THE SUNDAY 01.EG05TA.N, rORIXAXD, OCTOBER 16, 1W0. GREAT SCORELESS 801CB 8TAJft PLA.TEE3 OH LOS ANGELES TEAM. CRAVENETTE (E BUYING TIME AL awe i i I ii V" . MACHN WORKING V I Portland Wow Has Record of 85 Innings Without Al lowing Run. ANGELS LOSE AGAIN, 3-0 item, on Movad, Twirl Shu ton I Ball Fine Support Given Marl vcJ Gregg to Pitch Both C nrs for the Beaver Today. rAcxno coast xxAGvm. TmhUt'i B ulta. Portland S. Los Ansale Baa rrsaclsca a. Oakland 4. Vernoa l-O. Satramento O-a. taadlag af th Clnba. CLUB. -l-P-'-.1 Iwi.vie Oakland .24 Saa rran.'l ". W j la i4 l 23 I 34 ....1 HA 7 I,. Aug. I -T 1 I g'aVt. ( 4 t"M it i nn 1 Viol! ;v . 2a 4 I "I MO Mi .521 .413 .-. Vtmt ...Hi 4T lorils'tT1 A JTDCC GRAHAM SEES IT. Portland Oaalaad Woa. ..1"J ..110 I .ort. F 1 .1M S .Mil : Portland kept up th shutout rcord eommanoad against Sacramento th pr vloue wnk. tor yesterday th Bevr blanked th An gale for th fifth eon eecuttv Urn. nd cord thr run off -Handaoroe" Bill Toir whll th latter teammate were banging up a collection of hora collar against th twirling of -Blf S- Bill Steen. Yesterday' fimt complete IS eon aacutWe Inntnga alnc aa opposing team ha scored against tb- Portland team; a moat remarkable record, and today Veaa Oregg. Portland's great soutb paw. wiU pltah both game against Loe Angel, aad th fan arl hoping be will bring Portland record to 1 Id nlnga Oregg. being a left lander, ha a adnata- vr th Angela, which club 1 generally weak against aouUi paw pltchars. Tbl afternoon' game will wind trp th eaon In Portland, and aa Immen orowd la expected. Steen Given Grand Support. Staan. who wa t great form, pitched steady ball throughout, and alao bad th benefit of apleadld support by hi teammate. Casey. Olaon. Ryan. Ort and Rapp contributed to th thrill ao corded th fan, for each o-f the play era puliad off a grandstand atant or two In th matin. Ryan wa aepedally prominent wtth two robbery cavtohea In center field which andoabiadly vd Btwen from having more than on bit regletered off hi delivery, white Bill Iwapp palted a Molding- tnat back of first baa which mad th fan alt np and tak notloa. With vry plTr a'n" Hk rao horaa. it la no wondar that th Portland team baa mad tela rmarkabl record. Bill Toser waa pitching srrand base. ball until th sixth Inning; when th Heavers bunched three hit ta a row. and Howard contributed a wild throw which landed two run for th bom guard, aad another ace wa drawn In th eereuth on a pais aad Oeorg Ort' corking two-bag gar. Fireworks Come) la Sixth. Ta th sixth Fteen waa first man op nd flew to Kennedy. Buddy Rrn singled over Dalmaa bead, and Olaon followed suit. Artie Krueger then "bin gad" on to canter which tallied Ryan, but Daley threw nicely to Oren dorff. who relayed th ball to Howard expecting to catch Krueger at th mid st tlon. However. Howard (potted Ol aon dashing around third for th reg ister and let Krueger go to return th ball to th plat, but be threw high over Orendorfra bead and Olson scored. Krueger tried to oor when Casey flew to Daley, but Pete's toa to th catcher wa perfect and Krueger was out. In th next Inning Sheehaa walked and BUI Rapp aoraflcd him to sec ond. Then Ort came through with bla two-ply smash and Bheahaa tallied the third run of th game. With Daley on third and Barnard en second In th fourth, through th form er' single, a pas to the latter and a sacrifice by Howard. Bill Rapp vd the ahutout record by a great atop of Kennedy' hit towards tight field after Dillon bad gone out. and to4ng th ball to Eteen. covering th bag. re tired th batter aad the aid. It was a thrilling play and the crowd want wild in appreciation of th great work of the Portland player. Rj an and Ort Star la Field. In the third toning Baddy Ryan captured Orendorffa bard drive after a long run. aad George Ort robbed Bart Delmea of a possible two-bagger In th Sam Inning. This afternoon's doubleheader will tart promptly at 1 o'clock, and a record crowd le expected In caae the weather remain good. Crlger and Nagle will probably pitch for Ioe AngeK-s, whll the mtghtjr Gregg will beave both game for Portland. Th score follows: LOS AKCTELES. AB R St TO A Daley, cf 4 I X 1 Bernard, rf 311 Howard. X S 4 1 1 Illlon. lb 4 X Kennedy. If 4 O HaJllnaa. Sb . tMlmaa. ae S 1 Oraneorft. X Tr. P O 0 X Wbeeler. cf 010 emit 1 Totals X7 1 14 1 PORTLAND. AB R St TO A B P. Tea. cf 1 1 0 O Olson, mm 4 1 X 0 s Kraeier. If 4 X 0 0 'asT. Xb 4 S S 1 Sheohan. Ik 1 1 t Rappa. la 11 1 Ort. rf 1 Marrar. . 