The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 06, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 17, Image 33

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STEAM HEAT Aa elderly man. Jost from
th Kui. an engineer y traoe.
ttr.nt. trtctly sober. d.ire a poaitlon
In mall plant or stem-heaied building,
mora frr home than wage. Phone ooa-l-a
237 or addree N. M.. l"i4 Albtna,
rr-t that puwn N. M. VN oodia ri
2U37 Um1r a rgrd to th bov
p r(T : am now at bom. N. M.
Ioim Alb: a ave,
CABINETMAKER: ti1 many yar x
princ, building, furniture, toys and re
frigerators; yser eorni'-ior foi Gur
nev Kefriserator C. Would nk to In
terest Hfitrrn manofaturr in a new
and practical construction in refrireratora.
Address Jefferavnian. 414 Jefferson t-.
YfH'NO man of a. must have work of
some kind; have had railroad, banking and
lumMr experience, will go anywner and
ill consider any reasonable ofT-r; will
f-ow leiien of rwmirn,i'.l"n and fur
nish rffrncM; not a drunrd or cigar-
find. T 46. Oregonian.
Li fcNbtU chauffeur can do own repair
work; careful driver and know city;
doe not use either Iijt or tobacco; not
afraM of work and will guarantee to
ibaIi good on any gasoline car;, wrilllng
to accept anything. A K 4fl. Oregonian.
BT ' man and wit, running apartments,
man conversant with steam, electrical and
hydraulic app.iancea, woman years' ex
perience: ftwok tbia up: we can deliver
the good a H 474. Oregonlea,
SITUATION wanted by experienced man aa
coachman, caretaker or bandy man around
the house; Austria-Hungarian with flret-
laaa American and foreign references.
M 4v. oregonlan.
YoUNG man with 10 years' emparlance tn
the auto buain-a aa salesman and garage
manager would take similar poeitlon with
reliable firm; can furnish, beat references.
H 46. Oregonlan.
WANTED By thoroughly pfrtnced man
In building construction, position as super
intendent or genrril foremai. ; can handle
larse force of men; best references A1
dr. ";." ail Queen Anne ave.. Seattle.
A RESPONSIBLE man and wife want
charge of a good rooming block or house,
with privilege of buying; must bo closa
in. modern, well furnished and respect
ao. M OS, Oregonlan.
SlROMi. husky boy of It want poattlon of
anv kind that wtll enable him to attend
business coilega during day. T 491. Ore
go n la n.
BY stationary enalneer. In or out of city:
experienced with Corliss and other engines
and D. C. generator; steady, strictly urn-p-rat.
married. W 4L Oregonlan.
EX PKRIKNCKU merchandise man wants
position: wholesale house preferred : an
ail-around man who can do things; high
est reference. AM 4fi. Oregonian.
PRINTER Eperenred man for permanent
work; ad and makeup or job; familiar
with cylinder or platan presets. AM 4t2.
MAX and wife want position on farm; can
give beet ot referencea from reliable peo
ple. all at 3(U E4 Morrison St.,
toom ll.
A POSITION, engineer or Janitor, under
stands steam heating plants, car and re
pair of elevator pumps, etc.. apart ment
hols preferred. AD47.Oregooian.
MACHINIST Toonr men. 57 yeara of age,
with 1 years' esperieuce and all-around
machinist, wants work of any kind, li
41. Oregonlan.
GOOD mandolin and guitar players wish
employment; don't object to good country
town. Address Hawklna Klneraly, 43J
k . lsT lanl fir
WANTED Position In general store b
voting man with several years' experience;
no objection to country. I- B. V ooeter.
ilMarrlonstieli'Hd. Or
V ASTED Pool t loo by married mlddle aced
man. where an opportunity tor advance
ment: best of referencea I urn la bed. Ad
dreea A 4M. Oregonlan.
Bookkepera mad BteaogTaphera.
Hu K K KKPEK Young lady of g-od ap
pearance. reftnd and well-educated,
thoroughly competent to handle off ua
hjinrM of any kind, desires poult ton;
must have fair aalary to be4n with, and
opportunity for advancement. Portland
reference furnished if desired. Phone
Main ,
WANTED Paltlow bv experienced stenog
rapher with reputable law ttrm: aeveral
ft rm' general experience; desire to make
a apaclalty of law work. B 4S. Ur
Ot'N'e ladr stenographer, at present em
ployed, desirous of making chana. mlil
a.--ept position aa private secretary; ref
rrtn e given. A 4sd. tn-egonla n.
i.-XPKBT Insurance and real aetata aton
rapher. eight years' prartKal exprl
n. a. dxelrea poattloa linaiedlalely. AH
UKt. Otaa-onlan.
il Nti ady. thorouahly experienced la
w holesale mirk. al bookkeeper, desires
poaltlou; city references. AB 4Ho. Orvgo-
Vul'Xtl lady desirea clerical work for two
or three evenings w eekl: permanent;
owr.s typewriter. K 4i, I TJ'gonlan.
EX PHI: I EN KP you tic w oman. bookkeeper
and stenocrapher. drslrrs position at once.
R..H'x ;o3T. Station A.
BY nrst-elaee stenographer, college gradu
are. valuable experienta. AO 4S. Orcgo
rtsn W XTEI H experienced stenocrapher.
wuh typewriter, hait-day position. J l ark
street. Main
piSITI).V hr competent stenocrapter and
oftit-e ataiant; good references. 6 4.V,
regn lan.
airi'ATlOX by experienced cashier and
srenocrapher: ran furnish referencea. A
l-rt Oregonlan.
STr N MIR vi'TlER. ft years' experience, very
rp;d and a.-curare. desires ixwuion, rea
i.'inn sa'ary. F J'. Ore run I an.
I titiaXNKNT peition wanted by expert-en-
ede n(fi- girl not afraid of work. O
POSITION WANTED by young stenog
rapher; soma experience. Will take bill
ing; small salary to start. Phone E. 1-V
1,ADT. experienced In bookkeeping and busi
nea desires position. D 4a, Ore 1 KMHiRAPH E H would like easy position
to get experience; good speller. Call C
DKESMAK1Nj Indies, have our gown
made at the "Mdel Dressmaking Par
lors," whare a model stands for )our nt-
t t n k 3 T T V a n c uer ave. East 2j
r . il I o N A B I . K dressmaking and ladles
tailoring. fancy waist a remodeltna of
i) na. reasonable: rara of experience.
MT Montgomery. M. 1IH.
FIRST-OKAS8 taltoreae and dreaamaker from
the East wanta sawing by the day.
43 East Lincoln st.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanta work by
day: good cutter and fitter; doea altera-
tt.-ri. Phone Tabor
1H K.-MAKR Just from the East, would
lik vngaenents by the day; first claaa
work. Phone Main U.
m .-.vMAKF.R waata engagements . good
utter, line work of any kind; lailoring;
specialty. Pbona A Z0$.
SEwlxa. ' lad lea underwear, ihitdrenS
clothea a specialty. Phone Woodlaw a
I'RKSSil AKR aad lalloreaa wt;l make en
gagements by tha day. Call vaninga,
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wlahea work at
T ome or by day. Mlsa Collar. A 7479.
KRIVaTE lessons la dressmaking. t7? Vaa
couver ae, K.-vst ;$S3.
FANCY and plain dressmaking. Is North
7th st-
FASHIONABLE dressmskine; ; prices reason
able: work guaranteed; tel. Marshall 42.
