V v THE SUNDAY OKEC.OXIAy, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 20. 1910. ' D t , , . I r,TlTK HEAT, ESTATE. f REAL ESTATE. '. EEAL KTATK. 1 ?T5IVT5: BEAtTAm I E" " 5,007 For Salcj-Honses. - Til f I'l'Vl sl'LA. Onlr a f.-w I. .is lift n-ar M-h.enna Junction. The laet olptrui;ity to B'l '" Hi'.abi property iia monthly Installments laltno.i; Int. r-el is ral-l'iy p-aem- These b.'s uulv an tr.l.. In vj.uo J-n. Inlv.rsity IVark Is lb.' try hcrl ot f I'rr.imuU. Why not tv- x vinl i- ' 1t o...rtimitv l.nd buy n. f-w 1 st- . k -ill be loo lata. 5vlitl. pr.ce "". .-,.'. ). Unro ! m-ulhir -aithout In l' mi if all pajmrou are nmdo on or l- I r ci u . Cr'. A. MrKr'NNA & O.. t'.tT -nnit.-r.Ml M.m. .l.lln 4.-' A .HX as in Tuts nns an Irvinct.-n lot on whirl. h oaes IV II" writes: ell mt e.iil:v at hal jnu r.in set for II. Tt..s I" . fine - ..t a e.'lla be drslrec-r,-I s-irne nti Is go. rig t' gel a snap. An other mm 'J'l:r.st'n. u know ns well I ran Idl t..u. my Irvlnglon quarter b!k is ri. hlv "urth JIVO as values go. I nee.l Ih- rash, sill tins for $;' and gt m- .--islt hr -e the flrM f lh. month." There should be Iw small lntcst-m read' m grab trcaa rare snaps. JK.-K1H II. .H'HNST'IN. 2? Ifiii;r bl la;.. Washington and"th. Tils" l'ACII'l: REALTY .. Kai ing ll''l.. 3d and Washington. REAL EStATE SAUK. T-ot 4la. 10 good Portland eub'irb. -s'ora bu.'llni;s. rents f'r It prr m.nth. THIS IS A PXAI1 for IIU: I'M rash, ba aaca 10 prr month. A ool In- Plat hmltlinc. 4 fats, r. rml arh. x-l firna.aa. nlily finlahr.l. larra front hrh- rnmrr lot J-rir 13.'. nttm( H lir rnt on prlca asked; about 7". t?isri rrrjulrrl. IKVIXOToX tivm b.i'S cornrr .t oth"- In Ih'i ln.-uiv mr. aakinr f "r rortiwrs and llT.aJ for lntil-. We think this prt. niKhl lo fin.l a buyar. d.n'l youT o ptnna calls oa tala. $. aarh. II lots on I'atton avonua: soa thar. lots on ltru-e street; n.ako oi ler, must bo M. II AS KIN': I. Kit. .11 ltnls Idtia. FRACTInNAU IAT. WALKIMI il.-TANCli Tl-.l IS a b-aiTfv and a baraaln. f. I- IIAMMKKiiKIC Main '. Toom . I.uiul-ormrna HUIB. A -t" I- Also at amrrlfl. . samo listnrt. r.ar j...l s A.l l . Wiu. all ,r" srnirn.nli In and palJ tor. Only "". an I . J - rash. nrnvoNT. Tfrtlfio rornor. I - t-lo-ks from Kll" Iirr..nti ae : IT:.' '" ra'h. M fc.' l Klt.N ' U K N TKL.-r lC, T- Mark St. HUMUS S W1NTO.V. vnw 1 TUB TIMK TO r.I'V Tloslrc out K blo.ks o.isl fr.-ll Kenton's tna.n rrt. 1. I. .is I.Va. cralet "t'':1"; Hill Itun aater paM; .aaH; I1jw I'UtK'inc reatnt tlon. .....,- t-. 1. 1 iiii Ti:rsT riiMr.tM. Itoar.l of T.a'la bl.la . M j'n ,u " IIAVTHOKXKr.-T." NKKI Will s- II n.r e.jiiity ..f ll" l"T halan.-e ! m-nlhK; this I" ono h.t ..ia in this oiairi. i. M-1i"t brKisa vtl bo open Nov. :i rrlres a I.I wa; ui. c.nrr HI b atan.1tn on oith' '; rr Alst ano Haathorn frtav i.-iintuyi fr.m 1 to 4 l il.. or adJresa C 441. Ot S'iln. m:w mats. I. lj"at map of fortiand. Or., fl'laf rear additions elerlrtc l.nes. stc. I. 2i mils rlr. le of I'ort land's surroona tos givlnc lomn'hll. raniM and section numbrra. natr le-tric llr.aa anil railroads, rtr. I'rl'-a 0 cent' earn. Jn.1 stamoa. Tha Oalor Co. TrJ orbett bids'. CrtVNKK must sell at M( West Hda lot H'.lio. walklns- distsnio of main post offi.. !!" to thro carllnea. Il: farms. Ilra lnrlu.l-a bird aurfara streota. eement walk nil curb, sewer. XI srd undertiround mlrea. II oli LreRon lan. I -: It ioaAO. A'lclnlty K- "h and Froadway. Trrmi .1'k nown. J. J. l.KI'Klt. It'st KS-ste. Itentais. .VotarT Puhlle. for. ;ran1 Ave. and K. Ankeny. MKU;'ITS ti.NAI'. f"na quarter-blo.-k with tinohstrticted rllw. near ear: clol- neis hbi.rhood and nair lleichts flab. Thsr is nothins Ilka t K is at the urii-e. Htvi. on terms Slam it. V. ItltYAN. A 152T. i0 Chamber of f otnnierre. j.f TS r'utiira busln.sa l.-atlona. If u are d slroua of srcurins a future o.-stlon for your bulnsa. cloao In on tha West Side. 01 a sir.rtly business street, at tha rl-el-'uu.us pnra of k. Investljate. (ood terms. AK at I. treonlan. A t-XAl' Two rh'l.e lota. rJil"A failn F. st between Tillamook and IUaw. on at ITih. In a eh.d.a resinned district: vrtew l.JJI. ona-tnird raall. balance yrv rent lcfarar. llal.a LJvcly. Jll Va'I'n M'ig. t uarKM.KII to sacrlce; for sale, two lots eh. an f"r rah tf taken at once; hue to I ... s-..,.inA- in mnai deSlrmBI lorft It.' In elty; on of tna beat oarsatna had. fall cwner. Phone Main Tlt.4. room Hours 4.-1 and S-T V. M. TWO nEAt'TIITL !TS. In Nob Hill district: finest realdsnea district; will sell srearato If desired; lo raiion Pettyrova a:., between :ttti and - ..h ZIMVKKMAV. ! Hoard of Trada Ttldr. aoxTo riiK.N'KK on Kaat Harris. n: tino sue for flsta or stores, riosw to l.ld s Addi tion: l.tT.Vi; IJJJU eash. balanie 3 years. T per cenU A. J. CAXT.NTR. 4 rw llanry M.lr.. 4th and Oak s'a. )OU can buy a lot near Hoea flly 'ara for rradrd streets, cement alde- wslks and curbs. Hull Hun water, elec tricity, telephone. building restrict lone. Provident ln. a Trustee Co., ba4-oa Board of Trade bids'. mii-sT. nriuniNO lot. A floe level i"xi. lot. nest t comer rt! and Tilibits. $;). keep your eyea on ;th at.: terms to sHl buver. Ions; time, easy paimenta. 41s Railway tf chaoae. 2.AI.T leavlne tlie die must sell at a sac rifice beautiful buildinc site. liMraimi. far ln on two streets, aru ms swell resl.tencra nrir Hawthorne car: of entire city, l-hone mnrninn. Msr'hall lt . IKVINl'.TON LOT On rial at., east front, close In. SlV.u. Also choice Irvinaton lot for llt'li. terrrs. f. U RAMItKROEIt. Vain Room 2. Uumhermena Ittilrr. A t'- IIUlNllTHS S.M'KIr If K. fteatit. fully situated lot. near rarllne: sr'endld bur for bome or Investment. 8 r.ai. orca-or.tan. $1A f ASH and .". per month buys a fine level lot. a bio. ks to Mi. Scott &c car. cuy water and streets rrs.led ii'oi.Kr msin-r, ni TWtl rt. a .i TS .n.snrt. M".NT A VII.UA. (I"N. This Is a'-'Ji per lot and alaoluiely tha greatest be-aln In cite. Vrerl W. Ger man. :!? Hurn.lde sr. Msla -TT4. fcuMF: choice apartment altea on A'est si.le tr-at can be made in net H per cent for pale at vere low prices. M. K. Lee. 411 forbett bide;. " JTihI. "oIOO. Commercial street. In Central Alhlna. . ., I'KHI KT P. LKNT. 4tT Corbett Ttlt'.g. KI.AT SITE. For ri.Vn. spot rash I will sell finest awetiihn corner on Itclmont. worth $4'au. nwn-T. 'l'. Itelmont St. J CASH will bur a Tery llllth-clMS In come pr.ip.rrr In the brat section of Sort U TN.rtlsnd paving over in per cent net. XL K 411 f-rbeit bide;. I) t'-a KAf H Two Irv inaton It.ts. ,fc'th and lth. beteerl Kll'kllat and Kreemont; s rash: Improvements In and bonded. Uaner. Htccjow. IT. Ks. A tf"4.V CRKAT ai' RIF1CE Iata 1. 2. and "d. block, I. Meadow I'ark Ad. I. I'rlce fuo n't Address t'eatoSlca Horn WT. bealt.e. aah. LAIRFUIU'IIST have two choice lota that I can sell f.,r each If sold by Kov. IMrd. L. a. t .re son I a n tQI'lTV In f.nest lot In lrvtnstoci for saia at a bargain erlfire. I'hone Xarshall l.".l. between 1 and 4 P. XI. Ask for John son. Hr'Al IIKI'U Kael lew lot. near Reed I m veraiiy. 