. 7'7 lt al. Main Ko.ra.W It It Bwri. BY A YOrS'il"T;ENTl7EM (X OF RKFIS'K MENT RnOM AP TW" XIKAU IN A tiTRU TI.Y TRIVATE FAMILY. WHO HA": MnPEBX HOD FT: WM.KIMt TIS TAN'CE TO t'lTY PREFERRED. NO BnARPIMl-HOrsE NEED ANSWER, A.N J PRK'XIXl AN. ' Hkr'INEII onn wlehea bonrd and room in pVivate family: employed durlna; day no objection to auburhau: muat be reaaonaMa. '"all gellarood 31U from 10 to 4 K'floctt today. - ANTED Ily an appreciative .enll.mnn ea'ay to pie.ae. a home In a .trlrtlv private fat-ally wher. you would not adv.rtlee; arm furnlah A- reference.; anv anaver trlctly confidential. B til. retnnlan. BY your.g bualiie.a woman, nwm and boaid In private family or private boarding-n-mie Addre.a AN M. Oretonian. IAIA" -icalrea virm. comfortable room In da aira?le boarding -houae. wa'klnf dtaianre, Weat S!de. br Pec I. X .io. Oreaonlan. alAN rraplotel aiania room and loard In private famllv: -athollo prefeired; cloao In: atalelrnie, P f-41. Oreaonlan. TE M'HRR want, room and board In small ho a rd l v c hon.e I. o-.'d. ore.-.nlan. yTirNO lady de.lrea room and hoard, walking-' distance, about IJ" O S4t. Ore-onlan FOR RENT. Rnoma. " HOVT OVERLOOK THI9 TODAY. -VM NER SLD-l." 50v, MORR1SO.V ST. MOD1CP.S. CrTNTR Al REASONABLE a-rn l.tied Korna. LA RR A BEE HOTEL SITS Irraba. at: Am heat, electrlo lnhta. hot and cold water, bath and phone. W So and up. THE-HOLLY HOTEL. 105 s. 12tb. near Waan New and modem. Juat opened; tranalenta aollrlted; pnrea reaaonal'.e. XCD E f:N" outaide rooma. 13 to $5 per week. Inrlutiinc oatha: alao houaeaaepln. rooma. Mas Waeajnatoo at. IHB'HAWTHORXE. 2-1 13th. cor. Salmon: under new manaa-em.-nt ; nicely furnia.i.d rooma: modern, reasonable- both phones. HuTF.L. MILl.ANt. "'lt aSd Ptark Steam heat, hot and r.-.ld water In rooms: per ma:ient or trareler.t. Th. Kaawl Nloaly furniahad ateam-heated rooms, runnins water. 3d and Monta-ornery. "LAR-7S. airy attio room, oiactrlo light aUQd Iurnlahed Boom. HOTEL ALDER. Tt." CAPLlia. Corner 4tb- -" T,10"- and Aider at. nr JU. Tbes. two beautiful new botais ust ecmp.atad and handsomely furnlsBad. poi every modern conv.nl.nc. Including levator service and private telephone chana-a. Both, ar nsht dawn town, yet luat oS all carllnaa: about bait th. rooms In sacb hava private baths, all outers hot and cold water. Th. rates ar. surpris ingly low. Call and sea them and you .111 ba pleased In every way. Rooms by th. dsy. wteK or month. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St.. near King; a perfect modern home; private bain, steam beat, hot and cold water and telrphon. in every room: finist part of the city; th. maximum of convenience at th. minimum of expense; w. mak. you fel at home; diulng-room In connection; he.t in the city for the money. HOTEL BAVCN. 129 fcleventb, 6t yw. modern brick building, steam. heated, private bathe, hot and cold water In icoma. beautifully furnished, ooay aa4 com ortaola. riatee very reasonable. CaJ r.d re. ua Regular and transient trad. solicited. GRAND rXinX HOTEL. :is;k Eaat Burnalde l. Special Inducement to 4 y.uung men; s.ilte with private bath: alto modern etam-heated room., with hot and cold running water: $J.iO to o per week. J'hone Faet .v.'!(. It IgT-!. HOTEL ANSOXIA. K4 14th St.. cor. Wash. Furnlsltt1-! j-nd utifurmshed rooms; pri vate bilis. fre. phones In all rooms. I hone M.rahall 147U. kulEL UUCKiMiUAM. op. Portland Aiolei. 140 Tamhlil; nret-class furnished rooma smile or en suite; modern; tie up: trac.l nts sollcUed.M.ll.A177; Jl week, up. HOTEL BUSHMARkC Waahlngton and 17th. flrat-claa. furuiahed rooma, aingl. or ea suite, all modern conveniences; ii weekly up. A I'lMT. Main Cm 7, IHE BEAVER. 12tn and Marenall sta, wed (urnlahed aiaeplng rooma, $.5u pr UMlt; eaacuic lights, hot baths free. XU'ELY furnished roms. steam heat, hot and cold water, strictly modern. Olen ini Hotel, Jd and t-almon UO.VT UVKKLUuK TUIS TODAY'. 'MILNER BLUG." liOS MORRISON 8T. MODERN, CEMRAL. REASONABLE, DEsTraBI.E place to room, clean house; S.I..-.0 to 1. To per waek; gentlemen pre ferred. 53 Uth st. REFINED young man for roommate by joung man. Apj'ly 7:10 to S P. M., Monday night, room -', Madras Hotel. Fl'ICNIHEI). also unfurnished rooms, very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bills.. 1st and 1'ine. NEWLY furnltihed front parlor, suilablu for two; all modarn couvinlenccs. 35 N. lsih st. THE llernard. 11th and Yamhill, lurxe front parlor, furnace boat, nli-ly furnlalltrd. suit- H HX1SHED room, heat, hot snd cold wa ter, rcasonal le prices, dealrablo location. 3'Norlh 17lh at. 1-urni.hed Ki:oma ia rrivat. Family. ROOM for rent at H 16th at. between Mor rison and Yamhill ats.. 3 meals If desired; strictly piivalo laiuiiy; all modern con veniences. FlTl INCHED front room. to carltns. hot and cold water, electric light, furnace h'at and phone. flJ. IV North loth St. Phone Main ajl'S. XI-'U room aiiltable for 2 ladica. walkiiia; diatance, tYost r-ld.; all modurn conve niences. Thone Marshall 3U10 or 71A Wayne St., Apt. 1. " 5U1 DAVIS. Modern, newly fur-visaed flat front room, furnac. heat and grate, hatha; can cook breakfast If wanted; $3 a week. One other room, f.l.ot id MONTH, nently furnished room, with phone, bath, electrlo llaht. walking dis tance 1'hom Main S:tl. 4L'7 Harrison. Ei.Et'.ANT bright front room, heat, bwth, cjuiet, choice neighborhood; doe. In. ln month, to two gentlemen. 