THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTILAXP, OTE3rBER 6, X910. g - ) ,,,, " REAL ESTATE. 1 KEAI, ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. RESTATE. 1 gSS I ' V v . i. i.ti rur c?n it i . : - i I I 1.ACH BELOW THE MARKET PRICE. BELOW ANYTHING AROUND IT. $-.. Almost square bulldinr site of nnn so. it. on Portland Heights: view ntlr. cltr and a;l the reow-cwl ptsk: T walking distance; will pot for much mort next fcpring; 2 bllts to ear. ' , tllOO Ths beat buy thl sids of La"1; hur.t. one block of car: A No--l ana for flats; lot is $400 under neatl. value alongalde. $-20 Corner lot In t-veriook. view of river and city, all improvements paid. Av rags prtca of cornera bare $16u0; owner leavlnr cltr: cloae to car. l100 On tarma. about 60 aq. ft. on Port land Heights, unobstructed view, r-warty to build upon, close to car: "UO ft- nearby can t be bought for $-'000; on tba sama street. Uono iown will aecura you a sightly lot with mora than 10 feet frontage on one of tba beat comers In Hose city Park: cement sidewalks and Improved streets all paid. We hva lot bargain In ovary section if the city. trryv johnson co. Suite rVK, GerTlnrer Hide. 2d and Alder. Phone Marsnall IMS. A S.:3J. PENINSULA PROPERTY. Four lots. e-a.-b .OxIo.. on ;o-foot street, right In the heart of the most rup'.dry f rowing district In the t'lty of Portlan.t our blocks from McKenaa Junction and four blo-ka from Maegly Junction, two Mocks from hard-surfaced Th.-eo lots will be worth a great price as soon as work Is commenced on the termtnai yards at McKenaa Junction. They are a gr at bargain at tbe price offered, but aa the I'nlvrrslty I-nd Company la closing out their bi:slneae we are able lo let them so f..r $fH each. (Kt cash and till monthly on each lot. without interest. -OK A. MfKEN.Vt CO.. BIT Commercial b'.o. k. Mln A :HJ, BEAtTirCI, VIEW KITE. Command view of cto. river and Mount Hood; t blocks from Portland Heights car; lota are leel. cement walks are latd. and atreet to be paved soon: splendid dia tr.ct of beautiful homes: l-fi-l-O feet. Price 1500 Half Cash. Addreaa AS tJ. Or-gonlan. TO CLOSE TP AN ESTATE, f will eel: one lot. XkI'Xi. on the S. K. corner of E. leth and Manhattan; lix TOO on the P. W. corner L. i:ilh and Manhattan, and alxlo. facing south on Ainsworth ave between E 14th and - l.Mh a:a: will sail on easy terms. 4.-4. Oragoalao. OrPORTLNITV. 8W-NTOX! 8WINTONI 6WINTO-. For this week we will sell lota In this macrhlesa tract In the heart of the irreat manufacturing dlatrtrl of the city at pricea far below anything of the kind on the I'enlneuta. JO per c-n ( cash. S per cent per mo. COLOIBU IBl-fT Ct'Ul'A.VV. Board of Trade Bide. M 4th ft. luOrllX). PIEDMONT. EAST FAt't CAR ONE BLOCK. gjnoo .Ovsluo. PIKDMoXT. PFSIKABLE ColtNKR. t'AK TWO BLtK.'K.". U0O. p. "B. lent. 41T CORBETT BLDG. CLOSING OCT SALE. We wish to close nut the unsold lots In W1XTOX this week. For this week we will sell lots within 2-fooi blocka of the main street in Kvnlon. the irreat manufacturing center of the pvninauia. for -Ti. 10 per cent cash. 2 per cent per mo. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade M 4;h St. VACANT LOTS $t.lftO Near Hawthorne ave. tI0O. S14.1 HWxlOu 41st St.. Richmond district. $ 60--5xlo East Caruthers at. $ TJ.1 WtlwJ 47th St.. Rose City Park. $ 6.5 Corner near Alberta st. car; snap. XIoao Rodney ave.. ooxloi. $ w Full lot. Rose City Park. 60040x100 N". Mi. T.ibor. A. H. BIKKELL CO.. McKay Bldg.. 3d and ttark. fi.NAf KOK HOME OK FOR INVESTMENT. Only e-'O caen. be), small monthly pay ments: view lot one blm to car: over looks the whole city: price StTr.; another lots, corner, suitable for 2 buniialowa; SMO. $4o down: only L'3-mlnu-.e ride; beautiful shale trees, must be sold, re fardlcee of aurroundlng vatuca. IT WILL PAY YOU to see ihrra at once. Jam, C. I.ocah- Waah. at., room 4Q4. !aXK! SNAPS: HURRY! ROPE CITY PARK Lots 3 and A. block lot; cloae to car and store; stuO each. Lut t. bloi-k lO. close to car. e ROSSMbBE lot. on Slth at., close to car. $oou. Three are PAST FACINO. IMPROVED Iota and can be frouxht on easy terma. C. lie YOU Nti. Riom 1 Chamher of Commerce. W LN TON. We are eloslnc out this week our ho!d Ines In this matchless tract on the PKN INSULA. Prtrea far below value for quick oaf. $27o and up. 1 1 per cent cash. - per cent per mo. COLUMBIA TRUST COUPAXV, Board of Trail- Hide. 14 4th St. 1 HAVE two excellent east-front building lots which will s-U together or separate on easltel kind of terms: In Rose Cltv Park. Telephone B 16-14 or owner. Belmont. IBVlXt'.TOX. 11SAA buys corner lot. :.nxlno; others In thia locality re asking e-'x"' for corners and $!.'! tr iiui.. ae think this price ought to find a buyer, don t you: No phone calls on this. HAAS at RINi-.LF.It. I'll Lewis Bl.g. INCOMV: -'.4' PRICE ".Vo. Corner with modern houses, bringing $1 m.x each, pived streets. Iiaprovemeuis bonded, t'lr 2vti an.l S carl;les: good rental district, e-' cash will handle. Call yrondav. Ju. C. LeigAn, 3 :x n ash. St.. nwn 4ii4 4 l.tiTS on nitsi 'n 1"-oxl 3 blocks t.. e.'k-.' eaeh: hurry, to llaataorne car, e-KxL .Mixlon corner, pear tiaethoroe. $13&0: ' close In; 7 lots. Mount Tehor. S430O; m snap. J, R. ItTIPK. 7-0 Chamber I'ommerce. $VttotA. r"IVERSITTPvrk" iin corner at x.-(.".i: M cash and $lu and Interest per Iat BHAW-FKAR COMPANY. 4.Lx Stark at. Main X A m A SACKIFtF Muat have money; $1iii takes lOOxW-V near Laurelhurat. hard-surfa,e Improve, wt-wt Included. 44-to doe o. balance per montii. F. Duboia, room 4, Washing- ton bldg iooxloo WITH barn and chicken house, only 1 Mock of W-W cartlne and looo below market price at $1 !. THB SIIAW-FKAR COMPANY, s ark st. Main 3.V AJWI. FiR MIE, XVm ON R-1 A LP C ASH. I Ocni 1 OO. soMrheavt iorner 14th and Bra see s-s . north an 1 wet f.-:nt . street irrprovemcnrs all in: bonded Indebtedness ! B 4T. Oregon an. VOl.- :an buy a lot rear Roee City Par for $413: grsded -treeta. cement alde walha and cure. Bull Kus water, elec tr.citv. telepboea. building reatrlctto3 Ptavldent ln. A Trustee Co.. iM iZi Viesrd of T-.1e Mde. WILL PtTBI.S IN VALUE IN A YEAR. .:ri aq. ft . few nimuiee" va:h fro-n bttsineae center, beauutul nnobetructed view of city, mountwtna and heights: fair terma. lots close by t-iv soll tnC at eO etch Msm 3-Vl. A 3vt. $.V,i) Only this one 3vxl0 lot on 2:h st. to sell at tc'a price. Pon't be too la:e: open t.Tls P. M. ostiorne Bros. Take "A car to East a'th St. N. A I. AM KD A T AR'k. Owner must sell, offera one or two of eioicest lots a"d quarter blix-ks. HamMet t. and Alsme.ia drle. much below mar ket price. Atl Oregonlatv a.MHl FINE comer on r.clf.iont St.. 114. A beautiful hutldlng spot with good view, choice surroundings. A bargain for rash. A. H Birrell Ca. McKay Bldg.. 3rd an.l Stark sts. .l;.BEKTA and :sth: IviO, Division and 3m h. Worth much more upon com. p'eted Improvements. Owner. 