19 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 30, 1910. ' iv)ixn noriF. for uli MY IL H i;.iv)'KIM' Co.. rVKTlT tI'rSE IN TlltS I.HT ItA A V1 kTKAIOHT T.KASE. 10 ROOM. I tKtH l.RASE Br i,.., rBrMia first-claes, " estsd a.er North l"i and Da via. rn IU. furra.-e (1 "at. r. $5 cas.v. 11 hlKlKj. 2-YEAR I t'ASt Lnreterl near 14th nJ Mill, all elect r".uerk-plag rooma. furnace heat, rent price IT. $" cash. 1? ROM. SO MONTH!- I.EASK. Hnuuil nl Aimlrtur rarpe.e. goaw iea ko.M. part h..ukpin near ita and leia. rent Hi. Iur neat; IJO ,cfhr i.TFix LFAsr:' B prt f j.rrrMi st. : Ma!eefi rare r,4 fura l-ure thr axtioot. moMIr r.ooekeep:nr: e to mo. prca only UL'm). ca.ri. .. 14 Riw:l. STEAK LEASE, locate.! ner Whi'e Trnip.e. rent $S. fum.. . n sleeping r ve. good anl clean furniture: a g.el moo m: about 11-" ca put, votl In pna,eeloa. 14 st.x.US. l V'lNTH.a- LF.ASE rrr fine lerati .n. near Mine. Wort nian King rant IT". l-art houerkeeplng. bal airs r. for a quick sale $IIOO. only a," ea.h IT K'H. MONTH LFSR. FJrsant nf furniture In a erleet Weet i, i.wattnn: Hi itouB'kpIra ; r t -": fiirnu haal. prtre I3.'uu. can uru some crmi I room ! TEAR L-A.E- All pins'-r'Wime anl ty rleaa pta. peer I4tr m i V)thtnKliD; rrl only 153. f a-e e-t. c'ara month; pries $I7V $tli e-aah. VI H . J-YKAR I.KA'E. FYae IfAUUnt houaa. re-hl l-wiitw8, bru j bldg . for rant It'-HJ. price I3000; ttrma a ro1 nintir-irikfr. ? rixpjh : U.A LEA'K. Rnrlt bltlg oo a cor, all lisht romnfc rant only $125. it'im brat, no houaa-k-pine . the furnltura end carpels are tM v -rv bat : you cannot find betas n bttr than Uiia: $,7oo puta Jo la as p.""V sh-tkar t.rvsi. and Til REST 1" T IN Tlltllll TODAY :i"-an'l furnlahnl hoa. flnaat loca tion in tita ellv. molm. homrtika plica, mnq'it an l Axmtnatar carp-la thruhoul. all ailk llnaa maitrwa. tinl of tlraaa ora; rant onlr 1': Jtu Can't maka a miataka buytna; thia bouaa: prlra J.WJ an tarma an.l It a worth It. coat ovar (anon to f'iTiili 44 HiiOMS. JTHAB I.KAStt Atl houvk -pitis and a m-tnr-makar: rnt anir lli' n"Oth..prlca I.VMXJ; tarma ir'KI raah : aaay hoUa to run. SI RO)IA i-TEAR l.EASK; NEW. IT-TO-PATK l-l.A''t Tbla la a Krlctlr n'. np-t-1ato virtmcnt-hoaM In tha awll Nnrth lun.l and Brrftrif fl In 3 an'l 4-room aiiHa. all Iron bada and ail rioaa raattrita: jnt thinlt. rnt only 13 room: prlro 30O ca T ROOMS. I TEAR I.EAKR. Locatad oa Vlilnvton at.. ataam baat. morfam. pubhe an'l prlata batha. rant onl- .lo month, coat to- fur- aarnar moat aail. prtca only 14000; s&oo tun Ri h MlNO-110fSK OWNERS. Wa want your placa on our list, no mattar hoar lam or amall It la. It ?M raalir want to a!!, wa ami It. OlT.ltE SOLICITOR WANTED. Wa can uaa a man or woman that !a ovporlancal In llatlnc roomlnar-liouaaa an1 wii acquatntad In tha ctijr; no other a apply. It. R OOODKrVD ro. Bl HOARD OF TKAlE ttTJ0. MARSHAL!. 4K4. A 1O.-.0. Taoma. Waan . ( '4" ' -: r Pankara Tmt HUI. IS yaaxa la thta bailnaaa. A FEW OF TH"B HtT KM tU ri.ACXS I"N TUB CITV. IF TOP WANT rHEAPER ONES WD lUVL- Til KM fVK THIS BARGAIN. 13 ROOMd r-w.ll part of Nob Hill: aa aurrouodlnaa. furnara. ate: fur rlahad with AXM. and Fruaaala carpata; OAK and MAH3- furnltura: ood bl and Bd!tnc: martr ho-inkapint: rnl ONXT ii. with (iOlT l.rASB; clear. .V ovar ail axpnaaa. M0 puta you In poa aaaton af thla SNAP; balauca of $450 i r y pamanta. 11 1 iH l Sarna location aa tho a bora : farn'aht NEW than 3 montha aca In H ILTON VKI.VKT and .t U. carpata : AK and MAHihi. lurnltur: larva ItftAn and Iron bla; bt of baddlnc and matraa; claara s rr ajpaoara. la n.KAS aa a aw rlbbva and flllad wltb a SEI.K.T CO-Ai of roomara. lb la p'ara mat bo area to t appracfated. Aaoth-r II ROOM MODERN ptara aaar tha Ladd ''hooi. ciaarluc SI In ovar panaaa. Fl KT-'!A2t.' In avary way: l.fcAN AM NEW. Ownar haa Juat fur rhad It for a bomo. but owtnr to othar bualn4a has pnt It on tha tnarkat raard laaa of coat at llvwi. J10" caxh. KM.lt. miTH CO.. tra Waahlaajtoa at. Koumi Ri .MI VI MPl'SB HEAI.AJ1" ARTF.RR. II. K- JAMFt (II. M ln'h. r-r Ktark. T room a, .Morriaon at.. nnt $.1'; jOO. a room J. cloaa In; rant $-. anap. S40AX 9 rootna. furnara brat: a'Uai; A, raah. I? rtKjma. all bouarkaaplnc; good buy; $!. I rooma. rant f-"0 : lnoma $ 1 a ; SdAO. I j rom. cornar butldlna. fin lumltura: f.trnara baat; rant atM and aaar Uth and tlatmon. 14 rooma. d " pot location: rant 9S3; Inromo $ITS: prto i". S caah. Zi r.ornp. curnrr b.-i k. all on ona floor; 3-yotr lo.aa. at $0 room, prlra 1 1 7 "MX .ui rn.a. tranaiant. n-ur I', ia; lonff l.ao; ri-nt $!3o. atiap. -'W"n. 4rt-room ranter of citr. rwnt $175; laon atar buainaa. pnea $.:oi0. Ta-room. br. . Woat Kula: i yaara" loava; ml i-. Invoma ;u0 us.; prlro fJvO, "RliOMIVrj-HOI-aR o-JiKIl". Wa ran aall your bouaa. bava buyara waitlna wltb tba caab; ta.apnooa ua. wo do tha rrat. II. E. JAVtv:S rn., M 10th, ar "tark. lrhll l.-. A 7"4. Til IS IS T!IK ONLY ONE r" ITS KINO. St toOMS. altoatad In VERT BF.FT W-t .a n-:hbor:oot. VKI.VKT car-j.ta T1IKOI tllltjl 1. . E- MAPLE. I'AR. OAK and MAIlO'l- furnltura. RTKAK (V..tT; rant vary raaaoaabla. with Lo.Nil IJCaM Including brat. wlr and Jam tor arrvtra: paia a yoo4 profit on tha In vaatmrnt. baal.tas dallrhtfnl rvma fpr ownar"a oaa. Ir yoo ran pay Jwoo caah a a p.a and want aomethlna: FlRtfT t lJIii.'i. and a charming boma. Ibaa avo THIS AT "N' E. FI.I.I.4 SMITH CO.. S.'iH. V.a-hinton at. Hoomt 101 Ml THK ONT.T WROOV tTOfSE In tho city with RI NNINiJ HOT and cold watar la rooma and PTC AM HEAT: tha fumlahlnaa axo FAR AHoal tha AVER AiiE. A AM. and llru-ala carpata, una Iran bada. HAIR and FI.OSS mattraaaa. aaratlmi bad.llnc and avrrythlng to cor rraietd. you can claar $3 ovar ALL a panaaa. baaldra 9 nlco rooms f.r your aai.". or would maka a awsll llttla pur Tor boarrt.ra. Thla is a nlca cornar ina. la mtnutaa' walk from Tib and Morrl. aoa sta.. nrira (I1'u. EM.I9 PMITH 4 CO.. ?4 Va W aihlcftoa st. Rooms S01-102. A ORR4.T PtO rNAF. Tn.RoM HTEt. Eirorsn plan. wa1I-furn!h.. p4 URIOK HIILDINt;. vary rantral location, rant l.r.SH than f 1 a room, laaaa ovar 3 yrar-. Total lnonia atlaj. total awpaoaa, in-luil'nc rant. li'Kl. Thla pla.-a Is aaatly Worth 4aMJ; but for good rraaona ownar muat ao:i and baa cut prlca to fo5M. balf raah. balanca lone tma. would taka proparty worth lot la trad a. EI.I.I PMITU CO.. 31tl Waahinctoo. at. Rooms 01-203. KXTHA 0 h.D HI V. TA rooma. cornar br.rk. hot and cold watar In all h-tnl. rhanpaat rant In town for tho location. $ poc room: strlct la an. Mam and wtr wall furniah-!: 4 yaar laa. rlaara 1 1') par month: flout wl'l hant. a It. AMIClikK O.NF: CJ'XI INVESTMENT. r.l rwma. c:.a In WahlnKton atraat; ar tiy modarn. rani only ILJ; loars f I ; manth.y all aApanaa. you can C.t tMa witb I - caab: tvainrs as yoo maka It. R.a.MlNtmol'.-1-a. all alsaa and prlcaa. H r:. jam r H 4 l:h. natr Htark. J V. LAWRKNi'B CO.. on COK'I r".TT IH11 M ARSHAL ii"ii:i. R. xM i N' H'K'HS'. i;tl. r.ltr S-Ti 'I .F..-'. ll!T I ISA NT.-. AND M. KINt'-l F fil"8INESS OP p h rr n ; r t nut riitl IF T WAVT T. t:i.l. TOl"R Bt'll-NK.