1 X ' Sleea. a 1 4 0 Tetala -3 i i XT M 1 Batted for Bo ward ta alath. SCORB BT 1KN1XOS. . Loa Aagatea Hits .... o l a 9 i ronaed 0 S 1 Hits 0 1.41111 gUXHART. Straek o Br tteen . by Tessr a. Baeas aa balls Oft aieea a. off Tosa 1. T mm baa ait On. Doabla play Oaler ma Orwndorff. Sacrtrlea alts Howard. Rappa, etotoa basts Daler. gheaben. Howard. forrey. Hit or pTtrnoa ball ebeetiaa. ' ' - ; f tie-" ' '' -.- y k I'H'-'-?'- 1 -'""7 1 awa-xawawai --V- --C m. a -"-"aawXesBaaaaaaaamawasaw- e-aes e aaaaaar esxawaaaaaaaanaawaexaw bbj -mm mms mfw-y rtCmSvs Vm-m- A--rs mT2rZ3&--& oa baaae Loe Aarelee 4. Portland a. lime of game 1:36. Umplree Kankla aad Pinner. CIIRISTIAX GOES TO PIECES San Francisco Wallops 'Wolverton' Men Desplto Lively. my raAvrnsro. Oct. IS. Christian. of Oakland, went to plecea In the alxth i..u. tnAmm .ml tha San Francisco bat ter who. up to that time had registered only on hit and no runs, went on record for three clean drives and put two tallies across the plate, winning I to 1 Oakland opened the session with two runs In the first Inning and added another I . K Thaw made If fnn r to their credit In the fifth. The removal of Chris tian sent Lively Into the box. and th local welcomed th newcomer .by an addition of three mora run In th sev enth. Score: R. H. BVf R. H. & San Fran. ..4 T ipekland 4 2 Battertea Eastley and Williams; Lively. Cbriatlan aad Thorn a. Vernon 3-0 ; Sacramento 0-J. r i a ivni'i.Tfl rwr IK Vernon and Sacramanto divided honors In a double- mmJw .a w hAth wamaa feelne? X to 0. Th feature of th first game waa the batting of Carlisle for Vernon, woo mao . mn .nil a twA-hjJI hit. Sacra- man to, by scoring la th first Inning of . w . ih. ilrwft nin artar having been blanked for 32 consecutive In nings In th present eene. Bcor: rrrax gam: w W Ttl R. H. n Vernon ..-.4 s C,3acramwnto . 4 I Batteries Canon and Brown; taum and LaLong. Second game: w it n I R. H. B. Ternon I 1 8acramento . (Called at end of fifth: dark.) TlatfiTlae Sracltanrldaw and Brown; Wbalan and LaLong. CHAMPION'S WIX OXLT GAME AIMUn Meet Defeat by Score of a to o. nm iTMrr vutl rv- 1 S. Thi If 10 champion of th American League to day defeated tne Aii-oiars or m f I to . the teat gam or tn aenes. It waa th only gam of th aerlea f ftv won by th Philadelphia team. J ma.b mrA VrttUUL Mflh Of whom pitched tore Innings, held the bard bitting star to tnree mis. ooort; R. H. E. K. . J3. AJV-Star. tPtdL Am.. i Batteii Wateh and Street. Dona hue; Bender. Plank. Kraus and Thorn aa, Living (ton. CLEVELAND NOW IS LEADIVQ Onctnnatt Loecw 7-to-l Game tn Kace for Ohio Honor. CLEVELAND, Oct. 15. By winning th third gam of the aerlea today, by a cor of T to L Cleveland took th lead over Cincinnati In the contest tor the baseball championship of. Ohio. . Cleveland mad six hit in th third Inning and piled ap II hits In the game. The team will play a double-header In Cincinnati tomorrow. R. H. E-l R. H. E. niinl. T 11 liCInclnnael 1 TO Fandom at Random WHEN th Portland team tsD llahed the Pacific. Coast - League record of 14 ahutout innings In 10 th Lo Angeles Club lost th flrat four of th aero games at that time. This yar Sacramento started It and th Angela are winding ttup. Tommy Murray Is catching grand baseball these daya. and even If he doe not hit aa well as Qua Flaher. the little catcher will help the team Just aa much as th regular catcher next aeason. a e a Eugene Xrapp occupied a seat In the pre box yesterday and all through th afternoon he wa "pulling" for Bill Steen to