DRESSMAKING, rwastnable charges. Mlsa
Obstan, Main 137. 4& llth st,
TY IUH dresses up; tl.&w up;
B ne work. 5J E. Mill East S2Z d.
COM PET EXT dressmaker wlahes few mora
engagements; referencea Main oo4X
TTIJ8Mdrcasea, 15 up. waists. $1.50 "up;
ftne work. 5.1 E. Mill. East 5-..
WANTED A poaitloa as nurse In foreign
family : ran giv a good reference: have
had diploma for SO yeara. AJ 4M. Ore
W A XTE D Poaitloa as child's nurse or care
of invalid or companion; wou'd travel if
nsvesaarv; by respectable woman; beat of
references. All 41. Pregonian.
ian stve invalid prtate room care, city
references; trained nan, long exprlenca
nervua cases, own homey Tabor 221a.
t(sP.TE.T. experienced cheerful lady de
sires position : manageress room log -bouse
r'-ferred. Exit Hi':.
OR a tr ATE aura, masseusa. nrat-claaa. In
st itutioa or private party. J 417. Ore
gon;an PKA'T1CAL maternity nurse wants case at
aetca. Soffit housework. Mala J4$7;
1 MAKE a "spec I alt yof laundering fine Taca
r uriaina Work done at hocaa. Refer
encea. Phone Marshall ItL
LADT wAUld like position aa manager of
a patrrent house. AK 4 'V i regon l a n .
N 1'F.fiE will rare for Invalids. ngd or In
fants, reaeonabie. Ph ae eilwoot l-
WANTED Eery day euu Call all week.
Mam - .
IR a I N K D nure wishes ewse at oeee; terms
raatonaMe; UtUe housework., Maia Mt.
TOL'NO ladv, 30 years of age, attending
night school, wishes position in physician's
or den lists office, on or about Dec ft: sal
ary a a week; no experience, but willing
to learn and pleas. O 492. oregonlan.
WANTED By young lady, speaking German
and Engllih. position In grocery store or
wholesale bouse to take orders and general
MWork; K4l Oregonlan.
SIT I AT ION wanted In doctor's of flee as as
sistant, by renned young lady who speaks
German, and experienced In work. K 44,
Nl'RKE Lady, trained specialist, mental and
nervous diseases, mate or temaie. willing
to travel or stay at home. Mlsg Edltn
Angela Y. W. C. A.
bi (nation wanted; Mrs. W. E. Haydan. prac
tical nurse, li yeaxs' experience: doctor
references. Rea. 3t K. 2th. beUwood 1Q1.
AX V gentleman who has a horn and wlahea
It kept up In lira l -class condition, and
wishes someone who would lake th same
interest a they would In their
w hile employed, please call at 1SI st
Park it Phone Mala 211. I am a wltlow
and have no objection to on two cn"
dren. Ask for Mrs. O. M.
POSITION' as housekeeper In pleasant boms,
with good peopte, by refined, cultured wo
man; good cook and manager; widower
famliy or club of gentlemen preferred.
a I.. 4SS oregonlan.
MIDDLE ageL woman desire position In
sms.l family houaekeeper, car of In
valid or any capacity where the servers
of educated reliable person would he ,e
qulred ; reXerenCTS. T 40. Oregonlan.
MIDDI.E-AOB woman wlsheee position as
housekeeper In widower's horns; perfoctiy
cable of taking full charge; no objection
to children: would lv city. Phon
yeilwood '2. Address AJ 4tfJ. Oregonlan.
BE KIN ED. unincumbered. Eastern widow of
i't. would like position as housekeeper for
widower or sued couple of means, out of
lty. Mrs. Freda Blbby, gen. del., Port
l;;nd. Or.
TOI.'NU woman of refinement, with boy of
11. wants position aa housekeeper In fam
ily; rooming-house or hotel; thoroughly
competent; only those who mean business
need calL ib Jefferon.
TOi;NO lady. German, wishes position a
housekeeper where sh has opportunity
lake car of children; good referenc
from N. Y. II. Lowitx, b71 Frout u.
RESPECTABLE, middle-aged woman wants
place as housekeeper, city or country,
where boy la can attend high school. P
4S2, Oregonlan. .
WAXTED A position aa houaekeeper or to
take full charge of an apartment or rooming-house;
bst of referencea. k 42, Ore-
WAXTED Light housework by middle
aged woman, good plain cook and neat
pleas stat what wagea to expect; rwfr-
encea. AH 4t6, Oregonlan.
WANTED A business woman desire posi
tion a manager or housekeeper in a
Orst -class apartment or rooming-house. AN
40. Ore gonlan.
LADY. bet references, wants light house
keeping room or board, private family;
Tt-asonahle. H 4J, Oregonlan.
RESPECTABLE young woman would like t
take charge of rooming-house. A 484.
RELIABLE widow with girl of 4 w I shoe
position as housekeeper. Catharine Ford.
Forest Orove. Or. .
REFINED woman with child desires situa
tion as housekeeper; references given and
required. Address P 4S3. Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted by young widow, boy t
years, competent and reliable. t3e Clay
st. A 4411.
TWO Finnish girls want to do housework.
Address l-'S E. Park st.
SITUATION aa housekeeper by lady ot ex
perience : references. L. 193. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT lady cook wishes a situation
In a private family t cooking only). P. O.
box 42. Lenta
ELDERLY woman wants situation with
-mall family. E. 39th. Tsbor I7:t2.
SITUATION wanted by bright girl from Wis
consin: college education; J years" experi
ence teaching: S year' experience at gen
eral of rice work In state office; good
cook. A J 47. Oregonlan.
WAXTED A position of responsibility In a
puvslclan's office by a youDg woman who
understands the us of wail plat. AJ
4. JOregonlan.
WANT management of first -class hotel or
apt. house, by Intelligent business woman;
have owned and managed both; may buy.
X 4T. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLAPS cook and helper wish posi
tion In camp or board In r house, city or
country. Addre F. Butler. Prlndle,
WOt'LDN'T yon like to leave your llttl
one In a comfortable suburban home while
you are engaged during the Winter? fi
4(. Oregonlan.
A TEACHER direct from an Eastern conser
vatory of music will gtve beginners only
S lessons on. the piano for SI. D 4S, Ore
gonlan. ,,
TEACHER of experience will coach back
ward pupils In either grammar grade or
rnh school studies. 8 43S. Oregon lan.
WANTED By lady of refinement, position
a companion to lady; call phon East
27t or Marshall ?U.
TO! "NO lady wants mail-order or advertis
ing; poaitlon; can take full charge. Tabor
XOI'NO lady of good education ani business
ability would like position of Ave or six
hour day. AB 4 .-ft, Oregonlan.
WANTED Poaitlon as waltres or cham
bermaid, years of experience. 607 Mar
shall street-
TWO ladle, experienced In chamber work,
dtfaire positions in first -class hotel. Ad
drraa J 4M, Oregonlan.
COMPETENT seamstress wishes work by
day or with ramiiy. a eJ. wregonian.
A OOOD laundrcsa wishes engagemanta by
the day. Phone A 6-37.
A COMPETENT manicurist want a poaitlon.
'all Wood lawn 177.
A LADY want work by the day. Main 4378.
4Ja 5th at-
COMPETENT willing woman wants work
by the day or hour, rnone jtain iv.
A LADY wtll car for children afternoons.