1U30 North Orand. $TiiV) KACH Two real sod .Vxlie lots on Rodney ave. Look the district over an 1 you I! find thia a bargain. A. H. Blrrril i ry. McKey Bldg.. 3rd and Stark stt I CRT LAND HEIOHTS: 3 choice lots, north of Spring st.: no agents. AL 41. ore- W ANTED At Madraa, Or., a lanndnr man or vomaA to uut chsrge of city laundry. WE HAVE nKSIRAUI.E HOSIEd l ALL rAKid til- lxlK Ull. If you don't sve what you aajal Inquire. $24'X N'cnrly new 5-room bungalow, on corner lot In very desirable dis trict. $-'GU0 New. 6 looms, modern, a very nice home for the money. ISUO 0 rooms. 1 block to car, restricted dletrlrt; can be had on very easy terms. S3000 S-room bnnralow, on East Morrison near E. &U&A. $3300 New 5-room bungalow. In Boss City Park district. $3600 A new B room home In Overlook. StOOO New, (I rooms, exceptionally well finished: you don't have to expend any money on the house when mov ing in. Terma 3S30 Extremely well appointed n"m In Irvlngton. hardwood lloors. full ce ment basement. hard-surface streets, no bonded assessments; S luuo cash. PORTLAND TRUST CO BANK. S. E. Cor. Sd and Onk sis. BEAl'TIKLL new S-room house, on Ea' Hih st. near Knott, In fine Irvlngton district- modern In eery detail: large living room with fireplace, beamed ceiling In den and dining-room: solid hardwood floors, handsome Interior finish, full ce ment baeement and furnace; 4 bedrooma. large Bleeping porch and attic; price re duced to J-.t.Vi: a big bargain at thlj price. Mcirgar. Batos Lively. 313 Falling bldg. . A FINE cottage on roacademlged street, paid for. neariy new. used 5 months, a rooms, modern, buth. toilet. lull base ment, electric l.chts. 2 blocks from street cars; e-ooo. fluu down. s::u a month. In cluding the interest. Worth e3'.HH. Also a 5-room bungalow, modi rn. full base ment. -it) foet Irom cars, fl-joO; 330 down and 3u a month; will go quick. A. N. s-arle. Cor. East "ti-.h and East Cllaan sts. Open Sutirty: t:ike M. V. car. HOME on Willamette Heights: beautiful -room houe. selsa chalet style, with tnttg nltlcent view of mountains; new and has every modern convenience; three sleeping rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, bird. wood floors, good car service: price. IjiOii. on easy terms. This Is a snap and should be pliked up at once. McCargar. Bates A Lively. 313 Falling bldg. BUNGALOW WITH FURNACE. Built In elegant all le. swell exterior, hardwood floors. S block from car, all handsomely decorated and tinted, fur nace, big fireplace, bufret. no better local ity; gas. all improvements: strictly s su perfine bungalow; oo will handle from rc?or.iMe ya.-ty. phone East or B l.'l. BUILD NOW CALL AND SEE US. WE CAN MAKE YOU A SPECIAL FROPU SlllON. IF YOU OWN LOT AND A LITTLE MONEY. WE WILL DO T H, b. BEST. l.UNUALOWS AND APART MENTS OUK SPECIALTY'. PIONEER CONSTIiUCTIONT CO, Cvj OP. ElioNIA N BLDO. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE $ino4 wlil handie fine new residence, S blocks from Uln and Hall sts. car; Bleep ing and view porches: high up on hill with the grandest views In the city: fur nace, fireplace, ail modern conveniences: owner going to France: will saeriflpe price: no traces. t imue ci i - MODERN bunaralow; 0U casa. balance $.10 per month: k rooms; llrepiace, full base menu large porch, corner lot euxlOO; a very daslrable home; four blocka from Union sve. carllne and live blocks from public school: price HiOO. Owner. 4o4 Ma son st. TeicohonjWood!awn eltf. EXCEPTIONAL BUT. J4250 Terms cash. 12.10 year. :..i0 B years: or will sell 4u00. terms liot) cash, .Vn S years. ..,,, C-rcotu bungalow, full lot. adjoining Union ave.. on line new BroadaayLrluge end clone to Steel Bridge. Phono C I n. Mol'ELN and attractive 6-room dwelling, on Clackamas, near East 2th: lot ,1Dx lit; line location; house practically new and very attractively arranged: price with street ImprovAiteuU sli paid flTttO; good terma. This Is a barSivin. McCargar, Bates A Lively, 315 Falling bldg. NEW'lRVINOTOX HOME. 8 large rooms, modern, flnlshed In oag and white enamel. 2 tlreplacns. handsome Sheffield fixtures, tiuplex shades, vry best location, near Irvlnitton car; J.ovU. Including all street Improvements; terma AL 413. oregonian. BEAUTIFUL homes on the East Side. We have ome attractive bargains In homes In Hoilsday and lrvlngton Additions. If yon are lookln; for a home la this line r.-.ldence district. see us. McCargar, Bates at Lively. S13 Falling bldg. FOR SA.LE by owner. 10-room, elegsnL modern lrvlngton home. cor. E. 10th and Brasee- will aell $1500. below market value on account of removal; price $o0 cash or $l).lio on time; no agents. Ad dress oi E. 0th North, phone E. ti3. - MUST SELL. lOOxlOO. on lth St.. ID minutes' wslk . - y (j with v-room modern home, us a whole "or will cut up: act quick for this snap. Vanduyn st Walton. &li Chamber of Commerce. ElJlilAXT. modern 11-room house. No. 6o3 I. add ave.. for sale by owner: 2 minutes- walk to Foatonue: price mcw. mii - eav until on balance. Phone Tabor i:llS. Ad.lress Dr. I. C. Sutton. Arleta stsilon. Port hind. Or. 6-KihjM modern bouse, electric light, bath, arus. basi-inent, ii tine fruit trees. Last !-.h st. N.. 2 bloi-ks Union ave. Price liioo. half cash, enst front. HKILEY 4tBI.-HOr.132 Third St. (, b" Eaut Pine, near Sth, six-room house In first-cls condition: bearing fruit and nut trees; streets, sewer and water in and paid for. Owner, lot! East 7th. WF hove for sale some beautiful homes on Wlllumetto Heights: magnificent view of mountains and river; good car service, ttee Mt-.-argar. Bates at Lively, 314 Fall Ir.g bldg. , YOUR chance to get a good B-roorn new home at a bargain- Good location cement walks near carllne. Only --0 for this. ' JJo ciin. See A. H. Blrrcll Co.. McKay Bidg.. Srdindtarliiii. a-,-,) CASH and balance easy, for a "-room sifirniehed boarilttiK-house. lot RoxlW. In Portsmouth Addition, near car. 1 rice JHIGI.ET BISHOP. 133 Third St. PIEDMONT HOMES. a and -room houses. 