A 14 rJIE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 6. 1910. REAL TATE. A'RFIS. CASH. 3 e-r-s. lb mil-s from husiness cent of Portland: adjoins country to n. good e ftool. rhurrh and soc-. on Soi g"--rii. -lt-t ric 11 n- has i"n survey! rtg.t in front of tr-t. Is !orattd now two mii-e from n4 of sjit:- Im-. nne oil. n grav-i. four-nfths r !nr"1. or s littl ftrner rontsintng ir and brush. 4'rkt 1S. 2"- cash, hinr- v-asr terms, to A ' ' KK r. :73 CAfH. 1 mr-rv. Is mil from business entr of Portland, two miles from end of '' trie In; same line has bn survey-d wfhlo or lo b!o-ka of h,B tract: m!l from good s. ho:, church and ft01" d-p. ri-n soil, no gra-t. Price 2! AKKH. 91 tAH. acr. about tio-fcs from eltrle carltn. 14 mtls from Jortlsnds business ca(r: bruin sn-1 Mr hi tiirber. easily rUsred. rrira .:. SloS tath. balance asy ttrma or will s-U half li property or IV arrfg for 31i. loO cash, batancs assy farms. ft ACRES. 40 CASH. M . S ti-rt, mostly In timbrr; about WW to Ifwwk corH of wood: fronts on electrir tin. The wood alons should pay a profit of leaving tha land entirely free or cost to tha purchaser. Aft-r this land has bn .-.Wared, ona can subduid It Into trr tracts and g-t from to 9- an arra for V. It bln located dir-ct.y on carltni. closo tn Pries ll'Uu, IK ctih, balaxicw -sr rni. m c -r w 1 1 w rr v rr Cor. eth'and Oak sts.. ll-nry bidr. grouad floor. Phone Main A i0 ACRKS, on Electric I. In. Close In. fiO ar-rcs. prtu;iy timber. -d. esilmated at JO.o-jo cords of wool. This wood can cut and dllvtrcd under contrs.tt. in Portland, at 92 4$ per cord. A profit of $'J.jO should be made upon the cord wood on this plac ao close to Portland. Aft-r the timber Is cat this tract can bo aubdividrd into 1. 1! and J-a-r imni And , sold for "Ui to $ZW per aire. This is a (Snap st ."t) per acn. onc-lourtn CSQ, balance easr trms. W ACKKf. 12.V. acres, Id mil a from business center of Portland, rich, de p soil. Iev.1. closo to country town, near rle.rlc I in, prac tically all c Us red. Is an ojiceedlnjtly tine piare. iiT. pr acre, 9AH casu. balance vasy ternts. M. E. THOMPSOX CO.. Henry bids;., cor. 4th and "k ats. Phones lwtn wl. A 3tJ7. 1 J0 AtRBS. PKPOT AND fiirKTBACK. OX Til IS URi'l'NU. ncres. with eirrtric Mnc runnlnf through center of It. with pssserrer d pot and si-Utra-k on rrounds. wtthln ten mils circle. ;-kI houae and Ltrn. fam l;v orchard. This place Is half clear, and bat an re of about & acres 1 In timber thai estimate about l.'H) cords of v,h, which can ha delivered In port land, under contract, at a very !w coat, maklnsj a profit vn tha cord wood al-na to tha pur- haaer. after pa Inc penaea. of Sld.iN to Jo.imn. After tha Hmr-er ta off. this trci nn be ub-li-virtd and 'ld for from $M t. e.")t per er. This Is tha best subdivision prop er on tha market tod a v. The lanJ 1 Rartla.w level and partially alopln. eat soil. Price J'2. per a--re; ooo fourth cash, balance nnv terms. U- E. THOMHSt'.V t O.. Cor. 4th and OaK Str Phona Main ti-'M. A 3-7. 0 A RKS. 4 acres cleared, balance easy to clear, run nine water, bo house and bam. H ml la from O. W. P. station: all fenced: iVw. balance terms. acres, all n timber, -ikx) corrls of woo,!. mile from station on O. W. I".. running water, all sood land; price f:it?.V jmai cah. bal ance terms: exceptionally iMd buy. acres on county rai. one mile from flor in: H aUnhed: s.nnll house, wetl. s;ol soil; price Jitu; f 7 cah. balance Ion time at pec cent. - acres, slashed and partly cleared; od '!; one mile from Borlns;; price $X"-0; I'UO cash, bal aaos terms at 4 per cent. Ml'N K.E RS A RK'HARHSON. 414-41A Fpa Ml n it UK- ACREAOE. MT. "1'OTT DISTRICT. $30-00 down; ft 0,00 per month. This la all level, cleared, with water piped to each tract; five-cent car fare; good school near by. Trart faces newly macadamised street. Immediate poaaea ei n aiven on payment of o.oi. This la near the last of acreae borxams avail able In this .toee-In district. Buy acreac now and you will realls a substantial profit on your Investment as surrounding property now platted in lots Is selling for a much hlher fture. IwMHERT-WIllTMKR COMPANY. . TOFouxthlitreet. 4H East Aider Street. AJIE TOrT I.OOKINO FOR A GOOD IN V&STMKNT OK A hl'Hl'KRAN HOME? We have several hAiX-acre tracts, on which ar or JO bcartn fruit trees; b-st of soil: It- nice: five -minute walk from car and only 5c carfare from city. We also hare a number of two and a half-acre tracts, all under cultivation, with the vrry b-st of soil, lying beautifully t ir a suburban home . close to car and only 11c carfare. These are ery reason able. K. E. TAYLOR CO.. 40? 3 lais tl1.. 4th and Oak Pts, COLONIZATION T R A CT. We have a larse tract. aJmu-ably adapt ed for colonisation or for orchard develop meat: this land Is A-l In every particu lar, accessible, nearly ail In cultivation; assistance could be Riven In putting this a tbe market In small tractj; price U low and terms ran be had; must be seen to be appreciated. Oregon Title Tros: a Co... Albany. Or. , 26 ACRES. 11 miles oat; all Improved; house, barn, orchard, running water, etc.; prettiest and beet farm In the county: on good county road ami close to carltne; this ta your rhanru to get a beautiful country boms at the right price. e-iji an acre. P. R LENT. 417 Corbet t Bid. JIIRt' AT I ONi Hi We have a-, me Iti-are tia.-ts st .S per are: terms easy; s-il first -claaa; climate tine. prietual water r:ht; investigate Chama Vailey Do yt want health with wealth ? It's a good Invest men t. 407 Wells-argo bldg.. Port land. Agents wanted. a s i -Ten pi r r a rm hut. An Meal country home. AS arres best soil, with modern S-room plastered house. 1 miles from Portland, on iregon S;iec trle railway. minutes" walk fnm depot; dirt cheap at 4-hi. h ilf cash; quick a -tlon. t 4o. trennlan. KANCH FOR SALE. I have a farm of noo a-res fine frutt ;and. nearly all In cultivation and well Iexi proved, on main county road ; a grea: taxi am at frit) per acre; Uterai terms U.l or Address kL. K. Hawkins. Albany. Oregon. LOP1C-LX ACREAGE. 10 or lj seres, near Lenta, oc carfare; lies fine; all cleared; good bunalow; m-jst sell this week; price, $t0 per acre; must have cash. OKt'iS1 7. A DOW. 317 floard of TraJe Jtl.is.. 4th and Oak. THIS IS A nOP ONE " K acre tract. n.rthraat f Vanconver. "rt'asJi. One of thoae splendid homcn In the fruit district Fine buildings; wown one-half more than wo ask f r It. $!Hd will take It. Terms. Goddard. 2iS Washington at. Av.'K: AGE for sale 2 acres for sale by owner cheap for cash; all level. 1 mile to railroad station and boat landing, on county mad. J'rli e S.'VO per acr. may give some terms. Address P. O. ltoJt 0u7, t. Johns. Or. "tl ITV In A -acre Improved tract. 1 mile from HilIboro. near el-ctnc station; tmall house, some fruit trees and b.-rri-s: Si4; balance eisy terms. V 471. Ore- K'niAn- JO AC RES . house, horse, cow. waon. bu gv. small toots; 4 acres clesrvd; main county roa1. on banks of river, close to Portland: 917UO. TERMS. ol4 COl'CH rtl.CKa , ACRU near ML avott carllne at 1ih per a.re. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. -tS totark st. Mln 3 j. A 3.VQ. 1 HAVE several one -acre tracts close to ft ent rariin property like this is al most !nipealMe to ftod. I w ill close tnese out on your own terms. AN 4UL kt fonlan. TltT CHIt'KKNS We own S acres, now in e lover; in the city; Mount Scott car; Ideal fr chickens; small fruit ; garden: will sell at bar a m price; glad to show U to 3 ou. 4Q ? Wells- Kargo bltif. If wanting a suburban home a", calico acreage investment, do not fall t, 3r.si!t the ?rPVR!'AN HOWE SPECIALISTS.1 rt.4ifKELTfc.R lK. 414 yuuch bldg. k4i BI TS 10 acres of finest land In Ore gon, partly improved, on county road and on.y short diatavnco from Portland; part ren. fail and investigate before buying e'aewhera. tit Coochb)dg. N Ft-ACRE tracts close to J-r. nl carllne. Theso are gilt-edged acres, level and rich aol. I will sell these at a bargain and en easy payments. A.V 4U.1, Oretonian. -A C R EOR 1" 1 1 A " A'l set out to treea. fenced. buM. bam. etc., all new; In Y.vkiius VaiU ; JW t. 3M Lumbermens Itld 44 A'Iirs. IS mtlea from new Mount Hood road, near gaady. open land, not hilly, quii-k eae for S3 per acre. Address Wa'. iace Miller, routs I. Green am. OR 4d acres fine land; 2 miles east sf city. I from railroad; $Jd per acre; terras. AUaa Land Co.. 4 Lumber Ex c ban ge. o A ' R Kj all In cultivation. 3 mM-e from clt v. 1 mile from arreetcar: f I : f . t n. balan-e to su.t. l.4'itregontatt. j or, I K tr o ner : acres land near lakeviea. Or, Jd an acre, hair cash. C OTC'""n. I a A fKS, CHINA OARIF.N- S cleared 0. F- K- R.; IS cents faxe, easy pay- i asomta. Maia Ilii REAL EST AT ffBl'RPAN ACREAGE. JtT.". an aera will satire you a -srra suNurban farm. Jo acroa In ruittvntlon. Ie'ant e covered w ith scattering rotten stump, no gravel. lat fruit land, spring on place, new A-roorn house on concrete founiation. painted barn, GOO yards to scnool. c hurcL and store, ON 6C CARUNE. Mocks from car. Vi acre and com fortable 5- room house, good barn wit h room for buggy. hm. etc.; woodhouse. fruit trees and berries, city wator throuch house, sdga of growing town, only $2t0 on terms, and dirt cheap at thaL We here several other smsll suburban places from 1 to Irt acres on 3-cent car hriea ranging In price from to $10,- OtHI. W'TNN JOHN HON CO. buife .o.-s t;rltnger Hidg '24 and Alder, Phone Marshall Jl4h and A lo3. TROPICA I MEXU'O Join our free excursion to the richest, cheapest land In the world, and take a new start for sure success and affluence; rt TtO to $10 per acre, jn tracts to suit: $L per acre down and cents per acre quar terly. Next e&cursion about lec 1st. Oet our literature and think It over, ft A H H at PATTON. tieneral Agentg 3- Lumbcrmens Bldg-, Olh and btark. K1VER VIEW HOME. g:;MM. On Oregon City carllne: choice land and all under cultivation; bearing orchard f lC trees, spples and peaches, new 6-room modern bunsahiw. tine spring water: re. grapi a. aaparagus. rhubarb, raspberrl snd stra wlterric: chicken-hots. hot house; this is a line country home and a ba rgain. HAAS RINOLER. -11 Lewis Itldg m 1 EX icrji in cultivation. C-room house. 4 acres In berries; mile from city limits; will take residence up to Jl".'. i0 In traile. acres. 70 under plow; fully equipped, good bulldlncs. horses, cows, bona and chickens; this is the best buy in Washing ton t'ounty. tiarden Hme tract from one to five acres on easy ternts. Several Kvd farms near city at renionablc rates s?ee us KISHKK r HXLLIEFl. 3-5 Abingtn IUdg. Main 4. HI'Bt'RRAV HOME. FORCE D PALE. S acres overlooking Wills met to Fails; l.'rfi tine bearing fruit trees, hal. garden; 7 -room house, nice bnrn; spring piped nil over and aupplyln 17 customers . horse, buggy, sll implements, toots and furni ture In house for 70. Oregon's grand est view and the best bargain wo have of fered for many months. CLOOFKLTEIt PRos.. 414 Couch Tlldff. SI ' n t p. li A N HME SI E "I ALISTS. T i i Ht'.F. acres near two car lines on Coun ty road. 3 miles of tty of Portland. This will make a lovely home. 40 acres, some gotnl timber, spring water, fine view of valley, near good school. This la a line tract of land; -t00 will take this. For particulars see Perry Ellis, 020 Washington su. or call Main TU4. 40 ACRES. Inside the slx-mlle circle from court house, better than Heaver dam soli, no rock, no gravel, no stde-hill or canyon; will do to plat into lots In a year, big trees that will more than pay for tli clearing- On tie sout h slope, warm and sunny, the clear medicine for ore hard tat or gardener. .;ih per acre. All 204. Oregon lan. 4 1-5 ACRES $1260. In high state of cultivation, no rocks or gravel, deep rich soli, slightly roilm. on two county riMtda. mile from electric railway. CO minutes from Portland: -0 trains dsliy; easy terms. AJ 487, Orego nlan. 15 ACRE., ctoae to Portland and station, f I rat-class all. fenced on 3 sides, suit able for garden, fruit and chicken mnch. If you want It at the price of SISO an acre, act at once as It will not last long. KINNEY A STAMPHER. ftgl-2 Lumber Exchange Bid. 30 ACRES, Fine platting proposition. West Side. Sh minutes from P. o. : fine soil, adjoin ing land selling $1QOO per acre; auto mobile road through place: will sacrifice f.r ;l.V per acre; terms; no scents; deal with buyers only. F 4t!, Orcgonun. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 1 4 acres, cnt to Johnson Creek, on Foster rad. short dlstsnce from station, on the O. W. P. Iies well. StoO an a: re on easy terms: might sell part. EOWIN HOOKER COMPANY, t "hamper of 'oinmerce bid. fl 2 ACRES 3 MINCTE3 OUT. Front on car lino snd avenue, at .O0 per acre. Terms. If you ba ever passed by this property on car yon must have admired 1L It's tightly, cultivated and beautiful. Address Box AO 4U3. Oregon 1a n. . .0i DOWN ON 1iW Af RES. 1 11 40 buys this line quarter section, with a bright future. In Sumner Uk Valey. where crops never fall; easy pay ments on the balance. FttED t KINO. 14 Spaldinr bldg. Third and Washington. ONLY PER ACRE. T.Z acres Just outahls of the city, with convenience of car lines, mostly cultivated and would make a fine platting tract for httle acreage homes. Kootn :- Railway Exchange bldg. 3 ARES WITH SMALL STREAM 7 And grove of trees for T5 per acre: half cash; bslance - years; only 20 minutes ride on cara. Have party who will culti vate and tmprov e s-tme for use of land for year Box AH iW, Oregontan. 10 ACRES. fl?S an acre, all cleared, rich, well drained fruit land, lies line, no rock, no waste land, living stream ; one mile to station, near two good towns. Only $3i0 cash, balance to suit. K. 4W7. Orcgonlan. 4 ACKES on Clackamas River and county road. V mile from carllne. fine for Sum mer home; price $400; easy terms. R 467. Oregoninn. 6.mi ACRKS. no ncks. number of springs, mostly tillabre. county road through place; SJ an ucre, eay terms, o 4W2. Oregoman. Homntraaa. RELINQUISHMENT. In Alsea Valley; 10 acres in cultivation: 20 acres slashed, on good road: has good running water, and timber: will trade for Portland property-. Relinquishment In Clackamas County, 2 acres in cultivation; 2,000,000 foot Um ber; good running water, and good road to place; neighbors close. Relinquishment In Lincoln County; 2. . feet best of timber; 6 acres cultivated; school W mile: good road, can be timoer claimed. have several differ ent relinquish men ts. that can be timber claimed. Sunday 10 to 3, J. A. Davis, 214 Swetland bldg.- ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOMESTEAD? Everyone who has not used their home stead right will find It to their great ad vantage to cnll and see us. Ws havo a few of the finest homesteads In Oregon, right along the right of way of the aur vry of a near railroad with the grade stakes already In. Call or phone Main 4 .3. pioneer Locating Co.. Gil Swetland bldg-. S. E. corner Atli and Washington. Portland, or. AJso timber claims and rt lnqu;shmenta. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. SZ-r-ase book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead tn each county; map attached. 2lx 2 . showing new R. R and towns. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1. 1110; latest map In U. S.; price 25c Nimmo Rnney. Sl3ITamllton bldg. 1 ACRES, relinquishment on Indian reser vation. 1-0 acres clear and level, can be Irrigated, water nw through the place, fine spring. g"id timber, buildings, only. 7 miles u tw n and hot snnngs; owner spent locating himself: drawn by one of best numbers recent opening. Phono East U3. Sell of trade. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT, $100. Near Silver Lake, IOO a- e0 a. choice cleared bottom land, with perennial grass and free lrrtcavtlon; fenced one aide; good net ch bora all around; we are familiar with this land and consider It one of the best claims lu Central Oregon, tilaisdell, Sh.mp 4. lval: r.l.'t ;allway Ex. 40- ACRE homestead relinquishment under the (iovernmtil Boise- Payette Irrlgaiion project ; water Is now rely to be turned n. this is the finest friut land In" tha West: mnt sell on account of ill heaith. Call 1S7 West Park 1U KKL.lNWfl.-HM KNT SNAP, miles from I'ortland. 1 mllo to rail road building to Mt. Hood : will sell im provements cheap. Vanduyn 4c Walton, F.)?, Chamter Comnvrce. TWO rei:nqitiuients aljliung. 1 2 111. 4 f r.v..i ratieoa!. H mile from good wagon r.ad. .". om nH timber; cheap if taken Immediately; good neighbors. 7: Atar quam bldg. Main SS14. oCaCRE homestead relinquishment for sale; wheat land. In an old settled eomun Ity sly miles from R. R.; trains now tn operation. Call l1 West Paxk St., ask for Anderson. H'MK6TEAD relinquishment. 1W acres .0.1,1 farming Ishd. suitable for fruit: rt miles from IU R-; god wagon road. Und a.l lotnln selling o per acre. X 47, o.-.iri.i. ; v VNTKO Homestead rellnjulf hment ; etern ftreson preferred: give pr-e. I:n provements and particulars. A 4w. Orc- THR-KC rllnqutsments. house, good land. 4 mil from Portland. Hoban, Lumbtf txenanrs bldg. EE AX ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Land. PRIZE PICKINGS IN SIZES TO SUIT ALL. ESTACADA. the section that Is today receiving the hi chest Indorsement from the Ort-ifon Agricultural College. 7 acres, price $-12-.0; attractive terms; bA'autiful cjtuired land. 10 acres, price S17SO; attractive terms; 3 acres under young orchard. 10 acres, price i0O0; heart of best sec tion; fight ci tar ins only. 10 acres, price fJ3.V; 6 acres cleared; adjoining land all under young orchard. 11 acres, price S1KK; 7 acres cleared: $4X win handle this. 2 acre, price $2AO0; highly Improved land adjoining sold at S3oO per acre. 27 acres, price flO.oOO; highly improved raodorn fruit ranch. 3d acres, price $4.vk; all cleared; 20 acres under young orchard. 30 acres, price $2300; 10 acres cleared; terms good and prices cheap. '40 acres, price $2750; about half cleared; on outskirts of best section. 40 acres, price $r.000: about S acres young orchartL 2 miles from town. 40 acre, price $22.10; light clearing; and good investment. 47 acres, price $15. otto ; highly Improved income-bringing raouh. AO acres, prico $4500; less than one mile from shipping point. 75 acres, price $12,000; this is a fine old horn farm. 0 aeres, price $(1500; new house, barns, etc ; terms easy. M acre, price $7500; beautiful old ranch; price is cheap. hi acres, price $12,800; 8-room and bath house; one of tho best incomq-bringlnc ranches in the section. !W acres, price $4500; house, barns; rca d y for oceu pa nt y. 134 acres, prico $11,000; old home ranch near town; fine stream on place. 155 scr-s. price $16,000; one of the best ranches, with over mile road frontage. 1f.O ftcree. price 16.oon: half cleared; land adjoining worth $175 per acre. 10O acre, price $S000; good Investment puce on outskirts. .11' 4 acres, price $17,000; fine cattle or fruit ranch ; lino water. Other attractive places on application. CHAPIN 4V HER LOW. 3o2-5U" Chamber of Commerce. t.Mr. btundisli.) BIG RED APPLES. RICH YELLOW CREAM. I have a number of desirable large and small fruit tracts and dairy farms for sale st reasonable prices. Improved and unim proved, dairies with and without stock and hay fruit land unimproved, partially Improved and well Improved; I have one tract partly cleared, ik acres. 1 mile from Woodland, for $-100, whlrh can be had on easy terms. I have another wel! improved with good house, burn and nice young or chard. 2 miles from Woodland. 1 acres, for $1700. and will take satisfactory small roperty In Portland as part pay. Writo me or come down and look these over. D. W. WHITLOW, Woodiand. Wash. MT. HOOD DISTRICT. On w.-st slope of Mt. Hood, .10 miles southeasterly from Portland, with new railroad now butldlnff, offers unusual in ducements for the homesreker wishing to engago in horticulture, where land values arc far below other fruit sections mora remote from the city; a fruitgrowers' as sociation no-r inaugurated and the best authorities In the stain commend this favored locality for commercial orchsrd lnr. where soli, elevation, water and air, drainage and climatic conditions are ideal for growing high -class long-keeping ap ples. Oct our booklet snd prices and lot us show you. Any sise tract, 10 acres up. Vanduyn A Walton, CIS Chamber Com min. fJOOD INVESTMENT. I have 84O0 acres. 2000 acres cleared, of the best fruit land in Oregon; can buy for $40 per acre; one-half mile from town; this land, when planted, will retail fr g.'oo per acre; want party with g."oo0 or more to assist me to handle this prop--erty: this is the best fruit proposition in the state of Oregon. K. H. FLEMING, 706 Swetland rUdg., Portland. Oregou. IMPQUA VALLEY LANDS. TJIOO acres, price $10 per acre. ttoo acres, splendid to plat and sell In tracts; $15 per acre. 1'tNtO acres, splendidly improved, 80 acres In orchard; price $65,000. IJ.'K) acres, a fine buy at $20 per act. A tout 1-00 acres on river; fine buy at $:m ner acre. ltio acres In Klickitat Co., Warn., fine fruit laud; $10 per acre. Many other places that will bo glad to take up with you; good terms can be given on alL Zimmerman. 8lO Hoard of Ttade bldg. TROPICAL MEXICO, Join our free excursion to the richest, cheapest land tn tho world, and take a new start (or sure success and affluence; $rt.50 to $10 per acre. In tracts to suit: $1 per acre down and 50 cents per acre quar terly. Nest excursion about Dec 1st. Get our literature and think It over. RAIUt PATTON. General Agents. 222 Lombermens Bldg., 61a and Stark. 20 ACRES, only 34 miles from Mosler and on good county road. 11 S acres set to Newtown and Spltzenberg apples and Elbert a peaches, some of which will come Into bearing next year. This Is all ex cellent land and ts well fenced. Good house, barn and chicken-house. Horse, wagon, household gonls and implements anti tools, all for $500 per acre; good terms. J. O. SANDERS. 