The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 20, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 28

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Tlnt.d-M.n caatofl t'oiMm
,oe. an blrrO.; bl.'.e.t p-l ;.
r.iot. Miad-hu4 slot. 1 hoa. Jlo
ta :at t.
Lasted -i or i iiwi"- ' .?,,
rhaae. cvc' Induction motor: a-
Lkr .ti. ip. t ' pun-r "" prl,
Art1rtM Kawitngs. fl'j. -
WANTED fi -.. fld-rand
ttvI :
'l rr rrt c.sX balanc. on time-
W MKI-A stc.m 'r ron-presser.
li, V. to 73 r..Mc fret of a.r per minute.
.-".. Of irln.
.....lit v r :i p- ..!v. parucu
"- r
a r-'ee. i- - - -
"T buv fmbl"li: switches
J,d-r. Ml K t WmhilL Ihon.
v AN TK!
TJxTEII-u.-.l..t-. Ine-bl 1 '
mle c-t. lo ml. With f"l
phon. Main P'
HAVE sver7
TT.. l..ta. $' eco.
will'lak. Uiamonus or Jewelry. 1'. O. bo
a.. ..
H'AXTEIi-VIi.b tvpewrltcr
..r eu.-burUn lot. xlu
In rltc
A WO. Ore-
WaNT to buv rn bush-la V. "ii
ered bv firmer. Phone A '.".
O-.a J K "I-. or. lcNo-
.,, p.Wng .nd IB...I- finUh:
rail up Cor. stakes A C. li ' -
Both pBol
VATTvfrwT, for f rnlrC
-,-a. mui m -
Orr' " "
rid AV?loVo. or you'll gal -- Vho
A 2443. Main ai- .
iirrr w.ntei mmx
UHK I. E A r - I.K A K N-
WanfM-tM rhauff-urs n.i rpa.rmon.
Tho doniand f.T aulonmbil rnfitnr-ra
n1 driver. ot1 tho supply. W
want r.liabi mn lht
r- to Mk our -our- In ",,Tn
rnoMi- nain rtji nd ilrlvlt.r. This
r..urM rrs all onaina m1. Pr r-plr work in rplr r..p. Tlv
Ina InstrurftoB alvon In tourlnff c"r".'
rxtrri intr-j.-tfr. Iar and avonlnB
-M. room Morrbanis Trust tils;;
rfl--a op-n Punday fr..n to A. M- -t
M. I'hono Mamhall J.M:U
T oprmt movin ptr;ur-s at ,h
York Motion l'L tura t'omjiwy .Ti
f op-rat n Wo havo tn ami
firs school in rort.t,a; oj
rrarors in tl-mand an-1 m . t J
wwklT. W -h huiln-M on rasr T
In II daya Wo start duii I
r-a n a p-rr--nti h a. Thator rant
to fia:;. ; opn avoninca. r
t.rulars ivn i:'iWMnyln St.
rAI.EEVf.r"Mist . arrldonl and
ha:tf InKinnrf; old Una company;
poti.-y roiti fi par j-ar. paa t" omrs
aiiCT banrt". a-.-l'lorta m and all kni;
94 wo-klr bn"flt; hanlsma Mack s-al-r,a,i
ro-kt f wltrt earh sa'TTin makinsr up to r
wak. Wrtio for o liis1a r-nw C"-tra--t;
liberal rimmll.ini promptly tr
wanUd. ;rmn Ri-Kistry Co., Zi S. tU
st.. M. Luis. M v
ATE-iMEN wantad : Art u iMnkin f
maktrir a Than In h-"uaa th4 first f
th ar? If o, wnto Wo w ant
pimn of abrity to reprnt us In
vrv itar Id th I'nlon with tho bt
pmo:tii'n on tha market, twill to ail
ria of dslrs. I - a month and
ftii-i wortfi rons:d"rlnc ? Adurraa I
K.'wiyt. 74 Houarh:IC.. St. Lru.. M.
Er on man In Portland: from $ioa p
wiMi vrlr sasliy plh:o haro in Port
land thnui n-w p an eIltr and rnt
ln b-"t han-i and ol trie vacuum rloan
fr; no oirtr prwpoal''n I'k H: p-rtlc-utars
on renst. Nw York Vrti in t-sn--r
o . Martkrals; bHr. Now York ty
r HEM AN tVASTF.l I anl an In tel. I
Ven man w h horuhly undora-ands
rtmlriv. stock. pouitr. otc; not afraid,
of work htms-if and Is an all-round mo
rhanic who knows how to ct work oi.t
.f a can of mn; a strailv Job tJ tha
t: h t m an. J Orogoman.
H.K LINE Mi'ina !.. a jr on daparlmant
and I n l sor trad. Wash ma ton and
(brrron. to carrv our taVum pwdT n
rornmlsalon; aooJ prop"U n to offr;
particulars, f N. Dunham Chamlcai Co..
m' 'roo. W la.
WANTED Cemtnt finisher. -" day. oa aid
walks, of.
Main UfT.rc. 12 N. Z4 PL
Insuranoo solicitors and roaJ astata salra
inta w m-1
STtf titark blrceL
ANTHoDT ia add 4 t weekly to
t hir Income, on tiro yar. irrowlna mush
rmmi In rollara. sheds. Na t". ; bn
ntarket ; f rea b-toklu Hiiam liarlon.
w-- 4,th st.. New ork.
67 KNiArR A I'MTR and aaaistanl bkkpr
who understands car bitllns. trr lumhr
oiTtro a WiKametto Vallf . atata osio.
rmirov nt ana salary aKpoctod. V 4.
W.VNTKH A 'naat-sppv-arm hy or irouna
man who wants to t-arn tho piano busi
ness and wiiiina to b fin by swpinc ot ami duntin; stovk. Apply lo K. M.
0 Oar 't
the createk""c;.1'H. WORTMAN
KIN' fTOKK r Jir th e-r l of
cjai bos 1 years of nr. who will
b atven an opportunity to learn tha bust
ass. Apply a to lo A. M.
3kTT;N errwhera to represent ua In aa'o of
new telephone attachment ; quirk sal a.
1thral rommtssfon allowed : iolu!rt it
r'tory tin. Lnivarsal specially Co., La
1 1 oit. M ifh.
K N wilhn; to learn and capabla of art
Ins; as our representative; no canvassing
or stl-.t!na7 : cd Income aasurvd. Ail-d-ea
t:anal o-prative KaUy Co..
Marden bMs;.. Washington. L. C.
W .T El Artlvs ounf men to represent
established corporation; must bo Ilvo mlrvs
and rapalda talkers; opportunity ad
vancement. Ca.l altar A. M.. 1 M-
Vi'CK lla hustllnff salesman wantei. if you
a not afa.d to work; ou cao maka
; .'wo or 93 a month. Address G iJ.
Jk.l EK1 li1 1 N'l calendar salesman ; finest
ttre Imported. tlometio calendars, wall
povkats. novelties, fan. rommtatona al
anced weekly. N Y. Advarttsing Co
; i;ren wu h. N. T.
"W vTKikYouns man with offlco ant
statMtftrapitlr- exprlnre; it "Kd salary,
with rpp-rtuolti to earn b'ilnsa anil nf
adt am em-nl. Address AO Or'nlan.
hT "K salesman to handle small quant it v
of stork In rite corporation, on per
rent iio tnr snaro tlina? Look Into this.
K X t"nitn.
