K V v KLAL aC.-ai. k as at. I , - Fr hale Firm. OWN EH GOING EAST. WILL SACRIFICE 45 ACRES 1J MILK i'ORTUND, t tr.r la bigh eiate f culti atlm. 3 as-rea burnt. s I a bed and balanca In good heavy timbo-r rth luK. sawmill on adjom. ng property; 0-a.:ra fra M Jfotnlng thla Juat so d for ! Per cr Tola .arm located on main county road. R. F. D.. phone, milk and cream roulea, inra-fourih mil to acnol and bigfc shool 1 -i mi.ee to small country town and railroad. Tbi Is absolutely the ?hp Mt buy in this part of the country- Tu time is limited at tne pn e named- (HArlN A Hr:ilI.OV. B 3 -Chamber of t'omnnfta Ti A.NA" KE A REAL SNA?. 1i arraa or flrst-clase Und near Fii van on. on a good road. I mHa to achooj: 5 acre Cleared and in cultivation. 3 acre, rlrh bottom land, watered by springs and river. House, barn and outbuildings. fm.y orchard. Only li per acra. Good l"in!if" trrvt, ml Vs from Forest Crovt; ftrst-riasa fruit and firm land: good springs, about lO at rea cared. eme good timbar. I'rl- a . prr acre. Term. M BUIS at CROCKETT. Room a. Waanincton bide M tffllanrona. THB bargain In city; ftne -ro-m honee. modern in e-ry way; lot Mxl. house nioat.y furnish'. Winter' in celter. fna furnace. 7'0U. ! cb, or wUI trade for vacant property and pay air ier' ncc ,- Klne V block. 5 'od hou-, Ing food rent: tats la a real snap; al"W eah; wlil taka some trade. Fib mdero -room buse, rme lot. on rarllne. East ld st; eo-a. $iX cajn. balanca li-KaUnisnts. a '" t"iy Flna lo-acre trart. food 6-room bf." mail barn. cblcan-houa. good weli. ar chared. nr Wnn 1-ne " miles trora Poruaud. a mm ales walk trorn rarllne. 35vO; mi: trad lr proparty her and pay a diarnca. Flna 2-a. ra tra. u ood ,room bou-. bam. outbuii.linea. orchard. 4 f.nr wtin land, no iton or raval; 10?.c ui balaoca $1 pr pr cnt; will taka aotna irm.J. ... fHAKLESOS A CO. ti rmrrfi! HMi- cvr. Sd and y an. IHH WHAT V' ARK LOOKING FOR AT Eatacada. tha Paction that la today ra ratvm tha hihaat lnd.ra-matotk from tn Trn Aricuitural ollaa: 10 ara of beautifully eird Iaal land. nom undnr "J raady for tha piantlns of appia. atraborria r other crop. Thia land la Jn tha heart of tha beat fruit aectton on main county road, and Is htlhty Improved. Thera l brand-new 2-rnom buncnlow houaa and an aquaiiy new barn up-io-data In all appolntmania. aiao lataat ty?e of poultry oop and rhioken park: oo4 well; prica $2Z:0; half eah. haianca eny tarm. ornr la aeiunff put owtnr to HI naalth la tha family. w CIIAP1M HERI-OW. 132-AJo t'hambor of Com marc a. ' Stndlh- f OR HALF. lto acra all in cultivation, la tha richest dairy and stock vallay o tha t'naat. overlookinr the ocean: all 'v land adjoinina town, school: for a qui'k ale. all or in i-acre tra-Ma. per arra rash: land In this valley cannot ba bouct ls than fl&O pr acre; no asanta. I. 4fc3. Orefonian. BEST BVT IN OREGON. 24 a rs. all la-al land, a ell Improved. .no4 orchard, various smr 11 fruits and berries aood bulldlnes; a fine h. ma a.l loininv a town of Inhabitants; prlca onlv I.WHX Addraas F. S., WUwa, lnda pendenre. Or. , . Glorious kootenay." British co- Ll MliIA-Nn lrrlarln:; Jeiifhtful cll m&ta; fruit farms ! to M per acre: v trrma: fre booklet V. Invaatora Truat MortgBa rrnratloa. Ltd.. 134 Ifasttngs St.. V. Vanceuver. B. C J. A- CUNNINGHAM. For Mia. farma. prlcaa raaaonahla; aa xebansa p Ol Hot il. t irnon. LINCOLN CO! NTT ha food soil. mild riltnate. pkntr of wood and water, parti Improved dairv and fruit farm a. O. O. Daiaba. Elk City. Or. WANT EI REAL ESTATE. WILL v.chnns;s for Portland realdenca or ltii my Irt ara plare. 6 miles from Portland limits. 1 mile from Oregon Elect ri station, on f 'od roads, houwe, barn, spring; 1 acra at ra wherries. acres cleared. 3 t acres onion land, haianca rv rich- want realdencs worth f".V0 to $Atin: w"itd aaaume or tnka difference. Addraaa, full particulars, U 4L orego n:an. WE HAVE calls for bualnrss. Income, fac tory and warahoue property: !so houaaa and lota; all transaction ronttdenUal. UK K'HANTS SA IN'IH A TKl ?T COMPANY. 9. W Cor, nth and WaaMngton Sta I WILL PAT as high aa nno for S to 5 acres on tha Heights, muat be reasonably level, haa fine view. ttubmtt propositions to my aganta NORTHERN TRI'ST CO TO St.irk St. WANTED A small place ona to threa acres adjacent to l'ortland; plenty of pure water, near- electric line. high ground, near neighbors; must ba cheap; rive full description and best terms first tter. A 4. Or-grman. WA.NTED Frull lent., wall located; nfuat stand Invest igatlon. will exchange aa part payment govd Los Angelea Income prop arty valued at 3lS.cV. Address J. W. Armstrong. 31 Byxna bldg.. Loa Angeleav Cat. WANTKI Immediately, sttlctly modern bun galow of five roitrna. cloe to l!a'thorns aenua nnl eat of East &0;h St.; not to eacced 1J..HH. UUlLARD WIEORICK. .4J Stark c CH EAT cottage of four or fl a rooms on rneap lot a- part pamint on rw mod - rg home, real r I- ted district, price - 20K H. K. Hrvan, .". chamber of Commerce. Vain Vj.i. A lr,'7. Vk E baa a customer for a er T-room modern house; must ba on a good car line; would like from 1 to acres of land; rash, baiaace on easy term a tlO Spald ing bldg Portland Realty E Grange Co. HAVE-cash cusiotnor'maltlng for about 3 rrea and house on cariiite: state full p-trtl.-ulara. no agents nee! reply. Wynn .lohnaon Co.. tjenlnser bldg. Phonea: Marsnall lw', or A 't:J. Wn.L buy from owner. houe 4 to 4 rooms with hath, one or two lots, from $I.V to jooi; give ruil particulars; no aganta. T Cregontan. HAVE 4 room bouse and govd lot that wa will take in a good lot not to exceed $.ort or or equity in lot. M2 Lewis . th and Oak l'rlr-e ILVM. WE JELI. K K A I. ESTATE. Qui'-klv and yiV:;y. xihthi:rn ti:i"hi CO., R!! ay Knh.tnge PUg. 1 AM a etrancer here and want a modern hungwloa. tunnyside preferred, that I can buy on eaay terms: I want to dwal with onr. AI 4. Oregonian PI X RO M houss In Bo1 petghborhood. ! give lot wrth 10mi a ftrat payment and I beral monthly payments. Phone I WW to rent f'r cah to '. acres, from 5 to ml Irs from Portland ; only Imp'owments necessary, house and cut bn:l.iing. J 4i. Oregonlan ;K) OR S'X) a-res choke garden land. Ir rlK tb'e by gravity, near railroad, within I miles of Portland: need not be la one tra.-t only. K 4!i. Oregonlan. WILL pa .hi down and $10 per month I lo: tn ii.-kw1 nli;hbrtioArt; tm preninr in; If you h.v. .nmrthinc on X t. h.xe cutorar tor pol iym hou., ci .ir not or $ NtOtt: 17 - r.sh. Shup ft raly. :u:. Ry. Ex. Hdg. HAV butrn lor .tcu.tl mmlrrn t'.xt, .htr ettn. corner Th:rl. VT a .m.ll rr!.nd. l or r"nt.n. npriel farm, clos to "a HKAuK ui.M fr pl.Ttlnir tnl.- lot. or Mnglo icrra. that cotiut h fcaiid!d HAVR buyers for hmf from $1000 to $.HI0. I.l.r with c It. Hl'il.KY a P1SH"1. 11? Third at. W v tt hu a t Ao-f ttntl v Iioum for ruall famine, cloo tn: umail parment d"r A't'l'X. AE t. Ori-.tlia-l. WANT aomo choap lla.kamaa rmralr airftK. atx. pnc. trrma and location. ft 4iV O"ocon!ar.. V AST nrnm' lo.-rt ah prlc. on Irvraf ton lo't R 4. Orrgonian. WANT lo btir a hom: amall raym.nt down, ra!aoc monthTv. '9 V 3ith at. AAl T - a-rr hour from town, alactrlc i r. R tr.rontmn. WANEI)TtMBEIl-J;DS. TIMBER landa vaatad. C J. AlcCrmck.D. ji McKtr bldg. WtlKKi.KR. Crook. Intatilla and coaat ciurm.. A. Yonnc. 