mE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 20, 1010. I stir TOPAT. ' $125,000 rl MTII T J u a r t ohr,l-. rornrr wl'hln S Mwk of hlnfluo rl. ciood Income-pro-durrr. S655000 WfTII fT a most chMc ror. nr. 7ixlo f--t. Just soutn of th new ifnita; Theater. $50,000 II quarter Mock. 10 re oratt"n. north of , gome Income. MXTII T-, quarter M"ck. ltl. rh)i'i north of Burn- l!e. ome Income. $40,000 WF.VT PARK. Ijunrtor block. 10 hjr l'. ch"ic location, south or Morrison t. $35,000 SrvR.TII ST.. fractional corner, sear new llelllff Theater. $32,500 wtt rRK. f"jii mt. saxio. mithln i block of Morrison: oni ncon. UppoiiH Jew Arlington Club. $15,500 f-ni RTII !T, full rorner lot. 0x IvO tu. aouth of Morrison. $9500 ITTr:Tll T- 1 Mwk" north of UA9lnticln: fractional ll. room drlllns- $4250 WII.9OX T-, tOxt .0 feet, nrar Sth. Income Property $30,000 p1ltT ?T rrnr Morrison, frar tlonal I'll substantial brick bulld I pr cent Income. $30,000 FIT,VI.TH HT.. neur Mdln. full lot. 1-Mnry building: In.-omo I-S0 monthly. $30,000 PRTMF:NT-linrf. new and modern. choice l"H-att'n. Nob Hill district; i:S per cent net In come. $20,000 5T-. few block south of Morrison; f'll corner lot; fljZ.&O monthly rental. $15,500 GLI T. fholce location, full lot. modern flaU; t per cent net Income. $13,500 KflRTHKI P T went of lid. fu.l lot. 4 new and modern flats; monthly Income. JAIV1ES J. 813 kamber of Commerce. TO LEASE NINETEENTH STREET A little over Jl lots, on ltn st, bet. Kearney and Lovejoy sts. TRACKAGE IAOtIOO on the southeast corner 13th and Klanders sts. HAWTHORNE AVENUE 190ilt with trackage and business frontage. HAWTHORNE AVENUE lOOxlOA on Union and Hawthorn GRAND AVENUE lOn-tlti) n Grand avenue, adjoining the Sargent. UNION AVENUE OxlOO on I'nlon avenue and E. Couch UNION AVENUE Jiil 00 on Union avenue and E. Gllaan Street. These properties are to lease for a term of years, and might consider building to suit tenant. EDW. P. MALL. . 104 irol Mreet. (Lumber Exchange UMg.) Union Avenue Corner Near Burnside; income $213 per mo. PRICE 27,500 Goddard & Wiedrick 241 Stark St. For Lease Washington St. Flae Mor I.oratloa. oa1h aide ef street, Reimes FlftB aad Mxtfc. Donald Macleod Sl F.leetrte Bids. Comer 100x100 On 21st St., north of Washington. Splendid . Apartment Site Hard-surface pavement. No phone information. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 213 Stark St. nvestments NEW TOnAT. Grussi&Zadow Bargain List S2100 $2500 $2500 $2650 $2700 $2950 $3000 $3150 $3600 $3650 $4000 $4000 $4000 $4000 $4200 $4250 $4500 $4700 $4800 $5000 $5500 $5750 $6500 $6750 $7000 $7500 $7500 $8000 rniim enftare. Alhina H V e .. at Ktllnaswottli; $' cash. Nice S-room cottage. Minne sota ave.. near Skldmore; $:.u0 cash. t20 per month, (nod (-room house, corner lot. 4th and Torter; snap. 4- room bungalow, corner lot. Kelly St.; $300 caoh. Klne (-room house. B. Main, near 33d: $300 cash. Klne 4-room bungalow, full lot. K. 7th. Prescott; 1300 cash and $15 month. Klne new -room h o u s e. Drown St., near Union ave.; tiOO cash. 5 room cottage. Montana ave.: $300 rash. 120 month; Includes furniture. New S-room bungalow. Hose City rark; $500 cash. Swell -roonl bunftalow, South 1'ortland: $100 cash. Good T-room house, C'.rant St.. near Sixth at. 3-flat building, rented for I'll) per month $S50 cash. A snap paying 18 per cent. T-room nice house. E. Tay lor, near 23d; $1000 cash. $:& per month: bargain. New (.room house, walking" distance. West Side. Klne (-room house. E. 16th t.. near Alberta; term. 5- room house. 6?Hxll0 lot. on Corbett street. Good 7-room bouse. E. An keny st, near 20th. Ciood 7-rooin house. E. 12th St.. near Caruthers. New "-room house, 4 lota. Mount Tabor: easy terms. New T-room house. Veldler st.. near 3d; walking dis tance: $1500 cash. Klne T-room house. E. 2th st.. near Alder; eome terms. Very swell 7-room bunga low. K. Ikth and Morrison. Very swell T-room home, cor. K. Taylor, near JOtli. One of the finest homes In Addition. 9 rooma; $2000 rash: very modern. Your choice of 2 new mod ern f -room houses In Irr- 1 lift ton: terms to suit. Modern T-room house. Eth st.. near Grant. West Side. Swell new g - room bunga low Ladd Add.). $3500 cash. 2 modern (-room houses, K. 14th St.. near Belmont. Grussi & Zadow SIT Board et Trade Hldit. 