.THE SUXDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 6, 1910. . ' - 13 , ,n.,,vnroa t HSAWUL I ' PERSONAL. f BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 BPSP1ES8 PIRECTOKT. V V BOOMlXO-HOrsEa. BOOMINO-HOfSK FOR SAUK Br R. H. .;LKINr CO.. lit UOVRD -K TRAl'S HLDO. MAKM1.V1.I. . A !. nr-r.rr n.i. ruroar. n-... $.: lunilun cost .l.ou. Fins furniture fornmc. He. I. not 141: owaer in qui.- m1, ,;il take. It: Mar- riaoa at- a Two-story hnaN os roroer Jef ferson 1 " j " - - rcot J. Pnc $i0. .. cmo. Flat. J-frrm .. rent $35. cash. bla&c price u ; lot. , t iowm y r Orea-on Hotel. aera furniture. s"ond Inrome. rent $M. Prlc .T.O. cub. 1 rooml Bet part of Uth at., rent -. - clear, i0 month: ol furnt- tun; f.i. -.uO cash. 11 rooms "Very tin. house. bet of furni ture, located near White Tem pi.. If you want the beet 11 room house In til cny. be sur. and see Ui.a. Trice llli). tenna. 11 room JrVmnn St.. nice clean home, good furniture, rent fur nace heat, clear t'lZ monthly ; Uj: half cash. II rooms- Jefferson st.. 'rent mostly housekeeping : avermce furni ture; nice clean pisxe- Price only frilv; haif cash. -si.. rinM.ta location. rent IT: a bis money-maker, rood furniture. nice !; ie It nernl Close In. on lth St.. rent $.5. fHl furniture. Price for quick sue only taut; .tie cash. IT m In en Taylor sc. farnae niture: el-ara 1104 mon on ta. livO. ltee cash. 1 4 f un.li.hed. balance rented oainmlihrd. Hera is a chance) to work Id some lumiiur. i rstlon netr 10th and J offers n is: rent only $5; price $l2v, Slut CAath. 34 rooms Brick build in, on promi nent corner in a fin location. This hnuw la modern In every way and the rent la only $1-5 with a 3 years' lease; a good money maker and a well-furnished bouse, IV r prune Flrgantly famished house, fin est location In the city, mod em. home-Ilk pi are; Moq-uette and AxmlmtiT carpets lh rough -nut. all salk floas mattmssca, " finest of dressers; rent only 4 t j. long IraM ; you can't make a mtiiik buying thts hnuM. Price faUt0, terms; and it s worth. It. T rooms Washington street, tteara beat. modern, public and privet b the: rent only ! month; vrr 3 years Ivase; coert i)ftd ;o furnish; owner must sell. Price S.-).h. ju cash. A big money-maker. IIOOMINO-BOUSE OWNERS. Wo want your pre on ear lint, provid ing yoe really want in aell ; no matter how lanre. or small your pia.e is. wo want It; l years la this bus :.. . n. li. ;o'iki.i ro. BASnl ..f Trade Bhic I'ort lajid. and Bankers Trust Bids., Tacoina, Wash. THIS M TUB ONLY ONE OK ITS KIND. 5 ROOMS, situate,! in W.RT BKST Wt Mrl nelrhborhood. VELVKT crp.-ts rHKOl'tfMul'T. It M AII. K. Wl.VR. O K and M A HCM?. furniture: TK.M ft KAT : rent very reaonaMe. with LONG I.KAtK. Inrlndwc bat. water and jani tor service; pnya a food pri-r.t on the In Twtmtnt. bcaJdm delichtrul rixinu for owner's use. it you can pn $ tx rash on a plare and want aomthlnc KIKoT i'fASS. and a harming bjome. then sew THia AT ONCE. KLU1S. SMITH A Oft 3Ca Waahlnctoo St.. Uoonu n.-202. KXTHA OCKt BL'T. rooms, corner, brick, hot and cold water In ail rooms; CDapest rent la town for the locmtlun. S5 per room; airtci I v modern and extra wdl fumished: 4 year lease: clears fK per month; $MOi) will bandlo tt. ANOTHF.H ONE; GOQI INVESTMENT. 73 rounu, clos In. WVahlnicr.tD street; strictly modem- rent iuy $2Ji clears 1LT& monthly above all expense; you can get this with lo0O cash; balance as you make It. FoOMlNfT-HOrPRS. all sixes and price. II. E. JAMK." X . M rth. near Stark. THE RENT IS RHiHT. $7V wtll buy you t he beat bimatn In a r MMnini-houw In the city, ffottd furaish Incs. a clean house, walklnjr distance, and j;oid neit;hbr. will clear you SJ-' over and abo. e vour It vine: every month. Mb i'risonin bide WHAT AHOtT. THIS 44 ROOMS, steam heat. RUNNING HOT and roid wuter la rooms. NEW BRICK and furnished new short time sco; very cheap rent; lease 4 ears. Thts I ears mm Al.Lt expenses $21i a month. l"ric 97004. terms. KIJ.IS. SMITH sV X) . 3Ctt4 Vubinilun 2t.. Rooms -01-C02. (IKSriSE SNAP. Owners will sell - at -'K0 les than actual value appartment-bouse furnished n rst - c 1 a m ; 1 H rooms In 2. S. 4-room suites; walk- distance, steam beat, elec tric and es. prtate bsths with every suite; tnu full and waltln Us?: In come ft.li0 per minth; rent 5' per room. If you are In the market for a first-class business that will pay from ?.." to S4.'0 per mon in,, address G 41 0. iTecn;sn. RtX) M I V. 5-HOUSK S P KOI A I OVEK S YE.VRS STRAIGHT LEASE. 14 rooms, located at 432 Yamhill st . cor of i:th, rent furnace heat, all sleepms; .rooms, the furniture and furnish tnes are wry cood. rooms are always rented In this location; we have the ex clusive, hand lies; of this hens and It will only be inrvn on our order, for pr.ee and terms rail at our nf nee. R H. GOODKTND UO, ilt Board of Trade B:ir. WANT KL To buy room In r or apartment house: cska pay f'An'O rash; owners aub nu4 your best temia. KtvlnR Information as to rent, lenirth of lease, cross receipts and location If you want to hear from me. for 1 tmenl to bar the best proposi tion. f0OO will bandlo. AO 404. Orw Konlan. U ROMS. corner brick; rent only S1.V; leaest; rood furniture and carpets; en trance on two t re-eta; rooms always full and house ta clt arln $2M p.r month; prlc terms. rcHlTUANH RtiMINO-HOUSE CO 313 Henry Hide FOR SALE BY OWNER. Rmainc and bosurdina-bouse. 15 rooms, phone, buth. furnace hat. everything ftrst c'.iaa. Some terms, no agents. Pnono Main 70-&, IF TOUR roomlny-house is a tood one and you wish to se.l it f r atnall depoatt, Ual ance in one year. I want to buy It. si 4-V Qfi-t'nltn. ft4 ROOMS. 3-ear leas, can bo bourht Moa dav for f.-'j; rooms a:wa n:iKl: god reasons for eel lire : cash will his die. tlT Board of Trade. $o WILL handle J H -room house. Wert Side IrK-atlon. wtll clear $TS per month; Qne furniture. H BTLE Y 1 PISHOP. Third St. lft RKVS. 1 5 elecantlv . fumlxhe.l. goo) class riKWin. new tut!d.n:. SiNo- mill take tt or small buse In part payment. Halfle'd. in.'. 4 4th st. FINE, email modrn hotel ; etetram ly f ur nisbel; i-i.wj tn; lease; terms to suit. N 4. Oregontsn. ROOMlNi-H.lE. 12 rooms, mostly hou keepinc. extra well furnished, prtr 4'..-i. Catl afTer Sunday, no agents 347 Hall at. FOR SALE foinpletely furnished 12- room house, centra L erv reasooable. phone M. cr T 1 v, 31. WANTED Furnished rootnlnar house, shout IS room. cloe In irr not over glotHI Will pay cash Answer H 4 v.". OreKonian YY ANTED Roomlnc-beuse of lft to 13 rooms from ow aer . bo agents. AN 4 L Oregon l an. WANTKI To rent, furnished hot-1 In smal town; give all details tn reply 4. Oio gonlr n- W ANTED r.-Krntnc-h. -use of . to JO room, from owner. M 42, reontaa. lf-ROO( bouae for sale, by owner. Phone A i jS-r.Kil hous-. cisra ffro; nice luraitui; I AX Halfleid. 1US tb L WXHILIU-IIUIBU. I I I - I . .. I Veterinarians. ROOYfl Vft -HOUSE HE Pul" A RTERS. H- E. JAM Ks .