-.-I. IJ-"T IT r ITII I S J I.AWP.FNCB CO. Cokl'KiT I'l.M IXrr.l I.CXT furnltura. :T rooma. ro. ms a'aaya r-ntcU. near bualnra aarllon. Iirr IH'ti. irrnn aaay. Wa havo tha KMjal b-vs In roomin-p.usaa- Sra If A. thandi-' Real tata fill) Lotnbrr ni.m bi.la. and fark s-a f want la b-ir f .r cah roomfna bouaa of .. 5.1 roois. m. b brain. a rlto ?l part :--.i'ara ft :i44 V"nlfntrT it. as r.mim rooralnc-houra fr ania: prtco fJ0w. I arm, lai tirand aa. ROOMINC-HOrSM. RKHP.b'T S REAI.TT COMPANY. Rooming and Arartmant Houaa Brokarm. Acrcaga and Huainaaa Cbancaa. S4 Fourth bt. Marshall SKA A 4 Til 11 rooma; l-0 rant: fomltora and car pots about saw; HOiO. tarma 11 rooma. i If. K. suites, bslanca ;''f tng. rant u: furaacw baat; 170 not. f 1140, larma ftiia caab. 15 noms. part H K . rant $75: walk Icf distaa;w. only 15 eaab to bandla. 7 rooma- nlraly furnlahad. cloaa la ana daalrabla location, rooms ail nilad; rant modem and only 4O0 Thraa loads of wood g'-ra with tbia and MOO caab bar. lira Una ot tho brat lltlla bouia buys la Portland. , . 11 rooma. II. rant w; plAish n ralvat rarpats; duo In. oo. only ca-h ra.uirat i. rooma. blggaat snap In town: 'ran slant; rant la; furnacn baat: prlco oo. terms - raah. it rooms. K; tarma: rant t . nat v, fornltura g.xd. cloaa In. Hoa thla at onco. 12 r.x.ma. rant 5": fornltura and car pats aimoat saw: ownar muat aalL Usl data at thla ornre. 10 rooma. nawly fitted, cloaa In. If you want aomrthlng cttra good for tbo prlrw don't mlaa seeing thla nt otica 3S rooma. tranetent. cloaa In. alvrkyo tlllarl. Uanrr muat a-ll; gat data at this offlco. IS rooma. cloee In. rent v: only artOO cash required This plac will appeal to any boma aosker. rooms. acaliant location, walking aia lanrr: tranalanL Ownar going East., must ail: full data at tbla off lea. lo-room flat, ci oaa In. price (900. ana 1-V.O handles It. rooms. Iraaa and renew al. money -maker; walking dlaianca. nets (ltU. A dandy bur- . If you era looking for a hotel, apart ment or rooming-bouaa. flat, dairy ranch, arreace or town property, do uot fall to sea us. aa wa bav all of tba available snaps In sight. ""PORTLAND KmiMINO-HOUbK CO.. 511 Henry bid . Headquarters for Hotels. Apartment and Rooming-Houses. FPLENDIU TKANSIK.NT HOI'SH 40 rooma. corner brick, antranca from two at reels, eacoilenl loratloa: doing big traoaleot trade: long loaaa at .VoJ par month, which Includes part heat: baa steam baat. hot aad cold water and cioe ets In ail rooms; a lot of new furnishings recently put In. Owner must sell this month and place Is riercd for first time for $WVio. Tsrms MUST TIMB OFFERED. 54 rooms, corner brick, down town, splendid transient trn.le: long lease at $.l."J per month: oak furniture, iron beus. velvet and Amlneler carpata. ailk flnea mnt t rrra . hot aad cold water In every room. pnale batha; clear I tig ateadlly 5u0 per month: f.'MjuO caah hanillca. 70 rooms, rent only 4ii. 4-year leaae; sream beat, hot and cold water In rooms, first -claae furniture and carpets: down town location and a bargain; 14500 cash required. -0 rooms, near Union Depot, rent only 175. 3A,-aar lease, bouse alaars filled, a money maker. Price only $1550. part cash. bal. to ault- j.'. rooma. down town: transient; low rent, yrar leaae. Pure $1''". I, rooma. swell location, fine furniture and carpets: up to date and clean: good lease and rent only Sua. See this If ou wsnt a nice placa 14 rooma. cloee-in corner: claara 0 per monlb. only 950 cash required. 10 rooms, close In. rent 440; housekeep ing. Owner sick and will sacrifice; (450 caab required. 11 rooms, niae borne and good Income; only $Aou caah required. If rooma. fine location; good furniture and carpets; only (J75 cash required. Three are a few. We have over (00 there, from four rooms up. See our llet. PORTLAND HOOMlNO-HOrSB CO.. SIS Henry llullding. (550U 57-mom. new cornar brick 6-year leae-a: rent V32-.; terms, $ jf.'Mi rooms, rent 1 1 40. terms. 4 1 via) 23 rooma. rant (145. terms. (15UU Id rooms, rent $.rf. terma. 12 rooms, rant $.v. terms. $'ji.H 15 rooina, rent (.. caah. (-a) itf rooms, rent $15. terms, I'ifHl H rooms, rent $4H. tt.rms. 4 ..".o rooma. rent $ 1". terme- (5 4 rooms, rent $4o. terms. 4 loM 7 rooms, rant (J7.50. cash. For further particulars call (14. Henry bldK (0 KOOMS, brlek building; a good cloae-ln transient house. (50 lairs It for quick action. . . 11 rooma. housekeeping, close In. $600 ha'.f caah. 7 rooma. modern, good furniture, near P. O.. (JUO cash will handle. T rooma. cloee In. $-75. terma. 1 10 rooms, housekeeping, fine location. rlee In. good furniture; a dandy at Ibe prlro; $12511. terms. We bave them at bottom prices fr qalrk actum. 3"5 :H st. UUOU HLVS IN HOOMINO HtH'SEd. rooms for S75t; Inrome $110 per month and rooms always full. A pretty Place. to rooms for $575: terma: electric and gee llghta. Washington street; clears $50 per month. 10 rooma near Washington street; price $14.0: ciee.es $50 per moatb. 4 rooms: cloaa In, for $3000, worth $45u0: clears t'.5. .VORTHRlaT REALTY CO.. 17 Board of Trade Hlilg. A 10-YEAR LEASE. a5-room hotel: steam beat, hot end cold water, fine lobby and dining room: four etnree on grouad floor whlcb rent for ai moat enough to pay rent of entire build ing. There la n lo-year lease at only $ l'Hl per mo., and tha furniture and leaae la only $u7O0. on liberal terma Tbere la a fortune to be made In thta PORTLAND Rt-uMI.N'O HOCSC CO.. 313 Henry lll.lg. RotlM I NO-HOUSE!-. Fin Ill-room house, g.od leaae, low rant; newly furnished throughout wtth boautlful fumltare. brnas bails and silk floaa mattr hi. a. Kvary room ranted and place bringing a good Income above rent. If yen are interacted In a place of this kind woulil be glad to give yvu particu lar, but do not answer this ad unless you mean buainees; no time for txttlers. Ad dress AN 47i Oregonlnn. IF you are looking for a good apartment- bouae we challenge you to xinn a oeuer proposition In the elly than tha one we can offer you. Fine new brick building, new furniture throughout, every apart ment rental; hardwood floors, private f.li. .nee, ateam heat, private baths, etc.: org lease aad will aell on easy term to re liable party. Full particulars upon requeat, A N 47J. iregonlan. WE HAVE 1 ((-room biirk hotel. 1 45-room brick hotel. 1 74-room frame hotel. e All In fine locations, and all making money. TlMXaiJ REALTY CO.. i.uinbermana Ilulilg. WE HAYS 3 10-room rooming houaa. 1 lb-rfom rooming house. All cloee In and all full, and very cheap. Considering location and furniture. ItlAM.-H REALTY CO.. 2"l Lumbermans Buldg, "LOST Ayt FOCND. POI ND Where oo can buy genuine balf matt i eaece retail at wholesale prlcaa; we renovate mattresses and return same day. P-rtland Curl'd Hair Factory. H. Matager. T Front. Phonea Main 474. A 1J74, ToaiK wrong suitcase by mistake, back of streetrar coming trom mion Acpoi. i-ri. Itl. coming from 7.10 train. Contains rmsnrs, clM-k. light suit. C LA NIC b olaon. 1'arkios Hotel, room 410. BToTTrCX from pasture. 