W TKI Man to waah auto In prlvaia
-arf. fan bo dona early In morning
or aventnr Olvo phono and wagea want
ed. K resTonlnn.
W vTKIv- station men for.Knreka Cat.;
1 miles of "w r-k work. I klah Con-srti-f
loo Co I'nn tractors app.y C. L
llint-o Co.. Ja N :d st.
T fl V TE L I NO salaaman to handle nlcw
hrtsimaa Una on commission: stat refer
enea. wbera you go, ate. AM Ore
conian. MAKE money writing stirioa or for news
paper; big py : snd for 1 roo bouklet ;
imi. m how. Vmted Preaa Syndicate, aa
Y rsnrliK o.
KM'tKlKNt'tU auto saleaman. strict. y
rntiui-n. esi'st sellms; reply own
handwri:tng with local reference. AE M.
IT"ff tan
1RO Hle Crest Iota, lie bea 'i t If all r : name
your pr'.f-e. Phoaa Sunday. Eaa: l'vJ'C i4
CcucJi b.dg-
Till.L fjrntsh evo-Ttiilng and start vou
In bustnea for $ invoatlgata. 2vG
1st st.. room iV
A,;KNTi wanted for the best setter on tha
Apply after 10 A. W. at S4 N.
17th st.
lt.V wntel to learn arih.levture, no Wtufea
first A mont'is Apply, stating age. etc-.
A t r1V oregonlan.
W vm y.t Live salesman, soil wn artKi
tht aavea li a month to any family. T
;.. f nregontan.
AN r Ef I'phoiaterera. chair work. A poirr
fvwnod il-oo. at W akeaeld Co.. North
Trnta and Irln sts
AN TUN K. n where, can earn pav copy
ing addrssseo at home eenlns; hook. 4c
stamps. . H. Rowan. Chicago. 1.1.
wTnTECV Hustler to sail best household
article on market. Pleasant work, lib al
rommlMioB. phone oven.ngs. Main 7Tl.
TV CNTED Neat young man of g"odad
drees.- Call Mtwsra 14 an J 12 Monday,
roem a4 At b st.
liEKiETIO soii'-itora good money for
V-.gnt man Call t-!ay 14 to 1 : A. M.
I . u m he r k rhana bid g.. room 301.
W vTiD Washer, permanent Job to good
Man. A. B- C laundry. 1-a Orande. or.
VNTKD Ad e;rirni-e. upholatorar. J-
rt. M ""k A Co. Mh and fark sta.
l'UAsiTKWfcit !eb pilr 1 room.
WjiNTKD A:i-rounl printer fAr runtrjr
t cur.. ;;.-.r. n.v R Iwr. Or.
& T wn of li-1" pr'e a ! n'.Ul, tor
laiurmAtioa pticn. Uata 403.
.en,, of age. who, perhap. has nlwaya
worked n a aalarv. but who fee ha
would Hko to better hie condition, and ror.-ne-t
Mn1f with on of th htm propo
sitions in I'ort'.and. anl mzmx In s "'
n h'r ho workina for hlm r.
and iho mire rults ho arcomplls!.o ins
mnro ho wlil Incrsno hU ln-ni; if u
a wilt rail at .k treet ha mny
lm of jut tho opportunity ho wsnta,
lAI.K'MRN-Thaj Columbia Life T'"'
ompnr hut an op.nlnr. for on. or two
rlr.l-rlaa. licit. .ra. If you hv. not na
experlenre In wlllnir life lneurn-e -u will
be a-hooled mni rendered naelatanr. m
fllnrllnir prospevt. nt clln bulnee--,,m
In and talk U over. Alc for H. I-.
Ixraarood. lce-prea and general manser
or Harry Richer, city manlier. Klh noor
yra;ri;nr Mdi.
TH AVHT.IXfS an1 re.Ment awleaman o hn.
'.I. our hlr eoorta. a;'.hn to lraler. Hilt
roonev. tend relt-rncea. fhlcago lluniao
Jlalr Co., SJ 0th ave., ChlcaKO.
TOfXrs man of ability to meet moneyed
rMente and rreeent to them a Mli-cl"
. Inv.atment of merit. Br lneatln a fe e
thoiiannd doilara iuq ran rnl In n tha
(round r-or and rrake aeveral Ilmea
m-ney Inv.ated In a few m"n:M tnira
Ie:ir handa-miely raid for your ..rvi-r,
We etant a man of ability. AN iuN Ore
Itonlan. MAN" with rl to take, charge of a.le of our
medielnre. etr-ta. apli'ee, aoapa. pT
fmnee. toll't art:rea. Block an-l poultry
prepare! tona. etc.. In your county. Mraoy
work auarante.d. Work healthful, pl'ae
nnt. rrr profitab e. It' frenoea required.
W rite ua We Mean bualnea. bhoree
Vt...r Company. l-pt. i:l. Tripoli. I.
To aurreel In any lln of work you
mini hat. ep-lal tralnlnc; If you bave
a llkln for any Mih-paid poeltion. the
Irternatlonal Correepondnce sichoola will
train you. hnd for our new calalocue. 33
Aider at.
al FN WANTED A. :8 to al. for firemen.
$lof month'y. and brakem.n. 9S0; oa
nearby railroad. FTiperlence onnetemaary.
no a:r Ike. promotion to engineer, cob
due tor. Railroad Employlna Headquar
ter oyer o men aent to poaitlona
monthly, "tat. mf. aeod atamp. KaU
way AaTlatlon. oreKonlan.
We want men who can reil eatare.
The beat properties In 111. cl'.y; eommlaaloa
lloard of Trade Hide . ti lh St.
T0 MONTH Cuatoma, Internal revenue,
railway mall clerka. thouaanda appoint'
nien:a cominir: ete.dy work; rapid d
anement: liat 6prlnff eiamtnatlona Tort
land now ready: common education aufri
cient; Influence not neceaaary; preparation
free. Writ Immediately. Kranklln Instl
tut.Lept.:i3y. ltocbeater. N. Y.
WanteI flral-claa men for
propoaltlon; eatraor. Unary inducemema of .
fered. Com an Monday after lo A. M.
and learn of an unuauai offer. Aak f-r
Mr. Van Meter. J no. P. bharkey Co,
lv;i ith at.
tA.MKl Men without eiparUnca to worn
at ieetrlelty. plumbing. automobli.a,
bHrklaylna: leara trade In a few month
without ezpenae; Zoo student lut year:
i;.i om) contract )ob: writ. Immediately,
t'ntted Trad. School ContraCln. Cos. Lo
SALESMAN I want to plac. th. aenrr for
t. state of Orrcnn for the lMl'KKI AL
Kl.ECTItl'" VAl'll'll CLEANER, of New
York. Thla la a real cleaner. Tarty
mini Inveat $1'0 for ilemonairatlna; ma
chine. I wo-. Oreconlan.
BA'.ESMAN Eiperlcncd In any line, to ell
ir-neral trade. 1'aclflc Coaat: unenrelled
:eclalty prtpoltlin with brand-new feat
ure; rommtaalon with :3 weekly for n.
I.nre. Continental Jewelry Co Cleve
land. O.
Men buy your troueer of me. I p;lv
you ti.'M to I ".. panta for ITW: value
tip to H-i" for l-.-'.o. J Imml. Dunn, room
St.V Oreaonlan I'ldir.