11'- Tenth. TWO furuia.ted rooma for ladlea or gentle men ciapioed at 124 East lth at. Call riutiday or w f ter 7 P. M . LADY emploved can have room and com forts of home; compsny desired: ref erences: rent 5 per month. 44s 6th st. l-hone Main 71. 44.. TH HT. ltt.jd monthly, nest room, suitable for young lady, home privileges. Main 44n. NEW and nicely furnished rooma. batn. both phonea. .. tt. fill per month. 311 Main at., bet. Mh and th. LARGE, very comfortably fiirniatied room In rtilned private nome; moaern anu ccnirai, rraemabie to gentleman. A b..'4. WANTED Married couple to share fur nished horn. In Souta Portland AJ otl Otegonlan. Mi'ELY furnished parlor; suitable for three men: also smaller room; s minutes post office. 13 11th st. 6WE1.I, front room, running water, fur nace heat, with or without board; rcaaon able. Sl.t Market. N1'EI.Y furnished room, free bath and telephone; walking distance. UJi -Market street. FoK RENT Furnished rooms with private family. Mt H'lrthwl.k at., near Russell. Phone Enst E.S"". XH'ELY furntaned trnt room, aultable for two gentlemen. 373 Park at. I'hone Mslu 3-.H'. SEI.I.WOOD. "J furnished rooms, bath and electric lighia. 1 ' block irom canine. Snereil ave. Xl 'ELY furnished rotm. furnace heat, close f-'rred; board If desired. 4S2 Wms ave. XEWI.Y furnished room, suitable for gen tleman: private family; will (lv. meals ir tle.irea. Miniit. 4"VERT desirable furnlehrd room In prl.at. fnuilly. aultati. tor on or iwo gentleman. rrtcrencoa. Phone Main VH2. LAKtiE front room. furnleh.d sultabl. for (wo gentlemen; warn i ucairen. . t,. ll h il North. Phon. East 4t'lrt. Is'R'ELY furnished room sultabl. for on. or two genil.meo. vv .v airmt St. Phone El o-'llg. TWO pleasant rooms, modern, usa of dining- room and Kucnen; exclusive rcsiucnc. oi.trlct Phone C 2Jl. 113 Williams. Foil RENT Nice timm Ith bath and all and Thurman. rhon. Main 2:i:"t. WELL furnlsh-d room In private bom. on Esst Bide suitable for one. or two; break fast If de'elred. Phone B SrlTg. FL RN It'll ED room w ith porch In new apart ment: two iaiiea. urAi.ii opiionai. t;all Mar.hall ::.4. apartment 2d. after 6. X1'"ELY furnished room, modem conveni ences, private family, centrally located. 4v4 Clay st. XirELY fornUtied room: steam heat, fire place; electric llgnta: large cioeet. walk ing diatance. Aol K. M-rrlaon at. Fl'RNlSHED room, furnace heat, light and bath: suitable for two young men. 617 Yamhill st 67. EAST SAI.MOX. corner lth; bath. pnone. rurna-e; quiet neignnornood; breakfast If desired. XI'-E front room for rent, iltil btout si. Phon Main 7207.' price NEWLY furnished room for rent. Hue Bel mont st. XIEL' furnished rooms, all conveniences; walking distance, an E. inn st. LARGE front room, suitable for two. 321 Weat Park. ii TAYLOR 1 or 5 newly furnished rooms; electric light, nest ana nam. FVRXISHED rooma. private houae. 614 4th st. phone Msln 273.. 113 12TH PT.. cor. Salmon, modern well- heatvd, reasonable. cloa In. LARUE attic room, fin bed. nice for two men. Call 32S Morrison at. Fl'RNISHED front parlor, suitable for 3. 17Qi, lot h st. LAR'IK furni'hed front room for gentleman. 341 14th st. WELL furnlslied. steem-neated rooms for gentlemen: bsth. phone 715 Johnson at. ONE laige nicely furnished room for light houaekeeplng: nrat noor. oat park at. FR'iNT room. gaa. bath, electricity, both phonea. ;vj4 park; gentleman preferred. WELL furnished room, good location; for one or two gentlemen. :j! loth. NICE front room; suitable for two people employed, in tstn. SMALL front room 33 per week, lit 17th St.. cor. Ysmnill st. $; hi NIi-EI.Y furnished room, modern. close in 34 l.tn si. FLEASANT sunny room, suitable for one. 7 North 2lh St. SU 11TH ST.. near filmon. neatly furniehcd rooms, furnace neat, walking qtstance. Mi ELV furnished room: open grate, fur nace peat. 4" weat r-ars. .wain 4iUl. riUMSUEn rooms 17i Ella. cor. Wash- lt:gton. pnowe wain CO-Y rooms, good location; 1.1 niln. post. office. ftrt4 fc.. ismniii. cor, i.iin. FOR RENT Snisl! room suitable for one. 2o, 11th. near lsy:or. FC'R I1F.NT 3 nicely furnished rooms. UJI Belmont. TWO connecting rooms. In front of flat. S'lttarl lor i or a genti-m.n. in ntn. CHEAP, pleasant roota for lepLn. CSt test 51orrlson St. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. ONE elegantly furnished white enamelt-d room In private family, with every con enlene. In a home. Including breakfast If 'ii-slred. near Hawthorne ave. I'hone Tabor lieK IX a new. stcam-hcatcd spartmcnt. a fur nished room for two ladies, with use of living-room ; close down town; very rea sonable. Phone between 10 and 2 today. Enst 1412. XK'ELY furnished room, euher front or bsk; new modern rosidance. electric light, furnace heat, telephone, strictly pri vate famllv. Phone labor 27u or call ;1 E. Yamhill. NEATLY furnished room for rent, modern convenience, for 1 or 2 sentlemen or la dles reasonable, flood car service. :ouid give breakfast, private family. Phone B 1721. F .'2. Oregoii:Mn. FOR RENT One goo.l-slxed furnished room; iieat. electric llglit. bath, use of telephone; no other roomers. Call 32 Eaat llth Xorlh, coruer Couch. WANTED A Jollv good girl to share room with voting lady: one who is fond of amusements. Reference, exchanged. 