3 miles north of Vancouver, 1 span bay marve. weight 13.V1 and 1400; liberal reward for Information leading to arrest of guilty party. A. E. Hrrman. 740 E. Old St. N-. l'ortland. Lc'ST rillk umbrella, gold mounted. Ivory bandle. engraved "M. ".' Finder phone A. 4T53. or return to 170 Chapman at. and receive liberal reward. FOL ND VI bare watcheew diamonds aad jewsrry are eold for the amount loaaed and one month'o Int treat. Uncle Mters (oilataral Bank. 71 g.h at- near Qsk st. MANDOLIN loet on .'-W car Isst Thurs day; flndar will pi see leave at ptapies. the Jeweler, and receive reward, in. 1st street CosT Large round oriental brooch some where between Maegly st. and Hamilton ave. Phone Main .".ami or editress Miss richnelder. 20u Hamilton ave. Reward. LOtT Se-.lrlngT with "K. K engraved, be tween I nlon ave. and 7th at.. Friday night; finder bring to 14 Morris At.; re vtrd. Lost L.ie color ailk work bag. between .t'lh and Broadway, Williams ave. and Hancock St. Return to room ( Chamber of Commerce. Reward. L.-.T la Owl Drug Ftore or between Well ington and Couch on 7th. black coin purse, containing (to and soms silver. Phone Woollan 114 LajST Ribbon end watch foli. Royal Arca num emblem. Return to 404 Medical bldg. Reward. LOST 4th and Washington. Pmall purso. two clasps, containing $50. Reward. AH 474. Orrgontan. Lost t pen-rare F-lgln gold watrn. bet. Mtlwnukta Heighta and Wlllnhurg; return to C. l.upilHrrg. Mllwaokle Heiclits. r'l'l'.Ml llanilbag. owner can have aome by calling at Cregonian ofTIre. proving p-o-w-rty and paying for sdvertla, mrnt, L.-T on Montgomery st.. between West Park and i:ith. unfinished wsist. Finder kln'lly return to 3vt A". Park: reward. LOST A gold watch. Cherry and I -err, bra and Wcat SMe; Initials I- c. nn back. Reward to finder, tail Eaat 3U-4U. LOST- -An Ofra glaaa slick. Phone A ::. Oct. $1; te- LOST Puree wltb note valued at Reward $5. Ketuxa to Ore(v irOsT au roixu. LOST Between Uellwood Methodlst'Chureh and 17lh and Lexington, en Sunday, Oct. n. a child a sold locket and heavy, old- faahlonad chain valued as keepsake; re ward; Under please return (21 Lexington a ve. . LOST Boston tsrrlsr. mala, dark brlndle, white markings: strged from Humane Veterinary, Hospital. Tel. Main GSU; re ward. Dr. A. C. Johnson, FINANCIAL. SEVEHAL first mortgages, all high-class dwelling-house security, close In. restricted districts. 1-1 of vsluatlon, 7 per cent. In terest, payabls quarterly; Insurance, ab stract. Call I. J 7 McKay bldg. Main 4710. I HAVE several gilt-edge building contracts or second mortgages for sale wnicn i win discount from lo to 1$ per cent- Anderson. .104 Spalding blilg. Call between hours of 13 and - ...... WANTED Parly with $2000 to Join me bnllillng a flat; I own a close-in lot and Investment will pay 11 per cent net. (10 Lumber Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE!, contracts, bonds, stocks, war rants and notes bought and sold. Loans negotiated. Henry TeaL (10 AOIogtoa bldg.. lOflu, gd st- LOANS ON l.N'hUDE PROPERTY AT 5 TO I PER CENT. c.14 LEWIS BflLDlNO. 4..ocy to Loan-Real Estate. TO LOAN. $15.iaai. lo,iai. $ a.vaaj. ( (IMA). On inside real estate security. LW. P. MALL 104 Second st Lumber Exchange PIdg. "private AIO.NEV to LOAN On Improved city real estate In tha fol lowing amounts. (5U.U0U. (J.i.uuaj, (lb.txaj. (I5.UOU, $lu.oai. aeo.. $75oo. (lu.uuu. (5Vou. $ooou, IJ'XM, $2JOO. $.'00. !. (1-.OAJ. (luoo, $mm and any part of V41KI. MiKKNilK 4V CO. 515 Ucrllnger BUlgJ ON IMPROVED cliy property or for build ing purpoeee; ( to ( yeara lima; liberal rapsymaut privtlegae; money advanced as building progreeecs. The Fqullabls aav logs a. Loan Association. 2-to bLftrk St. CASH paid for mortgages or sailers- interest In contracts on real estats anywhere In Oregon or Waablngton; montage loans negotlsted on Improved properly. II. E. Noble, Lumbermena b;dg.. 5th and St.ira. l3i.i0.0oo on liupravcd clly or farm property; building or small loans at lowsat prlcaa; large loans a specialty. J. H, McKenale Co.. 614-15-K tierllnger bldg. F1KKT and aecona mortgages and contracts purchased on farm anil city property, anywhere In Oregon or v ashlngton, Ja. L Dcvereaux. Fenlon bldg.. b4 Cth SU PLEN i'K el money to loan at U and I per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL I04 Second at. MoNKY to loan, flrsl-rlaam securities, bonds, mortgagi bought and sold. - I. t;. tin ll-i. ky. So- Spauiduig bldg. $Jiko To loan on Improved. 2 10 5 years. 7 V-r cent, small amounta on well located is at H per cant. Ellis. Smun A Co.. Washington St., rooms WE HAVE plenty of moury to loan on city property lu sums from (L0O0 up to $50,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. Flleaner A Boyce, BQS-5W1 Abinglon biag. (ToOO TO $4000 to loan on cloae-ln Improved Portland properly;, private luuus. BU-t Fantcn bldg.. H tith st. LOANS on Improved city property for prt - vaia investors. M. K. Thompson Co. 4th and Oak. Henry blilg. (2U0.OOU TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, buliuing loans, loweet rales. W. U. Bart. (12 Failing bldg. MOHTOAtiE loans on city properly; lowest ratea. A. H. iJirreil Co.. Sua Atckt; bldg.. Sd and -Hark. (l.vw To loan on Improved city property; no commission. Aduresa U 4a, Ore- gonlan. MONEY to loan on Improved Inside property. BRONvi-ol EELE CO.. Oround Floor. Lewis Bldg. $oA WILL handle Ill-room bouse. West aide locallun, clears $73 per month. HlUI.Ef it BldHoP. lol THlHD ST.. TO LOAN l-OOO.OO to $3 ".00.00 on firm or city property. 7 per cent, AJ 474. Ore gonian, ' IIOOO TO loan at 7 per cent on good city property; also anotUer of -ioo. Fiichs, a-'l's Morrison st. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chaltele or rval estate. Union Loan to. Lafayette blug.. lit tl and VI nsh. sis. $5ooO FOR 3 years al tl pel cent on ciose-lu West side property. - Ooldschmldt'a Agen cy. -55 i, Washington. PRIVATE FUNDS Any amount, reasonable terms, mortgages purcha-ed. Henry C. Frudhptnme Co.. m tipaldlng bldg. MoNEV I have about $1300 to loan on gilt edge real aetata; ownera only. V 405, Oregonlan. AluNKY to loan, sums to suit. Hartman a. Thompeun, real aetata dept,, Cbstuuer of Coin uiurce.Excha nge30. MONEY to loan at reasonable sates In sums from $av up. Tbe Lawrence Co. 11$ Ai- Oer st. 1'KlVATt; money loaned on reel estate mort SKSa. H. Mlley. room -Q4 uerllnger bldg. (Tooo TO loan on A-l security. Call bo4 s, k utn bldg. JT private party will build and fln.ince three bungaloas. Coll fK'4 Dekiim bldg. LOANS onreai. personal, chattel or co. lat eral securtta. C. W. Pal let t. auo-U Fenton. (3UUO AT 7 per cent, purse, bib Chamber of Com. . Stale' funds loaned. 0 per cenu W. E. Thorn. ss. slats agent, Muiinuman Co, 40A) C. C. MOUTOAlJE LOANS AT REASONABLE KAT-S. r. IC LEW"1 3 LEW IS, Bl-W. W l.l loan $10.Ou0 or laaa. real eetate security. Famugloo. 