- 13 riTC SUNDAY OKEGOXIAy, PORTLAND, XOTE3IBER 61910. . Ton,,. f qPat. I ygw topat. 1 ,;,.w tomt. I xkwtqPax. TOMI 1 JST " I I I BY ALL MEANS You Should Investigate THESE OFFERS: 100x100 Corner E.Sevenih and Pacific 817,500 100x100 Corner E. Sixth and Davis 516,000 EXT2A APAZTMENT SITES 25 Acres Inside City Limits 3'i miles out on Ea--t Side; ten-minute car fwrvie; finest of garden noil; fnoA view and drainage. We might aubdivitle. $1400 PER ACRE MANUFACTURING SITES 16 lots in North Portland- Half Block On S. P. R. R-, East Portland. 54 Lots About 9 acres, on O. R. & X., St Johns. All Lots with Trackags And a number near river. Call on Northern Trust Company 270 Stark Street. West Side Quarter block, near Cnstoin-IIoiise; has uraall income; investigate. Price tol.ono. 100x100 corner, 4 larpe bouses, brinir in in fair income. Price $30,000. Inside 50x100 on Tenth street; in come $t0 per month. Corner in the same neichborhood sold last week for $14,000. This is a pood buy. price; $0000. East Side 100x100 corner, close in on Fast Burn t.ide street. Price $lt.000. A 2-FUt Building on East Pine st. Income 10 per cent. Lot 40x00. Terms to suit. OC particulars. Price froOO. 100x100 corner, near Sandy Road car line. A snap. Price $.1250. Phone or eotne to the file. H. H. URDAHL. 503 Lnmbermens Bldp. Phone Marshall 1S8. A 534-'. East Side Property 512,500 i blc k. lOdilOO, s. vr. cor. K. Sth and E. Oak sts. S700O !i block, 100x100, w:'kinS ditance. 55500 R-room modern ho"se, f29 F Ash st, near E- 11th. 5300O 6-room modern house, lot BWx.il), near llolladay School. S220O 5-room cottafte," lot 30x100, E. 12th St., near Ladd's Addition. 52000 X. K. comer, lot, 50x100, K. 24th atyl E. Glisan. 51650 6-room hoise, lot 25x100, E. 2Sth st, near E. Ankeny. J. J. OEDER Real Estate, Rentals. Xntarv Public. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. $6000 New. 7-roon). modern house, un to date in efftr particular, fire. plar,. furnace, oak floor, finished attir; parent ,tr.t9: walking distanr.. In Ladd Add. Will give eaajr terms. $5600 E New. - room, m o l r n every i-onif alf nr, re. furnar.. hard. wood floors, paved streets, near E. l.'th St.. waiKina- distance, la Lada s Add. r.asy terms. $5000 Very nlr. t.room. mod ern house, corner lot. hleh ami slsrhtlr. E. Sal. moa anl 27th. Terms. F. W. TORGLER 1M ab.rl.rk Bl. $10,000 IS-ilOO. double flat, modern, con stating of is rooms: Not) Hill district, income S 77.be. $12,000 . New four S-room apartment flats on h. VTmi Plde; Uiree-carltne a.rvlce. Net income $i:t per month. KAROPP KOPf . J Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 55T4. West Park Corner Close In. lOOxlOi. very desirable and cheap. Vanduyn & Walton (ll Chamber of Commerce. MADRAS Oregon Darina- the last two years. In which the Hill and Harrlman construction crews have been blasting; and chiseling: their war side by side, along; until re cently considered an Impenetrable can yon, the laadla saaa of every state In the Union. If he has been alert for In formation about ssaaleaa laad. knows something about the determined inva sion that Is being made by the two great Railroads, and has discussed in some measure what might be In store for him In the great heretofore practically unknown country of Central Oregon. Many tons of literature telling of the great Central Oregon country awaiting settlers have been distributed along many lines of railroad throughout the t'nlted States and a systematic adver tising has also been carried on In some foreign countries. Following westward from the Missis sippi River along some of the newly- constructed transcontinental lines, through the Iakotas. Montana and Idaho, noting the rapid influx of popu lation, seeing how quickly -rillagea have grawa lata Hi lea and how eagerly the remaining scraps of the Public Domain are being taken and converted into sustaining homes give a pointer to the assurance of a rapid Influx of popula tion for Central Oregon In the near fu ture. Br Jaaaarr. 