The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 25, 1910, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 26

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s.-rv if v in mdtrte. and soeclalty eal
men bo have made rood but who,,f
dealers only; best line f goods on tn
market and backed up by the most r
in cunMlia tup pieman ted by the most
In local adveruaing to help tne dealer
ever conceived. LKaJcrs cni -
wart ool man to devote entire time to
cur tntrvt but can hand .a a few ex
perienced suooeeful alde-Uae ron w "
abU:ty to hand: the bst proportion
ivvr offered them to make b;g money
from Lue start- H. F. Bush. Weliaboro.
I-STofnE clerk an 1 carrier Examine- I
iinfii wt:i be hld Portland, many
rk.Tr: c la h'.xh aol sure; brnir. short;
c-ti.n with ray": thouaands of vacancies
very noathz all ktnda of paaant w.k ev-
trrvfairt; no Uy'fTt: no fuil neoa;
fnmi durtiAn jrarichnt JUX I r urw wo-
ie tn a ivir full nartl-uinrs and ex-
r lalmar niT fT-r f r-Ot!a
bir Enr! H: slna. Washington.
P. c.
vriTriK.iht.hli!t man for the U
15; rsuc bo native bra or haee rti P"
rr: moirhtv ct f 15 to $: additional
tf a an ti.1i.m1 a.i tltBOt tre : anar o
. ... M. l w4rl 1i DOT cent
Af FMV .-tnm.rM- Mf-Vla OB board tip
and ashore In all part of tho world. Awly
t V. a. MarUie iXn Ravrntilag Offioa.
redm bi.: Id aad WashUigua
t Poninr.J. Or
JOINT Aeriexit Order Arohiterta, BuUdera ar-4
ilr-hrkte atriotir mcri: aarna aa wa-
. '.Iowa aCaauca; priaaional ma, clerKa I
ani rcachAntca ol.iLi; mmbr:jp fa
!th arOitoatMini anaoai oua a; oonira-
ne:ir our button. Mar aad loara
t Irifl; at tree: oranlsra wanuxi. Hrad
f ALKSMiTN Th rblambla Xa A Troat
Ompany tmv an opealn for caa or
auucnor. IX joa nara
xpar-eaoa in ai:tne- laavraoca yoa will
aviKKxad and racdartd aaviataaca in nno-
la pruMpccta and ciauna buanneaa. Coma ia i
ar.d talk U om. am for ft. P. lockwooa.
Vlct-rn aad Oaa'l kaucw. or Harry
lite amy. Cltjr Wimnf. loor apaidLn
WO V'l.N . WICTL'H B opatatora acboo! taka
iauc aX a rcutaba achvl: Cava tna
n va beat rearens frvto principal
ieu tern ia 1'ortiacAi and tiMw&n
whra a hava nvJ.K.d operati-;
aa lutfiatM to taach u rucftL, at
lr; you can ew.ara; ae u flrt.
w Yor 1.m .. acd kiooJ Moth-n-fiio-
ura ('jmui;. f Waai., near ltiu
AUrMF..N nti'vd X.r hl;at claaa axcldrt i
a.i'1 health liffxio-, oid-Une cociany; frltAi i
p;itry crat J jr -ix ; pay lliw anwrr-
e icy ber.rtit. a!l'n ta any and all ulnd:
4k wevk- bant-tit. h-ndauika black M-al-grain
I- care fi" a Uh a h p-jitcj ; kxxx
Ll-rr-tn rnakiu op to $Ut par wk. rlt j
X'-r rvlui rrnwju crnirt; liberal com-
ii.ti rc:;tiy torW4Utd. Orrnan hi'fc-i
lij CO,. .17 i 7th at.. fU 1'UUV 31
A larwa T'arifio C39t Caaualtr Com
pany nw for mm dcaJrea tha rA'lcva of ;
a f-W cmiwtfni nnd raltnbta tK-K aalra
rti-n. aiuai attrucua pro poaitiun on tha
' market. Liberal contract r reiiaiti
pnniurfri, Atlitreaa. w ttla references, to
AE, jtw. OrenJaja.
Tfia ouly chiml of it kind oo the COi.
hirh U capMe of giag yon actual enow
Xierinre wttb your two weaaa tuition fI
fmi rvjitr:a.bfr: oomoatafit oDra:ora
ei v fr rn to $-to pr wrvk. Uniy bona j
f'd brkliia tfenty In Portland. all or
rtt. pui"irra Theatrical aUacxtanaa, Lar-
6 !i:-4 11 n.
-d acea-ir man wanted to hefp d-
reu- zivacr f rmt and etialL farm on
e l-,-t rtc 1 !n near t na city; muat Invest
arta bajan caa aacti year
emm rropei nuael; w.tnt to astaMLh a r--
try farnu In otaaactlkn with frult-rrvlain ;
r.ghr partlr ma make moaars raiarenuaav
tr WANTED Atre 1H to 3a. tor tlremen.
tim monthly, and brake man. 10. oo
nearby raiUada Exparianca unneceaaaryi
no atnaa. Promotion to cnxlneera, eon
4iurtoxa Railroad empioYta aeadauar
tarn over dot) men sent to pool' lone
ntontniy. ptate aa fend at amp. nail
m "'7 Aaartciaiion. cam Oreaonlan.
aN KXPEHLENCLD out-lde aalaamaa fnr
ll taiMr. I utd a man So or 40 year
rr tr and wall acguajutd w:m La city.
nowiiii or ino t u i n not
1 ut a (nxleman of food aprarano and
cirerfa and a Lh"mu4rh aoUcitr caa have
a guaranteed aaiar aad oocomiaaion, by
'ilw.Mlre L Bt. OlTyonlatl.
ivr. U AT ood Ut men with ame capital
to Join our land aytultoat a. roan that can
T r Ui e rau; t a : a e ar lnonrratrMl ana
hn fin tra ta of Uuad. lmprowd and
ready f.r work: tby alii b eubdlWdcd
and m m aina.Iar lota wo fr'joxantee our
prrtnonitjrtw; r-remncM rwqulrad ana givan.
t ra'ni.'Ut
rAUiwilEN ActlTolv nrf-ajcd aUlin of-
rlra supplies ran vara tA0 to a jncnth
i andwti a hin-ciaaa una oo the side
Silendid opportunity for eneiaetlc salea
nin of fnt:rlvy and ability; write, stat
in experUm- . aaieai manasr. iast
Kihth et OwinnatU UMo.
FANT ET Fix pert Tmoed lanltor and enjrtaeer
t- take rhaxe of modern steam ard not
a.'r haatin and ventilating aatm la
aoal bul.dtnsa; must be com pe tent to
make repeara 8tate salary reiuired and
r-f reacTak bacretaxy aoAool Hoard. C'e-
naj:s. aan.
HK S btirh-rad salts just arrived; drum-
m"ri mKli-ia ana tnAauraiTurtrr sunpiw;
e.O to tZ ruu-a tt Sl-vTA; 2S to $S"
valuea fr 414.T&. How do I do It ? That s
eoay: no bi profits for hirh rsjt-t; my of-
fl--e rent la onij $AO a month- Jimml
rutin, room 31a Oragonlan bid.