Phone B 2"2L
DRESSMAKIXG Children's cloLhes a ap-
Clalty. F-qone r.mmi t '
EXPERIENED woman wants any kind c
work by the day . P hop M a I n4 2 1 7
WOMAN would like a place to cook for
... iiv mn r isd Oretrivnlan.
lalty. Phone tun ii..
cook for 8
A LADY wants dav9 work. Ironing, cleaning;
reference. A 4So-
N O R W EG IAN woman wanta day
Phone Main S7fn. mornings.
WO M AN wis he day work. Phon Tabor
WOMAN want day work. Phone Mala
5770. a
WOMAN would like to work by the day.
Box 131. Arieta.
YOl'NO lady wishe offlc work, doctor or
dontlat's preferred; experienced. B 3230.
WANTED Bundle washing to take home.
TeL Main 3.V3.
GRADUATE gives two piano or mandolin
ley son for 75 eta. J 490. Oregon ian,
WOMAN want work by dy. be U wood ISO,
AGENTS to handle biggest money-making
Fir Extinguisher, b jeotal starting offer,
exclusive terriiory to t-,(0 per
month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co 1111
wsuke. Wis.
BRIGHT women wanted to sell book, that
Is creating sensation among women; easy
seller; big profit- 754 Pacific bldg., San
MAKE enough to buy yourself an auto
. mobile be for Xmaa. Mammoth hand
decorated fl bottle perfume. SVc. Parker
Chemical Co.. Chicago.
AGENTS Our vegetable soap: fastest seller
on earth; 1 per cent profit. Permanent
business: territory, free sample. Morgan
Supply Co.. St, Louis. Mo.
A LI M IN CM coffee makers 100 other big
25c and 50 sellers, big profit; a postal
brings free scent's proposition. hllllp
Co.. 27 Phillips bldg.. Dayton. O.
WE pay t3d a week and expense to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dt-pL
7H. Parsons. Kan.
AGEXTd for portraits, frame and art nov
elties; samples and catalogues fee. Ad-
dreaa N. M. Friedman A Co.. Mfga.. bog
Marttnuhurg. Mo.
AGENTS waated to aid us supply th de
mand for chole nursery stock; on tot
free; cash weekly. Ad dree Capital City
Nursery Co, Salem. Ot.
ACTIVE ranvaars can make tCO weekly
sailing tree for the Oregon Nursery Com
pany. Liberal propoaiUon; good isrrttory.
Address Oronco. Or.
AGENT wanted, free sample of eeU-thread-Ing
need la. circulars and terms. Ldic
Art Co.. Dept. 12. St. Louis. Mo.
AGENTS, yott ran know about tha profits
made supplying perfumes to famiHea. Ad
dreas t:nr A o., St. Loul. Mo.
AGENT paid to distribute samples, etc;
miki t to t per day. Herbl Mfg. Co.,
Mi waukie. Or.
PER CENT proftt; 15 to:s In on. 6sm-
fte free t workers. A. Thomas CO. 20J
Inch bldg- La ton. Ohio,
'CANCHESTER" 1 biggest money-maker
er known. On agent made 1)7 .So four
days. One $73 J3 five day a Others are
making from ft to 110 day selling 1m
pYoved patented Canchester Keroaen
Incandescent Lamp. Burn air Instead of
money. HUt times blighter than electric
ity, gas, acetylene. 1-ltfth cost. Burn
with or without mantel. Fits amy lamp,
raves 75 per rent oil. No trimming wicks.
Liahilng methods revolutionised. Showing
means eel ling. Territory going fat. Write
tousy. Particular fre. Handsome out
fit furnished. Beware of Imitation. Can
rheeter Light Co., - (State st . Chicago.
Dept. 50 N.
A GENT J For a vacuum cleaner that weighs
only five pounds, sells f-r ftd. yet doe the
work of the more expensive machines: big
profits, liveliest proposition eve offered to
an agem ; many agents making tloo w eek
ly: othlrs 7i to t50 weeklv: demonstra
tion mean aale; you can sell ten of our
machines to one of any other make Writ
at once P. A W. Vac jum Cleaner Co., &lw
West 45th St.. New York. ;
SEND for free copy of "The Thoma Agent
greatest agents' paper published. Filled
with money-mAklng plans, "no-license tax'
decision of Supreme Curt. Pointers to
agents. Every agent In IT. S. should have
a copy at once. Address today. Thomas
o.. 7103 Wayne ave.. Dayton Ohio.
Ol'R startling new inventions. Sax on I a Spark
Gas Lighter. cheaper than matches;
vacuum cleaner, cheaper than brooms;
Incandescent kerosene mantle lamps,
cheapest and best light known; quick
vales and large profits. TJ. S. A. Lighting
Co.. pfi IX. Springfield. Mass.
NO BETTER proposition Is offered than an
agency for the Aladdin" Incandescent
keroeen mantle lamp. Write today for
booklet number 0. telling all about thin
wonderful, lamp and our special proposi
tion to agent a The Mantle lamp Com
pnny of America. Portland. Or.
AGENTS wanted to sell our new lino of
Air Brush Show Card. Nothing Ilk them
on earth: on a gent a earns $10 a week;
another $90 a week; you ran do th same.
Sample and partlculara free. People's Show
Card Concern, 433 Franklin bldg., Chicago.
SWEETHEART." the daintiest novelty of
the age. Every mother, lover, sister or
brother : "If you lov me, give m a
Sweetheart." 25c Exclusive territory to
a rents. "Atkins," Hotel Me1 ford. Port
land. Or.
EVERYWHERE; famous Bocaro diamonds;
experts puxzled to detect from genuine;
Immense profits for agents, either sex,
young or old. Sam pi offer (ring or stud)
and catalogue free. Bocaro Jewelry Co.,
16U E. Washington St.. Chicago. 111.
HANDLE our high-grade line toilet prepa
ratlons: earn $-00 real money every month,
with our clean-cut selling system you
cnt help but make good; post card bring
complete instructions. Address today,
famatlon Chemical Co.. SL Louis, Mo.
AGENT? earn (25 to I AO weekly selling our
braided waists and dresses, something new.
petticoats, various embroidery novelties;
catalogue free. National Importing Co,
Desk D. Broadway. New York.
SEND for free catalogue of Thomas guar
anteed hosiery for men. women and children-
Agents make $1.33 per bour. Free
samples- Thoma Co.. 9103 Stat St., Day
ton. Ohio.
FOL'R new patents Just In from Germany;
fiOO other red-hot sellers; Xmas silverware,
new books, games, novel ties; catalogue
and samples free. K. Edgren Co.. Mil
waukee. Wis.
NOSPLASH sampi free, agents, both sexes;
Eureka Amleplaah waterstralners ax win
ners; dally profit, (5 upward; get sample,
he convinced ; send -c postage. Seed
Filter Co.. )3 A Raade, New York.
We furnish th renter, ooilect th rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as thoueh the property
was our own; references, any bank m
246 Stark St.
Phone A 8000, Main 3&
WE have several people who wish to rent
furnished and unfurnished houses, flats,
apartments. We make a specialty of look
ing after home, such as the repairs, pay
ing the taxes, aeelng that the insurance
doea not expire, and remitting to th
owner promptly each month. If your
property 1 now vacant and you wish a
tenant, we can fill th bill. F. . Taylor
A Co.. 402-4U3 Lewi bldg.. 4th aad Oak.
WANTED Modern small flat furnished or
light housekeeping rooms by Dec. 1, In
vicinity of West Park and Columbia sts.;
must be reasonable; adults only; refer
encos. Address Box 7dl. phone A 44o.
