THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 6. 191Q. 20 DECLINE IN FURS Lower Prices at London Oc tober Sales. ONLY FEW EXCEPTIONS Marten I 50 Per Cent Hiphrr, but Mo Other Kind Are Ke doced 10 to 50 Trr Cent. f Furs fkld at lor prtra t th October la London than they did at th ! lut ffprlns and Wlnw. Th decline ran1 from 10 to SO pr cent. Th only xcAptlona war rmln. which wrnt 20 per cent nhr. and marten and flna attver tta. which brought tha nme pricca aa pre Tmlled last March. Rtpcrta rwrfvrd by J. It. riamann. manavr of 1C Urbm Cx. from tha flrm'a rpraaantatlva la London. rww the follow ing raaulta of thm October aal: tdlvwr foa Flo, aama aa laat March. Ml-r fom coara. SO pr cent lowrr than tut January. Lynx 10 pr cent lower than laat Fpr1nic" . Otter per cent lower than laat Sprinca aal. Blue fo 20 per cent lower than laat !'a aal. Red fox IS per cent lower than laat hprlnjr'a aal a. itm fo 1ft per cent lower than laat Fprlnf's aale. BMvcr 10 per cent lower than laat Win ter nit. V uaq aaa h SO per cent lower than laat Winter1 aale. Wild cat AO per. cent lower than laat Pprtna'a aal. Ht'Wcr-15 per rent lower than laat fiprtne'e aale. Marteit 8ame aa laat March. Bear 10 per rent lower than laat Fprtns'a aale. Mink 1ft percent lower than laat Fprtnra aate. White fo. 13 per cent lower than laat fprtng'a aale. I'.rtuly bear 20 per cent lower than laat Fprtnc'a aale. r.rmlne 1 per cent h leher than laat Spring's aafe. APPLE CROP Or THE VMTEO STATES. I.Mlmaled at Aboot Harrela by the e jtslaod lloaneatead. The final apple report for llt by the w rnglnd Homeetead ahowa a total eld In the fnlted St. of about fwm.OAA b.rrela. or a little Ires than tha average of the I art two or three -eonm. The crop Is far short of the occasion! bumper year. but. aa the Homestead aava: -These in so far apart that In the liht f htPtory thry are tnt-restlnc. chiefly fr purposes of comparison. The total output In barrels f-r the past ftva years compares aa follows; i-io err x iw sr..4i.veafc J. N:V.IN. l7 . .... ................. imm! "!"..".""".".! a. -4.orto The Western fmup of Oreon. Wmim '.en. Idaho. "hfomia. t'tah. Montana and "nlorado. Klvee tha f-llwlii total: in 3 7rn ow I9m 2 " " lTi " iloT ? T.. o.w . The follow ins; are the Homesteads flures n barrels, aa the production of Orron. .Vsshtujttoa and lilt ho , twin ' ir- 17 ffna ;.t;, ov r.t mh f".o o.w A'h . . . OlMl KiMI IHMk 4.".o 47.". IHIO 4dho . . . . ( ( 1 ).! m 11. tMH :Kk.UOO BKTTF.R IKHIINC. IV WHEAT MARKET. Tara la the PrVe Tdevemeot May liara leane At 1js4. A more cheerful fueling prevails In tha wheat market and It la hoped that tha tide haa at last turned. Improvement waa shown yesterday In tha markets East and abroad and there waa a, sharp fallln off In Black 9 shipments, tha tare siaa of whuh for months paat haa been tha prin cipal welaht on the foreign markets. Tha Mpmeata fr tha week from Russia and Itsmuban porta compare with the preceding- week and tha owre ponding week laat years a follows: This wek. Lat week. Last year. Huylng la not yet arttvs In tha Northwest and will nt be until It la certain that tha Improvement la permanent, but buyln op- rations at the rloae of the week era on a somewhat better scale than at tba open in . lrlca vera quoted unchanged yester day. Loral wheat receipts have been on a lib eral scale, tha total being tha largest of an werk thta season. The receipts. In c-ars. for tha week vera reported by tha Merchants Eirhange as follows: Whet. IU r ley. . . lo.v Flour. tata. Hay Monday T'lr A titeday rrMay .. 4 a "i I & is ro 4i 121 S 'i irt 15 TP 1?7 Nilitrdir T- r ago .... -7 T.tal thta w k AM Yr ago .... -i' hat to d"te4l.j Tlear ago . ...4vii in i EwANl FOR HOP INt BKASINti. IteM tirwarera In Orefoei Mill t Hell at Trading In the hop markrt la etUl on a very email sraJe. Thar are many or dra aa hand, probably enough to clean up tha crop and buyers stand ready to pay IS to 14 cents f-r medium to prime goods, but growers 1U nm sell. It Is a case of havers and sellers being apart, and one side rr the other must make concession befora business la possible. Aa tbe growers pre sent a verv firm front and aa the demand stents to be Increasing, it Is reasonable to evpeot that the bujers w til be tha first to ad IB In the meantime, with operations at cur rent prices out of the question Mi Oregon, the deslers are turning thrtr attention to t'sitfnrnta and that market Is fairly active.' alifornia. hewevrr. has not many good hops to offer and the buyers will soon have to come to Oregon again. ftuatness Is also outet la Western Wash ing too. but some selling, Is reported from Tsktma. where McNrff Bros, secured 274 bete yesterday. 4.00D DtMAM) lOK IKESKJ TIBKET Ure Pewit re Clesvns I p at Steady Price. Fgg Qastea MfMf. wty a few email lota of Arcsaed turkeys csme tn yeaterday and thry were bought up peaenptly by local buyers. The market w Arm. with nothlnc offered undrr 25 rvata. Lrre poultry wag in moderate sup ply and cleaned up ear'y. hen brine in 17 irat and Springs IS cent. Tha egg market wj strong at 40 cents foe Ore oca. with the supply Insignificant. There ars atl'l to many Eastern eggs of fering t aJlow Oregoaa to go higher. Butter I fairly plentiful and tha market a held a a steady basts. Navel Oraagea Arrive treem. A car ef navel oran- arrived yesterday, but the fruit waa to gre-a for Immediate al. Very few well-colored aaveta are oa tha market and they are la geod demand. a. cax oC srap arrived la the af'.eriuwa " 1 I . R.AV..Nd,:.p.. . f.nrr. lle: choice. : nil I Will HlliriT I. 1 1 T T Jff " "'Jl H fl 1 1 fl fl I P I Rl H II 11 TIV I ana will unimn onay I n II II I I III I I , ,, , flr. lueiKC I lini I U I ni IKIIII ni ""'m i v.murui l Ulllll W 1111 M II I I LI I and will be unloaded Monday morning. Neerlr everything cleaned up except apple. th demand for which Is sluggish. A car of sweet potatoes was received. Bank Cleartngrs. t'ark clcartnga of the North etern cltle eairr(ia were as follows: 7 Oesrine. Palanre. Portland l.::s7.y.