The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 30, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 21, Image 37

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3 TT ZJkiTKrll TK
An Opea Letter to
This organixation was formed, and its Declara
tion of Principles declares, for the industrial, com-,
mercial and agricultural upbuilding of Oregon, and
to oppose all sumptuary, legislation of movements
unnecessary interfering with commerce.
We declared then, and reiterate now, our convic
tion that statewide prohibition would result not only
in harm to the cause of true temperance, but would di
rectly injure the material prosperity of the State. We
further declared that we favored strict regulation of
the liquor traffic through laws already in existence
and, where lacking, to be enacted, which would insure
proper conduct of said traffic in Oregon.
Many of our friends have asked us to take up the
question of regulation of the liquor traffic. While we
believe that it Is the proper function of elected officials,
we long ago decided to investigate thoroughly the suc
cessful forms of regulation in other states and coun
tries, and we are now prepared to offer to Oregon's
cities a plan which we believe will assure a long for
ward step in the right direction. . .
We are going to be accused by the prohibitionists
of doing this to gain votes, but that isn't going to stop
us doing it We assure our friends right here and now
that regardless of the outcome November 8 we aro not
going to rest until ordinances have been passed by the
cities of the State which will operate to make good
the promise contained in our Declaration of Principles
and in the recent page-advertisement published in this
To that end and purpose we solemnly declare that
w? are in favor of the laws and ordinances prescribing
in substance, meaning and effect the regulations which
will be submitted to our members at the mass meeting
which will be held tonight in the Armory at 8 P. M.,
and which every member has been especially invited
to attend. Those prohibitionists who can bring their
manners with them (we believe they are in the ma
jority) are also invited, that they may acquire some
useful information as to the proper means for settling
a .vexed question. We have never interrupted or dis
turbed a meeting called by the prohibitionists, but al
most every one held under our auspices has been inter
rupted by prohibitionists. The public is interested in
a proper solution of this question, and we are in re
ceipt of many requests that a stop be put to the inter
ruption of our meetings by those whose intent is not
to acquire information, but to confuse the speaker.
The object of this meeting is to. submit to our
members and to the thinking people of Portland a
form of ordinance for city regulation of the liquor traf
fic. This requires deliberation and the prompt des
patch of business. If approved by those present, it will
be presented to the Mayor and the City Council, with
the recommendation that it be adopted by the Council,
and also submitted to the people at a special election,
under the initiative, to be held at the earliest possible
Who Will Take Up the Subject of REGULATION, THE REMEDY
P. M.
Come Early If You Want a Seat
Plenty of Good Music
Steamer Beaver Departs With
Record Passenger Roll.
Fpeedlest sod Earliest Vessel Now
Pt Xfw LaorrU on Bow Ship
Popular WIUi Married Folk.
Steerac Crowded.
The palatial Fan Francisco liner
Feaver. which holds the record for
speed between the two porta; the only
easel that attained la circles around
the speedy' steamer President and tha
craft that has the name of making
port earlier than tha Bear and Kose
City, sailed yesterday with the port
r-ord for pasaeBcers. having a list of
ITS persons aa board. Evea than Cap
tain Ktdston said ha could make room
for more, although tha cabin list con.
talned the names of mora prominent
and wealthy persona than usual. Tha
steerage was thronged.
The Beaver was the sixth Teasel to
sail this month for the Oolden Gate
and Port Loa Angeles and tha total of
passengers carried' waa I7. While
the northbound travel baa not been aa
heavy by half. It baa esreeded tha aver,
ace for pt seasons. The exodus from
Portland by no means represents a
tourist movement, as the steerage list,
which reached at least 300. la made up
of laboring men. mostly non-residents.
In the cabin are travelers, largely from
tha Northwest, with a proportion of
Southerners, who are going home, and
Easterners who purchased rail trans
portation to Include tha ocean voyage
to either San Francisco or Los Angeles.
The fact the Beaver sailed at 4
o'clock and that It was Saturday after
noon, drew almost as many spectators
to the dock aa passengers.
