r 18 - THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, XOYEMBER 6. 1910. i " I f ... v.-rril f BUSINESS OI-FOKTTJN.TrF- 1 BrSTNBSS OPPORTUNITIES. I KOOUING-UOUSES. . Uonrs. I Moir. fur Htmt trnltor. tmr Ifl. I Hot,ieES FR RENT. J rooms. .' K- Morrison. tT. S rooms Hroad a.. T orns. 441 E. I.Hh North. $33.34. rooms. Hiy st.. sii. FLATS Fun KENT. 4 rt). ."' Et Harmon, ISA. A rooms. 3--2s East llta. "-". 3 room. 475 East 2i h, 4 rooms, Hawthorne v.. 1.3. 3 room. irnt at.. $2X $ r-wmi, ?-- East lt North. PAKRlaH. W AT K INS OO-. 3'0 Aider St. THE CHEATER MElKrt FRANK STORK KKMAL A.NU 1.N KuH - AT lO. BLKSAt- Homt-buDUr. visit our up-to-date rental mrxi in format loo department. tn floor, mam building. nd the -,nc(M faae l.-.id of desirable howai and (!U. . Tnn ii ut time la getting properly and rnnifurlAl.IT i. a ted. Me seap la touch - i acFi hauara. flata and e;art mnt in tbt city. V a aiao -p a of n w buildings la eoursa of construct ion , HbN oa oio tt u ad naw fumitura Uu it judiciously and the savings will Uur NOHk.NT PK1CW mad us en of the largMi xuraitu-a swuv-ui --- two y Look 1109 aama courtesy a buyers. i.tv i:rad ! cornr fclaat a lark at. an Aaiur and h-Mil-e:'M laxliaes. f Aad OIK lUOH. I KuoM mrrn h"u. ga fireplace, ate.; fto E atn h at . . - iO- . 4- room prar l tea 1 1 y n-w r"d . mod ern. nht on carlin. I'orbetl. a- roo nw raid-n-re. Imtrh kitchen. - ash Ira, cmtnt bint. t-Uj. THE UVVRK E ". 8ucerara lo Lunn-lawrrno Co.) Fbontfa. Main a -Mi- Aid or jtt. ' 2-TOI V hu. pis large rooma and bath and rmni batrrntni. lat b and plumbing a.l rrod-rn; fine modern Luth klthrn; Koum d ly anincu-d. pstnted. peper-rdi 4 plumUrd: i bix ka 1 rrn V. cr li... itm miniitr' rl.iY: i-raent walk to within one bi o. K of h oue. For ron t for on'y $ I p-r month, juat wup mart ia ao s fumf. JjJ lawia bld , FOR RKNT. l rnoma. fumuh-d. tt 81 d. IVK l- room houa. JJ N. ! room Rat. U Eat Airior. FUKTL.AND TKIHT COl. 31 and Oaa Hta. WC CAN FUKNlbU 1ULH UOUft At a grwt Mving. 0c our prtcaa. Lookers muii avory roartaay. U. OaTRuW A Ct, North 3rd 84. R soca5la trii-ea. Eaa y Urmi I HR'M bungalow In Roaamar. boaull fully furmart!. hot ar furna-, aietnc Itshta and ry moirn ronTani-oc' juat nmhd. on fut:-aii1 lot. ront Pr mnth. Iniutr rlumIMH IF.R. hnuiM. fc'ummi. at K. M-r-non at.. rni r1 Applv al l-4 cS. MoT-(-n at. rbon Ktl i.'.rt.' i-H'-'M rottagre. ou F.Ua at $ Fbona Fast ;"fcT Fl KNl2iMEl h In Holladay Park aMl tn. on Of-kanui at.; T room. nlly furntahd. nrxl'-ro throughout ; bo' h wod anl aaa rang-. and all ronvnincra; aitra'-tiro o.-ton; atll rnt for yar or lopgr-r If dlrd. Mrt'argar, ata 4k f.hrir. St.t Falling Mdjr. I j HJM beautifully furniahal houa. on rlvor bank: atrl tly modi-m. atam-hratMi. excellent rar arvir. mlnuta rido to at tid; witi rvtit vory rN"nabla for 3 rnonltij. Inqulra G. C limdneck. Ill 4)th at. t KoNT of rottaa. 3 largo room. $20 month; ?. $M. ofhra. $10 month. Apply 34 N.irth Jtfh. Vt Sida rivrr. W car f r-m dei-ot. th or Morriun to :th. block north. W'IL.1 rnt m 5-ro.m haio for 12 month to couple having no rhiUlmu Evao'thing nw and mwUrn, futniahrd cfmp fie. ftr4 P.A lit tilt an t . . It area 2K tl and 3 1 at. t ail todar. 1 to 4. IROoji modern huM. on Wlltamotta Hrrt. finely furntahed. for rent Jor al month: rant $7V TARK1SM. W ATKINS fO., J 50 AIW. FrR RENT I'ntll Airil l nlroly furnished houa of 5 room; two hlork to ao'trlc r.trlc lht and telphon; no children- Applv 7t Corbet! hldg. l F.I I.-Fl'RNISHKl five-room rotttta. l'0 month. Apply Kg .North "Jth. t td rtr: W car from dpot. 6th or liorrlaon to -th. blo-k north. 7- ROOM modern houao, 1 urntali! mnipi-ia and good, on Belmont at., near F.. :t1t; $40. Kill. Smith at Co.. Sl6t Waahtng tnn. room 2t- FURNISH FD room cottage and aleeplug porch: fireplace, gaa and furnaca hat; a large yard. Snap to right party: rel-r-Ti's. North in Ion are., corner Halay. FINE riderco on fortland lilphta. aio gantly ftirnlshedj eompeient maid and cook In charge; per month. AF 40. Qrr;onlan FOR RKNT Nlrei furnlahed S-rom bunga low, eloctrle tight. phn and ilreplaca. r : l T .od a w n3 o.w. WKI.L furntahed -room houae. rany walk ing distanca; raferrncea required. Fhona F.aat ?7;. E.NTRA fine homa for married ooupla with out children. la n r would live a lib t hm : n dor. W 4t. Oreaonian. Nlt'K. clean, rompletelr furnished "-'ooin houae. raaonabla and ceutrnL Owner, 31a in 57ov FtR R EXT Fumlahe.l prlvata home, da atrablo location. immediate occupancy f'a'l for particular. 21 Kaat Id North. MPKHX 7-roonm hoie " rompletoly fnr mahed. ard. walking diatance; rafor encea. Mwln -t.t A 0iri.KTKI,Y ftirntahe cottage to adult ont. Rodney ave.. I'ppor Al- btna. 1 1 - ROOM rloa.-in hotiae. 1 blo- k from t ojrtiy furaiahcd: aomt roomara. siIwood 7-ROOM houa'. Weat Sid a. completely fur n;aid; rent fT; molern. S-M wood frC: ViK RKNT New 7-roorn well-fumtwhed ta-tuse ; Irvlngfnn. T. Oregon l an. FOR RKNT 5-rcvm cottage, piark. Fulton, 1171 Front, furntahed or unf urniahed. Rh.)M furnished houae at K'-n Park. $IZ per mont h. Pnone Tabor 3 HvKj M furntahed cot tag-, piano and ar w- Ing machine. MX 591 Eat Aah at. Rooaea far Rml, Farwltara far Sal a. FOR SALE Furniture of molem S-rom cottage in Hunnvalde. cotui for rent. $.: Winter's wowl In baaement. Thia muet be ao!d this week: only $K0. Thone R l.'.TX Ft RNITl RK tf (i re.m h.M'e i:h .". TOm era. AimlnnT and Hruaaela carpet; ok furnlluri Iron bed. fio utatt reaa. prt-e $:tA phone Kaat iJtvJ. FI RNITl'RE of n-nwm houae fir aie; hixiao for rent; rent 1J7 ele-trh- light, bath: ame i errna. For part lem lara vail No IM I'H h at. JkX ROO? flat completely furnUhf-d. a mm runge. rhtna. t)veraare. dlha; Call to.-. 3. Will at., tn-twe.cn 0th and 7th. A 4 f 'I'KRN' 4- room cot tag, vloa in. IS; furniture for aal. a moat new. AD 4 Ml. Oregon lan. FOR SALE Furniture of 7-room house, half block of Steel bridge; caah. aboia rent coming In. l."7 I R MTV RE of a 3-room apartment fr aale. apartment for rent. 410 0th at, W atfal Apartment. FOR SAl.K. $60. furniture in modern 12- room houav. rtoa in. rent reaaonable; Party leaving toin. Phone M . IC 77. Fl KMTl'ltK of 1 2-room houaa for aaie; good In coma ; prk reaaonabl ; term . T Stack at. A lKLI;HTFl"U home. like 7 rom flat for rent, furnttuna for aale, west side. Main 7 El. Ft; ANT new f urniltire of K-rm flat. gol income; no reaaonable offer ra fusrd: trtn 4J?UMMI t. Fl KMTi'RE .'. rm modern flat, rent !; one rooiri rented pa J a half rent; term. 4. 4 2d at..flat C. FtR SALE Furniture of fc-room flat, com pletely fumlaheil and r?n thing new; a bargain. Call Monday. ;7 S Clay it. $ ROOMS furnished 'a ohd oak. good m mev-makr. cioa- in. cheap. 2S Lar rabea or Eaat 23 74. -ROOM h ou for ren t and furniture for bath and panir. i,'.J Morrison. Main Fl RNlsHlNtiS Z rooms, sell or trade for maMer houae. 