1 1 13 TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, FORTXAXD, OCTOBER itiiv- Kti. rTrt . WAXTEO. Email farms tear porti-nd. email farm adjacent to eiectrie llna About 4 icra cp;an only; Yamhill Co nt? cx l-rg tract fcr subdivision, Omn pliui icad full dotal. or call iUSTMAV T!I'"MPOV. Backer. HAj R T O 9TB HAVE MTffAl Entrm ptrtlK M arm.. nt to purshae meii-i prl.ed r.Bi In iud iocf.-t.J on the .t t!ii. tr i,ut u. and tr.e oc.i-n aci price a right w can yar pr- p 'V. v. u. UNO ro. 4! n I'...;-. V. AN TEI " L I N A C K K A O 'A. Htvt cjitvur lor a small pi'C of cxe. Pnr-.r oho tnat la partJany lm yrvviJ, ftwi um 1 r out. oa s-iue e.ectrlc Lie. What have yoti? y i vYLon ro.. 4i-4l L;s L.. 4th and oak Pta IV A NT cio-tn r.l tilde or Weil Sirto bui. n-e prjpTtj. r"t ovt-r Hj '"0. fop wh:--h eo;i. c . wifo ci-ise-ir. aciira;-. f re frm lscum!'r.,acr or crilri. mual bo ta k-n as i 1 "t payment, b a. a nee cash. Var.djyn A Waitou, 614 Chamber of Coi- airct i w a nted ac : r-oe. Want to buy or get v.l-rs agency. Vv sr Orti -n I'Ar rru or li:ld J.!;. vlth:n 25 k.: Fortmd; nmj: t-e ?.i ar.i a.tr.y all ud'T cultivation: ul a. a Vi'iy prrrre ; o c o.y. V wo , 1 UM to buy 6 to aT-e. cio to ( trio line a:;J un good rj .s; i.r Port land and . at Side riser. Ii:i;.r0.ed or un tiuproied; Kivo full particulars- must bo (KairatoiO. Owner oniy. AL 8H. Orego r. . iii. K ban opened aa of: ice at 6 4 near Prtl,-e, rr t..e- tinuiiv .ind.mg of rotb Portland. Lit your property there r at nku orriee, Washington, cor. Third- Gvl-hMll:' s AgA y. ft A -V TED To buy. ni".-rn Portland reat onco or Ir.coiz.M b.iati.e-s pr.n rty t-tm partjr who w,.i vr;.E HjoJ Hivr orrhard tract !u - p-i.U i .i : i-ut. Ol0 tei.phouo number. Aki STv. -pf r.l.-.n- V x v a tiJrr fwi" a itood, laoon.a prot.r;j- worth from f IS.oOy tu ? LJ.yvu, lifcihi.K A STitA'"l!A-V aStS t. r:-tlj:iSt:Mi!n -'--C- CGHNKK. i"Js'fl'. In ln!. 3 hlocVo fmm tar; worth ! -''). tu i-ti;vr.ga aa part pay u .nt on Improved rt-iUcn-'e proparty will pay abot:l t.'ivO rttah Rni t'iluno tCis) l r m c n i a. A jjr i Or yoplan. UA V li c-'Tio.iicra woi:!n f-r r hiu. Cw yy frtit U-0 tn $-o0 cah. bnl. ntntl.iy. i'rk-4. to f itijO. Com la nr. A ua, HItl.suV A RIFHOp. T2 THTT.n ST. W VNTLli A A'. t"l hoiuo by a boaa Mi buyer. etj"iiy pit x d If value is n.iown ; walkn.tf dlfitJico trwiorrttd. 1 377, Oregiuian. WANTED Houm or o..njal..w with bt-j.ll-e. can pay '-' dv-wn, Li.uica 430 pr mon lb; nl prlcs d - rlpt.ou un.l Tn a tiur.; owuai or t-ni. U Orwffontan. "K finl from owners, 3 3-room bjnaloa on ay urmi and a rl-a homo In Irvtng tn; hart tur waUi.rf. 47 Hoard T rale. V ANTKi ii-t of ft r over :."ot for Il Tx 3'" 4 and well-built house, unfinished. Ka:iki, 1 biacka aoutb of Arcr.r J laca. M t. ccitt car c 1 ii. bal. .3 ntor.thty, HaV'E cuitgmer waiting lio baa aurr.o ma7 and a few J lots to exchange fr a small furin. U ynn Juhnsoa Co.. Oor:im;r H-J rf. VATti i rult l..d. iarn tract, by x-P-riencd orcdait: will aut It out to fruit and work. It by contract. A" 137, Preconlan. CJiS rl ouatomer want lot olose to Union v. or -Aiborta, L; price tnuJt bo riyhU Add mas J- I K-nn ly. 634 L'nioa ava Nrth, Phot. A1 wdl'alTlI. 1 KA V IZ nicely e-jalpped aaoilne launch and houseboat ax. a ouie c---h as Aral pay ment on honk. Wbat fcv jnuT i. boiBU city. liA VFI cmh buyers fr rr-.il a.rfo tracts i property tai worth j-rlcet akwd. Cail or errt: fAill doacripUwoi ot yr lamd. 41 4 N. dth ax. Ha VaJ $lut.4 w'.U aa iiM about more fr small hoaM ar.d. two lota Erixt .'1, c t fr oa:; hu to occupy on 14 ou.y. AN lx Ores-'- 'o- "WK want from wnra, 1 5-ro m bunralnwa a eAsy terma ai.d a nt e Uw.i.e In lrW:i,j toa; Uao buywro wai.ua. 4i7 lard Traio. I WANT a home, not over 40x. 100 cn balance ae rnt; prufr Koi City I .irjc or Irvlncton; luoat be a Uaiiala. P 377. rvffoman. VANTEP To .a-e 1' for aa.rd.ntnr purioaa, Hanoxk Addition. Addresa V"ANi tr-l. front owner, about A atrt of lund an Oraa klietrl:; si e Art rii'111'.l. lu- i?l n. prf wit. aJ J. org k -jr. Inn. ii-ilJtliO bu:.(4!; wlii tflve h UK-tt and & Ums IB irr.4Dj Hn'-: a f.rat (amei.t rd t Pr nr.fu V ,2. LTcr-.r..n. 'U t want tea J'"-! nxiuutlT eralu.. cectT blic. in 'lern horuvi: bu M-.a 1LWO. 4-0 TVANTE: l)lt.!-vl la-.d: aiaie pru, lersua and Wuur. in Urt kiur. Addrwss r O. bo J4.. lirtian-i. iTcTLlS "QUiSliM KST wanu-d; f fuU pr liculnra In Urat letter. Ail 17a. U- tnOlflTL livu srl k4 lot. Uul File. wulkinK Ulac.-e; :a a Ftice; o.im oe rlt for cab. X 37a, 'rir -t.aj In liL V 3 lo tiri in;?tvd or unln:proved l r tii1n rcl.: n:-.t be cioea 1a; (.vo tj.ll t-ax: Urula.' a AO 4:0, tTK n.an. W" A Ni" II I A ood k or I -room house for l.rov. ive exact k-ciujn. prte ao.d tarma. tt'IJ) l.ke to buy a Luine that la reaJI a..y ana h-tnieilk. on pain--:li t t ) down : a month. A oil. Or fui.ian. V A NTtP Ixts nlor.c .mdv road, WiisiT K fc.M P 37 j. it-' -n .an. C s H v- d f- r j inj tin t,r cia-n.a. C. A. Tu ir.tf. 4- iw:'..ic-t b. Va.STKIi An . trws'.iuettt. city proprty. from i-'in to t'.J1'. P , Ort-i'Ulaa. XB P4IF TIV.ItHR LAM)H. Hi.-. a-re wtth.n ti.i 'f tV cltr. S'V orda t iin.l on thts gr.'ut d Cn ba a- id on ejtct aUid of tern -a. ei.;adJn over lour i'.r. kea.:t. ktmasls a jefpkrt. CTiA;utr f CfTm;crce. J'K PALfc! tT onr, .ht hundrud acrao ttm'. tr. cruiatr.c t. : ty n-u ion t-t on the bi.a Kuer; piua nr itcre; 64) acres adjoit.inrf can t purcba,ed nt same iTice: no wcuita. Addr.aa ioa Ku V y-r.e. Oregon lOO arre Orei -n tlnber lar.d. l:i LCUK.S d ffr. T :nt. r.-a ily tl:::beroL t:r ;i.s casb. A 'rot .G-J ave.. 1JM. Lh UM'S fl".H 7 AX1 & 'LD. VH 4CK K. r-' IT-Kay C J. JaTT'aT wl quick. IW ncr-. Jatkavn Ci.-or.ty: a rr,a.Un ft fir and fuiar p:r.. 4oU caiu. W Ji2. Or- '-r,laH. . t-Al.fc '-t mi. '.ion f-t timber, or rr.tle from rai.r. ad; ruuat it'll, n.ake offer. H 3 "4. i Tty'iiu:. y-H bAuE Cor-xi iur:pax; T.00 ?orc, Is ml.aa frm '!'. yn ra;iruwMl. Icqulr 37 "IK-d near c: . t w H 47Th. Tj f-aoed; new bulld ! 1. "REi j!na'c!e tin'er in Ppucim y fra:: terma. N 37ft. Orrronian. t-Al i! S, homre'.-ada. rellauian U orctr 1.11-- FOR FKVT I'ARMi OR 19 aorea, aoim fruit. Hood lUvcr. on efearve: lt.0 ictm k v. wheat land. U'uoo 4 junt, II ml. from railr-'a.!. for 1-3 c-vpa. rer.ter to f-..rr..sh everytniaj;. Mc Coy. 14 North Jith. I to I evrniiiKa only. to KKNT. ea Irr p.ercat; 1I J at.-,! farm a ith stock ar.d i,lsratte aJy preferably. l'i;i t;ham. Wash. fvk O Joi di.ry farrua. a;. - k. k:ua anj li riemdnis for aaie. O. V. X'. Land Co F'.rat a r.d A. FUALL, w e;.