"This Is a great ship for married
ones, said Captain Kldston. "Ton see.
there is such demand for tha upper
deck staterooms, because a couple can
secure one to themselves by applying
early, that It ruts down tha number
that could be carried. Tha travel Is
holding on decidedly strong and at San
Francisco and Los Angeles we are get
ting more passengers than waa ex
pected. With fast and comfortable
steamers such aa are in service on the
route, heavier passenger traffic Is
bound to continue during tha Winter.
Watrrhoaoe Line Will Havo So Ves
sel for Xotembcr Loading.
Portland's exports for November will
be decreased to a small extent through
tha non-arrival of the British steamer
Huverlc. of the Waterhouse fleet, which
will load a full cargo on Paget Sound.
Information to that effect was yester
day received by the Scatter Commission
Company, agents for tha line. Tha
Suverlc is duo at Tacouia from the
Orient November 2. and was to havo
reported here a few days later.
About t.lIO.OOO feet of lumber and
200 tons of flour and wheat waa in
sight for the Suverlc and smaller addi
tional offerings may bava been se
cured. Aa it Is tha Oriental liner
Hys of ttia Barrlmaa Coat, will gat
away about November I w1U a full
cargo and tha port will be credited
with but ona carrier for tha Far East
during tha month.
Tha Waterhouse Interests naturally
favor Puget Sound shippers, and tha
extension of tha service to Portland
has been merely a side Issue to fill the
liners during tha dull period. Tha
matter of maintaining a schedule and
of bringing cargo to Portland from the
Orient has been discussed, but evident
ly tha executlvea of the Una do not
taka kindly to tha proposition.
XoTember Weather May rermlt An
other Month's Labor Here.
miwo tha elements play unexpected
pranks In November there are pronpects
that work o tha eouth jetty at tha
wvim rrrUXIOKNCa
Dao to Arrive.
Wsm a,
Hercules. ...
J. B. Dtttses.
CeMea Oslo.
Eureka. .....
foe K. Klmet
Breakwater .
Reee 11 ir
Om W. Elder
Hongkong. .. Astoria
. Saa Francisco la port
..Fan irraaclsc! In port
..Tlllamoos.... Oct.
..Eureka. ......Oct TO
l.Ti;iunoek....Uol. h
.Coes Bar Oct. art
fsa Pedro.... ucu
,.Jb Fed re.... Oct.
..Sea Pedro.... Nov.
.JaaPMn.....or- "
Ban Pedro.... r3v. w
Hongkong.. ..Nov. It
scheduled to Deaait,
Eureka. ......
Foe H. Elmore
Golden Gate.
Roanoke. ...
J B. fcletsoa
Kom City. ...
Geo. W. Eider
For a
Kureka. ..... Oct.
Tillamook. ...Nov.
aa rranclsce Nov.
. Tillamook.. ..Nov.
..Cooe Pay Nov.
. -Sao Francisco Nov.
fas KranclscoNev.
, .Hons kong.... Nov.
. faa Pad re. ... No v.
,.aa Pedro. ...Nov.
. .Saa Pedro.... Nov.
Saa Pedre.
Hoaskoag. ...Nov. 24
mouth of tha Columbia River will bo
continued another month. Tba trestle
has nearly reached tba aeren-mlle point,
while it fat projected a distance of seven
and a quarter miles.
Herald BagnelL assistant engineer.
Corps of Engineers, U. 8. A., In charge
of tha work, euid yesterday that the
aversga gain la about half a mile of
nnlsbed Jetty annually, lie estimates
that In IS months the Jetty will bo com
pleted, but the time will Include thlt
spent In finishing work. When rock is
fire dunrped from tha trestle, says the
engineer. It doea not at once find a
permanent- location, and torms aro de
pended oa to wasn tha material some
distanra on both aides of the Jetty, an
that tho next season more Is added until
a proper foundation Is obtained. Tha
undertaking has been delsyed through
damage by Norms In the past, but aa
more material Is dumped the danger la
All Portland CoDtingvU but James
Gray Leaves Yukon.