4th aad Oak. WE OFFER TO DESIRABLE TEN ANT FOR A TERM OF YEARS 13.6x50 Feet on Washington Street NEAR SIXTH. hoinjr a portion of the store now occu pied by Goddard-Kclly Shoe Co. A. & M. DELOVAGE, 269 Washington St. BEST BUY ON Union Avenue Near Russell St. LARGE LOT This is a money-maker. See us for price and terms. ApartmentHouse Close in on West Side, 22 rooms, net ting 12 per cent, $16,500 Terms, Western Oregon Trust Co. 272 Stark St. One of the Finest Homes in the NobHiUDistrict Modern 12-room house costing. $40,000 Kurnitare and furnishings es timated at 10,000 Corner, 100x100 feet, with east and south frontage 30,000 Total...' $S0,000 Is FOR SALE and can be bought RIGHT. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. So Fourth St. MT. TABOR SITE 1 1-8 ACRES overlooking the surrounding country and Mr. Josselyn's new home which he has just bought and paid $40,000 for, and will spend $10,000 for im provements, beautifying the grounds and house. On one of the best car lines in the city. This property can be cut in half and make two of tho most beautiful homes in the City of Tort land. CHAPIN & HEP-LOW. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. UNION AVENUE 118x120 Feet. Corner Union avenue and Morris street, 4 modern houses, well rented, leaving 00x60 feet on corner vacant. An ideal site for bank or department store. Price. $18."00. Will be worth $2o,000 in short time. . Goddark 6 Wiedrick 243 Stark Street NfW TODAY. SPECIAL BARGAINS! Quarter Block, Third Street Improved, rine Kevenue $100,000 Quarter Block With Brick Bid. Third Street. Revenue $65000 Comer Brick Building Fine Revenue Producer Price $55,000 Corner Lot With 3-Story BuUclingf, on Third Street, Near New Kailroad Bridge; Pay 10 Net Price $55,000 Goldsmith & Co. 103 garrlork Bulldlaa, Third aaU Oak. Correspondence solicited. PLAT THIS ti acrea on Pase Una road, 2000 feet from Montavllla carlinc, and within 1000 feet of rlpht of way for Mt. Hood electric line. Tract le-ol and all In cultivation, and beautifully situated for flatting or subdivision Into half-acre ract.i. Adjoining ground la already platted. Will sell U or IS acres, or all of this trnct. at prices 25 per cent below ad joining acreage. This Is the best bar gain In close-in acreage around Port land. See McCargar, Bates & lively SIS FA 1 LI. VP BLDO. LITTLE MONEY BUYS THIS FARM IS acres, all cleared: a good B-room house and barn: 20 Lambert cherry trees. 20 late varieties apples, 1 acre strawberries, balance meadow and pas ture. Only (400 cash, balance easy terms. This Is "on a fine road. 2 miles to good town and railroad, and short drive from Portland. It will pay for Itself In frultraislng or chickens. Wallace Investment Co. Rooms 517 Bad 618 Oregoalasi Building. '8 The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER -a 4 MOST JJESUlABLiu residence property of the city. EKIXO IS BELIEVING BETTSil go and see the many CHOICB resU oencea under construction and Uie Ua provemenla going on. Hie Oregon Real fsla's Company CII4XD AVE. ASP Mt'LTXOMAU : T. East of 15th SL Four blocks off Washinpton Btrect, and near North Bank Depot. This property ia $3000 below market value. For full. particulars, phone or come to the office. H. H. TJRDAHL. 50.1 Lnmbermens Buildinjj. Marshall 1858, A 5345. ACREAGE FOR FLATTING. Berauxe of a settlement of Joint In terests In real estate, a 124-acre piece of land right on Powell Valley road Is offered at about hslf price. Nearby acreage selling at $800 and over per acre. This piece can be had for $.160 just now. $lr0 will handle It. You will never again buy land here at any where near the price of this. Your profit Is made, the moment you buy. Will bring double as acre tracts or would make a nice homeslte. FORTI.AXD-PACIFIC INVESTMENT (O, 418 Hallway EseaaDse. Must Sell This fine apartment site (100x100 ft.), the N. W. cor. of 10th and Harrison sts.. with t houses. S minutes walk to P. O. and Olds. Wortman ft King Department store. This property has been placed In our hands to sell. The one who buye this property will make no mistake. For price and terms see J. I- WEI.I.S CO, e3S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. mUTCinV CT Corner In a rapidly-In creasing business dis trict. 