The Cote Plan Mama! of Fall River, Mass. have got to sacrifice aboot 90 very ffie new op right pi a o os here Monday and Tuesday Through an error in billing, we shipped five carloads of pianos to a large firm in Port land, which were intended for New York and Boston houses, and while they are different brands from those ordered by the Portland house, they are finer and more expensive styles. Apparently taking advantage of our predicament, the Portland concern declines to take the pianos, except at a discount so far below"the wholesale billing price that it would be laughable were it not so ridiculous. We acknowledge the error, are willing to concede a lot, but we decline to be squeezed. Therefore, we have rented for a few days the large double store on the northwest corner of Park and Morrison streets, and have placed this entire shipment in there, ready for sale Monday morning at 8 o'clock, and we are simply going to paralyze retail prices in this city for the next two days, and I wouldn't be surprised if we sold the entire shipment before 12 o'clock Monday night. We are going to offer these pianos at retail on terms of $25 down, and $10 a month, and for less money than we billed them wholesale to this Portland concern at our factory at Fall River, Mass., and will even discount THAT 5 per cent for spot cash. We mean busi ness, and intend to give them a little competition they haven't been looking for. t We intend to offer our finest piano a piano that retails East at $550 for $285, on terms of $25 down and $10 a month, or 5 per cent less ($270.75) spot cash. 1 And our $525 style for $265 time, or $251.75 cash. Our $450 style for $215 on time, or 5 per cent less ($204.25) all cash. - And we'll offer the finest $400 piano turned out by any factory, for $195 on terms of $25 and $10, or $185.25 spot cash; and so on down to our $300 piano for $160 on time, or $152 cash. . We mean strictly business, and have no time or inclination to mince matters.' Come up against a "square deal" once. For further particulars, see full column reader under head of "We Made a Mistake," on page 6, section 1, of this paper. . ..... COTE PIANO MANUFACTU 36i Morrison st. A. A. FISHER, Manager RING CO. 361 Morrison St. BELOW IS A PAGE FROM OUR CATALOGUE 4v. - eum cots mej i" c , )i , N . -..-I .r-.-. . rail, j-j V gj, P.-l-. Vfrf p- rffr -M V" Vfl . STRIPPED-SHOWING INTERIOR. THE COTE PIANO ACTION In producing a perfect action, there is much to take into consid eration. It must be so constructed as to withstand the most powerful stroke as well as to respond to the most delicate touch. Upon this most vital part, depends the suc cess of the instrument to respond to the feelings and moods of the performer. It is with these re quirements in view that the Cote , lias striven to bring out an instru ment that will not disappoint the purchaser; and that they have done so is very evident. T3 action is of extra fine qual ity, double repeating, made of the finest materials, including ham mers of the choicest imported felts; insuring a full, round tone, found only on pianos of the highest grade; the action rails and brackets are nickel plated; in short, this ac tion is of strictly high grade, made to endure incessant use for many years and withstand all climatic changes THE OTHER PARTS "What has been said of the parts described may be said of all the other com ponent parts that go to make up this superb instrument, for it is the intent of the "Cote" Factory to turn out artistic, durable pianos of high merit We allow no man to build a better piano. - llfepp itev. Jin? jii'Miw IlE? STYLE "C," RETAIL PRICE $450 FOR SALE AT ?215, iiii '"ir COTE PIANO FACTORIES, FALL RIVER, MASS. THE HOME OF THE "COTE" Fall Eiver, Mass., has the distinction of being the home Qf the "Cote." This illus tration gives you an idea of the vast floor space, devoted to the manufacture in all its details, of the superb instrument shown in this catalogue, as well as many others. Some 80,000 sq. ft. of floor space is teeming with life and activity. There are in the group of buildings three devoted entirely to. the Company's use; the largest of these is 225 by 50 ft., five stores in height. In this building the general offices of the plant are located; the second largest building is 200 by 50 ft, three stories high, and the third -200 by 50 ft., one story. In these1 buildings is to be found everything neces sary to make a first-class piano'and the whole is under competent management. ; See all styles of our factory product at 361 Morrison Street For Sale at Less Than Half Price