-o.. AS lnh. near Stsrk. T rooms, Morrison st.. rent A-;o: $.'. n pKimi, cioee In; rent -.": snap. M0. 9 rooms, furnace heat; S0; ra.-h. 1 2 roonis, ail housekeeping ; gKi buy ; ioa 1 A rooms, rent ."; Income fl3: '.."flL . l." moms, rornr building, fine furni ture; furnace beat; rent $io and near 12th and Salmon. 19 rooms, depot location; rent In come 917e;,a cask. rooms, comer orick, all on one floor; S-yr-ar Usse. at ' rooms; price 17. 3i roums, transient. nsr P. O. ; long lease; rent 9 i:;u; snap; 2oV 4 a-room, center of aty; rent $175; loase; Other business; price S.looO. , 70-room bHt k. West Side; i yeartr leajie; rent 2vO; Income 70 mo.; prlca fav H ash. ROOMING-HOUSE OWNERS. Wo caB sell your house; hare buyers waiting with the, cash; telephone us, we do the rest. . H. K. JAMES OO.. S3 lHh. nesr Stark. Msrshall 1 2:.. .". BEST EVER- - II ROOMS, furnished NEW lews than S months ago In W 1LTON ' VLLY tT and AXM. carpets: OAK and MA HOG- furni ture; large BRASS and Irua beds; the b-st of bedding and mattresses; dears over expenses. 4 CLEAN new ribbon and filled with a SEIECT CLAS of roomers. This place must be seen to be appreciated. Lease 2 years. Another 11 -ROOM MODERN place, nenr the Lsdd School, clearing 110 over exmnws; FtKST-LASS In every way; 11. KAN AND NEW. Owner has Just fur nLshed It for a home, but owing to other busiaeea has put It on the market regard less of coat at 914O0: SlOoO cash. ELLIS. SIITH A CO.. . 324 Washington fct.. Rooms 201-202. ROOMING-HOUSE buyers. iKJoro buying oisewhexe trail and examine our list of rooming and apartment-houses; we have the largest assortment to select from In Portland and we hare houses romJ rooms to 14t and range In price from 9300 to ll'O.OOO: all necessary dotal lg and data can be secured at this office. RERREY'S REALTY COMPANY. Rooming and Apartmcnt-houso Brokt ra. Acreace, City Property and Busi ness Chances. A 471R. Marshall 22. between City Hall and Court How. 241 Fourth St. A MONEY-MAKER. Prt rooms, centrally located, long lease, rent only $4 SO per room with best and elexator service Included, everything first class, clearing I T'OO per month; I70O0 cash h. an dies this. WASHINGTON-ST. HOTEL. M rooms, new brick building. lone lease; rent tamj per month: this hotel clears from S40 to $500 per montn; JUU0 handles this. We have all sixes In hotels and rooming-houses: prices to suit. 314 Henry bldjr 40 ROOMS, apartments; rent only II".; good lease; this house le located on 6th St.. cloae In. and Is a snap at the price. 2W rash required. l'ORTLANI ROOMING-HOUSE CO t 313 Henry Bldg. FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET. 10 ro ms. close; in; rent good fwr- nliuro. tin- bedding: clears Adj Income; Is worth ."rO; for quick sle ShwO. See James vs lOth. near Stark. ULYS ft rooms near lath and Taylor, rheap rent, good Income; bargain. 20 Waahlngton St.. room IS. bo r A H K DEAL REALTY CO. REMOVED FROM 619 TO SJ BOARD OF TRADE Bl.DO. 12 KOOMf. well furnished; nest and clean; rent $S: .': near loth and Jefferson. 27oS Wasli.nirton st.. room 13. rXR SALE 2-room rooming-bouse, on ror- ner. near Union Depot, all on one floor. all up East 41. 10-ROOM house, eloae In. good furniture, rent ns: always full; at a bargain. Owner. 4H Kumstde st. cTFrXTAL NOTICES. Fropoaals Invltrd. DEPARTMENT of the Interior. United tates Reclamation Service, Washington. D. C., Oct. 14. llrt. Sealed proposals will bo received at the office of the United States Reclamation Service. Portland. Or., until 3 o'cioek P. M., Icmbcr 15, inio. for the construction of the Lost River inversion Works, located from stx to 10 miles southeast of Klamath Falls. Or. The work consists In constructing a concrete diversion dam. culverts, bridges, etc., and Involves about 55J0 cubic )rdi of con crete and 40.0UO cubic yards of excava tion and embankment. For particulars ad dress the United States Reclamation Serv ice. Wiehlngton. D. C. Portland. Or., or Klamath Falla. Or. Jesse E. Wilson. Act ing beer nary. SEALF-H bids will be received until 4 P. M of Thursday; November lo, 1I0. at the office of the port of Portland. City liatl. for food supplies wanted by the Port of Portland during the months of Iecember. January and February' next. .Specifications can be had on application at the office. The Port of Portland re serves the right to reject and and all bids. JOHN P. DOYLE. Clerk of the Board. Mia PUBLIC SALE. Notice is her by given that the under signed will sell at public auction on the main floor of the building oX the White .Motor Car Company, at Sixth and Madi son streets. Portland. Or., on Saturday, the 12th day of November. 1U10, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. the following described personal property, to-wit: one model E" White steamer engine, complete. The same will be sold for cash to psy the chargrs and ex pens s for labor snd parts furnished and bestowed upon said engine by the undersigned at the requuet of the owner, amounting In all to $12."i. Dated at Portland, Or., this October 21. imu. WHITE MOTOR CAR COMPANY. per G. S. Bracket!. Sec. NOTICE. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I HAVE dissolved partnership with ELLA K. JOHNS AND FROM THE 1ST DAY OF NOVEMRER. 1V10. I W ILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DEBTS CONTRACT. ED BY THE SAID ELLA E. JOHNS IN THE NAME OF M RS. LENT'S AGENCY, THE NAME UNDEK WHICH WE WERE DOING BUSINESS AS PARTNERS. MARY E. LENT. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN You are here! y notified that August Roses. Is no longer superintendent ol the Enj-rpriso Planing Mill Company, and vhat we will not be responsible fr money paid to him. orders placed with him or bills contracted byENTERPRISE PLANING MILL CO.. 4M Glisan St. Portland, or.. Nov. 5. 1V10. m TO whom It m; concern: Notice Is hereby given that we have withdrawn from the Investment Corporation as jmrtners of P. W. Henderson; that wo are not responsi ble for any debts of said firm and tht we will not honor a certain note for 2yl made to said P. W. Henderson by us. P. E. (iumm. Henry E. Shipley. MY wife having left my ed and board. I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted ty nr after Oct. 1. Geo. k f heron. f WILL not e reapone.hle for any debts contracted for by my wile. Mrs. Mabel A. Tlmmerman. On as. W. Tlmmerman. Nov. a. U-10. CHARLES JUMP Anyone knowing the hereabouts of Charl.w Jump will ploase address his son. Elmer Jump. South Bend, WAsh. , . TENDERS invited from motor companies for delivery of foodstuffs three hours dally, mornings. H 4Sa.Oregonlan. l"Vn.L not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Mrs Lulu B. Moore. John P. Moore, Not, ft. 181. l.oyT ANY FOUND FOUND Where yoa can buy genuine half matttesves retail at wholesale prices- we renovate mattresses and return same dav. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Mtagr. f-S Frcnt. Phones Msin 474. A 14. LoX lady's gold watch and Hawaiian eoat-of-arms pin. tn or near theater. Grand a 1 ana r-si v sBiuuijivu. th-ster. Reward. IK-turn to WHERE is si-at rase given to gentleman In auto Isst n'ht. near TigardvilieT. Please phoue oaner. Main 47lS. LOSTSUver r"tn purse Saturday, between First and Third, on Morrison or in Swet land s; and r phone Sell wood MkV Lewarl. LiT Masonic w stch charm; name n senbext on back; reward, W. E. 1'itter.ger. HilUboro.Or. LOST la M-ier Frank's store. Thursday morning, an umbrella. prl and ailvr hjn:h . r inner pu ,M Main olM.V REWARD f'r purs bank nook and mon-y Ken ta Knnard A Auams' store Saturday evening. Reward at store or bank. LOT Lemon and whit English setter; nMifv or return: reward H. B. Taylor. 4; Cambridge St.. i'ortland. L. ' ST Bis. k sp-ni-l. whtte snot on breast. R. ward, t'sli Woodlawn S5k. LO.- ladv's smsll cable neck phone c nca. chain : rard- LOST smaM gray ate-1-bead bag contain ing kev: reword. A 3o47. LOST Diamond sunburst. Phone Tabor 4'. Reward, a. . "1 i V rVL" MoT SaMCBSL dlftlBOBdl jeweiry are sold for the amount loaned and oca months interest. Lncle Myers t .isters! Hank. 71 Ct.O su. near Oak su ' LoT Either on Hawthorne aVe. on car. or 5d su, gold pin wit a opal in ctntci. Ju ward. H -Hi, urKontaa. 1TAC1AL. 6EVE1.AL first mortgages, all high -class dwelling-house security, close in. reatricied districts. .1-3 of valuation, 2 per cent in terest, payairte Quariwrly; insurance, ao- tract. Caii otf7 McKayblag. Main 4710. MORTGAGES. contracts. bonds. stocks,. war ran is and notes oougiit and sot a. Loans neguiiateu. Henry leal. 410 AO iugtonbaug.lu id su FOR SALE Two murtgsges for $2uoo svch. On l.rst-class real rwteert ; on-third of tiie vaiuu; beariiig 7 per cent lniereaU In quire uf A. T. Le a ta, o 1 2 Couch bldg. Money Loan Heal Estate, WE HAVE a number of applications from clients who w nut to ourrow various amounts of mone ' trom iiV0 up on ral estate secuiity; wUi pay big rates of in tres u D. PARKER BRYON CO. tine). 2ul-s tummerclal Club ilQ4k. Main ZtiHJO. A liluT. WE HAVE any amount of money to lend on real estate mortgages at rates Irom A per cent to 8 per cenu depending on the ocuxiiy; anything from luoo to 2o0.uou. D. PAKtw-tR Bit YON o: CO. (Inc.). 2U1-4 Commercial Club Blag. Main owx A2iu7. ON IMPRoVniD city property or tor build ing purposes; S to o ears time; iitrai rcpsymant priviiegca; money auvanced as buliuing prugressvB. 1 he Equitable a SfLan Association. 24H Stark St. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' interest in contracts on real estate anywhere in Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on improved property. H. aV No0.e, LumbermeJis blug.. otn and St arte WE liave the "following money to loan on city real estate: gjuou. 3 amounts; tltfuu. I amounts; lt0o, 1 amounts; also vlit5. $luu, auu, part or alt of SeiUvO, ana sev eral amounts from g-uu UP- MoKenaie A Co.. els Geriinger biutf. yLICK loans in small or large amounts on improved ciiy or form property. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $000,000 on Improved city or farm property; building or suiall loaus at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. Mchwenxis Co- 614-lo-lQ ucfiiager bldg. JT1UST and second mortgagos and contracts purchased on iarin anu city property, anywnere In Oregon or v aahiugion. K. L. Devexeaux. Ftniun bidg., b4 otn su MONEY-to loan, Urst-clawtaS aecuriUes. bonds, mortgages bougMt sua soliT L. G. bHiPLEY. 8o2 bpaiuing Blug. i- L u. A A X oc msuy to loan at a ana 4 r ent on real esiats security. KLW. P. MALL. . lo4 Seoonq bu 0o0), or any part thereof, to loan on real estate. JENNINGS St HOWE. 122 W. Park. Cor. Washington. Y E make loans on city property, ouy mort gages and handle gooa commercial paper. Ue Western be tun tics Co., 414 Spaiuing blug. WE have 100, $ro0 and $200 to loan at S per cent security; must be giit-odgtt. Edwin Hooker ConApany, chamber of Com merce bldg. V K HAVE plenty of mouey to loan on city ' property in sums Irom 41000 up to goO.ooo t; lowest current rates. Morgan. A'UeOner H vVK S10O0 to loan at 7 per cenu on good West Side real estate. Will divlue the amounu G 4W0. orcgonian. liiut.iiAil. loans from 4 and up uu ail aevurities. W. A- liatiia, rooui 10 Yv aUiugton bldg. Phone Main 302. toANs on unproved city property for pri vate investors. M. E. Thompson Co 4ia aud Oak, li en ry blag. MoNEY to loa n on cl t y p roper ty , ti m b er land or contracts, mortgai.es at easy Urms. Room 6. 221 W MufrJjnjiL MONEY to loan on improved city property on 1 1 rat mortgage. K. iiuetiaoier, 20J Salmon. Main A .41tfr gauu.ovo IO LOAN, large loans a specially, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Aaxu .4 12 jpaaiing bidg. J4UNEY to loan at reasonable rates lu sums Xrom vtt up. 'lh Laurence Co.. Zi Ai per st- I WANT- sleoO.OO on two-story dwelling, new. lirst mortgage, close in. Audreys 40, Oresonisn. m IJoOO ON improved Income-bearing real es tate, s per cenu 2 10 5 years; no agents. Ai, 4UJ. Oregoniaru MORTGAGE lonus on city property; lowest rates. A. 1L Birreil Co.. iw2 McKay blug.. bd and to tar k. MoNE X to Kan on improved Insiue property. bUONJ-bilv aELE CO.. Grouud Floor. Lewis Bldg A PRIVATE" party will build you a bunga low and help iinauue same. AN two, Orvtfouiali. rhiVAia g'CNDa AJiy amount, reasonable terms, mortgages purcoaseu. Henry C prudtiotnnie Co.. VQO topaidlng bldg. A26 0OO 1 HAVE this sum I would like to lend on good rai esiate security. As' 4aJjOegui'aP' ajv0 TO LOAN on realty security. Main l'j40. 4JO Worcester bldg.. It coin. I WANT 10 loan To on realty security. 4 W W orcester blu.. LOANb ON LNsiPa AK.OPERlY AT a iO i PER CENT. bi4 LEWIS BUU.Dl.-v. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort-g-ea. M. MUey. room 204, iieningcr bidg. MONEY-toloan on city realty. Karnopp st Kopf, 2 cuainber 01 Coniuiurce. 41 0W ON improved property. 7 per cent. J. R. S'llt'E. i20 Chamoer Commerce. -oo AND J25U0 to loan on realty. Umber, u2i BOttrlofJraue bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or coliat erai security. CVV. Paiietw otf-H Fenma. State funds loaned. 6 per cenu W. E. inom as, state genuMiuinomah Co.. 4U0 C C MOK'IGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE VYiii loan 10.OO0 or less, real estate security. ataXTiiiglon, 4idCommetcial Club biag. MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT, lo ia aAiaOMU.x. ao- SfAKK. tiT. MUK-.Y. any amount, 0 to 5 per cenu Good- nougn A aeits. aiu Spauiding bidg. Ao,ooo OR any part on income property. J. 40 L ore-onimi. 4-40U ON good Improved property, 7 per v u t N 4tf L Ore g onian. vUo TO loau on Improved real estate. Ad Uiess AJ 15. Oregoniaii. 