come through with another ahutout. "Gene" proved himself a rabid fa." by standing up la the "lucky" aev enth. e e e "Roaring Bill" Rapp says he will probably winter In Portland. Bill la a married man and hi wife haa taken quite a fancy to Portland, hence th flrat Backer decision. BUI aaya Port land la better than Mleaourl anyway, e . e e On hie first thr trip to th plat yesterday Tommy Sheehan negotiated first. He walked In th second and srr enth. and singled to center tn th fifth. Tommy alao distinguished himself with two Bio throws at third. e In th avanth Inning, with Georgl Ort on aecond. Tommy Murray alngled to right field, but Bernard toaaed finely to Orendorff and Ort was caught at the c r-a- plate. George bad a little conversation with Rankin over th decision, but the amps was right. see Jadg-e Graham wired Rankin to eora South with tbo team tonight, but Ed declined becauae of preaatng business reaaona. H Informed President Gra ham that he would be unable to go thla time, but would report in th Spring If hi ervtoea are wanted. e e e Thla afternobn'a game will wind up the baseball aeason for 1(10, and the Portland and Loa Angelas team will leave for California to play out th final three weeks of play. Los Angeles goea home to meet Vernon, while th Beaver are acheduld at San Francisco. "ii'i nriTn m iiiijihi U DLHID HLUIiH. Varsity in Poor Form and Has Close Call. SPECTACULAR RUNS SAVE Albany High Eleven Defeats Alumni. ALBANY. Or.. Oct. la. Special. )-T hat' th Albany High School will have a strong football team this Fall la Indicated by the splendid work of the squad In Its first gam yesterday afternoon, when It won from the alumni St to 0. The team work, aa well as th Individual ability of th players, elicited considerable praise, especially aa practically all of the play ers are new at th game. Th team will play It first Interscholastlo game of th season next Saturday afternoon, when It marts the team from the Brownsville High School. CITT9 FIRST FEBfCUfQ MEET TO BE HELD BARLT IN NOVEMBER. Local Club's Cat f Arm. Th first' fencing tournament ver held In Portland will be given under the auspice of the Portland Fencing Club early In November. Competition will be with th foils, dueling sword and esber. and any amateur fencer In the city or neighboring city 1 at liberty to compete, either In th Individual events or club team. Club entries will be limited to three. Special prise will be awarded th winners of each vent. A special feature of th tour nament will be a women' con teat with th foils, and If suffi cient entries are received prises will be awarded to winners of flrat and second place. Ail entries should be filed with th secretary of the club not later that October 11. Alomni Used Old-Style Play With Occasional Trick While Regulars Show Weak Defense and Dis play Lack of Teamwork. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Or., Oct. 15. (Special.) In a poorly played game of football on Klncald Field today the University of Oregon team defeated the Alumni by th score of 1( to . The Oregon team showed up In mis erable form and only escaped defeat by displaying superior endurance to the old "grads." At the end of the second quarter of the gam tne score siooa to 0 In favor of tbe Alumni. Moores Intercepted a varsity forward pass and raced 75 yards for a touchdown. Moullin kicked the goal. In the latter part of the game the Alumni defense weakened and by spec tacular runs and passe the varsity eleven piled up three touchdowns. Tay lor kicked one goaL Th Alumni used old-style methods with an occasional trick play. The varsity "showed a weak defensa and lacked team work. The stars for the Alumni . were Moores, PInkham, Ferris and Moullen; for Oregon, Taylor, Latourette, Grout and Kay. The lineup: Oregon. Position. Alumni. Kelly C Hug Kenton LO Penland Mitchell RO Ferris Weedland LT , Pink Bailey RT Earl KUer RE Woods Michael LE Hexon Mean ............ -F B Moullan Latourette Q... Capt Latourette Walker LH Moores Taylor fCapt.) :H Hayes Linesman. Johns; umpire. Hunt; referee. Main; Sold judge, Leonard; 16-mlnute Quar ters. I-mlnute Intervals. In a preliminary game the Oregon Freshmen defeated Eugene High School by th score of to 0. Oregon's score was due to Earl Cobb's recovery of a forward pass and run of 65 yards for a touchdown. The team were evenly matched and neither ahowed a decided superiority. The lineup: rreshmaa. Position. Eugene. Canneld -...C. Wray Ferguson SO Hall i. Bradabaw B.B Buoy LQ Orout LT Aumaen LE Reynolds .B H. Bean FB Orifdth ........ ....w Cobb - LH 8pencet Archambeau ...... Debarr KoVls ....... Cook , Griffin ...... Green , Gray Clubb Smith PORTLAND ACADEMY DEFEATED Oregon City High School Wins Game hy Narrow Margin, 6-6. -rTir-nYW PITT Or. Oct. 15. (Spe cial.) Football under' the new rules made Its debut In thla city today In a i . i .nma Portland Academy and Oregon City High School, which was won Dy me lauer eleven, a to- 5. Except for a sprained shoulder, sustained by Moore, Oregon City tackle, in th first quarter, the In juries wen of a slight character. Moore was replaced by Andrews. The Academy's scoring occurred in the first quarter, ten minutes after the ball had been put Into play. Graves. In endeavoring to get started with the ball fumbled behind the line, but be fore he could regain It, Woodcock, of the Academy, broken through the line, snatched the pigskin, and raced 30 yards down the field fr a touchdown. The effort to kick the goal failed. Five minute after the ball bad been In play in the third quarter. Cross selxed a forward pass by the Academy back field on their 16-yard line. and. without interference, he ran through the opposing players, almost the length of the field for, a touchdown. Aa Cross planted the ball- between the posts, Kelly had no difficulty In kicking the goal for the winning point. During the i j nunrt.r tha Academy eleven used the forward pasa many times, and to gooa aavaniag-o. nutu .i.. an,4,w1 tha nts-skln wa within 15 yarde of th High School goal Una. . ,J, In tire last quarter, oy noiomj it CHtv secured th ball, and Shaahan's fine punting kept the ball towara ins wowr -"w T tmnm- InnOTIlll of the nfflfL 1JI . ' O .MB. " an Academy end received th ball n Para Raincoats for Men and Women $4.85 mm1mmlmWmmWmmmmmmm MEN'S AND WOMEN'S tfjl 1 7C CRAVKNKTTKIS to f20 A J We have about 350 of thee Craven ettes. They are made In the best styles and thoroughly waterproof, suitable for traveling and stormy weather; nicely tailored; in a variety of attractive materials. (11 Jt Vala. to $30, Monday only D 1 A e I J W O M E N'S CRAVBK ETTES AND SLIP-ONS, t. $15.50 S2T.OO la.wvr Women's Fine Cravennetes in fitted auto and military styles; made from Imported water - proof ed fabrloe; para lined. Valuea to tfJIC Cf 117.60, Monday only P A J,JJ MEW'g CRAVENETTED COMBINA TION OVERCOATS AND ENGLISH 8LIP-OKS. value, f $19.50 S3S.OO w Made of Genuine "Priestley" cloth, also triple texture fabrics, carefully built collars, broad ahoulders, with or without military collars, loos back, and hand-tailored throughout. Smart garments that readily sell up oniy."'. .!!!. ..nd.a. ..$19.50 MEJCS FEATHER - WEIGHT ESffi LISH SLIP-ONS, values dJIO Eft n to $33.50. Is-eOU Made of Imported English Canton, para lined, very light and durable, absolutely waterproof. Just the gar ment for the busy man. This gar ment retaila at $22.60. flJIO Cft Monday only wlai.JU OODYEA .RAINCOAT COMPANY 302 Washinsrton St, Near 5th .. Mif i jWi JUST ARRIY ED 1911 FRANKLIN Cooled Air Model D Torpedo-Phaeton on Exhibition at Our Salesroom SEVENTH AND DAVIS STS. awwa-n-naaMwgwgwgwgaa MENZIES-DuBOIS AUTO CO. MAIN 4880 A 3SS1 a forward pass and a aoors seemed Im minent, when Baken,. In a ?5 sprinting, overtook him, and downed him five yards from the goal line. Just as the whlatle ended the game. The lineup: p . O. C. H. 8. McClung- LEW Grave. abV:.::.: ..c. ; Burgard RGL Kelly Mann RTL Moore, Andrews Wilson BEL CauHeld Woodcock Q '"hl" Wllhelm RHB Bheahan ""..""