-.2 i Srstile a.i.'v:;i l:,.7tr.i 1 aroma 7 mi. 4.4t., Spokane KJLOU 3.Vtl Hank cleartnga of Portland. Seattle and Taroma for the sast werk and correspond ing weeks la formrr yejtrs were: Portland. S-att!e. Tscoma. IMfl ll.orj.:.i7 ff11.!M2.72 e4.H7M.lHO l. ...". I.!4.''7 3 sn.;.o.i lfM". . o tt;o.o".l ..": 7. 7 4.1I4."t9 i''7 :..h.i'jI 4.t4:t.;;:t- I N ,: . . .lvi.' 1o.mH.w71 4.2i.i !...-. ... ;..! !.:' T. lifcLt-iT .:.-.. 4..:i i 4.1 4.i i.:tx: ;..u'."j. ." i.4t .iws lMt 4 :. '.!:: 4. -"..;-. 2.ii.2.H"J i:o2 i.'t-voi o.TTi. WJ l.:;c,,iMJ PUttT LAD MAKKE1 S. Grain. Flour. Feed. Ete WHEAT Track price; Blueatem. 77 Mo; club. 73tr74c; red ituaalan. 72c; Valley, T-c; 44-fold. 7S9 74C BARLEY Feed. 120.5021 per ton; sVewlnc. $-2 per ton. M f i,.sti fkh Bran. $75 per ton: mid dlings, shun. -7; rolled barley, ii F LOU R Paten ta. 5. 13 per barrel ; straight. 14 l 4 i: exports, S.:.50; Valley, 2. gcaham. e4.i; uhoi wheat, quar ters. $j. hAl Track prtree: Timothy. Wlltamott Valley. $ IV v 20 per ton : Eastara Oregoa. 121 i 12; aii i La. new, 15 14; grain hay. 1 14. CORN Who, im : cracked, f 12 par to a. OATd White. 127 011. Imlrr aad Country Produce. pni'LTRT Hen. 17r: Spring. 13c; duck. white. lv: grese. l lc: tur k. live. -'Oc; dressed. Xetti1c; squabs. 4- per ausn. Ei;s Oregon ranch, candled. 4V; cur- rent receipts, 4ac; laatern. JOgXJe Pr bL'TTER City creamery. solid pack, S6 per pound; prints, 3737Hc per pound: ouuiue creamery. 33tf34c per pound, butter fat. S4c per pound; Cow airy store but: sr. r V per pound. CHKKSK Full crram. twins. 17 f 17 HO per pouna: voung America. Ids lSc PfKK Fancy. IIS o i:Sc prr pound. VEAL Fancy, i to 1 pound. 1-nO He per pound. Vegetable and Fruit a APPLES King. 40".V pr bo; Wolf River. ;: vl. Waxen. HOcUfl-S: Baldwin, J.VftJI.::.; Northern spy. -7.V tt 1.2i; Snow. II L'.. 1.51; Mpttirnberg. 1.42; Winter SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. l 9 L2 hundred: psramps. flvl.'M: turnips, $L O KEEN FRUITS Pear. l.-&4?i Pr bo; grape. fi.Ugl ri per box. lleic per basket, cranium a. Jsfeu per br-i; quincea. f I H 2"p per box; huckleberries, KtrHc; per poiTtiu ; persimmon. 4 l-h5 per box. VEGETABLES Bean. Utl Uc per pound; csbbase. lc per pound: cauliflower 40c ffll per doxi-n; celery. W 4c per dosen; corn. "J."c per doxen; cucumbers. 65 475 per box. esspiant. 41 LA per craie; gr.e. lOtrl-c per lb.; green onlone. lftc per dox. ; peppers. t per lb.; pumpkins. 11H0 per IU. ; radisfir Jft v Oc per ooxen; sprouts. 7 U Sc; quaah. iQl Vo per lb.; tomatoes. o yt per box. TROPH AL FRl'ITS Oranges. navela. M TA per box; Valencies. I4..V1 4.75. I'm n. 7 it. Florid graprfrutt. liMlW. bananas. iSr per pound; pineapples, oc pe pound; pomgrnairs. 12 5 per box. POTATO ii Oregon. L25v Pr hun dred: eweet potatoes. 2 4c per pound. O.NioNa Uregou. oujinc yrKe. 4.10 par butdrsd. Hop. Wool. II Idea. Eta. HOPS luiu crop, 14c; 1009. nomi nal, olds, nominal. WOvL Lasisra Oregon, 10 17 pound; Valley. 17lc per pouud. iiuhAih x. hg.vt. ric per pound. iAm ai;a liAi.h. ii t4 Vc per pound. HIDES baited bldea, 7w7"c per pound; tabled calf. 14c; asuied kip. be; ilted stag, c; greea hide, lc use; dry hide, lot 4 17c; dry caif. It is lac; dry stags, lltflo. laU-Ti Ury. luc; salted, butcttara taka-ulf. 4tfIte; bpring lamb. 25 Urocertea, Bried Ftulta, Kte. DRIED FUL11 Apples, luc per ponad; curranis. lXSttflc; apricots. Iltfl4c; dates, ;c per pouna. figs. buia. wbits or biack. by sac. 7c; 56. 1.5wr L75; 12-12m. So; 44 ls, IV-Is. frjc; bmyrna, lbc aALJaoN Columbia Hi vex. 1 -pound talla $-l per dosen; -pound talis. Si-95; 1 poyad fiats. 4-25; Aiaa pmk. 1 -pound tAiu, SI; red. 1 -pouna talis, L4; aookey, 1- puund tsui. 4X. COFFfch- Mocha. 2447 2Sc; Java, ordinary, 1 7 a -'uc ; Cost Hut, rnc. lW-'Uc; good. ulsc; ordinary. 12 w lo per pound. NU1 vinuia 1 lc per pouna. Bra zil nuts. 14 v 15c. filberts. 14 v 15c; almonds. 14 l!c, pecan, llec; cocoa nuts. IMrCQtU par duaa; cheauiuts. 24c per pound. A LT uraauiated. 415 per ton ; ha It ground. luua 4-tfO per tun; rua. 4 per ton. BUANs bmaii wuia. 5c; lJa whit. 4V-. Lima, mc; ptus, 1 aC sed Mem ana, Tc; bAtou. Tc HiCo. No. 1 Japan. 4c; rheaper grade, IXjwu iautlirn bead. Vtf7c UONEX Cbuicw. 44-34 per case; strained. Ic per pound. bUUAK Dry granulated, frutt and berry. 15 00; beet. 15. 4u. extra C. $5 10; gulden 15. ellow D.. $4.0; cubea brreU. 5.u; powdered. Terms o remittance wltb- in lu Oaya. deduct wo Pr pound. If later tbaa 15 and within 2i days deduct io pa pttund. atpa augar. 15lao pr pouad. Otis. LINHEKD OIL Pure raw In barrels, $1 04; k-ltle bolli-d. in baxre;, 41-; raw. In cases, 4Lw; krttle boiled, in cases. 11L -Lots of Mv an'iia. 1 win I wee per gallon. TL' it PEN TIN In caaea, 4i. la wood barre.e. hc B EN 21 N hi Union benxln In Iron drum r barrets. llc; union benxln In cases. 