11 f25. Oregonlan. t WANTED Refined youni man for rooni tnute bv voung man; heat. bath, hot and cold water. 1.7." etch. Meals across s-reet. Inquire 7;H Vilwaukle t. NEWLY-furnished, coxy rooms, heat, light, hath, toilet, walking distance, home com forts meels If de-ired. Mrs. Ohraart, 2li2'i McMillan. ROOM with or without breakfast, gentleman preferred, easy walking distance, between two carllnes. Holiauay s Addition. East 4709. X. E. comer 11th and Halsey. X ft'ELY furnishesd room with heat and use of bath snd phone; easy walking dis tance; Jefferson car at door; J per week. A j'". '2 Char. an. SUITABLE room for 1 or 2: home comforts; modern house; excellent car service; walk ing distance. Phone C 2.03. -66 Grand ave. X. NICELY furnished rooms, upper flat, pri vate family. 74SU. Hoyt st. TWO large comfortably furnished bed rooms, suitable for four ailuUs. close In. reast'iiabie; breakfast if desired, phone ellwood 1102. W ISM to rent to a refined gentleman nice bedroom in private apartiuent: private bath, phone, steam heat; walking dis tance. Address M o2-.i. Oregonlan. LARGE, handsome front room, with alcove; hot and cold water; private family; n. other roomers; best residence, district; gentlemen only, boi inni g: FRONT room, private family, outside exit, free phone, electric lights, access to path; waikinK dlstence. .147 12th St., near Mar ket. I'hone Main 711. XEWI.Y furnished imi; one. two or three ludles; neat, eic - .-.owi. .i NICELY furnished rooms at moderate price-. 5-D Hoyt FL'RNACE heat; gentlemen preferred. 474 Clay; walking distance; cor. Uth. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, 'gentle man preferred. 141 Thirteenth st. FURNISHED room, bath, phone, S3; close In." it.;. Halsey st. East 4311. FOR RENT Very pleasant front room. 4 K R S E. Burnslde. si;, PLEASANT room. :i2l 14tt St. modern, close lu. FURNISHED" room .suitable for two. 62 '-".'th. near Stark. Phone East SuS. ONE furnished sleeping room, suitable for one lady. '.'4 l:ith st! LA RCiE front room, suitable for two gentle men: all conveniences. 5ts3 Irving st. SICE, warm room, "call this afternoon. CiMiu. Salmon. A 7BI4. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for 2 men. 1 12th st. Cheap. 6 NORTH 14TH KT. Nice, clean front and hack rooms; prices reasonable FURNISHED roon, close 111. reasonable. Phone East 1427, CLE AN ro-m: ressonnble. 2rtS 12th St. FI R.VISHED room, $1". 425 Taylor at. FURNISHED rooms. SI N. -iTt h at. NI' K front room for rent. 3'U 12th st. 4,'nf urnlsbed Rooms. UNFURNISHED rooms to rent; best view In Hie city; hot and cold water and balh. light, large yard, rent very low to right party- 1 to 5 rooms. Cor. of 42d and Hol-gate- take "W-W" car, get off at Holgate. walk one block east. H. L. Hawkins. THREE connecting rooms, steam heat, light, phone, bath. Call Monday. 724 E. Burn- ilde. ""DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS "MILNER BLDG. 850,4 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, 110. 272 16th, jn e a r jerter aoii 3 CNKURXISHED housekeeping rooms at -'!. rim e . . Bmim With Hoard, PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, rooms ,.w l . . . . ... u.ln.-rnnni. II- wim krary. 510 Flanders. Miaa Frances N. Hn'ti, supt. PLEASANT rooms with bo-.rd, home cook ing. 221 l"th St., southwest corner bal- iii o n st. ' Booms With Bowed In Private Family. BY sharing my furnished flat, two ladies can securo a good home, close In, reason able; will furnish board If desired. In quire 4 West Park St. NEAT aiid clean furnished room with board, sultah'e for one or two gentlemen, cook ing like vour mother's. 172 Grand ave. N phone Eaat turns. WANTED 2 or 3 children to board end loom: good home. Address AK 540, Ore gonlan. CLFAN. sunny front room, with board' for on or two persons; walking distance, reaa- on it.le. I'll 17th St.. East 5H LARGE, attractive room, suitable for two; board within block. 734 Holt st. Mar sliaii 2V-0. TWO large outsida rooms, with beard, parlor privileges, prices reasonable. 442 Jeffor son. ROOM with or without board, all modern conveniences. Stremley Aperlments. Wash ington and King. Apartment 32. ROOM and table comforts in a refined home for a gentleman. 307 Crosby. East 3"72.- XWn large communicating rooms, modern conveniences, near two car lines, suitable for 3 or 4 persons. 2o4 22d X. PLEASANT room for two ladles, furnace heat, home cooking. 70 Belmont- Eaat Ii.1 RnOM and board for young man in strictly modern home; all noma comiona. ruun. B 213. LOVELY furnished 1-room apartment, pri vate bath, phone, heat, large closets. 1.-31. Blmont. Tsbor 178, B 1434. Nlci: room, horn cooking, walking dls- tnc. Nob Hill. OA L,uv-r.u. 2d snd Washington. YOI.'NO man can have room and board; home comforts, use of piano, walking dis tance: reference. Main eofl FRONT room, with board, for two. In pri vet famllv, waiKing nismnic iwi c.i 121 h f. Phone East 33.12. WOULD like little girl 4 or 5 yeaia old to board permanent. 