M A- T Men at Lo Aae: so expena ta
iara trs-ie e.ecuictty. auumooiiea piumn
tnr. brUk.aylnT by actual work, contract
1 only law moatba required; 3fO students
1 vac yar: oatalosrue froe. Cslted Trad
bbool ContracUaa Co.. Lot Anesw
tO V vNVETV T j Mil tkTc Cia nclsriTr bet -t-r
to svum n; full parurulars to sal
arte. p-aLl.-.a doxea mxmii.Hiii soon to
1 e hei d i 'or t lkad. sampl q urstwu, et c.
annt frM tn circular ltU. axL Cor. lowtltute.
k ilcN' St to yArs oid wanted at one
for eectr-io railway moiormen and oon-
ufora: Uii to ku a mUh; no cxperlenc i
rHK-aaaary: one opportuauv: no strike, m rl(
ttmedlatoly ptt appli-aun blank, Addxeas
A aj. car of Pvr-.lavnd rvciU
9lkiT- la." sa.esman to represent on the
roaa siron line of metia pipular-priced
rear on commission for Montana, and
v ym inc. Addra. with commercial rf
ere rice a. Hartford Neckwear Co, 11th st.
ami immuray, ew Tor.
Y. M, C A.
Employmant aniararttead to erery man
takin our special empioyment member
ship; oniy f"i.ow who know now to do
something wall accepted. Secretary
Emplomeo Department.
(fANTED Intelligent you ng m ant ot a ke
cflnra of ofivw end of wttuihd faah
busineaa. oiut would coojidr paxtnr
Vr half lnterewt; $JoO will h&ndle um:
salary of $15 p.r week gUArantaed to start
w ith. 41T Hoard of trade.
Urrilfc. uojr wanttxl, must be ovar 14 y.r I
nf age; good chance fur advancement if
rapuoie: answer iy letter, stating a and
prttvtnus ctpenonca it anys aiao give rf-
erencea Ad'iress ah HSU oregonian.
3 K have god place ftar mea with ssnall rapT
tnj aad wUitna: to wova; haw alreaviy lo
ra.ted mea wno are sntlarWd; stone but re
1 pajtle naed evpiy. Fruit and truck
farm la . J tz OregonAan.
i IGH-GRA r E salesme n. call on b ustnesa "
men: permanent position: 919 to $4i
monthly: s-fr speiis advanced weekly;
r. saonpia to carry. lntrna4ional Co.
Mclnure bid.. Ia ti n, tX
d. . - . . - : . .
at our repreeata:lve; no cnavasstng or o-M.-ning:
good trcom sward. Ad ircsu Na
twai Co-opra?iva Realty Oo, "Kl Marda
b - -. V aal art - a. D. C
VN liODY can add li to $10 weekly to
their lnoom growing mushrooms in cel
lars, s'leds. boxe, etc; b-t market; fr
b klct. Btram liar ton, Wet 4th st..
New York.
ot R own bosa Make $4 daily Stivt'nr.g
mirrors : acyooe can do wrk tcnc, svar
time. Bookiat aad aanple free. Q. F. Hm&.
Tr,nd. Iept. 51. Bts'.on, Majai.
fcARPENTKRS Two good caxpaatens wantvsL
Aply tua iay. 11 to 1 o'clock, i3 Wororsur
bi.ig.. or Jai1ay pa.irning mx ? I and -in.
ao mtM,
A.STKL Xoacg married man with some
experience la rocery bttalnesa. Address
C E. K. arte, 1 1 w acov
CTOCK aaleaman, manufactusin proyot
tion. Call mornlnga Mr. Browo, 2oQ
Chamber Commerce bldg.
EXPERIENCED collector of delinquent ao
counta also to soUolt soma. E 5ve Ore
gonian. 4XKD wtadjow ulmmer high-oituw ejoth
lr. . haL and AL eoJ. Oce
pnian. WANTED A physician registered tn Ore-
S-a fir specisUy pracuce. Adxireas J
45. Oregonian.
WANTED At once, Al cleaner, spotfr and
presser; must b sober and reliable French
aCa:ilng Works. North Yakiroa.Wash.
'WANTED In planlrg mill, a boy who can
run a monger Fimnlt fift-hmltt ss Co. Esuat
h h and Yamhill.
W A N T Hi. Partcar with $&'4 as treasurer
moving- pVtur w. New York Mt-n Pkv
t rre C".. -S Wavhlrgt-Ht. nwar 17th,
Lt V for axu tor and kitchen work. 554
AT C. R- HAXfiEV ac COu. 2d N. 2I ST
i'booei Mam 1824. A UM
Kstablubed lSTd.
Opea all day Sunday.
Offices at
Spokane .......... J22 4 Wash. St.
Sacramento . r. . mm-. . . wju Second it.
ha sranctaco .X)7-M Howard ax.
baa Francisco (for lata labor)
S Montgomery St.
Ioa Angeles.... . .13 a, ios Angelas st.
special shipment to vada on Uie bait
lake road at Ceileate loo station men
We slilp dally to Klamacn Fall a 3K) la
borers. tcamsLara wanted. FH&iu i AfUai.
TlioX L. C ta, la,MM) yards of station
work to leu We want 1ia laborers at
$U.t) yrr tlay and luu teamsters at $A?a
up. AL.Lt FREE FAKE. luO laborers on
tii CSTfcEL. UA.a iOK TUB b. K
PAf at Natron. FF.E FARE.
Rookkpr, aawmiil. iwJ and board
A plledrivtir men. .50. free fare.
Pliedrlver enlner. io6 pr month.
t xyota men. o per hoac
Powder man, $4.0.
Lather, standard wares, city,
i; brld carpe;U-re. x0w & K Co. work.
'Z carpenter hi-lpera.
S aasistant traxa foremen, f HO month,
j carpenter, bulldm loina: camps
Hndye carpenters, Heppner Jot fro
lax a. .( R. R. wra
SauaaicemaKer, 4i-
J aura aanr foramen. ISO.
rteam eaovai craneman, iw ao eoaru
jtam snovel flresnan
n, sow
and board.
Bookkeeper, eoO and board, milL
li ahisue boys, tl.7o.
Lum:r grader, l.oox
Tanlman, I.Jtk
w t an: lja v Ed s.
Laborers and teaxuaters, cUy. $2. 50.. $2. 75.
P arm ban da 4ia
t-'auaenuiJcer, $X
Dishwashers. Sit) week.
Cook and helper, flu.
Vaaetabla man, $lu.
Now Jooa comrn In all tha time. A 1ob
zre to any aoie-oocin'o nun uo m oom
"AT nAAfiluA ).-
SAl-USMXN to sell Una of women's, chil
dren s and men s 35 -cent nosiery 10 taxga
retail trade direct from mill which al
.va wt lobbeaw exclusively: only firat-
claas men with cxpertenoa and the beat
of references noad apply. correxponuence
confidential. A. B. Owens, sale tnanar.
paluthorpa Js Oxford sta, Philadelphia,
w a T:i! On man In each town or runn
ing g strict that can uivest i- or up i
a.t aa our nL you can make $25-$T5
per week; those that prove their ability
and staying qualities wn iw
resoon;tW poaiuoca with company. Ad
dress E. J Kiss, 33 ) Morriaon, Port
land. Or.
a i.iki'. Fl land com nan y about to wnd aev-
aral thou -mud collars to auverxiae tneir lanna
d-atre the erir s of a competent salestnan
to take ohame of the ofllc and sales de
pertmeat; will pay either eiij-y or commls-
ai m - one rarr. iiiar w id nuu wtaw uujwa-
tiousi prefsrred. Address AB l&T. oregonian.
TWO expert aprda packers. Name yourown
saary. Aaarcss icreai uaun v, xMf-
bard. Or.
W ANT&D tnral representatlvaj for aocx
r-anrf vaiUdm rmt CiMMT: SeilS JOT 91.
The only euooeaarul SLT-fie perswo machine
on the market; barest kind of proflta Writ
r-T tunna iiuxcaison xis. v., numiuii.
RAi.K.siiAV to sell the Mason Chlppews
bst loersf and work shoes in vrvgon.
California and Utah; stralKht 6 per c-nt
fummluinn: can be carried as aiue line;
CO sample. Address by letter only, Geo.