4 Sa-vtland b'.J. to Ern.;E. E.'HANV;K l. mortaaa. and tlrr.bar land on R. H- lor farming- land In l.mott. Vall.y. W'olacrtoa. Butt. Falls. Oron. " cx-ha.v;e. S4 rrvorn hotl to .triatif. for irood firtt; lta la a aood j-rpo'tion and farm xnai ba tr. aamaw .1? Board ot Irada. J mE SUXDAT OREGOMAy, FORTLAyP, XOTEMBER 6, 1910. 15 , : TO EZCHANGL TO ET. CHANCE 1 TO EXCHANGE. ' T "ont!" l Planoe. Or,. Mualc- ln.trumM.tfc riSK VA1TE TRADES. ItO'lrra lrTiaatd farm In tha V chutea Valley, aood Improv.mrnta, to trad, for a buaineaa or city property. TuO-acr aheat farm. bt.n Pendle ton and Walla WaiU u IraUa at tha low price of ti per ai-re. 70CO cairy ranch, all stock. 10 cows, a hoga, 4't tons tiay. all farmlnaT Imple menia. boatlandlnx and rail transporta tion. Hav. you a house and lot you would like to trad, towards this, bal ance terms? sil.uos kos Ansjeles lnoome properfy to trade for l'orttant property or frull land. $.r0.eo income brick property to trail, for a good farm or frull land. 9h caah and .1000 real estate to trade on li autca, near carline; want time on balance. . ttiM caah and city property to trad, for good farm. Metlford orcharda. two ood ones, to trails for city properly. 11 too rented house to trad, on acre-aa-e tract near electric line. . llOve t-r.Kim modern bouse, elo.. in. to trsl. for farm. . LI acres rich bottom land, not wet. an cultivated, at pr acre; a snap, to trade for city property. I4 per acre. As cultivated. In Tamhfll T'ounty. to trade for city property ; this Is between MrMlnnvlIle and Sheridan. Juat look at the price as-atn. Ladlee' furnlahlnKS an I millinery stock doing aood busiRt-aa. talue elm; will tra la for real estate. sjw apartment hotel to trade. atu.Aoo income properly for wheat farm. SOCO H"neral merchandise, to trade. IlioO clxars and confectionery to trade. sisno fruit farm for residence. teoo butcher shop to trsde. C. W. LA BARKS. " Commercial Block. Id and Washington. WILL TKAl'B Portland properly for locsed-ofT, or farm land. 1 hax. splendid proposition to offer anyone wantlns to .schanjte a large tract of land for a dividend paying Investment of unquestioned merit. Address vl. Orefonian, v TO EXCHANGE. 40 acres lo Washington County, partly Improved, with slock and Implements: price Ui'; equity ::00; will take house in i'ortland for amount of equity. 01 acres, well Improved, near Canby: price I. 00(1. will take Cortland prop erty up to 92O0O; balance eaay terms. 4S acres on Columbia Klver. fine bottom land, very well improved: good bulld inaa. 1. A 1 milk cowa and other e'ock: price 17000: will take house and lot as part payment. a KAlFVUA.XX A MOORE. 32i l.umuer Exchange. It. Sou. NORTH city, trade for farm. 133. 0o. Inside, trade for rattle farm. 14509. tie acres, cattle ranch, timber, running water, trade Portland property. Sliii). SO acres. Vancouver, trad, lots, f?000, 140 acres. Condon, trade lota. 90 per acre, partly cleared, fruit land, nil or part of lit) acres trsde Portland. HAYMORK REALTY COMPANY. 4JO Worcester Hhlg.. Id and Oak Ste. 4-ROOM house, lot 100x10: feet, tmprove menti paid, price 13000; also -room mod ern house, lots aOxloj, corner, price $:i.'iO0; both practically on two carllnes; exenange either or both for improved Oregon ranch near good market; no inflated values con sidered: plsce -lth stock, .tc, preferred. J. H. Kinney. iu 2lh are. X. '., Seat- lie. Wash. SO ATK&S of good fruit land, situated 12 miles southwest from Eugene, Or. : good county road; has l.uoO.UlHI feet saw Um ber 40 acre, easily cleared, and mostly levet; good spring water, small cahln and creek runs through the place; will trade for city property : price. $'Z0 per acre. Couch bldg.. Portland, Or. M-ACItE dairy, grain and fruit farm for sale or exchange for all or part in good, clear proiierty; good buildlnga, uell fenced, family orchard. m mllea to railway; scnool on plai-e; price .7j per acre; it will suit anyone wanting a first-class place. W. D. Mixtcr. A 1 ban), or. hotel! Good country hotel. 22 rooms, only one la town. In leschutes Valley: pays 2"0 a month; will trad, for house and lota In I'ortland. llartman a- Thompson, bankers. Chamber of Commerce bldg. fee 11 A R T O O ) HOOD RIVER. Fine 7 -room house and A acres, half hour out on Oregon City Electric; worth lin.OOO: will exchange for Hood River , properly, liarlman & Thompson, bankers. Chamber of commerce bldg. ( See HA R T O O ) Fitl-'IT farm near Medford. one of the flneat In the valley to trade for Portland prop erty of 9:0i'0 to 910'iiio value; this .Is un usually good and worth more than we ask. C. W. LA BARRE. ;oe commercial Block. 2d and Washington. TO exchange: a 5-passenger, 110 Mitchell roadster, used but a short time, to ex change for a lot In Irvlngion; willing to pay cash balance. What have you to of fer? App. to Alex. Cevurtz, 1st and Yamhill ata. 11AVK 5 lota, nice modern t-room house, bsrn. 20 4-year-old fruit trees; IB min utes from Morrison bridge; will take good rooming-house close in. long lesae, as first payment; rest on t.rtns to suit. K 4H5. Oregonlan. MY equity of S2T00 in a beautiful modern home to exchange for a smaller plac. worth about f7u0; mortgage of 9220O, runs a years per cent. D 471. Ore gonlan. ce pioperty in Ksnsas City; will trade for Portland or Seattle properly or Oregon or Washing ton fruit farm, with some caah. AL 4l4, Oregonlan. WANTED Modern Portland residence or business property In good district, from owner who will consider A-l Hood River orchsrd or fruit land In trade. K 493, Oregonlan. Too ACRKd. near l.lnnton. 8ne soil, sutt shte for subdivision, vslue 9300 sn acre; will sell on essy terms or exchange sll or part for city property. See owner, 909 Lumber Exchange. GOOD paying business, ladles' fiumlshiiiKS and notions: Kasl bide: rent 9:o; llvlug rooms; slock Invoice 91200; exchange for house and lot or what have you. Owner, AH Oregonlan. d-RtiOM house, 11 tots: easy a-alklng dis tance, good home or apartment site; ex change for part suburban property, mort gages or sellers' equity contracts: some -.an: 91S.IKXI. Hatn-id. l'toa th si. LOTS f OR PIANO. Bandon lota to exchange for piano or tpewrlter; also 2 good clear lots in Fer gua Falls. Minn., to trade. 921 Lumber mens bldg. HANUSOME new 9-room residence. 100-ft. .corner, restricted dlslrlrt; will exchsnge for A-l city Iota; owner. 423 Luinbtil mena bldg. Phone M. 4000. ACCOI'NT poor health will exchange estab n.ned bualneaa for acreage or lot worth ilooo: might assume Incumbrance. K 4-i, Oregonlan ' TO EXCHANGE malt ranch, nesr Hous ton. Texss. half mile from railroad: O. K truck and orange land: will exchange for Portland lota J 42. Oregonlan- A FINE P-room bungalow for ssle on Third a.e.. J.enta. In Ktii.-y Park Addition. This is a bargain if taken at once. Martha HaxJ. WILL trade house with two lots In Los Angelea close in. for automobile. AB 4M. Oregonlan. -to ACRES of fruit and gram land to ex change. What have you? stox 22. rout. i. Ijehanon. Or. TRADE for anything, fine dwellirtg and one acre in llarneld. Wash. Ciiaa. K. H icks. Independence. Oregon. TO EXCHANGE for piano -2 good lots at A at oris, free and clear. Owner. 