13111. 1353 Rod ney ave.. facing east, thoroughly modern; terms F. O. Warner, owner. i:,$ W 11 '.a.iis ave. l'honeWoodlawn13. IBVISHTONvVHn WANTS A BARGAIN? Pretty neie. attractive honic, Ideal loca tion cer-ent bR.-emetit, furrace, fireplace, shae-. rtxtures: will wcr:ftee If sold O 4 .I're x2?is n. & RiViV' moiern house, one block to car. riant Iront. good harn. 2 lots: mut be se'd at once; owner needs the money. s--io0 $t.',, down. bal. terms. J. II. Dor manFirJaji.lS:a) u. ML Scottca llo&aWNEW 5-roora pretty furnished bun galow. bio ks 3lt. Scott fie car. full base ment; beet buy In Portland, party going East on account s.ckness liUSLF.Y aBISlloP. 132 Third at. vi VK- ROOM buiuai'i. fine place, beam roiling Hwllioriie district. Improved BireetsI $11. -u; part cash, rest like rent. Winter wood. gs range, alr-iight heaters, electric fixtures, shades. 3o3 East Both St. KtV-ni-KM modern bungalow. 1.1th and Al- c 7,,,. un.t ur-oo monthly payments. 1-ilE fUAW-FEAH COMPANV. a- wis Main 3-V A 5I. r, ivn fiaVK ll.lMir. H you own a let and have a little cash I will build for you and make building loan A C Furlong. contractor. aVtl .' , "mber'nf commerce. Mala I.--; I. HAWTHoHNK district. d-rom. modern. 4;xlm li t. ('' home; everything strlctly first i iair. ?: tiewn. baianc- easy. lllt.I :Y a HIS.'UT. 1-J Third st. AT a sacrifice '"r ijulck sale, new 6-room buniraloa everwhmg mo.lem and tip to date. 14H cah required. CaU owner. C l-'-i7; . I no down an.l $- J- r month, new .-.-room buusaioa.. l..l .e.xltM. Vt bIo.k . K. car. ever.'l.rg Bfrl.-'v mo,l..rn. l!l,liVlrHi.r. 1.12 Third St. MOfiEKN a-room lirtu. fcrr.ace. tlreptae. gas electricity. bu!l"-in ni.leboard. cement raeemer.'. lot .V)xl.; terma Inquire nl lssl Saimon St. flooa)-BrYsa 3-roon house, lot 1i7x13i. WocKlmere station, Mt. Scott rariinc. IIK-.l.EY A BISHOP. 1.12 Third at. BY owner, new i-roorn bungalow, corner K. list an I Irving. 1 b.ovas from car-i,re- pr:. e :i : easy terma FOR SALE luoxlwc. modern S-room house. East Couch St.. Montavtila; terms Ap p I.aue-l'Svls Durg Co. flirt CASH and $J3 per month. S-room. lot oOvi. 3 blocka Alberts ur, price $123u. H 1QI.EY at BISHOP. M2 Third St. FOR SALE xlOO and good 7-room house, 1 block from carllne. IJhi to $.vo cash, balance monthly, owner. Tabor ft4. it i KACTIVK new Calif, bungalow, to be removed: hergaln: owner. T 4S8, Ore- g.r.ian. eo 4-ROOM bouse, lot laxtaa, nBr high "sr.d grammar B-hooI. - blocks lo car. See owner. l-C7 Man iarel ave. FOR SALE by owner, the hsndcomest 5-room ihouse in lrvlngton. 4aeJ E 20is at., N. Call tnd ire It I BUILD houses to rult on essv terms; f ur nlah lors If necessary. E E. Miller, 430 Worcesler bldg. Main 11. WHY PAY BENT? $4400. S-room, new and modern house, furnace, built-in buffet and bookcases, oak floors. 2 toilets and lavatories; open air room, cooler coll, etc Easy terma Rose City Park. $ 6-room and alcove residence, built-in china closet combination fix tures, shades, polished floors, full oement basement: on E. 2lth St., convenient to two carllnes; easy terms. $.T3oO New 6-room plastered house, strictly modern, 2 toilets. Lawn. etc.. In Sunnysldo, beat csr service in city; $500 csah. bal. $20 a month. $0200 1-room cottage and 3 acres all In cultivation and set to fruit, berries and In garden, has barn, poultry-house, cow. horse and produce. Convenient to Oregon City carllne; easy terma $KiO0 l-room plastered cottage ana floored attic, large enoagh to make 2 good rooms, patent toilet, nice lot wltn shade trees; at Annhel; easy terms. THB LAWRENCE CO., (Successors to Dunn-Lawrence Co.) Phones. Main filtli. A 2S13. 24S Alder St. GREATEST HOME BAKUA1N. ever offered In the Portland market. A new 5-room bungalow, with large attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, elegant buffeL largo Dutch kitchen. laundry trays, cement floor In bseement: lot 5ux lou, cement sidewalks, street macadam ised, sewer In and all paid for; Just; S block to car; must sell at once and will sacrifice for $35uo; easy terms. Call su Oregonlan bldg. ATTRACTIVE HOME EASY TERMS My nearly new 6-room modern house In restricted destrict will be offered for one week at a price cheaper than that required to build. Large reception hall, with built-in seat, fireplace with book shelves on eithor side in living room; pan eled dining room with beamed celling. L-utch kitchen finished in enameled while, 3 rooms, hall and bath upstairs, full basement, furnace, wired for elec tricity, piped for gas. corner loL 50xloo. 12 bearing fruit trees;, near Hawthorne ave. car. 0 minutes from center of city. Will make easy terms to responsible par ty, aj'lione Owner. Tabor 803, or address I'. O. Box 3U0. SPECIAL. We have what we consider a particular ly good buy la Sunnyslilo; a 5-room cot tage icoracr). loox33 1-3. all improve ments in and the place Is now renting for $lt per month. Tho owner asked $11000 for the place before the hard-euiface pave ment was laid. Increasing the value to . $540.3-1. we can now aell this place for $-'u.,0, $intHi cuan, balance $10 per montll with Interest, the purchaser to assume the aireut assessment, which has been bonded. Seo us about this soon, as this property will Increase In value as soon as the MaUl-son-street bridge Is finished. PORTLAND TRUST CO- 3d and Oak sts. NEW snd very handsome 7-room house in one of the beat lrvlngton districts, cn East 19th sL; built for a home and very attractively arranged; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, attic; modern In every particular; furnace, fireplace, solid oak floors, beautiful living-room, dining-room and den; line lawn; price. $ul0o; price reduced from $.1500 In order to make CilcK sale. McCargar, Bales & Lively. . .'11.-. Failing bldg. ACHE right -lose In on 5-cent fare; good 5-room house; only $1250; $250 cash will handle, 5-room bouse, new. close to car, only $'0. $150 cash and $10 monthly. li, acres. West Side, 5-cent fare: run ning and piped water house, fruit and fences; $luo, terms. BROWN & STAVER. 614 COUCH BLDO. Phone bunday EAST lsas. $1100 CASH $1100. Am forced to raise money and will sell my $30oo modern home for about 30 cents on the dollar to the Hrst person who looks at It: largo lot and several full-bearing fruit trees; only 20 minutes out, good car line, sightly location, full basement, good plumbing, all In tine condition; if you have $1100 caah to Invest, sve this at once. K 411-J, Oregonian. BARGAINS. Corner. 