Having passed 11 seasons In Alaska,
where lie was master of one of the
steamers of the White Pass a. Yukon
route. Captain Oeorge Shaver, brother
of Captain -Jim" and Capatln "Dell"
Shaver, of tha Shaver Transportation
Company, has returned to Portland and
will again assume routine duties at t,he
Shaver dock.
Captain Shaver has been operating
on the Upper Yukon, between Dawson
and White Horse. He says that pre
vious to his departure be learned that
Captain James Cray, master of tha
steamer Tanana. a Portlander and his
craft a Portland product, wss en route
from Fairbanks, but was compelled to
tor a back awing ta ice. conditions la
the stream. It Is supposed Captain
Oray will travel to tho coaat via Val
dea. Captain Oeorgs Raaba and Captain
Harry ilaughjnan, who were also In the
Far North, have arrived home.
Captain Shaver saya that tha last
seaaon witnessed many gold robberies
along tha Yukon, and as a result detec
tives were scattered through the re
gion, endeavoring to locate headquar
ters of some of the bands. A box of
gold bars, each weighing four pounds,
waa shipped from Fairbanks to Seat
tle and It was not discovered nntll the
box was delivered at Seattle that tha
bars had been removed and lead of
the same weight substituted. Oa the
last trip down tho Yukon. Captain Sha
ver says, two steamers were In com
pany and on tha craft following his
vessel 13000 was stolen. Some one,
who evidently became frightened when
a search was Instituted, "cached" the
gold, as It was found hidden beneath
tha boiler.
Doors Won't Close) and Rodder
Braces Seem Broken.
Greater damage Is apparent on tha
barkentlne Jane la Stanford, which has
reached tha port of Portland drydock.
than was. Indicated In the early re
ports, following; her arrival In the Co
lumbia River after striking on tha
bar at Grays Harbor. The craft has
been so strained that her cabin doors
will not close and when the tiller is
turned tha action of the rudder Is such
that It Is thought the braces are
broken. '
Captain Peterson, who Is accom
panied by his wife and daughter, who
expected an uninterrupted voyage from
the Washington harbor to Brisbane.
Australia, was la tha city yesterday.
He decided that before ordering the
vessel lifted ha will Inspect both the
Port of Portland and Oregon dry-docks.
Then bids for tho undertaking will be
considered, after which It will be de
termined where the vessel's lumber car
go is to be discharged. Oesr was rig
ged yesterday and tha material will be
started ashore tomorrow. If the Stan
ford remalna at the St. Johns plant.
Before going on drydock an Investiga
tion will be made with a drag to as
certain If her keel is Intact. If It Is
damaged tha keel blocka can then be
set to relieve) the strain.
tha atearuers Beaver and Johan Poul
sen cleared for San Francisco and the
Weliesley with 750.000 feet of lumber
cleared for San Pedro.
Wheat to Be Loaded by Tramp in
This Port British Steamer Iran
Clears With Cargo.
The British steamer Camphlll sailed
from San Francisco for Portland yes
terday. She Is a tramp of 2585 tons
and will load wheat for the United
Kingdom under charter to Balfour,
Guthrie A Company. She reached the
Oolden Gate via Chlmbote. carrying
Government coal from the Atlantio
Coast, having missed the Paclflo fleet
In Peruvian waters and was ordered
north. Despite the quletuds that pre
vailed In the charter market, two big
carriers were taken during the week,
the Norwegian steamer BJornstJerne
BJornson having been fixed FTlday.
Tha British steamer Iran, carrying
65.622 bushels of wheat, valued at $35,
$11.70. and 1,30!,565 feet of lumber
loaded here, worth $25,238.20. cleared
yesterday at tho Custom-House for Cal
cutta and Japanese ports, her lumber
belnsr consigned to the India harbor.