1' down: snap. u oJL. Ore gontan. Rt'SC f ITT PARK Full lot. east front. Improvements In. cash or terms: be.ow market price. Owner. 3Vi Knott. yon ALK lt on Broadway, loaesloo. fac ing south and east. S li-u. Inquire Own er. MUUnomah et. L4.T-1 on ML Scott line n-ar Stuart atatloh. must sell. Phone .'I4 XL Call 10 4th et. H. Christoffcrsen. - Vs;w bongaloer s.te on Tortland Keighta .lti. tine, to carlme: fliha, terma. H Ml. treg-nlAn. V ESI M' "TRtUAN D Ita.vloO. fine location. at $a'S below the real value, must this week. Phone Main frjvC. cloee-ln Irvlngtoo lot. value IlIKoO: leavtrg city: ,tnake cash offer. A .ginlan a LA Ft el bullying lots, el.ae to car. ."' 'slJI: l.o down and la a month. M. K. lee 4M forbett Mdg. IN.,.H Near l'tb and a'larkamaa; beau- if-tl corner. I'hone Main 1'". IJ.-o F.wL'ITV in ITivo lot. must sell. i:a) cash. 'l a l'"h. near stark large llawrho ta ave. lot, cheap; terma. H M otsobLsjw - i - . i I- or- tin a hduim. I r or Bale iwwn. i - -' " - , i 1 l ...uu SNAP. lfMlvincl corner on !( t?lh afreet. b:o.-ka from W. rarllne: cement I'l-e-walks In. Price onlv Iwti. or will sell Mix loo corner for W; Inside lot for I far. terms. A splendid Investment and the cheapest buy in that locnhty. KAI FF.MAN.V MOOKK. 3'J.' Lumber K&clianfie. eu"9A feet on Hancock, between led and o-'.lh streets, hard -surf .ti e streo. water rnairta. g..a. etc., sidewslk and curb paid for. Will sell for Jill") plus bonde'. as sessment of about S4imi. Must sell at once. ner. M Sin, Orcgonlan. f. v I i ; 1 ttt-nsT nx riiaIN. Hare an e.jullv ..r l- 1" t rholra lot. N. w. quarter, that I will soil for e-'.oO; balance duo $"'. Improvements all In and only I Mock to rarllne. ini I- n l.rtrVtln. sure. II ."'42 oreronlutK KAST SIIKRMAN AXI) 41ST STHKKTS. I'lrhl l.o- -alvl.Ul eeen- 1?N1 Cl-tl W'll handle: price fil.a. lioouell Bros.. 4.13 W 'r.-ester bliie. ItiiSK 1'ktv Park g.L'.O.- man: east-front lot all Improvements inrlud.-d; worth ICo near car. I'hone .Main 4144. I bargain, fine lot In Westmoreland at contract price of one year ago, equity J.'iat. Owner l .V1. I rr.ar.nlan. X.nT livtih. e.Md locality, improvements a! In; no agents. phone A 40C1, or write J .Id. Oreci.ntan. l.l FKK.T on Jiroadaay. sirhtl). r.orth of I-aiirrlliural. one I.I'-M-k to c.r: Sir.iO. A-tOU r.y.ri I'hone even inc a Main 3o.U. IJT.-. CLINTON St.. a, block. l.-uxl"0. cor ner: terms. tiooda. ll Bros.. 41 W or cevter Mdg. LOT oO-Iini. South Mt. Tabor. 67th and not ave. ; w ill avil at a bargain. AL. IVaU, Ore gon! tn. C It 11 AT sacrili.e: full lots. 112.10 cssh. far one block. Irviugton Park; owner. A 5o".. Oieironlan. XIARSHFIEUIl. fooa llv. lots I.V.. roust sell, part cash. AD Ml. Oregonlan For bale lloosea. 8 LOTS AND KOC.se OF I ROOMS. ?3;00. lots with IT cherry trees. prunes and T at.nl.. trees and all kinds of berries, good nouae, barn, fine well, heaultful view of the river. S'lrroimded with line homes of port. and s business men; 4 blocks of the beet streetcar ttne, one that was never laid tin last Winter when all the rest were knocked out by tha snow; only lllioo. I2.0 DOWN AND Hi TKK MONTH. "Will buy a tt-room modern bungalow In a nice ncjgM'Orhood where there Is sewer and an: the rooms are all tinted In sun dued shades: the woodwork la dark stained, heautifiinv grained; lnii.-h kitchen, large bathroom, neat fireplace. cem.nt bns ment with laundry trays south frontsre. full front porch : also rear I.orch: lot O.'iloo. r"-oer : 2 bio. ks from rur: about 11V minutes out; price only J"0. We Tiave iipwarila of 2 on new houses from which you mae select the sei-tion of town you v. I-h. ranglr.s In price from 31650 to lio.tesx WVXX JOHNSOV CO.. fultea .." o-rllnter llldg., 'd and Alder. Phone Mar.!.a!l H4v. A 2X1 '.V HAWTHORNE PARK. Beautiful O-room modern house on K. Talor. bet. Ullh an.l 14th; two fire. . . . m den e. .ment t.aeement. furnace. polished floors, plate giaaa windows, full ..t 1.0x100. For further particulars In quire of Jll'FF-Kl.rTINSORUE FTLMER. 418-1U Hoard of Trade bldg. t.l.jvi NfTtr -ronm residence, wash tra: I'uleri kltrhen. built-in buffet, piped for furnace, gaa and electricity, large lot. 31.0 down. 3.t-,nn Beautiful new ".-room and alrora residence, strictly modern, on K. 2'.th st., 1 blocks of car; cement sldewalka, etc; fi'e Ml O.OWn. The Lawrence Co., sureessona to Itinn-T-a. re nee Co.. 24S Alder at l'hones Xlaln ai-aia, A 2li. WKST etlPK REPinKNCE. Near 13th and Hall, high tip. with the grandost views In Portland. Owner wishes to go to l rant ana win sou nn. view residence, largo ievr porches, furnace, fireplace, all modern conveniences: will give terma to reeponstb!e party. Property will be the most valuable cloae-ln prop- are u I'nrtland. New Hall-at. terrace makee It nice walking distance. I'hone Kast or 14 ll4. ra-room house. IISOO, ino down. 120 a month. 5-r.m house, I20O0, I00 down. 125 a month . u-roora house, 2Co0; $23 down. 123 a month. Tbcee housea are nicely finished, bsth. and ail convenlencea. Apply Drove 4a Ititaen, 44 K. auth and Head St.. Munta- villa. IllNCALOW WITH FCUNACK. Half block from car. only IT mlnutea ride, awell locality, awell exterior, hand somely finished throughout, hardwood floors, buffet, beamed celling, big fire place: furnace, very complete, large rooms, fan give immediate possession. Will toke l.'.ai from responsible psrty. Yon csnnot build aa cheap. I'hone F.ast or It 1 l4. s 4iHl rt IU M IMS It'), a -room miMlerw house, one oloclc from car. lot tnvlo.1. fine lawn, plenty of roees. rement bseement and walks, fireplace. Dutch kitchen; ever) thing first-class and must be seen to be appreciated; for the money thia cannot be beat: l-'floO. I4U.I taafl. balance terms. This is on the Mount Scott line. Open eiundaya 9 till 2 P. XL Nlmmo, Hnney Co., M3 Hsmliton bldg. 1 lao N'T XKED THK XloNKi. I am the owner of a nice new 5 -room bungalow In Arleta: I have no use for It: It is nesr Thankagtvlng : I am thankful for the prosperity of the past year and am willing to give someone a "lift.' The p-ir will bo right, the terma well, you name them. Ton will have to hurry. Y.. K. MI1.I.KK. 410 Worr.-strr bldg. WALK I MI distance At great sacrifice, beautiful strictly modern h -room houae In choice Kaat Side district, noaioo lot: non resident owner aaya. "Sell for IUoOO; terms." '. U BAMBEROEIt. Main 24. Room 2. l.umlermani bltlg. A 21$. S::;." IH'TS en-room modern house on corner near Morrison st. ; electric car west o: Kast 2'th st.; ail Improvements In snd paid for: alfo furnace and gaa heater; 3 e'd down snd 13d per monih; 7 per rent Interest: this Is n snap and go quick. phone own-r. It 1TX r.tiFoitt: vol- n'tr on sell, ski: detsh a w1twer Specialists In Real Estate For the Man of Moderate Means. BOARD OF TRADE BUMS. Real Ketate, Rentsls. lnsursnce. $Mt CASH HI V8 S rooms, large lot a.'.xlin ft., one block from csrllne. more ground nest to this plate If you prefer at .i per lot: price ."