V V ltr,AL ESTATE. Tor Ml t rme. A G II A T P MHT r A FT"I.I. ,M PhOvtf and r-jriPFSiv 110 acre. 1' irM -.---d r ntow .and. V arra Prt Ai.rAi. V A Urt, prMi-M f.e t f ' JW arre. l.V a-ree e.d.l r J trh. I l acrea of fc;e. iuih1mi- or ri - wi IPRoVKVrTS' -r-.rk v-ue 'y ri"- n1 l-nrw barn I-:., ojt t'j li 1 ! ' Ma. HfNKCY AM Kg1 IVMr.M" On .ne JI.-'Armh mower, nay ra. hv tvrr. on i;o. on harrow. m t.vttor. 1? ml k rn end. d!' equipment. n rr--n -.ar..r. le - atr-n fj on . rn tKta one t brn. na f n m rii - u i'ti Sp'iic. ealea Ihj: ; m buii. bmae. i. at i ; J mi. nrth f I'rtland on th ft--jn-.li ;. r lTt I nr. il r. on f Tm, Sortnem r -if Kjr. e'tin on mite at a -iJ. Hv to n m r n nk. rt f frr and rhurrhf. crt'arat-ry. ki-k. nnrfv ham r"tm land. nn be far f r pntaro, tomatoes. rd"nlng and a.ra.r KK MARK Tut p prrp-'r mn.rd win tp- po-l d Ud of rhir dairy . "'I ill Ft at l"at ' per rrnl Jf''f 'i tha nvatrr.r t If y i " pre-1 ,.-M rtir ma w n: in a first -class f r m lr vlt4t this p a- $lt rr trr. -i ch hut Ihio that can at and for hni tlrr. t'V lit V Ml rrs ..! r. n : in-:. 1 4 ts un tfr nn at: of u' in. a-r-s mors s. h'l and -d'4. baian." r t:- r. it a.---s "f t n l""1 ' b-a.rirr. nvr f.-iir ir:-r arr-'a-n thr.ub p.ai-r. :i st 'fu tti -ir ltrl ?n hou. bra and lwn. li"S" -rr. ! r-rm hnnK. brti I. on 4" h-f and ''!. ' v. brl. k 4t'rv h u. ' . It-id fatnilv r-cnar-t "f r:r i frvUs in full ba-.P : p -m frnr -t ir I r;o frnr.,! )nt. i. ka.I tra."i. p.a- ta ; Mfrd tn w 1 ! rt.r---.i " 1 thrffry n:s i rn-od. H nl trm at-a-n K K . 1 l4 in 1r-m ara-'rr l.r. and 1 fti.ia frotrj ih hr.nt f 'orir.d. p- r- ral prprtr ft-Pi- wtm p-: TTi-:h rrv. r-a d i:ur:;y hill, 4 h- ? a of rt.u.- h.-L.r and 2 mw.g m ba, . srp :i - - ! n.-kna. f r.a of bv. ! ba-ri-' of r,r.. -r J t'T ff f-irntpt h :da arr! lor r-f ohr roots f r fd. all rri ir of fa rn i r m t -o.a. war'n. biiri' b a-ks. n- o f rak I' n n i n . ai'h wi-.d- UT tfrh;.int. t- . t- !-. Till p'a' hs lat y mail t;tdions In huw an i ;a a In- !m and m c.v-mkr. rr oq r lk . u.-l rr!dr as pa-t farrirt atm W rl aai: at CS5! a: -ia i-n THWPrtV a WAV, in and ii iu Ma.. N n'-u' r. Wah. f 4 Bt-ih:.! PT'a-.. 4th and WaahlrftuS MS. Frt and. tr. KMrsrKtR and invetopa ban ! t'ouah. t ai-'rnia. 'fl 'rr ai'ra'-lon t you: rnpi-! susaniil a;r-w' In p--tu'a:f 'n. h;iiM.nj innn tu lam cll al 'na i -r ! ..r j 1 jy vn Bank ersarlnra I N. 1, iA -T ;.7 AND 1 11 K AT K Why nt Iivo In rh bat ott arih. war ou ran l:?ra;;r stay wit" yo-ir It vsTmant 12 montha la ths yar If )i int f hava so-ns upeelaMr ehol- Ii5itlns In country prorl. t-(Ally lamon or charwa. mar. r of whth a;; i to rr.H f T a tn r prar-t talaadn. Lt ns mbmit a of our ct o'ferm. MiULAn IVI r.':MENT i rnrorr'at i si x Tit sr. fi an r-tr.' . -At.ir"tM a. THIa la tha bst buy In th vaHy: I to-irm rnch; fir but.'l.nsa; In cu i vt mn. In pir and ilmhr: 'l ftrt-fl rtvr bottom land. 30 aras of this Isnd is f ft --laa bavrdarn land: this r I bar rmp iloo l l par t pr -nt oa th pn aaked for th ranh. Kor all par-t-ulars rail at S M'rrtan s . room 2. TA ers tn Ymh'J fa, M In cultiva tion all tha kat of soil. ro-nn hiu. tare bara. on mtn cuniy rad. l m'i to station fler ta a chanra to mak arno mny. 42 Lumber Kirbitxt. -d ai.d ytark. fOR HAI.E-rtn tasrern trrri-o ah-at farm cf iJ S'-rea. only 4 mli-. a rail road, fins leral land, all In eultlTatin and all aded to wuaal; a snap at $11 par a'rs. oa eaay term a. Addrras ownr. T. H- I.tthaia, Frat Orov. nrgrn. Ifrt At'ftP. V from Madraa - T ."0 prr ar; half can. bai-n-a Incir tima at A par rant, or will trads for city bu!ns pronariT. Tionasr Loaln Co.. 611 sn land b.dg. cor. 6b and WaaU.. lonland. Or. XLOFIOV9 KOOTFNAT.- liRlTloH ITO LllitlA N Irngatitin; dHa:htf ul cil mats: fruit farms 10 ta s-u p-r : y term: fra Wklrt V. Investor- Irust a M'-t-a Corporation. Ltd. 134 Hattinars bi.. W. Vsncouxer. H. C 4a cH tcrat, IS miles from Flrwood and biw Mount Hood carline. opn land. nt MMy. vastly cleared, has sprlna and county road, no improvements; a snap for $ pr arra; aom term a Wailaca MlUcr, owner, rout 2. rafiara. KK AD TIMS! If yoo asm to t the bast frat and farm laid f -r mr money, rail on t.S) NORTH KR V TRI ST CO.. 2Tt Stars: Hi.. PorrUnd. r F'R Pt.K bv ownr. 7 S a-re. mils of ctty limns of Newbrt. od barn. narly nv v a-rmrn boua nh fud sii baement, 4' prune trs In full bcarln. lirmi. Ad or ass fcol 41. Noberg. Ur, i iHES. moaTly In ytin orehn!, housa and barn; this Is a snap, will trads for rviDgun house ibout )" au Call 3- Hi!lwy K'bang. WANT fruit man ith sipcnem-a to cars fc new commercial rrh.rd, il"t:n H-wxl diet rut. Vanduyo aV Walton, CIA Cham ber of Comroerr. J. A- ClXM.MiUAU. aa sa iaxma; prtcsa reaaopabasj as saaAaA sa F O. Bo T4. Carlton. Or. 40-ACRE farm on ralra slectrtc. $' iuo, half cash, balan- pr Cent. lor 3 ara Phone Wood.an J74. M kscst taa a. THK beat bara'a tn dry: fina roo-n hntiM, mrV.Tn in vry way: t li; hri tn"- y furntahed. Winter a w.d In cellar; fine furnace. T.'hi; $iixhi ih. or will trads fur tacant prupsrty and pay difference. Fins blk. t rood house, brlntlna fw1 rent; this ts a real anap. ktJJK ioo can. Will taks some tmds. Fins rrodra a-room houe. fm lot. on caritn. Kt aad su hi. cast, kaianra tnatatlmcnta A first-rlaaa buy. lint i-acrs triiL it"! ro--,u bouaa 'im barn. rolrken-houe. rood wetl, 3 arrs cleareH. near paction 1-lna Rot 4. 10 miles from I'ortand. 5 minutra wa:k Irom carltn. IJ-iwO; irads f.r pru party her aafl pa a diffrnca. Fina l-a.-ra tract a"d n-ront nuee. Vtra, ouiO'ilId'ns. orchard, all fnd with wtra, chuken-tlght. and ce Ur po'e. fins land, no stor or grav I,. l'H caah. baian per car. a per cent; ajil! tak aorae trade Fina farm. 2 1 i acres. 4 In cultivation; bouse, barn, otner outbulldlna; ares yotinaj orchard; rut old tr: r rr ii.. cor da of wood; mnnlnt water, near cartlne fine aol. Ui per acr-. Will trade fir a (ood wheat raota or property IO e,tJr" CHARLESON aV CO 4M Com mart i a i b ; co r. 'Jd tn d Wah. IF TOU ARB LOOKING rOR CTaa-la acrwts. a wheat ranch or smalt, well -Irr. pro ad farm, at low prlra and ot an ot liberal terms, tsa ma. 1 haadls my awn propertlea J O. ET-ROD. SCO Crbe't RMg. 1 ACRE1 wtthlO ml'W of reniec of city nd 1 mils east of Or- 'tty crltna; a"Ta clear. ban.ra iimo-r; i l lev; only par are. C. F. o.. rom Mulker M . ?1 and Mrrtaon eta. Ijr"-l R AHLR place room. c'in hua; .t a to 91. per wee; gentlemen pre ferred. 12'h at WANTED TIXBtR LANDS, WANTED 20 to aeres of woodland ln ine of 3 sntlea of prttand: maat not ha mors than one mils of carline: must hav tnrs than 150O cords of wood on tra-t. Ca 1 or rtts A. R. Horntna; At Co., 211 A!-ky Mda. Wantfd for CASH. Sn ta 4t-acra Improved farm, near elec tric t railway station, not or .o nuies from Portland: euitabls for da.ry. UFU'HSI st Z DOW. 1T Bord of Trade jt.df . 