A NOVEMBER 1910. MACHINERY atACHINKRT. WE GOT A SNAP A VT Tr TOC ABB IX NEtnoV ANT MACHINERY VI B W1.L GIVE TOU THE CHAN" t. OF A LIFETIME TO TAKE AD VAN THE Or I H GOOD BUTI-NO. AJJfE AKE MO -l.N.J AND W ARE CRO l;tl' J S M. WE BOIUHI TUB PUN! 'Or THE rluN MEAT CO.. AT TROUT ANO AUiTtHW MACHINEKT W IN GOOD. riKSTCUSf SHJHf.. AND Ul'AKANTEE WILL STAND Bs.ii.lM IT. 1 4"-LIGHT DYNAMO. 3 7.i:h BOILEKB. 1 kEi.NOLDS COKL1S8 EN- CINE- 1 nil? l FAIRBANKS MRKrt MP. 1 fntUO WORTHINtiTOS HHP. 2 4"jO-iAH-ON OIL TA.NkS. J IH P. FNOISE. 2 HOT WATER HKATW 1 a--H. P. W KWES EN'JINR 1 V0-1L. P. VEsTINOHotSB tNGiNE. 1 pft-H. P. POIL.FR- I 40-H. P. .ENGINE. io TONS ae-LB RAILS MO TON 3 M-LH. KAUA URr.K LOT CORRUGATED IRON. 4 FEET P-IN. PITH fe;t 12-IN. pipk- 1.Y000 FEET 1-IN. PIPE. .Vn") FEtT J-IN. PIPE. 3.-nO FEET 4-IN. PIPE- lr TONS FIRST-CLASS SO AND 40 LB. RKLATLNO RAlI-3. I 4A-JI. P. IFRl'iHT POILF.R- LOT UlKG CANVAS Ed AT A BAR- CM5m QrtCK IF TOU WAVT TO SAVE MONEY. ALL, THIS MAT1UUAL. CAN R hEEX AT THE APOVE I'LA-N T. l E ALSO CAR RT I TOCK Jchm-Sl :l PTiER RWFLNii. CORKl lATEt) tilNES AND CAV poslT3FUJi Vi? Vol: MONET. NO KEASOSAWLB J'1" FKR BEKl-KKD ON A NY OF THB A HOVK MACHINERY. A J EKO THE MONEY AND HAVE NO R1. ARE (JOIS-i TO MOVE NTO O N E W THR EE-STOK T Hf ILUI NO AS UU.y Ad SAME Ift UOMPLETLO. J. SIMON A IiR -. 244-244 FRONT ST. FOR PALE. Knrinrs' and ofttc Scppll: 1 '.TOO-toOf, StS) tape. Irring tables of rar1 1 irK rM f c drina. ?tois and doubls tisa-top desks na chair. I typewriter ana dsn- fak tabic of various sts 1 larp saX. ;ib-Wernicp C-lnp cabinets. Wail mapa of Portland. MaltnomaP County and oirt- Appljr t .W. F HAKSTOW CO. Oj fcii-t-trle Bldp. MEN'S HIOH-CRAPB WITA (rmoti and trousers. 3 5 n-1 overcoats. IIP.'-; S2S to $-10 wutf and r.,rrrta. $14-T; SO to 4 troU-r- f-r f3Hk Thr ara manufariurora- mPl ai4 ctncelitUPB ordrra. aold by Jimmia Punn in aa otflca butidtn rnt 30 a inonrhk. on a 1ft Pr cni proftt baala. jlninlp do nt claim to yoa on tnin for tfbthtne. aut ha eaa aao r fin rn your purrhaao of a ut. rainroat or ritrrot. Hom !, Oraolan bid. Taka ivator, taird floor FOR PALE. , . 1 No. 14 Pmlth eonrrta mtvar. Inclal Inr botir and nin. on whwl. romp . 1 ronrr(f kip, 17 cubto ft cpcht. 1 No. 1 Craaiaot aa Ubla. with l-ln?h Trark and orwrhaad lino toola Tha ab halnc had ailgtii ua and in jood conditioa. App-r W. S PA Rat rOW CO. ol Elacirle PId: ItLi OVER "OAT 8 ALE On MONOM. A Philadelphia clthm manufacturer who had baard of Jiramy Dunn a 'm .f ilin4 mn a clothlnc In an ofltca huildtna on a l-prr-rnt profit bala. or frt Jlmmla a atorh of auiia and orr--oata at & par ent than vhalaoai rxi jimrolo bouKht. Thaj go Monday at BP a aarmaot. Taka aiavafw trtird flr. OraKonlan blds room u "ma rart y. - FOR SALE ahran. ana ei-tarh Stmond rut rff aa. ud len than ana day. and on .ta imh Plmond rot-off In pood condition; iv'a of tooth. No. A hola I -Inch; aaw mrm puarantoad In avary particular, but will ha ald at a btc rrdurtlon h a chanya of plant makea It lmpotbi to ua awa of tbli - J- E- Martin Co . 7 Ft rat Tor t lan d. FOR PALE OR TRADE CHEAP. Twa 20-mila boota with boathouo. Two r-rt. boat, apaod 1H mUea. and other bt a HthouMt apaca for rent. Aiwo boathouaa. partly burned, at W II. A E. VON dr WKRTIi. Eant and of MoiHaoa Hrtdira. IcniNii macbiaaa. vpaotal aala an splaadld lot of ftaa aacood-hand mahlaaa of aU loodlnr maaaa. Blnaor. Whaalac Wllaoa. Kaw Koma. Whit. Doraaatle. Houhod and athara. a paka room for naw S'n 44 and rotary. filncar Sawlnc Maabla Piora. a 9. SlraU atnt. Morrtaoa at Pboa Main StX A 4ABP. FOR SALE CHEAP Portahla outfit for op erating circular rut-off aaw: ran b nsra witb d"ny enaln and will run aawa wp to M-lnrh; n A-l machin for cuttlnc rordwood: will maka the clrarln of oyedff land profitable. For particular ail op or writ E. P. Dora. InltKk. Wh. liEAVT. aolld o-ik olJ mlaalon UMnfi-room furniture, library table. ro-kr and rnatrs; flneat wax finih. penulna leather cuahiona uaed but abort tim and in Ilka rrw. Muat aell pi ono; will wwriflc at j.io for ih sat. E. Stark at., near Milt . B E A t'T I FT" L olld quarter-aawed gulden rmh d!nln-rom aat. aimoat new and in rrrfeot condition; mood pedestal table; uffet with French beTel plate-alaaa mir ror 14x4; mix genuine lentber-aeatei eUatra. learfna rltv: will taka lX Pl H. stark t- near 3"th. LARt.C troa atandard brick mahln com Pieta. with belt, monlda. trucks and pal let, cr will Mtl a-praia. MMahon Hro. Drkk Co.. yarda ith and imtaion pt.. eat and of Richmond oaritna. Pboa Tibor TI. FOR PALE Cheap, a far old Illbl In 1 -a tin. with comment and Hebrew quota tion, printed in at Antvrpar Eng land In to volumea. wall preserved, and other rxe old booka. Address M 4!7. re on lan. 1N bALK Tueaday aftern.xn. November H. at S o'clock, at ooU E. Madlaon. 1 eeant sideboard. I a-burnr 2-ovn pas ran . I hail ire with Urge mtiror. fcverj thing pood a paw. NEtHLY nea ladlea fur-llned cat. slae J&l ,-.ae 1134; wl.l aell for T5 cash: broad cloth s-utrallned. marten collar: just the thing for auiomobtung. Call ound. Tl'8 E. Yamhill, corner avth. HATS. 1 arry the largest stock of far trim mraffs for ladles' hata La Portland at low eat pricea; any atylee. A. H laser, furrier. IIP llth at. Foil SALE HiWiard and r-oo table, la ne. nearly new. wn; full set of c larice ba . racks, at-.; coat -rr a K. Mtckey. se . make an C. Com" I l'ih. Junction I'tty. Oregon. H SaI. or trade, diamond bracelets and svrrai diamond line Apptjf. &l Cam bridge bd . d and Morri.n a: L h rCrt and virne rubber tree. Call Ocd fntl Warahoua Company. No. P N. Fo u rt h St. tF. rTIFCl. silk fovnt, opera capes and streat sutta cneap. Janitor. 4S Flanders st Mam ?M. WAXTUV-MIS( tLLANEOCS. h.T reliable dlitrry horse and wacon wanted to bir for the Winter. H f. i rr g-ontan. iVANTkD Oood. cheep second-band up rsht aoiler. 0 to Ji II. P Addrs U H'Uaa bteam Laundry, ft, Helens. Ur. JV "VoC fcaea boueebold furaPtura to ee. rail ap Caorpa Aiaaer Co, liU Park at l'oth phonea. , A i r E A M air oomp raor. capacity 40 to Ti en. ft. of air per minute. l 4i9. Or aonian. wANTtD Circular aaw and rat-hlnr. ais f.jTgs and blower. Call or write OOo Leo Srrpqe. ' W r; do atga and decormtlv pain tin la ex change lor anything- A- A. A., 2:4 Lab be bidg. VantEO A second-hand billiard table; roust be in rtret -c laae condition with all f vturea. Answer 44j Larra.baat. VANTEtk To purchase a good dpa:t of shal. for brick making, located pear Portland- Add rasa W L t.regonlaa, V ANTEl Ity contract, reeapoola welui and wwt dtgng. Pbon ttetlwooaftjii. WANTET Set of d'ouhia barn eaa. Ihoue B .-H.-T V 4L Oregontan. WANT Ei T buy small lathe for modal work. Mam A . trcgo n lan. W ANTELe No. 10 Rerutncton typewriter with ;.r. carriaaa. T oregonlan. U ANTED Violin CeH.. pood . -an for caah. P- H- H-. 4J7 condition. 