V 20 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA', PORTLAND, OCTOBER 30, 1910. IS Volume of Hop Trade United by Offerings. SALES AT 14 CENTS X-achniund Keportrd to Have ON X rrr4 1 S Ont for Choice Crops. California and Jfrw York Mark AdTancInf? The waaji cama la i and with tba hop market af ran aad .grit.d and tba elum. erf eoeiaeea pair limited by I ha qnaatlty af tha aTaring. rnm In some sect war roar diapoaad la ronaidrr offers tbaa aarllar la tba waak. bat ao a wba4a II arawax Were poar setters. Holders Of atrlrf Ir cHeg'S ere pa vtengia Bot Irstea la anything under IS casta It aaa the oplaiaa el tiioal a tba daalara thai this prlro will et-avereJty paid br tba trada la tba coming Week. Tharo vara raparta la rtrcalattaa yer- eUjr that l-achmor.4 ofT.rrJ 1 cams for a ere I rhaira lors. but could aol (at them. Aa waa tba case ta IV. ba la eolr tmm la bur treat! growers. A message fmra St. Paul waa to tbo IT act ranatchaal altered i raata far about 400 balaa.tbara. Including tha ere pa of Kirk. Xurphr. Pravoat. Colemaa and lmllb. Tba J. W. Saaver Hop Crnpany Paid 14 cara fnr a l( egg-ragetlng lao rarleada. Vat tba trfmtttv of tha grew-r was aol I'araad. Kincr tha tnlddla of tba week. tha "aavey Company baa bough! tho fl- leering lota: At Kagraa. K J. Hsv.a. 1T1 fcalea. Crar.na, bolaa. Ilarbart. an bales, and several amall lota asa-regatlnc 130 balaa. At glarrtabarg. fartwrlght. orar IOO balaa; C. C. liaj.o. aahoniing and othar lota a' gragitlntr I J bel-e. At Kalrm. tha II la of iZ2 balaa. and at Woodbura. th iMvrige lot of M balaa. atao aayerl Iota at Aurora. Ue Fajrett.. flUarton and Pall and a-"o balee from dralcra. nvVef? Hroe. yeeterdar bought i" balaa at l ca ota. II. U. Hart closed a d'al en .".: hal.a al 13 ranta Califoraia, la fallowing tha Orrgon mar- bat rloael,. Thara w.ra anlra of Faaa Itrvara rretardar at 13 e caata and 13 cenia aa paid for ooomaa. Aa optloa waa takao at Umiotii an a big block at 13 cant a until Maodajr. and this baa romplaiair blockad tha raark't ao far aa further bualnaee at a loarer Bgura ta roncamad. Tba N.w York market Is also gaining la atrangtb and baa adeaared a full rant alara tha middle of tha weak. Wires race I red yeaterdar re port ad that I5H renia bad baa a paid la that atata and that more than half tha crop baa wow baa gold. JHI.I.F.eT Wr.l.Bl IX WIIT.AT MtKKKT. meadr lesrllao la Valaea rbecka tho Ia- T Wtt h tr--D OB Of tb do11t tm t h whtt matrkft thai th trad has kwoa In tone tlm. Th steady ahiinti- tn valuoa haa bad lha fftrt of antlr- J' ch-lttn tho demand, whtla offrrirca a alao bo on a vary small acala. Price war quoted lower all around yestvrday. Omta and barley aera also quiet with for mer prlrea praTalllnc- Th 3enc redaction la local era da of fMir went nt effect la aom qaartra 3 tarda y. roralm hat shtpmanta ara are 111 on an anaraotii acal. Th movtmmt from J.uMta and Daaublaa porta la lha past eeix ta laa by tba Merchant Eachanc aa futlo. Th.a wit Int wit. t.at vr. fuwta . . . T. trek 5 t ntM. oo unab . . 2 tMHb 2. 0-4.00 Ie-al receipt, in ear, war reported by tha Marrbants Firhanra a follow: Ml-oal Barley Flour Oat Hay Monday IT la 1 iA.u, ....... a. Ti'edneeday ... Me Thursday 1'ri.taV ....... :i- aturdav ..... J ear ago T'J Tnla week Tear ago 44 Fa tO datS . 3'-'T l.ar ago 4ad T IO a i 30 Ml a;s BOd 2 3 14 -a 3 la loo 14 lo-il TO OBCOOX T.GO MARKFT VT.KT STroMO. Eaalara aa ' Hand ta Keep Fries t rees taalBgT I p. eggs are vary scares with lbs de mand steadily growing fcftorts ware msda yestrrdar to adance tho price ta 4n ceata. but they ware not successful, aa East era ease were plentiful at 30fl33 cents Poultry cleaned ap well al etaady prices. The demand haa bean belped materially by tha cooler weather. No change la the butter market la aa aouncod for tba coming weak. Local but ter la In light supply, but there la enough Kaatern to make ap tha deficiency. Nx fare af Ba Sanaa Kecetved. Sis ears of bananas arrived yesterday la fine condition- Five of tbam cama to Front street kou.es and oaa to a retailer, lira pa. ware scarce and firm. Another ear la duo Monday. Ap!e receipts have beea Urge all week and tha demand haa eacawara. Vegetables of all klnda moved out sell with prtcee generally steady. rlaak Clearings. Hank rlearlnga of the Northwester Clues jestrruaj wsra as follows: Clearing.. Balances tl. .".:.u..i3 -' -vl 1.TOJ.4- 1J.4-4 .4.174 74.WJ aiT.TTl 111.7.L4 Tort land !e:tle . aroma paikano leartnga of r ur 1 1 an 'i. ealtlo and Ta coma, for the past areek and corresponding m .a) . ui ii.ar joars Fort land. Seattle 110. .SO 044 14 T4..-.l i'VSTa 1" 4.41 JO "-"4.t7 ! HI M H-'9 vji B.343.eUl Tacoma 14 aoi lj HT 4.4u.t 4.W4I.7.1I 4 44 ,,,1 1 01.- .V4 J.1U114 S.l-4. U pto !.... IO"T.... IH.... ri.... im.... IP3.... 10 ?a."2 S ajft. W3 ft. oo 4'l 4JJMHI4 4 4 .143 4.173. I IT a.s4..Sl rOEILa.lD luunt Crabs, riaajr. reed. Ela. tVM CAT Track prleaa; Bloe.tewv. ; g 4c; eiub. ia;iac: red Russian, 7i;;c: alley. .K-; furtjfold. avc HAkLKY Feed, 4I1 per ton; srewlag. I-J par ton. at : Li-- r L F r S Bran. n par toai mid. d:iaga. i3. snorts. -"7 ; rolled barley. 34.s4) 4g io Ftx.I'R Patents. S-13 per barrel: str-sisnts. 14 lOal.W: export. SO.T0: Vsiley. a, graham, 33; whole wheat. Quanera. 3.x MAT Track artrea: Timothy. Wlllarnatta Vsiley. s.ia)?a per tan; Ea.tara oregea. :lU. a J Site. saw. 4:31S. grata baa. COR.v Whsia. Ill: cracked. Ill par tea, OATS While. 3:; 11.44. Dan-e and Ceanlry rOtXTRT Hans 17e: gprtoga. lie: docks wblte. IS a lie: geese. 11c. turkeys, loa. ISc; draaaed. issylec; squabs. 31 par dose a. t;J9 oregoa raacb. tc; Eastern. 30 9 lac par doasa. BLTTtK Oty eraaraerr. aol Id pack. 34a par pawed; prtsra. 37 gj 17 He par poaad; eataeda creamery. 