11 or part. to loan ou improved property. Adaress ' 4&i. VVlLrloan loOOO or less t oregonian. on real estate. Hitchcock, oitt RothchUd bldg MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding A iveynolds Co., 313 Chan ioe of . Commerce. lW'ILlmake building loans In Irvlugton to respoiiMible people. H4a,Oregonian. Money to Loan Chattels and -alnriea, i i 15 $ i i 1 1 IkE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY T IX you kne w how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don t be bothered with a lot of small debts; sat us xuxnisb money to seme them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, IlVd a 1 oca. rooming houses, lue Insurance pellctes. ail kinua of securities; terms to suit : also easy weokiy or monthly In atalimcuis. Wo buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity in con- UNREAL EbtATfi A BROKERAGE CO. 812 Haui U lou Bidg- 151 5d Main 2oo4 gg SAJAKY lo a n bank. Anyone Steadily employed can borrow 114. sm. 410, 50. S.o., 410 On your personal nolo. No mortgage No lndorser. Laaiest pay a isnts Lowest rates. Business strictly conndentiai. STATE SECURITY CO. St I Failing Bidg.. 4d and W ashing ton. WE loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skin', nnuk overcoats, trunks, dress suit cases and musical Instruments. LNCLE MYERS, 71 Sixth SU Between oak and Pine Sts. Mam "10. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and otueri upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In bd principal cities; sae yourself by getunr my terms firsu 10LMANi7 Lumber E-change. HAVEsn Invention which will revolutionize making and pip httlhg; I need 25uu to put it on the market; sill sell lutervst 4,r turnish collateral for loan. L 4bl Or gonian. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry and other so curiiK.s. W m. Holl. room 9 Washington bldg-. cor. 4th and W aaiilngton sts. LOWEST RATiCS Loans on all kinds of se curity. chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. ttth and Wash, sis. li.V'i) WANTED, first -en'ytgsge, on property worth mor- than douBle, will pay per c-nt and expenses. Ail -6L Oregonisn. LIBERAL loans on furniture or real estate, j. t Nichols, Board of Trade omg LOW rates; we loan money on dlsmonds and Jeweiery Marx A blocn. 74 J su ALOANfoV lbs ssking. salary or chatteL Tha Loan Co 414 lyeAua bidg. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 907 Spalding tt.ag. DON'T WORRY. Is your Und:ord waiting for his rent Is your grocer waiting for his bill f Is your life Insurance company waiting for Its premium 7 Is your furniture store waiting for Its pay ments? , . . . Have you been out of work or had stcA bmss, with all Its extra bills? f ao, yoa have worried anough without worrying about money. But you say the landlord must be paid and others will not waiu Don't worry; let us do the waiting We have money and nothing to d bat wait that's our business. Get out of dtbu Get your mind off your money troubles. You wdl be able to work better and get ut of debt sooner. " Come and get the money from us fron 1 l Upward. We will loan you on your furclture, plane, toures. storage receipt or any persons! property: also 00 your salary. We will give you 3 to 12 months tn which to pay It off. Easy weekly or monthly payments. e us first often In need of money. We offer a better proposition on loans of this hind than can .be found else where. 1 HUTTON CREDIT CO.. . 07 Spalding Bldg. Tilrd and Wash Ington Btn Loans Wanted. WANTED $0000 for one year. Interest 8 per cent, payable, quarterly; first-class loan with absolute security. D. PAKKEIt BRYON & CO. fine), 201-4 Commercial Club Bldg. Main fttfoS. A 2107. WE cn Invest your money at good rates of lntereaL Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Longterms Investment. PROVIDENT INV. A TRUtTTEH CO 624-526 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL sell two mortgages. 2T00 and $3000 respectivelv, drawing 7 per cent quarter ly, secured' bv two homes In LaurelhursU Pay reasonable expense, abstract, 'full ln su ranee, AM 4!'S. Oregonian. ; WANT $1000 on home worth 92A00, in surance $1300. Will pay 7 per cent and expense, no commission. AM 4t, Ore gonian. XWANT to borrow about $3500 private money for 2 to 5 years; first mortgase on gilt-edged residence property; valuation 912.000. O 4S4. Oregonian. WANTED The loan ot 90000 at 8 per cent for 5 years on S2S.000 or farm property. Apply to Hawthorne ava. stables. 410 Hawthorne ave. Phones B 1301 or E 72. THE owner of av residence In the Nob Hill district wishes to borrow S500, giving that property as security. A 4SS, Ore gonian. WANT $3600 for I years at 7 per cent on Income property worth I0,000. AH 362, Oregonian. A MORTGAGE loan of $3250 wanted at 7 per cent on an Irvington residence. K 4M, Oregonian. $40.4X10 LOAN wanted at ft per cent on cen t ral propertv wort h over three times as much. L 4S9. Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $300 for six months; god security ; private party. A E 4U4, Oregonian. toiiu FIRST mortgage note duo In 6 months; good security, for $405. Phone A 1215. . MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sale. Henry y prudhomme Co.. Spalding bldg. WANTED $1HK. S per cent, on improved residence property; principals. O 404. Oregonian. WANTED $30t for 3 years. 8 Pr cent, by responsible party; real estate security. Halzlip Abstract Co., 328 Corbctt bldg. WANT D-$16o0 for3yoars at 7 "per cent on modern C-room residence In Sunnyside; valuo 935O0. 8 4 MO, Oregonian. 93tn0 QUARTER bToUc with residence; West Side; Insurance 30o0. H 404, Ore ponlan. . $675 INSTALLMENT contract. payable monthly, with 7 per cent interest; will discount 91QO. Call 4 JO Swe U sgid bldg. I WANT 9700. good security: will pay good Interest. G 4. Oregonian. 9J(MK OR $3tMH, close in Improved property. J 402, Oregonian. LOAN of about $1600 on improved property; no commission. AL 407. Oregonian. WANT $1750 on 9 -room modern house, near Mst and Irving. X 491. Oregonian. $2000 LOAN wanted on new $4900 Sunny- side home. X 4i3. Oregonian. W A NT $300; 3 years on my new 97000 Laurelhurst residence. B 494, Oregonian. LET us place yeur money, good mortsages. references. F. H. Lewis. 8 Lewis Bldg. WANTED $1700. 8 on Improved residence, property. Principals. AM 486. Oregonian. WANT $20 at T per cent; home worth 94500; no comm i sslon. J 493. oregonian. PERSON AX. A YOUNG man of middle ago in business, stranger in city, would like to meet or correspond with lady of culture and re finement not over 32, nor taller than 5 feet 6; Catholic preferred; no objection to working girl. Widows and General Delivery addresses not answered. All letters strictly confidential; object, matrl m on y. X 45. Ore go plan, fc GET MARRIED Matrimonial paper contain ing advertisements marriageable people from all sections of the United States, Canada; rich. poor, young, old, Protest ants, Catholics; mailed sealed free. G. Gunnels. Toledo, O. LADIES, I positively remove the trace of age from the face by the wonderful Vrtl svAtem ; $3 per month treatment ; free d'-monstratlons from 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. Monday, room 37 Raleigh bldg, 6th and Wash ington. WIDOW. 