A. letty. car Jtotei rortmn'i.
RAILWAY mail clerks. 1X nx.-t year; pr.-
motlon to fiwo; axmmaiKn roruwa
vember 12; common education sufficient with
mir rirhLnr: full DeXilUiaJS I IV WUH l"
action or m-4iey back offer. Ask for Booklet
III TTl Eirl Hopkina, w aahington. A
VANlhlK Man to haul loxa, dlstanc z
miiM nar i. rr t housanu : come reany
for work; at Uurumston: xooa roaas. .i
iW.B-r&jiL Ann v to liurune-ron i-uro-
lr to,, on United Ky. lom out ana
ronds made. Tho. Whltmey.
SALEeMAN, experienced any line, to sen ran-
ri trade on Pacific coaac; unexceuea spe
cial tv orooo-ntion with branrfi-new rture;
conLmlsHion with 133 weekly for expenses; va
cancy th tober 1. in cjonunenuu jewwiry
Co.. Cleveland, O.
t can iim 10 more men in itiv old-dred-
Inc camp at per day, r.oura; tan
ntll Interest or furnish STuarantee; make
careful Investigation as to tne merits ot
tbe proposition. Address at one aiv oo.
O resronian.
nvnUKd saJaaTnan. none bnt first-class
need appJy. Lion touiin to, 100-1 u
Third st.
RAl.FiSArTrc hv larse EAisopeas lace-em br Id -
,y manuiaoturer: s-u popuiax apeciuinea
Irora stocs;; samples o punis; J" p--r
funmlNton; wk' drawings, w uson, 4V1
Broadway. ew XorK.
! OuMl'ETENT district manaxwrs with cat.ital
and ability ; axoiustva oontract for exploit a-
t.on. conii'letMiy new a est ana; revelation in
ernanllne Ptrbtlng. Ulr1a Llsrbt Cxannany 118d
Mhlnrron Blvc, t'nicxx
WANTED Younr man. experienced In ths
p latin buslnessi one wno can oo poiinn-
inc. dull brass finish and lacquering;
steady Job. Call at one. J. C LnglUh
Co.. IIS Park a.
"WE want before October 5th experienced
a fntL tfaiarr or commission. xttr-
nce must accompany application. Het
Una fa linlte! ttatra. umtea eiates wnip
Ox. Weat field. M.
SALESMAN WAN 1 ED Embroidery' and
Lace Manufacturers want salesman now
trstrellna havlna establlsiiea trade in small
towns. Lttvaral nronoeltlon. Hudsor. River
Lace Works. 4T Hroadway. New ork.
To operate movln phctur: operators earn
133 weekly: learn In abort time: asy terms.
N. T. .hool of M. P. Operating-. 0S
WKsrtlng-ton. near iTtn.
LEAP-N" auto drrvtj-w and rapnlrtna; by pTao-
tj.-aj x-.-neace: davy or evening ; pay later
Oaice &2oVs Wslngtuo. soom 446.
HAVE first-class opening for man to act
as treasurer: must furnish lido casn
curity or bond. Salary 1 25 per week.
M net tra vol. fu isi its 1 neaasiosu
change. Marquam bldg.
SALESMAN WANTED experienced adver
tising man. to sell line or caiMndars. Dang
supplies, luatosr goous ana An.iiea . wen
established trade; liberal contract. Hank
ers' Supply Co.. Iowa City. Iowa.
SALESMAN vieitin can era! store can in
crease bis income handling manuracturera
line rlng dry goods specialties; liberal
commission. The Lake wood Company, bog
414. PblladoJpbia, ra
GIRL for light housework, family of two:
good home for right party; school gij
considered. Phone Wooolawn 644. ill 4
lieech st.
rk. Apply 662
JohnaoQ ex.
GIRL wanted at tot X.
24Xh for cooking
and general housework.
C H A M"n ERM AID.' kbwinprsJs Hoi4. 2Kront and
OI RL to assist In frenersJ housework Home
H ;M. r-4 bast Tanvniu st.
WANTED Helper on coats, good wages te
right party. AN seT, oregonian.
WANTED Ifouaekeepar, man and boys. T
anq a. ixt wygsa u near AJenver .
MAID for two children; must have good
city reference. ma uavia. near iving.
G1KL for general housework, small
good wages. 363 N. Slid St.
AT ONCE coat finishers. $25 per week, 26&H
lamri'.n. room y, ait, wimoert.
KXPEKIENCED girl for general hoowork.
Ms Johnso n. M aln 3o4 L.
WANTED Trimmer and maker at Creecent
Millinery Col. Park and Alder.
WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers.
Apply 44 Ettst eih st.. rortn.
SCHOOL girl to work morn Log and evening
PT board. 144 Lonsdale st.
WANT gtrl checkers in cafeteria, for two
hours,atiuoa. bd 5th St.
GIRL for general h on saw or k. Small family.
App!" 77 Manhall st.
G1KL wanted for aeneral housework. 615
aweerney st.
W A NTE D F I ret -class Udleer tailor. Ee
jtianche. S5 Washington et,
M I IXINER maker and apprentice wanted.
Siesta Hyde. 804 Fletdner Bid.
3 FlNlsHEKS oa coatum ooats. Koom 5v0
r hoe nix bldg.. S3 Oak st.
EXPERIENCED girt for gen era 1 housework.
Three In family. A 5106. Call $41 Main.
WKAI'PCilS. cashiers, cash glrlai 2d floor
5th and Washington. P. C Company.
wanted, chamber work. afarahall
WANTED Olr! or woman to eaelst In gen
eral rouvework; good wages, &2S 4h.
WA-N iii i A isood oek, 4W iioliadagr ave, J
WANTED Younr, ladies for telephona oper
atora; with or without expertenoe. Apply
The paclfio Talephon St Telegraph Com
pany, 6th and fcut Anksny sia, or West
Park and Alder sta.
First-class cook for ranch.
Must be able to cook for 10 man or mot.
Experienced woman with dausUtor who
can wait on table preferred.
00 Third street.
hoom 4, upstairs.
W A VTF niT r, ten tt irrarlenced sale
ladle for knit undtrww ard hosiery de
partmenta. Roberta Bros.. 3d and Mor
rison st a
RETTN'ED yonn ladv for eneral ofTIca
work. Knowledjre of shorthand not essen
tial. Work la liaht Must be neat and of
pleasln address. Cheerful outside office.
new buiidln. Answer In own nanav nv
Int le referancea X 8&0. Oreronian.
DAT AND NIGHT SCHOOL for shorthand,
bookkeeping:, rrammar. arithmetic, tc
Enroll now. Positions rasranteed. Ecle-
t!o Punlnees fnlverslty. n30 Worcsu
Flrwk. pne afarahall ?TfM.
siL.NIOlPAL Dopartment of Public Safety for
i 'run vtomea. Advice or assisuioe P
eo to ai 1 yovnc women. M rs, ioia o.
Baldwin, Sup., room XT. T. W. C. A. oiaa;.,
th and Taykw sta.
LADT tailors wtio undenrtsnd
m.nklng collars. Apply be
tween s and 10 A. M. Olds.
Wortman A Klng
TV ILL. ve high school lrl rood horn and
sme money to aeatst in carina; it vw
rhlldrrn. &5d Nhrtnrup St., bet. 26th and
2h. Went Fide.
klLLINERT Reasonable, seneiMe. becom-
1B trimming- and orders. Prln any oil
material. Salt 217, the Lab be. Z77 s
WANTED at once, youn ladles to learn to
weave woolen fwds. Steady worK. wax
imarantee at start. Apply to Superintend
ent. Hort'ana woolen Mills. et. jonna. trr.