-equirp d dairy ranch, fl.no u. . to an i'rienced rrJDor.aibie pi an, L A?S,Orekoni.ui. FOR KENT A B e T.v.ry farm of J area, s:ua:sl car tr:'ar-i. Inq-r room CUa wp Qt -ii.r e b.cy ti'K K NT I -try (J.'ia. -0 acrea. neax rortiafid. auai a. Cl.auiber of Comznerco bide- S"E pay cash for timber In Grant and TIV lamook Couiitira 4 IT B. ard of TYado J- jnr-R fi.Vl-K Wfl sh.;: rr.y n - rtr- a-.-t.on rt ber: Nn m'ii-n f1-; . C.rk n.Qty. 4jO. f) pC- 4-4 C M t.s 6l. aitf ania. alia TO EXCHANGE. TO errhanpo for rootnlnj-hmo la roruand: ITVi acres, 1 ml'.ea from New bora;: good boose jid bam. we.l. wind mill, water piped to boue and barn, good faruny rr rnird, lo two- er-oid applo tieva; pneo mhm; niurtkaxe jjv: will trade equity t mxm tor rxniln:-houaa 800-acro wheat farm at far aro; ail under cltivatT m. seated S n.uas frm It. H. Whl take a assail WUajn. ite Valley p.ar.e. Portland pmporty or acrearo for ftrat ramT.t and give iocs; tuno on baianco. A $l.00O partnr buslross tn Portland to ea-'bango for land or ou.er property, oi-e man can nir. the buainesa and ciear froni $J.. to A.''0 per m-'nth and only take H of bia ttm a. Liualnesa ran bo Increaaed with amail lnr5tmnU iiouHt IXVE3TMKXT CO.. Henry Bid. LA KB I'lifXTT J 0 acrra all god land, volcanic aah, 25 acres in cultivation. bi arrts nclnid w un' ire f-nce; land locaiod In seuied v.iliey, house, barn, waoa shed, good wdl. Thla farm la In nice open country tvi; trade for good city property or amall farm tn Wlllair.etto Vallty. 1'rlco J-hm. e pboloo of farm and bulldUgg at our Otflfiak "M" CHAPW HERLOW, S32 Ch amber of t tnmarca Farm Dept. 33. VANOOL'VEK, 40 acrca 2 tnitoa from the Tacolt branch ; price $3X0 ; no Incum brance; wat.t honke not over $3000. TIGARIjTILLE. 4 acrrs. all In cultiva tion; price US-JO: want Portland property. ilAST SlL't 4 lota; prloo $12uo; want cheap acreage. FAPM. lu axrrea, SO arrea In culrtva tlun. build lugs; price $4ut0; will talte houae In purtl.ind. OI.K.N'AKT REALTY (INC), tlS Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRRS. all In fruit, fine bungalow, pour try plant, lake and rlvor frontage. 0 mtn. walk to elr-c line. Want homo to SJOfO first pavrnent. SO arrea, Clark Crw, buildings. 10 a. cuitn crock, par a. 'Want small homo In city. 9 acres) at Iurh am. beauttf nl tract. T. ere atrawborriea, IduO per a. Want amall c:tv home. CLPFKLTKR PROS.. 414 Conch Bid;. t'BLP.A.V HOME FI'ECIALISTS. w-KiX)M moOrra house and lot &OxluO. In good location, to exchange for a or 6 acr farm uj Che valley. acrvs of good land, nearly all In orebard and a good modern house, brick flrcpUi; and brli-k basement; &00 fret from H. H. station and 4H minutes to I'ortUni. to eaAhunge for houae and lot in Portland and aome raj.h. YV. H. UlN(i CO, 414 Ablr-b to n Htd. 10 ACREA 10 acre, only 1 mile from station and about l." mile from Portland; good atory 7-rootn house, l.pe barn and ch!.ken-houne; 2 good welia, email family orchard; price 4m0; will exoliunro 'r city real den." a property. J. 3. banders. 4L7 Li:mberinona bldtf. 12o"h tut'lTT "lnlS0 acrea 8 miles from i-Votta alilia, on Butte Crek; good 4-roora house, aiua:1. t arn, about IT acrca cleared; mortgage 4U0i due in 4 yeare. 7 per cent lnteraot. want city property; will pay s me :h or aasuuie amail mortgaa V a J a, u r g o ii tan. 2i0 EQUITY In a ixl28 lot. cement wutks, curbs, Hull Run wuier. ornamental shade trees; mil In and paid for. balance of .'.0o payable flJ monthly; will trade equity f. -r furniture, pt.ino, launch, horse ar d burgy or something of equal value. AK $16m0 EQUITY In W tci fruit land near tiprlngwater: full price t iiuO, balance pay able in & years. 7 per cent Interest: good house, large tarn. 6 acrea fruit In bearing, wid take city property, con tracts or mort gage. AD 17L oregonlan. WILL" trade "a bTock of 100 shares In an A-1 lumber company in Portland for real etato, or good team and express wagon laicn as part pa menu Appiy 4o E. fist North. Ask for tihllleubergor; toAe Itoae City car. UKNEltAL MEdteHAnlrJfl Stock rlxturua Ww. bulging and 4 art.- Loo bui.ns lac year $:9.uA; will coi.stder part In Portland property. Ownr li Jurtd ar.d must Sull this fin buaineaa. Add Orejt-ilan. .it Portland residence property; at beach, tea View. Wash.; beat corner location on borlevard; beautiful ahaUe treeo; ktichea-ciinlug-room. living-room, 3 bed room a wash room and oi.serratory : no Incum brance. f McDune, d Ablngton bldg. FuU exchange, a limited amount of etoclt tnot to aaceed l'-'i-HJ in good-raying saw mill as iivmcr.t on vacant lot or houae ai.d lot. i:t bide sraferrod. X 8J1, Ur uiilan. Ft.(K SALE or trade, all or part of 11-8 ana re of gem atuck. In the Ramon a Ca hunla Gm to, capitalised at tl.uuo.uoj. par value per share. 1K; selling at S36. Nimmo Rune y A C a.. 31d H a mi it on bbig. E have Inquiries for desirable residences In H-diaduy and Irvir.gtun. If you have houacs for sale In these addition we can f.nd buvera McCargax. U-aea A Lively, 3i: Falling bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for a lot and store building In god lcallty on carllne? St.-re l-:'d fr 10 mo buil iir.sa nearly va.ue t-tnoo. 11. Leahun. 4u7 Lumbermen bl'lg. WHAT have you to trade for on or more beautiful Lt at fceaview, Wath. close to oceau? Addrwas P. U. Box. 4i, Port land. Or. V1I.L exchange Sid-acre wheat farm for houae and lot In city. l-aare wheat fi.itu for house or l"ta or both of above fur Valley lamia 3jo Gcrliiia-er bldg. Lr you I ..ve anything to trade, call and ev ua V ha e a large I. .a of excliaiigoa, MoQKU KE ALT Y CO.. P04- Board of Trade iildg. 14 YAUbi ;7-lnch atolr carpet, uaed two mon t La, coat $i7.o; wia exchange lor dr aaer, dining tuM or china oioaot of eu.ual value. B ,Orgonian. CO ACREd wild land !n Clackamas County. 1U p- acre; to exchange for home; irv lUh'tou or Hol.aday duurict praierrvd. Y o7I. cregonlar TO EXOl ANGK I -room house, lot 45x104, -ntue gouuu; centrally located oa carliue, for ama.l farm m eiectno Una. A at?, OreguiiO. RlTAl'KANT. clearing lo weekly, wiil x tiian; for loo equity in bungalow. Civte In. ie full particulars first kvixmr, or no attention. X B?', Oretfonlan. A..vE ttacts, improved, near the city, to ex c. -a:ga K-r go. d city prprty or iir sue on aay rii.s. Provloent investment Trustee Co.. 54-: iioard of Trac-e b;dg. trado for ct'.y property 160 acres Im proved fruit and what land, near aladraa Or.. V miie from new railroad. Aa S64, Oreyoii'.an. Foil SAJ..C or exohane, A No. X business, clearing $2ii9 ptr month, located In Port lnad; rent 2: livii.g-room and leaaa Invoice 4.00u. Owner, E Ji eyoiiia-i. It VCTIINERY, patents and evwrytntng to imae lor ar. tiling of vwluw. furniture buinea, tlo oud to trade for property, r ,,1 4 It Hoard of Trade bid,;. ..uvv tiLd mine. SOO acres deeded, land, machinery. 