7th t. WNTK1 An offi'-e dek and on to three chairs. C 7. Orepontan. tv" NTECe Molng-plctnr machine pa ut- n rn. ate F 4A4. Oreaonian. rTTTi.LTOP desk and office chair. Room 40J ftotrchllJ hide- Xl Wti.xO waaTed. f-om S to 1 ksrat; must be bamatn A v 4. OreponUn tVA.vTl AJ 1' XuTIil g tuui-h. I'noaO East loL riiTHIXd Wanted Mea'a caaioff clothing and hoea and blcycleaj hipheat prices paid: a also ouy ladies' clothing. Call op the Oioh second-hand store. Phone Main 2CMA, i'.u 1st at. Prompt attention always given. We call in every part of the city. WANTED Pacond-band automobile In ex change for my equity In 10 acres In Tual atin Valy. choice location, near station; land under cultirtun; give price and d sc rip Hon of car. A 4i.jOregonin. WANTED- S or 4 rooms of furnlturs fw rwh. at one. Apply at York Hotel, room &4. any time before 4 o'clock evening. Monday. Phone A 14-"3. CREAM separator, or will ula piano or Plvmouth Rock hens for sow. shotcs. cow. bopxy and ha mens or stumppuller. O. w. P lird ro.. 1st and Alder. WANTED Ymir tinting at per room, sleo pPrtric and lnnld J finishing: satts f act 100 pumrantetd. VV. -". Loomis. Tabor -14. BAHUKS I will trade real estate for 2 barsea. capacity 2 and upwards cords of wood: give particulars. John R. E s (" man. oil Board of Trade. WANT E D-Dm k, chair "and aafe: will ac cept same aa first payment on pood S4ofl lot; balenc monthly. Call room SJi Waahmpton au WANTED 4-foot dry fir and oak wood In car lota: delivered Portland. AO 4L Oregonlan. aLLL your second-band furnltur to tos Ford Auction Co. or you'll pet lea. Phones A S44S. Msin :51. . WANTED Confectlonerr and clear loca tion: not to exceed S3"A Call room oli. r.-.-g'-, Wash, st. U E buy everythjnp and pay tha price, too. Phone Mart nail rS. t WANTED" to buy. a show case. Ihon B jrtjT. V 4l tregonlan. HELP WANTED MALC IS IT WultTU WHILE TO TOU TO BE CONNECTED WITH A FIRM" W HO WILL PAY THE PRICE FOR A HI LIT Y ? WE HAVE INSTALLED A SYSTEM WHICH TO A SALESMAN MEANS UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES. WK DESIRE TO EM PLOY MEN WHO CAN WLAL1FY. TO THE KliHT MAN aL'CCESS IS POS ITIVE. AND PfCCESK TO HIM MEANS HIOHER COMPENSATION THAN ANY OTHER BUSINESS CAN OFFER. WE L0 NOT WANT "DRIFT WOOD." BIT HEAL MEN" WHO WILL AIM AT THE TOP. OCR PROPOSITION IS A VERY SIMPLE ONE. ITS MMP1.ICITY. IT'S MCCWH. THE QUALIFICATIONS AUK: FIRST. nON EST V I LA ST. HONESTY! CALL MONDAY NOT LATER .THAN 14 A. M. AT OAK S. WA N TED. Autnmobtl driver and automobile me chanics are wanted everywhere and de mand a salary from $100 par month up ward. W are starting ona of th most com plete echools In the Northwest. W bav lo different m odele of up-to-date auto mobiice to take down, put back together and learn to drive perfectly. W ben you are throuph your course at our t hool you ar ready to accept a po st t ion to dn any standard make of car. tur terms are reaaonaUie. we will b giad to ha you call and talk matter over. PACIFIC ACTO SCHOOU 204 llth st. HANLEY A TRAVERS, JN4 North P-cond St. Phonea Main 77. A 22W0. WANT TODAY: FlIedrTr ers. encineera 40c per hour. Plletirn-era, firemen., Ac per hour. Riprap laborers. i-'-sC per hour. l;a:lroad laborer. I'.'So per hour. Headquarters for Winston Bros. A Mc-Potts-ail: J. W. Sweeney Construction Co.; L'tah Construction Co. ; Porter Bros. All orders given prompt attention. CH At'F FET R S. Chauffaurs, chauffeura. cnauffeur. th demand for competrnt repairmen and chauffeurs I greater then ever. W want sober reliable men that ww can recommend to taka our rourwt In repairing and driv ing automobiles; practical mpair work on up-to-date cars: practical road wort In toorlnp cars with practical Instructor. Automobile School of or-pon. Of flea, room 214 Merc ban la Trust bid. Phone Marshall 2ri3. WANTED A first -class, high-grade loft, sis g superintendent to take cnarKS 01 wen es tablished camp operating every month in the year, with a capacity of better than .iki.OOO feat per day. Willing to pay good aalary to right man. Address, stating experlenc and refer ence. ' Lumberman." care M 49U, Or Ion ian. WANTED Illgh-cJaa sale. an to taka ex clusive aueiicy and territory for hip money-maker: legitimate business proposi tion, with responaitde manufacturing con cern. Call tody from 10 to 12 A. M. or 7 to P. M. Geo. R. Dobbins, Ore totl HoteL WANTED Bright young man to work In office; must be a good writer, neat and rapid; 97 per weak to start and Increase of SI per week every other month until aalary of 413 per week; ability counts after that. Answer In own handwriting. AC 402. Or go man. A MARRIED man with no children to work on farm, raising apples; experienced In taktnp car of and driving horses: write, telling all about yourself; your aa. how l.mc been married and where you have worked. I have a steady Job for you. C F. Roberts, route 1. Hood River. Or. TRAVELING salesman making Portland su burban towns. Astoria, or Interior. to handle Oriental silk handkerchiefs and curios as side line on commission. State fr whom you travel and where. AB 410. Or pen lan. HAVE poalilon for young man of good char acter and addresa. Splendid opportunity for advancement. Previous experience In eel line- and advertising desired, but not essentiaL phone Foster A KJslser for In terview. , WE wsnt man who have bad xperlenc In house) canvassing, on w ho ha experi ence In Industrial Life preferred ; the best gent's proposition today: call bet. 2 and S P. M. Sunday. 1S7 West Park st. WANTED Reliable aung man in small manuractdrinx business: must be capable of lookinp after cltv trade and also as sisting In office. Address F 4l. OregO nlan. . SALESMEN, our bank check protector sells to every offlc and business house; doe work 4-5 machine; sample 2Sc; circulars frea. Terry Mfg. Co., l-'l Coltoo bldg To redo. O. SALESMAN who can actually close contracts In anv Una. can aell real estate for us If they are honest and energetic Wynn Johnson Co.. pms Per linger bldg. WANTED. 4 men to learn automobile re- rlrlng and driving. Call at garage from to 11 A. M. or from 3 to ft P. M. 300 East Washington st. WANTED Competent youoAT man a stenographer for out of town position. Salary I To. Railroad far advanced. Ad drosa AD 49H. Qregonlan. BE a detecttvo: earn from 1."W to S30O per month: travel over tha world. Writ C T. I.udwig. 475 Scarritt bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED A first -clas automobile, driver, one w ho can lake care of his own ma chine; will par $75 per month and board. Address AB 4P4. Oreeonlan. WANTED 1o sewing machine salesmen for citr and country work: salary and com mission. Call Monday. W hit Sewing Ma chin Store. 420 Washington st. EDUCATED man under 40, n companion and teacher to nervous child; one con-vr-eant with athl? les preferred; refer ences. AF 419. OrcContan. PARTY w ho has teen succeseful In solicit ing for cleaning works In Portland. Call Monday. r.'H ftdt. WANTED 10 good salesmen: good proposi tion to right parties, fall Monday. If. D. Jonea. 