40? East Yamhl'l. city. Tl.ADE for snythlng. ten acres ra' land In Rogue River Va'Iey. Chae. E Hicks. Independence. Oregon. OitO' ERY and confectionery to trade I for city pioperty or close-In acreage. 921 l.umbermens hidg. , 8:Ll. or trsde for city property. 9-s-acra chicken rsnch. young, orchard. 6-rooni house, barn. Qwner.Y4a4.Oregonlan. WILL trade abeatitlful home and Irrigated a reage and chicken ranch for a farm. Inlins Wehrly. Kennealck. Waah. LAi NCHHOi i-E In first-class condition, as part payment on good lot or 6 -room house and lot. Ai.1 4t. oregonian. lo t-Rk.. cloae In. Iewlston Idsho. want "9.100U horns Portlsnd for first payment. balance easy. R 471. Oregonlan. ACRES. Tillamook Co.. well located for subdividing, for exchsnge Portland prop erty V 4o. oregonlan. FOR PALE or trade; fine electric piano; a'1-0 foMlng organ and baby upright piano. o2die Waah. phone Main MS. WE trade for property, any place, all me time. Shoemaker lnv. Co. Mi . Henry b : a g Main 4 4 85. A 7494. WILL trade 92."'k equity in my new, modern 7 -room houeu 1 block from.carline a. flrat p.4vment on farm. A e--.. un-innnn. FIVE. ten. eighty acres. Improved; sail or Portland exchange. O. MlddlekauO. Xa qulna. Oregon. 1A E exchange your property, regardless of locstlon for that which suits yon better voMhirrtt Fxc-anra 119-0 Henry bldg. 20 acres near Reaverton to .xchange for residem.e In I'ortland, 224 Lumber Ex change bldg. WE buv. sell or trsde for anything of value 417 Board of trade. ! FQI ITY in 5 9:" lots: will accept ani tuir.g ot value. AG IN, oregonlan. 40-ACRE FARM. WILL TAKE CITY PROP ERTY Iff TRADE. A fine 40 -acre farm. .10 acres in cultivation, within 30 miles of Portland, close to railroad and river trans portation, bas a good 5-room house, practically new. barn r.0x60 feet, all the best of soil. lt acres in bearing or chard, well kept up, 1 horse, 4 cows, wagon. buggy, mower. cultivator. rake, plow, harrow, some bsy. etc. Will take 94000 la city property In trade and bal ance can remain aa mort- "frlc. 95S50; will sell for 91 UAH) cash and balance to suit. RALPH ACKLET LAND COMPANY, 005 Corbett Bldg. EAST SIDE RESIDENCE: restricted dis trict: 8-room modern colonial home; own er wants cheap acreage or Improved farm up to 90000. NEW HOME; East 24th .t.. T rooms, hardwood finish, well built; price 9 WOO; will take good acreage. BROOKLYN DISTRICT: T-room resi dence: price 92SOO; wants small piece acreage or farm. MtiNTAVILLA; 6-room house: price 912O0: will take lots or cheap acreage S TO 40-ACKE TRACTS'; Improved and unimproved . on electrio line; to exchange for Portland property. GLENART REALTT CO.. (Inc.) 421-422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTS CITT HOME. 9250 an acre will secure you 20 acre, near Beaeerton, 12 acrae in cultivation. 4 or ft acres of rotten small fir stumps, some good timber, fine big spring, bearing or chsrd. creek along place, part rich black soil, about one mile from electric and steam roads, will exchange hi. equity of about 9010 for city home. WYNN JOHNSON CO. Suttee AOS Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder, Phone Marshall 1K4H, A 2:132. " A-FINE ORCHARD. 20 acres, adjoining Ashland; finest loca tion; Hi acre. In Seating trees, mostly Spltzenberge and New towns: a commercial apple orchard: 5 acre. In alfalfa: will ax change for tine home or other city prop erty, difference In value can be arranged for; valuo 910.000. NORTHERN TRUST CO- 270 tjtark at. . 940 ACRES at 98 per acre, for .ale or will I trade for some business; the Alt. Moocr4i. Railroad la being built, also the automo- mblle road, whlrh will make thla land valuable, as It lu-s In Clackamas County, on the way to ML Hood, the coming business resort. Mr. Hill, 390 Front .L Main 220a. WILL exchange my nearly new modern e-room bouae for five or ten acres, near electric line, within 10 or IS miles ot Portland; my house is In fast-growing, restricted district and oniy 20 minutea out on carllne with excellent aervlce. Phone owner. Tabor 303 or address, P. O. box 3S0. COME TRADE WITH US. We wsnt your trade; we can trade yon what yoa want tor what you have. Good Income property in I'ortland to trade for farm. THE LENT AGENCY. 322 Falling bldg., Third and Washington. TAKE LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT on modern bungalow on Portland Heights, fine neighborhood, will sell with or with out furniture; price only 94oO. Including furniture. Can psy balance monthly; now rent, for t:t5 a month. IJ22 Falling bldg.. Third and Washington sta SOUTHERN OREGON. Will tako Southern Oregon property In exchange for line 7-room house and 9s . acres on Oregon City Electric, worlh 910. 000. Hartinan A Thompson, bankers. Chamber of Commerce bldg. See H A It TOO 70 ACRES, or part, for sale or trade, 3 miles from Boring and on the O. W. P-: acres under cultivation; fair buildlnga, fine spring and creek. 9100 per acre. Ask for Mr. Miller, BOS Oerlincer bldg., 2d and Alder. ; 13J0 ACRES of tlmberland In Curry County. Oregon, altuated in several townships, for sale or exchange for city property; hold ings cover on 1000 acres; 2250 cords of tan oak. Further information at Alex auder Kunx. 222 Commercial Club bldg. ACREAGE cloae to Portland and all In cul tivation; an excellent piece of land and cloae tn station; only 43 minutes' ride ti-om city; will exchange for Portland residence property or vacant lota AD 4S.S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, a quarter section of good wheat land at American Falls, Idaho, price 94600; Incumbrance 91500; will trade equity for good Income Portland property. R. Nicholson. 435 Yamhill at. CuftNINO. Tehama co., CaL, 10 acres level land: fenced, some fruit, bslance wheat; fine place for chickens and turkeys; plenty water: on main county road: nice neighbors; will trads for lots: value 931500; no Incumbrance. X 479, Oregonlan. WANTED Seattle city property. 95000 to 9H0.0O0, in exchange for celebrated Rogue Klver Valloy frull landa MOOR-EHNi CO., Mudford. Or. 13-ROOM rooming-house, good location, close In, and farm close to Portland and electric line, worth 912.000, to trade for a larger house; must have good lease and furniture. H 47. Oregonlan. TO exchange for city property. 75 acres 10 mile. Portland. 3Vs mllea Lents: finest soil, 20 acres young orchard. 1-j0 hogs, about 1000 chickens, cattle, etc Hall, 3a0 Front st. LOTS on suburban carllne, for tlmberland or acreage not too .far out; level land with good growth ot timber and good soil preferred: may pay some cash. AB 4:1.1. Oregonisn. WANT ED Portland lots In exchange for 320 acre, of finest prairie land in Pan handle of Texas, flie mile, from county sst of Moore County, phone Kast 4730, or address M 471), Oregonlan. 