10'cV tons tailings aaaay $11 a 1 tou; w ill trade for any Hun?. Cnaa, E. lucks. Independence, Or. 6MALLTgeneral merchandise stock and store buitdiiiK. near Portland, In good location, tv exchange for city property. J S77. Ore conun. COD Faat Sid bualnes property to e cnangn for Cucap ClackRmns County acre age; give price and location. J 30. Ore--man. XL ii N IFICENT -rooro huedoat. 4 bed noius; bargain at a'Ji-OO; will ex change fur rvaU. AE eaJ. Orogonian. HAVE Lne 1 2 -acre farm, near Or:: m fit, to tx.caacpe Sor city property give price a r ; d 1 call 'n. J M7j. Ore g o man. 50 tt adrt. hi acrea nood buildings, with stock and lniiements; SCuuu, bo iulo ut. 4r Comqserc;al block. Wild- tak aiitomobl.e ar.d ra3h for good IOwx ;- corner. PrUand Height, price 4001, V ST 7. Oregon lan. OWNER-alii exchar.ee line suhurbfan acra-a-e for city rauince or lota AJ ood. 4-Ji'M no use and large ot at Miwaukie to exchange for autoiaobl.a oleV Ore- Ionian. WiL. tra.J.e for anything: rich gold mine: " free m.I.ins; 2wU to ton. Claa E. Hicaa, Inuependonce. ur. TxiE bos l of Spokane property, bualneao and r:d e:.ce tor aa.e r r exenaag. E. L. Joiitaon, evenlcga KO Ciay at. IF you hae axytMr.g to sell or trade. Est Tur property with EVVEN REALTV CO 111 A : laky Bldg. K t:ST JiLE home In exchax.se for small farm. I K- jijiva ai oa 1. nuara ot T rJ a P ort:and. HAI.F iKtWa UmtHir. t.OOJ.OCO feet, one and ba;f ml-ea to rallrvad a. ding, for cloee-ln epartiuant-bouae alte. E 1 7 7, Oregunlan. i M M II J S stee: tanks and pump; or traul- for soo.l pervo.jai property. 11 7 ( E. 3?th. I'owen Va -ley V exc banco your property, regard, ess of Uca::on for that which suits you better. torxawt Large. i4-s ixcjj bidsV TO EXCHANGE. I tVTXL exehaniri my strictly modern ranch for a 10.0X hotel or apartment proposition. Inscription of mr ranch Is ai follows: Situated on McNeil's Island, near Tacoma, Wash. Contains 14 acrea H -mile water front. 14 acres under cul tivation, bd acre In timber and 40 acres slashed; g acree peaches. 0 acres cherries and 12 acres apples; 9-room strictly mod ern house; run nine; water, bath, toilet, fireplace, etc Barns, chicx en -houses, wa-t-r works. Price Includes ail tools, stock, chlrkena, some furniture, 10 tons of hay In barn and larva apple crop coming on. Value house t40-O. Orchard about & year old. Total price flfl.Ooo. subjeot to mort gage of runnir.g 7 yeara ' CHARLES KUPPER. S32 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Or.. WT3 t ave the largeit list of real estate to exchange In the United States. We have city property to exchange for country jr..peny, we have country property to ex change for city property. We have good ranches for sale and exchange all over the Pacific Coast and some of them are at exceptionally low prices. We have a 4tl-acre ranch all in bearing selected ap I'le and fruit tre-s within miles of t-alem. Oregon; private waterworks; $3000 r-ld.nce; beat of soil : I -Jft per acre or will exchange -for PortlanU property. This ranch is first -class and will stand close. Inspection. It Is the biggest bargain in Oregon NORTHWEPT EXCHANGE, 'Ji'-'JL'J Hery Hldy. -40 ACP.r'S EXOHANGS. 40 acres. Marlon County, 4 mile to town, on R. H.. 7 acres in prunes, good crop this year; 4 acrs In appls. L" acres In wheat and o:its, 2 acres in corn and bana, balance garden and pastura Im provemeats; good 4-roo:n houae and plen ty of lumber to build other building. Also m'Jii chickens. 1 horse, 1 cow and ell the farming implements go with the rac. Price $k0. cash, or would con st dar small, well-improved acreage Bear Portland. CHKTKR II. PTARR. 1012 Poard of Trade Uldg. 120 ACRES, highly lm 71 roved, good buiidlnys of every kind, excellent roads and desir able surrouiidinge, soli the very bast can be found in Oregon. There is a lot of personal property that goes with this Vlace. Including sufficient hay and grain to run for another year. The price la only llO.vOO. This place has not Leon on the market bofora I will accept good Port land rosidor.ee property for part and give long time at 0 pr cent on balance. Come and talk the matter over with ma. J. E. inith. 513 Clis ruber of Commerce, IF yoa want a California orange grove, a beautiful Oakland (Cal.) home, or farm land In Or-tf"n in exchange for Portland property, addruss or call on. UAHTMAN as THOMPSON, Bankers, l'arm Land Dtparnuam, -See HARTOO) 720 ACRES of excellent soil. 4 miles from railroad In Washington county; fair amount of cleared land; 0 acros of good saw ti:nbor; price only $15 per acre. Will tuko Portland property up to S3.MJ0. $0t'0 cash and balance to null. Eauffmann A Moore, Lumber Exchange S'ELL restdeiiceand acre of ground lo cated In that most dtslrable of residence districts south of Fulton commanding most exoelioiit view. I want to trade this for a small ff-rm right close to portland. Fe J. E- Bmltu, 613 Chamber of Com merco. " HOOD RIVER Will take modern r-sldenr as part pajment for Ideal 10-are young orchard nt Hood River In heart of the valley; all planted to cnmnerclal varieties of apples In prime condition. AD 87H. Oreponlan. PEE'iiLEHS 4U-h. p. &-7 passenger; original cost 14500; will trade at fair valuation for ral estate; pay or receive difference. Prubaktr & Hcucdlct, 60s McKay bid. Phone Main 69. IMPROVED residence property In Chicago, nice location, close in, worth 14oo0, to exchange for acreage or oity property In or near Portland. Address O Sad, Ore- gonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE Contractors tool wagon. equipped whh gasoline engine, cot-off. rip and band saws, sander and emery wheeL HJ. 83th end Ellsworth sta. FOR KALE OR TRADE 500 acres unim proved land In Clark and Klickitat Coun-ttt,-s, Wasn.; 8,000. foO feut timber; jfl4.600; or will trade for Unproved farm, f-i 175, Oregonian. llL"MBERyard In good town tn Vallwy; will Invoice uout $ioU0; doing a very fine busineaa 1 will exchange this for good real estate Come and aeo me. J. L Smith. 618 Chamber of Commerce. I "WANT a country home for my own use near Portland. In exchange for fine build ing lot la Eugene. Address X 38, Ore- gonlan. fahjo KijL'IXY In JoOOO Portland property consisting of 0-rouiu house and 4 lots In good neighborhood, to exebanae for Im proved runch of about equal villus Uauff Dtann A Moore, filio Lumbor Exohanga TO exchange, 31 acres of good level, un cleared land. 12 miles from Portland, near Oregon Electrio carltne; price lie:; will take a lot orth 7tJ f.r first payment. ea ownrir. 21', Morrison su. room M. FvR fc-VLh; Will take in exchange a cheaper house or lot as part pay ou good new o-roorn house tn restricted location; part monthly, jart long Uin. Ai 77, 0 rego n ian. llooo EgL'ITY In new modern home, re sirlctod district, as payment on farm or raw land. Main ltfdd, A 17. 