1911. these two great lines of steel will have been extended up the Deschutes from the Columbia River, one hundred and ten miles south, where they reach the "top of the Iffll at Madras. The traveler so far for one hundred and ten miles will find him. self looking against perpendicular walls of rock on either side of the train for ImoKt the entire distance. But on arrival at Madras he will see an open and exianslve country. net a vtood. breath anri bv mount nr some higher point nearby can quickly get an Idea of what Ceatral Oregoa mraaa. At this point of one hundred ten miles from the Northern boundary you have only gone one-third the distance to wards the soutnern nounaary. sui wnj go any further' Here you are in the midst of the best portion of Central Oregon. All the good qualities of any portion or this vast domain are round here. Within seven to ten miles to the west of Madras Is the confluence of the three great rivers, the Deschutes, Metollus and Crooked rivers. t'nllmlted nower could be obtained and developed here by the Investment of capital. Already a company of Prlarvllle Capitalists have on foot the development of a aoHMe-aoroepower plant on the smallest of the streams eia-ht miles from Madras. On the west and east about fifteen miles away be gin great rorests or pine nmoer inai will afford Quantities of lumber that "run Into the billions of feet. Included In the panorama before him his vision will cover well onto a million acres of agricultural land, the contour of which ill readily locate Madras as tne na tural outlet. Iters Is a town already established of about six hundred people, with a bank. larse flouring mill. churches, splendid educational advan tages and several large siocks or mer chandise that control the trade to a distance of thirty-five miles in differ ent directions. The Industrial immigration agent of the Great Nerlhern Railway. K. W. Graham, says In his write-up of Cen tral Oregon: "One of these days when the settlers have come and gotten to work, millions of bushels of wheat will be marketed annually at Madras. It will be the biggest wheat-shipping point on the Or en on Trunk." With the unmiroassinal v favorable surroundings for Madras to become the greatest city of Central Oregon, different companies of Portland and Spokane rapltalista have bought up the majority of the original townslie of Madras and have also secured and platted new additions Immediately surrounding the depot and 3000 feet of siding grounds, to the amount of about four hundred acres. 4 deep well has been sunk la the renter of the tract, with a result of ahaadaaee af water, and now a panp aK alaat is being Installed with a ca pHcitv of lifting thirty-five gallons per minute, thus-affording an opportunity to supply a long dired went inr a gravity water system. Kor a limited time choice lots within two to three, blocks of the depot and siding grounds ran be secured at the exceedingly low price of lino each. Madras Is bound to expand and grow beyond its present limits and tliee gentlemen have plat ted their ground with the Idea of other business renders becoming greatly In demand. So that the purchaser while this offer lasts can secure either a busi ness or residence lot at the price above mentioned. The terms of payment will bo twenty-five per cent down and the remainder In three equal payments, drawinir Interest at the rate of per cent pr annum. This offer Is being made' on the part of the owners with the assurance of a handsome profit being the result for the earlier Investors. The offer and prices are subject to change without notice, rty January both these great lines count on having their Iron steeds whistling for the Msdras station, and bv that time, or before, prices on the property now offering; will surely be advanced. For