WANTED By Nov. JfO, unfurnished cottage,
bungalow or flat, within walking dlstauc
of irvington school; 3 adults. Phone A
WANTED 5 or 6-room unfurnished bouse,
within 15 or 20 minutes' walk from P. O.
East or Wast Side. Phone C 2obl, Wood
lawn 2154. ,
YOUNG coupl want furnished houae at lest
six rooms; permanent; not too far ouU
Apply box J 4o. Oregonian.
WANTED Two unfurnished rooms, pleas
stale price and location, give phon No.
and address AC 4Utf. Oregonlan.
TOLL Thompson Rental A Fire Insurance
Agency; houses solicited; repair; taxes;
furnish tenant Call tlO Falling bldg.
WANTEDSTOom furnished house, close
tn. tf. J. S.. the Esmond, city.
WANTED Ground-floor front apartment In
apartment hous. Three or four room.
310 E- 35th st.
WANTED Room for gentleman and board
and room for 5-year-old boy. Address XI.
Bojanower.. 16 E. 3d st.
WANTED By young man. well furnished
room with bath, either East or West Hide;
must be good alstance out and away from
car Una; dark, old-fashioned housus will
not be considered; can furnish references.
P 490. Oregonlan. .
WELL heated and furnished room. $10-112.
modern, wanted by young gentleman, good
references: could possibly take 1 or J
meals, but -not necessary. P 49J, Ore
gonlan. .
WAXTED By aingle man. furnished room,
on East Side, within walking distance of
the Shaver and Alblna Homestead cboola.
Address P. O. B.. 374 Portland.
WANTED by November 16, large furnished
room In vicinity of East Yamhill and 13th
sta. Must be furnace or steam heat, and
reasonable. X 480, oregonlan.
WANTED On large unfurnished room for
housekeeping for on man. O 4 (s 6, Ore
gonlan. WANTED To rent space In basement in city
for shop and storage purposes. Address
P. Q. box 74. St. Joans. Or.
ROOM and board or breakfast with private
family only, by gentleman; re fen: net. AL
4. Ortjgonlaiu '
ELDERLY single man wishes comfortaol
room, atove and plain board; give full px-
tlculsr. AF 497, Oregonlan.
BY responsible parties, 2 or 3 unfurnished
rooms or small house near Lincoln Hi 4 a
School preferred. AB 488. Oregonlan.
FCRNISHED. well-heated room, on East
Side, Ankeny carlln preferred. Phone A
2J15. between 8 and 10 A. M.
MAN and wife want two clean furnished
housekeeping rooms. West Sid; prma-
ncnt. AL 469. Oregonlan.
WAXTED Furnished room on Portland
Height, without meals. Address 06 E.
S2d st.
WANTED By young woman employed,
room and hoard on West Sid. 494,
YOUNG man wishes room and board; state
terms: on East Side. F 400, Oregonlan.
WANTED One or two unfurnished house
keeping-rooms: adult. AQ 40A Oregonlan.
Boom With Board.
GENTLEMAN wlahea board and room; re
quirement: steam heat, hot and cold
water In room. West Side location, good
plain home cooking; Is not a crank but
w lshee to live comfortably and well siid
can pay a fair price. AF 489. Oregon an,
LADY employed during day want bright
room and board. West Sid, but must be
near down town. Call up today bL 10
and 12 only. A 1SS4.
WAXTED, by gen tleman of refinement,
room with board In private family; must
be within walking distance of down town.
AF 4 7. Oregonlan.
BOOM and board by working woman, nice
privet family or small board Ing-houset
West Sid, walking; distance. AF 492, Ore
TOl'NQ lady teacher desire room and board
with exclusive family: West Side; only
abaolutely private families need reply. S
4M. Oregonlan.
YOUNG lady stenographer wishe board and
room in strictly private family; Weat Side,
walking distance; reference exchanged.
AL 4Sd, Oregonlan.
WAXTED Furnished room with breakfast,
private family: must be reasonable; give
paxtlc u 1 are, aj e--a. wtt gon ian.
TOt'NO man wishes room and board in re
fined, private Jewish family. AM 4S7,
TWO young man want board and room la
refined home on Weat Bide, within walk
ing distance. O 4M, Oregonlan.
WANTED, by a young man. room and bosrd
In private family. Please state location
and rate. Address AC 45. Oregonlan.
YOi XG woman, employed, wsnts room and
board In strtctlr private, modern home;
r entral Ksst Side. T 4W. Oregonlan.
BOY, IS, wants room and board In prlvat
family. 3 meeis: catnoac zamiiy prcierrvu.
B 469. Oregonian.
Boom With Board.
GENTLEMAN and wife, both occupied dur
in g the day. desire room end board tn
strictly private home: only moderate con
venience with modern comforia and priv
acy will be acceptable; West Side only
and within 10 minutes' walk from Post
office; satisfactory references provided.
K40. Oregonian.
BY 2 refined" young ladles, employed, room
and board In strictly private family; West
Side. A 480, Oregonlan
rort RENT.
IN THE business and social center of th
city, 3 finely furnished rooms, steam heal,
adjoining good bath, each suitable for
or 3 people; 2 roomi could be used as a
sfjlt; (4.30. 5-00 and (4.5U per week. 1W
10th st. The ColonlaL
124 14th St., cor. . Wash. t, 1 large
unfurnished room with private bath, also
furnished rooms, permanent or translenL
FURNISHED, also unfurnished, rooms, very
suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st
and Pine.
tarnished Room.
1 Eleventh 6
Ser. modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot ar.d cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and
comXortabls. Ratee very reasonable. Call
and aee us . Regular and transient trade
MOTEL BUCKINGHAM, op. Portland Hotel,
tlO Yamhill; first-class furnislied rooms.
ainsrle or un suite: modern; sou up; transi
ants solicited. M. 31.
JL UN; 9 W
week, up.
flth st., 4 squares above P. O. ; family
hotel, private baths and telephone; tran
sient solicited.
HOTEL BUSH 51 ARK. Washington and 17th.
first-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; all modern conveniences; 3 weekly
up. A 2647. Main 5047. ,
FOUR nice, furnished rooms for rent, two
extra large, with plenty of light. 331 14th
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall st.. well
furnished sleeping rooms, (50 per week;
electric lights, hot baths free.
Furnished Boom.
Corner 4th. CoO Taylor,
and Alder sL near 7th,
These two beautiful new hotels just
completed and handsomely furnished, pjs.
sess every modern convenience including
levator service and private telephone ex
change. Both are right dawn town, yet
just off all oarlines: about half the rooms
In each have private baths, all otners hot
and cold water. The rates are curpris
lngly low. Call and see them and you
will be pleased in every way. Boom by
the day, week or month,
THE WEAVER, 710 Washington aC, near
King; a perfect modern home; private
bath, ateam heat, hot and cold running
water, and telephone In every room; fin
est part of the city; the maximum of
convenience at th minimum of expense;
we make you feel at home; dining-room
In connection; best in the city for the
8S7H East Burn aide Street.
An elegant suite of rooms with private
bath; will give special rate to four young
men; also modern rooms, hot and cold
-water. $2.50 to (8 per week. Phone B 1275;
. East 6940
Under new management, steam heat, all
conveniences, first-class board and rooms;
reasonable rates; try us. 2ftl 13th st.