67x110, overlooking Willamette river; eve-room cottage, wired. Bull Run water, only $15oo; other places with larger houses from $1750 up. Eightoen-room boarding-house on- cor ner, tine view and homelike, furnished. Vacant ho"xo to rent. . O. B. TUCKER, Phone Woodlawn 27t)l. University Park. " IRVINGTON HOME. SACRIFICED. 7-room modern, new, up-to-date house snd full lot; fine lawn and shrubbery, sleeping porch snd all modern conve niences; furnace, electric fixtures and woodwork of highest grade; this Is a beautiful home and must be seen to be appreciated: must be sold this week; only $lov0 cash required. K 4l'l. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIOHTS. Oei account of leaving the city, T wish to sell my horn; my property commands a perfect unobstructed view; the lot Is 100x100; level, well Improved; the house has 8 rooms, with every modern conveni ence, and is conceded to be one of the most desirable houses on the Heights. Owner. AL 43, Oregonian. ajKGE. $-room house, on corner lot. 0x 100 on Tillamook, in best Irvlnston district- house Is modern and practically new- two stories with attic large enough for three more rooms: price S'JOOO on easy terms; a line bargain at this price. McCargar. Bates ax Lively. 815 Falling bldg. . $".-. DOWN snd $25 a month buys an $L500 or a tJHOO house; both modern In every respect. , , A $8000 fancy modern residence lor $000. OWNER. 60S Commercial Block, 31 and Washington. FOR SALE 2 5-room houses, one all mod ern, lust finished; the other Is very nice; each lot 50x100; plenty small fruit, good cistern and woodshed and outbuildings, all fenced In good shape: this is a bar gain. G. 1 Osborn, SSth ave., 8. L. Stewart's Station, Mount Scott line. t-ooii strictly modern 6-room house In Hawthorne Park, close to carllne; fire place furnace cement basement, hot ana cold water, electric and gas fixtures, with nice lawn and vltnty of choice roses: will take some trade, part cash and balance on hit terma R .4W.regonlan. BUNGALOW UNAP One of the nicest R room modern homes in Portland; all the conveniences you desire; If you want to act your money's worth call and see it, "rice $2765; easy terme: the view Is great. Take Rose City Park car to E. ith. second house north: $735; owner needs money in lus bustnesa 1 NEED MONEY" QUICK. 10 acres, good land, all cleared. 5-cent rare fare, cloae m. s'"i ... i-i. .hlckens. all tor $2000; 2i0 down. - -" - ... , ... i n..,nn ln t-M nee monm Will and hogs witn piwce. n FOR SALE Fine suburban home; one acre near good school and station on Oregon City carllne; fruit, grapes, chicken jsrds. etc. inquire t Alder-Brook, near Rlsley nation, or address R. K. D. No. 1, Box 1.1. Mllwaukle.Oregon- 1 BUNGALOW AND LOT. ONLY $1100. Have nice lot near car: will build neat 4-rooin bungalow ready for occupancy in 8 weeks for $200 cash. bal. monthly. If interested call st oncl Jas. C. Logan 2B Wash. st.. room 404. WK have 3D modern homes. $50 to 500 down. $15 monthly, etc 75 bungalows. blng built: all care and skill Known applied to make Perfect "mcs; $-i"0 up. Get scquainted with us M. 110. " FI.VElRVINGTON HOME Will sell lots. 11-room house, price II VK) for H cash and balance In unim proved lots in Hollada lrxinston or Al bina. Here Is a bargain, AH 401. Ore gonian. 6-ROOM house. 3 lots, close to Portsmouth station. St. John, car; will take good team as part r'EEZE7!!" 143 Portsmouth ave. 5 ACRES, ft miles east of Vsneouver. Wash.. , bearing prunes and walnuts 5-room noui" and barn: only 22.VI $ot)0 cash. balance easy: '4 mll from station. IMG L EJ-BISHOr. 132 Third st. kYxTrooM houso."nearly new. and modern. Suniiside district: easy terma This is a bargain and will pay you to Investigate, AN 4l2. iregonlan. hTnOSOME new -room residence. IGu-ft. corner. In beautiful Alameda Park: must B.-IL Owner. 4;a Lumbermens bldg. Phone M. "0" AT Oak Grove. lOOslllSl new cottage. 4 wm" ; blocks from car. SO minutes from cite , a snap at $10-0; terms. C. D. bmith, a: 'pins, wortmnn A Kins's. UODFRV, convenient six-room house, good condition. Ki minutes out. best csrllne, fll-oo; terms to suit buyer, by owner. Phone ?1arshsll lftT. WEST SIDE, small cottage, fractional lot; walking distance; spot cash. A 4S7. Ore gonian. TOUR choice of B good norses, hi io ,.,; suitable for farm or delivery. James Lyons. 115 Union ave. jTclYvl? H?-!0 seven-room house, two lots: immediate possession: bargain: terma B ir.To. M'rFRN ft-room house. 342 Eugene L; lot S3 1-3x1 W. .io,!) l-ROOM bungalow: Tremont. Mount Scott car; tortnr.' 411 Chamber Com. FOR SALE Furnished ' B-room flat: $200; furniture new. 147 lltH St. Mala 203L HARTMAN THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPT., Chamber of Commerce. S24O0 A 4-ROOM BL'NOALOW. ONE C Ji'kEArVw CAR: A, i-BOOM HOtsE ON LOT; TERMS. -loo a l-ROOM BUNGALOW. ONE THAT HAS A LARGE SHELT ERED PORCH AROUND THE HOUSE; LARGE BASEMENT, BARN B0-FOOT LOT NOW IN LAWN- ON EAST BATH ST., NEAR CARS; TERMS. tlSOOiEVFRY ONE ADMIRES THIS $3501 VLKX l i. OWNER HAS HAD MANY CHANCES TO SELL IT ON a KM AT I CASH PAYMENT. BUT ISNABLB TO ACCEPT LESS THAN $1000 FIRST PAYMENT. FIVE ROOMS, EACH OPENING TN'TO A. HALL: INS FINISH, LARGE BASEMENT: BLOCK TO CARS; ON EAST 49TH ST.. ROSE CITY PARK. $3550 -A ROSE HTY PARK CEMENT BLOCK BUNGALOW OF '5 BOOMS, BUILT ON ENTIRELY ORIGINAL 1 INKS WE HAVE PICTURES AT OFFICE. IMPROVEMENTS IN. I AWN AND PRETTY GARDEN. TERMS. OWNER WOULD SELL THE HOUSE FURNISHED AT THE PRICE OF $3S00. $8500 DO TOO WANT A NEW HOME NEVER OCCUPIED. ONE THAT von CAN MOVE RIGHT INTO. S lVPl"n Y M A K TNO THE FIRST PA YMENT OK $1(50? THIS IS A 2-STORY HOUSE OF 5 BOOMS. CEMENT FINISH; HAS ALL THE L'u' iti-REcI OF UP-TO-DAThi HOUSE PRICE. $3300. IN ROSE CITY PARK. WE ALSO OFFER FOR QUICK SALE ,400 LO? e'nxTiHToN EAST 5STH ST.. NEAR HASSALO ST. $450 LOT 50x100. NEAR W-W CARLINE, 100 CASH. REAL ESTATE DEPT.. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Bankers. Chamber of Commerce. NEW t-STORY, l-ROOM HOUSE. FOR $2400, smalt payment cash, balance easy payments. 2 blocks from car. between Belmont and Haw thorne ave., best car service In cltv. This cannot be beat. Call for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 81 Fourth st-. Board of Trade Bldg. WOXDERfTL BARGAIN, $5300 5-room modem bungalow, paneled beam ceiling dlnlnr-room. fireplace, exceptional woodwork and chain fixtures: concrete front porch and basement, good furnace, cement walks and terraced lawn: on East Madison, one block from Hawthorne car: this Is an unusual offer. DETSCH & WITWER. (Specialists In Real Estate for the Man of Moderate Means. Real Estate. Rentals and Insurance. A 1B5 Board of Trade. M. 2125. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Fine 7-room house ln beautiful grove of large oak and walnut trees, with 5 acres of level land, best of soil, all In cultivation- plentv of fruit, berries, grapes, as paragus bed; on corner of 2 main county roads, adjoining Hilleboro; 15 J"?""""? walk to electric line: 17 trains daily each way: price $2750. $r.00 cash, balance only $10 per month, or 10 per cent discount for " '"le'. owner! T0 Corbett Bldg. 10-ROOM house. 100x100. on Broadway; IB500- $500 down. $60 per month, in cluding Interest. This Is a snap. Bee us " "COOPERATIVE REALTY CO. 520 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2258; A 1274. IRVINGTON HOME: ready to move Into. 7 rooms, with furnace, fireplace and hardwood finish; hard-surface pavement and cement walks all ln; price $52o0. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 2-room house city water, street graded: price $i00, $310 down and $10 per month. GLEN ART REALTY CO.. InC.) 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. $6O0 DOWN and 125 per month buys my w 6-room bungalow; only 14 block from carllne ln fine neighborhood; handsome brick fireplace, buffet, plate rail, hard wood floors, furnace heat. Dutch kitchen, cement porch , steps and sidewalks: you will not rind a better bungalow 1n the cltv If you would like to see this prop- . . ' ,j c .1-1 CI .pnnljin. lltMMilU.V IlJ' , . wj. New modern and complete home, 1 block from car: In best portion of lrv lngton: not built to sell; owner leaving city and. will sacrifice; 8 rooms. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones, Main 8131)9. A 2653. . . . i , , c , !n Sl i.N.N T t-lLIO nujic 10-room modern house on comer lot, tinxloo feet, on East 20th and Belmont streets; good boarding-house proposition and Is future business property. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. phones. Main Sol'O, A 2853. siioo DOWN- and balance like rent buys brand new six-room bungalow, near car-line- large corner lot. 75H1H, cement elde wa'ks. brick fireplace, book cases. Dutch kitchen. .1 good-sized bedrooms, etc.; price only $2800 Full particular, 605 Couch Mdg.. 4th. near Washington. BUNGALOW-COTTAGE Just completed: nifty and up to date: It has 5 rooms snd everything that makes a modern home attractive Is In good location: $100 down Ind good substantial monthly payment takes the place. I want to sell. See owner. 14 Dpaaiiaa HOLLADAY ADDITION, lot 50x100. facing avast with S new flats bringing good In come; $600o: $3000 cash. 2 years 7 per C",L A. J OANTNER. 40(1 Henry PMg. 4th and Oak Sts. ALMOST anv amount down, tiaiauce month ly payments. 4-room modern bungalow, woodshed, large attic lawn, trees, chick en park, etc: price $1900: owner; Roae City Park car to Gregory Heights. Ask for B. B. Courts, st office. THAVEa" brand new 4-room cottage on E. 8Sth st that I will sell for $100 down and eaiy monthly payments to a respon sible p.j-ty: must be used for a home; I mean I nslness and will give -u a dandy buy. Caltvnmeat414SpaldlngbIdg. fil NNYSIDE ADDITION: 2 new modern B room houses, on corner lot 12x.1S; j-re-t all Improved: bringing good Income: $5500. $3000 cash, balance 2 years 6 per cenL A. J. GANTNER. 406 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. -ROOM house In Sunnyslde. with modern improvements, fruit and flowers; price fi-eoio cash or terms: would also sell fur niture. Phone Monday. Tabor 191. B 2eOO FOR SALE 7-room house. 1 acre of -round 4 blocks from postofflce. street i.aved city water, lots of fruit. Price jiooo.' O. Anderron. Woodburn. Oregon. WHO wants a 3-room house. ( brand new i. and 5.1x100 lot. ln St. Johns, for $r,0 Cash and $10 per month. Price $13 1 312 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. WILL loan In amounts to suit on all kinds of securities: business strictly eonfidentiaL r.rav A Cunningham. 201 Kothchlld bldg., iLorthwest cor. 4th and -Washington sts. WHY YOU SHOULD INVEST IN PORTLAND PROPERTY. According to the re-enumeration of the census Portland will have 210.000 popula tion, a very large per cent of which are property owners there being 27.0O0 homes. This figures out a home for about every eighth person. Are you one of the eight? If not, then you should start right now and get a place of your own. We are showing you a list of houses which we can recommend very highly to you. We will assist you ln any way that we can ln finding a desirable place for you if you will but let us know what you want. When we advertise a place we can recommend It. $1250 i rooms, Tremont station; new and modern: see photo. , $1325 5 rooms, N. Mt. Tabor; new; $430 cash; berries and roses. $13506 rooms. Stewart Park; plastered house; $100 cash; fence around. $1650 6 rooms; N. Alt. Tabor; will em ploy 300 men- near there. $1050- 5 rooms, new; Kenton; modern-; $400 cash: see photo. $2200 G rooms. Firland: new; $353 cash. $2350 5 rooms. Sunny side; sast front; $550 cash. $2850 5 rooms, Vernon; beautiful home; new, modern; gee photo; homelike. $2400 5 rooms. Waverlelgh Heights; rent ed; $200 cah; on Division st, $2820 7 rooms. University Park: nice place: fruit trees; $1000 cash. $3125 0 rooms, Beverly; nice neighbor hood; $625 cash. $3500 6 rooms, close in; for a quick sale, $1500 cash. $3500 5 rooms. Rose City Park; very homelike; price low. $3650 5 rooms. Rose City Park; an Ideal home for an artist. $3800 0 rooms. Vernon; a beauty; see photo; new bungalow. $4250 8 rooms, Hancock; new, modern; fine home: $1450 cash. $43008 rooms. Sunnyslde; garage: $800 cash; 0 per cent int.; the snap. $4850 6 rooms. Holluday; nice home; very reasonable : photo. $6000 fi rooms, lrvlngton; . pretty place; $1000 cash. $6000-e-8 rooms. Holladay; see photo; terms; $400 cash. $0500 rooms, Ladd's; nice neighbor hood, close ln. $6750 8 rooms. lrvlngton: hardwood floors; new and modern. $7000 8 rooms. Piedmont; elegant home; beautiful surroundings. $7000 7 rooms, lrvlngton; nice homelike place; terms to suit. $$250 11 rooms. lrvlngton: well made; every convenience; new. $16,000 9 rooms. 