4th and Oak fll.ETZ h)mesteadr has oan and ac&rai r c h bo ra' patented tioiber r talma for aala. near 6. .eta Rivar AM 634. Orca-on-ln JiMUKR lands wanted. C J. McCracAea a4 kick ay tldt- FARMS WANTED. WANT T.AROC TRACT LAND. Want y tol o .A a rs land In t aody: Isnd which can bs put in condition for farming tracts. Land and water must be rood and at the r.cht fa;ure. THE DON CARIES INVKMVRXT CO. 2oft IdeAi Bivij.. IX aver, cola THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 20, 1910. : i 1 1- T FOR 8 AXE. f FOR RALE. wvTr,.- nrst rTT. I TO excha.nok. wnrHMUfc I '- A.$mohii: ynZ V Z HAVK calls for busta. Incoms, fac tory and waxhou property : a o houass and luta; ai: tr ansae tiuua caufldaUai. mkr-:hants BAVi..;ri a ThUST COMPANY. P. TV Cor. snd WaaMwirton f'a. WANTED F.if lus) a rn-- of atr Kokd farm nd fruii IiqU alth prs rtfht; w a HI lu tha rri NORTHERN' TRTT CO.. -T frk SI., pTtmi'J. Or . HAVK ritt po on .VWio it rah vahi fl-v who wants to app'v )t S fft Pm"l n s rt r 7-ro.m hurc:w; an mik4 sd ni'-n'My payment. Pmith v -r i'n , :n i r.u i.is bide.. 4tii and ,-k. el KI.I. HKAXj KnTAIJ gui kir and gui;y. b u r 'ait it. r for property nf d-r-riptlnn; coiifldrntial ma,iter r,ifd w!ih t.-f and d:rr'tioO. NuKIi'KKN Tfcl-'Sr CO.. S'9 stark St. WANT to buy a h m with aln nt; brtu mtjat Uf hunrainw !: and mofl'n In verr ir; n'i ovrr on- Mwk fro"i rar; ra n't rono r an ihtnr but rw1 d I atrial ; rpr!: ..ir V.m in prt- from 5'0 r-:. A ;--T. i r"S"nlarr kll.l. pur.-hiw- rrm ll" t' 4 -a f t-irtip or burn vr land If prl-a and : rr m Mr a ixf ;ifirj . I.and ad iant p-nr..m'nt nrrrni or with living aprtngs prs'-rrd and lit f rult-growina; locality, r" 64. 'rwn..nian. I WANT two (r tlir- lta ad loitilii. ra aiiAb'v In. and civ a rood rnl a- t'- LuFin.-j.. in aui-. or om -loa-ln l.nd rur . rarliTif. tn rwchanizs and i"v dif f-rncc. iivs location or vicinity of .mr lt. t rvj. l"r-..nln W 'TKf - Ab 'it 4' r m r or tin ! inp rov ,- a rex. either I. locatrd not ov r frm j'rt!nd. Wuld prrf-r .'fii ihtiiar -n th Mirr.in . tri'. a n pr only r-d appU. Hard of Trad. ii hii i" ii rilp'r aiipp'v om v'iTornrrs a ilh pt'd acra- a;' ira tr. W h.-i in cul "mcn. MdlTHr.HN TRi ST CO.. J 7 i Stjrk Str-t VTKrv-lonw of 7 or morra. flos In; bair on 1. t-arlln w M it amalt b .Mia, sld-walk and a- r paid fr. t. t'-ad In atid pay cfh balance. AM r3. ("fr.in 1 W vST f.r mr own ua 1 arros rlard lnd. cxn1 auii, near rariius. not over 40 minutes out. H. V PRY AN. fhnjir of "tntmrra. A ANTfllt Vei b.d r-aidnce, old P' art Ho tf ... ated r 'e- In. fr"m M'f on v; prt- fr:n to ;:'.ww. ! 4A I'ritnr.un. H M u ono l o buMd nt a f.at btilid.nat and tea aa pt f equity Q Lauroihuret lota and baianra in cjh. T ors c '"tin. WAM'a.1 Ftulidina l-t as first payment on r w. mnJ'rn b.r.ajalow. roma and bi n . pn- :im. r iop in on W - R car. 4! Ra'l v K 'harr- A VT K room m'dTrT"hou; wi'l rlr an autoni'tr-iia a f rt p' n,'n, 1 " an- montL.y. O C. Johnaon. 411 Cr- t-t b da i'l S T MKHii WAITING. For ama'f oe-in rarft tracts. ohTI'KU.V TKl ST CO.. i;u star St. WANTFDva Writ Hid, fairly In lot; on i:h -m inoms preferred; In pn-a f;om to llo'-of. b:vc lTin and pT- t'. u ah " ."-'iO. reicor.ian. W Ti:i M "datn buntraiow. (hI a'.u. no; more than .t. near carline; answer fully to command attention, ownen only. AH '41. regoritan. W-VNT afw a-r.-a cioa to trtfou Klecliia and tthSt! ItN'ilrn home; piles ".uat ba r.tihl. I'm piaied on values. Ci'a lo on. A5 M l. Orrronlan. MkDKItN houae, seven or strht rooms; Nh Hi.i dietrl't pnferre!; aivs price and t .-r ma. A reg on la n. JiA K IJu.mMi raah to lneal In apHrnnent hji or in other real eatat propoeiiton; It mut be a harg-t'n. AH oJ.or.-;iniaH. WANT K I A houae ke per. by a mh an ic. aa ) to kii unincumlxred. AM 4L, Ora-r-'n. an. V A Tt.tv A bt to bui'.d ma a home on; small cash pa mrnt: balanf Installment. o I ran build. M . t. Jrr jonli ru 1IAV: buyers fr homes frm 1000 to a'.ttt. 1.11 with u; a ae.l. HKil-KV arHlSHI. I3J THIRD ST. WANT K D Hmall hunalw In or Pear Irv tncton, monthly pa men la. Addrees E 5 -'I. 1 rfniin. 1 aNT a 4 or Vroom bouite. nt over A.M t S'-rs or mors In deairabls IiicatioD l.iMiKi.Ntl fir a nap In a home. What Lava yn : j -- . ' 'i "iiuin at T K- HO AT as pat t pa mont on 6-room houeo or lots A K Vtl. Qreronian. WANTtl) Acreit. frontlnc on or ovsr lookinc river or ocean. F Ml. Oreronian. liixl .t In L. ir. lhur.1 ; mul b. b.rn.la. f..r rah. P : OrrH"nl.n. l"HKAI l't for rh n or n.r rnoa nr.. Albtrta I. Or(trnlB. 2o""TAIIlo Inv.i In lot: muit b. b.r- iln. l .ll wull.nil blil. WANT l"t m i'lUmoni for c.h. AM UU. Oi.iconlmn. rriK f TLT. TIMBER I.AXD. UOOn TIMHKH CHKAP. T c!im In I)ou! "ounljr. rtc lr M. '.'I rl.im. In t'riMilc (runty yollow pln tl-"- M. i rkitms In tp. 5 north, ran. 6 we. I. 0"V p.' M. t ri.lm. In KMrkit.t Co.. tp. . north. 13 v..t; prtr. $2t pwr cr n. v.iiow fir c.iin in 1 .outh. r. J ..It; rVK ijcr M. 1 rlxl-n. cnj-'lr.f 1T.nn"."O0i In Totrllt. Co.. a.rt on Kal.ma lilv.r. Uak. off.r. 1 yllc fir rliim In tp 33 'uth. 14 w.t. rrui.tniK T.fHHl.lHHt; prlr. (.1000. 1 ooti.i.xi whlt pin. In Idaho, on St. Jo. Kiv.r: prlt. $3 per M. lhrx. .nd .tv. il trart. too nurotroua to ni(.nttin. fail on mo. II. fclmT Po. 4IT-4lt Henrjr blilc liKKK I. a grmitne .nap In 4irt irrti of .How pin. Itmbr.r lanil, prlc. I4SH) If pur-ha.l bf.tr. l.rrintrr 1. Is.a own.r. I"IT HoaTl of Trmlr b.d. TIXHER riaim with ( iiki.uiKI f.at fir for ).; own.r nr.d. rvaHy ca.h an.1 muat ..rrlfj.-.; wilt ..II th!. TIP. claim f.ir half It. rr.il valu.. '!U at otrt Ppalnlng M.la. Tl M HER LAL8 BOUiiHT AM) bii.rx r. J. M'lHAl KEN. McKay bldf. ltft At'KKS tlmrwr. Wallow County, worth l-'.t.Ni. wll tak. flHio. 1'h.n. K.at blu. YH lAI.K lo" a'r4 tlrul'.r land. Doug la. t oiintT. K Orrgontan. lIMriKK CLAIMS, homMt.ada, rwllnqulah m.ata. ill Worfnttr b!4c FOR R It NT FARMS. (in N KK of 33 a;r.a wllii li.itn. and build. Inv. and i"m. row. and poultry want, piarti.al dalt and poultry man and wif to Ink. an lntrr'l and oprai" tha plant. O. W P. IJnd Co.. l.t and Aldar. WAXTF.O TO BLXT FARMS. WANT l- rent or letue farm of ltjo to J't. acres In Oregon or California. Writ. J. T Mclaughlin. Co rn opt Ms. Wash., box 12. TO EXC1LIXGE. E.'"HANiiK Oood rrlrienc.. dor. In. beau tifully located, for city lots or acreage J. H Ti"toa Co. II'." fi-elding bhlg. 1 I.I. build tail mak. building loan If yon own lot and little rash. A. C. Furlong, tlo f 'Mirlitr of Commerce. to a. eJ.cr.ance yuur pruperty. re.ara.eaa location for that htch aulte you better. .ort.nwt Exc.iang. t2i- lleery bldg. FOR 8A!. t"lr Trade, fine ectrlo piano; baby upr'ght piano and folding organ. -w W asUicgtoa. 117: oog WORTH of real and personal prop erty f'r eichange. K. O. Kemp Co. .;i chamber n f Commerce. FIVE. ten. eighty acres. Improved: eeU or rortland ex-hang. O. aiiddlekauO. Ta cuiri. Oregon. F1.1K ITALIC or trade, fine el.ctrlo reliable piano, I baby upright. 