2- 5s. .JSc; union stov dlsullata la lroa drums. Tc COAL OIL Peart oil la cases. 18c: head Ilgbt. la caa. lhjv; eocene, tn case. Jlo; E-aine. In case. Uc ; extra atar. in cases, Sic. water wuite. iron baxre is. lOSk; bead Ught. Iron barrel 12 c; pclal W. VUfta. lroa barrels, 14c. If A MS 10 to 12 pounds. J9o; 12 to 14 pounds, lb S c ; 14 to Id pound. 1 Rc; 1 to 20. 17tfl?Sc: skinned, lac; picnics, l'ic; cottsce roll. 15c. BACON anc. ec; standard. 30c choice. :4tc; English. 22c feMOKED M EA 1 . Beef tongues. TJc; dried be.f aets. zc; outside, nun; la aiur. iJc; kuuckles. 22c DRY a ALT CURED Regular short clear, dry salt. 15 Sc; stnoked. 17c; backs, light, salt. 15 -c; nitohnl. Uc; backs, heavy, salt. Joe. sinokeu. invi export Deiues. salt, ItiSc: mnukrd. lc. I.ARI' 1". kettle rendered. 1614c; stand ard p ur a, 15 c ; c hole. 14 W c ; aaortanmg; TURKEYS FOR ALASKA SEATTLK PHLKIIS H.WE TROC BLK IX GETTIXO SUPPLY. Wheat Market I Firmer Kxceaelve Receipts of California Grapes. l-'pS Are Steady. SEATTLE. Wash.. Nor. 4. (Special.) The grain market closed firmer, price re aded from ee;erdsv' low level and no sac were reported olow 74 cents. Blue- tetn wheat ha reached the point where tt can te yrted. iate were esy at 127. 50 to The price, however, ia largely nom- tnal in the :.ence of buying. Barley aa dull and unchanged. Turkea were in fair euppty. but the d mini was not ery brisk, except for ehip ping purposes. Dealers are making every effort to obtain fnnujh turkea to nil Aiaaka ortlrr. but are yet In doubt aa to wheiner or not they will be able to obtain the necessary supp.y. Turkejs sold at 39 cents. The general sentiment of buyers Is that TharkKlvng price will be lower than present quotations. Good fat BmaJI hen were s-arce and will be quoted a cent higher next week. fresh ranch eir held at cent Th country buying price next week will be 47 cert a. Txlay a receipta ni aiunmia grapes vert ecete. and all kinds of prices prevailed. Tne best Tk?s mUl low s 45 cents. oncord were In oversupply. Th Ural 'aiiforni cucumbers hav reached the city and are quoted at $1 ?5. The hide market l weak at 1 4 cent, compared with LW cent at thie date last year. With poor hides now coming on the market, at HI lower prices wouid not sur- Sr:e dca.ers Wool ia more actlv. but no igh;. ( alcasra 1 hairy Prod ace. tHir r,o Nov. 5- Butter. Arm. Cream -erlrs. J4nrtrtc; dairies. 23 27c F.fg. Pted : receipts. 2.".2 case at mar, eases included, lwj21Sc; firsts, ;lc jrtmo Mt. S.c Cheese. etesrtv. Talsiem, l'Htf 15r; Twins, 14 tM4 wc; Tung Americas, 10 LiWc. Long Uota. Li151,c, . Nhh H HaH hh!.KW5i:-pViS,. nHILl IN UUnrH NUT a&"tffU dU UULd Hi UilU IIA UU I UU I U 1 1 1 1 I I I W L. Oregon.. 6o to 30 " I Peachea. steady; choir. 77Hc; extra I I choice. SG8vc: fancy. 8taec i , I Efforts Again Made to Lift Stock Prices. MEETS WITH SELLING Humor of Sale or Short Trrm Note Isue b- w York Central Is Denied by President Brown Bonds Steady. NEW YORK. Nov. 5. Th, .pecul.tiT. force In the stock market renewed the con t!t today for a hlather ranse of price. The reactionary tendency which developed late yesterday was checked by the authoritative statement from President Brown, of the New York Central, contradicting the rumor that a sale of a large short-term note Irsue of that company was In contemplation. Pres ident Hrown's explicit asnertlon that the elO.oon.owo Michigan Central note issue placed In Paris bad cost that company but i per cent net served to correct reports of an enormous Interest rat. which had been exacted fur that financing. The tone of mercantile reviews fostered the Impression that business activity was a siting for relief from ;h. unsettlemcnt cf political unrest. The call money market on Saturday at the stock exchange is merely nomlnsl. as ioars made on Kriday carry over until Monday. The tone of the time loan market was called decidedly strung and more active. The for eign exchange market weakened sharply, and this was believed to reflect the nego tiation of additional bankers finance bills In the Paris and rUondon markets. The pri vet, discount rat. In London moved toward further recovery, giving evidence that the Itank of England was again securing control in that market. The shipments of gold last week to Canada are believed not to have appeared In last week's bank estimates. The actual surplus Is reduced to $5.72.0OO and the excess of loans over deposits Is again broadened. The stock market closed easy under the effect of profit-taking sales. Hond. were steady. Total tales, par value, ll.U7J.0O0. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bales. High. Low. Bid. Allls Chal pf 34 Amal Copp-r .. B.2O0 TI H TO 71 Am Aarlrult .. 2O0 47S ' " Am Hcet fugar. r JH J6'b 38)b American Inn.. .1"" 10 1, in 1U Am t ar Kly. 4' .WV HH r5 Am Cotton Oil. 1" 7' CTS 7(4 Am Hd l.t pf loo ;3 -.'.I1. -Jit Am Ice Securi. 11 Am Linseed 12 Am locomotive. 40 Am ISm.l er Kef 6.2n Hl 81 bl do preferred.. 1m l. 301 30 Am Steel Kdy.. 2UO 471s 47H 47H Am Hugar Ref 11W Am Tel Tel.. 1.SO0 142 1424 142S Am Tobacco pf J0O Bd-a U6A SH Am Woolen 33 S Anaconda M Co 42 Alchlson 4.800 104. 104"i '"-IW do preferred lol h Atl Cosst Line 11s Halt .- Ohio l'("4 Itethlch.m Steel 8"0 32 .11 31 5. Krook R Tran. l.S'. 7S4 77. 77 Canadian Par.. I.ihmi lu ll 1Im CVniral Inlher hOO 35S 35S 3..t4 do preferred 105 Central of N J --5 Ch-a Ohio... 500 M S3H I-4 Chicago A Alton 42 Chi Ut West 24 do preferred. 