100x100. with large house: also 100x100 adjoining with two small houses. Easily worth $5500. To close up account the whole hunch goes for 5QO cash. A. H. BIRHEL CO, Mc Kay Lldg., 3d and Stark, Holladay Addition x 00 JiEW TODAY. River Front 1 Acres on River just above the city, about 185 feet frontage, near the carline. $3500 About 1 acre adjoining the same for $1250 About 2Y2 acres with new bungalow and barn, close to station. $4500 Acreage 35 Acres within 3 miles of the Courthouse, on electric road, station on ground, for, per acre $600 15 Acres, ail in natural woods, within 3 miles of the Courthouse. Easy terms can be ar ranged; per acre $700 42 Acres on Shattuek Road just below Coun cil Crest. All cleared. Good house. Per acre $750 Warehouse Sites 100x100 on track in North End. $10,000 1 Acre on river and track in the South End. $8500 360x486 on river and track with good im provements. $55,000 8 miles of river frontage, within 6 miles -of the Steel Bridge for $125,000 Investments 100x100 on Washington street. $55,000 70 feet frontage on "Washington street. $50,000 31x100 on Park, near Stark. $40,000 100x141 on Washington street. $40,000 Apartment site on 21st, 100x100. $23,000 50x100 Corner on 23d, well improved, bring ing in over 100 per cent month. $18,000 - KEASEY CL inUHASDNvuLFriRY 232 Clumber of Commerce. NEW TOPAT. You Will Enjoy Living In the midst of beautiful homes where there are reasonable re strictions, small parks, paved streets, alleys in which sewers, gas and water mains are laid, obviating the tearing up of streets and the unsightly wood piles in front of your house. Where you can walk to business easily in 20 or SO minutes, with a choice of two or three car lines. Meets all these requirements, and you can possess a lot at once with a small cash outlay and monthly or quarterly pay ments thereafter, at from $2000 to 2150 Including all street improve ments. The opening of the new Madison-street bridge, the prox imity to the business center with the rapid growth of the city, means much to this prop erty. For particulars see agents, F. W. TORGLER 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. STRONG & CO. 605 CONCORD BLDG. Also salesmen on grounds. Apartment Property. WITH GUARANTEED LEASE FOR TEN YEARS Pays Over 13V4Net Building is new and strictly modern. Location near 14th and Jefferson. Owner wants to leave for California. A gilt-edge investment. PRICE $31,500 Goddard & Wiedri 243 Stark Street. An Onion Deal READ THIS CAREFULLY We have six acres of the best onion land In Oregon, located at Hubbard, a few miles south of this city, on the railroad, as clean and level as a floor, that we will sell for JS00 an acre one fourth cash. With this sale we will contract to take the entire crop of next year at a price that will return to the buyer one-half of the purchase price. Now If you know what there is In the onion business you will own the best soil on this earth In two years. This Is the lat tract we have for sale of this kind and a bargain for some one. Wallace Investment Co. Room. .117 and KIR OreKonla. Balldlne. THIS OPPORTUNITY Will Not Last Long S5 an acre for this 160-acre farm, within !." miles of Portland, on a fine automobile road all of the way to It. The soil cannot be beat for either grain or fruit. Very siuhtly, overlooking sur rounding country. Beautiful view of Mounts Hood and St. Helens; 30 acres cleared ami In good state of cultiva tion: six acres In apples. This Is t-o to $40 an acre les than land In same vi cinity Is selling for. Good spring on the place. For sale this week only. Owner. 412-413 Abington Bldg., 106V4 Third street. Walker & Reed s Bulletin S1500 -1-iOt on East 24th st, Irving ton. East view. This Is a snap, as no lot in the neighborhood Is selling under $2000. S3000 Quarter block on East Morri son ft. Excellent for residence or apartment house. SSOOO Al quarter block In best part of Portland Heights. S20.000 Business property having 138 feet frontage on Hawthorne ave. Income $2000 per year, and can be Increased by building on 38x185 feet which Is vacant. WALKER Jfc REED, 4t Hallway Kxchange Bldg. Main ST.35 MORTGAGE LOANS 5 On Central Business Property. EDWARD K. GOVDEX. Lewis Bids. NEW TODAY. A O N We -wish to call your attention - to the most picturesque and beauti ful suburban addition to Portland, one which is located on an electric line with fine roads and river service, but which has been neglected here tofore. DO NOT WAIT TOO LONG before asking us about this addition. Call or write for in formation. Gowan-More Co. 315 Cham. Commerce. A 4298. Main 184. DO YOU NEED ONEY FOR BUILDING PURPOSES? WE FINANCE DWELLINGS, HOTELS, APARTMENTS, FLATS, . WAREHOUSES, STORES. No other firm in Portland is so well able as we are to finance your projects on such favorable terms. We charge no commission or bonus in our. financing. Our building contracts in clude architectural, service. Portland is forging ahead as never before in its history. Now is the time to make your arrangements for build ing. WALKER & REED 416 Railway Exchange Building. Phone Main 8535. Varehouse Site Half block on Nicolai st., near 27th. United Railways trackage. York-st. trackage within two blocks, and when extended will also serve this property. Price $9000 This is in the coming warehouse district of Portland, and is the cheap est warehouse property on the market. McCargar, Bates & Lively 315 Failing Building. BUY ACREAGE AND MAKE MONEY We can sell you one or ten acres on the United Electric: splendid soil; all cleared ready for cultivation. Cars will pass these tracts In two weeks. Low prices and easy terms; buy now and sell In the Spring, or be a farmer and take life easy. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO. Room SI7 and S1H Oregontan Buildlnn. 280 Acres Timber Land Twenty-four million feet, mostly fir, 25 miles out, on creek; easy slopes, eood land. Three miles to railroad. Good location to plat. A bargain. Address W. Hammond - 1043 Vaughn street, Portland. FINE APARTMENT East Burnside St.. close In; corner, 100x100; S-roora house; only $10,000. Also 50x100, same locality, only $4150. BUGLET BISHOP, 132 Third St. NEW TODAY. Investments Half block of ground, 100x200, with 100 feet of trackage, close in, at $35, 000 $5000 cash, balance easy. No such warehouse or wholesale-house site in the city for the money. Fine corner, 50x90Kon Fifth street, few minutes' walk from Washington street $22,500. Small payment down, balance mortgage. Stores below and rooms above; will bring good returns on total investment. Income Property Four 6-room flats; the building is new, very well built and is equipped with every modern convenience: the location is excellent, on the best West Side carline and in good neighbor hood ; the income is $152.50 a month ; the price is $13,500, and the amount of cash required is $5500. Figure the rate per cent on the total cost, then on the amount invested, then see R. F. Bryan 505 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227. Main 1963. 1 WEST SIDE Quarter block, near Custom-House, has small income; investigate. Price $51,000. 100x100 corner, 4 large houses, bring ing in fair income. Price $30,000. Inside 50x100 on Tenth street; in come $00 per month. Corner in the same neighbourhood sold last week for $14,000. This is a good buy. Price $9000. EAST SIDE A 2-flat Building on East Pine st. Income 10 per cent. Lot 40x90. Terms to suit. Get particulars. Price $0500. 100x100 corner near Sandy road car line. A snap. Price $3250. Phone or come to the office. H. H. TJRDAHL, 503 Lumbermens Building. 1 Phone Marshall 1858, A 5345. "Des Moines Addition"' These choice half-acre tracts are one-third of a mile due north of Ball Station, on the Gresham or Estacada carline. Lie high and sightly and ad join "Brentwood," one mile south from Trcmont Station, on Mt. Scott line, one mile southeast of Wood Bi ock. The price at this time is. only $500 $25 cash and $10 per month, which is very reasonable. J. W. Ogilbse , Room 11, 145J2 First Street, Portland, Or. " 1 Hillside St. Absolutely the best buy on this flne street. Full quarter block, close in. If you have not already considered the future of this thoroughfare. It Is high time to do so. You all know the great advantage of car service and with the new Rose City Park cut-oft coming In at E. 10th and Burnside sts. the facilities will be the best. In the city, and then the prices will drift skyward. Now Is your chance. If you don't take advantage von will soon be stand ing In tho background watching the enterprising investors reaping the en vied harvest. Don't miss this. No phone informa tion. O'Brien Realty Company Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. WE HAVE A CLIENT Who has $10,000 to $12,000 cash as nart navmcnt on apartment property, provided owner will accept her fruit ranch as part payment. J. lie iruir. farm consists of 152 acres on Clack- nmns Kivnr. 2 miles from Cazadero; gradual slope toward river; GO acres cleared, balance in eordwoori timber which will produce about 2500 cords. An ideal fruit farm, having three nnartcrs of a mile frontage on Clack amas River. Price $19,000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, , 243 Stark St. SEE US ABOUT Our Quarter Acre Tracts near Fir land Station. On the Mt. Scott Line Cheapest and Best Water to Each Tract Streets Graded Easy Terms. KNAPP & MACKEY, 2 2-21 3 Board of Trade Bldg. CAREY ACT" PUBLIC LAND OPENING Tou are entitled to take up 160 acre of Irrigated Land In the DESCHUTES VALLEY Central Oregon. 2 Application can be made NOW. Central Oregon Irrigation Co. 415 Ry. Excbs. bldg., Portland, Or. $500