1 f'Mtng organ. J;-, Washington at. Phone Main W aNTKP To trad. god palng business, clear, over Iloo a month, for email farm p.-t- Portland. V 3t.l. Oregonian. 0vNHd if u r. behind oa your pay mente and want to sell or traJ. your property, call 4 IT rtoaro or I rape. . K CAN' trati. your property or bas:nvsa. 'a'.l " B'.rd of Trade. Esll ITY In acreage at McMtnavll!. for city lot or hotitte and tot. h" CregontAn. t l.LAK lot. for ladi"- or gems' wearing ap- appu.-cl. W Ml. uregonun. St ACMES. Marlon Co.. as payment on cot- tage or rooming-house. Phone A 131a. lioo KtiL'ITT In -a,cr. orchard tract to trade; what have you? AJ MP. Oregonian. WE bur. sell or trad, for nytnlog of TiJue. 417 Iloerd of trade. SJtVf OR-HO AT as part pamnl on 6- room h-.ti or Wt. A K. EXT. Oregonian. ;k AC:it-5 Hood River fruit land aa Drat pnment on coitage. Phone a1;1J Al"rOY"B!l.K to trade for real aetata. Call t'Mh. near ltark. ' F. buy. sell or tr.de anything. H. , Juki Cos, c8 Jtto, near Etark, THE PACIFIC REALTY CT. S22 Faillna; bldr-. d and Washington. COME TKADK WITH IS. Our f ji hanra department has property to oxchnnr of all klnas. We will trads you what you wmt for wnat you nav, a rr.iv KAMPl.ts. ft aerew 3 aerea at rawberrlaa and fruit; rood A-room houae. chickn house. Z an-lnra nt water : close to electric lino. school and store, sidewalk to pl.tc. WILL EXCHANGE for ettner marrhaiitiis. mr nituve or city property. Price $.to. 4'i arrs stump l?ind. easily cleared, fln ast of soil, near rood town, to trads for rooming; -nous; wi l sssums toins. K urn 1 turn at ore in the city, rood busi ness, lone; laase. old established place, fries 10.00; want rood valley improved land. Apartment house., with 4 storerooms ne Inw . tnrom over ino s month; equity of lIC.ooo for rood improved Isnd or city proporty. 2 seres. hUhly improved, with rood 7 roim house; over Va rr fruit. 1" min uter aalk ta salm eiectrir: ia nii"a u. Prir ..ih- will aell for IrtOO Cash. Du- a nee eney payment a rr exchanr 'or R'mim and lot tn rnrt(na trvrtiAxr.E.a. FOR FXniAXCEwi ares tiar Trout- dal. fine Und. fair Improvem'-nis; pria only 41 -. per tore; alii eachan for gool I'orriand property. Ill1 mrm m t Prrlt llfOVC. flnS laflH fair Imnro Yemen la : 112' nr acre; Will Ti .rp to I'nrvBl'il. mlre only f .Ii oo: nn for tubdlvldlnr ; will accept part in Portland ptoperty and time on balance. . room fine modern hora and choice irr of around with fine barr; fruit and beautiful ahrubberv; cbeap at HB-Mi". win esc ban t for rod farm near tna '"Sf'-raa nair Wln'ork. rtSTt In CUlt! t;on; pri-- sIM'0; will cxthanr for Port land property. The sbove are Just a few of tha ex chunres I have to offer, if you are inter eated in exrhnnrinr your property for something rod. I would Ilka to talk eUh ou. I do not want ! hu.lle it uniea it la all nht. and th price la reaaon- hl Come to re ri. or writ, rmna; full partloulara. Owrr only. Ad'irass i call J. K. Pmlth, '.13 Chumbsr of Cum merce. Portland. Or-rn. i!nnmi houae lot 210R. t'-hini fr Improved acrcara near Portland; pries .VN0. . 5-room. modern bunrIrw to ichanr for roonilna -houae: price 3'oo. 12 a rea In Croldendile. Waeh.. and n- rom bunralnw; exchange for city proper ty: prlra irMH. ht mrrm. In Tu. latin V!1V With lm provementa. paftly beaverdam; aschauifa Xor rity property; prira oow. J.'imh) atock of rrocerles in city to ax- rmrm 1 ti itv ornnertV. I-V'od and lo,0ttrt stocks of msrchandlst to exrhanr for city property. mo launch to api'ly as payment on an. all horns not over $y.oO 5-rooni bunsalow to ehanra for small lmtro e 1 tract near Portland 2-storv brt.-k store bnildmr with V room cotrsse In rear to SKchsnr or th sr rtfv property or vaoant lota New bunaalow In Seattle. WsinH to exchance for house or lots in romanu M'GT'IRK aV HFNNlNGs. ?Ol t.umbcrmeni Hldr. A 6oM Willlama nve. East o7. C ?dtn INVESTORS. ATTENTION! I have a block of atook In an Incorpor ated Fort land land company. Thla la a hlath -claaa Inveatment proposition and I w-oiiM orhinia a oortlon of t his stock for Portland property and would aaaunis mortrare for portion. 1 nis propoainon wilt merit th moat Held Invest iffu t Ion and I would prefer to deal alth principals only, but would consider propoaiMons from ftrat-rlaas brokers. Would consider tip to f'.Wono. Address .V fl-'A. orcronisn. !W ACHKS tvear Courtney station ana rooa Tot In city. I want to exchange for home up to $:itoo. lo acrva excellent fruit and garden land, $C(mo. for email cliy hime. I acre, pood houna river view, ftc fare; for lot or houae In t Ity. iM.tMMi warehouse alts, ext hanro for 20 to acres Improved Cf.onh tl.TErt HKON . 414 Couch bM. Wl LLA M KTTK VALI.EV FARM. EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND HOI SB. Will trade 10 or J acres of the beat valley land, all under cultivation, near Portland, on 6. P. R. R., f'r equity In bone and lot; will aasums tha balance of liidotcdnea CoLl'MHIA TRCST CO. bi:'"TION of wheat land in vtnatllla nui.- Good soli and moatly unner cultivation. House, stable. chl ken-house, marhlnery shed and granary. Crops have averafd 24 buaheis to the a--re for the laet ftva oara. Prtts $30 per ar and would consider Pod lnconis property up to $ .000 In part aymetit. J. G. fcanuiira, .j Lumuermen a uUdlr.r 22 ACHKS with building. In hlsh.at .lata cultivation, inviuuiitii v.. and water; Juat b.yond Tualatin: .xcel l.nt garden land, for Irtilon; would tak. Portland ra!dnc. a. part or all puym.nt. Partuulara from . L BAMBKROER. Wain 24. RiHm 3 I.umb.rmrna BTdg. A FlNa; 7-ruom tnndfrn re.ld.nt-. wltii ot.r an nr. of ground, planty of fruit trra and barrlaa. Kxcell.nt vl.w of rlvrr and aurrountlltig country which can n.ver ba oSatnirt.d. Thla la an .icellcnt pl.c. of j.rop.rly and will rxchang. (or acrcaa. not too far nut. J. U. Bandora. 4:5 Lumbtr mn'a bldg. 1 HAVK MV.ral naw hoiiiaa Juat Onlahrri. In th. lrvlngion dl.tn. t and only Hire, block, from tar. Thcao hou.ta ar all mod ern in .very way and well built, hard paved atre.ta. Will exchang. all or any of them for vacant lotr or acreage. J. U. Hnnfler.. t?S T.umbermer.'a blrty. IW Ai'KliS, tt-room hou.e, right at atallon. on K I. 4 arrea apple balnrc. In hleh tate of cultivation: isvod barn and out btilldlngti: good aotl and fln. Ilttl. ranch. Trir. $4.".ot; will take houa. and lot for part of thla. HIOI.KV BISHOP. 182 THIRD PT. VEI.t. Improved 4-roora cottage. In good lo cation In Danv.r. will trade for cottag. or vir.nl lota If In good locution In 1'ort land. Addreat F. J. Kellcrinaan. 14U bo. l.lncoln. I?enver. Colo. BKRT OKKKR GETS IT I have .well bungalow. Hon City Park: alao n.w house, i roonta, we.t 1k. LAurel hurat I acll on. of these Immediately, e. them and make offer. Best offer get. It. Owner. 