427 Lumberraens Bldg. CHCHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS, ARS YOU LOOKING FOR AN ORCHARD TRACT? Do yon want the best? Close) to Portland. R. R- station on place. Don't fall to call on THE CROS3LEY COMPANY, 70S-709 Corbett bldg. It surely w!M be to your advantage to see us before buying. Seeing Is believing. ' BUND AXE We soil a beautiful Columbia Valley orchard planted and cared for one year for $150 per acre. With a perfect poultry cUm&te at Sundale, we guarantee a living can be made on tbe land while orchard is growing. Investigate the fact that chickens sell In Portland uarketa at 25c a pound and eggs 45c a dozen. Fruit prices bltih. too. Come in and fig ure with us. Hunter Land Co., 407 Wells Farao bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOOD RIVER PLACE. 15 acres A-t apple land, 2' miles from town, on main county road, t acres under cultivation, balance slashed and burned: magnificent view of Mount Hood and Mount Adams: $2500 cash; easy terms; will consider Portland residence In trade. K 44. Oregonlan. BARGAIN in apple land; owner of SO acres unimproved fruit land. 2 mile from Van Horn station. In Hood-River district, will sell at a sacrifice for $5450. All good ap- pie land except five acres; gentle north east slope: best bargain In 'Hood River clNtrlct. McCargar, Bates Ac Lively. 315 Falling Mdg. ALPINE ORCHARDS. Adjoining good town In Willamette Valley, on railroad; red-shot soil, rolling In character, no Irrigation required; 5 acres and upward. Price right; terms very llberaL OREGON A?rLE ORCHARDS CO., 2o4 Chamber nf Commerce bldg. " M OSIER AFFLE LAND. 40 acres. :i miles south of Mosler; pub lic road divides tract equally ; good soil; will cost :o to $40 Pt acre to clear; prie only $ per arre. S17 Roar1 of Trade Rldg.. 4th and Oak. 40 A RES A-l Hood Rrver land. 1 mile from P. O. ; magnirtcent view : fine trout at ream on place; this is an Ideal location and the proposition is strictly gilt-edge and Is being sold at a remarkably low l-rfure: only $mH) cash necessary. AF 44. Oregonlan. IO, 15. 20-ACRE tracts near Portland: finest fruit lnnd and chicken ranches, close to railroad station; good roads: other farms nearby; $'.7.50 to $50 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at rt per cent. MFAKLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 810 Corbdtt Bldg.. Portland. - FRt'IT LANDS FOR SALE. Five acres, planted to the best com mercial apples, best red -shot soil In a balance small monthly payments. Box oJ 44. orcgntan. 14 S ACRES cleared, near Camas. Wash. ; ell kin'is of apples prune, cherries, pears; 1 a-re strawberries. I" walnut trees: this is au Ideal farm and must be sold at once to settle an estate. 417 BOARD OF TRADE. - 5 ACRES deep, rich soil. fH miles from center of city; largo native timber. 150 orris wood per acre. Warranty deed for $1000 cash. G 215. Oreguniaa. REAL FSTATE. For Sale Fruit Lsnds. ESTACADA FRUIT LANDS. In the famous Garfield district, the com ing fruit section; 30 miles from Portland. 7 acres In this section, nil cleared, ready for planting; price $1400. terms. 10 acres, partlv cleared, balance easy to clear; price $HHV, good terms. 11 acres, small house, part cleared, good slope, some trees; price $1000. terms. 17 acres In bearing orchard, trees well cared for; price ISOo per acre. 15 acres. 7 acres under cultivation; price $lf"0. 1-3 cash, good terms. 20 acres, partlv cleared, some trees, best of apple land: price 125 per sere. Hi acres. 5 acres In cultivation. 2 acres in full bearing orchard, good house and Kipn- nriu s'wvoo nnrt cash. M acres of uncleared land, no improve ments, easy to clear, near church and school; price $50 per acre, easy terms. SO acres. 1 acres in cultivation. IPO fruit trees, 1 mile to school and church. Und easily cleared; a snap, at $50 per 120 acres. 16 acres cleared, good tmtty orchard, all stock and tools; price uo .per acre; terms. . , 104 acres, 25 acres cleared. 15 acres in commercial orchard. 2 years old: acres easily cleared, creek; this Is a fine home, price $W0 per acre. , . HO acres. 16 acres In 4-year-old trees, this Is one of the hst places In this section: good house, barn; price and terms on application. . , Wo have many more attractive places In this section and will be pleased to talk with vnU about them RAND. READ & CO., 316 Board of Trade. FAMOUS HYLAJVDS. YAMHILL. $75 PER ACRE. $1 PER ACRE DOWN. $1 PER ACRE PER MONTH. 10 TO 20-ACRE TRACTS. Save time going over the whole section. This lnnd is especially adapted for fruits; hundreds of acres planted to ap ples and walnuts; the largest walnut grove and prune orchard In Oregon lo cated here. . This tract located five miles northwest of Sheridan, on main county road. R. F. I. and phone: population loOO; good live Commercial C1U and Fruit 'Growers' As sociation; several acres on each tract are cleared; some have running water, ba -ance good timber; no undnrbrush; if this lnnd is not as represented we will pay you $10 per day for your time investl gatin g CHAPIN HERLOW, (B) 332-3SH Chamber of Commerce. HAVE YOU HEARD That Jackson Co. has captured tn prize Spain, this time at ancouver. H. C. -for the best carload of opplesT we have some itne tracts of land there, here are a few: " 105 acres, vrell improved, on Rogue River. 2 miles from R. R-: price $1J5 per acre (worth f200i; splendid terms. 120 acres of fine fruit land. 1 miles from R. R. station: I'mhi cords of wood; on county road: 50 per acre, U enzh. balance 6 per cent; will trade for Port land property. . . 100 acres, some Improvements, can oe Irrigated by running stream on place; 3 miles from railroad station: price fJO per acre. 14 cash, balance time at 6 per rent. Zimmerman. 310 Board of Trade t-ulldlng. , . EXHIBIT OF WILLAMETTE VALLEY APPLES AT OUR OFFICE. Highly colored perfect apples, grown on a 10-acre farm 50 miles south of Port land on the S. P. Ry.: 80 trees Ben Da vis, lot Spitienbergs. 1S8 Baldwins. 6-year-old, H acres 1-year-old pears and apple orchard, 4 acres oats and vetch; not an Inch of waste land; located on R. F. D. and phone line, a few rods to graded school; surrounded by bearing orchards: magnificent view, near good town of $j5oo, on good roads. Call and Inspect these apples and see Photos. Price $250 per acre, as low as (Mie-ncth -cash. Your own terms on Bal ance. All future payments can be made Ifom product of this farm. H APIN & HERLOW. (M 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK AND FRUIT FARM. 215 acres, HO a. in cultivation, G-room house, barn and woodshed; 23 cattle, span horses, 10 goats, 8 hogs, chickens, tur ke wagon, threshing machine, farm Implements. 250 bu. apples. 40 tons hay. 1 mile to station. $7500; $2000 down; will take some Portland property as first pay ment. Blaisdell, Shoup & Daly, 31j Ry. JF.X; . 25-ACRE fruit farm. 1 mile of R. R., all fine land. 10 acres iun oeanng o acres in cultivation, balance brush pas ture; small bklgs., fine crop of apples this year; might take some improved Portland nroperty as part trade; price $5000. BRONG-STEELE CO.. . Ground Floor. Lewis bldg. b HOOD RIVER. . 40 acres fruit land, with spring, house and timber, .on county road, adjoining orchard- 4 miles from station: $50 an acr-. easy terms; R0 acres at $40 an acre. EDWI-N HOOKER COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce bldg. wg have some attractive bargains In fruit Hood River district.; both .mail nd larg. ' ... D Innlilnr for fruit land. it pay you to ee McCargar. Bates & Lively. 