1Q - TnE STTXPAY OTIEGOXTAy. rORTLAyP. yOTE3IBER 13, 1910. ' , wr t.tb, REAI, ESTATE. , BEAT, ESTATE. I REAESTATE. atEAI. nrrtlT. t BEAI.ES.TATE, . ) MJS: a "T!.., . -taleFTn. L.nd7 For-Sa.e-xarma. For Sale-Farm A. r aa. m. I ACmiB. I " I EST acxda. toe i;.oa that la today rc In. uu highest ladoreeniaat from tbe Oie XuA AgTU-uiluxai Coliicc A model JO-arra fr-tlt (arm la tho hart of the beet fruit section on n uln county road. Land 1 level aim perfect. y eleor-a. and ready for the Piaullng of fruit. This placa baa a brand-caw laro-rooro hun low doom. equally ottf barn and cliuken coop with runways, etc of Uirtt ace-pi -e) pattern: I-xhI water, achoolhouee with in a ctty block ar4 church c,ua..y near. Price $-2r.o. ownwr hoe lo Ut oue-bair cash, ha i a ura easy lamia. We have threo lo-acra tract, each with three acr.a of n.-r'"J comaiwiul apple orchard. M some, talaacu . .ere.i tpHM mall plec. In reax. Adjoining hlxt..y improve! rruit ranch. Price al.eO mca and for a peraon'wbo will Immediate ly locata and Improvt the term, can b eapocially attractive lo-arr. li beet trv't raising section. 8 acrea cleared. Prlca AllOo. larme eaay. Inlnlnf ft r: fruit ranch. Prlc llu-. IM) iw buy tola p. ace. ba.ai.ca to auit buyer. 13 acre, .djnlnma; firm frolt potion. acre, cleared, .mail hous. and born, good bearing I.Ti r orchard, r-alanca land rca1- for tmmllata p.oiit ng. r'r $1100; will handle tli.s. Tbia won I ba ea the marltet lon- We also bava other attractive .mall places. CHATIN 1IERI.OV, I Mr. Manama Chamber of tnw. S ACltV.S. -' CASH. 3 acrea. 13 muc. iron. rf Portland; adjoin country town. gooa school, march at.d ftorr. tn coo.1 r. red mad; eiecrlc Una has been uri',,I0 naht in front f tract; l located now two m.;ea frurn aid of urn. MB-; " oil. no trtrt,; f .ur-r.:th. a ll'tl. oorr.r containing tr- and ruft Frtca IK M. -. aal. ralanc- -aay lama. ! iLht. STi C !i- ,- 1 nrra. IS mH-a from '"""" rf Portlar-d. two mUei from end d trio lln; lam. Una haa b'n rur'"1, J within or IK blocka of thl traL-t; - ' miia frora acaooi. c( urch nud r .l-enw rl.-h .il. fo aravrl; vrlca 43 7o eaaX ba.anc uy tonne. IH crea. .tut S b..K-k. lrm '''- earlina. 14 mllaa from Ron. and oln CMt.r: bm.ri an.1 llrht l"h'rv.!,rl rl.ra: prlca -'). I.U cn. '"'" aaay tarrna. or win cll halt til. or H, a,rea far 131 .i, 1'U c"". balana caay tarnia. a ACRES. 1f CASH a acrra. nioauy to timber; innil lono corda of wood; fn.uia on clectrlr lin. tha wo,. J aJona auoulJ PT a pr rlt ot IJ0. leavlnc te luBd entirely fr.e ot root to taa purohaacr. After thla land ha. 1MB cleared, ooe can aubJvida t a-r. tracta and -t from 1 lo $ 0 an acra for It. It bin locat-J directly " .-arlina. cl.-a IB; prlca 1. " cstt balaAca eaeY term . M. K. TIMMI'SON TO . r. 4;a and ik ."iil. H "try J';7V Oroand Flo.r. I'hona Main tu.-.. A o.t-. iovACKt5TL'i-:l i rl'Mi' sidetiiack ox Tins GiiorNu. inrj acrra. with electric l;ne runnlnc throuali enter of It. with paencr d pot and aidatrarlt on aroLla'la. alllim ten mila circle, tlood houaa and b.n n. fm l y orchard. Tula pUc la half ter. una bataaca of about Oo acrea la In timtx-r that will eatlmata about 10.1"0 cor.le of wood, which, can ba delivered In J'ort land. under contract, at a -ry low ct. makina a profit on tha cordood alono to tha purchaa.r. after p.ivnna; all ex-peca-a. of li.ix t iq.iw. After tha timber U off. tti'l tract can be undi vided rd aold f.T from to t" lr acre. Tola la the beat euodlnalon prop arty on thi market tortay. Tha land la partially level and partially alopina. Kc.t aoll. l-rlca SJ per cr. one- fourth caaa. balance easy terma. it. E. THOMi'SU.N CO.. Cor. 4th and oak bta Phone Main '; A :t3-T; SO ACRES, on F.lectrla I.lne. Cloae In. DO ai rea. ptvrtla.ly timbered, eatlmaled at 10.000 corda of wood. Thla wood can ba cut and delivered under contract. In r.wtl:nd. at t i p r cor.l. A profit of SJU.ooo should bo uiada upon the cord woexl on thia placa ao cloac to l'ortlimd. After tha timber la cul thla tract can ba aubdividcd into 1. - an l 3-acr tracta and aold for to .a0 per acre. Thia la a anap at e-o per acra. ona-lourlh Caah, baiaoca aaar tcrma. to ACHES, 12500. SO arrra 15 nillea from buatneaa center of iortla.id; rich, deep aoll. level, rloaa to country town, near electric line, prao llca.ly ail cleared, la an eic.-edmcly Una place. i;s KT acre. J-ioo caah. kalanca aaay terma. H. E. THOMPSON' CO.. Uasxy hld.. cor. :! and t'ik ata. rhonea Mia '.t't. A 3 i-7. CLABNIE HEIGHTS ACRE TRACT3. treated on Jruckley avenue and Pandy road; tha pla.-a for our auburban horn- j Una view of ML St. Helena au.l Hood and overlooklnc the Columbia Kner; fine ma cadam roadi the year round; O. K. A. runa throuirh thla trct an. I will -.ab-l:ah a euuurbnn motor aervica; a:x mllca from the renter of the clt . tho ,m'"i ration anahere around Portland, phona or call c. Franklin Fiaher. Uatiilltoa but dine Si lAIVS, improved v.llh sooa T-roora mod ern oouae. l.-a bearlnc fruit tree; a.rra of loaanlerTiea. H acre of f:r.e ruapber rlea. aood atrawlterry bed. chicken ard and p.eniy of room Wl for a nanlrB: minutea' rl.la from- Morr!a.n brl.lise; faci 3TA feat on Improved atruet with cement walka and curL-e. atreelcar runa paat tna propert; only e'"V per lot. Inclultn Im provementa. or a 1. 1 trade In aa a ftrt pav-n-.enl on income property. V. C Ide. l.i:nirrmr: l t'l'lc. RIVKK VIK.V HOME. ;i'x Orecon city cariu-.e. cholt-a land and all anilrr culiivall-'n; b.-arms or. harde. lo". ire.- applee. pcachee. e:c. New tl-room bunraloar. f.ne ae.l .t. r. Tula la a be.tui.tul piace and la aold at a a-icnflca rr'C HA 3 IlINUt.KK. ;H Lean t-'.- J'KAVERUAM OAKUKX TRACTS lo-acre tr . t. a. r. a in baer.lam. S a. ree in up.an l; f t . -i l r acre; be.iver dim la producing iWI ancka of prtxe or.iona lo the acre; oniona aru aorlh t.'ay 11 rrr aack. each ll a. re tm. t wi.l f.rodu.a $ ;.av l:nd la i mile from eltctnc car t . n vrv cluse to Portland: lerma ItoO cash. b.ilanLC a yeara at per rant. Iim room J. Jjcnii tT' i:icna b. !:.. Mo ana s ;.ir k. v ACI1KS, bicMy improved, o mil .a from c.nutifill (Iraliain. n- r in.ly l.ivcr. tlrove. an ul.-il hom.-pl. icravcL Price .. p-r mr land nc.i- -i'ove. v. frutt: '' to li-HI f.-et riot no rck or . alao 4o arr-'t e. V..11 a.Liptcd for 'iev.i:lon. I'tuc H'Ji ea are eccptlouall y n.'U..e p:-..p. : . a.l- per acr.'. tn-ae p c-.H.t an. I til" Pri. jolnlna. W. W. Kiton. at I lo'-.e II. ClL o ncr, TiJ Uelmuul fOIAlM.ATIOS TRACT. W have a lane tract, admirably nrtapt e tor eolonlaatioa or f Jr orchard devei. p. meal; thla land la A-l In avary particu lar aeceaaib.e. Bearly a.l In cultivation; aaatataaca could ba alven tn puttlna this a tiia market la ama.l trarta: ptl-e la low aad terma ran be had; rojal ba aeeo pa appreciated. Oresoa TlUa A Trua: Ca , Albany. Or. . FINE nunrRMAN H'iMr. MXAP. a acre overiooklnc Wl .amctle Falla. 