171 ttit Park . . Fl RMTl'RE of -room houaa for aale, ra sonable. Inqulra 341 3d. Fl R NIT1P.E of Srm jno1ern flat, rent Phone Tabor 4 FL :t::d at. W.ROOM cottage, nirely f urniahed; aoma In come; cloaa In- 17 14th t UPCSR fr rent, furniture for aale by own er. 44 Jefferson at reel. Phone A 4 -'. (fiT ENTS of two three - room fl a t for Me. Tate for rent. 4t Wat Park. 1KHE for rant, furniture for sal. -7 lvaat 20th. near Fine. FI RN1TVRE 41-room flat for ayle by owner. i 7:h. corner Cla . . H KMTI'RE of .-r..ii n i for aale; lo w rent Phon e - 4 . Efirtr rooma. clan ar.d llstil. od for Winter. Phone Ma'n 3'. I t fiNlTCHK .Vroom flat for a,..-, fiat for re n t . 1K North lth at. . A 1 i FTRNITI RK ot rooms for aaie. 77 TV eat J ark CHOICE HOME. RENT FREE. T rooma. In firat-claa Waal SI. la loca tion, corner hooao with fine bath, furnace, gaa. lan. flower, ate; WILTON VEL VET and Bruaaala carpet a. curled hair mattrtia'a. extra Una bed and bedding, quartered oak. mahogany furniture: rent gvi.; thnca roma on upper floor rented for S4o. price ELLIS. SMITH CO. 'Waahincton St.. rooma , FOR SALE Combination book caaa and wfitl&g deak: Bagdad Wiltoa bordered ear pet, piano, music cablnat. maple bedroom act. brome bed. iron bed. coach, t a range, kitchen chair, fixture. i II phone Between lu A. M. and 3 P. M. Wneeler at.. T-:aat 4bli. , 1-noOM bouse, furnished with bath, modern, walking distant-. 3 rooma P over ex penses; for saia cheup by oner; reaaon able rent; please give phone number. AN 4'. Qregor.lan- lluL'SE for rent, fumliura for sale, of 5 room cottage, all new; bargain if taken soon. Inquire 1 to S Sunday. 10I rol ler at., oppoaite Slew arts Station; Mount St-ott car. NEW threa-etory brick. WxlOO; plate glas front. 14th and Marshall, suitable for light jobbing, manufacturing or retail; will lcaaa oue-haii; divide space to auil tenant or tenana. A. G. Long, front and Ankeny. STENOGRAPHER and ai'4nt bookkeeper a i;o understand car billing, for lumner m. In Willamette Valley; state P riencr. sa and saiary expected. V 4. Orejtonlan. rv K NT for a term of yaxr. the old Arlington Club building. West Park and Alder sta. Apply to K. T. Cog, room 6. 20 H d L FOR RENT Corner etore a.17f: plat glaaa front, finest show wlndoaa In city; -" f.-et from Old. Wortman at King atore. Apply 37 Yamhill. STORKS In brick building, with baeementa. In ion aanua and Fast Ash- Kodger- 1 1 a rt-Glbson. 14d Second L STORE. 1 Park t.. nortlt. Suitable for any business or light manufarturlng. TWO "good aiorc. w-U lighted. Yumhill at Third. New totden Kgle atore. OfTlcaa. FOil KENT Three fine office rooms rn sec ond floor Lumber Exchange building. Jd ar.d Stark at. Inqulra F. H. llolLrook Co lli Lumber Exchange bWlg. COR RETT KlIKJ Tio large connecting offices, furnished or unfurnished, or will ell furniture at bargain. Inqulra 4H orbett tldg Oi-'i- Jt K room for rent at a nominal rei.tal to one constantly presert or with employe to receive telephone meaaagea. etc. bit lewls bl-'. -! A. M- or 12 P. M. LrK room In bright, cheerful office, fur r labed, in front of elevator. &00 Henry slilf. MOST centrally located off;c. $1 and up, all-night elevator aerrica. 3U4 -wetland bid.. 3th and Washington. DKSKRtvOM lo rent In lai ge. llglil. rlrgant ly furnished corner; S'lte of offices in modern office bidg. awlbidg. FlR RENT Room. 24x23 feet, excellent rtglit and location. 1'all Unique Portrait 'o. 24i S Morrison t. AN office with entry room; both phon -a; stenographer. Corbott building. N Oregon la n. OFFICE or deakrooui. ground floor. 218 Alder at. FlH KrJVf A few ofiticea in Couch bid. i 1 1 n..u lla Kli4 lFSKROOM. nlcelr furnished. freo for ladv or gentleman 1j 4m. Oregon!". bl ITS of front ToVma. ?." AHsky Mdg., 3d and Morrison sta. Apply room 2-'4. NICE light office, furnished: phono or desk. rasoni.r.1.. 32! Mohawk bldg. Wsrebi WAREHOl'SE FOR RENT. Cor. Fast Washington and Kaat Second t . 134x7.' feet, one floor; on O. R. ft N. track, lately otcupled by Cudahy Tack ing Co. Page Investment Co.. 110 Front t. Phone Main M'. WARKHOISE. SHOP OR OARAGE. ftX aii; NEW BRICK H!TLLIN WITH TRACKAOE: PARK AND KLANUKRS. MAIN b514. A 3MtL STORAGE warehouaa on 13th t., with trackage; will rent all or part; lowest rent In the city. Van Horn Transfer Co. TO LEASE. A FINE quarter block, one block from PostotTlce; will lease for long term, at reasonable rental. If you are In the mar ket for a nrst-claaa leasing proposition, sea us at once. Real Estate t-partment HA HTM AN THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce.- FINE DAIRY RANCH TO RENT. 1X07 acrea to rent for cash lo right part; oer 200 acres In cultivation, bal. pa at iire; can keep too head of milch cows; good buildlnxs, running water ; V miles to K. Come to our offtrea If In terested. BRONG-STEELE CO.. O round Floor, lx'wla Bldg. F)!t L.EA SB Trackage; One ware bo oaa mt mfg. location; alao corasr store room. 33d and Broadway. eeariT Nor 1. Albtna Fuel Co. LK ASK for aale. Washington street, down town, flna location. O 41m. Ort-gunlan. BUSINESS OPPORTCMTIE?- GOOD chance to arlL Ileal estate owners. we have applicants for west Mae ioia ana cottages not too far out; list 'your prop erty with as and "t results. Call or PbBERREY'S REALTY COMPANY. Acreage and City Property , A 47 IS. Marshall rS 249 Fourth t.. between City Hall and Court house. ESTABLISHED, rapidly growing manufac turing business, procuring pat en tea non competitive sprluty. wants additional in vestment, amounta $rM up. Thta la hlgh-vlasa. legitimato investment, earn ings exceptionally large, over IIH) pr cent. Cumpinv haa exclusive field, no debts, fully equipped plant, manufacturing and selling daily. Closest Investigation af forded. AM 40i. Oregonlan. A SNAP. 1 will sell my grocery business at an attractive figure to a quick buyer: must give my attention lo other business at once. Thla will stand closest Inspection and Is one of ihe beat locations in South Portland. Address for Interview. AD i'Ji, Orrgonian. CORN ER cash grocery dwlug a buamees of SU dail ; trial given in iniiii- iwmto Investing a cent. We have another small store doing a good business, with good It v tug-rooms: just the place for a man and wife; 00 required. Call mt Lum ber Exchange. COt'NTHT general merchandise store, doing S big bUKlnesa; on account oi eicancae, must be sold; trial given to investigate, an. I trims to right party. Call fr.3 Lumber Exchange. 3t- YEA R grou:id leas with option to buy on Cioar-tn west J?lie. namuniKn mrr". b-il nr propertv. Equity of $10.M0. Will exchange for city or suburban property. V 4'. Oregonlan CONFECTIONERY, fruit and cigar store. clearing 409 mommy over ana iwvi an expenaca. We have two smaller onca do ing a good business, one with nice living rooms. Call at -l Lumber Exchange. SO- A "RE ranch, all stocked, close to city. it-i.