320-ACRE valley farm, every Inch under cultivation, station on the place, also a side track, for sale or exchange for city property. Goldschtnlilt. Agency, 233 A. Washington, corner Third. I OWN 6OXH1O lol. graded street, city water, value iooo; have paid in 9200; balance payable 10 monthly; will trade equity for horse and buggy, launch or piano. & 4W3, Oregonlan. MODEHV brick hotel, closest In location, l.aae. value 912.000: will sell or exchange for Improved real estate or acreage. AS 47. Oregonian. WILL sell or exchsn.e for Portland prop erty, alt acres cleared and good improve me'nte.. IO miles out. close to electric. Office. Main II"'.'.: residence. Main 6423. FOR EXCHANGE Residence property In Omaha for residence In Portland. E. E. DARLING. .1 441 Brnndele Hldg, Omaha, Neb. $10,000 city property, 950OO mortgages. 94O00 ldo acres, ft M. feet timber: win trade all or part for good business, in city; what have you? X 4S5. Oregonlan. CONTRACTORS and builders Want to ex change my equity of 92750 and balance cash for 4-flat building. Call or address F. W. Wood. 40S Macleay bldg. IF you own a lot and hav. a little cash 1 will loan you the balance. A. C. Fur long, contractor. 634 Chamber of Com merce. Main 4544. ACREAGE or timber nnd some cash for West Side Improved property; value 950. ooo. Ooldachmldl's Agency, 233 A. Wash incton. corner Third, WILL exchange good business worth about 915.000 for Improved farm of equal value and will give or take dlfferenoe. Ad dress AG 3't3. Oregonlan. WILL lake office furniture, a aafe and a late wull map of Portland In payment up to 3350 on a good lot In restricted district. B 4lL Oregonlan. A -O0 PAYMENT on a nice lot In Laurel hurst tor good tailoring. C 4feU, Oregon lan. ; WANTED To aoll or exchange for city or suburban property, 1 Weber pianola piano nca rly now. Phono East J7H. 1 WILL exchang. my equity in a nice real dence lot for a good piano. B 400. Ore gonlan. WHAT have you to exchange for eui-acre w heat farm In Franklin county, nasn. 7 I: per acre, aiu terminer mug. TO exchange, new OS-note player piano, ma hogany case; also new Vlctrola. Hall. S80 Front sl WILL exchange automobile for 6-room house and lot. w. c. Green. 8 N. 6th at. phone Main "022. ' PASALENA. Cal. Fine corner lot. oxl2.-,; no Incumbrances; prlc. 92500: will trade for lota of equal value. X 4a0. Oregonlan. HOTEL- bus for sale cheap or exchange for automobile or launch; cost 91500 to build. V 47. Oregonlan. 3 2-3 ACRES, close In. for ssle or exchange for modern S or -room house. 304 is . Morrison sl phone E. 423ft. FIVE "astrachan fur coat, too small for owner, sell cheap, exchange for carpet or dresser. A 25T9.Maln 99. ACRES cultivated land In Willamette " Valley for Installment, contract or mortgage- O 493, Oregonlan. BFcr logging proposition in state; Investi gate: l.ynoo.ooo feet. H 4n.L Oregonlan. M1V1VG stock to exchange for cheap land: give full description. AN 400, Oregonlan, I HAVE some fine small fsrms and a lew larger ones, that I can exchange for good residence property in Portland. In fact. If you have good property I do not care to handle other kind that you desire to exchange for something else, I Invite you to call and see J. E. Smith, M3 Chamber Commerce, Portland. Or. -. v I u a v ; : Have a 9110 check good on any Ellers piano: what have yon to trade for It? Big dlacount If taken quick. 229 First, Phone Main 013. FOB BALE TIMBER LAND. THE BEST QUARTER SECTION IN TIL LAMOOK COUNTY I am rearing and will sell for 50 cents thousand cheeper than anything In Oregon: 4,000.000 feet first class cedar.. . 1.635.0U0 feet hemlock. S. 300.000 feet good yellow fir. The above is exact cruise of one of the best cruiser. In the state. Address C 480, Oregonlan. A REAL snap, W0 acres timber, cruised at 33 million teet B. M-. underlaid witrj good coal: analyzed at M per cent fuel carbon: located on Nehalem River, Til lamook Co.. Or.: convenient to tidewater transportation and new R. R. now under construction. D 4S4. Oregonlaa. A FEW choice half-section tract, of,, "J"?; In Lane. Linn. Marlon and Tillamook Counties, at prices now considered rare bargains for the location. E. T. Price. 61T Rotnchlld bldg. MONEY to loan on operating sawmill plants, secured by mortgage bonds; East ern capital. , , THOS. KISSANE. 313 Hamilton bldg. I TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND 8OLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay bldg. l(t ACRES timber land for sale cheap If taken at once. Box 4S1. Forest Grove, Oregon. TIMBER lands and Investments: timber es timated. Lawaon-Clarke Timber Co. Glendale. Or. TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester bldg. I FARMS YVANTF.P. STOCK ranch and timber claim In Doug las Co.; frame house, spring water. Im provements, stock and Implements, all go; large outrange, no feeding required or dinary years; on account of sickness must soli. E 4H0. Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. Owners listing their land with n will get our best attention. HARTMAN ec THOMPSON, Bankers, . Chamber of Commerce bldg. ( See H A R T O G ) v, c have buyer for ranch 200 acres or more n, AV.r :10 miles from city. vicinity ot Sandy River preferred. uoiascnrmai s Agency, 203As w asningion. cor. ....... WANT a good Improved farm In good neighborhood and near railroad; as high as 910,000; no agents. AG 438, Oregonlan. WANTED To lease two to five acres of land aultablo for chicken ranch on main road to Portland. Y 468. Oregonlan. FOR RF. NT FA R.M S. FOR RENT, oo-avcre ranch, 35 under cultivation: renter to buy team and tools: part terms on same and work out balance; let land sheep and goats - on shares; plenty or work; 4H miles of R. R. WALTER ROPWAHN, Forest Grove. Or. DANDY LITTLE FARM Of R0 acre, for rent, only 20 miles from Portland; free delivery and telephone only 1. mllo from railroad: plenty fruit; acres In cultivation (truck land): can Irri gate balance: good pasture .mJTh A. C McDonald. Peninsular StB.. Portland. Or. W oodlawn Bio. or -laoor J ov 12-ACP.E FARM. 2 miles from Oregon City; good house, email barn. 2o0 bearing fruit trees; on county road, near school. Price 9JOO0. Will take cheap acreage as first payment. R 4S8. Oregonlan. FOB SAI.K. Horses. Vehicle, and Harness. 92.-.0 PAIR AND DOUBLE HARNESS Pair of brown horses, weight -IS00 lbs., kind and true, fat and handsome, ages 7 and 8 years, extra good pair for road or farm work; don't miss them. 60o Alder street. FOR SALE Team of two horse., harness and spring wagon: all In first-class con dition" will make prlc. right for quick sal.. Owner, room 300 Oregonlan bldg. FOR BALE Team ot two horses, sound and In good condition, good spring wagon and harness in first-class shape; a bar gain for quick sal.. Al Langenberg. Clackama.. Or. I HAVE Mrs. Dr. Mack's horse for sale in my barn. This horse 1. a ladles' or gentle 2nd family horse; Is afraid Tg. notb Ing; a perfect picture, weighing 12S0. J0O-21O East 7th st, BROWN mare. In foal, and buckskin geld ing, weighing 230O pounds; gentle, true pullers, with their complete harness. 91 .5. Inquire barn, rear 30U East 7th. or resl- denee. 327 East Mth st. FOR SALE Fine 9200-1D. team, mare -ou horse. 