AI.E-JMKN WANTLD to aell fruit tree,
aalnut treea and ornament!. Otbers art
mkln (ood. Splendid territory. Li
proa, money advanced weekly. Writ
Albany Nuraerlea. Albany. Or.. Ipt. A cltv aaleaman for of
fice iertaltle and dvertlalne; novelt'.ca;
only nrst-claas. clean-cul men wnnted to
call upon th. beat trad lo th city. Ap-
Trv 14 rortet bl'lK. from to 9 A. M.
all MCiP.VL btpanmrnt at Publlo frafaty for
Tount Women. Advlc. or aaalatane aladly
given to all young women, aire. Lot O.
Ilaldwtn. Fupt. run XT. X. W. C. A. bldg.,
T k ta
.S PER DAY paid on. lady In each town
to dlatribute free circular and tak order
for ooncentrted flavoring In tubea; per
manent poaitlona J. S. Zlegler Co., Chl
cao. WILL atart you earnlnr S daily horn,
apar. time, ailverlna mirror: no capital;
free Inatructive booklet, giving plaua tf
operation, ti. F. lledwond. lept. &, iioa
ton. Ma a
UM lt"E boy. I year old. for newspaper
office; on. a ho la not afraid to vaork
nlshts and live with parents or guard
ians: good cbance to !crn trad, c S-l.
WANTKt) I p-to-dal slock aaleaman: gootl
commlsaton r'aht party; beat manufactur
ing proposition on CoasU Box 304. a-
lem. Or.
fc.N K Kli KTIC pers-.n who can d.rot. full
time and Invest $.no can secure Al mnrf.
proposition that will net big return: atand
closest Investigation. N Tt.ll, irceonlan.
II riiOFIT n each li In one tool; N.Y.
agt. o:d luft In g dya; sample to work
er. C. Itiomal Co., Svl 'lnch bldg..
fa) ton. O.
WANTEP A practical orchard man who
will help set out a new orchard anil car
for same: tt. salary aipecttd. o
n AM1.U At once, thee, men to learn to
repair and driv. automobllea Call from
W to II A. M. or from 2 to ft P. U..
l:at Wsahlncyn St.
EXPERIENCED advertising novrlt-v man:
no other need applv; new tin. for 111;
pocket sample Iowa Novelty Co., Lons.
CAPABLE saleenian to cover Orrcon: stapl.
line: blgh conintlastons. $100 monthly ad
vance: permanent position to right man.
Jess H.SmunCo.. Uetroji. Mich.
WANTED Young man In shipping depart
ment of wholesale bouse; hltcu school
gradual, preferred. Address p. 0. Box
nA.NTbP-All auto owners and drivers.
rav our vutcsnialnr and retreading don
by Cbaa. 8. Ellon. 4J3 btark t- Pnone A
30T"to lern bookbinding trade, good open.
Ing for a bright boy. Lovejoy at Lincoln.
;i l aahlngton at.
w ANTEl Flrst-clas stenographer and
Bookkeeper a auditor for ele. trie power
ana iis. ' - -
. t -"ir.aperlenced. Lualncas
manager lor blgb-claa. lecturer. K J14.
WANTE1' Competent, esperlen'-ed drfta-
n an. reinforced concrete building work.
AH Oregon tan-
BOOK KEEPING Rapid, tnornueh. prlvat.
tuition r y an pert accountanL Sal Mer-
chant Trust bldg.
t"n-g"...titi to ell photo coupons; awaU
otlar Davta - Wash st.
JAPANESE boy wanted tt chamber work.
slfta Morrison.
fBOTOC.RAPH coupon and portrait agents;
..a, .Ber. Catberth studio. JHkua bldg
WAXTrP A city a!emn to call on busi
ness noose Addrca AM Oregonlen.
WANTED Experienced Turkish bath at
tendant. Bodley Baths. Ul Waah. at.
WANTED at once. S men to learn lo drlv.
and rera'.r auto CH th at. North.
OY want-l. about 14 years of age, al Tlf
Pekum bide
Offlc. Secretary Employment Depart
ment. Y. M. C A. .
Young msn. s-trancer. out of worn tejo
his total cash assets If I ray you J
lor special employment membership I wl.l
only nave Jls left between me and atarra-
Secretary If you rr toT L1
employment membership you whl liav. tn.
Y. M. C. A., with all It reeource. bstwsan
you and starvation. -
What happened T ,
Toung man toon me-nberthlp. Insia 01
two hours b. found satisfactory mploy
ment. . .
During October- 1910. UT others found
employment In a Ilk. manner.
Employment or refund or membersnip
te. guaranttaed. . -
6. tiscr.tarjr XmploymaBt Department.
Y. M. C A.
Flrst-rlaa representatives. Some '"J"
Igned territory for men who are ole to
do thing and willing to work hard on
Mch-grde. productive lino; must have a
rn record and enough experience, in
some lino to demonetrato ability. V e mM
utacturo a Una of over number in
dlnrl-s. leather, metal nnd other dver
tlaing specialties, the largest and best m
the world. Including a complete lino or ao
metlc and Imported calendars: no sine
lln.s; unusual opportunities for
Jtien looking for n permanent
Writ, ua and Investlgalo the possibilities.
H. Tl. Ilardunburg 4 Co.. Center t.. New
York. " .
SALESMEN No former experience rt
nulred; w will assist you to secure po
sition where you can get practical ex
perience and earn from 1100 to niotitii
hlle learning: trained salesmen earn from
100u to 10. 000 year and expenses; ".
for our free b..ok. A Knight of the ""'P
and Hat of good openlniie. also testlmoni-
! from hundred of men placet! i" f""'
isltlons recently. Ad.lreas neareei
n v.tinn.l Knlmns Trlnlng
Aon!, Chicago. New York, Kanra City.
Mlnneapolla. San Francisco. Atlanta.
WANTED Young men to learn to OPrJ5
moving picture machines: wages from 110
t $35 a wek: our operating school rec
ognized all over the East aa tho stundara.
we teach each student- on Powers. 1-Claon
and Double Stereoptlcon Klssolver ma
chines. There is no course of instruction
so thorough on the Pscltic Coaat. V.
the largest film renters In tho world.
are having dally calls for operators: ' t.
una of our standard operator s hanrltooKs.
Tpply Urmmlc, .V8 Couch bldg., Fourth
tid Wasnlngton street, Portland. Or.
rnncopiTioN which RM-i',
AMLE-RODIED men wanted for the U. R
M irtne Corp, between the ge of 1 ana
Ho: must b. nauv. brrn or hsjj Orst
csners; montnly pay 15 to K. AO
dltlonol romtensauon po'bl- rooa.
clothing, qusrter and medical attendane
fretx. After V years- service can retire
with T5 per cant of py and allowances.
Service on board ship snd hor Ir. si!
prt of th world. Apply V. t. la,r'n
Ccrp Reerultlig Office, Breeilen bldg..
3d and Waahln gton sta.. Port lanLOt
DAYLHH1T at nlcht: If 1 time, the light
at 1-10 coat of common oil lamps, a
times light 1-10 coat of electricity, gaa.
acetvlene. etc.. bsoIutely safe, and at
price within reach of all appeals to your
good Judgment as a "money graliber for
vou and a money saver for your custo
mer; If you are a high-grade man looking
for a "man's site" general agent' propo
sition, then write quir k. Cancheater Light
'o . Dej.t. 10SA. 2a State St.. Chicago, 111.
100 vourg bov. Applv at Superintendent
office, sixth door. 8 to 10 A. M.