-- a.r.-uMi. K-room house, all rooma rented. Income 9 too; rent 9; price 00. Clark Realty Co.. TJ Heary Mdg. HAVE a gllt-dge proposition for an up-to-tUte bii-'nes woman with 91-VH. clearing from $S to 9n monthly; this Is a lu crative, pleaaanl business out of the ordl nar. A !! re-a Y 44, Prcgonlan. RESTALR.NT Partner wanted to act as cashier: oaner will pay $-'5 lry weekly and boaid. besides profits. We have an other nice little restaurant doing a good business, for t0. S-3 Lumber Kxchange. ' CAFETERIA. For sale, clearing 9'ot per month, good o-atton. heap rent. k csun. balance ft om rece pt a. Jos. C. ki ibsoo, 3ii Uer- ' lingerblds. n" " CIGARS. FRUIT. CANDY. 123 dailv bujitnes-; b-ase; downtown; excellent corner; price 9 and It worth It. Suppose you look at It. 3L3 Henry Bldg. HA E ftrst-claas opening for party with 92" . Ir. motion lrtore line; big profit a. pulalfer's Theatrical Exchange. Marquarn bidg. Opn Sunday. I'UiAK tand. buy downtown corner, mak It a s(xvi money and ou can buy it at a tual Invoic if you act quickly. About 9 n op. "i:i Henry pig. 91 CAsH huy a half Interest in ab Mtbllshed cash business, netting more ttan $i0 cah per day. Investigate before buymc Jos- C. tllbson. 30. Gerlin f: er bldg. FOR SALE CH EAP In good town, new millinery Block, excellent business; good reasons for sell:n. A J 4 i.Oreg onian RgiARE PEA!. REALTY CO. REMOVED FROM 6111 TO b2 HOARD OF TRAJB BLIG. CIG Fi at nr.: Washmaton St., clears mon-h: snap. Call l"th at. FoR SALE At the Oxark. 2-o lita si, rt. tmrant outnt-. also a large stove, FOK"s ALE M i 1 1 1 ne ry b slnesa In good lo cation. M- 42. Orcgoniao. CLASSIFIED AD. CO.. Largest Claa.srt-d Advertising Agency la the World. Security bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. FOR A 910 BILL We will inecrt your ;-word four-Una claastnd advertisement under the head ing of Business Opportunities. Farm Lands. Agents or Salesmen Wanted In the tallowing list of 30 GREATEST WESTERN SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS. And guarantee to show 3 ou a copy of every paper. . Each additional line of six words 92.uO: Portland OregonlacuSt. Louie Poat Chicago Tribune, Dispatch. Dvnvvr New.- Cedar iLapids Repu- indianapolls Sun. 11cm n, Burlington Haw keye Wheeling News, ! s Motnc-s Naw. Memphis News- ' Wichita Beacon, Scimitar Topeka Capital. Omaha Bee. Dubuque Times- t'liicmnatl Enquirer. Journal, Cleveland Leader, Minneapolis Tribune. Columbua New. St. Paul l is pa ten. Dayton N'ews, SU Paul Pkuer Toledo Blado, Preaa Dallaa News. Kansas City Star, Ft. Worth Record, , St. Joseph Gazette, El Fneo Tlmea, Houston Chronicle, Oklahoma c'ity Milwaukee Fre oklahoman. Fresa combined circulation reaches orer a, IfMt.itoo rea.ler. Discounts: on an order for a 4 Sunday run. 16e discount on an order for 7 consecutive das. JO'i on an order fur 30 consecutive days. Thousand of dollars' worth of business can be procured by advertising. If ou have a good proposition to offer the pub lic, we will cheerfully supply full infor mation, etc.. on both display and classi fied advertising rates In every publication In the world. Write and tell us what you have to sell, and we will show you how to advertise your product and MAKE IT PAY. I WANT some one to join me In purchasing one of the best-paying cash bur-lness con-c-rns In Portland: It will take 9-."..0M) to handle; J havo $lo.K and want a part ner to help me awing the deal; this is a strictly business proposition and will In sure a thorough Investigation; if you are looking for an Investment to place some Idle money where the returns ar large or wish a working Interest with mc. this will undoubtedly appeal to you. V 4ti Ore go man. MEN! Are you looking for a home site? I know of 13 meadow land locations In Gavernment Reserve which can be filed upen. Hare spent all Summer on this and know whereof I speak. Want others to Join me and bear their little burden: about 95 per. The prettiest thing In all the world. P 487.' Oregon Inn. $3. A WEEK It s a fine grocery store, fully stocked; tarries sta tionery, cigars and tobacro; fine large atore. : living-rooms In rear; rents for 91 a month. It s a snsp at 9..t0. RALPH ACKLEY LAND COMPANY, tW5 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Successful. well established millinery business of eight yeara. In the growing town of Eureka. population 12.000 last census) county seat Humboldt Co. Reason for selling retiring from business. Mrs. W. I. Watenpaugh. Eureka, a I. THE only exclusive women'a misses' and children's resdy-to-wenr store in Eugene; stock and fixture will Inventory about 9,MNt: all ner and np-to-date; will dis count for cash; store Is on most prominent confer and lcaso run for another 4 yeara Bng 171,Eugcne,Or. IRRIGATING THE HIGH BENCH LANDS. Mechanical engineer has invented cur rent pump which really does the business; want party lo finance and take manage ment of company for exploiting same; only men with sound financial record need answer. AH 4 HQ.jQre Etonian . ONE-HALF INTEREST In the BEST pay ing business in Central Oregon; price IliSOO; $1000 down. Thla Investment will ure bring you 910.000 in two yeara. For - particulars see or rrrlte Ora Van Tassel I. Madras, crook County. Oregon. FOR SALE Confectionery store, located In Vancouver: Ideal location, good trade; tock I new and up to date, and Is worth 9IHIH). but must sell, and wilt, at a great bargain. If you mean business, writ AB 476. Oregonlan. WANTED. Party with $::ooo to lake an Interest la a good paying business. AUci MERCANTILE AGENCY. 416 Ablngton bldg. Main SfrSS. WE have a fine business opportunity for party with from $2310 to foOOO In good, live town In Southern California. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 4lo Ahtngton Btdg. Main 5USS. WILL exchange Eastern Oregon hotel, pay ing 92od a month for Portland property. What have you? Hartman 4 Thompson, bankers. Chamber of Commerce bldg. , ( S ee H A R T O G FOR SALE--Cornlce and sheet metal shop, u. Interest, in the best loan In Oregon; work on hand will last all Winter: will Invoice 900; real bargain for a sheet metal worker. Addres C 404. Oregonlan A RESTAURANT for "ale. beet location In the city, trade mostly with working peo ple, business average 9t0 a day; price very reasonable. Call or write to N. J. Tochlo. 30 m Third. North Portland. WE WANT a live, hustling gentleman of good disposition and charucter to become financially and actively interested -in a paying and most interesting manuiactur lug proposition. AJ 477. Oregonlan. POOL hall, cigar and confectionery at Kern Park, on Mt. Scott car line, for salu by owner, on premises. Fine location and good money-maker. GIVEN away free, map of all the California oil fields, alao trial aubsctiptlon of publica tion "California Oil Fields." Sagar-Loomls Co.. T01 oregonlan bldg . Portland. Or. CASH If you want cash for your business, corporation, stock, patent ot other prop erty, address Northwestern Business Agency. Minneapolis. Mtnn. BARGAIN Home bakery and lunch room, fine buslneas; suitable for man and wife or mother and daughter; cheap, caah or terms. A 4 7l. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Two-chair barber ahop. fair business, good location, good chance. For particulars see Jack Curtis. Centralis, Wash. NOW IS YOI'R OPPORTUNITY. For sale An old established dres-rank-irg btisine; party leave city. T 40. t re gonian. SOBER. Industrious man can secure work ing Interest in business that will pay 9!.V per month. This Is easily verified. Call 41 ' North tHh t. TRANSFER business, rullable partner want ed o w ner cun't depen d on hi red help; wilt pay you 9H0 month; experience not necessary. Call 248H Stark sL FIRST-CLA3 cleaning and dye worka for aale good location, cheap rent; must teat the city. Call 2tf 3d at. Phone Mai n7 3 22. CARPENTER SHOP, atock. tools and office "fixtures at a bargain: plenty of work on hard. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermen bldg. WANTED Neat, honest young man with llti;e money as partner to show property and work In the office. I am alone and tired of hired help. 242 Fifth au WILL aell 2O0 ahares of Alaska Petroleum c coal at 1 1c if taken Immediately. X 412. oregonlan. CASH GROCERY Clear f 1 HO month; need i.ot pay one cent befo-e you prove It; liv- inc-rooms. t ati - otwia l We have several to choose from. Call and see us. ::21 Lumbermen bldg. ooo FURNITURE of 1 rooms vand res taurant, renting at 933 per month; near O. R- ft N. car shop. 34 Delay st. TRADEfor anything, gold mine, ore 9,0 tton: 10O" ton tailings 9U ton, Ctu t. E. Hicks. Independence. Or. SCHOOL STORE. S living-rooms, low rent : good trade; SrtT.0. :i21 Lumbermen bldg. RESTAURANT for sale; well-paying rent 323 per month, with lease; located 210 Columbia s:. .-.u.-w-.-uv VD CONFECTIONERY. a living-rooms, lease, clean atock and fine location. :t2l Lumbermen bldg. ri put three refined ladles who have 9o0 in poaltlon to earn 1 monthly. Call this week. S4 East Main St. r MODERN 2-fhj.ir barber shop, everything new; will aw 11 baif Interest or alU 672 Alberta st. . w-i-v- x:r ivntlSTRlAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bouda bouaht and o'd Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 Ablngton. PAKTNER wanted, cash business, requires vry lull money .nd will pay you I day. Particulars 24'. Stark st. CR Oi 'ERY. East Side; Invoice 1 : Km ; tales 940; Of a (en is. AB 43. orcgonla , TALK WITH FLETCHER. All California Oil stocKs. 2..nn Alaska Pet. & Coal, treas.. peJ .Vn.V Almeda Con. transferable. . bid l.ooo Automatic Call ft Adv. Clock bid 10 Autoprese preferred " 5,00 B. c. Amalgamated Coal, .bargain 30 Burlineame TeL-Type bid loo California Con. Oil (Bob Evans) .55 l.fwvn Calif Con. Oil fBob Evana) bid 3.0O0 Calumet ft Buena Vista bid 20 Campbell Aut. S. G. B bid fX Clark Wireless nap 2.50 Coledyke Bak. Pow bid 6,130 Fidelity Copper 1 2 German-American Bank.... D' to German-Am. Coffee 2 .SO SO Gibson Mfg. Co bld 1.150 Gov. Standard Powders special 8.040 Home Tel. Portland (bonds) bid JH Home TeL Portland 'stock bid 2 H. O. Peck Auto Wheel., special 3 Marconi Wireless (England! bid 2.0AO Midway Maricopa Crude Oil " .07 loo Modern Mining Mach 2.7-."i National Copper 10 Nat. Dictograph A. ft Conv 10.00 . 10 Open River Transportation. . bid 5 Oxford Linen Mills B 10.50 2.50O pirkol Cont. Adv. Mach... .bargain 210 Portland Concrete Pile.... special 20 Radio Tel. (parent Co.) 6 00 l.SftO Skamania G. & C hid 10 Telepost A. with conv 00 3.r0 Trevor Mine 03 1 loo T'tilitv Car Intallmenta . . IO.OO All other stocks and bonds; see me be fore buying; may be able to do better. I WANT: Almeda Con. Paula OU Gov. Stan. Powder Poulson's WIrele Oregon Gold Hill Rose City 225 Ablngton Pldg. A GENERAL STORE. We have for sa-le a general store In a growing town. In cne of the beat farming and fruit raising district of the state, on niHln line of railroad, about 2fi miles from Portland. This is the only store in town and do, s a business of 940.0UO a year, and can be bought at invoice. Will take Port land property to the amount of 940O0. Thia la a rn re chance for someone to se cure a bargain. W ALLACE INVESTMENT CO., ils Oregonlan bldg. "NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. It Is Impossible for us to describe each business we have for sale separably, as we have the BEST and most COMPLETE list of GROCERY STORES, , . CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY ' r'esVaURANTS AND DELICATES SENS. GENTS' FURNTSHlNd STORES. BARBER SHOP AND POOLROOMS. TAILORING AND CARPENTER SHOPS. MOVING PICTURE SHOWS. HOTEL AND ROOMING-HOUSES. In the city, all legitimate propositions and all will stand clocest investigation. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 221 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. MOTION-PICTURE machines; Powers, EdT-a-m. Pathe and others always In stock from 975 up; the la?et and best films for rent. 'Tba best Is none too good' is our stand ard. We teach operating and qualify to ran a show; before closing deal elsewhere be ure and se jis; we have the goods and price are richt. WRITE US IN REGARD TO OUR OPERATOR'S BOOK ENTITLED " PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION TO OPER ATORS . OF MOVING PICTL'RKf MA CHINES." Price 91. Laemmle Flint Serv ice Alliance, rooms 60S -3 10 Couch bldg., Portland. Or. TROPICAL MEXICO. Join our free excursion to the richeat, chapest land In the world, and take a new start for sure success and affluence; 91.50 to 910 per acre, in tracts to suit; $1 per acre down and 30 cents per acre quar terly. Next excursion about Dec. IsL Get our literature, and think It over. R ABB ft PATTON. General - Agents. 322 Lumbermens Bldg., bth and Stark. WILL exchange for city or country property, the fastest money -making proposition In Portland, consisting of well-established 'vacuum carpet-cleaning business: have 8 machines complete that will invoice, to- gether with extra fixtures and appliances, about 93oim; I own my own patents and have exclusive right in five best states on Coast. Very best reason for selling. Price for everything cash or trade. 92600; make my own machines; have good location, cheap rent. Owner. AJ 484, Oregonlan. 