THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. yQVEMBEB 20, 1910- PORTLAND'S NEW ZOO WILL BE MOST MODERN IN WEST, PLANS PARK BOARD Sits Selected, tmt Location Not Mada Public Large Tract Necessary New Zoo May Be Modeled After Bronx Park la New York, If Sufficient Money Is Secured. IH i v t f lli: '"T-S a 1 r ' s' - a WJKTIIEll or not Portland 1 to Lav an up-to-dat. oo la- the question bow before lb Park Board. 81 nee complaint were recently made br residents nrar the park In retard to the animals belns; a nntsance to that neighborhood the Board has been considering the matter of no-lea- tb cased animala. Several locations have been consid ered, but only recently was a site found, which will probably answer the purpose. The Board has not yet made public the location of the site. No plans hare been made In resrard to the size or style of the proposed bandings. The plan of the Board Is to erect first-elaea. modern bulldlnira and to Increase the number of animals In the exhibit, making; of It a la r ire soo conducted on up-to-date lines. The building, nay the Board, will be of ornate design, substantial and with steam.heatel rasjes. and Improved fa cilities for feeding the animals. "We should like to pa"ern the new iiw after that of Bronx Park. New Tork." said E. T. MIsche, superintend ent of parks. "The cost of bulldlncs. trradlns; and Improvements will be any where from $ii.0u4 to I140.000. But before we take steps to establish a new zoo and more the old one. we must have definite plana as to Just what we are B'lne; to do. -W hen the aoo was started at the city park, there were only a few real- OBSERVATIONS AND REFLECTIONS ON THE" RECENT PRIMARY AND ELECTION S. B. Huston Telia Some Tacta la refutation of Falsehoods Uaed by tie Bonrne-Cnamberlain Combination Dnrinr the Campaign and Incidentally Touches Upon Statement No. 1. POUT LJOTP. Nov. 1. Tb the Editor.) A great many thing were stated on th stump and printed in news papers during tlw recent primary election and prior to the election concerning the ajwembly. some of which were true and some of which were utterly falee. I do not know that It matters very much and yet It occurred to me that now (since election Is over ami the verdUA of the people Is adverse to an assembly, to which, verdict we all bow notwith standing our judgment may be otber tw) the truth of there matters ought to be stated ar.d the false statements not allowed t go ab.-aIutely uncontradicted. There being no objoct now. real or sus pected. In false statements about the natter, probably the people are more In a mood to know and believe the trsrtb than thy were prior to the election. First It wiis) repeatedly printed In J he Portland twmoc ratio, onran and other aewvpapers and seated from the stump b snti-ajsM'iu&ly speakers that typewrit ten lists of delegates which were desired to be selected from the various) precincts to the sssembty were prepared at Repub lican headquarters and sent out to the various precincts. Sometimes It was stated that tliey were sent to all f the preclncta and sometimes that they were sent to most stl of the precincts: that these lasts which were svnt out were all for Mr. Bowerman. etc Now, of course, I cannot say as to what hap pened In other precincts, but I know that the statement, so far as It applied to the precinct In which I vote, was) ab solutely without any foundation what ever. Wheat tue RepubUcana met at the appointed tune there were about S or W well-known Republicans of the precinct. There wasi no slate present, typewritten or otherwise. There was no discusMon with reference to whom a certain man would favar for Governor or any other office If be was) elected, but the question discussed was. who can attend If be Is elected. Several gentlemen- were pro poaed. but dye lined upon the ground that tiiey could not all end and as no proxies were allowed tt was sought to elect men who would attend. Finally F. E. Beach. Henry E. Bed. T. J. Fording. H- H. Northup and myself were elected as delegates from our precinct. We did not snow who the various members of our delegation favored for any office. I did not know tip to the. time we cast our t.rtot and do not know now except that i ul f tiTi-s seslkmu, w&a m era alter- "3- vL ' dents In that nrtfrhhnrhood. bat now It Is more thickly settled and the resi dents are annoyed by the tolse of the animals." Mm illsche sayj that the present boo Is cunducted along the same lines as the iooi abroad: merely a "collec tion." with no object -In view except to feed and care for the animals In an altogether too small place for the purpose. It la hoped by the Board to eirtablUh a place that will be Instruc tive to visitors. "What there should be." says Superintendent MIsche, "Is a careful selection not a collection.' with a definite poll'-y as to what animals ehould be omitted, and ' what should be secured. "That zoo at the city park Is like Topsy; It "Just g-rowed." Its first his tory began with a few dog's which were kept out there. To these were added other anlmaln. which were taken to the park to be cared for In the ab sence of any other suitable place. Ad ditions bave been made from time to time until we have the present zoo. It was