4 Chicago N W Hsl4 C. M St P .. ..V0 120 12.-.H 12! C. C. C 4k St U 2"0 tm W Col Fuel Iron 'o 34 34 34 c..i Southern 3 r.'ju, r. .'. Consol Uas ... fx 137 S 137 137 Corn Products. 4" 17 17 17 1, Del aV Hudson.. V0 170V. 1 19H U R tlrsnde. 2UO 33 'a 3:1 33V, do prrfurred.. l'" 74 74 74 Secur l.KHO 83 32 S31. Erie SK 3" 2!T 2 do 1st pf .... UO0 4 4 4H do 2d pf 38 Oeneral Klec .. 100 1M' ir.4T, 154H C.t Northern pf 1.OO0 128 127 12i Of Northern Or. 2oO 61 81 " Illinois Central. 134 lnterbor Met .. 1.1) 22 22 22 do preferred.. 0 f- 58 i SR Int Harvester 1.100 11S 114 HJt Int Marine pf .. ..... 17 Int Paper 13 32 12 Int Pump 3"" " 44 44"-i Iowa Central .. hoo 22 21 21 K C Soul hern.. MX) 32 T4 32 32 do preferred. 8rt.. Laclede Gas ... 4'W 10S", K8 15 Louis 4V Nash.. 7uO 147 14 l-l" Minn & St L 20li M. S H 4 8 S M 600 138 137 13" Mo. Kan Tex 34 do preferred. 67 Mo Pacific M Nat Xiscult ... loO 112 112 110 Nat Lead .Hex N Ry 2 pf 400 8.1 3.1 3S N V Central ... 6.2"0 116 113 113 N T. Ont W.-s 1.2O0 44'.. 3 44 Norfolk A Wcs North Am !' V1 66 Northern Pac .. buO 11 11 H Pacific Mall 32 Pennsylvania .. !" 140 130 33D People's lias ... 7o0 107 Io7 H7 P. C C St L " Pittsburg Coal. 1O0 21 21 21 Pressed S Car 34 Pull Pal Car 1J Ry Fteel Spring ." Reading 3O0 1.1.1 1.14 1.14 K-publlc Steel.. S.H 3S S 34 33 do preferred.. 4-K Ml t Rock Island .. Sou 33 33 .13 do preferred 65 Ft- L ft S r 3 pf 1" 42 42 42 St L Southwest 1O0 28 28 28 do preferred. 67 SlOM-Sheffleld 61 Southern Tac .. 4.B"0 11 UK ll Southern Ky .. 50 26 28 26 do preferred.. S"0 2S 2 2 Tenn Copper .. 1.100 S' 87 37 Texas A Pac 2. Tol. St I. A W 2. do preferred, Vnlon Pacific .. 57.600 17- 1.5 1... do preferred. S'1 IT 8 Ttdlty .... IOO 70 T0 .. I' S Rubber l'" 37 37 86 U 8 Steel W.3'10 81 80 XI do preferred.. 1-tah V-opper .. 2.SOO 50 !M .10 Va-4'aro Cbem. K" 64 64 64 Wabash 40 1 18 38 do preferred.. "O 38 38 W 38 Western Md .. 2-tO 47St 47 47 Westing Else .. 3oO 73 .3 73 Western Vnlon. loo T8 73 i3 Wheel ALE 6 Total sale for th. day. 290.300 shares. I BONDS. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Closing quotations: ! 8. as reg 100IN. Y. C. gn 8 8 do coupon ...lo'No. Pacific 3s... 71 ! 8. 3a reg 101No. Paclflo 4a. ..100 do coupon ...lolSo. Pacific 4a... S C. S. new 4a reg.116 irnlon Pacific 4alol do coupon ...113wia. Central 4. 3 D. A R. U. 4s.. B4Japanes 4a .. 8SB Stocks at Hoeton. BOSTON Nov. 3. oslng quotations: Alloue 6 IMohawk 31 A. Z. I cm.. S INIplMlng Mine.. 11 Anions Kom. .. ' 7 Atlantic .ortb I-ake !. Butte coalition. 31 KTsceola l.'.l CsL A Hecla..!jW (Oulncy 80 Centennial .ir.riam j. Cop. Ran. -. Co. 71 isuperlor 52 B. Butte Cp. M. HH'fup A Boa Mln.. 7 Franklin 11. Sup A Pitts cop. 1.1 ClrouX Con 77amarck 61 Oranby Con. ... 40 ,L". R. S. R. A M. 30 Kreene- i ananea. pi.i.irfu .. ..- I. Koyaie n.up.1 T' ' - . Kerr Lake 6irtah Copper Co. 30 l.lKt t ttpyr .... e i .. ........ - . I at Salle Copper 11 JWoiv.rln. 130 Miami Copper... 20, , 1 Money, Exchange. EtV NEW YORK. Nov. 5. Money on call nom inal. Time loans strong and active; 60 da.,-8 and 00 days. 5tre per cam; six months, 4 e .1 per cent. Sterling exchange, weak, wit hactaal business In bankers nins ii iw wuay . . , . , ii fur Demand- Commercial bllla (4 81 ft 4.81. Bar sliver .16c. Mexican dollars 47c. Bonds Government. steady; railroad, steady. LONDON. Nov. 5. Bar stiver. steify at 25 7-16d per ounce. Money. H3 per cant. The rate of discount In th. open market for short Mils Is 4 per cent: do for three months' bills. 4B per cent. PAN KRANCIRCO. Nov. 8. sterling on London. 66 days. 14.82: do sight. 4.$. Drafts. Sight, 2c: telegraph. 6c. Dried Fruit at New Yerfc. NEW YORK. Not. 5. 4vaporawd anplaa. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. 5. Th. condition of trie Treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust funds ' Gold coin ....J e-6!!6 Silver dollars 4Si.OiJ.000 Sliver dvoMars of 1M -3,",lTt"2' Silver certificates outstanding.... .07-.OOU General fund Standard silver dollars In gen- eral fund 1.670.663 Current liabilities ll,061.iO3 Working balance In Treasury office ao.6S6.170 IiV banks to credit , of Treasurer of the United States 32-?'!!?I Subsidiary silver coin 16. 6.J..S1 Minor coin m rxi zf. Total balance In general fund 66,b9i.33l HI at New Y'ork. NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Hops Steady; com mon to choice 1010. 18J23c: 1000. 1618c: Pacific Coast 1810. 14918c: 1SOU, 10t14c SURPLUS IS CUT DOWN XEW YORK BANKS' CASH LOSS OVEIl SIX MILITOXS. " Reserve Now Stands at About the Same Figure as One Year Ago. NEW YORK, Nov. 5. The statement of Clearing House banks for the week shows that the banks held $4.sq8.O0O more than the requirements of the 23 per cent reserva rule. This Is a decrease of 8.1.565.000 In the proportionate cash reserve, as compared with last week. The following Is the New T: ork Clearing House summary of the weekly "statement of banks for the week ending November 5: Clearing house bnnks. dally average Loans (1. 226.875.000. Increase 8832.000. lie posit. 11. 187.976.000. decrease 4.7"7.0O0. Circulation 84s.lo8.000 Increase 13000. Specie 823.1. 3D3.0OO. decrease J.1.9IIS.00O. lgal tenders 61,409.OOO. decrease 8744,- lteerve 8301. 892. 0OO. decrease $6,742,000. Reserve required 8206.994.000. decrease 8L 176. ooo. Surplus I4.898.0OO. decrease .3.505.000. Ex.-U. S. deposits, 85.307.000; decrease 83. 