THE ASSEMBLY, 2tt5 6th sL, 2 large fur
nished rooms, wtlh running water; one
single room 3 per week; one housekeeping
suite; bath and phone; large yard; near
THE DORMER, 2H3 13th t., corner Jef
ferson Under new management, being
thoroughly renovated; Depot and Jeffer-son-su
and lttth-st. car pass the door;
steam heat.
HOTEL MIDLAND, southeast cor. Sixth and
Stark st. bteam heat, hot and cold water
- In rooms. Special rate by month. Mrs.
Anderson, proprietor.
THE MORKISCN, 17th and Morrison, under
new management; clean, newly furnished
rooms, single or en suite. Call or phone
Marshall 1519.
LARRABES HOTEL, 227 Larrabee St.,
steam heat, electric light, hot and cold
water, bath; $2.50 and up per week.
MODERN outside rooms, (2.50' to (3 per
week. Including baths; also housekeeping
rooms. 54b Washington t.
NEWLY furnished rooms, hot and cold
water, steam heat. Davenport A part -menta.
5o5 Jefferson st. Main 5435.
NICELY furnished front room, steam heat,
suitable for two gentlemen. 401 10th st.
Flat A.
The Haxel Nicely furnished steam-heated
rooms, running water. 3d and Montgomery.
FUKXIKHED flat. 4 rooms, homelike, close
in. 273 H 7th st.
NEWLY furnished rooms, furnsce heat. 178
Ella, cor. Washington. Phone Main 23.
LARGE airy rooms, all newly furnished, in
modern home; both phone. 663 Kearney.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with or with
out board. On or two gentlemen. 428
51111 st.
FURNISHED rooms for rent; board If de
sired. Wulet and reasonable. 34 East
loth at. North, corner Burnslde.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen, with
private famllv, home privileges. Phone
Main SoSH. 4o4 Jefferson.
WANTED Lady roommate, desirable. Cue a
Rosa. 0th and Jefferson. Phone Main
LARGE beautiful room In private family;
everything modern, board If desired. 544
East Ash. Phone East 4fl3l. ;
NICE front room for one or two gentle
men, breakfast If desired; between ISth
and Iftth. 5S9 Wash. Home place.
ELEGANTLY furnished front alcove, every
thing new and strictly up to date: walk
ing distance. M 8015, 349 Harrison.
NEWLY furnished room, private family,
home comforts, walking distance, $1.75 up.
Jast27 5 2..3iv uii am ave.
LARGE front room, use of kitchen, new,
clean, convenient, walking distance. Phon
A 3728.
LA RG E airy rooms, new. clean, modern,
suitable for two or three gentlemen. A
LARGi front room, suitable for two: also
one small room, close in. 321 W. Park.
ONE nice front room, prlc 12.50 a week.
401 H 3d su
233 HTH ST. Single room for gentleman ;
prlvte home, every convenience.
LARGE pleaaant room, running water, for
gentleman: close in. 127 14th st.
(10 MONTH, nlc front room, bath, walking
distance, eo qui.
LARGE front room, suitable for 1 or 2
gentlemen. 195 13th st.
COZY room, hot water heat, walking dls
tance. $12 month. 429 Market t, A 4006.
LARGE, light room with board for 2 gcu
tlemen: $5 a week. 543 Yamhill t.
LARGE front room, closet and running wat
er. 615 Morrison St. Phone A 8S38.
BOARD and room in private family; gen
tlemcn preferred. 288 13th t- Main 7734.
ROOMS to rent In private family. 649 John
son L
FURNISHED room, gas, bath. heat, etc.;
on carllne. 239 Fargo st.
FRONTROOM; private family; modern con-
veniences. eoo tanwww
215 12TH ST., corner Salmon, modern, with
Large nicely furnished parlor for 2 gen
tlemen. Phone A 3875.- Call S42 Taylor.
A FRONT room, all convenience, walking
distance. 684 GUsan.
FOR RENT Room In modern horn on
Willamette Heights. Main 8539.
LARGE front room asy walking distance,
suitable for gentleman. 19 13lh st.
WELL furnished room; private family. 428
Second st.
NICELY furnished front room. In modern
Cottage. 11 Jiaiaei. u
FURNISHED room In private family, mod-
ern. Phone B 26T9.
(2.30 NICELY furnished room, modern,
close in. 324 14 th St.
LARGE front room for one or two gentle-
mtn; home comfort 568 Main at.
ONE comfortably furnished room for gentle-
man; West Park. tlO. Main 9000.
NEWLY furnished front room, bom privl-
leges. suitable for 2. 236 Ivy st.
NICELY furnished room, heat, bath, phone.
$2 up. Walking distance. 325 12 1 It
WARM, comfortable room, breakfast if de
sired. Phone43J9JJl-JCe
(10 MONTH, bright, pleaaant room, suitable
for two. 475 Clay t.
ELEGANT front room; furnace heat, bath;
fine neighborhood; close In. 292 Tenth.
NICE front room, private family; (2; one
tl.M) per week. 2 Stoo t . M aln 72o7.
NICE clean attic room, (1.2$ per week. 1S
14th. . .
NICELY furnished room. West P1de. gentle-
men only; (2.50 week. 412 Hall st.
FURNISHED rooms 305 Larrabee st.
CLEAN room, reasonable. 2t8 12th fU
Furnished Booms la Private Family.
BEAUTIFUL front room for refined couple
or gentleman: also smaller room for gen
tleman: references exchanged; right down
town and rent reasonable; not a rooming
house, but family who wish to rent these
two rooms to people who will appreciate
comfortable, quiet quarter for Winter.
Main 7430.
HEAVY army tent, 14x14. Board floor and
side. Front porch, 10x14; kitchen at
tached: completely furnished: electric light
and water; near street cars Cost (100,
will sell for (50. Am leaving the city.
AM 4H3, Oregonlan.
ONE elegantly furnished large white enam
eled room In private family, every con--venience,
fins surround I ngs, paved streets,
superb view of city: best car eervice on
2 li nes : business man preferred. Phone
Tabor 12W. -
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for one
or two in private home. East Side; all
modern conveniences, close to car. 1 3
minutes from center of city; reasonable.
Tabor 1962. -
E t egantly f urni h ed room In private
family, running water, both phone. H
block to W carline. inquire of Janitor or
phone Marshall 240'.; reference required.
A LARGE, light, airy room. In private
house, suitable for two gentlemen; hot
and cold water In room ; furnace heat ;
walking distance. , 163 17th St.. corner of
Morrison. Phone Marshall 1284.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room, in steam
heated apartment, with breakfast or use
of kitchen: two ladies; references. AN
495. Oregonlan.
ONE large front room, suitable for three
men or man and wife. $10 per month or
room and board 15 per week. Inquire
500 East Harrison at.
WANTEb Young woman with proper ref
erence to share pleasant furnished house
keeping suite. West Side, with elderly wo
man; expenses reasonable. Call Main 2606.
LARGE front room or suite for two gentle
men; East Side, closp In. carllne, good lo
cality, excellent board next door, city ref
erences. O 4S2. Oregonian. '
DESIRABLE room in new flat, walking dis
tance, within 2 blocks of good restaurant.
East Ankeny car. 723 East Couch st. Very
reasonable to right party.
NICE furnished room, private bath, suit
able for one or two people. Apply man
ager. Rose Friend Apt., S. W. cor. 7 th
and Jefferson.
LARGE, handsome front room, -with alcove.
Hot and cold water, private family. No
other roomers, beat residence district. Gen-
t lm a n nnlv ItftT Trvinir St.
