V V SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 18 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AND MARKET REPORTS VOL. XXIX. PORTLAND. OHECiO.V SUNDAY MORXIXG, ' XOTEMBEB 20, 1910. xo- 47' DON'T DELAY YOUR PICTURE FRAMING " DON 1 DELAY YUUK PICTURE FRAMING as; I () Remarkable Suit Sale. Styles That Denote Study and Thought-of Fashion. Practical, Serviceable Suits. Fit and Tailoring Equal toCustom Suits. Suits Selling to $30.00 at $ 1 2,00 Not one of these suits has been on sale yet. Every suit is new. They have just arrived by express and were intended for sale in our regular stock it $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00 each. We accept conditions as they are TODAY in Portland. Every store seems bent on unloading suits on the public The bulk of this merchandise are surplus garments accumulated from previous seasons. MOST OF THEM ARE OLD-FASHIONED MODELS. We have no such garments to offer. -We are COMPELLED to meet this competition WITH NEW SUITS AND DO SO WILLINGLY. Tomorrow we offer for your inspection 500 tailored suits, in Scotch mixtures, im ported Belgium mannish weaves, fancy diagonals, basket weaves, homespuns, cheviots, salt and pepper mixtures, broadcloths and plain navy blue serges. The jackets are modeled in the new 32-inch length. Lined throughout with satin. The skirts are all made in the new plaited flare and tube styles. Ifj line. CUT AND FINISH you have never seen the EQUAL of these garments in Portland at our price. This statement is made knowingly, thoughtfully, exactly. They mean very much ij they express facts and they DO. MONDAY ON SALE $! 2.00 We Anticipated the New Fashions in Baas and Now Have Them to Show You ill WZ h jilt Mi 5. . O t 1 11 1 H ave V ou a Velvet Suit? Be-Ribboned Things Will ft & mJJiji-Js' Shown $50 N iiwigiJ now " Beaded Bags worked with the finest of beads in combinations of the softest tones, producing beautiful Mosaic effects. Elaborate Paisley and Japanese brocaded bags. Exquisite Chinese embroidered bags. An elaborate showing of black velvet ana Suede bags with long corded tassels. Carriage and automobile bags In imported leathers, fitted with complete toilet requisites. 1., . .1. V .-.v-" ,-.-'. 1 '1 : ! .- .- ' .-. A. O: 7en Get One Right Away This is the one fashion in which a suit may truthfully be said to have been confined to smart dressers. On the Continent, in New York and in Portland you'll find these velvet gowns con fined, to the smart dressers, to women who adhere to refined and Quiet styles. Particularly smart is the heavy corded corduroy. A fashion note in one of the New York papers that gave an account of the Princeton-Yale football game and com mented on the costumes of the women and misses, remarked upon the similarity in dress of all the women present. The ma jority were gowned in velvet and corduroy dresses, almost severely plain in model, which in itself added tone, style and dignity to the garments. We have every desirable shade in stock- Although there has been a heavy drain upon our supply "we have still enough on hand to meet all requirements for the next week or two. After that there is no telling how soon we can replenish our stock. Certainly not again until Spring. 1 Its the Uncommon in Jewelry We Like to Show For example: Sterling- eye-brow pencils. Silver filigree lip salve holders. Gunmetal and gold filled vanity cases. Sterling car fare banks, plain and etched. Also in gun metal. Genuine Cameo brooches. Lava liers in Romanesque and Greecian patterns. Lorgnettes of Louis the XIV. Sterling chatetlaine articles and long coral chains. Be Used for Xmas Gifts Bright wits are performing wonders with ribbons. Even nature is being copied by ' deft fingers. Peep into our show cases and youll find the most fragrant Italian violets and La France roses in full bloom. You can almost smell their fragrance. These beautiful ribbon flowers' are used on all sorts of fancy work. On scarfs, opera bags, on party dresses, on glove and hand kerchief folds, made into French Corsage bouquets and in other innumerable ways. Then again come your little dainty rib bons, combined with lace to beautify many 'articles. Florentine, Persian and Dresden ribbons, which in the hands of clever people are transformed into dainty bits of Christmas fancies. You'll find us fully prepared to meet your demand in RIBBONS OF ALL KINDS. Holly ribbons in pretty winding vine de signs, in combination colors of green and red holly berries. No. 2 sells for 3c yd. 25c bolt. No. 5 sells or 10c yd 90c lolt. No. 60, a wide wialh, at 25c yd. ' Washable taffeta ribbons, in the finest quality of pure silk, in a full line of colors. No. 1 sells for 3c yd. 27c bolt. No. IX sells for 5c yd. 45c bolt. No. 2 sells for 6c yd 55c bolt. ' No. 3 sells for 7c yd. 65c bolt. No. 5 sells for 8c yd. 75c bolt. Fancy .Ribbons, in wide widths, from 25c a yard, up. Imported Novelty Ribbons, from 25c to $3.00 a yatd. A Great Sale of Christmas Handkerchiefs for Women, Misses, Men 'and Boys Every Style and Every Price ' Thousands of Dozens of Handkerchiefs, Plain and Initialed at Special Prices All Mandkercniers DVc and uver nana nmoroiaerea rixc v , ' i : Baskets of the Louis XIV Period At the beginning of the 17th century French art, both painting and sculp turing was given over to the imitation of the Italian. It was during that period when Coustou, Mignard, Le Brun and Claude Lorrain were giving to France their best painting and sculpture. Artists of that period deemed it their duty to imitate the antique in their work. It was then that these gilt baskets were in vogue. They were used on every occasion in the banquet hall, in the reception room, in the