414 Couch bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for farm land or good city property. Hardware, furniture and Implement buelnesa; thrifty valley lo.n. doing big bitaineaa. Price Including real eetatc. Uti.Ow. Box SIT, l'orilaua. Owr.r. O 84. Oregon tan. WILL. TRADE t cholc. Cannon Beach lota, valued at $1K each; what have you to trade. Own er, o Ml. Oregoniwn. HAVK half Interest worth ltot In i'O acres orchard land. Vnderwood district, partly act to apple., exchange for Fort land property or automobile. AO tSL Oregonian. xC T T . T . trad. of my Inl.rest In splendid manufcturiiig plant lor fruit farm or ton property, whero service are given; will guarante. 100 10 .10o a month. 1I4S OranJ ave. WANTED Good residence or cash. In x rhang. for 40 acreg flrat-clasa red shot ap ple land In famoua Hood liiv.r Valley; 4 acrea In tr.es; beautiful scenery. 513, Oregonian. i WILLTtrade eotiltT of about liooo In 6-room house and lot. nunnysioe. i-.r or suhurbsn lota; will pay l-'O per month rent If allowed to atay In houae. Own.r. H fOg. Oregonian f hXvk a tract of land near Council Creat that I would trade for something having an Income, land Is level and rich soil. This Is a gilt-edge proposition. I would ss stime a difference, f t'-T. Oregonian. TtJ .xchang.. fin. home In Irvlngton. 11 rooms. Ji. lots; t- cah. balance farm near Forest Grove or HUIsboru, SlS.SuO AJ Oregonian. WILL trade In for house and lot In city my five-passenger car. one of the class rt In town, cost 1".".0. nearly now. Will trad. In for tnon. j 644. Oregonian. IF "yoti ar. Interested In Coos County and have property In or rloee to Portland. I will give vou a good trade. K. R. Pownd er. 4. M 'hawk bldg. HavK a fine real estate business with or without auto, and want two or three lot adjoining not loo far out. and wlil pay difference AL 334. Oregonian. WILL exchange fine g acre., chicken ran-h In Southern Oregon. 1 miles from R. R-. for modem bungalow In Portland. AJ Mtt. Oregonian. WILL exchange three Improved city lot. in best grots Ing aectlon of Portland for small ranch; va'ue rot to exceed f!000. W. II. Wade. Inls. Or. FOB RALE or exchr.nge. nice Los Angelca building lot for what have you? Phone M;t In H4V WILL exchange several 1"0 lots "ftn United Rallwsy line for 4-ryllnder automobile. T. O. box 435. THIf year'a K-paaaenger Ford. full, equip ped, for city or suburban lota. L. .43, Oregonian. EQCITT In ZiO Alberta wheat land, will trade for lot. or home. AH 644. Orego man. Fl'RNITL'RE of a n-room fiat for vacant lot tn city. Phone Marshall 212. between 10 and 1? A. M. Buridav. EXt'LCSIVE agency Northweet: Mlla to doctor, hoepltala, pomes: big seller; flJO to S0 hantllea. AH .Vi3. Oregonian. $oo WORTH of WlUumtla Hall atock for rity property or acreage. B 041. Orngo- nlan. STimK) EQl'ITV In a bunch of fin. lot .nd an .l.gant home to trade for mercban alM stock. AL 033. Oregonian. irrm JtAT.E OR TRADE. 17 acres of fine land, located within miles from Delia. 100 acres of rlche-l kind of creek bottom land. 10 acre of which are colored with timber, 7 acre of fine up land, fine for fruit or grain, bottom land fina for clover; WO acres un der plow, most of which la bottom land, lll raise anything: good building and fences, plenty fine water. dally mail, phone, close to school: a -ennp at per ncre; $lofto ca.h, 30nU trade; time to suit at per rent on balance; let nie know what vou have got: no agents, owner, onlv. Box 3;i. Dallas. Or . Also fine larg. lo. room residence, Dal las, fine corner snxlis. beautiful lo-a-tion. price $5u'0: will take l"iO(i tmde; time to suit on InrtnMmcnts for balance; low interest Box S;. Pallas. Or. .00 acr.-a Ioged-of? land, line fruit land, fist helng developed Into fruit country. 1 mile of Kail city, land Joining now selling ". per acre: will put this In at tan prli-e and teke trade. What have you got to nr)rT Would like ome money. Box J.ii. Dallas. Or. ... ... si n fruit or grain land. ;nt) acres un'r plow, all Ilea nne. would atin ..i.j.. en.i... iti i.l. hanl.Hr.. feed store, .malf farm or city property up to $6000. What have you to ooerr rnc (75 per acre. Box -". Dallas. Or. cwu- ..IT THK FINEST HOMES IN EAST PORTLAND. .0 . .i.i..tt. modern! 1 baths. toll.ts, hardwood floors, hand-rlecoratei walls. The finest VIEW on THE E li-l SIDE. Never has he-n occupied; Mi block to nro.i-.v c.rt n.vooo. fTJiO mortg.ige; will trirte balance for property. CITY or COUNTRY; wlil take Las'.ern ores-n ranch If good value; deal with owner. A.k lor I I aunacrs. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg.. S4 4th Ft. FOR SALE OR TRADE. na .cr.. tn V.oihill Countv. Oregon .11 fenc.-.l- tine onnle nnd fruit land; ln Bcres In rtiltlvntion: 10 acres more retdy for plow; .Ml acrrn In pa5ture:-some t;tn- her: fco acres upninn; r.t rn-ii mm J .nrln.i nn nlnce. can ho nlne.1 to hot!K4 and barn: itot.d g-rootn house, house palntrd Inelde and out: liarn 'n:0; fam ily orchanl. ptlce ..i.'i per acre. 1rm :,lrto ca.h. balance tmde for a- k.,1 Portland prng- rty; w.ll take 5 or 7 passenger automobile as part trade. Call or arMe NORTHERN TRUST COM PA N'T. 270 fclurk St., Portland. Or. WE have eome very good propositions In exchanges. Including farms, acreage, lots and hous'-s. For f:irh'-r Information in quire of the OLUNART REALTY CO. UNO, 4J1-422 Chamber of Commerce. r.N-TIRK block. East Ninth, near Ha thorne ave. Trescnt Inrome from one lot I7S per month. Balance unimproved solid ground. Has big future aa munufat turlng I. . . rtarl.. Vnlll. VLlT ..(HI Will glv. 118,000 mortgage. In vears at d per rent and take trade for I'.i.viu ralance In other unencumbered city property. AF K27. Oregonian. 22 ACRES with buildings. In lilgh-st stste culiliatlon. Including 5 acres beaverdam and water: Just b-yond Tualatin: excel lent garden land, for ir.'tiTi: would lake Portland residence as part or all payment. Particulars from L. BAMBERGER. Main 24S1. Room 2 Lumliermens Bldd. A U4Ka. 1.0 ACRES. In bt.t part of Idaho, land all around held at .'