TOlVO woman of abllrtv and aood sd-
drcss to nil position requirln courtesy
and tact; lljrht work and Rood pay to
rirht party. DI48. Qregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman for general house
work; must be rood cook ana oe winins
to co to smfiii rnuntrv "-wn n"ir i
Ifind. Address Bailey. A 51t or Main 4fll
EXPKRIEVCED rfrl for cookln and some
housework In email fnmlly wner upstairs
mnin is icpt: wa-es ao. Apply ex war-
snail. nLr-th.
WANTED Neat, young, experienced girl
witn rood roxeronces to worit in conieo
t to nary and ciar store. The Little
Muse. 2J Waahlnirton st.
WOMEN' and girl wanted to work In fruit
cannery. Apply at East flth and Division
B Ml wood 964; A 38. Holmes Cannlna
OIRLS wanrwV Wemenj Mantis Ox, 28 Frorrt
K. Ltffht work, sjood waes and steady work.
TOt'NO lady stenos-rapher for permanent
position. Must live at nome. zt to staru
Stat a4V axpexience. etc. AD o52, Orexo-
A MANTTACl'L HTTR wnts -tore demonstrator
capable of riaHnfr her own demonstrations
In notion c part men of large Mores. Tol-
man Mte. Co., 10 Third St.. Boston, Maas.
MAKE money wrlrlne; stories for news
papers: big pay; free booklet tells how.
T'nlted Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
EXPERIENCED girl for cookery and general
housework, family of three; goon wairos.
Arrlv 77ft Peat PaTmon. Thone E atl 1 C 7.
WOMF.N or 1rls to do parkin and labeling.
Apply manufacturing department, w a an am
ft Kerr Bros.. 4th and Hoyt.
WANTED Competent woman for general
boueeworlc; good wages. Apply 743 Lovejoy
WILL some refined girl exchange light ser
vice frr a pleasant room and noard with
home con von 1 e n ces? AO .t.V). Oregonian.
WAIST snd skirt help, also girl for shop
ping and reception-room work. Teesdaie,
g" Marquam bldg.
MnsTHowFrn tdTesofxct.
326 H Washington St.. Room 814.
Vain 8K3 or A 82nd.
COOK wanted, competent wages, tflfl; no
wasrttng. capt. 1. h. trptoo. mcouvsr
NEAT girl to assist general " nonaework:
wotiia accept gin wno speaxs uerman
onlv. Apply 7th. near Jackeon.
GIRL can have good room and board for
assisting at light nowworn. waxes it
satisfactory. Phone Monday, Et lf-'ft.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. W9 Roih
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED respectable woman as house
keeper by mldnleaged temperance roan.
Object matrimony. AL BbO Oreyonlan.
GrRIjS wanted for factory work; 9 hoiine a
day. half a dsy on Saturday; goofl wage.
American Oilcie Co., 14th and Johnson.
MTDDLE-AOFID woman for light housekeeping;
2 in feralir: goM homa to light party. Phone
A4S2. Main 6472.
WA HTED Experienced bookkeeper and
cashier tn wholesale house; stat refor
ence. J BfSB. Oregonmn,.
MI'MC leaaona given In exchange for as- 1
si'tanc In TKruseworx, AK Ora-
WANTED Good girl for light house work
In small family, no children, good home.
Phone Main 15S3.
GIRL for genera! housework, good 000k,
two in lamny. can mornings, 04 overt on
THOROUGH cours of millinery, t weeks;
terms reasonaoie. toi vv ashing ton et.,
apt. x.
484 Washington St. Cor 7th. Upstair
pnon Main sous.
WA NTTCD Middle-aged woman, fond of
children, to car for email horn. Phone
Woodiawn 183L
TEN ladles to sell real estate; experience
not necessary out enerjry essential. Call
Tuea. A, M. at nio Lumrmrmnni Bldg.
WANTED Girl or woman for xeneral
houaawork. Apply 444 Harrison eC Phone
Main S7J9.
FJiPPHlCNTKl) a-trl for aeneral housework
and cooking. 4 irring. pnone Main s.'30
and A UH2.
GIRI wantod to work In nartr box fac
tory; steady employment, good pay. Ap
ply at F. O Btettier. cor, nwn and Giisan.
WANTED Dining-room girl and laundress
at Oddfellows- noma, ic ax ana Hoigate,
WANTED A woman to do repairing. Ap
ply at Standard Cleaning Works, 241 5th,
WANTED Girl for general houee .work.
Apply Bfl" .lonnton street.
EXPERIENCED woman to ca
children, ou K. anxeny.
WANTED Cook for boarding -houa, 48 N.
17th at.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co, 2d and
Columbia sts.
WANTED Woman to Iron, Apply French
1 a at v. 1 n .. r
CXrOAK and suit saleslady; must be expe
rienced aao: eaergeuc. nxstern cmtntting m,
YOUNG girl wanted for a small family.
715 Ws?ne street. t. tnair Apta. No. 7.
GIRL for general housework. Call 14 East
11th street, comer aiil roooe n.aai
EXPERIENCTCD waX finisher and helpers
wanted. Max, poo Lxrum oiag.
WANTED At Sisters' Hospital In Chlco, Cel.,
pupils to enter scnooi or nursing,
Apply Troy
Company. 201 East Water st.
RELIABLE young girl assist general house
work; 3 in family; gooa wages, c zmu.
WAIST, coattuakom and apprentices. 2QZ
Tluord bldg..lvtn ana Morrison.
FIRST-CLASS fur finisher wanted. N. M.
Mungar Co., low itn st. rumeri.
GIRLS to learn beauty culture. Sani
tary Beauty Parlors. 4oo-n Denum bldg.
S A' ITCHES made, &Sc. Sanitary Beauty Par
lor. 40U-412 Dekum bldg. Marshall 1701'.
WANTED Second girl for housework. Call
tt 120 Graham ave.
WANTtCD Young girl, general, housework;
willing to learn, a ittJ4; reoor 1.03.
AN experienced girl for cooking; good wages.
Ill I. aao.
WANTED Good girl for general housework.
a!l afternoon, ant ortnrup st.
Aon as on Cloak A Suit Co.,
143 5th st.
WANTED Girl for genaraj housework and
cooking. Apply xio is. otn.
GIRL wanted, over 16, to take care of 2
children, can pe;ore is. eae uiay si.
GIRL to do cooking In private family. 405
CVtv at., corner or 10th.
WANTED Two good experienced sewing
girls. E. Qurney. 406 Mohswk b'.dg.
WANTED lady singer who is good pianist,
526 U Washington near 17th. .
WANTED Oirl for general housework. 166
17th North.
GIRL to do aeneral housework: German
f-rred. Inquire Schuyler St.. cor. 1
LteaONii in shorthand and typewriting by
prt; H a month, 2w lath. Main 39w4
3 COOKS, country hotel, -VX
Boarding-house cook, $40.
Chambermaids, $40, C3S, $25.
Chambermaid, do waiting.
9 hotel waltressesi. $25.
S restaurant waltrensea, $9$9 week.
2 clerks, confectionary store, $30 and
Second glrL $35.
Housekeeper, $'J5
2 family cooks, $40.
y All kinds of private family nelp, city and
country; some very nice places; wages $20
to $40 and good homes.
New Places Dally.
,85 H Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs, room 7.
WANTED Woman well dressed, lntelll- j
gent, with business experience to demon- I
strata, take measures nnd orders for Spl- .'
roll a corsets An energetic woman who I
Is willing to work and who does not con-
slder It beneath her dignity to go direct
to the residence to f It customers: can ;
make $10 to $40 per week; give phone
number and address in f ulL Mrs. Lou
Fountain. 704 Hoyt st.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for
general housework (must te good cook)
on a fruit ranch near Med ford. Or.; S In
family, no children; no help boarded and
no outside work : transportation will be
furnished; also return transportation If
not satisfied ; wages $26 per month. D
3ft9. Oregonian.