42Q Washington St. If ANTED Oood Chinese or Japanrse boy for general housework; plain cooking. X6S 14th st. North. W A N'T ED Hov Ad ire as In own gonlarv lo work In plumbing shop, handwriting. M 4:C. Ore- TclMJ man virtod aa a!tant Janitor. Apply at Westfal Aapartmcnta. 410 ftth T--t WANTED Teamster; none but able-bodied man need apply. Inquire at 1K East Watfcr. EXPERIENCED dye works solicitor, a crack erja k at getung results; wages no object; 27 N. 14Th St. EXPERIENCED bo. keeper, state experience and wages expected: address AL 493 Or- on tan. , t 417 BOARD OF TRADE. SALESMAN wanted to U rlty property Pnd f.irTn anda 270 Ptark st WAN TEL Stenographer, voung man. w ha could- assist In se.Ung real estate. 270 S Mara at. WANTED Quick off I man with and good referencca. 34 Worcester bldg. WANTED First -ciaa pants maker at J. Pollvk 4t Co.. 2"4 Qcrbett bldg CARPENTER" andflnlstir. Phon Sell wood 1712. . PORTER wanted- Apply today, between 10 e n A 1 : A . M . I 'ti m. WANTED Experienced ladic tailor. 447 Ainer. J. rv. c- MAN wanted to tend furnace for rooxu. 22 S Bth st. EXPERIENCED solicitor and collector of ac count T 412. Oregonlan FIirTCLASS 1st die' tallora wanted at 147 loth st W N TF A roller tr : murt furulh horse, pvud rvquuX imiuir 4U2 Waao. PL ' : r j " I ... .. w. w r HELP WANTED FEMALE. 1 ' STTPATIOXS WANTED MAI.K. INCIDENT. Offlc Secretary Employment Urrt paent, T. M. C A. Young man. stranger, out of work OJ- Ms total cash assets) If I pay you a for special employment rr.mbershlp I will only have Sift left between me and starva tion. SacretaryIf yon pay fS for spoclsl employment membership you will have tn T ML C A., with all it raaource between yon and starvation. What happened 7 Young man took membership. Insia ot two hour he found satisfactory employ ment. . During Sept amber. 1P10. 1J5 othsrs found mDloymant In a like nunir. Employment or refund of membership fse guaran:ee . fie Secrataxy jUmployment pepaxunant. T. M. U A SALESMAN for Washington. Oregon and Idaho, to sell knit underwear, hosiery, sweater costs; only those wlrh established trade, experienced In this iln and can furnish first -clas references ncc apply-I- A. Samuels mt Co.. 6 Broadway. N. Y. MOTION-PICTURE SCHOOL We hsve the only up-to-date, modern, practical motlon-pictare operstor' school On thv Coast; we give you practical 'show experience" with your two weeks" tuition; our terms are a little higher than others, but you are associated with the only bona fldr hooking exchange In Portland; op erators pt from 425 to $35 weekly; our Instructor will give you ail the Informa tion required by cnlMng at PL'LSIFER'S TH EATKICAL EXCHANGE. Marquam blrtg. Op-n Sunday after nootts. AH LB-BODIED men wanted for tha U. S. Marina Corps, between the age of IS and aV: must be natlv b rn or hav first papers; monthly pay $13 to IdU. Ad ditional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After SO years service can retire with 73 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parte of the world. Apply U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, Breeden bldg.. 3d and Washington sts.. Port is Dd. Or. WE have several openings on our traveling sales force for 1911 In Oregon, for good, live, hustling bufttness producers In spe cialty line. We have strongest, most com plete line- of calendar and advertising novelties In the country. Yearly contract, exclusive territory and permanent posi tion for right .pnrty. Address Gartner Bender.Iept.A, Chicago. OPPORTUNITY .NEWSPAPER BUSINESS MAN. WANTED Hustler for advertising, for evening pajfer in small city; one who can make good: privilege of living In one of the moat genial and healthful climates In most picturesque place on the j'actnc Coast thrown In as perquisite. Address BoxC 4R3. Oregontanj 6 A LES. M EN For this territory who can sell a specialty line and whose records and references will stand a rigid investigation auch as we ask you to rrake of us; we have a good business proposition for the sea son commencing Jan. 1; write for particu lars: correspondence confidential. Hhedd A Wright Mfg. Company. S13-321 Fifth are.. South. Minneapolis. Minn. MEN WANTED Ave 1H to 3.Vfor firemen. $100 moni hly and bmkemen. 4H0; on nearby railroad a experience unnecessary; no strike, promotion to engineers, con ductors. Railroad Employing Headquar ters over oOO .men sent to positions monthly. Stale age; send stamp. Rail a iv AsstclatIon. Oregon inn. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. W want experienced subdivision sales men to handle th beat properties on th market today. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trad Bldg., H4 4th St. MAN WITH RIO to take charge sale of our medicines, extracts, spices, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock, poultry preparations, etc.. your county; steady work? guaran teed: work healthful, pleasant, very prof itable; references required. Write us; we mean business. Chores-Mueller Company, Depl.J,TrloolI,Iowa. WHY not sell Instantaneous gasoline light ing system? Make $:50 to $400 month. Cheapest, most powerful light known to science, for home and commercial lighting. Anyone can Install and bjerate them; ex clusive terrltorisl contracts given respon sible men: mall Investment. Gloria Light Co.. lyso Washington blvd.. Chicago. WANTED Laundry dell very man. married man. muat be hustler; atabll'ihed routes, salary and commission basis amount to M40O week; can be Increased to ftrJ.OO; give present and past occupation, refer ences and phon number. Address O 4o3, Oregonlan. WANTED Men 'without experience to work at electricity. plumbing, automobiles, bricklaying; learn trade-in a few months without expense; 2ai studonta last year; Sao.OOO contract jobs; writ immediately. United Trad School Contracting Co., Log Angcle. SALESMAN Experienced any line to sell general trade pacific Coast: unexcelled specialty proposition with BRAND NEW FEATURE; commission with 43ft weekly for expenses. The Continental. Jewelry Co., Cleveland. Ohio. V ANTE D Foil r neat appearing young men that can speak Scandinavian and Eng lish, steady employment and good salary; none but hustlers need apply: call between 4 nnd i P. M. E. A. Dunlop. 