410 Couimarclal Club bldg. MOKTOA-KIaJANsT AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS aALOMQN. '.'a. bl'AUK si. jToNEY-TO Lt.vN on Improved realty, OJ0-I Board of Trade blilg. l.s:l" iuaned lor buiiuiiig purposes IX con sulted belure building. vl La wis bldg. MONEY, any nmounf, to ( per cent, taeed nougu 4. caits. (lu bpauldlng bidg. WILL loan ioooo or laaa en real estate, Hitchcock, mil RothchiM bldg. ttomry to LoanChattels aqd aalartca. llL'TToN CREDIT 'CO.. (07 Spalding Bldg. don r worry. la soar lendird walling for his rent! la your grocer waiting tor hie bluf la your life Insurance company waiting for Its premium? Is your furuiiure atoiw walling for Its pay tnentsf Aiavs you been out of work or had atcat Bsaa, wltb aU Ita extra bills! It so, you have worriod enough wlthottt worryu.g about money. But you any tbe landlord must be paid and others wni not wait. Don't o.ry; let us do tbe waiting. W , have money and nothing to de but wait that our business, " - Oet out of debt. Oat your mind off your money troubles. Xeu will be aoie w work better and get out of debt sooner. Come aad get toe money from ue from $10 UP a ai X We will loan you on your furniture, piano, fixtures, siotage receipt or any personal property; also on your salary. We will give you ( to 13 montha in which to pey It off. Easy weekly or monthly payments. bee us nret wten in neeo ox money. W offer a better proposition oa of ibis kind than can be found where. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 401 apaidlng Bldg. Third and Waehlnalon Sts. i I ( ((((((( ARE YOU LOOK1NO FOR MON EY Y If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don t be bottiered with a lot of email debts; let ue furnish money to settle them. WB LOAN ON Furniture and planus, storage receipts, llv stock, rooming boueea. Ule insurance policies, all kinds of securities; terma to suit; also easy weekly or monthly In stallments. W buy and loan on first and eecoud mortgages and wtiuity la eon- ""-.'""REAL ESTATE 4V BROKERAGE CO. (13 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Mam 3U0A $$$$$ $ ( ( aVIATE ttcumii CO. $ $ $ H-R-0-K.-t.-H-S. ALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. (10 TO (loo. LOWEST KATES IN PORTLAND. (10, repaid In Installments of........ .4 110. repaid In tnalelliuenia of. ....$ .P0 $50. repaid in Inatailmenta of ....... .$3.00 XArger amounts m proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms r rates, but give you our charges la plain llgurss. Business strictly confldentlaL b'TATE SECUHITY CO.. . . ( ( $ $ (u Failing Bldg 1 $ ( ( MONEY advanced salaried peopie, bouee lieepers and others uou, their own names witiiuut security; cheapcat rates, easleat payments; offues In too principal caltea; aave yourself by getting my lurma firsi. TOLM AN.jtl7Lumber Exchange. W ILL LOAN in amounta to suit on all kinds of securities; business conhuentlai. taray ex C-jTinlngnem. 7-'- Electrlq bldg. LOW rates: we loan money 00 diamonds and Jews err Marx A Lloch, 74 J st. "LOANfor the asking, salary or chattel. The liin t.o., ai, u-' mini oiog. lTbEKAL loans on furniture or real estate. Aa. isionois, S4, a?eatu. 04 ataue nu. FINANCIAL Money to Loan Chattels and Seiarlee. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry, reasonable Interest; long or short time. A. A M. Delovage. 263 Washington at. Leans Wanted. WANTED Loans, one of Kl.OOv at 7 per cent on good business property for I or 1 years, and one of $4a0u at 7 per cent for S years on good business property and one of $125$ at 7 per cent on a dwelling house and lot costing $1000. 1 can place your money at good rates at any time. Main 1S1. R. F. BRYAN. A HIT. $05 Chamber of Commerce. WW loan money on wa.cn a, umiimii".. . skins, mink overcoats, trunks, dress suit caaea arm niuvicai iii,ouinrm UNCLE MYERS. 71 Sixth St. Between Oak and Pin 8ta. Main DIP. WE have applications for (1400. (2r00 and $3000 at seven and eight per cent, net. bafe investments. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE can Invest your money at good rataaol interest. Gilt-edge securttiee. Fl t naorv gsges. Long-terms Investment- PROVIDENT 1NV. a TRUSTEE? CfAe 624-54 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED LOAN of $1000 of $3800 for 3 vears. on 100 acres una, m. apple land, near Mooter. Oregon; conserv ative value. $10,000; will pay ( per cent. r. -oi. UirUU...i. WILL sell gilt-edged first mortgages, rang ing from $1000 to $5000. drawing 7 and S per cent, payable quarterly, secured by modern homes In Portland; abstracts of ... . .. . . 1.- a7n rir.rnnlan. tltio. lull in-urence. o. - MUST raise some money quick and will aell $Jto0 second mortgage, well secured on good country property, drawing 8 per cent Interest, at big discount. L 40o. Ore gonlan. WILL give liberal discount on a welUse curod second mortgnge of $2000 running 2ij years. Will stand thorough Investiga tion. K 4t;, Oregonlan. WANTED (3000 for 2 or 3 years, to com plete tha building under the roof. In restricted district; private parties, no comm. lesion. A 4UI. Orcgonlan. WANTED The loan ol $0000 at 8 per cent for 5 years on $38,000 or farm property. Applv to Hawthorne ave. stab.es. 4-0 Hawthorne ave. Phones B 130l or E -. WANT a building loan on valuable, close-in, alklng-dlstaQi.e, Portland Helglita prop erty: will pay 7 per cent; no agent's com. mlssinn. D 474. oregonlan. WANTED, to borrow $2000 from Individual on city Income real estate worth five times above amount; no agents. AC 4il. Oregonlan. - WANTED, to borrow (.".00 on .high-class real eetate security; no agents. K. 460. orego ntsn. . WANTED 1S0O at 8 per cent, on well-lm -proped property: value (3ii00; from prl vate party. J 473. Oregonlan. al u aw-V WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgsges for sale. Henry C. Prudhomm Co., Spalding bldg. LOAN ot C-'OOO. 8 per cent on new house, costing to build $3000. Lot worth (woo. A H -Ol'. uirji'i'iJ". LOAN ioO. 3 to 5 years. 7 per cent; on my new residence. In restricted district. Address 465. Oregonlan IF ynu have money to loan on realty at 7 to per com. o .... ORl'BEH, H27 Board of Trade blrlg. $300 ON real estate and rooming-house: $1200 "value, will pay good Interest, w 473. Oreconlsn. $5000 BU1LDINO loan. 8 per cent, ample security; borrowers reliable. W 4il, Ore gonlnn. WILL discount 1200 chattel mortgago. amount 11050; $2000 security. V 474. Orogonlsn. (itioO OR (1300 on East Side. Improved . , y r MT nr.. property; pnvaie ywij mii - - rouian. WANTED To borrow for 3 to 3 years. (Iftoo. on improvea prwiim .j . . ..... . won n ii.iov. i -'J'J. v. LOAN of $2000. 8 per cent. 8 V,0" City Park lot and house to cost $4000. AO 4Un. oregonlan. WA NTED $12,500, per cent, on close-in West Side Income property of (60.000 val uation. V 4l, Oregonlan. WANTED Money on good real estats; no agenta. Tabor 1248. 213 E. 34th St. WANT (2000 on IOOkIOO and three (-room nousea w r. in, oir8..... WANaTED Loan of $0u0 on 30 acres fruit UifB near Newberg. C 473. Oregonlan. hoUSea A K 4 14, liregoninn. WANTED Loan of J30oo; gilt-edge ss- . . kt n-nnUn. curny. noi yiuiigii;. - ... WANTED 130.000 on Income property , worth $130. QUO. K. 4IO. tjregonian 8 PER CENT for (80O on $1700 7-rooin house: bonus $1Q. -N SIP, tjregoiiiaaa (1OO0 WANTED on (3do0 home near Haw thorne ave. -X 471. Oiegijirlan. LET us place your money, good mortgages, - .... w. 1 1 t . 