GOV E UN M ENT position. railway mall
clerka, carriers, etc.; thousands appoint
ments to be made; circular lal giving par
t'cuiara altoiit datea pla-es examinations,
salaries: positions guaranteed; "Free Tu
ition." etc.. sent free. Natl Cor. Intl
tiite. Waahington. D. C. t
EXi-KlllEEI ailvertlslng novelty men;
beat selling line of calendars, combination
bank books, leather goods snd novelties
on th market; trade well eatahllahed ;
liberal contract: excluslv. territory; ap
I ly quick. Economy Advertising Co.,
T.-wa citv. I.
MEN W. mall on trial a full dollar
box of niel'e Nerve Tablets: they act
on the svstcm like ''steam acts on an en
gine." giving heaitl. strength, vim. vigor
nnd vitality or cost nothing: send no
money. Just name and address, Blel
M fg. dept. C MO. Den ver, "olo.
SEND for free copy of "The Thomas Agent."
Greatest agents, paper published: filled with
money-making plans; "No-license tax" de
cision of Supreme Court: pointers' to
agents: every agent in U. H. should have
copy at once. Address today. Thomas
Co.. T103 Warn ave.. Dayton. O.
WANTED County representative for suc-c-aa
hand vacuum carpet cleaner. Sella
for $li. The only successful single per
son mschtn on the market. Biggest kind
of proflta Write for terms. Hutchison
Mfg. Co.. Wllklnsburg. Pa.
WANTED Men and boya to learn auto
mohlling, electrical engineering, surveying,
plumbing and bricklaying In fw months:
at Isf action guaranteed; poaitlona aecured;
booklet free. Nat, School at Engineering,
2110 W. "th St.. Los Angeles. Cal.
FIIOGRES3 Msgaslno, Chicago, will send
anyone Interested free particulars how to
become newspaper correspondent. Good
Income possible. Work anywhere, all or
part time. Aak for Booklet H'-i.
KA1LYVAY mall clerka post office clerks,
letter carriers, custom house and Internal
revenue employes, to prepar for exam
ination: fie. book. PclQc States School.
McKay bldg.. city.
WANTED Urlght boy for wholesale house:
must be neat, quick and accurate and
have at least finished tho grammar
grades: answer In own handwriting, giv
ing phone. H M'!. Oregonlan.
SALESMEN everywhere) mak big money
s lllng our Xmns and holiday decnratlona.
garlanda. wreaths, bells, banner and other
specialties. Write for cstalogue and term.
Miller. l.'.H Park Row. New York.
EXPERIENCED gardener wanted for large
countrv place, close to Portland; must
hav. thorough knowledge of both flowers
and vegetables and good references. AQ
uJO. OroEonlan.
SEND for free catalogue of Thomas guar
anteed hosiery for men. women and chil
dren; agents make f 1.33 per hour; fre
samples. Thomas Co.. 103 Stale St.,
Dayton O.
WANTED Four or five experienced solicit
ors for a live proposition In the city. Call
.Monday, U o'clock.
44 2d at.
lOi'NG MEN Why do you work for low
salary? No matter where you go. movlng
ptcture operators command big money; we
will make you an experL Lammle.
couch bldg., Portland. Or.
SALESMEN Our bank check protector sells
to every ofrlce. business house; does work
of $:& machine: sample .'.c; circulars
free. Terry Mfg. Co., 121 Cotton bldg..
Toledo. O. ,
Bo Y about 18 years of age wanted for
office work. No previous experience
necessary. Address In own hand writing,
statin-; age and salary expected. AN ra4.
' res4nlnn.
Slvu MONTHLY, expenses, travel, distribute
samples for hlg manufacturer, steady
work. S.Schelter. treasurer. Y 247, Chi
cagu. SALESMAN for this territory, splendid com
mission contract. 935 weekly advance to
producer: atapie line, permanent poaltlon.
V;. U Rice a; Co.. Detroit. Mich.
STOCK salesman to handle amall quantity
of stock In cltv corporation on 15 per
rent: got any spare time? Look Into this.
K .'-I'd. Oregonlan
EARN -a weeklv advertising, securing or
ders for cut-rate groceries; sample cas.
furnished fre. to reliable party. Star
Mercantile Co.. Toledo, o.
JS WEEKLY, expenses, trustworthy peo
ple, travel and distribute samples for hlg
wholesale house. C. il. Emery, E 14!,
BE a detective; earn from tLVl to S.10O per
month: travel over the world. Writ C. T.
Ludwlg. 4.71 Mrarrltt bldg., Kansas City,
DAy or evening, learn driving and repair
ing automohllca Call r.26 S Washington
St. room 41.1. Anybody.
WANTED Middle-aged man. good talker,
experienced In cloalng rest eatate deals;
references. Address AB nJ.V Oregonlsn.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer who la familiar
with electrical business. Address AN 4s.
EXPERIENCED Ppsnlsh cook, one that can
'get up all dishes in Spanish. State wagea
wanted. AD .'''. Oregonlan.
jrj k r-CLASH ollcltor to aell electrical aup
plie In town of 10.000. Address AN 4!tS,
AN experienced advertising solicitor on re-
llg'.oua publication. Mate qusiuicatlons.
Address Y ..i3. "re
WANTED Men to smok. NEW YOKav BOND
Ova-cent eicarav
WANTED Office buy. 41 Commercial Club
SALESMAN a locl manager, to handle
complete line of formaldehyde fumlgatora.
liquid soap, floor oil, liquid wax. disin
fectants and sanitary supplies: goods used
bv L'. 8. Government, New York Central
and Pennsylvania K. n. The Formacone
Co.. id church st.. New York.
Ladles' Dept. 20Sto Morrison.
Waitress, 7 week.
Second cook, $30 month.
Dining-room girl, $:it month.
New work every day.
Ladles Dept. -05! JlorrUoa.
HOTEL cook. $40.
Cook, small borrdlng-house. $33.
Chambermaids, $:! and $.V
Hotel waitress. $3. and $20.
Restaurant waltre. $ti a week.
Nurse girl. $2.1.
Family cook. $40. . , ,
Girls for g-neral housework In and out
of the city. $20 to $" .
S4.v Wash. St.. Room 1.
Qrand av. and East Taylor U.
100 young girls. Apply at superintend
ent' office. Uiti floor, b to 10 A. M.
A YOUNG lady who -wishes to become a
professional In stage and classic dancing
can receive Instruction fre. In return for
services OS assistant; references required.
Boston Culture Club. Slearn bldg., room
a io.
WANTED Four or five experienced lady so
licitors for an exceptionally good proposi
tion. Want people acquainted with can-
vavalng work.
44 2d eL .
Insurance solicitors and real eatate sales
ladies wanted.
270 Stark Street,
KING STORE require the ervlces of
extra, salesladies for the holidays In all
department. Apply 8 to 10 A. M., super
intendent's office. i
KING STOKE requires the service or
rash girl over 11 years old: opportunity
to larn the business. Apply 8 to 10
A. M. .
WANTED Young lady with some knowl
edge of bookkeeping and able to operate
typewriter; only thoe with beet or ref
erences need apply. Address Ai. -.
WANTED Immediately, a bright. Intelli
gent lady of education and pleasing per
sonality; must bo ambitious and willing
to apply herself assiduously, with pros
pect of advancement, r q.-.j.
LADY who has been before the public to
conduct an office dealing with women
only. Room .17. Raleigh bldg.. 6th and
yVsshlngton. Houra lu to 0.
WtNTEU Stenographer and bookkeeper to
work at odd time for private party; hour
ran be arranged to suit. P. O. box 1-S.
