FOURTH ST. near Morrison Xearlv quarter Hvk on bc?t Fide of street. A bargain. Kasv terms. $125,000 Apartment Sites 160x100 Ford street. 100 feet south of "Washington. Tn the best part of King's Heights. Adjoining two of --x-linr?i finest llOUSCS. J. Ul I - ' ' ----- Very desirable apartment sue, or iul i""; .v.-.. Price, $35,000 50x100, corner loth, near Mill; only -flbOU cas. neces ary. Price, $14,800 150x100, comer 11th, near Mill. $38,500 Kings Heights Mansion Van Rensselaer home, 150x100, on King st, be tween two of Portland sfiiv est homes. House cost $'20, 000. Land alone worth price $50,000 EAST SIDE "LIVE ONE" Corner, where two carlines cross. Two -story frame, drugstore, dry goods, etc. Income now over 8 per cent NET. Price, $15,000 ' i2Cash. E. J. DALY 222-23-24 Failing Bldg. PROPERTY On WaAictton St, near 16th St. 50x185 Fronting on two street. 50 feet on Washington st., running through to Couch st. Washington t., improved with apartment-house; Couch st. improved with 10-room residence. Present improvements pay a mod erate income, although a handsome income eould be realized by more improved buildings to conform with this locality. This property will be on the mar ket for a very few days, at the ex tremely low figure of $65,000 Which price is exceptionally low when adjoining values are eonMa ered. Mr. Investor, this property is worthy of the most thorough inves tigation, so see us at once. Hrtman S Thompson Eeal Estate Dep't., 4. 5, 6 Chamber of Commerce. Mill and FactoryProperty On Peninsula, with 0000 feet water frontaze, at an exceptional banrain. The best investment in Portland to day. M 530. Oreconian. "Oh, You Gardener" 1 acres Just outside city limits. flr.t bottom soil, lot of water, an Ideal Place for arde truck or country tom; 1 iear! to pay for It Room III Mer chant. Trust, Bid, tih and Wellington INCOME Beaverton- Reedville Acreage New Off ces 102 Fourth Street Tlie largest arreape, SS0O aeres, and handled by the largest and oldest acreage firm in Oregon. Capital and surplus, $100,000. You have the benefit of our ex perience and help. Titles absolute and abstract with each deed. Only 6 miles west of Council Crest, 9 miles by wagon road from Tortlaud, Courthouse. 40 minutes' ride, and two car lines accommodate this locality. In such sized tract as you may desire at $125 to $300 per acre, and on monthly payment. Call at our new orncss. 102 FOURTH STREET. The Shw-Fear Ccmpany Main 3o A 3500 For Apartments Quarter block on 21it street. Quarter block, 19th, near Washington. 66 ft. frontage, 22d, near Washington. 11th St., corner, near Yamhill. 60x100 on 14th, near Jefferson. 14th street, Quarter block. Apartment Houses If interested, consult ns before pur chasing. We make a specialty of this class of inTestments. Houses 21th st., corner, 8 rooms... ....$8500 Irving street, 8 rooms ...$8500 Kearney street, 7 rooms. .... $7000 Gils an street, 8 rooms. -a...... .$6500 Clay street, 10 rooms. ....-.... $7250 6th street, 7 rooms. .$6000 Goldschmidt's Agency 25S1 Washington St, Corner Third. 130 555? 1 Year TVe want 10 Investor, with I1S50 each, to take over, plat and resell the bent (rrciin platting- bargain within pAriland rltr 11ml tn. Situated la de sirable, rapfdly-a-rowlne; section, with fine view or mountains, statement of the Investment Cost of arrestee. including; advertising- and reselling. agenta' commissions ....... $33.(30.00 Receipts from sales at av erage, of It 40.0 per lot.... SI. 300. 