1 fine fmlt l re. a. baiat.ee aurden; aprlnc piped all around aupp.ytnir W c.ia u.m.ra. horae. buic;. a.l tooia and fv-r-Blture in honae; au.trat view and a an.vp. Ci.i'l'KKl.l'V:!!. lOl'-'S.. 414 Couch biuav yl llt KUAN lU'Mt: S1'KCIAI.ISTS. lo ACivCS. all c. eared and In cultivation; ftva minutea walk from etallon; nne. level, rich lard; va. HI trad fir equlrt la IT'tod Boaa and lot to Portland, price. I iooJl Tb.a la aa tuiuaual opportunity for aoma 1U to et a arr.all piece of craare at a very email price. IV. ti. Ida. 4; Lumt-ermer-a b'lg. lj! aCRES deep, rich aoil. Rv mr.ea from reater of city: lara-a r.atlva timber: this h oa tha weat a.da and will do to plat Into city lota very aooa. 1'rica oaiy s-uo RAUB A PATTON. Ll-n'TrTi'-i cl'ig olh and Ptark. ja ACKi-4. cl-wa to Portland anil atatloa. flrat-ciaaa aoil. forced oa 3 eMraj ault ahla for rarden. fruit and chicken raach. If you want it at tha prlca of llau an aera. art at onca aa 1t w ll not laat lone. KINNKT A STAMPIlr-H. rl-2 Lumber Exchanite Plda;. ACKEAOK SEAR HZ-TtliF.H. f'Mt. Palmer Acrea. 9T5 down, l-'o monthly, enkea yon owner of 3 acres of land tbal rA;.a oniona. aaparaaua. etc.; rt-ar re aon Electric. Fred . oermau, ajj Burn- a.je, M . a ACRES. 6 mllca aaal of Vancvuver. Waah.. all In beeirui prunea and anlnuls. 5-roora brave aad barn; only $-k). fie'd caati. aba'ince etay: V, mile from station. HI T I ISHOP. 1.-.3 Third St. ai.av S ACRiS of A-l parden land. Juat oatalda city limits, southwest of toea; u. uva umbar. l?ft corda w -.'d par acra. RAHB A PATTOS. 1:1 Lambermeaa tUf.. Sth ar.a S'ar. If wanttna; a suburban home ar. caolca ;rtfa Inteatmaat. 4o not fall to aoneult tha -trrprRBAS home spbjiai.ists.- fLOCrillTHK PROS. 414 Couch bl da. JOIXINil city Umlta of Vancouver. With. SO acrea very cheap, moat aelL rimtanla foe a-ardenlac. pou.lrr or bomea. bell all ar part- Call :! 4V Tt acrea. un!mprved, chol.e ti'.'able iartd. - ciaared. runmaf water, near ounty road. S milea from Port and 1. ier arra. part caah- tl- couch bids" VV.1 KTH mere. l acrea at 1ak rtrova 4 - cent rare; cm. ao-- c- JL, J, MraxxAj Ab-tLftoa tide. Hilt WAIT? , . Too have, undoubtedly lonxed for a placa In the cvmntrv. wliera you can have a Ufa of ln; prudence and al the aama tima brlna; up your family In a naaliny puts aiuioepuere: for a placa of about tea acre, all cleared and In cultiva tion. cac enouch to !ha cite to rr.aka It on a f w miiuif ride on tha train and whera frvisnt and paaaenser rates arc amall. . CROVELASD ACRES OfTera ou the pportujiMy to iret aur1 a placa al a rraaonablo price, and beat or all. tha terms are very eoay. This tract Is situated on taa Cnltd Uullwajs Una and la the cioat.t la largo tract bcln w.v dtvl-led .in the nt-w eatenslou wcat of liur.luirton. The a1!: la a very deep loam, tnera is r.i a atone acr a partlcla of itiavcl in this vlcinny; rlear. cold water la found Ir rreat ahiiadame only a short dlaiance from tha iurtn.'; on many of tha trarta we have this rich b.ack aaale commonly called heav-rdaro. which aella for SUCH fabulous rrlrea In other dlatrlcta. IA vol; HKAL.I.E what money a man ra mak- wita only a few acrea of aucn soil aa tola ... At th.i present tlma w aro aclllns this pr-ixriy at a 20 l-r cent rtUcounl. hiit THIS IHs. fU NT 1.1 A ttOt'T Tn 1K TAevEN OFF. A nuriher of reopla v.'ho hava imeatlgat. d -ron l 't Ions tlluroucnir hjve bouaht in VUOVF.USU' Ln Y'lir .UT.rd to let tills opportunity Mrtl-r sco us Monday, as tha best tracts are Loire rapidly. . . C1UI IN A 1IERLOVC. D) 83i.::s Chamber of Commerce. HO ACRES. IMIP.T AND CHICKEN FARM, rear Vancouver: 1M acres in cultivation, bal ance peture land. On Lea l. River creek with ram on place, fair houaa and dairy barn. Tula place for laoUO. on terms. 14 M'RHS ., IN CTI.TIVA TION. 1 mil from OR ES T GIIOVE. and "w-mlla from fcLc.1. TllfC STATION. Good Uooaa and -ajarn. SOoil. IV I O ' yvc l'i mllrs from rltv limits and COO from NEW XT. HOOD RT.. for JP..5 acru. This is all In CL I.TIA ATION Ill TO no A i fL r. -c Run . . - . per V and mill aoll lor ll.'' per acre u ""'" C. IHjYOL'Nn. R oom CTiambcr of Commerce. 14 Vj ACRES. Vii0. Here's iour chance to double Jeaur money. This place IX located only 21. niiirs from the heart of I'ortland, and vou can ride rlirhi to It on the train. The land haa a ovl alopa and the aoll la the very beat. There la an abundance of water the ear round supplied by.l";; sprinna. ! has a bearlna; family orc&ar5i and a amall houaa In neat condition. All i . . i.i.ni Cor rrnlt-ralalnk- Ad- jomlnr land Is selllna; for 2uO to J400- r.er acre. This 1 a real sacniice. ciu. dillck. PTiCo 12a A. r. 1 1 . ... 41 Henry bids. A FINE SPECULATION. acres on Mitchell ave.. near Alns nvirth ave., In Mock . Ennlowood 1'ark. Thla land lira nlmoet level and haa been aubdlvided Into acre tract.. Our client does not wish to retail these acre tracts, but If we cao close them out In a short time he will accept $7200. on eaay terms. Tills Is an opportunity tor you to et a countrv home and at the same time reap a profit from the sale of tne acre tracts around you. The soil is specially adapted to the urowlnir of fruit nnd l.errtes. COUDARD YVTEIMUCK. 2 IS Stark t-treeu EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. flF-i per acre li-acre tract. 11S per acrtj 10-acre tract. Sl per acre 47-acre tract.. iizi per acre S-acra tracts. I2il per acre 10-acre tract. All close to Portland, on electric line, poll rlrh blur loam: no rravel or roc It . PACIFIC NOKTHWKST DBVELOPilE.NT COMPANV. 4v Couob Jiidat. MAKE MOTHER EARTH . PAT THE) RENT. Beautiful 10-acre tract, only 5 mllea from center of city, all Improved, under cultivation. BO gravel or waste land. hlKh rolling soiL on O. W. P. carllne. half mile from station, near Reed Institute, il"yf down, enav terms. OREGON INVKSTMEVT COMPANT. iDi Couch. TROPICAL MEXICO. Join our free excursion to tha richest, cheapest land In the world, and take a new a tart for sure succeee and affluence: J.V to $10 per arre. In tracts to suit: el per acre down and to cents per acre quar terly. Next excursion about Deo. 1st. Oct our literature ard think It over. RADII A PATTON. tieneral Aaenta. S22 Lumbermeoa Bide , 6tb and btark. SO ACRES, on the Oregon Electric. 1 mile from Garden Home: new ti-room bouse: m.Klcrn conveniences, rood barn; 3 acres In berries, arapca and some orchard; IS acres of nne onion land; closing up an elate, muat ae.l at ooce. Oet particulars, price llu.vo.. caah. H. II. 111DAHL. o03 Lumbermen, lildc. Thone Mxrahall IS.ve. A 5o-l5. IT CKRTAINLY LOOKS GOOD. 120 acres near Salem. In Ibat district of fertile soil, where prunea, walnuta or almost anythln under the sun can ba Itrown; the owner must raise some money and we can make you a price oa thla Ibat will aetonleh you. It. t NICHOLS A COMPANT, 270 -a Stork Street. ACRES. .3 arrea eulllvalel. balance burnt over aiul seeded to clover for pasture; new -room house, new barn, fenced. II milk coaa horaca. waon. etc. chickens, kouae hold furniture: the best of soil, no gravel or atone: home orchard: near Vernon. Waah.; runnlr.it water For terms, call T Heard of Trade bide;. bH ACHES Bear Vancouver. Wastk. well improved: lloOO. , Have some etump land In Cowllts val ley at I per acre. Lois of farms, stock anil fruit lands. A. H. Ooddard. phone Main DUGS. Uoom Q. 2..:iv Vaatilne;ton St. ABOUT 100acreaflne, well-watered Innd near Vashoueal for anle; partly Culti vated and ch.np: also 2 4 acres close to Ueil station, on O. W. P. R. R. A! K I '.. H AN TS It K A LT Y CO.. 227-2- AMnetn Ulds.. 1 ofl s Third Pu lii.) ACRES. LAKE COUNTY. eil.'.i Near Summer Lake; nearly level, cood produclne soil: rropa never fall; you should buv thla land now while It Is choap; e.'.oO c.i..h. balance easy terma Fltf:i C. KIN'!. . S14 Spaldlne Miln . 