605 tham bor of Commerce. EiCliANviE I."0.0o0 Southern California un improved city property for Oregon or WahinKton. bee me at 133 10th su Cnas. B. E Uy 11. , , MoVINli PICTURE THEATER. For sale or trade, bne establlsiied mov ing picture thoater; town vbv; no oppo-attion- 5 24 H W ashln g ton, near 17th. hjti exc hang a steel hull motorboat, S h. E. engine; Juat tlie boa; fur aucaboat; can e sen at boatltouse south of Morriaon-at. b rl u ge; tor eq ulty in lot. I will take llveatock or Implements that I can use up to S700 as first payment on fine e-roorn new bungalow and ft lots, w 0 ttn, yi o i0. 305 Gurllnger b M g. WANT to trade equity of t2S8 In lot In Laairelhurat for lea on houae, flvo rooms, bungalow preferred; purchase price of lot JlouO. AK 353. Oregonian, 200 ACRES, fire farm, all In cultivation, house and barn, will take H m oity prop erty, balance long term. Owner, FlloUner Bldg Plione Marshall lt45. 70 ACRF.si 4l acres in cultivation. Will trade for city property or auto. Flwdner Bldtf. Phone Marshall 1045. V li.L trade for good property my (-amp-bell Automatic aiock. This Is gilt edge. H 870. Uregouian. WILL trade driving horse, 8 years old snd pntfuxuatio buggy for lot or equity, phone East a-ii. HAVE good Portland lots and acreage to trade lor Tacouia or Portland Home Tele chone bonds. AN 861. Orogonlan. W ILL take $1&0 or more A-l carpenter work as first payment ou nw o-room bungalow. Addrers 44 Margueriteve. V Kwl 1 1 trade every kind of property. Come to room 7, 1:1V Morrison st., and you wjil sure get a deal. F-K quick and proflta-ble results In all ciassas of exchanges, call at ooi oerUnger Ktrt financial reaaon I will take best ofxer for .i:u equity la SloO lot. D Ore goman. i WOULD like to exchange a nice little home for small roomaig-house. Owner, & 37i, OrcgonLm. IF YOU want a late model pianola piano. I have 37o equity in one that I will trade for a diamuud. AM S75,Oregonlan. WILXj trado A-l new piano or elegant talk ing machine outlit for good runabout; no junk wanted, W Alder. WILLxchangaA-l talking machine for In side carp.-ntwr work. Portland Phonograph A ency- Alders t. EXCHANGE &-acre traot Hood River dis trict and lota for good rooming-house, any sixe, AM 3S4. QregonuLn. wTLjT"excUinge luO acres timber In Lincoln County for good automobile or real estata Pox 115. Stay ton. Or. Eur IT Y in 1-0 acres of tiniLer land m Whtto Salmon district to aaj Xor auto, Tlci 307. Hood River. 160 ACRES eood timber land to trade for equity of any kind; some cash. lioggoa, KX HANOE duo0 equity in two a:gntiy iota, cloae in, for good mortgage on Installment contract. T 3&3. Oregcn.an. FINE Clackamas Co. ranch, lfiO acrea ssiendlu soil, springs, fine for fruit or stock; exchange or sale, i3 N. 31st fct. 6-i;uOM mo asm house to exchange tor Jots or acreage, AH S4. Oregonlan. 7ltADE house end Jot for rooming-house. U od U ardbLalord of Trade. WANTED Portland home in exchange for ranch near Medtord. X S'J, Oiegonian lo LuTS in Goidcndaie, Waan for Portland hmst and lot. lo3 4th. , fcjc.r.ge lird are and crockery tr ore, $30iw for inoT-e irorTiy- L H2, Ortgjnlaa. KoK 3 M-E or trade, two oorner lota in Elm hurac. AH &7tx Oregoniaa, . , WILL exchange automobllo or lots tor any thing. Y Orvgoniaa. FARMS WANTED. WANTE'U. Small farms Bear Portland- Small farms adjacent to electric Unea, About 40 acres upland only. Yamhill County; cash. Large tracts for sub-division. Owners please send full details or can en HARTMAX ft THOMPSON. Bankers, Farm Land Department. See HART OOl CASH.. Want abemt 40 acres In T omnia Co. not over lluO, all cash. HART MAN & THOMPSON. BAKKER3. FARM LAND DEPT. 8 EE II AJTQ ' DAIRYMAN, experienced, would like to meet someone with capital or. equipment that would be interested In a modem . dairy. V 882, Oregonlan. WE want tu w an l zrom owners, o uu once; buyers waiting; give lull particular 1 . 1 . tit XI nf r-1 l J. GARDENER wants lease on small ranch n-ar city. W SCO, Oregonlan. t TO HUT from owner, farm; must be cheap. Sena Freeman. Portland. Or. FOR SALE. Ho rue. Vptuclea and UArnem I WILL sell after exhibiting at The Dalles Faur. October 4 to 8. and at Sherman Coun tv Fair the following week, one span ma hrany bay geidtr.gs. 4 yeare old, weighing B7W lba; one span bays & and 0 years old, weighing 330V lbs. All thoroughly broke and of ths BelK-taa typ. Add" C A. Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. BIX driving horses for sale by LIpman. Wolf as Co. HORoES FOR KALE We have sixty head of good heavy horses for sale, suitable tor any kind of work, railroad, logging, truck ing or farm; will soil at a very reasonable price; thoy are working now near Che halle; can give transportation over P. Ry. Winston Bros. Company St Mclougail, Chehalis. Wash. HOOD RIVER bargain. Have 60 acres choice orchard laud in the heart of the. valley. Magnificent view. Will sacrifice at a very low figure, or take good Portland resi dence or business property In exchange. Might make installment proposition on 10 acres. F 3S4, Oregonlan. ONE Mitchell wide-track wagon, with new California bed; this wagon was run two years and is In flrst-cla-s condition; will sell for $05; this is a bargain. In quire at lt30 liarr road, at 1 AL Corner bid st. Tako Montavllla car and 8t en at 60th st. . RECEIVED, carload of horses, from Eastern Oregon ; work horses and drivers; one pair small mules, several mares, all good age. weight from 1000 to 1500 lba Prices right. Everything sold as guaranteed. Call 8R4 Pronu O. W. Todd boles Barn. Open Sunday. HANDSOMB bay horae. six years old. weighs 1-40 lba,, suluible for any business, was purchased by lady but not being broken to city sight could not till place; will sell cheap. Call Yamhill and 34th streeta O. K. C b table, ask fur Mrs. Loeke's horse. 16 HEAD of horses and mares from 800 lbs. to 1 a u U lba fro in 1 b to $i 6 : 1 farm wagon, 1 new stock saddle, all must be sold at once, Konil worth Transfer Co., Sua East ssbh St.; "W-W" car to Glad- etone ave. t FOR KALE. Team, 4 years old. city broke, gentle and good travelers, harnoss and delivery rig, any reasonable offer. MODERN CONF. CO. 13th and Hoyt Sta FOR SALE Team of two horse, harness and spring wagon; all in first-class con dition; will make price rlgKt for quick ale. Owner, room iuO Oregonlan bldg. PAIR horses, weighs -C&5 lba, are sound and true to pull single or double, suitable for farm or havy hauling, good set heavy breeching Harness, collar, an comyiuio, price iii Call bun day If possible. Call 473 Yamhill street. NEW Studebaker wagon, full platform spring, 12-foot bed: not used enough to w ear paint from wheels. Cost $3-0, will sell l-oo. W- J- Youinana. Inquire 115 rnlon ave. S. Telephone East 343. FUU -ALE CHEAP Span of mares, weight 200; span of geldings, weight 2J00; must sell; will sell separately; all guaranteed, Henry 13 a tuner, E. Market - bet. Union and Grand av es. FOR A I,-w One 4-year-old team, mare and f elding, webxht oO lbs., Mitchell wagon and 'ortlnd No. 1 truck baraess; all now; can be weu at East Uraad ave. and Ash sU Owntis, phone li lib., room 4. TEA Mh oreea.