4 and 9 year. old. sound, fast travalers, 'true pullers, single or double, good light harness, all 9H5; owner given tin business. Call 328 Russell st. HERE Is a bargain: as 1 have no use for bar I will offer my 7-year-old Welch driv ing mare and almost new fatudebaker rubber-tired buggy and harness, robes and whip, complete 9150. Call 24 Montgomery. e,'.a nrrra nT.ACir HORSE. Weighs 1500 lbs., owner lost mate, kind and true In all harness; been used by F. J. Bush, teamster. 605 Alder st. 9123 YOUNG THIN PAIR. Of bav mares. 7 and 8- years, used In the confectionery business: sold ac owner had bought auto truck. "Oj'Alderst. ONE big. cheap work horse: no mate: 9"5; one 2600-lb. team and harness, sound and true: price no object If sold thi. week, 294 Montgomery. MUST sell fine chunky 2700-lb team, mare and horse, true workers anywhere, 91So; trial guarantee given. Call Si E. 3d St. North, near nroauwaj. ST Rl-VR -PRETTY BAY MARE. Weight 11.10 lbs., kind and tru ' used In provision business, sold a. put of business. 605 Alder st. true, been owner 905 BUYS GOOD DRIVER. Little thin, great roadster; don't Jnlsj this trade: sound and kind; trial ot 80 days allowed. 60S Alder at. 00 'itl'lh TCK CO. HORSES. Been used by the Ice company, all good honest workers, no reasonable offer reiused ; trial allowed. 503 Alder at. FTN"iTarlvlng horse, very stylish and gentle, Columbia cut under buggy with lamps; outfit cost 95:10. will exchange for lot or acreage. Y 4li0, Oregonlan. ' 973 FOR 2500-lb. team of mares, sound, but a little thin from hard work, Kenllworth Transfer Co.. 800 Eaat 2th at- W. W. car to Gladstone ave. CHEAP! 200O-lb. work team: -will take driving horse or team In exchange. Kenll worth Transfer Co.. S0 East 28th at. W. "VV car to Oladstone ave. CAN winter a few horse.: have good shelter, a few box stalls and good care: will call for and deUver horses. Call Tabor 1454. B237. FOR SALE One 2800-lb. team ot good work horses cheap. 3721 9th st. tj. E.; Mount Scott car to Kern Park. 8 blocks north and 2 blocks east. WE have, at Eaat Side Exchange Stable. Til head of horses, weighing from BOO to 1400; all horses guaranteed. 28-270 East tn st.. 1 block east of Hawthorne Stable. FOR SALE at Eaat Sid. Exchange Saahle. 2 pair of fine driving or delivery horses, weighing 2200 or over. yfiS-27Q itii st. FOR SALE Two colts, 10 months old. Call Sunday East 59th and'Hassalo sts. Phone Tabor 2B5. 1 HUBERT & HALL'S STABLES. 380 Front st livery business, rigs, horses, ha mass, wagons, for sale or rent. Main 32Q8. FOR HIRE, PORTLAND STABLES. 2t N 13TH ST. MARSHALL 1689. HORSES AND WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. s pastlHage For 70 to 80 horses, stabling and timothy hnv. 500 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE Chunky lioo-pound horse, st Columbia Stahles, Front and Columbia . streets. Price 330.HenryBaumer owner. FOR haLeTchEAP, 4-year-old gray mare, broke to drive single or double; weight about 00. Phone Tabor 982. HM.-K and harness, price 9350. Room 40. Bushmark Hotel. 17th and Washington. Mr. Roderick. ; FOR SALE Horse, buggy and harness, or will trade for cows, groceries, or any thing I can use on farm. Main 7528. . GOOD horse and new single harness, sac rlflre: owner must leave city at once. Farmers' Stables. First at. SMALL top laundry wagon on storage at American Exchange warehouse, toot of Madtsonst1;Jricc 940; worth 975. HORSE, wagon, harness for sale cheap. 82 Texas .t. Fulton car. ONE good work horse, weight 1250 lbs., for 'sal. at 1121 East Harrison. BARGAIN 933 for bay mar.. 1100 pounds Phone miiwooq u FOR SALE. Young white pony. 11 K. 02a St. LIGHT delivery horse. Phone' Tabor 309. e 1 -. n vji-vc pmversfi W II K''S. Handsome, cherry bay mare, foaIe"3 1904. weighs about 1100 lba, sound turned and shapely built and very handsome. Is standard bred and registered, is a natural roadster of . 10. 11 miles an hour; has been trial mllea In 2:16 and 2:16At over a half mile track: ahe has also been halves on the speedway in 3:03: she Is worth 9200 tor a brood mare: her breeding can not be beat, as sha Is sired by' a grandson of George Wilkes; breeding furnished to purchaser: .she has not a blemish of any kind: is perfectly fearless of all objects on the road: la very well mannered and will drive with open bridle. I think if she was properly trained and handled she w-ould trot close to 2:10. as she has not been handled since Bhe was 4 years old. Anyone looking for a llrst-class speed fam ily or road mare will do well to call and Inspect her; can be aeon until sold at 503 Alder st. FOR SALE PORTLAND STABLE. 26 N. KITH ST. Phone Marshall 16S6. A carload of horsea and mares from 1000 lbs. to 1400 lbs.: prices from 350 to 82.o per horse, matched teams with harness, all complete from 3125 to 3500 per team, and my written guarantee to refund vour money on any horse that is not satisfactory. Each team Is pulled and shown to prospective purchasers. For reference aa to my responsibility and re liability, please phone the Portland Trust Co.. where I bank. Business reference also furnished. IL L. Evan4J. NOTICE TO HORSE BUYERS. At 603 Alder St. Will be Sold 100 head of ail kinds ot horses; no matter what kind of horse you want, you can find It at this great an niversary sale; we hold the purchasers money until trial expires: by doing so makes us one of the most reliable in Portland; beat of references guaranteed. I will not tell you I will give you 93 -for 1, but will give you full value for your money. Don't miss the bargains this week; all horses hitched, pulled and tested. Be sure and get the right stable. Our stable is the largest stable at the right place. Joseph A. Locke. 605 Alder st. Sinn TATTVR PaTR DRAFTERS. 6 and 6 years old. both mares, sound made chunks, fat and handsome, weight 8000 lba, mated like two peas, rugged and ready for service. I think you will say so when you see them; as nice a pair as anyone has; they wilt work anywhere you ask them; they are fast walkers, kind and true; cost six months ago 9o07 worth It today to work; only reason for selling owner changed business, also heavy truck and harness; owner can be referred to; don't forget to call if you want a good pair of draft horsea 605 Alder st. HORSES FOR SALS. All of Winston Bros. & McDoueal's horse, will be on sale at the Hawthorne Stable, for 10 days. They range in weight, 1400 to lboo. aud from 8 to 12 years of age. As all of our work on the N. P R. R. Is done, all of our stock will be for sale. They will be sold under the guarantee of the Hawthorne Stables. Call and Inspect these after November 1. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne ave. ' HORSES FOR SALE. Two- cars of horses have Just arrived and will So sold under our guarantee. They range In weight from 1000 to 1400 lbs.: age from 6 to 11 years! all good workers and prices reasonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight 900 to 1000 lba. for sale. Call and Inspect these. If wanting horsea Hawthorns stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. EXTRAORDINARY PAIR 9283. Dark dappled greys, 6 and 6 years old, ma-e and horse, full brother and sister, perfectly sound and chunky built, wi.n good sound feet and legs, beautiful long tails and manna This pair win suit any business, either for farm, express or gen eral purpose, fast walkers and good prompt drivers; trial by calling at 505 Alder St. TrTBXjYS FAST ROAD AND TROTTING Mare, Jennie B-, handsome, roadB 10 to 12 miles an hour, can step a 2:25 gait, show a quarter In 32 seconds; If you are In want of a fast brush and road rnare for a little money, don't miss her. This mare la a bargain at 9200; to make Im mediate sale have put the price down to $S3; 10 days' trial. 