3.1 and Waahtnirton at a bo'MET liTxi; hood. 10 acres, about 4la nlles from Port litid. within a few hundred feet from Multnomah station: rood 4-room house, frelt trees and all In flne cultivation; M0. V: ra-h lUocb Really Co., 221 t.um hcrmens bid c. 3 AClfE-S. w.th cottnae. closo In. 4 acres, hue Improvements, nice borne. t acrea, house, orchard, best land. All above near cltv ltmlfe and carlinea. AlcFAilLANU INVESTMENT CO.. 21t Qorbett P-ldi;.. l'ortland. A SNAP Soo aens near LexicKton. Or., all la cultivation. ISO acrea alfaUti. 100 acres orchard land; sood 0-room houae, kikh! oiitbulldlrss, price 18..'mw v, caah; terms. Call 2o's F.jat Morrison St. Ktll.INQL'ISHMr-NT 10" acres. oa Rood county road. 4 mllea from town. All lo cultivation, fair bulldlna: beat proposi tion ofered In Orenon; prlca IIOOO. Call '-'v-: H Eaat M.rriao,h St. ACIIKS la hlh cultivation; no rocks, beat of soil: on tao county roads. W mile from electric railway, but 30 minutes from Portland; 20 trains dally; 1200, cosy terma O S1. orcronlan- ilN acres, near ilount Ccott carllne, at SlOthJ per acre. THE SHAtV-FEAR COMPAST. 2lo! Stark St. Main S., A r..VM. TEN acres, alt cieare.l. on mala county rmA, one mile from R. R. station, choice fruit and vegetable land. 12a per acre, third cosh, balance to eulL hi 612. Ore- rnlao. lio At. nr.". '-o-10 mllca from ancouver. JH miles from ele.-trlc railway extension; near by land held at 2oo per acre. KlaiadeU. -hi-up A Paiy. Sl Railway Exchange. EV.1.LI.I.M n.inoAi.i. S acrea for 1200. half caah; only 20 minuta ride from Portlands center: has running stream and nice (trove; only 2 blocka fro-u carllne. B 6oi. Oregonlan. tlit DOWN and b.i'.anca easy terms will han.l.e 10 acres on electric Una close to Portland, one crop will pay for entire tract. 1M Couch bldg: . 20 ACRES I2J0O. Near Tteaverton. t per acre below market' tame. 4o2 Cotnmclal block. 2d . ..,.. Marahall 17.VI. ana v wi..'a - - & ACRES IB miles trom rwimno; excei len. value at :-O0. 50 cash. 110 per Tnontrl M. F- Lee. 411 Corbett b.dg. yon -i in-acre land, near IjUtevlew, Or., " owner. 130 acre, half cash. V 6US. Oreconlan. K ACRF.S within ten blocks or tne, electric railway, but 3 mluulee from Portland; j--4i easy terma O ola. Orcaronlan. ;ivTWO acres, cloae to car. a mllea oat. rood soil, fine location: eaay terma ill couch blg 10O ACRES on Columbia R!v-er and rajlway. between Tortand and Astoria; 1S n-ar fave. caah. Aoi SIS. Orecosias, S ACRES I11J. AND 10 DOWN. Close tn Oreinn Electric, short rlrle out of Por: land. 6 acres, all cleared, good level land, part set lo cherries and other 'r"'; small new houae. good well, fenced, and bv ail odds he cheapest land in neighbor hood aa man'e .wile la sick and must change climate. I . It ACRES. NEAR MOUNT HOOD R. R. 7 miles of Portland, at 1400 an acre; highly improved with good -house, barn, and other buildings: fine young orchard and berries; all cultivated but S acres; adjoining acreage I10 to $700 an acre; email cash payment and easy terms. t- ACR Ed, ORCHARD. LAND tlOO PER ACHE. acres In S and t-vear-old commercial apples, balance In cultivation this year, beautiful slope, watered by springs, mile of track of s P., near crowing valley town. Is positively a great big bargain. . IVe have a considerable number of small places from 1 to 10 acres, on 5-cent catllr.es. ranging In price from 3v0 to : o.ooo. WYNX JOHNSON CO.. Suite 500 Gerllnxer Bklg.. 2d and Alder. rhonea ilarshall19S.A;33i SPLENDID "FARMS NEAR PORTLAND. Small 10-acre tracts at Besverton; well drained, gently rolling, stumpage. tim bered and pasture lands; price from $1.15 an acre up to 9273 an acre. You will like thla acreage: easy termA At Garden Home acres of beautiful garden lanOs; 2 blocks from depot; well drained, b. , soil and no gravel' tood for truck or poultry; 1 acre.SMlO; 2 acres 7.-.0 an arre: 6 acrea 7oo an acre: very caay terms; a nice rural homo and an excellent InveatmvnL Near Hellwood and Erro: 14 fertile acres In one-acre tracts: Ideal garden land, no atumps or gravel; water piped to each acre: all modern conveniences of happy rural life: an Ideal suburban home, a money-making farm and an A-l Invest ment all In one. Thla rich land Is ovel and well-drained, on good roads, only mile from O. W. P. R. R. depot. see the splendid potatoes raised here: let us snow you these acres and you will lil:e them; price !HX an acre, very easy terms. Can rou beat thla price In this locality t WELL GUESS NOT. For good buys In farms and acreage soe H A. CHANDLER. 610 Lumbennens blug. Main S7l.rl. .Ith and fcUark Sis. ACREAGE. Mt- Scott uistrlct 120 down 10 per month. This is all level cleared with water plpe.i to each tract, graded streets, B-cent I carfare good school near by. Tract faces newly macadamised street. Immediate possession given oa payment of (20. This Is near the last of acreage bargains avall- able in thla close-In district. Surrounding property now platted In lota is selling for a much higher figure. Take Mount Scott car, get off at Lents, go north on Alain st. and you will find agent at Cadwella Bcfea from 10 to 4 P. M. Sunday. LAMBERT WHITHER COMPANY, 70 Fourth at. 04 East Aider st. THE PACIFIC REALTY CO.. Real estate bought, sold and exchange!, phone Main SittO. A S475. S22 Falling Bldg.. Sd and Wash. Ste, FINE ACREAGE. 104 acres, all cleared, located at Nortn Plains. IS milea from Portland; very nne oil. price I37O0. only $000 cash, balanco easy terma at 6 per cent Interest. THIS IS GOOD. Two acres, located at Tlgardville 10 minutes- walk Salem Electric; good 7 room bouse, barn, s acre In fruit : price 36"t. only 000 cash, or will accept bouse n, lot In the city as first payment. I. r -Tl -TIH) v trnxtvs a 1 ti acres, good bulldinga, 1 rod from station Oregon City line, berries and fruit; iJuoU. terms. , S acres, aearly all fruit and berries: 4 blocks to Oregon Cltf line: good build ings, water system; 8ou0. balf cash. 8 'a acrea, S minutes' walk to station Salem line; 6-roovri house, barn, fruit, nne soil, snap at IS700. easy terms. CLOD FELT ER BROS.. 414 Couch bladg. SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. TIOARD. Acreage In Tlgard, vicinity with good suburban electric service -and cloae to "Portland: a locality with a future; lu-15-ecre tracts and larger, for sale by GLEN ART REALTY CO. (Inc.), 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. Homeetetada. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each or the 84 counties Is best adapted for; gives arr.ouat of Government land open to home stead In each county: map attached. Six 2,4, showing new R. R and towns. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1. 1910; latest map In U. 9.: price 25c. Nimmo A Kuney. 13 Hamilton 'bldg. ItiO-ACRE relinquishment. 2 acres In cul tivation; good buildings, eprlng and creek on farm; one mile from school, mall daily; this Is a bargain; five timber claims, two to three million feet cedar. In Tillamook Co. J. A. Davis. S14. Swetland bldg.. . Portlanl.Or. RELINQUISHMENT or homestead having 6 OOO.OuO feel of fine timber on It. lo cated tn Lane County, Or., for aale for glioO. Inquire 321 Falling bldg.; phone Main B7 or A ;i'.'4. ' IT COSTS too much to describe places In full Come and see us. Claims guaranteed worth IliiM) to 3U0O for only 200. Keep your money In your pocket until we aliovr them to you. 90 5th at. FOR the best homeateada In Central Ore gon, call on us or phone Main 4S3o. Pio neer Locating Co.. 011 Swetland bldg., 5th and 'Washington ate,. Portland. Or. y or Kale Fruit Lands. TROPICAL MEXICO. Join our free excursion to the richest, cheapest land In the world, and take a new start for sure success and affluence; $4 30 to $10 per acre. In tracts to suit: $1 per acra down and r.0 cents per acre quar terly. Next excursion about Dec 1st- Get our literature and itiink it over. HA BH A PATTON. General Agents, 822 Lumbormana Bldg., at a and blark. EST ACA DA FRUIT LANDS. 