-we llis 2400 lba, eight years old. true to pull single or double, also set guud breeching harness complete; outfit goes at $ib5. Call O. K. C. citable. 14th and Yamhill sta Mr. Stephenson's team. HANDSOME golden sorrel mare, eight years old, lloO lbs., new single harness (hand made) and rubber tire runabout (nearly new); must sell quickly. Price $176. Call li oar d in g Stable, 1 4 1 h an d la mhii I a ta l;o down. $15 per month buys goo J driving mare, runabout and harness. Must sell ou account of sickness. O. M. Davis, Mann s d tat ion. Woodstock car Una, BAV loam, weighs ttOO, good delivery wagon and harness, also one sorrel horse, harness and wagon, weighs 1WU pounaa. Must be soid. NoDby btahles. i-th and Flandera ONE of Studebaker's best rubbor tire runa bouts and harness, so slightly used would readily pass lor new. Price d-t for both. Call 473 Yamhill street. iuK sale cheap, sound young gentle mare, Vork single or double, weight 11:60; make a good lamlly mare. Ask fox Mollle 3U3 lo Team , and harues-, weight about 2400 1U. ; guaranteed tru pulirs. (4U, two seated hauk, good as new. ttoe watchman. 1 iawtnomo raj. x-a-t. i-m, -m-""- TEAM of ponies cheap, or will exchange for lluo-lo. horse or good. cow. 3o East 2th hu ; Woodstock car to PowoU su, then south I blocks. JUST arrived, 34 head of work horses, good saddle pany, suitable all purposes, weight luoO to 13-A, must be as represent-. F-lto Feed liarn. lt4u Macadam road. 547 HEAD horses from 4 to 10 years old; this stock is all sound and true and will be guaranteed as represented; price from S&Q m. S tail le, 5th aiid Montgomery. GOOD team mares, 1300, fair harness, nearly new s-lnch "Old Hickury" wagon with cox, all very cheap, for $26. Apply 84 North 28th; "W" car to 8&th, block north. ON E team of work horses. 10 years old. Will soil team for lid. Won Staid, JJ.5 Union ave. FOR bALK Fine pair of work horses weighing 3a0. Call 4t East 14th. Phone Sellwooa 6 Pit. i FOR SA-LE 2 good saddle horse a EL Port land Riding School, Union ava, or. Ev Irving at. Phone E. 41s. b'i'ALLij for rent, horsea boarded. Rig for hire, by day and month. Union ava, cor. E. Irving st. Phoos E. 419. FOR UHviC PORTLAND BTABLES, 6 N. 16TH STi MAKBhALL I0i(i. HORSES AN1 WAGONS BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH. HUBERT A HALL'S STABLER. tBO Frsnt St.. livery business, rigs, horsea harness, waaoca. for sal or rent. Mala 30. FOR SALE 6-year-old horse, weight 1375 or will trad for lighter horse. ?4 Brooklyn at. FOR 6A-LE Hore. 800 lba, 8 years old. city broke, sound ana good pullarv Call Swiss Floral Co. WANTED To rent or buy horse for light wagon; must be cheap. Telephone 3ul5 W o odkvwn . WANTEUJ To hire a good, heavy -team to haul wood In city; will pay good wages. Call S 13 Water st. BARGAIN, liOO-lb, horse, harness and cov ered delivery wagon, $00; 133 B. ?-d St. Montavllla. t T7u Runabout buggy for 25 If taken Sun-? day, jji-i N th at. tlu BUY- gentle ponlas; 2o0 buys SluO learn- -10 E. 6ih at- gPPRJN eiprcsa wagon, 2i tons capacity, 9iy 20 Russell st. PASTURE for rent near Portland. S39 Sher lock bldg. Phone Maln1410. PR. ACT 1C A ELY new Weber wagon cheap, phone East 60S or 555 East Wasalngton su W AN T E D To hire teams at $ 7 per day. Last Water and Salmon. Phone E. fl-tt. tf HEAD of work nor. 1 pair marcs, can be seen 'JST bairoon. Main 8136. W ANTED Farm wagon, thk or 1 5 -inch. J. Va-ghan. Oswego. Or. WANTED To trade heavy horse tor buggy horse or buggy. B . STYLIbH, fearless, trotting bred, l-yeax-oid Cl)lt at Second and Jefferson. WANTED Good second-hand farm wagon, -'4 of 8-m. ; not larger, phone Main 1SJ5. BARGAIN Lady's bicycle, fine condition. S--6U, 4th at. S&0 BUYS brown six-year-old mare, works Single or auubie. CaU 475 Yamhill street. FOR SALE. Horsea. Vehicle and Ham. HORSES FOR SALE. . Two cars of horses have Just arrrve and will be sold under our guarantee. They range m weight from 1000 to 1400 lba; age from a to 11 years; all good workers and prices reasonable. "W "dao have three snan ot smaal mules, weight 800 to 1000 lba. for sale. Call and Inspect these, tf wanting horsea U a thorn Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. WANTED laundry wagon. Good, large one horse wagon. Cash if cheap. C 34, Ore gonlan. Antomoblle. - HERB 13 YOUR CHANCE! TO BUY A NEW CAR AT SECOND-HAND PRICB. "EVERETT SO. Wa have three brand new 'EVERETT SO" of which there Is two baby ton nean, 4-pass., and one ft-pasa touring car. These cars are liHfl and 1011 models. They were shipped in a carload and got jammed, causing the fenders to be bent and the paint slightly scratched, all of which we have put back in shape, same as the day they left the taotory. The local dealer refused to accept the machines from the railroad company, hence we grasped the opportunity of pur chasing these care at a bargain Induced by spot cash. ,M The "EVERETT 80" seals for $1475 to. b. Portland. We have placed the price on these cars $1100, and you. Mr. Man. who is looking for a bargain In a good car. her is your chance. Remember w guarantee these cars against mechanical efects ot any kind for one year. 1C . you have any Idea of buying a car, call and look these grand car over. Never before have new oars been offered at such reductions. We also have some good bargains in used and second-hand car of late models that are in first-class running condiuon and guaranteed. li09 Maxwell Jr., $500. 1!K9 Maxwell 14 h. p. with magneto, 650. 6 -pass. Bulck, overhauled, $500. B-alck lu, runabout, $400. 1810 A. B. C runabout. MB0. luOO E. M. F o-pasa, 7uU. Ford runabout, $400. lOOd Chulmers-Detrolt, $1200. PACIFIC AUTO CO., ' 266 1th St.. Cor. Jefferaon. WHY7 Buy ft second-hand car WHEN ,, We can sell new automobiles from $il7 to $30o0; twenty different styles; two, three, five, seven passenger; twenty, thirty, forty, fifty horse power; and guarantee all cars free from defects In workmanship and xnateriaL Write or call lor our little booklet. 1 sioddabd-dVtton AUTO CO-. 86 Tenth st. RARE CHANCE TO PURCHASE A STUDE BAKER E. M. F. 80. 1010 tourabout model; top, plateglass front, chains and full equipment; all In first-class condi tion"; reecntly equipped with Diamond, tires; old tires for emergency; cost new flftOO; $800 cash will buy if this week. Address AN 883. Oregonlan. 