00 Net profit $17,300.00 Total amount of actual cash necessary to handle $13. BOO. 00 Showing a net profit, as above stated, of 130 per cent on actual rash invested. The whole proposition can ba cleared up within one year, perhaps sooner. We have submitted our statement to one of the ben judge of real estate values In the Oty or roruanfl ana no pro nounces It very conservative. Come and see. or call no up. at once, as we purpose closing up this deal within tne current ween. Graham & Struble Company 430 Wert-eeter BaUdla. Tel ephone Main 110. $50,000 FOR LAND I have a client for 1000 to 5000 acres. Will consider smaller tracts. Mu-t be in Western Oregon. Foothill, cutover or cheap farm land. 923 Board of Trade. , Mortgage Loans en city property for private Investors. M. S- THOMPOX CO- rrta aid Oafc. Heavy Bldg. ruin e?nnA tOxlOO on Gllsan St.. nar Srtrtr 9UuU Slih. with good substan tial 11-roora house. If yon want a West Mm noma. larpre look at this. Half cash. bal. per cent. A. H. B1RREIL CO, 203 McKay bldg, 34 and Stark. MAGNIFICENT Home, beautifully situated In Holla dav Addition, two carlines. elegant de sign, superior oak finish, beat work and built la clt. S large bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, reception hall, library, dining, living-rooms, tastily decorated, hase- inri heating- nlant: home fit for king. VV. U. Meramaa, C 1J4; East 373. 0 Acres At junction of Mount Hood Railroad and Troutdale electric R. $12,000. Term. 5 Lots Peninsula Addition Cor. Argle and Delaware $600 per lot. Terms. 2 Lots Swinton Addition Lots 17 and 18, block 46 $300 per lot. Terms. Chicken Tracts l-acre to 10-aerc plots, $300 pcracre and up. SEE ROELOFSZ, ' 232 Chamber Commerce. Seventh Street The only close in quarter) block that can be purchased below its ac tual market value. Suitable for a doctor's building with stores below, or for a first class hotel. Broadway bridge and the new Union depot at Park and lloyt streets, will make Seventh street the strongest north and south street in Portland. Desirable quarter blocks in the center of town are nearly all gone. This is a last chance. Walker & Reed 416 Railway Exchange Building. Main 8.135. FREE EXCURSION TO HOOD RIVER The most beautiful scenic river trip in America. For full particulars about the free excursion to Hood Uiver call on or address Devlin Firebaugh, 511 Fwetiana uuiiaing, uw - lowing; BARGAINS k s 1 1 fftmrnerrlal orchard w j. . . . -j, ... . t . nnnnr trice lauuu. Terms $500 CASH, balance to suit. . a ii dl-c .11 In orchard small bear ing famll v' orchard, balance strictly i -,. c t,--in. fin. new house, spring water piped in; right In the heart of Ihe valley; $6000 cash will handle and can aouoie your mono j one year. IS ACRES, all A-l orchard land, ex ii.. -11 1ai.a.sI n.rl nm CIPUUUHH7 cil iwvf.L.., - . under cultivation and at small expense can all be put Into orchard. Price $5500. Takes $1760 cash. 20 ACRES very choice East Bide lo cation, one mile from railroad: vol canic ash aoll, 10 acres In Newtowns and Spltsenhergs, 3. S and 4 years oii prime condition; 6 acres clover, bal ance light clearing; fair bulldtnps i . j i.i ti-.-u i iinooo $4500 cash. Would be a auup for $12,u00, tlon- 25 acres n prime orchard; flrst class buildings: spring and creek on place; unsurpassed view: one mile from depot on nao. i " " 11 1 magnificent home and an Investment that will make you rich, see this at once. rice oniy Devlin & Firebaugh 610. 511, BH Hwetlaad Bldg. Wildwood Lots ARB SELLING I.IKE Wildfire to minutes from the heart of the city; lets as low as $1B0; small payment down and ttrma to suit. We give 10 per cent off on the first 30 lota sold. Eleven sold the first week. Don't miss this. THB WESTF.RJf BKCVRIT1ES CO 414 Dpaldlaug Bldg. Sherwood Farm ISO acres. 15 miles out. !V4 miles from Sherwood. In high state of culti vation, clay loam anil, no gravel, value Or imprnTfmrnii nwvw. K1''""": price for farm and all $19,000; easy GRt SI A IIOOW, SIT Boar of Trade blJ, 4tk a ad Oak MORTGAGE LOANS La-Treat rates aad tenia ault spe cial rates aad favorable teraaa large Warns am baalaesa properties. . . . n KviwH ! aitflfa A. H. BIRRELL CO. AFTER NOV. 21 -.III Ka tncatait In Our nW build Ing at Front and Grant sts. R blocks south of new Madlson-at. bridge. e win onniinua to sell all kinds ot Plumbing supplies, machinery, pipes, etc.. to all at wholesale prices. J. S1MOX A BRO. The Trnat Busters. 