1 . s I . -I, xtlria. rf irirunr. aa. - " Y'KUSON'AL PORTLAND. OCT. 22. Thla Is to certify I, Harry Hughes, of pt. Helens, Or., was completely cured of paralysis of two years- standing after being given up by two doctors; I was snatched from the grave, as I waa com pletely paralysed In both limbs and body. I was cured In one month's time by the Indian Herbal Baths, given by Mr Dr. Wheatlay Howe, the Indian doctor. 293 H - 1 -, , . ... . vyeiaier s... poooe . Harry Hughes. Pt- Helen. Or, A RESPECTABLE lady, age 4S. true and kind, wishes correspondence with elderly, honorable gentleman matrimonially In clined, that Is able to care for true wife; must not be mercenary. H 433. Oregonlan. REFINED widow, stranger In city, would meet Intelligent gentleman of good appear ance nnd means, bet. 40 and 4.1 yeara of age; object matrimony; no trl flora. AG 477. Oregonlan. , EN Yv'o matter what your ailment. If others havo failed to cure you, come to us. Voee Medical A Optical Co.. 250 M Airier st. YOUNG man. 25. would like the acquaintance of respertsble young lady: state age height aod weight; object matrimony. Ait 479. Oregonlan.. WORKUTldEOPLE Wouldn't you like to leave your little one In a comfortable home while you are engaged during the Winter? AE 471. Oregonlan. STRICTLY sober laboring gentleman of 47 years wishes to meet laboring ladles of his own class; abject matrimony, ul 471, riregon ian. FOR SALE Candy outfit, lemon drop ma chine, caramel cutter; outfit complete; good as new. 43$ Washington St. WORKING MAN 40 years old desires ac quaintance ot lady of suitable age; object matrimony. R 471. Oregonlan. REFINED widow, fond of home, wishes to meet some good elderly man; object mat rlmony. AE 473. Oregonlan. ON account ot breaking up housekeeping, new mahogany player plnno for sale at a bnrgain. Phone residence. Main 7o0d. PRIVATE lessons u hairdresslng and mani curing one hour dally for one week. 15 each. A 13. Mam 3048. EUROPEAN lady hairdresser wants cus tomers, 250 each treatment. Main 104$, A 151. VOCAL teacher offers Instruction voice pro duction: low ratea aa Introduction, AS 472. Oregonlan. FRENCH. Spanish or Italian taught in con versation. 30 lessons, at residence, ven Imrs. N 44. Oregonlan. WANTED To sdopt a dark-haired baby be tween 18 months and 8 years; girl pre ferred. F 471. Oregonlan. KEF1NED. attractive girl wants to meet gentleman of wealth; objeot matrimony. U 401, Oregonlan. SWEDISH drugieas specialist, nerve, rheu matic and stomach disorders. C. Holm, strom. Si'2-8 Oregonlan bldg. Mars. 2H2 SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson helps you out ot all troublea. 42 Washington st,. nbove 14th St. ' MRS. LADD FINNIC AN has returned to Portland and can ba found at 24 East 14th st. North. Mme. Court wrtght, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformltlea corrected, plas 11c surgery. 453 Morrison st- Main BQ4 CONSULTATION free. We sell homes on easy payments. H. A. Chandler, 010 Lum bermens bldg. rjoilOR habit permanently cured In 3 days; no suffering and harmless. Csrdlola Inatl tu la. 1027 Peninsula ave, Portland. Or. CCULT. new thought end scisnUno book Jones' Book Stars. 284 Oak et, MANICURING Removed from 12S Othst, aooi jioi - Balm OF FIOS Remedies for diseases al women. 31- Pavts st. Main Ills. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. HllL 3i Fliedner bldg. M 347. SfTT Lester, where are you? Write at once to Sister. YOUR small ssvings csn make you lnde penrlent. T 470. Oregonlan. WOULD take best of care of piano for use or same. References. Main l'o4o. SWITCHES., stylish puffs and curls made for tl. 3$$ Salmon St. I SUPERFULOUR hair removed, tl7$0 ' per I bour. Hi -uiraoD, It., cor. Pik 1 PERSONAL DP- . K . XALLORT, 312 RothehUd bldg, bos the most up-to-date office In Oregoa All rooms are furnished with the moat ex pensive appliances. Including radium the only physician on the Pacifio Coast who ' has radium). Every therapeutic electrlo current in use; X rays, statio machines. X-ray colls, ozone, oxygen generators, high frequency, wave, sinusoidal. Fare nlc. galvantor- cautery, vibratora, radiators, baths, herbal, steam, shower, electrlo light bath cabinets and baks ovens. Smallest to the most powerful lights. Including ftnsen, hellos. solar, violet and ultra -violet. You are asked to visit my offices and Investigate for yourself If you have cancer, old sores, tumors, swollen glands, rheumatism, catarrh, eczema, blood dis eases, bronchitis, throat trouble, mother raarks, moles and superefluous hair re moved without sea . All cbroala diseases treated with these methods. 8ICK men and women go to Dr. Horne, who will give you absolutely free his $13 X ray examination. Dr. Home treats and cures oil curable chronlo nervous and spe cial diseases of men and women. Includ ing male and female ailments, varicose veins, ulcers and skin diseases. PILES CURED WITHOUT THE KNIFE GR NO PAY. Dr. Home does this by nsw. natural and drugless methods. Stop making a drugstore of your stomach and don't sub mit to an operation, but consult Dr. Horn at once. Call today and consult him free. Tsko elevator to 4th floor Rothchlld bldg., 2ei Washington st, rooms 407. 408 and 40. Phons "Marshall 2850.- SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson cures all troublea quickly. Jeffetson guarantees to place secret knowledge and power In your own bands to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by anyone or anything and open up a quick -- tnm tha eontentment- hap piness and good influence for success that you desire, cjaii anu cvueui. u.u. or Sunday. 10 A. M.-to 8 P. M, at Vi Washington st- tabove 14th st.) SHEPARD Information wanted regarding tha whereabouts of Oscar F. Sipard, resided In Portland, Oregon, In lol-luo Also regarding his wile. Helene. and daughter. Berenice. If they are deceased proof or death desired. Audress William , H. Hanford, attorncy-at-iaw. No. 1 Llo ' erty atraeNewaora-.-N. Y. GENTLEMAN. 44, Catholic, wishes to cor respond with Catholic lady over 3o, of some means; please give description and financial stanuing; strictly couiidc-ntial; object matrimony; pastor's reference at proper lime. tor Information, address P O. Box 330, Pasadena, Cal. n . v ti. e . nolvr UA. a.n-u. - .-. - . Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronlo and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 13 Grand Theater bldg. Main 3928. A aOOi. yuna. r in vc-a. A large slock of exclusive designs In muffs, scarfs, shawla and coats; old furs remodeled to latest styles; redyeing of seal and new order work a specialty; lowest prices; practical work. A. REINER. 12'J 11th St. COLLEGE man In buelnesa. ate 40, wishes to meet cultured womaa from 25 to 35 years of age, object matrimony. Please suggest time and place i can meet you next Saturday. Sunday or Monday. . Address A. Lane Holt. General Delivery, Portland. Or. MARRY ricii; thousands want to marry, many rich and beautiful; big lists of de scriptions and photos free, sealed, either aex. Write today, one may be your af finity; send no money. Standard Cor. Club, box 607, Grays Lake. Hi. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heisingfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's directions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th st, sec ond door south from East Ankeny car- llne. Phone East 2oO.Bl 803. FEB VET A UANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods in the city; up-to-dale parlors for hairdreoslng. manicuring. face and scalp tre stment. 147-7th st, bau Mom sun and Aider. Phone Main 540. NEW YORK Massage and Beauty Parlors Just opened, modern appliances, accurate ly used, for rheumatism, blemish, flesh and facial - ma-isuge; reasonable prices; hours. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Marshall 2bl3. 426 Alder st. AGED people and others suffering from ner vousness, rheumatiain, lntligi.-ation, oya pepaio, etc, given hows treatment; Euro pean maasage and especially prepared foods; no money unless cured. 804 E. Main gt. ; WILL- the party who wrote Mrs. Taylor Nelson. Boise. Idaho, General Delivery, write again, as letter was never received or' would have been answered- Address Mrs. S. Burke, box 37U. Boise, Idaho, 111 stead ot generaldellvery. - DR. D. L LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electrlo treatment of nervous ailments, private hos nitavl. Rooms &O5-5O0 Commonwealth bldg, am and Ankeny. phonea ilaln 4047, A 21iL YOUR fortune told. Astonishing revelations. l.et me guiue iou .0 .'.' . future Send birth date and four al-cent stamps. Professor Allen, N. Wood, Chi cago. , HAIR. HAIR All shades In best quality at Cust. Closing out stock; scientific facs and scalp treatments: exiiert hairuresmng sua maincurlng taught. Axa B Kiubacko, u ran o a--vo. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moies. etc perma- .iu -o,oveii hv the electric needle. .Physicians' retorences. Lady operator, at UI15W E Morrieun. Established 18H4. S-S (IT Mu I1DUI car, a vo.-) . A NONREL1GIOUS radlcal-mlnded bachelor about OAI wi-ue i L " - broad-minded maid or widow under 30 years of age; object matrimony. AF 46a, vi oa "-'" 1 WANTED To take orders for all kinds of .... i.n.i.li.rL di.nA v .-r v reaiiull- able; will call wiln samples. X 4A1B, Ore aonlan. MRS STEVENS, 10 years Portland's leading : 1 .. . 1 .l.lrvftvant has her late oauuiav uu - .. , book. "Palmistry Made Easy," for sale at :14J xamo'", " DON'T be lonesome Join the only reliable -v" 1 .. In , V. world Kend loa for .November papers. Box 231, Seattle, n as 11. PinLEoS, prompt, permanent and Inex- i... i.ta.t .uitiral hnHiltur pensive eui " . . . methods. Dr. pnlllp T. Bali. MerchanU' trust ni"K' LaiN'ELY young man desires companionship . . . , ..i-i, onlv 1 houe who denlra Of giuurou ' ' -, , to enter the matrimonial state need re i) v H Lang. General Delivery, city. LADY of reflnement. going East, desires to aro OS companion iu J - - seml-invalia for part of expenses, p 4.2. Oregonlan- DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation . ... fortlnd. tree, 101 ae. - SPECIaT, announcement; expert feather CUrlinK. Lm." '" 1 , . oone by Madame .Gilbert. 3$l ith su Phone Main -' " - IRS. SOPHIA B. HEIP. mental and spir itual scientist, 21 Selllng-Hlrsoh bldg. Main 6S24. Open meeUugs VVsdneseday at 8 P. aa. uo vl A V M K WALLACSL -. Electrlo and vibratory treatments; hath- masseuse. a-07, hm -i.nd. Or. Phones Marshall a4D2. A 3ad riHESS suits for rent, $1.50 month keeps vour clothes cleaned. pressed. buttons iawed on. rips repaired. Pbompt calls and ewea ou. ni.ti.,rin-T t'o. Hll Urarl deliveries, i-i..h" MARK Y now; don't wait till you have the csgu. lor you umr " u -' bird Ladles and gentlemen, get acqualnt .0 LMrculars tree. Box 640, Portland, or. MARRIAGE paper; highest character, lncor- n . . 1.,?. ur- immi members: DaDer sealed; send 10c R. E. Love, Box looo, Denver, Colo. V ANTED Acquamiaooe o- working lady by middle-aged gentleman. Object matrimony. J 4o3. Oicgonian. eyA.Vf J. E. Moore to write moinor. care Kavman. tacaniouBB, .rti. ... Wlth him for montii or two. F REE itaUara Radmaker trims hats free . . I,.., H MArk to Port- S.nrt naonle. 701 W ashington St. Apt- X jj KETCHCM treats woman's maladies. lTfll. aa St.. cor. aau.ui... " : . . . ... . ." r 1 1.' c.i lntt.r in noatoCClue: wish to see you at once. J. Festal. BUSINESS PlSECTORr Arcountamts. ' MACKENZIE. BA1RD A BERRIDOB, Public accountants and auditors. 224 Worcester Bloc Alain 730U. A 1449. Periodic audits. Investigation A nrftra avatems. Factory systems. - u-Tl.I cv av I'll Publte accountants, all branches. ' Suite 436 and 428 Henry building. Phono Mar shall 1221. or 43 William it. New York city. "b. H. COLLIS A CO,, ACCOUNTANTS. uommerciai. vouuvj Auditing. Investigating and Sj steruatyi- ' .. . ... - I I. m-r.n VI aln K r. . . T 3, w orceaLer uioea. a Aseayer and Analyst. V-U, A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assaysrs-aiwaa v, u..a."-. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Labratory and ore-testing wora. .oo j,..... Baths and Bwlunlns;. Portland Swimming Baths. 187 4th Elegant Plunge, aieain quo amoori Brass and Machine Work. HARPM'S BRA83 WORKS-Bru. ca.t- SaBd Diacnaiie ww.a, aw a,, a. - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER removes the causeof disease. 800-1 Columbia bldg. A 3355. Mrs. 12-5:30. Circulating Library. LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg, 186 5th st.. bet. Taylor and Yamhill. Civil Ijlngneers. E. A. MIDELEBROOKS A C. C. COTTRELL civil engineers and surveyors. 420 Cham -ber of Commerce. Phone Main 3758. Assayers. EARL V. INGELS. B. S. Best equipped of fice In state, established 5 years; no ap p .ntlces. Grants Pass. Or. China Painting. CHINA and oil Satsuma ware and china for sale; order work and firing. Studio 283 12th st." ' Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Denevey. the only scientific chiropodists In the 'city. Parlors 303 Gerllnger bldg, S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phons Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. I. HUJ. room 420 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 34 1 3. Commission Merchants. TA Y .OR. YOUNG A CO, ship broker com misslon merchants. Sherlock bldg. Collections and Law. NETH A CO, COLLECTIONS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 635 Worcester bldg, Portland. Equitable Adjustment Co., 214 Couch bldg. Collect on commission. Ask agent to call. Dan cln. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S dancing school. Alisky bldg, 8d and Morrison sts. Stage dancing taught: class Sat. evenings: pri vate lessons daily; waltx and two-step guaranteed In four lessons. PROFESSOR RINQLER'S dancing classes, Monday and Saturday evenings. Private Instruction daily. Western Academy, 2d . and Morrl son. M aln 9312 Dog and Morse liospltaL DR. BROWN. D. V. S Office 324 Flanders st,. Main 4088. Hospital 8 12th st. EducatlonaL ENGINEERING Clvii, electrical, mechanic al, survey, as?ay. cyanide; estaDiisnea aoo . Van der Nalllon School. 