.Q and up per acre. S acres been cultivated, enough timber on balance to pay for clearing, lias mortgage for l00 running for 1 years: will trsd for lacaiit lots or Improved in Portland or aotne close-in acreage. v nai nave jou i At' Oregonian. FOR E.XCHA.VuB. A fine s-room house and two lots m tine residence part of Kansas City, Mo to trade for Portland property or land In Willamette Valley. call If Interested. B HONO-STEELE CO.. Oround Floor, I.ewls H'dgN VOR PAl.E OR .TRADE. An Improved tsheat farm of 400 acre. In Sherman county, trr.. an in tni'...i.. good house and barns, water piped to house and barn. For further partlculara t all on TUocrt Realty Co.. SCI Lumbermen bldg. FOR EXCHANCE or sale; owner will ex change 2rtti-arre farm near Forest Grove, with splendid nine-room modern house, Ihre. fine barna, orchard, etc., for I'orl -land real estate. Improved or unimproved." Cull or address owner. Fidelity Trust Co., 031 Board of Trnde bldg. I WANT to buy a good, clem roontlng riou.. of IS to 25 rooms: can pay II-"" cash and lino a month, as I have other Inc.itne: must be In good location and respectable: please give full particular. Mrs. ommeny. box AM !. Ores-nnlati; TO EXCHANGE for rortland residence or business property, en acres unim-nn fruit land. 2 miles east of Clackamaa Sta tion on Clackamua Blver; good stream of running water on property: will assume, some Indchtedne nn trad. Value J2i'U per acre. Addres H M2. Oregon Ian. TKADP.RH "What have you for a SJlo.OOO furniture huainess In the city? gjs.ooo hotel, American plan, tor farm. 14 lots, near Grants Pass. 40 acres of timber. Cowlltx County. t all 4iT Boara or i rune. WAHHINOTON" ST., Weil Side. close-In busi- ness property; 3Q-year grounn lease, wun option to buy; will exchang lease for other city or suburban realty. O 602, Orogonlan. IRVINGTON. Corner lot, IMhtinn, free of encumbrance: worth ii""'; for small acreage home, neat ll-cent carline; pay some difference If nec e..ary. Phono Marshall t47. " EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND HOME. 10 acrea on electric carline near an rouver. Wash. All In fruit. David Lewis. Room 2. Lumbermen bldg., 5th and Stark. WANT to trade choice, well-locatod 40 acres, hlpntv tmproveti. cinse i runiui'i. for dairy ranch. Vanduyn a Walton, 513 Chamber Commerce. I OWS a good lot close to carline, value g'eMl; will traae tor a siooa piauu. noi.e and buggy or gasoline launch. R &43. Oregonian. 12 Oil" I'MNi I'M BERED Seattle property. gOOfl income, owmci ..not. e.innn.'.-. Valley farm. L K. Moore, suite 617. toarfl t't I rw.ie. rvinnoo. ji. LOT3. 9-room house; good home or alt..- uolbinff nt. lance! want suburban prooerty; part cash. balance terms: lil QQU. Hatfield. ltSW 4th at. FOR SALE Fall or Winter overcoat near ly now: will traoe lor poultry, mrsey or fruit. Call 8S5 8d, 8 A. M. or 1 V. M. ' TEN acres, near Beaverton. 7 acrea com- i.i - i - o to .-aur. ol.l other merciat r 1 1 r - " ". ' ' Improvementa: equity 2.in0: want house In Portland. T Ortunitlsn. HAVE an voulty of IJoo In a fine corner lot On East htn St. Close to nicnmonu car, will sell aj discount or trade for good piano. U. O. f"' NICE five-room and bath, modern bunga low, close In on W-K car. l.vimi; will inae building lot at value as first payment, halance monthly 41H Railway Exchange. FOR EXt'HANGB Improved Portland prop erty alio interest in incwi i'u.im.m rn an alfalfa ranch. Owner. C 410 E. 43th .1. South. FOR EXCHANGE Residence property In Omaha lor residence in iDru.uo. E. E. DARLING. 441 Brandele Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FINE lot In Rose cv Park for sale or first psymont; fful Side preferred. AL n20. Oregonian. WILL give $225 equity In 8 $20 lot for anything 04 value, prei i.uiilh. nuu, It .gonlan. TRAD for anything, fine dwelling aid one acre In Garfield. Wash. Chaa. E. Hick. Independence. Oregon. -.Q". TRADE for anything, gold mine, ore $20 ton:' Hem ton tailing .11 ton; pric. 1 1 o.OQO. 'ha. E. Hicks. Independence. Or. TRADE for anything, ten acres raw land In Rogue rtiver aiiev; price .ituo. 1.11.1s. E.Hlck. Independence, Or. HAVK farm at Eugene, will trade for Port land property. Aaure owner, it mi, ure gonlan. 60 LOTS to exchange for Income properly In the city; exceptional goon proposition. Wee my agent. B14 Couch bldg. FOR 5 ALE or trade, fine electric reliable piano. 1 naoy uprignt. x toioiiig orgau. f2i'.i Wash. Phono .Main tfts. FOR SALE. llorewt. Vehicle, and H.rne.e. JUfcT arrived at 872 Water st.. crh ad hue horses, well melcnea teams, ranging imm poo to l.VW lbs.: a few good, delivery and addle hore from $20 up. Will i Wli Vam. HuKSE and nearly new Studebalter r'.tbber- tlre buggy with Haiiey pivoi exie ana harness, gentle horse; outfit cost $450. wlil sell at big loss or what hav. you to trade. Apply 171 Brt st. ol; .AL. T.ain of two horses, sound and In good condition, good aprlng wagon and harness In flrst-clas. ahap.; a oar gain for quick Ml. Al Langpob.rg. Clackamas, Or. WANT a 1200-lb. hor. young, gentle, for boy to drive tor grocery uniYcrr, tan up WoodlaVn 271(1 Sunday or at grocery store. 171 Killlngsworth ave. on Monday. Woodlawa 7flX. Case Bros. MUST acll fine chunky 2400. Ih team, sound horses, guarantee true .tir.cn, single or double. $145: owner given up business. Call 849 E M St. N.. near Broadway. FOR SALE Team of bay hurses. weight about 1UM! IDS.; also expce.s wa.ni, miiu harness: $125. Ask for Parker's rig, lrv Ington fi tables. East 6th and Schuyler .ts. SPECIAL NOTICE. 7.1 HEAD OF HORSES. Why we do the business, because we give you full value for your money. We handle only commission horses and only acc.pt horaea thHt are clever and true to work, we also allow a trial. We have 75 head at all time, on hand, consisting of ome high-grade draft pairs, cheap ranch horses end mares, pleasure outrita and fast trotters. Call and be convinced that we hare what we advertise. Easiest place In Portland to nnd. 15th and Alder, .New York Ciub Stables. ' WILTON MAID. Trial 2:104. handsome dark brown mare .' years, weight 175 lbs., absolutely snfe for the rrioot timid or Inexperienced person to drive or to handle under any and all circumstances: she ts a beautiful good-galted Trotter, pleasant to drive, road easllv 10 to 12 miles an hour, good walker, fearlers of all object., perfectly safe, use ful mare combined: cost last May JoiMl. I am obliged to sell for 3"'. Can be seen by calling .HO Alder St.. .Ntw York Club Stables. Jo. A. Locke. BREWERY TEAM. 2S0. Coal black, full brothers. 210 lb.: good worker, fat and handsome; will make grand ranch team: also heavy sewed trace harness, at purchaser', option. Call SUo Alder st. OUTFIT . Handsome chestnut mare, weight P-.0 lbs., very gentle, fine saddler: also extra fine hand-stamped SHddie and bridle, all for t'io. Can be seen at New York club Btablcs, loth and Aider st. TEAM AND HARNESS. tl1. Handsome and fat. weight -400 lbs., full brother. fat walker, work lngle. double, or ride; harness la In first-class condition; also new -lncli farm wauon, bed .nd spring seat complete; price .. Call bu5 Alder st. YOUR choice six nyires and gelding, weight from Iloo to 1400 lie. suila'do for anv purpose; prices from $40 to 9o. 05 Alder at. TEAM MATCHED BAYS. !14. Cherry bay team, weight 20o lb., fat and ready for work; prompt drivers; make great ranch pair; also heavy breeching harness with collar.; price Ask for Benson's team. 603 Alder St. YOUR choice of 'six mares and geldings, w.lght from 1100 to 14U0 lbs., suitable tor anv purposu: prices from $40 to to. oOo Aider st. , . PAIR MATCHED BLACKS. Weight anoo lbs., young, fat and" auit ab'. for any purpose on earth: also matched pair dapple grays. SUM) lb... one dapple gray roll, coming 5 ycra old, IjOO lbs. 5o." Alder St. HORSES FOR BALK. All of Wlcaton Broa. & McDougai s horse will be on sale at th. Hawthorne Stable, for IO day. They -range In weicht. 