2S"ew location, front and orant ats. $225,000 Great Fortunes Were never made from savings hanked at a low rate of interest. Real estate here in Portland has been known to double in a very short time. When you buy Tort land real estate you can't lose. Buy a Gregory Heights lot on easy payments and join in future profits. The great amount of building and improvements under way all point to a great future for this section of the city. Gregory Heights is well located on the Sandy road, and consider ing the short car ride it is com paratively close in. Less than 25 minutes by way of the new cutoff. Cut "out long, tiresome car ridea and move to Gregory Heights. Portland "live wires" are now working to have double track finished to the Country Club by nest Fall. Widening of the Sandy road has been passed upon, and no doubt will bring this about. Gregory Heights lots can still be bought as low as $200 ON EASY PAYMENTS Cheapest in this best residence district. Good lots for a home site; cement sidewalks, curbs, parking, city grade, and Bull Run water. Of the great number of fam ilies living in Gregory Heights, ntt one lives in a rented home. All have profited by buying in Gregory Heights. Why not youf 'Ideal for your family. High, healthful altitude; plenty of fresh air and sunshine. We sell homes 011 $10 a month payments. Call at our Gregory Heights of fice today. Take Rose City Park car at Third and Yamhill streets; ride to end of line. If a jt INVESTMENT Q0.owd Gilt Edge Investment Values 12 Net on $62,000 new 4-story brick apart ment, Nob Hill district, 17 Net New brick apartment, Clay street, close 111, $40,000 Half cash. $6500 Union avenue, 50x100. $4500 Wilson street, 60x120. $6500 Unrestricted, Portland Heights, cor ner, 80x100. F. R. LEVEE 817 Spalding Building. Phone Main 7387. West Side Apartment Sites and Modern Residences 100x100. ISd and Everett. 100x100, 12th and Harrison. 60xl0, 12th and Montgomery, ROxlOO, 7th and Columbia. 100x100. Hoyt and 24th. 60x100. Johnson, near 21a. FOxlOO, Johnson, near 23d. 60x100. Irving, near 23d. 50x100, 24th, near Lovejoy. 60x100, J4th. near Marshall. SSx 65, 14th, near Quimby. Yacant Residence Lots 60x100, Overton, near r5th. 40x100, on 12th, near Harrison. Warehouse Sites Oa River and Railroad. Donald Macleod 81 Bled tie Bid. PLATTING Prop osition S seres only two blocks from Hllls boro Courthouse, l.les between electric and steam railways snd highly im proved county road and street. WW price for Immediate sale. HE.-VRY C. PftlDHOMMB CO flu fpaldlna- Bulldlna-, Uortsate Louu aad ire litauraao. 4 w I liiisf' Washington Street Apartments or fine store site; good income now. Only $oo,000. Terms. Quarter Block on Thirteenth Best warehouse site in town, $50,000. Will build for good tenant. Half Block Portland Heights Magnificent view; suitable for three residences; nothing superior, Price $25,000. Not on the Heights But a fine view of city, river and mountains; residence restriction. Lot 55x100. Price only $5500. For a Small Investor Apartment-house in North Portland, $12,500; pays $1200 a year now and sure to increase in value. Seventh Street Lot 50x100 and two cottages. A good in- ... i.i :i j come wniie getting reaay to duuo. your apartment-house. This is a snap at $7750. Down Town Business Site 50x100 corner, $65,000. "We offer only the best." Hartman & Thompson Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Building. STORE nrin Ua.a rina ntnra fnnm. IKxIOO. fOT lOUr yearn. O II r-ltin, a-1 rw. $19,500 tt--..v.A.,... ....A. int 1Kh anil MaJv shall sts.; trackage and Income. LOW PRICES, EASY TERMS IjOts In Sandy Road Place, between 24th and 26th streets. $5500 76x100, w'fh groo4 house, Irvlngrton, East Ninth, south of Broadway; snap. OVERTON ST., NEAR 23d Full lot. Will sell to highest bidder. UNION AVENUE The cheapest lot south of Going; St. CELLARS-MURTON CO. Pbone Main 112. 