Tho vessel also has aboard l.79.6ll
feet of redwood loaded at Eureka, Sne
will sail today. The Norwegian steam
er Elr. loading at the Portland mill.
yesterday took on redwood and sugar
Dine measuring about aoo.uuo reei.
which' the steamer Northland brought
from Eureka. The Eir will also clear
with about J. 000,000 feet of Oregon fir,
her destination being Sydney, Australia.
Steamer Towed Into Port From
Linnton by tins America.
When rlvermen discerned the steam
ers America and E. O. Bateman enter
the harbor aids by side about 10 o'clock
yesterday, word was passed around
that tho craft were racing, but a closer
view discerned that the Bateman was
being towed. She broke down near
Linnton while en route from Vancou
ver, and tba America was signaled to
help ber to port.
The Bateman la equipped with a pipe
boiler and ono of the tubes, which gave
trouble when fires were started in the
morning, blew out Just off Linnton,
and the steamer drifted against a dock
and made faat until help was secured.
The accident delayed the craft a faw
hours, but she made her afternoon trip
to Vancouver. Captain Good, owner.
said that lengths of pipe were carried
for sucb emergencies, so that it was
unnecessary for the craft to be towed
to a machine shop.
Oak-Street Dock Strengthened.
n- AJk r.natra ar h.lne miila tat
, . vcu ' . ... r ...www
Oak-street dock. A pile-driver yeater-
asy sianeu I ciauu k jjjuuk; ati vu me
.... a Aa tli structure, wheraa the tim
bers have been loosened and damaged
by steamers, a inrittj aniuum o& planti
ng Will w 1 ri.i i u, v. ntic. ajtriic-aaiu ija
itructure, new supports have been put
Bldart Clears for Abroad.
- Laden with 111.877 bushels of wheat,
worth 100.0. tho French ship Bldart
will leave today for the United King
dom. She will be tho last of the
square-rigged carriers of the October
fleet to get away with grain and may
pass out of the river In company with
the Hoche. which arrived down yester
day. The British ship Kirkcudbright
shire arrived up last night with coal
and will discharge at the Paclflo Coast
Company's bunkers. The French ship
Thiers yesterday finished discharging
cargo destined for Ocean lo dock, and
shifted to tho North Bank to remove
the remainder.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Oct. 29. Arrived Steamer
Tahoe. from. San Francisco; British ship
Kirkcudbrightshire, from Newcastle. . a.
W., Sailed Steamer Beaver, for San Fran
cisco and San Pedro; steamer Hoquiam, for
South Bend; steamer Saginaw, ror Kaymona.
Astoria, Oct. i. Condition at the mouth
of the river at I P. M.. smooth: wind, eouth
S miles; weather, cloudy. Arrlvad down at
7 and sailed at :3 A. M eteamer J.
Chanalor, for San Kraaclsco. Arrived down
at g:20 A. M. French ship Hoche. Ar
rived at and left up at :30 A. Jd. Steam
er Tahoe. from San Francisco. Left up
at 9 A. t. British ship KirkcudbrlghUnirs.
Arrived at A. M. Schooner Fearless,
from San Francisco. Arrived down at 4 P.
M Rarkentine Makawall.
San Francisco. Oct IS. Arrived at 7 A.
M. Steamer Washington, from Portland;
steamer Coaster, from San Pedro. Arrived
at 10 A. M. steamer Geo. W. Elder, from
Portland. Sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer Rosa
City, for Ban Pedro.
Buenos Ayres, Oct. it. Arrived British
steamer Towereate- from Portland.
Ulu1a Bay. Oct. 29. Arrived yesterday
Britian ship Xaeyiana aro., rrom t-on
San Francisco. Oct. 21. Arrived Steam'
ers Queen, from Victoria; Carlos, from Wll-
lapa; century and tteacny, irons iscoma;
Charles Nelpon. from Tacoma, towed by U.
S. S. Mcculloch: schooner SausaJlto. from
Ludlow: Camphlll, for Portland: President.