never planned nor intended; Just happened." In order to make the new zoo an at tractive place, members of the Park Board say it will be necessary to ae gulre 300 or 400 acres, and at the -same time It must be accessible to the public. There Is do doubt that most people will take a peculiar attitude In the matter of a new zoo," said Superin tendent MIsche. "as a aoo always fol lows a fully developed park system. wards elected delegates to the state con vention, told me that they voted for Dr. Andrew C Smith. see ftecond It was printed repeatedly and staled oa the exump by several a ntl-assembly speakers that I to the candidate of the corporations) or the. Interests for chairman of the Multnomah County as sembly. All I have to say about that Ws this: If I was) I didn't know tt and I 00 not know It now. No man connected with any of the publlo service corpora- 'tton ever suggested to me that I should be a candidate for chairman and no man. corporation or otherwise, ever asked or suKgeeted or hinted that If I wa elected chairman I should do any parti cular thing. Now. If the corporations) wanted me for chairman of the Multno mah. County assembly It would seem seasonable that they would want me to appoint certain men upon, committees, or to do something of some kind that would In some way fsvor their Interests, but I aay that no UrtuC man ever emg gested to me any course of action, any particular act or thing that I should do if elected chairman. What made It more ridiculous was the fact that It was as serted tuat the corporations) were back ing me very strenuomey for chairman against Mr. Stapleton. but Mr. Btapleton was on their alate for the legislative ticket where he could do them ten times a much good or barm, as the. case might be. a be could as chairman of the Mult nomah County assembly. Thlr.1 It was freely stated that there was a cut and dried alate not only In rue county aeaembly but In the state assembly; that everything was all fixed and the delegatea were marked and branded, and so forth and so on. Now, 1 took quite an active part in the coun ty assembly as well as in the state assembly. In the county assembly I was the chairman of the Multnomah County delegation. At no time during the progress of elfher of these assem blies did I ever see any slate or have any knowledge of the existence of any slate, and I do not believe there was any. ' As chairman of the committee to select the hundred end ten delegates. I presided over Its meetlars and heard everything that ooeurred there. No word was ever utteged In Cue selection of these men as to whom they favored for Governor or for any other office. The object seemed to be, as far as I could determine, to get representative Republicans and make them so repre sentative that na on would &sve aa But here we haven't at yet that park system, althoug-n we know It, Is com ing sooner or later, and we are going; to try and establish the soo without the system." That the new 100. If established on the plana suggested, will be far more attractive than an ordinary soo. Is claimed by the board, as each animal can be given Its own natural surround ing. When It comes to the moving of the animals, there will no doubt be con siderable Interest aroused, especially among- the small boys. How will the animala be moved? la being asked by many. Some bave an Idea that this Is to be very difficult task, but Mr. MIsche explains that It will be very simple. A large strong- cage will be used, which will be placed next to the ani mal's regular cage from which he will be driven Into the temporary cage. The doors will then be closed and the cas-e placed on a movlns- truck. This programme will be carried out with each and every animal. The lion and the buffalo will be a little hard to handle, while the elk will have to be transferred when his horns are off. At the present time there are In the park 408 birds. Including: eagles, owls, parrots, canaries, etc, and 175 animals. Of the latter number 100 are guinea piga. These no doubt will be moved, and will be "charter members" of the new zoo. If the animals on exhibition at the City Park could be consulted, they no doubt would be unanimous in their request for a new home, where they will have plenty of room, and lots of comfort. The heating facilities will be so regulated In the new cages that there will be little suffering from cold or sickness. It will also be possible to feed and care for them In a way conducive to health. But the lives of these dumb beasts run along- In the same old way. They axe totally .unconscious of the great change In their life being planned, and that the event of their lives Is ap proaching "moving day." opportunity to say that the assembly waa not a representative body. Out of the hundred, and ten selected by tVie committee, about 60 were favorable to the candidacy of Ir. Smith, but that was not planned, so far as I know, because men on the committee who were for Bowerman Insisted npon the selection of other men for delegates who were known to be friendly to other oandidates. The trurn Is that we were all. so far as I know, anxious not to advance the Interests of any particular man but to make the assembly a suc cess. W were anxious to