3AA Spalding- Bldg. $8000 60x100 Near 14th, on Montgomery street, suitable for apartment-house or iiats Terms can be made to suit. SWEEK & BYRNE, 612 Swetland Bldg. PIEDMONT Lot 89x75, facing on Killingsworth, near Vancouver. ' Price and terms by interview. , LADD'S ADDITION Lot 40sl2S, on Elliott avenue near Hawthorne avenue. Very desirable location. Price and terms by inter view. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts, $75 Per Acre FRUIT LAND tni 111 aoroa or more, in the famous Little "White Salmon River Valley, at Cooks, Washington. Easy terms. e ' SWEEK & BYRNE 612 Swetland Bldg. 6 ACRES Adjoining extension of Ainsworth Av. Slope6 toward city. S7200 GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. FOR SALE BY Edw.P.Mall PART STATrK ST. 100x100 on the northeast corner of E lztn ana r.. sr BENTON STREET 60x100 on Benton street, near Broad way St., where they are talking; Broad way bridge. EDW. P. MALL. No. 104 Second Street. (Lumber Exchange Bldg.) MORTGAGE LOANS On city property, at reasonable rates. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Board ( Trade Bulldlna;, Phones ilala 007. 1 Waterfront Property For Dockage Factories . Warehouses There has been a oulet but strong and persistent demand for this class of property during the nast few weens and several large transactions are In progress. There are grooa ' this activity. Waterfront property must necessarily Increase in value more rapidly than any Other class of property In Port land In the immediate future. At this time I have something spe cial to offer, either for Investment or for Immediate use. Tyler Scoville Bin Corbett Did a., Portland, Or. Hawthorne Avenue Near the crest at E. 23th st. Get one of these choice lots overlooking the city, with SEWERS, WATER, GAS, CEMENT WALKS, IIARD SCRFACE STREETS. Do not ray as much for lots in this section without above improvements. Our prices in clude them. $2250--$2400 Each Favorable Terms. A. H. Birrell Co. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. Inside Property CHOICE INCOME ; PROPERTY: FIRST-CLASS NEW BUILDING. GUARANTEED LEASE. PROPERTY THAT HAS A BIG FUTURE. $115,000 . GOOD TERMS. Le Noir & Company 519 HENRY BUILDING. ACREAGE 38 ACHES Two Blocks From Courthouse In HILLSBORO Lleei between electric and steam rail ways and hlgrhlv Improved county road and street. This Is a fine Platting Proposition and price will be made very reasonable for an Immediate sale. We are exclusive agents for this tract4 Henry C. Prudhomme Co. Loans, Investments, Fire Insurance, 906 Spalding; Building. $12,000 lOOxWO Kearney bet 21st and 22d. $11,000 EOxlOO 17th st corner. Karnopp & Kopf 2 Caamher of Commerce. Marshall 2574. Block 35 Portsmouth Addition, Make us an offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY 8. IV. cor. 6th and Washington ats. HOME AND INCOME ?cJ!aZ 66x78 with fine. 8-room modern home on Inside of the lot. Use this as a home and build flats on the vacant por tion of the ground. Price JK6000- A. H. BIRRELL CO., McKay bldg., 3d and Stark Rts. DEAL ESTATE. lor Bale Lots. WILL sacrifice splendid residence lot for cash- please don't answer unless you have the cash. P ML Oregonlftn. iSoO EQUITY In Sandy boulevard lot; would exehance for diamond. Address V 532. Oregonian. LAURELHVRST avenue First plat, $300 below company's price adjoining lot Sell wood 1C21. FOR 8AXE or trade Some good lots at Baker City. Or., close in, by owner. Call lit gtarK Ft. m Fn..