1" t. wasningion at., bet. 33d and .sh sis. TWO piesssnt roome for young men; mod- em. walking nisiance. -no ,,i -.i.uout board. Phone East 2263. 402 E. Mill st. GOOD board and room: nice location; one or two gentlemen; 5.R0 per month; re duction for two. aow . in ton .i. YOUNG- man wanted to room and board. private family; per w.ca. x-oon- .vav 101.1. XICE - front room for rent, aullable for 2, with board or without. 314 College su. corn. 6lh st. WOULDlike to hav a few more boarders. Good home cooking. 4S4 Jefferson. Main S'J. ROOM and board with private family. Benton St. Phon E 1343. ROOM and board for young man; home cooking. 147 N. list st. ROOM and board; home cooking. 73 Xortli 14th st. WANTED A little child to care for. Phone Woodlawn 1242. TW'O gentlemen ti board and room in pri vate family 123. Modern 460 East Ash. ROOM and board, private family. e" per week: walking distance. Phone C 22n:f. LARGE front room with board: $Q per week for two gentlemen. 5411 Yamhill St. BOVftD and room In private family. Heat, 1 1 rht snd hath. 6'I6 Esst Wsshln gton. CLEAN, well-rurnished room with home cooklng.iultablefortwo4S28d. fiat c. ROOMS and boe.-d, furnace heat, phone and rath, reasonable. 170 X. 16th. WANTED Lady roommate, desirable. Case Roa.5th and Jetterson. M. 144. NEWLY furnleh.d rooms with board, price reaaonable. 5H3 E. Oak St. B 2610. Tri,vr .irh or without board. 702 Irvinar il A 7(1. FURNISHED room with board, sleeping porch. 11th st. A 1636 ROOM wash bosrd In private family; every modern c-vnvenience. Phone East 4'.;il. ROOM and board for one gentleman. 591 pavlt it. UK E furnished room and hoard. 1$ ast f Oth Xortiva ZLbaji J3 Uil, I Rooms With Board la Prlvat imuy. i MR. BUSINESS MAN. Now Isn't this Just what you have been looking for? A room In private family, in quiet neighborhood. 10 minutes' walk of business center, within 1 block of best car service in cite; modern conveniences: use of piano. Two meals. You can't appre- lute this unless you call up B 174S and make appointment to see for yourself. ATTRACTIVE rooms, newly furnished, suit able for party young men; choice table board. 741 Glisan. XEWI.Y furnished, well heated rooms, with hoard, running: water, sleeping porches, nice grounds, homelike, excellent home cooking, verv quiet, walking distance. Phone Ea-it KiPQ. WANTED Boarders; a few boarders where 2 occupy one room In nice suburban home on electric carline, oc fare; plenty of good home cooking and home comforts. S 52."., Oregonlan. NEWLY" furnished parlor bedroom; large and light, with good tsble board for 2 people, business preferred. Phone Main 2071. FURNISHED rooms and board, private fam ily, running hot and cold water, bath, furnace heat, telephone C 2126 or 320 E. lst North. Mrs. Paul Kramer. LARGE alcove room, suitable for two or three, also one slnglo room: good board, strictly modern. H.13 Montgomery, 10 minutes walk. Main Rl57. YOUNG man of good habits wants room mate at 330 Hall St. Board and bath. Walking distance and half block of car. PLEASANT room for 2, good walking dis tance, home rooking, modern conveniences, moderate. 1M East 12th and Yamhill. phone East 42liS. -. FURNISHED room with board, -.11 conveni ences, reasonable. 107 16th St., near Flanders. Phone Main 551:1. A pa rt m ents. LILIAN" APARTMENTS. XEW! NEW! MODERN! ELEGANT! FURNISHED. NOW OPEN I NOW OPEN! Cor. 6th and Montgomery. These elegant 2 and 3-room apsrtments. situated at the corner of 6th and Mont gomery streets, are now ready and res ervations may be made at any time, night or day. They are most elegantly furnished with the latest designs In fumed and waxed oak furniture, beauti ful Axmlnster and velvet carpets and rugs; buffet kitchens, gas ranges; porce lain baths, toilets, etc.. large closets, built-in beds, telephones In every room: gas and electricity, and. In fact, all mod ern conveniences. They are most desir ably situated, having an east and north erly exposure, and are within walking distance of business center. J25 Tt) 333 Fine West Side steam-heated apartments; private bath and phone, hard wood floors. iall outside porch, fine new brick building; these are the best and cheapest apartments In the city; they are furnished vvith bedstesds. springs, dresser, dining-room table. Icebox; do look them up. Call 414 11th St.. Dammoler-Hall. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished in 2. i and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, Jan Itor service; rent very reasonable. NEW. modern, three-roomed completely fur nished apartment, corner bldg., large, light, airy rooms with laundry conven iences: Ijidd's Addition: walking distance or one block carline. .VI4 E. Madison st. KKEI.EB APIS.. 1th and Clay its., va cant, one of our finest 8-room suites, with vestibule, private bath, two closets, elec tric elevator, etc.; unfurnished, $40 per mo. Apply at once LUCHETIA COURT. 