30. would like to. form acquaint ance honorable working man matrimoni ally Inclined, of suitable age. who would appreciate a neat, refined wife AH 405, Oregonian. DON'T waste time and money to learn halr dresslng. scalp treatment and manicuring; by taking daily one hour private lessons for one week I teach you the business; $5 each. Main 20411, A 3052. A WIDOW, of 40, refined, good natured. wishes toXmoet gentleman matrimonially Inclined wno can give bonds as to moral w orth and human treatment of wife. AD 4i'l, Oregonian. MRS. STEVENS, 16 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clarivoyant. has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," at 343 Yamhill, cor. Ttn su A WIDOWER, worklngman of middle age, desires to meet a lady under 35 who would marry, appreciate a home and good treatment. A 401, Oregonian. EASTERN trained nurso will care for pa tients, convalescents or other cases in her own comfortable home. M. 7072. Refer ences. MARRY now. thousands of ladies and gen tlemen would marry if they had the op portunity; we make opportunities; circu lars free. Box 540. Portland. Or. TREATMENTS half rates during Novem ber; modern drugless methods that really cure. Dr. Philip T. Bail, Merchants Trust bide. IF H. Graham will communicate with the Washington-street jeweler who reset his diamond Wednesday he wUl learn of some thing to his benetlt. GENERAL taxidermy, birds prepared for millinery. $1.50. 751 Kearney, 23d St. car. Phone A 4379. MADAME ESTELLE, magnetic healer, spir itual and mental scientist, teacher of soul development 103 West Park. A 5306. TWO teachers will give an upright piano excellent care for Its use, R 402, Orego nian. . MISS WALLACE, magnetic, electric treat ments, mental, spiritual sclentisu 190 llth st. YoU NO ladv wishes to meet refined gentle man; object matrimony. AC 403. Ore gonian. MADAM RADMAKER will exchange your old hat for a new one; maker wanted. ?nl Washington St.. apt. 2. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION positively cured by our Swedish airugless method. Dr. ; ! sbeth. 433 Market su, cor. 12th. M. 7033. MARRY your "soul mate." a social reform; details 10c P. O. box 812, San Francisco, CaL SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson helps you out of all troubles. 493 Washington su, above 14th su VOCAL teacher offers Instruction, voice pro duction; low rates as introduction. L 4S4, Oregonian. Mme Courtwright, skin and scalp treat- " racial deformities corrected, nias. surgery. 453 Morrison su Main 5o4a. LlOL'OR habit permanently cured In 8 days; no suffering and harmless. Cardiola Insti tute. 1627 Peninsula ave.. Portland. Or. DR. KETCHUM treats women's maladies, 179 H su. cor. Yamhill. tv ANTED- Five more ladles to receive calp treatment at home. Phone East 4042. i"aDIKS. trv a $1 box of Suppositories. Mme. ..ni.'fi-OV, First st. I LANS and specifl cations, half price, even ings and overtime. P 4.6, Oregonian. rXLm." OF FIGS Remedies for diseases o women 532 Davis su Main 9819. MOLB5. wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M- D. Hill. 428 Filed nor bide M 3473. MRS7L ADD FINNIC AN is at 4 East"l4th North. EUROPEAN lady gives scalp treatments or hsirrtressing for -5c. Main 204. A .W52. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. $1.50 per hour. 355. Salmon su, cor. Park su DP. W. S. MALLORT, 312 Rothchlld bldg.. has the most up-to-date office tn Oregon, Ail rooms are furnished with the most ex peaMve appliances, including radium (the only physician on Pacific Coast who has radium). Every -therapeutic electrio current in use; X rays, atatio maculosa. X-ray coils, ozone, oxygen generators, high frequency, wave, sinusoidal. FaT3c galvanic, cautery, vibrators, radiators, baths, herbal, steam, shower, electrio light bath cabinets and bake ovens. Smallest to the most powerful lights, including finsen. helios, solar, violet and ultra-vio-leu You are asked to visit my offices and Investigate for yourself if you have cancer, old sores, tumors, swollen giands, rheumatism, catarrh, ecaema. siood dis eases, bronchitis, taroac trouble, mother marks, motes and superefluous hair re moved without scars. All coronio diseases treated with these methods. "M- & M.'S BEST" Hood River apples, faand-p.okod. ail Winter varieties, long keepers; lirst shipment consists Yellow New towns, Ortlejs, Spitxenbergs; from grower direct to consumer; price $3.25 barrel, medium apples; $-.o5 barrel, larger apples. C. O. D. ; careiully packed, sealed; barrels must be emptied wheu delivered, otherwise barrels coat oO cents extra; free delivery all parts Port land, Address M. & M. Apples, box 245. Hood River, Oregon; Portland branch. phone all houra Taoor si t SPIRIT UAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all troubles quickly. Jefferson guarantees to place secret knowledge and power in your own hands to remove the cause of any trouble doubt or misfortune .caused by anyone' or anything and open up a quick and sure way for th contentment, hap piness and good influence for success that you desire. Call and consult him daily or Sunday. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M., at 4U2 Washington SU (Above 14tii st.) MIS DE VOE, "Philadelphia House," corner id and Salmon sis. A young lady ztudenl of nursing takes this means of working her way through college and desires a few select and respectable patrons for mani curing, scalp treatment, magnetic and vi bratory treatments; those customers who appreciate neatness and tidiness are in vited to call. Miss Dona line De Y oe, 212hk 3d su. Buuea 2. 3. 4 and 5. LEARN! LEARN! LEARN! SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS. Hairdress.ng, face massage, manicur ing, scalp treatment, bleaching and dye ing removing supei f lous hair and hair w eavlng ; largest up-to-date parlors in city; position guaranteed. Rooms 4o0 to 412 pekum bldg.. 3d and Wasliin gton. STOP making s drugstore of. your stomach and don't Bubmit to an operation, but consult Dr. Horne at once. Call today and consult him free. Take elevator to 4th floor Rothchlld bldg., 2i7 Washing ton su. rooms 407, 4Vi and 400. Phone Marshall 2850. " DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for ; consu 1 taUon free. Room 12 Grand Theater bldg. Main 3028. A 5607. FLlIta. 7 Ja3- -11 . A large stock of exclusive designs In muffs, scarfs, shawls and coats; old furs remodeled to latest styles; redyeing of seal and new order work a specialty; lowest prices ; practical work. A. REINER. 