3;aa par pouad. better fee 3e par pound, eouatry at ere Setter. Sa 47 I Vc per pound. CHalTSE Full cream, twins. ITHSIas P-ae pound: young America. HHeMec. r"RK Fancy. tStflltge per pound. Ttl Fsncy, 44 to Ui pouada, 15Hg 13a par pouad. . Tegetableo sad raits. APPLE King. TV-Oil 13 per -baa: Oravas.tein. tacdtl.al. Waif River, lit 126: Waaea. SOcoll23; Baldwin. II. lo. Northern spy. II .ia I li; Snow. 11.7401: spi'ieneara. II Ul. Winter Baaaaa. 11.18 01 GHKCX FRT'ITl Paara. II 2303 par box: grapea. llwLl; per kvg; 17S par eaaket: rraoberrl'a. p-r barrel: quinces, 13031 par box; boeklebeTTlea 4484 pee ponnd: peretmmcrts. 81 S3 per box. IACK VHOmVLEl Carrots 1 01.23 bsadred: parvii pa. 3101.23' turnips, fu VsiitTlnl b'S lieaaa. (03e sag possdl DEMAND BROAD rahbase. 9 la per pound: cauliflower 0 VII par diMa: celerv. fro ft Oa aer dosaa: rera. Uf par w; cueumMra. 33 O 0e par eoa . eggplant. S11.Z par ftrata; eerlla. 010c par la.: a-rsea salens, 19c par da pappara. c par lb.: parppglne. ItltSe P -: radishes JJfclWv par aosea: sprouts ': Hoosgh. 01S( par lb.; tramatoaa, 34 tf .'v- par DO. TKOPirAL mriu Oranaea. Valencia.. Ii .a.;: lemons l HT; grapefruit. If cr:a par eos. saaanas. Dla par pouaa rineappl. go par poand; potneeTranatse, 2. la Bar box. PTATOKM Oraaoo, II. IS par nurarca: iww Botacoca. 3e or mono. O.MUMt-Hiniiig. eanns pnoa, guia sear aeadrsa. Moss. Wast, ITIdaa. Eta. UOrs lia crop, i.ai.c; "le. aoml- aal. bios, numluai. WOOL Kaeiera Oregon, MglTa pound Valley lis; lac par pound. UuHAlH-Choice. zq Ac par pound. I'ASCAKA RAKK 4S Dltc oar Boaad. HIDES Salted hldaa. 7 free par pound; salted calf. lc; sailed kip. . salted stag e: greaa hldaa. lc leea. dry bMaa, l'ig lie: ry calf. ITSiac: dry staaa 11 13a. PK1.T9 Lry. 10H: aaltad. butehara Uka-aS. 40STe: Bp ring lambs, JSsjUa. Oils. LIN-Krn OIL. Pur. raw la aarrala. I1.T: tenia bailed, la barrel ILe: raw. la ca 11.11: kattla boiled. In cages. 11. lasts sf 2. 0 aelloiia 1 caul laaa bar gailoa. TX RPE.N'TINE la cases. .1; la wood srre.a tTHo. BKNZINC Cnloa banclna In Iron drams sr barr.is. I4jc; aaioa aansins la cssaa S-Sa. aJ , e; aaiua sts.e duuuale la Iraa arum a. To. COAL. OIL Pearl all ta eases, lie: bead- light, la cases. 1 eocene, ta esses. 21c: Lielne. la cases. 2.tc: eztra star, la eaaaa. I.e. aaitr wuna. Iron banela. 10 a a; bead light. Iraa barrala, Utsc; special W. Willi. Iraa barrala. 140. Oreierlaa. Dried rralla. Kta. DRIED FHL1I Apulao. 1UO per pouad: Curraata. ISSs)lact apricots. 11 0 14a; datsa, la par pouad. figs, bulk, wbits or black, by :a. iaa; W.ll.WgUt; 11-1U let: B- Us. lu-ls. He; Smyrna, isc. IAUHUA .oiuBdia itivar. g-pounu laiie I. 1 par desen; 2-pousd tails. fl-M; 1 pouad flsis. f3-U; Alaaaa pink. 1-pouad tails. II; red. 1 -pound taua. LU: aeckeye. 1-puund tails. II COFrES Mocha. .s;3"c: jsra. ordiasrr. lIOluc; Coata Hlca. fancy. ISfc.'Oc; good. 14tfl- : ecu 1 nary. lit14c par i-ound- MT ataats ngiK par pvugja: arg- gll nuts. 14 a lac. filberts. 14 4?lc: slmanda. lialc, pecans lac: cocoeauta. uucsiii par das. a; chaatsuts. las par pound. 1ALT Oreaulsted. l per loa; Balf- fround. loua. a.ao par loa; sua. Is par too. HUM Dmall whilst, tc; large while. c. Uma. c; pin a. tbci red alsxlcaas. ic: bayota. la KICK ?ie. 1 japan. s-.c: rneapaa. graaee. j Uig iouio.rn bead. iC- IIO.NET Choice. It I par caae; strained. iHc per pound. MOAR lry granuistaa. xruit sna perry. so: beet. I4 4'. extra C. li 10; golden li. tallow l . 4 PO: cubea barrels. s 29: powdered. K SV Terms on remittsnoea with in lw aaya aaaueg vs per peuna. 11 later than Is and nlthla 10 days, deduct fee par pouad. Maple sugar. Helta per poena. RAM9 IA ta 12 pjunda. IOc: II ta 14 pounds, lac: 4 to Id pounds lmc; skinned. 18ac; plcnlca. ISgc; cottage roll. lac. BACON Fancy. 32c: atandard. Sue choice. - Wc; English. 22c. IVOKEU MEAT- tseef toasroea. Tie; dried beef eats, :3c; outatdaa, aoaa; la aldaa. I Jc . knuckles. 12c DHT HALT CIHED Keguiar short eleara dry salt, lac; smoked. ITVgo: backs light. aalL lac; smoksd. IT He; backs, heavy, aalt. 13ic: smoked. ITc: sxport bellies aalt. 17c: amoked. I c. URD lis. battle rendered, live: stand ard pure. 13aec; choice, 14ac; shortsnlng. TURKS READY FOR WAR FIFTY TIIOCSASD TROOPS PHE- PARED FOR IXSTAXT CALL. Sl Months' Training; Accomplishes AVork Cnder Supervision of Ger-. mans Wlrose Methods V'nlqae. CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. IJ. Spo- clal. Few people outside Turkajr today reallxe how easy It would ba to toss a firebrand into the International powder barrel In the near East. Nor do they know that, within easy reach of Greece. Turkey has for seven months main tained an army of (0.000 men on a war footing-. However, arery one will recall that as Ions; ago as laat April there was a little trouble In Northern Albania, fihefket Pasha was aent to Mltravltxa with 10.000 picked Nliam troops from Constantino ple, Adrlanopl and Macedonia. After a while this force waa strengthened by 40.009 Uonth Macedonian and Anatolian Itedlfs. What has happened since then to this numerically respectable arm y ? Now and again a report la allowed to percolate through to ths columns of ths foreign press to the effect that this and that band of restive Albanians have been disciplined by gunej and sabers. But neither here, nor in Athena, nor In So fia, does anybody believe the army la there for the purpose mentioned In the dispatches. No: the real reason Is th la the Young; Turks are not going to be caught napping. Apart from the constantly dangerous situation tn the near Eaat we are really living on a volcano whose inner rum blings we can hear the Turkish army needed field practice to fit It for eventu alities. 