..) down. $13 month. National Realty Trust Co.. 32rt Washington St.. room 51H. WANTKD Kxchange Ilaaj eulty In S-room modern house, firat-clasa condition. Ar-leta-Mt. Scott line, for lot with or with out small house: any part of city near car. balance I'OO easy terms. Phone owner. East 4S3I. IFOR SALE for rash, owner leaving city: room house, almost new. every conven ience: Kit Wral.Hi, on Overton at.. Gold smith's Addition: cement walks and hard eurfnee streets: only block from carline. Ap ply AJ. 34 1. O re gorilan. " $iVMIO. Two-family flat, new and modern, nice location. K. 14th and Davis, lor partlcu- U J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave. and K. Ankny. HELP US OCT. We have several customers waiting for houses priced at about l:.'.no to 31uo. Call NORTHERN TRl'ST CO.. ;:n Stark Street. U L.N OA LOW NEAP. HAWTHORNE AVE. (2IMKI. l nO DOWN. Juat flntslied: five large room a large at tit-, lot ia'vll". 1274 Madison, near 441b. See owner Sunday. LiST of cholca buys In Vernon and Alberta i and 7. room modern houses, ranging from 12.-. to $4in: beat buya In the cltv. a9 Commercial blk.. Id and Waeh Ington. $i-i i)e .ash. balance monthly; no mort gage to aa.ume. for beautiful a - room mod ern, furnished. Toone Marshall 1117, room 1 A EK.I.00K. a-room colonsl home, new, one bio. k to R-S car. b0 Capital ave. : reasonable rent. Inrtuirw 422 Chamber of a'omrnerce. Main S.'7i. X Bl'lLD bouses. anMhlng ou want, cau f'irnun lots: will make terma to suit you. K E. Miller. 430 Worcester bldg. M. lllJO; gV-KOOM house, brsnd new. &c fare, cloea to atatlon: 4 100. J1V1 eaah. IIO monthly, phone Sunday East l'.tH. n!4 a 'ouch bldg. $j" t'Ar.lt bus a modern 6-room houae 111 Joneamore; all modern convenlencea: 2 blot ke from rarllne. Phone Marshsll 214. BI"N; LOW. 31'i.si. .'- doan and month. Ooddsrd. t'.tS Board of Trade MODERN G-roo:n bungalow. Ill; au North. Mo a - WALKING DISTANCE. KAST WASIUNUTON STREET. Modern 8-room house, fine corner lot, BOxUxi. on East 12th. near Washington; a bargain at t!0uo. 3""0 cash, balance on mortgage. K. R. MAHKHAM. 1'iV. Gerllngcr BltlS.. ISecond and Alder. 17.-.0. Tltiva n well-built co-tag and a fine ohxlisl lot: ahort walk to car: owner has left tha cltv. selllne at a sacrifice. Call at Gregory Holghts office today; end of Boss City park carline. GREGORT INVESTMENT CO. NEW BI'NGAUlW SLNNVsIl'E. i rooms and large attic, light closets In bedrooms, full cement basement with wash tubs, house Is doube construction and In terior finishing la of the very beat: wired and piped for electric light and gas; Dutch k.tchen with every bulll-ln con venience; dining-room beamed and pan eled, bullt-ln buffet and window seat, living-room, open fireplace and bullt-ln seat: this nouse has to be seen to n" iuni "' preeUted; price 3?l: terms. I'hone Main 4"o. n 6ll, oregontnn. 3-ROOM B1XUAI.OW. Close In. st tire price of property sev eral mile further out. SERVED BV THREE CARLINES Strictly modern and a hlgh-clais Iljtia bungalow, for sale by owner; street Itn pt ovements. cement sidewalk, sewer, gas, electric light, with swell gas and electric natures; all you have to do la to move In: new house; owner hag lived there only few months: smsll down pavm.nl, balance monthly. Marshall 331. A 3120. . BARGAIN. IRVINGTON HOME. R rooms, oak floors, paneled dining room and den. beamed ceilings, full ce ment basement, furnace, combination fix tures; liard-eurfa.ee streets, cement walks, curbs, water, gas. electric, nil In nnd paid. A new and modern home on easy terma The price, .'.7."i0 la less than you can duplicate for. Take Irvlngton car to Knott street. Ree E. I- Mills, exclusive agent, at office, Kent 18:h and Knoit. rhone East 17'.1. WE' HAVE A NEW. fi-ROOM Bungalow that the owner has told us to sell; its In the Rose City Pa'k district, east from this. Is worth about 33500; come In snd get our price. WESTERN OREGON' TRUST CO., 272 Stark St, HOME on Willamette Heights, beautiful -room hotiso. Swiss chalet stylo, with thru rllicent view of mountains; new and h every modern convenience; three sleep ing rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, bnrdwood floors, good car service; price l.'.T'Mi. tvn easy terms. This Is a snap and should he picked up at once. McCargar, Bates ft Lively. Sir. Falling bldg. BELLE CREST. 7-room house, well built, all modern In everv way; near car. at the low price of s:i.iMj. Terma to suit. See owner, 331 64 th St.. or MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY. S W. Cor. flth snd Washington sta. 1S24 HOUSE. 43x100 lot. locsted at Whltwood Court, on 3c car fare; from this lot you have a view of all the snow-rapped munnins. Willamette and Columbia Rivers for miles. House snd lot for lees thsn the price of a lot nesr by; onlv 4.".0. '.0 rush snd 1' per month, 312 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oalc streets. VOI R OWN TERMS. I24.-.0. Will put you In possession of a. new, modern, complete fl-room cottage on lot 4'ixlnO; cement walka. graded street, cltv wsler. sewer: close to good t-arllne. If you have 1 1 Ml to 2f and want to put your rent monthly Into a home of your own. see me about this. Owner, room 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark ats - 4-ROOM RESIDENCE. fyvglOO lot and 4-room cottage, at Bt. Johns. 4 blocks car. ono block public echool. rlty water, electric lights. 4 good rooms besides closet, bnth and toilet: plsstered and walls tinted; price only 3ia7.1. ar.n cash nnd 312 f.O per month. Owner. 312 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. WE HAVE S.iMU CHOICE LOTS ON WHICH TOU CAN HAVE A HOME Bl'II.T TO SUIT BT A SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE F.ASV MONTHLY TERMS. PIONEER CONSTRUCTION CO.. ot'2 OREUONIAX Bl.Dt. BHI'Olli: YOU BUY OR SELL, tjEfcl DETSCfl WITWER, fSPECIALISTS IN REAL ESTATE FOR THK MAN OP MODERATE MEANUl. Hoard of Trade lildg. Real Estate. Rentala. Insurance. A SNAP Beautiful Hawthorne ave. home. fl rooms, panned anu araiori in latest style, electric lights, gas. bath, toilet on each floor, furnace, fireplace; modern throughout. Inquire of owner. 1173 Haw thorne ave. FOR QUICK SALE, m -story bungalow. Rose City carline, 3 rootna first floor, can finish 4 rooms up stairs: best built house In district; for few days, 334i.'0; easy terms. Owner, 1: o box; . I'KICE reduced 10 every day until aold. I'rlce Nov. It. ailloo; terms. ii cssn and J20 monthly. Lot 4DxloO. old five room houae at 11S4 East Grant at., near 411th. Sea agent at 300 Henry building, A 1133 ROSE CITY PARK. Easy terms; &-room bungalow, all mod ern and beautifully finished, double con struction; v-0 under the market: near car. price only 11400: make us offer on terms. Owner. I'. O. bog . DEAL with owner and builder; atrlctly modern, weti-uunt oungainws; an sizes. I2000 to $'J700. Clock'a Addition. Take XI t. Scott car t" Powell Valley rogd. go east 3 blocks. Owner on premises. Near Mt. Tnhor Park. I'hone Tabor H42. BFST buy In Irvlngton New, attractive. 8- room modern i... e nirinarci, nam wood Boors, hsndst me fixtures. Duplex slisdes, elegant location; near "I" car; T 1 '' terms. A H 323. Oregonlam llo.'