NICELY furnished outside' room. with
d rea k last ana o inner 11 ue ,
heat and bath; corner house. 335 Mont
gomery st.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, sin
gle or ensulte. (10 and (18 per month, or
by week; heat, bath, light and phone.
575 Couch, cor.l.8th. A 0280.
NICELY furnished front room with alcove,
bedroom, suitable for two; also other
rooms; reasonable; all modern conveni
ences. 208 Vi 14th st.
Large, well-furnlshod front room on the
ground floor; suitable for one or two gen-
tlemen. Phone B 2263.
WELL furnished front room; all conveni
ences; 15 minutes' walk to postoffice. 262
Ftout BU 20th), between Jefferson and
COMFORTABLE, warm room, suitable for
one or two adults, every convenience, ten
blocks from business center; reasonable. F
ONE large bay-window alcove room, suit
able for one or two gentlemen, also small
room, no children. 760 Johnson, between
23d and 24th.
LARGE well-furnished room: running water,
with all conveniences; suitable for 1 or 2
gentlemen; separate beds if desired. 213
Weat Park. '
SUITABLE room for one or two, home com
forts, nice neighborhood; excellent car
service, walking distance. Phone C 2803.
260 Grand ave. North.
PLEASANT room in beautifully situated
Portland Heights home to business man or
woman; modern conveniences; breakfast
1 j - 1 rw. . vilw 1
DESIRABLE room for one or two gentle
men, in thoroughly modern home, on
King's Heights; easy walking distance.
Apt. 6. St. Clair Apartments.
WELL-FURNISH ED rooms, single and en
suite heat, light, phone and bath, front
suite; ultable for 3 gentlemen. 331
nth t. .
LARGE alcove room for 2 gents or uan
and wife; 5 minutes' walk; modern, near;
bath, furnace heat; (20 per month. 228
' loth st.
$ A MONTH, neatly furnished room;
phone, bath and electric light; walking
distance. 427 Harrison at. Main. 2831.
35 5-ROOM flat, modern conveniences,
neatly furnished. E. 24th and Haleey sta.
W. O. Waddel, 309 Lumber Exchange,
PLEASANT front room, also large parlor,
suitable for two, fireplace, modem home,
' with or without board. 569 Everett.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
2 gentlemen: walking distance; phone and
bath. 594 Everett.
FURNISHED rooms, including piano and
unfurnished rooms. Very cheap rent.
612H William ave.. near Russell.
NICE furnished room for rent. Steam heat.
Wanted young lady. E 57, Rose City Park,
531. Phone C 2086.
NICELY furnished room for gentleman with
all modern conveniences, walking distance,
427 Clay, between llthand 12th.
FURNISHED roomi In elegantly appointed
home on Nob Hill; none but desirable
people need apply. 253 21st st. North.
TWO nicely furnished, heated, room for
gentlemen, with references; phone, bath.
In connection. 289 Cork ave.
NICELY furnished room for gentlemen;
ideal location, furnace heat. 214 13th
at., corner Salmon.
FRONT room) furnace heat, piano, elec
tric light, gaa, bath and both phones.
S2K Park st. j '
ELEGANTLY furnished 2 -room suite, ac
commodate thre people; meal next door.
34J Hall st.
S ROOMS, 298 Glenn avenue, near Haw
thorne, furnished or unfurnished, single
or ensulte; bathroom; very reasonable.
NICE, newly furnished front room, suitable
for two gentlemen, with board if desired,
walking distance, 314 College st.
NEWLY furnished room; steam heated;
running hot and cold water. 564 Flan
der. TWO neatly furnished rooms in private
family. Gntlemen preferred. Call 353
NEWLY furnished room, suitable for two;
all conveniences. 63 t Irving.
Cn furnished. Rooms.
2 UNFURNISHED rooms with sink and
large pantry, (12. Inquire 148 North 21st
FOR BENT 3 model unfurnished room
with bath. $10- 811 Water st.
Boom With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, rooms
with board, use of. sewing-room. li
brary. 610 Flanders. Ml France N.
Heth.upt. ;
THE Calvard, 452 Morrison, corner 13th
st. Rooms en suite or single,
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
ROOM with good hom cooking1 for 2 gentle
men in private home. Nob Hill, 52 Lucre
ti t., between 22d and 23d.
ROOM and board for 2, ladles preferred. In
private family; all modem conveniences.
23 E. 9th St. North. Phone E 6018.
NICE room for one or two gentlemen, bath,
phone, furnace; . board if desired. 415
7th st. I
NICE sunny room, suitable for man and
wife or two gentlemen, with furnace heat;
reasonable. 725 Hawthorne ave., B 2267.
SMALL comfortable room, suitable for a
man- (22 per month; two meals. Main
2071. ;
WANTED Children to board, by lady in
country; mother' care; any age; (15 per
month. AB 487, Oregonian.
333 MONTGOMERY. Large double room,
suitable for 2 or 3 men; good board, mod
ern, reasonable. Main 8957.
WANTED One or two children to care for;
good home and mother's care. Phone
Woodlawn 2488. "
BOARD and room, bath, phone, good home
cooking. (0 per week. 191 llth, near
Yamhlll. v
NICELY furnished room, running water, best
of home cooking, very central, references.
Main 6137. 291 West Park.
CLEAN, well -furnished room with home
cooking, suitable for two. 433 3d. flat C.
HOME for two. at 146 K. 26th and Mor
rison sts.; terms reasonable.
ROOM and board, home cooking, walking
distance. 590 Conch t,; home privileges.
NEWLY furnished room with board, prlc
reasonable. S95 E, Oak st. B 2619.
430 YAMHILL ST., nice room, suitable for
two. with board, modern conveniences.
ROOM and board, 653 Washington 'at, (6
per week. ,
NICE rooms and good board for 1 or 2
centlemen. 391 .. Davis st.
YOITVG man to share front room; good
board. Main 1969. 348 Lincoln.
FURNISHED rooms with board; sleeping
porch. 355 llth st. A1636.
ONE large room with board for two or
three persons. 617 Kearney. Main 3999.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
ONE large nicely furnished front room with
closet and wardrobe, for two gentlemen;
two meals, bath, phone, furnace heat,
home privileges, walking distance. Phone
B 1745.
WANTED Two refined gentlemen to room
and board In strictly private family; tine
home cooking: a nlc homo for parties
desiring homelike place; 10 minutes' walk.
East side; first-class. For particulars
phone East 2250.
ROOM and boacd for two people; married
couple preferred; home privileges: bath
and phone. On Woodstock line, 2 blks. east
of Manns station. Inquire of W. H. Luce
or phone Sellwood 1117. -
DESIRABLE furnished room, with board,
in private family, for one or two; nice
location, furnace heat, walking distance;
veryreasonable. 82 East 12th st. South.
NICELY furnished room, with board in pri
vate family, for two gentlemen; walking
distance ; home cooking. 166 Chapman ;
A 43S9.
FINE furnished room, modern, furnace heat,
nice neighborhood, 3 in family, good car
service. 1105 E. Yamhill. B 1222.
LARGE, comfortable room for two gentle
men, J board if desired. 511 Morrison.
rhone Main 36S7.
months for man and wife or two young
men. Phone Main 5934. .
GERMAN party would like to take good
care of three or four children. AN 4S2,
CENTRALLY located, complete, per week
(4 up. 429 Main st.
TABLE BOARD, 3 meals. $4.50 per week.
191 llth st,
near Killings worth; new concrete build
Ing; 2, 3, 4 -room apartments; steam heat,
hot and cold water, gas ranges, linoleum
In bathrooms, concealed beds, shades,
phones, garbage cared for; no chllrren.