315 Falling bldg. . HAVE 3K acre, fruit land between Sheri dan and McMlnnvlll. for .ale In Ave and 10-arr. tract Price I. low and favorable term, can be made. Inquire D .1)0. Or.- gonlan. , . HOOD RIVER. 40 acre.. ?7Ti per acre; several acres In 3 vear Soltzenburcs; must bo .old before Nov. IS. Blai.dell, Shodp & Daly. 31S F.y. Exchange EIGHTT acres finest fruit land in Yamhill County: under cultivation; small orchard various fruits. Price la low and favorable. Terms can be had. Inquire C 403. Ore gonian. ML'ST aacrlflc. ten acre, flrst-clas. fruit and garden land, clone to city Um ta, V,est Bide. IoOO cash takes It. AJ JbO. Ore gonlan. GOLDKNDALE SIMCOE FRUIT LANDS. 1( ACRES. 5O0; ONI.T J100 cash, balance $10 month. Geo. S. . Casedy Co.. lobby Commercial Club bldg. 10 ACRES unimproved apple land, near Mo sler. on line road; all good; price. 11100. and a bargain. See McCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Falling bldgT ; FOR SALE; 303 acres fine fruit land, near McMlnnvllle. -!50 acre, ready for planting Fin. proposition for cutting into .mall tracts. lnqulr. C 492, Oregonlan. T6 "ACRES PRIZE APPLE LAXD, right In town: new buildings: easy terms, ilattle H. Ross. McMlnnvlilc. Or. For Sale Farms. IK I WERE A FARMER. THIS IS WHAT I D WANT" 21 MILES FROM PORT LAND! DIRT CHEAP. TOO! 278 acres of level land, black soil, known as th. best farm In that section, enough slope for natural drainage. 10 acres In high state of cultivation. 100 acres of pas ture. 120 per acre would put under culti vation, balance In timber; 0 acres of fam ily orchard, full bearing and in good con dition. 1 mile from railroad and town, good 2-room school Just opposite the place, macadamized road by property, R. F. !.. phone, milk route, big 8-room house, with bath, pantry, fireplace, shade trees and flowers. blK new barn. IXOx'.iO feet con crete foundation, which cost $r,000 two years ago. a good old barn, new granary, chicken-houses, all fenced and cross fenced, complete set of new implements, including wagons, plows, harrows, drills, rakes, mowers, binders, baggy, hack, har ness, everything complete. With the place goes 100 tons of timothy and clover hay In the barn, ' 3000 bushels of oats, and 500 bushels of wheat in granary. 10IK) sacks of potatoes put away for th. Winter, o head of splendid work horses worth $-'') apiece. 25 head of Jersey dairy cows, about 40 head of hogs, 20( chickens, all included at a price of $113 per aero. Terms, half cash. Surround ing farms of 50 acres or more are being sold at $200 per acre. This place pro duces four tons of timothy to the acre, 7S bushels of oats per acre and about 40 of wheat. Tha man who gets this must act promptly. CHAPIN HERLOW. (C) S32-338 Chamber of Commerce. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS Several hundred thousand acres coming on market monthly as ranchmen's leases expire: for sale by state; $1 to $3 per acre; terms, one-fortieth down; balance 40 years; good farm ing and fruit lands; send 6c postage for further information. Journal Publishing o., Houston. ri WHAT DO YOU WANT? Farm, dairy, stock, fruit or stump land. I have them In any sized trac's at bedrock prices. Come in and talk about them. Goddard, 2"3tt Washington street. FOR SALE lfiO afes. Clackamas County, 30 miles from Portland; price $12.50 per acre; terms; $200 cash, balanc. long time; enough timber on place to pay for it. At, 4:6. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FARM LAND. For .mall or big tracts call at Farm Land Den't of HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Bankers, Chamber of Commerce bldg. ( See H A R T O O ) THE btpgest snap In the State of Oregon: fiuo acres, mostly all in cultivation and the best of sol!: on the Salem Electric line ststlon; the land fine for suhri ivinlnr ; price $16 per acre, small payment down. 41T BOARD OF TRADE. A SNAP. 10 or 320 acres on line of Mt. Hood Railroad, unrtr value for quick turn. Vanduyn 4k Walton, 5L5 Chamber Commerce- REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BEAT-TIFVI. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. 4 miles out of Portland: tine f.r truck g.irdcninir or a country home: a snap at $00. $l.0 down and $20 a month: I will he on the tract Sunday: tho first on. out gets the choicest pieces: get off at Gar den Home, walk 3 blocks du. .outh. or ask the station agent. I can recommend this very highly. WHITE SALMON. WASHINGTON. Are yon planning to Invest money in fruit land? If so. we have a few five and ten-acre tracts In the White Salmon dis trict at a rearooable price and on easy terms. t BEAUTIFUL. ACREAGE AT BEAVER TON. . Well drained pasture Ind; $133 and $150 an acre; near R. R. Small tracts near Linnton; $200 an acre; good fruit land. For good buys in farms or acreage see H. A. CHANDLER REAL ESTATE CO.. 610 Lumbermen, bldg., 5th and Stark sts. Main SI60. 23 ACRES J2000. 23 acres of the best soil in this coun try; good G-room hous. with running water piped from spring. Two good large barns; stone milk house, which can be used for residence: good family orchard. Land all cleared and level. Adjoins country town. Electric line has been sur veyed right through this tract. Is now two miles from end of same line. AU ready to move Into. Price 7&OQ. only $200t cash, ba'ance easy terms. 140 ACRES 5ii00 cash. 140 acres. Adjoins good oountry town, close to electric line: 1O0 acres cleared and undeT cultivation: 40 acres In good heavy timber. Has three springs 'on the place; good 3-room frame house and a fairly good stone house: two barns; the best deep soli; good family orchard. An elegant place. Is located only 15 miles from the business center of Portland. Price 15 per acre. $3000 cash, ba.ance easy terms. M. & THOMPSON CO.. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. Ground Floor Phona Main 60S4; A 3327. n..r rrrr nvca 20 acres, all fine soil, 15 acres cleared and in cultivation, 3 acres slashed, 2 acres potatoes, 2 acres orchard, good 6-room house, barn, well, wagon sheds, toolhouses and all outbuildings: good team, good cow, T or 8 doeen chickens, 2 hogs.- new wagon, new rubber-tired buggy, new sets of harness: and one old set; T double hack; all tools and farm Im plements; 10 tons of hay In barn. S miles from Vancouver and 14 miles . from Portland. Price $3250. $1250 cash. 5 acres, all excellent soil, all cleared, .1(10 fruit trees in full bearing, good -room house, with city water and cement basement: barn and all outbuildings. 14 mile from ferry landing, 7 miles from Portland and In city limits. 4 blocks from 'carllne with 3c fare. Price $3850; $1030 "wi have them, large, small, Improved or unimproved; come in and see our list before buying. - STT5WARD & THOMPSON. Lobby Hotel St. Klmo, Van couver. wash. OREGON FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. In the Deschutes Valley. Central Oregon, are some of the most fertile lands in the state. Many thousand acres of these lands are now under Irrigation and producing large crops, other thousands of acres are rapidly being put under irrigation. Your "CAREY ACT" RIGHT en titles you to 160 acres of this land free If yon will, within three years. Improve part of It, live on it three months, and pay (In easy install ments your share of the cost of the irrigation system. Central Oregon Ir rigation Co.. "415 By. Exch. bldg., Portland, Oregon. DAIRY FARM. "Ol acres. t only $7500, with $3000 worth of stock and farm implement, thrown In. NO. 124. 