4-room apartment-. unfurnished, every modern convenience. Apply superintendent In building. Lucietla St., bet. 22d and 23d. Weat Side. XiSWI.Y furnished 3-room apartment with fireplace, for housekeeping; use of front and back porches, stationary tubs in base ment and telephone, water and gas paid for; rent 35 a month. Phone Main -Oil. XEW 3 and 5-room apartments: heat, water. Hreplares. gaa stoves. linoleum. every thing Hrst-class: will furnish; corner 13th and East Ash sts. Phone East 2S71; ref erences required. ALBEMARLE APARTMENTS. New brick, newly furnished private hath, steam heat, nothing nicer in city, on carline; easy walking distance. 33 Williams ave.. c XEW furniture. 8 room apartment for sale; -all modern conveniences; cheap rent; a. bargain If taken at once. Apt. 24, 410 5th su Phone A 259. vi'Srr Tir-fc-vivii New York Apartments; 3 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; si earn heat, telephone, call bells In rooms. East 7th and Belmont: walking distance. 711 WASHINGTON ST. 2-room suite 122.50, also -1 elegant front sleeping rooms; phone, bath and laundry free; furnace neat. RE-UK AN. Marshall, bet. 19th and 20th Nicely furnished outside apartment; a rooms, private bath, private phon. steam heat. yard, homelike. Main tiH2. A .Hll'l. ArAnlsIiivi" - 5-room. steam-heated, modern .apart ment, janitor service. -Apply Janitor, s-3 Everett. . FIVE 2-room suite, private hath, steam heat. i'2 so- will sell furnishings of same at reasonable price. S7 15th St.. ant, 7. BR YX MAWR, 1S3 East 15th. cor. Yam hill; 5-room apartments, heat, range, re frigerator, porch and fireplace. ONEONTA. ... ,"-.', ..... V.mhllf. yurnished aprtrneuts, steam-heated. BOZANTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-room apta'; private phones and atrictly mod ern; Z.-vcl. near jouio" ct' th? w astral). 410 5th st: one .1 snd one 4-room furnished apartment: strictly modern- Ttlr: LEONCE. Newly furnished apart ment of 3 rooms, private phone and mod ern conveniences. 16 22d St. North. 6-room. steam-heated, modern apartment. Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 673 Hear- ney. . ROSE FRIEND. 7th and Jefferson. 4-room apartment for rent, furniture for sale. Inqillro Apt. 24. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartment al the' pian-Myr. 2.'.-i North 2'th. 3-ROOM flat, furnished, private bath. 515 4 East Salmon. Tabor 17(18. 8-ROOM furnTshed apartment, modern. J3U. 424S E- Davlssu,corner 6th st. FURNISHED I-room apartmenL 385 Mont gomery su 4"4ts SIXTH St., suit of three rooms, close "in. modern, convenient. A 3723. Flat. 6-ROOM. sunny, upper fist, beamed ceiling, paneled dining-room, plate rack, china closet, brass fixtures, electrlo snd gas. lars front and back porch, cement base ment. furnace. 746 Kearney, near 23d. BEAUTIFUL flat. 4 room, den and sleep ing porch: fin location: $23. Including phone: reference required: no children. o3 Monroe st. Phone E. 5417. jTroOM- furnished flat, new building, no children, closo In. $30. 270 Ross st. Owner. iim Kearney, fist A. W car. Phone A 1161. a 5-ROOM, ligh', modern flat, rent rea aonable: 10 minutes from bualness dls trlrt 4M E. 12th st. Phone A 33s,'i. MODERN, up-to-date, upper flat of 6 large rooms. 8 minutes' walk to Postofflc; adults Phone East 2.1112. 328 U Mill St. FINE modern 6-room upper flat. Koreli, Lumber- shall. Kens -.. - men's bldg.. 5th and Stark 5 ROOMS completely furnished or would sell all or part of furniture cheap. Phone E. ."HH). .7.r.i.-R- fiat 4 rooms, hot water, phone. linoleum, gas range. Phone E E. Couch t- 3910. U06 BY sharing my furnished flat. 2 ladles can secure a good home, very reasonable; v a I k 1 n a distance. Call 49 West Park st. MODERN up-to-date upper flat of 6 large rooms 8 minutes' walk to Postoffice; adults' PhoneEast 2302. 323 ft Mill st. UNFURXISHESD 4 rooms and bath, new 'and modern: $15 per month. 549s Kerby ,t. Phone Esst 3970. FOR RENT A very deslrsble lower flat of 6 rooms, walking distance, on carline. West Side. Rent $25. 509 5th St. FLTS forrent, steam heat and water fur n'ished ,.S7 East Main. MODERN 5-room upper flat. 730H Belmont. Rent $2.1. Phone Tabor 4 1 4. MODERN. 5 rooms, ateam heat, new build ing. 20th and Belmont. East 5Q46. FURNISHED flau bath, gas and toilet, 422. 208 Union ave. X.. near Holladay. XEWLY tinted 5-room riat with rirc-place. E. 24th and Burnslde. DFSIRABLE. strictly- modern 4-room flats, close In. 592 Snlmon. Main 6003. NFW 5-room flat, all modern conveniences. lth and E. Ash sts. rhone B 2OQ0. SMALL flat, centrsl. West Side; also fur nlahed flat. Inquire 2S31. Hall st. DESIRABLE flat for rest and fursjtur cwj. uu va Fiats. $33. SO Xew 5-room flats, servant's room extra; hot-water coils in furnace, gas range ana hot-water heater in kitchen; every modern convenience, electric and gas fixtures. Apply at the flats 2014 East 21st su. or t22 Board of Trade bldg. A. B. Wldney. Main 0974. A 1170. COLONIAL HEIGHTS Flat for rent, tin rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, beam ceiling and paneled dining-room; gas range. Inlaid linoleum, lower flat. 295 E. 21st. Hawthorne car. Phono Tabor 1597. Houaekeeplng Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, lo trla Lights, hot watr. bath, laundry, all tree; 115 per month up; a clean place; best in th city for money; short distanc from Union Depot- Tak "S" car or iilth st. cars north, get off at Marshall sU Xe dogs. WEI.L-FURNISHE D housekeeping rooms: 2. 