160 acres, loo acres In cultivation. 8 acres In bearing orchard, soli red shot; new house, barn and outbuildings; 1 mile to town. This la a snap at the price. $'.5 per acre; terma 30 acree. all cleared: good 8-room house, barn. We will plant this tract to llrst-class trees and take care of tb.-m for 71 years for $7.no. $1000 cash, balance long time. per cent. BAND. BEAD A CO.. 31tt Board of Trade. MT. HOOD DISTRICT. 40 acres, one mile from ML Hood auto road. Uo miles from Portland, close lo new at t. Hood fcllectrlc; flne rich loam shot soil, covered with second growth Br. eaay to clear, running stream of water through corner; gradual slope, no waste land; - excellent view of ML Hood. Thla la In a coming district and good for quick turn: $i0 per acre. RUFF-KLEINSORGE 4 FULMER, 418-410 Board of Trade llldg. Telephone Main 00 a. A 7302. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 160 acres fmlt land: orchard adjoining; mall house, spring and some other im provements; 4 .miles to railroad station: $30 an acre. Terms. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANT. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TS ACRES, best red shot soil, all In fruit, partly full-bearing; 4 ceres Epltxenherga .and Newtowns. 2 acres Anjou pears, plenty amall fruits, abundance water, perfect drainage; good fe-room house and bam; main county road. 1 mile toa-n: beautiful, profitable home: IJf.OO. easy terma. R. E. Warwick. Caecado Locks. Oregon. aiomn.iv i i. - Listen to this: $.".0 to $10O per acra for some of the best apple land In the Mosler district; eaay payments, near proposed electric railway, good roads, water, etc: 10 acres and up. Thoa McCueker. 32K . . .... ki , l.umoei Hi." o.wp. ..- Wi il l n vm T LIKE TO Own a nice little tract of apple land In tho eelrbrated Moster dlstrlit. with elec tricity for light, heat and power, at a lower price than Is aaked for land with out ItT 10, 20. 40 or fell-acre tracts. $100 to $130 on eaay payments. I defy you to beat It anvwhere. THOS. M'CUSK ER. 320 Lombermens Bldg. NORTH TAK.IMA. 2400 acres fruit land on X. P. railroad; will come under big ditch; 14 mile from cur of North YaVlma; $15 an acre. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " HOOD RIVER SNAP. For few dart only. 80 acres flne appla ' land lO miles from Hood River. $3S per acre, half caah: don't overlook thla THOS. M'CUSK ER. 329 Lumbermcne Bldg. WANTED Orchard no! undrtr four years old or In bearing on good fruit land, cleared. Will- exchange A-l Portland property up to $ and aaaum dlffar Addraaa F fil Oracoxdaa, ESTACADA. Is the section that la today re ceiving the hfgheet indorsement, of the Ocogon Agricultural College. Unless yon are looking for fair-priced highly Improved, fruit farms, don't read, the following: A model, mcdlum-glxed fruit ranch. Photograph of lame In the Slory of Es tacadu" In this paper; 27 sjires In heart of best section on main county rood: acres of 4-year-old commercial orchard, being best selected Spltx. nborg and Jona than apples. This orchard is Just com ing Into bearing, and tho trees are In perfect condition. The balance of tho land with amall exception, la cleared and ready lor additional planting. Thla place Is highly Improved, having on it ono of the best types of semi-bungalow homes, "t rooms and bath; running hot and -cold water, septic cesspool and other up-to-dalo Improvements. This houao la an Meal country homo, and is as finely finished aa posslblo to be. Adjoining house Is waah houae wltb running water, tool shop and woodshed. All we ask Is that If you are looking for an Ideal fruit ranch that you will let us take you to Estacada and you can see for yourself. Prlco $10,000; terms, eaay. Thero Is also In tha beat fruit section a 47-acre ranch which haa Just been put on the market, and then, owing to the ownar having to leave on account of Ill ness. Thla place Is highly Improved. The entire 47 acree Is undci rultsvatlon. con taining 14 acres of perfectly cared for prune tree a This prune orchard will yield a prollt of not leas than $1."hk per year. . There la also about 10 acres of com mercial apple orchard, 1 and 4 ycara old. An acre and one-half of young Lambert cherry trees, a family orchard of plums, quinces, etc Tho balance of the land Is now under oat stubble and ready for fur ther planting of fruit. Thla place has a road frontage on two roads. Is well fenced (wire and board), first-class -room house, new windmill water system, barns, coope, prune dryer, and other buildings. Price Is right and $5000 clown will buy this place, which Is good for an assured lo per c-nt income. Total price $13,000. This la one of the beat ever. CHAPIN HE BLOW. (Mr. Standlsh.) .132-8.1. Chamber of Commerre. USTACADA. the section that is today re ceiving the highest indorsement of the Oregon Agricultural College. We have a number of very attractive pieces of fruit land In aires ranging from 20 so 60 acrea Some under young orch ard, some merely cleared land, others soml-cleared. and others being part or larger fruit ranches. Inveatigata these be fore you look elsewhere. For Instance. $40O down will buy 20 acres In the heart of the beat fruit sec tion: total price $22oO. terms easy. This f iece has about 4 acres cleared, good road rontagu. aud the balance Is eaay clearing. 20 acree. price $2500. Land adjoining old for $.tii0 per acre. This la a beautiful parcel of land, about 12 acscs cleared and the balance containing ono of the hand somest groves of patriarchal fir trees In the state. Turms right One successful farmer vrho needs the rash offers to sell SO acres of absolutely oxvared land. 20 acres of which are un der 2-year-old commercial orchard, bal ance of land now under oat stubble. Price $130 per acre, terms easy. This won I Da on the markot loug. We have a fine 40-acre farm for sale about six miles east of Estacada. about 20 acres of cleared land. 8 acres of bearing orchard, a good house and other Improve ment. It takes $1200 cash down, total price $2760. We also have aome fine 40-acre pieces Improved and unimproved. Prices from $2230 to $:.oo0. We have a dandy old farm of 75 acres which we can sell off In 20 or 30-acre pieces. Hlils farm la In heart of seat sec tion. Price on application. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. (Mr. Standlsh.) 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE OU HE.AT.ii That Jackson County has captured tha prize again, this time at Vancouver, B. C, for the best carload of apples? W a have some flne tracts of land there. Hera ri0i acrea. well Improved, on EoruJ River 2 miles from railroad; price. $12a per acre; worth $200; splendid terma 120 acre of fine fruit land, 2 mllea from railroad station; lOoO cords of wood; on county road; $ per acre: one-quarter rash, balance B per cent; will trade for Portland property. 