1. to $28. 20 minutes to city. L or SL
John car.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks south from Morrison st. ; new
brick building, completely flrst-class; fur
nished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments: private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, jan
itor service; rent very reasonable; also
one 3-room unfurnished. $6 per month.
Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark SL
New fireproof brick building, beautifully
furnished, two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets. Phone E. 300.
BUY my equity and furniture in a new,
modern home, restricted district I will
sacrifice H and give you time on furnl
t ure ; only (:i50 cash required ; t he rent
of a furnished apartment will keep up
your payments. AG 49S, Oregonlan.
THE Hawthorne Apartments, 251 12th st,,
near. Main: new 5-story brick, just com
pleted : most attractive and complete
apartment-house In city; we have 2 choice
3- room apartments still vacant.
New axd modern, $25 to (35; 2tth and
E. Glisan. Telephone In each aot, steam
heat. Phones B 2516 and E. 6 3 57.
5-room, steam-heated, modern apart
ment, janitor service. Apply Janitor, 525
Corner 15th and Everett; modern 2 and
4- room furnished apartments.
FOR RENT 5 rooms- in 4-apartment flat
on West Side: 8-mInute car service, steam
heat. $35. Address Lea M. Palmer, 303
Lewis bldg.
ANGELA APTS., 37 Trinity Place, bet. 19th
and 20th, off Washington ; one unfur
nished 2-room front apt., strictly modern,
electric elevator, private phones.
FOR RENT Good 5-room apartment near
Steel bridge; rent (30. A. H. Blrrell Co.,
McKay bldg. . 3d and St ak .
IRIS APARTMENTS. Third and Mill sts.
4-room unfurnished, $36; modern improve
menta. NEW, 6-room, steam-heated apartment;
fine neighborhood. . 25th, between North-
" rup and Overton. Apply to janitor.
187 17th sL. near Yamhill; steam-heated.
furnished apartments, f
BTOomT steamheated, modern apartment.
Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 672 Kear-
ney. im
BOZANTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-room
apt.; private phones and atrlctly modern;
23d near Johnson st.
MAJESTIC 390 Clay; one choice apart.
4 room and bath.
BEST value in 5-room heated flat. 135 E.
15th st.. cor. Yamhill.
ELEGANTLY furnished and unfurnished
apartments. Blan Myr. 228 20th st.
3- ROOM apartment, new furniture, modern;
$J7."". t48 Thurman St., near 20th.
FOUR modern and well-f urnTsTfed house
keeplng rooms for rent. . Phone East 1442.
4- ROOM apartment for rent. Apply to su
perlntendent. Lucretla Court.
FOR RENT A decided bargain, fashionable
5-room flat, close In, on East Side: big
front and rear porches, every room an
outside room, .very handsomely finished
throughout; rent only $25; be early or this
will be taken; other tenants in the build
ing have been there ever since built.
822-4 Board of Trade. Main 6974, A 1179.
FOR RENT A decided bargain, fashion
able 5-room flat, close in on East Side,
big front and rear porches, every room
an outside room ; very handsomely fin
ished throughout; rent only (25; be early
or this will be taken.
Main 6974, A 1179. 822-4 Board of Trade,
COLONIAL HEIGHTS flat for rent. 5
rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace,
beam celling and paneled dining-room,
just finished: rent $35. 293 E. 21au Haw
thorne car. Phone Tabor 1597.
Newlv finished 5-room flat, hard-finished
floors throughout; all outside rooms,
gas range and water heater; coil In fur
nace; large yard. 610 East Madison st.
6-ROOM flat, modern, fireplace, hardwood
floors, partial janitor service, on Port
land Heights' carline. 626 20th st., near
WELL-furnished 5-room lower flat, modern
conveniences, corner with yard ; reason
able to permanent tenant. 34 E. 9th N,
corner Couch.
FOR RENT Strictly modern 7-room flat,
183 H E. 17th st.. (30 per month. Apply
Wakefield, Fries ft Co.. 85 4th st.
5-ROOM furnished flat. 464 Hall st Rent
$35.00. Parrisa, Watklns & Co., 250 Alder
MODERN 4-room flat; gas. water heater
and range; linoleum.- Phone East 3910.
906 East Couch t-
FIN'E. modern 3-room upper flat. 763 Mar
shall; rent $35. C. Korell, Lumbermens
bldg., 5th and Stark.
FOR RENT New flats at 587 East Main,
walking distance; steam heat and water
furnished; $40.
NEW 5-room upper flat. 730 Belmont near
20th; rent (25. Phone Tabor 414.
BEAUTIFUL upper flat for renL 746 Kear
ney t. Key in lower flat,
MOST desirable modern 4-room flats in
city, close in. 692 Salmon.
B-P.OOM flat, fireplace, good condition. 693
Glisan st. Phone Main 3225. -
NEW 6-room flat, all modern conveniences,
18th and E. Ash sts. Phone B 2006.
NICELY furnished flat. 5 rooms and sleep
lng porch. 473 West Park. A 2S37.
S-ROOM modern flat, gas range, water
heater. 213 16th. cor. Salmon.
TWO and 3-room Hats, large pleasant rooms.
231 Hall t., afternoons.
6-ROOM lower flat, 369 5th St., rent (26;
easy walking distance, on carline.
LOWER swell flat, corner 22d and Kearney
sts. Phone Main 5609.
THREE-ROOM modern flat, unfurnished.
Inquire 225 Market. Phone Main 516.
FOR RENT Modern 5-rooin upper flat,
best location. 85 23d st., near Everett.
5TrooM upper flat at 16th and East Main".
Call 626 Main.
FOR RENT Newly tinted 5-room flat, with
fireplace. E. 24th and Burnslde.
MODERN 6-room flat, cor. 2d and Grant;
rent (25
Housekeeping Rooms.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 2,
(10 month; 3, (16. Front of cottage, 2 or
3 large rooms, with porch. Apply 364
N. 26th. West Side river. W car from de
pot, 6th or Morrison to 20th. block north,
2 FRONT rooms, parlor and kitchenette,
with running water. 650 Conch, between
18th and 17th; 1 block from Washington.
ST MARK'S, corner E. Burnslde and Grand
ave. 2-room front housekeeping suite,
light, bath, phone, furnished; close in.
NICELY-furnished rooms, close to carllne,
$5 per room. J. M. Leeer, 1643 Ports
mouth ave. ,
NEWLY furnished housekeeping and single
rooms; verycentral. 54u Washington.
TWO single housekeeping rooms for rent at
the Oxark. 225 llth st.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur
nlshed 191 14th St.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concret
bldg. Phon Woodlawn 2997 or 237a
Housekeeping Rooms,
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bsth. laundry, all
free; $15 per month up; a clean place;
best in the city for money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "S" car or 16th
st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No
(1.30 TO $2. SO WEEK; clean. furnished
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver
ave.. and 203 H Stanton; take V car.
SUITE housekeeping rooms. 270 4th St.. af-
ter 10:30 A. M.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
NICELY furnished room for man and wife,
with use of kitchen. Including heat, light,
bath and phone; pleasant surroundinec;
home comforts. 231 Nartilla st. Phone
A 71 43.
4 MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms
with private family, phone, water, gas
and electricity free; rent $30; snap. In
quire of owner. 251 Alder St.. bet. 11 A.