81s months training has done the work. Pome of the finest fighting mate rial In the world, drilled and trained on Uerman methoda. hardened by the open life, are now In shape for anybody who cares to trail his coat for a shindy In Kouth East Europe. Everything la ready for sterner warfare, except the trifling; detail of hospital equipment that could be ready In a day. Juat now this army la within striking; distance of the Greek frontier. By ac cident or design the spark la as near the fuae aa It could be without Ignition. And If the conflict comes the prediction may be made that the notorious rout of Iahsjiasa will be as a gentle Jaant com pared with the punishment of the Greeks when next the soldiers of the Crescent charge towards Athens In the name of Allah. NO TRADING III GRAIN SIvATTLE DKALI1RS EXPECT BETTER MARKKT. Monklpal Contract for Oats .rrard- ed on Ilaala of f 28.05, XoTcm-ber-Dereinber DcllTrrj. SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 2. tPpaclal.) No one attempted to do anything la tha grain msrket today. Prices ware bo lower tbaa yesterday, but country otTerings ware free. ta active market neat week Is anticipated r local dealer, and exporter a The local demand for oata and bay la dulL The city has Just awarded a contract for 1400 tone of Puget Sound oats on ths baais of I2S.S3 for delivery during November and Ilerember. A large supply of Concord snd California grapes was carried over toolght. Two car loads of Kastem Concords wsa more than the market could absorb on ehort notice. Tokays sold dowa to L Hweet potato prleaa) were eot a quarter to 3 14c. Another carload of New Jersey erg n bar r lea arrived. Poultry was la fair demand aad was cloaaly alaaaad up tonight. The country price of ggisa will ba advanced a cant next week to 12c. The country egg quotation waa 4 He The state authoritlee have located several lota of poor poultry in local stor ages which will be ordered dlapoeed of. Butter waa firmer but unchanged. Tbs valley la which the City of Mexico la situated Is some fto miles long by 40 broad and T30O feel above the see. level. It I. supposed that tha basin waa formerly ailed with water and several lakes atlll rover a part of R. The site Is one of extraordinary beauty and. Impressive ness. EAST WANTS APPLES Demand for Ben DavisWine saps, Ganos and Black Bens. CUSTOMERS IN MARKET Northwestern Fruit Kvcliange Has Booked Order, for- These Vart-tle-r- Stock Mart Be Fancy, Color Good, Well Packed. Tba daily market bulletin of tha North western Fruit Exchange, aoft-pi: Epa'dlng building, follows: Tbs market continues moderately aetWe. Saturday being a half holiday with the trade, business Is never so brisk as on other osys or tbs week. Tbs feature of the mar bat ta tha fact that tha demand center. In desirable slses and fancy grades. Badly tnlaed esrs and vers ama!l ai.e. era nee- lected. and such cars are difficult to dispose of to advantage. a .Lave .old car C. B. Q. STOfll from Cajihmara. Washington. Octoher ta a buyer In Texas, at the following range of prices: Kxlra fancy Jonathans 4-tler and larger. l.&o: 4", snd J-tler. tl.J.: choirs Jonsthsns, 11.15; extra fanry Grimes Oold'n. av, astro unrr.ARi rancy winter la nss. 12.40; choice Winter Bananas. 11.65; extra fsncy and fancy King Davids. 31 B0: extra fancy and fancy Roma Beauties. 11.40: conic. l ; a. I r. o. b. shipping point. ma nave several customers In ths markst for Bsn bavls. Thsre Is a aanar.l demand for genuine Wlnesspa and w could place a large cumber of cars of genuine tianos and mack Bans On these llnea we are over sold. Ws csn sell asnulns Oxnin and Black Bans, extra fancy 4-tler and larger. 11.23 to 11.33; Ben Davis, around II; Wine- saps. 11.73 to 1.S. Thess quotations re fer to the strictly fsnry stock, shoving good color and wall packed. We would he glad to bear from growsrs having these varieties to offer, ss lbs market at lha present tlms oner, aa sxceiient outlet. TRADERS HOLD BACK ELF.CTIOX APPROACH CHECKS SPECCLATIVE OPERATIONS. Position of the Mone, Market Also Adds to the aDepreselon In Stocks. NEW ToRK. Oct. 29 Ths tone of the marxei wss afrscted today by the attltudi of the banks toward borrowercs. The shot of esss In ths csll monsy msrket is thouxbt to be deceptive and due to the desire of lenders to keep resourceg available for prompt recall. In axnectstloa of higher rales Tba placing of 310.0v0.0O0 of ons yesr 4 "4 per cent Micnigsn v'entral notes In Paris had aa onfavorabla effect on sentiment, although Indicating, a possible recourse for credit seeds The essler tone in the foreign exchange market In New Tork was ascribed to the action of the London money market in part and to the effect of the aala of the Michigan ventral notes in ring Tha approach of lha last week of the po litical canvas, masee lor speculative stralnt and depression, through fesrs of sud- dsn and aensatlonal dsvelopments which mignt threaten a violent shut in the prob sonny ox ins results. There wss Isss thsn tha estimated de crease In cash traceable In the bank state ment, but It outran the reduction In the re- serve requirement seeured by the losn con traction and the scaling down of deposits ana resuitso in an inroad of ovsr f 1,000, 000 In ths surplus Item. CLOSING STOOK. QUOTATIONS. Closing naiea. High. aS 47. 37 , 's Low.Bl il. Allla Chal pt. . Amal Copper . . Am Agrlcull .. Am rleet Hugar American Can .. Am Car A l'd. Am Cotton Oil. Am Hd a Lt pf Am Ice tiacurl . Am I.tnaaed . .. Am Locomotive. Am Smel a Ref do preferred. , Am Steel Fdy.. Am Mugar Ref. Am Tel at Tel. Am Tobacco Pf Am 'Woolen . . . Anaconda If Co Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast Line. Rslt g Ohio... Hethlehem Steal Brook It Tran. Canadian Pac. Ce rural Leather do preferred.. Central of N J Chea A Ohio .. Chicago Alton Chi (it West .. do preferred.. Chlrsgo a N W C. J4 A Bt P... C c, e a st l. Col Fuel 4k Iron Col 4k Southern Congo! Gss .... Corn Products.. 8S4 84O0 L'oo KM) Too 200 64 47. 87 S s 63 68 7 4 a. 03 e 23 IT 12 40 S.0OO 2O0 2iM HOO 3'HI 3.3O0 loo 800 "ioo "too 200 "ioo 1"0 7l0 1.800 18U 1-4 40', SO. lUStg 40', 118?, 141 1TH 124 40 H 7U1 loa 4fH 11KH 10 lt4 4 11H 140 4 03 4 82 H 82. 