15 CASH and 95 per month pays for 40 acre. Central British Columbia, near railroad, where farm larfds are cheap; oil fertile, climate superb; buy land today on our easy payment plan ; your money will make you 000 per cent In two years. If up to you to get the fncts and u to prove our assertion, postal brings full information. Necbaco Valley Syndicate, Vancouver. B. C . FOR SALE. A 20-M capacity Russell portable saw mill complete, with cutoff saw. sawdust conveyor, etc ; also a No. 1 Northwest planer, with attachments, good as new; baa been used only a short time. For particular call at my office, 22-228 Front au. port:ana. or. HERMAN METZGER. Owner. IF YOU HAVE $100 TO "00. Or more .to invest in aolid manufactur ing business where the net income Is from 50 to 100 per cent and your money abso lutely safe, address or call ATLAS ENGINEERING CO., 317 Henry Bldg. Phone Main 1554. VALUABLE BUSINESS INFORMATION. This agency i in a position to furnish reliable Information regarding buslnea openings; only legitimate propositions con sidered. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 418 Ablngton btdg.. Established 183B. FOR SALE Two general merchandise stores in Baker City. Or.; Include stock and fixture, combined or separate; an excellent location in a thriving city of lO.uOu population. For further informa tion address J. B. Grlswold. Baker City, Oregon. THE MOST WONDERFUL INVENTION IN THE WORLD. GENERATING POWER DIRECT FROM THE ATMOSPHERE. More powerful than electricity; must have assistance to protect and perfect same. For interview add. AC 4tf0, Oregonlan. WANTED Factory site for large established factory; If you have a large tract of land, close In. suitable for factory and townsite and are willing to take interest In same, can make ou good proposition. V 4t4, Oregonlan. FOR- SALE -Meat market and liiughter housA and corrals ; cl t y water in both places; in town of 000 population; only market in town, and doing a good busi ness for cash; good reasons for selling. Address lock box 1S3. Shanlko. Ory STORE BUSINESS Partner wanted to be cahier. etc: will pay - .20 week salary and share profile; owner wants a man he can depend on more than hla money. Partlc- ulnrs 21S a S?-r-st- 1 . MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. " A business that is worth 92O.0OQ an nually: If you have 93OO0 to Invest, write for particular and personal Interview. T 4!3. Oregonlsn. RELIABLE man with eome business experi ence wanted to take half Interest In a well established cash business: small payment down, balance out of business. 417 Board of Trade, ONE of ""The oldest real estate offices In the city for - aale, on account of other business Interests. Might take trade. Thia will pay you to Investigate. Oregon 1.and Co.. 215 Henry Bldg. JOB PRINTING OFFICE, everything com "piete; busv all the time; less than coat; easy terms. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Luin bermen bldg. STRICTLY cash grocery. no delivery, no rent, clears 9130 to J200 month; living room's in rear and up atalrs; only 91375. 41 V N. 6th st. PA RTNER wanted in cash business; will make you 9"o per week; satisfaction guar anteed I efore buying. Call Toom 315, Lumber Exchange bldg. CIGAR atore. good corner location, sale average 9K per day. rent bargain at 945o. F. A. Beard ft Co.,. 512 Gerliuger hldg.. 2d and Alder. STOCK of general merchandise for sale at a discount of 15 per cent. Room 7, 'JTJ1 Vi M orrlso n. FOR SALE Candy outfit, lemon drop ma chine. , caramel cutter, ajl good as new. 43ft Washington st PARTNERSHIP First-class designer .would associate with architect of established practice, p 47. Oregonlan. CIGAR and stationery stand in "Washing ton st.. for aale cheap; good reason for selling. 417 Board of Trade. FoK SALE 1-chair barber shop and bath; living-room In connection ; good business, low rent. E. Rhodes, South Bend, Wash. WOULD invest 9150 with services In gro cery or confectionery In Portland: only re liable party considered, B 483. Oregonlan, BARBER SHOP, or location wanted. Give full particulars; city or country. T 4S, Oregonian. YOU NO lady warns mail-order or advertising position; can takefullarge.Tabor235d RESTAURANT Does fine business; will aell ch eap- Call 24V. Stark St. DRUG STORE, good place for physician. See E. 1- D a v i dson. prop.. Oswego. Or. FOR S A I - E 1 -00 . Good g roce ry ; g ood lease, rent 925. f 40. Oregonlan. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO- 313 Henry biag. 20 roms. near Union Depot, rent only 975. 2V.-year lease; house always filled, a money-maker: price only 91550, part cash, balance to suit. 2.1 rooms, down town; transient; low rent, 2-year lease; price 9 1600. 18 rooms swell location, fine furniture and carpets; up-to-date gnd clean; good lease and rent only 965- See this If you want a nice place. 14 rooms, close-in corner; clears 930 per month; only 9500 cash required. 10 rooms, close in. rent 940; housekeep ing. Owner sick and will sacrifice; 900 cash required. 9 room, nice home and good Income; only 4O0 cash required. 9 room fine , location; good furniture and carpets; only 9375 cash required. These are a few. We have over 300 others, from 4 rooms up. See trur list. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. 313 Henry Building. A CHICAGO trust company, established for the purpose of organizing Industrial and municipal corporations, preparing trust deeds, engraving and registering stock and bonds of same, can, by its superior facilities, render SPECIAL SERVICE through Us EXPERT LEGAL DEPART MENT, alike to large and small legitimate enterprises, in the preparation of all cor porate papers, at reasonable cost; state amount of capital desired, also other par ticulars; approved securities recommend ed to banking houses and Investors. Ad dress bog 44. Chicago. 111. APARTMENT SNAP. 2 room. In 2. 3, 4-room suites, mod ern, steam heat, telephones, private bath with every suite, best of furniture, a money-maker, rent 9275. Income 9O0; worth $600, will take $4000 for the busi ness if sold at once, only two blocks from Washington St., on 15th. Address owner, room 1, "Wellington Court. If you are looking for a bargain you have it here. N 4U3. Oregonlan. SPLENDID chance for man or woman; will ell half interest strictly up-to-date hotel, thriving Willamette town; ha only billiard and pool hall In town: cigar and candy store in connection Mrs. Lydmg, Jam- hill, Or. 42000.00 We will lend you $2000 under cer tain reaaonable conditions, and agree that you may repay the loan from the divi dends on an investment which we will sug gest. Continental Commercial Co., St. Louis. Mo. i $;iO0 GROCERY STORE $.T0K Rent, $15; 3 living-rooms, partly fur nished; clean, small stock. This Is a genuine snap. $M0. ' 321 Lumbermens bldg. . ; MACHINE SHOP owner has more business than he can handle alone; wants honest man as partner; duties to do office work, collecting and banking. Call 623 Lumber Exchange. YOUNG MAN. BTRANGERI Make careful Investigation at expense of seller before you Invest money in any proposition. Advisory Department, Y. M. C. A. SNAP BUY'S. 0 acres of timber in T-ane County; cruises out better 