2(11 acres In the best farm district In Oregon; 50 acres of .cleared land. i- acres more very easily cleared, balanc. best of pasture land; all fenced and cross fenced; good house, large barn and out buildings: 12 head of cattle. 25 goats, several hogs, self binder, mower, hayrake. sedd-drlll. plow, harrow, cream separator, telephone and share In telephone- line: this Is on a. good county road, cream route, etc.: close to store and schoolhouse. 8 miles from IS. P. station; only 20 mile, from Salem., TAYLOR CO.. , 402-S Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sfs. 40 ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE; $126 PER ACRE. This 40 acres Is close In, partly cleared, H-mlle from station, lies right on county road, s, fine trout stream running through place, about 10 acces good timber, land on 3 sides of tract Is nelllng for $200 per acre. It s close to Portland. It', a bargain, and' can be bought on easy terms. RALPH ACKLEY LAND COMPANY. 603 Corbett Bldg. 414 ACRES J450 CASH. 4 acres, with 7-roorh house. Hous. is In only fair condition; good family or chard, consisting of apples, pears, cher ries and plums: living stream running through one corner; 3 blocks of electric rallwav: within 10-mile circle of center of Portland. Best of soil; land lies sloping- all cleared and ready for cultiva tion. This is a big bargain. This place can be made into a beautiful suburban borne as well as a profitable one. Splen did fruit land, and can be set out to fruits, strawberries and shrubbery, as well as adapting a portion of it for chick ens, ducks, etc. It has the convenience of the citv.' together with the economy and freedom of the country. Price $11-30. 1430 cash, balance easy terms. SU. E. THOMPSON CO.. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. Phone Main 6084; A S32T. OREGON FARM $8 AN ACRE. We sale have for exclusive for a short time a large wheat tract or Oregon grain. fruit and grazmtc imiuo, ... ... from $6 to $32 an acre, in grazing tracts iram xv jv....", acres. Will net 8 per cent on Investment. RALPH ACKLEY LAND COMPANY. - 605 Corbett Bldg. GET BACK TO THE SOIL. If yon realize what that mean, and think you would rather be a producer than a consumer, come in and ask me about 6 Acres $75 PER ACRE. ' With good farm house, barn, chicken house, plenty of wator and rich "red shot" soil' located 3 miles from a boat landing on the Willamette River, near Salem. , J. O. ROUNTREE. Railway- Exchange Bldg.. Cor. 3d and Stark St.. Vt INTEREST in eighty-two (82) acre, of land, twenty (20) acres under cultivation, beaverdam. stxty-two(62) acres of No. 1 fruit land: SVt miles from Portland, IS miles from two railroads, running stream of water, never dry. and a No- 1 aprlng of water: one team of horses. 1500 each: two wagons, seven-room house, barn. 3000 cords of wood timber, one Russell saw mill 80.000 feet of lumber. Will trade for lots in good location and part cash. Address J. F. Wlneland, 505 Macleay bldg. 10 ACRES, only 11 miles from Portland, and not far from station: good 8-room house and fine large barn, chicken-house, young family orchard. This is a fine piece of land. Horses, cow, wagon and farming Implements and tools, all for S45O0: terms. ' J. O. SANDERS. 427 Lumbermen. Bldg. r'T Missouri land. raises everything; good markets, cheap now, going up, easy t.Tms; we help you. write quick. Mis souri State Immigration Board. Spring fteld. Missouri. "CASCADE FOOTHILLS." Apple district, we have good farms cheap; also choice fruit lands in 5 to 80-acr. tracts See O. W. P. Land Co. signboard, 1st and Alder REAL KSTATK. For Sale Farms. CHOICE FARMS IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Consisting of SO acres, of which there are 30 acres under cultivation, about 10 acres slashed and easily cleared: young orchard In bearlng; lt Is all fenced; there la a 6-room house and a barn in good condi tion, full of hay. The personal property consists of 6 head of cat tle. 9 or IO sheep, 73 or loo chick ens, span of horses, wagon and harness, single buggy and all neces sary farm implements; . few hun dred bushels of nats; 3u acres of fine potatoes and about loo quarts of preserved fruits: all the house hold furniture; all for $S00; $3000 cash, balance in 4 years at 6 per cent. This place Is In a good neighborhood, on a good road and only 4H miles from Oregon City, and one of the best buy. on the market. SO acres, fine soil; 40 acres cul tivated, balance in timber, suitable for cordwood; watered bv springs and creek; 4 acres of orchard, small fruits: 8-room house, with pantry and patent toilet; barn 34x5(1. with sheds; chicken house, machine sheds, granary, rock cellar, spring house- school quarter of a mile. With the place go 2 horses. 4 cows. 2 heifers. 2 dozen chickens. 1 sow and the following Implements: plow, harrow, spring pump, mower, rake, seeder, drill, wagon, garden seeder, most of the household furniture and the crop. Price, $70i0. Would con sider a residence In Portland of about 7 rooms to the value of $:t000 to $3500 as part payment. This place has a creek forming water power for domestic use; also spring piped to house and barn, furnishing means of having hot and cold water. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 133 First Street. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY! Greatest opportunity to homeseeker, unquestionably, offers Grays Harbor dis trict, where land can be bought from $15 to $20 acre; very easy terms; within 8 to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam, two most promising cities in world; soil Is rich and free from gravel: easy clearing, abun dance of water during Summer months; school and store are located on land: un - limited market; 3000 acres to select from: buy now while price Is low and selection good: in addition we have several partly Improved farms with buildings, from $2o to $73 per acre. It Is to your Interest to write for further Information at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION CO., Aberdeen. Wash. m UMPQUA VALLEY, DOUGLAS CO.. 1260 acres. 3 miles from Roseburg, town of 1000 population, on the Umpqua River and countv road; 300 acres of river bot tom In cultivation, balance red shot soli, bench and low hills, nothing better for . fruit and nuts. The river bottom land is equal to beaver dam for garden, grain, grasses, berries and famous Cornice pears, well watered, good buildings and fences; so near town and railroad this will bring $150 per acre in small tracts: my price $30 per acre one-third -cash, balance good terms at 6 per cent. If you want a tract ' of land where you can double your money in fL vr BCO lite. ... . HAKSLMAIR. 