42 104 4 101 1084 32 4 77 l8'.e 104 ; 1011 io4 S-4 77 "4 1BT4 104 U 114 1 17 108 H o2 4 7 IP? 4 84 4 1034 -so 400 "ioo "grin 8.4. -o 7IHJ IOO 6' 0 4U0 824 "24" 73 S4 HO 137 ITU 82 4 '.4" 14i" 124 U 73 84 ni 13ng 1ST. 2H 4S 23. 48 14S4 1244 a 334 r.tg 130 4 Del 4V Hudson.. . PAR Uranda. do preferred.. m.tlllere' tfeour Erie do lat pf do 2d Pf General Klec . . Ct Northern pf. Gt Northern Ore , Illinois Central. Interbor Met . . do preferred.. Inter Harvestsr Inter Marine pf Int Paper Int Pump Iowa Central .. . K C Southera . . . do preferred.. Laclede Oaa . .. I.oule A Naab. Minn A St L . . . 31. 8 P A 8 8 M ISO, Kan A Tax . do preferred. . Mo Paciilo Nat Biscuit .. . Nat I-ead Max N Ry Pf . N T Central . . N T, Oni A Wee Nor oik A Wee North American . Northern Paclflo Pacific Mali ... Pennaylvanla .. People'e Gae . . r. C C A ft L. . rttteburg Coal... Preeeed 6 Car.. Full Pal Car . .. Hi 32", 75 81S 3"S 484 88 1M 127 4 KB 132 22 t.- 111 17 12'. 42 4 111', 82 Ml 104 4 14. 204 1ST .14 4 UTS M4 110 384 8:1. 110 42. 6J 11 8.1 131. 108 1 20 84. 1H8 3.1 ir2 4 34 7 H 20 32 4 82. 1O0 .200 314 30 814 30 h lino 3H) l'.onA goo .2"0 JOO 100 l.'nj 127 4 i3.:.' 22 eg Ill's 17 1115 127 a 132 r'7U 111 ITU 21 vvO 1041 146 1044 143 4.20 140 U H 4O0 644 64 2.700 IOO 100 L200 SOU 117 42 UV 11 pig' 3:1 114 42. 33 1314 inn 100 34 100 ii-U :4 HI 33 g 84 V lu ir.24 34 "1 83 lly 8 teal Spring BepuLTc BteeiT lO.aoO 20 ino 2.txo 00 prererred.. Rock leland do preferred.. Ft L A M F 3 pf 4 41 4 2U 7 M4 11S 2.14 W 87 2d 1 2 r.s 173U I2 611 3.-. 4 78 111S 44 84 4 18. . 88. 48 78 4 72 . St L Southwest do preferred. . Bloes-PhefTleid . inn 4.0o loo 31 4 liss 23 4 touthem Fsc .. Southern Ry . . do preferred.. li. 23 4 Term Copper .. Tea A Pac To). Bt L A Was 8O0 3S 377s 2.10 2 on ai.2 200 '""ioo TB. li o poo ,lo BOO 2 hi teal loo n0 IOO 274 384 174 92 "as" 7t llK'g 4'.S M4 14 SUV, 4R 7.1. . T24 IT V. 1734 V2'4 "is" " 7-4 11W4 40 88 . 48 T.14 "2 4 do preferred.. Union Psrifie .. 60 Preferred.. V 8 Realty U 8 Rubber .... U I 8teel ..... do preferred.. I'tah Copper ... Va-Caro Chem . Wabash do Prererred. . Western M d Westing Eleo .. Western Union. W heel ALE Total aalee for the day, 178.800 g hares. BONDS. NEW TOR K. Oct. 29. Closing quotations: C. a. ref 2s reg.iooeg.v. T. C. gn .ivis 8t4 do coupon ...1oo No. Psclflc Ss... 71 V. 8. 3S rrsa....HH Nc Psclflc 4S.. .100 do coupon' .. .11 V Union Psclflc 4". 10 IS U. S. new 4. reg.ll.1 wis. Cent. 4s.. 924 R do coupon ... 1 13 4 'Japanese 4s . . 88 'g B D. A R. O. 4a. B44BI Dally Ti fsnry MatemeaL WASH INO TON, Oat, 3V The eonditiea of tba Treasury at tba bertruilng of bullosa today waa aa follows: Trust funds- Gold coin P.9a;.aa9 Silver dollars 4S8.4f."A silver dollars of lln Oliver certificates outstanding. . . tlenaral fund Rtanrigrd silver dollars In general fund . Current liabilities Working bslsnca In Treasury of fices In banks to credit of Treasurer of tha United States Subsidiary gllvsr coin.. Minor coin Total balance In general fund. . . 48S.4U4.0OO l.H.99 42.65.13 S0.4M.149 S! 8V1.3AS 17.071.34 61 1.404 84.e34.3liS Money, Exchange, Eto. NEW YORK, Oct. 1T. Prime mercantile paper closed st per cant. Sterling exchange easy, with actual busi ness in bankers- bills st 4.21334.840 for MO-day bills and at 14.8610 6 4.S4SU for de mand. Commercial bills. 14.811,04.82. Bar silver. SSC Mexlcan dollara. 4Ac jovrnment bonds, steady; railroad bonds, irregular. KEW YORK. Oct. 2. Monor on call aomlnsl. Time loans firm sna dun. sixty dsys. 4Hj4V per cent: BO days, I per csnt; six months. 463 per cent. IXINDON. Oct. 2a Bar sliver, quiet at 28 11-lod oer ounce. Money, 4 V, per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is IS per cent: do for tnrea months' bills. 4SU4S per cent. AN FRANCISCOOct. 29. Sterling on London. H days. 4.82: do sight. I4.I6W Drafts, sight, lc; telegraph. 4c CHICAGO. Oct. . York, 10c premium. -Exobanga on New STEADY AT THE CLOSE LIVESTOCK THADE QUIET, USUAL OX 6 AT CRD AY. AS Business Active Throughout the Week With a Firm Demand for Cattle and Sheep. The week clogsd with fairly steady con ditions prevslllag In ths livestock msrket. As usual on Saturday, business at the yards yesterday was quiet. The msrket for csttle hss been good' throughout. There hss been no ovcrsupply recently, either In ousntlty or Quality 2nd buyers havs stood rcsdy to lake good beef - it sll times. The mutton market showed conaldsrsble strength In the Isst half of the aeek, which wss not unexpected, as the supply hss been under the demsnd. Hogs, mhlch opened steady at 18.60, bruka a dims before the week wss half over and the last sles were made al that figure. Receipts yeaterdsy were 189 oattle. 83 calves and 218 hogs. Shipper, of the stock were w. T. Mow- man, of welser. ons car or hogs; hi. rt. "'...on. orondortwrc. Xi E. Reynolds, of Condon, two cars of cattle; J. Mays, of Shsnlko. ons car of bogs: H. R. peacock, of Nsmpa. two cars of cattle; H. H. Coford. of Shsnlko, ons car of calves; R. N. Bchott, of Nlcolo, ons car of cattle. calves and hogs; O. D. Benedict, of Salem, one car of cattle and calves, and J, tt. Flint, of Junction City, ons car of cattle, caivei snd hogs The weekly msrket letter or D. J. Lively. general sgent 0r the Portland Union Stock Yards Compsny, follows: Receipts at the Portland union Btoca yards for the week hove been ss follows: ttle. cslves, 333: hogs, 2208; sheep. 23JI; gosts. 