505 Alder St. ' 9175 EXPRESS OUTFIT. Big horse, weighs 1350 pounds: true to pull heavy three-spring top express wag on In flna order; heavy hand-made har ness. This rig Is jiorth double price asked, but present owner has no use for It- Call NEW YORK CLUB STABLES. Fifteenth and Alder. FOR SALE. T hend of horses. 1 team of bays, weight J30 each; 1 team grays, weight 15o0 each; 1 team bays, weight 1700 each; 1 odd horse, weight 1550; ages from 4 years to 7; good, sound and guaranteed good workers. Call at Enterprise Brewing Co., lnth and Johnson. Phone Main 2:81. 9165 TEAM AND HARNESS. Pair geldings, weigh close to 2400 lbs., sound and true pullers, single or double, extra fast walkers, heavy breeching har ness, collars, all complete. Call New York Club Stable. 15th and Alder sta, also flal truck, 2v-ton. prlce90. ' YOUR choice ot- 5 horses, from 7 to 1 10 year. old. weighing from 1030 to 1300 lbs. some a little thin, one a little sore; been used by the Meadow Brook Ice Cream Co., sold on account of no further use for them. Prices from 940 to 9 '5. 505 Alder st. - FOR SALE A new wafon used a short time; will take an old wagon as part n.v- at.o a horaA for sale: will consider an offer on this as I am in need ot money. Call at rimpiro siauie, i-i - son. BAY CANADIAN MARE. ' 6 years old, 1200 lba, sound, kind and reliable In all places; cost 9250 last Spring; price $125 and she is worth 9250 now if you have any use for her; war ranted and trial given. 505 Alder St. ar.il TJI-VS Y OI TNG THIN. Bay, chunk, kind and true In harness, with good wind and eyes, has all the good qualities of a good horse.. This horse is a bargain at 950. 605 Alder st. . Automobiles. MY 7-paasenger. 1909 Peerless auto for sale; fullv equipped and A-l condition; price $''500 cash or good secured notes or bonds; don't call without you mean business. Hugh McQulre. room 301. Lewis bldg. . NEW 7-paasenger 6(H. P.. 1910 model, fully equipped. 3tf-lnch wheels. 330-inch wheel base. Bosch ' mag-eto; cost 3250; make reasonable offer and your own , terms. 80 Tenth t- near Stark. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. Nearly new 40-H. P. White steamer, fully equipped; driven only 1000 miles; will trade for Portland property. Phon. Tabor 244't. a lis. MY 6-psssenger Packard overhauled and guaranteed by the Packard dealer, la now for sale, as my 1911 Packard has Just ar rived. Packard Garage, 65 23d. St., near Washington. DETROIT e'ectrlc Victoria used for demon strating only, -Car practically good as new. For sale at very reasonable price. . COVEY MOTOR COMPANY. AUTO for sale, am leaving city, will sell my "model 16" 1910, toy tonneau. Bulck. fully equipped, 91500 cash. Ask H. Krause, Northwest Auto Co.. 495 Alder st. FOR SALE 1910 4-cylinder Reo, glass front, top, extra tires and top cover, JOoO cash. S. H. Krause. A -1508. AparL 4. Hyland or 15th and Alder. w . i) c it r 1 7-passenger Stoddard-Dayton 1908 model. In good condition, cheap. N 4o2, Oregonian. STUDEBAKER 40 h. p., thoroughly over hauled, repainted, good condition, and a fine, showy car. Bargain for quick- sale. AF 332. Oregonlan. BEVEN-pTssENGER Packard touring car. fully equipped, repainted, overhauled, and guaranteed an unusually good buy. Frank C. Rlggs, 65 23d st. FOR SALE Columbus electrio in good condition- bargain for cash; sell rectifier if desired. W 492. Oregonlan. 200 SPECIAL bargains in second-hand au toniiffiiles. Call and see what I have to f, ffer. W. C. Green. 88 N. 6th at, ELECTRIO car for sale: Sttidebaker Electric, phaeton, leather upholstery and top. Flrat class condition. P 491. Oregonlan. ONE '07 Peerless; will consider trade for 'unincumbered real estate. Northwest Auto Co, 493 Alder st.,cor. 13th. COLUMBUS ELECTRIC, batteries rebuilt, fine running order. Would entertain real estate trjrte. AH 360. Oregonlan. TWO small 5-passenger touring cars, ex cellent condition; good buys. Packard Garage. 65 23d St.. near Washlrgton st. AUTOMOBILES stored at the Empire Ex press Co., 270 12th St., corner of Jeffer son st. , COST 94700 7-paasenger, perfect condition; will sell for half cost or trade. B 4S6. Oregonlan. a FOR SALE Bulck truck, with top. glass front; make your own price and terms. See truck at 86 Tenth sr. OARAGE NEW BRICK BUILDING, 50x0, CEMENT FLOOR. PARK AND FLAN DER3. MAIN 8514. A 5501. r gicAP Runabout; make me an offer today. u.inn foot or Eaat Washington. 9S0O EQUITr In 2 lots to trade for auto- mobile. Room 8. Washington bldg. 1910 FORD, exchange near equal value, 9875; good as new. O 487, Oregonlan. POPE-HARTFORD CAR. 4 h. p.. for trade or f ale. F 4S9. Oreg-onian. STUDEBAKER auto for sale or trade lor real estate. 413 Board of Trade. PIERCE ABsW for sale or trade. . East r.01.". ; . a .CYLINDER roadster' fully equipped, cheap. Apply today. 593 Washington sl PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLEARING HOUSE. Arthur H. Hertx. Manager. , We are exclusive dealers In used auto mobiles. This week we are offering the following exceptional bargains. Studebaker "Garford 40." cost 94000, hasn't run 3000 miles, fully equipped 91750 Cadillac "30," cost about 92000. as good as new and fully equippea... .S1350 Bulck "40." finest condition $1250 We also hav. several other good buys, ranging in price from 9600 up to $2500. Investigate our stock before purchasing. Main 692 Phone. Sixth and Madison sts.. A 2234 Portland, Or. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. We have several runabouts and touring car. to offer at surprisingly low price for cash or terms. "Chalmers-Detroit" 1909 model; this car 1. in excellent condition and a bargain; 1910 Hudson 20 Roadster; 1909 Stoddard-Dayton. 5-paaaenger, newly painted: E. M. F. Studebaker. 5-passenger, bargains, 8650, rare bargain: A. B. C. runabout, $450; Autocar, a fine runabout, 9400. The price, placed on these car. 1. 60 per cent leas than you would have to pay In the Spring. But they must move and we need room also money. Look them over and make offer. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 266 11th at- cor. Jefferson. IN BUYING A MOTOR CAR Call and see our bargains In used auto mobiles before purchasing elsewhere. The following Is a list of cars for sale: 1910 Bulck truck (a snap). 1910 Cadillac (5-passenger). 1910 Reo (5-passenger). 1910 Stoddard (7-passenger). 1910 Bulck 3-passenger). 1910 Klselkar (exceptional bargain). 1910 Pack ard (5-passenger). 1910 Firestone (3-passenger). Owners of these car. have purchased 1911 Stoddard-Dayton cars and the above Hat of cars are anaps for cash, with terms If desired. . 86 Tenth St.. near Stark. 1908, 7-PASSENGER Frat-klin, first-class condition, for sale cheap. 1909. 7-passenger Franklin: a bargain. 