COMPETENT cook nnd experienced second
girl to assist also In raring for children.
Phone Main 124 or call 10th and ( llfton
sts.. fortianq neisno- "
WANTED Refined elderly lady in beauty
fsrlors. business taught reasonable and .ex
cellent salary paid. Call at bM East
Main t-
ENERGETIC woman to represent Eastern
manufacturer. A splendid opportunity; no
experience necessary. Hotel Madras, 44j
Waahincton t..ulle2l. hours 0 till 5.
LADIE.-make supporters; $12 hundred; no
canvassing; material furnished: stamped
envelope for particular. Wabash Supply
Co.. dept. S6a. Chicago.
MAKE monoy writing stories or for !"
papers, big pay; send for free, booklet,
tolls how. United Pres. Syndicate. San
WANTED Experienced lady agents tonau
dl. a line selling toilet article Cl any
day after Sunday. 30S SoUtb eth, betweeu
Columbia and Clay a I a.
YOUNG rin"to help take care , of baby and
..slat with very light housework; good
wages- call before 2 P. M , or phone Main
7l. 'Address 22 N. 18th st,
SWEDISH or'Germsn gul for general housework-
pleasant home; must be good plain
?S,k; wg?s $34 per month. Call at Uuo
Tillamook St.
WANTED-Seflned. cspabl. woman for re
spons.blT position. Vi.vl Co., 00 Roth
"hlld bldg- 4th and Washington.
FXPERIENCED second girl. 634 Wasco
it.. Holladay Addition. Phons East S6S4;
take "I" car. i
BY wholesale house, a reliable woman who
expects to work; experience not ncce
sary. AN r.32. oregonlan. ;
W VNTE1 Strong, reliable housekeeper for
club of young men; referencee required.
Phone Main 3S49.
ERRAND girl In ladles' tailoring establl.h
mmu; steady work, good wages. B. Sail,
4 11 morriaoii
GOOD reliable girl for general housework;
small family, good wages. East 3o0. 691
Thompson "
GIRL, wanted for housework, knoai how
to cook, win pay goou am
7'. Kearney t.
41un Washington st-. room sis.
Main BJ.iti or a
WNTED Girl for general housework, u.e
Ravensvlow Drive. Portland Heights.
phone Main 71)35 or A 1007.
WV-TED An experienced saleslady fwr
glove department at the Tull at Glbbs
store. .
.,11. Wasalngton St.. Cor. 7th. Upstair.
Phone Main 2092.
WANTED One has and two tenor- voice.
Lessons given in exchange for service
In choir. itepiy. -a.. .'-.. - . f.
GIRL for general houework and cooking;
family of four: no washing. Coillo uun-
tenbeln ave. rnonnu";
GOOD, neat woman to keep'house, for wid
ower. 4-1. with two boys, li gad 8. M all,
t tregtin tan.
G1KU some experience steady P"!""- Ap
ply 5 to 8 P. M. Sunday or Monday. The
Gallery Postal and Curio Shop. 2s.. Alder.
i-ihi for erencral housework, smalt family.
gKooVhomcngood wagea SHI East j 33 d L
Tak" Broadway car to Alemeda Park.
WANTED Girl for cooking and dow-nstalr
work oVi-ashlng: mall family; hlguc.t
wane. 7S3 Flanuer st.
ANYONE, anywhere. cn earn big pay- copy-
n nTc'aJo: ,?i?k- "
stamps, v.. . .. . -
PUBLIC stenographer can have fre. offlc.
and typewriter In Board of Trad. bldg.
1 baa. ure"iii
A FOREIGN girl to assist In general house
work, small family; kind treatment; time
off. Call 0SO Tillamook St.
GOOD cook, one to assist with housework:
.mall family; best of wage. Mate J5U8
or A 7734.
CIULand woman wanted todo light hou.e
i,rk: no washing. fS0 otn t.. .
WANTED A housekeeper 211 Alolman,
Phono V. lUPn or '
GIRL for general housework: expcrlcuc. un-
necessary. 730 Overton t.
GIRL for general housework: no upstairs
avork: good wage. 020 E.Ankeny t.
CUSTOM EK3 wanted In J!: f'P
,m or. Main 7Wi2. A .).-.
I Ci.lllll.--. -
wTiTHBsa wanted at Union Restaurant,
371 Eult Burnsid. nesr Union ove.
WANTED A competent cook In prlvat.
family. M Lucretla St.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
-..a.. jail 1-loiateiPjtii tt.
waaea a.10. ....
WANTED Chambermaid,
$2 and room.
Phone Ease 41.11-.
wanted In private family, good, strong
.icond work. 4K3 Holladay ave.
hool girl to work for board
Phone E. '
WANTED A girl for general housework;
good cook. Sut North :4th,
WANTED Old for light homework. 573
6th st.
V-VPFRIENCED skirt and waist drapers.
slao helper. Tecsdale. oOe.Marquam bldg.
.A-rD Girl to assist In general bouse-
work. 712 Hoyt st.
WANTED 10 lady solicitors at once; big
.VoVev. Call M Grand ave.. East Bide.
WANTED At Sisters Hospital la Chios.
Cel.. pupil to enter tchool of nursing.
WR1T1NO: J mo. i 14th: M.ln
GIRi, ti assist with general housework.
Apply 7 Flanders St.
LADIES' employment agency. 3.1214 Wash..
upstairs, room 4. Marshall 309o. A 8063.
WANTED A girl to do housework, family
0, wages (40 per month. Phons Mala 3502.
WANTED Toung ladles for telephons op
erating, with or without experience. Ap
ply pacific Telephone Te.eraph Co
in and East AnUsny st.
CAPABLE bookkeeper and good correspond
ent to take charge of office; must bo en
ergetic and possess ability of systematiz
ing: state age. references, alary expected
and glv telephone number. AL 543. ore-
It AN with wife to do janitor work of nail
apartment-house for room, heat, nsnt
nnd water; no children.
AC 533. Ore-
WANTED Mr. B. F. P. signature right
away. Ernest.
A GIRL wanted for plain housework. Apply
at 293 Monroe st.
FINISHERS on custom pant, call Sunday
between 11-1. S3 ,Mh st- Room 504.
WANTED 2 waitresses. Call 108 11th St.
AMATEURSi Clifford Robertson, late of
Metropolitan School of Dramatic Instruc
tion. New York; lessons In dramatic In
struction, voice culture, stage dancing,
vaudeville acta written and ' rehearsed,
plays read and produced; In touch with
many prominent stock companies; for
terms apply the Robertson School of
Dramatic Art. offlcea 330 Marquam bldg.
Open evenings and Sunday afternoons.
10,000 POSITIONS ror groduatea last yoari
men and women to learn barber trad la
weeks. holD to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $19 to $23 weekly; expert
Instructors; tool free; writ, for cata
logue, alohler Srtem of College
North 4th St.. Portland. Or.
MAKE money writing stories or for news
papers: big pay: send for free booklet:
tehs how. United Pre Syndicate, San
LADY or gentleman, fair education, to trav
el, old-established house. $12 week to start.
Expenses advanced. Geo. G. Clow. Pfail-
aaelphla. I'a,
WANTED Competent bookkeeper, familiar
with newspaper advertlaing. Address 33
Yamhill st. ;
WANTED Piano plnyer tnr motion pic
tures evening and Sundays. Call 037
Union ave. Monday at 3 p. m.
land bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerk.