3.000, fjnn. and will make good fruit land; price 92000. Clark Real ty Co., 328 Henry bldg. "THTS is your chance. I will exchange very good general merchandise business in suburban town for Portland property at lnvo'.se price. Must sell account sick nesx Write owner H 433. Oregonlan. L1GH Tmanufacturlng bust's wants hon est man as partner; dutits .ieck goods and look after hired help; very little money required. For particulars call 623 Lum be r Exchan g e. l"WILL pay 9250 for introduction to party who will invest in silent partnership; first-class references given: Portland busl neas which will stand investigation; $2500. AG 404. Oregonlan. $200 NEEDED to enlarge new established enterprise, big demand. good profits, chance to make 9-"hm per month, easy; 915 per week and profits to start. H 49L Oregonlan AN exceptional opportunity get control of permanent business; will net big returns: small capital will handle; it stands close investigation; l needs no experience. S 413. Oregonian. FOOL HALL. 2 tables, cigars and tobaccos; every thing new and clean, 9SO0. 321 Lura hprmenp. Mdg. BOARDING-HOUSE- furniture, place for 50 men to sleep and over 100 to eat; will sell cheap on account of owner leaving cl ty. 31 ft N. 14th St.. St. John Hotel. PICTURE THEATER. . Good paying place, low expenses; good location: caah price, $2000. 21 Lumber mens bldg. WANTED Small cash grocery, residence suburb Portland, worth from 1000 to 91200; can pay 9600 down. J 436, Ore gonlan. ' FURNITURE BARGAIN. Furniture of 7 rooms, including $V0 piano; all good as new; will sell for $S50. r:?l Lumbermens bldg. ' LOCATE GOVERNMENT LANDS Own placers in great Southwest. For Informa tion call 610 Gerlinger bldg.. Second and .Alder. WILL pay an elderly lady 9200 monthly and teach her face and scalp massage if she has $1500 to Invest; money secured. K 474. Oregonlan. $0500 FOR a 4horoughly established busi ness which Is one of the best of its kind in. Portland and will stand closest investl- catlcn. Address AU uregonian. WANTED An office man who can invest $2000 or more with established manufac turing company and act as secretary; 10 per cent guaranteed. , AH 498, Oregonian. WILL sell 50 or 100 shares of Campbell's Automatic Gas Burner stock at $2 per share. 2500 Snowstorm Extension stock at a bargain. W 44, Oregonian. YOUNG refined widow would THte position that would pay expenses at once, such as housekeeper; matrimony considered. R 4H3. oregonian. I WANT a partner. If you have small capital I have the proposition for you. Call room 11 Cornelius Hotel, after 10 A. M. today. - ANYONE wishing to invest In a good saw mill property, fine location, can get full Information by addressing Box 438, Ever ett, Washington. FJPST-CLASS movlng-picturt; shovr for sale, must be sold at once: go--d location, cheap rent; good reason for selling. Call 266 3d Bt. Phone Main 7322. DYE and cleaning works, best place in Portland; guarantee $5 dally profits; must sell quick. Price $500; terms. H. E JAMES CO.. S8 10th. near Stark. MANUFACTURING Partner wanted: prefer man to take charge of the office, etc. ; profits large; $1400 required, secured. Call 24 S Vs Stark t. WANTED -To invest $500 cash In well-paying business In Portland; restaurant and confectionery or grocery preferred. AL 41, Oregonlan. ItiiKi CIGAR Btore. big transfer corner. sales average $:to day; rent reasonable. Call 32S Henry bldg. MOVING picture theater clearing $200 monthly; try It before you buy; price Siooo. 404 Rothchild bldg. DELICATESSEN store, best location; money-maker: big snap; 91000: terms. H E- JAMES CO., 88 10th. near Stark. GOOD small restaurant, new building, long lease' cheap, terras. Will trade. Phone A 1215. FOR SALE Home bakery and restaurant, doing good business; price 9200; $100 cash time on remainder. K 490. Oregonlan. SHOO CIGAR and fruit store, "Washington st.- sales average 935 day; a good buy. Call 3?S Henry toldg. . A SNAP if taken at once; dyeing and clean ing works, horse and wagon; leaving town. Phone Mam 2920. GROCERY Cash business, best location In city for delicatessen or family liquors. Ad drcss AH 488. Oregonian. MEAT market. $350, fixtures, including horse, a cart; fine location. Phone Sell- wood 14.-.7. , JK-fHi GROCERY. East Side; sales average Si0 day: rent $50. on corner. Call 328 Henry bldg. FURNITURE .and lease of apartment house; 40 rooms; close in. No agent a X 489, jOregon lan. ; FOR SALE Cigar, tobacco and confection ery store- Cheap if taken at once. Other business. Call 2:i2 3d st. MOVING picture theater In city for sale, cheap. Pacific Film Co., 404 Rothchild bldg. MOVING-PICTURE theater that pays. You can run it a -week to satisfy yourself. Owner, L475.Orego.iian. WANTED Secretary and manager for es tablished manufacturing plant, V 403, Oregon Ian. GOOD-small restaurant, new building, long lease; chesp; terms; will trade. Phone A 1 21 3. LL-NCH counter, dose In; clears 97 day; for . 1- 1 1 CO lAfh $700 GROCERY, with living-rooms; rent 920. Ca ll rt-o nenry piug. MUST sell 200 shares of Government Stand ard Power. X -It. ur-gonim-, RAZOR blades resharpened. 30c dox. Amer ican e-areiy nwiuue r-o.. w v. aj WILL sell any part of 5"00 Portland Home Telephone bonds. W 4i5. Oregonian. ,v 10 Cl G A R store, close in ; sales average SI-. 1 ail n-nrj nmg- rtor GROCERY, fine location, rent $30; 4 living -rooms, wm invoice-. v.m i RESTAURANT for sale, 43 li X. 6U- St.. GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -A one-half interest in nice grocery store in the best residence part of the city doing a good paying business and a fine man for a partner. The buyer must be equally as good, and have about $1500. A general store in the suburbs of the city on the- electric line, selling dry goods, groceries and hardware: will prove to your satisfaction It is a good business and sell at invoice. It will take about $250O. For $3000 you can buy a retiring part ner's interest in one of the bt paying grocery stores on the West Side In a fine locality or trade and doing a splendid business; will bear the closest investigation and we will invoice the stock. The controlling- interest In one of the large wholesale and retail grocery stores of thi city, doing a business of $J l.ooo a month, and making a nice clean profit; a good location and lease.Price will be made known at this orficaJF Any of tho' above stores are genuine, legitimate propositions, and will bear all necessary investigation. Not on the mar ket for any faults, nor to trade for any other property. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Oregoniun bldg. SALESMAN; old enough to know naturally lazy, but will hustle If paid for it; handsome, but don't look -it; not a college man. but been throuch Missouri, got a good memory, also finely trained forgettery; happy, though married; dont drink, because don't like It; smoke, when someone set them up; honest, up to 0O0.OO0 : no hobbies, except strict business and that million; wants a job. and $ioo a week: will take less. If chance to climb, will come see you if have time, and not too far. Give details. AH 414. Oregonian. - . , - , t- n ITa T V Nlc Utile bakery. wUh lunchroom In connection, in Puget Sound city of inhabitants; 5-year lease and vry low. rent; good locstion. old established busi ness; store newly remodeled and fixed up very attractive: invoice about $2000-$-oO0. AM 4S9. Oregonian. MANUFACTURINGS BUSINESS. If you can invest 95000 you can eecure an equal interest in an ""Bhe1b"1,1"n1I that will net you $10,000 annually; thls is a growing business and will bear closest tave-Ugation. Call room 315. Lumber Ex- change bldg. WANTED Hlch-cla.M promoler. Object In stalling manufacturing plant. Consumption of article, several hundred thousand dol lar. In Portland annually HI litar strictest Investigation. Call or address Patentee, v.l'i union ap-. jwjmi WANTED Location for heating and plnmb lr business in growing ton or city In Northwest; would take Pytner: d"'8S practical experience preferred. Address i ni 1 Dln.tnn Ohio 1 rt eo 1. "luui WANTED Partner with 1000 for a trans fer proposition; prefer a man who can drive team: no experience necessary; this is a money-making proposition, and will stand investigation. P 4SH, Oregonian. SPECIAL, OPENING Merchant wants relia ble partner to keep the accounts, etc-, will pay 100 month salary also share of profits: requires small in-vestment which wm be fully secured; gives best bank re- erences. Particulars 24 ',iStarkst. HALF interest In an old established busi ness, dolns a good business, with a sal Srted Position of J100 per month For full particulars, call Kinney & Stamphcr. Lum ber Exchange bldg- rooms 531-r,32. . itor SALE Photo studio In town of JiOOO populat on in Oregon; located In best bus, neks renter on main street, ground floor. w!n .ell at invoice. Address K Orego- nian. BUYERS If you have from 250 to l-""' to invest In a business proposition that will stand the closest Investigation, give us a trial, as we handle first-class propo sitions only. 1T Board of Trade. CONFECTIONERY: everything new; modern- A-l location: guaranteed on paying basis; unforeseen business forces sale; ev ..rvthins: at invoice; part cash;-terms. trade. AM 404. Oregonlan. ,600 CASH, balance $2O0. at 20 per month, buvs my cigar and poolroom; no compe ition: making good money, beat loca tion In city, cheap rent; am called away; ""."eUon conrtd. J 484. Oregonlan. pXrTNER desired by registered pharm-a-ist jn Portland, centrally located" drugstore- $1000 to 3000; will guarantee 15 per centclty reference. Address N 479, Oregonlrfri. FOR LEASE Owner of gold mine, equipped with 10-stamp mill, will furnish free eleo 7rlc power and lease prop ty or 2. per cent of gross product. Address AN 487, Oregonian. , BIG chance to buy fixtures at sacrifice. Go ing out of business. S6x60 safe. 4 show cases rolltop desk, chair, wall cases, shelvlngs and awning. Make me an otter. 74 N. 6th st. . PARTNER wanted in real estate business: duties will be to show land; experience not necessary; best of references given : ?ery little money required. Call room 815 Lumber Exchange bldg. piRTvpp for a good business; no real estate or dye shop; this will prove sure wages and profit. Address AJ 490. Ore gonian. . TpTt""eSTATE fcwner wants steady part ner to show lan J. etc.: rare chance for energetic man. Particulars 248 Stark street. K.O .cash buy. best locate 1 and Paylng con- t?o" Will stand Investigation. Address box ni. Kugene. r. CIGAR stand, best corner In city for amount Tor"X: 7alV today? 406 East Morrl. on. S. E. corner. WANTED To buy from owner, small busi ness! well located In or out of city; give full particular, first letter. D 4S2, 5re- GKOCERY Fine trade low cut, Jff 0 sacrifice price below invoice to sell quick; ...,ii.i.r. 248V. -Ktark SL TWO well-known musical principals, sing- Jure theater, might buy. AF 485, Ore- gonian. Established 5 years; doing 1SO0 business per month; leas4 central location. Terms Ff HeVired. Price 2.-,00.. L 4S7. Oregonlan. WANTED A-l stock sa 5, P"" sitlon m me cuuhj. Kntldlnr bldg. . HAVE buyers for rooming-houses and rcs- WUTr"LEVt BISHOP! Third St. STOCK of groceries for sale at Invoice; owner leaving - TrftfiH. PARTNER wanted able to Veekl require verj ihiw e i, -i Part 1 c mars .- -2 ,f" " J" WANTED Partner to go Into the real es- tate business; mut r. ahf Oretronian. WHAT have you -to trade for stock in one ot t ne oest w v"- , - vMtisratlon. E 4Js9. Oregonian. WANTED By competent dairyman, flrst- Class, equiiiyni, V i -.- Vi shares. wm. j. mam". LUNCH counter, one of the best locations rignt mil.?. -- DELICATESSEN and lunch room; rent $17. Price $S00: east side Y 477. Oregonian. PHOTO studio for sale In the best location m rltr. AM 456. Oregonlan. BOO BUSINESS cards. $1.00; you must bring this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 192 fcThiro FOR KALE Small laundry plant in Port Is n d . K4SLOwonlan; WILL invest $200 with services that will pay fair salary. AC 4S0, Oregonlan. WELL equipped meat market, doing good business: suburban. Owner. Tabor 5!14. CONFECTIONERY, with living-rooms, rent $'l.1; price f.'..1Q. Call R8 10th. HAVE 2i00 to invest in good business. N 481, Oregonlan. WANTED A solicitor. Apply at Grays Crossing Cleaning Pressing Co.. Monday. DEVLIN ft FIREBAt'CH OFFER A FEW CHOICE BUVS TO BAHQALN HUNTERS. OUR LEADER. 125 rooms, corner brick, downtown verv nicely furnished through, ut: goo lease; lowest rent in city; big monev maker; owner Is sick and must leave f milder climate; this bargain Is going sj the remarkably low price of $jr.0li: $.;0U) cash will consider trade on balance. FINEST IN THE CITY. 72 rooms, corner brick, exquisitely fur nlshed in mahogany and Circassian w nut. Axminster and velvet carpets, bra and disappearing wall beds, with full length mirrors, floss mattresses; 20 pri vate baths; lease 4 years 8 months; lo. rent: clears $4."i0 to $i.'0 monthly. Thli Is without question one of the Tines places In the city, and caters to the rigii class of people. You can buy this right SOMETHING GOOD. 40-room new brick, containing som of the finest furnishings money can buy Axminster and Wilton carpets, brass beds massive furniture, steam heat, hot am cold water In every room. 4 4 years lease. $2-i0 rent, clears $:H monthly: i fine proposition for the party who wanti an elegantly furnished home, combine with a big paying Investment. RATTLING GOOD BUY. 30 rooms, on one of the best corners il the down-town district; very nicely fur nished with Brussels and Wilton carpets iron beds and oak furniture, good tease reasonable rent, does fine transient busl ness; clears $150 to $173 per month ant Is being sacrificed; $1700 puts you it possession. THIS IS A BARGAIN. 