14t)0 to lwK. and from s m l. are of age. A all of our work on the K p R. IL Is dona, all of our .took w.li be for sale. They will be sold und.r tntj guarantee of the Hawthorne Stable. Call . . . . . V .,1... Ill ItH, 1 ana inspect ine.c iii.-t ...... .. . - HAWTHORNE STABLE, 420 Hawtnorne ave. 2!oo-POUN work team. -'O0; 2400-pound team, mare and horso. mare In foal: l flne lino-pound delivery or family horse. nil 1 cneap pony; i "u ...-. , must be aold at once. Will take co In SOD excnanKC. afiiiiwiiii .... . - E. 2Sth St. Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. ...... . i r- ..A .,mllv hnr.e. wetsllt 1 rim nnuri viic ic....... - - aottn.i and gentle and with a ijuarantee and trial, will be sold cheap to parly gtv- inc mm gooo ii'.iov. i'a.. w.-..- sound and fat. witn set breeching harness comnleie. foo. i:i.- r.aei ..it SPAN brown mares with their harness com plete; weight 2M'U. prlf homes. welKht from OOO lo lloO lbs., pric 4:13 up: span drivers, weight 22H0. ag j ears; guaranteed and trial allowed. ii E. 7th st FOR SALE Team of two bonwav hanmi and aprlng wagon: all in flrst-clasa con STuoBi will mak. prlc. right for auKk wl. Owner, room lit Oreginuui bldg. EQUITY of J10OO on 15 acres flne fruit ana. o ninrs im exchange for four or fjve-pasenR..r car CARRIAGE "and harness. I3S0. Hughes' Llv-- residence "Btishn.-rk Hotel, room 40, JUST arrivea wi n --"'. -"-,rri ii wrtgnt from u " ' .S.ri represented. 10iO Macadam il lake Fulton car. ' . . . . . . . ...o .... na m bnr.e. 9.1ll0 IllS. true single or uouuie. ou.. lTSS . .. . .i.hi lynn ih. litlKnc. tor saie. 5 . 7 i,hni year old. Apply awox .we. -.. Wondlawn 6o7. WA'N'T to purchase sin trial a heavy draft . . T.l.&an .nrf not. tOO old. norsa, goou iui"i . i.-e. Address f. wvoe. FOR SALE 5 heavy draft hor.es. 2 heavy wagon 3 sets of lieavy double liarncs at City Sales Stables. S."i0 Flandera at. FOR SALE cheap. 2"n-l- f"f. j'8'-.' uii nnu ii"' ; V . v, Hriff. woociyura. Mn ant. rm. vi ) if takon at onc. Call flunday bo- fore ' i. ii., UUebibK'r & HALL'b bTABLfcS. Sao J-'roai St.. livery business, risa. horses, harness. wagons, or sate u tu. w- ONE team of well -matched geldings. Il?lit hays, weipni Z ll v,, i rlaae homes. ' r-. r iwi.n. fOR faT-K HIk standard bred delivery laam. lain-: die "T" cheap. Lawlor's iStables. i.tn ana loucn. 1STH ST. MARSHALL lflNH. HORSES AND IVil TEXAS Macadam .treat, horses, bar- ne... WaXOUB lur mn. e..... TvTKn A gentle horse for th. Winter for it. keep. W 527, oregonian. FOR SALE 20 head of large horses. 302 Front l. liiiKSE and wagon ior . or u. 8i T.-xas St., rmion cwr. siitnus, OratHus and Muslr-tllDStrmn--t. A SNAP Have paid I'.'.'iO on piano; will Sell CiJUUy Cneap, payment. c-. u on player-piano. Kimball, ('nickering or Weber. Will trade for vlctrola in first class condition. Phone Marshall 823 or call Rt r.L-s Railway Exchange. AM factory agent for 4 high-grade piano factories; win en bcibli .o.e-, ...ej at private aalu clieap. Private home, 22.1 fth st. FOR SALE Have a dandy nearly new pi ano I IllUSl SacrinCB IO, rni.e oon.e vnoo, need th money, so am willing to take a low price. Call at o:il Alberta street. IO110 Fisr-HER uprlcht piano: A-1 roridi- lion: price .n'. ee --"e---- person. 220 Allsky bldg. Main 373o. A tlll'l GOOD stock and watch dog for sale or trade cheap. For particular write Mrs. Nordyke. Arleta. Or. MKri L. PREAC.KR will sell fine bin viol, of late Mr. Preager: no reasonable offer refused. MID Hoyt. SWELL upright Chi.kering rlano. nearly new cost $.".30; piut have money quick and will .elifoV $3iiaall80 B. of T. FOR-BALE at a blg'bargaln, a $100 equity In a new piano any make. E 634, Ore gon lam FOR SALE Or trade, tine electrio piano; baby upright piano and folding organ. 6261. W ashlngton. FOR SALE-CHEAP Piano, etandard make; terms. Phone Tabor 4:... LADY leaving city will sacrifice new. beau tiful hlgh-g''alft piano. J f42. Oregonian. UARGAIN -Piano to sell. $73; l.'.vl E. Hassitlo st. N. need money. yOK HALE $1" PV" chei'k ,or $10. Phone wooniawii -00-.. I HAVE a Harwood guitar for sale cheap. AC .22, Oregonian. FOR PALE Pasment of $100 on piano. Ad dress N. T.. general rtelivery, clty DIAMOND, perfect stone, in ring, nt bar gn'n price. L Ml', Oregonian. Automobile.. AUTOMOBILE TRADE Want a rasollne truck cr small runabout or touriiiK car In exchange for 7-passenger White steamer. A-l condition. Merrill. S84 Oak, corner 7th. afternoons. )ETriOlT electric Victoria used for aemon stratlng only, Car practically good aa nw. For .ale at very reasonable price. COVEY MOTOR COMPANY. FOR PALE class iest car in city, costing f2S. nearly new, 1 131)0 cash. N 54.1. Oregonian. 11U0 CASH Curve dash Oldsinoblle. excel lent condition; engine worth double T 5M,Oregonlao. FIRESTONE, new, for sale, or would trad for real estate and pay difference. Oregon Electric Vehicle Co.. 023Alder at. AUTO-top fair condition, cheap, cash or trade for other equipment; searcn light preferred. Phone Sellwood 54J. FOR SALE or trade. 3 seated auto; $800. Woodlawn 2201. C 2421. Itioli BUYS fj-passengnr Tourist auto; cost .14S.Y Phone, owner. East 2741. 6-PAHSE.N'GER Ford, easy terms. Main 2.120. MAXWELL JR.. splendid condition, easy terms: reasonable. Main 2-".2Q. AL" TOMOBILE to trad, for real estate. Call 83 loth, near Stark. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLEARINGHOUSE. ARTHUR H .HERTZ, Manager. We are exclusive dealers In used auto mobiles. This week we want to let you know that we have several high-grade machines at bargain prices to trad, for real estate or nrst-class paper. Thev are: 1 Model M 40 H. P. White .teamer; 2 Model O 21 H. P. Whit, steam-, ers; I Firestone 35 H. P. touring car; 1 Studebaker Garfoid 40 touring car. We also have some fine buy in both gas and steam cars for real money. Sea us before purchasing. Main 692. Phones. A 2234. Sixth and Madison Sts. Portland. Or. WE have for sale at very reasonable prices the followins:: One 5-passenirer Knox, One 7-passenger Knox touring car. One Moline roadster. One Black. Crow, baby tonneau. One White Steamer, One Grahowsky :t-ton truck. These cars are 101O models. We are in a position to sell thene cars with small payment down and balance by monthly payments. . Owners of these cars have placed their orders for 1011 Knox premier and Moline cars. EAST SIDE AUTO CO., UNION AVE. AND HOLLAOAY. 