BRIGHT, Intelligent young man. well edu
cated, neat appearing, at present em
ployed, has three hours In the afternoon
and" three houra In the -evening which he
wishes to use to good advantage; would
desire some congenial employment for all
or part of that time; best of references.
Address R 629, Oregonlan.
POSITION by competent department store
manager and bookkeeper: have plenty of
eanerlence. am canahla of buying for and
handling any branch of the mercantile
business. Would like to invest emsui
amount In the business where employed.
References and bond given If required. H
S40. Or.Efnlan.
SAVE bookkeeping salaries. Etpert will keep
your books In proper condition nt a sav
ing to you. Hourly, dally, weekly or
monthly charges. Audits, labor-saving sys
tems, trial balances, general accounting
Let me talk with you.
POWELL 302 Spalding bldg..
Jd and Waah. Main 27i6. A 65.18.
YOUNO man of 28 desires position In some
town where be can be permanently lo
cated. Seven years' experience a office city snd road salts for a specialty
line. Can operate typewriter and handle
business correspondence. Best of Port
land referencee. L 625. Oregonlan.
WOULD like a position where the honest
efforts of an honest man would be ap
preciated; would begin at the bottom In
anything that is good; would invest a lit
tle anoney In a proposition that will bear
Investigation: don't bother me with any
other. T 620. Oregonlan. t
BY wide-awake. Intelligent young man of
good education: five years' experience In
rvllroad and commercial offices; excellent
knowledge of disbursements, correspond
'ence and general office work: A-l refer
ences; will go anywhere. V 530, Ore
ATTORENY, 14 year' experience, law, col
lections, real estate, wants position at sal
ary. Make your collections, try your ac
tions, close real estate deals. No objec
tion outsldo town or work. Newcomer
Portland. Address F 6:7. Oregonlan, or W.
L. Carpenter. General Delivery.
EXPERIENCED office man would like a
position where executive ability and good
Judgment would bo appreciated; would In
vest reasonable amount of money In a
business that will bear Investigation. K
63.1, Oregonlan
COMPETENT office man. 2. married, good
correspondent, experience along custom
brokerage, warehouse, and shipping, de
sires position with commission house or
could manage a dock agency. AB 630,
POSITION as clerk in grocery or general
merchandise store; l-l years' experience;
best of references: no objections to leav-
' lng city; would buy mall Interest in good
country store. Address 03214 East Burn
side st. city.
BOOKKEEPER with references from firms
and Individuals, aesiraa pooniou.
ienced In office work, having had charge
of ofilce for eight years. AE 544, Ore
A FIRST-CLASS stove and house furnish
ing man. some knowledge of furniture,
wants Job as Inside salesman with some
good house-furnishing company In Port
land. V 525. Oregonlan. ,
YOUNO man. experienced salesman with
both wholesale and retail experience In
groceries, meata and produce, wishes po
sition In either line; good references. A.
A. Christy, 147 lath st. Main 2118.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, ail
around office man. best of reference: no
objection td leaving cltx. AK 643, Ore
CREDIT and collection man of ability and
12 years' experience in Portland ,.
open for engagement Jan. 1, lull. X 6-ti.
Oregonlan. .
EXPERIENCED general book-keeper, type
writer, office man. 38: highest recom
mendations; moderate salary; will make
good. T 012. oregonian.
MARRIF.D man, age 25. experienced in of
fice, shipping, timekeeping and handling
men. wants position of any kind, R 6.8,
HARDWARE clerk wants position. Has 12
vesrs' experience In hardware and sport-
f aI,v.Ia TT .V'V
Hlg goons, uuuu -.-...-.. -
BOOKS kept, correspondence, etc., attended
to evenings by experienced bookkeeper;
moderate charge, w o--. Oregon. on.
DRAUGHTSMAN Mechanical draughtsman
desires position In office, tracing or
Ig'nlng. References. H 5:4. Oregonlar
KXfERlENCED filing clerk and machine
operator wanted for railroad work. Tele
phone rnvaia cjnM.q
BOOKKEEPER, experienced, eight years
last posmuu. viij v. - -,
EXPERT bookkeeper desires work evenings.
Is your work behind or books in bad
shape? a .H-. oirpu......
YOUNG man. 24 years old. with 6 years' of
fice experience. aw .o v-'-tlon
of any klnd..G 532, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position as grocery clerk; ex
perienced; can give references. AL 627,
STENOGRAPHER and booakeeper. 5 years'
experience, furnish good reference. AJ
Site,, oregonisn.
DiuT, clerk, six years' experience, with
references, will accept any drug position.
V VVI'RI ENCED bookkeeper would like set
of boks to keep evenings. X 533. Ore-
A-l OFFICE man and bookkeeper aged 2...
wiahes employment where ability will
count. A on.
A FIRST-CLASS traveling man, ten year
out of Portland, open for poaltlon Jan. 1.
V 626. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position by hlgh-clasa book
keeper. Good penman, quick ond ac
curate. " p "
WANTED Girl to assist with housework.
Call at 31 mth st- No- Slaters of Mercy.
wa NTED German girl to do houswork.
Inquire mornings at 618 Market st.. Drive.
GIRL for general housework. 770 Johnson.
. - Mlacellanoooa,
YOUNG man. cook, desires steady position;
no'booteflghter. L 528. Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese wants position as school-
hov In this city. B 813. Oregonlan.
CHAUFFEUR wants position on any make of
sasollne car. E 527. Oregonlan.
A POSITION in flsh and poultry business
Or as grocery Ciera. npieiwuc oon.
BRIGHT Japanese boy wants position at
housework or at hotel. O 644. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS milker and general farmer
wants steady- work. R 641, Oregonlan.
YOL"NG married man wishes position on
private estate 'or ranch, position as gar
dener preferred, but understand general
farming, cows, horses, etc.; wife to work
In house as maid If desired. Gardener, 4o4
Burnelde at., city.
W. D. JOHNSON. 52t 2oTH. COR.
WANTED" Situation as first-class cook in
country hotel, iclub, camp, private lnstti
' tutlon or party of bachelors. Will work
In city place where can have my family.
Will work for reasonable salary. AM 513.
1 AM an architectural designer and per
spective artist, rendering In water eolors;
I will be here In the city for about three
months: I can do three designs. public
buildings and rural country homes my spe-
IOUNG married man wishes employment as
teamster, check clerk or watchman or
night clerk in a hotel, or will accept posi
tion of any kind of labor, with wagea;
have reference. F 520. Oregonlan.
GENTLEMAN nurse, understands Battle
v reek metnoa ok ireamirm. -";"-,.-massage:
12 years' experience. Would
like patients to care for. either, whole or
part time. A 507. Oregonlan.
POSrrTON on gentleman's country place,
understand orchard, greenhouse, garden,
farm work, horses, cows. etc. Experienced
poultry man. References. E 6:. Orego
SITUATION wanted by educated married
man, 35; capable salesman, manager, acl
vvrlter or correspondent; also good public
speaker: prefer salary and commission.
t- Kf., ...... 1 1 .,
WANTED Work. Young man attending
school must have work to pay for board
and room; anything that Is honest; give
me a chance. K oregonlan
FIRST-CLASS reinforced concrete and gen
eral superintendent of construction; -5
years' exporience; open for offer. F 541,
WANTED By voung man and wife, posi-
am ,..., -.- nf An B nft V t ltlfll t-hOUS6 :
best of reference furnished. Address AJ
o,o, oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by good cook; wifl
work for small salory. place where I can
have mv family, wife will help some.