.O NEW 6-room partly famished bun galow, o biOCKS Ml. CCt.il tic car, iuii ujh- ment: best buy In Vortland. party going East on account of sickness. II1G1.EY tt BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. BEAUTIFUL 9-room residence, ino-ft. cor ner overlooKing miiiaiiwi. t.aa noors, handsome bullt-ln work and every mod ern convenience: must Bell. Owner, 423 l.umbermens bldg. Phone XI. Coon. lit VI NGToN Our homo for ft':30; see It; beautiful living-room, naniawm iiii.. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, den. lovely bed rooms, enclosed sleeping porch. T 633. t. irt gonlan. a rtooM modern bungalow, lot SOxlie). block of car; lllloo. ISllO caah; this is a bargain. Inquire 111a Mlmont Phone Tabor o. BY owner. new A-room bungalow; all lm- .v-,i tateat atyle: one o:ock from irrtw- tliorne ave.. at 471 h at. For particulars call Id" IH" L s- Herns FOR SALE by owner, new, modern. 6-room hOUSe, corner IOI. cement saiaa auu ua.e ment, one block from Hawthorne ave. Inquire 1231 Hawtnorne. BY OWNER d-room house. 100x100; fruit treea. roaes by tne nunnreu. n.'Kani ia 11. splendid location. Take W-R car, 600 Kenllwortn ave.. joy leet iroiu tar. 00 lyoWN and 120 per month, new o-room bungalow, lot 30x100. S block W-li car, everything atrlctly modern H liil.rll a: ni.invr, u, t.....w . . Bl'lLD NOW AND SAVE MONEY. If vou own lot and have little caah will build and finance. A. C. Furlong, tent Chamber of Commerce. Foil SALE On Ankeny carline. not far out. neat little nouse 01 n rma. snap at I170O; !00 cash required. Phono East 2 1 Hi. llllsj BUYS tl-room plastered house, loo Xeut u scoll lc cur; lot v"."o. HIGLEY ft BISHOP. 132 Tl.lrd St. OK sALK loexltle. modern S-room bouse. alast coucn at., aitiiua.iua, uroa ab pl Laue-Davis Durg Co. Ft.R SALE 6-room house, everything mod ern anu complete. ..nr ta, wimi aentMii; 31:700: no agents. Phone Tabor t07. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest fl room house In Irvlngton. 4 110 E. 201 h St. N. Call and see It. 10 IHJW.V. 31a per month, a-room unfln- isnea nwite. - " ' - - . s blocks from car. I'hone Woodlawn "471. NEW bungalow. 30xlOO lot. close In: mod ern, terms, fee owner aun a a. ji. iu Sumner at. BEAUTIFUL 0-room house, new and mod ern; fine location; terms. ay Mnri. rooQa East 3t'.27. IB VI NGTON tinsp. If tsken In three dsvs from owner, r.iegsnt 1 -room new nouse, .-.0 dosn. AC 632. Oregonlan. HOUSES. BUNOALOWS. FLATS. BLAISDELI- SHOI'P DALY. 31a Railway Exchange. WALMT PARK rtsi.Uncc, vty modem. near 1 canines, aitea iunutj, owaer, v; lrtTs. a-lUM.M furnished house with 4 lota, 12.100; quick. Tabor 23.12- ."Atfl a rooms. mdern, terms. 430 M a g - nolle. WoeKllswn. NCW modern. 3-roem bungalow, at Wood- t. eiavmenta. Tabor 2co OX THIS LIST TOU WILL FIND SOME VERY ATTRACTIVE HOMES. AND REASONABLE TFRMS ON ALL OF THEM. $ri2..0 7. room modern houae. lot 100X ISO. on K. Xlorrts.'n street. $.12.".o ll-room modern hause. full lot, on Corbett st. 4mh -room modern house. lot 50x200, St. Johns carline. .... ;l.VNi fi-room, modern house, full lot, on Corbett st, 3..tio 7-room. modern, attractive noroe on Waverlelgh-Rtchnmnd car. JS.-.ini t'.-room modern house. In Vernon; eles-Hntly located. eo.'.iiO rt-room modern bungalow (new), on cor. opposite PIcdmonL S;:'.tin .".-room modern cottage, lot box 1im. on Xlt. Scott carline. gr.r.oo Fine, modern homo In w nlnut Park. gji'iin .-.-room cottage In pernor. ll-joo a nice, cosy little home of four rooms, corner lot. on MT. SCOTT CARLINE. ,., 31000 Small house and barn. lot loox 10". E. Clny st. ... . , , , tiAon o-room house. 14 block from Montavlila carline; full lot. IU11U 5-room house, 1 blocK. from t.t. Johns carline; would consider exchange for team of horses to value of 340O as part of nurchase price. -OTTO HARhlSON REALTY CO.. 133 is First St. BETWEEN BELMONT ft HAWTHORNE. New r.-room bungalow, I2300, email pay ment caah. New .Vroom bungalow, with large at tic. 13130. small payment caah New 2 -story 0-room houre, 12700, small payment cosh. New m-story bungalow. B-room, a tile can be mad" Into 2 good rooms; jJJtjOO. small caah payment. New 2-story 0-room house, strictly tip-to-date. 34000. llooo cash. Call sir. Guthrie. Columbia Trust Co., 84 4tn, Board of Trade. PAY $30 A MONTH. NO OTHER FIRST PAYMENT NECES SARY. r.KAUTIFlai. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. NOW RE.t4Y FOR OCCUPANCY. In ilonsavilla tin restricted cUstrlct); neighborhood ni'St-classj I have Just fin ished a beautiful six-mom cottage: It Is large six and lias every modern conven ience; lot has n number of full-bearing fruit trees; pay 330 a month (which lu t'ludea Interest) and own a beautiful homo; price 320.VO. A. N. Searle. Take M- ear. get off E. Tilth st. Office on the corner (open Sundacsl. Auto to show property. ATTRACTIVE HOME. MODERATELY' PRICED. Naw li-room house, porch across entire front, large reception hall, with seat, living-room haa fireplace with- book shelves and seals on either side, paneled dining room with beametl ceiling, large Dutch kitchen, finished tn enameled white, s rooms, hall and bath upstairs, full base ment, furnace, electric lights, piped for gas. corner lot ROxlOfji.j, bearing fruit trees: located In fast growing district, 20 minutes out on Hawthorne ave. car: lib eral cash payment, balance eaay terma. phone owner. Tabor 303. BARGAIN-COUNTER PRICES. I have two 6-room bungalowa for sale on easy terms. The price Is I23O0. You mny have your choice of theso If you come early. They will be sold today. Take Meunt Scott car to Section Line (Just south of Hawthorne avenue) and go one block wcat to 40lh at., then south to No. 60s. BEAUTIFI'U new. 8-room house, on East 1Mb street, near Knott, In fine Irvlngton district: modern In every detail ; largo living-room with fireplace; beamed colling In den and dlnli.g-room : solid hardwood Honrs, handsome Interior finish, full ce ment basement and furnace; four bed rooms, large sleeping porch and attic; price reduced to li.r.00; a big bargain at Oils price. McCargar, Bates oi Lively, 1113 Falling bldg. 3-ROOif New, modern bungalow, close to carline; Improved atreet: a bargain at 321O0. Terma. call today at Gregory Heights of fice end of Rose City Park rarllne. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. OWNER will sacrifice verv attractive, mod ern l-room residence, very oest rcaiin'im locality; close In; house haa every modern convenience; hot-water heat; hardwood floors, plate-glass windows, buffet kitchen, separate toilet and bath; hard-surface pavement on street. Part cash, balance 6 per cent. Only those wanting fine East Side home will be Interested. Prudential Loan Trust CO.. -119 Commercial Club bltlg. BUNGALOW. 3250 CASH. New. 6-room modern bungalow, lot 44x ino. has fireplace. Dutch kitchen, gas. electricity, cement sidewalk, one block to hard-surface street; same distance to a business center; 8 blocks to the W-R car line; close In; price 12030. 