APTlr at suoelntendenrs office, 6th
floor. S to 10 A. M.
WANTED Energetic, educated ladv, not
under HO, of nice appearance, for position
Involving modified form of salesmanship,
requiring tact and Initiative, with oppor
tunity for a permanency and advancement;
must be able to travel If required. F 353,
WANTED A convincing saleslady to sell
property with merit back of it: excellent
opportunity to make hlg money. Call be
tween 2 nnd 4 if possible for Mr. Girt on.
Jno. p. Sharkey A Co., 122 14 6th u, 00 r.
Or and ave. and East Taylor sts. -
H. B. LTTT, 8M Washington at., first-class
tail ores and alteration hands.
GIRLS wanted at Mt Hood Shirt Factory,
2d and Couch sts.
H. B. LITT, 851 Washington st-f apprentice
Tor errands in tailoring dept.; salary.
100 GIRLS, including all the old employes:
commencing Monday. October 3. good wages
to all; apply at once. U. S. Laundry Co.,
Fast Ysmiilll and Grand avs. I. Dannella,
WANTED Nurse for private hopsftal, near Se
attle; waxes $40 per month; must rurniFn
references of ability and character: gooti
roeitlon for right person. Address AE 357,
Ore gontan.
COMPETKNT maid, upstairs work end sew
ing. Private famiry. Apply Monday aiier
noon or evening. 622 Kearney st.
WANTED Experienced saleslady with
good reference to work in general mer
chandise store at Seaside, Or. Inquire of
Wascher Bros. Phone East 271.
WANTED Chorus girls; must be nice ap
pearing; height not over 5 feet 4 mcnes:
experience unnecessary. Apply between 9
and 11 A. M. Room 327 Marquam bldg.
competent jwies-neonie In all departments.
Apply at superintendent's office, 6th floor.
8 to 10 A, M.
WANTED, lady living In Oregon City and
St. Johns, sell Frtiroiia corsets; give pnone
numW and address In full. Mrs. Lou
Fountain. 704 Hoyt st.
a number of competent waitressbs for
tbelr restaurant. Apply a superintendent's
ofnoe. 6th floor
SEVERAL vouns ladies wanted . for te
graph service; good position guaranteed.
Cat! or address Telegraph Dept. 14ft 5th
U.Ao DAY rvald ladv In each tow to dietrlh
ute rree oirouiars ror fonremnwa iiavorine;
In rubes: permanent position. F. E. Barr
.o., irmcago.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced neat.
un-to-date room nr house woman to sen
on commission; must b well acquainted
with city. Call 417 Board of Trade.
a number of thoroughly competent cloak and
suit hands. App?y between 8 and IO A. M.
et superintendent's offlos 6th floor.
WE teach ladles millinery or dressmaking
trTorotighly in a few weeks. Boston School
of Millinery and Dressmaking,. 274 Wil
liams ave. Phone East 845.
GIRL for gwneral housework, family
sdutta Phone mornings. East X234.
LADY stenographer, one conversant m
keeping of books to assist In general of
fice work. State experience and give
your references. R 3.S0. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady to work In dental office $6
per week. Give phone number. R 858 Ore
gonian. lT WILL give home to nice working woman
who goes out by the day. Mrs. M. Mat
thews. 43 E 72nd street. No. Montvll1n.
EAST Side high school or business college
girl to work for board and room. Phone
Seltwood 176.
loo young girls for various positions. Apply
to superintendent between 8 and 10 A. M.
6C H OOL girl: good home and some wages'i
school 4 block. Apply J. E. Wilson,
421 4 Wash, st.
YOUNG girl to care for f Ive-year-old .boy
from T2 to 6 doily (Sundays excepted)
Phone M. 4749.
REFINED girl to care for two children,
good wages. Home privileges. 440 E.
fith North. Telephone ' East fi94.
WANTED Housekeeper with care of children;
good wages Apply 227 E. 16th et., near Sal
mon. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
In email family: good waxes. Phone Enat
.tlXK. 501 Thompson t. Take Irving car.
WANTED A Japanese boy to work morntngs
and evenings for room and board. D 874,
GIRL for general housework, four adults In
family. Good wares. Phone Tabor 1627.
210 E. 55t h street.
REFINED, reliable woman to care for 3-
year old child and small home. Ref
ereneesreq u 1 red. F 357. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for housework in small
famllv; no children. Phone Marshall 1770,
A 4M30.
WANTED A Girl for housework, only two
In family. No waamntr; 15 minutes car
ride, frorr postofflce. Phone Pellwood 159Q.
WANTED Girl with multlgraph and type
writer experience. Salary $50. F 3.r2, Ore
conlr.n. AT ence. fine hairdresser, good wages. Oai
Sunday morning. Sanitary Beauty Parlors,
4-m Dekum Mdg. -
Uo D taikress and ycung girl for appren
tice; rood pay. Parisian Ladies Tailors,
fS3 Washington.
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25 for
position with wholesale house experience
unnecessary. AG 355. Oregonian.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced cloak
and suit and millinery saleswomen. Apply
J. S. Ornhsm, Portland Hotel.
WANTED Experienced skirt and waist
hands; also apprentice gin. 1. uaniei
eon. 171 11th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework, a
In family.
Phone Sel. -1609, or call 52S
E. 35th st.
S.. W. R. car.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
and cooking; German preferred. 374 East
12th st. N. Take B. car.
WANTED A girl for general housework; good
wages and good pome. c stum.
WANTED Girl for light houe
vork; no cook
tng. call 434 7tn m. .
WANTED Women to do liarht housework.
Call r3 E. 82d. bet. Stark and Pine.
GIRLS wanted.
American Laundry, 12th
and Flanders.
NURSE girl or woman to care for baby;
good wages. HI 3 Jonnson st.
EXPERIENCED waist and sklrtmaker; first-
ctees wages. Call 45 Flledner bldg.
GIRL for general housework. Apply morn
ings. 173 E. lStn st.
WANTED A girl for gensral housework.
34 College St. . '
GIRL for general housework. Good wages.
F. 23d N. East 34".
WANTED Schoolgirl to
work for board
Phone East 8177.
and pay; small family.
BRIGHT young girl for office In corset
parlor. 141 11th St.
S LADIES to learn the genuine Swedish mas-
≥ small fee. jut 901, oregonian.
Cook, $12 per week, room and board;
pastry cook. $30.
Conk for small hotel. $30 to $35.
Waitresses, $ to $10 Pr week.
Waitresses, $25.
Cashier. $7 per week.
Chambermaids, $20 to $25 and $9 par week,
Housekeepers. $20 to $30.
Kitchen he liters. $25.
General housework $20 to C40.
We have a new 'list of good position
Ladles' Dept. 2054 Morrison.
Cashiers, wrappers, cash girls, special
boys with wheels. Apply at Supt's office.
M to 10 A. M.
TWO experienced dining-room girls wanted
for first-class hotel In Central Oregon; good
wages, light work and good hornet fares
paid; reference required. Apply N" 36 1
FREE room rent for work! nor woman: con
sideration. If home most evenings. Would
employ one day each week, if desirea
Phone, between 6:30 and 9 A. M., E. 3254,
C 2S57.
WANTED A good lady clothes Ironer; we
pay good wages and guarantee steady
work to Tirst-ciass hands.
2.;i Arthur.
W A N T E D An experienced woman to sew
carpets; one who understands a Singer
or coit machine. call L Gevurtx
Sons. 1st and Yamh 111.