1907, 5-passenger Franklin, first-class shape, newly painted, new top and glass front. j ... j 1909 Columbia Electric newly painted, new batteries: a snap. 1910. 6-cylinder Franklin roadster; prac tically new. Will take part real estate. MENZIES-DU BOIS AUTO CO. 7th and Davis sts. ONLY A FEW MORE LEFT. Most of the cars advertised last Sunday have been sold and these we do not wish to carry through the Winter. Will maka attractive prices while they last. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 16th and Alder Sta Main 25S3; A 4944. C. B. Miners. Mgr. ACREAGE. , 90 acre., miles east of city limits. 8100 per acre, near Mount Hood auto road and Mount Hood Electric, fine soli, no rock or gravel, a splendid platting proposluon; will consider half trade. The best buy at Multnomah Station: 5 acres; 4 acres plowed and harrowed, bal ance small fir: price 93100; 91000, bal ance terms. This Is the cheapest tract at Multnomah Station. Don't miss a good chance. , s KIRK & CO.. 317 Lewis Bldg. x A" RARE "SNAP. . Brand new "EVERETT 30." Equipped with best grade top. This car sells new equipped for $1575 F. O. B. Portland. Wo will sell this automobile "for J900 spot cash, and it la aa good as the day it left the factory. If you want a genuine bargain here is your chance. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 266 11th St.. cor. Jefferson. Open Sunday 10 to 3. Phone Main 8112. iTTnoiunnTi s tamnATV'fi We are offering for sale at very reason able prices several 1909 and 1910 Fierce Arrows and Cadillacs, two 30-60 Stearns, 7-passenger touring, one Oldsmoblle 5 passenger, one Croxton Keaton 1910 model, fully equipped. Owner, of the cars hav ing placed order, for 1911 Plerc. and Cadillac cars. COVEY MOTOR COMPANY. FOR .ale. 1909 ModeflO. Buick, four-passenger runabout with top, roll front, storm curtains, 5 lamps, generator, tools. Jack pump, chains and new tires; Just over- ' hauled "after running nearly 5000 miles. Must sell at oncei Call at garage on Davis and Union avenue E. bet. 2 and S P, M. today, or o to iv a. m. muhucj. FOR SALE Studebaker car, 7-passenger, fullv equipped ready for service and new. To be sold at once, very reasonable terms to suit purchasers. Call Marshall 1127 be tween 12 and 2 P. M. Madras Hotel, room 64 or Monday call 616 Couch bldg, be tween 10 and 12 A. M. Ask for James Moore. PORTLAND OXY-ACETYLENE WELD ING COMPANY. New process of welding cast Iron, alum nium, steel, brass and all other metals. Automobile repairing, bodies builu We repair anything. Phone Main 6769. 5th and Gllsan Sts. WANTED A buyer for two 30-60 Stearns 7-passenger touring cars, completely equippea. recontly painted and overhauled; no reasonable offer will be refused. Own ers of these cars have placed orders for 19LL Pierce Arrows. COVEY MO ion marAoi. AUTOMOBILE Will trade two lots In Her moea Park, Seaside, close to beach, on wide street leading to bridge." one of the choicest corners, lor good 5-passenger car; state make, age and condition. AL 46i, Oregonian. WILL exchange equity in new 6-room house or vacant lot In Westmoreland for 6-pas- senger auto; must be in good condition. During day call East 1796, after 5 P. M. call Sellwood 1533. " ONE model 10 Bulck runabout with top. speedometer, magneto. In good condition; sold Ch-0PRTH-W-EST AUTO CO. 493 Aider, cor, loin ai. 9S0O BUYS 6-passenger tourist auto. Phone owner, East 2741. Birds, Dogs and Pet Stock. ENGLISH bulldog bitch, brindle, registered, bred by Thornbury ' Kennels. New York City she is a prixe winner and house broken- will be sold cheap. J. C. Harral son. 656 Sumner st. Phone C 5545. 5 DOZ. Plymouth Rock hens, all last sea son's hatch. 315 a dox. : will trade for separator or shotes. O. W- P. Land Co., 1st and Alder. t wave" some fine specimens in fancy chlck ens I buy and sell thoroughbreds. R. Green. Montavllla. Phone Tapor 805. PEDIGREED Boston terrier pup. 6 months old fullv marked. Call Monday, 108 N. 6th t. Main 829 A 3290. FOR SALE English bull-terriers, puppies, pure white, no markings. Pedigreed stock. Aaaress jm. wj. e""""- FOR SALE Good family cow. very gentle, health tested. 11 quarts daily; $46. ' 87 W. Skldmore st. R-S car. FOR SALE Full-blooded French poodle, 8 months old; smart, well trained. Phone Main 25S8. NEW 240-egg Incubator, coat $25, will sell for 913. H. E. Wllmot. 292 Wlnchell. St. John line. Peninsula Station. FOR sale, heautiful Angora kittens, pedi greed stock. Phone Tabor 725 or P. O. box 126. Arleta. Or. FOR sale. Boston bull puppies. Telephone Main 3937. j CREDIT check forN 3110 on Ellers Piano House, cheap. X 488, Oregonlan. BOSTON TERRIER for sale: pedigree: 3 years old. AC 489. Oregonian. WANTED A piano to store for the use 01' same; references. Phone Bel I wood 265. BEAUTIFUL thoroughbred brindle bull ter rier. 18 mo. 414 Aiqer, or a opoq. THOROUGHBRED Cocker pups. 874 East cnnion WANTED, well-bred Collie pup: cheap. D 490, Oregonlan. POLAND CHINA sow and 8 pigs; brown or stone. Woodlawn 2800. Pianos. Organs and Mnaical Instrument.. ANYONE contemplating purchase of new piano will find it to their advantage to communicate with AK 485. Oregonlan. $UO PIANO CHECK Make me an offer. Mrs. Dunn. 408 Main. FOR "SALE 9110 Ellers piano certificate cheap. Phone Tabor 2695. 9750 CHICKERING upright piano cheap; terms; 226 Ailsky; Main 3753; A 7042. PIANO check, good for $100, at your own nricee: answer qulok. O 489. Oregonlan. -cv ANT offer on $110 Ellers piano check. N 4 94. Oregonlan. CORNET, trombone, horn, a bargain. 437 Columbia and N. 12th. t GOOD organ. In perfect repair; good tone; cheap. Inquire 433 Everett St. GOOD as new $350 piano, $150 cash. Phone East 143a. FOR SAI.F rl.ANO. For aale cheap, my equity of $350 in a fine Apollo player piano, only used four months. Balance can be paid In easy monthly payments as I am paying. Must sell this week, as I am leaving the city. Act quickly if you want a tin. bargain. AD 495,Oregonlan: WANT to store my Weber piano, almost new, with a responsible party, with a view of selling later; references required. AH 497. Oregonlan. MAHOGANY upright piano, cost 3400 three months ago. $185. A. cash, balance terms. AJ 498. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL brand new Bradford piano only 920s ; 81a down, 33. 16 monthly. Call 350 Alder st- SLIGHTLY used Esty piano, scarf and slool, 3175 cash. 309 Jefferson st. M i.c.-l I an coik. 918, EXTENSION table, wax finish, good as new, $12; four box-seat chairs to match, $2 each: quartered oak buffet, polifhed golden oak finish, 913.50: fine genuine tuna mahogany dresser. 916: 320 morns chair. 912.5". In dull finish; M beautiful golden oak china closet, 922.50; 24-lnch high roll-top desk. $21.5o; weathered revolving office chair to match, 95; library and office tables, $3.50 to 33; genuine body Brussels rug. good aa new, 9x12. 320; other floor size Brussels rug. 910: 12x14 tent, in good condition. $6: lox40-inch bevel plate mir ror. 21x51 inches. 912.50; S60 fine brass bed. $22.50; other metal beds as low as 91.50; several folding screens. $1.25 to 32.50; $15 green arm chair, imported, 97.50: heating stoves, 31.73 and up to 912.50: extra large solid black walnut wardrobe. 