City or country. A J 54, oregoniao.
POSITION as instrument, rod or draftsman
by college graduate, 2 years' level and
trar.slt on Irrigation work. R 513, Ore
gonlan. t '
STRICTLY sober married man wants steady
work, watchman, or will take care or
heating plant or Job on railroad or ateam.
pumping plant. 27 East 10th st. North.
CREDIT and collection man of ability and
13 years' experience In Portland trade
open for engagement Jan. 1, 1911- X 6-0.
YOUNG man, 2". living ai . "Z
business college, wishes any kind of work
evenings ana p.aturu.n i
penses. rnonc 310m i...
YOUNG, honest Japanese boy about 14 years
. . ,. .(.hooinov: ar
01a wisnes Biiurtti"". "
rived In this country last July; wages
no opject. v o-'. oie....w.
CHAUFFEUR Competent, does own re
pairing, desires position w th P.ri"
family or delivery; 110 Joyrider. C. An
dersen, zis r-o. 11111 ...
WANTED Miuanou uj " f
alwava been ablo to make good. Best or
- - . . 1 . . anoress.
reference. nw iv . .r.. ..
A M O.l.t. urimiio...
YOUNG man with Bulck runabout would
like position, three years' experience as
..t..,.n aA solicitor: references. AN
.141. Oree-onian.
WANTED Position as salesman, by sales
man who can give the best of city refer
ences. City and close-in towns preferred.
1. I.o. Oregon urn
WANTED Position by experienced gardener
on private place, flowers, vesetable. land
scape, gardening of any kind. J 6.1. ore
EXPERIENCED grocery neral ""-
references. F. W. Rose. General Delivers.
Tjti.nri Phnno Main t344.
. .v a 00 .oorfmAnt-hollf). lanltOT. lO
ri"?A-Jlt7" -HV:f:;iooa: 14 years in
Portland: open tor en-agement. Address
Janitor, 431 Eat Morrison. Phone B -34b.
BITVATION wanted for flrst-class cook in
or out or city; pnone - -
M.. after 7 :3 f. .
Z a ...,.riana in orchard
H A V hi naa O VeftIB rr.v i v.: iv....- ... - - - -
work; capable of taking charge of any
kind of ranch work. J 544. Oregonlan.
BY I. C. S. student in architecture, ready to
start In the office, experienced In bulld
Ing construction. O 537, Oregonlan.
WANTED By married man. 27 years oltL
place as nightwatchman or Janitor. W
l23 .Oregonlan
A YOUNG man with experience In green
house vegetable growing, wants work. J
532. oregonlan
FARMHAND, experienced, good milker, sin
gle and sober, wants position. H oJl,
Oregonlan. .
FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants Job Inside
itt. Vf.ln 7017.
EXPERIENCED carpenter. foma"iswa.nt,1"
position with good contractor. 248 13th
' . ...... -in?
YOUNG man (English) desires a position.
obe honest and willing; inside preferred.
Apply to box .log. McMlnnvllle. Or.
JAPANESE couple wants position at hotel,
bordrnghou.e.P family, city or country.
80 Ninth St. N. ;
GOOD Japanese boy wishes situation as
family cook or housework; speak English
very well. M 513. Oregonlan.
MN and wife wish Janitor work In apt.
house, best of reference; phone Main
4224. room 5. w
DRESSMAKEn and tallorcss will make en
gugements by the day. Call evenings. Mar
shall 2055. i .
JAPANESE boy wants a position of any
kind wort, day or night. M 612. Orcgo
nian. .
rright-boy of 13 would like place to
B wort for room and board and go to school.
Main 90:0.
CfEFFlrst-class. wants position hotel,
restaurant, town or country. AL 620.
MOTION picture operator wants position,
city or anywhere. Wages no obJecL B
5S. Oregonlan. ,
BY E STERN man. bandy with tools, po
sition as Janitor In npartment-house. M
510. Oregonlan. : .
YOUNG man wants position In restaurant or
dairy lunch; experienced. AN 52J, Ore
gonlan , .
FNERGETIO young man desires position as
Janitor porter: speaks Spanish and Eng
lish PhonWoodlawn 482. (Colored).
atlWATioN wanted. Janitor or wlndow
wlsher: good references; age 28. Address
Wm Marcel lonus. P. 3d St.. Portland. Or.
SITUATION on ranch, or will care, for same,
bv man ond wife; have boy 15 years of
age. gi?l 2 years. AF 506. Oregonlan.
WINDOW-cleaning. dwelHngs and flats,
floors repollshed. Main 6573 evenings. 20a
Ttf-i TABLE man servant wiahes permanent
Kpiac.fcan"o anything. W 528. Oregon
tan. ,
HTvnr man wants position unpacking or
H packing" oods. or Janitor. G. 600. Oregon-
TAPANESE couple wish position, man a
ook, wife to do housework. AM 620.
MOVING-PICTURE operator, married, wants
position, city or country; reference. AH
52 LOregonlan.
kTtuaTION by man. college education, fast
at figures; references. R. 510. Orego
nlan. BUTCHER 30 v-ears. married, all around
man able to take charge of store, country
preferred. R. C. 474 Alder.
WANTED By sober married colored man
work as porter or Janitor: can furnish
references. M 52.1, Oregonlan.
YOUNG German farmer wants position on
fruit farm; understands all-around farm
work. Tel. Main 41)24.
HONEST Japanese boy wants position.
schoolboy or housework. & 520, Ore
, gonlan.
DISHWASHER, experienced, wants steauy
work- will start for 8 per week. Phone
A F.'. Main. A 2847. Marshall 3047.
CARPENTER w J1b11or..tD,r Wrk:
house DUliainB. -.-.-
tTvpFRIE.NCED general housecleaner by
dayT hour or contract. Martin. Main 88oo.
l a NITOR First-class, wants position; best
J of references. D 539. Oregonlan.
. v and wife, camp or ranch; cook and
POSITION as janitor by man and wife with
Kn.tern references. 521 East Pine.
AJAPANESE boy wants chamber work or
porter. A 008. Oregonlan.
and wife want hotel wort or cooking
in camp. O 5:9. Oregonlan.
YOUNG married man wants work on a farm;
can milk. Address AM 524, Oregonlan.
BAKER, experienced, reliable, wants work.
C :,i:. Oregonlan. (
EXPERIENCED Janitor In steam heat or
porter wort. Main 8008.
EXPERIENCED automobile washer and pol
ish e rwatitsworln;
A-l P VSTRY cook and bread baker; refer
ences exchanged, W &0. Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers,
YOUNG lady would like clerical position in
pltice -or posiiitMi .a r,,n' ...... -
ant Eight years' experience as Deputy
Countv Clerk and Recorder, Deputy Dis
trict Clerk Deputy County Surveyor and
abstract work. Neat, perfectly legible writ
ing tan do stenographic work. ond of
keepiag no records and figuring. Address
Stenographer." CIS. W. Fourth St., Al
bany, Or.
STENOGRAPHER First-claps. K year ie-
gil and commercial ein --e- -
attractive proposition: accurate and speedy
on Intricate and tabular macr. .....
llm-: also eapanie i""n'" ,
andle advertising. D 512. Oregonlan.
YOUNO lady of Christian character, wishes
position a stenographer and collector In
phvstcian or dentists onice; oesi o. ...
erences furnished; 7 years' experience.
r.::t). t.rcgonian.