-np n -r.... LArRELHl"RST One of best located lots; will sell equity for 1150 less than paid In. D B40. OreKonian. Ann .$30 DOWN. $10 month, two lots. Phone today, Marshall 1117. room 1. 1RVINGTON barialn: east front, lot im provements all W. Fhons Main. 7288. T n-a, l i n Al ITAIilnr hldf. Blm'll A. H. CO, 202-3 McKay bld. Baal .smto. Insurance, mortgages, loans, eta. Brujaker A Benedict, soa McKay bids, at. OiJ. Chaoln Herlow. sa chamber coami Cook. a. a. x -o.. -""-'-Jannlcfs & Co., Main 18S, 208 Oreionlam. PALMER-JONES CO, H. F- 91 Commer cial Club bldg. Schalk Geo. D, 22S Stark st. Mala 2392. The Oregon Real Etat Co., Gran, are. ana Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak eta. RKAL ESTATE lor Sale lets THESE TVE RECOMMEND. Quarter block on Broadway and E. 4Tth; only JUiOO; this is a buy. Quarter block on East 44th; only block from Sanrtv road; only 17i: they are asking VJt0 Inr auurters rear this. WESTERN ORK.OOX TRUST CO.. '72 Stark Sc GOING L1KK HOT CAKES. That's SWINTON. the hpart of THE PENINSULA; ' price; 4 blocks east of Kenton. If you -want a money-nakln Investment se us Monday. COLUMBIA TKUST COMPANY. Board of Trade bldg., 84 4th st. IRVTNGTON- LOT. SI 41V). $140 cash, balance monthly; 80x100; liaveii streets, sewer, water. Bas, eleotrlc. everything in. You will miss a great bargain if you don't see this. Take m lngton car to Knott st. See E. I.. Mills, evclusive agent at office. East Uth and Vnmt sts. Open Sunday. OWNER must turn into cash quick 20 acres first-class sou near tuj .......... and electric line; level land, south face, hill protection on north and east, part ,lered and in cultivation, balance native timber; ISO cords first-class wood per acre; $4000 takes it all or will sell In a or 10 acre tracts. RAUH PATTON. 822 Lumbermens bldg.. 5tlt and stars. A Portland bank will sell a lot, under forced sale, that is worth $1200, but for ro;,sons of quick sale it will go .for $700. 7o cash, balnnco J20 per month; this lot lies right across the street from Laurel; huret. where lots are selling for Kl.iUU. this lot is actually $500 under market value and must bo sold quick. B18 Allsky nine, au iui .hum ...... O It & X. TRACKAGE East Portland Op portunely located a, distributing point for entire East Side residence district More particularly adapted for wood and coal varil warehouse or wholesale lumber yard. 250 feet on railroad also frontane on Sandy boulevard. Investigate, this. Will sell on easy terms, phono Main liOS or A lol5. for Mr.' Burlingame, WE HAVE a few choice lots between Han rork and Broadway ats.. close to car. oaly JSimi; easv tfrms. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark St. OBLIGED to let so of one of the most de sirable homesitas in beautiful parked resi dence addition, having strinftent building restrictions. Asphalt streets. ooncrete walks and curbs, sewer and all under ground works in place. Prepared to sacri fice hip portion of my ISOO equitl. AL oil, t ircioii mil. ir,0 SOxlOO on Ellsworth, near 2oth at $740 :,nxs on ; near Ellsworth st. $1023 30XS1, nice corner on Ellsworth FRED C. KING. S14 Spalding Bldg.. 3d and Washington. ,-.".i-ditiu i- fTIE. 1 Hiicc-r ii.. ... For onlv 1100, 350 down, balance easy terms. Aero adjoining sold for $400. This is a great, big bargain. PORTLAND ItEAl. ESTATE CO.. 217 Ablnyton bldg. SPKI'IAIj SNAP $375 cash puts you in possession of a nice corner lot In Overlook; street im provements In; worth tlirtO; price $1274. lie quick If you want a real nPj GREENWAY PORTLAND HEIGHTS ORE EN WAV. IS. 700 sq. ft. frontage. 2 drives; mag nificent view. Owner been asking l;l00, but says get offer. It's up to you. Fred W. Gorman, 820 Burnslde. M. - Tn. Corner 100x100." close to car, SS50J $480 cash, balane to suit. A SNAP. A. J. GANTNER, 406 Henry lildg.. 