561. ooo. Clearing house banks' actual condition this dLoans 81.22S.SOO.OOO. decrease $5,831,000. Deposits 81.181.588,000, decreaso $10,930,- "c'lrculatlon $48.21 4.0O0. Increase $289,000. Specie $234,016,000. decrease J4.3ft5.O00. Legal tenders $66,210,000, decreaso $2,182,- OOO. Reserve $301.12.1.000. decrease $6.547. 00.X Reserve required $295,396,000, decrease $2.- 732.000. Surplus $.1,720,000. decrease $ Fx.-U. S. deposits $6,138,000. deltetre 13,- Staie banks and trust companies of Great er New York not reporting to the clearing '"losni 81.134.68S.noo. Increase $2.14T.ono. Specie $122,074,000. decrease $1.0S0.0Oo. I-gal tenders $21,731,000. decrease $361, 00O. Total deposits $1,188,553,000. decrease 82. 811. 000. The Financier will say: A lo.s In specie and legals amounting to fA.54T.6O0. which a decrease of fl0.029.nO0 In deposits could not overcome. In the matter of Its effect on reserves brought the surplus of the New York Clearing House banks down $3 81.122.1. according to the statement of actual conditions for the week ending Sat urdHv. leaving the margin of surplus above the 25 per cent legal minimum at $5,729,200. which la approximately the same in amount as that held one year ago. Loans showed a further decline of $.1,831,200. hut the total of loans Is still nearly $40,000,000 above the deposit Item. The statement of averages shows about the same loss in cash reported by the tabu lation of actual figures, but the loan Item Increased $832,400. while deposits fell off $4 701. 500. making the surplus reserve $4. 89S.3.10. ... The summary of trust companies ana other outside Institutions In the -statement for the current week Indicated unimportant change. T,oane Increased f2.000.00rt. cash holdings fell off $1.431. ooo and there waa a shrinkage of about $2, In deposits. NO STOCK IS UNLOADED MARKET CLOSES STEADY AND QUIET ALL- AROCXD. Only Sales at Yards Are a Few Cat tle Carried Over From Friday. There was nothing doing In the livestock market yesterday aside from the cleaning up of a few odd lots of cattle carried over from the preceding day. Nothing was re ceived at the yards except a few horses. Th. general condition of the market ex hibits no change and the former conditions are therefore repeated. The following wer. th. sales up to th closing hour of noon: Weight. Price. 20 s.eers 1129 85.23 3 steer. 9S0 5.00 IB steers 45 4-50 24 cows ...WIS 4.60 4 foci 95 4-50 Prices current on' the various classes of stock at the Portland Union stockyards were as follows: Beef steers, good to eholc. . . . .$6.25$5.65 Beef steers. Yslr to medium .... 4.5o fi.OO Choice spayed heifers 4.50 6.00 Oood to choice beef cows I2jv 4.70 Medium to good beef cows ..... 3-50 4.00 Common beef cows 2.0O 3.00 Bulls 3.50'rtl 4.00 good to choice 4,oo 4 50 Calves, light T.00W 7.50 Calves, heavy 8.7:e( 0.00 Hogs, top .25 60 Hogs, fair to medium 00w 9.25 Sheep, best Valley wethers 8.250 8 50 6heep. fslr to good wethers ... 8.00 8.25 Sheep, best yearling wethers.... 4.28 4.75 Sheep, best Valley ewes 3.00 9 3.50 Lamba. choice mountain 6.25 6.50 Lambs, choice Valley 4.75 8.00 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Nbv. 6. Cattle Receipts esti mated at 500: market, steady. Beeves, 84.50 7S; Texas steers, $3.3505.75: Western steers. $4.1096-85; stockerse and feeders, $4.1096.50: cows and heifers. $2.2566.50; calves. $7. 50 ? 10.25. Hog. Receipts estimated at 6n00; market steady to 5c up. Light, $S.1O08.5O: mixed. $7.73 8.03 ; heavy. $7.4068.50: rough. $7.40 87.65: good to choice heavy. $7.65 8.55; pigs. $I7.70iS-4O: bulk of sales, $7.756.8.40. Sheep Receipts estimated at 2000: mar ket, steady. Native. $2.6004.35: Western. $2.6564.30; yearlings. $4.3595-40: lambs, native, $4.75.63; western. f4.756-65. QUOTATIONS AT SAX FRANCISCO. Price Paid 'or Produce tn tbe Bajr City .Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 5. The following prices wer. current la) th. produce market toda : Butter---rncy creamery, R3c Cheese Young America, 17i616c- Eggs Store. 51c; fancy ranch, 56c. Vegetables Cucumbers, 5075c: garlic. 3ff4c- green peas. 4c; string beans. 59 7c; tomatoes. 35S60c: eggplant. 5066.1c Hay Wheat. $9 6 14; wheat and oata, 8 611-50: alfalfa, $7613. - Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1.4061-50; Salinas Burbanks, $1.5061.65; sweets, $20 2.15.. I . Onions ooc $1. Prults Apples. choice. 30c: common, goe; Mexican limes. $3.5096; lemons, choice. $6; lemons, common. $2; pineapple. $2.50 6 3.50: navel oranges, $1.75 62.75. Receipts Flour, 6B0 quarter sacks; wheat, 2.120 centals; barley. 805.1 centals; oats. 10.10 centals: potatoes. 10.270 sacka; bran. 292 Backs: middlings, 615 sacks; hay, 410 tons. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Nov. 5- Coffee futureg closed steady at a net advance of 7613 points. Sates 17 wo bags: cloning bid. January. 07c; February. 9.11c; March,; April. 9 16c- Mav. 9.18c: June, July and August, 9 lc: September. Mac: October. 9.14c. Spot cotre. steady; No. 1 Rio. llc:' Santos No. 4. 12c. Mild coffee steady; Cordova, 11 8 13 c. Raw sugar, steady, firm; Muscovado, .89 test. 3.36c: centrifugal. .'. test. 3.86c: mo iaMes sugar. .89 test. 3.11c Refined, quiet; crushed. 6.30c; granulated. 4.0c; powdered, e.7vc , . Buying at Chicago in Anticipa tion of a Rise: MARKET CLOSES CENT UP Better Demand for Cash Grain. Rumors of Export Sales at Win nipeg Primary Receipts . Are Decreasing. CHICACIO, Nov. 5. Some new buytngv of wheat today was based on the Idea that a good rally waa due after such a long -continued decline. Receipts at primary points during the week had lessened about 1.000.