get the strongest ticket .possible. We did not believe that under the free-for-all sys tem advocated by the antl-assembly people Republicans could elect a Gov ernor or a Cnlted States Senator In Oregon. We may have been mistaken but one thing Is sure, they haven t been able to do It so far. It Is. of course, probable that fnere were men In that assembly, as there are in all gatherings, who had some selfish In terest to advance, but the great ma jority In the county assembly and In I the state assembly In my judgment were honest, sincere men. anxious only to advance the Interests of the Republi can party. s But referring again to personal mat ters. Judge McGinn repeatedly stated mat Mr. Stapleton and myself and oth ers were there representing great cor porate Interests and public service cor porations, etc. etc. and particularly the Portland Railway. Light A Power Com pany. Thla waa afterwards repeated by Mr. West at various places throughout the state. I cannot speak for the oth ers, but so far aa I am concerned the statement was not only false, but was absolutely without, any Justification whatever. In rue past I have been con cerned In litigation with the Northern Pad no Railway, the Southern Pacific Railway, the O. R. A N. Company, and the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, always against them, never for them. At the very time Waen Judgo McGinn and Mr. Wast were making these statements I. as attorney for the Kelson Fender Company, was engaged In a most hotly-contested fight with the Portlsnd Railway. Light Power Company before the City Council over the adoption of the Nelson fenders, and ils was known to everybody who read the publlo prints carefully. With the gas company I have' never had any legal business, either for or against. So I repeat that the statements were not only false, but wickedly and de liberately false. Another favorite statement of these and other antl-assembly speakers in enumerating the various corporate In terests -who controlled the state as sembly, was to mention Judge Carey as representing the great Hill Interests. Judge Carey was not only not a dele gate, but was not In Portland at the time. I am charitable enough toward Mr. West to believe that he would not have made these statements If he had positively known them to be false. I think he simply read them as having been made by others and adopted them as his own. It does occur to me. how ever, that a man who talks about tak ing a shotgun to others for misrepre senting him ought to be a little care ful about the statements he makes with reference to one who has always been his friend. see Now. I do not wrtsh to be misunder stood with respect to these matters. I am not apologizing for my action In taking part In the assembly. I agree that asaemblylsm In Oregon Is dead, at "legist for a long time, but I did not be lieve and do not believe now that It Is possible under .he free-for-all sys tem, without any convention or as sembly to confer tcrether. to nominate a ticket composed of decent and repu table men, and I think the experience so far of the people of Oregon and Multnomah County will bear me out In this. There never waa a boss even of Tammany so utterly depraved as to place men on a ticket with the record and the cu.aractr cf several of the n.en no.iunated on the "antl-assembly tlrkjt at the recent primary election. The legislative ticket which waa nominated two years ago was bad enough, but rot so bad as this. e It was said that the assembly was against thedlrect primary. That state ment was also untrue so far as I am Informed and believe. I do not think Results Are Uncertain Under New Initiative Amendments President of the Oregon Bar Association Points Out' the Danger and Impracticability of the People Making Radical Changes. At the meeting of the Oregon Bar Association last Thursday Frederick V". Holman. Its president, read an ad dress on the uncertainty of results un der Initiative amendments of the Ore gon constitution and pointed out prob able danger Into which they would lead this state. It was a lawyer's ad dress to lawyer), yet popular In Its bearing. The address will no doubt be published in pamphlet form for distribution among members of the as sociation. Mr. Holman has small eonfldence in direct legislation, aa witness this: "And so it came about that without changing the voters, except by num bers, as Oregon Is a rapidly growing state, the people who supposed they could not govern themselves by a rep resentative form of government, to which they wer.e accustomed, adopted a ' democratic form of government, of which they knew nothing as to Its workings, evidently believing that as they were Incapable of electing proper representatlvea they were capable of enacting their laws by popular vote, and as conditions were unsatisfactory they could be bettered by upsetting the existing order. "But the result, partly at least, mint be disappointing to these theorists, for the crudity of these popular amend ments to the constitution and other en actments has been such that they have been amended by the courts practical ly legislating amendments, by deci sions to make enactments work able. Fortunately, perhaps, the initia tive