STENOGRAPHER (secretary) English and
German, quick to Brass, many years ex
perience; first-class references. desires
position, here or elsewhere. Address R. c.
474 Alder St.
STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of book
keeping: eight years experience in Lum
ber and mercantile business; modTiito sal
ary. East 11H7.
YOUNG ladv wishes position as stenog
rapher, cashier or office nssistant: some
exporience; moderate salary. V 533, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER First-class. at present
unemployed, desires work to do at home;
tabular "matter specialized : satisfaction
guaranteed. N 510. Oregonlan.
A YOUNG lady of some experience wishes
a position as stenographer; willing to work
for a reasonable salary. N oil, Orcgo-
EX PER I EN l' ED stenographer, rapid on ma
chine, desires permanent or substitute
position: law or abstract work preferred.
N .",40. Oregonlan
position or substitute work; 3 years ex
perience. AF 515, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER, eight years' experience,
wishes position by December 1; refer
ence jdreOil!11:
vers' experience, desires good position.
best references. P 5:'4. Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, desires posi
tion. 2 years' experience. Good rcrer-
ences. M ell. "reponi"n.
POSITION bv competent stenographer and
office assistant; references. K 031, Oro
goniau. .
A ciRL living at home (hlch school grad
uate, want? position in office; not sleu-
crnpher. P 5:, oregonmii.
POSITION Experienced stenographer and
office assistant; references; salary 7o. o.
r,3H. Oregonlan. t ,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapherf references furnished If required.
P r27, Oregon. an.
STENOGRAPHER with 9 years' "P"1-"'"-'
desires position permanent or substitute.
C 533, Oregonlan. ;
COMPETENT stenographer. well experi
enced, references, small salary, desires po
sition. C 520.Oregonlan.
TOUNG "lady bookkeeper .tenographer
wants position; experienced, $30. soli
wood 1 H02. .
DRESSMAKING by expert. TBllor-"'V"
suits specialty. Perfect fit guaranteed,
prices reasonable. Call C2i Kearney st..
near ii'.tli. -
nuvNMAKF.R Shirtwaists, 75c to $l.:i;
piamts?:; Pi-ofl -.": Pri
$3 lo j. Phone Marshall 1349.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, prices i reason
able, r. guaranteed. Phone Marshall
J 28.
YOUNG lady desires position as governess
to small children in refined home. S
532. Oregonlan.
NEW YORK deslsner makes pretty dresses.
J upV waist. $1.00; also alteration,, t.02
swetland bldg.. 51h and Washmgtun.
EklRT waists. 73c to $1.25; plain sklrt $2.
plaited $2.50. princess 3 to $o. Phone Mar
ahull 134'.'. .
-,.,Tg made during November. December
at T Wo So remodeling and alter li
work": guaranteed. A 4l3!Maln
iSolENCED dressmaker "m11iaslorCj
will make ensagemcnts In families. n
J.tll. J I WIKg-
FASHIONABLE dressmaking
tailoring; prices reasonable,
.ornery. Main JOIN.
and ladles'
537 Mout-
DRESSMAKING. ladles' 'il"rin.r-,vamlu!i!
otter alterations specialty. 3,0 Yamhill.
room "O: Thone Main 44 HI.
DRESSMAKER, capable, would Ilk? sew
ing by the day. References. J Oi-
gonlan. -
AN experienced and competent rtrestnak
A wouW Hke "lore engagements by he day
or week In families. Phone Main ..WX
PLAIN sewing neatly done; ;bi'"n'.
dresses a specialty; drop postal. ob3 Mar-
cnertto ave. m , .
l. KI.-SSMAKER wants engagements, good
fitter, tailor suits a specialty. Thon.
2004. ;
EXPERIENCED dressmaker lroin the Last
In the home. Main 10:0.
WANTED Plain sewing. $L30 day. Phono
Tabor 1004.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes' en-
, itv and fancy dressmaking, one-plee.
r dosses jackets relined. 273 U 7th. A 4.i.
GOOD sewer on plain work wiahes cngage-
COMPETENT dressmaker desires engage-
monts by the day. Phone A ..IDS.
DRESSMAKING, tailoring and remodeling
at your home preferences. A. 39t..
DRESSMAKING per day. Thone Wood-
lawn 31S7. Miss Bonnell.
d'kESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring. Terms
reasonable. Main Til". .
FANCY andplaljissmakngat85 JN. 7th.
kVw1NG bv the day. Call Main 4.V12. flat 3.
i.u.i-TIfAl, nurse, middle age, German lady
shes care It ck or invalid. Give mas
a.e and greatest care of dieting the
natfenf Hotel Tennessee, cor 4th nnd
Madison. Mrs. Wachendorf. Phone Main,
9 .
MASSEUSE. Swedish graduate, treats pa
tients at their own home by appointment:
Iad" and children only. 374 3d st. Phone
Main llOj
tfinsT-CLASS dressmaker wants sewing by
the day in private families. Phono Main
ho 1 Address 47 14th St.
uiui-TICAL nurse, neat and cheerful, will
travel as companion to lady invalid. Fee
nominal. D 63S. Oregonlatu
rvrifHilRADl'lTE nurse will do house-U-work
for If maternltv preferred; 17 years'
Xvoerlence: doctor's references. A l-l.
vv- i vtkd Bv ladv nurse, a mild mental
VV" i-h"; to care for in my home (lady),
patient to care ' J . v -,rti oreconlan
can furnish references. AN oregonjau.
, .., refinement, position as compan
B Inn to lad:, would take responsibility.
Call Easto
FOR experienced nurse phone Marshall
work by the day. Scllwood
I.ADY wishe
NURSE wishes position In doctor's office;
f urn ish ref.M.n?.
"ocs-TTl nurse invalids, aged. Infants.
cur 0r""yJ L""e Sc"vood ')58'
.rTvTFD By maternity nurse, a case;
V A?..TEr work for two. Tabor 74.
Will " "
FVN'Esekeeeper club. ,e" lemenT l.0o.
ES S'i "1' economical. D 520.
Oregonlan. ,
WANTED Position by middle-aged woman
as working housekeeper, good cook and
neau good home preferred to high salary.
F 330. Oregonlan.
SITUATION ail housekeeper, by Eastern
Udv age 60. no family, highly respect
able.' Address Mrs. 11. S. Sutt.e. Kenne
vvlck. Wash.
YOUNG widow - with Hd 5 yr. old.
widower ' 'good ho'me 1. preferred to large
rVv-R 528, Oregonian.
LADY as housekeeper for widower or room
ing house: best of experience and refer
ence. M 532, Oregonian.
RFFINED woman, stranger. 42. w;ants V'"
fitlon as housekeeper cr companion. AN
F.--T,. Oregonian. , .
p.cTrRV widow, unincumbered, would like
E pos:!flonN as housekeeper In widower, family-
-ooidleavo city, v O.eonian
rye ept I ON ALLY capable housekeeper
anes charge of gentleman's home; re
nneoajul musical. M 344. Oregonlan.
RESOURCEFUL Easterner will exchange cx
perienced sefvices part day for home. D
. Oregonlan.
vi.-trivFD lady wishes position as cook for
club of men, ladles. P 528. Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted aa housekeeper by young-n-idnw.
114 N 13th st.
WIDOW would care for rooming-house or
keep house for widower. Phone Main 4S10.
GOOD plain cook wants general housework;
West Side: Swedish. 114 N. 15th St.
YOUNG Japanese girl wishes position In
family. Auureea i ta .v. w