1810 AMERICAS TRAVELER, with an equipment of electrio side Kimps. Presto tank, generator, glass front, Warner com bination auto meter and clock, demounts able rims, extra tires and rims trunk and mohair top. For particulars call 470 E Buraeide at. Phone B 2500- I MUST sell this week my D-passenger, 2 cyllncer Bulck car, in first-class condition; new tires, fully equipped; worth $750; make me a cash offer. Answer quick. AX 360, Oregonlan. I HAVE a few 1910 cars which I will sell for a short time at cost, to make roora for new stock; also have a few second hand cars Jit special bargains. W. C Green, S3 N. 6th st. Phone Main 7022. AM retiring from automobile ijualness, bav one five and one seven-passenger car will sell at factory cost; yoar own terms. J 80S. Oregonlan.. FOR SALE or trade for real estate 5-pas-senger automobile, in first class condiUon; have no use for it and will sell chlap. L 377. Oreb-onian. GOING to California for the Winter; want responsible party of means to cre for my new 1911 automobile for the use of same. Address, with reference. Y 3C3. Oregonlan. WANTED second-hand automobile no mat ter in what condition, Angeles Automo bllo Acaaamey, 64 Union, corner Davis; Main S-sL . 6-PAS-.. 2-cylinder Bulck, all new tires. Just overhauled and Is fully equipped, I will saonflce this car for cash, $500 takes it. Address A 3 S2, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade. White Steamer, Al con dition, full leather ton, extra rumbie' seat, etc Just out of shop from overhauling and painting. Telephone Sellwood 647. SELL or exchange, D-passengr Bulck auto mobile 2 cylinder: recenUy overhauled. Call Main 1T71 or A 0531. , BARGAIN, today, 30 vll- . auto; also 80 foot launch. Mason, foot of East Wash ington i FOR sale or trade, five-passenger, a-cyllnder Buick touring car In good 'condition. Value Sfc 00. phone Mai n 216. or Wood lawn 84. . WILL take automobile and cash for good lOOx lfO comer. Portland Heights; price 5o00, Y 877, Oregon Jan. 1 ; IX) ACRES, Polk County, 4 mile of Dallas, exchange for 30-horsepower auux I808 ox 1810- 403 Conch bidg. 35 ACRES land for automobile, 225 Flied ner Bldg. Phone Marshall 1645. TWO 7-passenger touring cars. Apply 408 Corbett bldg. Birds, lign and Pet Mofsv. PEERLESS Houdana bred from first priza Chicago and Portland winners, pens of 4 pullets and cockerel $7; trios. 2 pullets and a cockerel $4; pullets $1-5; cockerels $160 each. A thoroughbred French poodle dog for service $0. li. Miles, Lents, Oregon route 2. Gilbert station. WHO wants brand new Queen 240-egg Incu bator for $17. bU; worth $25, a 150-Cypher, worth $-5, for $10 7 b5 per cent hatches every month. 1 lot young chicks your price. Call 202 Wlnchell St., St. John Line Peninsula station. H. E. WllmoL SO PAIRS Plymouth Rock pigeons, 20 young sters 3 to 6 months old, $3d lot if taken at once; satisfaction guaranteed. Call or address Mrs. W. R- Lycan, Holbrook. Or. FOR SALE four young Boston Terriers, pedigree four to six generations, also two swell show bitches. T. T. Gannon, 134 L 14th St. A MODERN 8-room house on Hawthorne ave., close In; take lot a first payment. D 875, Oregonlan. " FINE big! 6 -months old Airedale terrier, male pup, $2d if taken quick. 616 Com merclal bldg. EXPERIENCED collector wants a lew more firms' collection on percentage. P Oregonlaji. , FRESH milch cow. Apply to Mrs. S. Pearson, Portland. R. F. D. . box 83, Barnes road FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies. J. A. Beck. P14 Going st. GENTLE milk cow, reasonable 1916 Exeter st., Portsmouth station. St. Johns car, pi-nue. Orans and Momcsi tnatrumeata. TO PROSPECTIVE PIANO BUYERS. DON'T BE FOOLED. I am direct from the factory, with new pianos that were formerly sold by retail piano houses tor higher prices than I am asking. A 2460 piano, my price, $850. A $375 piano, my price, $276, A $300 piano, my price, $200. All high grade makea All new ptanos, positively guaranteed. Also bargains in second-hand pianos. 64 references In and around Portland. Temporary salesroom: 226 FIFTH 6T opposite courthouse. I am positively not oonnected with any piano house In Portland. at. most new $S50 Behrlng player piano, rosewood, case, CO rolls music; parties leaving city, must sell; If taken In the next tew days, price about manufactur ers' cost. See this, 644 E. An ken y, week day. Terma. OVB roll-top desk, one Smith-Premier type writer, both in first-class condition; also 30 80 takedown Winchester rifla, made to or dir. and 12-gauge shotgun. Call or addrt TitS- Bencroft ave. Phone A 8taL A MOENNIG BOEHM flute, solid silver keys, cost $145; also piccolo. Both good as new. C. W . 714 Davis St. A BEAUTIFUL walnut upright piano, used 4 months, $185. Afternoons. 817 TUford building A-l GHAP3 upright piano In fine condition, cheap for ca-h ; can be seen (LtCM. Olson warehouse, 243 Pine st. , FOR BALE $400 piano for 1150 if gold at once; owner leaving city; terms. Wood lawn 8005. ; ( GOOD second hand upright piano, $12&. Pleas call 809 Jefferson ' St. PIANOLA attachment, tine Instrument. Phone Tabor 447. A $5 GRAPHOPHONB for sale, cheap, and 40 recorda Call A 827L HO BART M. CABLE piano In flrst-clas con dltloa. -'tX. Call up Main '-3S2. FOR S4XE Piano, practically new, rea- sonable for cash. 409 E. th North. FOR 6A.LE Nearly new high grad- Peas piano. 427 Hail st. - WANTED To rer. t, p lan o, long or sh ort term; best references. H 85. Oregonlan. $40 0 PIANO for sale. Just as good, as new) $176. Phone East 143a. . Mlacellaneoon. FOR PALE Sewing machine, cheap. No. 2 E. 6th s'... S.. corner Ankeny. FOR SALE Caf range. Call 475 Clay at. (ill. BalntLugs for ale. Phone Sellwood. 833. FOR SATS. MiaceJlaaoiHi, MACHINERY MACHINERY. WB GOT A SNAP AND IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANY MACHINERY. WE WILL GIVE YOU THE CHANCE OP A LIFETIME TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR GOOD BUYING. AS WE ARE MOV ING AND WE ARE CROWDED FOR ROOM. WE BOUGHT" THE PLANT OF THE UNION MEAT CO., AT TROUT PALE, AND ALL THIS MACHINERY IS XN GOOD. FIRST-CLASS SHAPE AND EVERYTHING WE SELL YOU OUR GUARANTEE WILL STAND BEHIND IT. 1 400-LIGHT DYNAMO. 2 72x13 BOILER3. 2 60X16 BOILERS. wrt 1 90 H. P. REYNOLDS CORLISS EN GINE. 1 AIR-COMPRESSOR. X 1usl12xI6 FAIRBANKS FIRE PUMP. 1 luxbxlu WORTH IN OTON PUMP. 2 400ti-GALLON OIL TANKS. 1 H'O H. P. ENGINE. 2 HOT WATER HEATERS. 2 ICE PLANTS. J 300 H. P. M'EWEN ENGINE. 1 100 H. P. WESTINGHOUSE ENGINE. X 60 H. P. BOILER. 1 40 H. P. ENGINE. 