2j0 cosh. balance terms. KARNOPP KOPF. 2 Chamber of Commerce, XIaranall ,oi4. L,IMfl i 2 houses, one ft rooms, the other 8 rooms, corner luOxlOO. cement walks, re stricted neighborhood, close to car, within 3-mlle circle; no incumbrances; owner lscks funds to complete, therefore the low price 31o0; will give responsible pur chaser most liberal terms; small cash payment and long time at 4 per cent, V BRUBAKI1R ft BENEDICT. 582 McKay Bldg- 3d and Stark. . T . n. It . f'iUT WESTMORELAND HOME. No cash. 13.1 per month: d-room. 2-story house, fine cement basement; laundry tubs etc The price Is right, and being near the Reed Institute. It will grow In value. See owner at office, cor. Mll waukle and Tolman. Open Sunday. LARGE R-room house, on corner lot. PoxlOO. 2.,.. .. ... V.,.. Te.'ln..ton district: On 1 lllBIIIooit, ail ' e. . house la modern end practically new ; two stnr.ca with attic large enough for three more rooms; price !00. on easy terms; a fine bargain at this price. McCargar. Bates ft Lively. 315 Falling bldg. 30x100 lot at St. Johns and 3-room house, well built, but not finished nslde; Plenty of wood on lot for a year: buy this and save 110 per month rent: looO. J..0 cash and. 1 10 per month. Owner, 312 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. S-room house, splendid condition, built by owner as a home. Will sacrifice. See It today. 210 Falling street, or MERCHANTS SAVINGS ft TRUST COMPANY. r W Cor, flth and Washington sts. XiODERN and attractive 0-room dtvelllrg. on Clackamas, near East 2dtli: lot 60x123; tine location, house practically new and very attractively arranged; price, with street Improvements all paid, 34700; good terms. This Is a bargain. McCargar. Bates ft Llvely.315Falllng bldg. SFVFN-ROOM modern house, close In. on Fast Ash- lot 80x100; fine lawn, fruit trees and ahrubbery. This Is nn elegant home. Only ISOOO; worth 110,000. Owner must h'mTFnTyft BISHOP. 132 Third St. SIX-ROOM modern bungalow, ISth. near Alberta; 12000 and upon monthly pay- """"tHE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 1ii2 Fourth St. Main S3. A S.loo. NEW h-room modern house on a sightly comer 415 14th St.. opposite Portland Academy Unobstructed view, choice neighborhood. l'.".oo. 13200 cash, balance easy; terms. Owner. H. XI. Tomlmson, Cltv 'Hall. WEST SIDE. 8-room house, cement basement, fur nace etc near 23d. onlv a few blocks of Washington at. This Is a bargain at ItlOisi terms. 42j Fullinc bids. G-ROOXI modern house, electric light, belli, pas basement. 12 tine fruit trees. East . v . blocks Union ave. I'rlce i'.loo half cash, east front, s HIGLEY ft BlSHOP.132TH I R D ST. MODKRN 7-room house, fine location, worth I "000; price I10OO: ff00 caah, balance easy monthly payments. CON ANT REALTT CO.. Room 3. 2.1Q ij Alder. MODKRN almost new. R-room house. . lots fruit trees: splendid place for chick ena'and small fruit: 13 mln. from Morri son bridge: IIO00, bal. terms to suit. M r.l'el. Oregonlan. 30 -10 CASH ard balance easy for a 7-room furnished boarding-house. lot r.OxlOO. In Portsmouth Addition, near car. Price, h icN.'ET ft BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. NEW" modern S-room bungalow, cement basement: ready to move In Price l-MOO, noo cssh. See owner at 4tn and Madi son, or call Tsbor a mfty 4-room house with bath and toilet; I137S 130 cash. 312 SO per month. S12 Lewis bldg- 4th and Osk. MY new 6-room house. modern: price 123.-: mortgage, must go at once. -2XiH East Morrison. toilet, lavatory. Phone, East 2.41. WANTKTY A buver for a swell 5-room bungalow on 3Sth and Clinton, on a 50x100 lot: 10O feet from carline. cement basement, wasn traye. gas and electricity, i'rlce 32500. A small payment down, the balance like rent. ALSO. Swell 6-room bungalow on East Grant at- near XIarguerlte. ave. Full cement basement,- v. ashtrays. woodlift. dutch kitchen, paneled dining-room. fireplace, large hall: lot Is 40x100; several fruit trees: vard Is graded nnd In lawn; a swell buy. Pries Is 33.100. small payment down, balance like ront. ALSO. ' Good T-room house, basement, furnace, fireplace. 3 bedrooms, large living-room, large dining-room, bullt-ln china closet on corner lot .10x'J2. Price 337.10. or will en tertain a trade on farm or vacant lots. I will allow a buyer I1O0 off the above prices If selected today. OWNER. 434 Marguerite ave. Phone Tabor 18ol. IRVLNGTON SNAP. Ifiono s-ROOM HOUSE 3o00. Irvlngton New 8-room house. hard wood floors; has hall, parlor, fireplace, dining-room. den. kitchen pantry and toilet downstairs: every bullt-ln modern convenience: finished with beautifully grained Oregon fir: beautiful electric light and gaa fixtures: upstairs has one extra large bedroom and two Rood-sized bedrooms with closets, sleeping-porch and large bathroom with toilet: also etarret largo enough for two rooms; lot 60x100, wide parking. asphalt streets. cement walks and curbs, sewer, water and gas. nil paid: electric lights; located between Union ave. and Irvlngton carline: the best buy In Irvlngton and a real snap. A. BACKUS. 510 Board of Trade Bltlg. A FINE BUY FOR A HOME. New six-room house: has a hall, a den. hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled walls, built-in buffet and bookcases; Du'ch kitchen, stationary washtubs. woodlirt, furnace, two tollete and standard plumb ing and a full cement basement; street Improvements paid; located In Rose City Park. Price :i.10; easy terms. Fone or coma to the office. H. H. URDAHL. 603 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall 1S.1S or A 334.1. 10-Tt"OM house, looxino. on Broadway: OSOO, lion down. IrtO per month. Includ ing Interest. This is a snap. See us at 0n"cO-OrERATIVE REALTT CO., 6'n Railway Exchange, Marshall 223S. A 1274. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES, j ,-,000 Bungalpw, 8 rooms, strictly mod- rj5000 Bungalow, 7 rooms. Nothing bet- r Hino Bungalow. rooms. See this one. $:l6r,0 Cottage. 6 rooms. This Is a snap. 33,00 Cottage, 6 rooms. Cannot be du plicated. Several others ranging In price) from $21U0 up. Cosh or easy payments. C. B. LUCAS. Ill Corbett bldg. U)EAL BUNGALOWS. Of the Anderson type, which means something different: beautiful combina tions of tinting and staining. hardwoo floors, fireplaces, bullt-ln cabinets and eases, improvements all In and paid for: It will pav you to look them over: price 33S.10. 3.100 cash, balance easy terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. BANK. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. 1RVINGTON HOME. SACRIFICED. 