100 acres; aome Improvements, can be irrigated by funning stream on Place; a mile, from railroad station; price. $J0 per acre; one-quarter cash, balance tlma at 0 per cent- 310 Board of Trade Bldg HYLANDS OF YAMHILL." -APPLE AND WALNUT DISTRICT. HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM. 65 ACHES 75 PER ACRE. All cleared and In high state of cultiva tion. Deep red ahot soil that has made this district famous. Five-acre bearing fruit orchard, big berry patch. Balance In wheat and oats. Six-room house, good barn. 3 hen houses, wagon and tool ahed. everything in llrst-class order. Fenced and cross fenced. On main county road three miles from Sheridan. By far tha best buy In this district. Easy terms. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., t4 4th at.. B. of T. bldg. UoTpQ U A VALLEY LANDS. 7.100 acres; price. $10 per acre. .eee. .l.leillilll tO DUt atld Sell It tract"; $20 per acre. lajO SCI ce, suidi.u.u, ---'- acres In orchard; price. $05,000. 1230 acres: a fine buy at $20 per acre. About 1200 acrea. on river; flna buy at soo'a'c'resi In Klickitat County. Wash ington; tine fruit land; $15 per acre. Many other placea that will be glad to take up with you; good terms can be given on all. Zimmerman, 810 Board of Trade Bldg. -'CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS. ARB YOU LOOKING FOR AN ORCHARD TRACTT Do yon want the beat 7 Clews to Portland. R. R. ststion on placa. Don't fall to call on THE CItOSdLEY COMPANT. 7O6-708 Corbett bldg. It surely will be to your advantage to see us before buying. Peeing Is believing. THE OWNER IS OBLIGED TO SELL A full-bearing orchard within e ftht milea of Portland, where land but half a m e away has recently sold for $1000 per Tire This orchard should almost pay for itself in one year. Owner has presa- i",f, tlr'CrVeo-r- 0? wiVl. ,i300 K.. WrENC'cO.. 412-413 A'blngton bldg.. IQf Vi Third St. 10 15 20-ACRB tracts near Portland: finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad station: good roads; other farms nearby; $17.50 to $30 per acre, port- caah. balance to suit at 6 per cent. -JIFARLAND LNVESTMENT CO, 810 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. FINE ORCHARD TRACT. 460 acres, 80 miles from Portland, 1 ml. to R. R. Price $50 per acre. HOPKINS, 1MU3 COPLEY. 3S3 btate au. gm.o. c... UNIMPROVED fruit land in 20-.cr i tract. roads, school, telephone, groceries deliv ered lumber on land to build houses; ran get work In mill and live on land. 5"ulre etrowbrlrtge bldg second floor. room 4. corner 1st and Alder. -RARGAIN In apple land: owner of 80 acres i.SmDroved fruit land, two miles from VarTHorn station. In Hood River district: X U'aen at a T sacrlf.ee for $5450; all good Tflnla land except live acres; gentle north alopi: best bargain In Hood River dt.trlct. McCargar. Bate. Lively. 313 Falling oios. TttTHFL ACRES Best fruit land In Ore Bgon; deep rich soil. 10-acre tract, all In cult vution : 1 mile statlpn : m" , fe"Anl nly- ' ai McKay b ag. WE HAVE some attractive bargains In fruit nasl the famous Mosior and Hood KivT-r districts: both amall and large tracta If you are looking for fruit landa, it will pay you to see MoCargar. Bate. A Lively. 315 Falling bldg. . 1 HOOD RIVER- ao acres fruit land, with spring. lumber or house" 4i.cre In 1-year Spltxenbergs, an"d Ortleys; price $3500, terma Owner. K 6U2. oregouii- tJ tL1 1 X I c) - j. . 160 or 320 acres, unimproved, on Una ,w railroad to Mount Hood. Under value . t quick turn. Vanduyn & Walton, MS Chamber Commerce; . FIVE AND TEN-ACRE TRACTS. One mile from electric line, land level. No. 1 for fruit; price $123 per acre; make Urms to ault "e't..C'i11',n,,hft,k T. Berry, the owner, at No. 4 N. 6th st. fV-N acres planted to Spltxenbergs and Yel iow Newtnwns. on railroad, adjoins good town' phone. R. F. D. : no Irrigation. A baTcoin. Call 204 Chamber of Commerce "goldendale simcoe FRUII 'LANDS. 10 ACRES. 5O0; ONLY cioo en h balance -10 month. OSO. BV. C.aedrco- lobbymmerclal Club bldg. " "CASCADE FOOTHILL" apple land. 10 to 40 acres $40 an acre. ' . . , . . V l 1 1)1." LT O. w. p. Lana t-o-. -i" niwii'E RIVER 10 acres apples. pears. rsi. 1 )- old. f 600. Oiagonlaa, APPLE ORCHARD. , IDEAL CHICKEN RANCH. 16 acrea on railroad. 00 miles south or Portland: improved as follows: 6 acres SO Ben Davis. 101 Spitxenhergs. 18S Bald; win apples, full bearing. 6 years o.d; 4. acres 1-year-old Comic and Bartie.l pears, Spltxenbergs and Yellcw Newtownaj 4.2 acres grain held: all good land, wen drained. In highly de'eloped fruit section; we have a splendid exhibit of apples in our office, grown on this tract; come in and sample them. . If vou are really looking for a great big bargain, you will buy on sight; price per acre. If you will give iie place the same careful care as It haa had in tne past, $i00 cash will handle this deal. The crop will eaally make all future Pay ments. No better location can bo found for a poultry ranch; consider for a min ute the real value and call for full par ticulara. CHAPIN ft "HERLOW. 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. ESTACADA FRUIT LANDS. We have for sale In this rapidly de veloped apple section tracts of land from ' 5 acres up to 4O0 acres. We can sell you an uncleared tract for $25 per acre or a fully-developed tract up tn $300. v e have large holdings of contractu and keep tn touch of Its developments, its lands lie rolling and soil Is red and black shots, which make It perfect for apple-growing. If you are Intereated. why not buy now, go to raising aplcs and In a few years . you will have thousands where you have invested hundreds? Let us talk with you. , HAND. READ CO.. ma Board of Trarte , For bale Farnia. FARMS. LARGE AND SMALL, 8S5 acrerf, all fine soil, on main S. P. Railway, and station In. quarter mile. Fine residence, good outbuildings, well stocked: owned bv an old man; no debts; price $18,000; will accept good portlattd proporty for part, time on past. Tliisfs fine for cutting up Into amall farms. lO acres, well Improved, fine buildings, fine stock and well equipped In every way to move right onto. Close to Portland. Price only $4000. Time oa par. 5 acres, good orchard, fair bulldinga Fine road, close to Portland; $2750 and time on part. 7 acres, fine land, running water, fair buildings, close to Portland; only $2000. Time on part. ID acres at Forest drove, best fruit land nice residence, only $2000. . 20 acres, line land, and elegant country home, windmill on this, close to Portland: $6000. time on part- 10 acres, fine land, fair buildings and close to Portland: $:i200. l.bave the above and many others. I keep a competent man in the country oil the time tooking up desirable small farms, and if you are Interested in a farm I can Interest you. Come and ask about them, or write J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber Com merce, Portland. Or. 40-ACRB RANCH. $730. 40-etcre turkey ranch. 4 miles from good railroad town m. Willamette Valley. In tho heart' of an orchard district, small amount cleared, some under woven-wire fence, new 4-room house, stream on place, some limber; land eaally cleared. Thia is a great turkey sec tion. This ranch was started with a view of developing It Into a first-class poultry ranch, but the owner died and Improve ments stopped. To settle the estate we hava It for sale for $750 CASH. RAXPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 605 Corbett Bldg. IDEAL POLK. COUNTY DAIRY RANCH 312 acre, cultivated apple land and dairy ranch, all wire fenced: R. R. station on the farm. A new 5-room California bungalow, living-room. 8 sleeping. Dutch kitchen, bathroom, up-to-date plumbing throughout the house; woodshed, wash houso attached to house; 1 5-room farm ers' cottage, fine well of water. 