100 TONS S6-LB. RAILS. CO TONS 65-LB. RAILS. LARGE LOT CORRUGATED IRON. 4000 FEET 6-INCII PIPE. 600 FEET 12-INCH PIPE. 15.000 FEET 1-INCH PIPE. 61 (00 FEET 2-INCH PIPEt 6000 FEET 4-INCH PIPE. COME QUICK TP YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY. ALL THIS MATERIAL CAN BE SEEN AT THE ABOVE PLANT. WE ALSO CARRY IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF PIPING. PULLEYS, SHAFTING. RUBBER ROOFING. CORRUGATED IRON. DYNAMOS. BOILERS AND EN ' GIN'S- AND CAN POSITIVELY SAVE YOU MONEY. NO REASONABLE OF FER REFUSED ON ANY OF THE ABOVE MACHINERY, A3 WE NEED THE MONEY AND HAVE NO ROOM, AS WE ARE GOING TO MOVE INTO OUR NEW THREE -STORY BUILDING A3 SOON AS SAME IS COMPLETED. J. SIMON & BRO., 244-246 FRONT ST. SECTIONAL bookcase, fumed oak, 918.nO; black walnut combination desk, $12.80; fine black walnut library table, $15; roll-top desk, 4 inches, $20; six-drawer chiffonier, $0.30; fine blrdseye . maple dresser, $10; other dressers, $7.50 to $15; buffo ts $0 to $'2i; hallracks, $0; arm rockers, $L75 to $7.50: arm chair, $1 to $4.50; three solid oak Morris chairs, choice for $6.50; six genuine Vienna dlnlne chairs, leather board seat and back. $1Q; solid oak cen ter tables, $1 to $4-50; 8x12 Smyrna rug, $7.50; several lnrgo-slae carpets; domes tic sewing machine, $0; Singer sewing ma chine (drop head) $12.50; heating stoves, $1.25 to 9S.50; three-burner gas plate, $'al extra good values In iron and brass beds. $0 kitchen treasure, $2.50; kitchen tables, $1; oommon dining chairs. 50o each, and many other bargains in house furnishing goods at way down prices. WESTERN SALVAGE CO C45-547 Washington, bet- 10th and 17th sta. Both phones: Main 1108 or A 8783. SEWING MACHINES $3 and tip; all high grade malies, as Singers, New Homes, Wheeler & Wilsons, Standards and Whites, many of them drop heads; everyone guar anteed and delivered. Why be without a sewing machine, when you can got a good one for $3 and up, time or cash? Free lessons in Battenberg and embroidery on the White family rotary sewing machine. All makes rented, exchanged and repaired at the White Sewing Machine Store, H. D. Jones, Prop., 420 Washington st oor. 11th. Ttd. Mam aAua, rtome a iu. SEWING machines, special sale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machines of all leading makes. Singer, Wheeler A Wilson. New Home, White, Domestic, Household and others, to make room for new Singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Store, & 6. SlgeL agent. 83$ Morrison sC Phone Main 2bb3. A 4590. FOR SALE) An exceptional bargain; 1B10 model bellow camera, postcard size, fat len. Including 6 plateholciers, entire leather carrying case, etc., all worth $-5, for only $21; used but once; must sell iuimedlately. Address AN 376. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Reasonable and upon terms If desirable, on aimoat new Remington type writer; full attachment. AM 383. Ore gonlan. iiiE Northwest Typewriter Company. 2 Ablngton bldg. Phone M. 6S70. Is the only company selling strictly factory re built typewriters; prlce $10 to $63. CORDWOOTJ 850 cords of first-class dry wood in one pile at 25th and Main at.. Vancouver, Wash. See J. A. Troeh, 401 Wash St.. Vancouver. A. SPLENDID 20-foot gasoline launch, per fect order. 4-horaepower; will sacrifice for $150 as I need money. AK 877, Oregonlan- $110 L C. S. COURSE" for $25; window trim ming, show-card writing and advertising. Including text books and card-writers out flt. F. J. Herman. 455 Alder. WANTED Trimmers, makers end saleswomen for exclusive millinery. Apply after 10 A. M., Monday, 142 6th -, opposite Meier & Frank'. , FOR SALE Elegant new round quarter cawed dining table. Cost $32.50. Must sell, $15 cash. 384 Guild st, apartment E; take 5 iH Bti-ftftt car. between 23d and 4th. FOR SAT-re Tent house complete, 12xlo, with 8-foot porch, 8-foot walls and solid floor; cheap If sold at once. AE Su7, Oregonlan. FOR SALE New suit (dark gray) size 38, extra trousers. Ask tor Mr. Schwank, 161 11th Bt. . COTTAGE organ, very nlce for sale chaap; also boy's bicycle, nearly new, for boy of 4 years up. Call 804 E. Clay. LADIES silk and street suits cheap. In quire Janitor 60S Flanders St., Phone Main 825L A FINE Jersey bull for sale or trade at Oak Grove station, Oregon Eleotrlo line. En qulre of Klley. CHATTEL mortgage, $50 at 0 per cent, $20 payments. Am leaving city. Best oiler takes It. Y 802, Qregoninxu i FOR SALE One 8x10 donkey engine; one 6 "4x8 hoisting engine, with sleds and cable. Inquire 403 Rotnchlld. Phone Main 8'JS3. HIGHEST-GRADE powerful field glass, new, Goers Pagoe binoculars. 10X. very cheap; $35. worth double. Phone B 1407. A SNAP, sewing machine. New Home aut omatic lift. . and all attachments, (25, 850 Morrison St. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcases, counter a General fixtures In stock and made to order at lowest prices. 222 Grand ave.. S. yi.AT top oak desk, practically new, office chair and leather swivel chairs, letter file, rug, etc, etc Call 804 Lewis bldg. BL1CKENSDERFER TYPE WRITEF.S. $43, $50. Ask for catalogue. Rebullts $15 up. N. M. Hayter ft Co.. 80 8th st. Main 552a. PRACTICALLY new 6x84 view camera for sale or exchange for good phonograph. S& Second. Main 8353. STEAM grubbers and new grubbing attach ment for donkey and hoist. Increasing pull 8 to 7 times. Addresg P 87ft, Oregonlaa. yOR SALE -Winchester .88-55 cal.. new, with 40 ctga and belt, special sight, cost $15, sell for $15. O 870, Oregonlan. KO. 6 UNDERWOOD typewriter, two-color ribbon, back spacer nd ail improvement K 879, Oregonian. FOR SALE Handsome baby carriage, used 8 months; will sell cheap. 424 6th st. Main 6099. FOR SALE by owner, two evening coats, silk lined, never worn; very fine material; price very reasonable. R 379, Oregonlan. 6x8 PRINTING PRESS end outfit; good as new; cost $60; will U for $30. V 376, Ore gon ian PW'ELL pew cream broadcloth evening coat, size 36. Phone A 6u66. MISSION office furniture, almost new. Jn qulre room VL 532 Williams ave. UNDERWOOD typewriter, nearly new just as good; $75- Phone C 2-t3. 40 LEGHORN CHICKENS, 76o each. 617 - Board of Trade bltig. 2 OLIVER typewriters, ' good condition,' $o0 each. A. P. MAN. 481 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE Office furniture. Apply $10 Ger linger blog.. Second and Alder stL YOUNG bull, 14 month old, from registered ebjek. 860 Grant, near 7th. LADIES' clothes, size 86-88. Axternoons. 817 TUford bldg, FOR SALE very cheap, a perfect white dia m o nd, cost $225. Call M. 2 030 Monday. FOX TERRIER pupe for sale. 640 B. 17th, at. Brooklyn car, block south of Powell at, ALMOST new drophead White sewing ma chine, $2Q. Call 007 East Washington sU FOX TERRIER, male, 8 months, beauty, cheap. Telephone Main 8048. B El AL7TI FUT. shell portieres; can b seen 877 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE Two healthy family cows; 10 quarts; $46 and $50. 