EXPERIENCED waist maker; also expert
seamstress and apprentice glrL Miss
Fletcher, 190 12th st.
FUR workers, for alteration department
Appiy at supt s on ico, j to 10 A. H. oics.
wortman A King.
EXPERIENCED fur finishers; also appren
tlce; must be handy with needle; good
wages, ixv litn st.
WANTED Schoolgirl to work for good room
and board, carfare. Phone C 2502 or 716
Aiuitnoman st.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for general help
In boarding-house; wages $20. Phone
Richmond 311.
CAPABLE fitters on ladies garments. Ap
ply Monday A. M. at Golden Eagle, 3d
and YamhllL
WANTED First-class .finisher for dress
making. Call 207 13fh st., this afternoon.
WOMAN for washing, Monday or Tuesday,
Phone A 3689.
CHAMBERMAID wanted In boarding-house.
ojo Ciiisan st.
WANTED Dishwasher at 243 Holladay ave.
Only bona fide booking office In Port
land ; has openings for vaudeville acts,
dramatic neoole. artictx In all lines: spe
cial attention given to cafes and, club en
tertainments. Want chorus women for
the road : two com nan I cm In at oreanlzed
dramatic people all lines wanted for stock,
sketches written and rehearsed, manu
scripts for royalty plays furnished; have
Coast rights for some of the latest pro
ductions, bee me for everything In the
line of amusements; book all independent
nouses on tne Coast. Fulsliers Theatrical
Exchange, Marq uam bldg.
Kk.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
v-ien and women to learn barber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructors; tools free; write for cata-.
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, S3
North 4th st.. Portland. Or.
AMATEURS wanted In all lines; teach vau
deville and dramatic, write sketches and
rehearse, under the direction of Professor
Mallee; If you have talent, will book you;
have Coast rights for some of the latest
Eastern productions. Wanted at all times,
good dramatic people. Polsifer's Theatrioal
Exchange, Marquam bldg.
MEN and women of any age in all parts of
hit uuiicu o Lrt ivw cny or county , 10 oe
come successful private investigators secret
lyf excellent opportunities; very' interesting,
congenial and lucrative employment; free
particulars. Address F. A, Turner, 914
Taylor ave., Alameda. Cal.
ARTISTS WANTED Wanted to hear from
artists who have original pictures for
sale. Oils, water colors, wash, pastel, pen
and Ink cartoons, comic drawings, etc. K
805, Oregonian,
WANTED To correspond with persons
wanting to buy rooming-houses; I have
the beat list in city. Maud M. Hockengat,
610 Lumbermens bldg.. city.
MA KB money wiitidg stories for newspapers;
big pay; send for free bookie ; tells how.
United Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
WA NT ED Girl or Japanese boy-for" gen
eral housework; wages, $35. Phone C
MEN or women agents to sell LOTS, $2
down and $1 a week. Hall, 321 Lumber
men bldg.
PERSONS wishing employment as moneis
in costume or life class, apply Art Mu
seum. 5th and Taylor.
THREE very finely furnished rooms with
balcony. 195 East 14th, St.. corner Taylor.
land building.
Bookkeeper and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED drygoods man, SO years olfi,
married, 15 years experience in drygoods,
sllkes, shoes, etc, first-class salesman,
atockkeeper, can - trim windows and write
ads, fipeak German : do not use tobacco or
liquor, no bad habits, am clean-cut young
man; unquestionable references; want a
permanent place. North wost. with plenty
of work; give full particulars about posi
tion to be tilled, etc.. In first letter. If you
want a hustler and hard worker and a man
whom you can trust with your best Interests,
write me. Paul Zschelle, Colusa, Cal.
WANTED Position by educated German, 81
ana single; rami liar with the export
Dusinesv, ioreign money exc ranges, book
keeping and all "other office work; good
corresponuenc in uerman ana ungusn ;
Good knowledge of French; will go any
where. Address X 847. Oregonian.
YOUNG man. 25 years of aeo. 10 years'
experience in dry goods, furnishing goods,
shoes and general merchandise; experi
enced in buying, competent to manage de
partment, desires position 1n Oregon,
Washington. Idaho or Montana. N 302,
WANTED By reliable, experienced man.
position as bookkeeper, general office or
timekeeper, manager for years of mer
cantile establishment; would go to coun
try. What have you to offer such a per
son? AN 852, Oregonian.
SITUATION WANTED by gentleman 35 years
on mm general orrice man; x am uiorougniy
experiencea, capable and a hustler; cans.
naaaie agents, get up literature; have trav
eled extensively. AH 365. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by young man having
several years experience m t tie bona,
mortgage and real estate buslonss. Can
furnish excellent bank references. AF 353,
WANTED Position for the Winter; man of
gooa address, used to all commercial busi
ness, thoroughly reliable: has some money
he would Invest. AE 349. Oregonian.
YOU NO mas. 22, good education, good ref
erences1. wiHhes position Portland, clerk, with
no limit to promotion. Address T. C. S-,
rwix 100, orownevuie, ur.
BOOKKEEPER or in sales department saw
mill; if small mill can handle correspond
ence and books. Address AH 345, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Position of responsibility and
trust as office manager or accountant,
capable of handling large detail or help;
3Q years old. A 871. Oregon ian.
YOUNG man, 6 years' experience In whole
sale lumber and railroad oftices, as ste
nographer, bookkeeper and general as
sistant desires position. M 369, Oregonian.
WANTED A set of books to keep at home.
Neat, accurate work guaranteed. Address
A 373, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, stenographer, wishes position;
also knowledge of bookkeeping; best city ref-
erences. R 34S, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and office man wants posi
tion with contractor and builder or in
planing mill; 6 years 'experience; best
references. D 873, Oregonian.
WANTED Clerical position In office by a
middle-aged man of experience and good
habits. F 358 Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER wishes permanent position
or to keep a few sets of books, day or
evening, f awj. uregonian. m
POSITION wanted by young woman sten
ographer; some experience; good speller;
moderate salary to start. Maln 8274.
WANTED Small set books to write up aft
ernoons; very reasonable. AM 35S, Orego
nian. STENOGRAPHER Experienced and compe
tent young man desires position. Knowl
edge bookkeeping. AE 850. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man, 37, will accept ar.y of
fice work except stenography; moderate sal
ary; highest recommendations. 1030 N. Grand
DRUGGIST, from New York; good sales
man; window dresser and ticket writer, in
city or suburb. Y 340, Oregonian.
WANTED Typewriting work to be done at
home by expert typist. AF 846. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and cashier, 10 years' experi
ence In wholesale business1. E 353, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced book
keeper; good references. Call Tabor 934.
MAN wants position
Oregonian, -
watchman, H 842,
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
SITUATION wanted by sober. Industrious
man with practical experience in account
ing, correspondence, credits, law and col
lections; rapid and accurate in cash; oper
ates typewriter and adder; wholesale, re
tall and corporation experience; capable
taking full charge of office; good salary
expected. B 356. Oregonian. mm
POSITION by young man from the East; good
col lege ed ucat ion : bank experience ; ref er-
encea. AC 373. Oregonian
M i seel lan cous.
A CIVIL engineer, with 18 years' experi
ence on railway location, construction and
operation, steel bridges and buildings,
power plants and waterworks. Has jiist
completed $l,5t0,000 steel structure. Has
own instruments; will be open for engage
ment October 1. Q SEP. Oregonian.
MAN having 16 years' experience In lumber
would like position; tallyman or yard fore
man. Can give plenty of reference. Do not
drink. Will do clerical work. H 34S. Ore
gonlan. JANITOR, experienced, steady and temper
ate, wants position with hotel or apart
ment house. Can handle any kind of
heating plant. Am now employed. AM
371, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position as servant, also
can take care of horses, cows, etc.; under
stands English, French and German.