10-foot wheel on 40-foot tower, tank capacity of 2000 gallons; tower furnished complete, contains the following rooms: One milk room, hot and cold water; also carpenter shop and nicely furnished sleeping-roorri; l."rt acres of wheat, oats and barley. Fam ily orchard, variety Xrult. The best pas ture land In Valley. Price $18,000; terms to guit buyer. OREGON INVESTMENT CO., 505 Couch bldg. TROPICAL. MEXICO. Join our free excursion to the richest, cheapest land in the world, and take a new start for sure success and affluence; $.1.50 to $10 per acre. In tracts to suit; fl per acra down and 60 cents per acre quar terly. Next excursion about Dec 1st. Get our literature and think it over. RABB & PATTON, General Agents. 822 Lumbermen. Bldg., 5th and Stark. EST ACAD A- 104 acres, 2 miles from town, in its best district, 23 acres cleared, 15 acres planted to trees 60 acres easily cleared, house, bam eprlng. running water; this is -one of the best places for growing apples ana is a splendid buy; $30 per acre; good terma , ' We have many attractive places In this section and will be pleased to talk with you aoouv nieui. RAND. READ & CO., 3 10 Board or -rraq e FOR SALE 157 acres, all tillable. U mile to railroad station, school and church, 8 miles from Battle Ground. Wash.; 11 acre; cleared. 20 vary easily cleared; plenty or fruit and berries, this year's crops, rural telephone. 50 chickens. 5 head of cattle. 2 cows, plenty pasture., farm implements and email tools: spring water piped into the kitchen: 5-room house, new: small barn and outbuildings: price. $3000, on easy terms. p. O. Box 35. Battle Ground, AVaah. .'. ARE TOTJ LOOKING FOR THESE? The high price of farm produce and the growing population of l'ortland make garden and fruit farming exceedingly profitable on small tracts near the city. Wo have a large list of the choicest acre age to be found around Portland and can iavo you money and the trouble of hunting hmn.UE. NICHOLS & COMPANY, 270U Stark Street UMPQUA VALLEY. 7800 acres, on North fmpqua River, splendid dairy, stock and fruit proposition; will cut Into several" farms: large outside range; price $16 per acre with 10 years to nay out at 6 per cent; blue print at office. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. goo acres; about 600 in grass: on Nea. tucca River.- Tillamook County: stock, tools. Implements and furniture; $22.50 sn acra on very easv terms. Make an offer. EDWIN HOOKER COMPA-NY. Chamber OI v-ommerce plan. 80 ACRES. 1 mile west Garden Home, on Oregon Electric only 200 yards from S. p west Side, and only 3 miles from Council Crest; all cleared and over $.1000 worth of Improvements: only $100 an ncre. term J, J. Cahalin, 327 Chamber of Commerce. FARMS FOR. RENT. 140 acres, good dairy farm; will sell 40 acres cheap and rent balance for term of vears; rent to be applied on Improve menta good chance for man to go in dairy business. See owner, Cramer Realty Co., 602 Spalding. FOR SMALL farms or large tracts, call at farm landa department of HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Banker Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce bldg. ( See H A R T O G ) IT IS WITHIN YOUR. REACH. An apple orchard tha takes only $200 cash to handle. . It means an Independence for you. See or write for Information to Purse, 818 C ham ber of Commerce. Main 730a. 20n"ACRES, all in cultivation: 40 acres level black loam, balance slightly rolling; creek through .place, on county road, Hi mile, from raftwayr fair house, barn and out buildings; very best of soil; $75. easy terms. Q 514. Oregonian. FINE DAIRY FARM. 26 000 About $10,000 cash, balance to ult- for one of the best dairy farms of 28 acres on the Columbia, with all the stock and Implement.; a big money-maker. . F. FUCHS, 211 Vt Morrison St. ' FOR COLONIZATION. 60 acre at, $40 per acre, on easy terms, for a fine tract of fruit land 20 miles south of Portland. F FUCHS. 221 Morrison St. aano ACRES suitable for colonizing. 7 miles from railroad. Shasta County. California; ill fenced good stock ranch; price $15 per "re: a bargain. Addrea. J. A. John son. Oimda1CaL FINE SMALL FARM. 14000 for a fine 17-acre. well-Improved farm 1 mile to banks, stores and high school.: cash, balance to stilt. F FUCHS, 221-4 Morrison St. j. a CUNNINGHAM. For .ala. farm.; prlcea reasonable; a. exchange. i. O. Box S.. Carlton. Or, ESTACADA, the section that Is today re ceiving the highest Indorsement of tha Oregon Agricultural College. Can you afford to spend $12,800 with $3000 cash down and baiance easy for thia fine old farm; e.1.41 acre., 80 acrea cleared farmed land, fine old family orchard, house, 8-room and bath, good barn, run ning water throughout, well fenced. Thig is in the heart of Springwater section. 3 miles trom Estacada. next door to the schoolhouse, and adjoining the postoffiee and general store. Let us show you tht. place. 1.14 acre, less than one mile from ship ping point with good house and barns on same; bearing orchard, also yoim orch ard, tine stream of water, and all tor $11. ooo. Terms very easy. You had better inquire about this. 75 acres. 65 cleared, house, bam. bear ing orchard, and acres of ' plowed land, ready for planting of fruit or crops for $12,000. This is one of those handsome old farms you read about. - How would you like to he the Postmas - ter and own an 80-acre ranch about six miles from Estacada. about half of the land cleared, pood house and buildings; ' price $7300. The owner of this ranch acts as district Postmaster. At present rate of roalty increase, thia place la certainly a good investment. jar, ncres, about half cleared, beautiful sloping land, some young orchard, house and, other improvements, over a mile of road frontnge in heart of the best fruit section. This place would make an ideal sub-division piece. Price on application. CHAPIN HERLOW. (Mr. Standish.) .1.12-318 Chamber of Commerce. ANYBODY CAN HANDLE THIS 10 ACRES. CLOSE IN. FOR POULTRY, BERRIES, GARDilN TRUCK AND FRUIT. ' The season's choicest offering in a 10 a acre farm, every inch in cultivation, on r fine graded street, with sidewalk to electric-' railway station: brand new 6-room bungalow, never been occupied, all plas . tereil and piped for hot and cold water, bathroom ail ready for tub and other fix tures; good well, woodshed, etc. The soil is the VERY BEST In the state, absolutely free from rock or gravel: laud Is gently sloping, affording excellent nat ural drainage: no stumps. nor snags In . the. entire tract. This place is only 13 miles from Port land In the beautiful Tualatin Valley and ie only a little over V4 a mile from station and store. ' . There Is no better location for POUL TRY. BERRIES. GARDEN TRUCK or FRUIT: What is the use in buying an old. worn-out place with a shack for a house and old, ramshackle outbuildings when vou can buy a new, up-to-date place with a gem of a house like thlsT And test of all. the price is only $3450, and $610 -cash will handle it with easy payments on the balance. This is Just the sort of a place a great many people are looking for. Somebody will get It this week; be on hand early Monday morning. (D) CHAPIN 41 HERLOW. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. 25 acres of the best soil In this coun try; good 5-room house with runnini water piped uuiu apiioa e.vo o- barns; stone milk house, which can he tisecl lor residence, goou mum o.c..e. Land all cleared and level. Adjoins . l?I..Mn linn haa heen Sur veyed richt through this tract. Is now . n... e-nm a.... nf eamA line. All ready to move Into.. Price $7500. only $2000 cash, balance easy terma. 140 ACRES .5000 cash. 140 acres. Adjoins good country town. Close IQ eiecii ie nun; i"v - and under cultivation: 40 acres in good . . . . . . c .- ii.. V. .-1. 1. anrlnv. nn the Place: good 5-room iramo nouso mio V,n,.aa. t n-o nam- th laiiiy oou imuo owuo.-, ; . , be deep soil; good family orchard. An elegant place. 10 wmicu oo.j e . -from the business center of Portland. Price $173 Der acre. $5000 cash, balance eaay terms. . . . . n-.I.i.ITirOV CO Cor. 4th and Oak Sts.- Ground Floor Henry eiiug. Phone Main 6US4; A 3327. . 1 ACeoCC eje.O CACTI au sverea. wiLh 7-room house. House is in only fair condition; good family or i. nnn.i.tinv of nnnlea. oears. cher ries ahd pluma: living stream running through one corner; 3 blocks of electric railway; within 10-mlle circle of center of Portland, nest oi son; iauo u ins; all cleared and ready for cultiva tion. This is a big bargain. This place can be made into a beautiful suburban home as well as a profitable one. feplen dld fruit land, and can be set out to fruits, strawberries and shrubbery. well as adapting a portion of it for chlcK ens. ducka. etc. It has the convenience of the city, together with the economy and freedom of the country. Price $11)30, $50 cash, balance easy terms. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. e- , . I. .. .1 CValr arm. Phone Main 0084: A 3327. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY! Greatest opportunity to homeseeker. unquestionaoiy. uulib cj.,- trict: where land can be bought from J13 to acre; veiy wj fcc'"v. , . : 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam. t o most promising cities in world; soli Is rich and free from Rravel; easy clearing, ohnnoanre of water during Summer months: school and store are located on land: unlimited market: 3000 acres to se lect from; Duy now wnue oi.ca . ..... . selection good: In addition we have sev eral partly improveu lanua ingm, from 25 to J7S per acre. It Is to your Interest to write for further Infor mation at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION CO.. Aberdeen. Wash. nri mccocvT We have two Florida propositions, lo cated near Ijane v-ny, aim " J. discount on both of them. Land Intensely productive and fine for sweet potatoes. Irish potatoes. Bermudas, celery, lettuce, cabbage, tobacco, tomatoes, peanuts, pe cans, strawberries, oranges, figs, grapcs rice, oats, conou, com. un.. c.. side, being Ideal for stock, dairying, bee. and poultry, xnree raiininuB, o c. ...... , good water and beautiful lakes. Indorsed bv farmers, bankers and Board of Trade. $5 a month buys a farm. Beautiful 20 iage art book telling all about It free send for the book.' Columbia-Florida Land Co.. 500 Times bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. l.hl'Ai ic r. i.oui. cotfa tflls. eleetrlo line pro tectee:- no acres finest oat land: very few sttrmns on balance; good five-room house, fair barn, two fine springs; power stream witn vrouv, ...... -',"V'' good roads, range, heating e.ve. dishes and some other furniture Included. $23 an cn j . l. ofin 'tn cii.t fit ti TlfP rent." Edwin Hooker Company, Chamber of Commerce bldg. - sso ACRES. $22 an acre. In Lane County: soil all good fruit land: ISO acres In en -tivation: 400 acres more slashed and al most ready for the plow; good family pr- - chard, good house, barn, granary, machine shed fine spring. SO acres easily irrigated if desired. Thousands of acres of outside ' rnnce By a little development work this place can easily be made worth $60 an acre Easy term, and will take some trade. W. G. Ide. 425 Lumbermens bldg. ORCHARD land or grain land; 1040 acres In body, 8 miles from railway, all fenced with a new. 7-barbed wire fence, fine creek with water power, 4 small house, and barn; railway must cross west end; this would make the best stock farm In the state, as the crass grows the year around. Price $1S.000: .mall Payment down Slid time to suit on balance. W. D. Mlx- ter. Albany. (Jr.. ov ner. Tn ACRES in Willamette Valley, $40 an acre- 200 'acres cleared, 120 acres In timber- 'LSOO.OOO feet of good saw timber: two large barns and small family orchard. This land Is exceptionally good fruit land and is ready for immediate development. Two fine springs on the place and good rtmnlng stream; 40 acres of fine bottom fand7 this place is worth $50 an acr. right now: will take some trade. W. G. IDE, 425 Lumbermens bldg. ONLY f.40 per ecre for 1000 acres for less), near Brownsville: 100 cult.: 8-room house. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Bankers. Chamber of Commerce- Bldg- f See 11 A. rv A c . . . . . .1 n..nHeAH Ihfltl. TE EXAS school lanns; iieiciai sand acres coming on market monthly a. Sr, Sotf I?' 'cr,rrl40 ther Information. Journal Publishing Co., Houston. Texas. STcyw:Bn370 acres fruit land: deep red foothl 1 land; registered Shropshire sheep. O t C hogs, A. J. C. C. Jerseys, imple ment., potatoes, machinery, good horses, cood living while fruit grows: low price, gay terms. W. B- Mister, Sheridan. Or. rcTiR-SALE A well-Improved farm of 67 acre? 60 acres free from .tumps and un der plow; good buildings, plenty of fruit. Sood soil on county road, two mile, from fvvoViUroad town.; $3800. $2550 cash. C. Gray. Independence, Or. "r-T npioCS KOOTENAY." BRITISH CO LUmAiA No irrigating; delightful ell-mate- fruit farms $10 to $S0 per acre; iaw term.: free booklet V. Invastors' Trust ft Mortgage Corporation. Ltd.. 134 Hastings St- W. Vancouver. B. C. 1TO ACRES In the mineral district of Boone CoT Ark . will oell for $1000 or will trade oe' stock of goods of equal value. F. E. Thomas; '69 Washington .. Chehalis. Wash. BUY Missouri land; raises everything, good markets, cheap now. gong up. easy Srms; we help you: write quick. Mis souri State Immigration Board. Spring field, St" . GOOD FARM BUYS. HARGROV44 SON?. ..2SVa ACRES FOR JWOft. H MILE CITY LIMITS WOODBURN. This choice tract of tand. all In a high . state of cultivation, no rock or gravel, lies perfectly ; good 4-room house, new barn and outbuildings: good young or chard; Just one-half mile from the city limits of the thriving oily of Woodhiirn, !2 mile to car. Price only $3200; good terms. .10 ACRES. .ItJ MILES CITY LIMITS. This is a sniendid close-in country home. 30 acres; 23 acres In high state of culti vation: -land lies perfectly. Just gentle south slope; jrood 3-room house, barn and outbnlldlnaa. ri71 bearing prune trees. 123 bearing Royal Anne cherry trees. 75 bear ing apple trees. 1.1 hearing pear trees. 3 acres young orchard. 2 acres berries. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Team, wagon, harness, buggv. cow, ail farm implements, etc. Trice, $000. Just 34 miles city limits of Portland, level graveled road all the way. PO ACRES FOR $-500. This farm is Just i mile from railroad and same- distance from Santiatn River. There are so acres, 12 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture, with 1 good springs. The land is all good and there La no soil in Oregon better adapted to the growth ' of apples. Good 7-room lause. small barn, woodshed. 