7-room modern, new. up-to-date house and full lot: fine lawn and shrubbery: sleeping porch and all modern conven iences; furnace. electric fixtures and woodwork of highest grade: this Is a beautiful home and must be seen to be appreciated: must be sold this week: only $2000 cash required. O f.10. Oregonlan. THE QUICK-SALE NET PRICE of my beau tiful corner lot. N. E. corner East 24th and Gllsan Is certainly a snap for some one wanting a most desirable loca tion for either home, flat or rent houses: very close to best new carline, walking dis tance to Burnsido bridge: desirable sur roundings: can arrange, half on terms: no . phono information. See owner, Bigelow, 3S0 E. Morrison. GOOD BUT. 8-room house on East 17th St., not far from carline: It has a nice hall, sitting room, dlnlng-ronm and well appointed kitchen : 3 good-sized bedrooms, full base ment, furnace, -bath and toilet, front and back porches; 20-mInute walk to West Side; small amount cash, balance good terms. . R AND. READ ft CO., 3T6 Board of Trade. WORTH $11,000, SACRIFICE SALE. $7,100. Needing all my capltnl In my mfg. business will sacrifice my home of 9 rooms and D lota on Woodstock carline: worth $11,000. for only $7,100: splendid hearing; orchard, garage, magnificent view. F 633. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Look at It and get the price before buvlng modern bungalow. large attic, wired and tinted; only 2 blocks distant from Hawthorne ave.. East 37th and Mill: easy terms, by owner. Sheppard, 424 Henry bldg. A i-ROOM bungalow in Sunnyside. on cor ner, only 1 year old: beam celling, built in buffet, fireplace and all modern conve niences. The owner is leavlns town and must sell. This is an excellent home and a bargain. Pownder Investment Co., 4 28 Mohawk bldg 4-ROOM house and lot 40x100. The house Is new and pleasantly located, overlook ing the Reed Institute grounds. I can rent the place for $12 per month but would rather sell at $1100 with small payment down and then 315 month. 414 (-paining piog. HOLLADAY Addition lot 60x100 facing east, with 2 new flats bringing good Income: close to Union avenue and Broadway: IHiHiO, 330O0 cash, bal. 2 years, 7 per cent, A. J. GANTN'ER, 4116 Honry bldg- 4th and Oak sts. 8-ROOM house and 2 lota In Tigardvllle, one block from depot: 2 chicken houses and chicken yard; this la an Ideul little place, and you can buy It on very easy terms. I'rlce is $700. Espey, 617 Chamber of Com merce. SIX-ROOM cottape In Sunnyside. One-half block from Hawthorne. The price Is $2750, We can give excellent terms. This Is a bargain. It will pay you to Investigate. Pownder Investment Co., 428 Mohawk building. RENT MONEY BUYS HOME. Brand new. strictly modern. 6-room house, on corner lot. 6 blocks from Reed Institute. $24.10; $200. down, $15 and in terest monthly. JOS. C. GIBSON'. 303 Oerllnger Bldg. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. $.1250. 6oxl!to and strictly modern B room bungalow; choice residence district; hard-surface street. FRED C. KING. 14 Spalding Bltlg- 3d and Wash, sts. I WANT n houne that the owner will ac cept a first payment of $130 and about $23 a month inc.. the Interest at 7 per cent; will pay from $2200 to $3000. AC 614. Oregonlan. SUNNYSIDE Addition. 2 now modorn. tl room houses on corner: corner lot 12Sx 5H bringing good Income; $3000 caah, bal. to suit. A. J. GANTNER, 400 Henry bldg- 4th and Oak sts. FOR SALE $2,100. 8 rooms, modern, small payment down, easy terms: walking dis tance from carbarn and Jefferson High School. This Is a bargain. Call up owner. Woodlawn i..it CORNER. Mix220, large modern house, five rooms downstairs, four unfinished rooms upstairs, large basement; close to Mount Scott car. For particulars see Pownder Investment Co.. 428 Mohawk bldg. ON corner on carline. 2 large store build ings hall upstairs: stock of groceries, etc., good location, value $11. .100. For particu lars call owner, phone Tabor 205. James Cunningham. A NEW 6-room bungalow, elegantly ar ranged, electricity, plumbing up to date, half basement; .10x100 lot: 13th and Alns worth: $2,100: would consider a trade. E. H. a'hapell. A 1S05. $7000 NEW" Irvlngton homo. $7000 : 8 large rooms, modern, arrangements and finish ing very best. East 2'-'d at- near Irvlng ton Clu b. Terms. A J 5111, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade New 7-room modern houae located at East 23d and Pine; cash price $4000. Apply to owners, 223 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phones Main 1277, Homo A 3310. tl ROOMS J82.1 $12.1 CASK. Practically" new lot 40x100, Tremont. This la Indeed hard to beat. Fred W. German. 32i Burnside. M. 2770. FOR sale by owner, modern 6-room bun galow. Waverlelgh Helchta. Price $2300; terma; no agenta. J 330. Oregonian. 1900 $300 down, rest like rent, for 6-room modern home, close to car. Phone Mar shall 1117. room 1. FIVE rooms, strictly modesn bungalow, near Jefferson High School. Owner. Phone C 2046. TF NTH -STREET corner, paying 10 per cent nee 6 minute' walk from P. O. (South); enap.lalf cash. AH 510. Oregonian. ..no 7 TiOOMS, modern, near North Al- bina: building alone cost $2000; your own terms. Phone Woodlawn 1616. ROSE Cltv Tark. new 6-room bungalow: $250 cash; $2.1 month. Call 476 Eaat 64th atreet, near Thompson. NEW 5-room bungalow. $'.'.100: $100 down, " balance Ilka rent. 1084 Arnold St., near 37th. , tftnn 5-ROOM modern bungalow: $1000 down; one block from carline; large , rooms. 101a E. Sta North. PIEDMONT. $2000 S-room house, finished attic: Box 100 ft. corner on Alnsworth at., opposite Piedmont Park. CRESTON. $2200 T-room house, well built, on 50X 100 ft. lotlaj, block from car. EAST EVERETT ST. $2900 5-room bungalow, on East Everett. 1 block from E. Ankeny carline; new and modern. ROSE CITT-PARTC. $3500 0-room bungalow, new and mod ern: conveniently arranged; large attic. k HANCOCK-STREET ADDITION. $4160 7 rooms, new and modern. Tilla mook near E. 33d: good fixtures: on paved street; lot 50x100. A LB IN A. $4600 8-room house on lot 50x100 ft- t block from Russell st, and within 3 blocks of Williams ave. IRVINGTON. $7000 T rooms, new with beautiful fin ish and flxturea; on paved street and carline. IRVINGTON. $T500 New. modern and complete home In best portion of Irvlngton; not built to sell; owner leaving city and will sacrifice. SUNNYSIDE. $S000 10-room modern house on corner lot .10x100 ft. on E. 2tith and Bel mont sts.; will bring a good In come and Is future business prop erty. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $8500 An attractive 8-room modern house with view of mountains, river and city: large verandas and sleeping porch; garage; on paved street 1 block from carline. NOB HILL. $0500 R rooms, modern; beautiful sur roundings: faces east on 24th St. In the center of the most exclusive West Side residence district; 4 bed rooms on 2d floor and servant's room finished In attic. Thia la a bargain at the price, $i300. H. T. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg., Phones Main RI190. A 20.13. HARD PROBLEM SOLVED. How to get a fine Irvlngton home on a corner lot at a bargain; 7 large rooms, oak floors, fireplace, furnace and. hard surface streets: all Improvements In and paid for. $0600; terms. 7-room house. double construction, beamed celling, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, bullt-ln buffet and Dutch kitchen. Only $0000. 