.TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, TORTLAXD, XOVE3IBER 6. 19ia 1 2 - - - THOUGH quietness relcned In the so- I JtjAOt W 4A JM- ei.l circle of this city the past I f7JC htJ1 T aaa a.eaaaw J I - ft J. i 4 . il -'4 . a ,. f4M&M - 1 S i P - il l H s v " $ j j i 1 1 f 1 -v. '""' ' 1 I rfk, certain of Tortland's soclPtr folk hve crratrd a stir lsrwhrre and quite th event, of the peasnn In Fan Kran rlsrA was the wrddlna: of Thomas Sott Brooke and Miss Christine Pomer roy at Trinity Kplscopal Church Thurs tlsy aftrrnoon. The rercmony was a larre and brilliant affair. The bridal party lnrltide9 right at tendants and a complrmcnt of ushers. The color srhrrae of pink and white was ' rarrted out In the decorations and In the ftowns of the bridesmaids. Bride roses. American Beauty roses, and Brtilrsmalils rrafi were used In pro fusion. The mnlds In attendance were 'Miss Elizabeth Llvcrmore. Ulss Natalie Coffin, illss I-oulae Itoyd. Miss Con stance McLaren. Miss '. Margaretta Brooke and Mlxs Mnriraret Hoosevelc The ushers wre Andrew Kerr, Rode rick Maclcay. O. S. Howe. ilburforce Williams. John Kittle, Wharton Thurs ton and Arthur ChescborouKlt. The 'bride entered the church on the arm of her father. Carter lltcairn Pomeroy. and wore a handsome sown of soft white satin, delicately embroidered with rnl'l beads and tiny pearls. She wore a lunar veil and carried an exquisite show rr bouquet of white orchids and lilies of the valley, rhe was met at the altar by Mr. Brooke and the best man, T. A. l.lnthlcum. of this city. The Kev. V. W. Clampett. rector of Trinity, performed the ceremony at 4 o'clock, and follow ing; It there was a reception at the Pomeroy home. Mr. lirooke is prominent In Portland as a business man and In society and Is a member of the Arlington. Mult nomah. Portland Hunt and the Waverly : 1 r Clubs. Mr. and Mrs. Brooke, who wilt return to Portland In Lecember from their weddlns; trip In and about the City of Mexico, will occupy the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. l.lpman on King's Heights, which will be vacated the rlrxt of lecotnber when Mr. and Mrs. lipman will sail for Europe. Thursd.ir. November 3. was the occa sion of the f.rty-eishlh birthday of the Kmteror of Japan and the home of yie Japanese Consul Oyuma was the scene of a brilliant assemblage in bonor of the day. Krom 8 o'clock- until 10 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Oyama entertained curst st their l-irve reception. The decorations were elaborately Oriental, areena. chry santhemums and Jupanese lanterns be-In- profusely and artl.-tlcully used, and on the wall were arraraed the portraits 4 the Kmperor. Kmpress and the Crown Prince draped with American and Japa nese flags. A r-panien orchestra of four pieces provided the music for the evening. The followlns; list Includes the Inlvtrd Kursts: Judge and Mrs. Charles K. WoUerton. Judxe and .Mrs. William K. (lllbert. Judce and Mrs. K- S. Bran. Mr. an.l Mrs. John McCotirt. Mr. and Mr Walter II. mns. Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Barbour. Mr. and Mrs. John lard, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. like. Senator and Mrs. tleorxe K- Chamberlain. Mavor Stmon. A. M. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Spier. Mr. and Mrs. Vieorae J. Cameron. Judge and Mrs. J. P. Katanaugh. Judre K. is. Morrow, Jutliie and M-. John U. Clcland. Judje and Mrs. WiliUm N. Catena. Judge and Mrs. C. X . Oanfenbein, Mr. and Mrs. Krtaar R Pier. Mr. and Mrs. H. l I'lt tnck. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Carroll. Mr. tjeorge Troatbrldce. Mr. and Mrs, William Mac Master. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Knapp. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Clltner. M. Musseasohn. Mr. an 1 Mrs. J. C. Alnsworth. Mr. and .Mrs. W. M. Iaidd. Mr. and Mrs. A. L Mills. Mr. and Mrs. W II) tarn A. MacKar. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kurtchell. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Malpas. Mr. and Mrs. James l.udUw. Mr. and Mrs. J. Krne-t Lald law. Mr. and Mrs. Moy Bach Ilira, Mr. and Mrs. i. li. An-.cs. Mr. and Mrs. Kr.ink A. Svcmer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ra fael Vejir. Mr. and Mrs. H. Chilcott. Mr. and Mrs. Kndre M. 'e.lerberith. Mr. ad Mrs. VaUlemar ladell, Mr. and Mrs. J.-rm W. Mathcs, Mr. C. Henry Labor. lr. and Mrs. Charles K. Candlanl. Maria t:. Montrexia. M-. and Mrs. X. K. Aer. Mr. sn.l Mrs. W. H. Ayer. Mr. and Mrs. V liilam . Bristol. Mr. and Mrs 11. Beckslth. Mr. and Mrs. George w. Bai-s. Mr. and Mrs. r W. IlaKes. Mr. and Mm M. C. lunfleld. Mr. and M a. K. K- Beach. A. Berg. Mr. and Mrs. w. J Hums. Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. IturreiL Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Beebe. Mr. and Mrs. It. 1-a liar nee. Mr. and Mrs. A. IX Charlton. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Colt. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clark. Mr. and M.-s. :eorg. M. Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Carey. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Comau. Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. V. Cotton. Archbishop- Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Kd arJ Cooktngham, Pr. J.! M. Coghlan, Mr. and rs. C. K. Curry. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. levers. Colonel and M-s. H. K r"ch. Mr. and Mrs. rvld M. Dunne. Mr. and Mr. Kdrd Khrman. Ir and Mrr. T. 1- HI hit. Mr. and Mrs. William Ii Fen ton. Mr. and Mrs. L X. Flrls.-h-ner. Mr. and Mn.. K. C. French. Mr. , rd Mr. J. W. (Ja nous. IL L, Cllian. Mr. and Mrs. R.-R. Hogo. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Helntx. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. lloyt. Mr. and Mns. H. M. Hallrr. Henry Hahn. Dr. and Mrs. K. D. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Josselyn. Andrew Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. L. Allen Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Levens. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Means, Mr. and'Mra. William Mi Murray. F. W. Mulkey. Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Mor rison, Mr. and Mrs. Julius L. Meier. Mrs. Arthur Mlnott. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O BrJen. Mr. and Mr. J. W. Ransom. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Selling. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Swl- gert. Bishop and Mrs.- Charles Kfaddlng. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Teal, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Vin cent, Dr. and' Mrs, H. C. Wilson. Dr. George F. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wittenberg. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. S. Wood. William Wheelwright. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Weth- erbee. Mr. and Mrs. James McL Wood. Rubbl and Mrs. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Adolphe Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. WUcwr. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Adams, Mr. and airs. E. K. Ktlham, ass Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. McDonnell were hosts Saturday evening; tn honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien and Miss Lillian O'Brien who will leave soon for the East where Miss Lillian O'Brien will be one of the receiving line at the debut of Miss Kdlth Evans, of Phila delphia. Miss Evans Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Evans, who are prominent In Eastern social circles, and was a classmate of Miss O'Brien at Mlllbrooke. New York, where both attended the Bennett school for young women. After the reception and dance which will constitute the debut of Miss Evans. Mlsa O'Brien wtll continue as her house guest for a fortnight. In the course of their Eastern trip which will probably stretch over six or right weeks. Mrs. O'Brien and Miss Lillian O'Brien will attend the Thanks giving football game between Yale and Harvard, the Army and Navy game, set for November ? In Philadelphia. and the Horse Show at Madison Square Garden. New York. A party of society folk who left Portland yesterday. Includes Mr. and Mrs. 8. M Mrars. Miss Margaret Mears. Mrs. Lea Is liussclL, Mlsa Catherine! Russell, and Mrs. Russell's sister, Mrs. Stuart Rice,-of Tacoma. They will go first to San Francisco, whence they will sail on November 8 for Japan and Manila on the steamer "Korea." Miss Susan Clark left Portland last Sunday evening for St. Paul, which was at one time her home. She ex pects Ho remain- there as the guest of friends a month before her return to Portland. Miss Marjorle Forbls. a recent arriv al In thla city from Butte. Montana, was hostess at a luncheon followed by a matinee party to the "Doll's House at the Helllg theater. v ednes day afternoon. Miss Forbls' guests were Miss mshop. of Vancouver-Bar racks, illis Louise Williams, Miss Elizabeth Sawyers. Miss Margaret Boscbke. Mrs. James Cole, and Mrs. Wilson Clarke. An interesting bit of gossip which comes recently from Oermany Is the announcement of the engagement of Miss Bertl Baar to Dr. Carl Wagner, a leading aurgeon In one of the hos pitals