2 clllcken-houses ; small bearing orchard. 100 young trees Just oat out. Price only $2300. HARGROVE ft PONS. 122 6th St. North. Cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 4381. A 720'J. DAIRT FARM. IN NATURAL GRASS SECTION. 13 acrea 140 acres cleared, balance limber, suitable for fuel. 100 acres plow land; soil Is a black sandy loam, can ba plowed at any time: natural grass through out the year; buildings consist of S-rooin frame house. 3-room dalrvhotise, 3 stock barns, windmill and outbuildings; personal property as follows: 1 Shorthorn bull l year old. 1 Jersey bull. 2 years old, i Grade Jersey heifers 3 years old in Spring,, all bred: 5 yearling heifers. . yearling heifers, 3 horses, two. eight and nine years old. 2 sows and 16 pigs. 20 . head mixed hogs, 2 dozen chickens, 2 sela " heavy harness. 1 heavy wagon, 1 llKht wagon, 1 cart. 1 hack, 1 tuggy, 1 mower, 1 rake. 2 large plows. 1 small plow. 1 double-shovel plow, 1 cultivator, 1 tubular cream separator. 1 harrow, 2 rowboats, 25 tons hay in barn. -This farm is located in Clatsop County on the railroad, station is one-half mile up the track: all milk Is sold for 20a per gallon during Winter and 25c during Summer, delivered at depot; the soil is especially adapted for cabbage, celery, kale and all root crops; no better dairy land in Oregon. ' Farm bounded on east and west by water; the lakes afford splendid canvas back shooting; the cows are high-grade Jersey, freshening now on to Spring. This place is an Ideal dairy and stock ranch and a genuine bargain for $15.oo, $10,000 cash, balance on or before five years; will consider good e'earer! W 11 lamette Valley farm to extent of $S000. CHAPIN & HERLOW. (3D 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. ESTACADA. the section that is today re ceiving the highest indorsement of the Oregon Agricultural College. It Is not often that a person can buy a big farm of .124 acres, at a price low enough to allow of Its being nsed as a dairy or cattle ranch, and at the same time have tho land adjoining one of tha finest fruit sections in Oregon. We have to offer this 324-acre place with good S-room house, barns and other improvements, about 40 acres of fine cleared cultivated land, balance of land ideal pasture or range, also adjoining this Is unlimited Government land which can also be used for range. This land when cleared, as tho soil is of tho famous rort hot variety, is ideal fruit land, and the owner can later on sell off piece, at reg gular fruit land prices. You had better Investigate this for It represents a line Investment and also Is a good big farm. Price Jlli.OOO. Terms easy. Land within a milo and a half selling at over' $300 per acre. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, (Mr. Standish.) 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. ALBERTA WHEAT LANDS. We have thousands of acres of Canadian Pacific Railway wheat lands in Alberta for sale at from $12 to $20 an acre. These lanes are all close to'rallways. and town, and are first-class In quality. There- are no better wheat-producing lands in tno world. We also have a large list of Im proved lands In Alberta at prices from 20 to $35 an acre. These lands pay for themselves In from two to five years. We furnish reduced rates over the lines or. the Canadian Pacific Railway to people who wish to see these lands. Also de scriptive literature free. Send us your name and we will send you literature fully describing this wonderful country. More, - money has been made bv farmers in Alberta than any farming country on the American continent for the last five years. IDE-M'OARTHY LAND COMPANY. 425 Lumbermens bldg. TUB HOME PLACE FOR SALE One of the most highly developed farma In Willamette Valley; 49 acres, situated .1-3 mile from city limits. Salem. Or., on Willamette River. About 30 acres in prunes, peaches and walnuts, from 3 to 15 years old. Ha. hay. garden unci wooded pasture lots. A No. 1 house with windmill; modern fruit drier; cottage fpr hired help; barn and outhouses all m first-class repair. This place Is a splen did revenue producer. It is an Ideal homeslte or can .bsu5'L'E readilr' v 874 Michigan ave., Portland, Or. i A GOOD INVESTMENT. Would like to get in touch with Party who wishes to buy good 100-acre farm, no agenta; includes fine 8-room house, ce ment walks, good fence, telephone; . also large ham. nearly new: t"Vi,S., hetim, ness. wagon and plow; one of most beautiful home, in Columbia County, on county road half mile from depot, mile irom high school: school wagon passes every morn ing. About 65 acres bottom land 10 acres fir and oak for house use. balance very dark rich loam; good orchard, trees, bearing fruit; farm afijoining has just beeS sold and cut in 5 and 10-acre tracts This is bent Investment that person can possibly get. For more information, ad dress L. F. Stevens, Scappoose, Or. COMING TO FLORIDA? Then don't miss the opportunity to v is t the Sldwood Farms, the newest and best cofony. Sldwood Farms, thirty nilnutes from Jacksonville, the coming metropolis of the South. Atlantic Canal n one side Si. John. River on the other: Florida East Coaat Railway through center: rolling, fertile soil climate unexcelled year round; fSea Winter home- delightful bathing; best social conditions:, greatest farming Spportun fy. $30 per aero; easy terms: val SSs increasing daily. Write for booklet. Florida0 Homeseekers Corporation, Jack- -nnellle Florida. . s'-wi PER ACRE One-fourth down, balance XOO V,avi because OWDr naamore land than he can cultivate, buy. in 80-aere farm, partially Improved hav ing small house and barn and orchard of 7v trees. 600 bearing: schoolhouse on p'ee. county road through It: this ; place commands a fine view of the Columbia K7,nJ Is only a mile and a half from fteamboat landing and N. P. Ry- ''lovn at Martins Bluff, in Cowlitz Coun'y; Washington, and 6 . miles from county Mat; farm 1.' well watered and 1. certaln- ly gbarcfa'.n:.vic woodland. -Wash. MCi r aaji- . no acrti 30 acres, 6-year-old tearing orchardVooVre. ; In cVopbalanca , pasture tnri wood good bulldinKS. near goou town, soh?' $3000 worth apple" this year; i. baraaln at $100 per acre: terms. Nlffi'aS Just' right for orchard o, dairy farm: 8-room house, good barn. oon railway Exchange bldg. ei,-v of owner 1 miles of limit, of Van BUY of owner aw ndv loam: no Sraril hardpan, rock or swamp; 4 acres EfJhfv fertilized, garden land; two more rngcuRlvationV rnarket garden or berries. toolsT buildings, crops. Inquire of A. C. Viblic Market. Vancouver. Wash. fln ACRES of garden land, all bottom, 300 860 ACBE.O oi a cultivation, bal- Ince ash timber, fine creek and 4-acre fake- 14 mile, to railway: will .ell on small payment and long time, or woo d cSn. da? good re.ldence property. Price $0 .ee. w. D. Mixter. Albany. Or. (ii AND 100 acres of Willamette Valley gar- w. .... . c -.ii.. renm r.llw.v all In cultivation except small tract of ash tim ber along the creek; $80 per acre: would take small payment or consider good resi dence property. W. D. Mixter. Albany, Or. "" FOR INFORMATION about farms and fruit lands In tracts of 3 to 2000 acres sea O. W. F. Land co 1st and Alder A