I for Seattle: Raymond, for Willapa; schooner
1 k w. Bartlett. for Puset Sound: barkentlne
Mary Wlnkleman. for Grays Harbor; scnoon
er Orenon for Coqullle River.
London. Oct. S. Arrived Bellarophon,
from Tacoma; Mount Tsmple. from Moa-
Seattle. Oct. 29. Arrived Steamer Vir
Kinius. from Tacoma: steamer Tiverton,
from San Francisco; steamer Colonel K. L.
Drake, from San Francisco. Sailed steam
or Atlas, for San Francisco; steamer Teu-
cer, ror Tacoma; steamer jenereon, lor
Skarway; steamer Montara, for Eagle Har
bor. Arrived off Cape Flattery United
Statea Army transport Dlx. from Manila.
Tacoma. Oct. 2a. Arrived Steamer Bee,
from San Francisco: British steamer Titan.
from Tokohama: British steamer Teucer.
from Seattle; steamer Senator, from San
Francisco. Sailed Steamer Mlsaourlan, for
Honolulu: Japanese steamer Panama Kara,
for Yokohama: steamer Maverick, for San
Francisco: U. steamer Burnslde. for Seat
tle; steamer Virginian, for Sallna Crux:
steamer Buckman, for Sound ports; steamer
Umatilla, for Sound porta
Marino Notes.
Carrying coal for light vessels, the
tender Manxanlta sailed yesterday from
Rafts of piling were delivered yes
terday at Albers- dock, where they will
be used as supports for a wharf to
replace the structure on the river side
of the new brick mill.
Commander KlHcott, lnspector'of "the
seventeenth llKhthouse district, de
parted yesterday for Taqulna Head,
where he will Inspect the property
wanted by citizens of Newport for
bathing-house sites and confer with
the city officials regarding it.
Delagoa Bay was reached Friday by
the British ship Leyland Brothers, Cap
tain Morgan, after a voyage of 13S
days from the Columbia River. Tbe
ship carried a cargo of lumber which
she loaded after having been here two
years waiting an engagement,
To facilitate the laying of the second
Bull Rnn water main across tha chan
nel, above the Hawthorne-avenue
bridge, the marine road will be closed
to deepwater vessels this afternoon.
The dredge Portland has completed
digging the trench and the pipe will all
be in place this week.
Entries yesterday at the Custom
House were the steamers Northland
and Weliesley, from San Francisco.
The French bark Bldart cleared for
Ojtaaastowa or t'sianauUt, for orders, i
iv i rva iEts
in &
Gum I
sot only stops I
ly, but cleans the
cavity, removes iu
atnnr and nif HBf
decay. Kecpssnp.
Mr n am a. piyana save mux
A Snll Affair. i dentist bill.
There are Rnttatlons. Sea that yon set
Dent's Teetkauhe Vwwm.
At all uraturia!, lftnts, or by man.
DonPe rnvn Crrm f (
Will a Wl ll vaiu
- I . iu.
fi C S. DENT CO., Dstrore. Mleh.
u If you have been
e n f eebled, unnerved
if you feel infirm,
Ian guid, drooping
if you have tried
medicine without
helping your condi
tion do not be dis
couraged. Eleetr Iclty Will
Bels Yh. Dr. Lor
enz's Electro Body
Battery soothes, re
stores and rebuilds.
It makes men
healthy, powerful,
fore eful, enereetlc.
ambitious, vigorous, strong, virile.
Cures nervousness, rheumatism.
storafach, kidney and bowel troubles.
Electric Suspensory free. IT you can
not call, don't fall to write for free
book. It gives factory price and full
particulars, mailed free.
Desk bV See Llncola Ave Chicago, IU. j
Tides at Astoria Sunday.
TT ia-h. T.OW.
11:35 A. M S.4 feet '5:39 A M 1.1 feet
C:07 P. M 0.1 foot
Pay When Cured
We tastve every known remedy ap
pliance lor TREATLVO YOU. Our ex
perience is m great and varied that no
one of the ailments of Mrs is ten to as.