0-room thoroughly modern home, oak floors, fireplace and furnace; attic Plas tered and finished. Cheap at IStlOO; terma. Tf these do not fitMhe bill, we have plenty of others. We have the largest list of irvlngton property. IRVINGTON REALTY CO.. 16TH AND BRAZEE STS. Take Irvlngton car. ARE you interested in a home? Here are two vou should at least inquire about- vou will find It extremely hard to dupli cate them at the prleea asked: $2000 New. 6 rooms, hungalow style, and beamed celling dining-room. flre $2800 place. fu,l basement, very taste fully tinted and stained; lots high nnd well graded; have cement walks, curbs, graded streets, a. Included In one price: in district with building restrictions. 1 block to ear and on cosy terms Can you beat it? PORTLAND TRUST CO. BANK. 3d and Oak Sta. HOME3READY FOR YOU. $32.10 New. modern bungalow, west of Laurelhurat. $.100 down. bal. to suit. $37.10 6-room modern house, furnace, etc.. Eaat Portland Heights; $300. bal. to ault. , . $3.100 0-room modern houae on 100x100. Alnsworth ave.; $1000. bal. to suit, $3.100 8-room modern house. East Couch, on lot 100x100; $1500 caah, bal. to ault. $5500 6-room modern house, furnace, hardwood floor, etc.. on 7.1x100, PJed mont; $HOO cash, bal. to suit. DUBOIS ft CROCKETT. Room 3, Washington bldg. UNIVERSITY PARK. One block cars, fine location, large lot. 2-story house. 8 nice rooms. closets, large bathroom, fireplace, basement, mod ern plumbing, best inside finish, palntei. and white enameled, hard plaster, tinted, painted floors, electric wired, porches, lot fenced, barn, chicken-house and run. flow ers, berry vines, large garden; this beau tiful place In Portland's best suburb will stand Investigation: either for home or in vestment: this location has bright future; Improvements worth the price asked for the whole place, with terms. Owner, N 634. Oregonlan. 12 PER CENT. Inside walking distance, for sale, an ir regular quarter block in Cedar Hill, over looking the city and adjoining City Park, the only piece of ground for sale on the park line; this property is Improved with a modern house of two stories, attic and basement. 30x02: the vacant ground. 5ox 108. can be improved with an apartment house or hotel and would yield an Income of from 12 per cent to 13 per cent on the Investment; price $25,000. with terma if desired. Phone Main 6517. 231 Washing ton St.. near 2d. , NEW AND A BEAUTT.-6-r03tn house, east front, on corner; haa hardwood floors, built-in bookcases and buffet, fireplace, halls, paneled walls, sta tionary washtubs. woodlift, Dutch kitch en, linen closet, furnace, two toilets, standard plumbing, full cement basement and sleeping porch; street improvements all paid; near Brazee St. Price $42u0; asy terms. Fono or call. H. H. URDAHL. 503 l.umbermens Bldg. Marshall 1058 or A 5345J MODERN 6-room home, hardwood floor, electric fixtures, two fireplaces, fine view; $50O cash, balance to ault: price. $4000. 8 rooms and sleeping pot eh; oak front door, oak floors, brass hardware, fireplace, shades, furnace: $4800. $1000 cash. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. . 272 Stark St, NEW and very handsome 7-room house In one of the best Irvlngton districts, on East lllth street: built for a home and very .,ir.Mlr,lv arranged: three bedrooms and sleeping porch, attic, modern In every par ' ticular. furnace, fireplace, solid oak floors, beautiful living-room, dining-room nnd den- fine lawn; price $0100; price reduced from $0500 In order to make quick sale McCargar, Bates ft Lively. 313 Failing bldg TIKE A LOOK AT THIS. Between East Ash and East Ankeny. on 12th St.. 8-room modern up-to-date house. 4 bedrooma. furnace fireplace, full cement basement, cement sidewalks, hard- surface streets all paid for, easy waia- tnar d stance to tne nearr. 01 tuo ci.j . .. . 1 1 1 7 r, n (P) CHAPIN HERLOW. 832-33$ Chamber of Commerce. MUST sell my fine half block 100x200 with over 15 bearing fruit trees, modern 5-room home set In lawn and surrounded by over 20 different kinds of bush and climbing roses. This Is an Ideal home. It has been occupied by us as such for over 5 years but we "will now sell It for $3000. See the owner, at 414 Spalding bldg. ' WALKING DISTANCE. $.5200 New large 6-room, 2-story house, modern In every detail, furnace, fireplace, solid paneled dining-room, rose bushes set out and shrubs. Can give good terms. PORTLAND LAND CO., 607 Commercial Block. XIODERN bungalows In Montavlila. Five rooms downstairs; tw-o more rooms can he finished upstairs; floor Is already laid: large basement, double floora and sides. Good view of the mountains. Cash $12.".0. balance to suit purchaser. See Pownder Investment Co.. 428 Mohawk bldg. EAST 13th near Prescott st- with 3-room cottage: lot 50x100 facing east; rents for $8 per month: all improvements In; $2300; $500 cash, balance 3 years. 6 per cent. A. J. GANTNER, 406 Henry bldg- 4th and Oak sts. FOR SALE A bargain In a 6-room modern house. 3 blocks south of Hawthorne. 35th st- corner lot, 50x100: price $2300; $300 cash: balance $13 per month. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg. 7- ROOM home, modern and located on fine lot with fruit and flowers: owner must s-11 and will take $2200 for the place; located on East 12th st. Call 414 Spald lng bldg. MONTAVILLA House and 2 lots on Base Line. 2 blocks from postoffice, fruit trees, shrubbery and henhouse; owner; no agents. Phone Woodlawn 618. 8- ROOM modern house, best aeetion of the West Bide; fractional lot: big value at 34730. $500 cash, terms to suit you on Balance M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE For $3160. part cash, owner will sell fine 5-room cottage and lot SOx 100 on 12th sL. west Irvlngton; no agenta. Ttlng tin Main LOOK here! Small new nouse and Darn, full lot. 2 blocks to St. Johns carline; $700. $100 down. bal. to ault. Roonr 3, Washington bldg. FOR SALE by owner, a lot 50x100. modern house suitable for home or business In vestment; a bargain. Owner's loss your gain, Phona B 2734. $300 CASH BUYS HOME, 42D ROSSMERE. 7 rooms; lot 50x100: improvement Inl and paid; private gas ptant; built-in buf. fet and bookcases, pantry, fireplace and furnace, laundrv travs. bath. National Realty ft Trust Co.. 320 Wash., r'm 61v Acreage. WORTH THE PRICE ASKED. WITHOUT THE IMPROVEMENTS. $3000 down, balance C years at 6 per cent. 10 avres. highly improved,, close to car. 0 miles of cltv. new 7-room bungalow, hot and cold water, complete bathroom, nice barn, chlrkon-hotise. woodshed. -i"J bearing trees, newlv fenced, all Irlgated. tine view, unimproved acreage alongside sells for more money; to see this will causa no feeling of dlsapDOintment nt $10,000. We have a number of underpriced im proved pieces of suburban acreage, bor example, one acre. 3 miles out and over looking tlie river, good 5-room house, barn over 30 bearing miscellaneous fruits, una well, 4 blocks to car, for $3j00. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Suite 505 Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder. - ; Phones Marshall WIS and A 2J '- , SUBURBAN HOMES, ORE. CITY"l.INE l'i- acres, new bungalow, spring piped In. fruit, berries, garden. 