4th and 0k sts. 100x100 WITH barn "cTuThousZ only one block from W-W earllne a Ivanhoe Station, for S800. one-halt cash. TUB SHAW-FEAR. COSIPANV, 102 Fourth St. Main 3.1. A 3."00. MR INVESTOR ur bargain hunter 3 very rtnW to best earllne in city for only 11500. $20 down, balance easy terms. Must he sold this weeK. pome prop erty adjoining worth $-200. Portland Real Estate t ompan.v. m..... n PEM.NSL'LA warehouse and factory cilte. over 3 full lots and described as lots 1 end 2. in block. 10. East St. Johns; fronts on O. R. & N. R. R-: only $l.'.0O. C . I'fluger & Co.. room 8. Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrlsonsts. isnxlOO UVIVERSITT PARK, on corner, at jur.0: $80 cash and $10 and Interest per mntTHE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 3fi. A 3.r.O0. EQUITY IN SUTH-ST. LOT. Need money Hnd will take S0 for my enulty l" n elegant lot. 60x100 balance $10 monthly: a big bargain; no agents. C 542. Oregonian. $10 C s"II. balance easy; '4 acre in one of the 'best locations on lit Scott 6c car ciiy water, street graded, paid; in city limits. $;iK to $."00. H1GLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third St. ELEVEN lots in Peninsula; sell on easy terms or trade for mortgage or equities. BOGGESS, 221 W Morrison, Room 5. FOR SALE Owner leaving city will sell fine residence lot at half value In Over look Addition, small amount of casti needed. Room 4h Caples' Hotel, Marshall 22D 0. Call Monday. "ONLY 11 MINUTES TO POPTOFFICE. $450, terms, takes beautiful oOxlOO lot near Ijidd's Addition; must be sold. C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 2';'?. Honm 1. I.uiiibermens Bldg. A -4SS. Will sacrifice three Cannon Beach lots, cost $100 one year ago. $ir.O cash will take all three: they are 50x100 feet each. FOR tine 50xl00-ft. lot on Cljapman ' i reel: excellent location for tenement or apartment site: big future. M. E. Lee, 411 CorbeU btdg " "TnkED THE MONEY. Will sacrifice for equity Reausonic Heights; also 1 choice view Tax urGlenJjlarborjK520.Oregoulan. T (ITS in city limits on Rose Uty earllne. iiT-s $17 50 cash, balance $3.50 per month. ' BROWN &. STAYER 814 Couch Bldg, ii PFS and half acies. close in. suitable for chickens, garden. Iruit and homeaites; can bo paid for like rent; why live on a nar row lot? M. E. Lcc, 411 CorhEtt bldg. rORNEP.. r.0x100-tt., ori K. Main South, and east front; nice nelshborhood : all I Im provements in; $1000; terms. Call Main 41S3. . $2000. u block. E. 2th and Ellsworth. J. J. OLDER. Cor. Grand Ave, and F.. Ankeny. FINE LOT ON WILLIAMS AVE. AuxlOO In business district; an excel lent buy for $2700. u ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade Bldg. Sioo DOWN; P. E. corner Eothwlck and Ainsworth, close Catholic, high and public srhools. Owner. 572 Dekum bldf. op ir'TIFl'L S0 lot. J300 cash : warranty deed and clear abstract. AH 632, Orego nian. . OPPORTUNITY of West 2 lota, corner Kill ingsworth. ave.. near 20th. $1000. K 5.T. Oregonian. 1HVINGTOV snap: save iigent's commis sloli; 60x100 east front. 1 block from earllne. Owner, C 1S17. . $235 Large building lots close to car. SOx 121, $10 down and $. a month. M. 4U Corbett bldg.. ' IrvTnGTON SNAP. 100x100 K. i;. facing. Mock from Broad way carilne f7j0T 5!i4. Oregonian. A"LOT that is clos- In. with a gorgeous view and beautiful trees, on the West side; $la00. terms. AN 543, Oregonian. WILL sell' my Laurelhurst lot for $lloo: worth $1500. 204 Chamber ot Commerce ldg . 3000 Splendid close-in flat or apartment site; Mississippi ave. and Graham sts. Owner. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. TWO lota. University park station, eheffp for cash: will sell on terms. Oivner, e. Best, Hlllsboro, Oregon. . IRVIVOTON lots, near Stanton St.. llfFfJ. A Backus. 51 Board of Trade bids; A t