General Debility, Weak Nervea, la.
sonuiia Results of exposure, overwork
and other Violations of Nature's law.
iiseaoes of Bladder aad Kidneys, Vast,
tese Veins, doickly and permanently
cored at small ex pease and no deten
tion from business.
tracted and chronlo cases cured. All
burning. Itching and Inflammation
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected In
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office Hours t A. M. to I f U
Sundays. 10 A. M to 1 P. M. only.
Coraer First.
jz C Gee Wo
r -
I far- 1 i
i :
The Chinese Doctor
Thla rratrhlns
$ doctor Is trell
i known thro o g h-
A out the Northwest
! because of his
j. .... .
wonder ful and
mar velous cures,
and la today her
alded by aU his
Datients as the
greatest of his kind. He treat any
and ail diseases with powerful Chi
nese roots, herbs and barks that are
entirely unknown 'to tho medical
science of this country. With these
harmless remedies he guarantees to
cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liver and kidney troubles, also pri
vate ailments of men and women.
Patients outside of city write for
blanks and circulars. Inciose 40
IdllV!: First St., Near 3Iorria
Portland, Or.
at .
j . T il
. Ihm'l Me Hick.
I Don't Take lrnsrs.
7 One Treatment Jc'ree.
1 Our specially im
ported herbs of nu
merous kinds used
in China for thou
sands of years be
fore the Christian
era will positively
cure the varioua dis
eases. ASTHMA. CA
BLES. CANCERS. All aliments of whatever
nature successfully cured by the WONDER
cured In tneir own borne, write lor symp
tom blank. Our remedies sent to all parts
of the world. Office hours, 10 to 13, 2 to
5. to s.
Atnerlen Attendant.
14Vi Third be.. Portland. Or.
For Rheamatlaaa mmi lYervoasness
Mr. A. A. Townsend, of 2283
West 25th street. Los Angeles.
Cal.. writes: "I was in a deplor
ably nervous condition, suffering
from cold feet and rheumatism
in the lower limbs. Electropodes
cured me. I would not be with
out them."
These remarkable galvanic in
soles cure Rheumatism, Nervous
ness and kindred complaints, by
neutralising the excess uric acid
In system. All poisons and im
purities are eliminated, through
larc-e pores of feet. Nerves are
strengthened, circulation in
creased and entire system is
cleansed and purified.
Druggists are authorized to
sign a positive contract to return
your $1.00 if Electropodes fall to
cure, or If they should, on 30
days' trial, prove unsatisfactory.
The purchaser of Klectrepsales Is srant,
sd the privileee of retnrnlnc tkera withlo
M days, and the purchase price ($1.00) is
te be refunded a pen tha t ollowins condi
tional They are te as wen aa-eevdins to
directions for at least 25 res sea tire dare,
and then if sot satisfactory, te be Istarasd
in original box.
DrUCSlst'S Blfnaihaj. ,
At druggists: or by mall, post
paid. If your druggist cannot
furnish Electropodes, send us
$1.00, and we will see that you
are supplied immediately. State
whether for man or woman.
Western Electropode Co.
2S7 Loa Angeles St Les Aaaeles,
The famous
Chinese, Dn.
9. K. Chas,
with their
Chinese reme
dies of herbs
and roots
cure wonder.
fully. It has,
cured m a n v I
luiKten mu t l am
when other remedlei
Sure cure for chronlo pri
vate ailments, nervousness, blood poi
son, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia,
bladder, kidney, throat and lung trou
bles, consumption, stomach disorders
and otner aise&aes oi an ainus. rierao
dies harmless. IV o operation. Honest
treatment. Examination free. Call or
write to
The S. K. Cbaa Chinese Medicine Co..
226 Vi Morrison St., between First and
Second, Portland, Oregon.
nit aa
have failed.
DIDll VCIC Iaocomotor Ataxia
rHnAbldld Conquered at Lost
Does It. Write for Proof. Advloe Free.
Irr. CHASE, ssa x, leth stv, Philadelphia.