910: double glaas-door book , case, 97.75; good ash sideboard. 96: rock ing chairs from $1.25 to 92.50; mahogany ?arlor cabinet with French plate niirror3. 7.60. We have a good variety of oM fancy pieces of nice furniture that must be seen to bo appreciated and lots of up-to-date house furnishings of good quality that are Juat as good aa new at one-half of the new article. We furnish houses complete with either new or first-class second-hand furniture and If we haven't got in stock what you want, we can get It for you at our wholesale houses and we will take your old furnishings back In exchange, allowing you a liberal price for same. Come look Into our method of do ing business and save money. Western Salvage Co.. 545 and 547 Washington, be tween lth and 17th sts. Both phones. Main HQS. A 3793. "M. & M.'S BEST" Hood River apples, hand-picked, all Winter varieties, long keepers; first shipment consists Yellow Newtowns. Ortley's. Spitzenbergs: from grower direct to consumer; price $:1.25 barrel. medium apples: $3.65 harrel, larger apples. C. O. D. : carefully packed, ' sealed; barrels must be emptied when delivered. otherwise barrels cost 50 cents extra; free delivery all parts Port land. Address M. & M. Apples, box 212. Hood River. Oregon; Portland branch. phone all houra. Tabor 2712. SECOND-HAND sewing machines at your own price; some as low as $3, terms or ' cash; drop-heads of all the leading makes In the lot: every machine has attach ments and Is guaranteed to last and do first-class sewing; all makes of drop-head machines rented; free lessons In Batten berg and embroidery' on the White family rotary aewing machine (the beat machine on earth); sold on-easy terms: all makes ' repaired and exchanged. White sewing machines repaired free of charge. White Sewing Machine store. H. D. Jones. Prop.. 420 Washington St., cor 11th. FOR SALE or rent, by owner. Bull Run and gas; this 7-room house muat be seen to be appreciated: with or without iumlture; plenty good coal. Come and be shown. 12:t Denver ave., St. Johns car. Wood- lawn 1935. ELEGANT 9x13 Axmlnster rugs used slightly 3 months, oak combination book case, iron bed. springs. Ice chest, cheap. 221 Adams st,, corner Iloliaday. Phone East 2132. FOR SALE 6 pairs elaborately embroidered portieres. Chinese, embroidered bed set. Ori ental embrolderyTof all kinds: may be in spected daily afternoons. Phone Wood- Iawn 2941. CHANCE of lifetime for young couple to leap at one bound to stardom; a great comedy sketch. Investigate. AC 487, Oregonian. FOR SALE Combination operation and spinal extension table, suitable for oste opaths or masseurs. Phone M 3235 or call at 13 North 9th SL SEWING machines. llTperfect stitchers. J." each: ten nice dropheads. 810 to $15; all attachments. 350 Morrison SL, next to Tull A Glhbs. 18-FOOT LAUNCH; Just the thing for hunt ing and fishing; good safe boat; will trade for cheap lot, piano, etc. Address J 41)4, Oregonian. m AMERICAN cash registers that forced down prices. Agent W. R. Hignett. 406 East Stark St. Second-hand Nationals, bar gains. Low prices, easy torms. FOR SALE 2 men's clothing forms full Jointed; will hold any position; finest wax heads, flexible hfthds. Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.. corner 3d and Morrison sts. THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 222 Ablngton bldg., phone M. 8870, is the only company selling strictly factory rebuilt typewriters; prices 910 to 965. 950 OFFFICE DESK. $25; ball-bearing oak letter file, $30; Remington typewriter and desk complete, $35. Room 20, 232H Washington St. lOO SHARES of Government Standard Pow der preferrej stock, worth $100, will . sell for $50 or trade for good typewriter. Phone Tabor 516. CALIFORNIA blueprint bungalow book. Just out; 30 model homes, $1. Newest city and suburban designs. Western School of Drafting. 356 Market St., San Francisco. $130 CHECK good on purchase price of any Eilers piano. If you are going to buy a piano you can save $50. Phone Main 9137. CEMENT "block machine: nearly new: 100 plates and extra attachments; bargain at $100. Northern Trust Co.. 270 Stark St. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcases, counters. General tlxturea in atock and made to ' Order at lowest prlcea 222 Grand ave.. S. STUMPPULLER for sale, cheap. 150 feet ca ble, rootpuller and pulley. Everything In good condition. 901 Macadam 3t. ADVERTISING text books of International Correspondence School, cost $35. will sell for $10. 326a, Washington St.. room 615. FOR SALE or exchange, 2 pair first-class ball-bearing skates, size 7, 8: 1 pair rac ' lng skates. J 485, Oregonlan. A SWELL diamond ring to trade for good borse or horse and- buggy. 809 East 2Sth St. W. W. car to Gladstone ave FOR 6ALH1 Ladies' black evening coat, never worn; a genuine bargain. Call 166 loth st., room z. FOR SALE Singer sewing machine, drop head, almost new, reasonable for cash. Call 337 Hancock St. FOR SALE Furniture of 6 rooms, like new. very cheap, owner going away; also type writer and office desk. 605 Oregon Hotel. A BARGAIN In new automobile robes; one black bear and one buffalo, large. H 467. Oregonlan. , GRAPHOPHONE, with records, $20; a big bargain; am leaving the city. AC 491, Oregonlan, FOR SALE Good as new, small 4-hole cook stove; a bargain. 7472 Winona su, Woodlawn. . 'FOR SALE cheap Robertson-Thompson In dicator; ideal reducing motion. Address 1294 Belmont, flat A. FOR sale, or trade for coal heater, large wood heater, nearly new. 1137 Stephens. GENT'S Victor- bicvele, coaster brake and all practically new; bargain. 206A4, 4th st. FOR sale, fresh milch cow and calf. 673 Willis boulevard, University Park. OPTICIAN'S trial case, good as new and complete. V 490, Oregonlan. UNDERWOOD typewriter, new. bargain. Call at once. Phone C 2209. FOR early Oregon strawberry plants. Phone Woodlawn 1991. NEW Oliver Typewriter. AF 493, .Oregon- lan. i : FOR SALE: 50 Angora goats. AF 490, Oregonlan. MINK muff, 10 full skins, good as new, $35 ; cost $90 last year. T 494 Oregonian. FOR SALE" cheap, beautiful fan palm, three years old. Phone B 1022. FOR J3ALE Tinner's tools and machines; can he seen at 148 Lane st. FOR SAE Colt's automatic 32, new, $12. Sellwood 1195. HEAVY Army tent. 14x14; also the fur- nlshlngs; a hargaln. AJ 494, Oregonlan. FOR SALi: Remington Typewriter No. 6, In good condition, 935. L 494, Oregonlan. FOR 8ALE 1 roll-top desk and revolving Jn5 Price $25. Call 633 East 3mh. STEREOPTICON, with arc burner, coat $33; will take 312. AD 487, Oregonlan. FUR coat and muff for .ale or trade for what have yon? A 487. Oregonlan. BOY'S raincoat $2, lady', raincoat $3. 187 17th et apartment 3, -or KALE 6-year-old Durham cow, milks 2 galsTtest 4.8; $55. C 484, Oregonlan. 9110 PIANO check from Ellers for sale lor $5. Phone E. 6311. 414 E. Morrison. ORPHINEON, suitable saloon or restaurant, 23 records, cheap, sell or trade. 3093d st. A-SNAP Two pool tables. 384 Hawthorn. ave. PERFECT diamond In ring at bargain price. M 493. Oregonlan. . COIN collection, or will trade for unla- cumbered property. AK 489. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Mink fur and muff. Main 7461. oT rwri 104