172 East 17th St. GOVERNMENT positions; chances never better to secure one; full particulars ax to salaries, positions, dates of examinations soon to be held Portland, sample ques tions, etc.. aent free in Circular 16L M Cor. Institute. Washington, D. C. salesmen wanted to sen fruit trees. walnut trees and ornamentals. Others ars making good. Splendid territory. Ex pense money advanoed weekly. Write Albany Nurseries. Albany. Or.. Dept. A. SALESMEN Only those calling on general merchandise trade, small towns; manu- facturers' lace-embroidery line; llb-ral proposition. Hudson River Lace Works, 41 Hrosdway. New York. SALESMAN Sid or main line, to roll our Insecticide, disinfectants, to public of ficials, hotels, restaurants; big commis sion; samples free. United Chemical Co., Minn ec polls. M Inn. N UMBER young men wanted to learn wirrlass and railroad telegraphy; positions paying 173 to l0 per month guaranteed, rail or add ress Te 1 eg rap h Dep t. , 144 5th sL W A NTEDEnglneer to operate small en pin and hentlng plant. In city; board and room furnished; elderly man pre ferred; siate experiwnc and aalary want id. AC 47ft. OrcgonisiK RAILWAY mall el rks. post o.Tlco clerks, letter carrier, custom house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare for exam inations: freo book. Pacific State School. McKay bldg.. city. PROGRESS MAGAZINE. Chicago, will send anyone interested free particulars how to become a newspaper correspondent; good Income possible; work anywhere, all or part of time; ask for booklet 142. STATE "SALES")! AXAGER "wanted .Tlpable of handling sal ram en for high class auto mobile accessories: large Income; will bear thorough Investigation. Simplicity Mfg. Co.. Columbia bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. GENERAL a pec la I. by large old line health accident company; naw, liberal, easy-selling policies, chotc territory, big pay. Roval Casualty Co.. SL Loula. SALESMAN with e x ne rlenc to sell most complete line of calendars and advertising novelties on market. Write Ohio Novelty Co.. Springfield. O. EXPERIENCED advertising novelty man. no other need apply. New line for 1H11; five pocket sample. Iowa Novelty Co., Lyons. la. SALESMEN strongest line advertising: nov elties on market, appealing to all clashes trad-: liberal commission. Metsl Special tlrs Mfg. Co.. 4-7 Randolph. C h lcago. CAPABLE aaiesman to cover Oregon, staple line, high commissions with tluO monthly advance: permanent position right man. Jess It Smith Co..Detrolt. Mich. WANTED, b large city hotel, night clerk, w ith know gfdge of bookkeeping; experi enced men only need apply. AC 46. Or gontsn. WANTED An office boy about id years of ace. Apply at the Pacific Monthly office. Dl Park st.. bet. 11 and 12 o'clock Mon- dsv. November 7- SALESMEN To carry as side line Justrlt Aiumnium Check Protector; every mer chant buys: easy to sell; sample 50c; circu lar free. Justrite Company. St. Louis. $100 MONTHLY expenses, travel distribute samples for big manufacturer. stesdy work. S. Scheffer. treasurer, W 234, Chi cago. . . $:S WVEK.T.Y expenses trustworthy people. trael distribute samples big wholesale house. C. H. Emery. C 311. Chicago. ANYONE can make $-0 weekly at home In spare time: mail order business; particu lars free. Success Mdse. Co.. Toledo. O. DELIVERY horse, about WOO pounds: will uy. or feed for use. Kennard 4b Adams. :,ji Williams a vs. WANTED Good man on farrn; steady work: 430 and board. D. L. McLeod. Lyle. vVsh. . WANTED One first -claas ca hi n-t maker, rttchlesa Lumber Co.. East SL Johns. school RoY w care fr furnace for his room pnd buai d. :i 13th sW SALESMEN No former experience required; we will assist you to secure position where you can get practical experience and earn from $100 to $-50 a month w hlle learning. Trained salesmen earn from $1000 to 110. OOO a year and expense. Write for our free book. "A Knight of the Grip, and list of good openings, also testimon ials from hundred of men placed In good positions recentlv. Address nearest oiTice. Dept. 454. National Salesmen's Training Assn.. New York. Chicago, Kansas City., Minneapolis. San Francisco, Atlanta. THE MEIER AY FRANK STORE require an experienced furrier at once, must un derstand altera tiors. Apply tomorrow morning to superintendent. ith floor, annex. EXPERIENCED tea representative tWeat and Middle Went) wanted by old-established New York house making a specialty of packing teas for the grocery trade, wholesale or retail. In tin. lead or parch ment. 2 ol up to 16-oa. packets: flat com mission $2 per 5o-pound box. Tea Packera, aM-a-sfi Front St., New York Cll y RAILWAY MAIL CARRIERS average salary Slioo, examinations Portland Nov. 12. 200O appointments every year; common education sufficient; no "layoffs' ; every second week off duty, full aa'1".; fr.ee preparation ; send name immediately. Franklin Institute. DepL 337. U, Roches ter, n. y. : $70 MONTH Customs, Internal revenue, railway mail clerks, thousands appoint ments coming; steady work: rapid ad- vancoment; list Spring examinations Port land now ready; common education suffi cient; influence not necessary; preparation free. Writ immediately. Franklin Insti tuto. Dept.. 1!M Y, Rochester. N. Y.. WANTED Young man, 2.1 to 3 for book keeper and office man; should have some experience but not rbsolutely necessary; must be accurate and not afraid to work, chancee for advancement pood; salary foe per month to start; bond required; write. Jiving full particulars; references. AM 11, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced solicitors with city and country acquaintance, to present mutual life insurance plan; members par ticipate In profit of promotion; Indorsed and encouraged by an already large mm bershlp of leading business men. The Guaranty Co.. 1'31 Oak st. . HOW WILL YOU "SIZE UP" When you come In contact with the man whose "yes-' or "no" means success or failure for vou? The International corre spondence Schools can train you to "size up " Address 23 Alder sL Our new cata- Iogue is now rcaay MEN We will mall on trial a full $1 bog of filet's Nerve Tablets. They act on the gvstem like "ateam act on an engine, giving health, strength, vim. vigor and vitality or cost nothing. SVnd no money. Just name and address. Blel Mfg. CO., lpt. C 240. Denver, lolo. W ANTE D M -n and boys to learn uuto mobtling, electrical engineering, surveying; plumbing and bricklaying in few months; satisfaction guaranteed; positions secured; booklet free. Nab School of LnKlneering, 'JllO W. 7th et.. Lo Angeles. Cal. MAN Must be willing to learn; capable of acting as our representative; no csn vsssinp or soliciting; good income as sured. Address National Co-Operatlv Realty Co., 72 Marden bldg.; Washing ton, DC- - WANTED County representatives for ac cess hand vacuum carpet cleaner, bens for $15. The only successful single per son machln on th market. Biggest kind of profit. Write for terms, Hutchison Mfg. Co., Wilkinsburg. Pa. . 