51st and Tele graph. Oakland. CaL , WANTED Pupils who wish tutoring In tha grammar grades. Phone E. 4-l.li. Electrlo Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motorsafor rent or sale. .310 -u Engines Gas and Steam. ROBEil Machfiy. Co, Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 281-2a3 E. Morrison st. phone E. bin. Feed Store- ZIGLER A Misner. hay., grain, feed, ce inent. shingles. 21)4 Grand ave. k 482. French Dry Clennlng. CLEANING TAILORING DYEING ALTERATIONS PRESSING REFARING . Special club rates 50c per suit (sponged and pressed) per week. The Wardrobe. 751 Washington St. A 5417. Main 0000. Furs. N. M. UNGAR A CO,' INC, formerly of 406 Merchants Trust bldg, have removed to 109 Seventh st- Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall 1 sj. Hut l-Actory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works. 223 -at st. M. 8142. Leather and i'lndinss. CHAS. L MAST1CK A CO, 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mlro.' findings. J A. STOWBR1DGE LEAiUltK CO. es tablished 1S3B. 18U Front St. Machinery. B. TRENEMAN A CO, Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagKlng. mining 111a chinery. All kinds of repairs, 104 IN. 4th. Contractors' machinery of all kinds. David Dow A Son. 302 Lumbermens bicg. Phones. MuJlltri.lilng. PORTLAND Mailing Co, multlgrapblng typewriting, mailing, public stenographer, personal typewritten circular letters. BOU Railway Exchange bldg. Musical. ' ' EMIL THE1LHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevlck. QUO Marquam. A 416Q. Mar, 1020. Neurologists, Eye Specialists. QUICK relief for eye and nervous troubles. Drs. Freeze A Rice, 3364 Waahlngtonst. Osteopatlile physicians. DR. R. 11. NORTHRUP. 416-418-417 Dekum bldg. PHONE. Ul'FICK M. 34U7. liadSIDENCE EAST OR B 1028. XR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksvllle. Mo, class of I808, post-graduate 2UU7. under A. 'T. bill, tho fouiiuer. 31i-51tt-aiu bwetlaud bide. Main 1U7. A 10S5 paints. Oils and fala RASMUSSEN A CO, jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 3d and Taylor. Patents. PATENT secured or fee returned; illustrated guiiie book and llat of Inventions mailed tree to auy audress; patents secured for ' us advertised free in World's Progress; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans A Co., Washington, D. C. PATENTS that protect and pay; books free; highest reference, best results. Send for list of inventions wanted. Patents auvertlsed free. Send sketch or uioacl lor free search, "Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 022 K at-. W oahington, D. C. Patent Attorneys. INVENTORS of Oregon may obtain free ad vice ana best professional service from their nume oflice ftOK'mfAUHU PATENT BUREAU, Luinoermeus blug, Portiand. premuent. it- A, ivLhbO.Ml, International .Patent Lawyer and Ex pert, ttO years' uirect practice Complicated cases, uiose rejected in other nanus and f'OitEIU.N PATNTS es pecially solicited. Counsel and Expert work tor Attorneys. TriADm MaiaxvS. LAbiJU), DslU.No AND COPYitiliUlS secured, Phunes: Mam 2302. A 2304; PATENT your ideas and make money; send tor my new book. "How to Get xnein'; best service, josuua iv. H. Potts, lawyer, W ashingtou, D. C, Chicago and fnila-aeipnia- - (j "and foreign patents that protsct are 'secured through i'acinc Coast patent Arency. Inc. Dept. A, Slockton,Cai. PATEN I S procured by J. K. Mock. Attorney al a w. late of ti. o. patent Oaice. aiooa iet tree, ill) Board ol Traao biag. K. C. W'RIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. intrmgement. cases. 0Q4 Deauua. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, UMi oo Eiectricig.OsciirHuDer.Portiaiiu. WARR N Construction Co. street paving, siue walks and crosswalks. 317 Bee blug. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years in Portland. 71 Bth at. Mam WO. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ogics near 24tuanuYork sts.M. ooW, Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationer, etc a ' .mi a.u-i u.i- ijiii cunnmgiiaao a. - Kim Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning mr,n laving. 168 Union av, nr. - Morrison. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFU CO.. 108 2d st- Safes t factory prices, second-hand safes. kjnowcaees, Biand6roilxtitres, THE LU'i'KE MFG. CO, branch Grand Kap lus showcase to, Otn and Hoyt. R. Lutae. ips atw ana- . ITTh, BIRDS ALL 208 HAMILTON BLDG, showcases in slock; prompt delivery. Sales "yeni ai. Winter Lumber Co. aTTilsiiALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch, new and 2d hand. Main 2i03.Ca:jlnet work. " ' Shingles. BEST in the city: car lots or less. s. E. GU- bcrt. aoa - . biorugeandXransfer, PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO, corner lain, and Everett sis. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse m " city" every convenience loc sate aini proper handling of gooas; lowest insurance rale Noruiwest: free trackage;, vans lor mov- mg. aiain or A 120. 7frs STORE YOUR FURNITURE. I ajnek butldtng, ury and airy; warehouse district; lowest rates aua most careiul hauuling; furniture moved and packed oy ixports, estimates given. Phone al. luis, a n.sA. van Horn Tronsrer Co., 40 2d st. r. o PICK Transfer A Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick ware house, separcte iron rooms and nreproof vault fo valuaoleA JN. W. cor. 2a ana r-lne .., pianos and furniture moved ana packed tor shipping. Main 5W, A l!n " OLSON -ROE TRANSFER CO. General txansierring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture movea ana packed lor shipment- 20V oak su. bet. Froul and is,. Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO, established 1870 Transfer and forwarding agents Storage. Office 310 Hoyt St.. between Sin and otn, phones Main tii). A 110U. Stoves. sTOVES connected aua repaired. Main 1110. til 4 Front. ; Veterinarians. S. L Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. I 11 Anksny SU A 3.91). Main 2493. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $50. fully guaranteed: easy payments; rentals. $3 per month. Pacific Stationery A Printing Co, 203 2d st, WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex chauge 287 'n Washington st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co, 231 Stark. M. 1407. Printers. GLASS A pp.uDHOMME CO.. p-lntera. blank book makers, legal clanks, loose leaf de vices, township plats. 05-67 7th it., bet. Oak and Ankeny. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO, 172 1st st, whola sale and retail. Samples mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger ...... Koseburg Passenger .... Shasta Limited Sllverton Passenger California Express 6an Francisco Express .. West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger ..... Forest Grove Passenger.. Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger ..... R-ieburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited Sllverton Local ....... West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove rassenrer . Forest Grove Pmonf., . 