513 324 Washington at. Then don't miss opportunity to Mslt Sldwood Farms, newest and best colony. Sldwood Farms 30 minutes from Jack sonville, coming metropolis of South. At lantic Canal on one side. St. Johns River on other; Florida East Coast Ry. through center: rolling fertile soil, climate unex celled year round; Ideal Winter home de lightful bathing, best social conditions, greatest farming opportunity; $no per acre, easy terms: values Increasing dally; write for booklet. Florida Homeseekers Corpor- ation. Jacksonville. Flonaa. $50 PER ACRE One-fourth down, balance easv terms at 6 per cent, because owner has" more land than he can cultivate, buys an 80-acre farm, partially Improved, hav ing small house and barn and orchard or 750 trees, 500 bearing; schoolhouse on place, county road through It: this place commands a fine view of the Columbia River, and Is only a mile and a half from steamboat landing and N. P. Ry. station at Martins Bluff, In Cowlltr County. Washington, and 6 miles from county seat; farm Is well watered and is certain ly a bargain. . P. G. LANE. Woodland. Wash. TROPICAL MEXICO. Join our free xcurion to the richest, cheapest land Inthe world, and take a new start for sure success and affluence; $6 50 to $10 per acre. In tracts to suit; $1 per acr down and 50 cents per acre quar terly Next excursion about Dec 1st. Get our literature and think It over. RABB & PATTON. General Agents. 322 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark. MOUNT HOOD ELECTRIC FRUIT LAND BARGAINS. . 12 acres, all Improved, orchard, build ings, near town and station, $1900; terms. L'O acres, near house, partly cleared, good wood. $2500; terms; worth $3000. 6 to 100 acres, east of city, at station, mostly cleared, running water; at your own terms and trade. . RAYMORE REALTY COMPANY. 430 Worcester Bldg.. 3d and Oak Sts. Main 1940. 284 ACRES, with 100 acres under cultivation and only 2 miles from AMITY, or 55 miles from PORTLAND: all good soil and lies well: has good large house, barn and outbuildings, a complete farm and well kept- with the place go a new binder. 1 disc 1 plow. 1 new wagon. 3 good cows. 8 head horses. 300 sacks potatoes. 50 tons hay 3O0 bushels oats; can you beat it - for $50 per BcreT 2-3 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Call for Mr. Miller. 508 Ger Unger bldg.. 2d and Alder. ORCHARD land or grain land; 1040 acres In body, 8 miles from railway, al fenced with a new 7 barbed wire fence, fine creek with water power, 4 small houses and barn; railway must cross west end; this would make the best stock farm in the state, as the grass grows the year around- price $18,000; small paymen; down and time to suit on balance. W. D. Mlx ter. Albany. Or., owner. FOR SALE Large tract richest agTicul tural land in heart of tropics of Mexico. Suitable for all tropical fruits, sugar cane, cotton, corn and tobacco; finest kind for rubber with successful plantations in im mediate vicinity; splendid proposition for cattle and hog raising, which would pay handsomely. Deal with owners direct. P. O. Box 59. Oakland. Cal. 360 ACRES of garden land, all bottom, 300 acres in a good state of cultivation, bal ance ash timber, fine creek and 4-acre lake: 1 ra miles to railway will sell on small pavment and long time or would consider good resident property; price $80 per acre. W. D. Mixter, Albany. Or. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS. Over 1.000,000 acres for sale by state; can buy 640 acres $2 an acre; pay $39 cash, balance after 40 years; fine farm ing and fruit land, healthy climate. For further information send 6 cents postage. -Investor pub. Co., Dept. 34,- San Antonio, Tex. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS. Over 1,000,000 acres for sale by state; can buy 640 acres $2 an acre: pay $32 cash, balance after 40 years; One farm ing and fruit land, healthy climate. For further Information send 6 cents postage. Investor Pub. Co.. Dept. 34, San Antonio, Tex. , , FARM. 3O0 acres, 1Z miles from Court house, $100 per acre; crop timothy stay pays over 15 per cent on price; ail cleared- will subdivide in three tracts; half cash, balance 6 per cent; land one side selling $200 per acre; other side, $ 1 5 0. 506 Oregonlan bldg. rJ5 AND 100 acres of Willamette Valley garden land, lhk miles from railway, all in cultivation except small tract of ash timber along the creek; $80 per acre; would take small payment or consider good resident property. W. D. Mixter, Albany. Or. 240 ACRES fine land for grain and fruit, 100 acres cleared, creek bottom, balance rolling pasture and small timber, house, barn, fenced; 150 per acre; $2000 down, balance terms o suit. This is cheap, as land here is selling at $75 to $100. ' t. no t T ahannn Or FOR SALE YAMHILL COUNTY. Dairy farm. 130 acres, all in cultivation; buildings, all new, mile to town, 1 hi miles to depot, graveled roads, beet and cheapest buy in county; deal with owner. Address 1144H Union ave. North. Phone Woodlawn 29Q7., Portland, Oregon. " CLARK CO. FARM SNAP. 76 acres, 45 In cultivation; 1 mile to electric station: fine buildings, berries and fruit, good road; the best farm buy we have advertised for many months; $4000 gets immediate possession, bal. easy. . CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch Bldg. A GOOD BUY 20 acres, 0 miles from Courthouse; finest soil, nearly all culti vated: fit for ail kinds of farming; one mile from carllne; price $6000; $2000 cash, balsnce 5 years. A. E. Eastlund, 806 Thurmanst- 8800 ACRES, suitable for colonizing. T miles from railroad, Shasta County, California; alt fenced, good stock ranch; price $tu per acre: a bargain. Address J. A. Jobn son. Olinda. Cal. SO ArTRES 14 MILES FROM PORTLAND. $80 per acre. 50 in cultivation, all good land, fair buildings, running water, all fenced; this placemust be sold to sete estate. 402 Lumber Exchange bldg. 16 ACRES in the Nehalera Valley: about JB acres cleared-; a snap; terms. Flnlaysoo, Astoria, REAL ESTATE. For bale Farms. FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. 40 ACRES. All level land, 27 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, 6-room l!-story house, porches on three sides; good barn, apple house and outbuildings; place fenced and cross-fenced, on main county road: R. F. D., telephone. I1 miles from store, grad ed school and church. 2H miles from alPtH lln. on nAW tOWnsttC. 3V mlleS S from good town and on North Bank R R. and Columbia Jttiver, y,j nine, nu.n couver. Wash. Price $4200: balance of purchase price can run to suit purchaser at low rate of interest. 80 ACRES. With 22 acres under cultivation. 10 arret slashed and seeded: all fenced and cross fenced; fine orchard of assorted fruits, sev. eral million feet of good timber: 6-room house, good barn 44x48, chicken-house and woodshed: living stream and spring water piped to buildings; fine land, no rock or gravel; only 4 miles from a good town, close to a good school and In a fine neigh borhood; including personal property, team, harness, wagon. 2 cows. heifer, plows, harrows, disc and all tools, somi chickens: price $65o0; terms. 120 ACRES Of land, all level and main county road on two sides, with 35 acres under fin 'state of cultivation; 40 acres ot good green timber, 40 acres slashed and seeded, all fenced: 3 acres of family orchard Jn full .bearing; 7-room house, barn 52xi0. goor granary, all necessary outbuildings. 2 miles from electric line and new town . site: R. F. D. and telephone service, clos. to school and church, fine well and abund ance of water; personal property, fine team worth $rt00. 2 sets of good double harness, one single harness, one 3H-ineh Mitchell wagon, one light wagon, mower, rake, plow, harrow. cultivator. ropes, chains, forks. 