further particulars call on W. H. WALLACE S2S Ry. Exchange Bldg.. Portland. Or. Or write JESSE HOBSON Madras. Oregon. BETS ACRE $1000 Overlooking river, water in. 1 acre, beautiful trees and adjoining pretty homes. IJ0M. AVAILABLE FROFERTT WITH RIVER FRONTAGE IS LIMITED. WE HAVE IT NOW! NEXT TEAR IT WILL BE NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE TO GET A HOME SITE WITH ACTUAL RIVER FRONTAGE. rM i mil 0 KERLOW W 333 Ckaataer af Csai Irvington Home Furnished or unfurnished, parlor, liv ing room, muslo room, dining-room, kit chen, sewlng-roorn and bedrooms; large veranda and sleeping-porch; fur nace, fireplace, cement basement, walks and Improved streets. Lot 100x100, bearing fruit trees, shrubbery, etc Inquire owner, 77 Wssco 8. Phone Sut 10a FREE EXCURSION TO HOOD RIVER The most beautiful acento river trip in America. For f uU particulars about the free ft- euraion tn Hood River call on or ad dress Devlin Flrebaugh. 611 Swetland building, wno oner tne iouowiuk: BARGAINS S ACRES, all In commercial orchard. 1 mile from depot. Price ijuoo. Terms, taCO cash, balance to suit. s ACRES, 1H in U-year-old Yellow Newtowns, balance in i-year-old Pplt senbergs; S miles out. Price 3o00; (1000 cash, balance In yearly payments. 1 ACRES, all In orchard, small bear ing family orchard, balance strictly commercial: & acres bearing: fine new house, spring water piped In; right In the heart of the valley. $5000 cash will handle and can double your money In one year. 9 irsvv. verv choice East Side 1o cation, 1 mile from R-'R., volcanic ash oil: 10 acres In Newtowns and Spttxen- bergs. J. ( and years old: prime con dition; s acrea Clover: ninnso clearing: fair buildings. Price, If sold this week, is $10,000- $4500 cash. Would be a snap for $13,000. 434 ACRES, 30 acres under cultiva tion; 25 acres in prime orchard: first class buildings. Spring -and creek on place, unsurpassed view, i miie irom Hennt on East side. If vou want a mag nificent home and an Investment that will make you rtcn, see mis at once. Price only $1:0.000. Terms. Devlin & Firebaugh 610-311-312 Swetlaad Bldg. Apartment Property WITH GUARANTEED LEASE FOB ' TEN YEARS Pays Over 13 'A Net Building is new and strictly mod ern. Location near 14th and Jeffer son. Owner wants to leave for Cali fornia. A gilt-edge investment. PRICE, $31,500 Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark Street. Overlook ft-room modern Colonial home: all hardwood finish, paneled dining-room, rinteh kitchen. French nlate windows. slppnirnT-noreh. full cement basement and floor. Right on Corner overlook ing river and city. Price $8500; $3000 cash, balance on terms. ' Glenart Really Co. INCORPORATED 121-422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A GILT-EDGE INVESTMENT 13 PF.R CEVT NET OS 9 12,000. $7500 Cash Balance $4500 7 per cent, t years. A new 2-storv modern flat. Just complet ed, consisting of 4 flats. 4 and 6 rooms each. Building well constructed, con crete foundation, cement basement, steam heated, electricity and gae. beamed ceilings: each flat has nice large fireplace and elegant fixtures; most excellent location on the West Side, convenient to 1 good carllnes. This Is a real bargain. Investigate. F. R. Levee $17 Spalding Bldg. - Phone Main 7$87 Riverfront Home Over one acre of right on the Willamette, on West Side; plenty of native trees and shrubbery; new bun galow home, with fireplace, paneled dining-room; beamed ceilings; electrio lights and fine water; modern plumb ing; suburban service right at prop erty. Price $6000. Glenart Realty Co. INCORPORATED 421-422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 60 acres at $68 per acre of Famous Mosier Apple Land No. 123 Some of Hosier's very best fruit land, risht in the apple belt, on The Dalles-Mosder road. Ten acres all cleared, lies ideal for orchard and has very little waste land. Land all around this is selling for $100 per acre. This is a sacrifice and will bear the closest of investigation. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. 402-3 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. . PLATE! prtntlns plant, established t rears, or will sell Interest to rustler. F 4M. Orasaalaa. Ladd's Addition Leads When you take everything into consideration that en ters into the making of a se lect home, such as DISTANCE IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDINGS RESTRICTIONS CAR SERVICE PRICES AND TERMS The One Addition With Parks and Alleys PRICES $2000 to $2150 Including improvements for paved streets, sewers, gas and water. Terms 10'Cash Monthly or quarterly pay ments. Interest 6 psr cent. Special discount for Cash. Warranty Deed With Abstract. For particulars see "agents, F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Building. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Building. Also- Salesman on Ground. Choicest Corner on Third Street Between Burnside and Glisan streets, with 3-story building; will produce 12 per cent net income -when lease ex pires. Price $55,000 Tv.n'f wait nnril vou miss this bar gain. Sold a snap on this street last week. HOLDSMITH & CO. 103 Sherlock bid, 3d and Oak sts. Beautiful Tract 73 acres, 8 miles south of Portland. y2 mile west of river, on beautiful driveway. Tract lies in city's choic est country home district, adjoining ground having already been subdivid ed for homesites. High and sightly. Soil is fine, with no rocks. Half of tract now in cultivation. Owners de sire to 6ell, and are offering tract at sacrifice price. For particulars see McCargar, Bates S Lively 315 Failing Building. For Sale By Edw. P. Mall EAST ALDEB STREET BOxSOO on the north side of East Alder t bet. E. th and E. 10th. sts. EAST STARK STREET isavioa nn the northeast corner of East 12th and B. Stark sts. BENTON STREET 50x100 on Benton St., near Broad- t . whe-r. thev are talklna- Broad way brides- Edw. P. Mali 104 Second St. (Lumber Exchg;. Bldg-.) $1300 50x100 feet. Irvington Comer Terms. F, E. Taylor & Co. 402-3 Lewis Bldg, 4tb and Oak Sts. Gross. S Zadow Bargain List (infA 4-room cottage. South Port- 91SOU land; (300 cash. f i;nn 6-room cottage. Southern OIOUU Portland; $350 cash. 1 "lA Good 6-room cottage, Rose- OlZJDU lawn, near Eaet 9th: terms. ninA 6-room cottage, Alblna ave., OaSlUU nr Klllingsworth; $500 cash f rj r; rr Nice 6-room cottage. Mln- 9OUU nesota ave., near Skidmore; $500 cash, $20 per month. tfOfiCA 4-room bungalow, cor. lot. OasDuU Kelly St.; $600 cash. COO ff H"9 6-room house. E. Main, O&OUU near 3d: $500 cash. Qn Cn Fine 4-room bungalow, full OawOU lot E. 7th near Frescott; $300 cash and $15 month. AntHA Modern 6-room cottage, on 05 lOU Montana ave. near Pres cott; $300 cash. $20 month. illAA Nice 6-room bungalow. Wll doOUU lamette Heights; a snap. GVCnn New five-room bungalow, OJDUU Hose City Park; $500 cash. GnCEft Swell six-room bungalow, dOOOUs. Portland; $1000 cash. JnnA Good 7 -room houee. Grant JMUUU st. near 6th. (4Ann S-flat building, rented for d'tUUU $60 per month; $650 cash. A snap, paying 18 per cent. nAA 7-room nice house. E. Tay OlUUU lor near 23d; $1000 cash. $26 per month; bargain. (jaaa New 6-room house, walking P4UUU distance, West Side. COnn Fine 6-room house, E. 16th 0i4jJ near Alberta; terms. iAA Good 7-room house, E. An- keny near 20th. tC7nn Good 7-room house, E. 12th t 4 UU st. near Caruthers. &Cfff New 7-room house, "Weldler OOUUU st.. near 3d; walking dis tance; $1500 cash. OtCfft Fine modern 6-room house, 3OUUU Broadway near 17th; big bargain; $2000 cash. . "C?nA Fine 7-room house, E. 28th OOOUU near Alder; some terms. (CTCn Very swell 7-room bunga DO I OK low, E. 28th and Morrison. Aenn Very swell 7-room home, OOOUU cor. E. Taylor near 30th. tC7Cft One of the finest homes in OO lOU Ladd' Addition, 9 rooms; $2000 cash; very