10 llth St. FEB VET 4Y HANBBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human ha'.r goods In the city; up-to-date parlors for nairdressiiig. inanicuring, faos and scalp treatmenu 17 7th St., baU Morri son and A leer. Phone Main 546. ABUSINESS woman, stranger in city, will share room, etc, with nice young lady of good character and cheerful disposition; prefer one without home and unincum bered. Answer with description of self. C 4b2, Oreffonian! WE treat aged people and others suffering from rheumatism, nervousness, indisutulou, dyspepsia, kidney and liver troubles, etc, by our home treatment, European mas sage and specially prepared" foods; dj money unless cured. ot4 E. Main su MARRY rich ; thousands want to marry, many rich and beautiful; big lists of de scriptions and photos free, sealed, either sex. Write today, one may be your af finity; send no money. Standard Cor. Club, box 607, Grays Lake. 111. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heisingfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's directions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East llth st. sec ond door south from East A nit en y car- line. Phone r-ast nu. r xaw. WANTED A-young lady of business abil ity and some means to help start in busi ness with a young man of ability and ex perienced in good business; best refer ences given and required marriage if 5U1 LKU, T"r. v i-aMiaw SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, etc. perma nently removed by the electric needle. Physicians' references. Lady operator, at 605 ht E- Morrison, Established 1S04, S-S or Mt. Tabor car. Phone East 391L DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electrio treatment of nervous ailments, private hos pital Rooms 5O5-506 Commonwealth bldg.. gth and Ankeny. Phones Main 4Q47. A 2411. HONORABLE gentleman, pianist and vo calist w'th some means, just from the East desires to meet honorable lady of means ; object matrimony. N 475, Ore- gonlan. HAIR. HAIR All shades in best quality at cosL Closing out stock; sclentinc face and scalp treatments; expert halrdrsssing and main curia taughU Aza 1L iubbeeke. Grand Leader. 5th and Aider. WANTED By a middle-aged man, unen cumbered, of good habits, mechanic, city, to meet a good honest working woman, matrimonially inclined. Address J 4o7, Oregonian. fTO LADIES ONLY'. Woman' specialist from London, gives scientific treatment of hair, scalp and to ladles in their homes. Wendel, 420 F I ie dner blug. Main 6723. YOUNG MAN, , would like the acquaint ance of respectable young lady; state age. height and weight; object maLriniuny. Aix 470, oregonian. YOUR fortune told Astonishing revelations. Let me guide you to happy, successful fu- tur& Send birth date and 4 2c stamps. Prof. Allen, S North Wood St., Chicago. J ii. W lORa. or J lust opened, latest electrical appliances used for rheumatism. Marshall 2&43. 426 Alder. ; EDNA KUHWAKTH, 422 Fliedner bldg., 10th and Washington sts. ; manicuring, shampooing, lace and scalp treatmenu Phone Main 620y. SPECIAL announcement; expert feather curling, cleaning, dyeing and repairing done by Madame Gilbert, 388 7th su Phone Main 4443. Moved from 60 6th su . ng SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spir Itual scientist, 21 Selling-Hirsch bldg. Main 6S24. Open meetings Wednesday at b P. M. . MARRIAGE paper, highest character, incor porated loth year; 5000 members; paper sealed; send loc R. .E. Love, Box I00O, Denver, coio. DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation tree. 161 1st sU. Portland. MRS. MAYME WALLACE. Electric and vibratory treatments; bath- masseuse. 326 S Stark su. Port land Or. Phones Marshall 2402. A 2ttf& 'wOULD like hear from a few refined, young ladies and gentlemen, who would .A ,-nrm a. aocial card club. A.T 4H Vl as- DRESS suits for renU 91.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Phompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. LADY1 wishes to meet tall, refined gentle man fond off dancing and amusements; give telephone; object, Companionship; matrimony If suited. W 4S5. Oregonian. DON'T be lonesomeJoin the only reliable marriage bureau in the world. Send 10c for November papers. Box 251, Seattle, Wash. SWEDISH graduate masseuse, digestion and nervous disorders, ladies and chil dren only. TelephoneMarshall 2530. IHAVE a $8204 farm close In tolrade for rooming-house with good lease and good mitiir.' K. 487. Oregonian. SWEDISH 'drugless specialist, nerve, rheu matic and stomach disorders. C. Hoim strom, 3o2-8 Oregonian bldg. Mars. 2&26. SWITCHES, stylish puffs and curls made for $L 355 Salmon st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD BERRIDGE. Public accountants and auditors. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7360. A 1449. Office systems. Factory systems. Periodic audita. Investigations. J. M. WILLEY &. CO. Public accountants, all branches. Suite 426 and 42b Henry building. Phone Mar shall 122L or 45 William su. New York city. E. H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. S24 Worcester block. PhotQ Main 6567. Affrayer and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, ehern lsts and assayers. 204 V Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Labratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison BU Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge, gteam and shower baCia, 25c Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 3702. DR. TICKNER removes the cause of disease. 6O0-1 Columbia bldg. A 5255. Hrs. 3 2-o:30. Car Contractor. H. A. JESKE. car contractor, large or small orders, by ton or hour. 556 Delay su East 019. Circulating Library. LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg.. 1S6 5th sU. beU Taylor and Yamhill. Civil Engineers, E. A. MIDELEBROOKS & C. C. COTTRELL, civil engineers and surveyors, 420 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone Main 3758. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Denevey. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Geriinger bldg.. S- W. cor. d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs M. D. Hill, room 429 Fliedner bidg. phone Main 34 1 3. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Collections and Law. NETH & CO.. COLLECTIONS COLLECT EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION, NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Equitable Adjustment Co.. 214 Couch bldg. Collect on commission. Ask agent to call. Consulting Engineers. GOLDBERG & TRUMBO. consulting en gineers. 312 Couch bldff. Patent ideas worked out. power plants, general en gineering. Telephone. Dog and Horse Hospit a 1. DR. BROW2C D. V. S Office 32 Flanders sU. Main 40&6. Hospital 89 12th SU Educational. ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanic al, survey, assay, cyanide; established 1R64. Van der Naillon School. 51st and Tele graph. Oakland. CaL FRENCH, Italian or Spanish taught in con versation; $1 a lesson, at residence even ings. AJ 400, Oregonian. ' IF you dt'3ire a tutor telephone A 70S9. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d sU ; Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machny. Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 2S1-283 E. Morrison su Phone E. 51a. Feed Store. ZIGLER & Mlsner. hay., grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 4S French Pry Cleaning. CLEANING TAILORING DYEING ALTERATIONS PRESSING REPARING Special club rates 50c per suit sponged and pressed) per week. The Wardrobe, 751 Washington su A 5417. Main Qooi. Furs. N. M. UNOAR & CO.. INC.. formerly of 406 Merchants Trust bldg.. have removed to 109 Seventh St. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall 753. Hardwood Flooring. G P. EISMAN LUMBER CO. Handle all kinds of Eastern hardwood flooring, make estimates on all work, lay ing, scraping, sanding and polishing, old or new floors; courteous treatment, prompt and efficient service guaranteed custom ers. Warehouse corner East 1st and Wash, sts; office 520 Railway Exchange. Phones Marshall 224S, A 1274; warehouse. E. 5lo. Hat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works 223 1st sU M. 8441. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 FronU Leather of every description, taps, mfra. findings. J. A. STOWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 189 Front sU Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., -Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma- chjnery. ah kidos ox rcyuna. .-. Contractors machinery of all kinds. David Dow & Son. 202 Lumbermens bldg. Phones. M ul tigmph log. PORTLAND Mailing Co., multlgraphing typewriting, mailing, public stenographer, personal typewritten circular letters. 3o6 Railway Exchange bldg. Musical. PRIVATE and claBS lessons in elocution and literary interpretation. Telephone A 7080. EM1L THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevick- 900 Marquam. A 41GO. Mar. 30U0. Neurologists. Eye Specmlists. QUICK relief for eye and nervous troubles. Drs. Freeze & Rice 326 Washington su Osteopathic physicians. DR LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrkville. Ma, nis. nt isi.fi. nost-graduate 1907. under A. T. Sill, the founder. 317-318-319 Swetland bldg. aiain ita. a ijbj. . DR- R. B"- NORTHRUP. 415-416-417 Dekiim bldg. Phone. Of fice M 340; Res. East or B 1028. "" paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patents. pitr'Jt secured or fee returned; Illustrated guide book and list of Inventions mailed free to any address; patents secured for us advertised tree in worms progress; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans tit Co.. W ash in g to n , D. C. datpvts that orotect and pay: books free: highest reference, best results. Send for list of inventions wanted. Patents advertised free. Send sketch or model for free search. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 622 F St., W aahington. v. c. Patent Attorneys. IN Y" EN TORS of Oregon may obtain free ad vice and best professional service from their home office, NORTHPACIFIC PATENT BUREAU, Lumbermens bldg., Portland. President. R A. KELLOND, International Patent Lawyer and Ex pert, 30 years' direct practice. Complicated cases, those rejected in other hands and FOREIGN PATENTS es pecially solicited. Counsel and Expert work for Attorneys. TRADE MARKS, LABELS. DESIGNS AND COPYRIGHTS secured. Phones: Main 2362. A 2364. PATENT YOUR IDEAS and make money. Send for my new book. "How to Get Them." Best service. Joshua R. H. Potts, lawyer, Washington, D. C., Chicago and Philadelphia. U S. and foreign patents that protect are "secured through Pacific Coast Patent Agency. Inc. DepU A. Stockton. Caj. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, Attorney at Law, late of U. S Patent Office. Book let free. 710 Board of Trade bidg. K. C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. infringement c s eg. 6Q4 Pekum. Paving-. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605- 6U0 Electric u.a v.1.0 luuci, x m uanu. WAKKEN Construction Co. atreet paving', sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years m Portland. 71 6th su Main 910. Pine, PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and rfice near 24th and York sis. M. 3489. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationer, eta AJ!T hum a. 21 Stark. Main 1407 Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old T-Qi-nets. colonial rag rugs, carpet cleanine and laying l"" " dUUI 1UU. bales. THE MOSLER SAFifi CO. 108 2d su Safes at factory pricesSecoud-hand safes. ' buo wcaoeaBankandSoreilxt tires. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Kap7 ips Showcase Co., 6th and Moyu R. Luta.e, mgr. : K H BIRDS ALL, 2o8 HAMILTON BLDG.. showcases in stock; prompt delivery, sales ; ent u- - MAttaHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch, new d 2d hand. Main 27u3- Cabinet work. bningLes. hest in the city; car lots or less. S. E. Gll- .iti Wiistilntton su iif.r.. -v. - . . . Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., corner loth aud Everett sts. Just opened newest ana most modern storage warehouse In city every convenience tor safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate in Northwest; free trackage; vans for mov ing. Main or A 1520. C O PiCK Transfer sY Storage Co., office and commouious four-story brick wu nouse, separate iron rooms ana fireproof vault foi valuables, N. Yv. cor. 2a and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved ana packed lr Bhippmg.Main50tf, A 1996. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experu reliable men, no booze fighters; will move you quicker, cheapY-r and bet ter than anyone else. Phone as tor an estimate; store rates the very lowesu Van Horn Traiistcr Co.; both phonva. " OLSON-ROB. TRANSFER CO General transferring and storage; safes, nianos and furniture moved and packed tor shipment. 209 Oak su. beU Front and 1SU Telephone Main o4. or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage. Office 310 Hoyt St.. between 5th and 6th. Phones Main 69. A 116J. ' Stoves. " " STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110, 4114 Front . L. Brown and B. Foster, veterinarians. Ul Ankeny su A 3999. Main 2402, Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $90. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals. $3 per month. Pacihc Stationery & Printing Co.. 203 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; I all makes, sll prices. The Typewriter Ex change 2S7 Washington su NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D, C Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Printers. GLASS A' PRUDHOMME CO.. pi Inters, blank book makers, legal blanks, loose leaf de vices, township plats. 65-67 7th sU beU Oak and Ankeny. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st st.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed ffrest GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger ...... Shasta Limited California Express ....... San Francisco Express . . - West Side Corvallis Passenger ...... Sheridan Passenger ...... Forest Grove Passenger... Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express . . . Ashland Passenger ....... Roseburg Passenger ...... Portland Express ......... Shasta Limited .......... West Side Corvallis Passenger ...... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger .. Forest Grove Passenger . . 8:S0 a. m. 4:15 p. m 6:00 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 1:30 a. m- 7:20 m. m. 4:00 P. rn, 8:50 a. m. 5:40 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 10:00 p. m. D:su P 01. - (11 :10 a. m. m :ou p 6:20 p. m. 1020 a- m. 8:00 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Northern pacific Leaving Portlana 1 North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 10310 a. in. North Coast Limited via North Bank 7:00 p-.m. Atlantlc Express via Puget Sound 12:15 a.m. Atlantic Express via North Bank 9:00 a.m. Twin City Express via Puget Sound 3:30 p. n- Twln city Express via North Bank 7:00 p. m. MlEsourl River Express via Puget A Sound 10:10 a. m. MisFourl River Express via North Bank 7:00 p. m- Portlnnd. Tacoma and Seattle Ex press, Grays Harbor. Olympla and South Bend branches 6:43 a. tn. Portland-Puget Sound Special. . . 10:10 a. m. Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har-j bor and South Bend branches.. 1 8:3" P-m. Yaeolt Passenger 3:30 p. m Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank 8:15 p.m. North Coast Limited via Puget Sound , 7:J0 s m. Northern Paciflo Express via North Bank 7:80a.nu Northern Paciflo Express via Puget Sound 7:10 p.m. Pacific Coast Express via North Bank 8:15 p.m. Parlflc Coast Express via Puget Sound 7:20 a, m. Missourl River Express via North Bank 7:30 a.m. Missouri River Express via Pugetj Sound 4:00p.m. Portland-Tacoma-Seattlo Express and from Olvmpia, South Bend and Gravs Harbor 4:00 p.m. Puget Sound Limited 7:10 p. nv Puget Sound-Portland Special. . .I10:.10p. m. Y'acolt Passenger 4 :00 p. m. .Oregon Railroad Se Navigation Co. Lea vine- Portland Pendleton Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited. The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland ....... Oregon Express Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland Pendleton Local Passenger. . Oregon-Washington Limited . Spokane Flyer 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m, 11:00 p. nu 8:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m, 10:15 a. m. 10:30 a, m. 11:S0 a. m. 7:00 p. m. 8 :00 p. m. 8:00 a- m. Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express. Astoria and Seaside Express . Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger .......... Arriving Portland Seaside and Astoria Express . Seaside and Astoria Express. Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger . . :00 a. m, m. m. :30 p. u p. :45 p. :20 p. 1 OO p. l 40 a. 1 00 p- 1 Canadian Paciflo Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland , Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland . Via Seattle 00 p. 1 1 j a. 1 :30 a. 1 30 p. 1 Oregon & Washington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger ...., Shasta Limited ....... Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger ... 30 a. 00 p. 45 p. 15 a. 20 p. 45 p. nx, m. m. m. m. m JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. Southern Pacific. ( Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger ....,...., Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. ... Arriving Portland , Dallas Passenger , Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger .... 7:40 a. m 4:05 p. ru. 1:00 p. nu 10:15 a. m. 5 :o5 p. m. 12:00 noon ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS PAS SENGER, STATION. Siokane, Portland. s Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, Su Louis. Billings, Spokane, Pasco, Roosvelt, Granddallea, Glendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. Columbia River Local .4:30 p. m. North Bank Limited 7:00 p. m. For Cihicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Wash tucna, Kahlotus, pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale, Li le. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. -. ' Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:10 a.m. F''om Chicago, Su Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, . Billings, Spokane, Wash tuuna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. Columbia River Local 12 :35 p. m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, onietha, Kansas City, ST. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Wash tucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. Great Northern Railway Company. Leaving Portland llth and Hoyt Sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:00a.m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p.m.. International Limited, Seattle. Ta coma and Vancouver, B. C 10:00 a.m. The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C 5:00p.m. Shore Line Express, Tacoma, Se attle and Vancouver, B. C. . . 11:30 p. m. Arriving Portland llth and Hoyt Sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6:40 a.m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 8:15 p. m. The Owl, Vancouver, B. C, Seat tle and Tacoma 6:10 a.m. Shore Line Express, Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Tacoma. ... 3:30 p. m. International Limited- Vancouver, " B. Cl, Seattle and Tacoma 9:50 p.m. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Passenger Station. Front and Jefferson Sts. YVoodburn-Salem and Int. Points Locals leave Portland 6:30, 7:50, 11:00 A. M.. 2:00, 3:50, 6:30. 8:40 P. M. Local for Tualatin and Salem, 9:15 A. M. Local for Wllson viMe and Int. Stations, 5:10 P. M. Hillsboro- Forest Grove and Intermediate Points Leave Portland 7:05. 8:30, 10;2O, A M., 12:10, 2:10, 3:30, 5:30, 8:25 P. M. Sat urday onlv, 11:30 P. M. Arrive Portland from Salem and Int. Sta tions 8:40, 11:00 A. M., 1:15, 4:00, 4:50, 6:00 8:20, 10:50 P. M. Local from Wllson vllle and Int. points, 6:40 A. .M. daily ex cept Sunday and 7:35 A. M- daily. Arrive Portland from Forest Grove and Int. Station. 8;00, 9:50, 11:40 A. M., 1:30, 2-50, 5:20, 8:10, 10:50 P. M. . Sunday only, 4:10 P. M. Depot. Front and JefTerFon, Portland, Or. Portland Railway, IJrht A Power Company. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER "AND ' MORRISON STREETS. " y : Oregon City 4:00 and 6:30 A. M. and every ?,0 minutes and including last car, midnight. Grvsham and intermediate points 6:55, 7-45: 8:45, 9:45, 10:45. 11:45 A. M.: 12:45. 1:45 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45, 6:45,. 11:30 P. M. Falrview and Troutdale 6:55. "7:45, 8:4-, 9-4.-, 10:45 A. M.; 12:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45. 6:45. P. M. Cazadero and intermediate points 6:55, 8:45. 10:45 A. M.; .12:45, 2:45. 4:15. 6:45 P M" FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room Second and Washington Sts. A jj :15, 0:50. 7:25. 8:00. 8:35, 9:10, 9:7.0, lo:3). 11:10, 11:50- P M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30, 3:10, 3:50. 4-30 5:10 5:50. 6:30. 7:05, 7:40, 8:15, 9:25, Ht":35. 11:45. On the third Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Monday.