81V. The cattle market has Teen stesoy to a shsde stronger then for three weeks preced ing with a prompt call for sll arrivals. Ths quantity of thin csttle coming Into the market at this time Indicates that the earlier plsns for extensive feeding this Win ter in territory iriouiary to tne maraei. hire been chsnged. Due to the tightening of the money market, intending cattle-feed- era were not sble to get tne money neces- ssry for their Pprlng snd Winter opsratlons. nd In consequence many or the cattle thst should hsve gone to feed lots are com. Ins to msrket. Psckers are somewhat alarmed over tha promised shortage of qual ity csttle fur the early spring market- 'inia Is a profitable branch of ths livestock busi ness, snd those who meks a study of condi tions make tha ststement that this is a year when high-priced feed can ba put into. cattle wun suiety. The hog msrket hss been adjusted in keenlua with the market East. The lower level of prices n comparison with ths high mark has been set at all of the central markets In the United Rtates. and at tha lower level that market hss been steady to strong. Ths - isrgs proportion of ths sup plies of this market cams from Nebraska, points. ine gneen mtrm nne oeen in 11 ' v mch supplied and prices hsve been stesdy to strong. An attractive demand exists ior a liberal quantity of sheep, especially of good qusllty. Buyers are a little bit alsrmsd over the scarcity of fed sheep in the country snd the commission men are asking for ship ment from distant points. Much Interest is being manirestea in tne forthcoming meeting of the Netlonal Wool Orowerg' Association, which will be. held in Portland. January 4 to 7. 1911. and the big Sheep Show that will be held at that time. prices current on ine various ciae.ee ok stock Bt ths Portland Union 8tockyards ware as follows: Beef steers, good to cholc 83.25 9 s-5 Beef steers, fslr to medium 4.40 s 8.00 Choice spsysd h.lfers 4 SO ii 4. 75 Good to eholce beef cows 4.230 4.70 Medium to good beet oows..,.,, 1.401- 4.0s Common beef cows.y l.ootf 1.3 Bulls l.SOtr 4.00 btsgs. good to choice 4.00 4 4.60 Calves, light 7.00 a 7.S0 Calves, heavy i.iorj s.os Hon ton 15u..50 Hogs, fair to medium B.00'8.23 Sheep, best Valley wetners s.z.ct J. 00 Sheep, fslr to good wethers 3.00 O 8.25 Sheep, bast mounts la wethers. .. 4.230 4.75 KheeD. best vsiley ewes. .a..... ..van g.av Lambs, choice mountain 8.25 9 6 50 Lambs, choice valley 4. loej g.vg Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 29. Cattle Receipts es- tlmsted at 400; market, stesoy. ueeveg. !4.&Otf7-70; Texss steers. ii..wtii).tw; west ern gteers. e4ex.70; BtocKer. ana reeaers. I4.1S06.4O; cows and heifers, 32.2vtf9.20; calves. (7910.23. Hogs Receipts estimated at i"uw, mar ket, shade higher. Light. 18.4098.49: mixed. S7.BJe.D; ueavy, ii.wpe.aui rough. 87.o3o7.S3; good to choice heavy, IT.10. pigs, IS SS. 70; bulk of ssles. 3818.70. bheep itecetpts e.iimeiea at uw. mar ket, gtesdy. Native. I2.7B04.40: Western. 11.40S4 40; yearlings, 14.50 $5. 0; lambs, natlvs. 84.7S07.1O; Wegtern. 15 7. Coffee aad ogar. NEW TORK. Oct. Tf. Coffee futures sloged steady at a net advance of 591 points. Ssles, 41.400 bags. November, 8 loc; December, S.lSc; January. 8.03c; Feb ruary, t.sic; Marcn, r.iic; April, s.iec; May, 17c; June, 18o; July. 1.19c; August, O.lOci September. 8.82c Spot coffee steady. No. T Rio. lOTto: Santas No. 4. HVc Mild coffee steady. Cordova. 114ei3iC. Sugar Raw nominal. Muscovado, 81 test. 1.10c: centrifugal. 85 test. 3.80c: molasses sugsr, I test. 3.05c Refined, essy. Crushgd, 8.30c; granulated, 4.(0o; powderafl, 4.70a. Dried Fruit a New York. NEW TORK, Oct. 29. Evaporated an- plea II rm on amall offerlnga. Spot fancy. 10011c: cnoice. eci4c: prime. isio: common to fair, 6 4t7Hc Prunes in rsir oemand: arm: 50100 un to 2 0-4 os Csllfornlas, and 74 0940 for Ore guns peacnes are in eomewnai Better aemend. Prices firm. Choice. T074c; extra choice. I Vic: lancy. Susie. New York Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Oct- 29. Cotton futures closed easy, 5 to 33 points lower;- October. 14.40c; November, 14.17c; December, 14.22c; January, 14.10c; February, 14.14"; March. 14.18c: April. 14.17c; May. 14 24o; Jung. 14.22c: July. 14.20c- Spot cloaed quiet; 85 points decline. Mid nplanda, 14.40c; mid-gulf, 14.t(5c Sales, none. New York Metal Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 2B Tbe metal mar keta were dull and nominally unchanged. Tin. 80.20tr3s.50c Lake copper. 12.874 41Se:" electrolytic. 12.75a 12.87 4c: casting, 12.37 4 012.624c Lead. 4.400 4.50c. Upelter, 6.75 0 5.85c. Iron, unchanged. Chicago Dairy Produce, CHICAGO. Oct. 29. Butter, steady. Creameries, 248204c: dairies. 23 627c. Eggs, steady. Receipts. 4179 cases. At msrk. caaea Included. 18 4 921 4: firsts, 23c; prime firsts. 27c. Cheese.1 steady. Daisies. 15 01-1 4cf Twins, 140144c: Young Americas, tojli4c; Long Horns, 144tfl0c. Duloth Flax Market. I ULUTTT. Oct. 29. Flax to arrive, on track, $2.61; October, $2.61 44; November, lil bid: December. $2,57 4 bid: Mav. 3.01 Ik BIO. ALL Till SELLERS Liquidation Is Heavy in Chi cago Wheat Pit. . MARKET DROPS SHARPLY Cables Are Ixrwer, Cash Demand Is Poor and World's Shipments Are on a Large Scale Increase In Visible Supply, "HICAGO. Oct. 29. Wheat values in for elgn marketa were generally lower. There was no new export business and CRble bids were entirely out of line. Furthermore, the domestic cash demsnd wss very slow. Re vised estimates of world's shipments for ths week developed uncertainty as -to Rus sia, rrom which country, however, the lor wardlngs wers believed to be heavy. The visible supply in the United States, too. gave signs of a small Increase. Confronted by such circumstances, selling pressure grew from a amall beginning early to large pro. portions as the session spprosched sn end. Finally stoD loss transactions had a com plete monopoly In the pit, December ranged from WHlC to 8214c and closed within shsds of tha bottom for the. day at 90 9 KJ-.C a not loss of Uiffllc. Fins weather made corn easy. December sold between 46c and 48 Sc. closing e off at 48c. Feeling in the cash trade was weak. No. 2 yellow closed at 49 d 49 4c. Oats were relatively stesdy most of the day. December varied from 81 to 81 & 81 Ho and finished .e lower at 81c After scoring a little gsln early, provi sions turned weak. I-atest figures showed pork 10c higher to 12Hc down, lard 7HC up to 6c decline and ribs at a loss of Jiio to 2 He asked. Tba leading futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Open. High. 3 .82 5, I .:H .lib .88',, .13 Ts .85 CORN. Low. t .80 .97 .93 Close. I .90' .97H .95 Pea. , Mir.. July.. Deo.. . Msy.. July.. .