modern. t"7AAfl Your choice of 3 new mod D I XJUU ern 9-room houses in Irv ington; terms to suit. t7Cnn Mdern 7-room house, 5th 3 OUU st. near Grant. West Side. lygAA Swell new 8-room bunga O I OUU low (Ladd Add.,; $2500 cash D AAA modern 6-room houses, E. POUUU14th st. near Belmont. Grassi 8 Zadow SIT Board of Trade Bl.lK., 4th and Oak RIGHT PLAN RIGHT PRICE 436 E. 37th STREET ,- ai I f i I IV, If an Investor, Read 1 7 NET I am offering for a few days one of the finest brick apartment-houses In this city: the location is unsurpassed; 24 apartments of 2 and 3 rooms each. Leased for 3 to years. Price $40,000 Cash. $20,000, balance S years, 7. F. R. Levee $17 Spalding Bldg. Phone Main 7387 $15,000 Cash Will handle the best Close-in Corner in Portland, only three blocks from Postoffice. Will , double in value in short while. OWNER, 272 Washington St. New brick building on lot 50x100, on a business street on East Side. Leased for 5 years at $3000 per year. Half cash. A.H. Birrell Co. McKay Bldg, Third and Stark Sts. East Burnside Price $2750 We have a number of lots. 50x100, on this treet. The above price includes hard-surface pavements. See them. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St., I.nmixr Exchange Bldg. HELEN L. STRATTON'S ADDITION. A. H. BIRRELL. CO., Acta McKay Bids"., Sd and Stark. r L-J-.. ft ..1 $30,000 To Lease 50x100- on the northeast corner 17th and Lovejoy sts. NINETEENTH STREET A little over 13 lots on 19th, bet. Kearney and Lovejoy sts. TRACKAGE 100x100 on the southeast corner 13th and Flanders sts. HAWTHORNE AVENUE 100x100 with trackage and business frontage. HAWTHORNE AVENUE 100x100 on Union avenue and Haw thorne ave. GRAND AVENUE 100x100 on Grand ave., adjoining the Sargent "GRAND AVENUE 90x150 on Grand ave and E. Hoyt St. UNION AVENUE 60x100 on Union ave. and E. Couch st. UNION AVENUE 50x100 on Union ave. and E. Glisan st. These properties are to Kase for a term oi years ana migai vunsiuoi uu ing to suit tenant. For properties to lease ,see Edw. P. Mall 104 Second st (Lumber Bxch Bldg.j THE GREATER OLDS. WORTMAN A K1XG STORE REQUIRES THE SERV ICES OF lady cashiers; must he good in figures; reference required. Apply at su perintendent' office, S to 10 A. M.( Tues day. WANTED Board and room for 4 younsr men with good habits, private family preferred; must be near corner Union ave. and Broadway. Pbone East 4i0 or C 100$. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G., S12 Faillne bldg. Birrell. A. H. & Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Bru baker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. M. 549. BERRErS BEALTT CO., 249 4th at. Chapln ft Herlow, 832 Chamber Commerca. Cook, B. S. & Co. 503 Corbett bldg. Jennings ft Co., Main 188. tOS Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. 218 Commer cial Club bid. Schalk. Geo. D., 223 Stark at. Main ZOX A 2392. Toe Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) M E- Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sta REAL ESTATE. 1'or gale Lots. IRVINGTON LOT BARGAINS. 4 50x100 at J140O each; caah required, $140. , 3 50x100 at 91450 each; cash required. 1145. , 6 50x100 at $1500 each; cash required, $150. , , 2 50x100 at $1600 each; cash required, S1W. , Balance easy monthly or quarterly : several double corners 100x100 at corre spondingly low prices and terms; streets paved, cement sidewalks and curbs, sew er, water, gas, electricity all tn; as safe as Government bonds for investment; closo in and right in the best part of irvington and just the right place for your home. Take Irvington car to Knott street, walk 2 blocks west to office, which is open every day. E. L. Mills, exclusive agent. A SPLENDID homesite on the West Side, all improvements going in at once but not ready to build upon until next Spring. The lot contains 6500 sq. ft., is in high class district and can now be purchased by