1U..S 7-PASSENGER Franklin, flrst-clasa condition, tor sale cheap. llii'ii. 7-passugBr Franklin: a bargain. ini)7. B-passeneer Franklin, first-class shape, nowiy painted, new top and glass front. - , llltlO Columbia Electric, newly painted, now batteries, a snap. linn, O-cyllnder Franklin roadster; prac tically new. Will take part real estate. MENZILS-DUBOIS AUTO CO. 7t It and Davis sts. AUTOMOBiLE BAHOALN'S. We are offering for sale at very reason able price aeieral 1000 and 1010 Plerce Arrows and Cadlllaca. two 30-60 Stoarn. 7-paiaenger touring, on. Oldsmobll. -passenger, one Croxton tea ton 1K10 modoL fully equipped. Owner, of th. car. hav ing placed order, for 1111 Flerca and Cadillac cara. COVEY MOTOR COMPANY. aTFtOMOBiT.E for sale at a bargain or trade fir real estate, hay. grain, feed, grocer ies, liquors or exchange for email enr: it Is a big. fully-equipped, warm. White, 1 or 8-passengcr steamer, A-1 shape, fine car for livery; will earn $20 10 JSO per day. Merrill. 334 Oak, corner 7th, iller noons. WAN1 iD A Duyer for two 30-00 ste&rna 7-passonger touring cars, completely equipped, recently painted and overhauled: no reasonable olfer will be refused. Own ers of these cars hav. placed order lor lull Pierce Arrow. COVEY MOTOR COMPANY. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE." Nearly new 40-H. P. Whits steamer, fully equipped; driven only 1000 miles; will trade for Portland property. Phone i.Dor ..... u . A DAItHAI't. Practically new Parrv roadster four seater, only run MH miles; in perfect shape and running order. Owner, 213 Comm .nwealth bldg. A RARE chance to buy a car right; a new car, never turned a wheel. You can buy this at factory price. EAST SIDE AUTO CO.. UNION AVE. AND HOLLADAY. FJN'E 7-passenger automobile; owner must w . ...ill lt hla fin. car for mifln 10111 "'i - - what the tire and top are worth. If you want an automobile, thi is your ,1, .I V.-.,. 1.I4W rnancei. .11 v 01 ..e. 1 .-e... OLDS MO BILE runabout, good order, handy, economical car, cheap; demonstration rnonu aenwmm ieo FOR SALE 4-cyl. Reo. 1910. $0.V. IL C. Krause. Apt. 4. Hvland. A l.'.l'S. Birds. IMigs and l'et Stock. e.n t. T IT t't Muh.Drnii .Tei'KeV COWS, fil . v. ,t.d 1.., m,.nth 1 reeristered Jer sey bulls. 3 yearlim; heifers, at Kelly Homestead barm, neny buih. i'i 1141. Ready for inspection and sale Nov. 21- prices from in to "; tubercular Inspected. J. D. Kelly, R. F. D. 1, Box city. . ItMBUftAn' re.ji.. ..we..... months old; finely marked, tall and see him. 108 oth St. isorin. main 01.-1., 1. FOR SALE Three full-blooded Pomeranian sptta puppies, 7 weeks old. Come nnd see them t fin7 Morris St. Phone East 3071. them at H07 Morris st. Phone East FINEST breed Airedale puppy, 4 month! old; bright and Intelligent. East 729, B 14 2. FOR SALE Brown. Buff. White Leghorns. Wanted, Blue Anfluluslans. Phone Tabor K113 FOR sale Bull terrier bitch, brlndle, petll- . l UTS C.n.nh. Gl gree;,B narnniii. ii.r. THOROUGHBRED Cocker pups. 74 E. Clinton st THOROUGHBRED Airedale terriers for sale. 210 14111. Main irevMt. FOR SALE Six thoroughbred bulldogs. 6 weeks old. rnne ri o FOR BALE Boston terrier puppy, 3 months old. 4ol rj. tin at. r. GAS range and heater for sale, cheap. 203 Union ave. .v M ANURE for :ile. Phone E. 1776. Miscellaneous. WE have a fine stock of slightly-used drop head machines which we are going to sell very cheap thla week: some as low as $10. time or cash: every machine hue attachmeuta and 13 guaranteed; tree les son in battenberg and embroidery on the White Family Rotary sewing machine; new machine, rentud. All make oid. repaired and exchanped. White Sewing Machine Store, H. D. Jones, prop., 420 Washington St., corner 11th. AFTER Nov. 1 we will be located In our new building at Front and Grant ste., 8 blocks south of new Madison-street bridge. We will continue to sell all kind of plumbing upplles. machinery, pipes, etc.. to all at wholesale prlc.-a. J. SIMON 4 BRO., Tho Trust Busters. New location Front and Grant sts.. WOOD cook stove, with water coll; cheap. 32.C4 latn st. Marsnitii EXCH ANWE DEPARTMENT. Fine list of real estate tn exchange. NORTHERN TRUHT CO., 270 Stark St. GOLD watch. 1S-kt., English Hunter, hy Benson, iionaon. auu v uhi, nlan. FOR SALE Double tandlng oak book keeper desk; original cu.i luuut ood order.MarshalllG4L i , SAFES Fir. and burglar-proor; ten ee- ond-hanc stanoara ma.... iw v i.. terms. Portland Safao..STSthst SEWING machines, ten perfect stitching, $3 each: flvo nice drop-heads, $12 each. 3.50 Morrison st.. next to iuii s ..iuu. FOR SALE 25-20 Winchester rifle, never been used but a tew nines, cnenp lur su. Ph one East 2072. FOR SALE Showcase., wallcase.. counters. General Ilxtures iu unit anu miui t order at lowest prices. 222 Grand ave.,8 BICYCLE for ..tie cr trade; also Airedale bloodhound Clog. A. year oiu. marsn. 1.14 Powell t. FINE diamond ring and fine gent' watch; can use horse, buggy, wacon or narness. fcOD E. 28th st CONCRETE rrJlxer for sale. David Dow & son, no- Lumurrm mo. ColN collection, or will trade for unla eumberert property. Ac. ..lit. t.iregontap. FOR SALE Edison moving-picture machine. complete. A ojo. urnni'ii'iui. A NICE collection of Alaskan Indian bas kets. I- e.ij. ttrepontan. DROPHEAD Wheeler & Wilson sewlnp ma chine: cheap. ;t.ii .Morrison, room FOR SALE Good Jersey cow. bO Portland oulevard. FOR SALE 4-room houseboat, cheap. G 524. oregonian HOME-MADE fruit cakes tr, order for Xrnas. Give your oraers now. rnoim r,. -jo. NEW $12.60 oriole to sell or exchange for baby buggy, l-none A mm. ONE standing desk and chair, table and carpet. AC 080, oregonian. ROOMS papered or tinted. Including ma terial. Xli.oll Up. P. .rcBQiii.ii. OVERCOAT, black, for Bale, $0. K S40, Oregonian. FINE roll-top desk. $30, worth $75. AaO Vancouver ave.. city. GENT'S Cleveland bicycle, iractically new in every way; a bargain. 2ii 4"h St. MAGNIFICENT diamond brooch at a very lOW price. rti'ienB t .''. B"" NEW $12 so oriole to sell or exchange lor baby buggy, r-nono a .010. FOR SALE One- oak bedroom set, one tna- hogany rocker. e-none, j zto. ALMOST new Superior Oak coal heating atove; also oak bookcase. Tabor ifizs. ALL the household (roods we have in our stores are reduced on account of extenglvo alteration being made to enlarge our floor .pace. For instance, extension tables, $3 to $12: buffets. $7.S0 to $22.S; ward robe. $4: dressers. $3 to $20: lihVary ta bles, $3 to $7.ro: center tables. $1 t $4: dining chairs. 50c 10 $2. .Mi; rocker. $1 to $7.30; armchairs, t to $3. HO; Job lot new ingrain rugs. 9x12. $0: several good ttxl2 Brussels and Axmlnster rugs. $10 to $1$; solid oak cabinet folding bed with mirror. $Ki; .14-fnrh eolld oak roll-top desk, $21: $43 ateej range, good as new. wit h water coil. $22.30; good No. o cook stove with water coil. $10; heating stoves. $1.73 to $12. o0: extra good value in bra. and Iron beds, fl.so to $27.50; two line oak morrl chair. $0.10 and $12 50; upholstered couch, $2.50: fine Japanese folding screen, $2. SO. nd lots of other bargains. The above articles are extra good value, much better than we have offered heretofore, and will not last long at these prices. Western Salvage Co., 543 and 347 Wash ington, between loth and 17th sis. Both phones. Main 110", A 87i3. MUST SELL AT ONCE. MAKE ME AN OFFER T. O. B. any point N. P. Ry., Jjetween centralla and Portland. , 144 pieces 6x8, 12 ft.. 8 Inchag. 