110 month; 3. Slu. Front of cottage. 2 or 3 large rooma with porch. Apply 3''4 North 2th, West Side river; W car from depot. 5th or Morrison to 2t?th, block nortlu $1.50 TO 12.50 WEEK; clean. furmaned housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave.. and 203 s Stanton; take U car. FlSE DOWXTOWX HOME. "MVLXER BLDG.. SSOVs MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REA3QNABLB. XEWLY furnished rooms complete for housekeeping, reasonable. 175 21st St., near WasnineTlon FURNISHED housekeeping room, also one furnisked room, neat and clean, very rea sonable. 51. Mill st. Main 5110. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new ooncr.t. bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2097 or 2378. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent at 325 11th st. The Oxark. CENTRALLY located, convenient, per week 14 up. 4. Main St. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family TO RENT Two or more housekeeping ronms to women or a couple desirous of doing light work for part payment of rent. Phone A 4248. XEW annex to widow's home, unfurnished 3 rooms. Bleeping porch; psrmunent cou ple; meals considered. 64 E. 15th st. morn ings. COMFORTABLE room, light, use kitchen to elderly lady engaged during day; rent moderate If room is kept clean; conven ient. 498 Clay, near 14th. A 4549. ONE clean, modern, desirable housekeep ing room, hot snd cold water, furnace heat, suitable for a gentleman: West Side. 294 10th st. Phone Main .S070. STEAM-HEATED, elegantly furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance, hot water, bath, phone, laundry; swell locality. B56 Gllsan. , 8 Tjr'FURNISHED rooms, connected; water, clean, first floor, porch, yard, private en trance; adults. 498 Clay, near 14th. A 4549. TWO furnished hocsekeeplng-rooms. 48i East Ankeny or 20 East nth st. North. Phone East 261". 3 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; gas. bath, phone, walking distance. Call after Friday noon. 495 Montgomery. FOR RENT Two light and clean house keeping rooms, .modern home, walking dls tance. 71 East Hth st. North. East 5.124. FINELY furnished 4-room apartment; also basement rooms, walking distance. Mar shall 2370. 831 14TH. Portland Oregon. Have a nice housekeeping suite for rent In a private family. ONE or two furnished rooms for light house keeping: references. 21 East 15th st. Phone East BU5Q. . TW'O furnished housekeeping rooms on first floor: kitchen, sink, hot and cold water. wood range. 248 lutn st. UT'WVICttln hoitsekeenina- suite, light, heat bath. Hot and cold water, reasonable. 549 Wsshlngton. bet. ltn and 17tn. nat i. CLEAN, comfortable housekeeping rooms for one or two; reasonable In price; easy walking distance. 412 linn sr.- OX E room, well furnished, for light house keeping for one person; $8. 311 Main, Dei. ntn ana otn. i-. ,,,-,.-,, c- .i.i t.,nA I, itfh.n nlnn very reasonable, llth and Couch. Main 127, THREE unfurnished cheery housekeepln rooms, walking distance, reasonable. In quire '233U Hall st. S FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping rooms: have no objection to one or tw children; close to school. 128 Morris si SINGLE room, furnished for light house keeping, gas plate, not ana coio. waver. 079 t-nion ave. .orin. LARGE, cheerful, clean, furnished house keeping room, gas, bath, ladles' preferred, Phone E. 3021 u.-ii-kiCL-v-piilva room, ninelv furnished light, heat. 1113 Belmont st. Phone B 211. , fi-rvr iT Desirable housekeeping suite. clean, central, gas and bath SU monthly and up. Main tv. DOUBLE parlors, with kitchenette, for 3 or 4 people employed. Mission furniture; hot and cold water. so giaui. TWO-ROOM suite, large parlor, rooms well furnished and hpated; small kitchen and lavatory connected. 4-. aianve-.. a tooo. tADYempToyed can have furnished room: -an prepare meals or will serve dinner. 420 S Jefferson. TWO cheerful housekeeping rooms; phone, gas, furnace heat, hot water; close In. 228 Larrabee at. . LARGE, nicely furnished front room, suit able for two, with use of kitchen. 672 E. (th st. South. Sellwood 185. TWO desirable housekeeping rooms; walk ing distance: "U" car; reasonable. 667 Vancouver, cor.. Fargo, THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. Baili. First floor. Rent $15. Phone Main 7773. HOUSEKEEPING room. 8; furnished. 370 12th st. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, furnace heat. 6'.l East Burnslde. 5ll i, X. 9TH 8T. One furnished housekeep ing room, nil conveniences. $11.50 month. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in private family. d.'S penmn .v. cooo" " FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 4iH Taylor St. LARGE light, newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 1 easonable. close In. 207 Market st. TO RENT 2 housekeeping rooms. 555 Tay lor BV. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, arwv er month. :i3l 7th st. 186 CHAPMAN, near Yamhill; unfurnished rooms: no children. Phone Main 6..U. TWO large housekeeping-rooms; modern; nisi tioor; nil. on...... - 3 CLEAN, light furnished housekeeping rooms: gas, hath. $15 month. 692 Front. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for renu Call at 343 Monroe St.. East Sid. ' FURNISHED housokeeplng rooms. 1000 E. Wash., between S-'M and S4th sts. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 102 Enst IKUl St. SMALL suite, newly furnished, gas plate, sink, etc. 3i3Columbia, near 6th. FURXISHEP housekeeping room. 695 S Williams ave. . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 81 X, 13th St.. Free phone. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close in -. reasonable rent. .192 4th st. FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms. 471 Alder. housekeeping 2 and 3-ROOM apartments, 228 East 2uth St. Phone East 1430. HOUSEKEEPIXG rooma cheap at 529 Ra - lelgh St.. cor. 16th. FOR REXT. Houses. COTTAGE for rent. 544 East 14th; furnished or unfurnished; W-W car. Call Monday after 12. MODERN' 6-room house on corner, cement basement, laundry trays, tc. ; $25 per month. Call 401 E. 37th St. CHEAP to desirable tenant: beautifully fur nished 7-room -house. West Side. Phone & ...tween 111 and 19 A. M. ft-K COM house. In fine condition, 52 X. 2:ld Bl., lie. I""""1' --a '". ' ' MODERN 5-room house. 171 E. 21th St. Phone Woodlawn 1309. FINE 8-room house- on 85x135 lot, 153s E. Taylor, for rent. Phone A 5232. MODERN -room house. (30 East Taggart, one block from "W-R" car: rent $17. 8-ROOM cottage. Ella st. $26. Phone A 2O02- FOR REXT Modern S-room house, corner East Ankeny ana .1.7111. x-nonw r.wv -i.jio. 8-ROOM house, 126 E. 2d X., $23.50. In auire 114 E. 2d st.. near Glisan. GOOD 6-ioom house, corner lot; rent S25. Inquire t8 East 2Sth North. , UP-TO-DATE 6-room house. Holladay Addi tion. Irquire .1-1 cast, nn su .ortn. 6-ROOM cottage, close In; $10 per mouth. The .M. is. reenters, gieariia uitig. MODERN 8-room dwelling, cprner East loth and Alder sts. rnone .nam ...... . FOR REXT Modern house st 751 Missouri ave.: b rooms; .11 per montn. 5-ROOM cottaga for rent or sale. East asta vvieaier. HOUSES FOR RENT. 227 w hitaker st 327 Chapman St.. M14 Hatght ave. 7HS Weidler st 4:tl East 40th st 690 Halsey st 441 East 13th North 442 East 19th North FLATS FOR RENT. ,'..-.4U Yamhill st 552 ',. Y amhill st 552 Yamhill st 554 Yamhill st 222 East 1st North 9S8 Hawthorne ave....... 475 S East 20th st .$25 00 . 14.0v . 25.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 . 45.00 . 32.50 . 30.00 . 35.00 . 35.00 . 32.50 . 32. 50 . 25.0O . 25.00 . 20.00 PARRISH. WATKIXS CO. 250 Alder SU THE GREATER MEIER & FRANK STOR3 DENIAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home-hunters, visit our up-to-dat. rental and information department. 4th floor, main building, and see the va cancies we have listed of desirable bouses and flats. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. W'e keep in touch with ail vacant houses, flats and apart ments In the city. We also keep a list of: new buildings in course of construction. WHEN you move you ll need new furniture. Buy it Judiciously and the savings will ex ceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one o( the largest furniture houses In the city la two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as ouyera. MORGAN-A TCHLEY FURNITURE CO-69-75 Grand ave., corner East Stark st. East Ankeny and Russell-Shawer carline. PASS OUR DOOR. MODERN house for rent; reasonable. Threat living rooms, one double bedroom and tw. back bedrooms, den, reception hall, pan try, bath, basement; gaa or electric light, fireplace. A nice home only one block from Hawthorne, and In a fine location; new and up-to-date; roses, nice layn.elc. Sutherland Hubbell. 3Uth and Hawthorne. BEAUTIFUL 10-ioom house, all .modern conveniences, with large garage, corner 13th and East Madison: rent J0 to right party; also 4-room modern bungalow, rent $14. Call East 738 or B 1S38 after 8 A. ' M. Monday. SIX-ROOM modern house. $15 per month, at University Park: basement, attic, city wa ter, kitchen range, electric lights, on car- - line, paved street; fresh and clean. Co. A. McKenna & Co., 617 Commercial block. A 214.1. Main 4522. HAVE large house; would like to get man and wife to share and pay half; every thing up to date; will pay to look thla up. H. L. Hawkins. 42d and Holgate; take "W-W" ear, get off at Holgate, walk: one block east. FOR RENT 7-room modern house, E, 23d and Ankeny, $27.50. 5-room flat, furnished, furniture for sale, good location, rent $27.50. GEO. D. SCHALK, Mnln 392, A 2S92. 228 Stark at. FOR RENT A new building, containing 4 up-to-date apartments, one block south of Washington st. ; 1 will lease the whole, building to a responsible party for $. per month. F. Breske. 720 Board of Trade bldffj ' FOR-R IS NT 7-room modern house: four bedrooms, corner lot 75xlo0; 6th and Going sts.; rent $25. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPAJJY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 8500. WE CAN FURNISH YOUR HOME. At a great saving. Get our pries. Lookers shown every courtesy. 