....LHB Hushes B. Burgard F iTmnlre Thorns. Lines men white and Manning. IDAHO "V DEFEATS OOXZAGA By Score of 46 to e, Spokane Boys Meet Waterloo. iTvnrtmarmr rur TDAWO. Moscow. UXIlTJbW,.. . - Oct. is. (Special.) The University of Idaho beat Qonsaga College of Spokane here today by the score of 46 to 8. Both teams were evenly matched as to weight. Idaho made the first touchdown In leas , t..i . nimiiiL Idaho kicked oft to lam Iran - . Gonsaga but the visitors failed to get the ball. Idaho then went mruugu mo . - - . . v. - aH, innnMnwn. The aec)- oentir lur - m ond touchdown wa mad In the manner. "... Tbe score at tbe end of tne nrst quarter wm 17 to o: second quarter, 23 to 0; third. 41 to ; final. 46 to 6. Qonxaga made uieir oniy louciwunn .u. a t th- third Quarter. Ther near nw M - made a forward pass through Idaho s center for a -gain of 25 years, several Idaho men missing tbe man carrying the ball For Gonzaga. Groger, center, and Morlartty, fullback, . starred. For Idaho, Changnon, Lunatrom . and Thornton starred. WASHIXGTOX "XT' SCORES 51 University of Pnget Sound Gets Ter rible Drubbing at Seattle. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. Se attle. Oct. 15. (Special.) The University of Washington today defeated the U" of Puget Sound, 61 to 0. and tonight Coach Dobie Is Jublllant. This week Dobie relegated "Wee" Coyle, the all-Northwest quarterback, to tha second team because he lacked that pepper which has ooaraoterised his work In the past two years. In bis place, Dobie Is substituting Elmer Flfleld, a freshman from Everett. The slowness of Coyle may be due to his 111 health. Dobie thinks he has been Internally In jured and he wishes not to risk the dan ger of losing Coyle soma time during this Important season. Great excitement will prevail next week . h- TTivurnltv of Washington, aa on Saturday Washington meets Whitman College of Walla Walla. It will be one of the hardest games of the season. JEFFERSOX PIAYS SALEM TIE Portland School, Though Conceded Victory, Falls to Win. SALEM, Or., Oct. 16. (Special.) Jefferson High School, of Portland, and Salem High School played a tie game at football today, the score standing 6 to 5 when time was called. No scores were made in the first quar ter, but Portland scored in the second and tbe game waa generally conceded to the visitors, but the locals scored in the third quarter. In the last quar ter It appeared that Salem would win and on several occasions the locals had the ball within two or three feet of the goal line, but were unable t make short gains on the finish. Colorado E Sets New World's Mark. LEXINGTON, Oct. 15. Colorado B set a new world's record for three-year-olds in the second heat of the Ken tucky stake here today, by trotting a mile ln-2:01i. The old record was held by General Watts at 2:06. Moran and Frayne Fight Draw. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 15. Owen Mo ran, the English lightweight, and Johnny Frayne. of San Francisco, fought a ten round draw before the New Orleans Ath letic Club tonight. The men fought at 133 pounds. Lia Grande First Team Wins 2e-0. LA GRANDE. Or., Oct. 15. (Special.) The La Grande high school first team today defeated the second team 22 to 0. White Salmon Bank Prospers. WHITE SALMON. Wash.. Oct. 15. (Special.) At the directors' meeting of the White Salmon Valley Bank, Claude Keefhaver was promoted from assistant cashier to cashier. The bank declared its first dividend since organization four years ago. The dividend was 2 per cent semi-annual,, and the surplus fund waa Increased. All bowlers interested in the game are requested to attend a meeting to be held in the parlors of the Oregon Hotel Monday, October 17, 1810. PENDLETON AUTO ROBES We have just received a large shipment of these fine Robes 'in elegant designs; just the thing for tWinter motoring. . .... AUTO CLUB TOUR BOOKS w Indian Motor Cycles and Supplies of 'AH Kinds. BALLOU .6? WRIGHT 86 Sixth St., Portland, Or. , ,1 A