3 blocks to car. T 3 acres, water system, li rm. house, barn. 4. blocks to car. 8c tare. .11 cultivation. - - . 6 acres nearly all fruit, berries, water-system, near car. good buildings. , 114 acres at station, small house, fruit. berries, gaa engine. 71,2c fare. 11 acres, at station. 0c fare. 1', acres berries. 7 a. fine orchard, fine house. 8 rooms; creek runs through, water aysi tern. An Ideal suburban home, or will divide. . .,. -! CLODFELTER BROS- 414 Couch Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. SMALL FARM, 1 R-ll) ACRES. All under cultivation. 105 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries, hothouse for mushrooms, etc., chicken-houses have con crete floors: new 7-room house not quite completed: will take about $400 to torn-, plete It; fireplace, full concrete basement. -running water; Oregon grape hedge, nlca clump of trees near house; pretty view, near river. to li mile from O. W . 1. Electric line. 3S00 TERMS. CHAP IN & HE 11 LOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. UV, ACRES. $1100. . Thia is a real sacritice: close to a good railroad town and only 20 miles from the center of Portland; all deep rich roll, no wests land; all conditions are ideal for. fruit; small house anil orchard; If you. want a good Investment or something you can make Into a nice home, you cart t beat this: adjoining land is selling for 30,1,1 to $400 per acre; owner has been in hospital and must raise money at once. Come quick If you want this. HILL & MYKll. 410 Henryl!ldg. !li ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED, ,OSK IN. All In httrhoMt KtatO of cultivation; -00 fruit trees. SouO strawberry plants, gar den truck; splendid 7-room house, etc. This Is ideally located, close to station, on the Oregon City carline; $2600 buys the above If sold at once: easy terms. Some furniture, produce and fuel In cluded. This place cannot be too lilgniy recommended. -.ao Main 248S. C. L. BAMBERGER. A 2488.. Room 2. Lumbermens Bldg. 40 ACRES 6 miles from Vancouver; 13 acres cleared; no ueunr boh ,. - cleared land is selling f"f '75 ,an,V 22 an acre arounu acre. 2.1 acres 1 mile from Oresham: Improved place; new 12-room house, orchard, close to electric car. HAAS & 1UNGI.EU, 211 Lewis Bldg- fin fino A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. , 2 ACHES, 7-ROOM HOUSE. Modern, every convenience. Will cut Into 12 largo lots. Magnificent view of Willamette Valley. 20 minutes' ride from Portland. 6-cent carfare. Under- highest cultivation; large 'awn. 100 fruit trees, bearing, perfect condition. $.1000. payments and terms attractive. FRED F. HUNTRESS, 30 Lumber Excnf . FOR SALE OR TRADE. ' Have a tract of about 21 acres, close to the cltv. fixed up for a chicken ranch by a professional man for relative; rel-; atlve fell down und owner says trade orj sell it Has good house, barn, horse, 20t or 300 chickens, good chicken bins and plentv of fruit; will assume any sUa mortgage. "An opportunity." EDW. P. MALL. -104 2d St., Lumber twxehanga Bltlg. ' IN TROUBLE, .MUST SELL Beautiful, sightly ten acres, within one half mile of where land Is selling for $1200 an acre. This ten acres Is well Im proved: nil traffic on the Columbia River Is In plain sight; also fine view of 1 ort land; onlv 40 minutes to Portland by rail, one-half mile to boat landing. The, very best small investment you can find con tiguous to the city; $2000. Owner. E 52o. Oregonlan. JENNINGS LODGE. 6 acres, 2 blocks from car. all Improved with some small fruit and a eod orchard; street on three aides: almost new house and barn; wodth 280O; will sell a part or whole $401.0 handles it. Inquire ot owner. C. D. Slocum, Jennings Lodge, or at thia office. n MT. HOOD LAND. CO.. 712 Rothchlld Bldg. ' YOU CAN WORK IN CITY , and keep a cow, a few hundred chickens Snd raisS all the necessities of life on t.lla sXuHmn 3-ac.e patch. Has small "ream, firewood for many years and Kfove of timber; only 20 minutes' ride to heart of city and 4 minutes' walk to car. Pr e $1200? terms. INVESTIGATE THIS. Mc- C urthr. 403 Rothchlld bldg. TWO acres of ground, ingn mm o. ..., at Multnomah Station, on Oregon Electric R R. This Is only a few hundred feat from the station and commands a flow vw of Mount Hood an.f the Tualat.h Valley. Owner will take $2000 spot casu, If taken Immediately. Call 414 Spalding bldg. ; . A ACRES deep, rich soil, no rocks, nearly level, highly cultivated. near graded school, churches and stores, commanding, view of surrounding country on two county roads, within six blocks of e ee tri" railway. 30 minutes from Portland: 20 trains dally: $1200. easy terms; must sac- riflee. G 510. Oregonlan. nc, ACRES at Courtney: all clear, good 4 9 loom house and barn; land ?' "e and partly in berries; price only $. 500 -v. nV.t nnd best land aristocratic Courtney. C. F. Pfluger & Co- room 5, Jiulkey bldg- 2d and Mor-, rlson sts. . WE PAY YOUR EXPENSE. Tf vou are Interested enough to examine 11 acres o the finest land within 'i mil r.f' the city of North Yamhill, all In hlglt. " -ri"';'.;,.r.naT,wobullBrh Realty Co. .Lumbermen. "r. orTirmties frVrM 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. d and Morrison sts. eafor'cTsT,0' aT ,.vcT 1 mile 11 acf s'tatfo Tnd- boat landing, on iountv road. Price $50 per acre; may., "ve some terms. P. O. box 507. St. Johns. Or. 1,1 ACRE-s CLOSE TO PORTLAND. This IS rich, soil; walking distance to amaU town and station. It Is being ofe fmed for $12.10. only $425 cash required, feted lor BAMnBRGEB Main 24S8. Room 2. Lumbermens Bldg. 5 ACRES of A1 garden and fruit land, cleared, on o K N Rv. north of Montavlila. close ,0' new Mt. "Hood el.-ctrlc. A real snap .., fiioo ner acre. O 642. Oregonlan. . l-... t rvp ROAD. 8 acres 5-Voom house, cost $1000: run ning water, orchard, fenced; $2400; terms. (i!4 toucn uiutj, t, attiVG proposition A cimnce to P 500TP cerft PThe land la all cleared and level. see rowin." Mohawk Dltlg. il ACRES, good li-room house, on Mt. Hood TecrVlcV snap at $2500: worth $. .0.10. Electric; Rttj-moie Realty Co.. 430 Worccs- Hurry. ter bldg. ACRF'Tand half acres, close in. suitable for chickens garden, fruit and homesltes; cats .iH for tike rent: why live on a nar o'lAr E. Lee, 41 1 Corbett bids. - .-.,,., near the 'Willamette River; Ideal 5 ?R-';.Jir,. etc: $500. $30 cash and $10, for cnicKen;. a.-.', '.,, corbett bldg. mnnth. M. E. " - .is- A choice acre of land on Pow- en HVaVT road near South Mt- Tabor, ittj-T.e.fiverton acres, all under cultivation," Ftvri? TriKht and your own time Call at 3?fl-X WaahtnKton street, room M. unimproved. Southern orPRDii U Aivr-o, .e-aHrt fnr small rent ail rant or rooming house Jlfn EQUITY ii Ml a-tall for S aure tract, with water I have to leave me k A('RE 0 cultivated, new house, beyond enta$2y00. 405 East Morrison rC WATCH the hills north of the West Side of river; wo have 4 1 Vs acres iirfht on United Railways which ca-.i 1 boKucht cheap; fine for platting: par bouBni cueac.. .-, & c room 5. llcuiara ui . Mulkey bldg.