Would prefer position with vegetarians. N
808, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as cook in hotel or
camp; will he able to handle big propo
sition; can furnish best of references. J
34S. Oreg ojiia n.
WANTED, by man with family, position to
handle ranch either on shares or salary.
Address J. W. Monahan, Arleta P. O.,
Portland. Or.
EX PBRIENCED coachman would like posl -tion
or care for and train fine hordes; can
furnish first-class references. AF 359. Ore
gonian. BOY, 14, good milker, wants board, lodging,
school, clothes, church. 0- n ilkirg and
doing chores. Max Erkel. Hillbboro, Or.,
route 1, box 150.
YOUNG man attending Holmes Business
College desires place to work for his room
and board. Call Main 513. A 2554. Mon
day. HONEST young man, age 19. wants to, get
into a good law office to learn. Can fur
nish Al reference as to character. AN 357,
DEPARTMENTAL clerk. P. O. Department,
Washington. D. C-, desires to exchange
wiyi clerk In the West. Salary $louO per
annum. AB 849, Oregonian.
SUPERINTENDENT or foreman who is
thoroughly familiar with modern con
struction, bridges, buildings, etc. Expert
on concrete. Hup tier. D 3"1, Oregonian.
fciTLATluN wanted as manager of stock
ranch ; experienced all kinds stock; good
all-around farmer; highest references. Ad
dress T 358, Oregonian,
PLACE for 2 boys, 12 years, to work for
Doara ana go to scnpoi; would to gooa
boys around a grocery store. AH 8til.
YOUNG man and wife desire position as
bartender or hotel clerk and waitress. P
in 1. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted as managor of ranch
experienced rruit. stock, sreneral farmer
Al references. Address V 356. Oregonian.
COLORED man and wife, with license and
reference, want janitor or porter work.
44U mi nan st. a. J;eiie.
MARRIED man, eged 24, wishes position as
cnaurreur, oesn or references. Ij. sr. Bmrick,
204 West 10th st-, Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED by sober steady man, place as
cnecK cierK. Daggage, elevator, night-
watchman or janitor, 101 E. 74th st.
ELECTRTCAL machinist. construction
work or repairs, any system, any voltaga
oniignt ana power, u 3t, oregonian.
MOTION-PICTURE operator, ftrst-class, so-
oer ana renaoie, wants position. u 340,
Oregon las.
MAN and wife want position on ranch.
Phone East 3375 or call 370H East Mor
rison st., room 26.
YOUNG married man wants work: had ex
perience in clerking and plumoing; refer
ences. V Jn.i, oregonian.
lOUNG man of ability wishes laundry wag
on to drive or other similar work. AC
3H4. Oregonian.
WANTED Contract to cut 1 .100 or 2im0
corns of cord wood. In woods. AM 3.2,
YOUNG MAN, two years' experience, wishes
position in meat market. AJ 346, Ore
gon ia n.
STATIONARY engineer, running or firing
or steam heating and repairing. Charles A.
Goza, National Hotel. Main 57S3.
SITUATION wanted, janitor, Man and w!f
reliable, gooa references. A iio3, Orego
nian. TUTORING By young man. B. A.. LLB.
American and h,ngiisti university eauca-
tion. ts 30. Urcgonian.
BROTHER and sister would like situation
on ranch, sister cook and brother as ranch
hand. AC 3H7. Oregonian.
WANTED Work of any kind; graduate ag
riculturist; can do anything; what have you
to offer a hustler? W 3t5, Oregonian.
specialty. Main ti573.
ing, 8.
1 1 oor-pol i sh I n g, a
Thos. Green, even-
ENERGETIC young man with motorcycle,
warns collecting. Can furnish references.
' 3S4. Oregonian.
YOUNG man with six years' experience in
groceries, desires position In retail gro
cery store. Phone Main 7954.
EXPERT man in show business and ticket
seller, wants position. - Good references.
T H 5 4. Oregonian.
Y Ol Nt man C27) with mechanical training
wants position with chance for advance
ment. A K 365, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED painter, paperhanger, wants
work for owners. Me vex, Woodiawn 477.
HAVE your windows washed and house
cleaned by J. H- Goins. Marshall 1210.
MAN -and wife want position; take charge
of farm. S 350. Oregonian.
S1TI ATION wanted, experienced shoe sales
nian. D 354. Oregonian.
MILLWRIGHT and pipe fitter wants work
in factory or sawmill. G 354. Oregonian.
JAPAN ESE wants position few hours in
the morning. B 351. Oregonian.
JAPANESE laborers want big long job cut
ting" wood, or nawmlll. AB 35S, Oregonian.
BAKER, professional, wants position, town
or country. AF 854. O re gonlan.
CHAUFFEUR wants driving bv hour, day
or week. Call Frank. Main 4028.
iAhPBMJuR work, any kind, aay or 00 s
tract. Phone Marshall 2327.
CIVIL engineer, with field hd office ex
perience. desires work. AG 351, Oregonian.
kind of work.
wishes situation of
W 353. Oregonian.
BOY 16 wants work Saturday.
1 ! 1 5.
Phone East
v ISHES position as engineer, hotel or of
fice building. AC 360, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants any kind of night
work, between 7 and 7. X 3oo, uregonian
CHEF wants job in hotel. V 3ol, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
SITUATION wanted by competent book
keeper and stenographer: insurance.
broker or real estate ortice prererrea. h.x
perienced in banking and general busl
ness. E 350, Oregonian.
REAL ESTATE men. capable, energetic busl
ness woman, A-l stenographer and corre
spondent desires opening ; salary and com
mission. Box A-B S59. Oregonian.
YOUNG woman, good education, quick, ac
curate and capable, wishes responsible
position; 8 years' business experience. AK
:;, uregonian.
COMPETENT, experienced stenographer; has
executive ability; desires1 position where can
act as assistant bookkeeper. N 300, Ore
STENOGRAPHER that does- not know anything
desires a position. Address aw aw, ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer, good epeller,
accurate and rapid, desires position. Phone
Marshall 275L ;
EXPERIENCED, competent stenographer,
with knowledge of bookkeeping, desires
position. AC 343. Oregonian.
RAPID and accurate stenographer of ex
perience, desires position. AL 358, Orego
nlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer, familiar with
clerical work, desires permanent posi
tlon. Phone A 1866.
YOUNG lady stenographer, 5 years' experi
ence in railroad office, desires position.
X 356, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady desires position a bookkeeper
and stenographer; four years' experience;
reference. AH 353. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady desires position In of lice or as
cashier; experienced; references. Sell
wood 459.
WANTED Position by neat-appearing young
lady, with doctor or dentist, or as cashier.
AC 357, Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer with 9 years'
experience, desires permanent position. V
350. Oregonian
REFINED young lady stenographer desires
position ; good education; references. Y
352, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER of 7 months' experienco
d eslres position. AD 347, Oregon ian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist de
sires a position. R 350 Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers,
WANTED Position for stenoKr.iplier; we
are leaving the city and have a most
competent stenographer that we would
like to see wuli placed; we have paid
her $75 per month and she is worth it.
If interested, call up Main 3S4 4 .
WANTED Position as stenographer, 3 vears
experience, 1 year In lumber office, 'com
petent, reasonably rapid, accurate. Cannot
work Saturdays. Address Olive Janus. :JS
E. Everett st. Phone East 524 0.
DRESSMAKING, reliable, uu-to-date; prices
reasonable. Phone Marshall LJh4. 163 17th
St.. West.