- 000 bushels from the figures at the corre apondlng time last year, whereas shipments out of the same cities were short but little more than 2.000.000 bushels. Better call developed here for cash wheat and there were reports of further shipping sales at Winnipeg, presumably low grades to Ger many. Selling pressure waa off the entire day and the market advanced steadily from the start, except for a brief dip early. The close left prices within c of the top of the session. December ranged from 88 to 8nc. with laat sales Sj lc up at 90 689c. Corn support was not as good as expect ed. May fluctuated between 4ftc and 49c, closing e net lower .at 44Uc. Cash demand waa limited. Latest figures for No. 2 yellow were 60 651c. Oats hsrdened a little. The market, however, was dull. May sold from 34c to 34c and finished the same as yesterday, 34c. There was a strong turn in all hog prod ucts. At the wlndup pork was unchanged to 37 c higher, lard no different from last night to 57c dearer and ribs at an advance of 667 to 10c The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. ' Open. High. ' Low. . Close. Dec $ .89 $ . $ .88 f .89 May .95 .95 .94 .95 July 91 .93 .93 .93 CORN. Pec 47 .47'. .4 .47 May 48 .9 .49 .49 July...'... .50 .50 .49 .49 OATS. Dec 31 ".31 .81 1 May 34 .34 .34 .34 . . MESS PORK. Jan '.. 17.20 17.35 17 17 17.30 May 14.25 14.35 14.25 14.3U. LARD. Nov ' 11.30 11.35 11.30 11.82 Jan 10.27 10.32 10.37 10.30 May 9.77 9.86 9.77 9.82 SHORT RIBS. Jan .17 9.25 9.15 9.22 May 9.00 9.05 9.00 9.20 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Winter patents, $4.104.8O; straights. 3.;564.40; Spring straights, $4.30 64.50; bakers, 33.7064.90. Rye No. 2, 77 67 c Barley Feed or mixing, 6070c; fair to choice malting, 76 6 78c. Flaxseed .No. 1 South western, $2.51; No. 1 Northwestern. $2.64. Timothy seed $9.60. Clover $14.30. Pork Mess, per barrel. $17,606 17. 1 5. Lard Per 100 pounds. (11.75. Short ribs Sides Uoose), $9.50610.50. Sides Short, clear (boxed), $10.75 611 Grain statistics: Total clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 140.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 753.000 bushels, compared with l.ltit. 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 24 cars; corn. 201 cars;, oats, 153 cars; hogs, 27.000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels J0.400 19.200 Wheat, bushels 65.200 133.SO0 Corn, bushels 191.200 427. 900 Oats, bushels 264.400 306.400 Rye. bushels 8.000 1.000 Barley, bushels 46.000 36.300 t Uraln at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6. Wheat Steady. Barley Steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.40 1.42 per centaK Barley Feed, 95697c per cental; brew ing. $1,006 1-05. Oats Red. $1.1061.22 per cental; white, $1.4561-56: black. $1.25'L40. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. ' Barley December. $1.00 per cental; May. $L06. European Grain Markets. ' LONDON. Nov. 6. Cargoes, steadier. Walla Walla, for shipment, at 34s 6d to 34s 9d. English country markets, dull; French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL! Nov. 6. Wheat December. 6s 9d; March. 6s 10 d. Corn- s 8d- Duluth Flax Market. DULVTH. Nov. 5. Flax on track, to ar rive $2.02; November. $2.62 asked; De cember. $2.60 asked; May. $2.54 asked. Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA, Nov. 5. Whea'. Milling; Blue item, 78c; club, 75c: red Russian, 73c. Ei- ?ort: Blueatem, 78c: fortyfold. 75c; club 4c: red Russian, 72c. Receipts Wheat, 69 cars; hay, 2 cara. SEATTLE. Hot. 6. Milling quotations: Bluestem. 87c; fortyfold. 82c: club. Sic; fife. 81c; red Russian. 7c. Export wheat: Blue stem. 80c: fortyfold, 78c: club. T7c; fife, 77c; red Russian. 75c. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat. 24 cara; oats, 6 cars; barley. 1 car: hay. 10 cars. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Metal market quiet and nominally unchanged In the absence of exchange. Tin. 36.17 36.30c. Lake copper. 12.87 6 13.12c: electrolytic, 12.S7613-00ci casting, 12.50612.75c Lead. 4.4064.30c. Spelter, -6.80 6 5.90c. Iron quiet and unchanged. Bar sliver. 56c New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. -Nov. 5. Cotton opened steady at a decline of 265 points and closed firm with prices net 8616 points higher. November, 14.48c; December, 14.64c; Janu ary 14 48c: February, 14.43c; March, 14.64c; April. 14.67e: May. 14.74c; Juno. 14.71c; July. 14 71c: August. 14.45c Spot closed quiet, 15 points advance. Mld uplands. 14.80c; do gulf. 13.05c Sales, none Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 5. Wool, steady. Ter ritory and Western medgjms, 18623c; fine mediums, 17620c: fine. 12616c. ODDS ARE WITH JOHNSON CALIFORNIA REPUBLICANS PRE DICT 20,000 PLURALITY. Poolrooms Figure Bell Will Carry San ' Francisco Democrats ' Look for Landslide. SAX FRANCISCO. Nov. 6. With both ides claiming victory the Republi can "by the largrest vote ever given a candidate for Governor In thla state." the Democrats "by 60,000 and upwards" campaigning- came to a close tonight in California's first general election since the enactment of the direct pri mary law. , In ' local poolrooms tonight election money is at evens that Hiram Johnson, Republican, will carry the state by 20. 