30 pieces 4x. 16 ft. K04 pieces, tixR, 15 ft. 1.".2 pieces, ttxei, 24 feet. ,15.0011 ft.. 2x10. 12-18 ft., rough. 7H2 pieces. 2x8, 16 ft., surfaced lour sides. 1125 pieces, 2x6, 16 feet, surfaced four Ides. M P40 piece, 2x, 4 feet, surfaced four fides. , , 8 10x10 derrick sticks, 8S. 40 and SO. 8O11O odds and ends, 1 Inch and 4x6. Lumber In O. K- shape, been In use for three morths; free from pall; writa or wire. WILLIAM C. BAXTER, Kelso. Wash. FOR SLE. Engineers and Office Supplies. 1 2oti-ft. steel tape. Drawing tables of various. sixes. 1 Large case for drawing. Single flat-top desks. Chairs. Oak tables of various sixes. 1 Large safe. Glnhe-Wernicke filing cabinet. 1 Mimeograph. 1 Copying press. Apply to W i. S. BARSTOW at LOMrAItli 602 Electric bldg. MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. High-grade hand-tailored suit nd overcoats on ale. By my ytem of buy ing manufacturer'-ample. end of ltnea and cancellation oriiers from the Eat I ran sell vou $30 to JH5 suit and over coats for $18.73; $25 to $27.50 value for $14.7.".. Over Itioo garmente in atock. Re member my rent i onls- $30 a month. Jlinmle Dunn, loom 315. Oregonian. CASH REGISTER that forced down price, the American cash register: "operation lightning quick: no craiik to turn"; thing of beauty and a gain forever: en force, a splendidly practical system, mak ing mistakes impossible; low price; easy terms. W. R- Hignett, OTegon state agent, 46 East Stark St., bet. Grand ave. and th st., East Portland. Home phon B U7Q. . AFTER Nov. 1 we will be located In our new building at Front and Grant sts.. 8 blocks south of new Madion-treet bridge. We will continue to ell all kind of plumbing supplies, machinery, pipes, etc., to all at wholesale price. J. SIMON ft BRO., The Trust Busters. New locution Front and Grant st.. (EWINO machines, speolal aale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machine, of all leading make. Singer, Wheeler Wilson. New Home. Whit. Domestic. Household! and ethers, to make room for new singer 66 and rotary. Singer Bewlng Machine Stor, B. 8. Slgel. agent. MS Morrison su Phone Main 2183. A 4509. GENUINE Martin guitar, originally cost $43. only $211. Baker shotgun, only $10 at UNCLE MEYERS. 71 Sixth St. Between Oak and Pine. Phone Win. FOR SALE or exchange. Ransom automatic gas mat nine 01 -..-us".. " ' ' four-station caBh-carrior, rotary feed-cutter, for good typewriter, bicycle, Winchea ter take-down pump gun, 12-gauge; gun mut be of the latt make and in prime condition. ISO K. 0th t Eugene, Or. LARGE Iron standard brick machine com plete, with bolts, moulds, trucks and pal lets, or will sell separate. McMahon Bros., Brick Co., yards 45th and Division St.. east end of Richmond carline. Prion. Tabor 873. POULTRY HOUSES Manufactured In var ious sizes; all portable, suitable for Phllo system on city lot; reasonable In price, neat In appearance. Williams Bros., north of Gravs Crossing. Mt. Scott line. Phone, Tabor 02. - GOING East and will sell hlgh-claaa office furniture of 8 room. Including new burglar-proof aafe. 2 new rifles and hammer less shotgun; would consider exchange for good lot or earning securities. D 609, Or cgonlan. - FOR SALE 5-year-old cow, 3-year-old heifer. Red Polled Jersey. With calf b registered Jersey: will come In January and December; good milker and win be sold cheap. Addres or call W. J. Weber, Oak Grove, Or. GAS lamp, cost $S. Gas stove, cost 15. Hat rack, cost (X Will sell cheaa for cash. Call AT ONCE, list E. Yamhill si. THOSE fixtures and showcases made to order: showcases for $1.50 a fool and "P in East Portland. Showcase Vorks, 413 East nth St.. cor. Grant. , ..... . . r, . I. ... iwn UO I .1 . V rooted In pots, for Thanksgiving; beauti ful house and table decorations; Sou and up. phone oraer, aiain in-i.. THE Northwet Typewriter company. 22J Ahlngton bldg.. phone M. 8870. 1. Hi. oal company selling atrlctly tc" "bull. typewriters; puiiea t'v .. ONE Monarcn range, out. ing table, one commode, chiffonier, soma chairs anu some uianc 1 u . SOLICITORS Call at 115 Columbia street Monday after 10 A. M. ; we want to present to vou a clean, legitimate proposition; no capital or fiutnci".. n.,....-. SEVERAL beailiifui costumes only worn a few times, suttanie 10. wear. The Wardrobe Cleaning CO., 751 Wawhlngton st. ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER I ain go- ing East ana wain. i bi. ...j a r X ing machine: good as new. O a34, Or- COLUMBIA DlrV GR APHOPHONE-Wlth recorus; pm-c e-", u. Fnnin n. HNOER sewinir miichine. good as nw. for sale cneap; ieuvuiK . .-- - v take Alberta car to ?nx st. WANTED A younK thorouRhbrod hrnnta turKCV Roomer. - nne, ur. DHHKS. chairs, fine ground floor location ' . t.w, o a- ran t finh on prominent sirei. iu. ... ...... 50. K .H.'V Oregonian. BEATTIFUL uianiond locKet and ting at one-tmrn ne wib' -..-. u4:i. oregonian. y()R ALE Tribune bicycle, cost ISO, used two weens, sou iur - ommen-e. FOR SALE or trade, fine eiectrie reliabla 52tt wasnington t. IO.HO e.a... A SLIGHTLY used Boynton hot-air fur nace for ""-..'-room '"""'" .Vr.i.'-" s owner, hiii o OK1ENTAL pattern Brussela carpet 14x1 5 Macao am si. H P. stationary Alamo gasoline engine, mactically new. $73; cost SlwO: dra,tawr out ror eanie enepy. u e,.., WILL rent piano to responsible party, no children: reatunn"ie tn. Phone senwoon OR SALE lH-ft. launch. 2-hP- engine, $40 or will sell hull alone. Elmer An, rimne Main Mi. MULTIORAPH. fine condition. O 543. Ore gonian. GAS range. 0x12. Axnunster rug ; comni na tion bookcaae; 1 vcioiiTjnuna,,.;-.. BEMINOTON typewriter, flrst-claa condi tion. IIO. 4i:t Bucnanan diu. BABY carriage end go-cart for ale. 85 10th t., room o. , WAXTED- MlSCELAXEOrg. WANTED Wlncheter 12. gauge pump gun: must be of the latest msao aim in goou. condition. Ii1l E. Ninth t.Eugene,Or. wanted To buy second-hand auto case In gs and inner tubes. Cna. S. Elton, 43S Stark aL WANTFD A "good" typewriter in first. elas condition; Remington preferred. V 54. Oregonian. SEWING machines; family or power ma chines repaired. Main 4.VJ1. room 41. SEED cooker, second-hand, for ranch use. phone sellwood 547. WOUI D-you like your doll dressed before Ch'rls-masT Phone East 4642. WE buy everything and pay th pric to. Phone Marshall 28; WANTED Off lc desk and furnltura; must be a bargain. AL li2S Oregonian. W NTED -Large Airedale; must hav. ped igree; glv particular. B $14, Orsgonlan.