of Vienna. . The wedding will take place In VI enna -In May or June of the coming year. Miss Baar, who will pass the Christ mas aeason In Vassal. Russia, will have as her guest Miss Kittle McMaster, of thla city. Dr.'Gustav G. Baar, or thla city,, will go to Vienna for the wedding. . Miss Elisabeth Sawyers was hostess Monday at a matinee party to the Or pheum In honor of Miss Eleanor Ecob. Miss Sawyers' guests were Mlsa Ecob. Mlsa Genevieve Thompson. Miss Mary Livingstone. Miss Ethel Thompson and Mrs. Fletcher Linn. Later Miss Saw yers entertained with tea at the Port land, when the following guests were also present: Gerald Beebe. Harold Sawyer, Leland Smith, Dr. F. A. Kiehle, R, M. Crozter and Fletcher Linn. - One of the. largest events- of the past week was the dance at Chiistenaen's Hall. Thursday evening, when the men of the Royal Arcanum councils of Fort land were hosts. The decorations of the hall consisted of Kentla palms and , chrysanthemums. More than 2u0 persons I attended and many handsome gowns were In evidence. The success of this affair predicts even better for the next bat,, which: will take place Thursday evening, December L under the direction of a committee chosen from the members of the Oregon Council. The reception com mittee Thursday evening was composed of the following persons: B. S. Josselyn, W. R.-M&cKenxie. J. M. Scott, J. E. Werlein. A. F. Flegel, P. A. Hunter. W. A. Seacbrest, J. G. Graham. Frank Wll mot and Dr. W. F. Amos. The floor com mittee included H. A. Demmer, H. C. Weber, Dr. J. K. Locke, Arthur Finley, H. 8. Butterfleld, Dr. Fred Gillette. C. E. Waggoner, F. A. Younger, Dr. C. H. Hosmer and Dr. Frank Drake. - Arrangements for the Portland Heights "Tour of the World" are pro gressing satisfactorily and everything will be In readiness at 8 o'clock Tues day evening. The first country to visit will be Italy, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, where, receiving with, the Wheelers, will be Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Fisher. Turkey will extend her hospitality through' Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mersereau and Mr. and Mrs. John Keat ing. At the British Isles, England, Ireland and Scotland will make merry together with the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mr. and Mrs. David Shlndler.' Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Patullo arid a number of the younger set. ' japan will be a veritable bower of wistaria and cherry blossoms at the W. D. Jellison home. Mr. and Mrs. Jellison will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Fuller avid others. Deutsch land expects to quite rival the original fatherland at the home of Mr. Vind Mrl Jay Smith. The climax of the tour wiil b reached when the traveller reaches Spain, at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bradley, who will be as slsted by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Page and Mi us Lulie Hall. Brilliant coloring In decorations and costumes, music and flowers will terminate the tour with i carnival of beauty and pleasure. Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Whiting re turned last week from a visit to friends In Oakland and San -Francisco. One hundred and five guests were re ceived Thursday afternoon at the Port land Heights Club when Mrs. Abe Tich- nor entertained at cards. The sffalr was one of the largest of the week and was distinctly successful. The decora tive scheme was carried out in pink and white. Chrysanthemums filled brass jars ana large oowis aDout ine room while smilax and pink cosmos were draped about the walls and pink roses adorned the large mantel. On each table ere tiny backets of pink and white candles and single pink carna tions as favors for each guest. During the afternoon music was played by an orchestra In a bower or palms. Mrs. Tlchnor, who wore a gown of delicate blue marquisette with raised velvet roses In a deeper shade, was aided In receiving by her daughter. Miss Hazel Tlchnor. who was gowned In a soft lavender silk trimmed with stiver and pearl passementerie. Other young women whom Mrs. Tlch nor invited to assist her were Miss Mildred Long, Miss Eva Long. Mrs. James Alexander Ellis. Miss Ruby C. Crichton. Miss June Sterling, Miss Irene Daly, Miss Cecelia Wiley. Miss Catherine Hurt, Miss Hazel Ferris. Miss Lillian O'Brien, and Miss Mamie Dunn. Mrs. Tlchnor's guests were: Mrs. John Gardner. Mrs. M. C. Banfield, Mrs. William M. Miller. Mrs. Wlllard King, Sirs. Paul Richardson, Mrs. C. A. Colrldge, Mrs. Benjamin Trenkman. Mrs. J. C. Veasle. Mrs. u. u. Tomisinea, Mrs. Ben Gadsby, Mrs. T. E. Harlow, Mrs. George McMillen. Mrs. J. H. Child. Mrs.' D. iV Hand, Mrs. D. L. Povey, Mrs. T. 11. Edwards, Mrs. J. W. Baker, Mrs. R.