M. and 2 P. M. or phone Woodlawn 1160.
NEWLY furnished front bedroom for light
housekeeping, in private family, with gas,
bath, heat and phone, at 271 McMlllen St.,
6 blocks from steel bridge.
TWO or three furnished or unfurnished
rooms; nice residence district. 1 block
west of Williams ave. 1212 Moor su
Fhone Woodlawn 1035. v
COMPLETELY furnished steam-heated
housekeeping rooms, hot water, gas range,
sink, laundry, telephone; walking distance.
TWO or three housekeeping room In very
attractive home. gas. electricity, hot and
cold water, only refined people answer.
Phone B271 5- ,
TWO light front rooms, heated, gas. elec
tric light, bath, phone: $4.30 week. 410
Jefferson, bet. 10th and llth. ,
MAN and wife will rent choice part of fur
nished flat, with use of kitchen; walking
distance. 28 u N. 18th.
CHOICE 2 to 5-room furnished apartments.
modern, reasonable, walking distance. 573
TWO front rooms, nicely furnished for
light housekeeping: large windows, gas;
siiodern conveniences. 379 Union ave. N.
NICELY furnished front housekeeping suite;
river view: walking distance;, no children,
294. Margin St.. East end Steel Bridge.
THREE newly furnished housekeeping
rooms, modern. 95 East 30th. Phone
East 5505.
HOUSEKEEPING room, first floor, steam
heat, bath, phone, rent week, month ;
downtown. 330 a Alder.
FINE front housekeeping room. 4 block
from Imperial Hotel: very cheap; also
small sleeping room. 426 Burnslde.
DESIRABLE lane front room, completely
furnished for housekeeping: gas. bath
and phone; (10. 2U Sherman St.. cor. 1st.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite:
free phone, bath and electric lights. Call
2 East 15th St., North.
ONE large, well -furnished room for light
housekeeping; (12. 311 Main t., bet. 5th
and 6th.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms,
all modern, light and airy. 271 Montgom
ery st.. walking distance.
WANTED. In private family, furnished
room, with use of bath, by single man.
M 495. Oregonian. '
FURNISHED housekeeping and transient
rooms, close in, prices reasonable. 171
West Park. .
CLEAN fdrnished light housekeeping rooms.
34 E. 13th X.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close
in: reasonable rent. 302 4th st.
FRONT alcove room, furnished for light
housekeeping. 450 YamhilK
731 N. UNTO N ave.. 2 e 1 e gan tly furnished
housekeeping rooms; modern; see these.
NICE, clean light housekeeping rooms. 395
6th st. t .
2 ROOMS, 408 Harrison at. Phone M 2709--
No children.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, in
private family. 546 Yamhill t.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping room. 695
Water st. '
FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms;
close In. 294 William ave- .
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms;
electric lights, phone. 178 E. 14th.
354 CLAY. Two unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; no children. Main 7147.
LARGE room with alcove, furnished for
housekeeping, gas, bath, phone. 385 llth.
FURNISHEDhousekeeping rooms, walking
distance; good location. 286 Sherman st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with,
sink, pantry. 487 East Ankeny. E. 2617.
TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms.
Jight, phone. water;$21. 179 20th t., S.
HOUSEKEEPING room. 149 13$h. near Mor
rison. TWO nicelv furnished housekeeping rooms,
central. 466 Main sL
TWO modern nicely furnished housekeeping'
rooms, reasonable. 109 N. 18th at. '
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms,
hot and cold water. 485 West Park.
TWO nice clean front rooms; ground floor;
walking distance. 567 Everett.
NICELY furnished room. suitable light
housekeeping. Inquire 529 East Davis st.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms,
gas, bath: (15 month. 692 Front.
FOR RENT One single housekeeping room,
ronvenientforoneortwo. 308 Mill st.
AT 36 Hall, 'a finely furnished apartment;
adults. Inquire lower flat.
HOUSES and flats for rent, some furnished.
6. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts.
FOR RENT 6 furnished rooms; modern
home of 11 rooms, owner retaining 3; In
best residence district; walking distance.
None but responsible and respectable par
tles need apply. J 488. Oregonlan.
HOUSEBOAT, new this season, for rent;
five rooms furnished complete. 15 min
ute from Morrison st. Will rent reason
ably to propec parties. Phone Sellwood
IRVINGTON residence, just finished, 9
rooms, billiard hall and maids room;
hardwood floors, fireplace, fine fixtures;
block to car. Will lease. Phone East 39-..
6-room modern house, 174 E. 38th, eor,
Tamhill- Fred C. King, 314 Spalding
bldg. Both phone
8-ROOM colonial house, modern, corner of
Capital ave. and Failing street, in Over
look; number of house S'JO Capital ave.
See owner. 422 Chamber of Commerce.
NEW 7-room modern house, corner lot, on
East 15th and Mason sts.; (17 month; free
electric light. Call 221 Morrison t.,
room 9- Phone Main P256.
FOR RENT 6-room modern house on East
10th st., on "B-L" car, (80 per month.
A. J. Gantner, 406 Henry bldg. Main 3875.-
GOOD five-room cottage, electricity, gas.
furnace. North Irvington, (20 per month.
FOR RENT Nice 6-room house, 130 Bel
mont, near East Morrison; (20. AC 494,
FOR RENT Well furnished 10-room modern
house In good location, (80 per month.
Apply Wakefleld, Frie ft Co., 85 4th t.
A STRICTLY modern 6-room house, newly
calsomined. 630 E. Taggert. near 17th, 1
block from W-W car.
MODERN 8-room house, vacant 15th; bath,
gas, electric; some carpets and shades;
large ground; rent $25. Main 8605.
6-ROOM modern house for rent, furnace,
fireplace, fine condition. 789 E. Salmon
St.; rent $35. Phone Tabor 1507.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage, 10
minutes' walk from P. O., West Side;
rent $25. 488 Market st.
RE NT 6-room modern house, 411 Broad
way st ; rent (25.00. James & Sigglln,
141 First St.. Main 7842.
FOR-RENT Six-room house, new and strict
ly modern; rent (20; fine neighborhood.
435 Stanton at.
SEVEN-ROOM house, beautiful grounds;
gas. Inquire at Keller's grocery, Annabel
station. Mount Scott line.
MODERN 8-room house, fine trees and
roses; beautiful location. 690 Halsey; key
691 Clackamas in rear. Broadway cars.
FOR RENT New seven-room modern house
near Hawthorne ave.; will leave' carpet.
stoves, etc. Phone B 1089.
Ii2 Four-room house and attic. 22d and
Going st. Take Alberta car. Phone A
FOR RENT Five-room house, Portland
Heights, rnone main v -..
FOR RENT A modern 7-room house. 608
Broadway. Key at house. (40.
FOR RENT 8-room modern bouse. West
Side. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
GOOD 10-room house and garage, 21st and
Johnson. Apply 670 Johnson.
jj Hancock st,. 6-room house, close in.
J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce.
$1S 5-room cottage near Walnut Park;
newly pajnted ; bathroom. East 2482.
FOB RENT Desirable house, 6 rooms, nice?
yard, good location. 252 Stout St.
d-RQOM modern house, 354 East 33th L
Te. Tabor 422; price $22 per month -
SIX rooms, new. modern. 788 E. 32d St.,
W-W car; rent $20.
KrY.Rnn hnnif for rent: no azents. Geo.
McCrosky, owner. Phone Sellwood 104.
(J2: 3-ROOM cottage, 695 Kerby st. J.
Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.