- .49 4 .60 H .4SH .44 .484 .49H .46 .48-i .49 494 .50 4 OATS. Dec 81g .814 May 34?, .34 4 July 344 .141 MESS PORK. .31 .144 .134 .11 .144 -S3 17.00 16.00 18.10 11.60 10.15 .SJ4 10.974 9.05 8.124 Jan 17.00 ' 1T.10 May 14.12 4 15.12 4 LARD. Oct. 13.00 13.20 Nov 11.62 4 11.65 K.874 15.00 12.90 11.60 10.1s 8.S5 4 Jan 10.20 10.25 May 9..0 9.75 SHORT RIBS. Oct....'... 11.00 11.00 10.974 Jaa 9.10 9.10 9.05 May 8.87 4 8.9u l.bo Cssh quotations were ss follows: Flour Easy. Winter pstents, 34.1094.90; straights. I3.s0 0 4.55; Spring straights. 34.30 w4.a0; 'btJterg, $2.40 o 6. Rye No. 2. 77c Barley Feed or mixing. 66 065c; fair to choice malting, 69vi2c. Flaxgeed No. 1 Southwestern, 12.50; No. 1 Northwestern. $2.62. Timothy seed $7.60 tl 8.10. Clover 88.50014. Pork Mess, per barrel, 117.75 018. Lard Per 100 pounds, 313.10. Sides Short, clesr (.boxed 1. $10,174 G 11. Grain atstlstlcs: . Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 500.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1SZ.0GO bushelg, compsred with 1.8S4. 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receiptg for Monday: Wheat. 38 cars; corn, 254 cars; oats, 95 cars; hogs, 27.000 head. Receipts. ... 16,600 . ..400,500 .. 163.700 ...264.600 ...200.000 . ..101.600 Shipments. 23.200 158.300 148,400 406.300 Vt'soi Flour, barrelg . Wheat, bushelg Corn, bushels . . Oats, bushels . . Rye. bushels . . Barley, bushels . Knropean Grain Markets. LONDON. Ocf. 29. Cargoes, dull and da p ragged, nominal, no buyers. Walla Walla, tor anipment. at otis. English country - markets. 6d cheaper French country markets, dull. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 29. Close Wheat. Oc tober, 7s ed; December, 7s 4d; March. 7s 14d. Weather, unsettled. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct 29. Close- Wheat. December, $1.00; May; $1.05; No. 1 hard, $1.04; No. 1 Northern. $1.02401.03; No. i Northern. V84 01.01 4: No. 3 whlto. 954 0 eC Grain at San Francisco. BAN FRANCISCO, Oct 29. Wheat- Easy. . Barleys Weak. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.42 4 01.524 per can tal. Barley Feed. B34 0$1-OO per cental; brewing. I1.02K01.U3. Oata Red. 11.1001.224 per cental; wblte. $L450LS5; black. $1.2301.40. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December, $L01U per cental; May, $1.07. Grain Marketa of the Northwest, TACOMA. Oct. 29. Wheat Milling blue- stem, o3c; club. 79c. Export Bluestem, E4c; rorty-roia. h-jc: ciuo. ouc; red rtusslan. 79c Recelpta Wheat. 04 cars, nay a cars. SEATTLE, Oct. 29. Milling quotations riiuestem, sacr fnrty-mia. s.-ic: club. 81c: fife, 61c; red Russian. 80c Export wheat Ulueetem. 82c: lorty-roio, 80c; club. TUc; ore, 79c; red Russian. 77c lesteraay s car re ceipts Wheat- 43 cars: oats. 4 cars; barley, 2 cars; bsy. 8 cars. GASH LOSS IS SMALL NEW TORK BASH STATEMENT SHOWS SLIGHT CHAXGES. Shifting; of Ioans to Outside Insti tutions Ceases Actual Sur plus Nino Millions. NEW TORK. Oct. 29. The statement of the clearing-house banks for the week shows that the banks held $10,464,000 more than the requirements of the 25 per cent reserve rule. This is a decrease of $336,000 In tha proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week. The following is the New Tork Clearing House summary of the statement of banks for the week ending October 29: Clearing-house banks, daily average Decrease. Loans Deposits Clrculatlop Specie Legal tenders . . Reserve Reservs required SurDlus $1.226,04.1.000 $0,110,000 1.192,683.000 8,003.000 48. 1115.OOO 23.000 241.3W1.0O0 7. 244.000 308,:4.0M 29S. 1 70.000 10.464,000 3.410.01 K 1X15,0(8) 2.584.01 10 2.248.0OO 33I1.OO0 335.0O0 Ex-U. S. deposits 10.860.000 Clearing-house banks, actual condition thla day- Loans 1.2H6.631.000 4.539.000 L192.517.0O0 7.413.0O0 47.926.000 213.000 239,281.000 4.222.0O0 8,3!2,(K)0 1,341.000 807,672,000 2.881,0110 298.129.000 1,853,000 Deposits ....i... Circulation Specie I.egal tenders. ... Reserve Reserve required Surplus W.o4:i,OINJ l,(IL,7.OO0 9.948.000 1.020.OOO Ex-U. S. deposits.... State banks and trust companies of great. er New York not reporting to the clearing house Loans 1,132.541.000 1,273,000 Specie 123,1 54, OOO n0.0l)0 Legal tenders 22.0.S2.0OO 60.IMH) Total deposits 1.190.864.00O 4,854,000 Increase. The Financier will say: The statement of actual conditions as issued by tbe New Tork clearing-house banks showed a loss In cash of only $2.8S1.000, or about halt the amount indicated by the known movements of the week. As loans made a further decrease of $4,838,700. this operating with the decrease in cash brought about a contraction of $7,414,700 in deposits, and the excess reserve was lowered only $1,027,000. making the present surplus above the 26 per cent requirement $9.543,42.1. The statement based on averages revealed yerr near the same oondltloa In totals, the surplus figured on the average tsslg stand ing at $10,463,625. . The nummary of state banks and trust companies not reporting to the clearing house was interesting In that It showed a cessation of the expansion of loans which hss been so much In evidence since the clearing-house banks hare been shifting the burden of loan commitments to outside In stitutions and for thn first time in some weess tne trust companies ana otner ingti- tutione reported a decrease amounting' to about $1,250,000 in loans and a decrease of $4,853,000 in deposits. The loans of the clearing-house hanks and of the trust companies are still ccnslderably above deposits snd as the outflow from the banks to other centers and to Canada Is not over, present conditions probably will not change lor some time to come. QUOTATIONS AT BAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City Market g- 8 AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 29. The follow ing price, ttere current in tne produce mar ker today: Butter Fancy creamery, 83c. Cheese Young America. 1540164c Eggs Store, 4c; fancy ranch, BOc. Vegetables Cucumbers. S0e?7ic: garlic, 804c; green peas. 406c; string beans, 8 5c; tomatoes, 2."0c; eggplant, 40c. Hay Wheat. $9014: wheat and oata, $0011.50: alfalfa, $7013. Potatoes Oregon Hurhankg. $1.4001.45; Salinas Burbanks, $1.5001,60; sweets, $20 2.15. Onions 85c0$l. Fruit Apples, choice. 50c: common. 80e: Mexican limes. $007: California lemons, choice. $6; California lemons, common, $2; pineapples. S2 3003.50. Receipts Flour. 375 quarter sacks: wheat. 1265 centalg; barley. 15.675 centale: oata. 8195 centals; potatoes. 5500 sacks; bran, 40 sacks; middlings, 80 sacks; hay, 1003 tons. Wool at St, Louis. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 23. Wool, firmer. Ter ritory and Western mediums, 1S023HC; fine mediums, 17(ff20c; fine, 1216 IRELAND LIKES NOVELS CONSERVATIVES ALARMED AT TASTES OF PEOPLE. Andrew Carneeie. Howerer. Does Xot Share Their View, Contend ing Fiction Is Incentive. DUBLIN, OcL 29. (SpeciaL) A par ticularly Interesting; slde-llght Is thrown on Ireland's campaign for pop ular education by some disclosures sev eral of the larger public libraries have been making- about what sort of liter ature Irish people read. The tendency of all these libraries Is to call special attention to the hlarh percentage of novels in this diet of culture. In Dublin alone 200,000 novels were lent to eager readers. In England the usual percentage of fiction borrowed from public libraries averages up at about 70, and considerable horror is manifested when lt rises to 76 or 80 per cent of the whole. But the propor tion in Dublin reaches the prodigious total of 83 per cent and novel reading thus costs the ratepayers over $16,000 year. r In Belfast, Cork and other cities the preponderance of fiction is quite noticeable. This state of affairs has excited considerable alarm in conserva tive quarters, particularly when happens that only one person out of 2d0 comes looking for books on reli glon. But the novel-reading habit In Ireland has many warm advocates, anions them no less an authority on the library question than Andrew Car negie. Speaking at Belfast, the Laird ot Skibo paid a very high tribute to fiction as offering the greatest lncen live to acquire a taste for reading. And once this taste Is acquired, he said, people can be left to themselves to turn to more serious literature. That Is one reason why Carnegie has so often stipulated that his gift librar ies shall be well stocked with fiction. Another Is, that he had a good chance himself, when a boy, to pore over the novels of Scott, Dickens and other great writers. As with all his opportu nities, Carnegie made the best use of this one, and is confident that the fic tion habit in his case played a large part in the great things that i have come since. The remaining 16 per cent Is very curiously apportioned. According to Chairman Walter of the Public Librar ies Committee, science and art only at tract 2 per cent, while political econ omy Is only Interesting to one-quarter of one per cent of the people who pat ronize the libraries. Education draws about one and one-half per cent and natural history as low as one-seventh of one per cent. VATICAN ORDER FEARED BURIAL- RIGHTS IX FRANCE TO BE RESTRICTED. Parish Priest, Commenting, Believes Pronouncement Will, Be Severe Blow to Church. PARIS. Oct. 29. (Special.) Some alarm has been caused in Paris by the announcement that the Vatican will shortly issue a pronouncement on the right to Roman Catholic burial. It Is said that the Papal pronouncement will instruct the clergy to refuse the burial service to all who have not re ceived the sacrament the last Easter before death. If confirmed, the statement will al most undoubtedly cause greater dis favor toward the Vatican than has al ready been produced by the condemna tion of the Sillon and the Papal order changing the age at which children are to receive the premiere communion The age la to be reduced to 7 or 8 whereas hitherto lt has been from 13 to 13 or 14. Interviewed, a parish priest said that he was quite ready to believe the truth of the statement about a coming Papal instruction. It will be another saddening blow to the French Church," he said. "It s evident, indeed, that there are very many who do not conform -strictly to the precepts of the Roman Catholic religion, but who nevertheless receive Roman Catholic burial at the desire of their parents or relatives. If the new order be applied it will mean that only two persons out of ten will receive such burial. Roman Catholic families will undoubtedly be annoyed to find the burial service refused to members of their family. The num bers of the church will become even thinner. "From another point of view, it will become more amicuit to make con verts when practicing such principles. Nevertheless, if the instructions are as described, the clergy will undoubt edly submit, the more certainly as Pope Pius X. shows no disposition at any time of going back on his pro nouncement." NOBEL WINNERS INVITED Stockholm Would Assemble Famous Ones at Celebration. STOCKHOLM. Oct. 29. (Special.) If present plans mature, the Swedish capital will contain next year one of the most interesting gatherings of in ternational notables ever convened. For it is proposed to celebrate the 10th an niversary of the, distribution of the Positively Last Chance 1 o Buy Portland