art gallery and in the ball room, always lavishly filled with fruit and flowers. The revival of this fashion Is one of the novelties of the year. It bids fair to meet with immense popularity. Vases, metal Ined, from $7.00 to $15.00 each. Flower Baskets, with handles, from $2.00 to $7.00. Trays, from $1.25 to $7.00. -Fern Baskets, metal lined, from $3.00 to $10.00 each. To Have the Best,To Sell the Best Is Our Ambition in Art Needlework We have been climbing upward in our art needle craft department, striving to give to the public such a department that would put us at the very top rung. We have left the bottom rung far below and hope by careful selection, with intelligent help and competent instructors, to reach our goal the fore most Art Needle Craft Department on the Pacific Coast. We realise fully how cramped and crowded this department is at present. We also know we have but one more Christmas to pass, handicapped in this manner. The department during the past month has been crowded daily with cus tomers who have been patient and obliging, realizing that we are doing every thing in our power to serve them quickly, yet carefully. We have again in creased our selling space, displaying additional novelties. We are now showing beautiful examples in art needlework, pyrography and metrography. Last week we chanced upon a new idea that of instructing the customer immediately upon the purchase of a bit of linen to be worked to give instruc tions at once in embroidering of the same. It has been most successful. Many women have taken advantage of this new idea. You would be astonished at the number of tasty, artistic articles, that can be bought from 25c to $1.00. Many articles that need but a touch here and there to convert them into the prettiest finished pieces. You have yet time to join our art needlework classes and Irish crochet class--. es. They are FREE to our customers and strangers. We bid you welcome. Exquisite Silk Waists $2.95 Selling Regularly to $10.00 Wonder values. 500 waists. The liggest bargaifl of the year. Waists that sell from $7.50 to $10.00 each. EXCLUSIVE MODELS. An immense variety. Beautiful soft messaline silks, Persian silks, taffeta silks, crepe de thine and Persians veiled with chiffon. In black, all the pastel and rich dark colors. DON'T MISS THIS SALE for these waists make ac ceptable Xmas gifts. Come early tor there are many waists thai have no duplicates. Pattern waists. Join the Book Lovers' Club Now Saturday a skeptic chanced in our Book Department, knew all about book sales was famil arwith all reprint editionsand poorly bound sets that are being sold as Edition de Luxe and subscription books. Couldn't tool him. He had bitten once. We had no argument to offer, save submitting our books for his examinations The first set he ADMITTED was a BAIT; the second set another BAIT. Halt an hour later we had sold this skeptic SEVEN SETS of books. This demonstrates con clusively that if we can overcome the prejudice of this gentle man WHO KNOWS BOOKS, we have a proposition, to offer the public that should appeal to every man and woman who wishes to get the benefit of the best literature in the world in fine binding, at little cost. Start a Library $1.00 Down $1.00 a Week Books Delivered on the First Payment .Remarkable Values, These Umbrellas And are sold at prices less than the cost of the handles AN ODD CLAIM yet easily explained. These handles were bought from a manufac turer who makes HANDLES ONLY. These were sent to an umbrella manufacturer, who mounted them on frames. All imported handles, in directoire styles with sterling silver and 14-karat gold mountings. An ideal Christmas gift. While nominal in cost, one that we can guarantee will give the best and longest service. The materials used throughout in these umbrellas are of the very best qualities. . $4.00 Umbrellas That We Sell for $1.65 14-Karat gold and sterling silver mounted handles in the long Directoire style. Mounted on the very best strong ribbed paragon frames. Covered with pieced dyed taffeta which wegaarantee to be positively fast black. This taffeta is finished with a tape edge, adding jvst a little extra tone to the umbrella. $6.50 Umbrellas That Go for $3.50 Four-inch etched sterling silver and 14-karat gold tilled handles. In a great assortment of styles. Mounted on light weight strong imported frames. Tight toll. Extra qualilty, strong and serviceable. Finished with a broaa tape edge. $9.00 Umbrellas Astonishingly Low $3.95 Carved sterling silver and 14-karat gold filled handles from five to ten inches in length. Mounted on beautiful hard wood posts. In the long latest Direc toire style. On the best imported frames with excellent taped black silk covering. If You Were in Paris Today and Shopping on. the Rue de La Paix You Would See French women bedecked with MARABOU NECK PIECES, ' boas, capes and muffs. The neck pieces varying in width and length, the muffs huge affairs. For driving or calling, or evening dress you'll find the "MADELEINE SCARFS" in evidence. The color combinations and the soft materials, together srith the graceful folds have made this the' reigning success of Paris today. The prevailing dress fashions, derived as they are from the Ancients, will in sure the popularity of those filmy, webby, jeweled, beaded ORIENTAL AND EGYPTIAN SCARFS. We are showing exquisite examples of imported neckwear for the Holidays. Prices meeting every demand of your purse. REAL IRISH CROCHET in collars, jabots, rabats and tabs are easily the thorough breds of the neckwear family. Stylish, dignified and dainty they exemplify refinement and good taste. We admit of NO competition. COM PARISON PROVES THIS. J