5 cords of dry wood in shed. 25 tons of fine timothv and clover nay. 280 bushels of oats, 150 bushels ot pota toes. 100 hens, 1 brood sow. 4 tons of. straw, apples, separator and all small tools. This is a fine farm and will sell to the first man that sees it. Price $awu, terms. THOMPSON ft SWAN. 206 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland. Or., bet. 41 h and 5th. on Washlnston St., and 6th and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. ANYBODY-CANHANTI.E THisOCRES CLOSE IN. FOR POULTRY. BERRIES, GARDEN TRUCK AND FRUIT. The season's choicest offering in a 10 acre farm, every inch In cultivation, on fine graded street, with sidewalk to elec trict railway station; brand-new 6-room bungalow, never been occupied, all plas tered and piped for hot and cold water, bathroom, all ready for tub and other fix tures; good well, woodshed, etc. The soil is the VERY BEST In the state, absolutely free from rock or gravel: land is gentiy sloping, affording excellent nat ural drainage; no stumps nor. snags In tha entire tract. . This place is only 13 miles from Port land In the beautiful Tualatin Valley, and is only a little over a mile from sta tion and store. There is no better location for POUL TRY. BERRIES, GARDEN TRUCK or FRUIT. What is the use of buying an old worn out place with a shack for a house and old ramshackle outbuildings, when you can buy a new up-to-date place with a gem of a house like this? . And best of all. the price is only $3450. and $690 cash will handle it with easy payments on the bal ance. . This is just the sort of a place a great many people are looking for. Somebody will got It this week. Be on hand early Monday morning. , , CHAPIN & HERLOW. D) 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. GROVELAND ACRES. "CLOSE IN." AT A "FAR-OUT" PRICE; LOOKS GOOD TO EVERYBODY RIGHT NOW, ESPECIAL LY. BEFORE THE RAILROAD IS FIN ISHED AND PRICES ADVANCE! Ideal 10-acre tracts 13 miles from Port land, on the United Railways (station on the property!, all cleared and In cultiva tion, with the best soil In the state at $200 per acre; VERY EASY terms. You can't equal it. ' Taking into consideration the high qual ity of the soil, closeness to the city, flna transportation, low fares and improve ments which we have put in, this proposi tion offers you the chance to get a GOOD FARM in the RIGHT location at a prlc. you will never see again. Present low prices advance as soon a. trains are running, on the tracks now be ing laid. The wise buyer will Investigate this promptly. CHAPIN & HERLOW. "D" 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. FARMS I have for sale a 7-acre farm right close to Portland for $2000. I have another 6-acre farm not far from Portland for $1300. - I have another 20-acre farm close to Portland for $4000. I have a fine country home with 20 acres finest ground, close to Portland, for $(000; on this place I will accept a nic. small home in Portland for part pay ment. I have 10 acres right at Forest Grove, best fruit land to be found, far $2000, and good buildings on It. 1 have 5 acres close to Portland, good orchard on same and good buildings, for $2750. If you want farms, any size or location, I will make It worth your time to call. Or if you want a big dairy ranch, right close to Portland and well stocked, I .have tiat. I have all kinds of farms. Call and see me, or write J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber Commerce. TWO NICE LITIIE FARMS. 55 acres, 25 in cultivation; spring and running creek, 70 young trees beginning to bear. 23 acres fine saw timber. 5 acres slashed, farm buildings all new; stock farm Implements and some feed In cluded; 3 miles to railroad at Newberg. 1 mile to boat landing on Willamette River; $o5 per acre; terms. 30.9 ACRES. 12 ' In cultivation, balance timber; 60 young trees beginning to bear; 1H acres strawberries, running water, new farm buildings, some -stuff goes with the place, 3 miles from railway at Newberg, mile to bnatlanding. R. F. D. Price $22-"0: terms. These farms adjoin and can be purchased separately or together. R. A. KIRK & CO.. 317 Lewis hldg. 34 IMPROVED ACRES. Only Vi miles from Oregon City, on fine county road, with R. F. D. and tele- PhThfs place has 12 acres highly culti vated land, 16 acres of cleared land in pasture and 6 acres lightly timbered: a fine strong spring and good well, small house of four rooms, 2 good barns and chicken-house; a small family orchard of several varieties of apples and pears. The price is only $125 per acre and $1750 cash will handle it. You can DOUBLE the value of this place with very little work and small outlay of money. See us for particulars. CHAPIN & HERLOW, (D) 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. 257 ACRES Of excellent solH IS miles from Portland, In Tualatin Valley; beautiful black loam, no rock or gravel; 19 acres of genuine beaverdam land; place is. fenced and 160 acres are in high state of cultivation, 5 acres In 12-year-old orchard, mostly ap- , pies and in good condition; good 8-room house with bath and pantrv. line barns and other outbuildings, like onion-house, wagon shed, etc.; slock consisting of 4 good horses, 25 A-l milch cows and one registered bull and all Implements go with the place; a beautiful place with a good income: price $31,000, terms. KAUFFMANN & MOORE. 3. lUmuer iJ..mni,. 385 ACRES, all good land, on main line of Southern Pacific; good buildings of all kinds, sawmill on the place; well stocked, fine residence, Us million feet of good timber, 10 acres In good state of culti vation; this is fine land for fruit or for general farming and is an ideal piece for subdivision; price $18,000; no incumbrance- will accept Portland property for part and time on the balance. Call or write j e. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Oregon. WOOD & SEACHEST BARGAINS. l''5-acre farm, good buildings, best of land; 30-acre orchard; $100 per acre; a ""lOO acres choice dairy farm near milk factory; lii miles from R, R.; best buy in Yamhill County. , . ,t 20 acres, orchard farm; 8 acres in fruit trees; this Is a bargain. WOOD & SEACHEST. 320 Railway Exchange bldg. " OREGON FRUTT0R STOCK RANCH. 730O acres: 1500 bordering on the Imp qua River: finest .alfalfa land : of ,310 tillable; 3 streams of water: .tn miles out side range: coyote-proof fence: splcnd rt fruit land; best all 'round proposition in Oreiron- price $16 per acre; 1-3 cash, bal 2Jcf 10 ?ears. 6e7 cent. C. H. Zimmer man. 310 Board of Trade bide. S400 acres. 200 acres alfalfa land, on John Dav River: this is the best bargain in Oregon: everything (except sheep) in cluded In price of $5 per acre, l-.l cash halance 10 years: December 1 price, will be advanced. Zimmerman, 310 Board of Trade bldg. - - - -- - --t v- f D 1,' I ' I i v LlM-OLil i,uu.ni. v".-- 444 acres well watered, and fine land, an excellent dairy farm, outside rarge. good buildings; this is worth looking Into; price $40 per acre, including stock, etc.: will consider some property In or near ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. c- . t r r P1T1U 23 acres. 1 y. miles from- Oregon City; good buildings, spring and stream; half in cultivation, balance pasture; 200 cords wood: 3 acres fruit. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce bldg. 10 ACRES, near Willamette River:' can bo bought for $1000; $50 down and $10 a month. See this. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg A i