anticipating the improvements at the speculative price of 15o0. Terms. This price absolutely covers the cost of all im provements. S 491. Oregonian. A S PL END I D b u n ga 1 o w site, for some one who wants to lie close in on the West Side. A site for people who want to build on property that has a wonderful future for business purposes. $2000. Terms. S 489, Oregonian. WEST IRVINGTON SNAP. $2600 Very choice 75xl0t; East 11th and Tillamook sts, facing east; all im provements paid; lot 6 and north half lot 7, block 9:!; easily doubled when Broad way bridge Is done; no agent's commis sion. Phone raoor SEE lot today, northeast corner East 24th and Glisan, only one block and a half to new carllne; newly completed elegant homesite. flats or rent houses; moBt de sirable. See owner Monday sure if you want real snap; no phone information. Blgelow, 380 East Morrison St. E. 24TH ST. N. E. cor. lot. 50x100. E. 24tlr and E. Glisan, one block to new carllne; forced sale. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. and B. Ankeny. VERNON LOT. $650 buyn 50x100 lot in one block of car, extra, good buy. $350 cash. See us at once. HOWARD LAND CO. . 420 Swetland bl d g. 50x100. IN Nob Hill, in the very best sec tion, on paved street, price $4S00; must have cash; get particulars. H. H. URDAHL. .'SOI Lumbermen bldg.. Mar. 15. A 5345. $1GOO. Most desirable corner lot in, tne first quarter of Laurelhurst; located at inter section of two paved boulevards. Address 1209 Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 1483. WE have 5 beautiful lots, well located, side - walk, graded streets, water laid, at no cost to buyer; terms. BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor, Lewis bldg. A SNAP 100x100 corner in Irvington, 2 blocks from Irvington onr. for $2t25. Part cash and terms; worth $:500 now. O. W. M uellhaupt. '267 Oak St.. Lewis Bldg. $inCASl and $5 per month buys a fine, level lot. 3 blocks to Mt. Scott 5c car, city water and streets graded. H1GLEY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. I AM headquarters for vacant lots in all parts of the city on terms to suit anybody. Don't pay rent, but get a home. See owner, 414 Spalding bldg. MY loss is vour gain; I must have money, therefore will sacrifice my $450 equity in a Laurelhurst lot for $2i0 cash. B 42, Oregonian. ; CHOICE terraced corner 302x94, adjoining Irvington. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Address owner, P. O. box 647. or AK 499, Oregonian, A LOT 50x100. west of Sunnyside and be tween Hawthorne and Holladay aves. ; don't object to old house on lot. AL 499. Oregonian. ft3 l-xlO0. ON East Couch U; splendid building site; can be bought cheap. OOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 253 Washington, cor. 3d. $900 Small business lot in good district ; this is a very low figure and will make the buyer good money. - M. E. Lee, 411 Cor bett bldg. WOODSTOCK SNAP. 154x100 for $1600, terms. AK 494, Ore gonian. HAVE $1200 equity in T-room oungaiow; will trade for lots or lot. Address 1106 E. 19th st. N. . IgOOO f0xi 00, corner. West Side; Itf min utes walk to Postoffice. Bound to double in value. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. $TOO FOR building tract equal to 3fc lots, worth $1200: fine soil and location. M. E. le. 411 . orpen mug. CHOICE lots in Fulton Park; $550 and up. Call on Western Securitiea Co., 414 Spald fnff hide. RESIDE NCE lot on West Side, easy walking . , . - ii 4i.fiinf 1 1 rt HaaH aistance, ts;ii;i. " " 1 - terms, a 4W, uresoiuaii. $50 CASH Buy my equity in two good view lota; restricted district: must sell this week. AD 492, Oregonian. 2""LOTS in Rose City Park, on Sandy Road. $1150: a snap. Call Marshall 2927 or G 4!1. uregonian. GREAT sacrifice, . 