14. OSTROW A CO.. 64-06 North 8rd St. Reaaonable prices. Easy terms. (-RR0M bungalow In Rossmere. beautifully furnished, hot air furnace, electric Uehta and every modern convenience; just finished, on full-sixed lot, rent $45 per month. Inq u I re Calumet Hotel. IF YOUR HOUSE 13 VACANT. SEE J. J. OEDER. Real Estate and Rentals. Cor. Grand Ave, and East Ankeny. FOR RENT 6-room modern house in Jones more, within 2 blocks of carline; all con veniences; $20 per month. Phone ilar- shall 2104. , XEW, coxy, three-room cottage overlooking the river, large living-room and fireplace; modern plumbing, etc.; will rent for $13 per month. 511 Svvetland hid-. FOR RENT, good 8-room house, with mod ern plumbing, 25 minutes out on Moma vitla carline; $20 per month. 511 Swet land bldg. NICE 7-room house, 7", Frankfort bu, new bath, electric Itch's, closo to car; rent $18. Fred C. King. 314 Bpalding - bldn.. 3d and Wash, sts. WILL rent mv strictly modem home, lo cated in Irvlngton; 6 rooms, sleeping porch; nice yards: to suitable party, $o5 per month. 511 Swetland Mdg. TWO houses for rent at 19th and Wasco sts.; 7 rooms, hardwood doors, ii and $55 per month. Call W. H. Hoover, C25 Thompson st. Phone East 4504. FOR REXT 8-room houses on East and West Side; low rent to steady tenant. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett hlrtg. - FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, 1363 Milwaukle st. Inquire next door or phone Sellwood 15711. FOR RENT 9-room house, cor 22nd and Wash. st. Apply 215 X 21th st. Phone Main 2077. XEW 6-room modern house. 701 E. Couch. Apply Sunday afternoon at 761 E. Couch bet. 22d end 24th. MODERN de.-vlrabio 7-room house. 403 Han ock and Grand ave., tine wood finish-, pol ished floors. 140. East 1685, C 1491, FOR RENT a-l 00m house on Portland Heights. Inquire A. G. Chaloupka, 403 Cor bett 1)1(1(1. Main 3 129. FOR HEM Corner half of modern double house, 7 rooms. 660 East Main St.. corner 13tlwHwtliornParJt)PJioneEastjl. 7-ROOM modern house, 683 East 19th and Ash sts. large grounds, choice location. V. Schm'ld, lu" Grand ave. B l..:y7. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Xeatly furnished modern 5-room bungalow. 10-82 East 13th Xorth. near Alberta. Phone East 1216 or call today between ia and 6 P. M. WILL rent the lower part of my residence, ail modern and furnished; will take moBt of rent In board. E. E. Miller. 430 Wor cester bldg. M. 1'JIO FIVE-ROOM furnished house on Waverly Woodstook line. Owner would consider proposition board and room part pay. menu M "i28. Oregonlan. 6-ROOM funnlshcd cottage, to ront for six; months or more, parties going to Cali fornia. Apply 24 E. 0th North, nea Burnslde. , FURNISHED 3-room modern cottage to adults only. $23 per month. 293 Eugena street. FOR REXT Furnished 5-room house; new. modern; 10 minutes rioe virnuu wvniv line. iltono Mhhi 8051 Monday, all week. 35 5-ROOM flat, modern conveniences. nently turnisneu. . ..ui - yy. Ut. VV aUViei. jvp i.m.m- . A MODERN' 7-room furnished nouse Hor rent. Apply 501 Fourth at., between 1 and, 8 P. M- FURXIS11ED 5-room cottage, sale or rents .-..1. l.l,.l,..'-i-ai-H eenr W. I IO.. lavvn ...v.", owner, r-nune c. ' WILL rent married couple, no caildicn. mod ern S-l-OOm nou.e. 1- uvuieucu. ,.,n-uu.H... tiet psrticuiais no"' v. ....... S-ROOM furnished house. 429 Larrabee be tween Dixon and Dupont. Rent very rea sonable, for three or four months. FURNISHED 3-room bungalow for board of owner. Phone today between 8 and 13 A. M-, or Monday, lanor -w. 8-ROOM house In Irvlngton; will sell or lease. Particulars, W. C. Reed, $45 Mor rison SL WELL-FURNISHED house. 6 rooms en bath. so.i. can nvv oiu w. ...u. m.w.. Phone Main mut. TENTHOUSE. 3 rooms, furnished, piano. free wood ana wavei , o viimii.,, ..w per mo. 512 Couch bldg. MODERN 5-room cottage, neatly furnished. West Side, close 111; reasouame. vau Monday. 555 4th st. . NICELY' furnished 4-room house, 315 Gray's Crossing. Mt. Scott car; 3 blocks south. FOR RENT High-clasa home, furnished; 10 rooms; in very rnoico io'.hoh. ...u... 317 Chamber of Commerce. FOR REXT 8-room furnished house. Irv lngton. pnone asi. Dioo, iiiuiiiiiit. uc fore 10. 8 ROOMS, 5 furnished, bargain; rent $J; 4-room cottage. 410: 00m eioso vu cat. 345 hi Washington, room . FOR RENT Furnished, all or psrt of 8- room moaern nou.-. ... - line. 2 blocks from car. Phone Eaat 4831. FIVE-ROOM furnlsUed cottage. 305 Larra bee st. East 5ius 7 ROOMS. 4 bed rooma. on car line; close tn. pnone rt i-tti.. NICELY' furnished 8-room house. Walnut Park. Phone nw.i. MODERN 6-roomed house In Vernon. 1115 E. 18th St. Norm, i-none vvooumwii iiiti. NEWLY' furnished 4-room fiat. wlth phone. natn ana watei. to". -00-. ... .l. .-ROOM modern furnished cottage, piano. S2o. Momms". "g. " jp."' "i, COsY5-room furnished flat. $20. 28th and Sandy Road, pnone a -nau. FOR RENT 6-room moaorn nouse. iur. nls'.ved. wlt.l pinno. vvooviiawn i.m. 229 EAST 37TII ST. Furnished cottage. modem ; 5 rooms, uaii atternoons. 6-ROOM furnished cottage; bath. lectrl( lights. sua nuRaau oiua 8' rooms. 5 rooms, 6 rooms. 4 rooms. 5 rooms, 9 rooms. 7 rooms. 8 rooms. 5 rooms, 5 rooms, 4 rooms. 4 rooms. 5 rooms, 6 rooms. 5 rooms.