12th St.. near Montgom ery; West Side: snap. -We have over 300 other houses. See our list first. H. A. CHANDLER, 610 Lumbermens bldg. Main 8700, 5th and Stark sts. BUNNTSIDE HOME: $300. Magnificent modern 6 room home in Sunnyslde, close to carllne, cement basement, cement floor, rurnace. fireplace, large living-room, beamed and pan eled, bearing fruit trees on the lot. cement sidewalks, hard-surfaced street ln iront. It's a d.ndy and can be handled on $300. RALPH ACKLEY LAND COMPANY. 605 Corbett Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME. S-room house with large at tic, situated on corner (2 lotsi. fine lawn, fruit and shade trees, berries and small garden, one block north of Hawthorne av. car. Must sell. If Interested call OWNER, Tabor 2719. CHOICE RESIDENCE. A beautiful home of seven rooms, a re ception hall, a full-length sitting-room with fireplace, window seats, casement ' and French windows, paneled and beamed dining-room with artistic buffer, kitchen, pantries, cement basement, furnace, four bedrooms, each ln separate color scheme, sleeping balcony, large attic, about an acre of beautiful grounds; this fine home is in one of the best residential districts and is well worth. the price. R. F. BRYAN, 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. A 122T. ONE-ROOM HOUSE. 44x100 lot, located at Whitwood Court, on 6c car fare, only 20 minutes out on West Side. Both the house and lot are offered for price of the lot alone. The view of the river and surrounding coun try Is just as fine as could be found anywhere in the world. Here is a chance for some party to get a lot and house that will do to live ln and save rent. $450; $50 cash and $10 per month. 812 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. RIVERVIEW HOME. For $2noo cash you can secure a 7-room house, modem ln every way. Large dining-room with fireplace; full basement with cement floor and wash trays. Over an acre of ground with plenty of fruit trees and berries. Only 15 minutes' ride from city. Excellent view which can never be obstructed; balance on very reasonable terms. J. O. SANDERS. 427 Lumbermens Bldg. $2650. A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME 80 MINUTES FROM CITY. Two acres young bearing orchard, strawberries, 8-room house, fine old trees, beautiful view; also small house will rent to good advantage, on S. P., four trains dally; right ln a thriving little village; good school; 2 blocks from postofflce. This can be had for $1000 down; good terms. 505 Couch bldg. $1700 Modern 5-room cottage in Wood stock district; new and pleasantly located; also $2250 Modern 7-room home In N. East district: lot 60x100, fruit and flow ers: also $3000 Modern, now 7-room home on E. 41st St.: $150 cash. The above are snaps. Call 414 Spalding Bldg. 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 60x100 lot and 4-room house, has living room, kitchen, two bedrooms with closets, bath and toilet; also hot water in kitchen, plastered, wood finished ln hard oil, wire for electric light; only 4 blocks from carllne. In St. Johns, and ln one block of fine school and 6 blocks from main part of town. Only $1375: $50 cash and $12.50 .per month. 312 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON. 7 rooms; new and modern: fireplace, hardwood floors: paneled dining-room: ?eautlful fixtures: faces east: 1 block rom car; surrounded by fine houses; price $bOU0: terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones. Main 89. A 2653. r 110,000 An elegant, new, large Swiss style home, modern ln every detail, fine large lawn, choice roses, etc. high unobstructed view of city, restricted district of $5000: sewer, gas, water, telephone and paved street, all In: one block from Hawthorne ave: also have 2 vacant lots will sell reasonable. See owner, 255 iast 55th or phone Tabor 1200. " WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. An attractive 8-room modern home with view of mountains, river and city; larg-e verandas and sleeping porch: garage; on paved street; 1 block from carllne; price IS500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones. Main 61B9. A 2653. T-ROOM modern bungalow In lrvlngton.. only two blocks from car; fireplace, bulli ln bookcases, seat snd buffet, paneled sides and hardwood floors; cment floor In basement, wash trays: hard paved streets; a fine home: price $5500; good terms. J. G. SANDERS. 427 Lumbermens BMg. FOR SALE. Bungalow. 4 rooms, a Bth room In attic, bath, basement, wired, tinted, ex amine before buying: East 37th and Mill, 8 blocks south of Hawthorne; easy terms; owner. Sheppard, 424 Henry bldg., or 1 1 "1 East Mill. 410U Five-room modern house and 7 lots, all fenced and cross fenced, barn, poultry house and vards: 2 blocks car, 5c fare; J600 cash. Phone Tabor 2707. OWNER will sell a new l4-tory house, lust finished, all modem improvements: caeb or terms: price low. H. P. Dillon, mo E. 44th st. Phone . Tabor 2440. FOR P ALE Lot 50x100 with modem 7-room honse on East 7th street, near Beach street. This is a fine bargain; price 3o00. Termi aa. 31ft -Worcester bldg. ELEVEN" excellent lots and a fine house in Gladstone; price $7000: will trade for a od farm. .119 Worcester bldg. MODERN 16-room apartment-house, nearly new lot .MlxSO: Income $7." month; price; terms. 4h5 East Morrison. m ai NUT PARK residence, convenient to 7 carilnes: would sell furniture. 1104 Rod- nev avenue, uww. FOR SALE New. modem houses la Irving tun. R. B. B.') Both phones NEW HOMES THAT APPEAL TO CRITICAL TASTES. $2230, only $300 down and $20 a month, new 5-roora modern bungalow on 50x100 lot, 2 blocks of splendid catv service, light fixtures furnished; 15 minutes out on Union ave. SPACIOUS HOME, HEART OF IRVINGTON. $550, ON EASY TERMS. One block off the Broadway car, sur rounded by the best homes, stands a 2-6tory modem new residence, well built, double construction throughout, large fire place, best of furnace, large porches, ce ment walks and hard-surface street, ce ment walls and floor to basement, light fixtures and shades furnished for all seven rooms; lot 50x100: easily worth $0500, but owner is making a sacrifice. ' We have more than 200 brand new houses and bungalows that have Just been finished, ranging from the workingman's cottage to the attractive California bun galow and Nob Hill mansion. -WYNN JOHNSON CO. Suite 505 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. Phones Marshall 1948 and A 2332. INCOME INVESTMENT. $200 APIECE 3 HOUSES. Or $600 handles the three; 5-room houses, now rented by responsible parties and yielding 8 per cent: these houses are modem in every re spect and rising ln value; any one of these' houses would be an ideal home for a man with smally amount of capital, for they will always be In demand on account of the local ity, near Piedmont car barns ana Jefferson High SchooL DETSCH & WITWER, Specialists ln Real Estate for the Man of Moderate Means. Beal Estate. Rentals and lnsi rance. A 1559. Board of Trade M. -12a. "BEAUTIFUL NEW IRVINXJTON HOME. 8 rooms, all finely finished. The attio contains 1 large 1 small room, both well finished; this place has a large ' place, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, paneled walls, built-in buffet and book case, a bis den and sleeping Prch a furnace, large basement, wash tubs. in'Ide halls and every possible convenience that helps to make aP house strictly modern; on a full lot In the best part of lrvlng ton; price J8500; easy terms. H H. T'rdalu. o03 i,uraoeri;"s . MarsHall 1858 and A 5345. Phone us; we have more uousca : TOO KAIttrAia - - T-room new bungalow: finest part of lrvlngton; 50x100 lot. hard-surface pave ' Lentf curbing, cement walks wj, sew- bUlokcMe lovely fireplace, dining-room is naneled has plate rail and beamed ceil fng white enamel fixture, ln bathroom, kitchen is white enameled, woodlift and Scr?I will be at house all day Sunday. on east -side' live bargain. -j yv- -- ' " - v--a.-- A T rTT ,,,JofNt.TPpointS;ents. beautiful fireplace bSEnHnffi "HAWTHORNE REALTY CO 1021 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 516, B 296 SELLWOOD 100x100 and cogy L -r00 house, modem co"Ten ence;.m tie in vegetable garden, bringing nice little In tTnhbehtOroom houe, S3(SSaebf aan .L. near Ut; P1C-?ofmhouBa.on Kearney .t.. near 23d; PHC0 GOLD SCHMIDT'S AGENCY. tSShk Washington St.. Cor. 3d. BUNGALOW, $250 CASH. 5-room bungalow, just completed, floors rtained. Bewers nd gas in cement side walks, street graded, within ioc of a hard-surface street, same "J from a business center and to the W-R carllne. Price 26d0, -o0 cash, bal. easy terms. KARNOPP K OFF 2 Cham, of Com. Marshall 2574. FIFTY DOLLARS Down, balance easy payments. puy a ilandv 5-room home in Montavilla, lot 5oJlOO. modern, full basement. 604 Dekum bldg. UNFINISHED HOUSE. . Partly-built bungalow on Belmont it., on 75il00-foot lot; house is partly fin fshed and is up to plaster, plumbing is roughed in, chimneys are built; can be iffed for $300; wiU sell equity for cash or trade for vacant lot. Call ana lei tell you about this. ten yuu AJiD REAr & CO., 316 Board 01 T NEW HOUSE 1 BOOMS. ' Modern and complete, Just onl bleck from Hawtnorne ave.. facing east ot BOx. 1007 cement walks and curbs all in and Thia la a. bargain at 4ruu, snuu i?asn"wiS handle. S sell this' week. Pee c"rford. S4tb and Hawthorne ave. Ta bor 010 THIS IS THE HOME YOU waivi EaVt ieTededtstro'rVrns9 i?f ell9-bu, T riernCb?,ow10ft. 't'hf. SMALL, PAYMENT DOWN. High-grade East lrvlngton ,hm verV eafy terms and per cent interest. K bedrooms; everything modern and up ? dlte- lawn trees, hard surface streets: lew down. Owner, C 2J8o or Main 188I. irnR tiiLE New 5-room bungalow now be- F9J flVhTd fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full of nlumbins; wash trays, piped for gas wS5d- well built, double constructed cemenside and see it. S. E. Twlng. 1569 E. Everett street. it.. CASH W t-.i.i-, -c. u ... Brand new, double constructed, 5-room bunga"ow. with full attic and every bulli on feature Anv responsible party can secure this on their own terms. IS min utes out. In restricted district. Owner. X 4S4. Oregonian. . 1400 DOWN". T.,m-ralow block of (Hawthorne ave. Just completed .five large rooms, large attic fullconcrete basement very con venlent T lot 50x117. Madison, near 44th. See owner there Sunday. . HALF-ACRE HOME. . Near Milwaukie; 7-room Swiss chalet, nigh Ind sightly; close to station; 8-eent '"EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY, Chauber of Commerce bldg HuflSeTookfngb,forf ? tS " 150 DOWN; 15 A MONTH. n-mV house and bath: barn; lot 50x jot Th use' of sdjoinlng lot; V, block rrorn M-V car; X15D0 takes it. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' " sr.00 DOW. High-grade lrvlngton bungalow built to yo?r order. Larger houses on similar "TdWIN HOOKER COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce bldg. tVAVTED A buyer who will appreciate my vv .-rictly modern 6-room house at a bantam; large lot. on good carllne. near Laurelnurst: small deposit down balance "l monthly. From owner. Tabor 642. g'.no CASH and $25 monthly buys modern 10-room Queen Anne house on corner lot nOxlOO, 1 block of Alberta car. price HOWARD LAND CO., 410 Swetland bldg. r- owner, new modern 6-room bungalow at a sacrifice, on 8. W. cor. 31st and Going sts.- easy payments: would consider lot as r"P?v!1llnni--.Alb9rta car' MOO -CASH secures possession of a modern 5-room bungalow in IS minutes' ride from 3d and Morrison: balance the same as " - T t,-tw- a r nTC - " -r- , ur-. inrvrc 1 a. ".Oft- HYusV cost" t2L00rior wWh;7.0. Blaisdeli,' Shoup & Daly. 315 Ry. Ex- EAST 37th St.. dandy bungalow; snap price, easy terms. Address owner, IK 7. Ore fronlan. MODERN 8-room residence, best section wist Side; good value at $5000: terms to gf.atr!.!, M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. S-ROOM bungalow on E. 80th St.. for 390 ; terms to suit.. See us at once. 430 fcwet land bldg. -irrm SALE Two pretty bungalows: Trv gton: will give terms. M 494. Orcgo nlan. FOR RENT 8-room house, walking dis tance to business. Phone East 2017. 15 DOWN, $25 monthly buys 5-room bun galow. Fhons owner. East 2741 IRVITCGTOX HOMF (NEW), S5S50 Small amount caah, balance to suit; S rooms and b.uh, modern in every respect, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling;, paneled dining-room and den, furnace, laundry, full cement basement, large bed rooms, large closets, fine sleeping porch; lot 50xl0i; paved streets, cement walks, sewer, water, gas. electricity, all in and paid; showed this house to well-known contractor who was considering building some houses for sale; when I told him tho price he said. '"I can't build a house, finish it like this and sell at the prh-e." You will get the best buy in Irvingtoa In this. E. L. MILLS. Exclusive Arent. Phone East 3 79: Open Sundpys. East 13th and Knott. Take Irvingtoa car to Knott, OWNER'S SACRIFICE SALE. Having been . transferred to California bv the lirm by whom I am employed. I am compelled to sell my 6-room Califor nia bungalow at exactly what it cost me one year ago. You are therefore getting the advantage of the increase in tho value of the lot since that date, as well as the cost of construction, which was less then than at present. I have a full corner lot, hard-surfaced streets, only one block from Hawthorne ave.; fine fireplace, with built in bookcases on one side; No. 1 Bbynton furnace, with hot-water coil; hardwood floors, beamed coiling, paneled dining room, combination fixtures. window shades, complete Dutch kitchen, refrigera tor, fruit and laundry rooms in basement. 