amendment of section 2 of article XI of the Constitution relating to city charters did not provide against their amendment by Judicial decisions, but only by the Legislature. And this sug gests whether a further amendment to the Initiative provisions of the Oregon Constitution might not be made by abolishing the Legislature and giving all legislative power to the people and to the courts, as Is the case with amendments to the Constitution." The address was confined mainly to the enactment and amendment of char ters of cities, towns and other munic ipal corporations and the decisions of courts In relation, thereto. Mr. Hol man called attention to the uncertain ty and confusion relative to the per centage of voters required for filing initiative and referendum petitions, and showed how these affected direct legislation subsequent to-the amend ment of Section 1. Article IV of the Ore gon Constitution as voted June 2, 1902. He called particular attention to the law as established on the following powers and subjects, viz.: First The law of eminent domain. Second The power to grant fran chlxes and the control of highways. ThirS The law relating to bridges on navigable rivers wholly within a state.. s s s Mr. Holman quoted- numerous well known authorities on eminent domain ana said: "The rlpht of eminent. domain is not Inherent in a municipal corporation, nor is it granted, nor can it be exer cised merelv hy Implication. It must bs granted by the Legislature, unless . e .gismture is prohibited from so doing by the Constitution, or by the constitution of the state, by express terms or by a necessary implication equivalent to express terms. Eminent domain being an incident of aover elgnty, its exercise cam be granted by the states to municipal corporations and quasi-public corporations. Of course the people of a state can deter mine the "exercise of this power br means of proper provisions In its con stitution. There are no express pro visions In the Oregon constitution giv ing this power and It therefore rests wholly In the Legislature, unless Sec tion 2 of Artlole XL as now existing, grants the right to exercise such power. The only power given Is aa follows: f . The' legal voters of every city end town sre hereby granted power te mai:t and amend their charter, subject to the con stitution and criminal J of toe state ot 0lMr!nilrolman quoted Supreme Court de cisions In the following cases: Dalles Lumbering Co. vs. I'rquhart, 16 Oregon. 67; Bridal Veil Lumber Co. vs. Johnson. SO Oregon. 205: Muddeston vs, K.igene, S Oregon. 343; Grand Ronde Electric Co. vs. Drake. 46 Oregon. 248. He added: "It will thus be seen that the Oregon Supreme Court had established the doc trine that under "the constitution of the state the right of eminent domain 'cau be exercised only by legislative author ity," and thus made it a part of the Oregon constitution. It would seem that at the time of the adoption of ths amendment of Section 2. Article XI, of the Constitution, in June, 1306. that the power of the legal voters of a municipal corporation 'to enact or amend their municipal charter, subject to the con stitution." did not give the power of such voters to give a municipality the right to exercise the powers of eminent domain, and that such powers could be conferred only by the Legislature or an amendment to the Oregon Constitution, especially aa the Oregon Supreme Court, In Straw vs. Harris. 54 Oregon 4J4, held that the Legislature, by a general law. may at any time alter, amend or even repeal any or all tof the charters within it.' and can thus stin give ti municipal ities the right to exercise the pxrwr of eminent domain. "It must not be forgotten that a dty there were a dozen men in either as sembly who would have favored the re peal of the direct primary at the pres ent time. They did believe, with Gov ernor Hughes, ex-President Roosevelt and President Taft, that It ought to have the convention system engrafted upon It. the convention being advisory and the final primary being in the na ture of a vote upon the action of the convention. They did believe in the passage of some law that would pre vent Democrats invading the Republi can primary by the thousands as they did In the recent primary, but this It seems can never be. The anti-assembly people will never agree to It for obvious reasons. see It was said that the assembly was against Statement No. 1. The charge was true. The assembly was made up principally of men who had convictions and who were not of the clasa of the school teacher who. when asked by the Board of Directors on applying for the school whether he proposed to teach that the world was round or flat, an swered: "I teach either round or flat as the Directors desire." They were not men who believing In the gold standard were willing to cast their votes as legislators to send a free sil ver man to the United States Senate, and It was hard for them to have very much respect for a man who was so anxious to go to the Legislature that he was willing" to agree to cast his vote to send a man to the United States Senate whose opinions were the direct opposite of those of the. legis lator himself. They were perfectly willing and fayored the plan of