-i-A.lrleh,-Mrs Philip Meldin. Mrs Philip Meldin. Jr., Mrs. Charles Boss. Mrs. B. F. Weaver, Mrs. Ira Pow ers. Mrs. I Velsey. Mrs. William Gads by; Mrs. Edmund Coursen, Miss Rogers, Mrs. W. 8. Sterling, Mrs. L. Lloyd, Mrs. T. a Clarkson. Mrs. M. W'ocheL Mrs. R. 8. Sewell. Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, Mrs. David Dunne, Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, Mrs. Lewis Lang, Mrs. Charles Russell, Mrs. A. Wright, Miss Nina Larowe, Mrs. L. L. Stinson, Mrs. James Thompson. Mrs. Harry Lang. Mrs. J. Freeman, Mrs. R. Daly, Mrs. Theodore Bernheim. Mrs. J. H. Cook. Mrs. B. 8. Pague. Mrs. E. H. Bell. Mrs. Byron E. Miller, Mrs. E. W. Crichton, Mrs. Charles Donahoe, Ms. Benjamin Fleckensteln, Mlsa T. Cor nelius. Mrs. Maud Corhstock, Mrs. Sara. Van Horn, Mrs. C. Wheeler, Mrs. F. W. Norby, Mrs. J. C. Corteiie, Mrs. riouis Hess. Mrs. E. M. Baker, Mrs. John Stewart. ' Mrs. George McGowafl, Mrs. R. R, Glltner, Mrs. J. Toft, Mrs. R. H. AuRtin. Mrs. Charles Runyan. Mrs. M. J. Delahunt. Mrs. Brandt Wickersham, Mrs. William Grenfel, Mrs. L. H. Roth ermel, Mrs. Norrls Cox, Mrs. M. C. Ban- field. Mrs. L. M. Hubert, Mrs. A. Tan ner. Mrs. G. C. Flanders, Miss Frances Jeffery, Mrs. F. S. Watkins. Mrs. T. H. Crang, Mrs. Harry Gaylord. Mrs. John Arnold. Mrs. W. E. Kieman, Mrs. M. Pfunder, Mrs. J. H. "Welst. Mrs. P. J. Jennings. Mrs. G. A. Ennery, Mrs. J. Classett, Mrs. Mllard Holbrook. Mrs. Charles F. Bunker, Mrs. Anne Banard. Mrs. John McGlnnls, Mrs. F. E. Dooly, Miss Clarissa Wiley, Mrs. R. P. Gra ham. Mrs. E. M. Spaulding. Mrs. E. r . Grlgsby. Mrs. McKinley Mitchel. Mrs. Frank Kauper. Mrs. E. E. Merges, Mrs. A. H. Maegly. Mrs. A. U Pease, Mrs. John Manning. Mrs. A. E. Jackson, Mrs. H. S. Gile, and Mrs. Curtis Holcomb. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masons will formally open their WHERE QUALITY IS ALWAYS AT ITS BEST' DIAMOND SoloftlaO 1819 351 Washington St. See Monday's Oregonian for Extraordinary Sale O Broad diamond experience and an unlimited stock for suitable holiday selections, are reasons why these precious gems can be bought at this store -with a better degree of satisfaction and in a more safe and economical manner. Your inspec tion solicited and a comparison of prices invited. EMERALDS RUBIES SAPP1TIRES and PEARLS MEDALLIONS The latest pendant effect, both .in gold or platinum mounted. of the highest grade and in splendid variety. WATCHES . Only those of known reputation, both in Ameri can and Swiss, comprise our extensive assort ment. Every timepiece carries with it 'our bind ing guarantee, so that nothing, is left undone to give the utmost satisfaction as to time and wear ing qualities. ' t 283-285 Washington Street, Between 4th and 5th. Diamond Importers, Opticians, Silversmiths. E00KW00D POTTERY, ' America's Foremost Pottery Production. Sole Agents for Oregon. M F 11 jir h W cathedral at Lownsdale and Morrison streets this "Winter with an. "at home" Friday ' evening, November 11. For this opening- the entire building- will be utilized. - '- The ball room In addition -ro its er- cellent. lighting effect -will be beauti- " fully decorated with potted plants anfl fTowers and the -orchestra stage Is to FOR THE NEWEST VISIT THE STYLE STORE C7 C7 TEE .PRIVILEGE Our charge system offers you. The best and most correct merchandise at moderate prices and on the easi est possible terms. FUR GARMENTS An immense showing of Fur Coats, Muffs and Neck Pieces in the stole and shawl effects, also of beautiful sets of matched skins, very cleverly designed garments and at very moderate prices. This assortment embodies all the pretty pieces made of Isabella Fox, Black Fox, Jap Mink Natural Mink, natural Opos sum, Blended Marmot, Columbia Sable, Coney and Lynx, and our prices are appealing, even to the most thrifty ones. MILLINERY ' Artistic designs and skillful crafts 'manship are the features of the Winter headgear we now display. Models for real dress wear in hat ters' plush and silk beaver, trimmed with willow plumes, also in smart tailored hats in French felt and velvet, very moderately priced. - See our Piccadilly Brand Suits for little women and misses. You'll like them. CHARGE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED You can pay for your purchases in small weekly payments. EASTEEM OUTF .... . tT fob! ITTING CO. h WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. The Store Where Your Credit Is Good