2 Vs full lots Irvington Park, $12.10 cash, carllne one block. Own er. AM 496, Oregonian. WILL sacrifice my equity, three good U'ts on the Peninsula, $300 will handle same. Address AM 497, Oregonian. FULL lot on Oregon St., near 24th, one block to car; $1550. half cash. Owner, 271 Halsey. East 1181. LOT on Peninsula. $650; $.150 cash, balance 2 years, interest 4 per cent. N 402, Ore gonian. . - 100x100 E. front, on 28th St., $1100. Call 320 Swetland bldg. 2 LOTS for sale, Willamette Addition; $475. H. H. Ntrholls, Rockwood. Or. 3 LOTS, 50x100, on 5-cent carline; right at station; bargain. P. O- box 441. PTJNNYSTDE. $3500 50x100 near East 2Sth street; one of the best locations on Belmont street for stortis, flats or apartments. IRVINGTON. $1400 50x100 on East 24th street, near Stanton; high and faces east. An ex ceptional home site. LAT-RELHURST. $1300 East Hoyt street, near East 31st; 1 block from car. 4 ALRTXA. . . 4 $1250 KOxlOO-foot lot on Borthwick st.; 1 block from Russell street. PIEDMONT, f 1 ooo Four 50x100-foot lots on Com mercial strert. between Alnsworth and Jarrett. at $1000 each. Good as an in vestment or for building purposes. PELLWOOD. $1000 50x100 corner lot on railway; business property with a future. MOUNT TABOR. $750 Corner. East 57th and East Bum side streets, with 114 feet frontage on East Burnside. IRVINGTON PARK. $50050x100 feet facing on East 25tn street, near Ainswocth. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones. Main 8tW9. A 26.3. ONLY THREE LEFT. The University Land Company has only three lots unsold petweon Columbia Park and Willis boulevard: these lots front on Chautauqua boulevard, which is 100 feet wide and will be the most-traveled street on the Peninsula; the size of each lot is 60 by 112 feet, alley 15 feet, one block from Columbia Park, building restrictions, city water, electric lights, and gas; these lots have a great future: it is not unlikely that five years from now you will sell these Iots for $100 per front foot; price now $750 each. $75 cash, $15 monthly, without interest. If paid when due. or one-fr-urth cash and one-fourth annunlly with out interest. This is the last chance and It will be necessary to come early If you want one or all of them. COB A. M'KENNA & CO-. C3T Commercial Blk. Mam 4.22. A 214.?. IT WILL PAY YOU to look at these 100x100 corner of Broadway and 47th, east and south front-, away under the market: $1600. 179x100 corner, in the Rose City Park district: cheapest buy we have; $2600. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 272 Stark St. 66x140 FEET, near Firland. on Mount Scott line; streets graded and water pipes laid; cheapest lots, size considered, on the mar ket. $350 to $500. Easy terms. KNAPP & MACKEY. 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. FULL lot. only 9 blocks from postoffice, some income. Safe buy, in fact a bar- Afine corner lot. West Side, east front. 2 blocks from carline. Can be bought just now for $4000. I have several single lots and quarter blocks, close In, East Side, that are good buys. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE HOMESITE. An acre of ground 80 feet from a 5-cent fare station; cleared and in cultivation; lumber on the ground for four-room house; water near bv; will be sold for $18O0, with a small payment down and balance easy. R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1003. A 1227. NEW MAPS. 1. Latest map of Portland, Or., giving new additions, electric lines, etc 2. 25-mile circle of Portland's surround- Ing, giving townships, ranges and section numbers, new electric lines and railroads, etc. Price 50 cents each. Send stamps. The Crossley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON HOME SITE, $2750. 75x100 feet on East 22d street, near Knott; on carline; well above grade and allows room for garage; price $2750; terms. . H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. x Phones, Mam sum. a -pp-. A SNAP Two choice lots, 85x100 feet, fac ing east, between Tillamook and Hancock, on East 27th, in a choice restricted resi dence district; price $2250. one-third cash,, balance 6 per cent. McCargar, Bates & Lively. 