000. Odds of. 10 to six are offered that Theodore A. Bell, Democrat, will carry San Francisco. Statements Issued today by the chair man of tha two state central commit tees are a follows: By Meyer Ussner, chairman of the Republican State Central Committee: CHiranj W. Johnson will be elected Governor of California Tuesday next by the larirest vote ever given a can didate for Governor in this state. He will carry with him the entire Repub lican ticket. Reports received from all over the state show that there has been no falling off of the normal Republi can strength. "In the southern part of the state, the majority in Los Angeles' County alone will be In the vicinity of 2t0. In all probability Johnson will carry half. Johnson will take from Bell the en tire Republican disaffection that voted with the Democratic candidate four years ago, and will add to that rote a strong Democratic following opposed to the Southern Pacific political ma chine." By R. H. Dewitt. chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee: "Reports from all parts of California, from both Democratic and Republican sources, point to but one result an overwhelming landslide for Bell and Shellacy. They will bury Johnson and Wallace with a pludality of 60,000 a . upwards. We will carry at least 47 of the 58 counties. " "Our majorities in San Francisco will be from 15.000 to 18.000, and reports from Los Angeles indicate that we will carry that county." , OPTION OP IN ARIZONA SKIRMISH IX, COXSTITTJTION'AL CONVENTION' UNDECISIVE. "Wets"' Show Greater Strength In Preliminary Skirmish, but Gain No Permanent Advantage. PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 5. The first clash over prohibition in the constitu tional convention occurred today. Al though both sides on the liquor question designated it as a "skirmish," It had all the ear marks of a real battle. When the debate on the initiative and referendum was resumed in committee of the whole, the convention was thrown into confusion by the introduction of amendments by advocates on both sides of the local option question. The anti Prohibitionists presented an amendment which would segregate cities and coun ties in the operation of local option. The friends of Prohibition argued in favor of an amendment which' the opponents of it .declared would repeal the present ter ritorial segregation law. The debate, in which the Prohibition cause was pleaded by Rev. J. E. Crutch field, a delegate from Maricopa, at times verged on ' the acrimonious and after considerable confusion and several votes in which the "wets" showed the greater strength, -but gained no per manent advantage, the convention voted to adjourn until Monday. The clause providing that the Legisla ture may refer laws to the people was stricken out of the committee's report by a close vote. . GAS LEAK GAOSES DROP LONDON - TO - PARIS FLIGHT MEETS ACCIDENT. Welsh Aeronaut and Crew Descend In Dirigible to Repair Tube. Channel Crossed. CORBEHM, France, Nov. 5. Cruist Willows, the young .Welshman, and his crew, who attempted a London-to-Parls flight in a dirigible balloon, crossed the English channel success fully, but were obliged to descend here in Pas de Calais Province, south east of the Strait of Dover, because of a rupture of a tube which caused se rious loss of gas. Willows plans to resume the trip to Paris tomorrow morning. In landing, the understructure of the airship was damaged and repairs are being made. The aeronauts left Wormwood Scrubbs. near London, at 3:25 o'clock yesterday. They slipped over the Eng lish coast at 6:30 o'clock last evening and for two hours were lost in a fog that hung over the channel. During this ttime they suffered intensely from cold. At 8:30 o'clock they sighted the French coast. They floated about in the darkness until 2 o'clock this morn ing, when they descended. SAMPLE BALLOTS USELESS Walla Walla County Attorney Rules Against Voters Aids. WALLA WALLA. Wash., Nov. 5. (Special.) Sample ballots will not be used in the coming election in Walla Walla County. In an opinion given yesterday. Prosecuting Attorney Smith holds that the law does not provide for the sample ballots.' Those already printed will not be used. Sample ballots, according to the opinion, have come down from the first use of the Australian ballot sys tem, and were needed then to show the voters who were unused to the new method bow to mark their offi cial ballots. t With the revision of the general election law of the state, however no provision was made for the samples, he says. CASHIER GETS 17 YEARS Mexican Court Imposes Extreme Penalty on Embezzler of $68,000. MEXICO CITY, Nov. 5. Robert A. Crump, ex-cashier of the Federal Bank ing Company, which failed several months ago. was sentenced today to 13 years imprisonment, following his conviction of embezzling $68,000 from the institution. This is the maximum penalty provided by -Mexican laws. The bank was an American house. Germans Against Roman Mayor. BERLIN, Nov. 5. A movement has been set on foot among Roman Catho lics lri Germany to organize a public protest against the speech recently delivered by Signor Natthan, the Mayor of Rome.' It will be inaugurated by a great meeting to be held shortly in Cologne, where Cardinal Fischer, the Roman Catholic archbishop, will speak "against the "insults to the Pope," con tained in Signor Nathan's speech. Sim ilar