458 Vanconver ave. $100 SIMPLEX cream separator, good a sew, TWO typewriters In good repair, for sal FURNISHED house beat for aaie at Oregon Yacht Club. Bee caretaker. PRACTICALLY new" ay minster rug, 10x1 A A 2543. ' NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional Credit Ass n. 601 Worcester bldg. SHOWCASES, new and sec and -hand. 314 Everett, corner 6th. Also fixtures. A BARGAIN Bally Buggy, good as new. Call 80 .East 18th - b WAN TF D IISC RTXANTXrS. CLOTHING. Wanted Men's cast-off clothing and phoes; we also buy household furnishings, jewelry, guns, pistols, trunks, valises, suit cases etc.; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal" 62 N. 3d st. .Main 8-72. Or ders promptly attended to CLOTHING. Wanted Men ml toff clothing and hoe and bicycles; highest prices paid; w also buy laJlea -clothing. Call up the Glob second-hand store. Phone Main 20S0. 280 1st st. Prompt attention always given. W call la every part of th city. CARPENTER work of all kinds: Jobbing, r raodelfng. repairing a specialty. Cunirclnga Catlin. 371 First at. Marshall 2327. SELL your second-hand furnltur to th Ford Auction Co. or you'll get 1. Phone A 2445. Main MJol. WANTED To buy second-hand bicycles and frame, Chas. &. LUton, 133 10 th st. Phone M. 70:.S. WANTED To buy combings; switches made to ord r. Mrs . W m. Bcque ai t a, bo 1 EUd t Yamhill. Kost 1710. WANTED, CARLOAD LOTS split cedar fence posts; quote price f o. h. loading point. Aa 363, Oresonlan. WANTED Your tinting at $2 per room; also painting and papering. Satisfaction g uar a u toed . W.C Lo o u U sM ai u2 U a 1. WANTED Fifty loads of dirt, two-yard loads; also man to do chores. Phone B 10&1. IF YOU have household furniture to sell, rail up George Bater dc Co.. 15- Park st. Both phonea. WANTED Tenor or alto saxophone. Answer. giving dotal la and lowest cash price. AB 360, Oregunlan. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; proaafl attention aiwnve rtvn. Phone Kast 1067. WANTED An Al davenport and bookcape; must be in good condition. Phono East 1857. I WILL buy IS shares H. O. Peck Xnta stock at $4. M S73, Oregonlan. WANTED To' buy straight commission laundry route. X 877, Oregonian. Tf FTP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED. TWO TAIL0R3- ONH WRAPPER. Experienced "hand In our ladles Itera tion department. Experienced pcesser on lac-tear garment BEN SELLING, Leading Clothier. RELIABLE STOCK SALESMEN. A successful Portland corporation with the strongest directorate in the North west is at present increasing it capital stock and can use one or two reliable stock salesmen who have been producers. Good contract, best of territory. Write in detail who you are. Address Box O 333, Oregonian. 6TOCKKEEPBR. young man familiar with gas and electric chandeliers end tltunga. to tako charge of stockroom and tend to ship ping; experienced man only need appiy. Call at factory of J. C. English Co., Seward Ho tel basement, ivzn tmu -vmm. SALESMEN Our bank check protector sells to every office; does work $26 machine; sample 25o; circulars free. Terry Mlg. Co., 121 Colton bldg., Toledo, O. WEI want a city salesman. Inquire at the Bankers Novelty Mfg. Co., Knio Wahum ave.. city. Phone Woodlawn 20i for ap- poirrcrnent. MAN and wife to run cookhouse in logging camp near Portland; every Oilrg turn iehd and about SO men to board. Call 1094 E. Taylor bunaay. THE MEIER & FRANK STORES require competent carpet salesmen. Apply at su perintendent's office, 6th floor, 8 to 10 A. M. - WANTED A first-class prcsser on ladies and gents' clothing. Good wages to t;ie right man. Write at one. Robert Taylor, Rose burg. Or.. Box 672. YOUNG man with office experience; must be good penman and do little collecting; good future;- salary $00. D 881, Orego nian. "THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY want several first-class clothing salesmen. Ap ply at superintendent's office, 6th floor, IO AO A. t- AT once experienced delivery man for tea and coffee house; references required. A 331, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER-STENOG-. good opening for good man; state age and phone number. M 331. Oresonlan. WANTED One clothes cleaner and one DushelnW Berlin Cleaning Works, The Dalles. Or. SEVERAL more young men wanted tor tele graph and station service. For particular Jail or address Telegraph Dept., US 6th st. DELIVERY BOYS wanted for -teady all wrlnter work. Apply to Supt. Woodard, Clark Sc. Co. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING require the services of men pressers tor women m ga.r mentsr also fur workers. WANTED Fifty loads of ' dirt, two-yard loads; also man to do chores. Phone B 1Q&L . EIGHT plasterers on moulding: four plaster caster? and modelers. St. Francis Church, E. Pine and 11th. COLLECTOR wanted; must be a rustler; state age and raf-rence. R 377, Oreso nlan. , WANTED Jap school boy to fire furnace nights and mornings tor room. 834 lam hllL I w AN'TKD 10 laborers. Apply R. L. Hay, WilliamTave. and Xiekuni. before 7 o'clock Monday morning. WANTED Elevator boy; one ".vln home praferr-. Drexel hotel, 246 Vs Yamhill. WANTED At once, two expert men for lay ing rubber roofing. J. Slmn Bm" 244 Front st. WANTED Experienced registered prescription pharmacist. Aibert BernLthedrueglst- . TAILOR--48 Washington C- itaxweJ1 Tailor. ONE good tinner wanted. Columbia Hard- ware Co., 104 Fourth st-' , RELIABLE hoy. 16 years of age, at Joae Caah Store. Front and Oak. WANTED-r-A first-class cutter. Lane A . ' t-.fIirA TaWnm. jonit&uii. WANTED Experienced shoe repairer. Roy- al Blue Store. Eugene, Or. BRIGHT boy, over 16. to start In architect's office." 810 Lumber Exchange bldg. viRCT -class carpenter finisher wanted at BSd and E. Ash. Phone Tabor 2SS. MAN' PRESSER for women's garments u.Ap" Ply 8 to 10 A. M. Olds. Wortman & King. jTWOODCHOPPERS, ft. of Alberta and Dcia. ware ave.; $2 per cord. Martin. PHARMACIST, registered in Oregon. . Oottel XJTUS -0. vr.T-N.-ri Tniui to work In drug etore, Cttef Drag Co. . - . WANTEX Experienced furnace man. Keliej Broa. 202 E. 84th. FTRST-CLASS Ladies tailors. H. B. Litt. kol Wash. St. WANTED Tams for wagon work; $6.60; sJn shovelfcra. $2 50 per day. Phone Main S3.. ft FARMHAND wanted at Meldrum farm, Ore-k gon City carlir.e. TWO all around dentists, reirlstered In Ore- gon. Union Dental Co.. 221fr Morrison at. TWO all asound dentists, rojrlstered in Ore- gon. Union Dental Co., 221 ta.jlrrlsonBt. HISTORY and athletic; $900. 611 S web land bldg. A GOOD ladies' tailor; good pay, steady work. 44 7 Alder. J. K. Stern. WANTED first class tailor, 2 N. 5th S 4xOOD drygoods man and dentist- B 1608. 4