a leg islator pledging himself to abide by the choice of his party, but the Idea of a man pledging himself to vote for one of the opposite party was and is repulsive to men of strong convlotlons. They realise now that Statement No. 1 has, come to stay, but that does not make them respect It. S. B. HUSTON. has imposed upon it two kinds of duties or powers: one public or governmental as an Instrumentality of the state, and under which It exercises police powers; the other Is private or proprietary. In which it Is as a- legal Individual. It is the latter capacity in which It owns Its waterworks, and It Is liable for negli gence as a private corporation or an in dividual Is." Mr. Holman quoted several decisions of the Oregon Supreme Court on Vie Initia tive and referendum powers to be exer cised by a municipality, notably Kad derly vs. Port of Portland, 44 Oregon, 118; Stevens vs. Venson, 60 Oregon, 263; State vs. Longworthy, 104 Pacific, 424; McKenna vs. City of Portland. 62 Ore gon. 191, and Farrell vs. Port of Port land, 52 Oregon. 6S2; Acme Dairy Co. vs. City of Astoria, 43 Oregon. 520; Long vs. City of Portland. 63 Oregon 92, and State ex rel., Bradford vs. Portland R. L. & P. Co., 107 Pacific, 958. He pointed out that no provision was made for the num ber of signatures to an Initiative petition", and nothing in the act of 1907 saying in what manner the signatures shall be veri fied or how the number of voters shall be determined. He took the case of Straw vs. Har. rls, which involved the constitutional ity of the law creating the Port of Coos Bay. "In this case," he said, "two main points were decided: "First That under the initiative and referendum amendment of tho consti tution there are two separate and dis tinct law-making bodies, each equal, viz., the Legislature and the people. ''Second That the state has not sur rendered Its sovereignty to the muni cipalities to the extent that the state has lost control of the municipalities." Discussing Justice King's decision In this case, Mr. Holman declared: "Instead of two lawmaking bodies there would seem to be three, or, pos sibly four. "First The Legislature. "Second Tl people of the whole state. , "Third The people of a municipality. "Fourth The Common Council or Commissioners of a municipality. "The holding that the people and the Legislature may each 'enact any law and may even repeal any act passed by the other,' shows to what a dangerous condition these Initiative amendments of the constitution have brought the State of Oregon. It Is a condition sim ilar to that which would occur If the sole legislative body of a state was composed of twn houses which did not have to concur to enact a law, and each could enact laws to the exclusion of the other 'and ev.en repeal any act passed by the other.' "Suppose that in the State of Oregon two antagonistic acts were passed, one by the Legislature, the other by the people, and these two acts went Into effect the same days, what would be the result? It would be like the cele brated case of an Irresistible force meeting an Immovable body. Will not the Legislature become as useless as a vermiform appendix Is to a human be ing? It may have some functions but It Is mostly a menace but a source of revenue to doctors political? Would It not be well to cut It out before it be comes dangerous?" s The next question taken tip was mu nicipal Indebtedness, which the Su preme Court has not yet passed on. "Section 5 of Article XI of the Con stitution of Oregon Is as follows: 'Acts of legislative assembly incorporating towns and -cities shall restrict, their powers of taxation, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit.' Probably when provision is made allowing cities and towns to be Incorporated which are aot now In ex istence, this clause will not apply to them for the reason that they are not Incorporated by an act of the Legisla ture. "But the question arises In cities which were Incorporated by b pedal charters by the Legislature and were in existence at the time of the adoption of the initiative amendments in 1U06, whether this Section 5- of Article XI i repealed by implica tion, by the amendment of Section 3 of Article XI of the Constitution. It would seem as a matter of law that Bald. Sec tion & of Article XI ia a limitation upon the power of a city to contract indebted ness where such a provision was in its charter at the adoption of the initiative amendments in VJui. "The legal voters, of the City of Port land have acted on the assumption that this Section 6 of Article XI was repealed by these amendments. It is but addi tional evidence showing the imprudence of initiative measures when such a ques tion is left in doubt. "If Portland should cause a bridge to be- erected at each street or most of the streets abutting on the Willamette River it would practically confiscate all water front on the Willamette River as far south aa the rapids at the mouth of the Clackamas River. But what will the Portland people say if a city or town, be tween Portland and the mouth of the Willamette should erect enough bridges practically to Interfere with or prevent ships coming to Portland? It might be desired by owners of properties - along Columbia