315 Failing bldg. NORTHWEST corner 6th and Harrison, lot 50x100. a beautiful apartment site, facing east and south; price $17,500; half cash, balance to suit. A. J. GANTNER. 406 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. A RARE BARGAIN. 100x100. corner East 3Sth and Thomp son, $1050: 2 lots 50x100 each, on East 3Sth bet. Tillamook and Thompson, $700 per lot. Call owner, A 1417 or Main 1417 weekdays. I WILL SELL FOUR OR ONE Lots 50x100 on Pettygrove st.. near 2.th; - the best buy on the West Side; will give you a price that will Interest you. See sign on lots: look at them and see. ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade Bldg- 60x70 CORNER. on East Harrison, fine site for flats or stores; close to Ladd's Addi tion; $3750; $2250 cash. $1500 3 years, 7 per cent. A. J. GANTNER. 406 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. $10 CASH, balance easy, H acre in one of the best locations on Mt. Scott 5c car; city watpr, street gradud, paid; in city limits; $350 to $500. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 133 Third St. " GRAND AVE.. $6750. t Fine close-in corner lot suitable fop apartments: present rent $40; a snap for quick sale. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. TO LOTS. EACH 25X100. $1800. In Montavilla. 3 blocks from Mt. 'Hood Electric. Do vou realize that thie means $225 for 50x100 ? Terms. Fred W. Ger man. 329 Burnside. Mi 2776. OU can buy a iot near Kose Cuy Para lor S500 $25 down and $10 monthly; graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water. 624-520 Board of Trade bldg. " $3MALTCASH BARGAIN. Lot 50x100 where lots are selling for $iJ5o on installments. A. R. Ritter, 224 Lumber Exchange bldg. 100x103. corner, Brazee-Street Addition: a tine Dunning ite n a- h-iwhb uichh-i., price. $4250 on easy terms. See McCar gar, Bates & Lively. 315 Failing bldg. IRVINGTON Fine lot, situated near beau tiful new resioence; citauce i maho money: . little cash required. G 487, Ore pop ian. TWO lots 5xl00. Minnesota, near Farragut st., close to Jventon; concrtjie muewains all In; $3-5 each. Guy & Miller, 3Sli East Morrison st. FINE lot in Glen Harbor with exceptional view or mountains. jus - mius and will not be on the market long. V 4S5. Oregonian. rrn; CI rTW-STRFFlT SNAP. 100x100. with good 9-room house, as a duyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. CHEAP For quick sale, a beautiful view Site in Aiameua . No agents. Phone Owner. C 1007. IRVINGTON PARK. 75x100; a beautiful lOt, Z DlOCKS Ui. , can vci .. ( ourh mag. WILL sacrifice my equity in Laurelhurst jct. owner. uiuwwwer w FULL acre tract. 27 minutes, 5-cent carllne; HIGLE-Y & BISHOP, 132 Third st. HAVE one lot in Rossmere and one in Rose City Park to sell cheap. Room 204, Chamber or i. ninini 6ciu0 LOT for sale by owner; East 8th St., i hincka of Burnside, bet. Couch and Davis; close in. Inquire 20 Grand ave. FOR SALE Lots 17 and 19. block 29. Irv- r"-rOIk.h vV. North. Minneapolis, Minn. CORNER on Belmont street. 100x100. There t .flon tnr -flat- fin thA reet. Price $.7oo0. 319 Worcester bldg. IRVINGTON Beautiful lot. 50x100, side- . o v '.7 14 CHOICE lots near Rose City Pars: -carllne It a oargain. -- --- lay. n.iU tnanaj APARTMENT or flat site. $7000. terms; 48x 1UU on ( i ..v . -- v. . . , j u s nrpeon an: urm " J" " LAURELHURST avenue, first plat, $300 be Drice adjoining lot. Sell- WOOO XU-1. l BARGAIN in two beach lots; fine view; holow cost. AN 494. Oregonian. A GOOD lot In Waverlelgh Heights; rea sonable price. D 48S, Oregonian. FOR SALE Lot 100x100. Broadway. $15u0; Must be gold Immediately. C 1441. MUST have money Corner lot, Irvington, worth floOO lor Slou. AJ uresoniKn. CHEAP property, houses, lots and farms. Call 15th and Alberta sta., W. J. WeKa.