8 :80 a. m. 4:1R p. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:20 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 1:30 a. m, 7:20 a. ra. 4:00 p. m. 8 :60 a. m. 6:40 p. m. 7 :80 a. m, 10:00 p. m. 6:30 p. ro ll :00 a. m. 2:30 p. m. 9:30 a.m. 8:20 p. m. 10:20 a- m. 8:00 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Northern Pacific- Leaving Portlana North Coast Limited via Puget sound .............. North Coast Limited 'via ' North 10:10 a. m. Bank 1 Atlantic Express via Puget Sound 12 Atlantic Express via North Bank 9 00 p. m. 15 a.m. 00 a. m. a a in city Express via Puget Sound I Twin City Express" Via" North 3:80 p. m. aanK 00 p. m. 15a.m. 00 a. ro. :10 a- m. 00 p. m. j-astern Express via Puget Sound Eastern Express via North Bank Missouri River Express via Pugetl Bound Missouri River Express' Via North '111 B ........................ Portland. Tacoma mil K.atln Tr- Prs- Grays Harbor. Olympla oooin rienu branches Portland-Vancouver Special PtiEet Sound Limited. Grays Har- oor and South Bend branches. . Yacolt Passenger A r ri v i ti iv ri,. . t .. .. a :45 a. m. :10 a. m. :30 p. m. :00 p. m. :15 p. m. :20 s, m :30 a. m. :10 p. m. :13 p. m. :20 a. m. :15 p. m. :30 p. m- :30 a. m. :00 p. xn. North Coast Limited via North Bank North Coast Limited via Puget Sound .... Avorthern Pacific Express vial morni Bank northern Pacific Express . via Pueet Sound Pacific Coast Express via North Bank Pflflc Coast Express via' Puget Wertern Express via North Pank estern Express via Puget Sound Missouri River Express via North Missouri River Express" via "ptiget Sound Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express and from Olympla. South Bendl and Grays Harbor 4 Pueet Sound Limited 7 Vancouver-Portland Special 10 Yacolt Passenger 11 00 p. m. 3 0 p. m. 30 p. m. 20 a. m . Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. Leaving Portland I Paker City Passenger I R:00 a. m . Oregon-Washington Limited. ... .'10:00 a. m. Tho Dalles Local 4:00p.m. Soo-Spokane-Porlland '11 :ih) p. m. Oregon Express 8:00 p.m. Spokane Flyer 6:C0 p. m. Arrlving Portlsnd The Dalles Local 10:1Sa. m. Orerron Express 10:30 a. m. Koo-Spokane-Portland II :S0 a. m. Baker City Local Passenger 7:00 p.m. Orenon-Washlngtoa Limited 8:00 p.m. Spokane Fiver 8:00 a.m. Astoria A Colnmbln River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express.. Astoria and Seaside Express .. Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger ........... Arriving Portland Seaside and Astoria Express . . Seaside and Astoria Express.. Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger ; 8 :00 a. m 6:30 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 6:45 p. m. 12:20 p. m. 10:Mi p. m. 9:40 a. m. 5:00 p. m. Cnnadlan Paciflo Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland . Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via Seattle 0$ p. m. 1 j a. m. 30 a. m. 30 p. m. Oregon A Washington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger Shasta Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger ... 30 a. m. 00 p.m. 13 p. m. 15 a- ro, 20 p. re ts p. m. JEFFERSON-STRKIST STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger . .......... Dallas Passenger 1-orest Grove Passenger.....,, Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger ............ Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 7:40 a. m. 4:05 p. m. 1:00 p. m, 10:13 a. m. 5:55 p. rn. 12:00 noon ELEVEN XU AND HOYT STREETS. PAS. SK.NGEK bTATlON. Spokane. Portland ai Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express.... 9:00 a.m. For Chicago, st- Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles. Glacdoie. Lylfl. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. Columbia Klver Local 4:30p.m. North Bank Limited 7:00 p m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City. St- Louis, Billings, Spokane. Waah tucua, Kahlotus, Pasco, Rousevelt, Grand dalles. Golaendule, Lyle, While Salmon, Ste venson. Vancouver. Arriving Portland . North Bank Limited... 8:10a.m. From Chicago, sbt. Paul, Omaha. Kausaa City, St- Louis. Billings, Spokane. Wash tucna, Kahloius. Pasco. Roosevelt, Grand callus, Guldendale. Li lo, While Salmon, bteveuson. Vancouver. Columbia River Local 12:35 p.m. llulund Empile Express S:i p m lor Chicago, St- Paul, Omaha, Lansae City. St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Wash tucno, IvaUlolus, Pasco, Rouaevelt, Giaud uailes, Golueuuale, Lyle, White baioion. bLaveuson, Vancouver. Great Nortneru Atauway Company. ' Leaving peruana 11th and Hoyt Sis Oriental Limlled. via beattie 10 The Oregomau. via North Hank. .11 Oriental Limited, via -Sorlh Bonk. 7 International Limited. Seattle, Ta coma and Vancouver, H. c 10 The owl. Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C $ 1:00 v m. :ttl a. rn 00 v. m. 00 a. to. :00 p.m. :30 p. xn. Shore Line xpress. 1 acorns, Se attle and Vancouver, ai. C 11 Arriving Portland 11 ih and Hoyt Oriental a.imiteu. via Seattle ti OlA :u s. m. :Uo a. ro, 1:16 p. zu. :40 vtn. :30 p. m. The Oregouiai. ...a - - ajcua.. oriental Limited, via -North Hank. lae owl, Vancouver, B. C, Seat tle ana Tacoma . Shore Line Express, Vancouver, t C Seattle and Tacoma lniornalioiial Limited. Vancouver. B. C, Seattle and Tacoma.... :50p. ra. 1 linn Curd Oregon Electric Railway Co. l-w.naergtaiion. Erunt and Jeflersiagts. W oouburn-Sttiem and Int. Points Locals leave poiUana 11:30. 7:60. 11:00 A. M, 2;oo. x-so s:SU. fc:4 M' 'mited for Tualatin ion' Salem, :li A. iL Local lor Wilson Ullie and Stations, 5:10 p. M. niil-boro-Eores.t Orove and Intermediate bosve Portland 7:0i. 8:10. 10:20 A. M 110. 2:l. 3:3U. 5:3U ' -6 SAl ,uij. li:3" P- Arrive Portland from Salem and Int. suTiioua 8:411. al.oO A. M.; l:lj, 4:00, 4:0. .''J' ".. lu:u uca- Wllsoa: viTio and lnu points 6:10 A. dally ex cept Sunday and 1:35 A. M. dally. Arrive ionu- 7 , oion ana , -, lions :U0, :50, 11:10 A. 51.; l:jo. K'o. iiu- "'' M" Sihday onlyl : De pj't iront and Jefferson. Portland. Or. Portland Railway, Light JC Power Company. Ticket Office and Waltlng-Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND t MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:0 0 and 6:10 A. 3L and every 3 -minutes and including last car. "iir-iam and intermediate points 8:S5 7-45. s-45. -:43' 10:4S' 11:44 - -: 12:44 1-45 3'43, 3-4". 5:4". 6:45- P- M. Falrvlew and Troufdale 6:55. -7:45, 8:4j. 9 .45. iO:45 A. M. ; 12:1-, 3:46. 3:46. 4:4 6-4o, -:45 P. M. "caxadero and Intermediate points $:65. 8:45. I";" M"i 12:45- 2:45- 4;-. ;l " FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room, Second and Washington Sts. A. M. 6:15. :50. 7:25, 8:00, $:$5, :10, $-60 10:30, 11:10, 11:50. p. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50, 2:30. (:10, 3:E. 1:30. 5:10. 6:50. :30. 7:05. 7:10, :26. 8:25, 10:i. e-llS. On the third Monday In every month tha last car leaves at 7:03 P. M. -Dally except Sunday. "Daily except Monday,