Slough to have this done and make all shipping use that slough when it is deepened by dredging, to the exclu sion of the harbor at Portland." Mr. Holman took up the question of the granting of franchises, disctjeised conflict ing decisions and concluded: "Such franchises when granted by a dty and IE CALIFORNIA 'HOTELSano Winter 1 j-sns. .mAJ WHERE SHALL I SPEND THE WINTER? EVER BEEN GOAT HUNTING? is famous for the sport. Has a wonder ful mild Winter climate. No fog no frost just warm and delightful. Bath lnar and boatinsr in Avalon Bay is de lightful. December. January, Febru ary and March are delightful months. SEE THE SUBMARINE! GARDENS through glass-bottom boats. Greatest game and fishing resort in the world. Beautiful illustrated book free on re quest. BANNING COMPANY trie Bids- Los AniteleH Cal. fi rooms ; 3f0 with private bath: Ji rates 11. 50 upwards: equipped Jl'f with( Turkish baths and mam J. I 7 tti ot h ewl m min k poo la : he au t i f u 1 marine vier or Kan Dlfro Bay. For book If t. J. H. Holm, Bier., rorrnPrly of Green. FauadeDsV. IrAHII IM SULPHURSPttlNGS rtparfUandFbamahKeChampane OATT1E IM LIQUID jUflSiliflE Prnsidan in chartet-PdrwratiendsftjtIA jrl 9 SAN DIEGO, CAJ. H Ss4Cftlifornl' neweit abs. firproo CALIFORNIA Is the place to visit. Orange groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, making this favored section the Nation's most popular retreat. You can 6ee this section at its best via the Shasta Route a"d wor.-ou'and SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Up-to-date trains, first-class in every respect, unexcelled dining car service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL. ROUND $55.00 With corresponding low rates from all other sections of the North west. Liberal stop-overs in each direction and long limit. Inter esting and attractive literature on the various resorts and attrac tions of California can be had on application to any S. P. or 0. R. & N. Agent, or from WM. McMUREAY. Gen. Pas. Agent, Portland, Oregon accepted by the grantee could not he revoked hy the Legislature or the peo ple." COAL-RATE CASE ENDED liOng and Short-Haul Settled, Colo rado Suit IMarulssed. WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. Declaring; that except for a charire of deviation from the long and short-haul section, the case presented no question not previously disposed of In the Cedar Hill Coal & Coke Company case, the Inter state Commerce Commission today dis missed the complaint of the Colorado Commercial Traffic Association against the Colorado St Southern Railroad and others. The complaint, like the ones of the NORTH PLAINS Will start with the following business houses: A HOTEL A GENERAL STORE A BUTCHER SHOP A BLACKSMITH SHOP A RESTAURANT A TELEPHONE OFFICE A WATER AND ELECTRIC LIGHT OFFICE And besides will .have a modern three-room depot. Planked streets and sidewalks; And the finest water system in the Valley; Combined with the richest soil on earth and ready for plow. Could anyone want more for a SMALL farm or COUNTRY HOME location! Call or write for booklet. RUTH TRUST COMPANY Room 3, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. resorts HOTEL VIRGINIA Long Beach California ;One of the most delightful warm-Win-ter climates in the world. The mam moth and beautiful Hotel Virginia offers everv accommodation. Is abso lutely FIREPROOF, and overlooks the Pacific Ocean, where the Winter bath ing 1 perfect. The famous VIRGINIA Country Club, FINEST GOLF COURSE IN WEST. Conducted on American plan. For beautiful book let, CARL STANLEY Man a tret. Long Beach Offer EreiT Accommodation. Hotel Metropole Avalon, SANTA CATALWA ISLAND. YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHILE SEE ING the SIGHTS of WONDROUS CATA L1NA. Booklet. BASiM.Vft CO., P. H. Bldg-., Los Angeles, Cal. WINTER BOOKLET OF LONG BEACH SANITARIUM Beautifully illustrated. Showing ev ery nook aud corner of this famous institution on Battle Creek plan. Sent free upon request. W. BAY SIMPSON, MGB, Long Beach, CaL . 8ANITARUU AM) HEALTH RESORT, on the mountain slope at Sierra Madrt, but few miles from Los Angeles. AHItuda J 5 00 ft. Ten cottages, mission bungralows, club house, Classes m Art aud Craft, resident physician. Trained nursea. Mod. rates. For BOOKLET, etc. address either Sani tarium or 1 0-4 Coulter Ttldg., TjOB Angeles. TRIP RATE OF 1 Portland to Los Angeles and Return lndfvldual members of the association which were dismissed, concerned the rates on bituminous coal from the Walscnburg district in Southern Colo rado to Kansas and Nebraska. As to the long and short haul phase of the controversy, whatever the merit of the contention might be, the Commission declined to make any order at this time. The greater charge to intermediate stations than to the more distant sta tions over the same line In the same direction will become unlawful on the expiration of six months from August 17. last, unless the railroad in the meantime apply to the Commission for authority to deviate from the prescrib ed rule, which the Commission would promptly investigate. The value of the output of Quebec's mines ' has more than doubled In ten years, from 1 . . . - . -i .baa ,n I; RR4 Ofil la. vmt. ii, w-"" j