20 rooms, elegantly furnished with mi sion furnlHire, Axminster and Brussell carpets in A- condition; rent $100; rigtv doVn town; good money-maker; $nnM puts you in possession. This is a sua worth seeing. BUYERS. If you have been looking for a rooming house and failed to find what you wanted, . call on us. KELLERS. When wanting to dispose of your room ing or apartment-house, call us up. W specialize on this line. DEVLIN & FIRF.RAUGH. 51ll-jll-.-12 Swetland bldg. MRS. LENTS' AGENCY SELLS HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. Phono Main 8500. A 3175. S22-4 Failing bldg.. 3d and Wash. sts. We have an exclusive list of select ho tels and rooming-houses. JUST A FEW SAMPLES. $4000 cash handles this nicely furnished homelike place; a nice place for your fani. ilv- with $2'K a month profit, ROOMS AND APARTMENTS: very ensy to man age: free heat and hot water; 4r!ck build ing and good lease. $7."00 gives you possession of the oest newly furnished house in the city; 74 rooms, sleam heat, running water 10 rooms, private baths. GROUND-FLOOB OFFICE AND LOBBY; this is located ''fl'OOO cash for a first-class transieni house, all on one floor; one of the veri best located houses In the city: must b sold this week; you get the bargain. $1250, one-half cash, buys one of thi nicest little-money-makers, all housekeep ingi hot water heat; THIS IS NICE. $800. one-half cash. 8 rooms, nirely fur nished: on 11th St.: nicely located. APARTMENT-HOUSES. $3500 cash or will give some terms, buy, the entire furnishings of the swellest littl, new modern brie, containing 1. apart ments, filled with a desirable class of ten ants; S-year lease; clearing $201 monthly! there is nothing like tills for the monej in the city; the first one comes gets thla so don't delay; this can be sold soos again at a big profit. sir.OO buvs some furniture and husinesl of a modern apartment-liouse. 30 apart--ments: 5-year lease; can be furnished and vou will have a $10.00" proposition. DL'BOrS CROCKETT, KUtJMlAU-nui-ana. 21400 12 rooms, elegant furniture, 11 first-class condition; large moderl house on corner, close in. nicl vard. rent $7.".. long lease; Incoral $233 per month. This is a first class house. . 1300 10 rooms, nicely furnished. goo location, modern house, rent Income 1."9; a good buy; easj terms: better see this. (700 11 rooms, nicely furnished, gootj location on carllne. modern resi dence; income $13; rent $32.50 ; 3 vsars- lease, a money-maker. f000 20 rooms. well-furnished. all housekeeping suites, on carllne close In; In good condition; renl $rtrt; income $177. This is a good $2450 -"5'rooms, all furnished, steam heat, lease; rent $140; clears $14ij this is a good transient house, well located. , . . ,, 17.-.0 1n rooms, very well furnished, all outside rooms, brick buiUITng. ovJ- heat; rent S125: lease; clears M0 per month: good transient house, well located. n,-nr.ia e. ,-nncifrTT. Room 3. Washington bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUAR FERS, SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK. MUST BE SEEN. f-,00 12 rooms, rent $40. bargain. .-,.-,0 fl rooms, H. K., rent $20. e,;rl 10 rooms, transient, rent 1.15. .son 12 rooms, $300 will handle. js.-io i:t rooms, $43; furnace, elec $lj4,ni 12 rooms, $45, cosy home, jl-njo 23 room. $4". new furniture. l7;oo 20 rooms, trade for lots. $1 son 24 rooms. H. K.: will trade. eo-,00 27 rooms, transient, central, jl.- 2S rooms, trade for farm. $32U0 44 rooms, apart.: rent $1.. S'S4tio to rooms,.- IS apart., furnace. j.-jgiKl 16 rooms, rent $150; central, s.-mno :t4 rooms, modern to date. j-,O00 54 rooms, transient, good lease. $5000 6 rooms, brick bldg., lease. For more particulars call at 610 Swetland bldg. THE ONLY 10-ROOM HOUSE in the city with RUNNING HOT and cold water In rooms aiidSTEAM HEAT: the furnishings are FAR ABOVE the AVERAGE- AXM. and Brussels carpets, fine Iron beds, HAIR and FLOSS mattresses, excellent bedding and everything to cor respond; you can clear $o0 over ALL ex penses, besides 3 nice rooms for your self, or would make a swell little place v for boarders. This is a nice corner dwell ing. 10 minutes' walk from 7th and Moril son sts. ; price $1100- ELLIS, SMITH & 5. 326V4 Washington St., Rooms 201-202. HOTELS APARTMENTS ROOMING-HOUSES P. L. ATTSTTN & CO ORIGINAL EXCLUSIVE HOJ.EI APARTMENT AND ROOMING-HOUgB BROKERS. WE BUY. SELL. ,LEA,sf1 AND EXCHANGE HOTELS IN ALL PVRTS OF THE U. S. SUITE 419 AND 417 ROTHCHILD BLDG. rllONE : MAR SHALL 743. SEE OUR LIST BEFORE BUYING. SPECIAL AT 305 3T ST. ALL CLOSE IN. 7 rooms, rent $30. $200 down. 9 rooms, rent $25. $200 down. 11 rooms, rent $35. $30 down. 14 rooms, rent $20. $500 cash. 15 rooms, clearing $80. $400 down. 100-room apartment-house clearing $40O per month; $5000 down. -articuiajs ai o" 1 ROOMS, inniiir,ni. The best proposition in Portland: steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; close In; two entrances; all rooms on one floor; carpets and furniture first-class; 'PORTLAND ROO$M"NG-HOUSE CO.. FURNISHED house for rent; an elegantly furnished six-room house; nice yard: everything new and in first-class condi tion: with or without piano. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 HenryjBldg. 17 ROOMS Close"ifron Taylor St.; furnace, first-class furniture and carpets; lease and rent only $85 per month; price $1600, 'PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., A GOOD paying house of 12 rooms, choice location. nest aiue, c.B.v - - . tance business district: everything clean, most of the furniture and rugs new; low rent: .11 cash required. J 493. Oregonian. 9 ROOMS, elegant furniture; rent $40: tine locality: a snap; oniy -w Portland rooming-house co.. - 313 Henry Bldg. GEO. A. BOWYER. Hotel Broker. 203 Gertlnger Bldg. Special attention given to selling and buy ing t-acmc. Loaat xi'j.--'" MUST go East; will sacrifice 30-room hotel catering to rommen-im up to date; will sell cheap for quick sale; few miles from Portland. Mrs. Lydlng. Yamhill. Or. FOR SALE Rooming-house, 22 rooms, with lease; part cash and part terms; good business and good reason for selling. Main T528: ' 13 ROOMS, clearing HO monthly, for sale at about your own price; rooms always filled with steady roomers; swell location. 417 Board of trade. WANTED Rooming-house. 13 to 20 rooms, unfurnished: must be first-class, reason able, good location; three-years' lease. 8 4?to Oregonian. FURNITURE of 10-room house. Nob Hill district; income $11"; rent $.0; .2o casa I will handle. Owner. E 4f2. Oregonlan. A. I 22 ROOMS, best of locations, clearing good money; can ne Dougni rignu tu xu.r k Trade. MUST sell this weesH furniture of my fl. room house, .good furniture and carpets. Owner. 29 North. 17th V A A