Oil Co. Stock At The GROUND LOOK PRICE 10c Per Share j I j 1 1 ' PR.CE ADVANCES NO V. StH ro nnt mia. th Investment oppor tunity of this great Oil age. Make money aa th California millionaire have made It by investlns; in a ooa un company with a future before it. The Portland Oil Company Is In the proven Kern River Oil Field. California, which Is th o.dest mnA haat.knr.tit fls-M in thl9 Creat OH State. The Portland Oil Company has 40 acres surrounded by proven territory. In th Kern River field wells are drilled easily and are comparatively shallow. The field is the best eauipped with storar and pipe Un facilities. A AW Hnva a W are, ja TV HA StrUClC ill Section H, 2H-2S. which ih not far from the Portland Oil Company's property. The ras pressure haa thrown the tool out of the welt several time. T"h in dications are better than they ex were on the Bterlmff Oil Company' property (not far from our property) which Is one of California's bt paylnc properties. Their stock started at a&o per share and has sold aa high as $4.50 per share. Think of that profit! Ther Is no reason why th Portland OH .Com pany should not be equally prosperous. Oil is Koins; to advance to much hlsrher prices In the next few years, and th stock i tne j-'ortiana company ia going to advance In proportion. Th ground-floor price of 10c per share la your opportunity. DETLAY A.NT- HEBI TATION NEVER MADE A DO LLaAR FOR ANT MAN. PROPER INVEST MENT OF SAVINGS HAVE MADB -MANY MEN INDEPENDENT. ACT TODAY, as you think beat, but don't look back in a few brief months, aa many have done on our previous offer ings, and say. "Look at that Liberty OH Company stock selling for 50a per share. Why, I could have bought It at lOo per share four months ago." Use your fore sight and reason lt out. Hindsight makea no good in vestments. Tn land of the Portland OH Company la paid for. except the final payments that are to be made in Oil after lt Is produced. Right her la a strong point th lessor waa so CONFIDENT that Oil would be produced In paying Quantities that h was willing to take half th price of th land in Oli. Nov. 8th the Price Advances Mak up your mind today. Don't come In on November 10th and eay "1 In tended to send In this order at the ground-floor prlc of JOo per share," aa we will not have any stock to deliver on that day at 10c. Your reservation must be handed In or mailed on or before No vember 8th. or we cannot accept it at the ground-floor price of 10c per share. Send In right now the coupon below, which will reserve your 10c ground-floor itock pending Investigation. We ar open- Monday and Tuesday evening. Sagar-Loomis Co. Fhelaa Bulldlns. 8aa FraBotaoa. Call or adrlreag Portland office). 701 Oreeronlan IuilillBtf. Ground Floor Beaervatlon Coupon Plesss reserve shsres of Portland Oil Co., stock at tha around- floor price or IOc, lor me, pendlngr ra- oelpt of complete information. It Is un derstood that this reservatloa obllg-ateg me. In no way to lnvegt. Kama Addresg ., City famous Nobel prizes by Inviting all previous prize winners to attend. The final decision will not be made for some months, but there is every prospect that the Idea will be adopted. It will 'mean the assembling of, the greatest men and women in the peace movement, literature and science from all lands a concentration of fame and talent such as seldom has favored any capital in the world. The Swedes are naturally anxious to arrange the'gath erlng on these lines and it remains to be seen only to what extent such in vitations are likely to be accepted. DOOLEY'S LATEST 15 JOY JADED EGLlSn READERS GET DELIGHT FROM DUNNE. Another of Famous Irislimen's Say lngs Will Go Down Into History in "Ijiinnon Town." I-.ONDON. Oct. 29. (Special.) As an offset to Marie Corelli's latest indict ment of human nature, readers are turn ing with delight to F. P. Dunne's latest Dooley book. Another of his sayings is likely to pass into currency on this side. Wherever the matrimonial troubles of conspicuous men are discussed In future, Dooley will be quoted as saying: "Nearly all th' gr-reat men had some thing the matter with their wives." Robert W. Chambers' farce on the subject of rich New Tork society, "The Green Mouse," is also entertaining dull evenings in many a British home. Mrs. Molesworth's new tale for children, "The Story of a Year" eagerly looked for by parents with children clamoring for anotner story. The British-made novel of the most outstanding merit published so far this season is Arnold Bennett's "Clayhaniarer." Once more he puts the humdrum life of the Pottery district upon his literary stage. "ClayhanRer is the biography of a printer. There are hundreds of men In Britain like him, for his story traverses the history of the average lower middle- class citizen. Other typical characters axe delineated with vital effect. As a help to social knowledge of life condi tions in a large English industrial 'dis trict, Americans will find this novel as valuable as it is Interesting. Don't you want to get the most for every dollar you spend i n street tax? Of do! for course Then, you boost BITULITHIC S-T--R-E - E --T-S TRAVELERS' GUIDE. O. R. & N. Astoria Ronte. STEAM KB .HAS.jA.LO Port 1 al. 4 daily except SaturdaT at IaTes 8:00 P. M. Makea all way landings. Arrives at Astoria at o:vu a ju. ia-eaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 A, M. Arrives Portland at B-00 P. M. Makea direct con nection wfh steamer Nabcotta for Megier. Ilwaco. Long: Beach, and all points oa tba liwaoo Hall road. COOS BAY LINE -STEAMER BREAKWATER galls from Alaska dork. Portland. 8 P. M-. October 11. IS. ".". Nov. 1. S. 15. 22. 29 and evar Tuesday night. Freight received at Alaska Dock until a F. M. aally. passenger fare. first-class. S10; second-class, $7, Including meals and berth. Ticketg on gals at Alna worth Sock, Phones Main 23S; A. 120-4, 4 4