demonstrations will be held in other Rhenish towns and presumably also In other parts of the Empire. Democrats Rally at Fall City. FALLS CITY,' Or., Nov. 5. Two hun dred persons attended a Democratic rally here tonight. E. S. J. McAllister, of Portland, the chief speaker, criti cised Representative Hawley in a bit ter personal attack. His words made but a small Impression on the voters present. Other speakers were George Mayer and Lott Brown, of Dallas. J. C. Van Orsdale presided. At the recent Republican rally there was a crowd of 300 pr Education Grants in Ireland Held Inadequate. BUILDING AT . STANDSTILL Commissioners Deplore Conditions and Say Many Sclioolhouses Are Mere Hovels Teachers' Salaries Inadequate. LONDON. Nov. 5. (Special.) The Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, In their annual report, strongly condemn the Inadequacy of the grants made by the Treasury for the building and improvement of schoolhouses. "Since the end of No vember, 1909," they say, "we have made no building grants, except in the case of four new ' schools and some minor works of improvements, "etc., and it is imnossible to say how much longer this serious crisis will con tinue." To show the urgency of their needs the commissioners say: "In many of the cases where new houses are still required the existing buildings are mere hovels; some have earthen floors and thatched or broken roofs unceiled within, and others are badly lighted and ventilated, possess ing insufficient floor and cuoic space for the numbers in attendance, and destitute of any sanitary arrange ments. We have referred at length in former reports to the impossibility of doing really satisfactory work under such unfavorable conditions." Nor does this exhaust the commis sioners' charges against the govern ment. They continue: "We have once more to make seri ous complaint that many proposals which we have felt it our duty to urge in recent years for the improvement and extension of our educational sys tem continue to receive, but grant con sideration at the hands of the Irish Government and the Lords of his majesty's Treasury. An ' English min ister, Mr. Runciman, speaking in Par liament on behalf of the English Board of Education and review-ins the educational progress of the year. Is able to point to a large increase of grants consequent on the ewer-widening range of the activities of his de partment, to discourse at length on the ruralizing of elementary education in country districts of England and the spread of agricultural instruction through evening schools and school gardens connected with primary schools, and to discuss the beneficial effects of state-Instituted medical in spection of school children and in-, creased facilities for physical exercises and training in domestic economy. "In Ireland we are, we trust, fully alive to the Importance and advan tages of such modern developments of educational effort, but our demands for the necessary financial assistance for proposals of a simpler and more ob vious kind have hitherto been met with curt refusals." A long catalogue of recommenda tions which have been made for meet ing the educational needs of the coun try follows; in every case these were met with refusal. The worst instances refer to the case of teachers salaries, which are admittedly inadequate. MEDFORD CHALLENGE OUT Offer of $5000 Made if Any City Has Richer Tributary Region. MEDFORD Or., Nov. 5. (Special.) Medford "dares" Baker to prove that Its natural resources exceed those of Medford. , The Commercial Club here has writ ten to the Baker club and offers to pav $5000 for conclusive proof that tha Baker metropolis is the richer in re sources. , . The Medford challenge sets fortn that the reward will be paid if authen tic testimony shows that "any city or town in the United States has. tribu tary to it, within a 20-mile radius, as many diversified resources as Medford has within a corresponding radius. Central Point Y. M. C. A. to Build. CENTRAL POINT. Or., Nov. 5. (Spe cial ) The board of directors of the YOU'n Men's Christian Association at Central Point has let the contract for the building to Jones & Heflin, of that town The bid calls for a brick build ing to cost J2S00. This price does not include the foundation. Stakes have been driven and work will be com. menced at once. Californian Fights Liquor. LKEVIEW, Or., Nov. 5. (Special.) Rev G J. Wentzell, of Bidwell. Cali fornia, will made the opening speech of the Anti-Saloon League's campaign at the Methodist Church here. He will proceed from here as far North as Fort Rock, making stops at Paisley and Sil ver Lake. New Pine Creek is also on the schedule. Why Don't You do more to increase the value of your property? For instance boost for BITULITHIC S-T-K-E-E-T-S MEN AND WOMEN CURED . Tbe famous Chinese reme dies of herbs and roots cure wonder ronder- Y. fiSa It has .?ZtM. many Utif f fully. r . , . r . ri lUi. L CUM ...... nth., r P m H H I N M h?v. failed Sure cure for chronic pri vate aflments: nervousness, -blood poi son rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia. hiaVide? kidney, throat and lung trou b es consumpt on, stomach disorders Jnd othe"SoisLses of all kinds. Reme dies harmless. operation. Honest treatment. Examination free. Call or The S?K. Chah Chinese Medicine C... 22614 Morrison St.. between First ana Second. Portland, Oregon. Chinese. Dra I S. K. Chan, i mlth .Hair- V..: