The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 09, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 25

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t preeem ekere.
'-eIRST-CLASS dressmaker from New York,
would so out by the day to a few cus
tomer. UtMt style and perfect fiu
M 4Q4. Oresoman.
Yi II V. U 1 K I Vi I ! in nr nut of me
eity, have your nwm built orr model of t
yourseir. at trie ' caei iram&mnii
lore," 677 Vancouver ave.. East
STYLISH ire, $5 up; nf . $I.J0 u;;
-fla work. 52 RMlli.Est620.
ZRESn(AEI.VG, alteration, repairing neat
. ly dr. 1160 day. B 402. uregoalan.
SITUATION wanted by mldd:e-aged. refined
widow u companion fnr invalid or eideriy
person going to Cailiornt lr certain
length of time, or aa children's" rurt;
references Address U 410. Oregon lan.
ST CRS ER Y-GOV ERN E 3S7N ort h German. de
Sires position; English. German. n.ujic.
sewing; good reference. 1 X5, Orego
nian. CKADl'ATE nurse, Ujsi references, will car
for child day or evenings; reasonable.
Mrs. Voyee. Main 7923
"WANTED Numrg by a m:dd'.e-axd lady,
maternity a specialty. Phono Vain S.;vi.
C R AD CaTE masseuse will (lve treatment
by appointment; physician recommenda
tion. A 42:
JpV-aCTICAL nurse wants ootflnfwit c-i
bt city references given. AIT 3i. Ore
s'" n lan.
W ANTED- In peasant home, with good
people, position aa housekeeper, by woman
of ectslTiaence and refinement; good took
and neat la very way; widower s xamuy
p:efe rred. C 413, Ore g on lan.
CAPABLi lady with boy 4 years would
Use place in a respectable family as cook
or working housekeeper where there are
ti- small children. X 411. Qregonlan.
iA REPEtTABLB Udr Paat m.cjUe as. t
strong and cs;ab!-. wou.d like a post;in as
bouaaeeper lor wwntr. ba .neior or iwr y
capi. Adireew 3a Vor:h loth. Phooe
fcELlABLE party, who thoroughly under
stands her business, manasemvat of hotel
or rooming-house; not afraid of aork;
bst references. Mrs. Voy e. Main TP- 1
5VIOOW. unencumbered, a-ould like ;tua.tlon
as housekeeper in widower's family; no
objection to one or two children; best of
reference given. K 7- Oregonlan.
HOI'SF.KEBPEK Good cook, middle-aged
German, winues Co take full charge of
widower's family; prefer Catholic B 403.
XAPEHJtt-SCED l4y steaographer doslres
pli kq; best r-ferences ; lecl work pre
ferred. Main 9312. room T. CaU Sunday or
MoB lay,
POSITION wanted as housekeeper by young
widow with boy 9. or cook In hotel In
country or small town; bachelor without
home do not call. 212 4th st., basement
XuTKEK and daughter want cooking to
gether in hotel or camp. C 1S2S. Mrs. L.
Mangers. Holladay Ave.
XOL'NG refined widow, no encumbrance,
wiahea position aa managing; housekeeper.
8 410. Oregonlan,
RESPECTABLE Eastern woman desires po
sition as housekeeper; good cook and
bpuekerer. AD 4" Qrenonian.
' . 1 ' N - widow wants sition aa hoUMkaeper
for ona or mora bachelor. A uw, isre
g Mlin. m
&ETINET. mlddle-acd lady wUhes position
as managing housekeeper; references C
4 U. Orenoniaa.
Gel KM AN girl wants work as general house
keeper or se:nnd girl. ' Monday at B'-O
E 13th st. Take Brojk lyn car.
TO UNO woman wants Br pkice aa houaekeeper
or In small family; no children; In country.
Miss I Mitchell, portiard. General tel.
A LADT wants position a housekeeper.
Phone A 80ft. Monday.
Domnt Ire,
I have a little brown servant In mv
kitchen. wh. Is a treiaure of a coek. b e
change odds and end of Insipid 'left-over
Into savory d lanes. The f'v.-l she cooks
come to the table, hot. tender. Juicy aiid
delicately flavored. She serve all food
pi Max hot. accompanied by delicious aau.
enveloped m appetizing odors. Yet Bo one
need envy me this Jewel of a cook every
woman can have one. too, for they are not
expenieve. My little ervunt Is my good lit
tle earthenware casMrole." See Mrs. Mar
1S,V191 Flrt St.,
Oct. loth to October loth.
1 iM-ellajieoaa.
B CrC KS S FT"L buslnen woman, with knowl
edge of stenography, desires connection
wit h reliable firm; reierencea. E 4v3,
POSITION, Moving Picture or Vaud-viLe
Theater, lady expert pianist and song il
lustrator; six years' experience; man can
manage or operate. A 1 references. It's
not question of salary as much as to
locate permanently togsthrr. If 3i4. Ore-
COMPETENT soman who thoroughly under
s'an'ls, either apartment-houe. faailly ty
tl or rooming-house, would t;ke to man axe
aid take cberxe of asvme for owner. A1
A St. lgnlsn
WOULDN'T you like to leave your chil
dren In the care of a refined, reliable
girl w hen yu go out of an evening ?
Phone B
UlNI'O.V cleantns. floors aad rtics specially
renovated. Thomaa Green. Phone Man
a"3 evenlnrn.
PLAIN and fancy quilting d.r.e by band, rea
sonable price Ca.'ed for and dHlivsred. 1144
M:r.n-wta ave.. Woodlawn 967.
W A NT ED Younx lady with sme experi
ence wnuld like steadv position In doo
torv of':--. A rT 4'"H. Oregonlan.
A LADY, ambitious and en rue :1c. wisr.'-s poei
TVa lth i..ii:neB firm from 10 A. M. to 4
V. yt. B M'S, Oregon 1 an.
A FIRST-CLASS cook, with gtrl 4H. wtsh
a p-'slTf-in in Portland only. Phone Sell-
wooa hoi.
Xivr INED vuman would like more dey work;
s-m1 hanil for alteraUon. plain iliffawnsii lug
B 3fT. Oreg.eilan.
CORRECT ptano irstmctlwn, be1nners or
sdvanced. AOc; practlve free li 4K Ore
gonlan. GRADUATE nurse going East soon wiahs
to meet aa Invalid or childem to care for
fn trip. Kefrrencca A L 4 Oreconlnn.
FKENCH lady, with recommendation from
Es:, would like to run ro oming-bouse: can
rsak EngMsh, Cal.' at In ion ave,
WOMAV want situation as cok in private
family or small boarding-house. H 404,
XLDERLY took, flrat-class. Eastern experi
ence, can cook for large private family,
CJt. country. Marshall 27aj.
WnjfAX wants work by day.
lawn IM7.
Phone Wood-
Va.n'TED Day work. -."o hour, by woman.
Main ask tor Mrs. Brown.
W A XT E O Pish wahln from A. M. until
H P M. Phf?ra H 2".e. b-fore 9 a. M.
W'MAN wants day work.
Mam H
Phones A l.7d.
WOMAN wants day work where she can
take boy of d with her. Q 4U. Oregonian.
COLORED lady would like day work. Phone
East lse, Mr. Gotna
tnta d '.y work, swee-lrg.
irOQinx.. A No waahirg.
CIHtt erouM like emrOoyrBent during the day.
TtS Mortar.a are
ANYONE washing plain sewing, comforters
raaoe or recovered. F 401. Oregonlan.
WANTED Pay work
Phone Main 454.
by good onua.
EX PEKIENCFD nurse wants cortfmeiunt
cme; best city reference Phone East -of.
TEA riF-R of
vats puntia
experience would like pri
4t4 Clay St.. Apt. L
FIFST-CZ-ASS lad demonstrator
petition. D 4nl. Oregoman.
Phone Woodlawn 137
EXPERIENCED colored woman wUhos
rhambermald or laundry work. Ma?n
LaCE curtains washed and stretched. 4oc
pair. Fhon B .T 70
w ANTED By day. fine Ireninr: 2
left; referencea. Phone Main thX'X
LADY wnt light mork. Inquire Mrs, Cjtrk.
Ga;e Crcsslr.g.
EXPERIENCED colored woman. day
work or chambennaJd. Phene Main 3.S.
YOUNG women want day work; referencea
Marshall 3Ts3.
ACTIVE canvasaers can snake u wee.y
selling tree for tb Oregon Nursery Com
pany. Liberal proposition; good tarrUory.
A jdresa Orenca. Or.
ot.Ni Our vegetable rr: fasteet eelr
on earth; 100 per cent profit, permanent
busineaa; territory, free sample. Morgan
Supply Cow, su Louis, Mo
i&BN'TS wanted to handle prop.: ltion which
eelis at eight; 3 to 4 in almost everr
home: particulars free Penn Surply Cix.
414 Buchanan blg.. Portland, Or.
LADIES er gentlemen to sell wholesale and
retail, an article uaed In every houee: big
commission. i'll any day, Tuesday, or
U'.er. 131 10th street
AolOT3 for portrairs, frame ad art ov
alUee; earn pie ar-d caiaoguee free. Ad
f drees N. M. Fnedma e vx. lilga eox
(Cd, Mjasbrg,
AGENTS CANCHESTEK-' la the breast
money muter known; one agent ir.ada
$lu7.& four days; on $73.2$ five day;
others are making from SI to $1 day sell
Ins improved 1911 patented CAXCHKS-
JI'JNET. Six times brighter than elec
tricity, gas or a-etyien at one-tenth e0
fiurni with or without mantis; burner fits
any lamp; saves 7i per cent oil; no trim
ming wicks; lighting methods, revolu
tionised; showing means sailing; territory
going fast; write today; particulars free;
handsome outfit furnisned; beware of Imi
tations. Canrhester Light Co., 3$ State
M.. fhicayu. Iept- SOJ.
AiiNT5 For a vacuum cleaner that
oi.iy five pounds a: is for $6, yet do the
work of th more expensive; big
profits, liveliest proposition ever ottered 1 to
an seen?'- many agents making $100 weekly;
other $75 to $5o weekly; demonstration
means aa.; you can sell ten of our ma
cb.nes ti one of any other make. V rl t e at
r.ot P. A W. Vacuum Cleaner Co 6 wast
4.vh st.. New lork.
MOST attractive proposition selling Sun
Ray Incandescent kroene mantle burn
ers; nt ail lam pa burn with or withoir
mantle; lOo-c-indlepower light; save tl
per cent oil: quick sales and large profits
prices defy competition. blMPLx-X UAa
I.IGUT COMPANY, Iept. 100,
21 Park
Row. N. Y.
AUL.NH oead tor free copy of "The Thorn
am AmbL" Greatest ax ants' taier pub
lished. Filled with money-making plans,
"no-license tax" decision of Supreme Court,
pointers to agents; every agent in ('. 8.
should have copy at once. Address today.
T'l-imas Co., 711 Warna ave.. Dayton. O.
jk.iiK.VTrf wanted, men sod women to eell
Whit comb s "Flexsole. un lined shoe for
women; no tacks, no seams, no lining
t vwrtlaad Id maruinaa B veaTS T SJ0
$70 a week Income; all orders filled the
aame day receiven : exclusive territory,
E AFTERS" SHOE CO.. Beverly. Mass.
XO?PIASH SAVPLJ3 FRK3: bo;h sexes; EM
t)ca Antutiith Water-strainers are win
nere; dally profit $& upward: get sample; be
ronvincea. eena c pnstage. ceea r uter jiik,
. . 13 heia. .New i org.
kGENTS cam 55 to weekly eelllng latest
pnn-efe dresats, MxJcjiq, wsLsts. various em
broWerles: cmt'.'r free. National Import'
Ire Co., D4 D. 0; Broadway. New York.
lu PER CENT TROFIT Monkey wrench,
plumbers parrs, is otner tools comoinea
mrst wonderful - combination tools made
l'srhtnlng sotler; sample free to workers.
T nomas Mfg. Co.. Al Finch bldg., Dayton,
LiiKNii wanted to aid us suodIv the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free: cash weekly. Address Capital City
N'jrJTT Co,, Or.
BOY and sir! aaente sell 24 thimbles for us
at loo iwh and receice a beautiful pair of
roller skates free. Write today. Toe De Mere
fruppiy Co., kn Joe. CJ., Uepl. &.
AGENTS averus-lnr 17 dally selling mam
moth hand decorated $1 bottle perfume
at 6io; 1-0 per cent profit; Tree sample.
Parker Crieir.lcal Co.. Chicago.
OLAKAMEED "replace" hosiery; If hoi
appears in six month customer gats nei
puir free, big commissions. Replace Hosiery
lo., i z L,incoin ave., xsewara. j.
UK.NKKAU special, by large, old-line, health
accident company: new. lioerai, easy sen
Ing policies, choice territory, big pay.
Royal Casualty Co., St. Louis.
AGENTS You can know about the profile
made supplying perfumes to xaniuiee.
Address Leffler t& Co.. St. Louis. Mo.
aGENTS Dutch Clay Cooking set sells
every house household necessity: big prof-
ita Pace Bros. Pottery, Roscvuie, unio.
AGENTS for rugs. Isa-s cur ami, furs and
wearing ap pve 1 on credit; Jig commission a
b Grand ave. J. D. Sherman.
XTSKLP and wife (young people; no children)
want to rent, permanently, a modern apart
ment flat or houiw. with sleeping porch
'un furnished, clone in: references furnioed.
Phone Woodlawn 1362 before noon today or
write w &i?9. iregrnlan.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent.
par taxes, insurance ana keeD ud repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank In
Stark St.
Phones a S:0O. Main 33l
WE have applications tor a stable and garage:
rcspoiisib.e tenant want completed bulidings
or desire owner to build to suit ana ie.
for lO vars. Pe real esrate dept.
4-5-6 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTEL Room and board of parent and
baby; est fide. bet. uusan ana etty-
grove. AF 41.'. oreironian.
YOUNG lady manicurist wishes to rent space
to ao manicuring. AL 40. Oregonlan.
A LIGHT, airy loft In the downtown dia-
trict. J 4f4. Oregonlan.
WE have several people who wish to rent
furnished ana unfurnished nouses, nets.
apartments. e make a specialty of look
ing after homes, such as the repairs, pay
ing the taxes, seeing that the Insurance
dues not expire, and remitting; to the
owner promptly each month. If your
irotertv is now vacant ana you wisn
tenant, we can fill the bUL F. K. Taylor
A Co.. 403-4U3 Lewis blag.. 4th and OaJc
MTSRLF and wife (young people; no children)
want v rent permanent a mooern apart
ment, fiat or house with aleeplng poruh,
unfurnished, cloea tn: reference furnished.
Poor "Woodlawn 132 beXore noon today or
write W &JV. oregonlan.
HOUSE wanted unfurnished. B or 6-room
for suan, wife and baby, permanent; mod
ern central and reasonable, rent $16 to
f Y 1 am at room SO Belvedere Hotel
ucttl Monday Boon.
AT one, modern 7 -room flat, close In. by
responsible party; will buy furnished if
baiga.n. phone A li."d.
RES PON Slli Lrfparty with references would
care for home tor Its use; ruixht consider
bard i n g owners. K 4u2. Qreg on lan.
WANTED Furnished flat, house or cottage
to ren;. 7 or ft rooms ; close in. Address
42 N. d St., or A 413 Oregonlan.
SWELL rooma suitable for t or more per
sona 14s Jefferson. Electric light, gaa,
furnace heat, light, pleaaent rooms.
SlO.Ooa IN sums of luui) or more on iiu
proved real estate. K SS5. Oregonlan.
4 tR 5 -room house and barn, close in.
Tt:-hop. M hawk bldg.
WANT ED 10 or lS-room furnished bouse,
W Sloe F 839. Oregonlan.
A parts
4-ROOM modern apartment, unfurnished;
rfrenc-a G . Oregonlan.
FURNISHED" 2 -room apartment, $20 to
f.T.uu; ciose in. j 6to, oregonian.
WANTED Two or -three housekeeping
rooms, man and wife, where there are no
other roomers; In private family: must
be modern; not particular as to location,
but must be In good neighborhood. X want
g od people, AK 411, Qrogonlan.
WANTED by young man WsII-furnlabed room
with be:h. In private family; mum be good
distance out. either EUst or West Side; can
furr.Jh re?erer.ces. P 309. Orcontan.
BUINEJ woman want comfortable room.
cxse to Mmf-in and ltXn ts.. for Winter; be modern and ooxy. W 3dS Ore
gon lan.
TOT NO lady student deilrea home In Chris
tian family, will work for board and room
and home privileges; West Side preferred.
A K 404. Oreronlan.
W ANTED 2 medium-priced rooms fur
nished for lirht housekeeping, walking'
distance Phone EAt S4tt3 before S P. M.
WANTEI Rooms In top floor, suitable
for work rooms: centrally located- G 411.
Oregon lan.
W ANT tl i ixd room for single buslnea majt;
sSeeping porch If possible; away from but
r.ess aistrtc:. D 39jj. Oregon 1 an .
W ANT&P- Room with Cathollo family by
young man ; house must be modern. Address
1 AK 9. Oregonlan.
G"rf N TLE MAN w an ts hrted room, with board.
West Siae. central. What terms? AO 4ol,
Ores o r. la
WAN 1 LD About OcU 15, 3 to 8 unfurnished
rooma O 370. Oregonlan.
MAN. employed, wants comfortable attlo
room wuh bath, etc AC 413, Qreg on lan.
Rooms With Board.
TOl'NG lady teacher desires room and board
with private family. West Side; only ab
ao.ute private families with no other
boarders need reply. C iOL. Oregonlan.
WANTED Room in private flat by two
Jewish young men; must be walking dis
tance of Postoffice. Address AN 412,
GKNTLEMAN" will give art lessons In partial
; ay input fr rta and board wrth refined; references: g:ve full partlouiare,
please. AN" 8t. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants room wltb or without
board where vioim practice win be per
mitted mornlrg and evening: give location
and price TV 3s. Oregonian.
REPINED younjr lady wishes room and
board in private family. . D 897, Orego
nian. BY a reflned young woman, board and room
in strictly private family, furnace beat
and electric lights; location, phone number
and price. AN 401. Oregonian.
LADY wants warm ro-m and board In family
or where few boarders are taken. H 8Vd,
Ore ror. la a.
WANTED by young man, room and beard,
private family. i 4L?. Oregonian. ,
Booms With. Board.
TO UNO MAN, good position and reference,
desire room and board with p rivals fam
ily. In first-class residence see Bon. West
:de; no other boarders. AH gvo. Ore
gonlan. TWO girls want rooms and board; private
family; reasonable. A 403, Oregonian.
FUR N 1 9H.ED rooms) at 414 Jefferson st.
Call bt-tore noon.
arniabed Kuomt.
Seventh and Ankeny Streets.
Free was their depot carriage,
1 took It on the spot;
There way he other houses Just as good,
A quiet home for quiet people.
1 19 El e ven th, t.
New, modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and old water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and
comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call
and see ua Regular and transient trade
7 V East li urns Ida.
A good place to winter; steam heat, hot
ana eoJd running water In all rooms;
rooms with private bath; ten minutes'
walk from business center of Hty; rates
S2.0 to 8 per week. Phone E. 5l4o. B 1275.
HOTEL ARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne, phone East
21, connecting every room. Private bain,
elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
Transients solicited.
HOTEL" UCklNlHAM. opp. Portland Hotel.
&3o Yamhill ; firat-Jas furnished rooma
vlcgle or en suite; modern; $50 up; transients
solicited. Main 81. A 7177. 6 per week aad
THE Abb EM BUY Fine furnished rooms,
large and sunny, suitable for two or three
ladies or gentlemen; nlso single rooms;
bath and pnone; 4 block from .P. O. -d5
tilh st.
$12 Oak su, corner oth ; large, light,
airy rooma elegantly furnished; electric
lights, running water; low rate.
Washington and 17th. nret-oas furnished
room single or en suite; ell modern ooa
Tenleocea; 13 weekly up. A M. se47.
HOTEL M ANION, 33 Washington su, cor.
of 6th. 4th floor, take elevator; elegantly
furnished rooms by the mouth; genuernen
only. Phone Marshall 2S31. '
6uh su, 4 squares above P. O. ; family
hotel, private baths and telephone; tran
sients solicited.
NICELY furnished rooms for rent, with
furnace heat and grate; one room large
enough for 2 or 4 young men. 475 Mor
riaons t.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., well
furnished sleeping rooms. $-.60 per week;
electric lights, bot baths tree.
MODBRN outside rooms. SJ.5o to $3 per wees,
Jicl udir t bs the; also housekeeping rooms,
68 Uj Wx-ht ng ton st.
LARABEB HOTEL 227 Larabee SU. new
management, hrst class; steam heat, elec
trlc light, hot, cold water, bath, phonea.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished steam-heated
room, with running water. S&5 3d sU,
c-jr Montgomery.
TWO nicely furnhetk rooms, rent $10 and
$ per month 309 12th su
I arnished Room-4 In PrTvMr I nrnllv
LARGE front room, new, beautifully fur
nished: furnace heat, bath and phone
free. 331 1 1th. near Clay at, .
NICELY furnished room In private family,
wa'king distance; references required.
E aat 624. 640 East Ash.
NICELY furnlhed large front room with al
cove and sleeping p- rch; also slr.g room;
steam heat. 195 N. 23d st. Main 77h5.
NEWLY furnished front rooms, all modern
convenience, central, deal mole location, pri
vate Nmlly. 44 Clay, near 10th st.
NICELY furnished room for gentleman, all
modern conveniences, walking distance. 427
FOR RDNT Flrst-oJass modem rooms for two
gentlecnen; reasonable; close In. 29-N. lith
STRICTLY modem, newly furnished room.
very reasonable. eJh 10th at, near noab
lngton. AM S DON HOTEL, new and clean, hot an!
coia water, steam neat, gxou week ana
u p 2 tiS Third st.
FURNISHED room with board, all conveni
ences; reasonable. 107 iul& su, near Flan
ders Phon M. 8513.
La HOE front room suitable for $ men.
with home privileges; use of piano. &71
Gliian. Phone Main 4288.
MODERN, well-furnished front room, rent
reasonable, ground floor. SB2 Sd sU, ape.
31. Gladys Court
LARGE front room, one gentleman, $9; two
gentlemen, siv; separate dogs ir aesireu;
gwe. bath, phone, oil Rodney ave.
NICELY-FURNISHED, pleasant front room.
mo a ern. wun .sireping porca, suitable lor
2 pentlemem S46 Mill st
ONE sinKle or one double room, bath adjoin
ing; electric ugnt ana pnone; reier-nccs
desired. 427 W eldler su Phore C 1504.
FLRNI.SJILD room fr gentleman; aiung
ditLaooe; rennea musical xamuy. AH 41L
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
one or two rennea gentlemen; no other
roomers. Apply 34 Hall st.
NICELY furnished front room; seven min
utes walk from postomce: reasonable.
Mill st.. cor. West Park.
sol R furnished steam heated rooms in ex
change for board of children 9 and 7
rears. Pavy, 61 Kearney.
H00M for rent In small family; gentlemen
omy need apply and must furnish satisfac
tory references. 2o East Hth sU
LA RG E, well t u rnis h ed fron t room, every
convenience. 370 13th u cor. Montgom
ery. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front alcove
room, suitable ror lour; an modern con
veniences. 3-1 llth st., corner of Clay.
NICE front room, modern. West Side, rea
sonable, to rennea iuy eniragea oaye.
l ie kitchen if desired. Marshall 28" tt
NICELY fumL-hed rooms, bath, gas, use of
parlor and piano; modern convenience. 912
NICELY furnished front room; all modern
conveniences; furnace heau 42d & Harri
son. Gentleman only.
IDEAL bachelor apartments, new furnish-
ings. every comic rt ass urea; $15 to $25.
Phone A 2347. .
LARGE, light furnished room in s:na!l fam
ily; modern, telephone, Portland Height,
view, reasonable. Marshall 27.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for one
or two men: furnace heat, hot water, use
of bath. fall A 302.
FURNISHED room ia exchange for care of
children evenings per week. Call Kaat
TWO nicely furnished rooms In strictly pri
vate ituuiv , miiw ivvanvii. xvi. o
KTCHLT furnleted room in private home. Take
w car. 74 Johnson sc.
$7 Room for gentleman; gms, bath, walking
cint.wrf. 01 p-ny.
NEAT, well-furnished room, rent reasonable.
4i8 Montgomery it.
GiRL wants employed girl tot roommate.
X 408. Oregonian.
PLEASANT, neatly furnished room; modern
conveniencea 750 Lovejoy mt,
NICE, light room in private family. 711
PLEASANT room, heat, hot and cold water,
breakfast If desired. 17$ list South.
LARGE front room, close in. terms reason
able 321 W. Park.
FURNISHED front room, modern convent
en oes. walking diets nee. S3 North ldth su
A SMALL room, nat and clean, with con
venience 228 W. Park,
FOR RENT Large, light furnished front room,
- suitable for one r two gentle men. J aft 13th.
TWO nice sleeping room for gentlemen;
bath, heau 76 Quirobjr Marshall 1131.
WELL-FURNISHED rooms from $7
West Park. Phone Mala 479L
up. 403
NICELY furnished front bedroom; phone,
gas, bath; $10. 268 12th SU
ONE large and one small room, walking
distance.. Modern.4o8 at Ash.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. waJk
lng distance. 1S7 E. 14th st.
FURNISHED room for rent;
desired. 142 E. 53(1
breakfast it
EAST SIDE, front room, furnished, bath.
S month; close In. 350 Benton.
NEWLY furnished room in private family.
19S Union ave. N. Call East 64.
Nl"E lifeht upstairs room for light house
keeplng fla. 4u9 Park St.
ONE furnished and $ unfurnished rooms,
bath, heat and light. 6 30 Overton st.
FURNISHED rooms, privilege 0 kitchen if
desired. 7n8 Everett st.
FURNISHED rooms, private family; walk
ing; distance. 20 West Park.
Famished Rooms) In Privatc Family.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished large" outside
rooms, suitable for three or four gen tie
men; separata beds or for one person wish
ing a spacious living room or studio; single
room, aiso sleeping tent with floor; heat,
lights, bath, hot running water, phone;
$12, 118 per month. 675 Couch St., north
east cor. ISth, West Side.
NICELY furnished room with all modern
conveniences, strictly private family; gas
and electric lights, heated, walking dis
staace. E. Ankeny St., good car service.
$16 per mo., or could give smaller room
at $li. Phone B 2o35.
NICELY furnished ateam-eated room In pri
vate apartment, corner 18th and Couch; 1
block from Washington; apartment 25; gen
tiemen preferred.
i ST. CO PER MONTH Cheerful and comfortable
front room, walking distance, light, heat ana
pnone included. Call X2& Ea-t lih near
Morrison. East 654a.
DESIRABLE. newly furnlshsd. two and
three-room apartments, modern, reason
able, wa.klng distance, choice residence
locality. 575 Main st. m
VERY fine room in private family cheap
to a deslr&ble gentleman; 3 minutes'
walk to business center; on car hue. K
401, Oregonian.
NEW'lf furnished rooms for ladles of re
finement ; prices reasonabls ; walking dis
tance; three car llnea.' .Call 449 Flanders
st., nr. ISth.
PLEASANT Alcove room, for two or three
men. or couula emoloved: southern ex
posure, two beds, furnace, gaa, bath, phone.
470 Main st.
MCilLY furnished room with use of DX-
lor, library, piano and phone; board if
demlred. 746 Last Burnside. Phone B
BEAUTIFUL furnished room., next to bath.
new Xiau no other roomers, waaauug uab
tance. sleeping porch it desirea; ai-oc
4'H). Oregonian.
NICELY furnished steam-heated room:
clostti, bath and wat-hroom connected; very
Ceeirabie lor two gentlemen; noma priviiegoe-
walking distance, uvi .-soruirup at.
NfittXT furnished room, suitable for ona or
two gentlemen; bath, electric lights, no
other roomers, waiaing aisianc, iww
encei QoO Belmont, corner 15th.
NICE comfortable room, & per month, to
rounr woman wlllina to t.e m part
eveninsa CaU evennlgs, 8 to a. 764 K,ear
NICE clean, quiet, furnished room for one
or two gentlemen; furnace heat, alec trio
light and bath; have private garage on
place. Call 41 vanoouver ave.
ARGE, airy, nicely furnished front room.
alcove, bay-window, ror two or tnree; iuqu
ern home; gaa, bath, furnace. 569 Ever-
FOR RENT Pleasant front room suitable
-for two wtn t lm n nr man and W lie .
blocks from. Postoffice; private family
reasonable. Phone Main 367$
FURNldUED or unfurnished room for rent
in modern st earn- h eaten apartment, us
of kitchen, bath and phone,. Main 7714.
sua ea su, apu . i ; cioae in.
vcttXISHED room. West Side. elsKanU pri
vate, modern home, on park bloclts; rea
sonable: easy walking aistanco, or
blocks from car line. Main 4575.
rwrc n i rumtehed roam, very modern,
bath, electric light, furnace heat, phono,
atl coti ven te noes: reasonable. 401 6th U
Phone A 3S96.
LAHGhJ front room suitable for 3 gentlemen
or man ana wire;
Sunduy or week day
st. N.
wife ; wa I king distance. Cs
k day after 4 P. M-, 223 171
NICELY furnished front parlor suitable tor
2 or 3 gentlemen; also clean beds In large
attlo room sui table for working men
cheap. 163 12th SU
vtiti "v" urn i hrt front room for aentle-
rjian, furnace beat, gas and electrio light.
1 blocK irom oar, easy waiiu uiiv
443 llth street, near oouege.
401 HALPEY ST. 2 exceptionally nice
rooms, best of car service. Phone East
3 6 IV
ROOM-MATE; Btcam heated front, reason
able. Room 2d the Ellsworth., 166 Low mi
dair st.
VITL-I V fnrn1aVii1 I-Oirm for AD Or tWO ft" en
tiemen: West Side. o34 Flanders, cor. 20th.
Phone Marshall 1320.
A LARGS room for man and wife; privilege
of using aimng-room auu. kucuw. o-
o:h N.
& n.i-uv nlunnt room for two young nieu
private family; board if desired; very rea-
sunable; walking diaiance. oij L. mn w.
LARGE, well-tumished room, suitable for two
people; gas. bath, phone and heat, use of
piano; $3.50 per weea. cvo . oa
NICELY furnished room, ideal for 2 ladies,
furnace heat, electric light, telephone.
close in. Call 4S2 WMlllams.
FOR RENT Neatly furnished room in pri
vate lamliy; norae privilege; reawwiBio.
134 E. 2d st. North. Phone C 254.
NEWLY and beautifully furnished rooms,
furnace heat; for coupl
aa. 178 Ella, near
NICELY furnished rooms, upper flat;
neighborhood. I4fi$j HoyU
V'nfurnLshed Room.
FTJRNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, very
oitniiie for-Kentlcmen. Karam bldg., 1st
and I'ine.
Twn Urrt nhu newlv-tinted rooms, mod
ern conveniences, walking distance. 13
Hull sU
NEWLY tinted unfurnished front room In
private family, walking distance. H 85,
iivit!hmkh KYi bcusokeenln K rooma. $1 a
"week each; gas plate furnished. Belmont
Apts., 4U"A Belmont n.
TWO largo unfurnished rooms, furnaco heau
bath, gas ana pnone. ltivx
UNFURNISHED room; clean and lifiht, for
housekeeping, lotf on st.
FOUR unfurnished rooms, very reasonable.
193 North l&t-n su
Jtooini Wltk Dwsro.
wiTEn lady room-mate, large, hand
some room. Wrgre closets. Casa Rosa, J 00,
Jefferson sU Main 14s.
S3 17TH N., one block off Washington arU,
corner suite, bath adjoining; also single
rooms; board option aL
PORTLAND Women's Union, 234 year, rooia
with board, use of sewing-room ana iiorary.
610 Flanders. Miss Prances N. Hoath.supu
ROOMS, with or without board. 105 East
6th su
BOARD and room for young men or man and
wife. Tbe Casa Roaa. 300 Jefferson,
NICELY furniahed rooms with board, rate
reasonable. 1 70 N. lflth SU
NICELY" furnished rooma with board. 226
llta at, w
Kooma Wlth Board 1. prtrate Pamlly.
LARGE front rooms, suitable for two also
single rooms: excellent board. 304 N. SUd.
Phone A 7230.
NICELY furnished rooms with board for
gentleman; Scandinavian prof erred. 11 N.
10th su. between Stark and Burnside.
LADY living alone wishes good eon xenial
roomer and hoarder ; home privileges,
chenp. AG 4Q3. Oregonlan.
ONE or 2 newly furnished rooms wlih board
for one or two reap actable ladle. 424 i
Hull, near llth.
LADY, living alone young lady to room and
beard; home comforts; reasonable. Phone
Woodlawn 1814.
HoME cooking, large, airy room for 2, all
conveniences, walking distance. 181 .
12th sU, near Yamhlll. Phone 4303. '
TWO pleasant. Inexpensive rooms, on third
floor, newly furnished, good board across
tha streeU 754 IHoyt su, cor. 23d.
ROOM and board In exchange for house
work; school girl or elderly Lady. Call
K unday. M3 Minnesota ave.
STUDENT or employed girt to work for board
and room In private family. 403 LarraOee
GOOD home for young lady attending high
school for help morning and evening.
TeL B 195 or call 618 C Couch su ,
NEWLY furnished rooma with flret-olaas
board. S&ofr Mill u
SINGLE room in refined private family,
prlv 1 k go of steeping porch. M. 6'.
BOARD and nicely furnished room, suitable
for two: "4D Roosevelt su
KoOM and board for 1 or 2 In private fam-
lly. 3S0 llth sU
ROOM and board In private family. 835
Montgomery. .
WANTED Two young man to room and board
with private family. 3u5 Holladey.
FRONT room with board for 2 or 8 em-
p'.o; cd people. aiain o4&p.
BOARD and room In Catholic family; East
Side, close In. K 390, Oregonlan.
LARGE room for 2 or i reasonable; board;
In private family. Main 43b4.
NICE room for two, furnace heat, horn
conking. 7S0 Belmont, East 2S8L
FURNISHED room and board, 18 week, for
two Yam.hH 1. ., m
ROOM and board for lady, private family.
West Side, walking diatance. Main lgflO.
NICELY' furnished rooms, with board; all
convenience. 655 Washington u
$20 Room and board
6tn su Mala 33i-4.
for young men. 806
MAN and wife or two men, in private home.
For particulars phone Main 5t34.
CLEAN, well-furnished room, suitable for
two: good home cooking. 4uS 3d su
NICELY furnished room with or without
breakfast. Phone Marshall 1831.
ROOM, board, with Hone cooking,
thorn ave.
iioo ax HI in. Board In PTivat Family.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, one
suitable for two gentlemen; large closet
and wardrobe, two meals, furnace heat,
tatb, phone, home privileges, walking
distance. Phone B 1745.
YOUNO man, having room In private fam
ily In Irving ton. wishes room mate to
snare expense ; references required. F
b'jti, QTegopian.
FURNISHED room with board in private
family; modern conveniences; walking
distance; terms reasonable, 243 College
BEAUTIFUL Irvington home; nice room
and breakfast, for two eung men; bath,
telephone and Broadway car service.
Phone East lt3S.
PLEASANT home for young men of good
character in refined private family; mod
ern conveniences; easy walking distance;
references. C 1122.
LARGE pleasant room for two girls em
ployed; excellent neighborhood. mod am
heme, choice board, reasonable. Ttil Mar
an a U st, ;
NICELY furnished room, good board, private
family; e2.5o per month; a reduction tr
two per so us occupying anoe room. iioO
Clifton st.
LADY wtth nice suburban home near school
would take children to care for; can in
struct lit muaio or achool studies- A 414,
ROOM and board for two gentlemen; good ;
home cooking; bath and ptone. naimon
A part men i.
E. 7th and Taylor sts.
New. beautiful and very elaborate fnr
sdiihed apartments of two and three rooms;
something entirely different from usual
run of apartmeuts; tni is worthy of in
vestigation if you are looking for aome
thlng exceptionally good.
469 Clay Lreu second house from 14th;
all a-room mooern completely furnlsbed
apartments; house and elegant furniture
brand new; steam heat, electrio light, hot
a; id cold water in every apartment; private
phone, bath, walking distance; $20 to $2o.
Includtn g electric ligau Marshall 2074.
On Lucre ua at., between 224 and 23d
sts, near Washington su Most modern,
new brck apartment house, with ail the
latest conveniences too numerous to men
tion, including free private telephones in
each apa'tmenu All outside large rooms.
Apply SupU, on premises, apartment No. L
570 Couch su, cor. lbth, near Wash
ington; phone Main 1192; 3 and 4-room
apartments, furnished or unfurnished, with
elevator service, private bath, hot and
cold water, steam heat, phone and janitor
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14ih and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison u ; new
brick building, completely nrst-class; fur
nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, Jan-
ltor service,; rent very reasunaoie.
THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts..
unfurnished J -room apartment with bath;
all outside rooms, modern, every con
venience, only 5 minutes' walk from P.
O.; very reasonable renu Main 2i04r A'
Cor. Grand Ave and Stark &L
New fireproof brick building, beautifully
furnished, two and three-room apartments,
crlvate baths, wall beds, large clothes
closet. Phone E, 300.
tt n r t.easb Modem, now furnished apart
Toont hnusA all rented and earalne i450
ner montu, located in leading city of
Willamette Valley.
211 Lewis Bldg.
RE-UK-AN 624 Marshall St., 8-room elegant
ly furnished apartment, private oath, pri
vate phone, steam, hot water, all modern
Convenience, quiet neighborhood. Main 0U2,
A aim.
New and modern, $26 to $35: 38th and
E. Glisan. Telephone in each apu, steam
heau Phones B 2516 and E. 6387.
eta. New brick building, S and 4-room
family apartments, electrio elevator, steam
heat, disappearing beds, private bath
rooms, free phones, eta: rent 125 tolSO.
New brick building; E 8th and Couch
at. : 3 rooma steam heat, private bath
phone, $25 to CaU at Apt. 202 on
BLAN-MYR Just opening, new fireproof
brick, large light hail, an outsiae apart
ments, automatic elevator, electrio dumb
waiters, not ana coia water, private oatn,
steam heat. 228 N. SOth, cor. Lovejoy.
ONE 8-room and one 4-room apartment for
rent. Madison Apartments, 262 Park su;
everything modern: automatic elevator
8th st.. 4 sauares above P. O. ; family ho
tel, private baths and telephones; tran
sients solicited.
MODERN 6-room apartment, hot water heat.
gas range and retrigemtor. 100 iast loth,
corner Yamhill.
SUNLIGHT apartments1, three rooms, new,
furnished, heat, water, teiepnone. izya ej.
motit; $30 and up, B l&U, Tabor lTGg.
WELL-FURNISHED 3-room apartment; mod
ern conveniences, rurnace heau 2Ze 12. Xolo.
iiJJTt 14U.
ST. CLAIR Six-room modern apartment,
two porches, all conveniencea. Phone Main
4 aau.
BOZANTA Newly f urn is head 8 and 4-room
apu. private phones and strictly modern
23d near Johnson su ,
IRIS Apartments, Third and Mill streets,
4-room uiiturnisnea, .io; o-room unfur
nished, $45 ; moaern Improvements-
COZY two-room apartment at the Del Monte
Apartment-house; reasonable renu 107 Stout
t.. a doors soutn or vvasnington.
NICELY furnished three-room apartment;
every modern convenience; reasonable renu
ApU 17, peeler Apt, fnone A 74U2.
2-ROOM newly furnished apartments, $18 and
ia. aaoVj union ave. jorin.
LADY to share 3-room furnished apartment.
Phone M. bo2t', nanover apartments.
LOWER floor, four large rooma Call be
fore noon. 003 uavis, neu I4tn and leuh.
THE MAJESTIC Strictly modern 4-room.
suite, choice neignborhood. guo Clay su
THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders, 4-room
unfu rnlshed apartm enu 22.50.
ONEONTA, 187 17th st.t near Yamhillr
bteam-beatea, I urn is bed apartment.
FOR RENT 929 Thurman U, bet. 37th
and 2Sth; line car service; Cat of 6
rooms, modern conveniences; regit 823
per month. Inquire Wakefield. Fries at
Co., 85 4th sU. Henry blug. Nothing on
the West Side like it for the money.
FOR RENT New, modern. 5-room Cat. fire
place, Dutcn JKitcnen. nice iront porch and
large back yard, close In. near 8 earlinea.
East Int. beu Schuyler and Hancock, in
quire 32QU, Weidier. Phone C 2 7
MUST be seen to be appreciated. Just
completer e eiegant s-room nate. tast
7th and Couch; 12 minute walk to 3d
and Wash. No children. Two people
only. Phone East 131o.
FOR RENT Modern five-room flat on
Zlst St., near iawtnorno; rirepiaces, rur
nacea. Bleeping porches; building to be
completed by 20 tn; rent $35. Phone Ta-
bor 1507 '
MODERN, uv-todate upper flat of 6 rooma
5: V, Mill. bet. fetb and 7th. Phone luuit
Sou. 0 pMnutaa' walk to P. O,
NEW 8-room upper flau all modern conrenj-
encest, including nrepiace, is. eta as a ore
go ats.Phon E3aat 2-tZ.
FLAT of four rooms, furnished, walking dis
tance; one of three rooms, same piacef par
tial iy fumUhed. 424 Eaat Davla
TJP-STAIRB flat, five rooms and bath, on
Broadway, near Gran a ave.; rent $20.
Phone East 2695.
MODERN ft-room flat, S25; wide porches.
beautiful lawn. 00 j commercial at, cor.
FINE modern 5 -room upper flat. 763 Mar
shall su Rent ssa. o. h. K-oreu, Lum
bermans Bldg., 5th and Stark.
FOR RENT Modern 6-roorn upper flat, 774
Lovejoy. vanauyn m waiton. oxo Cham
ber of Commerce.
LARGE, isolated 5-room fiat. 12 Alder su,
all outside rooms; so. ppiy axi, wwm.
dale (.15th) streeu
A 5-ROOM flau alcove and porch. Second
ana Uiacgama ia. nonaoay aaaition.
NICELY furnished modern. 4-room flat;
close m: j U'ou lh. iaoa
FOR RENT New flat, all moaem conven-
lencea, i3tniiu r. Aan sts.fnone a awo
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 661 Davenport ru.
4-room iurnisneq nat, iD. rnone A 17B3.
UNFURNISHED lower fiat of 4 rooms
adults. o-o Tin near Mroac way.
AND 4 -roomed modern fiat; all
nished flat 2334 Hall gt.
6-KOOM flau attic and fireplace,
Nortnrup it. Rest 140. Main 8225.
FOR RENT FLAT, near Steel bridge, new,
modern. Phono Woodlawn 1859.
KSW 4-room upper flat. 100 feet from M-V
carline. north. Call at 131 E 69th au
NEW 4-room unfurnished flat with bath;
rent $15- 54 Kerby st. L
6-F.OOil modern fiat,
$?0, Phone Tabor
6-ROOM flat for rent complete, new furniture
throughout. L 39d OretfQBian.
4 rooms, 171 Made st,, 2.50.
6 rooms, 173 Meade St., e.30.
5 rooms, 440 East 19th st. N.. 130.
8 rooms. East Yamhill near 20th, 135.
8 rooms. 73 East 16th St.. $45.
7 rooms, 283 'N. lth st., 25.
8 rooms, 13 East 4th st., 'J0.
8 rooms, B43 East Oak St., 3.
7 rooms. 5 'J 9 Commercial St., $20.
8 rooms, fit"! E. Salmon st., $30.
6 rooms, 505 E. Salmon su, $).
6 rooms. 3V' East 11th St., $5.
5 rooms, &'.2' East llth St., $25.
6 rooms. 475 4 East JtJtn St.. $J0
B rooms, 700 Irving st., 12V
S rooma E. 14th and Madison sts., $30.
5 rooms, 464 Hall su, $M.
T rooms, S8 Hawthorne ave.. 127-50.
6 rooms. 444 H Larrabee st., $D7-50.
6 rooms, 3i3 Clifton st., $32.50.
fi. rooma, GS park St., $25-
250 Alder Et.
HTH and East Alder st. (-room outside,
upstairs ttat. with large garret room,
finished, eement basement, furnace, fire
place, sas range, water heater, linoleum
on kitchen floor and bath. Inquire of
F ia t a, 5 AE : as it Aid er. Eas t3 H3.
MODERN 5-room fiat, 06 Belmont St. In-
East 16th South.
$7 Four-room flat. Apply 250 Alder st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
1 HE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for iousekeeainir. a as ranee, elec
tric light, hot water, bath, laundry, alt
fiee: 815 ter month ud: a clean place:
best in the city for money; short distance
from Union Depou Taae car or I6th-su
cars north, get off at Marshall su No dogs.
WELL-FTTRNTSHED housekeeping rooms.
$S month; 3, $13; another 3, $ld. 3o4 2Gth
at.. North (west siae river, w car irom
TJepoC 5th or Morrison to 26th. block
$2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms; taunary, aaia. psone, gaa neat.
yard, clean linen. 408 Vancouver ave
aiOUiCrt.N, CtftlKAb, lvlAON A&iaE.
O.N'B fapnlahed housekeeping room; nice end
oiean, first floor, fetepnanson Court, bib Mill
et. Main 0110.
POK hKNT Housekeeping rooms In x
concrete bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2937.
THJS ELMS 2 and 8-room apartments, fur-
nished. lift 14th su; transient solicited.
$1,50 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping room.
neat. 1 a unary, oatn. sua Stanton, v ear.
$15 THREE unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; Sd, near Hall. Apply 3d su
HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping room, all
conveniences, $10 month. 869 North 19th.
Housekeeping Boom in Private Family.
$14 NEWLY and completely furnished
suit of rooms, modern, light, bath.
phone: lovely residence district; overlook
intr river and cltv : close in. near car:
adults. 664 East 6th. Phon Sellwood
2 MODERN furnished housekeeoinr rooms;
eras lichta. bath and laundry. Also one
nicely furnished room. Reasonable rates
to party of 3 adults, taking all 3 rooma
1 2 i bp o Kane av e
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
private family, 15 minutes walk from
postoffice, gas, electric light. . phone.
oatn ana heat, go per wees:. Aauit oniy,
Phone A 7062; 660 Sixth t-
445 6TH ST. Thoroughly clean housekeep
- Ing suite front rooms, newly furnished
central, gas, bath, reasonable to desir
able tenant. Main 446S.
VERY neatly furnished housekeeping rooms.
with private hot and cold water, ga and
neat ana ugnt lurnisaea. ax uta su.
corner or oiay.
FOR RENT Newly furnished room, with
use of kitchen for light housekeeping; 10
minutes' walking from Postoffice; $13
month. Fhone'A S109.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
piano, all modern conveniences, walking
distance. Phone Main 8391. 371 Mont
TWO pleasant . suite of housekeeping
rooms, two rooms each ; West Side ; ten
minutes' walk from Post ot rice. 012 Mar
ket sU
NEATLY furnished room, furnace heat, hot
ana coia water, oatn, electrio iignu tele
phone; housekeeping privileges. Call 4S2
Williams ave.
WANT quiet couple, two rear rooms; side en
trance, range, gas, hot and cold water,
phone; $4 a week. Call after 11 A, M., 244
7th st.
A SUITE of room suitable for one or two
ren-tlemen: large and modern, furnished;
strictly private family; references required.
rnone Main iwi.
S55 TAYLOR. N. E. corner Park, furnished,
unfurnished or partly housekeeping rooms;
2 P LHASA NT housekeeping rooms. alcove,
kitchen, piano, sewing machine; $0 a week.
su. etn st.
THREE unfurnished rooms, electrio light
heat, gas, bath, phone, hot and cold
water. 69 North 21sU near Washington.
TWO housekeeping rooms, light, water and
bath and phone; good car service. East
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first floor, steam
heau bath, free phone; rent by week or
montn; down town, bdoi Aiaer.
TWO pleasant housekeeping room, on carl in.
suitable lor man ana wue or two giris; ret
erences exchanged. Phone Bast 337L
FOR RENT Two or three housekeeping
rooms, also one single room. $12 Brook
lyn sU Take Brooklyn car.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for lieht
housekeeping, walking distance. 528 East
Davla ,
2 PARLORS with piano, for light housekeep
ing; also 2 other room; gae and bath. 060
NICE dean housekeeping suite, also sleeping
rooms. 245l Holladay ave., just across Steel
WANTED One or two ladles to share a
steam-heated flat, modern conveniences,
walking dis tance. 448 Clay, apartment 1.
TWO large front rooms, neatly furnished
for light housekeeping; private family;
West Side. Main 2S00.
ON Q large, well-furnished room for Ugt
housekeeping; 814. 311 Main St., oeu oth
and otn.
TW'O furnished housekeeping rooms; telephone.
bath, gaa, wasning privileges; gooa joaauon;
walking diatance. 347 College u
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, sin
gle or in suite; oatn, gas ana pnone; no
children. 840 College, corner 7th.
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
ugnt. pnone ana oatn. v iaei iota su.
LARGE, completely furnished front room
with large cioaet ana use 01 aiionep,
china, etc 429 Market sU X 4006.
MODERN, nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, reasonable. 109 pjortn lotn ou
S54 SALMON One very desirable room, fur
nished for llgnt pouaoiteeping.
SUIT a of rooms for light housekeeping;
children. w& Main u
THRE2J or four rooms, first floor; bath piano.
yard. 753 E. gurngiae. -rione m. iitw.
NICE houbekeeplng rooms, gas, bath, walk
ing distance; aouita; aio. pzp ivearney.
363 BTH Furnished housekeeping rooms,
hath and laundry.
FURNISHED housekeepirrg room very
cheap, call evenings, raoor vim.
FRONT housekeeping rooms with alcove kitch
en, phone, hath, -lea jortn lotn st.
TWO clean, furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas, Data, yaru; e-io uivu m. f twi.
TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, opposite
Falling school. 721 1st u
TWO modern, nicely furnlshsd housekeeping
rooms reasonaDie. xus sortn lain.
THREE unfurnished, housekeeping room at
'J2"-i Larrabee su, cor, nimey.
F)R RENT 9 newly furnished housekeep
ing rooms. ta naiiii t
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms or suitable
for two young men, sou ivy su
NEWLY furnished, housekeeping rooms;
bath and pnone. ap in. aitn su
$6 A W&&K Two-room emit aousekeopuiff
rooms, -ct xttn st.
ONH suite nicely furnished housekeeping
rooma. can CTfreu or pnone main cnw.
1 SUITE housekeeping room,
nished. 546 Yamhill su
neatly fur-
T W O neatly f urn lshed houe k t ep i ng rooms,
close la, reasonable. B 1427.
TVV'O unfurnished rooms for light housekeep
ing. 44 North 8th st.
TWO rooms to quiet couple; walking distance.
249 Grand . N-
425 11TH Nicely furnished room for one or
two ladies, with privilege ef heusekeepirjg.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
ground floor, front rooma. 411 Taylor st.
PLEASANT front room, light housekeeping;
walking distance; prjv, fam. 300 Jackson.
FOR RENT October 10 Modern 8-room homo,
4Q0C lay. Inquire 461 Jefferson.
FOR RENT Nearly new modern four-room
bungalow. I UP- Sunny-aide. 119 E. 32d st.
MODERN 6-room tenement. E. Plna near JStS,
Address &36 Kalaey, Q 2260.
FIVE-ROOM modern, up-to-date bungalow.
Inquire 1060 Hth at. N.
HOUSE for rent at 770 Hoyt -U Apply At ITS
Hoy t at.
FOR RENT T-room house. 441 Bast lYth
sL Nortlu sear T111moo Phone A 2254.
Home-hunters, visit our up-to-date rental
and information department, 4 th floor,
mala building, and see the vacancies we
have listed of desirable houses and flats.
You'll save time in getting properly and
comfortably located. We keep In touch
with all vacant housoa, flats and apart
ments In the city. We also keep a list of
new buildings in course of construction
The combined lists of all real aetata
dealer a. This Information Is absolutely free.
WHEN you move you'U need new furniture.
Buy It judiciously and the savings will aa
ceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PUICES made us one ot
the largest furniture bouses ia th city la
two years.
Lookers shown same court say" as buyer.
89-75 Grand ave.. corner Eatit Stark U
East Ankeny a r.d R usse II-S r.a ver oar line
Here is an opportunity for you. We have
new modern bunKalow that we will
ell on terms of $io0 down and $25 a
month; that' better than KENT- Figure
it out and then come in and talk It over
with m.
610 Lumbermen Bldg.
Main 8768. 6Ui end Stark fcU
5- room house, SS E. Wahtugua,"n
20th: $is.
6- room house, 41st aad Holgate at.,
9-room house, 360 E. 47th, X block from
Rose City car, $36.
Flat. 5 rooms, 91 Front St., $3,
Third and Oak sts.
VERY fine 7-room modern home, lOoxAOO.
on corner of Villard and Hulman: house
haa furnace, stationary was hs tan as, also
garage, beautiful shade treee and shrub
bery ; small family preferred; rent $25:
only 8 blocks from Killings worth ave, end
2 blocks from St. John car line, inquire
David Lewis, room 2. Lumbermen bldg.,
Mh and Stark.
NICE new 9-room house, strictly modern In
every respect; large sleeping room, beauti
ful finish, most conveniently arranged; 2 ,
blocks carline; beautiful location In restrict
ed district, close to good school. Phone)
Marshall 2674.
FINE 8-rom Bouse, new, modern; lot lOOg
100, and 3 blocks from carline at Ktl
lingsworth and Delaware: rent for Sid.
245H Stark SU
Main 35. A 8500.
MODERN 9-room house; part can be sublet
to advantage; close In; reasonable rent.
8. W. Cor. 8th. and Wr ashing ton Sts.
HOUSE, 7 rooms, modern, two lots; also
cottage, three large rooms, modern; both
near car; will give lease if desired. Mrs.
Moxley, 6710 59th ave-, TremooU MU
FOR R EN T 12-room bouse, 275 N. 24th st.,
cor. Overton. Hot and cold water in every
bedroom; tine neighborhood, modern con
veniences. Inquire 85 4th sU, Henry bldg.
Wakefield. Fries A Co. will give lease.
At a great saving. Get our price.
Lookers shown every courtesy.
M. OSTROW & CO., 64-66 North 3rd SU
Reasonable prices. Easy terms.
HOUSES and flats for rent, some furnished.
S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts.
4-ROOM bungalow In Rossmere, beautifully
furnished, hot air furnace, electrio lights
and every modern convenience; Just
. finished, on full-sized lot, rent $16 per
month. Inquire Calumet HoteL
8-room modern , house, cor. 1st And
Curry street; $7.
133 First sU
0-ROOM house, near Brooklyn school, on
East 10th and Beacon sts. Apply at
Fisher's, next door, or E- - Willi. 663
East 9th. price, $lfi.
YOU can keep warm and dry In tent; bet
ter health and less expense; river-view
location to lease; give reference when you
write. AN 408. Oregonlan.
XOU can keep dry and warm In a tent ;
better health and less expense: give ref
erence when you write. AF 334. Orego
nlan. OVERLOOK, 8-room modern, colonial house,
for rent after Nov. 1; rents for $50 per
month. See owner, 71S Chamber of Com
MODERN 0-room houee, Willamette
Heights; furnished or unfurnished. Phone
East 2330.
VERNON, 7-room, modern house, 200 feet
from car, rents for $22 per month. Cal 1
718 Chamber of Commerce. Phone A 2756.
FOR RENT Modern 7-room houso. good
barn and yard. 205 Ainsworth ave.. Pied
mont district, near car.
8-ROOM cottape. West Side, corner, 3 car
line and walking distance; $35. O. W. P.
Land Co.. First and Alder
FIVE rooms, absolutely modern, furnace,
fixtures, shades, eto.; East Slda; $22.50.
Phone Woodlawn ll7.
612 ALDER, near high school, 5-room flat
$35; very desirable; central. Zil irfwns
dale. Main 1013. '
ROOM suitable for4 vaudeville; excellent lo
cation; formerly occupied by moving
pictures. H. E.- Helstand, Kenton. Ohio.
FOR RENT Brand new, 6-room bungalow.
in South V ortiano, near car; i.e a momo.
1074 Front at.
FOR RENT 6-room house on Third and
W eldler. inquire at otn ana aiuu-
nomeh. walking distance.
6-BOOM house, bath, good condition, rent
811. 1130 iijtn su, near aiuwia, x-uouv
Main 2001, ; "
HOUSE, newly papered and furnished. T
room ena unm. oiaih muu o-
way; rent inono juaat two
6-ROOM house, bath. ga. electricity, wash
trays, cement basement, etc, u. inquire
435 E. 7th st North, cor, of Tillamook.
SIX-ROOM cottage, fine view, walking
dlBtance, 910 montn. Appty exo dwm
FOR RENT New, modern house, 4 rooms
and bath, si w ouperior su vau
owner, business secretary -Y. M. C A.
7-ROOM house for rent, 660 Mason U cor.
13th; bath, wasn trays, eiectno Jignt.
Apply 361 Sacrament? sU
MODERN 6-room houee with den and alcove;
all up-to-date conveniencea ooe 4isx im
hill, cor. lath '
7-ROOM modern house, unfurnished; gas, elec
tric light, ana nne lawn. 4.
North. Phone Eajrt 3&91
FOR RENT in Holladaye Addition, a 7-
room modern house, witn every convsn
lence. Apply 3U5 Hassalo su
5-ROOM house for rent; Montgomery and
llth sts. ; sib. vanauyn waiton, oio
Chamber of Commerce.
6-ROOM cottage; good neighborhood, olose to
car; $15 montn. cau us waaa.- st.,
room 5.
LA KG U house and grounds, suitable for pri
vate school or institution. Min o, a aa.
NEW 6-room housa. East Side, $20. . Gruber,
927 Board ot xraae Jtsiag.
6-ROOM house. In Kenilworth; well located.
Reasonable. Apply 44tf aa su
FOR RJuNT 7-room modern house, on cor
n e r. 4 2 lGoin g. j zmo. .
FOR RENT 6-room house for $18. 632 East
Everett, near xzin at.
IOR RENT 6-room cottage, 2o7 W hittaker
St., .South. Call Main 2o.
HOUSE and half acre, $10 month, at MU-
waukie. ya onn tn st. jl zi i a.
6-ROOM cottage, good condition, with barn.
$14. Hatneu, tn c,
6-ROOM modern house; rewoAftble, Pbop
Marshall 120L " " "
8-ROOM hoi. 2od Seventh St.. near Jef
FIVE-ROOM cottage, furnace, ga, bath.
Inquire euo Last iayior.
FurniPhcd Houses.
SEVEN-ROOM house for rent, six rooms
fur niched; large, ciose in. oaii irom
1 to a, P4 ri. 14tp.
FOR RENT Five-room furnished cottage.
4&2 Preeeott at.; $:S0 per month. Wake
fleld. Fries A Co.. S5 Fourth at.
MODERN furnlihed 11-room house, walking
dtanc, West Side. 80 Fourth at. Inquire
W. B. Hartley. 'r
NEW modern, 6-room houaa. partly fur
nished; East Side, carline: owner reserve
one room. Y 414, Oregonian.
MODERN 6-room cottage. West Side, waik
ing distance, reasonable. ' S. B. corner 6th
and Lincoln. Phone A 3351.
253 N. 21at st. Modern 8-room house I preU
tily and. completely furnished; fin loca
tion. .
ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 5 room, 1
block car. 6T9 E- 88 N.
6 ROOilS. nicely furnished. $35 per mostH.
Phone E. 25S7.
MODERN furnished cottage, five rooma and
bath; six months. 610 E. 21su W-fl car.
6-ROOM furnished, in Irvington; will sell.
Particulars, W. C. Reed. 845 Morrison.
MODERN nicely furnish 5 or 8-room house,
$20 or $15. Main 5335.
NEW, modern 5-room fumUhsd flat; eunny
and ooiy: rent $25. 6464 Kerby st.
FOR RENT Furnished house, 8 rooms, Hol
ladav Add, 261 E. 3d sU Nnrth.
I io.o