CHILDREN'S dressmaker and good general
seamstre would iike ongagenif nt by the
day. AB 367, OreponJan.
WOMAN wants work by the day. Phone Wood
lawn 1647.
W A N TED. sowing by the day after Oc t,
1 : reliable work. AL :r7, iresomnn.
Dii LtssM AK 1NG by day at home.
?ten. B 2.T10. 023 E. Morrison.
Miss Ab-
STYLISH dresses. $0 up;
tino work. ."2!) K. Mill.
wnists. M.T.O up;
East r2:.t.
DRESSMAKER wishes a few enaemnts
by the day. Call evenings. Main :7u4.
La DY wants dressmaking and plain sew
ing to do. 164H Union ave.
GENERAL sewing by the day. I'.ooni 429
Alder street. Please state phone tniinber.
FANCY and piam gowns, at 8a 7th" nl.
WANTED, by practical nurse, care of chil
dren or invalid; best references from pres
ent employer. Address Nurse, this ot
fice. AD 3rd. Oregonian.
EASTERN trained nurse wants eit her
or charge of invalid In her own com
fortable home; moderate terms; rofereuces.
M 71172.
LADY, experienced, would, like the caae of
rooming or apartment house; unencum
hered. R Sort, Oregonian.
GRADUATE nurse wishes hospital position ;
no objection to country towns. F 344,
MIDWIFE For particulars apply Eox AB 324,
Oreg-on la n.
PR AC TIC A L nurse, best references; will as
sist in housework. X 359. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nuree with best of references.
Call C 2772.
MARRIED woman wants situation whero
husband can board and r.ioni also. Gt-od
cook, housekeeper and manaser. Very
economical, no washing, some waerrs de
sired. Will keep strictly to ourselves, but
must have good dry airy rrv m. Evenings
and Sunday morning. M a i n HV'J
REFINED, middle-ased woman w ishes posi
tion in goud homo as housekeeper, com
panion and to sow. Kldwly. refined cnuT'Ie
or widower's household, 1 or 2 children
s chool ape. A M 3 t . O r u o 11 i a n.
REFINED widow with girl 11 years old.
wishes tKisition as housekeeper: must ha
good respectable place; ran give good reter
enccs. ir 353, Orcgoniitn.
LADY of refinement desires position a3
housekeeper, elderly couple, or n lined gen
tleman; country prof erred. Phono Tabor
BY woman with child position as house
keeper, in or out or cuy. U 347, Ore
nian. HOUSEKEEPER Fifteen years' experience,
would take full charge of a pt. house or
hotel ; b es t re f o r e n c e s. X 846. Oregonian.
WANTED Care of apartment-house, by ex
perienced, capable woman; rotVrune-ca. Mam
A WOMAN would like work by the day.
PboneJVIorulay, Ei;st 136.
RwIXED widow wifhea position as hniyie
keeper; city or country. AB J41.Jr:egoiUan.
WANTED Ey a young lady of experience,
chamber wurk in hotel or rooming-house.
Phone Main Olt'o or L 351, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted as lady cook; have
first-class references. Call 27 K. 11th st.
WANTED Position caring for one or more
children during day r will take en tiro
charge of thm while parents travel, by y un
lady of g.'d family; will te.ich piano if de
sired. Address at once, M 357. Oreg. .nian.
AN industrious, reliable woman.
C;ip:tlhi of
managing home, would like posit ion .13
housekeeper for widower, or companion
to l.idy, or care taken of children. L 357,
1 regrnirtn.
YOKNG Judy desires position as bookkeeper
and stenographer; four years' oxperien.-e;
three years" automobile experience; refer
ence. AH 352, Oregonian.
GOOD dance piano player for drills or
part ies; had some experlAnee In accom -pa
living. Shorts. Call evening. Phono East
BY a young girl. Just from Europe, willing
to work, position - witn privaie tamiiy.
Address A. Herman, Lnts. Or. Phone
Lents 2-"'2:i-
WANTED by experienced teacher, hccus-
tomed to dnlleate children, nosinon us
visiting governess or tutor. E- 350 Ore
gonian. REFINED, educated young ladies will nssu-t
children In their studies. Call afternoons.
5irt E. Oak. cor. 13th.
WANTED By girl, situation as coojt m
boarding house; best 01 reierencis.
Rood street.
COMPETENT cook desires position. Refer
ences. Catholic women's League, m .1.
WANTED Position to do ligrit genera 1
housework in small taniiiy ny rniinifi-in
young German woman. F 351. Ot ei,-oni:in.
THE Home Laundry, all kinds or laivy
work for ladies, or work Dy Lno aay. iia.
Mamie Cole. 542 South fith rt.
LADY would like comforter to make or re
covered, at home; reasoname prices. m a
357, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman wishes chamberworK. wun
privilege of having entia wun uwr; wmiuj
or city. AF 350. Oregonian.
COMPHTENT. experienced
knowledge of bookkeeping;
ences. Main 3127.
best refer-
FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work for Mon
day and Tuesday; no half days; reference.
C 2.12.
I MAKE a specialty of laundering fine
lace curtains; work done at home; ref
erences, rhone Marshall li51.
LADY 29 employed ft to 3:30 compelled to
economize would assist for room and
board. S 3 59 Ore go n 1 an.
A GlKL-of J. H. S. wants position as com
panion for elderly couple or lady. Phone
K. 1664.
COOK with city references, desires posi
tion in American family where house
maid Is kept. R 352. Oregonian.
WOMAN wishes day work, 25c per houe ;
lace curtains, etc., laundered at home; also
repair work. Phone A 4434.
LDY, emploved, wishes to help evening
and be companion to lady for room. G
:'.7,S. Oregonian. -
EXPERIENCED woman wants daj work,
washing, ironing; Iain32j0.a
WOMAN wants any kind of day work. Main
0048. room 10. 223 M arket st.
COOK with city references, desires position.
C 351, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl wants housework. Call
60S E. luth at. ;
LADY-wants housekeeping work by the hour
or day. Phone Main 1494.
CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40c a
pair. Phone Sell. 801.
GERMAN woman wishes to clean off ices or
housecleaning half of day. East ."tI2.i.
LADY-wants position as cook in hotel or
restaurant. Call 515 Flando rsst.
WOMAN wants day work; references. Mar
shall 27K5.
LAUNDRESS wants work by day or take
work home. Address UUi6 Carutherg si.
WILL do cooking or general housework by
the day. Woodiawn 623. 822 Minnesota ave.
EXPERIENCED young lady wants position
as cashier. Tabor 2352, bet. 10 andJjJL
YOUNG lady would like place in physician's
or dentist's office T 347, Oregonian.
WANTE DPos 1 tion by lady. charge of
rooming-house. W 345. Oregonian.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 4ue
pair. B 2770.
AGENTS for portraits, frames end art nov
elties; samples and catalogues free. Ad
dress N. M. Friedman A: Co.. Mfgi., box
030, Martlnsburg. Mo.
AGENTS for staple article, sells like wild
fire; big commission; send loc for sample
and terms. Novelty Supply Co., ChehuUs,
Wash.. R 2, B 14 7.
AbEMb our v ciiij.w uio
seller on eurth; big money, permanent busi
ness exclusive territory, sample free. Mor
gan 'Supplv Co.. St. Loul3. Mo.
AGENTS wanted to introduce article which
helps reduce nousenoia uenb; purucu.;. 1 s
free W rite toi-.ay. lours juls.
Atherton st.. Berkeley, Cal.
ACTIVE canvassers can ruake $50 weekly
selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com
pany. Liberal proposition; good territory.
Address Qrenco. Or.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery si ock ; outllt
free; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
LIVE agents to sell photo coupons;
offer. Davis, S4.2& Wash. &U
1 well