8AWM1uTmEN WANTED To aend for "The Practical Lumberman" book on llg uring. sawing, grading, talllying inspect lug and other valuable Information cov ering car and cargo trade; moiled for $1 by B. Hi ere ton. Box lift. Tacoma. Wash. I WILL 6TART"yOU earnlnn $4 dally at home In spare time, allverln. miiTor; no csultal required. tend for free sample and Instructive booklot. giving plans of operation. O. F. Redmond. Dept. 00, Bos ton. Mass. MEN everywhere to represent us In sale of new telephone attachment; quick sales, liberal commission allowed; "ciusivp ter ritory given. Universal Specialty Co., De troit. Michigan. SALESMAN One In each town to sell car bon paper direct to consumer; no expe rience needed; business permanent; enor mous profit assured. Address Cameron Corp.iratlmi:41 Cortlandt at.. New York. WANTED Young married man, grocery ex perience, for tea and coffee route; must be able to give $500 bond; money-maker for right party. Call Sunday at $36 Rua- Sell SU IiO Y. 14 to 18. neat appearance, to mike himself useful in store, learn clerkship, steady position, good reference required. Inquire at The Gallery Postal and Curio Hli op. -60 Alder st, , WANTED 2 or 3 A-l subscription solicitors- those eonversant with the automobile Industry preferred; will make you 4J' proposition. Write to "Motor Times," 310 Moffat blrigptrolLMjch. SALESMEN (everywhere) make big- money Ming our Xma and holiday decoration. gHrlands. wreaths, bells, banners and other sneclaltis. Write for catalogue and term. Miller, lfiS Park Row. New York. WANTED Y'oung aingle roan around 25 to coilct and deliver; must bf steady and willing to work: referei.ces ad bond rj qulred: salary to atari U .25 per day. AM 4tf2, Oregonian. . ANYBODY can add $S to $30 weekly to In come entire year, growing mushrooms in cellars, -aheds, boxes, etc.: bis market fre booklet- Hiram Barton. West 48th St.. New York. . . baieamen. best accident, health policy, old 'Ionian Htri.trV CO.. ill N. th SU LOUIS. KAI EMAX tor this trltory plendld om T contract. $36 weekly advance to Producer: ataple lln. permanent poaition. E. Rice A Co.. Detroit. Mich. OFFICE bov. 16 year, old. tor printing bual- fM Good waiel and chance to learn trade. Onlr bo. willinit to work need LPPly. P ' un?.uiiiu. WAXTEO Office boy, must be ltf year, or age and bright. Apply In own hand writing and tate aalary expected. Ad- drea K IW. Oregonlan. .ollcltor. Chrl.lmaa edition, rellgloua macatine: fine dummy, good endoree-m,m- commlaalon. Bonedlctlne Preaa. Ooodnough bldg. Main 3139 w a VTBU Junior Aanlatant regi.tered phar macist: eacellent opportunity to recelv, t, rartlral knowledge of the drug bu.ineaa. AnnlYto Mr. Specht. the Owl Drug Co. sf AKCHEK and polianer. wage, el g ht e.a dollara a week to atart. Write or wlr. at oncl Chr.ra New Laundry. Grand Or. MAN acquainted with town. In Oregon. Washington: muat be hustler, good refer ences, and have some expense money. Ad dress AK .3V. unr.mii.; JipiNESg for cooking and goneral house work small family. Phone Tabor S8 or "! room blO. Corbett bldg.. 5th and Mor rison. i KABV automobile driving and rapairtu. day or evening. Office 3M Waahlngtea B. lj; ctmlng bnslneaa plenty work. WANTED Good ladles- tailor, best salary and steady position to right man. V. Karoar. 4tl Merchants Trust bldg. ANYONE, anywhere, can earn big pay copying addressos at home evenings: book, c stamps. C. 11. Rowan. Chicago. 1IL NFW store; very promising location for " business. Hartman & Thompson. Cham- l or of Commeree. 5 tx.-HiKN'CKU bootblack wanted at once; 'rood nroposltlon. Call .05 Hawthorn, ave. rhoneTabor6dl. WAffD Salesman of ability, fine oppor- tu'nlt.v'. Call Monday. 3ui Commercial block. U'AJTFD A sash and door machln. man. Acme Planing Mill Co.. East Water and Oak sts. a WAXTFI Experienced siVsman. Call Mon day Ix-fore V o'clock, tioodyear Raincoat Co.. ao- wasninaton FIKST-C1. VSS stenographer who la familiar with electrical business. Address AN 4S9. Oregonlan., frl RST-t'LAStt solicitor to aell electrical aup plfes In town of 1D.0OU. Addres. AN US. 4jr-gonlan. a HKL:r.H MAKEKi wanted at the Peoples "rush Factory. E. 17th st. IVE agents to sell photo coupons: swell offerDavla, ::, Wash. St.. FlRST-CLAPS. experienced spinner wanted. Bandon Woolen Mills. Bandon. Oregon. WANTED Flrst-claaa coatmaker. Apply th. E. J. E itnjern Co.. 4-S Macleay bldg. noOK KEEP I NO. prlvat. tuition by an ex pect accountant. 301 .Merchants Trust bldg. TiktEI Boy to feed Job press. James Adrian. Ankeny. Main S2i. ILnid-Cl-AaS coiAmerclal aaiesman r. r...ntatlve. tl Commercial bldg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agenta; new offer. Cutberta studio. Dekum bidg. W ANTED at once. S men to learn to drive, - ... KO.R- ?lh .1 TSJ and repair .uw."". . .. GOOD-farm hand wanted. 100 Mllwaukl, ,t. Take Sellwood car. WANTED Men to smok. NEW lOHJC BONO flv-ceot cigars. WANTED Expert scale builder and scale tM'F.RIKM'EP zardener wanted for gen Uenma's country plo. B Oregonlan. H.AX i- li-'C OUtVA, DIM The New York Film Co. ft Moving -Picture School will make a reduction of on regular pric on lessons In moving picture operating during thl week; finest and largest equipped school on the Coast, competent instructor who teach the busi ness in every detail; competent operators are in demand and earn $2 to $3o weeki , we help to secure positlona; investigate our plan of starting pupils in the motion picture business free of charge; motlon phture theaters inak from $10 to 1W dally; theaters fully equipped on easy terms. Information and terms gladly Kivtn. f'JtB Washington st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A trained nurse, or well edu cated woman with a knowledge of medi cine who. with training and help, can make good on the road. Big salary to right party. J-ae. A. Greene, Imperial Ho tel. Call between 13 and a and after S P. M. WANTED Lady who has moved in cul tured society to take position in Portland representing a prominent publishing com pany; tact, education and ability are nec essary, qualltloatlons. Must be able- to travel If required. D 481. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS collar and Jacket bands vant cd 'WORRELL'S SAMPLE CLOAKS SUITS, 14 6th St., cor. Alder. Opposite The Oregonlan. WANTED 6000 women to know about our sample cloaks and suits. . WORRELL'S SAMPLE CLOAKS tt SUITS, 1S4 6th st cor. Alder. Opposite The Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced alteration woman a.t once. Apply to the Big Bast Side store, Uevurts Bros., East Burnside. and Union ave. WANTED Quick; splendid engagement In cily tor ladles' orchestra, vlolo. cello, clari net, piano piayer. Good salary. Pulsifer Theatrical Exchange. Marquam bldg. WANTED A competent lady to manage a small rooming-house; must be unincum bered and able to give bonds, a Oregonlan. W - N T K H 4 ladles to demonstrate for a big local firm: also 6 lady solicitors; sal ary and commission. Give phone. AL 4b i. Oregonlajl. -m Lip MAN, WOLFE CO. want experienced help In all departments; permanent po sitions, good salary. Apply Monday nwra lng. WANTED At once, girls over 10 to 'TO1"'' In ladles' neckwear factory: highest wages. ' Western Mfg. Co.. 63 Sth st., 3d floor. t EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking. "49 Irving St., cor. i4th St. Phone Main 8235, A 118:1. WANTED Woman for general housework. In family of two. Apply C. P. Elliott, Orpheum Theater. WANTED Talloress to put In lining In ladles' Jackets, also aa swift handsewer. Call at 447 Alder. J. K. Stern. WANTED Girl that understands some bookkeeping and to answer telephone. Call at 447 Alder. J. K. Stern. EXPERIENCED girl for housework and cooking; must sleep home. Madison Park Apts.. Apt. 6, call mornings. SCHOOLGIRL wllllag to assist In light housework for board and room. Call be fore 2 P M Tabor 1700. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework in confectionery store. 750 W ashingtou. WANTED Middle-aged woman as house keeper for widower; apply ii Tillamook. funqay. WANT a lady to work In boarding-house for her and husband's room and board. 121 Russell si. Phone East :;878. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages and good home. Phon. C 3104. CASH girls wanted: steady employment. Apply Bannon at Co.. 388-SBO East Morrl sun Bt. WANTED Middle-aged lady for, general I;ousework. family of three. Phono East 4S0t. I'l'e Russell. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. PHOTOGRAPH negative retoucher, flrst clasa. Cutberth, photographer, Dekum bldg. GIRL wanted, moderate experience, for gen eral housework In small family; good wages. 6oa Schuyler St. WANTED Young girl to take care of small flat with threo in family; must room out slde; good wages. Call 590 E-AIder st. W VNTED Bv local business honse. com petent woman, willing to work; experi ence not required. K 48i. oregonlan. SPLENDID opportunity for young lady, good appearance, good talker. 35 Com mercial nioca. ANYOHE anywhere can earn big pay copy ing addresses at home evenings; book, 4c etamps. C. H. Rowan. Chlcagq,lll.; COMPETENT girl wanted for general house work: 4 In family: references. D. Lewis, 151 North 2d at. MRS.HOWES LADIES' AGENCY. 32CM Washington st., room 314. Main 88:6 or A 3206. WANTED A girl to help with care of one child and assist with housework: good homo. 631 Clackamas. Phone C 187P. GIRLS WANTED If not experienced, must be willing to 'learn. Portland Paper Box Co., 208 Oak st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 48A Washington St., Cor. 7th. Upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GIRL or woman to assist with general housework. Apply 574. East Morrison St., cor. 14th. WANTED A woman for nursing and some housework during confinement; Swedish preferred. E 4M3. Oregonlan. COMPETENT cook wanted fo- private fam ily; must have good references. Wages 145. Telephone Main 7243. or A bias. GERMAN woman wanted to help out In res taurant; good pay. Call 54 Bth st, near Pine. Altman'a Restaurant- t EXPERIENCED talloress for .alteration and repairing at 4'.'4 Morrison St. City Tall oring and Cleaning Works. WILL give public stenographer free desk room in exchange for little work. L 482, Oregonlan. WANTED First-class waist hand, no other need apply. Call bet. and 10 Monday. Madame Morris. 300 Tllford bldg. WANTED Lady partner In good vaudeville sketch; I pay all after Joining. Address AB 491, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER wanted; state past office experience and salary wanted. Y 41)2, Ore gonlan. WANTED A competent and reliable woman lo keep house for widower and two daughters. N 4S9. Oregonian. ' . WANTED First-class finishers to work on ladies' coats; should be able to make first class buttonholes. 147 10th St. . WANTED Young ladles to enter training school at LumDermau i niwpn.1, iwu- ville. Washington. GIRL to work for room and board and go to school. 474 Yamhill st. WANTED Experienced skirt band, flrst- r asa only, in J"" - WANTED High school girl to work rnnm. hoard and wages. Main 3750. tor WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Apply 655 Irving st. WAITRESS wanted at 404 Madison St., prl- vate boarding-house. Phone Main 2006. YOUNGIady to-work In cigar store. 65 H North 2d st. . WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap- ply CM2 Hancock St.. Irvlngton. EXPERIENCED private boardinghouse cook, also waitress: 254 12th at. WANTED Olrl to work in confectionery store; 225 N. 23d St. GIRL for general housework; must be good cook: good wages. C1299. WANTED Rapid writer to address postals, wages 25c hundred. L 456. Oregonlan. WAS'TfcD Girl tor general housework In small family. Apply 607 East Taylor at. W -vN'TED Bright, neat young waitress for luncheon. Woman's Exchange, 18S Sth st. TEACHER Rural 5, hire tomorrow; 1 H. S. teacher.611SweUandbldg. COMPETENT stenographer for professional Office. Immediately. I .fo. urea-oman. GIRL to do light housework; $20 a month. Call Tabor 356 after 3 P. M. GOOD girl for general housework; good . linn- V BKf HTi.'tR wages muj - . WANTED Middle-aged woman for general nouaemirii. .n - WANTED Girl to assist In general house- wnrK. I nil ,'u j a-' " WANTED A good general Mrvant, small famlly.432 Marguerite ave GIRL for cooking and -reneral housework. 721 Halsey St. East 11M0. GIRL wanted, light office work: no experl- ...... A V .c.t Orernn ATI- WAITRESS wanted for hotel In Portland. Address i " . - --- WANTED At Sisters' Hospital In Chlco, Cal.. pupils to enter school of nursing. WANTED Girl for general housework. 5U1 yorso girl for office work. Methlvler, Jt3 -a St. GIRL for g-nerl housework, small family. . i Anx V.n'lor, t . PRIVATE school. SHORTHAND and TYPE WRiTING; K nxo. log llth; Main 8S9S. WANTED Young ladies for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co.. 6th and East Ankeny sts. WANTED Stenographer and ail-around of fice girl; inexperienced applicants not con sidered: answer in your own handwrit ing, give vour reference and phone num ber. AK 489. Oregonlan. HOTEL cook. 40; cook small boarding house. S35: chambermaid. $25 and $35: Janltress. $35: 2 waitresses tout of city). $25. fair paid; restaurant waitress, $10 week; second girl, $25; family cook. $45; girls for general housework in. and out of city, $25 to $40. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 345 Washington St.. room 7. WANTED At once; experienced sales ladies for cloakand suit department: also cash girls and wrappers. Roberts Bros., Third and Morrison sts. REFINED ladles lo put In spare time call ing on business firms for advertisements for our Christmas magazine; w, furnish the names. Liberal commission; costs nothing to try; experience not necessary. Benedictine Press. Goodnough bldg. Mala 5558. WANTED A young lady of artistic tastes and good appearance, with some, execu tive ability preferred, to take position as assistant for young architect; typewriting, sketching, and attention to calls. Good position for right party. Address In own handwriting. V 4S8, Oregonian OIRLS WANTBD. APPLY STAND Alt D FACTORY NO. . Grand ave. and East Taylor sts. LADY of scund business qualifications for magazine subscription renewal work (not canvassing); splendid remuneration; do not answer unless experienced In such work and ready to commence now. -all Monday morning on Mr. Tanner, Pacific Monthly Company. . NEAT young lady for stenographic and office work. Have no objection to begin ner if she hsis taken a course as sten ographer; must be bright. Apply National Brick & Clay Co., 701 Board of Trade bldg. . WANTED, a refined lady to conduct an of fice in this or any other city; you work for yourself and there is no limit to money to be made: from 100 to S500 required; this Is worth Investigating; references. A 488. Oregonlan. WANTED A first-class girl to do general housework; must be a good cook; good accommodations and good wages. Apply for particulars to Mrs. Porter, 37 Trinity Place- W ANTED Good girl for general housework; able to do home cooking. Take Portland Heights car to Clifton, walk east to liith and south to 505 College St. Phone Main 92-3. X WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, no washing, good wages: must have good references. Phono C lee.4. MUNICIPAL Department of Public Safety for Young Women. Advice or assistance gladly riven to all young women. Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin. Supt.. room 8T, Y. W. C. A. bldg.. Itn am taywr mi. 12.60 PER DAY paid one lady In each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for concentrated flavoring In tubes; per manent positions. J. S. Zlegler Co., Chl cago. , LADIES make supporters; $12 per 100; no canvassing; material furnished; stamped envelope for particulars. Wabash Supply Co.. Dept. 206. Chicago. . OPPORTUNITY for lady acquainted In Port land or towns adjacent In Oregon or Wash ington to secure lucrative position. Call M nnday, room 227 Henry bldg. GIRLS. 19 to 25 years old. to study in new hospital; two-year course: special induce ments offered. Call or address 600 Mar quam bldg. WANTED Two neat and attractive lady so licitors for leglrtmate proposition: olTlce- ' to-offlce work; givo telephone number. Y 489. Oregonian. v GIRItr-or woman to do light housework. 586 5th st. Main 679S. HELP WANTED MAIt OB fEMALK. VAUDEVILLE and dramatic Instruction un der the direction of Mr. Clifford Robert son, direct from the Metropolitan School of Dramatic Instruction, New York City; vaudeville sketches written and re hearsed; vaudeville and dramatic people in all lines wanted; Coast time for vaude ville acts; only bona fide booking office in the city; have Coast rights for the latest Eastern productions. Pulslfer's Theatrical Exchange, Marquam bldg. Open Sunday afternoons. 111,000 POSITIONS ror graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trad, la S weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu at., earn trom $15 to 128 weekly, expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges. JU North 4th St.. Portland. Or. . FREE -Boys and girls, sell 24 packages of beautiful postal cards for us at 10c each; aend us the $2.40 and we will Immediately send you a real and useful camera FREE. Write today. Northwestern Supply Co., dept. G. 2101 Oakes ave., Everett, Wash. WANTED-Men and 'women to send for pamphlet telling how to secure position de iMd Full narticulars free. Pacific Mer- cantile Company, box 1354, Los Angeles, WANTED Man and wife to work on farm; man must be all-around farmer, woman to cook. Apply between 8 and 9 o'clock Mon day morning at 205 McKay bldg. LADY or gentleman, fair education, to trav el, old-established house. $12 week to start. Expenses advanced. Geo. G. Clows, Phil adelphia. Pa. ; M4.N and wife wanted for farm; pleasant location and pemanent If satisfactory. AN 4 9", Oregonlan. WANTED Man and wife to do washing In small steam laundry. Call S72 Haw- 4horne ave. WANTED at once, two neat appearing wo men to sell rooming-houses, call Monday morning: largest list to work on In city. ONE good all-around cook, 1 dishwasher, for restaurant. Apply 232 Worcester bldg. DENTIST for a promising location; a rare chance. Archer-Schanz. Bth and Oak. WANTED Man or woman who can sing or aance tor bmjii-h ve..... ..... u. m .. FISX TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 611 Sw.t land bidg. SITITATIOy WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers nnd Clerks. EASTERNER of wide business experience in general mercantile' and hotel wants posi tion with someone who needs man who will looks after owner's Interests; perma nent. Goo. jL Coan. Hotel Medford. city. a YOUNG man with severa; years' exper ience In lumber business wishes position In lumber office; salary no object if chance to atrvance. a .,-"t;s BOOKKEEPER and office man desires em ployment for part time each day. Can collect; good, all-around man, willing to work. City references. A E 495. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER, 23 years old. Portland resident, educated and experienced, wishes position with assured future. Possesses Underwood machine K 188. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as bookkeeper, cashier or general office man. with reliable con cern; lots of experience. V 481, Oregon ian. O F K I C K MAN having extensive knowledge of railroad rates and tariffs, now em tio ved hv large Eastern railway, wants nositloB In Portland. P. O. box 6-S2. POSITION wanted by experienced drug salesman and pharmacist; a.-.y clerical po sition will do. Address care P 489, Ore gonlan. . THOROUGHLY competent shoe man, who can sell clothing and furnishings, wants position In or near Portland; references. Address Y 460, Oregonlan. BOOOK KEEPER, with several years', ex perience and best references, wants posi tion; any kind of office work. AK 490. Oregonian. L WANTED By young man of experience, postlon as office man or local specialty iet nrinffliL aaicBiu.u. ov, ' - o EXPERT bookkeeper desires evening work; large experience and best of references. M 46. Oregonian. ; m I WOULD like a small set of books to care for as I have a few hours' spare time each aay. -.o-.. WANTED Young attorney, stenographer desires position in law office. K 483, OregonlalK ' - ' YOUNG man. 21 years old. wishes position as collector or clerk. Phone Sellwood 1712. EXPERT stenographer, experienced in law Dractice and business, wishes place, uni versity trained. L 4i2. Oregonlan. AS shipping clerk or packer: experienced in all lines. AH 490, Oregonian. Bookkeepws nil Clerks. STENOGRAPHER. SALESMAN. COLLECTOR. Youth, past 22. wishes position where emplover smokes a decent brand of cigar. The advertiser has about five years of well-assimilated business experience, is faultless stenographer and scribe, and ac knowledges generally he is the brightest and most intelligent young man in Pott land. Will commence at 0. V 4o, Oregonian. , i CoMPc.TE.NT accountant for several years "past with a Jopbing house in this city, would like to correspond with a nrst elass manufacturing or wholesale house with a Mew to making a change about Jan. I. Full,- capable of taking full charge of an office, correspondence, credits, etc. First class references. Address S. Box 4b i. Port iamL . YOUNG man. 2S years of ase. wishes po; sition with lumber company four years experienced with largo lumber company as stenographer, cashier and head book keeper: will accept almost anything where there Is a chance for advancement In or out of the city; can furnish excellent ref erences as to ability, etc V 4S7, Orego nian. DO YOU WANT A man of executive ability, varied gen eral knowledge, great experience, wldei.v traveled and acquainted, management or pcsltion where brains, up-to-dute action and good Judgement count? Would in vest. Address AF4S6.Orogonian. OFFICE man and bookkeeper with exten sive experience along wholesale and re tail lines as well as with large corpora tions, desires immediate employment. Can hRnilla crArilt. Anil collections: KOOd SVS- tematizer; local references. AF 491, Ore- gonian. A YOUNG man with education, energy and ability, for 10 years a successful city salesman for large manufacturing com pany in New York, desires to locate in Portland and wants position with real es tate firm dealing in high-class city prop erty. Address A(i 403.Oregonlan. YOUNG man. age 30. desires a position as bookkeeper. timekeeper. material an commissars' man. has had eight years' ex perience with engineer and contractors on railroad, buildings and general construc tion work. Address AN 486. Oregonian. WHO wishes the services of a competent., reliable office man. callable of taking now of the business end. aside from office de tail. At present employed. Desire to be gin duties January 1. 