8 cords No. 1 wood in basement. Will give good terms. I will be at home from 10 A. M. to G P. M. Sunday, at 11-.3 East Madi son. Phone Tabor 2017. HOME BARGAINS. $3000 A pretty bungalow on E. 28th St., close carline and good school; good neighborhood: 50x100 lot. ' WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. $;2r) 50x100. new and strictly modern; hard-surfaced btreet. HOYT-STREET DWELLING. $t;70u Nice S-room house with attic; modern and all conveniences. FRED C. KING, S.l Spalding Bids.. 3d and Washington St. THE FIRST -LOOKER" WILL GRAB THIS BARGAIN. In a home for only $3500. less than half cash needed just now; six-room house ln tine condition; fruit, roses and lawn; 1)4 blocks to 2Sth and Ankeny car. CHAPIN & HBRLOW. 32 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 6-room house, lot SOxluO; pru-e $HiC0; $2"0 cash, bal. terms to suit. Call i!8K Grand ave. . i Business rroportsr. FOR LEASE Business or hotel property, total street frontage 200 ft.. 20 yrs. or more: frontage on Stark St.: corner. down town; a fine proposition for permanent income can be worked out on this. Alder St., Quarter block, located within active busi ness circle; can be leased for 50 yrs. straight without a change, on a basis of $1000 a month. For automobile garage, near 23d and Washington; owner will build to suit. East Side. 60x100 corner on E. 8th; owner will build automobile garage or flatsi East Side, E. Morrison, quarter block; owner will build to suit for good ten ant. FOB SAI.E. Sixth St., quarter block, located within radius of of fice section; can be had 540, 000 cheaper than adjoining corner; total investment less than $100,000. Call Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA .TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. 64 Fourth St. FLORIST HERE' IS A SNAP. 9 lots, 3 greenhouses, heat ing plant, fruit trees, ber ries, 1 hothouse filled with lettuce, another with carna tions. Also 7-room house. Here is a chance to get a place that has had expert care and is in first class condition. Call for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., S4 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. CORNER lot. 04x114. with good T-room house, lower part used for grocery store, doing good business: location in growing part of city, on carline; will sell lor $6000: must have $3500 casn; .owner wishes to retire from business. AL su. Oregonian. NEW BRICK BLOCK. On East Side; well located; 8-story building: this Is an extra good buy as an investment at $27,000: terms cash. J. DELAHUNTY, Owner. Phone Main 1503. GRAND AVE. corner, close to Burnside St.. bringing good income; half cash, balance to suit. A. J. GANTNER. 406 HenryBldg..4thnd03kSts ALBERTA-STREET BARGAIN. Corner, 2 lots. 100 fronting on Alberta St.; $2500: snap for quick sale, some terms. -Howard Land Company, 420 sweuana oius. HUULfin r .. -.-i-------.-. 4 flats, -5 rooms each, Income $120, lo cated close ln, East Side, $0000 cash re quired. Call for particulars 322 Failing -.---., i- m T1TTTT mV1 Djag., i niru an- -vo-ims vv-te.ii.i .-. v-,v-v. West Side 150 feet trackage: some in come. Blaisdeli. Shoup & Daly. 315 Ry. Exch. $l-no Good corner business lot 58x100. on Milwaukie ave.; a bat gain and good In vestment: must sell; terms. Room 20. 2a2a Washington' at. FOR-SALE 2-story store building and full lot on East 28th St.; terms. Apply Laus Davls Drug Co. ' $13 000 CORNER, income $150 month; close in. West Side. 186 Madison St. Acreage. - A 10-ACRE TRACT, of cleared land, rich black soil, no stumps, gravel or waste land. exceptionally adapted for raising vegetables, berries and , fruit. $200 cash, balance easy terms. 405 Couch bldg. . FIVE acres of nice level land on main county road 15 minutes' walk from electric line, adjoining Hillsboro; IT trains dally each way: $300. terms $100 cash, balance $10 monthly, or $800 for all cash. See owner, P. Relmers, 709 Corbett bldg. " $7501)4 ACRES $750. Have 2)4 acres, all cultivated, close to the city. Will sell half of it and em ploy purchaser to Improve the other halt. 7 hRoorr.a52'8 Railway Exchange bldg. ACRES, 40 ln cultivation. 40 easily Cleared, ne 5-room house, large barn. -, horses. 6 cows, wagon all farming Imple ments, 2 miles from railway station; $6500, easy terms. O 491, Oregonian. " FOR SALE FARM LAND. For small or big tracts call at Farm Lands Dep't of HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Bankers, Chamber of Commerce bldg. ( gee H A R T O G ) MUST sacrifice ten acres first-class fruit and garden land close to city limits. West Side. $2000 cash takes It. AJ 380. Ore gonian. $165 DOWN and balance easy terms will ' handle 10 acres on electric line close to POTtland: one crop will pay for entire tract. 405 Couch bldg. $800 TO $1375. for choice 5-acre tracts, close to electric fine and fine fertile soil, easy, payments: owners .112 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. .rnr tracts in 2 miles of Multnomah stafiSi fw $275 per acre. We defy you to purchase land here as theap. Owner 812 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak; easy terms. in ACRES near Willamette River; can be bm.sht for $1000; $50 down and $10 a S 'II. thia ' M. B. Lee, 411 Corbet. bldg. FIVE and ten-acre homes, close to two electric lines, close to Portland, deep b ack soil, plenty water, all level land, m -aoo per acre. 405 Couch bldg. a-ACRES deep, rich soil, 5)4 miles from 5 center of city; large native timber 130 cords wood per acre. Warranty deed for $1000 cash. G 315. Oregonian. oTI ACRES, mostly cleared, water, $850. $150 down! worth $1250. O 488, Oregonian. 100 ACRES on United Ry., close to . Por t land; a rare bargain. 405 Couch bldr