1911.. Address O 4S1. Oregonlan. A YOUNG man, with several years' exper ience as pay roll clerk and bookkeeper for a repair shop, would like a position: would consider a small salary to start with. K 4"5. Oregonian. WANTED Position where reliability is valued rather than large volume ot work; have had large experience In book keeping, office and road work; moderate salary. AD 490. Oregonian. . BOOKKEEPER! married. experienced in general bookkeeping and accounting: no objection to country; in fact, would rather prajfer It; references exchanged. AE 4M Oregonian. " Miscellaneous. SKILLED workman wants place: experi mental work on instruments or light ma eninerv. tol and die work, or light man ufacturing. Address N 480, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as milker by a sober Japanese with 6 years' experience In this country. S. Hase. 534 4th St.. N. Port land. WIREMA.N'.S helper wants position, city or countrv: experience in all branched of wir ing; open or closed shop. B 488, Oregon lam . . SCANDINAVIAN wants work In store or run elevator; strictly temperate: speaks English fluently; not afraid of hard work. C 490. oregonian. YOUNG man. 24. with some experience In watchmaking and engraving, wants posi tion with opportunity to learn trade tnor- oughly. c 491. uregoinau. GOOD young man looking for position or will learn trado. some kind of Iron or steel work. Address 652 Sherlock av F. Hart man. - : STRICTLY temperate married man. years of experience in mercantile line, warns to work at anything honorable. Address u 4SS. Oregonlan. A GOOD general repair mechanic and handy man seeks position in hotel warehouse, store etc.; sober and Industrious; good references. A. Burton, 68 Russell St.. city. YOUNG man attending Washington Hlb. School wants something to do after A F. M. and Saturday and Sunday all day; will do anything. AddreeB box 379. city. PRIVATE housework window cleaning, floors renovated and polished. Chas. Green, Main 6573, evening. YOUNG man desires place to work for board and room before and after school hours. H. D. B., I4S Sth st. WANTED By married man, strictly sober Janitor, In office bldg. or rooming-house; some experience. AM 490, Oregonian. CHAUFFEi'R wishes position with private family; sober, best of reference. AF 488, Oregonian, EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position, trivate family preferred; can give best of references. AD 485, Oregonian. FIKST-CLASS mechanician will drive amo truck- will consider out of town otter. State salary. AC 489. Oregonlan. WANTED Work for the Winter by young married man; best of city references; a good driver. X 494, Oregonlan. BY man and wife, place in camp or on farm, cook and helper with boy, 5 years. AH 489, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, reliable chauffeur wants position, private family preferred, ref frences. Call Marshall 2403. FIRST-CLASS cutter from East desires po sition with fine tailoring concern. Address A 485. Oregonlan. BY experienced man, position on farm; nothing but nice place consluered. T 4S, Oregonlan. YOUNG man would like work with carpen ter on dwellings, to learn business; some experience. S 484. Oregonlan. WANTED Position In sawmill by prac tical engineer and millwright; will go any where. S 487. Oregonlan. ; A UNIVERSITY graduate can teach two ort three perBons pure and applied mathemat tcs. B 484. Oregonlan, POSITION as cook for boarding house, hotel and restaurant, also private. Call Home phone A 4489. Address 257 V, Everett st. 1 CAN fill position of trust, don't use liquor nor tobacco, employer's interests mine, ref erences.. C 485, Oregonian. CHAUFFUER, young married man. eight years' experience; steady. G 486, Ore gonlan. MOVING-PICTURE operator wishes posi tion, city or small town; reference; can furnish machine. M 475. Oregonlan. MAN and wife want place as cook and helper in hotel or camp. H 4S3, Orego nlan. m . MAN and wife, of good experience, desire positions as cooks in a logging camp. Ad dress K 482. Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR wants position; sober, hon-est- wages no object to start: reference. Address T. B. 1606. Division st. FIRST-CLASS cook and wife would like, small club, hotel or restaurant, best tef 'Penee, moderate salary. Phone; East 3!'0. POSITION out of town wanted by experi enced tinner and furnace man. A 475, Oregonlan. . A YOUNG man who Is an excellent cook wishes permanent position: best references. X 490. Oregonlan. FOREMAN Experienced in rock or dirt movement or powder work wants A Job. L 485, OregonIan: . EXPERIENCED general housecleaner by "day. hours or contract: reasonable price. Martin, Main 8855. NlGHTwatchinan, experienced, wants job in or out of city. L 486, Oregonlan. A SECOND worker wishes position In fam ily. jnainoi. POSITION "by man cook, meat and pastry; clean and temperate. J 486. Oregonian. AS carpenter, rough work. . $2.50 per day. - AG 486. Oregonlan. ! FIRST-CLASS baker wants position. D 480. oregonian. FIRST-CLASS gardener and handy man wishes positloji.M4S3, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED automobile washer and pol- . . nl.nn, SfllwnOrl 8S7. isner wain. '. . " CARPENTER wants Job on repair work. nouseouim'iis- .i.-'"-"l BY young man 28 years of age, to assist DaKer; Bwiiin . t" - ' - a noon Japanese wishes work. porter. . cook or housework.H4S5, oregonlan. YOUNG man wants work for board and room. r -too. i."""." T1..-L.1, oerman, good worker, wants work; B pe5& a HtTlS kSgVh W 480. Oregonlan. ANV kind of odd Jobs. Address at any time Y 482, Oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes position on farm; not Miri of work. AB 412. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position at i a m JDO ApaBrinlan houseworK. EXPERIENCED painter, paper-hanger wants . -Una'A tUnrui la Tarn ATT worK irom u v. ii ci p. WANTED A contract to cut 1000 or more corn s wocq. jv uv. --i YOUNG Japanese boy wants position as s hoo.boy. AD 4ft4. Orego nlan. GOOD Japanese cook wishes a posttion In a small family. AD 4VG. Oregonian. A